#ill delete those posts in a little bit
madame-mongoose · 4 months
im sorry i really shouldnt have said all that. i fucked up
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kdnfb's Ten Years of Fanfiction Mania
Featuring: Unmasked
Summary: Written under an Anonymous pseudonym ~M~ to fill the following prompt ~ Historical Katniss and Peeta hate each other. They attend a masquerade ball and for some reason end up kissing each other. Sparks fly everywhere. Katniss tries to find the man behind the mask but Peeta knows it was Katniss though he doesnt say anything. They end up bethrothed even if they 'despise' each other. How they fall in love is up to u and how katniss figured out it was peeta is up to u
Rating: E for explicit sexual content, explicit language, implied/referenced rape/nonconsensual (not everlark), implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced suicide, implied/referenced miscarriage, discussions of illness, war, and injury in a historical setting, ptsd, minor character death. They worst of these tags happens offscreen and is merely discussed and dealt with rather than shown here.
A/N: ~Unmasked~ is my longest fic in terms of word count (around 234k), although Outside Chance and Spellbound are not too far behind and are both incomplete. Unmasked started as something meant to be fun and cathartic, then turned into a ridiculously long and self indulgent fic that I still, to this day, have no idea if the anonymous person who submitted the prompt to @everlarkficexchange even read, let alone whether or not they liked it. But I love what I produced for this fic.
Why write it anonymously and only reveal myself later? A couple reasons. 1) Historical is not my wheel house. At least not writing it. I am a shameless consumer of historical romances. I did some research for this fic but not nearly the level I would've liked to have done. Eventually, I said screw it, it's about the vibes not the accuracy. 2) I had a pile of unfinished wips when I started this, to include Outside Chance and Spellbound (both of which are still unfinished hmmmmm) and I really didn't want a lot of questions about when I was going to get back to those while I was working on this because 3) I'd just gone through a small slice of writerly hell to the point that I seriously considered deleting my entire tumblr and all of my fanfic. Details are not important right now, the result is. That's probably the closest I've ever come to calling myself done with fandom.
Then this prompt posted to EFE and wouldn't leave me alone. Eventually, I decided that if I was going to write it, I wanted to write it with as little pressure as possible. So I chose to write and post it as ~M~ until it was finished. Plus, I thought it might make it fun for people other than me if there was a bit of mystery behind it. And I don't regret doing that.
Writing behind a mask allowed me to be as long winded and self-indulgent as I wanted to without worrying about how tight the storyline was or how accurate the historical details were, or wondering if I'd be walking into my tumblr and a barrage of the kind of messages I'd come to dread receiving. The only thing I worried about, really was if the amount and kind of smut I included gave me away prematurely lmao.
While this was my first real foray into the realm of historical fics, I am hoping it's not the last. I've got too many ideas and half started pieces to back out of it now. But those, like this one, will probably remain untethered to a specific real place, and a specific time, mainly because I just don't have that kind of time for research if I'm not getting paid to do it lol. They will be works of love if not works of accuracy.
Unmasked on AO3
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ssspringroll · 3 months
ok time for an info post about my edited stuff folder and also some new additions to it
a lot of these are pyxis edits, but the others are also creators who dont seem to be active anymore. but if anyone is the original creator of one of the things ive edited and you're mad at me for posting my edit... sowwy. ill take it down if you ask nicely ♥
edit of: https://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2018/02/intergalactic-supernatural-overlays.html
description: so it turns out all these years, the fem frame version of the intergalactic overlay was a little different from the masc frame and i never noticed. so i made a little add on edited version of the fem frame overlay so it fits the masc frame.
before -> after (there's shoulder spots now)
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its available in all the original colors. theres 2 versions of each color though, since there were slightly different leg opacities for the masc and fem versions and i couldnt decide which one to go with. they are very minuscule differences, the shoulder spots are really the main event.
feel free to recolor this in other palettes, id appreciate it actually. took a lot of fiddling to get those spots to line up right, please! please use my edit and make recolors!
this shows up in cas (for m frame only, theres no point for f frame, they already have it) as a separate cas part. the thumbnail is the same as the original, except i slapped the word 'EDITED' over top in big red letters. hopefully you will see it.
edit of: http://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2017/04/pretty-visitors-eyeset.html
description: heterochromia. the meshes are by me (not that i can take much credit for them, its an ea eyeball thats slightly larger than usual. thats it.) but there are L and R meshes for each age (infant to TYAE) feel free to recolor in other eye sets, the mesh follows my usual TOU. the textures, obviously, are not mine. i don't know if i managed to squeeze every swatch from the pretty visitors eyes in there, but i know for a fact all the human colors, the pooklet colors, and some other alien colors are in there. I did not do the vampire colors. sorry. maybe some day.
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found in face scar and neck scar (in skin details) but feel free to re slot them to other categories for your convenience. left and right cheek might also be a good spot for them. there are two cas items, L and R, so i wanted them to be sort of close together, thats the only reason i picked the spots i did.
incompatible with glasses.
edit of: https://pyxiidis.tumblr.com/post/177241795736/demon-days-vampire-stuff-by-pyxis-some-things
description: the original texture of the gradient limb overlays was bleeding out of the leg area a little bit, which clipped into the texture area of some wicked whims body parts, making unexpected splotches. i just trimmed it back a little so it shouldn't do that anymore.
edit of: https://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2017/11/arachnophobia-accessory-spider-eyes.html AND https://www.patreon.com/posts/29118520 (v2)
description: converted for all ages. the meshes are addons and should be installed alongside the originals, the arachnophobia overlays (PYXIS_Arachnophobia_SpiderEyes_FaceMarkingDetails_upperRightArmTat.package, etc.) are direct edits of the original package files. Delete the old packages with the same names and replace them with my edits, if you want the overlays to be available for all ages. You don't need the overlays for the meshes to work, though.
An additional slot has been made available for infants -> children in the eye details section. The meshes will not be found in that category for teens and up, just the tots.
