#ill just reread the chapters later
milkbreadtoast · 6 months
ough guys... i got to ep 38 in the twsb webtoon... and i'm so dissatisfied and frustrated with how it was adapted that i can barely even look at it... 🫠... i cant even appreciate the drawings... this hurts
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
Next Time
Part 4 to A Bad Date and A Late Night Drive
Word Count: 7.5K
A/N: It's a night out for them!!
Despite Johnathan claiming that it was no trouble to him to pick you up from your apartment, you declined the offer. You needed a moment- several if you were being honest- to compose yourself before your date. 
If it can even be called that.
You aren’t entirely sure if that’s what it is. You want it to be, but you also don’t want to get ahead of yourself and expect something.
For now, you get yourself ready, donning the best of your attire and making sure your shoes have no scuff marks on them. You grab at a bag, making sure your keys, wallet, and anything else you consider important is thrown inside. While he mentioned that he would pay, you still need to pay a ride fee and you weren’t going to feel entirely comfortable without at least offering to pay half.
Spritzing yourself in perfume and letting it float in the air, you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You smooth out any wrinkles and clear your throat. There’s a nervous bubbling in your stomach, and acid creeps in your throat, and you worry about whether he’ll think you’ll look nice.
You hope he tells you that you look nice. 
Your phone buzzes against your desk, a loud noise that makes your bones rattle and nerves worsen. You reach for it, half-hoping that the date was canceled, and the other half, hoping that he’s near the restaurant. 
It’s the latter.
Your grin stretches, and you tap your heels against the floor, energy burning in you. The phone buzzes again and you check it eagerly, your spirit dampened slightly when it’s the ride share application letting you know that your driver is already here. Gasping, you look into your purse, doing one quick lookover. Your hands slam against the wall, turning off the light switches as you rush out of your home, racing down and wrinkling your outfit all over again.
The window of a car lowers and you ask the driver for their name, and with a smile, you nod to yourself, slipping into the backseat. It doesn’t take long until a conversation is formed about the status of whether this is a date or not.
“It sounds like a date,” they tell you, their jewelry shining under the passing streetlights. 
“Well he didn’t call it that,” you add, playing with the zipper on your bag. 
“He invited you out to dinner and if offering to pay,” their smile is heard through their words. “It kind of hits most of the bases for a date.” Their eyes flicker against the rearview mirror, and you smile nervously. “Is this your first time out with him?”
You open your bag and pull out your wallet. “I went on a tour at his work once- he uh, works in a lab-” you hurriedly explain, not wanting to be labeled as a stalker by a stranger- “and afterwards he gave me a lift to a coffee shop and we went for dinner after.” The driver hums and makes a turn. “And before he asked me on-” you meet their gaze in the mirror and you clear your throat- “you know, I had a bad date and he picked me up and took me to a drive-in.” Your finger traces along the spine of the wallet. 
“So it’s your third date with him,” they say with certainty. 
“No, no,” you laugh awkwardly. “I don’t think it is. I mean, I would like for it to be, but I don’t- I don’t know. What if I think it is and I treat it like it is a date, but it isn’t one for him, you know? I think I’d never speak to him again.”
“You like him.”
While why state it like a fact, you still answer. “Yes,” you sigh. “I tried not to- hence the date that I went on- but, it didn’t do anything. I think it only furthered my attraction to him. “He’s nerdy and cute. And when he talks about his work, there’s like this energy in him.”
“How tall is he?”
You don’t hold back your smile. “Tall. Like real tall.”
They nod to themselves. “And you can’t ask if it’s a date?”
You shake your head. “I know I should, but what if I am misreading everything and he just wants a friend. What if I’m supposed to be that friend and I just make it uncomfortable.”
“Do you want there to be miscommunication between the two of you?” You shake your head, and voice your answer when you remember that their attention is directed to the road. “Then ask the man.”
“I need a way to ask that isn’t so… obvious. I can’t just outright ask if it's a date or not.”
