#ikesen ranmaru scenario
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I am unfaithfully yours, for better or worse.
IkeSen Ranmaru x Mai (mc)
In which Mai knows Ranmaru is a spy... but falls in love with him despite knowing better. And she thinks it's about high time she took matters into her own hands, fate be damned.
tw: mentions of blood and injury (no death), mentions of war and torture but nothing detailed in the slightest, ikesen spoilers! bits & pieces from all sorts of different routes tho so it's all jumbled up lore. please lmk if i forgot to tag anything!
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- mai knows by now that ranmaru is a spy, and she tries to secretly meet up with kennyo to talk him out of this war
( cue sentimental flashbacks to peaceful days sneaking off to peach trees at the outskirts of azuchi, a montage of sunshine and smiles )
- she tells him that revenge will only bring more death to the people and that peace would be the only salvation for them all
- after things go south (motonari shows up) ranmaru enters and covers for her to escape
. . .
- fast forward to a break in battle with oda vs the uesugi-takeda
- mai makes a sort of sleep bomb to knock out their enemies and save ieyasu, who had been captured after injury
- sasuke helps mai carry him out to safety, then goes back to pretend to be unconscious with the others
- he didn't knock out bc mai had given him a special mask to filter it out previously w/out his knowledge (sasuke just thought it was a nice gift, or perhaps a way to tell him his old one was in need of replacing)
- escapes back to oda forces with ieyasu in tow (albeit slowly and stealthily)
- after returning, mai and ranmaru go off to be distractions while the warlords strategize and wait for ieyasu to get patched up
- they (mitsuhide) recognize that ranmaru is too agile for a page, he almost seems like a ...ninja? and wonder where/when mai learned how to fight and plan like she's doing now
- the two had always been very close after she saved ranmaru in the beginning of her stay, but this seemed like practiced ease between the two... surely not..?
- they find out (or rather confirm) that mai is from the future, and ask if she saved ieyasu bc he's important to the timeline and such, to which she says she can't explain anything in the future bc of the dangers of the butterfly effect
- mai explains certain things in the past that didn't happen due to her intervention and why she's so worried about the future now with this odd three-way war (the past being nobunaga & kenshin/shingen's deaths)
- she then explains that while she was out luring and distracting enemies, she ran into yoshimoto on her way back
(cue flashback)
- mc runs into yoshimoto, both armed with a single weapon (his fan, her dagger) but no desire to fight one another. it is implied yoshimoto may harbor feelings towards mc or at least certainly cares for her safety
- they trade information regarding kennyo: she explains that she believes he's working with motonari, to which yoshimoto confirms, adding on that they've teamed up with kicho and the former shogun (and his dogs daimyos)
- they question each other about things and find out that 1) mai has met up with him privately when she tried to save ranmaru and 2) yoshimoto has been contacted for recruitment from this entourage of third party enemies. yoshimoto wants nothing to do with them, but his former clanmates want nothing but war and vengeance, so he's caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment (hence his current disappearance from the battles)
- they decide to part ways once ranmaru comes looking for her, & they all can't help but worry
- when they get back though, having arrived separately, mai is greeted by the news that the oda forces are tending to ieyasu.. and notices they seem to have constrained ranmaru for questioning while she was explaining the info she got from yoshimoto (which they obviously question how/why she got as well)
- she explains that they're friends from before they knew anything about their alliances, and that they only exchanged info on third party enemies, not about their own groups
- mitsuhide outs ranmaru as kennyo's spy n felt of everything, which prompts mai uses herself as a hostage
- she explains everything with his situation and how he's not actually on either side, but rather torn between people he admires: kennyo, who raised him like a father, and nobunaga, who took him in and gave him his current environment to flourish in
- obviously however, the oda forces don't care bc a spy's a spy, and they're about ready to beat him to death for answers before...
- ...mai holds up a knife to her own throat and attempts a last ditch bargain, trying to judge her worth after all that's just transpired. "if i mean anything, you'll keep him alive, but otherwise.. you lose us both, and all the info we have"
- they don't believe she'll do it, though their eyes widen as she slices across her neck to get their attention, but when they still don't budge, mai proceeds to stab herself right in the chest (trying to purposely aim for where it wouldn't kill her.. but they don't know that)
- everyone proceeds to panic, shoving her off to the medical tent, whilst keep ranmaru captive (he's too horrified from the sight of his love flashing before his eyes to do much of anything except get pushed around)
. . .
- flash forward to mc waking up at ieyasu's palace, extremely weak and in excruciating pain
- he explains that she's been out for a little over a month now, and has received surgery and multiple treatments even just to be stable. he wonders how she even survived at all
- she asks (as best as she is currently able to) as to why she was kept alive.. and whatever happened to ranmaru after that day
- he explains that while they believe she is aiming for peace and don't see her as too much of a threat, it was mainly bc they wanted more info she had about the enemies, and wanted to know how to build her her sleep bombs, etc.
- ieyasu also explains that ranmaru's been in the dungeons and they've been.. questioning him, but she knows exactly what that entails, grimacing both in pain for herself and his sake
- on the other side, after roughly a month's worth of brutal interrogations, a battered ranmaru emerges from the dungeons, granted an audience in the chambers usual reserved for war council
- nobunaga explains he has no use for a page who can't even pick what side he's on, and that he is not to return until he (at the very least) finally has the conviction to pick a master. deems him weak and spineless and all matter of insults, in front of present company of course
- ieyasu arrives just after the meeting starts with news of mai's brief awakening, to which ranmaru lights up immediately, relieved that she's even alive after all this time
- he asks if he can see her but before the others can say no, ieyasu says oh why the hell not, might as well let him see once her before you cast him out. although it comes out in a very him way, "he's had every chance to kill us before and let them all slip.. let alone the pitiful state the two are in. if people this weak could take over my castle, i wouldn't be here in the first place."
- and so they end up going to visit mai over at ieyasu's palace, but she's unconscious again due to the pain, especially after from more bitter medication and dealing with treatment when they'd spoken last. she even had to bite down on towels bc of the pain she endured
- mai's hand twitches at some point while the two are talking, and ranmaru holds it while crying, somewhat glad she can't see the depressing state he's currently in
- ieyasu explains that if he finally decides what side he's on, he's got a little place nearby he can stash him to update him on her wellbeing until she recovers, but that he's not to tell a single soul. they can decide what to do from there once she gives the oda the info they need
- after ranmaru leaves, ieyasu questions whether he's helping her because she had saved him so recklessly on enemy lines... or...
- (turns out he's secretly a hopeless romantic and he admires her courage and their dedication to each other, so he wants to help since they're genuinely nice people, all things considered. they didn't really want to fight in the first place, and he understands that.... but also he kinda feels like he owes mai and sasuke after that last battle)
- eventually, after thorough recovery, mai and ranmaru run off together, never once looking back at what was once their peaceful home in azuchi. they secretly consult sasuke for help, as they are unsure if to find somewhere to hide after kennyo's recent defeat/capture, or whether to go back to her time since he no longer has any family or where to go, and neither does mai now after they ran away
and from there, decisions must be made.....
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Ikemen Sengoku comforting a MC that is feeling sick
Platonic! MC x suitor
1. Nobunaga Oda :
He calls you to his tenshu and lets you rest near his huge balcony while seeing the stars. Asks you if you're feeling okay or not from time to time. Feeds you konpeito as a reward. Huffs when you don't like them. Whistles in the air for Haguro and demands that he entertain you.
2. Hideyoshi Toyotomi :
Prohibits you from doing any work at all. You have to lay down and rest. Don't worry, your older brother will arrive with a tub of water and a clean cloth to put on your forehead. Cleans up your room as he rambles about Mitsuhide's deeds. Notices you sleeping an hour later.
3. Masamune Date :
Brings his tiger to snuggle with you and to provide you comfort. Makes your favourite dishes and soup. Feeds you soup even though your nose is blocked and you can't taste it very well. Sad boy when you tell him that you're full and can't eat anymore.
(Will you eat sexy eyepatch daddy's cooking? Cause I sure will)
4. Mitsuhide Akechi :
Stops teasing you for once and actually gets serious. Wraps you up in a 100 layers and tells you to sleep like the darling mouse you are. Spies on you to make sure you eat. Threatens to use "unfair means" to tease you to submission if you don't listen to him. Smirks when you make a pouty face.
5. Ieyasu Tokugawa :
Actually knows what to do in this scenario. Gives you the appropriate food and medicine. Let's you braid his hair after you plead with him a million times. You heal quickly thanks to Ieyasu's vast knowledge of medicine. Blushes when you thank him for taking care of you.
6. Mitsunari Ishida :
Clueless boy tries his best. Reads you stories with his soothing voice. Calls Ieyasu for help and gets scolded by Ieyasu. Smiles at you goofily when you tell him to answer Ieyasu back with the same demeanor. Forgets you exist when he starts reading his books.
7. Keiji Maeda :
Tells you to go horseback riding with him or climb a tree with him and gets spanked by Hideyoshi. Tries very hard to come up with a good reasoning for you to climb up a tree and fails. Makes you laugh by saying extremely shitty jokes. Later he tries to climb a tree, sees a snake and pisses his pants.
(Sorry Keiji XD)
8. Ranmaru Mori
Brings you peaches and volunteers to massage your shoulders or any area that you feel pain. Gets flustered when you tell him to dance for you. Carries you around if you need to be somewhere and realizes that you still need more rest. Guards you at night even though there are soldiers outside and inside the castle.
9. Kenshin Uesugi :
Tries to "kill" this so called virus which he heard from Sasuke. Goes into big brother mode and chases Shingen away when he comes to flirt with you. Only him, Ume, Take, and Matsu are allowed to visit you. He doesn't want anyone to bother his sister.
10. Shingen Takeda :
Thinks flirting will make you feel well and has clearly never been more wrong in his whole life. Tells the cook to prepare your favourite sweets and hot soup. Wants to feed you but later is withheld by a meeting. Sends you a hairclip as a get well soon gift.
11. Yukimura Sanada :
Tries very hard to not get into a stupid fight with you. Calls you a dummy for falling sick and not taking care of yourself. Is shocked when you start crying and confused when you fall asleep after that. Is very unfamiliar with the concept of "mood swings". Grumbles about it and later gets sick too because he slipped on a banana peel and fell into the castle pond.
(MC set him up lmaoo)
12. Sasuke Sarutobi :
His knowledge of modern medicine was immense, but unfortunately there weren't many tools to work with in the Sengoku period. Tries to cheer up his modern day bff with vines and tiktok dances he learnt. Later they both fangirl about Ieyasu and scream. Sasuke is now prohibited from visiting MC's room because he gave her a sore throat from all that laughing.
13. Kanetsugu Naoe :
Can't care more about some rat being sick. He still helps you though, by telling you he has postponed your punishment. It doesn't help much, but you know Kanetsugu is warming up to you. Fangirls about Kenshin to you and later gets caught by Sasuke. He later is seen chasing the ninja throughout the castle.
14. Yoshimoto Imagawa :
Lets you lay your head on his lap as he plays with your hair. Massages your scalp very gently and makes sure everything you need is available. Offers you freshly cut up fruit and chats with you all day long. Surprised to hear that you too have an exquisite eye for clothes and fashion. Wants to go shopping with you someday.
15. Motonari Mouri :
Tells his men to steer the ship a little slowly and barks at anyone who says that the new girl made him weak. Takes you out on the deck to get your mind off your sickness. Cooks for you and scoffs when you tell him he added too much salt. Surprised to see you sleep walking on the deck late at night and asks what were you doing. He remembers being knocked out by someone and wakes up with a bruised nose the very next day.