Waay'los' folder
this sections formatted a lil different. dont worry about it.
edit of: http://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2018/05/siren-mermaid-accessories.html
description: edited warehouse data so that necklaces can be worn at the same time as the gills. the mesh has not been edited, so compatibility with very close-fitting necklaces like chokers is not likely (gills are bulky and will clip) but i figured thats no reason to close off the option entirely. so necklaces are allowed now. also, i changed the categories. the packages claiming to be necklaces are found in mouth scar and the ones claiming to be rings are found in face scar (skin details section, towards the bottom near acne)
⚠ NSFW [MiniGiles]LoveBelow SkyrimFantasies Reptilia Male
edit of: i dont think this ones available anymore i will be honest. i can't find a link
description: tweaked positioning of the mesh so it lines up a little better with animations. also tweaked the weight painting and uv map. it doesnt animate quite right all the time, but it gets the job done. should still show up in the ww body selector (does for me, anyway)
⚠ NSFW ssspringrollReptiliaOverlays.package
edit of: this ones original content
description: gradient overlays for the reptilia body parts in the same basic rainbow palette as my overlay minipack. found in body scar (right leg). really nothing fancy, just for a little bit of personalization. should be color slider mod compatible
no custom thumbnail
edit of: https://flapjack-sims.tumblr.com/post/114810983191/horns-for-sims-4-ive-noticed-the-lack-of-horns-in (MESH) https://cherryvanillasims.tumblr.com/post/163956398575/flapjacks-thicc-horns-forehead-in-noodles (RECOLORS)
description: moved the uv map and textures so now the horns are compatible with hats (and any other accessories that use the hat texture space, like lots and lots of the wing cc thats out there)
changed the category to acne. there's two packages of these horns, i think the textures are ever so slightly different between them, but its negligible. I'd recommend the ssspringrollHornsEditedForMyBoy.package version, if you don't want to grab both (which you can, they appear as two separate cas parts)
no custom thumbnail. i dont know if these require the mesh. i dont remember.
Just because I've edited these pieces of cc does not mean I'm adopting them. I cannot promise I will offer support if something breaks.
Lots of these are edits of my own personal package files, rather than edits of freshly downloaded versions. They may have been batch fixed, re-slotted, renamed, or otherwise edited over the years I have had them in ways I no longer remember.
Okay looks like thats everything for now.
I will probably add to this pile eventually, but until then, bye bye.
shoutout to @/occultradio for requesting most of the edits that aren't in the Waay'los folder. i straight up did not notice the shoulder spots until they pointed it out and likely wouldnt have done any of the other stuff either if they hadn't asked lol
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discord-emote-customs · 5 months
Pinned Post/Info!
Welcome to my emoji drawing side blog! Here you can request for me to draw any discord emotes you'd like. Everything is free to use for its original purpose, if used for other purposes please credit this blog!!
Will not draw: NSFW, slurs (reclaimed or not), heavy gore, non-emoji people, discriminatory emojis, backgrounds to emojis (does not apply if it is the emoji itself), asl/hand emojis, and animations.
Will draw: Basically everything else, but this can change! This includes wordmojis, emoji people, animals, pride stuff, and anything disorder/neurodivergent/mental illness/medical condition related. Will draw religion/belief related emojis.
Everything will be tagged accordingly, so if you see something you don't like, don't complain! Simply block the tag!
I can and will refuse anything I don't want to do, so please don't take it personally.
Main blog: @arunningjoke
About me: You can call me Zen/Chara/Knife/Vela/Zaniah/Mira/Fulu and my pronouns are she/they/it/he with any neos (no emojipronouns!)
DNI: NSFW/kink/paraphillia/fetish blogs, no LGBTQ+phobia, ableism (of EVERY kind!!!), and those with gacha/Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) profiles (just request with anon, gacha is a trigger for me and Noelle makes me extremely EXTREMELY uncomfortable T^T")
The emoji archive carrd
Other stuff to know:
If you send me anything to base an emoji/emojis on and dont give a creator + don't have proof of permission, I'll either ask for creator/proof of permission via private answer, or if you're on anon, I'll just delete your request.
If you want to edit/recolor my emojis and put them anywhere but discord, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. When using for Discord, put EDITED or NOTMINE in the name. If someone asks who made it, link the post the original emojis you are using are in. Never never NEVER edit my emojis for hate speech or harassment or anything in my DNI. It's absolutely unacceptable behavior no matter what/who you are using them for/towards.
If you want to send in a lot of requests at once, please wait. At least one or two days between each request. On the other hand, you can put a bunch of stuff in one request. If it gets to be too much for me I'll post a bit and then reblog later with more/the rest so that people get their turn.
Requests are currently closed!
What I'm currently working on:
More samoyeds
Happy goldfish & taiyaki
Little holding highland cow plush
Little holding fox plush
Little cuddling mary meyers marshmallow stegosaurus plush
Little holding personal plush frustrated/overwhelmed/happy
Event stuff:
Frodo Baggins & Hobbit stims (ears, kicking feet) (Lord of the Rings)
Cupid (Kaitou Joker), Yatterchat
Marcy Wu (waving & hand flap stim) (Amphibia)
Martin & Jon (Magnus Archives)
Young Greg (basic emotions) (Steven Universe), Don Lothario (Sims 2)
Kangel (Needy Streamer Overload)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Sherlock Holmes (autism smile (???), "what's wrong with them"), Draco Malfoy (sipping coffee/tea in muggle cup), Agata Katsuhira ( "numb right now") (Kiznaiver) Noriko Sonozaki ("too much pain") (Kiznaiver), Lucifer Morningstar ("I'm better than you") (Lucifer Show)
Sprinkle & Blue (stims & wags) (Blues Clues)
Xion (hand flapping) (Kingdom Hearts)
Solar drinking out of a cup with a comically large silly straw (will make extra silly for friend)
The Shroud Siblings & Ortho Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
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simonlynch · 5 months
little bit of anxiety talk under. ill delete later but just felt like i needed to say it somewhere
reason i made that poll is because someone messaged me re: that post that got hijacked by the aot weirdos and also added that if someone who had no idea what beetlejuice was googled it they'd think i was shipping with a predator ("the prognosis doesn't look good," in their words, as someone who has no reference point for it and simply looked it up). it caused my anxiety to spike and i spiraled pretty hard last night over it thinking to myself maybe i am a bad person and maybe im choosing not to see it.
looking back now i think it was really silly of me. one person's biased opinion because they were upset was not a reason for me to take it so hard, especially regarding. literally. beetlejuice. lol. as if it's some obscure media with a hidden agenda and not a cultural phenomenon whose fucking licensed build a bear i have sitting on my bed. i can't believe i let it go to my head and i can't believe i relapsed over something so absolutely silly.
anyways, i love you all, to my followers and mutuals who have been supporting me the past few days, especially those who reached out. i appreciate you all more than i can ever say 🫶
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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Alright, it’s close enough to the holiday here that we can go ahead and get started!
Hello! With all due sincerity, how are you? Have you been well?
It’s been a while, hasn’t it. Is this thing still on? Let me see if I can’t clear a few things up as the Moderator That Was, Once, And May Be Again. Read on for details, my friends! It’s long-winded, but I hope it suffices. If you’re new here, don’t worry about any of this, and simply enjoy the cheeky teaser. I’ll see you soon.