“Yes, you can.”
“I know,” you whine, “but I don’t wanna. I can’t handle rejection, you know.” You tap your wallet against your knee. 
“Okay, well you have about five minutes before we arrive, so start brainstorming.” You peek over and see the icon of the car approaching closer to the destination. 
“Right,” you breathe out. Clearing your throat, you nod to yourself. “So, Johnathan-”
They make a wrong buzzing sound that bounces in the confines of the car. “Too nervous and stiff. Relax, you know the guy.”
You roll your eyes. “Johnathan!”
“Too eager.” They throw a hand in the air. “You’re being difficult on purpose. And time is running out.” You put your wallet back into the bag.
“Hey Johnathan, I was hoping I could ask you something.” You pause and when no critics are said, you continue. “I just wanted to-” you elongate the vowel, shifting your eyes around- “I wanted to make sure that we’re on the same level. Are we, you know, on a date?” You stop and there’s no words offered. “I feel like that’s still too forward.”
“It’s the best you’re going to get.” The car slows and you see the restaurant outside, and you see Johnathan standing outside in a striped blazer, and he plays with his hands, searching around the establishment. “We’re here.”
You nod. “I think he likes me,” you say out loud.
“I think so too,” the driver replies.
“Payment,” you mumble. “I gotta pay you.” You pull open your app and add a generous tip. You grab at the door handle and turn to the driver. “Thanks for hearing me out,” you tell them.
“It’s part of the job,” they say nonchalantly. “Have fun on your date.”
Your mouth is dry, and you can’t stop looking at Johnathan. You nod eagerly, whispering out a breathless word of agreement, before stepping outside.
Jonathan spots you almost immediately, his hand going up in a wave and you smile, chest swelling with delight. You rush over, holding tightly onto the strap of your bag. You stand in front of him, and he smiles down at you, hands fisting as they fall to his side.
“Hi Johnathan,” you smile. 
“Hello,” he says your name so sweetly, and you can only tighten your hands around the strap of your bag. It feels like you’re some lovesick teenager again. 
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long.” You kick at the ground, and take a look towards the street. “New York and its traffic,” you joke.
“Oh no, I wasn’t waiting for very long.” He shakes his head. His eyes dance down your view, and when he meets your gaze again, he has this soft look in his eyes. “You look very nice.”
“You think so?” You ask, your heart fluttering inside of your chest. He hums in response, nodding his head. “Thanks! I’m um, I’m glad that you think so. You look nice too. I like your blazer. It suits you.” Your hand reaches forward, grabbing at the lapel and smoothing it out. Your fingers pinch over a piece of white fuzz. It snows down on the ground and is lost on the concrete, and when you look up at him, his hand clasps around your wrist. “Ah, sorry,” you mumble. “It- I thought it would’ve-”
“It’s okay,” he whispers, saving you from a poor excuse. “I didn’t mind.” His hand lets go of your wrists, and it falls back to his side, and with it, he takes a step back. “We should go in. Our reservation was for seven o’clock and it’s-” he lifts his wrist to look at his watch- “seven past five. I uh- I don’t want you to eat somewhere else when you look so nice.”
“Lead the way,” you tell him, stepping away from him. 
He holds the door open for you, and he hollows you in, walking forward where the host makes eye contact with him and then you. Their smile is practiced and wide as they greet you. You smile in return and take your place beside Johnathan. 
“I have a reservation under Ohnn. Johnathan Ohnn,” he says with a steady voice. You wonder if he practiced the line before arriving. 
You’re too distracted by the atmosphere of the restaurant to hold any attention to the conversation happening near you. The lights are warm, a soft yellow, candles are lit at the tables. You can hear snippets of conversations, but it all turns muddled, mixed into noise that you can’t bother to decipher. When he starts to walk, you take hold of his hand, and he returns the gesture, leading you along. Glass clinks together in a sound that is backed by the sound of metal against porcelain, a soft tune that is muted under the noise of people and their joy. 