(MC sleep-punched Moto)
16. Kicho :
Gives you chocolate which he got from a foreign trader. Happy to see you're all well and smiling now. Offers to give you a bigger room if that is what will make you happy. Clicks his tongue when you tell him that you don't need a bigger room or any fancy treatment. Disgusted when Motonari comes to visit and winks at you saying that it will make you feel better.
17. Kennyo :
Prays for you and for your health. Gives you herbs and advice on how to take care of yourself properly next time. Brews warm tea for you and gives you snacks. Insists you rest up and not care about anything else for the meantime. Will definitely get Ranmaru to dance for you if that is what the situation asked for.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Can i request again?
So... Fluff really fluffy. Old Mc with Old warlords.
Please don't kill them. 😭
IkeSen Boys + Growing Old With MC
Note: The children of the warlords are taken from historical record, but please know that not all scenarios are accurate as I had named some children to fill in the children who were unnamed.
To be honest with you this is probably the longest ask I've ever done, over a period of 4 days of editing and characters so I hope you enjoy the fluffy family content! It's cut for length. Also... I couldn't add so many tags so please share it if you can!
Nobunaga Oda
You were excited for this particular day, since your oldest son, Nobutada was finally coming home from a skirmish he had settled. The Owari province was long handed over to your sons, as you and Nobunaga lived peacefully in the edges of Azuchi, away from the city.
You had waited a long time to see your children once again, although not all were in Azuchi. With 21 children in total, both adopted and from birth, most were of similar age. The only few that lived with you were your youngest daughters, Oushin and Ofuri who were adopted at the same time. Youngest was a stretch, considering they were both 19.
Your other warlord friends were due to visit soon, including Hideyoshi. Throughout your years, you never comprehended why no one interested Hideyoshi as a romantic partner. Although, your heart eased, remembering how Hideyoshi would care for your sons as if he were their own.
Your thoughts were interrupted by your husband, as he plopped next to you, taking in the serene view of the empty field. In his hand were a bag of konpeito. Hideyoshi would be angry, but you weren't so as you managed to control his candy-loving instincts. You took a few to nibble on yourself, as you leaned against your husband.
"What were you thinking of, my fireball?"
You hummed, wondering how to respond. "About the future perhaps?"
"Good," he said. "I've been thinking... I wouldn't change a thing. But..."
You leaned into him, tickling the hairs of his neck. He flinched away, peppering you in kisses in retaliation as he continued his thought. "I want to travel once again, with you."
"I won't say no... But why not travel for longer?"
The moment your friends gathered, you and your husband announced your decision. Your children were surprised but the older warlords weren't. Masamune also teased Nobunaga, saying how he grew tired of a tranquil life. It wasn't long before you contacted Motonari, and the Oda couple were due to sail to Portugal.
"My years with you gave me the greatest life, YN."
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
It was not long before the day of your 20th marriage anniversary with Hideyoshi, but you woke up to a missing husband. Hideyoshi, being the way that he is, never stopped working for Nobunaga. Years went by, and you and Hideyoshi had a family of two sons, Hideyori and Tsurumatsu.
Your oldest son, Tsurumatsu, welcomed you instead in the morning. Your oldest was the spitting image of Hideyoshi, except that he took your eyes. It was as if you were looking at a younger Hideyoshi, and you commented on it, "With a sword like that, you remind me of your father..."
Your son's attitude however, resembled Ieyasu more than anything. Well... Ieyasu was his favourite warlord uncle when growing up. Tsurumatsu denied any of the sort, and insisted he accompanied you around Azuchi. You were internally grateful that your sons took after your husband's gentleman-like attitude, although at times when living in an estate with all three, it could get overbearing...
As you looked over the local fabrics, your hands traced over a fabric that you thought would suit all three of your boys.
"Princess YN?"
"Lord Mitsuhide!" Your son quickly bowed to the other warlord, but Mitsuhide gave him the respect to get up. The sudden appearance of the two bachelors, one older than the other, caused an uproar of the unmarried women of the market. It got you to think why Mitsuhide never settled down...
Your trip with your son ended in the front gates, where your younger son Hideyori and your husband Hideyoshi stood. Hideyoshi welcomed you wholeheartedly.
Hideyoshi escorted you around town, and you held onto his arm as you did before, and you two reminisced about the memories you had in the town together.
"20 years married..." You muttered. "Time flies huh? The boys have the townswomen swooning over them just like you did back then..."
"I only had eyes for you, YN..." He said. You huffed, teasing him about how he was in denial about his feelings the entire time. Hideyoshi grew red at your teasing, with you pulling him down to your level, kissing him on the cheek.
"For these 20 years with me YN... Thank you for telling me to live and staying with me."
Mitsunari Ishida
Your life never slowed down despite Mitsunari's calm approach to life. It was a joyous occasion for the Ishida clan throughout the years as you and Mitsunari had a wonderfully, large family of you both and 6 children.
Mitsunari still worked under Hideyoshi, with your third son Sakichi following in his footsteps. The week was busy, with you preparing for two weddings for your second and third daughter.
All your 6 children followed in the steps of Mitsunari in terms of worshipping Ieyasu. It was so much so, that one of your son-in-laws was Senchiyo Tokugawa. The warlords were long gone with their aggressions, so you were surprised when Mitsunari and Ieyasu arranged Kennyo to officiate the marriage.
Kennyo had been a neutral force after the birth of your first son Shigenari, as he even offered to bless your child. Kennyo himself never settled down, but he focused on rebuilding the temples instead. Mitsunari was quite the supporter, but Hideyoshi let an insight that it meant a lot to him since before Mitsunari studied in a temple.
You and Mitsunari returned home after a long shopping trip with the two oldest sons, Shigenari and Shigeie. Mitsunari nowadays forgot his things more and more, but his hatred for carrots continued. Your sons disappeared somewhere else to eat their carrot snacks, as you sat with Mitsunari in his study.
"You've never changed, Mitsunari..." You said, preparing some tea for him.
He reached out to your own hand, helping you pour. "I'm sure I'm improving on my tea manners!"
The silence never settled between you two, as no matter how much time had passed, you two never ran out of topics to run out of. You comforted Mitsunari as he confessed how sullen he felt about your daughters leaving.
"If anything... YN, in my time with you... Thank you for marrying me."
Mitsuhide Akechi
You moved to Tanba permanently, and you gave up your rank as Princess. With Mitsuhide gone for his missions, you'd answer to the other warlords. Somehow, it lead you to the title of 'Lady Akechi'.
It wasn't long before your first daughter, Tama, was to come of age. Mitsuhide was a private man, so it was only to be held with the other warlords and your entire family. You and Mitsuhide had a small family, but they were equally cherished by the others.
Yoshimoto arrived at Tanba earlier than expected. You had become fast friends with him, despite Mitsuhide's dislike. You had reassured him multiple times that Yoshimoto had no interest in you, but at times you had questioned why Yoshimoto never married...
"Tama! Yoshimoto is here!" You called out for your daughter. She was most likely with your youngest daughter... Yoshimoto had agreed to come and help Tama put together her hair, with the accessories he had collected.
It was not long before your daughter was finished, and by that time Mitsuhide with your eldest son, Mitsuyoshi, returned. No matter how many people were in the estate, your husband kissed you on the cheek, as it was customary to do.
Mitsuyoshi made faces, but was silenced by his much more mature, younger sister. Yoshimoto was quick to escort the three siblings outside, where Kyubei was waiting to bring his Lord's family to Nobunaga's Castle.
"Mou... Mitsuhide, the children are waiting... It's Tama's day today..." You muttered, as he continued to kiss you.
"Our children are adults, YN..." He said, holding you close. "Let your husband indulge in you for one more kiss... For now, and all our coming years..."
Ieyasu Tokugawa
In celebration, you decided to throw a banquet for Ieyasu as he announced he was stepping down from work. It was lively at home, with 16 children and a small army of rescued deer over the year helping you to decorate the house. You and Ieyasu, besides the deer, adopted children over your 20 years of marriage who soon became close with your 6 biological children.
You hurried to prepare the grand hall, but before you could fully lift the box full of tapestries, it was quickly carried away.
"Mama... You're not allowed to carry heavy things anymore," A blond man told you off, as two other men carried the vases away.
"Nobuyasu... Ogimaru... Hidetada..." You smiled at your three eldest sons. Ah, your heart warmed at how considerate they've become. It made you feel like a proud mother... "You three returned from Kenshin's lessons?"
The gap between the Oda and Uesugi-Takeda forces closed, and Kenshin grew close to your family. He never had children of his own, so you were enthusiastic when Kenshin treated your eleven sons as his own, even taking some to learn the sword by him.
"Mama! Don't be distracted! Let us fix you up!"
From behind you, your five daughters swarmed you, wrapping you up in a cloth you sure you bought this week... and it was untrimmed...
"Tokuhime! I haven't trimmed that cloth!" You turned to your other daughters, who were also holding makeup paints and hairpins. "Kamehime! Ichihime! You don't have to throw your jewellery to get my attention!"
"Mou... Mama, Father will be so happy to see you dressed up~" Your third daughter, Furihime chimed.
Matsuhime, the fourth daughter, joined in. "Without our help, your kimono might be too old fashioned Mama..."
Oh... Things were lively with all your children back at home... Your sons finished decorating the hall, and as a token you decided to do your daughters' hair to match them to your hairstyle.
You were last to enter the hall, as the boys wanted to greet their father first. Your daughters entered next, and all Ieyasu saw through them was you, and the way you raised them made them blossom into the people they were today. When you entered... he swore he stopped breathing.
"YN... My wife..." Not much was said after, but the blush on his face was enough to show how much he loved it, as well as his hand gripping onto yours tracing every finger of it.
Masamune Date
You would like to think that your life grew much more peaceful, but with a chaotic husband like Masamune, and four equally chaotic children like him. The Date forces as a whole were also chaotic. It was safe to say that Lady Date was one who took care of them all, no matter how big or small.
It gave your husband the great idea of planning a surprise birthday party for you with his children. As a warlord, he was not Ishida Mitsunari but he could still plan a well thought-out strategy...
"Irohahime, Muuhime, you are to distract your mother at the market. Kojuro will give the signal when we're ready."
They nodded. "Yes Dad."
"Hidemune, Tadamune. You know when to start the fight," He reiterated.
"Yes Da-"
Ieyasu, who came earlier as a guest, spoke up. "Why am I a part of this?"
"YN will only break a fight if it involves people outside our family," Masamune explained, flexing his arm. "She knows we're tough as nails..."
Ieyasu Tokugawa remained a bachelor, although he never explained why he didn't. Masamune had a little bit of a hunch, but he isn't one to pry. Ieyasu was an undeniable favourite of his daughter Muuhime, who gained an affinity for medicine.
"Tough as nails?"
Your family was dumbfounded that you stepped in the decorated hall, with your husband and children, with Ieyasu in the corner with a bowl of spicy soup. Kojuro had kindly lead Lady Date into the hall, despite of the plan as no one in the Date palace dared to defy YN LN.
For a room full of adults, your family at the moment were not acting like one. It was typical, but you had to wonder what the fuss was all about. Tadamune, the closest to you, was someone who couldn't lie to you, and told you the truth. It ended quite simply, as you insisted to help prepare.
In the kitchen with Masamune brought back memories. The whole time you and your husband were cooking, you played around with the ingredients as you did back then.
"My wife... you have a little flour on your face. Should I wipe it with my fingers or..." He wrapped his arms your waist, brushing his lips on your ear. "Kiss it away myself?"
Ranmaru Mori
You and Ranmaru decided to leave the Oda forces once you both got married. Ranmaru was mainly the reason, as he wanted to keep a neutral stance for your safety.
Ranmaru grew much taller over the years, but he wasn't as towering as the other warlords. You didn't mind as much except for the period of measuring out new kimonos for him. You both lead a quaint life, with Ranmaru working as your courier for your sewing work.
