#ikevamp fantasy fic
ikeromantic · 8 months
MasterList and Blog Info
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I've reorganized my writing links and all new stories will be linked in the sections below. You can still find my old masterlist HERE too.
Currently Playing and Writing For:
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Ikemen Vampire Masterlist
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Ikemen Sengoku Masterlist
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Ikemen Prince Masterlist
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Ikemen Revolution Masterlist
Ikemen Villains - soon?
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Obey Me Masterlist
Other Games/Fandoms Masterlist
Follower Celebration Masterlists:
Follower Celebrations 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700
Follower Celebrations 900 and 1K IkeVamp and IkeRev
Follower Celebration 1K IkeSen
Follower Celebration 1K IkePrince
No Longer Playing: Midnight Cinderella, Mr. Love: Queen's Choice, Destined to Love, Last Legacy
Other Fandoms:
Dragon Age, BG3, Mass Effect, Diablo, The Magnus Archives/Protocol, Malevolent, Stormlight Archives, The Expanse, Good Omens, The Wheel of Time, The Sandman, and a ton of random fantasy, sci-fi, and horror stuff.
Your Perfect Valentine Quiz
Find Your IkeVamp LoveStyle Quiz
Blog rules and Ask courtesy:
I try to tag all my fics. If it's tagged smut or very spicy, you can assume it's mature, so don't interact if you aren't.
If I think a topic may be triggering, I will also tag that as tw: in the tags and/or in the description at the top.
If something isn't tagged and you think it should be, message me.
I love getting comments, likes, and reblogs. It lets me know there's still someone out there interested in what I've shared.
No hate please. Remember that fanart and fic are made for free from a shared passion. If it's not to your taste, read something else. You don't need to let me know how much you don't like it.
Asks are great, but I don't always have time to get to them quickly. If you don't hear from me, that means I have it in my to-do and will get to it when I can ^_^
If you want an ask faster, commission me on Kofi.
If you ASK as anon and I decide not to write your ask, you won't get any response. But if you ask as yourself, I'll let you know privately that I am not able write your request.
If the ASK box is open, I'm taking asks. When it's closed, I'm not.
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scummy-writes · 11 months
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I am opening four slots for commissions! I am willing to write for both ikepri and ikevamp, but please view this post for a list of characters I am confident with and who I am not. (Even if they're in the 'will not write' catagory, please feel free to reach out and we can discuss it further.)
For examples of my work, here is my Ikevamp masterlist (content spanning from 2020-present), and my Ikepri masterlist (2022-present), separated by character.
$7 - 500 words
$14 - 1,000 words
$20 - 1,500 words
$25 - 2,000 words
Must be okay with me posting the commission publicly so I can prevent theft of my work. (I can omit Oc names if that makes you more comfortable.)
If I go over word limits there is no extra charge. That’s an issue on my end, not yours, so please don’t worry if it’s a bit over what you paid for.
I have a right to reject commissions: If it’s something that makes me uncomfortable, even if its not on my general rules list, I may reject it.
I’m generally open with plots, but to be clear I will write Oc/suitor, or any non-incest ships between the characters. When it comes to Au’s, I do want to specify that medieval fantasy and au’s akin to that are not my strong suit.
I do tend to ask a lot of questions when it comes to discussing the commission. These will be things like personal headcanons you have with your suitor, and essentially letting you gush about them so I can tailor the fanfic more towards your views, along with any indepth details for what you are wanting.
I will be messaging you with progress to see if it is going in the direction you envisioned.
Payment will be needed up front through paypal. To secure a spot, I will need you to IM this blog with what you are wanting along with the word count you’re paying for. Please be specific when doing this. I'll also need the email you use for paypal so I can create an invoice.
This is First Come First Serve. Keep in mind that once I start your fic, it can take up to a few weeks for me to finish it, especially since I can’t work on writing at my workplace. If you are number four on the list, then you may have a bit of a wait!
Please feel free to reference any of my past writing if it helps you explain the type of tone/vibes you'd like in the fanfic.
I do not consent for my writing to be used in any A.I. programs, and by comming me you are agreeing that you will not be using my writing in said programs.
Disclaimer: There may be small errors or typos. As much as I check over my works, sometimes a typo can slip by.
By reserving any 18/+ commissions from this account you are agreeing that: You are 18 or older, not commissioning on behalf of a minor, and not purposely showing snippets of the n/s/f/w commission to any minors.
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specters0rd · 7 months
Operation: Cure MC's Sadness.
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Words: 1,503
Chapter: Prologue
A/N: I greatly apologize for possibly making the guys OOC, it’s a been a while since I wrote a fanfic (let alone a series) and not to mention my first ever fic for Ikevamp. Sooo… Scheduling for the other fics? I’m still figuring it out given that it took me a while to even finish this up, but I’ll make sure to post teasers here and there. I’m also still figuring out how to bring in Vlad and his minions in as well as connect Sebby & Will into this. If you got any suggestions for any the guys (except for Vincent and Theo, they’re the ones that made me want to do this and first one I came up with) don’t be afraid to suggest them in my ask box, reblog, and comments!
taglist: @natimiles @bicayaya @koco-coko
The poking from the beams had sobered up MC who wasn't sure if they actually slept or not, the eyes cloudy and slightly dry as they could barely make out the ceiling and orange sunlight stabbing them in one side. While a grunt escaped from their lips as their hands rubbed off the blurry dryness while they tried to recall last night, their body slumped over as they took a moment to admire the decor of the bedroom, especially with the painting they had the privilege to choose all thanks to a certain devil art-dealer. MC’s mouth couldn't stop themselves from curling up with fondness before falling as last night came rushing back to them. While they threw their blankets and legs over the side to get up, the urge to zone out and actually process everything finally took over, not surprising since a situation like this is quite... The story one can say. Once upon a month, MC was enjoying her time at the Louvre before being thrown into some kind of Alice in Wonderland plot with time, historical  figures and vampires. What a YA fantasy-historical novel! Now this main character is… Stuck with no way back.
"Righttt... Homesickness. It's only been like... Two weeks since the damn door broke?" They whispered to themselves as they tried their best to read the clock; a skill that they still haven't mastered even a month in this mansion, tragic honestly. A hushed curse escaped from their mouth as they could guess roughly that they had 15 minutes or less to hop in and help Sebstain with breakfast. This only leads to more… Cursing from the struggling dork who’s playing detective right now over socks. Yes, over socks.
“You still haven’t broken that habit of yours, have you?” A chuckle from the butler as he broke the bloke’s case with a swift point of his finger to the clue; socks had been under the bed the whole time. This left the victim of messiness and forgetfulness to facepalm in shame once again.
“Oh god damn it. Thanks, Sebastian.” MC shook their head as they quickly snatched the socks and threw them on along with their high-quality shoes whilst Sebastian stood still at the door. A quick glance could tell the man before them was more concerned than the usual exasperation; they could feel the guilt sink in as the butler sighed.
“As much as I wanna don’t wanna push you to talk, MC, I think now is the time you open up. Especially because it’s clearly affecting your sleep and work.” The man spoke with seriousness and softness as he signaled to follow him towards the inevitable; a mansion meeting.  
“Never thought I’d have an intervention…” MC joked as they followed aside the butler shaking his head at them, the fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose.
“You wouldn't have one if you didn't try to pull the workaholic route for solving your problems...” 
“Ah, Fair point.”
“And here I thought Theo was bad…”
“Oh shut it, Arthur. You're one to talk here.” 
Theo shot a glare at his typical flippant frenemy as Arthur's attempt to soft the atmosphere slightly failed. MC's mind was fried at this point so even bickering didn't help nor rubbing their temples and guilt away.
“Was that really bad? God…” MC knew it was a rhetorical question especially with the sympathetic and annoyed looks at the table.
“I don't know what your definition of “bad” is, but typically, bumping into paintings, eye-bags, and breaking plates more than you usually do is quite bad, Hondje " Theodorus leaned back in his chair as his blues scolded the “family dog”.
“Not to mention forgetting food and leaving cups of coffee behind,” Mozart added as he took a bite of his breakfast, paying no mind to the soft glares from Napoleon, Issac, and Vincent.
Arthur shifted closer in his chair as his hands intertwined on the table; a sigh escaped from his lips.
