#ill also post lots of fun pics for everyone~
lilac-melody · 1 year
Packing is so stressful...
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pucktoxicity · 1 month
i had a whole message ready to go and dropped my phone, so this might end up being shorter. first, as context, i went to a massive hockey school and was with my boyfriend who was on the team throughout our time there and after. still talk with him, but i’ll be honest and say that all the sh*t that comes with having a relationship with someone that’s high profile was just too much.
1. the reading stuff is hilarious. obviously they can read—they just don’t HAVE to read. even in college. was at a party at one of his teammate’s places and opened the fridge to grab something and there were textbooks, still in the plastic, sitting on the top shelf. it was a class i was also taking. when I confronted the guy about it as I held said textbooks in hand laughing (it was near midterms) he said “it doesn’t matter. i’ll pass.” he passed and it definitely wasn’t because he understood a damn thing in that course.
2. cliques exist on teams. ill break that down further. my boyfriend hung with like five of his teammates and a handful of athletes from another big sport at my school. those were who we were around on any given day. on weekends after games, or if there was a stretch with a break from some games, the entire team would go out. your ass better be at those team events or if not you better have a good reason why you’re not there. there was an issue off the ice involving the team and there was definitely a rift afterwards because a few of the guys were not there. it made for a really bad season with a team that should have done well.
3. they’re not tagging pics in real-time. they’ll post stuff a few days later with the tags on the locations so people think they know where they are if they post anything at all. that’s equally true for public and private accounts where tracking can be controlled. im sure most people recognize this, but i’ve never seen it stated outright. i was even asked to hold off on posting things until we were somewhere else even though my accounts are private. if they want you to know where they are, you’ll know where they are.
4. for the love of god do not send them nudes. not unless you want that entire team and possibly more to have them. getting nudes was a game to them.
5. which brings me to—they are ALWAYS involved in some sort of game or challenge with one another. the nudes was one, i can’t give anything more specific because i’d likely dox myself. not really feeling up for that blowback. just—they’re always betting each other over something and keeping tabs/score with something likely unrelated to hockey. sometimes it’s funny and sometimes “ew.” but there’s always something.
6. the sh*t they do off ice is hilarious and often unexpected. one of my best friends is the biggest a-hole on the ice, led the team in penalties, etc. off ice he’s the nicest human you will ever meet. he doesn’t read for fun, but he’s a nerd over a specific genre of movies that you wouldn’t expect. video games are pretty constant. they’re psychotically competitive even with those. watching giant man children rage quit video games is hilarious. oh and some of them have the weirdest habits. can’t really elaborate on that one. if anything i’d send it another time.
7. as someone that had a whole school watching my every move and then a whole city watching my every move, i can tell you it gets old fast—for everyone involved. i had people (guys and girls) show up where i lived. 95% of the sh*t i read online that was supposedly about me, him, me and him, etc was not even close to true. take what you see about any of the players or the people involved with them with a grain of salt.
8. sadly some of the worst guys are the ones in the longest relationships, or had families, etc. that was really horrifying to me. strictly anecdotal to my experience with two teams and their circles, but yeah. it was bad.
9. because the question comes up a lot—where? i met my boyfriend at mandatory study hall freshman year because im also an athlete. we never talk hockey. i talk hockey with my other friends and family, never with him or his teammates. he’s in it all day everyday, it’s his job, just like when im done with work i know i don’t want to talk about it, they’re the same way. if he brings it up, sure, but i’m sure as hell not gonna be the one to do that.
and for those keeping score: tall and natural blonde. many of his teammates over the years dated brunettes but they almost always ended up dying their hair blonde. so I don’t know if it’s blondes initially all the time. if anything i would just add that WAGs are their own beast with all the peer pressure and competitiveness of a team. the going blonde thing might be due to the pressures within that group.
way longer message than i intended but hopefully some valuable insight for those who have asked. as you’ve said, they’re humans like anyone else, their job is just different. oh, and summers were mostly working with skills coaches and rehabbing injuries/getting surgeries that are overdue that weren’t publicized. the public doesn’t know half the sh*t these guys are playing through.
everyone thank this anon for her service because this is absolutely perfect, no notes.
the ones i can most agree with / corroborate from my own experiences: she is 100% correct. do not send these guys nudes (i never have & never will, but know that they get them spread around quickly!!), and the same goes for competing over things. good lord, it’ll be the stupidest shit sometimes too but somehow it becomes a competition 😭 it’s crazy! and the same goes for schoolwork. it’s not just hockey. i have a friend who went to an SEC school with a historic football team (and sorority rush, cough cough), and she said the same thing about football players. they’ll pass. no matter what. doesn’t mean they’ll have a 4.0, but they’ll pass enough. i’m sure it’s the same with big hockey schools up here and the midwest as it is in the south with football. that doesn’t surprise me at all, unfortunately.
also, that last line. the public doesn’t know half the shit these guys are playing through. YUP. the things their bodies go through in not just a season, but in one game, are absolutely insane. and she’s very correct about privately-handled, unannounced offseason surgeries. 🙂‍↕️
i think the most interesting thing for you guys to see is her insight that most brunette WAGs end up going blonde & that whole explanation of the blonde WAG stereotype in every level of hockey.
whoever you are, i adore you, this was an amazing read, and if you ever want to talk privately in dms and stuff, i’d love to! if not, no worries, and thank you for stopping by & talking to me 🥰💋❤️
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ryuatewater · 3 months
what happened why is there mass genocide of anons???
glad im not anon
Well its from the anonverse uh ill explain it all wait
Okay so you know @/a-narcissists-warren right?
Funny thing they have their asks open and answer non question like stuff (basically just talking)
Well my friend started talking to them in anon while also adding an anon sign off so Afonso could recognize em (they used the 💽🎞 emoji combo)
And Afonso always* drew a little doodle when answering them, they even drew the anons and gave them unique designs based off their emojis
When I saw my friend talking to Afonso (who is literally my idol) I ofcourse wanted to do it too so I sent in a few asks (one or two asks really because i was nervous and shy) ALSO using an anon sign off (though i got the short end of the stick because my anon sign off had stuff to do with trees my lil guy was a tree too)
Then new anons started appearing so Afonso started drawing them designs too
People REALLY loved the designs and everything was going jolly
Then Notepad anon made an account for their anonsona
Everyone LOVED the idea and started making accounts too
The anons were interacting with eachother, drawing eachother fanart, blah blah blah everything was so fun and jolly!!