Of course, the obvious:
It wasn’t right of me to disappear. For three years it’s sat quietly as my greatest shame, and I still feel that guilt all the dang time. I was having such fun! This thing was on a roll! So…what happened in 2019? Truth is - I wasn’t ready. I had a lot of growing to do, both as a person and an artist, and I was winging it way more than I ever should have been allowed to get away with. Around the time I left, my living situation took a drastic turn for the worse, and I quickly arrived at every artist’s greatest enemy: Immense burnout. That shit sent me up in FLAMES. I was kindling in no time flat!
…So, like, what the hell man, where have I been in the years since? Twitter, mostly. Various MMOs. Discord, too. Learning and growing and finally getting my affairs in order. Are things okay now? Well, they’re a lot better than they were! Steady onwards. I’m out of that situation and on the mend. But lately? I’ve had this nagging itch in the back of my brain that it might be time to get back to where I feel I really belong. Revamp this shindig and fix it from the ground up, you know? It’s still a story I want to tell, but I feel that the time I’ve spent away has taught me a lot about how storytelling really works.
So what does the road look like from here?
Here’s how it’s gonna go - first, the fixes. I’d be functionally recycling the story in its current state, filling in the decade-old plotholes, and working with proper pacing ahead of time, instead of simply going page by page and seeing what happened (You don’t want to know what the old process looked like!). This time, updates would be sent out on a steadier, more reliable basis, instead of churning ahead at full throttle and reaching Burnout Station again. I don’t have an accurate estimate of how long this process will take or when new pages would be released, but I’d like to build up a little bit of a buffer, so we’ll see! At the time of this posting, several pages are already in the works - make of that what you will! I’ve also got an editor this time, for bonus points.
Secondly, the administrative aspect. Three years or so is a lot of time to lose grip on a website, and I haven’t actually USED this place in a while. So please bear with me while I make any necessary changes and see about adjusting things under the hood. Yes, the original discord was deleted. No, it doesn’t make it right. Yes, I have a new Sonic/SCC server that's waiting for the right time to go public. Communicate with me on that as we go - is that kind of hub still wanted? We’ll see.
This is an endeavor that will take time and patience, more than I feel I deserve after so suddenly ghosting everyone - mental illness and poor circumstance can make for a downright nasty combination, and I think we’re all juggling various struggles a few years into a worldwide pandemic. I ain’t special, I know a lot of us burned out like so many well-meaning meteors. But all that aside… I think I would like to try again. My inaction back then was borne of a terrible situation and no strength to keep the fire burning, but now? Now, I’m here, and ready to make the attempt.
I can’t promise immediate results, but the keyword here is ‘try’. Coming back to this place and seeing that there were still those hanging on, waiting to see if it would ever dig itself out of the snow? Warmed my heart like you would not believe. I don’t remember the state of mind I was in at the time, nor the current status of… a lot of things, actually, but y’know what, that’s okay. Clean slate. Fresh start. Powdered snow and broken ice.
You’re still here! You thought this was something worth waiting for! I will try my best to live up to that kindness, and do things the right way this time. Thank you for waiting for me.
Got ring? I do.
-Ness / RhythmCrown
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chocoberry-dream · 2 months
Hello again kaisooists 🐧🐻 Little ole me has stumbled across something interesting 👀
Remember back on April 1st in 2016 when the news broke that ji and krys were dating and chahn yall posted this really odd and cryptic “headline” on his Instagram?
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This randomly popped into my head the other day now that I’ve been missing kadi and thinking about them lately.
I remember at the time it was posted, everyone in the kaisoo tag was trying to decipher what he meant, if it was supposed to be an April fools joke or if it had anything to do with the dating news. If I remember correctly he’d posted it either right before or shortly after the news broke and was confirmed by Es Em.
So I decided to go over to chahn yall’s insta again to see what the comments on the post were bc it’s been so long and I was curious if anyone wrote any kaisoo related under it. But when I went to look for it, I noticed that it had either been archived or deleted.
I screen recorded for proof, the right side is hidden for privacy due to some ppl’s insta screen names being visible since I follow him. The dates of the post are magnified on the left side:
I can definitively say that it had been left up on his Instagram for months after kxk and I believe even up til they “broke up” but I’m not sure when or why it was removed.
Something that was also peculiar to me is that besides that screenshot from the tumblr above, it was INCREDIBLY difficult for me to find this post anywhere on the internet. Even chahn yall bias pages that repost his Instagram posts did not have this post anywhere to be found.
I searched for 20 minutes and was only able to find this screenshot here on tumblr and on a random Russian page:
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There’s two things I want to mention here.
First I will explain the picture a bit more for those of you who may not know.
The mosaic picture in chahn y’all’s post is of KS in his role as Kang Woo for the drama “It’s Okay That’s Love”. In this drama, the main character Jae Yeol (played by Jo Insung) suffers from undiagnosed schizophrenia and befriends Kang Woo. But as his illness worsens it’s revealed that Kang Woo is not real and is a hallucination, representing Jae Yeol’s younger self. When Jae Yeol begins treatment, Kang Woo doesn’t appear to Jae Yeol anymore .
I don’t speak Korean but I think the correct translation of the headline title in the post would be “Actually, I’m hallucinating” indicating that he’s the one hallucinating and not Jae Yeol. Since his role in the drama was him as a hallucination it wouldn’t make sense to admit to being a hallucination.
At the time I initially thought “okay, maybe it’s some sort of lighthearted April fools joke and a playful jab and ks”. But as I thought about it, the joke didn’t really make much sense bc we already know after watching the drama that ks isn’t the one who was hallucinating.
Then after reading theories and thinking about it more, I thought it was weird to post that on the same day the kxk news came out. Which leads me to my second point: I do think it has something to do with kxk and here’s why.
As we all know egg sew had a concert that day, secret night. When the pictures came out ji looked like he’d been up crying all day and ks appeared to have tears in his eyes. They also were super awkward with each other and it seemed like ji looked apologetic about something and ks wouldn’t look at him. This was after a long period of not really interacting or showing skinship and of course all those pann and dispatch gay couple blind items disappearing.
So it made me think more about the insta post, how he said that actor D admits “actually, I’m hallucinating.” We all know that ks and chahn yall have a close friendship, and it seemed like the kxk scandal caught both ks and ji off guard, almost like they both found out this media play was happening on the same day, hours before the news went out. Was this post supposed to be a hint at ks’s feelings about the news breaking? Did kxk come as a surprise to him and make him feel like the entire relationship between him and ji was actually what wasn’t real to everyone else now, aka a hallucination?
It might be a reach, but I can’t think of any other reason behind why chahn yall would delete/archive that specific post but not any of the other ones. Unless you’re a kaisoo supporter the joke would seem to have no relation to the kxk scandal, so it’s really suspicious that it disappeared.