The two are you are sat at a table with a view to the outside. You can see the faint press of fingertips along the glass. Utensils are placed down at the table and menus are given, and you hold it in your hand, skimming over the bolded fonts and your eyes settle on the prices of the meals and appetizers. The candle on the tables fillers, the white wax a milky puddle that stains the glass. 
You sit at your table, letting your bag strap across your chair, and pull the menu open. If you were to be honest with him, you had already taken a peek of what was served here in an effort to prepare yourself and not be caught off guard. However, you were not prepared for the cocktail section that was adorned with pictures of what the drinks would look like.
Trying to stifle a gasp, your feet tap against the floor. “Would you think less of me if I wanted to order drinks based on the glass that they come in?” You take a glance over the menu to find him smiling.
He laughs. “Of course not. I had no idea you were one for presentations.”
You shrug. “Not necessarily. But when it comes in glasses as cute as these, I can’t help but be tempted, you know? Oh! Like look-” you turn your menu over to him- “this one is shaped like a little bird! And it has little flowers as its tail! And- And, look there’s a little bathtub with a duck! Oh Johnathan-” you turn the menu back to yourself- “they’re so cute.”
“Feel free to get what you’d like.” You look back down at the menu, and worry at your lip. “Don’t worry about the price tag, I invited you after all.”
Swallowing nervously, you look at the other page of the menu. “I can always pay for my half,” you offer. “I don’t want to take advantage or anything.”
“Really, it’s fine.” He fixes at the sleeve of his blazer, but when he lets go, it falls back into place. You’re here and I was the one to invite you and I’m fine- more than fine with paying for both of our meals. And drinks,” he quickly adds.
Your tongue peeks out to wet your lips. “What are you planning on getting?”
“I was thinking of getting- Oh, I see the waiter!” He says in a startled voice. “Do you know what you want? We can still have some more time, I just-”
“I know what I want, Johnathan,” you reassure, giving a quick scan at the menu and nodding to yourself. “I think I will get the drink.”
“Good. You should. I want you to enjoy your time here.”
“With you?”
He nods. “With me.” The flame flickers, and you hope that you get to see more of him.
As he said, the waiter stops at your table. “Hi everyone! I’ll be your waiter for tonight. So what can I get you started with?” Their tone is cheery and you nod towards Johnathan’s direction, allowing him to go first. With a roll of his eyes directed towards you, he tells the waiter what he’d like to drink. “And for you?” The attention is now towards you, and you nervously tell the waiter what drink you’d like, pointing at the picture where the decorative glass has only enticed you further. “Great choice, that’s my favorite,” they tell you with a smile. Feeling validated at the words, you nod, holding the menu together. “And are you all ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?” Johnathan nods at your direction and you stick your tongue out at him. 
“We’re ready,” you tell the waiter, pointing at your order as you tell them what you would like. You nod towards the other end of the small table and Johnathan adjusts his glasses before saying his own order.
“Great!” The waiter writes down the order and clicks the pen. “I’ll go put these in for you and I’ll be right back.”
Left alone with Jonathan and a flickering flame, you tap at the table. “So,” you wince at the fiddly tone, “how did you hear about this place?”
“One of my coworkers said that they brought their husband here. They mentioned how nice the food was.” You perk up at the word “husband” with nerves coursing through your body and running a chill up your spine.
Maybe it is a date, you think to yourself. 
“I thought that it would be nice to eat here and I-” he clears his throat and toys with the edge of the napkin that covers the utensils- “I thought that you might also enjoy it here.”
“Thanks for thinking of me,” you say, grabbing your own covered utensils and tracing along the bottom edge of the handle to one of the utensils. “Do you usually eat out at these fancy places?” You try to resist the urge to scratch at your neck. 
“No, not usually. I’m a much more reserved type of individual. I only really go to these types of places because of my coworkers or those company dinners.”
“I didn’t know that Alechmax had company dinners.”
