#ik my art is trash
cyanidesurpryse · 1 year
didnt feel like finishing the drawing but olrox my beloved <3
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kinnporschegl · 17 days
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that dunmeshi comic but it's the vegaspete ep13 bar alley scene
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bananaede · 3 months
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He's so nrnfhsjfhehshakww♡
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landfilloftrash · 5 months
We all know Manfred is like "Only I may kill him" about Gregory
BUT WHAT IF GREGORY WAS LIKE "He may be my murderer, but he's MY murderer" ABOUT MANFRED?
but ooooo. This. This I can work with.
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Local ghost manifests out of sheer spite for the petty accusation when he was murdered by the MASTER of petty
feat. A bonus doodle based on one of YOUR tags funnily enough /jov
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baby miles Learning…… that man…….
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eztliiiii · 4 months
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I tried something different with the coloring pls tell me if it looks horrible and if I should give up on my dreams of being an artist and live in a hole with some rats or slugs or something
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reggiestein · 2 years
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What if we were friends and i wasnt supposed to see you again because you had a "dark fate" or whatever but i maybe had a crush on you and i wanted to see you again so i disobeyed my realm and saw u anyway and maybe we kissed what would you do
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leggyre · 1 year
edgy stuff from the edgy au of the even edgier plot
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its two different scenes i wanted to visualize these shots
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kingukairu · 1 year
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I made some gifs for fun that u can find on Giphy 😄
Plan on making more in the future ✌️
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thatninjacat27 · 1 year
Kick the baby!
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Congrats on 500 followers 🥳 ! I know that the weapon!reader fic came out today but I so badly want a fic about how he got adopted into it, like Ik you told us but could do you do write it out, if you get what I mean? Sorry I suck at explaining lol
I’m so sorry to request so soon, so take your time ❤️
Thanks, it's time for the origin story it seems. Also, I'm closing request for a while, I got 9 of them in my inbox and I would like to catch up with them, so just watch my blog description to see when they open. Also, I wrote 2.9k words... What the hell?
Summary: How (Y/N) got adopted.
Warnings: violence, murder, (C/S)= call sign, (F/N)=fake name, (F/L/N) = fake last name, a random target for (Y/N) to kill.
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A weapon. A thing. Not even a human being. That was the motto he was told over and over again. He doesn't remember the life he had before all of this training. Or maybe he was just training from when he was born? Who really knows.
He was always on a strict schedule. Wake up at 6 am, have breakfast at 6:30, then it was time to do training. Whether it's martial arts or just being at a shooting range, his days were often filled with training or missions.
He was always a shadow. A person who just melted with people, who blended in with the crowd and who could disappear easily. More appropriate name would be ghost.
He met the best assassins in their world and he earned their respect for his skills and undying devotion and motivation for the mission.
Even Ra's al Ghoul respected (Y/N) and that was something that is not easy to achieve. Even more so, he was shocked when Ra's wanted to meet with him. It was something about a mission that he was going to get.
It was in Gotham city.
And by meeting Ra's al Ghoul, that meant going to his own base. He closed his eyes as he was driving in the helicopter. The vibrations were slightly comforting as he watched the base materialize in front of his eyes.
He was always in awe of Ra's al Ghouls base. The man was untraceable and the fact that he popped up somewhere in the middle of nowhere and the fact that he led (Y/N) to his base was incredible.
When the helicopter landed, (Y/N) took of his headset and stepped out. He squinted due to the sun shining in his face. He bowed his head when he saw Ubu, Ra's al Ghoul's second in command.
" Welcome to our base (C/S). Please follow me. " Ubu said, turning on his heel and walking back to the base. On both sides there was a row of assassins, just ready to strike at moments notice.
It was eerie. He walked right behind Ubu, looking up at the big base. And that man is untraceable too. This base is massive and although in the middle of nowhere, it's easy to find something massive.
They stepped inside into the shade and (Y/N) was relieved to be shielded from the sun. He saw Talia al Ghoul as she walked by, always gorgeous, but fatal. Femme fatal and black widow mixed in one really.
He remembers one altercation that he had with Talia a few years back. Turns out that they were on the same mission and Ra's and (Y/N)'s handler didn't bother to let each of them know before they tried to kill each other.
(Y/N) still remembered the fight and how brutal it was. Talia might not seem to be physically strong, but she most definitely is strong. She could really punch and the entire room was completely trashed. It wasn't until the room was trashed, faces were bloody and (Y/N) broke Talia's nose and Talia broke his wrist.