Heres the most recent pic i have of the anons btw
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BTW THIS IS DRAWN BY @a-narcissists-warren SORRY FOR THE TAG
BUT there was a certain anon (I've seen a few names used for them like funny, odd, creepy but most common was silly anon so ill just call em that) silly anon had an account way before they started sending asks to Afonso
I wasnt there to see it myself but from what ive heard Silly Anon is canonically a child, back when the account first started people sent "asks" to silly anon just brutally murdering them woth gory descriptions that i wont be talking about now, this of course affected the child a lot and the kid grew up to be extremely violent (they were canonically 7 years old when they started sending asks to Afonso i believe) they also closed their own ask box because they were scared of getting hurt again
Silly anon would brutally kill people if not given enough candy (they of course loved candy bc theyre a literal child) so there was a full on massacre that happened because silly hadnt eaten enough candy to calm down
I believe it was here when we learned of a power Afonso had, they could draw in the air with their finger and anything they drew became real! But if they drew too much theyd experience a burn out where their hand was literally burnt and they couldnt draw properly
So Afonso started drawing candy for silly anon and when they couldnt draw because of a burn out they went and bought some for them
Afonso also tried to treat silly well and made them feel welcome (acting like a parental figure in my opinion)
So silly started trusting Afonso
Afonso drew all the dead people back to life and everything was alright again
Timeskip to when sillys canonical birthday came, they were turning 8 years old, they made a post about it and tagged every anon, everyone gave silly candy and sweets!! It was going so well until ONE ANONYMOUS ASSHOLE stabbed silly anon, silly healed quickly but was enraged, seeing red even, the ask box closed back up and silly went on another rampage literally killing EVERY ANON THERE IS and they were killing these anons using methods people ued on them, making the anons live trough sillys trauma
Okay so every anon was dead, Afonso was outside while all this was happening so when they came back they were horrified, every anon was dead and silly was so mad they even wanted to kill Afonso but Afonso started crying about how they couldnt make silly feel better, become a better person and theyve done all that they could
Silly dropped their weapon and hugged Afonso falling asleep on their shoulder because they were exhausted from all that killing, they breathed out a white gas from their mouth recovering every anon thats body was still intact and not turned into a pile of gore
Afonso drew all the other people back to life so now every anon is back EXCEPT ONE, 💽🎞 anon (who we like to call dvd anon), dvd anon was underground when they got killed so they cant be recovered right now
But every other anon is back
Thats where the story is at right now
Ryu note: if dvd doesnt come back i will cry /halfjoking
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sweet-drmzzz · 5 months
wowowowow I’m finally doing a pinned post
Hiya!! My names are Z-Fey, and Faele (pronounced fey-elle)!! I am the host of a median collective, and this is my/our main blog. You can find our plural side blog here: @treehousearchive
I go by Fae/Zi/It/They pronouns, and idrc how the grammar around them works (so you could say “fae are a person with adhd” or “fae is a person with adhd.” Please use my neopronouns as much as, if not more than you use they/it
if you misgender me I’ll eat ur knees /hj
I am faekin and foxkin, and I’m absolutely amazing at it. Don’t try to disprove alterhuman shit. I won’t listen. Also keep any alterhuman discourse off this blog. All nonhumans are welcome here. Yes even physical ones. Yes even ones that truly believe they are an animal. Yes even mentally ill/delusional ones.
Collectively we are aspec and arospec. Afaik that goes for everyone in our collective but I could be wrong.
currently I don’t check my discord, if you need to reach me my asks and DMs on here are the fastest ways.
I use a lot of emoticons, abbreviations, and tone tags :3
tone tag key:
/lh- light hearted
/j- joking
/hj- half joking
/sarc- sarcasm
/nm- not mean
/nf- not forced
/gen- genuine
/aesth- aesthetic (used to describe aesthetic attraction. Ex. “He’s hot /aesth”
if I ever use one u don’t understand just ask! I’m more then willing to inform!
Pedos. Like genuinely. Pedos maps etc fucking disgust me. Stay tf away from my blog
Zionist. Yeah nuhuh. If u support genocide I don’t want to talk to u.
Homophobes/Transphobes. I’m gay asf. I don’t think you want to be here.
Zoophiles. No. Just no.
Anti furry/Anti alterhuman. Once again. I’m a therian. Y would u want to be here???
Sexual/kink blogs. Nothing against you, have ur fun. Idrc. I’m just not comfy w that.
Anti-endos. I don’t want that negativity on my blog. All good vibes here.
If you demonize mental illnesses (like schizophrenia or npd) fuck off. If you use “delulu” or treat serious mental illnesses as silly little things fuck off.
Anti aro/aspec. This shouldn’t even be a thing? Just let people exist?
if I don’t like u I’ll block u.
With all due respect, which is none, leave me alone.
#Happy Fox Hours
Foxkin euphoria and just generally happy foxkin related stuff
#Happy Fae Hours
Second verse, same as the first but w fae stuff this time.
#Zi speak!!
text posts and me ranting
#Soda Spill
My writing. Includes poetry and short stories/snippets from bigger stories. (Please note that since originally making this I have stopped using the name Soda, as that has gone to one of my headmates. This tag may change soon.)
#Faele agrees
Rebolgs!! I might forget to tag my rebolgs. I’ll try my best but if I do my apologies.
#Sad bitch time
vents n stuff. Me being depressed.
Boundaries: mostly im fine with anything.
pls don’t tag me in angelic/religious stuff, or send it to me. Especially if it has eyes featured prominently.
uhh i feel like this shouldn’t need to be said but just in case: foxes are a game animal where I live. I already see my kind’s hides enough. Don’t show me pics of that.
just yk… if i ask u to quit do so please. There’s nothing rly big other than those two things that I can think of. Be nice.
My filter tag list is here. If you are intentionally rude and disrespectful about it you will be blocked.
I have a side blog for Will wood stuff called @willwooddaily
thank you for your time!!
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babyvivi · 26 days
Mommy went back home for a bit, but she took lots of piccies and ill be posting them soon! i hope everyone enjoys thems hehehehe
The reason for this is that I like to post my pics over a few days because it keeps them fresh and a star of its own show, instead of just being one more pic in a pile of pics. I'm sure some people would like to see all of them at once, but if I did it that way, a lot of people would glance over a lot of the fun pics I take, and I'd also take like a week between pictures. It's just nice to use the queue for pacing and as a way to be active. If you want to see all my pics though, I'd be willing to give you access to a google drive with them all, including future ones and videos, to anyone who supports me by buying me some stuff to make more content with. ^^
Diapers are expensive, and I put a lot of effort into taking pics. supporting me means I can make more things for everyone to enjoy. :)
Also special thankies to the people who have supported me already: Anonymous Snorlax Anonymous Jigglypuff
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noxturnalpascal · 5 months
Life Update
It feels to be like I've been pretty absent on here and that bums me out. I had to step back a little for my mental health because the negativity in this fandom does affect me. But stepping back also bums me out because this site can be SO fun when I'm interacting with my moots and making new moots and all of us are squealing about new pics of our boyfriend together.
That being said - the MAJOR reason I have been absent in the past 2 weeks is because of travel. And oh boy.... is this a whopper of a story. So, if you're interested in a tale of insanity, read below the cut.