“They are starting to get the point, lads. It's about time to start getting to the heart of the matter now.” Arthur gave a soft chuckle, the seriousness never leaving his eyes as he continued.  “So, do you think you can explain why exactly that's causing this? Or is this workaholic habit the whole reason you haven't talked about it at all?” He arched his brow at them as he noticed MC immediately trying to puzzle it.
“I think the answer is quite obvious, but hey…” A voice hunches over Arthur, making the man jump and almost flings his coffee across the room.
“OH JESUS,MARY, AND JOSEPH. USE THE BLOODY DAMN DOOR DAZAI.” Arthur cursed at the tardy man before him who just closed the window behind the mystery writer, his glare never leaving him as Leonardo with the help of Jean drags Dazai and throws him into a chair. 
A smile never leaves the eccentric, in fact, it only widens when looked at MC’s reaction. Not even the patriarch's glare seems to wipe it off him.
MC was trying to hold back their laughter at the scene before immediately stopping when eyes were all on them, a sense of anxiety in the pit of their stomach as they spoke.
“Well, yeah…  It's pretty obvious for the perceptive folks here. I'm just gonna assume you want more details from me, right Arthur?” They looked at Arthur for confirmation, which earned a quick nod from him as he checked if his good old suit survived.
“Well…” They paused for a moment to gather their thoughts and ease the tightness of their throat. “I'm starting to think it finally dawned on me that I can’t go home yet… And the fact I never really fully processed everything. I kinda just threw myself into the chores. I mean it helps! Only to the point though… I think? Ugh…”
A comforting hand from Vincent laid on MC’s shoulder, noticing they were shaking at little.  While MC smiled at him, they looked back to see everyone contemplating how to solve the issue now they got the reason for. 
Comte took a moment to look at the clock before letting out a sigh.
“Well, one thing is certain, you need to take a break.” Comte paused for a moment before smiling. “Make that a week-long break.”
MC arched a brow at him before she felt a poke on the head by Napoleon, they looked up to see his smirk.
“Yes, MC, it's fine! You really need to work on that workaholic habit, I swear.”
A small croak, or well more like a tiny squeak, interrupted the moment. Issac was trying to say something and it ended up… An awkward way to make himself known.
“Ahem…” The physicist paused for a moment while trying to fight off his embarrassment. If MC wasn't giving Dazai and Arthur death glares, Issac would’ve been eaten alive… Well, for now.
“I was wondering what MC wants to do on their break… I mean, not sure if I can do much, but I'm free if you need someone to hangout with or… Vent too.” Issac lightly scratches the curve of his cheek with a sheepish smile.
“Not really sure either… But I'm all ears if you want to do something…” Jean chimed in with an earnest look in his eye despite how deadpanned his voice sounded.
Leo clicked his tongue as he thought of what he could do. “I mean, I’m sure if I have the time right now. Given Comte and I had an appointment with-”
“I mean, MC can accompany us with that invitation we got from my good old friend I haven’t seen in a while-.”
“Hold it guys. You're all getting ahead of yourselves there.” MC chuckles as they pop the last croissant in their mouth. 
“I’m assuming that at least most of you are gonna… I don't know. Try and ease me by making me chill and hangout with you all?” 
“Call this operation: Cure MC’s sadness” Dazai wiggled his eyebrows as his grin widened at the eye rolls he got from some of the folks at the table.
“Well, first of all it's not most of us…” Mozart huffed a little. “And second of all, it's nothing grand to try to help someone.” He side-eyed a pouty Dazai.
“Hmm… How about this? We all have a set week to make time for MC during their break.” Sebastian proposed to everyone as he picked up dishes to clean.
MC put a hand to their chin as they thought about it.
“I don't mind the idea, but how about each of you are duos!”
“What do you mean?” Vincent asked as he tilted his head to the side a little whilst everyone was either just as curious or slightly skeptical.
“Well, two of you each hangout with me on different days”. MC looked around to see everyone’s reactions before landing on Sebastian.
“Of course, I wish we could hangout too, but-”
“We’ll figure it out, don't you worry, MC.” Sebastian said before leaving towards the kitchen.
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fang-and-feather · 7 months
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My first fic for @polyamships' Multiamory March
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: G
Category: F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationship: Napoleon Bonaparte/Sebastian/MC (mostly Sebastian x Napoleon Centered)
Prompt(s): Kiss
Tags: Fluff, Developing Relationship, First Kiss, Unnamed Female MC, Sebastian's POV
Words: 621
Summary: Akihiko wasn't used to be so visible lost, but it was hard to let go of the role he'd taken for his job for years and the admiration he had for Napoleon for years, to focus on the fact the ex-emperor was now his boyfriend and take the first step on their relationship.
There are characters I get the hang of writing them from the start, sometimes without even reading much about them. Sebastian is one of the hit or miss ones, though, I still need to get used writing him... Especially in something like this.
Also that time I thought of writing an angsty alternative to a fic I was writing... I think this would be the happy ending.
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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Having Napoleon as his boyfriend was like a fantasy. His admiration for the ex-emperor had turned into a crush after they met. But it was like a celebrity crush, an attraction to someone unattainable. Besides, he noticed quickly, his heart still belonged to someone else. His ex-girlfriend, who fell back into his life after years, only to fall in love with Napoleon herself.
And now he was here, with both of them, who fought hard for him. The ones who changed his world. He never thought he would be committing himself to a relationship, let alone to two people, the old lover he thought he lost and his longtime hero.
Even if he was expecting the kiss, even after all the discussions about this relationship, and all the progress they made, the fact that Napoleon was purposefully kissing him was enough to make him freeze, his mind unable to process the overwhelming amount of thoughts and emotions rushing through.
Napoleon broke the contact with a playful smile, but despite catching the movement, Sebastian took longer to realize the kiss had ended. Hard to when the warmth lingered on his lips and his mind was still lost in the ecstasy of it.
“Why do you look so surprised?” Napoleon laughed.
It really wasn’t the first time Napoleon kissed him, in fact, he had accidentally kissed nearly everyone in the mansion, but he did so while asleep. It was the first time the kiss had been on purpose. The first time there were actual feelings behind it.
“I think you crashed him.” He barely registered her words before she was standing before him. “Will this reboot you?” And she looped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I know our boyfriend is strikingly hot, but you’ll just have to get used to it.” She whispered in his ear.
She was right. The idea of someone like Napoleon liking him was shocking, but it was real, and he would have to get used to it.
Easier said than done. And his response was to kiss her back, surprising her.
“Like you got used to me?” He whispered when she blushed and looked away.
“This is different. You caught me by surprise.” She kissed him again, then pulled away and turned to Napoleon, giving him a gentle peck. “I’ll let you boys to get better acquitted.” She left the room with a playful wink at them.
There was silence after their girlfriend was gone. With Napoleon curiously studying him, Akihiko took a deep breath, trying to regain control of his emotions.
She was right. He had to get used to direct attention from Napoleon. Get more comfortable with his boyfriend.
Just because he felt like a young girl who finally got attention from her crush, didn’t mean he had to act like one.
“Do I intimidate you that much?” Napoleon asked, still sounding playful.
“No, Monsieur. I…”
Napoleon kissed him.
“As much as I wouldn’t mind being called that in other circumstances, this is not like you. I am your partner now, too. You can treat me like you do her.”
The same as he did their girlfriend? He was sure that was not how a multi relationship like this worked, but it helped him focus on the man before him less as The Napoleon Bonaparte and more as his boyfriend.
Before he could lose himself to that wonder again, Akihiko bridged the gap between them, threading his fingers through Napoleon’s silky locks, surprised at how his boyfriend stayed so docile under his touch, and remained so when pulled into a new kiss.
And their first step into this new life tasted faintly of strawberries and cinnamon, from the desserts they had made earlier.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @2-lines-and-a-circle, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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bicayaya-ocs · 2 months
Hi, there! Welcome to our blog ~♡
Kiara: See, I told you guys we could say it at the same time!
Aimée: I suppose you were right.
Beatrice: I always believed in you, Kiki!
Kiara: Hehe, thanks~
Paulette: …
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This is a OC-focused blog managed by @bicayaya! Here you can find all the information posted about my OCs, ask them questions and see more about their interests with their reblogs.
