#ikemen revolution fan fiction
ikemenlibrary · 7 months
Whiskey On His Lips - Ikémen Revolution
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Pairing: Kyle Ash x MC (Alice) Summary: Kyle invites Alice out for a seemingly innocent visit to a tavern on Valentine's night, yet once they're alone in the quite of his office, their barriers come tumbling down.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, being drunk, Alice and Kyle making out like horny teenagers, swearing
A note from the author: Happy belated Valentine's Day. I blame Alice and Kyle for me being late to publish this; they're just too fun to write. I could've made this way longer, and part of me hopes to expand on it one day, but if I don't, I hope you enjoy them in their little tipsy love bubble.
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“...Don’t you think you’ve had a little too much to drink, Kyle?” Blanc peered over his glasses at the army doctor slumped on his stool, his cheeks rosy and a soft smile on his lips.
Kyle raised his mug to his friend. “Are you kidding me? The night’s still young, I’ve got a long way to go.” He turned towards his companion for the evening, who was sitting to his side and nursing a drink at a much slower pace. “Right, Alice?”
She hummed, pressing her shoulder against Kyle’s. He was warm, like a furnace, and his body heat helped combat the draft that was spilling into the tavern every time another handsy couple walked out the door, eager to get their hands on one another. “I’m alright to stay with him a bit longer.” She addressed Blanc and Oliver, hoping the flush on her cheeks wasn’t evident as she felt Kyle’s free arm wrap around her waist. “I’m going back to the Red Army’s base tonight anyways. Besides, Kyle’s a fun drinking companion.” Kyle beamed proudly, and Alice felt a rush of pride in her chest. If her simple compliment had made Kyle feel that confident in himself, she wanted to keep complimenting him over and over, just to see that smile once more. “Hear that, Blanc?” Kyle’s words were sloppy. Not quite slurred, but it was obvious he’d been enjoying himself. “I’m fun.”
Oliver rolled his eyes, bidding the pair a goodbye and pushed open the door. As the chilly February breeze wafted through the door, Alice shivered, and Kyle pulled her even closer into himself. Blanc sighed, pushing his glasses up on his nose as he shrugged on his glasses. “Very well. I wish you two a good night. Please get home safely.” He lowered his voice, turning to address only Alice. “Make sure he drinks some water before bed, and have him hook himself up to a hydration IV before he sleeps. He’ll probably try to get you to do it for him, but he’s more than capable of doing it himself.”
Alice nodded, promising she would make sure of everything Blanc warned her about, yet her mind was elsewhere; Kyle’s thumb was absentmindedly rubbing soft circles onto the side of her stomach with his thumb, right where his hand lay around her hip. His touch brought a warm feeling into the pit of Alice’s stomach, a knot of something she couldn’t quite place. She just knew she wanted to keep feeling whatever it was.
The moment Blanc walked out the door, Kyle’s lips were on her ear, brushing the shell of it with every word he spoke and forcing a shiver down Alice’s spine. “I thought they would never leave.” Before Alice could respond or even think of a response, Kyle held up his empty mug in Dalim’s direction and called out. “One more for me, and one for the lady, please.” Dalim set down freshly washed glasses on the counter, quickly filling up each of them with more of the specialty ale that was brewed for the holiday, and slid them over to them each. Dalim affixed Alice with a wink as he walked along the bar, wiping it down with a dirty white cloth that he threw over his shoulder once he stood right across from her. “You’re here spending Valentine’s with this sad sod?”
Alice had spent the entire day convincing herself that Kyle asking her to go drinking this evening wasn’t a date. He probably didn’t even know the date, and if he did, the significance was lost on him. Even if it was on his calendar, he probably glanced over it with bleary eyes before forgetting about it entirely when he woke up this morning. 
But now that someone else has acknowledged that they were here, now alone as a pair, it felt all the more real. And scary. And exciting. 
Before Alice could nod her answer, Dalim continued. “If you’d rather spend some time with someone who’s not tripping over his own two feet, I get off in the next hour. We could,” he paused, his eyes raking down her body before they locked eyes once more. “Take a walk together.”
Alice glanced at Kyle, and her mouth went dry as her eyes met his own. He looked… Sad, disappointed, and something she couldn’t quite place. It was only then that she realized his grip on her hip had gotten tighter. Could it be…. The unplaced feeling he was feeling was jealousy?
She shook her head at the thought, pushing it back into her mind. Just because she had an unsaid attraction to him didn’t mean he would reciprocate those feelings. And yet, just for tonight, on the most romantic holiday of the year, she leaned further into Kyle’s embrace, letting herself relish in his closeness.
Alice held her cup in the air, in a silent cheer to Dalim and shook her head. “Thanks, but no. I will have another one of these though.” She clinked glasses with Kyle now, and the way he was grinning, so peaceful and serene, warmed her heart as the ale slipped smoothly down her throat.
“Damn, you’re the best. Ordering me another before I even finish mine.” He took a swig, his crooked smile melting Alice’s heart. She wasn’t going to be able to handle this night. He was too charming without even having to try. She was already on the brink of having an out of body experience, being wrapped in his arm the way Alice was, yet when he said the next thing, her heart stopped entirely. “Have I ever told you how attractive it is when a girl knows how to drink?” Kyle was looking into his mug, already empty, like he wasn’t sure where his drink had gone. 
Alice needed to keep count of how many he had, or else he may go way over his limit. She selfishly wanted him to remember this night, like their own little bubble, a night just with each other, enjoying whatever was going on between them but ultimately just enjoying the time spent together. But when he says stuff like that, she wants to, instead, match him drink for drink until they’re both stumbling home, arms wrapped around each other, unable to keep themselves upright on their own. 
“You’re drunk. But you haven’t. I’d surely remember that.” Alice murmured, looking at her half empty mug, the warm feeling in her belly only blazing brighter. “You never really talk about what you’re attracted to.”
“I’m not more drunk than I usually am. In fact, I’m just feeling pleasantly buzzed.” Kyle studied her curiously, flagging down Dalim once more. “Can I have two waters please?”
Now it was Alice’s turn to look at him questioningly. “Isn’t this the time of night to start ordering harder liquor? Why water?”
“Because,” the waters were placed in front of the pair. “If we’re having the conversation I think we’re about to have, we’re drinking my nice whiskey back in my office.” Kyle tapped the rim of her water glass. “Now, drink up, we can walk back home.”
After Alice and Kyle gulped down their water, he graciously helped her back into her coat, making sure to tuck her scarf around her neck before she left it behind on the barstool. He held the door of the tavern open for her, waiting with a patient smile as she made her way out, the cold air cooling her flushed cheeks. She didn’t know if they were flushed because of her close proximity to Kyle, or if it was because of the alcohol.
Probably Kyle though, given the way her whole body reacted to his subtle touches. Being this close to Kyle with less of a filter than normal, was something that was beginning to become dangerous territory. As they walked back to the Red Army, he’d touch her arm to get her attention, or place his hand on the small of her back when she tripped over a rock. Every one of those moments had Alice biting her bottom lip to keep from blurting out her feelings for him. She knew it was also partially the magic of the holiday; everything around Cradle seemed to be softer today, enveloped in a soft magic-like glow. But then again, that’s usually how Alice felt when she spent any sort of time with Kyle.
The headquarters were quiet when they got back, everyone either in bed or with their respective partners for the evening. Kyle seemed more alert, back to his normal self than when he was slumped on the barstool, but the rosy tint on his cheeks told Alice he was still tipsy, and she was glad that the fuzziness in her brain was matched with his own. 
She followed him to his office, losing her scarf and jacket in the process of flopping down onto the worn brown couch he had in there. One cushion was more worn than the other, and Alice pictured Kyle sinking into that side of the couch every night to enjoy a drink on his own. She wanted to join him more often; even if she decided not to drink, she just wanted to keep him company when he was on his own. Maybe then she’d get to learn more about him. 
Kyle walked back to the couch with two shallow glasses of whiskey in his hands. He held out one to Alice, and she took it, grateful to have something to hold. At least then, she could attempt to stop her fidgeting. He sat down next to her, his cushion warping to his body easily, and took a savoring sip of the amber liquid. 
Kyle was wearing a brown button down and black jeans, and his hair was messy. It was refreshing to see him this way, he seemed relaxed, carefree. Very different from the diligent doctor he assisted during the day. 
“You’re staring,” he teased as Alice’s cheeks burned. “What’s going on in that brain of yours?"
Alice shrugged, looking back into the glass he had given her. She was suddenly nervous of their close proximity; it was dark in the office, only lit by a small lamp on the other side of the room, and they were completely alone now. It felt more intimate. Which lit the flame that was burning brightly in her belly, but also had a rush of anxiety freeze her veins. 
“Just wondering what we’re doing.” She mumbled, sipping on her drink. It was good, and yet she didn’t think she could stomach the glass. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted to throw up from nerves or if the special brewed ale they had relished in earlier wasn’t sitting well with her dinner.
Either way, the moment Kyle threw his arm around her shoulder, and pulled her into his side as he took another sip had everything she was feeling slipping away. All she could focus on was him. How his hard body felt against her own, how his usual gentle hands felt clumsy and clammy against her bare arms… How she could feel his breathing stir her hair with every in and out his body took. He was close, too close. And yet, with the alcohol in her system, all Alice wanted to do was get closer to him. 