“They’re not uncommon,” he explains. Pulling away at the paper that holds the cloth napkin together. “I don’t really like to go, but there’s free food.” He ends the sentence with a shrug.
“I don’t really get company dinners. Some of us go out for drinks, but I think I’d prefer a meal.”
Pulling at the end of his hair, he opens his mouth, only to get cut off by the waiter returning. They move the platter, and set the drinks down first. You pull the drink near the edge, leaving room for the plate. “There you go,” they say, their gaze focused on the food that sits on the platter. “For you, sir,” they say cautiously, placing the plate down in front of Johnathan. “And for you,” they continue, placing your plate in front of you. “Enjoy your dinner and let me know if you need anything else.”
“You know,” you start, tapping your finger against the glass of your drink, “I severely underestimated how much drink I was actually going to get.” The drink is now no more than a few tentative sips from disappearing. Alongside the glass remains a few drops of where the drink stains.
“Oh? Did you think it was going to be bottomless?” He asks, a sharp smile pulling on his features.
You scoff and take much more than a tentative sip that now only lets a small puddle pool at the belly of the bird. “I was distracted by the craftsmanship of the glass,” you snip at him, your voice light and twisted with dally. “I saw a cute design and decided that I needed to have the glass.”
With a fork of food near his mouth, he reminds you of an important fact. “You do know that you don’t get to keep the glass, right?”
Your smile falls and strains into a thin line. “I honestly hate that you told me that,” you whine to him, tapping your index against the stem. 
“I apologize for crushing your dreams,” he says without genuinity. 
“You know,” you muse, licking at your lips, the drink still heavy on your tongue, “I don’t think you actually mean that.”
He hums, and takes a sip of his still half-full drink. “And what can I do to make it up to you?”
With a hand resting over your heavy heart, you shake your head. “I’m afraid the damage has already been done,” you sigh. He tries to muffle a laugh behind the palm of his hand, but you still catch at it and gasp in mock-offense. “You’re laughing over my pain? That’s awful.” You can’t stop the smile that stretches across your own face, and you shake your head as you take another bite of your food. 
“I’ll get you another drink if you’d like. Maybe you can try a different one this time?” He offers, stabbing at his food with the fork. Your napkin dabs at the corner of your mouth, and you can still taste the faint traces of your drink on your tongue. “Would that make it up for you?”
Your head tilts, and you shake your head. “Mm, no.” When you meet his eyes, his own are wide and his shoulders are raised. “You’re gonna have to do more than that,” you tell him. As if on cue, the waiter stops at your table asking if everything is okay, and you can feel Johnathan’s eyes on you. “I’d uh, I’d like a glass of water, please.” You say, your voice lifting towards the end as you feel uncomfortable about asking for more. 
“Of course, and anything else?” The waiter turns to Johnathan and with a shake of his head, the waiter nods. “Okay, I’ll be right back with your glass of water.”
With the waiter of sight, Johnathan bites at his food. You look at the thinning drink in your sculpted glass, the flowers dried at the table. “You could have gotten another drink,” he tells you, and you look back at him, warmth in the shell of your ears. “You could have tried the other drink.”
You smile at him, and you hand pinches over a stem. “I’m okay.” You lift the flower and a petal falls to the table. “I like water anyways.” You tap your foot against the floor and smile at him with an impish grin. “Plus, I wouldn’t want you to think that that would make it up after all your snark.” 
“No, of course not,” he says kindly. 
A glass taps at your table, and you turn. “Your water,” the waiter tells you with a smile. You return it. “Anything else I can get for the two of you?”
“I’m okay,” you say out loud, pulling the glass towards you.
“I’m okay,” Johnathan parrots back.. 
With a clap of their hands, the waiter tells you to call if either of you need anything else, and walks away to another section. Left alone, you take a sip of your water, the ice spinning around the glass as you stir with the straw. You sit with him, and poke around at your food, taking small bites as he does the same. Silence has fallen between the two of you and you don’t think you’ll get another chance like this to confirm your worries.