Please, read the rules before sending an ask 🤍
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Since the girls are sharing a single blog, here are some tags to make the navigation easier ;)
AIMÉE - ikesen OC
representative emoji: 🦢
representative color: red
general tag: ikesen aimée
information about the oc: [ aimée ] - info! 🦢
oc’s interests: [ aimée ] - reblogs! 🦢
oc’s drawings and “photos”: [ aimée ] - portraits! 🦢
oc’s written posts/fics: [ aimée ] - diary! 🦢
oc’s asks replies/interactions: [ aimée ] - chats! 🦢
ship: aimée & ieyasu — ❤️
BEATRICE - ikepri OC
representative emoji: 🎀
representative color: pink
general tag: ikepri beatrice
information about the oc: [ beatrice ] - info! 🎀
oc’s interests: [ beatrice ] - reblogs! 🎀
oc’s drawings and “photos”: [ beatrice ] - portraits! 🎀
oc’s written posts/fics: [ beatrice ] - diary! 🎀
oc’s asks replies/interactions: [ beatrice ] - chats! 🎀
ship: bea & yves — 🩷
KIARA - ikevamp OC
representative emoji: ⭐️
representative color: green
general tag: ikevamp kiara
information about the oc: [ kiara ] - info! ⭐️
oc’s interests: [ kiara ] - reblogs! ⭐️
oc’s drawings and “photos”: [ kiara ] - portraits! ⭐️
oc’s written posts/fics: [ kiara ] - diary! ⭐️
oc’s asks replies/interactions: [ kiara ] - chats! ⭐️
ship: kiki & isaac — 💚
PAULETTE - ikevil OC
representative emoji: 🧸
representative color: blue
general tag: ikevil paulette
information about the oc: [ paulette ] - info! 🧸
oc’s interests: [ paulette ] - reblogs! 🧸
oc’s drawings and “photos”: [ paulette ] - portraits! 🧸
oc’s written posts/fics: [ paulette ] - diary! 🧸
oc’s asks replies/interactions: [ paulette ] - chats! 🧸
ship: lette & liam & kate — 🩵
other tags:
gifts: cherished
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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ikesenhell · 4 years
Je Te Souviens
Elysium, Part Five. You can find all other IkeSen/IkeVamp works of mine in my Masterlist. NOTES: WELL WELL WELL IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG. Yes, I’m still working on this. Yes, it’s been a minute. Yes, I’m helaciously busy. Yes, I hopefully will get the rest of this out in a relatively short amount of time. I’m back-ish babyeee
The idea of meeting a priest as a bandit’s contact was, put mildly, somewhat odd. Did it border on heresy? Jean wasn’t quite sure. It didn't feel right. If the clergy’s first responsibility was to God, what was a priest doing tangled in this web?
Still--August gave a very clear direction. If they wanted answers, they met the priest. 
“I don’t like this,” he muttered. 
Napoleon’s eyes stayed fixed at some unknowable point in the distance, but the corner of his mouth ticked slightly upwards. “No?”
“No.” Jean squeezed the pommel of his sword. It was still there. Overhead, the sky bled purple and gold, grey swirling clouds far off yet. Their boots clicked in tandem on the cobblestone streets. Why were the streets so ghostly still? It was like Penrith only flourished in its twisted corners. People shrank along the walls, pulled up hoods and skittered into waiting doors.   
“We’re a bit obvious, don’t you think?” Isaac narrowed his blush-pink eyes at them, scurrying to keep up. “You two, all kitted out, me alongside you, and headed to the central plaza--”
Jean silently agreed. Between Napoleon’s typical dramatic flair (a black velvet capelet with a black and gold uniform coat? Really?) and his own distinct features, they attracted attention. It would be easy for the Guild to track them. But their fearless leader just smiled as he always did, fine lines of fatigue hovering around his eyes (did he ever sleep enough outside of his own bed?), and elbowed Jean in the ribs. “We’re going to church.”
Jean rubbed his side. “What?”
“Church. It’s been a moment since we’ve all been, and you certainly needed to drop in for a quick prayer…”
He contemplated the lie (which was a plausible scenario, but still a lie, and still a sin). It worked for cover. And as much as he didn't want to be here, sticking out like a sore thumb in the nigh-deserted streets, it brought them that much closer to whatever answers August promised. 
Speaking of August! Unbidden, those bright eyes flashed in his mind’s eye. An arch of severe brow, the twist of lip, the toss of copper curls, the curve of a rolling shoulder--Jean swallowed. Why did the scent of the street rise up and not their lavender soap? God help him. What did those eyes hold that dragged him in? Why did he follow so willingly? Some said that eyes were the window to the soul. That couldn’t be true. There was no cathedral stained glass that compared to August.
What was wrong with him? 
Isaac flapped a hand in front of his face, and Jean started. 
“Earth to Jean.” The advisor scowled. “Why are we stopping? Is it Them?”
Oh. Jean collected himself enough to realize the Them in question was not, in fact, August. “No. No, They’re not bothering me any more than usual. I was… in thought.”
“Well, come on. We’re close.”
The central plaza was crowded. Civilians headed home, tired from work, arms laden with goods, children in tow. Napoleon visibly softened as a couple of tiny girls skipped by, skirts in hand and giggling (and what could he even say? Did he show his friend a kind word? Was it even the time for that, time to acknowledge what Napoleon had given up in exchange for--)
On a nearby bench, flipping a coin, sat a priest. He was a wizened old man with bushy brows and stooped shoulders. The trio exchanged glances. It felt almost too perfect. But--never the man to shy away from trouble--Napoleon swept his capelet behind him and settled in beside the elderly priest. 
The man glanced at them and smiled. "Good evening, my children. What brings you here?" 
Napoleon visibly paused. What did they say? August hadn't given them any clear directions. None of them were good at subtlety. Doing his best, Jean cleared his throat. 
"A… friend recommended we meet you. And I could use some prayer, Father, if you would allow me."
The man fixed the three of them with a wry, gap-tooth smile, dusting his knees and rising. "I'd heard some worshippers might visit late today. Very well. Follow me."
It was a strangely humble building. That was all good and well, but next to the Guild’s extravagance… well, Jean knew where priorities were. It wasn’t that he expected the city to set religion front and center--God knew Napoleon didn't feel that necessary for Elysium--it was more the unsettling realization that the Guild saw it more important to purchase silk chair covers and gilded spoons than front a single gold coin to anyone else. 
Maybe that was what August wanted them to see. Maybe they’d envisioned how the creaking wood floors would sound under well maintained leather boots. Maybe they’d known that, against Napoleon’s cape, the rough-hewn benches and tattered hymnals told a different tale. This was Penrith. Twilight glow filtered through faraway paper slits serving as windows. Instead of the raucous colors and vivid golds from Elysium’s church, a humble, lovingly-carved wooden altar reached skyward. 
God help him. Jean hesitated on the threshold, deja vu circling like storm clouds. Wasn’t his childhood church just like this one? Marae in the height of autumn, all the colors of fire that later tried to eat him alive, laughter in the beams and a dozen dirt-poor families who still found a thousand reasons to smile. He’d taken communion in a place like this. He’d tried (horribly, terribly) to flirt with Annaliese from the farm over behind a hymnal in a place like this. 
He’d almost died in a place like this. 
Napoleon’s hand wrapped around his. 
“Friend,” he said, his green eyes understanding. “You’re missing the conversation.”
Sometimes breathing proved difficult. Now was one of those times. Jean gulped in the timber-rich air, forcing his lungs to remember that they weren’t full of smoke, that he couldn’t (but could still, always could) taste ash on his tongue and a sinner’s agony in his stomach. “My apologies.”
“That’s alright. Our new friend was just showing us around the chapel. Do you need to step outside?”
“No, no. I’ll be fine.”
Oh, Napoleon. His mouth quirked in that disarming smile, the weight of his confidence bolstering Jean’s resolve. Thank God for Napoleon. 
Fortunately, they hadn’t missed much. The priest gave Isaac a cursory tour in their absence--the pulpit, the prized books, the church office--and then excused himself with a wink and a nudge to find some tome or another he’d ‘misplaced’. The invitation wasn’t lost on them. As soon as the doors to the priest’s chambers shut, Isaac swung open the church office. There wasn’t much. He spied a safe, a large desk, a number of record books, some miscellaneous odds and ends...
“Let’s go.”
Jean wavered in the door. “I don’t know if--”
“--this’ll go faster if you help me look--”
“--Isaac, I can’t read--”
“--I’ve been teaching you! You can at least manage some things--!”
Napoleon choked back a laugh and shunted himself into the tiny space. “At least stand in the doorway. We’ll look.”