“We’re two people, enjoying each other’s company.” Kyle said, his hand running up and down her arm, trying to calm the goose pimples forming on her arm at his touch. “Unless you’re not enjoying hanging out with me. Then in that case, I’m being a selfish man by keeping your company to myself tonight.”
“I’m enjoying spending time with you, Kyle.” Alice whispered, allowing her head to fall to his chest, nestling herself against him. “Maybe a little too much.”
He didn’t respond to the last part of her statement, but he did stiffen under her for a moment, before sighing out and falling back into his relaxed embrace. “You still wanna know what I find attractive in women?”
The question caught Alice off guard. She had mentioned this offhandedly earlier, feeling brazen from the alcohol and the way his arm pulled her close at the bar. Now that they were alone though, she wasn’t feeling as confident. So instead of responding, she nodded her head against his chest, the sound of his racing heart matching her own.
“I think loyalty is one of the most important things for me.” He set his empty glass on the side table, his arm hanging over the edge of the couch. “Kinda like how you didn’t ditch me tonight even when asked.”
Alice picked her head up, turning to face Kyle. “Why would I ditch you? I told Blanc that I’d stay and have a few drinks with you. I’m a woman of my word.”
Kyle studied her for a moment, before a slow smile spread across his face. “I’m well aware of that, miss.” He was quiet for a moment. “Thanks for spending the holiday with me.”
Alice blinked, unsure of how to respond. This was new territory for her. “Sure thing! Us single people have to stick together. Besides, I always enjoy going to the tavern with you.” She paused, waiting to see if he’d respond. But he wasn’t, he was just looking at her like he was waiting for something. “Besides, I didn’t even know if you were aware it was a holiday today. I was sure you had forgotten.”
Alice saw Kyle’s eyes flick briefly to her lips, before her blue eyes met his gold ones once more. Her heartbeat sped up, and it was like his was trying to catch up to the speed of hers.
“How could I forget? It’s not possible to forget anything then I have a cute little assistant making sure everything is up to date in my calendar.” Kyle chuckled to himself, but yet Alice was only replaying one thing in her head: cute. Kyle called me cute. “The little pink hearts and balloons were a fun touch to today's date, though.”
Her cheeks burned as he endearingly teased, and without a second thought, she threw back the rest of the whiskey, not even grimacing as the slight burn slid down her throat. Alice was feeling brave now, the alcohol giving her a false bravado that she didn’t think would ever exist. “Well, I did it out of love.”
Kyle’s eyes drooped to her lips once more, and she parted them in an exhale. She was well aware that she was being bold, yet she didn’t care. Not when they were snuggled together on a couch, in a dimly lit room and sharing what she knew to be Kyle’s most expensive bottle of whiskey. Tonight felt different, like something had shifted between them. 
Apparently Kyle felt it too, because instead of responding to Alice, he took her empty glace and placed it next to his, and wrapped both arms around her, pulling her into his lap. His large hands were splayed on her hips and she instinctively leaned into him, their chests flush against one another. 
“Fuck it,” Kyle said, one of his hands travelling from her waist to her hair, where he pulled her the rest of the way to him, their lips clashing together messily. 
Kyle kissed her like her lips were his oxygen source, and if he didn’t taste and lick and bite enough, he’d stop breathing. It was messy, they were drunk; but the way they clung onto each other gave way to what their sober minds had been longing for.
Alice shifted on his lap, biting and sucking from his lips to his neck, relishing in the breathy moans that Kyle let out as his hand fell from her waist to her ass, pulling her closer to him. She wanted him closer, they weren’t close enough. So when his hand in her hair guided her lips back to his own, she slipped her hands under his button down shirt, grazing her fingers along his sensitive skin.
Kyle shuddered underneath her, and Alice pulled back from their kiss, a smile gracing her lips as he opened his eyes halfway, his pupils dilated with lust. “What’d ya stop for?” He pouted, tugging lightly at her hair and making her laugh.
“Just wanted to make sure you were okay with this.” She looked between their bodies, her hands still underneath his shirt and pressing against his warm skin.
Kyle let out a low, staggering breath, throwing his head back. From this position, Alice could see the hickeys she had suckled onto his neck; pink and raw - evidence for tomorrow that this night wasn’t just a dream. “Yes,” he let out. “I’m more than okay with it.” He tugged on her hair again, and this time she let him lead her mouth back to his. “Wanted it for a long time.” He muttered against her lips. “Wanted you.”
Alice kissed him hard then, and Kyle let her. She wanted to convey her feelings towards him through the kiss, all the wanting she’s had, the needing, the love. She wanted him to know it all. The whiskey on his tongue tasted almost sweet this way, especially with the way he was cradling her head in his hands, so soft and gentle; a complete contrast to his teeth nipping at his bottom lip.
“Do you want me?” Kyle asked, pulling away, his lips ghosting over the pressure point on her neck.
“Yes,” She sighed out, tangling her hands in his hair. “More than anything?”
“Forever?” He asked, licking a stripe on her neck.
“Forever,” she confirmed, giving herself over to him completely with that one word.
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seriousoswald · 2 years
Very Important Post
I write fan fiction, you can find it here. Below I'll include a comprehensive list of fanfic I've written by title with a brief description (there is literally 1 from the ikerev fandom right now lol) I am willing to take one shot requests for the following IkeRev and IkeSen bois (I do not promise completion within a certain time period.) Please be specific in your request, I will keep everything rated T unless specifically requested otherwise.
Ikemen Revolution (updated as I complete routes):
Ray Blackwell, Sirius Oswald, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence, Seth Hyde, Lancelot Kingsley, Jonah Clemence, Zero, Edgar Bright, and Kyle Ash
Ikemen Sengoku (updated as I complete routes):
Nobu, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Mitsunari, Ieyasu, Yuki, Sasuke, Kenshin, Shingen
Fanfic master list:
A Tree of Red Camellias (Sirius x OC Female - longfic, 19 chapters 46,000 words - Incomplete as of 09/30/22)
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seriousoswaldd · 2 years
Howdy! I previously went by “sirius-trouble” when I was initially trying to boost views to my work here. Since I was last active on tumblr, IkeRev, and this work as a whole, I’ve lost access to that email (among other things- but I probably don’t need to explain 2020 to anyone.) I’m back and readier than ever to finish this fic, and hopefully start another before the year ends. 
I’ve got 18 chapters (out of >20 I’ve got planned out) published, >46,000 words. I’m currently working on chapter 19 as this post is published. A brief summary of my intent was to create an MC for each IkeRev guy that was less of a blank slate to fall in love with, and more of a girl that is actually their match. I started with Sirius, and this is his. :) If anyone wants to read for read and share for share, I’m so down it’s not even funny. I’d love to help others get engagement in their work, we all work so hard with this hobby. 
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
Personalization Prompt #2 – ShoheiAkagi
So, for the reader appreciation day of the event, I used the second personalization prompt for the lovely @shoheiakagi! As always, their blog is definitely a recommended K blog for any fans and the person themselves is wonderfully supportive! I hope they’ll enjoy 😊
BLACK: what face claim from an anime, comic book, or cartoon do I associate with you?
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So, though you’re Lenalee Lee in The Ever Young, when it comes down to the image of you I have in my mind, the closest face claim I could come up with was Nana Komatsu. I don’t know much about the character themselves, I’ve mostly just seen the amazing artwork of the manga, but she has the colouring and the sort of elegant but sweet ‘good girl’ look to her I imagine you having.
WHITE: what flame type and box weapon do I think you’d have in the khr!verse?
Hmm, this was a fun one to think about for you, especially since KHR isn’t a universe I’ve pictured you in a lot, as it’s not one of the fandoms we share in common! I do think you’d be a Cloud Flame user though, with your box weapon animal being a pair of swans, one white and one black! I’m using both just imagery and the spiritual meaning behind swans and I think it’s a pretty cool box weapon for a cool person 😊
RED: what aesthetics do I associate with you?
High heels clicking along crowded city sidewalks. Head held high, confidence and elegance. Imagination and longing for something beyond just this one life. Pastels and sweetness combined with wicked grins. Angels and demons, the juxtaposition of good and wickedness. The draw of a danger. Remembered love. Freshly manicured fingernails. Cocktails. Velvet and steel, softness and strength. Concerts, packed full of people, the energy at an all time high.
BLUE: what are three songs I’d put on a playlist for you?
DATE WITH THE NIGHT, yeah yeah yeahs
BEST OF ME, morningwood
YELLOW: what fictional world out of all my fandoms would I picture you in?
Of course, the answer is really obvious here in that it’s K Project! Not only is it the fandom we share and talk most about, but before I even put it up on my fandom to write list, I was following your K blog.
GREEN: who would I pair you with out of all my fandoms?