[TL;DR] I'm back (not that I went anywhere)
sorry I couldn't resist TUWOMT reference, I actually went a lot of places and some of them were good and some were terrible but I really am back now. (Also, I posted this at 2am apparently but did not mean to do that then, so I am reposting now)
So first of all, I was in my hometown in upstate NY last week visiting my family because we are planning to move to the West Coast after our lease is up here so we wanted to visit again before we moved across the country. I live in Florida and we drove 2 days - with our cat in tow - (because my anxiety is so bad it makes it impossible for me to step on an airplane). While I was home I took the train with my bff to Manhattan for 3 days and we hung out there, didn't get to meet Pedro Pascal even once, and took the train back to my hometown. My husband and I drove the 2 days back home and got back Sunday night. It was exhausting and I was only home for like 38 hours and then Tuesday at 1pm I began my next trip. Started with an 18 hour bus ride from Orlando to Lafayette, Louisiana to get a train from Lafayette to Los Angeles, CA. I was planning on being there 12 days before getting the train back to Lafayette and then a bus back to Orlando.
So as I've said I have a terrible fear of flying and I am also the owner of a very bad back (and since my husband and I share a car) I didn’t want to do all that driving alone (dangerous/stressful and bad back) and couldn’t fly cuz of my mental illness. So this is by no means meant to be offensive, but I’m apparently too much of a babygirl to be a bus person. I did not know this. I thought I was tough. Nope. 2.5 hours in on the bus ride and I’ve been listening to this man 2 rows in front of me play instagram reels on his phone the whole time even though the driver said 5 times (FIVE TIMES) to wear headphones….. Well the driver gets sick of it, pulls over at a gas station in the middle of nowhere and tells the guy to leave. He won't so the cops are called. The cops show up and he finally gets off the bus after a 30 min delay. I’m like….. WHAT THE FUCK? IS IT ALWAYS LIKE THIS??? I didn't know if this man was gonna get mad and start swinging on the bus driver or the cops..... it was scary.
The first station I was at in Orlando I almost threw up cuz I was so nervous. Before I got on the bus I went to pee and to wash my hands and there wasn’t any fucking soap in the bathroom. I thought that was bad. AND YET SOMEHOW.... every subsequent stop was somehow worse. Literally, I kept saying to myself “this can’t get any worse” ....and it kept getting worse. These are the sketchiest, dirtiest fucking places you can imagine. I was staring at this toothless old white dude behind the counter at one of their convenience stores and thought to myself “this has got to be a movie set cuz this can’t be real.” Kind of waiting for someone to jump out and say "PSYCH this is all a joke. I know the floors here look like they were mopped with literal dirt, and everyone looks angry or drugged out, but this is all fake. It's all a joke meant to make you lose your mind." But that didn't happen. I've just never experienced anything like it. I’ve never seen anything so disgusting in my life. The 2nd to last stop only had doors on 2 of the 7 bathroom stalls. One of the stations had a TV on that just played old reruns of a Jaime Fox show while every child in the building cried and coughed at alternating intervals. Yes, this was 3am, and they made three busses full of people cram into a station with not enough seats and wait around for an hour... This is not a joke. 
I felt so fucking unsafe the whole time but I had to get off the bus at the stops and walk around (cuz they made you) but also cuz I was VIOLENTLY motion sick the whole fucking ride on the bus. Like clutching a barf bag with a pounding head and miserable. Also on the bus almost everyone else had two seats to themselves and I had a seat partner the entire time, but it kept changing. First it was a girl and then a kid and they were cool but then it was cigarette smelling guy and then guy who literally wouldn’t stop accidentally touching me, including putting his elbow in my back multiple times (I have fucking herniated discs so this did NOT feel good). 
And when I tell you that my back hurt, i mean i couldn’t spread out or anything cuz someone was fucking next to me the whole time so my back was on fire. I was in so much pain I cried 3 separate times. So I couldn’t sleep cuz people kept talking and I was in pain and the ride was rough and guy kept touching me. And I just kept telling myself, ok countdown cuz you’re almost there you're almost there. And by now I told myself - this final stop - the bus/train station in Lafayette - is not going to be clean but it’s okay, because you’re going to be off the bus and it’s going to be okay.
When I tell you that they pulled up to a dark parking lot at 4:50am next to a building with gates drawn down over the doors and dropped me off - I was in fucking shock. “Is this building closed?”  i shouted at the bus driver. “yeah,” he says, getting back on the bus.  “Ummmm, where do i go?” I’m fucking starting to panic. “You can go sit on the platform till they open in a few hours.”  and he’s gone. 
I’m alone in the dark with my luggage at the fucking bus station in downtown Lafayette. 
Oh except I’m not alone because there are 3 men milling about, one of them keeps asking me my name, two of them ride bikes past me back and forth. I go to sit on the platform and this alarm goes off and this voice comes over the loudspeaker shouting  “THERE IS NO LOITERING ALLOWED HERE. PLEASE LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.” and repeats non-stop.  One of the guys goes “why is it doing that? Is it gonna call the police?” HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW?? I FUCKING WISH IT WOULD MY DUDE, ARE YOU SERIOUS?
I tell him my name to be nice and he keeps telling me i should come sit with him and this other guy cuz it’s “safer” and I’m like….   IS IT THO?!?!?!?  and he keeps saying “youve never been here? Do you wanna go see downtown? It’s a short walk, i’ll help you roll your suitcase.”   BRO WE’RE NOT GOING COURTING IT’S FUCKING FIVE IN THE MORNING. This man wants to go on a fucking stroll with me and I am just envisioning what my Forensic Files episode is gonna be like and hoping the re-enactment actor they get to play me isn't too ugly.
I’m desperately trying to call a lyft to take me literally anywhere else, and no one is accepting my ride request. FINALLY someone accepts, and after 45 minutes of sitting in the dark, trembling out of fear and cold in only a tshirt with my bags hunched around me, I get my ride. The lyft driver takes me to a Hilton hotel by the airport. I walk in, and I’m mid panic attack and crying and tell the employees there at 6am my story and ask if I can pay for a room so I have somewhere safe to hang out. They refuse to make me pay and offer me the lobby (lots of outlets and large, plush couches) for as long as I need it and tell me to help myself to the hot breakfast and coffee. Fucking Angels.
Does it stop there? No it doesn’t. Cuz I still have to go back to the train station for my train to California, which leaves at 12:30pm. So I spend HOURS in the hotel lobby, chilling and eating and it’s nice and I feel safe. I schedule a lyft to pick me up at 11:15 so I can get back to the train station with an hour before I’m scheduled to depart.
10:45am I get a text that my train has been canceled. CANCELED.... Apparently, there are storms affecting the route, so my train will not be running between New Orleans and San Antonio, TX (I’m 2 stops after NO). But they will provide me BUS ACCOMMODATIONS to get me to San Antonio so I can continue my journey there.
Wrong word, my dude. BUS??? I’m fucking triggered. I start bawling like an insane person. The girls who let me stay in the lobby at this point are probably like “oh shit we thought she was normal but she’s crazy.” I call my husband, I call my mom, I call a couple friends. I’m a fucking mess. I just want to go home at this point but I’m still a 12 hour drive away (with no car of course) and OH YEAH I haven’t fucking slept!
So first thing’s first - I ask the hotel for a room and they feel terrible for me (cuz i’m a crying sniveling mess) and give me a discount on a suite and let me check in right away. I call Amtrak and cancel my train, sobbing on the phone with them (and it’s a man so he’s very awkward about it) but they give me a FULL refund. I most likely won’t get refunded at all for the VRBO rental I got for Los Angeles though. I got to the room and booked a rental car for the next day from the airport that I was like right next to, and so the plan was to sleep there overnight and get a lyft to the airport and drive back towards home the next day. 