Only the sound of flipping pages rustled in the eaves. Jean was a practiced hand at forced calm by now. It felt unlikely--so, so unlikely--that anything could appear in the ledgers of a neglected church. What secrets could the Guild and Penrith hide here? 
“Nothing,” Napoleon murmured. “Isaac?”
“Mmm. I’m checking another book.”
Another book creaked open. 
But then again, all sorts of places held secrets, didn't they? Marceche hadn’t descended on Marae for no reason. They hadn’t tracked him down through sheer dumb luck. You just had to know where to look. Usually, though, that was through people. 
Jean spun on his heel. “Is there a guest book? A parishioner’s book?”
Both Napoleon and Isaac stared. Impatiently, Jean pushed into the office. “Sometimes local churches keep records on who attends.”
“What do you think that’ll show?” Isaac demanded. 
He didn't know. It was just the nagging sensation in the back of his mind, the faintest inkling that it was with people, not words, that their business lay. Jean pawed his way over the books until he pieced together enough letters on one to make a guess. “This one. Check this one.”
Napoleon flipped it open. Sure enough, neat columns marched down the page. Jean couldn’t read upside down to save his life, but he knew names when he saw them. 
“I’m still not following.” Isaac ran the thick pages between his fingers, turning each one. 
Look closer look closer look closer
The voices clawed around him. For once, Jean didn't fight them. He was part of that hivemind by nature; now, no doubt, They only reflected his own thoughts back at him. “August wasn’t looking to loot our caravan. If not money, or goods, what were they looking for? What would someone hide in a caravan?”
Silence. Isaac bent his face to the pages once more, rolling his fingers along the names until--at last--he stopped. “Some of them are marked with stars.”
“People.” Napoleon straightened. “Someone is taking people from Penrith.”
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krys-loves-otome · 3 years
Writing Summary of 2021
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Time again for my writing summary for the year! For last year's summary, check here!
Didn't do as many writing challenges as last year so the totals are gonna reflect that. Still, it was a pretty productive writing year, all things considered.
Let's crunch some numbers!
Posted Works to Ao3/Tumblr: 6
-Second Glance, Part 3 [Ikemen Sengoku, Hideyoshi x Preg!Reader, long fic]: 3,251
-Reunion [Midnight Cinderella, Alyn Crawford x Custom!MC]: 2,165
-Family [Ikemen Vampire, Arthur Conan Doyle x Preg!Reader]: 934
-I've Waited For This [Ikemen Vampire, Theodorus Van Gogh & Abigail Clarke (OC), Fictober 2021]: 2,702
-Fine, I Give Up [Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader, Fictober 2021]: 942
-That Could Have Gone Better [Ikemen Revolution, Harr Silver x Madeline Fleming (OC), Fictober 2021]: 772
Total Word Count on Published Fanfics: 10,766
Posted Original Works: 0
Published Headcanons: 0
Published WIPs (That Were Written in 2021): 8
-Panic! In the Ballroom [Midnight Cinderella, Princess MC]: 165
-Future Daddy Shingen [Ikemen Sengoku, Shingen Takeda x Preg!Reader]: 665
-Kissings [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Vampire, Mitsunari Ishida x Houki of Jiyel (OC), Kennyo x Ophelia of Revaire (OC), Harr Silver x Madeline Fleming (OC), Dorothea Reid (OC) x Theodorus Van Gogh x Arthur Conan Doyle, Abigail Clarke (OC) x Vincent Van Gogh]: 1,534
-Sebby The Magic Guardian [Ikemen Vampire, Sebastian x Reader, Fantasy AU]: 207
-Second Glance Pt 4 [Ikemen Sengoku, Hideyoshi x Preg!Reader, long fic]: 703
-I'm With You, You Know That [Ikemen Vampire, Dorothea Reid (OC) x Theodorus Van Gogh, Fictober 2021]: 578
-Comte for Fictober [Ikemen Vampire, Comte de Saint Germain x Reader, Cinderella AU, Fictober 2021]: 393
-Updated Houki and Nobunaga Playing Go [Ikemen Sengoku, Nobunaga Oda & Houki of Jiyel (OC), Fictober 2021]: 695
Total Word Count on Published WIPs: 4,940
Unpublished Wips (That Were Written in 2021): 6
-Suitors + Jealous of the Baby (IkeVamp Edition): 96
-Napoleon Bday Week (IkeVamp): 133
-Thea/Theo smut (IkeVamp): 55
-Self Indulgent Comte Comforting Your Homesickness (IkeVamp): 260
-Scene Rewrite of Shigezane's Epilogue (SLBP): 71
-Scene Rewrite of Masamune's Last Love Standing Video (SLBP): 448
Total Word Count on Unpublished Wips of 2021: 1,063
Essays/Commentary/Asks/Other Writings: 6
-Writer's Ask Meme: 578
-Fanfic Asks Themed Around Time: 321
-OC Naming Conventions: 431
-Houki Asks: 535
-Masamune Act 2 Summary (IkeSen): 2,854
-IkeSeries OCs Asks: 2,199
Total Word Count on Other Writings: 6,918
Total Word Count for 2021: 23,687
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2021 still had its problems, but I am glad we made it this far, and like last year, I hope to see everyone in 2022 and that it's better than ever.
See you lovelies next year!
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kazesuke · 4 years
*gives you a flying kiss* fanfic writer asks, B I and T???
aww ////// *sends a kiss after you*
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
The answer to both of these happens to be the same hahahah and that’s Yu-Gi-Oh! Now mind you at the beginning it was self-insert fic but it still counts amirite?
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
Oh I need to consult AO3 for this....21! Wow that’s more than I thought and yet there’s series I like that I haven’t written for! 
I don’t have one fave but Ikemen Vampire and Bleach are two of my faves. Both have long lived characters so it feels more freeing to just... throw any kink at someone and it’ll stick! 
Bleach has a very nice sandbox to play in; Ikevamp I’d say it’s more about the characters?
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I wouldn’t say can’t stand but I’m very much a person who believes in don’t like, don’t read, like I might like it but you do you! 
I tend to not be a fan of mundane AUs (coffee shop, highschool etc) when the canon has some kind of fantasy element. Mostly cos I like the fantasy element (Hakuouki is the exception for highchool AUs as it canonically has one - but throw some reincarnation in there as they didn’t in the game?????)
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darkmindsotome · 4 years
Risque Rouge pt1
... Finally. Welp, I know I’m also in the middle of my IkeSen thing right now and this would be the first long fic I have done for IkeVamp here and it sort of took over. I hope you all enjoy it.
Tagging: @umbralaperture​ @otome-smut-queen @silver-fox-of-azuchi @tsundere-mitsuhide @jennacat84
General warnings for the whole fic: Angst, some fluff, Mental health issues, emotional things, trauma, blood, death and possible triggers. Please read responsibly. 
Darkmindsotome Masterlist
Chapter 1
For those of you searching for a little entertainment and a performance with a little je ne sais quoi. You could do worse than set your sights to a little building in the more bohemian quarter on the outskirts of Paris. Here you could rub shoulders with a Prince as easily as you could a street merchant as all were equal under the ruby lights. 
As long as you paid your coin you were all set to be whisked away into a land of fantasy. Everything here was the stuff of dreams the only nightmares were beyond the gates on your journey home. It was a strong selling point and drew a lot of custom from the streets of modern Paris to explore the artistic world and indulge in pleasures without fear of judgement.  
His feet once found the establishment by accident. Wandering around to stave off the boredom of yet another endless night. The books didn’t hold his attention, music was lost in the air and the mansion felt somehow empty even with the souls residing in it. This happened every few centuries, he had an itch that couldn’t be scratched and his feet took him wandering in search of a distraction. The distraction tonight was the same as the one he had discovered by chance a month ago.
The stage was lit up with a combination of harsh electric and gas. The tables and chairs around the room were tightly packed and none of them matched. Elegant dining chairs mixed with milking stools and benches. Tables of nothing more than upturned barrels or balanced planks on brick were the standard here. It was so haphazard and yet felt so warm and inviting with the melted candles pooling on them without containers. He couldn’t help but smile at the creativity of mortals and their desire to live life to the fullest no matter how few resources they had to achieve it.
Brushing his long coat neatly under him he took up a seat and a girl sauntered over to him. Black stockings clearly visible through the splits in her flowing skirt, with a tight white blouse that was straining under the pressure of her bosom.
“Something to drink Monsieur?” She asked with a smile, her eyes roaming from his head to the tips of his dress shoes.