“Johnathan?” You ask, setting the fork down. It clinks sweetly against the plate, and his own fork stops halfway as he looks at you. “Can I- I wanna ask you something.” His mouth covers over the fork, and you cross your ankles over the other. “It’s kinda important.” He nods his head, chewing slowly. “You invited me out and offered to pay, and I just- I wanted to know why.”
The napkin dabs against his mouth, and he takes a sip of his drink. You take a bite of your food. In a crumpled state, the napkin sits on the table and he grabs at the fork, pinching the metal between his fingers. “I wanted to spend more time with you,” he says quietly. The food goes down heavy.
Your stomach twists. That isn’t enough for you. Not now. You want him to say that this is a date, but you also realize that you have to ask for it. You chew on your lip, the mint chapstick faint on your tongue. “I want to make sure that we’re on the same page-” your fingers tap against the table- “so I have to ask, and I want you to be honest. Okay?” He nods rapidly. “Is this-” you point to both you and him- “a date?”
“Would you like it to be a date?”
You nod. “I do,” you say in a tense whisper. “Do you want it to be a date?”
“I was hoping it was. I’m sorry that I didn’t make it clear enough.”
Shaking your head, you cross your ankle over the other. “I didn’t want to assume.”
“I-” he turns his head, and looks out the window, and you follow his gaze- “I’ve dated before, but it gets harder to date and most people aren’t necessarily into scientists.” You look at him through the reflection, and you find that he’s already looking at you. “It’s nice having you as company, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable and ruin that.” 
“What made you think I wouldn’t have been interested?”
He turns his head and looks at his nearly finished plate. The fork is pinched between his fingers. “You’re pretty. And interesting to talk to. I- The most I can offer is an informative conversation about quantum mechanics and multidimensional traveling- in theories,” he adds. “I would have assumed you were searching for something more than just me.”
“I have to admit that I didn’t think you’d be my type. You got the tall, dark, and handsome all figured out, but, I dunno know. You always struck me as the type to sneer and be less than sweet. But talking to you, like actually talking to you, is nice. You’re nice. And I like that you give me rides, and I like that you’re smart.” You stare at your drink, the ice bobbing lightly. 
“I like that you listen.” You smile, and look at him. “I like you. And I would have wanted the two other times that we met to be a date, but I also like the idea of this being our first date.”
Your nail runs over the side of your finger. “I have to remind you that I’m writing an article that goes against your company and could put you in a negative light.”
“I know.”
“I don’t want you to think that I’m here with you right now because of that.”
“You’re here because you like me?”
You nod. “I’m here because I like you,” you confirm. “But I also want you to remember that. That if we date, I’m- I might still write the article.”
He stays silent. “I can’t change your mind on that?”
“I don’t know Johnathan. I want to have strong convictions, but I also want to-” you falter. You want him to be happy with you. You don’t want him to regret taking this chance on you. “I want you to still like me even if I continue to write the article.”
“I’d still like you.”
You shake your head. “You can’t be sure of that.”
He takes your hand. “I can be.”
“Would you be disappointed in me if I still wrote it? You wouldn’t regret taking a chance on me?” You lean to him, your nails dragging against his skin. “You’d still like me as much as you’d like me right now?”
“I don’t think I would ever stop feeling the way I feel for you.”
“You can’t promise that.” You run your thumb over his knuckles. “There has to be a line drawn somewhere. I shouldn’t get such a pass from you.”
“Do you- Is there something that would stop you from liking me as much as you like me right now? If I did something bad would you still be interested in me?”
“Mm, if you were actively destroying the environment, then I think that would be a red flag,” you reason. “I kinda like Earth, despite you know-” you wave a hand in the air- “everything. So I guess if you were like polluting the ocean or something, I’d consider that a point against you.”
His smile falters and takes a look around the restaurant, eyes restless and unable to look back at you. “Any- Anything else?”