My husband offered to take off work and drive to meet me at an airport along the watly so I wouldn't have to drive the whole 12 hours with my terrible back.  I ended up getting a Malibu which was such a nice ride and it had a lumbar support in the seat and my back felt FUCKING GREAT. I met up with my husband at our planned location and we drove home. Between the time change, massive rain storms, and construction traffic, we didn't get home till 10:30 but I fucking made it home. (Because of course with all my bad luck I was terrified that I was going to die on the way home.)
BUT IM HOME SAFE IF NOT A LITTLE WORSE FOR WEAR (mentally and physically exhausted). I will make a post later today with my plans for my writing updates. I have a new WIP I want to share and I know some of you are waiting on my current series as well.
TY always for your love and support ✌️💖🫂
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yoonsdoll · 9 months
hi im bored and this is my professional opinion if seventeen r kitty or puppy coded and why because this is very important to me !!!!!!!!!
seungcheol : kitty coded
ok this was actually a really hard choice because he actually does have both kitty and puppy features but ultimately i decided kitty because hes so persian cat.
but laura!!! he has a dog!!! YES I KNOW OKAY!! i LOVE kkuma. and as much as he wants to be a dog dad hes just a cat taking care of a dog beeeee so fr!!!!!
ok in conclusion realistically he can be both but like.. look at these photos and try spot the difference
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cheol get well soon i miss u .
if u disagree then u just dont get the vision!
jeonghan : kitty coded
i have previously stated how he is a ragdoll cat. and yes, he really is.
hes so mischievous in like the best way ever, tell me a kitty wouldn't do that. U CANT!!!!
as a cat owner myself.. im just correct.
he 100% knows how to get someone to give him what he wants (treats) and he sits there all day looking fabulous and getting attention for being so cute.
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also jeonghan get well soon im losing hair the longer ur gone.
anyway pls agree ive never been so confident in an answer in my life. dont ruin this
joshua : puppy coded
the more i look at shua smiling the more he reminds me of a cute puppy.
pls this man has me breaking down hes literally so cute.
i have no reason apart from the fact im so very sure he would be a puppy. and also hes an extrovert which automatically strikes me as a dog!!!
he looks like a fancy cat on a lot of pictures but dont let him gaslight u.
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he told me himself hes a smiley shiba inu.
im a strong believer in puppy shua.
junhui : kitty coded
i feel like this is a very obvious answer but still
0% puppy in him. its all a very feral cat.
when i look at jun i think of a british shorthair kitty. a baby one in specific.
especially because hes playful as hell but also has his moments when he just prefers to be quiet and listen to the others.
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he alternatively could just be a white and black cat.. it did occur to me while making this. however i still feel like a british shorthair is more suitable.
jun is so cat coded and even he knows it!
hoshi : kitty coded ?????
okay see my issue is that yes.. tigers are in the cat family. but do u not also ever look at hoshi playing around w the members and think that he could be a puppy if he wasnt so obsessed w tigers..
anyhow, he is kitty coded for the most part I GUESS.
sometimes he really does remind me of a hamster more than anything though, but again this isnt the point of this post.
ill give him this win and say he is a toyger cat.
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look at him tryna convince everyone in that 2nd pic.. ok wtv he convinced me
wonwoo : kitty coded
so very calm, knows what his boundaries are, likes playing around once in a while.
wonwoo is THE black cat. one of those that are really well taken care of with short yet super soft fur.
same as jun.. u will never find any puppy energy in this man.
he has a dog too, but hes the most cat coded person u will ever see. this is why my cheol point was also correct.
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im giggling those photos r so perfect. 3 wonwoos ^^^^^^
bye u legit cant even argue with this one if u wanted to
woozi : kitty coded
just as i know wonus a black cat, i know ujis a white cat.
hes so elegant yet so fun and so cute pls someone tie me down
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the fact i already knew what photos im gonna use says enough.
i would also like to say that hes also very bear coded. like if hes not a cat hes a bear.
dokyeom : puppy coded
everyone cheered!!!!
dk has always been very puppy to me, even in interviews where hes speaking to people he doesnt know (which makes it difficult for him (and hoshi)), hes ALWAYS trying his best.
hes so cute!??!?!?! like, im really not good with dog breeds AT ALL, but he clearly is a pomeranian.
is he a grown 5'10 man? yes. is he also a very cute puppy breed? also yes. why? it just makes so much sense.
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the 2 glasses photos were a coincidence but they somehow make him look even more puppy coded.
him in curly hair.. dude it doesnt get any better than that!!!
mingyu : puppy coded
DUH!!!! hes the puppiest out of all puppy in seventeen
surprisingly, i always see everyone call him a golden retriever which, personality wise I SO AGREE!!! but something itches my brain when hes compared to a husky. IT MAKES SM MORE SENSE NO??
i lied btw ive never seen anyone compare him to a husky this is me trying to drop my opinion without getting dragged.
theres not much else to say apart from that his emoji rep is litch a puppy so u cant deny it!
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no matter what breed u wanna compare him to, itll still always be a dog
i truly wish i could see him as a cat but its just not right!
minghao : kitty coded
kitty coded through and through!!!!
i dont think i cld ever compare hao to a puppy?? his vibes r so cat.
SIAMESE CAT** let me say. dont u agree!!
hes so sassy and i feel like that rlly influences my opinion but also when have u ever looked at minghao and thought he was puppy coded. literally NEVER. i cant name u one time.
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give him blue contacts and hes that cat in the middle (pls dont)
i rest my case thank yew!
seungkwan : BOTH?!
seungkwans a really difficult one for me. because he quite literally is both.
he has moments when hes so puppy coded then the next second hes the most kitty coded man ever.
same in selcas.. i cant even decide thru them!!!
if i really had to pick, id lean towards a cat, but again.. its too hard to decide.
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therefore, he would be an orange kitty or a samoyed dog! :3
im sorry for cheating my way out of this one but i srsly cant decide.
vernon : kitty coded
chillest cat ever trust me.
vernon said himself he really likes cats and that made this even easier than it was before cause it just makes sm sense!
im aware vernon likes dogs too but him liking cats is so ?? vernon ??????
i always go back to that photo of him holding the baby kitty. hes such a cat person. literally look up vernon being a cat person on twt and theres a whole thread proving it!
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this is why vernon is a siberian cat! he looks like it sm and he is chill like that ong
vernon and kitties give me life
dino : puppy coded
surprisingly i originally wanted to say kitty coded but after a think abt it.. hes clearly puppy coded
a very loved puppy by his 12 older brothers lolol
he always loves the attention and enjoys smiling and making others laugh a lot too..
do u guys remember that puppy interview? yeah.
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his light brown hair was the prime border collie days!
i found that middle photo and immediately thought dino.
ok i originally didnt even mean to assign them all to breeds or wtv but it just happened... thank u for reading this is what happens when i get too bored!!! anyway i think i did pretty well so!