“Oui merci.” He returned her smile and nodded. As she turned to go and retrieve a drink for him, he called out again. “Ah pardon Madame, would you be so kind as to tell me if the nightingale has done her turn?”
“You mean Evie? No Monsieur her performance is still to come.” She seemed to pause thinking of something for a moment before doubling back to his side to lean just a little too close, making sure to press herself against his shoulder as he leant in to whisper into his ear. “If you get tired of waiting for it, you could give me a call. I’d be happy to entertain you while you wait.”
“You honour me, Madame. I shall continue to wait though thank you.” He took her hand and brushed a kiss to the back of it his golden eyes glowed and the woman walked away as if she was in a dream. She returned with a selection of bottles for him to choose from. One was the colour of deep emerald, another was brown. There was also a yellow and one with a rosy blush.
He had not really cared to learn much of the drink until he started coming here, even with a rather famous patron of the beverage being under his roof. Darker green seemed to mean a purer distillation. Yellow was aged, the rose was coloured with fruit and the brown was not made with the leaves and blooms but the roots of the wormwood. Among these discoveries, he also learned it had no real effect on him. Indicating the dark emerald bottle, he was presented with a small tray. On it was an absinthe spoon that looked like an ornate item from a palace, balanced on a glass with a small stem. There was also a bowl of roughly formed sugar cubes and a long spill.
Left alone, he noticed a few of the other men in the establishment glancing in his direction. A faint smile and inclination of his head seemed to send their eyes elsewhere as he balanced a sugar cube on the spoon and poured a dose of the liquid over it. Taking up the spill he lit the end from the candle on the table and then set light to the sugar. The flame flickered as the alcohol burned and the melting cube dripped slowly through the spoon dropping into the glass. He watched the flame dance in the reflection of the drink and the clear emerald liquid begin to change.
It was a popular drink and more commonly known as la fee Verte or the green fairy. It also had another name and one which he found himself almost preferring, the devil’s drink. There were other methods in enjoying this drink but the drama of fire and alcohol seemed to be prefered here. As the flame died with the last of the sugar falling, he took up the spoon and stirred the mixture just as the music and the lighting changed. He attended this place every day for a week while he worked out the schedules and knew this one act only performed on a few nights for about an hour at a time. He brought his glass to his lips the medicinal scent filling his nose as he took a sip. His eyes never leaving the stage for a second as the performer took their turn.
It was always like this. Her whole body turned to a boneless mess backstage as she waiting in the wings for her turn in the lights. Worrying if she was going to mess up and forget a line. That was to say nothing of the fear she would be so badly out of step with the other girls on stage, making a complete spectacle of herself before the next act performed. She checked and rechecked her stage make up in the long mirror propped against the wall. Ghost-like white skin with dark make up on her eyes and shockingly red lips. Under the lights it balanced out and from a distance it didn’t look bad, but up close? She actually hated how it looked like a painted death mask.
“Almost time Evie!” A cheerful voice called down from the rafters. She turned her head to look up and found a smiling youth a little younger than her, his hands busy operating different ropes that changed the lighting for the stage. She couldn’t speak and gave a weak smile back as she nodded and stepped to the edge. The light cut a hard line through the shadow and part of her really wished to stay hidden, but that wouldn’t do. She owed so many for her life and this was the only way she had to repay her debt.
The ice-white feathers and pale sky-blue fabric wrapped over her figure, revealing her curves but also denying complete exposure. It was a tantalising taste of erotism that kept a lot to the imagination. Small strips of glass beads gave an eye-catching gleam to the outfit in all the right places, just enough to be suggestive but still tastefully teasing. Other establishments had reputations for being far more provocative than this.
Actually, even here there were performers and people on staff that went much further. She was constantly referred to as the Little Princess backstage because she was never pressured to go further and the owner always met that kind of demand with firm disapproval. The name was not something intended as a slight, she was in fact well-loved among the performers. Each had time to shine and all were given equal billing, so the need for petty arguing and fighting was never something to plague this performing house. No performer here was ever asked to do something they hadn't already consented to, a policy that saw the rejected stars from elsewhere flocking to them for continued employment. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. This was her show, her performance and the Nightingale had to shine.
The two giant ostrich feather fans snapped open as she held one behind and in front and stepped out into the light. The music turned more up-tempo with a clearer beat. It was easier to follow even as the lights blinded her. Dust in the air mixed with smoke as it danced in the agitated air through the beams of light making the stage feel magical. The nerves she had in her stomach relaxed and she twitched her hands swaying in time with the music. Right now, in this moment, it was only her and the music.
A flick here, a flutter there, just enough to give a glimpse and tease of what the feathers hid from view. One remained in place as she gave a wide arc with her arm holding the other. Her eyes that had been mostly cast down now looked out into where the audience was. The tables close to the stage were lost to her it wasn’t until about halfway back into the room that she could make out some shapes. Focusing her eyes as best she could on one point, hoping it was enough before dropping them again.
Her fan dance continued even after the song finished, a paper wall appeared behind her. Slipping behind it as the other dancers hit the boards to join her. She dropped the fans and the second part of her act begun. Her voice found its volume in partial hiding and the wall became a shadow theatre of sorts allowing only a silhouette to be shown to the gathered crowd as she began her striptease.
Mesmerising. It was the only word he had that could describe the performance and also the only adjective he had left in his vocabulary to say how he had been affected by it. She was skilled in her art and the charming innocence of her captivated the audience easily. Each patron fell under her spell one by one and when she looked up her eyes seemed to lock with his. His drink sat half drunk as he moved to the side of the room and slipped into the wings.
Furniture, fabric, ornate household items that were intended for props and décor choices were piled high on either side of the narrow space. He was careful not to disturb them in his path through them all to locate the owner. He was a proud supporter of the arts and more than once supported it in various forms when financially the artist struggled. Will had been a beneficiary of such interest in the past and continued to this day, placing pen to paper and showcasing performances that shocked and amazed. When he expressed an interest before, he was informed the Nightingale was not for sale. Clearly there had been a misunderstanding and that was what he wished to sort out tonight.
Showgirls, performers and all manner of people milled about the crowded backstage area in various stages of undress. They were rushing to change clothes, getting ready for their next turn or in a couple of cases already combined in trysts. Yes, mortals really were a colourful and lively bunch. He still couldn't shift the notion that something didn’t sit exactly right with him and the idea that such an innocent should remain here without assistance. A flash of his friend came to mind and he could practically hear the other man calling him an interfering busybody. With a wry smile on his face, he knocked on some upturned crates and waited for a response from the man sitting in lamplight surrounded by stacks of papers that could only be described as a fire hazard.
“Yes?” A middle-aged man with slicked-back oiled hair snapped his head up at the noise. He had on a shirt with an open collar and a printed scrap of fabric tied around his neck in a poor attempt to imitate a cravat. The pattern was so faded with wear it was hard to make out even its colour. It had probably once been high-quality silk but it was little more than a rag now.
“Ah Pardon. I was hoping now might be a good time—” His smile was ignored and his words were cut short as the man briskly stood and grabbed his jacket from somewhere behind himself. The fraying hems telling the same tale of the worn-out quality as his tie. 
“A good time Monsieur? A good time?” He was animated more than agitated as he pulled the jacket shut and buttoned the front. “I believe I have already told you that the little princess is not for sale.”
“I understand however I do believe we are at odds as to the meaning behind my offer.” Le Comte nodded in understanding. He had been right his offer before had clearly been misinterpreted.
“Well? What is it to be then? A fine gentleman such as yourself taking an interest in the entertainment of this place is nothing new. Neither is the interest in our Nightingale. But Monsieur,” The short man brushed blithely past Le Comte glancing over his shoulder. Le Comte followed behind gracefully avoiding the obstacles in his way while the owner almost collided with them all in turn. “Not one such person has managed to obtain that which they looked for and none have received my blessing to so much as talk to the girl.”
“You are very protective.” Le Comte’s voice was soft like that of an old friend showing approval.
“Naturally the child came to us as little more than a babe in rags, found her myself and raised her here. You might say she is something akin to a daughter too me. Whatever else happens here Sir is the business of the individual but I shall not see the child bothered with such things.” The man huffed as he grabbed a couple of the sandbag weights, moving them to the side revealing a crate of bottles. He reached out dragging them closer and began counting silently with moving lips.