“Oh goodness, you’re polluting the ocean,” you say with a breathless laugh. You dip your head down, and he coughs awkwardly. “Okay,” you breathe out, holding his hand just a bit tighter, “it’s a red flag if you…” you falter, looking around for an answer intertwined with the flowers outside. You perk up, looking back at him. “It’s a red flag if you throw bottles out of your window when you’re driving.”
“Who on Earth would do that?”
“I’ve seen it. Multiple times.” Warmth bubbles in your chest, flaming your skin, and knots twist themselves into pretty bows. “So is that something you’re doing? Or will do?”
“Never,” he says, shaking his head. 
“Okay then.” You nod to yourself, and then to him, relief escaping in a breath. “You don’t throw bottles out of your car. So, what about me? I gave you a thing, you gotta return it.”
“I’d at least want you to talk to me before you write something about Alchemax.” You lift your hand from his, standing the tips of your fingers against his wrist, tapping along his veins. “I don’t want to police your work, I just- I know how important it is for you but I need to know.”
“Can I ask why?” You can feel the bone when you circle over the wrist. 
He swallows. “I want to be prepared for it.” You look at him, a frown tugging at the corners of your lips. “I don’t want to be caught by surprise if my name is mentioned,” he says weakly. 
“Lucky for you,” you trace along a vein until you can’t reach any further down his arm, “I never intended to write your name. It was always supposed to be about Alchemax and all the weird things that have been popping up. Never about a single person.” You pull a face. “Except maybe Fisk, considering it all.”
“Then why are you here with me?”
“I liked drinking coffee with you.”
“Really?” He questions with wonder.
You nod. “Surprisingly, yes,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “I-” you pause- “Being with you is nice.”
“Being with you is nice,” he quotes back. “I- It’s difficult to date when so much of your free time is spent in a lab or reading through notes.”
“It’s difficult to date when you’re busy chasing a story or locked in a room.” There’s a cluster of freckles around the back of his hands, fading down his arm in soft hues of brown that get lost in the tufts of hair on his arm. “I get lost trying to find the perfect words for only a few clicks.”
“I click,” he adds. You nod without saying a word. “Do you want to go home? I can take you home already?”
You turn his arm over, letting his veins be lit by the lighting. You can feel his pulse quietly beating under his touch. You settle your gaze against him, the reflection of his glasses stare at you. “You won’t even get me dessert?” You say with a hurt tone.
He stiffens, and you can feel his pulse quicken, thumping against your fingertip. “Oh! What would you like?” He turns his head looking at the table- for a menu perhaps- until realizing that the answers aren’t there. Jonathan lifts his gaze towards you again. “I can get the waiter.” He starts to lift his hand, and you snort a laugh. His hand is paused mid-lift.
“You can get me dessert next time,” you tell him, your canines pull at your lip, trying to quell the anxiety that you feel.
“Next time?” He asks in a surprised voice. “I get to have a next time?” 
You nod. “Only if you’d like there to be next time.”
“I want there to be a next time.”
A jolt runs through your body and you tighten your hold over the fork. It drops against the plate in sharp notes, and the water cools you as it rushes down your throat. Nodding, you can only speak in a breathless, that he doesn’t comment on. “Good. That’s good.” Looking at your nearly finished plate, you decide to yourself that you’re full, that eating anymore would only cause the twisting in your stomach to reveal itself.
“Would you mind if I paid already?” He asks, his own food only being pushed around.
“No, no. Go ahead,” you tell him.
He scans around the room, his hand partially raised, until he finds who he was looking for. Nodding, he lowers his hand and looks at yours and his plate. “You’re full, right?” You nod with your cheeks warm. “You can get it to go if you’d like.”
“No, I’m good. I’m- This was good,” you say, twisting your napkin at the corners. 
The waiter stops at your table, and as you sip on your water, condensation creating a ring around the table, you choose to ignore the words that are said, focusing on the pedestrians outside who pay you no mind. 