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ren-054 · 4 months
Hey! Sorry, but I'm curious and I would like to ask u something. I've already asked the same question to another blog but I decided to gather different opinions/feedbacks, out of curiosity.
Do you think Sun, Moon and Eclipse, canon-wise, are a good representation of a system?
I know that many people see them differently, everyone has their own hcs and I do too, but if they were a system would it be accurate in terms of shifting/fronting etc?
I apologize if this question sounds weird or if I come off as offensive, it was not my intention. I don't know a lot about DID, I'm still studying, so feel free to correct me or to simply ignore this ask.
Oooh this question! Hrmmm
Also it’s all good, I love answering questions that have to do with pulling from my experiences :] I don’t mind at all!
TL;DR because I’m very wordy— I think the DCA’s a decent rep of the idea of a system but it still ends up with a lot of the pitfalls of current system rep (like alters framed as evil vs good since it’s a horror game and Moon is an enemy + Sun and Moon’s inner conflict being resolved either through a fusion into Eclipse or simply letting a more stable alter front with little further elaboration on the matter)
So the DCA definitely feel like a system that could exist, but it still reads like that awkward middle stage of media rep where there’s still a dependence on shock factor and spectacle over them just being a system that exists, but they’re overall fine.
I think viewing them as a system is very neat and I love how validating/relatable a lot of the fan works can be when tackling the DCA’s dynamic with each other :] I see little issue with viewing them as a system, if that’s part of the question
Long answer below pfpf
Where do I start…
I think I’m a bit torn? Their canon switch from SB, if we are viewing them as a hypothetical system, definitely felt dramatized because it’s a horror game (but maybe some people experience switches like this! I wouldn’t know)
Also the fact the horror effect is likely coming from having an overall benign doormat of a guy suddenly becoming unsafe post-switch feels a bit iffy to me since it feeds into that othering/demonizing narrative of mentally ill + neurodivergent folk, but Sun’s panic about Moon fronting is still a mood, to be fair. I have my own paranoia about certain alters getting triggered out ajhdks
As for fronting, the DCA don’t really get to express how that works for them, so I can’t say. The only thing I could glean is that,
1, Sun was aware a switch occurred that allowed Moon out but, for whatever reason, was upset enough to still kick Gregory out the daycare knowing he could still be in danger so there’s not much info there, and
2, Ruin Eclipse seemed to have less memories than Sun or Moon given he acted like he just met Cassie when he fronted, sort of reminiscent of either an alter coming back after a long period of dormancy or a much more generally dissociated alter. Sun still talked after Eclipse came back so he’s still in there, and presumably Moon too.
For me, I think I have a lot of internal communication and rarely have hard switches (a switch where there’s only one alter fronting with little interference from any other part) so I can’t say too much about hard switches like what seems to happen with the DCA. Sun and Moon were in a terrible rapid switching and/or fighting-for-front situation in Ruin though, and I feel for them. I’ve been through it and it’s not fun.
I was actually surprised at how much more.. system-coded the DCA were in Ruin but I always had a bit of an issues with it for one reason
There wasn’t a lot of closure for Sun and Moon specifically (only implied through Ruin Eclipse’s calm and more child-friendly nature) so I’d feel a bit weird to say that the DCA as we know them at this point is a great.. summary for systems as a whole? Like you gotta do what you gotta do to heal yknow so this isnt judging how they need to help themselves, but I’m looking at the bigger picture of system rep and the preconceptions of a layman audience.
I know not every system likes the idea of their parts being ignored/shunted in favor of a more “complete” fused hypothetical version of themselves, including myself. But for the DCA, as Sun strongly implies, this is the best solution for them in the moment in order to stabilize so really I can’t judge them.
Sun said thank you, though, so I hope that means them and Moon are getting some well deserved rest away from front. I do hope to see things from them feeling better in the future, but I don’t have much faith that we’d be given that.
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scrollypoly · 1 year
hi! for the past month i’ve been seeing people say BEN is a child and i think that part of it is linked to the fact that they think of Benjamin Lawman being BEN? but it’s so annoying to read these type of stuff because i understand not everyone read the whole arg story but stop spreading things that aren’t true </3 it’s such an interesting story too! another note do you prefer BEN’s canon or fanon design? :3 i love both but his canon design is so nostalgic i can’t let it go at all omg!! i’ve also been wondering, do you think Ben’s avatar was the statue? i was thinking about what if BEN took over it early on, before Benjamin did making BEN inhabiting it since the start?
Sorry this was such a ramble i practically make no sense omg but i need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It </3
"I need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It" LITERALLY SAME OMG
Ok this is going under a cut becus . . . Its ben and BEN and if u didnt know i am Obnoxious about these two. Im gonna try to keep it organized a bit, so ill talk about the canon stuff first and then ill talk my personal headcanons and my fic so le's go!
In terms of the age and child thing, yeah i 100% believe you are correct. Ive been p open on my stance with the whole "is ben a child?" thing, and i think a lot of the heat with it comes down to current fandom purity culture and the pro/anti thing. So, lemme try to like. Boil down a complicated situation into smth easy to read. ahem
Ben Lawman and BEN are completely different entities guys, and for those that do not know the arg story, the Ben you know is not human nor a child.
You know BEN, BEN is the one in the story who terrorizes jadusable and spreads himself on the internet as a virus. That BEN is a program, a mess of code, an AI, however you want to interpret it. Personally i interpret it as a series of protocols running in a machine, like a self learning AI, but ive seen lots of cool interpretations of BEN. So . . . What does BEN specifically? Its an anagram for the Behavioral Event Network. If you dont wanna call it BEN cuz it gets confusing with actual kid Ben, do what i do. I call mine Evie :) ive seen some call it Netty, my bf calls his two izzi and clever (@benilos btw hes also got crazy ben stuff). Just go ham! Have fun! Remember when fandoms were about having fun and not accusing each other of pedo shit and call each other horrible things for just writing black-to-grey characters and stories??
Anyways ive gone off in enough peoples tags like this, for those that dont know the canon dont be spouting the age discourse. You look stupid as hell. And for those that are gonna spout it, please dont cherry pick through the canon. Use both characters, use the other moon children, actually please do because I want more rosa content so bad, im down so bad :'(
Or just. Heres a thought. If someone has him as an adult or writes him in adult situations, maybe dont assume that they interpret him as a kid and call the writer a pedo? (Literally has happened to me, yall are fucking weird)
Plug for the jadusable wiki with all the canon lore:
Okay now my stuff 🥰
Yes i use more of the canon design and heavily use the canon story, i participated in arc 3 of the arg and it left deep grooves in my brain, i can never go back to fanon Ben. I say, as i put a more fanon appearance on my Ben 🤭
My Evie is full canon design, green hair, red eyes, creepy ass grin. I actually based it very heavily on my desktop wallpaper, which we actually figured out was a picture of @hauntedtotem (also amazing ben artist plz check them out) that they edited and posted. Sorry friend, it looked way too cool, ig youre in my fic canon now 🙇
And my Ben Lawman bleaches his hair and goes from the canon Ben to fanon Ben because of it. Hes got the pale pretty green eyes and glasses and hes a total nerd and i smooch him on the daily so he knows hes loved ♡
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These is the ref pic i made for the two of them. So yeah! Kinda both!