I also can’t say for sure, but I also wonder if SM has something to do with it being gone and almost no trace of it online or on fan archives. I noticed that after the kxk “break up” kaisoo went back to their own ways, but little by little different kadi blogs were deactivating and some fansites were disappearing abruptly. I’m talking hardcore kaisoo blogs and fansites that I would have never imagined would disappear (cuddlekaisoo, alvabear, kaiser-dolly, 8812 just for example, some of their posts are even hard to find here on tumblr). To this day I still am seeing things like “so-and-so-deactivated09122018” here on tumblr throughout the tag thinking to myself like “omg, this person was a super big kaisoo supporter and they deactivated? I would have never imagined..” 😶
Of course things happen, ppl move onto other things and maybe the second scandal with jinnie has something to do with it too, but it’s all just very odd to me. I’d love to know other ppl’s opinions about this too if you’re interested!🩷
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animasola86 · 7 months
Friendly Reminder!
As you know I upload an ungodly amount of screenshots to this site and share them with all of you willingly and very gladly. Now I do not put watermarks on my pictures because I simply cannot do that, I could, technically, but it already takes me so much time taking them and editing them to size and whatnot, so I will not start doing it any time soon.
Why do I say that now?
Well, I know as soon as you upload something to the internet, it's gone, no longer yours, you put it up to share with others and all you can hope for is that nobody will repost it as their own. And frankly, I do not care (okay, a little bit) what anyone does with my screenshots, it is my conscious decision not to watermark them. (To be perfectly honest I never thought anyone would use them for anything because there are so many higher quality screenshots out there!) Don't get me wrong:
You can do anything with my screenshots, really! Of course you can!
But (and I thought that was common courtesy to be honest) when you do, please credit me. At least drop a little hint that those screenshots are not yours. It might not be your intent to do any harm when you use them, you might even have forgotten who you got those pictures from, but not saying anything when posting them, no matter the circumstances, feels a little wrong to me.
It is not my intention to shame anyone. It is just a friendly reminder.
I'm also aware that I do not own anything that is depicted, so I shouldn't "complain" about it now. I do not own anything, I do not own Sebastian Sallow (unfortunately). Now what about MCs? We all have one, we all make them look different. Maybe some look similar. Do we own screenshots of them? I don't know, maybe, a little bit? Probably not. But seeing them on somebody else's post, uncredited, doesn't sit right, does it?
I've debated long and hard with myself if I should even address this. I know it wasn't ill intent, they just wanted to make a point about something, it's okay. It can happen, they might not know better. But it might happen again if I stay silent, right? (By the way, this is not some passive-aggressive non-mention shit, I honestly do not want to call out names because that's not the intention of this post! I am not shaming anyone, I just want to educate, even if they might never see this...)
Listen, the more I write about this the more I want to delete it all and just keep living my life, not caring about anything like that, because is it really that big of a deal? Maybe it's not and I'm just pulling this completely out of proportion... (But I know it also irks me! So I'll keep this wall of text! I probably shouldn't have written this while PMSing, I'm sorry...)
So, TL;DR:
If you use/post any picture you find online, please try to find the source and credit them! And if you have no idea where you got something from, then please just say so!
Thank you! Have a nice day!
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squiddokiddo · 5 months
Vent snippet fic because I've been struggling a bit lately.
Some sibling angst/hurt comfort between Gordon and Squirt. I mainly just post the fluffy parts of their relationship but like all siblings it's not perfect. Gordon has a crush and has been spending less and less time with his little buddy. Squirt's bottled up fears reach a breaking point and hard core angst ensues. No one in this situation is supposed to be right or wrong, it's all just raw feelings and a lack of communication between friends/siblings.
(Tw for mental illness and past trauma, it's not mentioned directly but it's heavily implied.)
"It's not fair!!" They snapped. "You don't have time to hang out but you have plenty of time to go to events with her??"
Gordon couldn't speak, he had never seen this kind of explosive reaction from Squirt, it wasn't like them. He swallowed, stepping over and placing a hand on their shoulder as if to steady them.
"Bub, it's not like that and you know it's not..."
He thought he saw tears start to brim in those eyes but Squirt wiped them away quickly. Not daring to look at him through fear of breaking, he promised he'd be there, he'd promised that they'd never have to be alone again and yet they were certain that it wouldn't be long before he would leave. Just like everyone else.
Squirt's head was spinning, thoughts spiralling. It was happening, they knew it was happening. Their best friend was going to abandon them, he'd found a new path in life and didn't need them anymore. Everything felt heavy like being dragged into the depths of the ocean, they were drowning, they felt sick, struggling to catch their breath. Fat heavy tears were spilling over now in an uncontrollable stream.
He was abandoning them.
Gordon reached for their other shoulder and turned to face them directly, prompting them gently. "Squirt, what is this about?"
The dam crumbled and out came the flood.
"You love her!! You're going to abandon me because you love her!!" They blurted out through sobs. "Now that she's actually paying attention to you, you don't want to spend time with me anymore!! Why is she so important?? Why does she always have to come first?? I want my brother back, isn't that just as important as some dumb red carpet date??"
Gordon was floored, all he could do was stand there watching his sibling collapse in his arms sobbing. His mind was racing, there was so much he wanted to say, their overreaction was huge but he couldn't be mad at them.
Gordon wrapped his little sib in a tight hug, hopefully reassuring them in a way that words couldn't right now.
Something was wrong and he was going to get to the bottom of it.
Edit: Turns out I'm now suddenly super embarrassed after having posted this. I may private or delete it later, idk I'm really on the fence about how I feel about this. (;^^)
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kage-mochii · 4 months
Might delete all my posts relating to Will Gold (I refuse to say his online name. His real name should be spread and attributed to the abuser he is)
I won't delete everything dsmp related, since I did draw alot of Schlatt art (I still do) but i don't feel great about having art of an abuser up on my page.
My one and only take on this situation, as I don't want to talk about it again: I'm livid. His continuous harm to his friends and partners is disgusting, his lack of accountability disappointing on several levels. I'm a very forgiving person, so I do want to give him the opportunity to change, but ill never see him the same again. I don't think I'll ever support him again, even if he does change. But I always believe in second chances so I'm not going to say he doesn't deserve an opportunity, but the likelihood of earning back that trust is low.
He's a manipulator through and through, using his vulnerable fanbase and catering to the demographic by appearing as if he was a sweet, kind musician who understood mental health. My heart goes out to Shelby and his other victims, as well as his friends who had to learn about how awful he was, and finally his fans who were manipulated by him. Please take the time you need to process this, maybe take a step back and remind yourself that you never really know the person behind the screen. Parasocial relationships are dangerous, and it's important to focus on your mental health first. If anyone ever needs to vent, my messages are open, or even go to my Instagram and dm me there! I hope everyone can heal from this, again Go Shelby for speaking out about her experience. She is so amazingly strong, please show your support.