“Admirable to be sure. We are in agreement on several things I see which would mean we should be able to reach an agreement if only you would give me the time of day to speak Monsieur.” Le Comte’s words were polite but held an edge to them that demanded attention.
“Very well, speak. I have duties that need tending too.” The owner sighed and straightened his back to look him directly in the eyes.
“I should like to offer my assistance financially in support of the young lady. I have no ill intentions and only a desire to see she be able to live comfortably in a lifestyle of her choosing without fear of the poor house or ill health taking her security.” Le Comte’s hushed tone rang clear as a bell the owner’s eyes widened as he gave an audible gasp.
“Y-you truly want nothing more than that?” The man stammered as his arrogance of earlier seemed to melt under the strength of those amber eyes looking at him. He prided himself of being able to spot a charlatan and there was nothing in the man reflected before him that told him his words were anything but true.
“That is correct.” Le Comte nodded and found himself wondering how he managed to maintain a stoic appearance when the man he had finally managed to reach an understanding with suddenly doubled over in a dramatic display of grovelling that would not look out of place in any number of reputable theatres.  
“Monsieur I should offer you my deepest heartfelt apology I fear I not only did you a great wrong but also caused you great insult in the process of protecting the child.”
“Think nothing of it. Instead, I should consider the matter settled if you would accept my offer?” Le Comte allowed a small chuckle to escape him in order to break the tension. The owner recovered himself and the stern expression he wore earlier was replaced by a much more relaxed one.
“Such generosity. However, I might act as the child’s guardian but I also have no legal right to do so. If you would come with me, I believe the girl should have her say on this matter.” He began moving again checking every few steps he took that he was still to be followed as if expecting the generous man to evaporate.
“A splendid idea.”
The performance was over and she was now free to retire to her room. Unlike most of the performers who had other accommodations elsewhere, she was given the luxury of a private space. A gown had been handed to her as she stepped back into the shadows of the stage and she had gratefully accepted it pulling it tight over her exposed skin. The smile on her face didn't fall until she was safely inside her own room. Her door was nothing more than a heavy curtain but once it was dropped the noise from the other side faded a little and she let out a sigh. 
She didn’t know when it had started to happen but she was getting increasingly more tired after every performance. The doctor had been called back several times after she collapsed in the past but nothing was done, except a suggestion of increasing her medicine and suggesting eating more food. She sat down at her dressing table and slumped over onto it. The cool surface on her forehead gave a little comfort as she felt her body shudder in a cold sweat. With a shaky hand, she pulled open the drawer and removed one of the vials. She turned it in her fingers against the lamplight, a milky white substance that looked like liquid moonlight.
After pulling the sealed cork from the glass she downed the mixture knowing it would remove the tremors from her body. When she regained a modicum of her former composure her vision stabilised and fell on the tray of food left for her on her chaise longue. She moved to stand, her legs feeling heavy as she dragged herself over to the tray and began to devour the offerings.
The first bite was all it took for her to abandon the cutlery and start taring through the cooked chicken and vegetables using nothing but her hands, finding that even then the food did not seem to go to her stomach fast enough to fill it.
A movement out the corner of her eye caught her attention and she saw herself reflected in her mirror. The appearance she had taken on with food covering her hands and face was like some sort of wild animal and suddenly the insatiable need to fill the void inside her was overridden by shock.
“What on earth am I doing?” Her voice came out in a pitiful confused cry.
She bolted over to her washbasin and poured fresh water from the jug into the bowl. Plunging her hands deep into the water she closed her eyes and visualised the fear and uncertainty melting away from her. Her fingers rubbed against her skin removing the remnants of food and brought water up to her face. The cold water running in cascades back into the bowl felt refreshing as the air she didn’t even realise she was missing returned to her lungs.
There was a knock outside and she could hear someone call her name.
“Evie? Are you in there Princess?”
“Y-yes!” She replied grabbing a hand towel to quickly wipe her hands and face.
“Is it safe to come in dear?” The voice was familiar and friendly but there was something about it that made her think it seemed more formal than usual.
“Sure.” Her answer was almost automatic and came before remembering the tray of food abandoned on the chaise. She scurried over and covered the tray with the towel in her hands moving it to a table next to her before the curtain to the room was drawn back.
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scummy-writes · 2 years
I've been thinking about genres of fanfic I don't normally write, and figured I'd share some angsty fic ideas I've either gotten cold feet on, or accepted that they're not in my capabilities to write. Just some summaries of what the fic plot would have covered. Mainly ikevamp but there is ikepri too.
Unrequited Isaac/Mc - I feel like it's easy to assume Isaac would easily be in unrequited love situations from his side of things, but switching it to Mc actually being the one having unrequited feelings would be interesting, I think!
The plot would have been similar to Isaac's route a smidge, as in how they begin to finally *talk* and Mc generally getting closer, and a friendship forming. Isaac starts to get out of his shell a smidgen, and she even helps him gain the confidence to teach again. All the while her feelings for him keep bubbling forth, until one day when he pulls her aside, flustered and requesting help.
He admits to spending some time after teaching with an acquaintance, and that was the reason why he would be late to return some days. He stumbles over his words a lot, but eventually stutters out that the aquaintance is a woman he believes he has feelings for. Isaac is nearly ashamed to ask, but due to a lack of experience, he was wanting Mc's help with how to approach asking her on a date.
Mc's chest constricts, her breath hardly coming out, but after a moment she finally nods, explaining that she'd be more than happy to help him with this, because what are friends for?
There would be a chunk of the fic with her having to hear Isaac happily going over details about the wonderful date he's went on, and how thankful he is for Mc's help, that he's the happiest he's been in ages.
It could easily branch to Mc getting with someone else in the mansion over this, but all I could imagine was her essentially using them to get over her own feelings, rather than legitimately wanting to be in a relationship with them. And maybe they would know it too!
But the idea hurt too much so I kept everything as notes _(:3」∠)_
Arranged Marriage Clavis/Mc - I won't act like I understand royalty and the politics that come with it since this flavor of fantasy isn't my forte and I don't seek it out, so keep that in mind please. Secondly, I don't hate Chev and this idea is unfair towards him.
It would have been a fic centered around Mc being in an arranged marriage for whatever reason with Chevalier (don't leave yet---). She's unhappy, she doesn't want it, and she's upset with how cold he seems. She's to stay in the palace until the marriage, and she's unfortunately stubborn. Her mind isn't changing about him, and most of her anger towards her family is being (internally) redirected towards him.
Clavis is naturally around Chev a lot, we all know this, and with her being new to the palace, everyone is a bit curious about her. And Clavis....is a huge softie in my mind... so I imagine that once he notices how often she looks so solemn and upset, he prods at her to rise different emotions out of her.
And at first, she thinks he's annoying. She's frustrated and trying to figure out the best case scenarios for staying here, and she has this fool popping up and insisting she try this and that 'food' he's made, or pull her to the gardens to watch one of the other princes fall for a trap he's made. Or, if she's particularly sour about something Chev has said, he joins in on her venting.
But as time goes on, she enjoys his frequent prodding. It's no longer just a distraction, and as much as they bicker, she finds herself missing him when he's too busy to visit.
And, well, it's obvious where it'd spirial to. The two eventually falling victim to their emotions and having a heated 'confession', sneaking around, trying to deny the feelings but not able to stop seeing each other late at night.
I didn't want to attempt it because I'd get so many details about the game's universe wrong firstly, but also it was just mean towards chev _(:3」∠)_ I wanted to cover the fact that he wasn't an asshole, and that he'd do a few things that would make Mc fairly happy.
Then pregnancy scares were considered, but as I thought about it longer, I shriveled up and decided i cannot write for this game and that this would have been the most melodramatic tv soap themed fanfic I'd written and I promptly erased the document notes.
Character Death Arthur/Mc - I actually wrote a good chunk of this one before rereading when I was more awake and realized it made no sense, and put the document away.
This one is more simple, and was a focus on the fact that the vampires would outlive Mc. I don't like Mc going vampireless, but the idea is certainly....a thing...to think about.
The fic itself was going to be shortly after her passing, with Arthur essentially staring at the music box he had given her at the start of their relationship. It's well worn by the time this happens, he knows that the comb doesn't hit all the notes properly, that it skips over a few. The lever is harder to crank, and the paint on the dog figure has rubbed off over time- even with all the repaints she would do.