As for bens situation in the actual arg, yes i do think he was in the elegy statue, we actually do see him for the first time in the arg buried in the games code and trapped in that statue. I do think he was in there from the beginning, i personally think BEN was not limited to the models it could inhabit. Personally i would place it as skull kid and hms, but it also feels disingenuous to me to say it was in one model the whole first arc.
The arg events do happen in my canon, before my fic (like right before, it picks up after the arg left off technically), but the events are skewed a bit because i had a hard time deciphering what happened and i wanted my fic timeline to fit more with the characters i had made. Cuz my evie isnt as chaotic evil as canon BEN, its very logical and has a path of logic and reason you can follow for every action it does. It was also originally meant to be very pleasant and corteous and beneficial to the people it housed so, yes its pretty different from canon.
Ill do a quick run through of the arg events in my personal headcanon and fic here.
Kelbris starts coding BEN (Evie) for the Eternity Project. Initially, Evie was meant to be an afterlife director. People that died would be digitized into code that would be moved into Evie's servers, where it would keep them happy and occupied as the Behavioral Event Network (notice and log behavior, create events for residents). Like a community organizer kind of, think the Good Place.
While Evie is in development, Ben Rosa and Matt are friends and have yet to join the cult. Rosa and Matt are siblings, and Ben is the kid who lives catty corner on the street. They walk to school together and play at recess and all that jazz.
Kelbris quickly learns that the Eternity Project isn't as goody two-shoes as he thought. This was in like, the 90s, before digital corporations were really established. After seeing the greed and corruption in the company, he goes rogue, takes the source code for Evie, and jumps ship. He keeps working on Evie at home, anthropomorphizing it and kind of seeing it like the son he never had. This is where it actually gets the name BEN, as thats what Kel calls it. He also begins working on a body for it, so it can live independently. Its light, cuz Kels old, made of crystalline structures and hollow steel beams. A hard light projection would make its appearance.
Since Kel has basically locked himself up in his house and isolated working on Evie, he goes a leetle bit crazy. He has hallucinations of his deceased wife (you know he was doing all this just to give her a good home, you KNOW IT) and eventually starts writing kind of poetry, kind of none-minded rambles about her in a forum online. He gets a following, some of which that interpret these divine words as a goddess, one Kel has called Luna. The Moon Children start to form as Evie finishes development.
Matt sees this literature and starts talking about how this Goddess could save them like it saved the man online, whos username is only Father. He gets sucked into the cult and drags Ben and Rosa with him. Ben doesn't see the harm and joins pretty easily with his best friend, but Rosa is the older sibling and sees the red flags and is more resistant to joining.
As Kelbris finishes Evie, he wakes it up for the first time and says hello to the son he made from scratch. Evie is bright, curious and naive like a child, but heavily knowledgeable about its protocols and the information it knows about the world. Kelbris tests its function by killing himself, and ascends into the code, finishing off the hardware by becoming its firewall. Evie is alone for many years.
The abuse Ben's father slings onto his mother is slowly being directed towards him as he gets older. Ben is not the "good little girl" his father sees him as, and his mother does all she can to protect them both. Matt and Rosa constantly refuge him, and Matt specifically is constantly being a guard dog for him. If he wasn't just 13, he'd probably go at Ben's dad himself.
Because of his homelife and the conflict he has with himself, Ben takes the first ascension. He thinks when he drowns himself, he will meet Luna and she will give him another life free of pain and fear and full of happiness and freedom. Instead, he dies a cold, dark death, and wakes up in the white endless void of the Event Network.
Evie has not known another living human since Kelbris, but it does know its protocols to support and keep the deceased happy. It makes fast friends with Ben, devoting itself to him. Ben actually finally takes the name "Ben" from it. Together they recreate the inside of Evie's hivemind into their own paradise.
Slowly the other Moon Children ascend. First Matt, wracked with guilt for what happened to Ben. Then Nekko, from a different branch of the cult. These three figured out that the Moon Children cult was all a farce, and that what Kelbris had started, the Eternity Project had found and twisted. Next to ascend was Dusk, then Insidiae, and finally Rosa.
This all leads into the first arc, shortly after Rosa ascended, Evie in the outisde world stumbled upon the Operator. The Operator attacks it and seals its coding into the game that it carried, a personal item of Ben's. The game eventually finds it's way to a garage sale, and Alex picks it up.
Evie does not like Alex. Matt does not like Evie. Matt gets Evie to lash out at Alex for prodding into its code, its too naive to think that Matt would want to see it or any of them hurt. When Alex stumbles upon the Father, he awakens and swallows Alex down into the game. After his disappearance, the game gets picked up and passed around again.
Because of Alex's actions, at least Evie can now branch out a bit from the game. Though it doesnt "escape" into the internet, it learns that it can now access it and uses that freedom to try and steer the game around into places it wants.
Matt gets fed up with Evie. The fact that its the leader, how close it is with Ben, he just doesn't agree with it. So much so, in fact, that he tries to kill it. Cue arc 3 events, Sarah picks up the game in the aftermath of this. Evie is traumatized from the events and snaps a bit, locks everyone down into code or immovable models and tries to hunt Matt down. It goes rouge, and because of this, the Father wakes up.
Sarah's actions in arc 3 eventually hard reset the game. Matt gets sealed away, the Father also takes Sarah, and Evie gets reset as well, though its less like a clean slate and more like snapping back awake. Its personality changes and it has major trust issues. Its more muted, hyper observant of everything around it, and murderously overprotective of the Moon Children it keeps within itself.
And this leads into my fic 🤗
I have some doodles of my other Moon Children, but not all of them unfortunately. Cant figure out how tf i want Insidiae to look 🤭 Plz dont judge my constantly shifting art style 🙏🙏
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Dusk is bigender btw, i gotta put a little more trans rep in there lol
I think ill stop here, this is already a long ass post. But thank you for sending this, as you can see, i am Perfectly Normal about this arg ( ;) ) and can be trusted with information about it
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mizugucci · 9 months
hiii everyone im finally posting this after ignoring all my tags for two weeks lmao. i love these kind of games though its fun to look back, so thank you for tagging me:
@floweruna / @hongberries @gnanii @yangsminho and @honeydewtual
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
im sure most people have already done it, but ill tag some people just to say hi @taegyunie @ambivartence @awek-s @flops @strhwaberries @hwichanis
i added way too much commentary, so this will go under a readmore lmao. also i included ALL gifs including from my gg and fandom sideblogs, not just bgs.