For KHR, it’s Dino. For K Project, it’s Shouhei. For Nanbaka, it’s Uno. For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun, it’s General Furfur. For Bungou Stray Dogs, it’s Tachihara. For Servamp, it’s Mikuni. For Saiyuki, it’s Gojyo. For Eyeshield 21, it’s Hiruma. For Ronin Warriors, it’s Sage. For Kekkaishi, it’s Makio. For GetBackers, it’s Kazuki. For Black Cat, it’s Jenos. For Karneval, it’s Tsukitachi. For Gangsta., it’s Worick. For Bleach, it’s Renji. For Naruto, it’s Kakashi. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Yo Takami. For Ouran, it’s the twins, both of them. For Durarara, it’s Izaya. For Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Yusuke. For Gintama, it’s Takasugi. For Mystic Messenger, it’s Saeyoung. For Ikemen Revolution, it’s Dalim. For Blush Blush, it’s Eli. For Date Warp, it’s Linds. For Hatoful Boyfriend, it’s Kazuaki. For The Outsiders, it’s Dally. For Class of the Titans, it’s Neil. For Ultimate Spider-Man, it’s Flash. For Gravity Falls, it’s Stan. For The Mighty Ducks, it’s Portman. For The Covenant, it’s Pogue. For Jungle Fury, it’s R.J. For Ninja Storm, it’s Hunter. For Mystic Force, it’s Xander.
PURPLE: what gif reminds me of you?
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PINK: if you were an AU, what type of AU would you be?
Just because I have an AU inspired by your ideas on this, it’s definitely a delinquent! AU with strong bad boy meets good girl romance vibes.
RAINBOW: if i were to write a khr sequel, following Tsuna’s demise, and could only use my reader’s as characters, who would you be?
I see you as the next head of CEDEF. You stand apart from the family, but are a strong and supportive resource for them whenever you’re needed and your intelligence and good leadership skills allow you to supervise and recruit people into the division.
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In Tune ~ Luka x MC (Light Smut)
Alice's heart thumped with the beat of the music that pulsed through the walls of the Black Army headquarters. She was making her way out to the gardens to get some air; the party had been in full swing for hours. 
Welcoming the cool air that rushed across her flushed face as she made her way across the courtyard in the darkness.  Alice made her way to her favorite tree and slowly slid down the trunk, letting it support her after her exertions.
 Her head was spinning faster than the merry-go-round in St. James Park.
 She'd graced every soldier who had asked a dance. As well as a shot of Cradle liquor, but it had been worth it. 
King Lancelot and Ray had agreed upon a permanent cease-fire after a 500-year feud that had rocked the country. It would be a long time before everyone truly accepted the new ways, but Alice was looking forward to what the future would bring. 
During the past month, she hadn't allowed herself to seriously think about a future here or back in the Land of Reason. She'd stayed to help deflect magic attacks during the onslaught, not being able to live with herself if she had fled and left everyone she cared about to their own devices and never knowing what had happened. Now, she could finally tell him how she felt. 
"Alice? Is that you?" A voice called out in the night, causing her to jump. Footsteps sounded on the flagstones, drawing near. 
Alice's lips pulled up into a smile, her body instantly relaxing. She knew that voice. 
"What are you doing out here?" Luka's voice was full of concern. He dropped to his knees in front of her.
"Luka," Alice's voice with thick, throaty as she stared into his warm butterscotch eyes. "I'm so glad you're here." 
Luka studied her slowly, his eyes guiltily dropping to the low neckline of her gown. And quickly up again at her deliciously pink face. He licked his lips carefully, slowly, before answering. 
"You are?" 
Alice leaned forward, the tip of her nose almost touching his, "I was hoping to talk to you alone." 
Luka felt his throat go dry at those words. His body was buzzing with desire, that he was sure she could feel pulsing off of him. Everyone wanted to be with her; any personal attention from her would have been envied and treasured, and to think, she wanted to give those attentions to him! 
She worried at her lip; her chest was rising and falling quickly now. "Do you remember when you played your violin for me?" 
Luka's eyes narrowed in suspicion at that. Of course, he remembered. It had been two weeks ago, as a request for Ray's birthday, but what was this? He felt his hands ball into fists in his lap as he looked down at the grass, trying to stamp the fire inside him down. 
Perhaps it was the effects of the alcohol that was giving her the courage she needed. She slowly reached up to stroke his soft cheek with trembling fingers. "I want you to play me." 
Luka blinked at this. "Pardon?" 
A soft sigh escaped her lips as she took one of his balled fists into her hands, trying to coax his fingers to relax. "Touch me, Luka."
His body stiffened at the intentions of her words. "Alice, you've had quite a few drinks, maybe we should-" 
"No, Luka," she whispered, her arms sliding down his neck to rest on his chest. " Please. I've wanted to be with you like this for so long." Her tone was needier than she wanted, her lips pouty. But she knew she had won when he didn't resist her as she softly pushed him back and climbed, nervously over his legs to straddle his hips. 
Luka felt his restraint breaking as her weight settled on him. He'd wanted her like this, too. Suddenly his fingers were knotting in her hair, and he was pulling her face to his. A groan, almost sounding like a growl, rumbled through his chest. Slowly he felt his body giving in to his desire and needs.
Alice gasped in delight at the heat of his kiss, her fingers clutching the cloth of his shirt tightly. When his tongue slipped between her lips, she welcomed him eagerly. Her blood was on fire, boiling to a point she didn't know was possible to reach. So this was the fiery passion she had read about in her mother's romance novels, only better. Because this was real and, he was hers. 
Painfully, Luka pulled away to look at her red, swollen lips. The sight burned his cheeks with satisfaction. "Undo your buttons," his tone was deep, full of lust. 
Clumsily, Alice's fingers fumbled over the buttons that ran down the front of her blouse. Slowly with each button gone, a patch of innocent flesh was revealed to him; until she sat on his legs, completely bared for him. She shivered as a soft summer breeze rolled over her naked skin as she slid the silky material off her arms and let it fall behind her. 
Her nipples hardened as Luka turned his molten gaze to her. "Turn around for me," he ordered. His hard girth twitched as she complied, her firm behind rubbing against him as she settled once more. Luka's breath was ragged as he pushed her hair to the side, holding her in place as he pressed his lips to the tender spot below her ear. He loved watching her body tighten under his feather-soft ministrations. 
A small warning bell went off in Luka's head. His body would regret it later, but she was drunk. He could never take advantage of her in this state and have a good conscience. 
Alice's relaxed as she nestled her back against Luka's chest, her chest pressing forward more boldly with each kiss he pressed to her neck. Her thighs loosened, coming to settle wide; across his legs as she softly ground her core against the groin of his pants. 
Hungrily, Luka let the tip of his tongue trace a path to her collarbone. His hand moved up to cup one firm breast she offered him, his fingers gently rolling the swollen bud and coaxing a moan out of her. 
"Luka," Alice hissed as his free hand moved from her waist to begin rubbing at the inside of her quivering thighs. Each movement pushed the material higher up her thighs until her naked skin glowed under the night sky. His touch sent pleasure sparking through Alice's body, and the more he teased, the less she was sure she could stay upright.
"Hmm," he murmured against her skin. He pressed his lips harder, suckling the spot. 
"More," the word was barely audible through Alice's soft sighs and moans. She wasn't sure when the material between her legs had slid aside, but soon his fingers were slowly stroking the delicate skin hidden there. Her fingers clutched helplessly at the skin of his forearm, urging him on. 
Luka tried to gather his thoughts through the haze of pleasure that was consuming him. It would be difficult, to pull away from her when he knew exactly what her body wanted. Her body was trembling as he teased her to greater heights of ecstasy with each stroke of his fingers. 
When her body melted for him, he slipped his fingers inside her, stroking her from within. 
Alice cried out softly as a new wave of euphoria coursed through her, leaving her weak and dizzy. Her toes curled as she pressed her body closer to his warmth. And when her release came, she threw her head back to rest on Luka's shoulder, her eyes closed and words of passion and love on her lips. 
Luka waited for Alice to ride out the waves of her pleasure before planting a soft kiss into her hair and wrapping his arms around her. "I love you, Alice. Will you stay in this world with me and make more music?" 
Smiling, she turned her face to look up into his eyes. "Yes." 
A sigh of relief escaped Luka's chest at those words. Now that war wasn't on the horizon waiting for them, he was looking forward to tomorrow. 
*This short piece was requested from a friend to get me out of my writing slump. She wanted a picture of a gentleman with a side of steaminess. I only hope I delivered. Anywho, I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy.* 
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Ikemen Revolution Content Masterlist
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Just to compile all the Ikemen Revolution contents I posted here into a masterlist for easy reference
General Masterlists
→ Route Release Status for ENG compared to JP (IkePri, IkeVamp, IkeRev, IkeSen) (Updated as of Dec 3, 2021)
→ Route Release Pacing for ENG & JP (IkePri, IkeVamp, IkeRev, IkeSen)
→ Ikemen Series JP Apps Release Timeline + Ikemen Calendar (Has Ray available from IkeRev)
General Information
→ IkeRev’s Daily Login Bonus
→ Recommended Reading Order
→ IkeRev Sequel Route’s format
→ Re: Route Release Prediction and why Sirius got a Sequel before other starters
→ Re: Are there boosts for Gacha on specific days like event fever?
Character Related Questions
→ Re: Age of IkeRev Suitors
→ Re: What kind of person is Harr Silver?