He'd been unable to sleep that night, just absentmindedly staring at this box, unable to stop himself from thinking about various memories with her- when they married, the surprises he hid in his stories for her, and how giddy she was with them. The arguments they had, the nights he was convinced she'd leave him, the day they realized just how sick she was. All the times they considered turning her, and the way his gut twists wishing he managed to convince her to agree to it, even if it was in the worst of ways, because then she'd still be alive and happy.
I think I was going to have him put her wedding ring inside of the box, and then hide it in his dresser or shelf, due to the fact that every time he looked at it, he felt like throwing up from the onslaught of emotions.
I almost posted this one but chickened out! But the draft really was bad because I wanted to try and show just how disjointed his thoughts were, but it just made the whole fic nonsense.
Reincarnation Au Isaac/Mc - this one wouldn't have been too angsty, and I actually posted the first part (here) of this during 2021's Isaac Week.
I was going to have Mc as a vampire, and Isaac as a human. It was inspired by that one event where the suitors aren't who they are historically, but theyre still vamps and meet time-period appropriate Mc, that had sad as fuck endings.
It would go with Mc spotting him at the cafe one day and eventually gaining a bit of a crush on him, to her finally meeting him, to how they would stumble into a relationship. Hilariously, their first time being together wasn't going to be heavily focused on.
Instead, it was going to be focused on Mc trying to come to terms with letting Isaac die. It was going to be a generic instance of people finding out she's a vampire, Isaac trying to protect her, and failing.
And all the while, as the years go on, she's traumatized over it (naturally). It would cut to modern day, and her spending a lot of time with a witch friend. The friend being very disappointed in Mc's near refusal to properly try and recover. She's gone decades refusing to get too close to anyone else, wears and regularly repairs the gift he'd given her, and she's still overwhelmed with guilt. Her friend has offered to even do the extreme of helping her get rid of the memories, but she's stubborn, and her friend gives the ultimatum that she needs to learn to live again, or else they really would go through with the extreme. (This sounds very silly so this was a strong reason I dropped it)
But during one visit, Mc ends up shakily telling her friend that she ran into him again. (Said friend thinks she's finally gone delusional for a moment). Isaac seems to have no memories of her, and their conversation was strained due to her being in disbelief.
The fic was then going to go the route of the two shakily getting together again, only for Isaac to admit he did remember her after seeing her a few more times, but was upset she didn't seem to remember or refused to get too close to him again, and so he avoided her for a while to try and get his thoughts in order, and if this was a relationship to persue again.
It was going to have a happy ending and focus on Isaac helping her absolve some of the guilt she's had for years. Not too angsty, very angst Lite at the most. I ended up scrapping it due to thinking it wouldn't be interesting for others to read, and that the mc and the friend were very flat.
Recovery Gilbert/Mc (Tw: Self Harm, when the text turns blue then this idea is over with, if you wanna skip it!) - I know jack shit about Gilbert and his personality is hard for me to figure out. I don't think I could write him convincingly even if I wanted to. And with general "i am out of my element" vibes with ikepri, this likely wouldn't be one I'd ever actually write, and in general this wouldn't be a subject I could feel okay posting in depth regardless of the fandom
It's short, but it was essentially a situation set up as it is in Sariel's route- the three visiting princes staying there, yadda yadda.
There isn't much of a lead up to this one as the others, but in short my ikepri Oc regularly hurts herself. I'm not going into specifics with that.
The set up was that Gilbert finds out, and in return for not telling anyone else about it or trying to allude to it in front of others, he wanted to ask questions regarding it (the whys and other questions).
And she hates it. He has the same entertained look as always and she doesn't want to put an ounce of trust in him because it's risky and scary, honestly. But the idea of anyone else finding out makes her heart thump painfully against her ribs, and she quietly agrees.
He ends up tipping her chin to make her look at him, and asks when the last time it happened, with a reminder that he can't stand people lying to him. Bitterly she tells him, and is mildly surprised he doesn't ask anything else. Instead, he comments about meetings in the morning, and how a certain rabbit is in charge of helping the visitors with that, and moves to leave.
But he leaves salve and bandages behind, mentioning that if the wounds were to get infected, she'd get caught by the others quickly.
...the story would be about the very strange ways he'd manage to get her to stop doing it, while she stresses about how truthful he is with any of his intentions and words. It would have dissolved into a strained relationship.
Aside from the stuff I stated, this would be something very hard to write. I know others write this content, and dead dove content, but it seems like such a risky thing for me to write about. For various reasons, but also its scary to think about how it could unintentionally negatively impact people who struggle with it. I know slapping warnings is supposed to be the safety net there, but anxiety is never resonable.
And that's it! Or all I can remember at the moment. It is 5am in my tinezone so my brain is not at 100% right now.
But uh. Yeah, the way these aren't super structured and grossly ooc or too soap opera for me is why I usually just stick to smut and small fluff drabbles.
And I am also a crybaby. That is a major reason.
If you guys wanted to ask qs about them, I wouldn't mind, but if its a critism of how bad they are or how they're ooc, I don't want to hear it.
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Fic Masterlist
Updated March 2023
All my fics can be found on AO3 for ease of reading.
Scoville Scale o’ Spice: Pay attention to the rating when selecting your reading material!
Bell Pepper - Fluff. Completely innocent. No cursing, sexual activity, violence, or angst.
Jalapeno - SFW - Standard Gen Fic. May include cursing, mild violence. If sexual activities occur, there will be a tasteful fade to black.
Cayenne - Mature in theme, probably SFW - Extreme or descriptive violence or emotional angst. May include sex, will not be explicitly descriptive. Comparable to canon levels of spice in IkeRev, IkeSen.
Habanero - Spicy - NSFWish, depending on your W. Includes sex and brief descriptions thereof. Comparable to canon levels of spice in IkeVamp.
Carolina Reaper - SMUT - NSFW. All about the fuckin’. Read alone in a darkened room. Drink water and stretch first.
Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice/Love and Producer
Taxonomic Identification (Carolina Reaper) Lucien/MC PWP.
No Choices Short Gavin POV for Ch 12 (Cayenne for emotional pain)
MLQC Karma Drabbles - (Bell Pepper to Jalapeno) to read in order of posting: #mlqc karma drabble on my tumblr, or read on AO3 organised by love interest.
Advanced Entomology (Carolina Reaper) Lucien/MC got-some-plot-in-my-smut
How does Gavin pleasure his MC (Habanero)
The Choices react to an autistic MC (Bell Pepper)
Ikemen Sengoku
Iron Chef Sengoku (Jalapeno) (Modern AU): Chapter 1
Season 1 Side Story - That’s How You Finally Learn (Shingen/OFC) (Carolina Reaper, but only at the end)
Masamune reacts to his lover calling out another name in bed (Jalapeno)
The Warlord’s reactions to an MC who loves to swim (Bell Pepper) 
The Warlord’s reactions to an MC who wants to worship them (sexually) (Habanero)
The Warlords as drinks (Jalapeno)
The Warlords’ reaction to MC and Sasuke speaking Fannish (Bell Pepper) not mobile-friendly
The Warlords' reactions to an MC with a degree in Engineering (Jalapeno)
Ikesen MC as a Warlord's Long-Lost Sister (Jalapeno)
Samurai Love Ballad Party
It Must Be The Sake - Kojuro/MC (Jalapeno)
That Seems Fair - Mitsunari/MC (Bell Pepper)
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Oncoming Storm (Carolina Reaper) Ginnojo/MC first time
Final Fantasy X
*New! somewhere here in between the city walls of dying dreams (FFX alternate continuity, Auron/Rikku slow burn) (Cayenne - for now)
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fang-and-feather · 1 year
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Ikemen Vampire - Napoleon/Reader - Family fic
Prompt: Sunshine from Year of the OTP May by @yearoftheotpevent
I almost forgot this. Not like I have written much this month at all and I still feel like my writing is a little rusty...
AO3 Version / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Napoleon was definitely the dream husband type. The kind who helped you with housework without being prompted to, was usually good with it and, when he wasn’t, was willing a quick to learn.
When you had left to go shopping, you weren’t expecting for him to finish any work you had left, while also looking after your daughter.
Speaking of them, as you set the shopping bags in the kitchen, you noticed how quiet the house was. It was unusual at this time of the day.
You found them laying on a makeshift bed of blankets and pillows, in a sunny spot in the garden behind the house. Napoleon was lying on his back with the little girl on his chest, one of his arms supporting her. It was such a warm and peaceful scene you could simply stand there and watch them.
