#ikevam theory
pseudofaux · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the new characters in ikevam?
Thanks for asking! I am going to put a link to the video in the comments/notes of this post if anyone hasn’t seen these new characters yet.
First thought:
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I wish they looked less alike at a distance! To reveal two characters with white hair, white shirts, the same skin, and a general mirroring of hair underwhelms me. We’ve seen their combined palette before. On Mozart. Compared to the existing cast they look washed out— maybe that’s on purpose, theories next paragraph! And this lack of enthusiasm isn’t a quibble with the illustrations, they’re not ugly. Ike-ist of men/vampires. But they are visually bland, and presented together, I don’t find a lot to distinguish these characters from each other until I start looking hard. Until now the IkeVamp character designs have been a lot more visually appealing to me, even on characters that I didn’t end up liking so much. That’s why these feel like a letdown in a way.
There was a design element that definitely unifies them on purpose: the matching harnesses they’re rocking, which have me intrigued. I haven’t played any route in EN since Comte’s, maybe in Vlad’s route some secret society of existing-out-of-the-flow time managers were revealed? purebloods: GROUNDED I can’t make out much beyond shapes, at first I thought their icons were gears but having zoomed, I don’t think so any more. Their belts/cummerbund things are part of the get up, the shoulder piece comes down and attaches to the belt. I LOVE A MAN IN WEIRD UNIFORM. 💕
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Identical as far as I can tell, EXCEPT:
Galileo (on the right above) has a pewter lock/safety pin end hanging from his shoulder pin. Drake’s looks to be brass, the same tone as the charm the things hang from.
I’m also not 100% on the hip icons being the same. It could just be the angle but Drake’s doesn’t appear to narrow over the top of the loop like Galileo. In historical significance I tend to think of Galileo as outranking Sir Francis Drake, that could be coloring my guess here. 😂
Other thoughts
They make the game logo look more beautiful every reveal, never change anything except your event mechanics, Cybird
First full body of Galileo: “This game already has a character with a coat on his shoulders, get OUT”
First listen with sound: “oh fuck me, that’s [Galileo] Furukawa doing ‘thickly repressed’ 🥴🫠🫠🫠💸💸💸”
Drake’s got an anchor on his uniform, that’s the kind of design indulgence I am missing and wanting more of!
Drake is hotter to me, I like the little smirk
Both associated with maps (this shows up in their character card backgrounds!) interesting choice, Galileo focusing on astronomy and Drake a pirate privateer so we see a map from his circumnavigation— I wonder why they didn’t “pair” Drake with Magellan or Cavendish
bi Why do I keep holding out hope they’re going to give us a woman or non-binary character, I am always crossing my fingers they will put Madame de Staël in this!!!! (that’s who I would OC)
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Hello New friends!
You can call me Wistful.  I’m a she, and an 100% INFP and proud of it. Ask me if you want to know anything else.
I am obsessed with Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Villians, and Court of Darkness. 😍😍
Like to an extreme extent, so I’m really excited to jump in and be involved with the fandom. Send me any asks and I’ll happily answer if I can.
I’m game to talk about the game, story events (9/10 times I read ALL the routes because I can’t let one go by without reading it), or theories, or character analysis, or discuss their arcs (I’m obsessed with character arcs.) Pretty much anything related to them.
IkePri Faves: Clavis, Sariel, Silvio, Chevalier.
IkeVam Faves: Faust, Leonardo, Napoleon, Mozart, Arthur.
IkeVil Faves: Elbert, Victor....more TBD
Court of Darkness Favorites: Lance, Guy, Toa.
I'm in the mood to try my hand at some fanfics, so let me know if you have a request, I'll see what I can do ☺️
If you want to send me requests, have at it. I love One-word prompts and Dialogue Prompts. They inspire me most.
Ikemen Prince fanfics (so far):
Clavis X Cassandra (OC) - Slow Burn Romance (in Chronological Order) Meeting in the Moonlight (Clavis POV) Meeting in the Moonlight (Cassandra POV)
Court of Darkness fanfics (so far): 
Whispers of the Heart (Toa x MC)
Crimson Waltz (Guy x MC)
Radiant Rebellion (Lance & MC)
The Art of Compliments (Princes, Guy, Lou, & MC)
Bound by Desire (Guy x MC)
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shookspearewrites · 3 years
There’s something wrong with Jean, Isaac and Shakespeare ... (A Theory about the Ikevamp Universe)
There are route spoilers below for Isaac, Napoleon, Theo and Jean’s routes so please please scroll away if you don’t want to see that!
As far as I know, this theory is entirely my own and I have not seen any similar theories but, if there are some out there, please let me know and I will credit them!
So, as you may or may not know, my ducklings, I’m a big ol’ history nerd and this has led me to tirelessly researching, trying to pinpoint the exact year that Ikevamp is set in. I’ve narrowed it down to between 1893 and 1898 - I’ve done this by taking every irl character death (Eg, Arthur Conan Doyle died in 1930) and every single historical indicator from within the game (Eg, Theo mentioning that it’s only been a few years since his death + the 2nd Boer War hasn’t happened yet) and putting them on a timeline.
Now, what I’ve noticed within the game a lot is historical inaccuracies, which is totally fine! It’s not meant to be entirely historically accurate otherwise, frankly, it would not be an enjoyable game - For example, irl, some of our boys were quite racist + misogynist (among other things) and Cybird can’t just go shoving in that in a whimsical, light hearted otome game. Also Isaac and Leonardo are both speculated to have been gay so, there’s that.