→ Re: Levie’s Personality [Contain Spoilers for Sequel Routes]
Route Related Questions
→ Luka’s “Magic Power” [Contain Spoilers for Luka’s Sequel]
Specific Event Related Questions
→ Re: Suitor Birthday Frame Avatar Collection Event Reward
Localization Changes & Comparisons
→ Re: Dalim JP vs ENG Localization Changes
PV Translations
→ Ray Blackwell Sequel Route PV [Translation]
→ Ikemen Revolution 5th Anniversary Official PV [Translation]
→ Dalim Tweedle Route PV [Translation]
Other Translations
→ Ikemen Revolution 5th Anniversary Theme Song ー 「白いチューリップ」 by TETSUYA [Full Lyrics + Translation]
→ Cradle’s Poetry & Levie Castell [Translation]
→ Magic Tower Tattoo
Fan Fictions
→ Just Say the Word (Dalim Tweedle X Reader)
→ So Close, Yet So Far... (One-Sided!Dalim Tweedle X Reader)
Other Stuff
→ IkeRev Bias Sorter
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tartagilicious · 4 years
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* this masterlist includes all three main ikemen games 
→ trying not to love you - nickelback (song fiction) (fem!reader)
→ the perfect gift (network post) (neutral!reader)
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→ his playlist
→ Nexilis (ikemen-discord-writers post. fem!reader) ☽
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→ “I can’t change what they did.”☽ (neutral!reader)
→ chapters 6-7 rewrite ☽ (fem!reader)
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→ Hideyoshi confronting a reckless mc (fem!reader)
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→ Mitsuhide and an expecting mc (fem!reader)
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→ the mc’s vampire lover comforting her because she’s afraid of the dark and storms
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→ free fall (700 followers event) ☽ (neutral!reader)
→“I want you. All of you, and not just half-heartedly, wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.” ☽
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→ his playlist
→ “I promise that no matter what, I’ll always stay with you.”☽ (fem!reader)
→ “you can’t have her and it’s killing you inside.” (fem!reader)
→ “Maybe I should leave you like this, that way anyone who wanted to use you could have a go with you. Would you like that?” (n//sfw, fem!reader) ☽
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→ his playlist
→ the mc mocking his accent and old british slang and him finding it adorable rather than insulting☽ (neutral!reader)
→ the mc is a big fan of the Sherlock series (neutral!reader)
→ au in which the mc has to go back to her time through unforeseen circumstances, and Arthur gives her a letter before she goes☽  (neutral!reader)
→ I’ll wait for you (fem!reader)
→ love is a bad word (n//sfw, fem!reader)
→ university!au (fem!reader)
→ “you could start by kissing me, you jerk!” (fem!reader)
→ “do you love me?” (fem!reader) ☽
→ jealous arthur who gets in a fight and the mc has to take care of him (neutral!reader)
→ “I’m drunk and I hate everything. Everything except you.” (neutral!reader) ☽
→ ”as soft as a flower and as pretty as a daisy, I never knew you were so crazy.” (fem!reader, given prompt)
→ soulmate!au (fem!reader)
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→ sunrises and flowers (fem!reader)
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→ “I’m not giving up on you, so you can’t give up on yourself.” (neutral!reader)
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Some games I would suggest are the Ikemen series. The fan base is pretty big I think. I would also suggest Mr Love: Queens Choice and Wannabe Challenge. Although the fan base isn’t that big for those games and the game style is different.
Yes, I remember playing the Ikemen Series games ❤ I haven't played Wannabe Challenege, so feel free to send in a description. I've provided a description for the remaining games so you guys can get a good idea about them.
Ikemen Sengoku: The modern-day MC is blasted into Sengoku Era Japan and saves the live of Japan's most ruthless, yet successful leader. It's basically MC navigating throughout Sengoku Era Japan and ultimately falling in love with one of the suitors (you get the chose the suitor). This game touches on a few sensitive subjects and has steamy scenes. If you're into historical fiction or have a thing for drama, I'd recommend that you try this one.
Ikemen Revolution: What happened if another Alice had fallen into Wonderland? This game, MC (from London in the 1800s) falls into the Cradle, a magical land that is fueled with magic and crystals. The only problem is that the Cradle has a 500-year feud between the two territories that exist: the Red Territory and the Black Territory. Play as MC as you fall into the arms of the leaders of the Red and Black Army, trying to survive until you can return home and possibly even end the feud. I'd recommend this game if you're into fantasy and prioritize world-building, they've got some neat stuff here.
Ikemen Vampire: I think the name says it all. MC ends up at manor filled with some of the most influential figures of history (Napolean Bonaparte, Isaac Newton, Vincent Van Gogh) -- except they're all vampires. MC's goal is survive in the mansion without getting themselves into too much trouble, but that's not likely if you're surrounded by a bunch of blood-thirsty vampires. If you're into darker, mature themes-- then this is definitely your game. Be warned though, the game touches a lot on sensitive subjects.
Mr Love Queen's Choice: Probably my favorite out of all the games listed here, it's basically about an MC who possesses the power of premonitions in our modern world. These powers (named EVOL) are a result of genetic engineering, with groups of EVOL users wanting to take over the world. They constantly target MC because there's something special about her, but MC has no clue what makes her so special. There are 4 suitors in this game, but you can't directly romance them (unlike the ikemen games). I think the story is really interesting, but it can be difficult to understand if you're not paying attention.
Also, all these games have significantly harder events. Like it's almost impossible to get SSR cards without paying money (unlike in afterlife where u could grind through the events to get SSR) so be careful for that. Hope you guys find this helpful!
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alloveroliver · 5 years
Vampire AU Ko-Fi Event!
Blood Thirsty Fics
Hello, my lovelies!!!
I’ve decided to host another event, but with a bloody twist. ;)
I have a bunch of stuff happening all at once, and it's getting kind of hard to make ends meet. I don’t want to divulge too much because we all struggle. BUT up until this point I have written over 400 fan fictions for the ikerev fandom for free and want to do something more! I love writing, it’s a huge hobby and passion of mine.
I would like to open a Ko-fi event starting NOW! Woo!
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1 Ko-fi = 500 words (Cannon MC with Vampire AU Suitor)
2 Ko-fi’s = 750-1,000 words (Cannon MC with Vampire AU Suitor)
3 and more = the same as 2 ko-fi’s BUT with priority posting and ‘Your name’ or ‘OC name’ as an option.
(Anyone who does 3 or more Ko-fi’s gets priority, and your fic will be posted first. You may send me your OC or your name if you prefer in a DM so I may ask questions if needed.More than 2 Ko-fi’s would be considered a donation and are MUCH appreciated!)
Request Info:
[My Vampire AU Headcanon post]
I will do all suitors in Ikemen Revolution.
If you would like another suitor as a vampire, I am willing to make up an AU HC for Ikemen Sengoku: Ieyasu, Yukimura, Kenshin, and Sasuke.
Prompt List to choose one or two:
[My custom Vampire Prompt List]
[Smut Dialogue]
[50 Smut Dialogue Prompts] 
[Thirsty Dialogue Prompts]
[Fluff/Angst/Smut/Humor Prompts] (Please do not send me a number, there are too many lists and too many numbers. Send me the full dialogue.)
Or you can make up your own scenario! 
To request, please put what your tumblr handle is; Suitor x MC (OC Name) (Your Name) [OC and Your Name are 3+ Ko-fi’s]; A prompt; And if you want fluff or smut!
-> “Ash Sent: 3 Ko-fi’s”
Hello! I am AllOverOliver on tumblr
Oliver x Ash 
“I want you to turn me…” Smut please!
[My Ko-fi is here]
If all else fails, send me a ko-fi with your tumblr name and DM your specifics! **(Especially if you would like to remain ANONYMOUS)**
Please note: If you would like cannon characters just say so XD. They don’t have to be vamps.
• ·  .  ·  ´  `  · . ·•· . · ´ ` · . ·•· . · ´ ` · . ·•· . ·  ´  `  ·  .  · •
Any questions, issues, suggestions, and so on, feel free to DM me! I will respond as soon as I am able.
This event will go on for a couple of weeks! Please don’t feel pressured to send more ko-fis than you can. Even one Kofi is MUCH appreciated!
I don’t want to write anything longer than 1,000 words for the event so that I can get to as many fics as possible! (Also, yall know I’m the queen of bite sized fics. XD)
I love yall! I can’t wait to get started on these fics for you guys ahhhh~
(Because this posts uses links, tumblr doesn’t allow it to show up in the search results, so if you could reblog and spread the word that way I would greatly appreciate it! Thank You!)
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asprettyasarose · 6 years
Fandom Love
I just gotta say to everyone who post under the Ikémen revolution and ikemen Sengoku tags, whether it be amazing art or crazy well written fan fiction, ya’ll are awesome 😎 👏 I’m trying to be a better fan of all ya’ll by commenting and loving your work! Know that all the time and effort you put into it is appreciated and the fact you share it with us...well that’s just pretty freakin’ cool! I think you’re all an awesome bunch and even though I don’t know you I feel like I do and feel like your a pretty cool bunch to hang out with! 😘
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2manyhusbandos · 3 years
Welcome to my cursed blog
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Did I just make a blog dedicated to all the fictional men that live in my brain rent free?
Absolutely 👁👄👁
Main account: @nsk96
Fan fiction account: @nskfanfictions
The Husbandos:
Arbiter a.k.a. Thel 'Vadam (Halo)
Ayato (Genshin Impact)
Bondarev (Dragon Raja)
Beelzebub (Obey Me!)