I know I'm by no means a popular creator, but I do feel like any little bit of help with pushing this truth out is good. Twitter is a cesspool at the moment, Tumblr seems much calmer in regards to things and I feel more comfortable making a post on it.
I promise to post art soon, but I do need time to process this all. I will be taking the bursonas and making my own OCs though, as many other artists have done, so stay tuned for those guys! Thank you for reading and remember to look after yourselves.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED A DRAFT AND THEN DELETED IT NOOOOO!!!!! it was an ask from poised darling about a brat darling with rival yan !!!
i think a brat darling with rival yan will really fulfill the rivalry and it'll stop being so one sided (which heavily delays rival yans eventual decent into delusion and kidnapping their darling) and it'll trigger rival yan to slowly realize their feelings for darling!
now, for poised darlings specific scenario request, they said something about brat darling "showing rival yans their rightful place" backstage before a big competition (or something like that) and lemme just say, wonderful concept. semi public, degrading, risky, it'll drive rival yan insane!
but just imagine, your 'rival' wont stop bitching at you, doing a classic monologue that theyve done a million times before. something about you hiding some secret and how theyll figure out what it is if its the last thing theyll- yea you get it, blah blah blah, whatever. you arent even listening to them anymore, just glaring at the wall in front of you until its proper time for the competition, passing time by thinking some not so sfw things, as one does. it shockingly helped you focus sometimes so what was the harm? besides, no one was gonna know... and it was just you and rival yan there... and everyone was too busy to notice if you two went missing for just a little while...
"rival yan."
"and then they'll all see-! huh? what? what do you want?"
"sometimes... i look at you and think that you just say all of this stuff just so ill hit you and you finally get beat up by me. am i right?"
rival yan snapped their mouth shut, their entire body tensing as they tried to deny it. "obv- how can you just say something so perverted?!" they hissed, lowering their voice so the people around you two wouldnt hear.
"cause its obvious, ya know? c'mon, dont act all shy now, not when youre practically begging me to sit on your face when you go into those long, boring monologues. half the time im pretty sure i can see you getting off to the sound of your own voice so im sure youve got some sort of messed up psycho sexual issues." as you speak, you get closer and closer to them until theyve been backed up against the wall, almost completely hidden from the crew around you.
"i-i..." they stutter, eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips, hands clenching and unclenching at their sides. "i dont know what you're talking about, fuck off..."
"you dont know what im talking about?" you hum before grabbing their jaw, grinning when they flinch and whine. "really? you dont think about this kinda thing? you dont think about me using you like the little toy you are before every single one of our competitions? cause i do. thats my secret. i think about making you spread your legs in front of our little audiences and letting you show them exactly how desperate you are for me, watching you try and fail to answer simple question after simple question while i touch you underneath the table, until the only thing you can answer with is 'please' and moans of my name. you dont think of that?"
youre closer now, leg between theirs, pressing them against the wall while they shiver pathetically and try to grind against your thigh, eyes crossing stupidly as the last bits of their composure slip through their fingers and the control they have over themselves is handed over to you like a pretty little gift.
"c'mon, answer me."
they finally make proper eye contact, whimpering pathetically while their cheeks squish underneath your fingers from your grip on their jaw. "y-yes.." they breathe out, hips bucking a little bit when you raise your leg to give them some more pressure. "think of you.. all the time... feels so good..."
you grin, free hand going down to their hip so you can guide them properly, encouraging them to basically hump against your thigh while you lean forward and gently kiss their cheek, then their lobe. "see? doesnt it feel good to finally admit that you just wanted my attention instead of jumping through all these ridiculous hoops?" you whisper, moving down to kiss along their neck, coaxing a moan out of them.
"shh, if you get us caught now theyll kick us out.."
"mmng, s-sorry..." they pant, the space around you two growing hotter and hotter, their sounds growing more frequent and body moving more desperately as they get closer to orgasm.
you suck on their flesh, biting and licking it as well to leave a noticeable mark just right above their shirts collar. perfect. as the sound of the stage managers steps get closer and closer, you finally pull away and get a good look at rival yan. disheveled, obviously aroused, mouth open and panting, lips wet and shiny from drool, an obvious mark on their neck and around their jaw from both your mouth and your fingers. basically, a giant mess.
"lets have fun out there, yeah?" you suggest, grinning as a look of confusion then hurt and finally anger pass over rival yans face though it was hard to be intimidated by them when their legs were still wobbly and they were still panting from just a bit of touching.
"are you two ready?" the stage manager asks when they pop in, not even sparing rival yan a glance.
"yup! just got done hyping myself up."
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diabeticallyhere · 1 year
Being in the diabetes community is really hard for me.
Most of the time, posting and interacting with other diabetes content feels like… shared trauma, I guess? Like, it feels like people almost always post about the bad things, because it’s a chronic illness that’s exhausting, and never stops, and probably is never getting ‘better’ (in the sense of not being ‘sick’ anymore), and there’s always something wrong, and people die somewhat often from not being able to afford insulin because of price gouging and capitalism and classism and….
A lot of people on diabetes tumblr are like, mutuals and support each other and really respond to each other’s posts. Which is very kind, and an act of solidarity, I think.
But it also still feels like a lot of energy for me. It feels exhausting to just think about how fucking tiring my life is all the time. Even when my numbers are good. Even when I’m able to be doing a good job.
It’s still so tiring to think about how the other shoe could drop literally anytime.
I personally have a lot of trauma around diabetes, being diagnosed young and thinking I would die soon for a long time. It’s taken a long, long time to be less dissociated and actually feel my body cues and trust that I’m going to keep living.
But at the same time, I hate inspiration porn, and those diabetics who flaunt that they “can do anything they put their mind to, just like anyone else!” and who brag that they don’t eat sugar.
I feel like I’ve been needing to say this for a long time. My diabetes blog is somewhat inactive, and my posts are, more often than not, ‘vent’ type posts or posts about the negative parts of diabetes.
But at the same time, my diabetes is better than it’s ever been, so I’m proud of myself for that. And I guess on that level, it’s not as big of ‘a thing’ for me?
But I feel bad for talking about it, even though it’s taken a lot to get there.
I just… I don’t know.
The T1D community on here feels tiring, and it makes me feel worn out to think about how exhausted and burnt out we all are, more often than not. But the thought of deleting this blog is a little bit sad. (But at the same time, what’s the point of keeping this blog around if it’s just exhausting to me to think about and remind me how bitter about my diabetes?)
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luciandloathing · 2 months
okay everyone. hi.
okay. so.
the short version of it.
I'm sorry for everything that happened in such a way. sincerely. I am kind of socially inept. and was also already VERY vulnerable so fuck the weird people who sent me threats because, they knew it'd freak me out.