“The uh- the tip?” You say weakly, and you have his attention. Your fingertips flutter over the clasp of your bag, and you pull out your wallet, grabbing at cash.
He smiles and his eyes are warm. “I already added it to the bill. Don’t worry about it.” Your heart aches and squeezes upon itself as you nod. You want to hold his hand again.
The waiter returns, a clasped book in their hand as they hand Johnathan back their card. “Thank you guys, and have a great evening,” they say with poise and practiced lines. They are thanked, and as they walk away, 
Johnathan rises, his card returning to his wallet and settling it back into his pocket. He waits for you to stand, and stands beside you as you grab at your bag, clutching it in your hands, the strap bunched and pierced by your nails. Johnathan walks in front of you, and you hold onto the bag, hoping that the feeling of wanting to hold his hand goes away.
It doesn’t.
Doors are opened for you, and when you sit nestled inside of his car, the seatbelt taught across your chest, you watch him when he enters the car. Music plays quietly, words whispered out against the speakers, and the soft drumming of the instruments are only quiet vibrations.
You watch him for a few more moments, his jaw tight and teeth worrying at his lip. His hands are stiff around the steering wheel, and you cross and uncross your ankle over the other. You wonder what it is that he has to say to you. You hope that it’s something good. You hope that he tells you he wants to hold your hand just as badly as you want to. 
“You can talk to me, you know,” you say quietly, rivaling the music that can be heard. “We’re still on our date.”
“Am I that obvious?” You nod. “I thought I was hiding it well.” When you don’t offer any sort of answer, he clears his throat. “It’s about your job. Is that okay?”
Not what you expected, and with partial disappointment, you fist your hand. “Go ahead,” you tell him.
“Why are you so focused on Alchemax?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard him sound so upset and bothered. 
“You know better than me that something is going on,” you reply hesitantly. “I know that it’s dumb of me to focus on a company under Fisk, but-” you groan and lower your head, raising it back up with a breath. "I just know that something bad is going on, and it shouldn’t be going on. I mean, come on- none of what he’s doing can be legal.”
“Just leave it alone.” he sounds so defeated, and you don’t answer. “Fisk isn’t someone to mess with. He has connections to bad people. He’ll hurt you.”
“Aw,” you say in a lilt, “ you do care about me.” You tease, but when he doesn’t answer, you lean forward, catching a glimpse of how his face flushes in a dark hue at your words. Your eyes widen and you pull back. “Oh.”
His face scrunches up and he sucks in a breath through his teeth. “It’s not- I don't- I mean, I do-” he groans and bites at his bottom lip. You watch him, waiting for him to figure out his words, your attention completely on him, never wavering to the streets, and the people. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to someone I know,” he states.
“What,” you hesitate, trying to find the proper words, “what do you think will happen?”
He sucks in his bottom lip. The air in the car has changed, and you're gripping your bag, scratching your nails along the canvas. “Something that shouldn’t,” he says. “You’re a good person. I don’t- You should let someone else take over the story.”
“So that they can get hurt?” You aren’t sure how to feel about that. You’re sure you’re supposed to feel disgusted, but a part of you feels warm at the thought that he cares for you.
He raises his shoulders, shrinking in on himself. He doesn’t speak again.
The car slows at a yellow light, and a hue of red washes over the two of you. You scratch at your bicep, and keep your gaze on him. “I like spending time with you, Jonathan,” you admit. He whips his head towards you and you avoid his gaze, focused on the handle of the glove compartment. “You’re smart and eloquent with your words. You have this dry sense of humor that gives you a certain charm. You’re dorky in a cute way and I know that we’ve only started to figure out whatever we are right now, but-” you shrug your shoulders and look back at him- “I don’t know. I like you.” He stares at you, and you aren’t entirely sure that he’s processed what you just said. “But you can’t tell me what I can or cannot write. Especially if we aren’t anything exclusive. I mean, I still would take offense if we were exclusive but that’s another conversation.” You wave a hand in the air. “I want to be taken seriously. I don’t want to do another fluff piece. I want to write something hard hitting and something that the public needs to hear even if only one person reads it.”