You and Ranmaru never had any children of your own, instead opting to become foster parents to other children whose parents were in war efforts or children that were orphaned from incidents.
Many children came and went, some of them leaving and never returning but there were the few that stayed. Ranmaru was still actively talking to the other warlords through letters, so you weren't surprised when he said that he intended to take you back to Azuchi for peach season.
It was no surprise that Hideyoshi gathered the entire town of Azuchi to welcome you both. It was nice to meet friends you had missed, as well as the daughters of the warlords you worked for. They awed at you, but to you it was as if you had adopted many, many girls resembling your friends.
"YN-hime! Etto... Do we call you YN-hime?" Tatsuhime, the oldest daughter of Mitsunari, asked.
"Of course! Even if she's not in Azuchi Castle, all our uncles say that she's the best princess!" Tokuhime, Nobunaga's oldest daughter, chimed in. "I may be Azuchi's princess but I can't fathom comparing myself to YN-hime!"
You shushed the girls, getting overwhelmed easily by the compliments and praises showered on you. You gave a peak to Ranmaru as a plea for help, but he added the cherry on top to the compliments instead.
"YN, YN... You know you're the best princess in my eyes!" He said, kissing your hand.
You were sure Ieyasu's daughters poked at their father with teasing of following Ranmaru's example. Others, like Mitsuhide's and Masamune's daughters, began to swoon that Ranmaru was more romantic than their fathers.
"I think that's enough Ranmaru... Let's save the romantic lines for our walk in the garden..."
Keiji Maeda
Oh what memories you had with Keiji over the years... For one, you were glad that the allegiance between the Oda and Uesugi-Takeda worked out, as you and Keiji decided to live together during that time.
You were shortly married after, with Keiji inviting Naoe as well, which lead to Kenshin being invited... plus Sasuke and Yukimura... not to mention Shingen as well... In the end it resulted in another gathering between the Oda and Uesugi-Takeda which you were glad didn't turn out violent.
Keiji was quite the family man himself, for after 20 years of marriage you had raised 10 children together, with 4 biological children and 6 adopted children. They had all grown up, married off to someone they love, leaving the once rowdy house now empty and quiet.
Keiji never stopped supporting Nobunaga, working almost as much as Hideyoshi on some days. You lived quietly, occasionally accompanying the wives of the other warlords as you never gave up your title as Azuchi's Princess, but it was obvious that you missed your entire family.
Keiji was always good with knowing your mood. Much to your surprise, you came back to an empty estate... but there were voices? One roaring voice sent you running to the main hall, where you opened the doors and there were your children, sitting around their father as he told more of his old war stories.
Overwhelmed with emotion, you shed a few tears as each of your children went up and hugged you.
"It's been so long my children..." You said as you hugged your two daughters.
"Mom, don't cry! If you cry... I'm gonna cry too!" Your first son, Keita wailed. He was taller than his father but it was quick to see that Keita, and much of the large boys of the family treasured you as their mother.
"Hoi hoi you rascals!" Keiji called out, getting up to walk to you. "Your monstrous heights would crush your mother!"
You moved into a hug with your husband, feeling Keiji lift you up. "My dear... they wouldn't," You grinned, finally laughing. "Keiji... Thank you for bringing our family together."
Kenshin Uesugi
Being crowned Lady Uesugi, you and Kenshin got busier and busier every year. It was an occurrence for the scribes of Kasugayama Castle to trail your relationship with Kenshin, as by the end of the day, it was a habit of his to take you on a stroll with your many, many bunnies.
There was not a soul in Echigo that did not hear of your marriage, Many were welcomed, but at the time no one thought that there would be a larger party than this. That was... until it was announced that you were pregnant.
It was an uproar, especially with Kenshin going around to everyone, saying how you were with child. To your surprise, your family of supposed three become a family of four as you were blessed with twins.
Kasugayama Castle was the home of your twins, Kagetora and Kagekatsu. Kenshin was proud of them, and they grew up to follow in their father's footsteps to take over the Uesugi clan... or that's what you thought until you realised how stubborn your husband was. He was making them work hard for it in their teen years when they expressed their interest in it.
Ah, but of course... Your three boys would always recharge with you, talking about their day. If one thing, they never learnt to share...
"What? You're drinking tea with Mama? But I wanted to show her the fabrics the merchants showed me!" Kagetora yelled at his older twin. Besides sword fighting, he grew up with an interest towards strategy, which was under Mitsunari's influence. He visited as often as he could, but you wonder if someone would ever catch Mitsunari's eye...
"An oaf like you wouldn't know how to brew tea like this for Mama..." Kagekatsu retorted, setting the pot down. He gained an interest for elegant arts similar to his father, and of course his favourite uncle is Yoshimoto.
Both glared at each other, but it was not long before the God of War entered the garden, with his many bunnies. "And why are you bothering my wife?"
"Father! Don't talk as if we're strangers! We're your sons and we wanna spend time with Mama too!" Kagetora retorted.
Kenshin drew his blade, challenging his sons that the winner gets to spend the afternoon with you.
"Ehem!" You coughed out, folding your kimono under you. "Boys, what's my number one rule in the garden?"
"No fighting and no swords..." Kagekatsu muttered.
"That's right," You said, taking a cup for yourself. "Now, why don't we all just sit down and have some tea?"
Sasuke Sarutobi
You and Sasuke didn't rush your lives in the Sengoku, since coming from the future meant a busy livelihood. You both agreed that when you both grew older, you would relax a little and not worry about the larger things in life.
Sasuke kept you in Echigo, as you stayed close to him and his other friends. You both had no intention of moving, but you did have an idea to own an estate to yourselves. There was no intention of children from both of you, so you decided to become foster parents to children with majority of their families at war.
You had only fostered about 3 children, but similarly, they too had extended families that they stayed with instead. The both of you learnt how to let go, ever since staying here, but that was something you both grew from. Finding out you both let go of the children you cared for, Yukimura had asked if you were interested in taking in his nephews and niece.
Yukimura himself never married, and you never asked, but he was a dear friend that you and Sasuke would sacrifice a lot for. Yukimura's orphaned nephews and niece were quickly known as your children, and Sasuke would always read them Physics Theorems as a bed time story...
It was a joyous occasion whenever those three would come back, and sooner by that time you realised you had gotten older. There was a small room where you and Sasuke kept your modern items, coincidentally was the room you would often have tea in.
You sighed, taking another bite of your bun. "Sasuke... I know we've lived quietly, but I've wanted to know if you ever wanted to return?"
"There's nothing I would've changed, YN... Not a single thing." He smiled, brushing his hand over yours. "Maybe... maybe there's another timeline, but you're in this one so it's where I am."
Kanetsugu Naoe
He continued to serve his years under Kenshin's reign, but then it was a moment of realisation of how time passed when you told him you were pregnant. It was a moment of stress for him, as he wasn't knowledgeable on the process.
It was recorded by the scribes of Kasugayama Castle that when Azuchi's Princess gave birth, Kanetsugu shed tears as if it were raining. That is to say, he cried a lot. You had a son, Kanetsuna. Much like his father, your son grew up to admire the line of Kenshin Uesugi, becoming close friends with Kagekatsu and Kagetora Uesugi.
Those three went off adventuring so much, it often worried you. Kanetsugu, with his curt self, would reassure you in his own way. It wouldn't help you much, since Kanetsugu would also talk about how helpful Kanetsuna was being towards the Uesugi family line.
You always busied yourself with your sewing, so you often used your son as a model to model your kimonos after. Kanetsuna never had an interest in fashion, but he would always walk up to women in the streets to go and buy your kimonos whenever you would open the shop.
Needless to say, most thought you were available for a marriage interview instead. Kanetsugu was surprised to see you carry home so many letters addressed to your son. Somehow, he was proud but wary.
"How did our son even resemble Shingen's charm? I'm aware he has my looks, but this is a bit much..." He adjusted the glasses he wore, taking more letters off your arms.
"Our son is of age, Kanetsugu and don't flatter yourself too much," You said, setting the letters aside. "You weren't a charmer but you steered clear of women..."
He turned red when you brought up his past self. His blush went away the moment you kissed him cheek, wrapping your arms around your husband. "It's alright, my husband... I certainly fell hard for you."
Shingen Takeda
How you lived in bliss with Shingen... It was not long before Kai was returned to Shingen, and he worked hard to build it up from the state that it was left in. Shingen created a loving community in Kai, and it was no question a homely place for you and him. Nobunaga claimed that the crops he gifted on your wedding were a gift, and you thanked him for that. Despite the time that passed, Nobunaga never took a spouse, so you wondered when he would marry too.
The whole community was in joy when you were with child, which prompted Shingen to throw an entire festival to bless your first born. Years went by, and you bore four sons for Shingen. Kai was now famous for its festivals, since Shingen insisted on one for every child you both had.
Kai, in turn, had a festival for every season and every son, with each having their birthdays in a particular season. Katsuyori was in the summer, Harukiyo was in the spring, Nobuchika was in Autumn and Yoshinobu was in Winter. The particular festival this time around was for Nobuchika, your second son and his 20th birthday.
You sighed, remembering the times the boys were younger. How they would run around, and how Shingen would swing them around hanging off his biceps. It was about 20 years of marriage, so you could still attest that he had the biceps, but your sons were far too tall to swing off their father's arm.
"Remember how they would swing on my arm?" Shingen said to you, taking a bite of a sweet bun.
"Mhm... Katsuyori would always fall off..." You replied, sipping your tea. The both of you watched as the new generation of the Kai people set up the tents, and raked the leaves off the walkways for the guests. "But Nobuchika was very stubborn..."
"It was always adorable how you'd panic, my Goddess..." He teased, pulling you close. "Not like I minded... Ah, and how Yoshinobu would sleep on Koro's back..."
The teasing was uncalled for, but Shingen couldn't stop swaddling you in his arms, relishing you in his kisses. You laughed, and your gleeful smile is one he'd always want to see on you.
Harukiyo, the youngest, nudge his other brothers. "Hey... Do they know that we're still here?"
The other three shook their heads.
Yukimura Sanada
Throughout the years, you and Yuki had 11 children together, with a mix of adopted and biological children. You were surprised that Yuki even had the confidence to take care of so many children with you, since Yuki wasn't exactly a paternal type either...
Another thing was, out of 11 children, you only had four sons... with very similar names that you can't help but give nicknames to them!
"Yuki! Dai! Help your sisters carry this heavy pot!" You yelled. In a rush, four young adults plus your husband came from their training, spears in hand, at your call to the garden.
You always wondered why Yuki insisted on naming two sons Yukichika and Yukinobu and the other two Daihachi and Daisuke. It always confused the others, especially Shingen when he couldn't tell them apart.
Besides that, all of your children had gained a love for some kind of weaponry. The only exception was your oldest, Kiku, who decided to become a healer instead. You fully supported their interests, but you still had to lay down some ground rules about weapons...
It wasn't long before three of your girls came back with Sasuke. Sasuke continued to be a favourite of the Sanada family, especially with the triplets, Okane, Oshobu and Oume, who had an affinity for throwing stars and knives. The last three girls, Ichi, Naho and Akuri were fans of archery instead, which their father taught them as well.
Speaking of Sasuke, you were glad that he treated the children as his own. You never asked why he never did adopt a few, or get married, but you were sure it wasn't right to pry.
It was always a big dinner with the Sanada family, but after dinner Yukimura would always take you somewhere else, be it the study or the garden, for his alone time with you.
"Time passes by huh..." You muttered, reaching in the tiny jar of fish snacks.
Yuki hummed, stroking Muramasa's coat as he listened to how your day went. No longer did he insult you as often as he did, but that boyish attitude of his never changed.
"Oh by the way... I arranged a marriage interview with Kiku and Katsuyori!"
Yuki spat out his drink. "T-Takeda Katsuyori?"