But aside from that, they do get a lot of the historical details right! Like the use the Napoleon coins which didn’t go out of use until 1914 (Arthur’s route), the boys reading ‘La Petit Parisian’ which didn’t stop publication until 1944 (Napoleon’s route) and Gaugin wandering around alive and well in Paris because he didn’t die until 1903 (Theo’s route). And they seem to get all of the boys’ death dates right ...
Well, some of them. 
Firstly just off the bat, Theo and Vincent didn’t die on the same day irl. They’ve changed it to use as a plot device which I think is fair game but, I just hold a bit of a personal grudge against it as I have tirelessly studied the van Gogh boys for university and I know every little detail about their lives. But we’re not here to talk about them today.
I want to talk about how wrong Cybird seem to have Isaac, Jean and Shakespeare’s death dates.
We’ll start with Shakespeare - The real life Shakespeare died in 1616 which would be fine if it hadn’t been mentioned that William was the suitor who’d been brought back by le Comte first (I can’t remember which route this was in, sorry!)  This would mean that Jean was turned and brought back by le Comte after Will even though he died almost 200 years before Shakespeare did. 
Another problem about Shakespeare is that Isaac in his own route mentioned that he was brought back by Comte before Shakespeare was which makes even less sense, since Isaac died 110 years after Shakespeare did. Also in Napoleon’s route, Isaac says that he’s been in the 19th Century far longer than Jean has been ... 
Which means that Isaac was turned and brought back before Jean who died 295 years before he did + he’s been there longer than Shakespeare but Shakespeare was turned and brought back by le Comte first??
 I’m so baffled and confused, guys.
A very simple explanation for this is as follows: The Ikevamp universe is big and confusing and the writers over at Cybird just got a few things wrong / mixed up and the wires got crossed somewhere along the line.
A little less of a simple explanation for this, and one I kinda buy into is this: le Comte is essentially Dr Who and can travel through different dimensions as well as different times. This would explain all the weird time occurrences that I mention above and also Isaac, Jean and (maybe) Shakespeare’s vampiric abnormalities. 
Example, Jean: Irl Jean was female, very different to in the Ikevamp universe where he is male. He also needs far less Blanc and Rouge to survive than the other lesser vampires. Yes, he starves himself but, it still takes him a few days to get dangerously low on blood intake. The Dr Who theory could explain this; Quite simply, Jean comes from a different dimension in which he was a man, not a woman & in which vampires have evolved to need far less blood to survive.
Similarly with Isaac: He’s an abberant, needing significantly more blood to survive, seemingly even more than even the purebloods. In line with my theory, he could come from a different dimension in which vampires need far more blood to live.
(In these examples, Comte turns them in their own dimensions and because space / time travel is whacky, both Isaac and Jean take on the vampiric traits from their own dimensions and not from the one in which they live with le Comte.)
I can’t explain Shakespeare at all but, I’m sure I’ll come up with something once his route comes out & when I know more about Vlad.
tl;dr - le Comte is Dr Who and some of the boys (if not all of them) come from different dimensions.
Thanks for listening to my rambling, ducklings - and let me know what you think below! - JJ x
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sintheyokai · 5 years
Okay SO
Legit started playing Ikemen Revolution, and literally in the first sentence of the prologue I saw something that caught my eye:
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Now, a long time ago, someone pointed out that the setting for Ikemen Vampire looked EXACTLY LIKE the Cradle. Can't find the post, but I remember it with a passion because I threw in the joking theory that Ikerev's MC had been reincarnated to live out Ikevamp after she died.
Then I see ^that.
So I thought:
"Hold on. If Ikerev's MC lived in the 19th century, then considering that Cybird may have tried and pulled a connected universe trick, she technically would've lived at the same time that le Comte had put everyone in his mansion (with the possibility that some residents hadn't even been revived yet). THUS! She COULD'VE been reincarnated!"
Legit what do y'all think? Let's get some debating up in this bitch
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littlewitty · 3 years
Ikevamp theory:
So you know that vampires can also be created by a contract with a pureblood, not necessarily being bitten.
So what it when you break that contract you start going crazy?
Like William who went a bit manic and then went back to comte, but also the people Vlad turned, who had doubts about their plans and past wounds causing them to go crazy?
Because technically it is a blood bond, therefore extremely strong. And because Vlad has mind-fuckery magic, then he forces the lesser vamps to continue.
Will did technically stay Comtes family but more of a family away from home, so he didn’t entirely break the contract. Therefore he didn’t go as crazy like the others.
But with vlad’s lesser vampires, they were contracted by such a morbid task that they couldn’t help having doubts and rejections and therefore it drove them crazy to be completely obligated to Vlad. And then Vlad used mind-fuckery to get his way and continue.
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i never hid my distaste of mr will either, so i wholeheartedly agree with theo there but i must respectfully and politely.... just possibly have to agree with the latter image as well 😞
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ikemen-stories · 4 years
Theo: What are you doing?
Arthur: I'm trying to determine when I'll die.
Theo: Yeah, a lot of other people are working on it too.
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oikoneko · 5 years
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Comparing Theo to his archenemy a cat is my religion.
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
Hi! You know how Dazai always calls the MC by other women's names? I have a feeling that by the end of his route, he'll reintoduce himself by his real name (bc Dazai Osamu is just a pen name), Tsushima Shuji!
Ooooh, I like the idea of that! That would be a nice little reversal from fake names to real name.
I also hope his reason for calling MC different names isn’t just swept into the “oh, funny author haha” bin. I WANT AN EXPLANATION! Because it’s clear he knows her real name...just a case of why he doesn’t use it.
Either way I am so freaking excited hfbdhdjdjhdhd
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A Turn of the Hourglass
I had a sudden thought about an Ikevamp Reset Theory AU after rereading the prologue and realizing just how much some of it sounded...rehearsed...especially the scene when Le Comte runs into the MC at the Louvre. A few written down thoughts turned into a fanfiction. 