I thought I'd just post some silly stuff while a little medicated and concussed and out of it and then log off. ended up getting bombarded with asks good and bad.
anon asks will be back on in a few or so, but I will not acknowledge anything even slightly negative. constructive criticisms are fine. threats are not.
the full is under the cut if you genuinely want to read anything else.
yesterday was bad and I'm sorry, sincerely. I'll put new measures in place to make sure that doesn't happen again. I figured that I'd just post a little bit when I was bored. I figured something like this would happen sooner or later.
hi. I'm mentally ill (and in treatment) obviously. but I am also severely disabled! like genuinely. Is this an excuse? no. but keep it in mind.
anon asks are coming back on... why?
I'm setting new measures in place like I said. I will not be answering any negative asks. I will instantly delete them.
I don't like to give out personal information. honestly because of things exactly like this. I'm convinced that person just got bored and I'm an 'easy victim' or something. because I don't interact with people outside of what you see in my public. I've done very simple DMS and even if those leaked, which I don't even care go ahead, you'd see they were super simple and completely safe for work conversations.
I'm not sure what they, or their alleged group think I have done. I don't talk to people irl. I only have two people willing to actually call me their friend. I spent the better part of the weekend writing, playing Roblox, and building my deck. I don't know who could be doing this even if they say I do.
I've looked a few things up and. I cannot believe I'm saying this but some people genuinely have no nuance.
anyways square the FUCK up hate anon(s). all that's gonna happen is you get deleted.
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elleloquently · 1 year
hi guys <3 since invisible string has wrapped up, there's been some things on my mind lately that have made posting a little less fun than i would like... i figured that i sort of just wanted to get it off of my chest before i dive into my next fic. i sort of feel like an ass for even mentioning this stuff but i've seen so many other writers having the same issues as well.. nobody has to read this at all - i guess this is just a clue to where i'm at and my relationship with writing on tumblr right now. this might be a bit of a doozy so i do apologize, i don't mean to sound whiny but truly i just want to get it off of my conscience.
also i want to stress that this has nothing to do with the people that have been continuously kind - i've been reading ur messages and comments regarding the final part of invisible string and i am quite literally over the moon with happiness, ilysm
firstly i want to say that you, my readers, have been so lovely. i know my account is not huge and i do not complete requests in a timely manner, but you all have shown me so much love and positivity that i cannot even fathom. i feel silly talking about "negative" things bc all of the love and support that i receive significantly outweighs the bad, but unfortunately i'm only human.
i've seen countless other writers talk about this as well, but the interaction blues are so real. it feels so contradictory to say this because all i'm doing is typing a silly little story, a fanfiction, at that, so i am absolutely nowhere near being a sophisticated writer... therefore i do not at all feel entitled to reblogs or comments or anything of the sort. but at the same time... it is so discouraging to work so hard on a piece, trying to frame it just right and even adding moments thinking, they'll love this... only for the notifs to be flooded with only likes and demands for a next part. and i absolutely know that these readers mean no ill intent whatsoever, it just feels disheartening at times, like guys can we please just appreciate one thing at a time? it almost makes the writer feel like they haven't done good enough, and it's such a shitty feeling after working so hard. just please remember that tumblr writers are people, we're doing this in our free time and writing for free (despite the silly little tumblr tip jar feature) - if there's a piece or a writer that you enjoy, please let them know! comments, reblogs, messages, all of those do so much to help support the writer and it's so encouraging.
the next point being, the echochamber that is fanfiction. i've pretty much fooled myself if i thought that i could come on here and have a solely original idea. it is still so frustrating sometimes despite how hard i try not to take it seriously. it does feel stupid to take fanfiction seriously but anyway... lately i've been torn between supporting all of the amazing writers on this app and the feeling like i don't want to read anything that appears in the ellie tag anymore. i can be working away at a piece for weeks, and then read someone else's work that has something similar and i feel like i have to delete the things that i've worked on because i never want to seem unoriginal, especially when you're on the flip side of it.. it sucks. it feels like you have a special idea, no matter how big or small, and the second that you post about it, it's everywhere. again, the echochamber. i'd be hard pressed to be able to put something out that someone else hasn't also done, or to put something out and not have other people use it too. it still just feels stressful sometimes, trying to make something about your work special so other people want to read it.
which brings me to my next thought... writing for engagement versus writing for fun. obviously we all want our work to be supported. it's sad when you work hard and it's just not. so yes, always support your writers. but with that, i really want to try to keep that joy in writing, and to not get overwhelmed. my next fic is going to be purely for fun. it is frankly so annoying to research the game or replay it over and over just to make sure every single detail is perfect. that isn't fun to me, i don't want to make something that is word for word and scene for scene something that already exists. i want to make it my own, with different worldbuilding and details for my own storytelling. if you're someone who has an issue with creative changes or inaccuracies from the game- my works may not be for you, and that's okay. i'd rather miss out on some readers than have people comment about something that is wrong.
i know this is all so much and it is a bit ridiculous, i don't think i'm the only one though. it gets a bit much to play into the social aspect of this community, not just writing but trying to appeal to everyone or making sure that all of the other accounts like me.. which just, isn't always going to be the case. with that being said, please remember that i'm a person and i have a job and i'm in college, it's hard to get on tumblr and write when i have huge essays due every night. just keep that in mind, if it takes me a long time to update or post it's not because i'm purposefully trying to make you suffer, there's just other things going on. please have courtesy for writers, please support writers. with all of that being said, i do hope i don't come off as a total drag. again- to all of you who have been nothing but kind and supportive, i love and appreciate you all so much. you are actively making this community and this hellsite a better place, so thank you for that.
much love,
<3 elle
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Posted January 2023. (Originally posted a couple of years back, but I accidentally deleted it when I went to update it with more fics)
A list of podfics I absolutely adore - in alfabetical order. As always, please read the tags and warnings before listening.
Title: All Life is Yours to Miss Read by: originally reads Authour: Saras_Girl Length:~ 11h Rating: Mature Summary: Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go. This one always makes me smile. It's very focused on Draco, and his journey to figuring out how to really live his life instead of just excist in it. Beautiful story that's beautifully read in a soothing voice.
Title: An Owl Named Romeo  Read by: fire_juggler  Authour: Rickey Length:~ 3h Rating: Explicit Summary: Draco breeds owls, Harry’s an Auror, and an owl named Romeo is going to bring them together. This one has Auror!Harry and Owl breeder!Draco, and it’s a wonderfull mix of humour, mystery, angst and fluff. Romeo is an amazing owl, and fire_juggler reads the story wonderfully.
Title: Away Childish Things Read by: RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234) Authour: lettered Length:~ 14h Rating: Teen and Up Summary: Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him. Beautiful fic read so wonderfully it made me ache with all the feels.