You hummed. "Kiku really likes him, and the feelings are mutual so-"
Not a word was to be said about what Yukimura screamed. Except for the fact that you replied with, "Kiku is 23 years old."
Yoshimoto Imagawa
Yoshimoto wasn't someone you'd imagine wanting a family, but then you realised that Yoshimoto really wanted to pamper any children you had. It was a slow process, but over the years, you both had 5 children, with 4 daughters and a son.
Your four daughters were well-known for their beauty, especially with mentions of their lineage as the phrase of 'Elegance of Imagawa and Beauty of Azuchi's Princess' was repeated several times over. Yoshimoto would not stop gushing over his own children, no matter how old they were.
Your only son, Ujizane was much more interested in becoming someone like Yukimura but he was also famous for his calligraphy works. It was an understatement how many pieces were commissioned by Kenshin and Masamune.
Yoshimoto however, has no concept of approaching romance when it came to his own child. He so happened to eavesdrop your conversation with your second daughter, Reishou.
"Ah! I can't look at him Mother! He's... He's very charming!" The usual stoic Reishou hid her face in her hands, her body swaying back and forth.
"Now... did you send him that letter I told you to do?" You said, patting her on the back. "Yoshinobu was it? He's a nice man..."
"But... But... the messenger accidentally sent it to Harukiyo Takeda! He mixed up the wrong brother..." Reishou told you, tears coming from her eyes. You wiped them away, hugging her close, and telling her it was going to be alright.
"Father? What are you doing in front Reishou's room?" His first daughter, Chotoku, asked, a hand to her hip in wonder. She wasn't as quiet as her father, her mannerisms and voice loud and clear. The 'eep' from the room was enough for him to bow down in shame as he saw you exit Reishou's room.
You ushered Chotoku to comfort her younger sister, as you dragged your husband somewhere else.
"Now Yoshimoto... you should apologise to your daughter," You said, finishing your lecture about why he shouldn't listen in. He pressed his head to floor as he listened, bowing to you as you went on about how he should be supportive.
"I... I understand my wife. Thank you..." He said.
"With that said... The five of you can come in now. I'm done with the scolding..."
Oh, the embarrassment he felt...
He was embarrassed to tell you that he had planned out his future with you when you found him pacing around about names for your future children. You and Kennyo lived in the reconstructed Honno-ji Temple as a wedding gift from the Oda forces.
There was no further issues between Kennyo and the others. After all, they were getting older and no one would want to make you upset. You were still friends with many of them, especially with Ranmaru. He was someone who would deliver the gifts from the warlords to you, especially when you were with child.
Kennyo was ecstatic when you were pregnant, but he was scared. Looking back then, Kennyo would get shy whenever you'd bring it up. You however, would tell him not to worry as he was a great father to your three sons.
Kyounyo, Junnyo and Kenson followed in their father's footsteps, specialising in several different aspects of the religion. Kenson, the youngest of all three however, was the most interested in travelling, most likely from the stories he'd hear from Ranmaru and Motonari.
Your three children easily mingled with Motonari's, but you always wondered why Ranmaru never settled down. He was still doing his own work, which worried you enough as he was almost a workaholic like Hideyoshi.
Kennyo's birthday rolled around, so you decided to make a special party for your husband. As you focused on the food, you tasked your three sons with work to distract their father as Kennyo's other subordinates helped with the preparation.
"Father! I wanted to ask you about this text!" Kenson carried papers about a sermon to his father, as he saw his father exit the main temple with a package in hand.
He held out his hand to his son's head, ruffling his hair. "I'm afraid not today, my son. I have to see your mother."
"Wait, but father-!"
One by one, they all failed and the surprise was ruined, but Kennyo wasn't aware of what he had done. He was so focused on giving you the said package. He only notice what he did when he saw the disappointed face of his wife, a face he was indeed weak to.
"YN-! Apologies my wife... I'll pretend as if nothing happened..."
"Father... Father has a one track mind huh..." The sons whispered amongst themselves.
You never imagined finding a place where you and Kichou belonged. After all, your relationship in itself was out of place from your other friends. That was, until Motonari asked if you both wanted to travel around the world. You were on board, and after much prying, you and Kichou were travelling around Asia.
Most of your post-wedding years was spent with Kichou travelling to many places, although you would say that you both found a place in what you know today in modern Japan as Shikoku. The Island was not far off Motonari's reach, so you had some familiarity with it.
There was no rush to start a family straight away, especially considering that you moved away from the friends you were accustomed to. Kichou's work wasn't interrupted at all, but he did ask Motonari to help you out with finding what suited you. Somehow, someway, the assistance popularised your kimono work not to mention your fans from Azuchi and Echigo travelling to commission your work.
It was smooth sailing financially, and sooner down the line, Kichou asked if it were alright to adopt children. You agreed, and you found yourself raising a pair of twins with Kichou. They were fraternal twins, but they were quick to adapt to you and Kichou's home.
Kichou enjoyed the family life much more than he thought he would, and he realised it the moment you said your son expressed an interest in marriage to one of the village girls.
Your son, Yoshitatsu, bowed to his father as Kichou listened to his appeal. Kichou was loving but at the same time, he was strict with the twins.
"Father! Please let me marry this girl!" He bowed deeper, pressing his palms to the floor.
Your daughter, Myoinni wasn't around since she decided to be a part of the Uesugi army. Your son instead focused on business, which you assumed was where he met this girl.
Kichou was silent, but a soft nod was enough for your son to jump with glee. You rubbed your hand over his, giving him a kiss on the jaw. You felt him lean into you, so of course you praised your husband. "Kichou... You did well."
Motonari Mori
He was someone who you thought wouldn't be one to settle down, but Motonari was much more attentive than you thought. He knew that one day, he'd have to stop but he'd want to make sure that you were alright with whatever landing spot you chose to stay at.
After much deciding, you and him reached an end point of perhaps moving to the Aki province, his hometown. At first, he was uptight about it since he didn't want his family to meddle with you. He wanted to keep you away but the way you loved his hometown... He couldn't help it.
He had to gain control of his clan before he brought you in... Although it was a faster process than expected since you were pregnant... Which was not planned...
It took about a year for Motonari to accomplish it, but by his will he was going to make life comfortable for you and your first son, Takamoto. It was great for you and Motonari then on, and most in the Aki Province knew you as Lady Mori. You and Motonari may have also adopted a few children, totalling your children over the years to 12.
There wasn't much to complain about... except for the fact that Motonari had a naming gig... Which made things difficult...
"Moto! Help me with this-"
6 boys... and your husband... came running... Then you had to choose which one to help you and it wasn't even all of the children. "No no... I only wanted Motoaki to help me..." You said.
The other boys and your husband made protests about it, asking why you wanted that specific brother.
"What? Is it because Motoaki's good at arithmetic?" Motoharu asked.
"Like you could ever do arithmetic..."
"Shut up Motoyasu!"
"Oh yeah? Fight me Motomasa!"
"How undignified..."
"Don't try to be the proper one here Motokiyo!"
Motonari was the one who could break up the fight, but he didn't want to. You sighed, going back inside where your three daughters were as your nine sons and Motonari battled it out...
"Girls, let's go out to eat..."
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Hello~!! May I request? How about warlords reaction to MC who has a very sexy body?? (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) you can make it NSFW or nah (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) thank you~
Ohohoo~~ I like this one~!! 🤩
Just before I start though, I just want to let you know that every body type is gorgeous and sexy in its own way, which is why I won’t get into too much detail of the Reader’s appearance. Also I am so so SO sorry this so late. College and life in general got in the way, and I have been unable to work on requests for a while 😭😭😭 Though I really hope it’s worth the wait! ^^’
But without further ado, let’s begin! ✨😉✨
Oda Forces
Nobunaga: He is a simple guy. He sees a piece of eye candy and he goes right in for the kill. The first time he saw you, his eyes glided across your form like an eagle as if visually undressing you, and he would often eye you as you walked. Once you get into a relationship he makes it clear that he will be extra touchy feely with you. His hands always make sure not to leave any curves or creases untouched, and so do his lips. He loves to take his time pleasuring you, fondling your breasts while he indulges in the lewd noises you make, especially during conferences. He loves the softness of your ass in his palms, the tightness of your entrance as he pounds into you. To him, every inch of you belongs underneath his fingertips.
Hideyoshi: As polite and modest of a man he is, he is a still a man. He cannot help but sneak sideglances or stare at you when you walk into the room. Your body is like a fucking magnet that draws his eyes towards it with no effort whatsoever. When you two are in the bedroom, he always takes his time with you, using his skill to make you feel good. He is a people pleaser, so he always indulges in your pleasure at all times. He especially enjoys fingering you and licking your sensitive skin as he watches you writhe in bliss underneath him. He won’t hesitate to praise you and make you moan. To him, it’s confirmation that he’s doing a good job.
Masamune: He’s a natural born flirt and he doesn’t hesitate to show it. He will always approach you with a wry smirk, only to sweep you off your feet with a racy, yet genuine pick up line. Nothing stops him from throwing in an innuendo here and there, complimenting the shape of your gorgeous curves and the way he just can’t help but fantasize over what he wants to do to you all night. When making love to you, he makes sure to keep his eye open just to watch your delicious body react to his touch. He will pound into you while holding your hips, making sure to hit that perfect spot that makes you cry his name to the heavens. He will suck on your nipples until purple teeth marks are evident on your skin, and he won’t stop your midnight love making until you’re satisfied.
Mitsunari: Mitsunari is obviously a very innocent man, so his eyes don’t really wander anywhere lower than your pretty face. Well… at least not all the time. When they do, they usually remain on your body, taking in all of its stunning features, and he can’t help but feel some type-a way about you. What is this… feeling? He can’t help but think about what you look like underneath all that clothing you wear. He just wants to take it off, and when he finally does, he’s all over you. He kisses you everywhere, making sure to leave no patch of skin untouched. Like Hideyoshi, he’s a people pleaser, and once he enters you, he makes sure that you are feeling nothing but bliss.
Ieyasu: Our cute little Ieyasu may not admit it, but his eyes have taken long journeys down your body during the most inappropriate times. You could be sitting in a war council and his eyes would just remain on you. It stays the same way while you’re in a relationship. He stares, and soon those stares turn into caresses, and then the scattering of fabric on the floor before you serenade him into bed. He loves it when you ride him, because the way you throw your head back as your tits bounce with every movement you make on his meaty cock drives him crazy. He obviously makes sure to keep his eyes on you on all times, even after you finish.
Mitsuhide: He has a dirty mind for days, and he uses it to create fantasies of him fucking you senseless. The way he can so clearly see his hands caress your form, every beautiful crevice of your body. He doesn’t care what the others may think, he will gladly watch you at all times. In bed he goes for the kill and doesn’t hold back. He’s definitely a biter, and if he draws any blood, he makes sure to lap it right up, and if he makes you cum, that’s even better. His slender fingers and warm tongue are always at work, leaving behind marks to show any unwanted visitors that you belong to him. Your sexy body is his for the taking and he makes sure that the whole world knows it.
Ranmaru: Now Ranmaru may seem innocent, but he is just as capable of being as naughty as anyone else. Of course, there are still some things he lacks experience with, but he knows a hottie when he sees one, and baby, his eyes are on you like white on rice. He’s extremely touchy feely, so when you finally let him explore your body he goes absolutely wild. Of course, he’s gentle enough to prevent any pain, but his desires are endless. He is somewhat impatient, so instead of teasing you, he ravages you with kisses and bite marks, groping you anywhere he can. He is also loud, so he will definitely scream your name while ramming his shaft into you. Shameless is his middle name after all.