Warnings? None. Spoilers? Very minor ones from the Prologue and the Saved Stories option under Memories for the released suitors. Notes? 1.  A * marked before a dialogue means that it is taken directly from the Prologue. 2. The last section of this fanfic will make a lot more sense if you are familiar with the last part of the Prologue -- it reads a bit awkwardly otherwise.
Under the cut because it is 3,775 words. 
A Turn of the Hourglass   
     The room was, to most, eerily silent. He found that worked well for him. When he delivered a lecture, he purposely waited until the silence entered into their minds. The weakest lasted several minutes, Jean had lasted nearly an hour, but the subtle waiting quiet of the room wore down their sanity until they broke and asked -- each in their own unique ways that he found endlessly fascinating -- for him to start his lecture. Perhaps it was a brief reminder of the void of death they had each experienced that unnerved them. Whatever the case, it was always a test of their sanity. It certainly was a constant test for him. Le Comte, unlike his residents, knew what created that subtle waiting silence. He could actually hear the constant shluff of falling sand from the various hourglasses that lined his room. The noise that put the residents on edge as they subconsciously waited for the next grain to drop. A sound that Leonardo despised. 
     Despite being one of his oldest friends, Le Comte doubted that the Inventor knew why he kept so many hourglasses. He had never asked so he had never told. Leonardo scorned keeping such meticulous track of time -- often cursing their own immortal march -- and he broke or creatively reimagined every timepiece he had put in his messy room. Sometimes he would find them just outside his door. A clear warning that he nearly always ignored. Le Comte imagined that he would not be impressed -- perhaps, he thought with a sardonic grin tugging at his lips, even disappointed -- if he discovered the reason. The grin turned into a lopsided smile as he quickly poured himself a drink. He tipped the glass back, chasing away the bitterness he could feel swelling his soul with the bite of alcohol, and heaved a quiet sigh as he continued to watch her hourglass. 
     Soon after she had moved into his mansion, he had dubbed this delicate, gold-lined hourglass hers in a haze of affection. The sands, as compared to the others dotting his room, were a faint pink color. The same color as the suite she stayed in. If Sebastian had noticed he had her placed the Lady’s quarters, parallel to the suite that was his by right even if he hadn’t used it in years, he hadn’t said a word. Or raised an eyebrow. Le Comte wondered if he was that excellent of a butler, Sebastian had definitely proved himself numerous times, or just ignorant of the suite’s importance. Maybe it had been before his time. Perhaps he should have relocated to the Master suite once again -- to stake a claim and make his own intentions crystal clear even to the least observant of his residents. But he hadn’t, and he was here watching her pink sands be slowly dyed a dusty blue. 
     The same dusty blue as the sands in the sturdy oak hourglass currently frozen in time inside a locked cabinet. The one he had labelled the first night after Arthur had accepted his proposal to become a vampire. One that he had actually pulled out of its cabinet to examine twice this past month to confirm the color of the sands: dusty blue. It wasn’t an ugly color, he actually quite liked it, but it wasn’t the color he wanted. He tapped the bottom of the hourglass, eyes glowing gold, and watched the final grain change from pink to blue. It was done. He managed to turn to the largest hourglass, the one that marked his ability to travel through the door into time, before a very proper knock interrupted the sound of sand. Sebastian. The door opened, someone stepping into the room without waiting for his welcoming answer. Leonardo. 
     “Monsieur Le Comte, Sakiko wishes to stay in the mansion for a bit longer and would like to ask for your permission to do so.” Excitement primly tucked away. 
     “She’s tied herself to the flirt you turned, but after everything that has happened...I can’t begrudge her choice.” Affection carefully concealed under exasperation. 
     He let their emotions wash over his own -- swift currents of positive thoughts shoving his own negative ones into corners and hopefully out of sight. He turned with a gentle smile already in place. Sebastian’s brow furrowed as Leonardo’s raised in an unspoken question. It seemed that the current had not tucked them away as neatly as he hoped. With a sweep of his hand, the faintly glowing -- and frankly distracting -- oversized hourglass was hidden from their sight. With a tiny bow, the bitterness the alcohol had only barely controlled was swallowed. These two were observant enough to see through his lies in this emotional state, so his words would need a seed of truth. 
     “I already knew.” Teasing came easy to his tongue, but not to his eyes. The teasing lilt did its job as the inquisitive looks faded to bemusement and actual exasperation. Sebastian returned the little bow, smiling with more happiness than Le Comte thought was necessary, as Leonardo carelessly dragged a cirgarillo from his breast pocket. With a flick of his wrist, he grabbed his friend’s still unlit cirgarillo and placed it far enough away on the table that it could not be reached. Not without moving him aside anyway. He relished the annoyance that flickered before sweeping out of the room. 
     “We should congratulate them, non?” The two followed without a word -- Sebastian closing the door with a click that he thought sounded a bit too final. 
     It had been over a month and the large hourglass was once again nearly full. It was nearly time. Le Comte had watched Arthur and Sakiko be happy, unwilling to do anything to cast a shadow of unease over them, and played the perfect indulgent host. The only shadow he had cast was over the hourglass Sakiko had inadvertently claimed her first night in the mansion. Every night, before falling into uneasy sleep, he would watch the sands swirl and remember when they had been pink instead of blue. It only took two nights of this for him to remember that hourglasses can be reset. It took four to recall that it was more than a theory, although it took six for him to realize that he knew it wasn’t a theory because it had worked before. The month was halfway over when he remembered that he had done it before.