Chime Gen (Dragon Raja)
Chisei Gen (Dragon Raja)
Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
Daud (Dishonored)
Fenrir Godspeed (Ikemen Revolution)
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
Hideyoshi (Ikemen Sengoku)
Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
Jack Rutherford (Code Vein)
Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Kondo Isao (Gintama)
Koro sensei (Assassination Classroom)
Legolas (Lord of the Rings)
Lucifer (Obey Me!)
Master Chief (Halo)
Mitsuhide (Ikemen Sengoku)
Naofumi Iwatani (The Rising Of The Shield Hero)
Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku)
Outsider (Dishonored)
Pavel (Metro: Last Light)
Sadao Maou (The Devil is a Part-timer)
Saitama (One Punch Man)
Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Scorpion: Hanzo Hasashi (Mortal Kombat)
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Shin-ah (Yona of the Dawn)
Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
Subzero: Kaui Liang (Mortal Kombat)
Thranduil (Lord of the Rings)
Toshiro Hijikata (Gintama)
Tuxedo mask (Sailor Moon)
Wagner (Genshin Impact)
Yoosung (Mystic Messenger)
Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
707 (Mystic Messenger)
0 notes
ikemenlibrary · 2 years
Revenge Best Served Wet (Ikémen Revolution)
Pairing: Fenrir Godspeed x Alice (MC) x Ray Blackwell Word count: 5.2k Warnings: NSFW content (threesome, dirty talk, unprotected sex) - you must be 18+ to follow my blog but if you somehow managed to slip by, please do not interact with this post. 
Author’s note: @xxsycamore​ Mo! I was so happy to receive the assignment to write this for you for the Ikémen Revolution gift exchange that @sunnyikemen​ and I were hosting together! This was such a fun piece to write and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Your ideas you sent it really inspired me and this helped reinvigorate my love for Fenray x Alice uwu ~ I wanted to combine your love of summer with the prompts you gave me and came up with this. Thank you for always being so lovely; I always enjoy our conversations and I love hearing from you! 
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Autumn was quickly approaching Cradle and although the trees were beginning to droop and the flowers were retreating into the ground for the cold winter season, it was still exceptionally hot going into October. Warm enough that most of the army members still wore shorts and tees when off the clock and Alice wore a slightly hemmed skirt - with Seth’s help, of course - and a less constricting top to the dress.
While everyone was relishing the last few long lasting days of summer, they were still expecting the Black Army to complete their daily training and that meant no slacking off until the boss said so.
Sirius Oswald, Queen of the Black Army, well-known hardass with a golden heart was not one to go easy on his troops. He was always one step ahead of the game, always knew what to do to keep the troops morale boosted high. On this last warm day of the season, there was no difference, he knew exactly how to have them train whilst also relishing in lovely weather mother nature had left them with.
He was walking up and down the troops' orderly lines, handing each member a water gun with the most serious face one could muster when reaching into a cold bucket of water to hand the next person a brightly colored plastic gun. Sirius hadn’t said anything to any of the members, only the King had any clue what he had planned.
When handing off a gun to the last army member and all of the leaders, a soft smile fell on his lips as his eyes met with Alice and he held out one of the last two guns as an offering. “What do you say, little lady? Wanna join in training today?”
Alice laughed as she heard Fenrir whoop behind her, only to be cut off by Ray’s elbow connecting with his stomach. She nodded, accepting the water gun and Sirius ruffled her hair, not succeeding because of the pony tail she was sporting, and then he grabbed the last gun.
“Alright everyone,” he started, his commanding voice capturing the attention of everyone, their curious gazes following the Queen as he paced the courtyard. “For today’s training, we’ll be using these instead of sparring with our real weapons. I know a lot of you don’t use guns in combat but the reality is that they’re becoming more and more popular. So you have to learn to dodge the bullets, as well as use them.” A murmur rumbled through a few army members. “If your sword breaks in combat, or you get unarmed by an enemy and all there is left is a pistol, I want every one of you to know how to take aim and shoot.”
Ray cut in next. “In today’s exercise, everyone will be splitting into two teams. If you get shot by someone on the other team more than three times, you’re out. And we will know you’re out. You’re not in your dark uniforms, your clothes will show where you’re shot.”
Fenrir sidled up to Alice, his strong arm brushing against her shoulder and her nose was immediately filled with the scent of sunscreen. “Hey, wanna be on a team with me? I’ll protect ya.”
She smiled at him gratefully, the sweaty water gun caused her hand to be freezing cold as she reached up to place her wet hand on his bare shoulder, his freckles peeking out underneath the tank top he was wearing. “Sure thing! Thanks, Fen.”
Fenrir shied away from her chilled hand, his face twisting as he tried to stay quiet as Ray and Sirius continued to speak to the army. “You wound me,” Fenrir staggered back dramatically, his hand laid on his heart. “Here I am trying to be nice and you do this to me.” With a chuckle to show he was joking, he came back over to Alice, his hand purposefully brushing against her own fingertips as he leaned down, his breath stirring some baby hairs around her ear as he spoke. “I missed ya in my bed last night. How was Ray?”
Alice was grateful for the blaring sun, that way anyone seeing her embarrassed flush would assume it was from the heat. “I missed you too, Fen. It was really nice, but it felt weird without you.”
Fenrir wasn’t sure when it started, but once Alice decided to stay with Ray and the Black Army, Fenrir’s feelings for the woman deepened. He saw how well she treated Ray and at first it was admiration he felt, and then one day it was like a switch flipped when she smiled at him brightly from across the room.
Fenrir had always loved Ray; they were friends first, and on occasional nights when one was feeling lonely, he’d end up in the other’s bed. It was never spoken about, nor was it something that made either of them feel awkward. If anything, it made them closer than before. When Alice came along, he didn’t resent her. He was glad she made his best buddy as happy as she did, and that’s all he could ask for.
One night, the three of them were up late, it was unusual for Ray to stay up past 10pm but they were all in the garden and passing around a fancy bottle of champagne that Fenrir had snatched from a party his parents were hosting. The rest of the army was still there; they’d probably spend the night at the Godspeed residence and that was okay with Fenrir: he was able to spend time with the two people he was in love with without the interruption of anything or anyone else.
And then all of a sudden, he drunkenly blurted out that he loved them both. It was a word vomit, a cacophony of feelings and thoughts and desires, and once he started he couldn’t stop. Fenrir was messily confessing his feelings to both of them, his best friend and his best friend’s girl right there when all three were drunk. He was confessing and talking and not shutting up, not until Ray leaned over and kissed him to quiet him.
From there, the three of them spent time exploring their relationship together. Sometimes they all slept in Ray’s bed, other times, Fenrir slept alone, but most of the time, Alice found herself in Fenrir’s bed. It wasn’t that she didn’t like sleeping with Ray, she honestly missed him when she hadn’t spent a night with him in a while, but he fell asleep so early normally and when she and Fenrir were still trying to find their groove together, she’d find herself in his bed, sometimes chatting, sometimes more, until one of them fell asleep.
The rest of the Black Army had no clue on the extent of the throuple’s relationship. They knew Alice and Ray were together, and they knew that Fenrir was very close to the both of them. But the three decided to keep how close they all were to themselves. Sure, the army leaders wouldn’t judge them, but being a throuple in a relationship eyes of the public they just didn’t want anything getting out that could tarnish the reputation that the army has worked so hard to build up. They were the opposite of embarrassed, they just didn’t want to draw unwanted attention.
So now here they were standing, Alice’s arm brushing against Fenrir’s with every breath she took and Ray’s eyes watching the pair as he was splitting up the teams for the water gun fight. Sirius was one team captain, and Ray the other; Alice noticed Sirius made note not to look in her direction while picking members for his team. Whether it’s because he knew she’d be a hindrance to his team, or because she was Ray’s partner, she wasn’t sure, but either way, she was grateful when Ray called Fenrir and herself over to his side of the courtyard.
Alice happily took her spot next to Ray and she smiled as he took hold of her hand, his eyes lingering on Fenrir for a moment before his emerald ones fell onto Alice once more. “You ready?”
“Yep! Fen said he’d protect me.” She held up her water gun and playfully pointed it at Ray. “Better watch your back!”
He raised an eyebrow at her, his own water gun pointed at her chest. “You better watch your front,” he countered, before whipping around, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he saw Fenrir standing there, one hand on his hip, the other one spinning his bright purple gun on his finger.
“Our princess said to watch ya back, your highness,” The smirk on Fenrir’s face was charming and she could tell Ray was struggling to form a rebuttal.
Ray turned to look at Alice, but she just shrugged. “I told you he said he’d protect me.” He shook his head, going over to ruffle Fenrir’s hair affectionately as he leaned in to whisper something in his ear that Alice couldn’t quite make out.
On the other side of the courtyard, Sirius was yelling for both sides to prepare, and as he did so, both Ray and Fenrir protectively stood in front of Alice before the battle began. It started off slowly, a few sprays and shrieks from the members up front as cold water came in contact with their skin, but everyone was learning to jump away in time with the sporadic shooting.
Alice watched as Fenrir took a deep breath, and then before she could react, he yelled. “CHARGE!”