Uesugi-Takeda Forces
Kenshin: As grueling as it is for him, he tries his hardest to keep his hands to himself around you, but he can’t keep his eyes off of you for a split second. His staring is so intense that you can feel it from a different corner of the room, not that he cares, or notices even. Of course, he takes out all of this built up lust once you finally decide to hit the futon. He is very into hair pulling, so watch out because there will be a lot of that. He will also bite your lip when he kisses you, hard enough to draw blood, and he digs his razor sharp nails into your skin. There are no limits with him, especially since your body is so stunning. He just can’t resist you, and you’re to blame for that.
Shingen: Being suave is one of his many specialties, so he doesn’t hesitate to serenade you with his words and his flirtatious glances. When it works and you succumb to his charm, his hands travel everywhere. They are like delicate feathers on your skin, careful not to hurt you, but oh so sweet against your skin. Your soft moans only make him more needy for you, and when he enters you, stretching your walls out, you reach your breaking point. He makes sure to mark you in risky places that are easily visible, and his hands focus mostly on your breasts as he slams his cock into you. You’re his goddess, and nothing will change that.
Yukimura: This boy is a blushing mess around you. Even when he thinks about you and that body of yours (especially when he tries so hard not to), he can’t help but feel his pants tighten ever so slightly. It’s like his libido gets the best of him when you’re around and when he touches you, he can’t help but lose himself a little. Touching your sexy form is one thing, but hearing you moan in praise of his efforts is what counts as the last straw breaking. He doesn’t hold back, and maybe even overdoes it with the foreplay, leaving very visible marks in very accessible places. He obviously feels embarrassed later, but when he’s pounding into you so hard his mind is too foggy for him to think properly.
Sasuke: Despite his usual stoical expression, there is a beast behind that unwavering neutrality of his features. You’re hot, and he can’t help but feel that take over his senses. His eyes examine you, for research of course, and he wants to examine you with his hands too. When he finally gets to, he doesn’t hold back. While he is gentle with you, he does enjoy teasing you. He will grope your breasts and suck on them, but will wait agonizing long to enter you unless you desperately beg. He is extremely fast inside of you, and often wants to go multiple rounds until you’re both absolutely exhausted. But soon, he is up and ready to resume your act. When it comes to his “To Do” list, you’re always first.
Yoshimoto: Your body is a work of art to him and he makes sure to let you know that, not just with words, but with his eyes too. And when you get together, he uses his hands the most. They way his fingers caress your curves and the surface of your plush skin makes it look like he’s sculpting a goddess, and you cannot help but feel like one too. He gives you the gentlest of kisses, and the sweetest love making you could ever receive. He makes every thrust feel blissful and accompanied by his hands on your form, nothing could top what he does to you.
Mouri/Kennyo Forces
Motonari: It may be a surprise, but it’s very easy for Motonari to control his libido, even with a bombshell like you around. He’s not a person for physical contact so it takes a while. However, the wry innuendos never fail to leave his lips and he always feels triumphant when you blush as a result. When he finally takes you, it’s a tedious process. He loves teasing you, making you beg for him. No matter how pretty you may be, you will have to earn his touch, and once you call out for him, he’s all over you. He won’t hesitate to make you bleed by digging his nails into your flesh, especially your ass, and he will leave many hand marks from spanking it too. You probably won’t be able to walk by the time he’s finished.
Kennyo: Monk? Where? When you’re around, holiness is out the window. His mind goes places it really shouldn’t, and soon, his hands do too. However, you don’t mind. He knows what he’s doing and he’s so damn good at it too. His words make you shudder and he doesn’t hesitate to shove his fingers inside you while fondling you all over. When he replaces his fingers with his hard cock you’re a moaning and screaming mess, and he loves that so much. He uses his hands to his advantage, groping your breasts as he fucks you senseless. To him, nothing can replace your body.
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manunelle · 3 years
High School AU! {Ikesen/Scenario}
I finally finished an essay about brazilian portuguese phonology, so I decided to reward myself by writing cute stuff SHUDHUSHSUDAHS I’ve thought about this scenario ever  since I started playing Ikesen (back in 2017, good lord), but I never had the time to write them. 
I am thinking really hard if I should turn these into a fanfic or not. Depends on how much time I have to write :( 
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, bullying, violence (?MC kicks asses in this scenario lol).
MC moves from her hometown after her parents’ death, and starts to live all by herself. She enters the new school as a sophomore, and has some trouble making friends because she is seen as delinquent by other students. lol. She’s kind of cold towards girls and is always seen shouting at boys (because they are always assholes to her), so everybody kind of knows not to mess with her. She spends lunchtime all alone either on the school rooftop or at the library, and, even though she denies it, she feels lonely. 
One day, when she’s on her way to the library, she sees a gray-haired boy getting bullied by some jackass. She kind of saves him by hitting the bully’s head against a locker and knocking him out and drags the poor thing to a safer place (aka the rooftop).
The boy thanks her and introduces himself as Ishida Mitsunari, a freshman. She’s like “whatever dude” and goes back to her alone time.
 After that, things start to get weird. And MC kind of gets annoyed by Mitsunari’s friends.
 Hideyoshi, a senior, misunderstands the whole situation and thinks that MC was the one who tried to bully his precious kouhai-kun. He goes after MC and tries to scold her, but she just puts her headphones on and ignores him,enraging him more. Big bro tries to touch her shoulder to get her attention back on the discussion, only to be flipped over on his back by an angered MC. 
boi. he is so mad.
 However, Mitsunari stops the whole argument and fixes the misunderstanding and Hideyoshi feels embarrassed for being such an ass. He tries to apologize but MC has already left. 
 She also meets Ieyasu and Masamune. Ieyasu, a freshman, is always hiding (from his lovely friends lol) at the library, and he and MC have a passive-aggressive relationship because once they wanted to rent the same book (btw, MC won this fight). Masamune, a junior, is also constantly at the library, but only to drag his friend out of there (Poor yasu). He’s always hitting on MC, but, since he hasn’t exceeded the limit of her patience, she hasn’t kicked his ass yet. Yet. 
One week after the “kick Hideyoshi’s ass” incident, she meets Ranmaru by bumping into him and preventing him from falling on his face. Just like an otoge hero lol. Ranmaru tries so hard to be her friend that it’s almost ridiculous. By coincidence, perhaps, he and Mitsunari are in the same class, so now MC has two baby boys trying to blind her with their brightness. They are so precious that she just can’t be rude to them, but she’s not exactly their friend. She just prevents them from tumbling around the school and from getting their asses beat up by the other (assholes) students.
 One day, when she’s leaving the school building, Ranmaru and Mitsunari are trying to convince her to go to the karaoke with them and their friends, but she’s like “No. I have things to do, bye.”. Then, they end up meeting with Hideyoshi, Masamune, Ieyasu and two other boys that she can’t recognize. 
She tries to pass through them, but is stopped by Hideyoshi, who tries to apologize again. She rolls her eyes and says that she has already forgotten about the whole issue and just wants to get home. Then one of the boys, the black-haired gorgeous one, approaches and looks at her with interest, a wicked smile on his face. He takes her chin between his fingers, not caring about his friends eyes upon them, and invites her to karaoke and maybe later to a more secluded place, just the two of them…
She kicks him on the balls. All the boys wince.
 Hideyoshi tries to pick a fight with her. “How dare you do that to Nobunaga-san!” The awaited “Hideyoshi vs MC pt.2” happens and ends with the brown-haired boy passed out on the floor. 
 A silver-haired boy and Masamune are almost vomiting from laughing so hard, and MC just stares at them like the piece of shit they are. The black-haired boy, Nobunaga, is still on the floor, clutching his crotch with shaking hands and pained tears pricking on the corner of his eyes. Ieyasu has his mouth hanging open, staring at MC with wide eyes. Mitsunari is confused, and Ranmaru is awaiting her next move with anticipation. She sighs and leaves school grounds, swearing that one of these days she really is going to become a murderer.
 She gets home in one piece, and is greeted by a message from her neighbour, Sasuke, who saw her arrival through the window. He is probably one of the only people that she can have a conversation without aging 10 years due to annoyance. Unfortunately, he studies in a school across the city, so she doesn’t really have a lot of chances to talk to him besides messages.
 Sasuke shares a rent-house with four other guys that she has yet to meet, and he says that they are good friends. He is always inviting MC to hang out with them, but she always refuses the offer. Most of the time, it’s because she’s way too tired to stay up late to watch “Kenshin-san” beating some random dude, but she also is afraid of not fitting in. My girl has some issues. :( 
This day had been more tiresome than the others, so she goes to sleep earlier than usual. She wakes up with a lot of messages from Sasuke asking if she’s okay, a lot of messages from Ranmaru and Mitsunari asking if she wanna meet before school (how they got her number is still a mystery)and, surprisingly, she has been added to a groupchat called “Azuchi gang”.
 She leaves the group. Mitsuhide adds her back. 
 She spends the next three weeks trying to hide from the seven boys, who, for some reason, start to follow her everywhere. Everywhere. On the rooftop, behind the library bookshelves, between the outside bushes, and for Christ's sake she swears that she has seen Masamune and Mitsuhide smirking at her through the glassdoor of her classroom.
 She just wants peace. :)
 One day, Ranmaru drags her to have lunch with them and she kind of just accepts her destiny, too tired to fight. Then, one day turned into another, and another, and she started to have lunch with them everyday, getting to know them better. However, in no way she is their friend. She doesn’t really consider them friends, but they think the contrary. 
For some reason, boys stop harassing her, one day appearing all beaten at school. She looks at them with an arched eyebrow, not noticing her acquaintances (as she likes to call the group) glaring at the boys behind her back.
 Ironically, girls start to treat her worse, insulting her behind her back but loud enough for her to hear and hiding/stealing her stuff. She soon realizes that it’s because they are jealous of the group’s affection, so, to stop the new and annoying behavior of her bitch classmates, she stops hanging out with them, ignoring them at school and also their messages. 
Unaccustomed with loneliness after weeks of hanging out with the boys, she ends up accepting Sasuke’s offer of hanging out. She goes to his house and she meets his friends, soon discovering that her headache will only turn worse. 
Yukimura is an annoying shit. Shingen is a flirting shit. Kenshin is a killer shit. Yoshimoto is a fashion shit. Wait, fashion. Oh, wow. She kind of gets along with Yoshimoto, engaging in conversation about clothes and art. 
Kenshin doesn’t like her until he discovers that she can kick ass. He loves her now.
 She soon learns to recognize Shingen’s flirting lines as a way of being funny (despite failing miserably lol), reminding her a bit of Masamune and Nobunaga. 
Yukimura is still an annoying shit. Just kidding dhuhduhdsuhsa They have an “I’ll annoy you until you start crying but if someone else do it i’ll kick their ass” relationship. It’s really precious.
They have their own groupchat, btw
Despite having new friends and hanging out with them after school, she still misses the other guys and feels bet about ignoring them. However, her things are still going missing and she can’t just point fingers and beat the shit of an annoying brat (despite wanting to). So she continues to ignore their existences. 
Unfortunately, one day her backpack ends up in the school’s pool, and Mitsuhide finds out about the whole missing objects and bullying stuff. Despite wanting to tease her as a way to take out his anger on MC, he knows that she is sad and trying really hard not to cry, so he just hugs her. This way, she can cry without anyone seeing, right? ;) 
The missing objects reappear on her locker, and she tries to pretend to be surprised. She doesn’t do a good job. She starts hanging out with the group again, and this time she recognizes them as her friends.
 It’s almost weird how she has changed from “how should I kill you” to “heeeey, Hideyoshi-san, let’s go to that crepe stall after class”.
 Hideyoshi thinks she’s cute, just like a little sister, and protects her behind the curtains.
 She and Masamune are bffs, always playing around and annoying the shit out of Ieyasu, who tries to hide the fact that he thinks she’s a lot cuter now that she smiles all the time than before. 