     Pieces of the puzzle trickled in as he continued to watch over the hourglass. The residents’s hourglasses were locked away, rewound and then frozen in time, and could not be changed. Hers was not frozen and flipping hers erased the timeline. It had little impact on the other hourglasses -- the grains of pink that represented her simply faded into their respective colors one by one until she was gone. They were still vampires, they would still meet her -- they just wouldn’t remember. A clean slate. A third chance...or was it a fourth? He wished that he could remember, but the very second she accepted a place in the mansion his own sands lost her color like the others. A way to make it fair, he supposed, as fair as it could be. His power would reawaken his memory once he touched her dyed hourglass. A failsafe. A curse. His gaze returned to the oversized hourglass as the final sands fell into place. It was time. 
     “Your body, your heart, and your destiny...” Le Comte whirled the hourglass around its suspended chain several times before letting it come to a stop, staring with grim satisfaction as the sands poured unnaturally quickly into the opposite chamber. He watched as the color steadily changed to an impressionable, but boring white. A pause. The roar of the sands echoed in his ears, seemingly taunting him for his decision, as some unknown magic took hold of the sand. It changed back to pink, your color, with agonizing slowness. Once it finished, he etched a heart on the glass with a single finger. The sand briefly turned to spun gold, glowing like the power he could still feel sparking his veins and lighting his eyes, and held the heart shape. A traced image of glittering gold that seemed to pulse in time with his own. He hated watching it fade -- hopefully it would not fade again. He finished his plea on a reverent whisper. 
     “Please, ma chérie, give them to me.”
     Night had fallen much later than he had been expecting. His sense of time had always been a bit disorientated, but being pulled from death’s loving embrace only to be thrust right back into the empty embrace of existence had nearly destroyed it. Or should he say neatly destroyed it? All it had taken was a single bite -- a very neat and clean one. The thought caused him to stop short of the window, but it only held his attention for a brief moment. He had a banquet to attend and a fellow author to tease if only to see the usually well-spoken man stutter. Sakiko had really peeled away all of his layers to reveal a man as easy to fluster as his dear apple. His cheeks didn’t flush nearly as pretty as a color, but it was still worth it. He was actually happy -- he was sure it reached his eyes occasionally -- that she had ignored his warning that day in the garden. With a soft grunt, he lifted the window and prepared to clamber inside. Sakiko was staring at him in bemusement again. He lifted his hand in greeting. 
     *”Well, well, would you look at that? I’m a little late, aren’t I? ...In we go.” A quick glance had told him that the usual suspects were all there, though he found it a bit odd that Arthur and Sakiko weren’t sitting intimately close together like usual. Lost in that thought, his sleeve caught on the rough edge of the windowsill. Lovely. Dazai purposefully pulled at the sleeve in a way that wouldn’t actually help, knowing that with each passing second Sebastian’s eyes would twitch with increasing annoyance. A rip was well worth that -- even if he was forced at needlepoint to fix it himself. Issac said something. He hadn’t heard it exactly, but he could guess. 
     *”And keep everyone waiting? No, no, the window was much faster.” It was a familiar argument and his response was the same every time. Maybe Issac should be creative and come at the argument from a different angle. Maybe he should try using the window. The smile on his face was unaffected by the glares he received from most of the table. It remained as he easily unhooked the tiny thread from the edge that was keeping him prisoner -- if only it had actually been that easy in life. Sakiko was still eyeing him, so he gave his first greeting to her, uncaring of the affection that colored his tone and words. She looked uncomfortable as she responded, so he attempted to put her at ease with a neutral statement about dinner. Normally she would agree with him -- she loved Sebas-kun’s cooking with a fervor that always made him chuckle -- but her eyes slid away. What had Arthur done? He was seconds from asking when the master of the house spoke. 
     *”You arrived just in time. We were all introducing ourselves to our guest.” The tone was cool and tempered, but Dazai knew a warning when he heard one. He looked up and down the table for someone new, head still firmly facing Sakiko so she would know that he would be talking with her next. He would find out what had happened. A sense of unease crawled up his spine as his search proved futile. There was no one new here. He faced Le Comte. 
     *”You’d like me to introduce myself?” He couldn’t stop his surprise from coloring his tone. He hoped his question would be answered. Le Comte was just as good at dodging inquiries as he was. The unease doubled as Issac coughed in the general direction of Sakiko. She stared at him as if he were a stranger. A stranger. Ah. He’s done this before. He felt apathy settle on his shoulders like a mantle, the familiar weight threatening to drag him down, but a part of his brain knew that this girl would rip it off like she had done before: it was just a matter of time. Issac coughed again, louder this time, and he knew that if he waited any longer Le Comte would become suspicious. That wouldn’t do. He wondered what her name was this time: not Sakiko, not Hana, not Fusao, not Chiyo...it would take him a while to remember when someone finally bothered to tell him, but he would remember it. Dazai was good with names.
     Night had fallen much more quickly than he had expected. This had soured his mood, but he knew that lateness would not be permitted or excused. The carriage trip to the mansion had always seemed so long, but the script sitting next to him on the empty seats raised his spirits to be almost giddy. When was the last time he had been in such elation of spirit? A bump in the road disoriented his thoughts, but it was his glance to his fallen script that dispelled his mood. With a reluctant eye, he scanned the first few pages as the carriage pulled just past the gate. The words were turning color from feathered black ink to gold: a gold that he had seen numerous times before. His expression was hard as the coachman finally got around to opening his door. He knew entering the mansion was useless -- a fool’s errand -- but he would dutifully play his part. Setting the papers aside, he watched as the words on the top page slithered off to form tiny piles of golden dust. All that time -- erased. He went halfway to the door of the mansion, knowing that he was hidden from view, and counted to a reasonable passage of time before turning around. 