Ra's and his handler were shocked when they saw the state of them. Talia and (Y/N) were glaring at each other and if not for their handlers, they would have gotten at it again.
But now, they had mutual respect.
Where was that mission anyway? Metropolis? It could be. He remembers hearing about Superman in the news and he also read the newspaper, seeing that Superman was on the front page.
Talia and (Y/N) nodded towards each other, a sign of saying hello and respect for each other. She walked off down the corridor and (Y/N) turned his head back to look forward.
They stopped in front of the big doors and the two guards opened it. (Y/N) stepped into a lavish room. My God, does Ra's have money to burn. Marble, gold... On the left there was a big bookcase with first editions of the biggest literature works. The said man was sitting down at the balcony, seemingly drinking bourbon.
Who even drinks bourbon this early in the morning?
" (Y/N), please, do sit. " Ra's said, pointing to a chair opposite of him.
(Y/N) sat down and Ra's poured him a glass. (Y/N) sat, hand grazing the gun in his holster. It was still there, loaded and ready to go.
" Now, you must wonder why I summoned you here. " Ra's started, turning his entire body to look at (Y/N).
" I can only assume that it has something to do with my upcoming mission in Gotham. " (Y/N) said, leaning slightly back, putting his arm around the back of the chair, but still keeping his other hand near his gun.
" That is true. I know you are no stranger to Gotham, but you are a stranger to Batman's modus operandi. "Ra's started, picking up his glass, before twirling the liquid around.
" I'm familiar to how Batman works. I'm afraid you are wasting your time if you called me because of that. " (Y/N) said, watching as Ra's smirked.
" I have no doubt you know how Batman works, but that was all in theory. Your handler never fought with Batman. I have. " Ra's replied, taking a sip of his bourbon.
" Not a drinker I see. Well, I know your mission is not about Batman, you have assassinate a prominent politician, but Batman will be all over it. That man can tell when somebody very well trained does it. He can recognize assassins and he can tell if somebody of your caliber entered the city. " Ra's stated, turning to look at his people training.
" Batman is like a dog with a bone, I believe that's the term that Americans use. And it's a good term for Batman. Once he has something, he won't let go of it, no matter what. I just want to warn you, once you do this, Batman will look high and low for you. " Ra's explained, turning his head to look at the young man, who looked back at him with confidence in his eyes.
" I'm pretty sure that I will be pretty quick with my mission and will be gone by the time I'm done. I will be in the city for just a few hours. " (Y/N) said, now taking the glass.
" And those few hours might change your life. " Ra's said, taking his glass too. He raised it and (Y/N) followed. " A little toast to your mission. May all go well. " They clinked their glasses and (Y/N) murmured hear hear.
A few days later, he was landing in the Archie Goodwin airport. He has a small sports bag with him, containing his suit, some extra clothes and a burner phone. He walked out of the airport, seeing the car already waiting for him.
He got in, already having the keys in on him. He turned the car on and he drove to a small, shabby motel in Gotham. He turned on the radio, listening to news.
" Welcome back from our brake. Tonight, at the city hall, Richard Peterson will be starting as a mayor. In the attendance are a lot of prominent Gotham citizens, including Bruce Wayne himself. Mister Wayne hasn't been so present in these types of events, but since it's a charity party, mister Wayne is always ready to show up. But don't get me wrong, that man did more for our city then anybody in the mayor's office and the government combined. Thank you for listening to our news and we are going to be back with our regular program. "
(Y/N) turned the volume down a bit, not really interested in music. It was a rock song, but (Y/N) didn't really listen. He watched the road in front of him. The said road was empty, expect for a few cars. He was never a fan of Gotham. It was a dirty city, both with actual garbage and by metaphorical garbage.
Corruption, drugs, murders, muggings... Crime all around. There wasn't a single sign of changing until Batman showed up. His handler told him that. he also told him that Batman coming onto the scene in Gotham has changed the world.
And Batman also changed it by creating the Justice League. Many were happy, and by many, he meant civilians. Villains were not so happy and they created their own league, the League of Light. He took a turn and he drove into the motel parking lot. He turned of the ignition and stepped out. He frowned a bit at the smell.
Ew. He took his sports bag and went to the reception. There was this old lady, probably old enough to retire. She was smoking and it seemed like he was her first guest of the day.
" Hello ma'am. " (Y/N) said politely, leaning on the front desk
" Hello sugar. I assume you need a room. "
" Yes ma'am. "
" Give me your name. "
" (F/N) (F/L/N). " (Y/N) said, taking the key from the lady. " Is it possible to pay up front? " (Y/N) asked, feeling a stack of cash in his pocket.