Mitsunari is her adopted son, thank you very much. If you try to mess with him, she might throw you off the building’s last level. 
Mitsuhide is always teasing her, but is always careful to not go too far. Students once saw the two entering a shady alley, and due to their reputations, could only imagine the dirty things they were doing there. Excuse you, how dare you call feeding cats dirty? 
Nobunaga thinks she’s hot. She also thinks she’s hot. They once kissed, but they decided that they are better as friends. 
Ranmaru kind of has a crush on her, but is afraid of ruining their friendship by confessing it. He also knows about her and Nobunaga, but doesn’t know that they are far from a relationship. Poor thing. :( 
She continues to hang with the Echigo squad, of course.
 MC and Yoshimoto are bffs. They always go shopping together and share their opinions on each other's clothes. She vented about the Nobunaga kiss situation to him, and he gave a lot of advice and hugs. He’s such a good friend, omg.
 Once, she went to watch Kenshin’s martial arts tournament, cheering on him the whole time. He tried so hard not to smile when he heard her shouts. After he won the golden medal, the whole gang went out for ice cream to celebrate the victory.
 Shingen knows about the Nobunaga kiss situation, and makes sure that she knows how hard he disapproves of it. Sometimes she thinks that she has two overprotective older brothers, Hideyoshi and Shingen.
 She hangs out with Yuki and Sasuke some nights. She goes to their house and they lay on the couch, watching whatever is going on on the tv and talking about anything. Yuki lays his head on her lap and his legs on Sasuke’s lap, so it’s a little hard to leave. Once, Kenshin got home from practice and saw the three passed out on the couch. Their expressions were so cute that he couldn’t resist from taking some pictures and sharing them on their groupchat. 
The thing is: both groups don’t know about the existence of the other. lol
 Echigo’s gang knows that she has friends at school, but they don’t think she’s as close to them as she is to them. 
Azuchi’s gang have their offers of hanging out at night often refused by her, but they just think that she is too tired or has strict parents on her neck. Once, Ranmaru and Hideyoshi saw she hanging out with Yuki and Sasuke and got jealous mad, but, despite trying to follow them, they lost their track (thanks to Sasuke, who thought they were trying to pick a fight adshsuhdsauhdsa). 
They didn’t ask about the boys, afraid of making her uncomfortable. However, they did share the news with the rest of the group. Overprotective friends on. 
One Saturday night, she goes to the karaoke with Echigo’s gang. She’s having a great time, watching Yukimura and Sasuke singing shoujo anime songs with high pitched-voices while talking about school stuff with Yoshimoto and Kenshin (Shingen’s flirting with the waitress), until she sees her other group of friends entering the place. She waves at them, smiling, and the groups look at each other with surprise and rage.
 Fortunately, it turns out that they know each other. Unfortunately, it turns out that they hate each other. 
“MCCCCCC, you have been ditching us to hang out with...with...with these savages?!” Hideyoshi cried, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her in a desperate attempt of putting some reason on her mind. 
“Um, excuse me.” Yoshimoto intervenes, snatching her out of his hands. Kenshin also gets mad and they all start fighting and talking at the same time. 
MC goes back home. 
Her headache got worse after that night. 
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ranmanjuu · 3 years
titled “shin shin”.txt
came across a post... a long, long while ago about a god of death type reader and got super interested, since of all the cyikemen games, ikesen is the one most surrounded by death on a larger scale (cause, war and stuff), so i wrote this at... 2020? almost one year before, at 21th of july. i had more of it written, but i really didn’t like it cause it felt too “quirky wattpad reader” and plus me just copying from the original prlogue without adding anything, so... yeah. enjoy!
(also, very important that anyone who wants to do whatever with this idea, feel free, no need to ask me)
You didn’t like your existence
To call it “your life” would be simply wrong; you don’t breathe, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep. All you are is a walking, talking existence that has a job to do until you fade away. You didn’t even like your job.
To lead a soul from their death to the Land of the Dead was a grim job. You learnt their regrets, their anger, their sadness, all which you knew was personal. But you had to be there. You had to ensure that their soul is at peace, so when the time comes to cross to the afterlife, they don’t get reincarnated as a ghost, stuck forever with their past emotions.
Shinigami, was your kinds’ name. God of Death.
You were a part of the blanket term ‘yokai’, or as some would call in other names such as ‘ayakashi’. Those who fall under the category were spirits, demons, animal-like creatures, or, similar to you, gods. For as long as you’ve known, supernatural creatures didn’t mesh with humans well most of the time.
Fear of unknown from both parties led to anger, rashness, and cut communication and involvement altogether for perhaps half your life.
You’ve existed for long; you stopped remembering the exact number after 1.000 years. All you did now was remember the year you came to the world, and do the math. But that doesn’t matter much, does it? The only thing you concerned yourself with is when you’ll fade away.
However, for your own sake, you do take a break. Such a job is heavy for the heart, and a walk doesn’t help as much, but it’s a nice thing nonetheless.
Kyoto. You were just done leading a soul that got caught in a traffic accident. You never traveled outside of the country, but would it really matter if you did? You still appreciated everything as it were; there has to be some light in a life to look forward to.
This particular city was rich in human history, you knew that. Maybe it’d be a fun thing to do, even if you didn’t have much an interest in it.
“All your famous warlord knowledge, packed in a mag! Come get one now!” A boy’s shouts filled the nearby streets, attracting attention from the occasional passerby’s. Including you. A Quick Guide To Your Warlords, the magazine read on the cover. Sounds interesting, and you were bored, so you took one and stuffed it in your pocket.
With a blank mind, you were brought forth to a temple by your wandering legs. Honno-ji. A small, quiet, quaint place. The setting sky burned up above as the small cries of the crickets sounded all around.
You’ve heard some stories of the small memorial in front of you. One of the unifiers of Japan died here—betrayed, as you remembered. But you can’t draw an exact name.
While drowning in your thoughts, the approaching presence coming to you was acknowledged but not paid mind to further. Until you shift your eyes to the side as said figure was in your peripheral vision—a man dressed in a lab coat. The two of you said no words, only continuing to gaze at the stone in front of you.
You only started to react when the sky above you turned darker and darker—not by the setting sun, but by the awfully black and almost purple clouds gathering up above you. That’s unusual, you’ve never seen anything like that in your life.
The once bright and bold sky now rained down drops of water on your face. You didn’t even notice you shifted to your human form—and a look at your hands covered in specks of droplets confirmed that.
“What poor timing.” The man next to you said, causing your eyes to glance at him. He looked solemnly to the monument, then to you, “Are you alright? Do you have an umbrella?”
“No, unfortunately. I didn’t expect it to rain. . .” your eyes linger to above his head, where a set of numbers and a small text was visible to you only. The death profile, as the others call. A set of information that shinigamis can see in most creatures, usually entailing their names, time of death, and cause of it.
It’s a cursing bit of information; always reminding you of what you are.
Out of nowhere, a thunder ripped through the clouds and hit directly on the small monument—a loud crackle following along. Your arm flew up to protect the man next to you by reflex, as your body stood there in momentary shock. You’ve seen death by  lightning, but that was unlikely to happen now.
You whipped your head towards the human next to you, who seems the slightest bit appalled, but stood his ground. A strange thing catches your attention. . .
His death date. It’s flickering—changing.
From a century where he was supposed to die. . .to the 15-16th century.
A date of death changing has been a rare thing that happens, however unlikely, but—it’s never jumped that far before! To the past, too?
Utter shock froze you in place as the numbers flicker back and forth, leading your attention away from everything else—him asking you if you were okay, and most importantly—
—the black ball that formed where the stone was.
“Watch ou—“ before you can warn the man, the image of him next to you twisted and distorted, slowly getting sucked in whatever it was.
And so were you.
Wait! He isn’t supposed to die yet—!
The world faded to black.
       Ugh. . .my head. . .
Your vision fades in and out, clear then blurry, until you’re finally wide awake. The scenery around you changed drastically, what was first a small place in the city of Kyoto is now. . .a dark forest. You’ve seen this kind of environment before in your memories—you just don’t know how you got here.
The lab coat guy—!
You immediately stood up from the dirt beneath you, looking around and trying to sense his soul around you. Nothing. Pursing your lips in slight unease, you started making your way through the criminally underlighted woods.
You’ve roamed around in the forest before. Most of your time on this world, you didn’t settle in a house or anything, you preferred to just wander around like a lost ghost. You didn’t have a need for one—you don’t need shelter, not food, not clothes, nor drinks. You were a lost ghost.
The branches and rocks and whatever else you tripped on didn’t bother you. All you were focusing on is now just. . .walking. Without even a set destination. The only guidance you had was the occasional moonlight that peeked through the trees up above.
As minutes pass by, you start feeling a faint presence of human souls.
It’s distant, and not much from how weak it is, but I should go and see.
All other senses were rendered useless for now as you focused on the source of the souls, and slowly marched your way to it. It grew closer and closer, until you saw a faint light coming in the middle of the forest.
Two people, you now concluded. Your footsteps remained silent and your presence unknown as you creep near the light.
A fire was set in a small clearing, and you can now see the two people. A man with dark hair, dressed in monk’s clothes and a scar marking his face, with another feminime-looking boy, purple-haired in armor.
“Are you ready for this, Ranmaru?” The monk spoke in a low voice. “You’re about to kill the demon. Bring him down for good.”
Kill, huh. An assassination was about to commence.
“. . .Yes, Master Kennyo.” The boy—Ranmaru—spoke, wavering in unease but still tried to be certain.
‘Master Kennyo’ smiled; a bitter, unresting one, “Good. They’ve light the fire at Honno-ji, arrive there and kill him. I will follow shortly once the fire has spread,”
“. . .Understood.”
Clutching his sword until it shook in his hand, Ranmaru turned around and walked off from the clearing.
You overheard the conversation and calmly watched his figure fade away. It isn’t your place to intervene—not if this is fate, but even so—you’ll follow him. At least you can rest the soul of the victim.
In silent steps trailing him, you heard a last piece from Kennyo. “Finally, we’ll have our revenge. . .”
      You took your time in following Ranmaru’s path. If whoever’s assassinated dies, it’s soul will still remain until they can go to the afterlife. Time stops for them as long as it takes to get their soul guided away from the living land. Is it immoral in a way? Perhaps.
Unless. . .you can stop them from getting killed. But often when you try to intervene, the death happens either way.
So what’s the point?
Nihilistic thoughts aside, you sensed more human souls coming your way; five, from what you can tell. But you paid no mind to that. Until it got nearer, and nearer, and nearer, and—
“Oof.” In your blank stated mind, you bumped into someone, causing them to huff in surprise. You yourself paused and looked—a brown haired man wearing red armor, “Hey, watch where you’re going—!”
His complaints died on his tongue as soon as he finally saw who he bumped into. His expression, from a slightly irritated frown, turned more into one of confusion, “Huh? Hey, what’s someone like you doing here in the woods? Nighttime, also? Such weird clothing, too. . .”
His spoken words made you raise an eyebrow, “Ignoring all that, I’m sorry for bumping into you. I just had some business is all.”
“In the dead of night? What are you, an. . .enchantress? Those stories of w-witches in the forest?” The man’s voice wavered more with each passing word. The quirk in your eyebrow deepens.
“I assure you, I’m not—“
“Yuki~! We leave you for a few seconds and you’ve already found yourself a partner?” A velvet and rich voice arose from behind the dark bushes and trees, all of them being pushed aside to reveal an auburn haired man, this one more built in his body.
The one you’ve been talking to—Yuki—blushed and shook his head vehemently, “Ugh, no! I’m not like you; we just bumped into each other is all. And I think it’s some kind of witch, too—”
The redhead man tutted at Yuki in a disapproving manner, “Now, now, Yuki. Have I not taught you how to talk properly in front of such a beauty all this time?” His attention turns to you, and in a second, his eyes lit in passion, “Forgive me for his prudeness, my goddess, dear Yuki needs a lot more lessons than I thought. However. . .if you want to be with a real man, I’m always up for service.”