     *”I’ve decided not to stay.” Shakespeare didn’t need to bother hiding the tiny amount of bitterness in his voice -- it was as believable as the first time he had said it so many times ago. The coachman seemed surprised, but as if it were rehearsed, only perfunctorily questioned him. Perhaps it was rehearsed. He gave him an answer as he always did. 
     *”Capricious Fate has invited a guest of fairer mien than mine to take my chair.” Capricious as the dust that blew away when the carriage door was opened. He watched it go, settling himself on the seats, as he forced his voice to convey resentment instead of the desperation that wanted to be heard: *“Hers is center stage tonight, though I shan’t stay to see how she performs.” He couldn’t stay. One glance at her would reveal himself. He had yet another part to practice upon this stage. He knew his lines.  
     *”O, what upturned expectations have come at the arrival of this...new player?” Still not perfect -- Shakespeare had hesitated. That would surely reveal him. A thoughtful hum interrupted his internal thoughts. His eyes widened in surprise -- he had thought he was speaking to himself, as he had every other cursed rehearsal, but the coachman was still standing with his hand on the carriage door. The man scratched at his chin, eyeing Shakespeare’s formally casual wear and discarded script, before turning around to stare at the opulent mansion. The coachman’s expression was sympathetic and kind as he turned back around.  
     “There will be another chance, monsieur,” He laughed, giving the script and the stunned playwright a wink, before finishing in an overblown theatrical voice: “‘all that glitters is not gold.’” He gave the mansion one more disgusted look before gently closing the carriage door. A few short minutes later the carriage lurched forward. Shakespeare shook off his shock  -- and bemusement, the man had quoted his own words to him. Was he to play his part once again? Was he to find which part she was to play? She had already played a forlorn and frozen violet’s precious maiden, an immortal inventor’s mortal beloved, and most recently the adored red, red rose of one who slept among many petals. She had even kissed the sleeping emperor and turned him into a man.  
     A divot in the road caused the coach to rattle unsteadily, sending the formerly finished script into further disarray. A tiny hint of an unbalanced smile caressed his lips as he watched his own name fade from black to gold to dust. A woman of many names, many parts -- no wonder she haunted him from that first glance so many times ago. No matter, he can play his parts once again. 
     The room was, to most, eerily silent. He found that worked well for him. However, the quiet was going to be broken by his own requests to Sebastian and the soft crackling of the fire hidden within its grate. Subtle mind games were not necessary as he knew it would only be a few seconds before you spoke. He also didn’t want attention drawn to the numerous hourglasses dotting his walls anyway just in case you should ask about them this time. Not that you would. If he remembered correctly, you would reject his offer of tea and immediately ask him your impossible question -- how would you get back -- even when the real question burning your tongue and crying from your eyes was a question of “when” you would get back. It was much too early to tell the truth. He would be a gentleman and soften his omission by answering the question you voiced out loud. Dinner ended and Le Comte brought you to his suite. It all happened exactly as he remembered. He sipped his tea as you seemingly processed all of the information, doubt and suspicion etched on your face, preparing for your second impossible question. 
     *”And who are you, Comte, that you have collected some of history’s greatest figures to live here in your mansion?” The tone was just as accusatory as he remembered, but the guilt that squirmed in his stomach at the tone was more recent. One or two turns of the hourglass ago perhaps. He shifted his eyes away to glance to the side, unable to make eye contact even though he knew just how dubious it made him look, and gave his usual deflection. You seemed unimpressed and tried to wiggle your way out of staying in the mansion. That wouldn’t be allowed to happen. A few strong armed suggestions painted in the softest manner he could achieve, an assurance that you weren’t imposing -- guilt climbed upwards to poke at his heart -- and a civil conversation about the residents you had yet to meet culminated in his old friend’s sudden appearance. 
     “Are you the one, cara mia, that was taking so long?” Leonardo’s words were different from last time, although the general idea was the same. He had the feeling that someone else in the mansion retained some memories, but he also knew the feeling to be a manifestation of his own paranoia. He knew you were erased from memory -- he had twirled your hourglass himself just that afternoon. Nonetheless, Le Comte watched his friend closely. He shoved down the feeling of jealousy that tried to rear its ugly head when he saw you in his lap, flustered beyond words, and swallowed his snarl when Leonardo tried to undermine his ability to take care of and please her with his warning. She had been happy every other time in his mansion, in his Lady’s suite, and he was always one of the first to discover her missing. He grimaced at these thoughts. Guilt was now a stab so painful that it took all of his self control to not drop down and beg your forgiveness for his actions. Fortunately, or unfortunately as it may more accurately be stated, Sebastian was already leading you away to your room. He didn’t dare follow. 
     That night, he fell into an uneasy sleep. He was almost glad for his upcoming loss of memory just so he could occasionally rest at night again -- not that he really needed it. Sleep was an indulgence most of the time. Your hourglass was glowing faintly on the shelf. The pink light coming from the pink sands, as of yet undyed by any hand, seemed to call to him. That was all the convincing he needed to gently bring the hourglass down from the shelf, cradling it in his palm as he climbed onto his bed. He had just settled himself when the hourglass suddenly began to burn. In shock, he dropped it and barely managed to keep it from tumbling to the ground. Le Comte took the still burning hourglass and placed it near him on the pillow. You must be unsettled. He started to breathe in slow, methodical breaths in an effort to calm even if you couldn’t feel it. He gently patted the top of the delicate, gold-lined hourglass with affection. 