And not only there. Watching your husband and daughter bonding was always a heartwarming sight that brought a smile to your face. They were always the sunshine that brought warmth and light into your life.
Kneeling by them, you leaned over to kiss your daughter’s forehead, then give Napoleon a chaste kiss. Your lips pressed to his were actually what muffled a squeal when a hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you into the bedding with them. When you pulled back, Napoleon was smiling at you with half-lidded eyes.
“Welcome home, Nunuche.” He chuckled, kissing you again.
“Since when do you wake up this easily?”
“And who told you I was sleeping yet?”
“So you admit you were planning to sleep?”
“The weather is nice, our princesse is finally asleep, and you were taking a while to come back.”
You accommodated yourself better by his side. His hand moved from your back to caress your hair.
“So you will join us?”
“You were the one who pulled me in.”
You two laugh. Maybe a little too loud because it causes your daughter to stir in her father’s arms.
“Mama?” she called in a whimper.
“I’m here, little princess.” You reach over to hold her little hand, rubbing your thumb over the back until she relaxed and fell back asleep. You and Napoleon shared a silent laugh.
“You look so happy right now.” This time, he kissed your forehead.
“How could I not be with such a wonderful family? I love you two so much.”
“Then that must be why I am so happy, too.”
In the past, the idea of such a sunny family had sounded like a fantasy. Now it was your everyday life. Even when you had your dark cloud days, your love only shone brighter afterward.
You two kissed again, sharing your warmth and happiness, silently vowing to never stop shining on each other’s life and being the sunshine of your daughter’s life.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Author Interview
Tagged by: @yunohawkeye (on Misguide), @ayakashiramblings and @humi-and-co
Name: let’s say that Hyolf.
Fandoms: IkeSen, IkeVamp, IkeRev, Ayakashi Romance Reborn, MLQC (a bit), Obey Me, Shall We Date games in general, Lovestruck games in general
Where do I post: here and Ao3
Most popular One Shot: Call His Name (IkeVamp)
Most popular Multi-chapter story: Out of Time (IkeSen)
Favorite story you wrote: Shogetsu’s Room. 
A story you were nervous to post: Feral is a Wolf’s Fate. Otome fandom isn’t exactly thrilled for slash but here I was, posting slash, and with a shitload of content warnings.
How do you choose your titles: ...with greatest pain. I almost never have ideas for the titles, so they're generally not very creative. Unless everything starts with a title. (I still cannot get over the fact I had a story with an epic title of Weeping Gods and forgot the plot completely and entirely...)
Complete: I… did I ever finish a fic? Oh wait, yes. Out of Time - because it was supposed to be a flash fic. Ended up having 3 chapters and being closer to a novellete.
Incomplete: Thundering Hooves, Forgotten Dreams , Feral is a Wolf’s Fate from those I started posting. On my hard drive I have many more.
Do you outline?: Almost never, but I write mostly one-shots. However, there is often a long thought process behind a fic. Especially with smut, I generally need a fixed idea what exactly I want to show and how. There’s a lot of planning, and smut fics are those you wouldn’t expect intense analysis of, but here I am, weighing all aspects and trying to find a perfect blend. Same goes for some angsty fics.
Coming soon/Not started yet:  lol there's too many to list them! I have a long multivolume series planned for IkeSen (Grand Duchy series, around 10 long fics), Accretion for IkeRev, Wolves for MidCin, space fantasy for ARR, fantasy AU and custom MCs for IkeVamp, and a long fic for Obey Me.
Do you accept prompts: Yes, though haven’t said that officially yet XD
An upcoming story you’re excited to write: 
Tagging... uhh, didn’t everyone pretty much already got a tag? @towa-no-yume? @alloveroliver? @volixia669? @dear-mrs-otome? @nyktoon-in-otomeland? and anyone who wants!
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somethinglacking · 5 years
I don’t know if you meant 80 thru 90, but here we are  (80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? I stalk everyone. I’m always watching! You should check out @alloveroliver, @tofuoto, and @adventurous-mrs-saeyoung-choi They are great~ (81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Online, hell ya! HMU. IRL I’m deathly shy and avoid eye contact (82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. I don’t wear jewelry  (83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? Door Closed, keeps my cats out.  (84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? I worked on my Yoosung multi-chapter fic Made Breakfast Sobbed over 2D fictional men (85) What Do You Wear To Bed? T-shirt and PJ bottoms! (86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I have:  MAC nude and gold pallet I created myself at their shop where I am Kat von D Tattoo eyeliner Kat Von D foundation and concealer  Kat Von D Mascara  Revlon liquid stay lipstick in multiple colours. I have a variety of drug store make up too  (87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? I’m a ‘Wish I was sleeping, but rarely sleeps’ person. It doesn’t matter if it’s night or day. (88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. Omg if I listened every game I owned we’d be here all freaking day. I’ve been collecting video games since I was 4 years old. I’ll list some of my favourites: Consoles I own Sega Genesis, SNES, Ps1, Ps2, Ps3, Ps4, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii, WiiU, Gameboy colour, DS, 3DS. Favourite Games: Haunting Ground -Capcom: ps2 Resident Evil 1-4&7 (RE2 REmake is fantastic) Spyro the Dragon: The Remake is also fantastic Kingdom Hearts (I bought each game at their original launch along with ever remaster for ps3 and ps4. I own so many copies of Kingdom Hearts it’s actually a problem)  Final Fantasy (All of Them) God Eater  Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 1-4 Silent hill 1-3 (The remaster is garbage btw lolol)  Fire Emblem  Persona 5  On my phone:  Mystic Messenger IkeVamp IkeRev Mr Love Queens Choice  PewDiePie Tuber Simulator  (89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. I once had a dream a random shack showed up in my backyard. It had a friendly shack monster living in it. It scared my sister so much she refused to leave her bed and peed in a bucket lolololol. When my father got together a group of people to kill the friendly shack monster I got depressed and woke up. This was about 3 years ago lolol.  (90) Favourite Soda Drink? Pepsi~
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ikesenhell · 5 years
IkeRev/IkeVamp Masterpost
Want to commission me? DM me! IKEMEN REVOLUTION: Assorted One-Offs
Seth Hyde: “Fasteners” (NSFW, 18+)
IKEMEN VAMPIRE: Extended Fics: Elysium - Medieval Fantasy AU - 1- Elysium | 2- Rising Summer | 3- Flesh and Iron | 4- The Burden | Assorted One-Offs Theo Van Gogh: “Shiny Leather” (NSFW) Arthur Conan Doyle “The First Thing” 
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: “Adagio” “Bedhead” (NSFW, Commission!)
Jeanne D’Arc: “A Touch” (Slightly NSFW) Osamu Dazai: “Faraway” (Slightly NSFW) William Shakespeare:  “Foul is Fair” (NSFW, 18+) “Tempest” 
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sirius-lune · 5 years
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My OC MC for Ikevamp. Just, my wild fantasy, which I wanted to post here for the fun of it. It is not too relevant to Ikevamp as of now but I am planning to wrote some fic of her interaction with the characters in Ikevamp when more routes are released. So, it is okay to skip reading this post 😆
Name: Leora Lune D PhantomGale
Identity and Origin: Travelling genius elemental mage from another dimension. The realm she originated from (Realm of Mystery), was in ruins because of war against the Undead Realm. While the Undead Realm was totally destroyed, her homeland also suffered a lot of damage. Those who are safe from the war, stayed behind to help with the rebuilding. Mages like Leora with combat and healing abilities who joined the war were either in Eternal Hybernation state (sleeping eternally, basically it means that they are dead) or badly injured. With the destruction of the Undead Realm, it caused massive dimensional distortion, which caused a great turbulence that accidentally connected Realm of Mystery to The Land of Reasoning at a point (ehem... Ikerev reference). Leora, who initially lived in the 21st century before the war (she has time and space manipulation abilities to allow her to travel around at will) did not expect to land in the 19th century instead when she got sucked into the vortex. Full of internal injuries consisting of Curse Damage spells she got during fighting in the war, she landed three hundred metres away from Le Comte's secluded mansion. She was too weak to use dimensional and time travel magic to get to the 21st century. The night was merciless and the storm was starting to rage. Le Comte happened to pass by a partially conscious Leora who was leaning against a tree for support in his carriage on his way back from his business. He knew she wasn't a human despite looking like one, and seeing her all beaten up and weak, kindly took her in and let her recuperate in the mansion as long as she needs.
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