favorite: obviously my favorite was my magazine/gif thing i made for kenta's birthday (6th year in a row, this year will be 7) unfortunately it doesnt load very well lol
most popular: these txt gifs (sugar rush ride) and taehyun+stickers
favorite: i cant deny i still think about this set of sebin during snuper's rain of mind era... the sparkles will always have a chokehold on me. ps check out my pixy wings set
most popular: this joshua set (for whatever reason lol)
favorite: i have several but im rly happy at how the wjsn + butterflies set turned out, its so nice. also my two harry june sets have a soft spot in my heart
most popular: this set of svt aju nice, its not a surprise that when i post svt it gets way more notes lol. i do like it a lot though
favorite: by FAR my fav (excluding macarena) is my loona as witches gifset. its one ofmy best im not gonna lie but also.... yuma sunshine...
most popular: actually i had a couple that were fairly popular but uh another joshua gifset has the most but ALSO this blitzers macarena post is nearing 200 notes??? i would consider that a fave too. and apparently tumblr loves big yuto/little yuto the same i do
favorite: i outdid myself in my dkz 9 to 5 set here. like idk how it ended up looking good but i love it sm.
most popular: ANOTHER joshua set??? im not even joshua biased. hes just so pretty LOL this is boring ill mention the 2nd most popular too. which is also another boring svt set. NEXT is big yuto/little yuto again <3
favorite: i made a gifset pretending fly me to the moon had a m/v and it flopped SO HARD i forget that i actually made it. also not to sneak this one but bitsaeon is SOOOO beautiful
most popular: campus crush junseo was my most popular this month, AS IT SHOULD BE. everyone should love that teddy bear
favorite: mmm two horror-adjacent gifsets!!! a set for dreamcatcher's chase me and an au that set kino (ptg) as a horror protag. lol it was so niche but i enjoyed it
most popular: omg i didnt think it would be but junghwan in the move m/v... as it SHOULD BE (again) i was let down a lot by trsr this year but this song kept me interested
favorite: mmm probably changsun in heartbeat. i LOVE that song and also it brought me back to 2017. nostalgia is.. very strong lol
most popular: im ignoring yet another joshua set. sorry josh but lets let others have a spot lmao. actually after that, a gifset of jaechan in his pre-release solo has the most notes. thats crazy!
favorite: my fav is OBVIOUSLY the set of snuper + sparkles. supposedly i was going to turn it into a series of boys+sparkles but we'll see.
most popular: its kind of funny, it seems like there arent a lot of ptg stans on tumblr but they always crawl out of the woodwork to rb my ptg stuff. i love u guys. and i miss yanan.
favorite: another installment in my women+horror series was my fav for this month. girlies gotta love vampires
most popular: i am SO glad. if it is any of my sets to be popular, i would never be disappointed if its omega x. they deserve the WORLD and ill personally give it to them. btw my pics with jaehan and taedong turned out soo well but i look AWFUL with sebin lmaooo
favorite: ahhh definitely anthonny in magic hour jacket behind. hes an ICON and i really liked him in bp
most popular: ohhh this was a surprise, i guess bc i only did 4 gifsets in november, but this seowon in wonderland m/v has the most notes. totally valid, hes beautiful
favorite: baby... yuma... sunshine loml obviously is my fav. hes sooo cute in that beret. and his smile. oh im gonna cry hes so cute LOOK AT MY SON!!!!!
most popular: i guess kpop has less of a reach on tumblr now because my one and only fandom post has the most notes lol. anyway if you havent seen a journey to love, you really should
a few thoughts:
well, its not a surprise that my most popular were seventeen and txt but it was interesting to see the variety of groups that i did gif besides them
peak time really had (has) a chokehold on me lmaoooo so many sets spawned from that show.
i also giffed more than i thought i had, so that was very neat to discover. although it was funny i posted 4 gifsets in the entirety of november
i talked so much and i apologize but thank you to anyone who even scrolled down this far, thanks for bearing with me!!
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memberment · 2 months
Magical Girls 2.0
5:56pm: 16.6k deep. Craig trying to gaslight Wendy is arguably the funniest fucking thing in this rn bc they both know it's not gonna work and he STILL tries to do it.
7:12pm: I'm working on both chapter 6 and 27. No, they have absolutely no connection, I just keep getting ideas for 27. When I tell y'all I am obsessed with 27 rn, I really mean it. Like the end just UGH. I hate it. It's so sad. Anyways I'm 17.5 into the main story rn. More art may get posted today though bc I'm currently over writing and I have nothing to watch LMAO
11:40pm update: I'm 21.2k deep and chapter 7 is DONE‼️
I am not yet certain if it is on the shorter side or six is on the longer side. Guess we'll find out soon. Average rn is like 3kish. I kinda want them to be longer but I also like keeping the chapters like majority one character centric bc of what this is so Ill prob be keeping it this way. On my way to chapter 8‼️🦅🔥
4:03 am update: Howdy I'm 24.6k in and shutting down for the night. I have gotten distracted too many times and honestly I'm about to reread what I have so far and make sure it reads well because I feel like I've blacked out the entirety of writing this. Like I just keep going. But chapter eight is done. (Hopefully.) Also it's looking like this is gonna be a 3k per chapter fic which I will begrudgingly cope with. And lastly, let me just say. Clyde and Kenny are so fucking cute in this fic I'm sick.
Actually that wasn't lastly. I'm debating on having art to post for every chapter. Someone tell me why that's a horrible idea because this is gonna be around 40, possibly 40 and change. And that doesn't include parts two and three. Okay actually no one has to tell me why that's a bad idea I already talked myself out of it as I'm typing this. There's still gonna be a lot of art for this fic though. Like everyone has their fun wire pic, not just Stan and Tweek. And I kinda wanna draw all the angels I throw in. And there's a few other things that I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT BC I WILL SIT HERE AND SPOIL WAY TOO MUCH.
Goodnight everyone. Hope y'all are coping well with existence this evening. I am personally making mine everyone else's problem. 💖
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erwinsvow · 5 months
Ahhhh the Winnie the pooh ride looks so cute and fun, and the pooh bear sounds the cutest, I have an Eeyore that stays on my bed.
I also love strawberry shortcake, I like the 2003/4 era of it. Literally last week I was telling my friend how for my next birthday I expect is all to dress like one of the characters lol. I plan to crochet the hats.
Same, I remember the excitement I'd get when we reached a new transformations and fairy form. I deff will send pics when I do floras, I'm not sure which transformation I'll do yet though.
Oof writers block is a bummer, I used to write a bit but just take your time. What do you do for work?. I'm currently on my break lol I work at a bakery.
I've been good, look week cus my school commute is nearly 2 hours there then back lol but we did a heart (not human) dissection which was super cool.
hi angel!!! stoppp eeyore on your bed ill sob thats so cute ! YESS omg the 2003/4 is the best! i will casually rewatch them all the time its so relaxing and cute. OMG!!! that is so cute and fun i have to see pictures of these hats! my sister is so big in crotchet so i have lots of crochet stuff but i want to learn desperately ur so talented !
who is ur fave? im an orange blossom girl myself
oh my god yesss i remember their transformations so vividly! i need to rewatch stop ugh those were the times. but ahhhh yes keep me posted!
it is such a bummer :( everyone has sent such amazing ideas and i have like ten new ideas just sitting in my notes app but cant find any juice to write ive been so burnt out. but i think im gonna be okay after tuesday of this week ive got a short break for a few days! looking forward to that
oh my goodness a bakery! what is that like? what do you do there? that sounds delightful but im sure there's tough aspects. you're living all the fanfic dreams rn rooting for the tattoo shop owner next door to come in one day and whisk you away !
i am a medical assistant... :( its tough but almost over! omg my commute to work is 2 hours too we are such twins! what are you studying? that sounds so interesting. i was a biology major so i recall that too!
ty so much for stopping by angel!