All of a sudden, water was flying everywhere. Both sides were making their way towards the middle and Sirius’ team was slowly making their way through everyone up front. Alice made sure to stay behind her boyfriends, occasionally peeking out behind them to spray someone who was getting a little too close to comfort on either side of them.
“Hey Alice~” Seth sidled up to the woman, sporting a ponytail very similar to her own. “Lucky you, having your boyfriend and his bestie protecting you!”
Alice ducked just in time, dodging one of the army soldiers 'bullets’, and Fenrir shot the man, not even looking in her direction as the soldier walked away. “Yeah I’d say so,” she remarked, letting her guard down for a moment as she shared a laugh with Seth. Fenrir and Ray were so in their element, dodging sprays of water and precisely shooting the enemies, it was thrilling to watch. It almost made Alice jealous how in sync they were. “Hey, Seth-”
Alice turned to her best friend, going to comment on how the movements between the two men in front of her almost seemed rehearsed, but she gasped as Seth shot her straight in the chest. “Sorry, Alice, but you have to remember who your enemy is~!”
Her finger on her own trigger pulled, yet nothing came out and she realized with a startled gasp that she was out of water and an enemy was standing right in front of her. Neither Fenrir nor Ray seemed to realize what was going on and no matter how many times she discreetly tugged on the back of Ray’s shirt, he didn’t seem to understand what she was doing.
Sirius popped up right next to Seth and Alice realized that the men coming at Fenrir and Ray from the front was a tactic planned by the two militants. Alice’s grasp on the sweaty weapon in her hand caused it to slip from her hands and right as she yelled, Sirius and Seth both shot her again.
“Fenrir, Ray! Behind you!” Ray turned around just in time to see Seth slip away, Sirius already long gone. And then his emerald gaze dropped to his girlfriend’s chest, noticing the way her colored bra shone through the three wet spots.
“Leave the battlefield and cover up!” Ray shot at two more people, grimacing at the weakened stream. It was clear to Alice that both sides would need a break and to reconvene after filling up with more water so while she was out, she was still able to be helpful by dragging Sirius’s big bucket over to the hose so she could fill it up and help the army members reload when they took a break. Sure enough, before too long, both sides called a retreat for twenty minutes so everyone could fill up their guns and hydrate themselves.
During that time, Ray called a strategy team with the other 7 army members who were still ‘uninjured’ on his side.
“Alright men,” Ray started. “We’ve figured out that they're using the other soldiers led by Luka to distract from Sirius and Seth sneaking up on us from behind. I think we need to-”
“Screw whatever you’re gonna say.” Fenrir interjected, looking over at Alice who was sitting on the sidelines, kicking her feet on the grass. “They got Alice, I want revenge.”
Ray rolled his eyes, pushing his sweaty hair off of his forehead. “As I was saying,” he continued on, forming a plan with his army members and making sure everyone else knew their plan of attack.
As both armies started to line up once again, Fenrir leaned over to the King standing next to him. “I wasn’t kidding. I want revenge.”
“We will avenge her death when we win fair and square.” Ray responded, not spurred on by Fenrir’s excitement for once. “Besides, I’m too good to get revenge.”
Fenrir huffed, sliding his finger up and down the inner side of Ray’s arm, marveling at the goosebumps that showed up on his skin despite the heat. “Well, lucky for me, I’m not. Give me your gun.” His hand that was tracing on Ray’s skin reached down to snatch his partner’s gun, leaving Ray weaponless as Fenrir tactfully dodged everyone's oncoming attacks and made his way through the troop to find the two leaders who eliminated his girlfriend.
His eyes caught sight of the familiar silvery gray blue hue of Seth’s hair and he raised both guns at the other man, freezing in shock as he felt a pelt of cold water on his back, another on his shoulder, and then as he turned around to face the offending officer, Luka looked at him with determination blooming in his eyes. The last spray of water hit Fenrir’s face, and the man dropped his guns as Luka smiled softly. “Nice try,”
Fenrir muttered under his breath as he brushed his shoulder against Luka’s on his way off the makeshift battlefield, smiling as Alice held out a waiting towel for him when he went to sit down next to her. “You know, your dedication to getting revenge for me was kind of sexy,” she remarked softly and Fenrir felt warm at her words.
“Aw shucks, that was nothin’. But if you’re grateful, you can give me a reward for it.” He playfully leaned against her shoulder, not wanting to do anything to tip off the other people near them.
“I was already planning on sucking your dick later,” she said lowly. “But I suppose you can get something more than  that,”
“I want time with both of ya,” Fenrir said, and both of them watched Ray, watching his muscles ripple as he lifted his shirt off, laughing at something one of the men next to him said. He had sweat dripping down his body and Alice could almost taste it on her tongue as she imagined running a tongue over his abs, slowly making her way down his body.
“I’m sure we can make that happen,” she promised, biting her lip and looking over her shoulder. “You know… it’s probably pretty empty inside. We could sneak in and take some time to ourselves, knowing Ray, he’ll come looking for us afterwards.”
“He wouldn’t even have to search for us if we were waiting for him in his room, princess.”
She blinked, a slow smile forming on her face. “I like the way you think,”
Fenrir stood up, extending a hand to Alice as he winked. “We should go get some extra towels for everyone while we’re waiting.”
She quickly caught on, her hand falling into his so naturally that he almost let out a sigh of bliss just from that. “Oh, good idea! Let’s head inside and go check out the linen closet, I’m sure we can find something there.”
Alice and Fenrir quickly made it into the headquarters and once he was sure no one was around, he twined their fingers together in a more intimate way than what they had done outside. Before, that was friendly - but if anyone saw them touching like this, they would know their feelings ran way deeper than friendship.
Taking one look around, Fenrir pushed open Ray’s bedroom door and the familiar scent that wrapped around him was so comforting in that moment that it took all he had in him not to melt into Ray’s bed and wrap the sheets around him, less than decent thoughts littering his brain as he rid himself of clothing. But Alice’s warm hands on the hem of his shirt brought him back to reality and with a wink and a smile, Fenrir’s hands joined her own.
“Couldn’t even wait ‘til we closed the door, huh?” He asked, one arm reaching out to slam the door as his other hand helped her push his shirt up over his head.
“Shut up,” Alice mumbled, her hand falling to his neck and pulling Fenrir in for a kiss. “Not my fault you were being dumb and sexy out there.”
Fenrir bit back his retort, instead his tongue traced her lips, the taste of her intoxicating. One of his hands rested on the small of her back, pulling her closer, while the other one was nimbly working the buttons of her shirt. She sighed out as he peeled the wet shirt away, laughing as Fenrir huffed as he tried to one handedly unhook her bra.
The pair both jumped as the door opened, Fenrir protectively took a step in front of Alice as she scrambled to cover her exposed skin. As Ray poked his head in, Fenrir let out a sigh of relief and Alice dropped her shirt back to the floor.
“Oh good, I didn’t miss out on much,” Ray said, quickly ridding himself of his shirt and leaning in to press a kiss to each of their lips. “I saw you both sneak off and figured I needed to see what my two troublemakers were up to.”
“We’re just here, getting up to no good.” Alice replied, her hand reaching out to trace the sweaty planes of Ray’s abs.
“I can see that, princess.” Ray responded, his usually bright eyes darkened with lust. “Wanna show me what you two were up to?”
His hands casually fell to the small of each of their backs, gently and quietly urging them to continue where they left off. Fenrir smiled, his hands falling to Alice’s hips as he pulled her in to press another kiss to her lips.
Alice’s skirt was hanging loosely on her hips and while the pair got back into their groove, Ray unzipped the flowy material, watching as it fell off her body in a pool of fabric by her feet, only left in her undergarments and white knee high socks.
A moan left her lips as Fenrir nibbled on her lower lip and Ray stepped behind her, his hands reaching up to cup her covered breasts as he leaned in to suckle on her neck, the taste of sweat and sunshine dancing on his tongue as she involuntarily pressed back into him.
One of Fenrir’s hands snaked up, messing with the clasp on her bra once more and before he could lose his patience, Ray’s hand joined him, holding one side as Fenrir finagled the other, sighing in relief as the elastic gave way and peeled away from her body. Fenrir traced his way down her body, his lips and tongue tracing the other side of her neck that Ray wasn’t nibbling on and making his way down to her pert breast.
As Fenrir’s mouth enclosed over her left nipple, Ray stopped his attack on her neck for a moment as he watched his boyfriend pleasure his girlfriend. Alice’s breath came out in soft gasps, and Ray’s mouth brushed the shell of her ear as he leaned down to whisper, “feel good?”
“Yes,” she moaned out and Ray watched as Fenrir’s teeth bit down gently on her other nipple. “So good.”
Ray’s hand snaked down into the front of her underwear, and he moaned out as he felt the wetness that had pooled in between her legs. Alice, who had been doing a good job at holding herself up despite the ministrations on her body, felt her knees buckle and Fenrir’s arms wrapped around her hips, detaching his lips from her body as he picked her up and unceremoniously threw her on the bed before Ray could protest.
“Ouch!” She cried out, pulling a book out from the sheets and throwing it to the floor. “Hey, be careful with my babies.” Ray protested, walking over to Fenrir and unbuttoning the other man’s pants, trying not to laugh as underwear as pink as his boyfriends hair came into view.