     The pinks sands flashed blood red, causing his own blood to run chill with apprehension and fangs to peep out in anticipation. He tapped down the longing filling his soul -- she was still distressed and he owed her his attempts at comfort -- and etched a soothing, swirling pattern on the glass. He welcomed the burning sensation as a punishment for his turn of the hourglass. A sin that he would gladly take upon himself, again and again, as long as it meant he could have another if she chose another. Gold dust followed his fingers as he stirred the sands from the outside. A frantic pulse seemed to fight the additional color, but the pink eventually intermingled with gold. Once the two were fully mixed, the sands slowed to lethargic pace. It was a beautiful sight. One that he wanted. 
     *“I want it all. Your body, your heart...and your destiny.” The sands pulsed once more, removing his golden dust from the pink in one fell swoop. He placed the hourglass on his bedside table and turned to face the wall. He also owed you some privacy. He would be seeing you tomorrow anyways. He would have another chance. With a small smile, Le Comte drifted off to sleep with dreams of a delicate, gold-lined hourglass filled with pink and gold sand and your arms affectionately wrapped around him in a hug. He would happy with just that, although he yearned for more and maybe this time...you will give them to him.
Tagging: @edgarbright I hope you don’t mind, but it was a theory and Le Comte-centric. @impracticaldemon I wrote something~! :D 
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ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
Hey! I'm so happy you're doing this because I absolutely love your work. ❤️ Would it be possible to get M, V & W for Ikevam Isaac? Please and thank you ☺️ 💛
Aww, thank you hun for the complement and for saying please and thank you (you would be surprised at the amount of people who don’t lol)- Enjoy. 
(I'm just realizing I did Leonardo’s wild card (W) one wrong so I’ll be fixing that soon.)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The father of science is known for being fickle when it comes human interaction, so hot and heavy approaches and reactions tend to turn him off. What does intrigues him though- in both a sexual and romantic stand point- is mental stimulation. He knows calculations, physics, concepts, and theories- not emotions, so when you are able to hold your own or at least follow along in his ramblings his tends to slowly gain a quirk to his lips. A gentle blush spreads across his cheeks as his hands begin to move in time with his words. He believes those few who are dependable and indulge in his passions as well are, well… incredibly sexy.
“This gear turns the plate, right?”
Isaac nodded once at your question, his soft tuffs of hair tickling your cheek as he leaned over your shoulder to help push down the gear you were referring to. A proud blush painted a pale pink color stained his skin while his candied white teeth shone brightly under the light, his lips parting to form a shy smile.
“Yes exactly,” he paused, glancing into your eyes only a hair away from his own, “the light refracts off the plate to create,” his words began to slow when his gaze shifted to your plush lips, “a symphony of… colors.” The heat in his cherry blossom colored orbs stole the air from your lungs.
Isaac had frozen in his stance as if he was just realizing the proximity between you and him. His long fingers tightened around the back of the chair causing thread like strands of your hair to wisp across his knuckles. You could feel his warm breath caressing your lips as he struggled to whisper, “the devil claim me.”
Isaac’s digits shifted through your hair, a moan slithering on his tongue at the taste of you. Gasping at the sudden tight grip on your upper thigh; Isaac used your opened mouth to his advantage by entangling his wet tongue with yours causing sloppy, wet noises to penetrate the air. He groaned- selfishly gulping in oxygen, and hissed, “need you… now.”
V = Volume (how loud are they, what sounds they make, etc.)
Isaac’s embarrassed, shy personality follows him to the bed sheets- well, the majority of the time that is. Caresses and grasps pull whimpers and sobs from his lips; gasps and pants bubble up from his throat, a hiss of overstimulation following in their wake. He speaks a language of the body and its movements. Rolls of his hips and clenched fists display his words without the wisps of air ever leaving his vocal cords. When he does decide to voice his thoughts his words, if not always, are choked, strangled, and full of ecstasy as the pleasure from your fingers slither through his veins like the blood coursing through your own.
But that all can change at a moment notice if his lust pushes him to the brink of destruction.
“Please,” Isaac choked out, his pink eyes staring at you pleadingly until a roll of your hips sent his colored orbs rolling into the back of his skull, his swollen lips taking more abuse from his elongated fangs. His staining member twitched under the tight grip of your fingers as you flicked your wrist slowly over and over again in a torturous pace; your other hand palming his balls.
“What do you want Isaac?” You hummed, sweat trickling down your chest to drip on his thighs wrapped around your hips, “be a good boy and tell me.”
“I… ah- can’t,” Isaac paused his strangled words to arch his back sharply, your fingers tracing over the curve in astonishment, a moan penetrating the heated surrounding like a bullet, “…slipping.”
“Take it.”
The snapping of leather cuffs chaining his hands above his head to the bed post was the last thing you heard before you were bent over the sheets, your ass high in the air, wrist bound by Isaac’s fingers far in front of you; the strings of the strap on you were wearing straining against the flesh of your waist and thighs.
Isaac rubbed his cock against your entrance, barely pushing the tip in leaving you clawing and bucking against the bed. His hot breath spread over your shoulder as he leaned over your shivering form to ghost his fangs over the curve of your neck.
“I warned you,” he growled, his throat burning with need, your scream slicing through the room as his fangs pierced your flesh.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He had always dreamed what it would be like sharing a lover with the pureblood vampire he looked up to so much. Isaac just never had the gall to ask for- what he saw as- that momentous of a favor. So, when he opened his door one night, exhaustion deeply rooted in his bones, he never would have imagined what he stumbled upon.
There you were- seated between Leonardo’s legs; his fingers spreading you wide, chin resting against the love bitten curve of your shoulder.