" Of course. I presume cash. "
" Of course ma'am. " (Y/N) said with a fake smile.
" I still got it. " She said, giving (Y/N) his key and (Y/N) gave a hundred dollar bill.
" You can keep the rest ma'am. " (Y/N) said, making her smile.
" Thanks sugar. "
(Y/N) nodded, taking his sports bag and he went to his room. He saw a pool, but there was no way in hell that he would go in there and swim. And besides, he has way to important things to do rather than to take a swim in the pool.
He dropped the sports bag on the bed. Now he had to go check out the city hall and the surrounding buildings. And he also needed to pick up his weapon from his contact here.
This was going to be a fun evening.
(Y/N) huffed as he set him self down onto a roof. He prepared his rifle to stand on the edge. He was in all black, with a black mask covering the bottom half of his face. He also had a black beanie, covering his hair.
He had his gloves on too. He can't have any fingerprints linking him to this. That is the most armature thing ever to be caught over. He sat down on the roof, waiting for the ceremony to start.
He watched the politicians rolling in their expensive cars and wives or husbands under their arm, used as trophies. He never saw the appeal of it, but he himself in a way was a trophy to his handler. Although, not because of his looks like in this case, rather for his skill set.
Also, why do you pay so much for clothes? (Y/N) could see without his binoculars that the dresses were expensive and he never saw the appeal of it.
He took out a small protein bar, munching on it as he waited for his target to arrive. One tip he learnt is to never shot from a rifle when you are hungry. So, it's better to eat something.
He put the wrapper into his pocket and he got down. His target just got out of the building and stood in front of the podium. (Y/N) looked through the scope, setting his sights on the politician.
When everyone settled down, (Y/N) took a breath and pulled the trigger. (Y/N) shot him through his forehead directly. Screams started and the police started scrambling to secure the area. (Y/N) took his rifle and separated it into parts, to fit into his backpack.
And then he ran from the rooftop, sinking into the shadows. The plan for this was to get to a bridge and throw this backpack into the river. And then get to on a plane get out of here.
Batman knew that this assassination had something to do with somebody of high caliber. It was dead on in the center and the fact that whoever did this didn't leave any traces on the roof where he stood.
However, there was a security camera.
" Tim, I need you to hack into a security camera on the building across from the City hall. Look who was there at the time of the murder. "
" Will do B. Alfred is looking into this politician, trying to figure out why he was killed. " Tim said, already hacking into it.
" I will show you the footage now B. " Tim said.
Bruce tapped a few buttons on his gauntlet and the video feed was shown. Bruce just looked at the eyes, saw the munching on the protein bar. And it seems that when he was escaping that the wrapper fell out.
Maybe the wrapper had something on it. " Tim, look for other footage of him. We need to get a face for the recognition. "
" Already on it. "
Bruce hanged up and scanned the wrapper. It had some DNA on it and he could probably have a DNA sample from this. He scanned it now and put it into every database known to man, even through the Justice League database.
Oh my. It got a hit. It was by the name (C/S), aka (Y/N) (L/N). He started making waves in the assassin community. But what ticked Batman off was the fact that he is a teen.
Whoever trained him... Whoever trained was going to be maimed.
" Everyone, I have a name and a face. Track him Tim. I want to know when he got into Gotham. Look at the airport, stations, everything. "
" Okay, but I put his face to find him through the city. Right now, he is on his way to... The airport. Robin and Red Hood could intercept him."
" I will. Let me know where he is and the car he is driving. " Batman said, calling the Batmobile. Time to find (Y/N).
(Y/N) was driving peacefully, just ready to get out of this city. Batman and the others, however, had other plans. (Y/N) never saw them coming. Batman rammed the Batmobile into the right side of (Y/N)'s car, making it turn a sharp left. (Y/N) braced for impact and more importantly, he got his seatbelt on.
He was a bit shocked, but that quickly wore off as he saw what hit him. He wasn't staying long enough to fight Batman. Nobody in their right mind would.
(Y/N) got out, gripping his gun. He saw a fire escape and ran for it. He can't fight him, he needs to get out of this city and far away from Batman and his sidekicks as humanely possible. He looked down and he saw Robin. He knew who Robin was, he saw a photo of him once though.
He climbed even faster, getting onto a roof. Nope. He stopped in front of Batman, who didn't look impressed.