“I know you’re talking about your books and not me,” Alice said, pushing herself up with her arms and resting on her forearms, her slightly spread legs adorned with knee high socks taunting Ray to fall into her warmth.
As he peeled off his own shorts, Ray watched as Fenrir made his way up the bed, crawling over Alice and attaching his lips on her neck once more. Ray took place at the foot of the bed, gently peeling off her wet panties and kissing her socked calf as his hands ran up her bare skin of her upper thighs, lifting her legs over his shoulders as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, relishing in the way that she wriggled in his grip. Glancing up at Fenrir and Alice, he watched as Fenrir’s fingers pinched at her nipples while their tongues melded together.
Ray leaned in, licking a stripe up her sex, the taste of her wetness falling onto his tongue and making him press his hardon into the side of the bed for some sort of pressure. She moaned as she felt his tongue flick through her folds once, twice, and three times before his fingers joined in, two of them pushing into her gummy walls, his tongue flicking at her clit as her hips moved in time with his fingers.
He looked up, catching a gaze of Fenrir laying on his side, her head turned towards him as she sucked his hardened length into her mouth. One of Fenrir’s hands was in her hair as the other one rubbed her bare skin anywhere he could reach comfortably. As Ray continued his pace, his other hand reached out to hold her moving hips down, able to make harder, faster, more precise movements. From above, he could hear her muffled moans and Fenrir’s praise.
“You’re so pretty, princess.” Fenrir cooed, his hand pushing her bangs back from her eyes. “You’re doin’ so well takin’ the both of us.” Alice made a sound that was almost like a coo and as Fenrir was talking, Ray felt her pussy clench around his two fingers, signifying to him an impending orgasm. Instead of lightly flicking at her clit with his tongue, Ray leaned in even further to suck it into his mouth, his lips tightening on the hardened bud as his fingers continued their faster pace.
“Gonna cum for us, sweetheart?” Fenrir asked, his hips pushing into Alice’s mouth as his own pleasure started taking over, his hands once again groping at her chest. Ray stayed quiet; he didn’t want to let go of the pressure he was putting on her clit until she had cum on his fingers, hard. And it didn’t take much more. One final pinch to her nipple from Fenrir sent her over the edge, Alice’s legs shaking and her body writhing against the two army members.
As she was coming down, Ray’s fingers were still moving in and out of her gushing pussy, his lips releasing from her clit as he kissed up her stomach, stopping to playfully lick at her breasts, before leaning in and kissing her forehead. “So perfect,” he whispered, her half lidded smile making the butterflies in Ray’s stomach stir.
Alice was stroking lazily at Fenrir’s cock, catching her breath as Ray leaned in to kiss the other male, Fenrir’s tongue eagerly licking into his mouth to taste the remnants of Alice’s orgasm. Ray was all too willing to accept his tongue and he gasped out as he felt Alice’s other hand dip into his underwear and pull his cock out, her hands working on both of the men in tandem as they shared a sweet kiss.
Without saying anything, Alice raised herself to her knees and bent down to suck Fenrir’s dick into her mouth once again, this time with reignited vigor -  using her hands to work the portion she couldn’t fit in her mouth as her head bobbed up and down. Ray pulled away from the kiss, watching as her butt moved in time with her head and he stroked his cock lightly as he positioned himself behind her,
His fingers rubbed a stripe up and down her folds, testing to make sure she wasn’t too sensitive from her first orgasm to take her, but her hips wiggled, inviting Ray in and one of his hands held her hip as the other positioned his cock at her entrance, before pushing in gently, the both of them moaning out in tandem as he bottomed out. As Alice adjusted to his length, she continued working on Fenrir’s dick, and when she was ready for Ray to move, she pushed back against him.
All three of them knew how this worked; they all wanted to be connected as one so as they were figuring out how things worked in the bedroom, a lot of silent communication started happening. Fenrir wanted something, he lightly gripped their hair in his fist. Ray, he asked with his eyes. Alice, she pressed herself against whoever. They worked, and all three loved it.
Ray’s hips snapped against Alice's, starting to pick up the pace as he heard Fenrir’s orgasm. No matter how many times he was told to be quiet, or even had something in his mouth (whether it be a garment of clothing, Alice’s pussy, or Ray’s dick), he was always a tad too loud. This time was no different, as he came in their girlfriend’s mouth, a loud moan broke free from his lips, red from clamping down on them with his teeth to try and quiet himself. His hips thrusted up into Alice’s mouth and his hands held her head down to him, his length hitting the back of her throat as she choked on the seed spilling down her throat.
Alice came up, gasping for air and once she caught her breath, Ray pulled out of her, flipping her onto her back and throwing her legs over his shoulders as he pressed himself into her, leaning down to kiss her once before speaking lowly. “You looked so pretty choking on Fen’s cock. You liked that, didn’t you?”
She moaned out, nodding her head yes as Ray swallowed her moan with another kiss. Fenrir was lying to the side, catching his breath as he moved his hand down Alice’s body, rubbing at her clit in time with Ray’s deep thrusts. “You both look gorgeous,” Fenrir whispered.
“So you can be quiet now, Fenrir?” She asked through broken moans. Fenrir pressed down on her clit in retaliation and Ray felt his release building as her walls tightened around him.
“Quiet, princess. Else I’m sure I can find somethin’ to quiet you with.” Spotting her discarded panties on the bed, Fenrir’s eyes twinkled. “Maybe your soaking wet panties? Were they wet from the squirt gun or from your insatiable need to be fucke-”
Fenrir didn’t even finish his sentence, cutting off as her hand gripped his thigh tightly, her fingers digging in as her second orgasm hit her like a truck. As she creamed on his cock, Ray picked up his pace, thrusting roughly into her to chase after his own orgasm. Fenrir sat up, his carmine pink eyes focussed on Ray as he silently urged the King to come. As he reached the peak, Ray fell into Alice’s waiting arms, twitching inside of her as he let himself fall apart in the comfort of softly spoken words and forehead kisses.
“You did so good,” Alice whispered, pushing his sweaty hair away from his eyes and Fenrir nodded along with her statement.
“I love watchin’ ya both. You look so good together.”
Ray shook his head in protest, pulling Fenrir into the sweaty pile. “No, we look good together.”
“That was really cheesy,” Alice pointed out, poking Ray’s nose.
“Deal with it, princess.” He responded, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to her mouth.
All three of them laid silently for a moment before they started to hear the rest of the army members filtering in, all of the muddled conversations they could hear were the men talking about wanting a shower.
“I could go for a shower,” Fenrir noted, moving to get up from the bed. “And we probably need to clean the sheets.”
“Now you’re thinking sensibly,” Alice teased. “Where was this rationality when you went marching into the enemy lines by yourself?”
“If I recall correctly, you said I looked sexy.”
Alice rolled her eyes, looking to Ray. “I also said he looked dumb, but he isn’t mentioning that part.”
“Are you surprised?” Ray disentangled himself from Alice, standing up and picking her up bridal style, his heart swelling in his chest as she let out a scream-giggle.
“Stop talkin’ about me like I’m not here!” Fenrir whined, following behind the other two to the bathroom fit for a King and turning on the water. Ray set down Alice and she went over to press a tender kiss to Fenrir’s muscled back.
“In all seriousness, you both were ridiculously sexy out there.” She stuck her hand in the tub, the cool shower water cascading down her arm. “It looked rehearsed.”
Ray and Fenrir shared a glance and they both laughed awkwardly. “That’s because it was rehearsed. We’ve been doing stuff like this since we were in school.” Ray explained and Alice laughed at both of them.
“Alright you two, in we go. We’ve been missing long enough that someone is probably looking for one of you.”
“But I’d much rather stay with you both,” Ray said, pressing his forehead to Alice’s as the water fell down over each of their heads, Fenrir working the soap into his tired muscles.
“Don’t worry my loves, we have all night tonight to be together.” Alice said, both of them sending soft smiles. “As long as Ray doesn’t fall asleep early, that is.”
“If he does, it’s because we tired him out.” Fenrir teased, pinching Ray’s butt.
The three of them kept up all of their playful banter as they quickly washed themselves off and got presentable once more. Alice and Ray left the bedroom first, Fenrir slipping out later when the hallway was clear.
The rest of the night was spent sending sweet glances across the dinner table, small lingering touches, and a whole lot of words silently said.
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anonymousaaaawoi · 3 years
Bro when you play otome games and fan girl over anime and other stuff it’s hard to prove the straight arrow dickheads that have literally no class that I’m asexual, like bitch I would not fuck mitsuhide cause he’s like a bro to me and that goes for Seth! It honestly took me so long to explain to them what the fuc is going on when I barely understand myself and have trouble expressing in words. A few characters people think I simp for but don’t:
Seth Hyde — ikemen revolution
Akechi Mitsuhide — ikemen sengoku
Usui takumi— Maid sama
Sugawara, daichi, asahi, and more — haikyuu!
Bro it’s not even limited to fictional. I’ve been shipped with so many guys and asked who I think looks the cutest and look at them with confused face like wtf do I look like? Like fangirling and simping are two different things for me!