“Will you stop flirting with everything you meet. It’s disgusting.”
Three more people emerge from the shadows, the small bits of moonlight pouring to their features. The one who spoke was a blond one, cladded in blue armor and with eyes that said he wanted to have nothing to do with any of this.
“But Kenshin, you can’t just turn away at such a beauty laid in front of your eyes.” The flirt replied to the cold comment with a smirk.
“Stop. Or I’ll kill you.”
The bickering of the two were left unnoticed as another man with dark blue hair stepped up, far closer than what you were expecting. His hand reaches and caresses lightly on your clothes, “I have never seen such a design or material like this before. How fascinating. Would you like to switch with one of my kimonos?”
“Yoshimoto, I’ve already claimed them! Don’t steal them right under my nose.” Flirt Man threw a light complaint, turning away from Kenshin for a moment.
“Art is to be appreciated by everyone, Shingen.” Yoshimoto simply responds, now tugging lightly at the sleeves of your shirt.
Okay, you’ll admit it. You’re slightly overwhelmed.
So far, you haven’t said anything, mainly because you don’t want to. It feels like anything you say won’t make the situation better anyway. But still. . .even in your long life, this is quite bizzare.
You observed each of them one by one. Then your eyes landed to the last one, the same brown haired man you saw earlier. Now, in. . .some sort of ninja attire. While you tilted your head in slight curiosity, you’re at least satisfied to see he was safe.
And his death date has changed, too. . .
Speaking of death, you’re finally reminded of following. . .who was it, Ranmaru? to an assassination.
Gently freeing yourself from Yoshimoto’s admiring touches to your clothes, you bowed slightly in front of them, “I appreciate meeting all of you, but I have to go.”
You don’t see Sasuke opening his mouth to say something, and neither do the others, as you walked off to the darkness.
       You thought by losing your way from your unofficial guide, you wouldn’t find the destination. But luckily, even going in the same direction as he did led you to it. Honno-ji. This time, it’s in the midst of drowning in fire. You made your way through the front door and entered where the fire wouldn’t reach you—but it wouldn’t make a difference anyway.
And in the middle of the room not yet entirely covered in flames, was who you assume the victim, sleeping. The cause of death, “died in an assassination while the building was set on fire”, said as much. Dressed in black armor, you could tell he was important, somehow. Not everyone can casually wear one, despite the past few people you’ve met been donning it.
The text displayed above the man’s head displayed the same old. Nobunaga Oda.
On the other side, you see a silhouette approaching steadily, sword in hand. Ranmaru, you guessed. You double checked yourself to make sure you weren’t visible to the human’s eye, and you were just fine with watching another death as you have—
Until, for the second time today, the death date for Nobunaga Oda flickered.
You froze as what was 21st of July, 1582, blinked into a later date. Much later.
What. . .?! That was the second time today—what am I supposed to—
Your chest felt heavy, and your hands trembled in uncertainty of what you should do. Do you save him? Watch him die? Would he even die at this moment? Or would it be later? You’ve never been in this position—the answer was always clear. And now you’re terrified.
Your body swayed back and forth violently, as two sides fought in your head of what to do. But time was running out—he’d be assassinated if you didn’t take this chance. And he’d die. That’s the same as you killing him, you thought, and you’ve sworn to never do such a thing.
From your disarrayed thoughts, your legs moved on their own and walked to him. You’re saving him, then.
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
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...the needy gaze Ranmaru gives you once he spots you in the castle hallways. Upon entering the Sengoku Era, Ranmaru was pretty much the first friend you had made, but now you were starting to have your doubts of what his true motivations were. He always made a point to isolate you from everyone else as much as he could and just recently did you figure this out. Ranmaru was clever, very much so, and he knew what strings he needed to pull in order to have you. He was quite popular among the Azuchi castle inhabitants and his reputation of a sweet young man followed him wherever he went. Oh, he just wanted to help you out, that's all! What everyone failed to pay attention to however, were the subtle changes in the young mans attitude the moment the two of you were forced apart. The way in which his shoulders slumped from the desperation, how his soft lips quivered in anticipation, but most of all the glint in his eyes the moment you would be in the presence of another man, especially if that man was Nobunaga. Poor Ranmaru could do nothing but to watch his lord take away his lucky charm to his personal quarters for the evening - Ranmaru never could sleep on any of those nights.
He felt like pulling all of his hair out. How was this happening, why was this happening!? Can't.... can't he have (y/n) all to himself, even if it was just for a moment? Was that so much to ask?! Why did someone always have to butt in on their alone time? Ranamru was running out of time, by this rate Nobunaga would have all of you for himself...
He could not let that happen.
So, he did what he could.
He took you.
Far, far away, deep in the woods, where no living soul could ever find you. Now he was your only friend, he was the one you were going to love for all of eternity. Because my darling, it was going to be a long, long time until you saw anyone else in that cold little shack.
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instantmillktea · 4 years
RANMARU: Ranmaru doesn’t want to go back to school ~~ 🥺(;´д`)ゞ
RANMARU: *Cries on Kennyo’s shoulder*
~Ranmaru back in high school, probably
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I have a ikesen request.
Touching his thighs during war council. How would they react?
Ooooh this was fun, you didn't specify headcanon or scenario so I did a bit of both, you also didn't say what characters so I just randomly grabbed a few.
Warnings: GN!Reader, PDA, Historical inaccuracies as far as the eye can see,
Characters: Shingen, Ranmaru
🌹You think you can fluster him? Mr. "I live for love?" Sir "Has never been rejected ever" Lord "I might die tomorrow so might as well live like it" oh that got a bit sad
🌹Shingen will do you one better. You touch his thigh? He'll straight up kiss you, on the lips, on the cheek, on the neck. Whatever he knows you'll be comfortable with. And yes, he will do it right in the middle of the war council.
🌹 The second the council is over he would bridal carry you out of there. You can use your imagination here.
🌹If your feeling too embrassed you have the added bonus of hiding your face in his chest his tiddies are out for a reason. You brought this upon yourself, let's be honest you knew what would happen.
You were back in his room, finally back with your feet on solid ground. "I'd never thought you'd be so bold, my love." Shingen flashed you one of his beautiful smiles. He pulled you close, ghosting his thumb over your bottom lip, "You drive me absolutely wild."
💜The two of you are the lowest ranking at the council, so you're always sitting next to each other.
💜You're not together and honestly neither of you are all that happy with just being friends but neither of you have communicated with each other.
💜Well expect for all the all the subtle flirting Ranmaru's been doing (Think Ranmaru's part in the Darker than Night collection event). You decided that it's time to flirt back, and what better time than in the middle of a war council.
💜So what does Ranmaru do when your hand "accidently" brushes against his thigh while he's reporting to Nobunaga? Well it's a damn good thing he knows how to keep his composure. So a light blush it is.
💜Would discreetly look at you for the whole time he's talking, like he'd have a little hesitant skip in his voice for like a second.
💜Even though he doesn't look it, Ranmaru is pretty confident when he isn't betraying someone and he can flirt.
💜Of course he's still subtle about it, super sweet
You figured that you'd get more of a response after the council, you just didn't realize how soon that would be. Welp, there goes the confidence. The two of you walked out together, all was going well until Ranmaru pulled you into an empty room.
"Y/n, you're so cute when you get like this." Ranmaru spoke quietly before his soft lips pressed against yours. You weren't expecting him to be that bold that's for sure.
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 years
—Rating Ikesen characters based on how badly I want to fight them <3
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Suitor(s): All of the ikesen guys <3
TW: None??? Fighting ig???
Notes: This honestly kind of just shows that I have no sense of physical self preservation but oh well 🤷‍♀️
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He was my first route but I desperately just want to punch him
In the face
And probably kick him in the shin
I would easily be able to use the fact that I look fucking weak as hell bc I'm tired at all times to my advantage because is he really going to expect me, running on tea (maybe coffee and monster energy depending on the day) and like 2 hours of sleep, to punch him? No. No he isn't
The amount of openings characters would have had to beat Nobunaga in fight if they had just played on his pride and arrogance omfg-
Like 6/10
I seriously just want to knock some sense into most of these guys
What would make you think that a women who just saved your lord and doesn't know who a single one of you are at first glance would be out to kill the dude she saved?
You're supposed to be smarter than this Hideyoshi!
Also, stop nagging me
I'm too smart to fight this man because he has the power to drag my life through the dirt even if I didn't even exist to him until saving Nobunaga and I don't want that
But I do still want to fight him
Like in a physical fight
Like, how quickly would he be able to knock me down in short distance and would he make it hurt or just cut me down swiftly?
I'm not sure whether I do or don't have a soul but even Satan wouldn't want to fight Mitsunari, like, the amount of guilt that I would feel even if it's like 5% kind of just an act just bc he can sometimes
The only reason it's -8 and not -10 is because I want to at least bonk him on the head for letting people walk all over him
I know it isn't his fault but I just want to bonk a little self awareness into him
The closest I would get to a physical fight with him is teaching him little self defence tips to use against armed men that I've learnt as a person who grew up female
I know he can fight but it's a just in case
Like if he didn't have a sword on him
Idk 🤷‍♀️
This salty mf porcupine
Every time he insults me I just kinda feel like I've been insulted by a sour vanilla cupcake
A very rude and sour vanilla cupcake
Plus, jumping off a cliff, as romantic as it may be, is not the kind of thing I agree with if you're gonna fall into a river at the bottom and come out all wet 😒
He reminds me of a child which makes it so difficult for me to want to aggressively punt him into a wall but is at the same time so fake that I want to tear him to shreds
I also, really want to slap pretty people whenever I meet them. Don't ask, I don't know
Like, I would want to playfully wrestle with him but I would be much too worried to actually fight him
He could throw me like a ragdoll with no issue and there is absolutely nothing I could use to my advantage in the case that I did fight him
He's a fucking himbo (kind of). You can't fight himbos, their minds are too full of,,, who knows what for you to be able to win
I love him more than I love myself and would hate to hurt him but I'm super curious
He's literally called the god of war and I probably wouldn't be able to hurt him anyway
I would 100% lose and probably get killed but still- I'm curious
I always want to fight tall people
Like, taller than average. That doesn't apply to Keiji tho
How badly would it hurt if he fell to the floor with his head that high up and how hard would I have to hit him
Plus, I would probably punch him as a reflex because I can't handle compliments and the scenario plays out really funny in my head
Call MC a boar women one more time, I dare you. Like, bestie, have you ever talked to a women before???
However! He's second on my list of ikesen babies and I just don't wanna fight him bc he's just,,, he's memeable okay
Plus, he's Sasuke's bro
I can't do Sasuke like that
I like him
I would only do it for a vine reference because he's one of my favourites
Changed it from 2 to 6 for his disgusting clothes
I just have to fight him for those crimes against humanity and then make new ones for the nerd after I fuck up his old ones
I don't particularly hate him but I always feel the urge to slap pretty people
Like the ones who are almost unrealistically pretty
Not because I hate them or anything but it's like that feeling you get when you want to squish a cute animal to death, y'know?
Wow, Spoops, way to sound like a little freak 🙄
My friends also get this urge so idk 🤷‍♀️
I would kick this man right in the face, he almost has less people skills than Kenshin
While I appreciate an fellow Kenshin lover, he'd be insufferable and judgemental and I would never get to be w my bunny boy bc "No OnE iS gOoD enOuGh foR KensHiN-SamA" or whateva </3
Just wanna whack the grumpy Pomeranian
I mostly want to give him head pats but still
Like, dude, you couldn't have found a different way to redirect your anger?