" Hello (Y/N). You need to come with me. "
" I'm afraid not. I have to go back so... " (Y/N) said, ducking to the side to run. He jumped to the next roof, but somehow Red Hood jumped him from the right putting them trough a window on the roof. They both fell down and (Y/N) hit his head against a beam.
The world got dizzy and he heard voiced mixing. He closed his eyes, hoping to die instead.
(Y/N) wasn't so lucky as to die. He woke up with a big headache and he knew that he didn't escape. He opened his eyes and was met with a glass ceiling. He turned his head and was met with the sight of Batman and the others.
" Morning (Y/N). " Batman said, moving closer to the glass.
(Y/N) sighed, sitting up at the small bed here. " Yeah, sure. How can I help you? "
" You can start with telling me who your handler is. " Batman said calmly.
" I'm afraid not. Besides, I only know him as the handler so... "
" Where is the base then? "
" Aren't you supposed to be the detective? " (Y/N) retorted.
" And you are supposed to be a normal teenager. Enjoying life. Going to high school. And not be an assassin for someone. " Batman retorted back.
" Either way, I can't tell you anything. And you are going to keep me here? "
" Yes. And I don't care about the fact you are not telling me who your handler is, I will find him either way. I won't allow you to go back to him. "
" So what are you going to do? Adopt me? " (Y/N) asked sarcastically.
" Yes. " However he didn't expect such serious response.
" No. "
" I mean, I need to keep you here. " Batman said, making (Y/N) go eye wide.
" Now I wish that Red Hood killed me. " (Y/N) said laying back down, making Jason smirk a bit.
" Likewise. " Jason said, making Bruce give him a quick glare.
" You will be better here (Y/N). You will have a chance at a free live. Your own life. No control, not anything you don't like. " Bruce said, trying to appeal to him.
" Hmm. No. " (Y/N) said, closing his eyes.
" Well, I can't send you back to that hell. " Batman said, finality in his voice.
" Well, I still don't like this. "
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syb-la-tortue · 8 months
Hi there! Ik you're not into homestuck anymore, but I was wondering if all your old piratestuck art is posted anywhere else, since your original blog got deleted? I used to spend so long just going through that tag, cause I love your art so much. It rly sucks that Tumblr is so hellbent on censoring everything to the point of just trashing a decade or more of someone's hard work :(
sadly at the moment no, tumblr was the only place where the great majority of my Homestuck art was (along with some One Piece art and a good chunk of my early bnha art) and even though I don't think much about Homestuck and Piratestuck these days, I wanted to share these art back then and the sentiment is still true today, I really want all my old arts to still be accessible for everyone to find, even if looking at them today myself might make me cringe due to it being old and seeing all the flaws in them lmao
anon asked: Hope you’ll be able to reupload your art! Everything you make is gorgeous!
I know I won't reupload them on tumblr (wouldn't be able to post the sexy here anyway and I refuse to skip it), or twitter or wherever, one by one like they were posted in the past, because we're talking about hundreds, possibly close to a thousand pieces of art and doodles
what I intend to do is to sort them into a few .PDFs (by fandom? by year?) and make those available for download
it's just that. the task right now is a bit daunting, that's a lot of art to sort through! and I would also like to write some level of commentary, you know like captions to give some context, maybe some of the lore and headcanons for Piratestuck, that kinda thing! but yeah, lot of work that I'm currently a bit afraid to start on so that might be a while...
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vmartist · 4 months
okay ik nobody asked but im gonna post sum more art of bg3😍😍
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here’s one of the Tav’s I’ve made, called Amor. ive got sm art of him and another oc I made specifically for my different save files
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here’s gremlin Astarion, I also have tons of art of him(most of it is trash😭)
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iheart-telepaths · 5 months
Keefe Sencen!!
me being active? shocker! anywaysss
KEEFE YAAAAAAAAAY i love keefe he cracks me up. i stay away from the ship wars and the whole fitz vs keefe thing, i think they're both good characters with flaws and it is up to you who you enjoy/root for. he is hilarious and i love his silly little coping mechanisms (totally not projecting on him lately). his trauma is rlly important to me and i don't think of him that much but if i had to choose who im most similar to it's him fs. he is definitely flawed as a person, but that's what makes him relatable just like all the other characters. also me and him are kind of twins. blonde styled/fluffy hair, blue eyes, art kid, burnt out gifted, severe mommy issues, same coping mechanisms, immature. yeha i love keefe 🕺 .... hc time ig?