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molamolomola · 7 years
UPDATED: JULY 21, 2019
Favorite Actor Part 1
Favorite Actor Part 2
His Precious Daughter
I Promised
Brother [Poem]
Remember Me
Not Yet 
Little sister series:
If Karl Heinz send a little girl at the mansion
Sakamaki brothers having a talkative and curious little sister
If your boyfriend is Yandere (Shuu, Reiji, Ayato)
Mukami brothers having a little sister
His girlfriend got kidnapped (Sakamaki brothers)
When they were left alone with their little sister (Sakamaki Brothers)
If your boyfriend is Yandere (Mukami Brothers)
Their little sister misses their dad and her mom (Sakamaki Brothers)
Their little sister came home with bruises and scratches (Sakamaki Brothers)
Their little sister came home with bruises and scratches (Mukami Brothers)
The Sakamaki Brothers with their little sister during Halloween (Shuu, Reiji, Ayato)
The Sakamaki Brothers with their little sister during Halloween (Laito, Kanato, Subaru)
The warlords being jealous because of a puppy (Oda Forces)
The warlords in High School
Irreplaceable (Shingen Fanfiction)
Their daughter wants to marry their favorite uncle/warlord (Oda Forces)
The warlords trying to cheer up their daughter (Oda Forces)
The warlords taking care of their sick girlfriend:
The warlords having a daughter that looks like their dead wife:
Kenshin *New Update*
(SOON) Fixing their relationship with their daughter:
Jonah Clemence:
For him, being special is... *New Update*
Forget-Me-Not (IkeSen Fan Fiction Series) || SLOW UPDATE ||
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 13 // Chapter 14 // Chapter 15
How is this happening to you?
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ikemenlibrary · 2 years
ikémen revolution gift exchange masterlist
Thank you so much everyone for being part of the exchange!! It’s been an absolute pleasure once again to see everyone’s incredible pieces and to chat to you, thank you for all your hard work!! It’s been such a blast💛 -Sunny
I loved every moment of this exchange! thank you everyone for participating and putting up with my silly antics throughout. until next time xx -Bryn
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Revenge Best Served Wet | Fenrir Godspeed x Alice (MC) x Ray Blackwell | by @ikemenlibrary for xxsycamore
Celebrations Started Early are the Best Celebrations | Sirius Oswald x Alice (MC) x Ray Blackwell | by @xxsycamore for kashimalin-fanfiction
A Dream, Or Three | Luka Clemence x Alice (MC) x Edgar Bright | by @kashimalin-fanfiction for chaosangel767
The Haunting of the Pastry Ghost | Edgar Bright x Alice (MC) | by @chaosangel767 for readerinsertfanfiction
Indecisive | Lancelot Kingsley, Jonah Clemence, Luka Clemence x Alice (MC) | by @readerinsertfanfiction for aquagirl1978
An Afternoon Alone | Harr Silver x Reader (Alice) | by @aquagirl1978 for tacogawa
The Kiss (artwork) | Dalim Tweedle x Sunny (OC) | by @tacogawa for sunnyikemen
In His Stride | Fenrir Godspeed x Alice | by @sunnyikemen for toloveawarlord
Not-So-Needed Marriage Proposals | Fenrir Godspeed x Alice | by @toloveawarlord for kokorokai
The Seven of Hearts’s Assistant (artwork) | Kyle Ash x Brenna (OC) | by @kokorokai​ for ikemenlibrary
Old Dogs, New Tricks | Lancelot Kingsley, Sirius Oswald, Harr Silver, Loki Genetta | by @ikeromantic​ for daegupaksu
Chutney’s New Uncles (artwork) | Lancelot Kingsley, Sirius Oswald, Harr Silver, Ray Blackwell, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence, Seth Hyde | by @daegupaksu​ for ikeromantic
For Edgar’s Eyes Only | Edgar x Alice (MC) | by @ikeromantic​ for aminiatureworld
First Bloom | Sirius Oswald, Seth Hyde, Alice (MC) | by @aminiatureworld​ for ikeromantic 
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ikemenlibrary · 3 years
Candy Canes and Mistletoe (Ikemen Revolution)
Pairing: Edgar Bright x Alice (MC)
Day 3 of @voltage-vixen​ ‘Tis the Season for Smut! Prompt: “Kiss me under the mistletoe” Summary: Edgar said he’s always dreamed of kissing someone under the mistletoe during Christmas  Warnings: nsfw below the cut - oral sex (female receiving)
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“You’re back!” Edgar’s bright smile greeted Alice as she walked through the gates of the Red Army.
She had taken a day out to Central Quarter to do some Christmas shopping and despite Edgar’s protests, she was able to go off on her own.
“I am!” Alice giggled as Edgar’s arms wrapped around her waist and he spun her around in a circle before setting her down and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
His eyes glinted with mischief and his smile made Alice feel giddy. “Did you get anything for me?”
Her cheeks reddened and she had to force herself not to look down at the discrete little black bag she had hidden in between other bags. Alice knew that Christmas was one of Edgar’s favorite times of the year and she had specially ordered something to hopefully get him into the spirit of the holiday.
“It’s a possibility,” she responded, dodging his questions by pressing a kiss on his lips and scurrying to her room.
Edgar wouldn’t let her go that easily; he knew if he pestered her enough, she’d relent and tell him what she was trying so desperately to hide. So Alice wasn’t even a little surprised when a few moments after her door locked, she heard a knock and Edgar’s teasing voice.
“C’mon Alice~” he sang out, his hand wiggling the doorknob. “You know you can’t hide it from me forever.”
She had time. The door was locked, and he wouldn’t give up easily.
Picturing the look on his face as she opened the door in holiday-themed lingerie made her giggle softly and she quickly started removing her clothes. Her heavy skirt dropped to the floor and after it, her panties. Her top and bra were next and as she stood naked in front of her mirror, her hands skimming over her body and goose pimples followed that path.
At that moment, her door burst open and she screamed, her arms going to cover as much skin as she could as her intruder barged in. “Woah,” Edgar’s mouth dropped open as he stood in the doorway.
“Don’t just stand there, close the door!” Alice spoke frantically as she grabbed the black bag and locked herself into the bathroom.
“I think there’s something wrong with your lock,” Edgar called through the bathroom door as Alice started dressing in the green mesh she had ordered specially. The fabric was embroidered with mistletoe and was very flattering against her pale skin. “I’ll make sure to have someone fix it ASAP.” She stepped out of the bathroom while he was still fiddling with the lock and once their eyes met, Edgar’s mouth upturned into a devious smirk. “What is this?”
Alice pushed down her nervousness and sauntered the rest of the way across the room to her boyfriend.
Edgar was still on his knees, one of his hands still holding onto the doorknob, the other hand dropped to her ankle and traced a confident line up her leg, his hand ending up resting on the band of her mesh-covered hip.
“You said you’ve always wanted to kiss someone underneath the mistletoe,” Alice told herself she wouldn’t be nervous; she wanted to seem confident with him for once. But the moment his hand met her bare ankle, she shivered and her voice trembled.
Edgar’s jade eyes met her own and she felt his hand move from her hip to the inside of her thigh, his other hand going to stroke her backside, his gentle hand following her curves and making her weak at the knees.
“I was expecting a sweet kiss under a doorway but this… Alice, this is more than I could have even imagined.” Edgar leaned in, kissing her upper thigh. His tongue traced a pattern and his warm breath made her weak at the knees.
His one hand started kneading on her butt while his other hand tugged the material aside as his tongue followed a line up to her wet slit. He started softly, a teasing lick, a small nip, before his hands joined, swiping against her opening and spreading her slick around before flattening his tongue and licking the whole drenched area.
Alice’s hands fell to his hair as she cried out Edgar’s name. Her nipples under the flimsy bra were erect and rubbing against the mesh as Edgar’s hands each dug into one buttcheek and he pulled her in closer to him. She was almost on his shoulders at this point, the only thing keeping her standing was his hands holding to her tightly.
As Edgar’s tongue continued his ministrations, his fingers joined in, deftly plunging into Alice’s sopping opening and causing her to moan out in ecstasy. “More,” she babbled. “Please. More, more, more.”
As her speaking turned more incoherent, Edgar’s lips wrapped around her clit and he suckled, his two fingers turned to three and he started thrusting at a faster pace, helping Alice chase her release. Her hips bucked violently and his hands moved from her ass to her hips, holding them in place as she came undone on top of him.
When her heaving body calmed, Edgar kissed slowly up Alice’s body, pressing wet kisses into her skin and when he reached her lips, he leaned in and let her taste herself on his lips.
“Now that’s a mistletoe kiss I’ll never forget.” Edgar hummed against her lips as she pulled away, a distracted smile playing on her lips.
“Me either,” she agreed, her hands reaching out to cup the bulge in his pants. “But for now, I have a candy cane to suck.”
Edgar laughed out loud as she unzipped his uniform pants and pushed them to his ankles.
“What’s going on in there?” Jonah yelled from outside the door. “I heard yelling, I’m coming in.” Before Alice or Edgar could protest, Jonah walked in, and shielded his eyes in horror. “For goodness sakes, at least lock the door!” Before Alice brought her mouth back down on Edgar’s aching cock, she cheekily reminded him to make sure to get her lock fixed later.
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