Title: Blood Magic Read by: houseofhebrideanblacks, Thestralsofspinnersend Authours: houseofhebrideanblacks, Thestralsofspinnersend Length:~ 33h Rating: Explicit Summary: A story of thestral magic, forest lore and recovery from all the things that haunt us. This is a beautiful story of recovery, friendship, love and life. And in being a story about that it exlpores the darker sides of those same themes; illness, loneliness and death. The authours read the story themselves, giving different voices to Draco and Harry's POV. It's a beautiful listen.
Title: Blue Roses and Other Impossible Things Read by: Sandstripe Authour: Cassiara Length:~ 3h Rating: Explicit Summary: After Harry saved Draco from the Room of Requirement there was a moment when Draco gave Harry a look. Harry didn’t know what to make of it, and he had a war to fight so he ignored it. Now though, they’re back at Hogwarts sharing a dorm and Harry is obsessed with seeing that look again. I wrote this fic, but I had to rec it here anyways because Sandstripe does such a wonderful reading of it. It's an 8th year fic with coming out and first times and a little angst.
Title: Burning day: A Tale of Rebirth Read by: fire_juggler Authour: tealeaf523 Length:~ 2.5h Rating: Explicit Summary: Looking for a bit of solitude over his winter holiday, Harry Potter rents a home in Scotland, only to end up in the middle of adventure amongst the snow-blanketed hills. There is a local in Castle Valley who looks uncannily like his Hogwarts school rival, but he has no memory of meeting Harry in the past. However, Harry is determined to find out what happened to Draco Malfoy between his disappearance and finding his new identity as a charming unicorn trainer at the Scotland Unicorn Reservation for Lost Youths. Unicorns and memory loss and falling in love? Sign me up! fire_juggler did a brilliant job bringing this to life.
Title: Chasing Shadows Read by: lastontheboat Authour: manixzen Length:~ 9.5h Rating: Explicit Summary: The murder of Lucius Malfoy seems impossible—no cause of death, no traces of spell-work, no potions in his system. The only leads Harry and his partner have are the trail of missing wizards the deeper they go. That and the help of the victim’s estranged son who now spends his time bartending at a queer-friendly Muggle pub. A case fic featuring a closeted Harry Potter, an out-and-proud, tattooed Draco Malfoy, and a murder mystery that seems to lead to more questions than answers. This fic is so good! Harry has hidden being gay for years and years and his growth to live as who he is is beautifully interwoven with him and Draco falling in love and a thrilling crime plot.Also I just love Draco in this! He's grown so much and is so attentive and he makes the smut so steamy! The reading of it is so well done and just brings so much life to the fic!
Title: Foundations'Verse - Reparations, Foundations Read by: 6shotsamericano Authour: Saras_Girl Length:~10h + 27.5h Rating: Explicit Summary: Reparations: Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places. Foundations: When one door closes, another one opens – with a bit of a push. Life, love and complications. This verse was one of my first ever Drarry fics, and the podfic of it was my first ever podfic experience. Both were major influences on the fact that I now love both Drarry and podfic. The fics are a masterpiece and 6shotsamericano reads them in such a wonderfull way that it's easy to immerse yourself in the story.
Title: Headlights in the Snow Read by: magsmagicalnightmare Authour: Saras_Girl Length:~ 10h Rating: Mature Summary: What’s big and purple and smells like tea? Harry is about to find out. Advent fic 2016. You can never go wrong with Saras_Girls christmas fics, and this is another great one! And it's so brilliantly read I felt like I was on the bus listening in on conversations. magsmagicalnightmare brought this fic so much life and personality and it's brilliant!
Title: Here's the Pencil, Make it Work Read by: teas_me Authour: ignatiustrout Length:~ 5.5h Rating: Explicit Summary: Harry thinks, "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?" This one has Harry discovering Draco in the muggle world, a building friendship, coming out and wonderful humour. I loved all the friendships in this story, and the way ignatiustrout voices them.
Title: If the Fates Allow Read by: lastontheboat Authour: Saras_Girl Length:~8h Rating: Mature Summary: What's that crackling in the walls? Harry has no clue at all. He'll eat some cake and drink some wine. Because he is completely FINE. -A story about life's disregard for our plans. An advent story in podfic form?! I’ll be listening to this every single December.
Title: In Evidence of Magical Theory Read by: Sandstripe Authour: bixgirl1 Length:~ 2.5h Rating: Explicit Summary: When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they're forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible. In which Harry and Draco can't fight, so they fall in love instead. Wonderfull read of a wonderfull story! Accidental bonding and forced proximity in a Hogwarts 8th year story hits all the spots.
Title: Keep Holding On Read by: Thunder_of_Dragons Authour:  gnarf, with art by MaesterChill. Length: ~3.5h Rating: Mature Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Draco both fall into their own battles with their mental states. Draco is sent to Azkaban, and Harry turns to drinking, hoping to forget. Months later, Harry visits St Mungo’s new ward on the request of a friend, only to find Draco in a deep vegetative state. Not willing to give him up, Harry stays by his side, while simultaneously dealing with the Ministry's newest grand idea to make everything worse. Making new allies, and losing old ones along the way, will hopefully be worth it in the end. This deals wonderfully with healing and building a bond, and it’s read really beautifully. 
Title: Modern Love Read by: lastontheboat Authour: tackytiger Length:~ 5.5 h Rating: Explicit Summary: Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is. And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what's he doing right, that Harry isn’t? Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years. And that’s what starts it all. I really enjoyed this one. The story is really engaging and full of emotion, and the reader conveys them perfectly. 
Title: Newts Read by: Lazulus Authour: astolat Length:~ 1.5h Rating: Explicit Summary: “I’m twenty-eight!” Harry said. “I’ve been an Auror for ten years! You want me to go back to Hogwarts now?" 
Title: On a Clear Day Read by: 6shotsamericano Authour: Saras_Girl Length:~ 5h Rating: Mature Summary: Draco Malfoy is waiting for his real life to begin, and it appears that he’s not the only one. Coffee, charity, and the wisdom of the elderly. I've listened to this one too many times to count over the years. Humour, falling in love and learning to live.
Title: Open for repairs Read by: RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234) Authour: FeelsForBreakfast Length:~ 3h Rating: Mature Summary: After the war, Draco works at a tv repair shop and Harry breaks things.Feat. sad boys in jumpers and more ABBA than is probably necessary. I forgot how much I loved this fic, but the podfic made me fall in love all over again. I loved all the voices and the portrayal of the emotions.
Title: Running on air Authour: eleventy7 Length:~ 8h Rating: Teen and up Summary: Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects. This is a beautiful story and it's read just as beautifully.