i don't rlly think of him a lot, so these headcanons are pretty impulsive
-bisexual (before the whole sophie love triangle thing i thought him and fitz were 💏. irdk man)
-purposely gets hairspray on his bathroom mirror to make a mess for his dad
-has spent the entire day, multiple times, just trying out new hairstyles (he ultimately decided nothing will outdo The Hair)
-brings a marker everywhere and doodles on ppl, himself, papers etc
-trashes his room when he's mad (also bc of the satisfaction of knowing cassius hates it)
-likes finding little trinkets that remind him of the ppl he cares about
-ik this is random but he has the stupidest funky-pattern socks. he just radiates "i love wearing stupid looking vibrantly colored socks under my monotone outfits" vibes
-freckled keefe when guys like im begging
-avid fan of human fashion magazines (he likes making fun of outfits he doesn't like and draws ppl he thinks r pretty/unique)
-has used bianas makeup and found himself hot (struck a pose in the mirror then audibly gasped when alden walked in to ask if he was staying for dinner)
ik these r random but...idk. it's like midnight and this is on a whim
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offbrandkyoya · 1 year
50 hopefully
previous | masterlist | next
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You’re feeling a bit better than yesterday but a part of you is still upset. You woke up this morning feeling good but it washes away when you recall last nights events. Sitting up, you grabbed your phone from the nightstand, and Scaramouche never texted you once. Your breath shakes and you get up to start the day.
Currently, you are eating lunch with Thoma since it’s break. You’ve been spacing out but working on your art project distracted you. You ate and stared at the table. Thoma is concerned for you and he decides to ask, “What’s wrong?” You look up at him and the guilt surfaces. “Uh, well…” You put your fork down and hold your hands. “Scaramouche and I got into a fight.” Thoma gains a shocked expression. “Oh no. I’m sorry, yn.” You smile forcibly. “It’s okay.”
Then, you frown again. “Thoma, I have to tell you something.” He tilts his head a little. “What is it?” You look around before leaning towards him and whispered, “I know.” He blinks. “Know what?” You look around again. “Not here.” You say and get up, gathering your things and throwing your trash away. Thoma follows you and throws away his stuff too. You lead him to the lounge and sit on the couch. He sits next to you still confused.
“Thoma, I know about you and Diluc.” Suddenly, his face went white. He shook and picked on his skin as he chuckled awkwardly. “H-How did-How did you find out?” You took out your phone and show him the message you received. He grew more and more anxious as he read the article, word for word. Thoma looks away and you take it as a sign that he doesn’t want to read it anymore.
Putting your phone away, you place a hand on top of his, mostly to stop him from hurting his skin. “I wont tell Diluc, I promise.” Thoma nods. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I’m letting you know because I don’t want to keep it a secret from you.” You caressed his hand. “You’re a good guy so I’ll do whatever you want me to do with this information.” Thoma sighs and thinks for a moment. He looks at you and asks, “Are you the only one who knows?” You shook your head. “Scaramouche knows but I doubt he’ll say anything.” ‘Hopefully.’
Thoma nods again. “It’s pretty sad. Our history.” You frown and give him a tight hug. “I’m sorry.” He hugs back and buries his face in your shoulder. “It’s okay.” He says, softly. You both pull away from each other. “Enough of that,” You say. “I want to show you how my projects going.” Thoma smiles. “I’m pretty excited.” He tells you. You get out your phone once more and show him a photo of your artwork. He gasps, “Woah, that’s so good!” You blushed. “Is it? You don’t think it’s too much?” He shakes his head. “Of course not. You’re very talented.”
You smile and look at the piece as well. “I’m sure Scaramouche agrees.” Those words made you gasp and turn to him. Thoma only smiled at you and you couldn’t help but look at your drawing again. The bell rings and Thoma stands up to leave. “Are you coming?” He asks since you didn’t move. “You go without me.” You say and he nods, leaving you on your own. You bit your bottom lip. Slowly, you opened Scaramouche’s contact and stared at the keyboard.
Your finger went to press a key but you stopped when you received a message.