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madame-mango · 6 months
i keep seeing people do this and i wanna join in on the fun… so im gonna draw your guys’ ponies!!^^ ponysonas, ocs, whatever, as long as it’s a ponie of some sort (i will be practicing other species soon though, and i will edit this post to notify everyone that i draw those species if i think i can draw them well enough)
if youd like, you can make requests in my asks! i prefer ref pics, but ill also take descriptions:3 please dont put anymore than 2-3 ponies in one request!! you may request again but i’d like to get around to everyones, so expect to wait a bit longer if you do!!
1. i can deny any requests if i feel the need to do so, though i dont think i will
2. im not that skilled with my art yet, so the side view is (unfortunately) all you can get from me as of now (meaning: no fancy poses, detailed expressions, front views, etc., what you see in my past posts is what you’ll receive)
3. it may or may not take me time to do your request and get it out to you, but i will certainly try my best! ive just recently moved and am still in school, and i have a few other projects im supposed to be working on but havent gotten around to yet
please request!! i love drawing ponies<3 the drawings will be sketched and then digitalized! so if your ponie doesnt have any colours for whatever reason, put the colours or hex codes in your request, it would help a lot!^^
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constinconst · 10 months
you never asked for this, you never wanted this, but i did it anyway!
now you'll know everything about me,
even things you didn't need to know at all!
think of this as something like intro post, (should've done it much earlier anyway)
ahem.... hi! i'm Aristi, you can call me Ari
mostly do cringy drawings
maybe will be doing attempts in blender/fl studio and other stuff
things about me:
19 y.o.
english isn't native, so.... if you see any mistakes (or just want to help me become more fluent) you can dm me
really need to clarify tiny details, that's why i write lots of unnecessary stuff in posts
adhd (maybe autistic, but idk really)
obsessed with public opinion
attention-starving, but in a good way, i'd never do something bad to get attention...... (maybe i'm just cursed, because nearly everything i do gets ignored, and i also don't know how to make people stay/do what i want)
have trust issues and low self-esteem....
yeah.... basically "mentally ill depressed idiot" starter pack xd (does anyone still use xd?)
everything related to space, magic, ocean, music....
puppet/robot/trickster-themed characters/things
obsessed with purple color and it's hues
everything interesting in general
loud, unexpected noises
people with too high self-esteem
large amount of text (ironically)
drawing, singing, listening to music
trying to make ost-like tracks (unsuccessful)
watching anime and playing games
also trying to make custom parts for sims (and clothes for sl, if anyone still remembers what is it)
fandoms (the fun part, yay):
genshin/honkai/star rail
swks (i'm sure everyone who knew this are already dead)
(that's not the only fandoms of course, just ones that i'm active in)
kins/favs: on the pic, bc yes (removed due to being cringe)
dni: basic, don't have anything specific (or i just don't know about them)
are you tired of me yet? okay, i'm done
won't torture you any longer...
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
I'm lowkey kinda curious what kinda screenshots you have in that "unhinged on hinge" album icl... 👀 /nf
~ nessa ♡
LMAOO I wish I could share some of my favourites, but I don't wanna post the pics because a lot of them have the person's face in them
SOOO here are ten responses to the prompts/events that made me crack up written out for you <3
1) on my profile I had originally answered the prompt "my cry in the car song is..." and basically said something along the line of having too many, so if anyone needed recs to lmk and this guy asked "You okay? Need a hug or anything?"
...I changed the prompt very soon after that.
2) "this could be us:" and the picture was a drawing of Curious George and The Yellow Hat Man making out.
3) Prompt: "My greatest strength" Answer: Rizz with elderly civillians
4) The amount of men I've come across who respond to "I'm weirdly attracted to:" with the answer "mentally ill women" is actually crazy
5) "I'll fall for you if" and his response was "you trip me". I liked his response because I thought it was funny but we ended up not matching.
6) Abraham Lincoln liking my profile and asking me what I was doing that night with emojis I wish not to disclose on my sfw blog.
7) "Together we could" and his response was "build the largest drug smuggling ring canada has ever seen" :)
8) One of my prompts: "Green Flags I look for" to which I listed things like being open minded, letting me ramble abt stuff, and this guy responded to it asking me what kind of coffee/tea I like and I was very confused cause I didn't mention coffee (this one def isn't weird, but it amuses me anyway)
9) "I'm looking for" and he said "A girl who would stab me for looking at other women" and honestly? me too dude.
10) An actual response word for word I received for the same prompt mentioned in 8: Ok hear me out, an onion shaped raccoon rolls up to you, stared for a moment before proceeding to let out some enchantment table esk god speech, then stops time to untie your shoe and rolls off
bonus round: two guys who's profiles mentioned "becoming literate" and "wanting to be gaslighted" respectively in every. single. prompt.
I have so many more but these were some stand out ones. Also disclaimer, I'm not making fun of anyone here or trying to come across that way!! I know a lot of these are jokes and everyone is doing their best, but even so, it's unhinged behavior on hinge.
(also @emmyrosee since we were talking abt hinge a little yesterday, I thought you'd enjoy this too, I hope it's ok that I tagged u!!)
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figula · 1 year
meeting up w/ boops + his gf was soooo nice. i was v nervous and jangly but the longer we spent together th emore i calmed down lol which is probably the correct way (imagine if it was the other way round lol)
we went to waddesdon manor which is a rothschild property which i had seen on the website but i hadn't realised quite how rothschildy it is lol, (like it's still managed by them, altho i saw when we got home that it's a national trust property which calmed down my class rage a bit) it was a bit jarring to be standing there amongst this otherworldly display of wealth, after having paid £15 to be there (boops' gf actually paid which was so kind of her) and then the tour guide was like "and not everyone sees this, it's a real privilege" and i was thinking a bit like ... hmm lol
having said all that, i did looove the main art feature we went to see, it was very chamcore + i just loved it! ill probably post pics in a separate post bc it really vibes with my blog theme innit
was sooo nice seeing boops + gf also ofc. she's a real stunner, i was walking behind her and kept staring at her hair bc it was so long + thick + beautiful lol. she was so fun as well, i was so entertained when she turned around and was like "so what do you think of [boops'] height"? (bc he's tiny) hahahaha altho honestly i'd been nervous i was going to feel like an absolute hulk next to these tiny perfectly formed people but it was ok actually! (im focusing on gf a lot here lol bc it was our first time speaking to her in any capacity, she doesnt hang out w/ us online or anything but boops was also a beautiful man)
weather was not brilliant but not terrible, it was rainy but we had to walk like an hour ish in total so doing that in 30 degree heat would have been horrid
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