Title: Secrets Read by: Opalsong Authour: Vorabiza (Biza) Length:~ 44h Rating: Explicit Summary: Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer becomes filled with activity and many secrets. He generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. H/D post-HBP This story is an intense alternate book 7, and Opalsong reads it so engagingly. 
Title: Stately Homes of Wiltshire Read by: Lazulus Authour: waspabi Length:~ 5.5h Rating: Explicit Summary: Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case. This fic is so lovely, both the story and the reading has made me laugh on several occations. It's a mystery with love and friendships and figuring out what you want from life.
Title: Temptation on the Warfront Read by: Sandstripe Authour: alizarincrims0n Length:~ 14h Rating: Explicit Summary: Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
Title: The Boy Who Only Lived Twice Read by: TheOneCalledEli Authour: lettered Length:~ 6h Rating: Explicit Summary: Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks. Drarry as secret spies is so much fun and excitement, and the slow falling in love and wanting but not knowing was just so perfect. And TheOneCalledEli reads it so brilliantly, it made me fall in love with this fic all over again!
Title: This Summer Read by: RattleandHum Authour: Saras_Girl Length:~ 3.5 Rating: Teen Summary: This is a summery romantic comedy featuring my favourite ensemble cast, in which Harry is confused, Draco is Draco, and Hermione attempts to eat all the things. Costume parties and pining and all the good things! This fic is sweet and funny and listening to it made me smile.
Title: Turn Read by: Queenie_Mab Authour: Saras_Girl Length:~ 37h Rating: Mature Summary: One good turn always deserves another. Apparently. This story is a classic, and the reading of it fully lives up to the quality of the written fic; absolutely wonderfull! Another one I've listened to more times than I can count.
Title: (Un)wanted Read by: aibidil Authour: aibidil Length:~4h Rating: Explicit Summary: Ginny's pregnant, then she's not and Harry's single. Harry, again with no family, doesn't know what to do with this turn of events, or how to find a new life—post-war, post-Ginny, post-abortion—in which he belongs. He doesn't expect that life to include dancing to the Backstreet Boys with Hermione and Draco Malfoy. A story of finding belonging in the unexpected. This one is so good. It's about being lonely and feeling unwanted, but finding family and learning to accept love when offered as well as loving oneself. I love Harry and Hermione's relationship in this. Actually, the women in general are awesome.
Title: What We Pretend We Can't See Read by: FayJay Authour: Gyzym Length:~ 13h Rating: Mature/Explicit Summary: Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought. (Auror Potter is summoned to a break-in at a rather eccentric little museum in the house he used to own.) This is one of those fics where I can finish listening and just start it over again immediatly. It's got magical houses, house elf magic, friendships, humour, and I absolutely love how Draco and Harry are both written in this. FayJay gives amazing life to the charachters, and this one is just so wonderful.
Title: When Times are Dire Read by: aibidil Authour: aibidil Length:~ 14h Rating: Explicit Summary: Magical Britain is screwed, and it's once again up to Harry to save it. This time, by marrying Draco Malfoy. This fic is so interesting. It's fake relationship but done differently to anything else I've read. It's political in a way that rings true for so much that's going on in the world and it was lovely to see the characters I love fight for things I believe in!
Title: Who we are in the shadows Read by: Sandstripe Authour: Quicksilvermaid Length:~ 7h Rating: Explicit Summary: What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost. But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself. What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong? This fic feels a little like a healing bruise. By which I mean that it hurts, a little – but in a good way. Sandstripe does a brilliant job of making all the emotions come across and I'll definetly be listening to this many times.
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denjivhs · 3 months
match-up for @imjustabeanie
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your match in jjk is... toji fushiguro!
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i think you two would have a really fun dynamic tbh. lots of teasing and bordering a love-hate dynamic, yet somehow a sense of understanding between the two of you that would just draw you close.
he'd appreciate you for being so chill because he honestly cannot stand someone clinging to him and begging him for his attention 24/7 and you being secure in this sense definitely works out perfectly for him.
he personally wouldnt mind you being 'morally questionable' (you are both about to be really chaotic because youre both competitive and do not back down from doing the most questionable shit ever but hey!! yolo!!)
toji can honestly be pretty asshole-y but one thing he'll never be is whiny, or cowardly. it would take a while for you guys to develop a more serious relationship, but that's alright because neither of you were in the rush/looking for one.
i hc he's an early bird because of the training he received growing up. since hes a bit of a shithead he'd probably be super amused by how ill-tempered you are in the mornings and unfortunately will not hold back from poking fun at you until you're really mad. won't apologize for riling you up either since for him it was quite entertaining.
in general, he actually doesnt sleep all that much, so if you wanna get back at him by pulling a prank or two when he's asleep, youre gonna have to wait until he takes that 2-3 hour long rest. sadly, very little fazes him so you will have to wait and observe him to figure out his pet peeves and such.
toji is oddly observant. he may seem like a meathead but even the slightest change in your demeanour doesnt go amiss by him. youre really private about your personal matters though and he picked up on it quite early on so he never says anything. instead, he chooses to show his consideration through actions and gestures. he'll let up on his teasing and taunting, he'll do a bothersome chore on your behalf, take out the time of his day to run your errands, gruffly pat your head and tell you to take some time off.
one thing you'll probably pick up on fairly early on in your friendship/relationship with toji is that he loves it when you challenge him. *loves* it when you debate with him. youre constantly coming up with such interesting stuff and he finds it really amusing how youre so invested in your hobbies yet somehow have a short attention span at the same time. he may come off as borderline condescending sometimes but really, he actually secretly admires you. he loves that youre so sarcastic and humorous,
date ideas: while he'd be up for doing pretty much when youre hanging out together, somehow when it comes to the idea of a 'date' he'd actually want to do something like a dinner in a 'romantic' setting just because that seems proper. either that or something out of pocket and adventurous like bungee jumping if youre up for it.
instead of getting you flowers, he'd actually rather get you a gift (unless you really like flowers or something) and it'd be something surprisingly thoughtful- something that would show just how observant he is. would actually be pretty pleased to learn that you like receiving gifts and would probably say that flowers are dumb because they die so soon, have no functionality and all that.
songs: meddle about by chase atlantic, killshot by magdalena bay, superman by eminem, crybaby by the neighborhood
note: okay so your other two matchups are on my pc which i don't have on me rn so here's the first one!! 😭 tumblr app deleted half my draft like twice but we move 😀 n e wayz, will either edit those in later/post separately, lmk whatever you prefer :))
also i can finally spill the beans— the other character i was considering for you was actually nanami!! i thought i should pair you up w him to even things out/opposites attract type of scene but the more i thought abt it, i felt like it won't work in the long run. i think you'd enjoy being with someone a bit adventurous more than someone with such strong ideals and morals, because while nanami would be able to provide you the stability and nurturing, i think you might end up feeling a little stifled later on.
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