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- kny ep today and i sobbed
- can’t wait for next season 😁😁
- also hq returning soon kinda nervous
- I miss them 😞☹️
- I started watching nhie (only on s2 no spoilers pls even though Ik who she ends up w in the end lol)
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhice @monaypo1 @feiherp @myaaones @warcelia @hangecanweholdhands @yuminako @valiryyz @screechingxiaolover @tiddieshakeshownu @ilovechuuyaa @d4y-dr3am3r @dazaisfavgf @swivy123 @ganyusbrideee @sagegreenthinks @the-left-glove @wonderland-fan @kylexzz @kaoyamamegami @whycantscarabereal @rvoulte @eunchaeluvr @lxkeeeee @silvermah @baby-bread-in @yelleloww @magica-ren @itzblazekun @im-inlovewithy0u @featuredtofu
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you’re right about the not caring about canon anymore because 100 yrs quest fucking SUCKS man it’s just trash… like they’ve destroyed 90% of the good characters making them soooo OOC just to fit them into the str8 ships it makes me so mad especially because this manga was supposed to be about friendship but what ppl ONLY care about is romance and it’s not even good
i saw they royally fucked up natsu. somethin bout him not knowing what a library is even tho the first quest he and lucy go on is to break into duke everlue's LIBRARY. and that one ova and ending where natsu is in the fairy tail LIBRARY.
also something something laxus flirting with the fucking enemy something something laxus giving his COAT to the fucking ENEMY something something laxus KNEELING for the ENEMY bc her bullshit ass magic makes NO SENSE. look i know theyre tryina make laxus more "likable" or some bullshit so itll make sense when he gets with mirajane (bc lets face it its gonna be mira not cana or lisanna or whoever else unless hes getting with that eNEMY) but like. we've known he respects women. we know hes grown since the battle of ft. you dont need to show that hes a sub gentleman who'll kneel to more powerful women so itll make more sense when he gets with the she-devil. like at this point im wanting to boost laxus/freed art and fics even tho i really dont care for that ship. controversial opinion ik
my hyperfixations/special interests/somethin like that have rotated from one comfort media (ft) to another and that other is currently dbz so 1 thats why this has been even less active than before and 2
in dragon ball super they fucked up goku. apparently bitch doesnt know what a kiss is. HE HAS TWO KIDS. what the FUCK are you on about. i mean im 70% sure in db he didnt know what marriage was and thought it was food or somethin when chichi made him promise to marry her when they both grew up. but like. he was maybe 15, living in the wilderness, his grandpa having died some years ago, getting no education. THAT made sense. him not knowing what a kiss is??? I FEEL LIKE WE'VE SEEN HIM KISS HIS WIFE BEFORE. ON SCREEN. WHAT THE FUCK.
it looks like manga authors are in the era of beating more money out of their completed series to the point that theyre just beating a corpse now. theyre tryina squeeze more money and attention outta shit that was still pretty big without new "canon" content coming out.
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sadsilmarilsoup · 2 months
art dump
woohoo! I actually am posting this! This is all the stuff that's actually kinda good bc most of my sketch book is a mess. I mean like scibles everywhere and multiple versions of drawings that look like a 7 year old drew and pages missing half of themselves 🤓
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Ok so first up is Luna! The first one is without a filter and the other one is with one. We're not gonna talk about the glasses or neck or the amount of crap I had to whiteout lol
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Here's some fanart I made in school. Ik it looks a little goofy but I think it's beautiful 🙃. Top right we have portraits of some important characters in this one novel called Tangerine we had to read last school year. The curly hair one is this guy named Joey, the stick figure w/ glasses is the main character Paul and the one who thinks hes the rizzler is Paul's older brother Erik. That book is trash btw so don't read it.
Beside that is a sketch of Viola/Cesario from Twelfth Night. I spent more time on the drawing than the actual graded writing part lol. On the bottom is the Duke Orsino (also from Twelfth Night.)
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Next we've got our favorite Alabama citizens (plus Haleth bc she girlboss!) Nienor/Ninel is in the top right with the walking L (her brother/partner/husband actually...) Túrin and then the baddie Haleth 💪🥵💅. I tried to draw Beleg too but he came out a little special looking.
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These are what I like to call my
✨️scary sketches✨️
Messy outlines? YES! Terrible proportions? OFC! Weird commentary? ALWAYS! Will I regret putting these on the internet for everyone to see? PROBABLY 😅
I drew Aredhel as a teenager (why specifically teen idk), yk before Eöl and all that drama and trauma. Idk how I feel about it...
And then Lihn Song from KotLC bc she's cool and super pretty and has fire hair.
And on the bottom is our hot princess girlboss slay queen Lúthien. My drawing does no justice 😭
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Idk if you can tell but I'm totally loosing my attention so this next part will be really short and simple bc I need to get this over with 🥱
the first drawing is gisela from KotLC and my current pfp, so slay
Next to that is a sketch from about a year ago of baby me! Ik, I was adorable ☺️💅
And under that is my favorite MEGAMIND X JOJO SIWA!!! He's so slay.
Ok all done now I can sleep :)
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