Your legs were lain over Leonardo’s bare thighs as the two of you sat on his bed- Isaac’s bed- a beautiful blush staining your cheeks just like the one then spreading across Isaac’s.
Leonardo chuckled that deep reverberating baritone, murmuring, “I hope you don’t mind we warmed up for you,” his tongue darted out to lick a thin strip of your ear sending a shiver down your spine.
Isaac’s eyes widened, his lips sputtering as he dropped the apple from Arthur in his hand to the ground. Dipping a long finger into your core, Leonardo curled his digit inside your wet, warm walls and continued, “you want this right?”
Isaac swallowed thickly at Leonardo’s finger dripping with your essence now held towards the physicist in invitation to suck his flesh. His legs wobbled with each careful step he took towards his bed; knees hitting the floor in front of your heat as Leonardo slowly spread the clear liquid over Isaac’s parted lips.
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that-otome-potato · 6 years
~ Masterpost ~
I haven't really had many fics to post for a Masterpost until recently. So, for your viewing pleasure (or not), here's a list of all the fics I can remember posting! haha ~
Updated: 12.04.22
~*~ SLBP ~*~
Kirigakure Saizo  
     Memories: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | - N/SFW (In later parts - Follows similar style to the Divine Destiny Endings in the game) You can also find this on AO3!
     Beans - SFW - Just a sweet little drabble I created after seeing a piece of art by the lovely and talented Dangodaifuku.
Yamamoto Kansuke     
     Shadow - SFW - Slight Sarutobi Sasuke spoilers from the end of his Main Story     
     A Turn of Events - SFW - Takes place at the end of Shingen's Divine Destiny End where the picture at the top of the post takes place. Mention of blood and violence.
     Homecoming - SFW - Based on a piece of art by @wingcinna. Link to art in fic. 
Date Shigezane      
     Together - SFW - Secret Santa gift fic for @caystar13star
Date Masamune
     A Day at the Onsen - SFW - Christmas gift for @calicocrest staring Masamune and her OC, Kimiko.
Sarutobi Sasuke 
     Escape - NSFW - Because Smut ™, with a slight story just to get things started. 
Nao Kanetsugu      
     Unrequited  - SFW - Because Mother Hens need love too... or in this case...
Nezu Jinpachi
     Return To Me - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 - N/SFW - In honor of the release of Nobuyuki's MS, this is a little story (attempted drabble) of Jinpachi meeting his MC. 
     Untitled - NSFW - Not really part of the series, just thirsty for the giant ninja. 
     Little Moments - SFW - just a little fluffy moment I wanted to write for the giant ninja bae. 
      Little Gifts - SFW - Christmas gift for @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons 
     Untitled - SFWish - Jealous!Jinpachi - in same universe as Return to Me 
Kato Kiyomasa
     I Love You Love Me - SFW - Fluff for one of the golden trio that is in the Toyotomi clan. I tried... I really did... not to put angst, but I am incapable of not adding just a little bit. 
Fukushima Masanori
     Tiny Friends - SFW - Little fluff that came to mind randomly involving the flame-haired samurai from the Toyotomi Clan. 
~*~ Ikemen Sengoku  ~*~
Date Masamune / MC / Akechi Mitsuhide      
     Valentines Day Surprise - SFW - Valentines Gift Exchange
Akechi Mitsuhide      
     Dreams  - NSFW - Because Smut, but with a slight story element.
     Thieving Kit - SFW - Sweet moment for Mitsuhide and his MC and Daughter
     Untitled - SFW (For now) - IkeVam AU Mitsuhide x IkeVam MC 
~*~ Ikemen Vampire ~*~
Any suitor / MC
     Reunited - SFW - Slight angst with a dash of fluff. General pairing so that you can put in your own love (also because I couldn’t decide on who to put in the story! ^_^;;)
Theo / MC
     My Brother’s Keeper - SFW- TW: implied choking. Fluff and Angst.  
     You Make Me Feel Human - SFW - Christmas fic for our @dear-mrs-otome.
~*~ Mystic Messenger ~*~
     The Lies You Say - SFW - Not sure where this came from, just kinda popped into my head while I was playing MYSME.
~*~ Potato’s Mash-up’s ~*~
Just some one-shots I’m doing for anyone who requests it. Made up of SLBP, IkeSen, IkeVam, IkeRev and possibly DtL and MidCin.  Hit me up!
     For @ikesensrandomninjagirl24  -  Featuring SLBP’s Nobuyuki and Shadow Chapter MC, Tsuki.  Read Here! 
     For @pseudofaux - Featuring Ikemen Vampire’s Osamu Dazai and IkeVam’s MC. Read here! 
~*~ SWD: Obey Me! ~*~
     Markings - slight NSFW - Beel x MC (No gender mentioned or implied) Based on an image I sent to @beelzebaes after I got caught up on wondering just how... in depth his markings are while he’s in his demon form.
~*~ Blackstar Theater Starless ~*~
     Midwinter Night - N/SFW - AO3 - depending on how you read it - Menou x Princess/Reader. My theory as to why Menou often gets caught sleeping in odd places/ hallways. Rating is because it could be SFW or NSFW. 
     One Good Ride  - NSFW - AO3 - Kokuyou x Reader.  Kokuyou takes you with him on a motorcycle ride and things get spicy. 
     Gone - SFW - AO3 - Angst - Kei x Reader-insert (sort of). Takes place in between season 2 and 3 when Kei leaves Starless.  Dreams of him plague you ever since he left.  Is leaving to find him a good idea? Who else would go looking for him to bring him back?  There’s danger to you out there, yes, but you learned the hard way you couldn’t always rely on Kei to be around to protect you.