Go meditate or something
Don't plot revenge against a very powerful warlord who already has a massive, well trained army and get a bunch of people killed in the process
That's something that a lot of these guys are lacking 🙄
Let me bitch slap this man
Chaos for the sake of chaos?
I get the appeal but damn!
Needing to knock some common sense into him!
Listen, I love him and he's pretty
But I hate his ideology
I've had enough capitalist bullshit thank you, I don't need whatever he's got going on with his "people don't value life anymore" fuckery okay
Just wanna tear his pretty hair out
I'll give him a reason not to sleep, the fucking nightmares he's gonna get from my dumbass shredding his face
Edit: I added the new three <3
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daeva-agas · 3 years
Hello, do you know if MC in Ikesen uses -san for the warlords? And if she does, wouldn’t that be incredibly disrespectful?
Nobunaga-sama, Masamune (no honourific), Hideyoshi-san, Ieyasu (no honourific), Mitsuhide-san, Mitsunari-kun, Yukimura (no Honourific), Shingen-sama, Kenshin-sama, Sasuke-kun, Kennyo-san, Ranmaru-kun.
Don't remember Motonari, Yoshimoto, or the Season 2 dudes.
-san wouldn't necessarily be rude historically because it's an honourific that doesn't even exist in the Sengoku. In a realistic-ish Ikesen scenario, they might be like "is that another one of your weird dialect?"
But yeah, the no honourific ones and the -kun would be a tad weird. I only don't even bother because KICHOU TURNING INTO A DUDE IS MORE WEIRD, HONOURIFICS IS THE LEAST OF MY CONCERNS *WEEPS IN MISERY* Like, so many things in Ikesen are WTF and weird, I just... let technical things like this slide.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
IkeSen Strip Scenarios
Do not read if you are under 18
Some newer characters are not included, apologies to those stans
All concepts and playlist links are under the cut
Nobunaga - S&M
Hideyoshi - Baby Don't Stop
Mitsunari - Gimme More
Mitsuhide - Dally
Ieyasu - Love and Sex and Magic
Masamune - Worth It
Ranmaru - Guys My Age
Kenshin - Yonce
Sasuke - Dangerous Woman
Shingen - Talk Dirty
Yukimura - American Boy
Yoshimoto - Buttons
Motonari Mori - All Hands On Deck
Kennyo - Take Me to Church
Nobunaga - Whips
Hideyoshi – Cigars and Leather pants
Mitsunari – Bunny Boy suit
Mitsuhide – Heels + mini-shorts
Ieyasu – Wasabi food play
Masamune – Crop top + innuendos
Ranmaru – Red string play
Kenshin – Sake play
Sasuke - Strip Dancing
Shingen – Boob window + short kimono
Yukimura – Body suit
Yoshimoto – Buttons
Motonari – Body paint
Kennyo – Holy water
Spotify playlist made by @delicateikemenmemes
Slowed + Reverb playlist made by me
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[🎐IkeSen🎐 Scenario/Headcanon] Alignment Charts {Part 4}
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I decided to use chibis I drew for alignment charts from now on!
I also decided to include my MC in these for fun!
Btw the reason why I included Kichou is because there was an extra space in the candy alignment chart.
Anyways, here’s a legend with the characters just in case you can’t tell who’s who:
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I hope you like these! There are IkeVamp ones coming up too! ^^
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nafeary · 3 years
Info Page & Rules
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Closed! Gotta work through the bunch now!
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Heya, everyone! I’m Nafeary (but you may also call me Naf or Toni), and I write scenarios and headcanons for Ikemen Vampire—although I may delve into other fandoms, too. I also play Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, The Arcana, MLQC, and Twisted Wonderland; so I’m always happy to talk about these games.
Have a nice day, and remember to drink your water, sweets!
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Friendly reminder that this blog does not tolerate exclusionists (aka scum like homophobes, TERFs, racists etc.) or any other type of arsehole. If you are one, get the fuck out of here. Thank you.
Also, don’t go off in my ask box that I shouldn’t associate with person A and person B for stupid reasons. I’ll make that judgement myself.
Aggressions aside, if you feel uncomfortable with anything, please DM me. I’m always happy to chat with you guys!
Read my Request Rules before requesting anything, please.
And most importantly...
Drink a glass of water and take care of yourself 💜💜💜
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I will only be writing for Ikemen Vampire excluding the Evil Trio, (unless stated otherwise; if Ikesen is included, I won’t be writing for the new characters + Kennyo and Ranmaru)
I’ll open my ask box and I’ll accept 10 requests before closing it again. You know whether my ask box is open by checking the top of this post.
Depending on what you request and how my noggin reacts to it, I may choose not to do that request.
I’m pretty open-minded, but I won’t write about things like non-con, yandere themes, and anything else that makes me uncomfortable. I want to give you the best content possible, but for that I need to understand that topic well.
Considering that my mind’s all over the place, I probably forgot some rules, so I’m sorry if I choose not to do your request because of my clumsiness. However, I’d always give you a few solutions so we could work around said issues.
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Thank you for reading this far 💜💜💜
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utapriblog · 5 years
Scenario time: Ikesen: Reacting to an MC who has a pet snake, nothing venomous, just a cute ball python or like a king snake nothing longer than her arm span like a Burmese python or an anaconda. She just enjoys having her snake just hang around her neck when she’s going about her day and enjoys booping it’s nose. She finds it adorable what do the others think?
Nobunaga would find it a little weird at first but he'll disregard that and ask you questions if this is a normal thing in your time.
Hideyoshi would go all panicky, afraid that you might get bitten or something, but you reassures him that it's not venomous and he has nothing to worry about. That doesn't stop him from being a mama with you.
Mitsunari would stare at the snake with wide eyes before saying "M-MC, there's a snake on your neck..." When you told him that the snake is friendly and there's nothing to be afraid of, he believes you but he's still worried.
Ieyasu would call you weird but then he'll disregard it. When he sees you boop the snake's nose, he starts wondering if this is normal and tries to pet the snake to see if it's really harmless.
Mitsuhide would be amazed and say things like, "oh~ you have a snake, how interesting." Then, Hideyoshi would say, "that's your twin, Mitsuhide."
Masamune would laugh for a bit before patting your head, then he would stare at the snake with a small smile before patting its head softly.
Shingen would question you things like, "are you sure that snake is friendly?", "What if it bites you?", "Is this normal in your time?" And you would tell him that the snake isn't venomous, but he'll still be suspicious of the snake.
Yukimura would panic for a bit, but you insisted that the snake was friendly. He tries not to get closer to it, though.
Kenshin would try to kill it when he first sees it, but stops when you said that it was your pet. He would stare at it for a few moments before hissing at you, which made the snake hiss back at him. When you asks why was he hissing, he'll say, "that snake might have all your attention!"
Kennyo would laugh at how adorably weird you are, then he'll try to befriend the snake.
Sasuke would try not to mind the snake too much, but when he sees you booping its nose, he'll say, "cute" out of the blue.
Yoshimoto would actually be good friends with the snake and feeds him when you don't have the time. He would call it yours and his child. He would even paint a portrait of the snake.
Motonari would not mind the snake too much, since it's just your pet anyway.
Ranmaru would look at it with curiousity, then proceeds to asking, "MC-san, is that snake friendly?" Although, you caught him playing with the snake once.
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aiallardyce · 5 years
More Vocaloid Ikemen Stuff Cause Yes
[Reposting since it didn’t show up in my home feed or the tags hhhh]
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Okay but Cantarella fits Lancelot super well?? BUT IT ALSO FITS EDGAR AS WELL?? Actually the song FITS THE ENTIRE RED ARMY
And then imagine Loki singing ‘It’s a Wonderful Cat Life’ to MC nJALIJAO
Imagine Edgar forcing Zero to wear panda costumes to sing and dance to 1 2 Fanclub lmao that’s adorable
Ooohh, and then Ray and Fenrir with World Domination How-To! They were both bullied in school, right-? It would make sense-
Actually no, maybe that song would fit more with Lancelot, Harr, and Sirius
Another song that fits the three of them is The Immoral Memory!
Lancelot x MC or Hideyoshi x MC with the song Corrupted Flower! :00
And of course, you can’t forget the classic Alice Human Sacrifice ;D Hhhh I wanna draw that now-
Ranamru or Zero/Edgar with Lost One’s Weeping, aaa my poor boys ;-;
Ooh ooh, Yukimura x Sasuke x MC with First Love Academy! Or Edgar and Luka and MC!
Maybe the IkeVamp and/or IkeRev MC can be singing 1925....Hmm 🤔
I wanna use Judgement of Corruption too! I was thinking maybe Amon? A corrupted Jonah? Claudius?
Crescent Moon with one of the IkeSen boys! ( *`ω´) Or IkeRev too, since it’s talking about the moon and all
World’s End Dancehall with Motonari? Maybe?? With Kennyo too???
A dorky IkeSen scenario with At God’s Mercy lololol
Oh dear, Kenshin with True Love Restraint...Or Shakespeare with Rotten Girl Grotesque Romance-
Harr singing Antichlorobenzene while Loki sings Paradichlorobenzene! Or vice versa- The lyrics even fit their personalities, I believe owo
The Clemence Brothers with Karakuri Burst! And Re: Birthed! Ya know, an AU where they were seperated at birth, joining different armies...They meet on the battlefield. The two of them hate each other, yet they feel a sense of familiarity when looking at each other. Why? It’s not until they clash swords that they finally realize....
I somehow found a way to make their relationship more sadder-
And to make things even more sadder, the Clemence brothers with a Story of Evil AU, including Regret Message-//slapped
Seductive Harr with masked bitcH??
Speaking of which, maybe a cheery Neutral Citizens scenario where Harr is no longer an outlaw, and to celebrate, Blanc made a ‘welcome back’ party for Harr and Loki and they (along with Oliver) go around Cradle enjoying everything ♪( ´▽`) And he also receives presents from literally every and all Cradle citizens and then it goes to a disaster- Based on Drop Pop Candy
Ray, Fenrir, and Seth messing around while Triple Baka plays in the bacground, i m a g i n e. BAKA BAKA BAKA-//slapped
Echo playing during finales! :0 Uesagi-Takeda forces joining with the Oda forces against Motonari and Kennyo, Red and Black Army along with the neutrals going against Amon, etc!
Maybe I could write a songfic based on the song Hibikase where the characters become self aware that they’re in a otome game...🤔 And then it’ll be super fluffy but angsty-
Mitsunari and Ieyasu with Eye Examination? They both struggle to understand each other, in their own way-
HORROR SIRIUS AU WITH FEAR GARDEN *^* (Gore and possible eyestrain warning for the video)
*insert an angry Mozart playing fuck it*
Amon with Outer Science huehuehue fOR THE EVILZ
Ieyasu or Kenshin x MC with Toumei Answer! Aaa, there goes my feels ;w; I miss Kagerou Project asbahsnji
Kenshin or Nobunaga with Undead Enemy??
Sasuke x AI MC or Kyle x Doll MC singing Kokoro!.....Aaaa wait, no that’ll be too much for my heart-
Fenrir with Super Hero!
Ooohh! How about an AU where MC is a high authority figure, obsessed with justice, trying to capture one of the suitors since they’ve been seducing too many girls and leaving them broken-hearted afterwards? But then she herself falls for him? Based on Persecution Complex Cellphone Girl
Hmm, just imagine the s m u t and fight for d O M I N A N C E-//slapped
Then there’s Donut Hole which...Fits literally everyone in the entire Ikemen series ._.
And then some smut with the song Spice...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yobanashi Deceive fits Edgar and Ranmaru pretty well too!
I have the urge to write songfics and draw for all of these ideas, and because of that I am now wondering if I am mentally okay
Feel free to use these as writing or drawing prompt ideas! Though I doubt anyone will-
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