     Showing Love - SFW - AO3 - Fluff - Kokuyou x Reader, but I didn’t put names, so if you pictured someone else while reading it, let me know!  I’m curious :) 
     Relaxation - SFW - AO3 - Fluff - Kei x MC - Kei noticed how hard you’ve been working and wanted to show you how much he cared.  For @lancermylove TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! OR KEI WILL GET YOU... wait... that’s not as much a threat as it should be... 
     Choices - N/SFW - AO3 - Angst/Smut/Fluff - Sotetsu x MC / Kongou x MC - Life with Sotetsu is wonderful and fulfilling until a shadow from your past returns and tries to hurt you to get you back. A year later, you return - will you choose to be with your former lover, Sotetsu?  Or will you choose to be with Kongou, who found you again and brings you back to Starless? Choose Your Ending (attempt)!
Making Up for Lost Time - NSFW - AO3 - Smut with a plot - Kokuyou x Mc (name insert) - Kokuyou and MC met as children and grew up together, eventually becoming lovers. One day, after Kokuyou and MC join Starless, they have a fight and MC storms off, and disappears for six years.
When she shows back up, she's with Sotetsu! She also doesn't seem to remember Kokuyou at all. What happened to her? Why can't she remember all that they had meant to each other?
A Good Morning - NSFW - AO3 - Smut with no plot - Heath x MC (reader insert) - No real plot, just straight up smut between you and Team B's MC.
Joining Starless - SFW - AO3 - Just Kokuyou. Something I came up with while writing "Making Up For Lost Time" about how Kokuyou started at Starless. It's not Canon, so please be kind!
In a Loved Ones Care - SFW - AO3 - Kongou x Reader-insert. Kongou finds out the reason you stayed home and comes over to take care of you.
Happy Holidays series - SFW - AO3 - Just a little series about Saki/MC (Reader) giving Christmas gifts to your friends at Starless. Qu | Menou | Ginsei | Ran | Mokuren | Kei | Akira | Zakuro | Mizuki | Kongou | Yoshino | Sotetsu | Sin | Kokuyou | Heath | Kasumi | Nekome | Lico | Sinju |
Wedding Night - NSFW - AO3 - Kei x Reader-insert - Request for @lancermylove! Kei and MC are reunited after being apart for years and finally get married in a private ceremony with a couple friends as witnesses. When the ceremony is finally over, it's time for the honeymoon!
Qu's Valentine - NSFW (Suggestive) - AO3 - Qu x Reader-insert - This is just a cute little ficlet that I put together before Valentines day but never posted. Might add some spice later if interest is showed!
Belated Birthday - SFW - AO3 - Qu x F!Reader - What to do when you miss your boyfriend's birthday due to an unforeseen family event? Take him on a picnic!
Happy Birthday, Lancer! - SFW (suggestive at the end) - Kei x F!Reader - Just a little something I put together for Lancer's birthday coming up.
Showing Affection - SFW - AO3 - Qu x F!Reader - Platonic/Unrequited affection - An idea suggested by Heb on Discord - Gifts are given as a show of affection. The action earns double when the recipient isn't feeling so good.
Popularity - SFW - AO3 - Qu x F!Reader - Another idea from Heb on Discord - You get asked to help with the creation and running of social media for two teams. What you didn't expect was the jealousy you would feel.
Fireflies - SFW - AO3 - Mizuki x F!Reader - MC invites Mizuki to a field to watch fireflies in the gloaming during the summer festival because she has something to tell him. New!!!
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emeraldtawny · 4 years
I can't find anything about Dazai!! If you have time, could you tell me about him? All I know is that he climbs through windows and teases Isaac with apples...
Welcome to my life, anon. Content for this boy is limited I’m afraid. They even seemed to forget about him for a hot minute in Japan before they dropped his route announcement jfndjndkdjdk. But I would love to tell you more. I’ll keep it brief...as brief as I can >:3
Facts we know from English events/routes: only seems to enter the mansion through windows, a teasing man who can fluster MC without losing his smile, deliberately forgets the MC’s name in favour of Japanese names like Toshiko and Maeko (always seems to end with ko, not sure if that ties to anything, but a detail to hold onto nonetheless), very good at playing the fool but actually seems more clued into events happening around the mansion than most realise, knows how to style women’s hair (and well), and seems to have a habit of appearing behind MC when she’s deep in thought and scaring her by suddenly announcing his presence (has done this in one route and one event iirc).
Less concrete facts: he’s a thot. Not Arthot thot, but a passive lowkey thot that will flirt shamelessly yet subtly until he gets you to blush. He’s shown this side of him in all of his event stories to date and I think it’s a tie-in to IRL Dazai being a bit of a skirt-chaser when he was alive (just my theory tho).
Those are the main points, but we should get more insight with his birthday story in June (I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!). I could go into IRL Dazai and possible connections/hopes I have for his route, but I’ll stop here before I ramble too much bdjdndjdkd.
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ikemen-stories · 5 years
Mozart is just like a baby deer, you gotta let him come to you.
MC, probably
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
Help, i am in love with the sunshine baby of ikevamp, Vincent, s e n d h e l p I love him too much, bu there’s barely content and i aM dYiNg I also really like dazai because he’s just random as fuck and doesn’t give a damn
god yes, Vincent is such a sunflower child and I am so excited for his route to drop (I have a feeling it’ll make more people love him than they already do uwu). And ah, another person of culture I see. I love Dazai so much, grad A doof but you can see the cloud of misery hanging over him. Must hug, must hold his hand and walk through the gardens humming happily so he’s happy too~ ^w^
pls scream to me more about these bois, I have headcanons and theories and just.......overflowing love gbrukjdhfel
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