Green washes over the two of you, and the sound of a car honking has him looking away from you.
“Why?” His fists tighten over the steering wheel. 
You shrug. “I dunno,” you murmur. “Dignity, I guess?” You say a bit louder. “I like my job and fluff pieces are easy and whatever; but for at least once in my life, I want to write something great. I want someone to read my article and think to themselves, “‘Wow, this is a great reporter-’” you wave your hands in the air and lower them down shyly- “or something like that.” 
“I think you’re a great reporter.” You look at him, and part your mouth open. He continues before you have a chance to speak. “I read some of your older pieces. I thought they were well written.” He glances at you before returning his attention to the road. “I would read it and think to myself that you cared about what you wrote.”
“You read my work?” You ask softly, a ray of warmth flooding to your cheeks.
Jonathan nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.” The car turns, and you stay silent. “Fisk isn’t a good man. I need you to understand that. He’s- What I’m working on is important to him. If you expose what he’s trying to do, he won’t hesitate to put a stop to your actions.” The car slows to a roll at a stop sign. He looks both ways before continuing. “I don’t know why you’ve attached myself to me- if you think that maybe I was easy to sway or weak-minded-”
“No, Jonathan, of course not!” You turn your body and reach out a hand, before pulling it back. “I never thought that. I- I knew you were a top scientist. I was- I thought that if anyone was important in the project, it was you. It is you,” you correct yourself. “I thought- I think highly of you, I swear.”
He gives a curt nod. The car drives slowly, and his eyes scan the road. The GPS signals that he has arrived at his destination. He slows the car even more so, and pulls into an empty space conveniently located in front of your apartment complex.
Parking the car, he turns to you. “I am asking you to stop. Write about corrupt politicians or homelessness. Write about Spider-man and his adventures. Anything, but this. Please.”
You straighten your back and cross a leg underneath you. “I know why I attached myself to you,” you start, pulling at the strap from your bag, “but why did you attach yourself to me.”
A small smile pulls at his lips. He stays silent, and the music from his playlist plays softly, filling the air. You reach over and grab at his forearm, and he stretches it towards you, his gaze moving away to watch as your hand slides down his arm and down to hold his hand. You call his name and he looks back up at you. 
“I don’t know,” he admits. “I wish I had an answer to give you, but I don’t know.” With his free hand, he scratches at the back of his head. “You found my work interesting. You listened to me talk about multidimensional travel without treating it as some joke. You were intrigued. Not many people usually are.” His hand squeezes at yours. “You’re kind. Pretty.” You smile at the compliment. “I find it cute that you pout when you’re jealous.”
You purse your lips. “I do not pout. I have never been jealous when I’m around you.” An obvious lie, but you want to preserve your dignity. 
He smiles. “If I told you that Dr. Owens asked me out to dinner, how would you react?”
Thinning your lips to prevent a pout, you turn your head to watch a streetlamp. You can feel a pout begin to happen and rather than give him the satisfaction of being right, you cover your mouth with your hand. Shrugging, you click your tongue. “I’d say that-” your words falter, and you refuse to look at him- “you should go for it. They seem nice.”
"You're forcing yourself not to pout. Does that mean I'm right?" You can hear the smugness in his voice and it only makes you retreat further into yourself.
“You’re like the worst, you know that?” You tighten your grip on his hand.
"Would you really be okay if I went out with them?" You stay silent. "If you say no, I'll deny them. But you have to tell me that."
"Honestly? I think they'd be a better match for you." A bitter smile twists your lips, and you regret saying the words.
He deflates. “No, they wouldn't,” he disagrees. “I don't like them.”
“You should. At least they'd be able to keep up with you in conversations.” You tap at the rubber mats on the floor of the car. “I can't do that.”
“I don't need someone to keep up with me. I want someone to be with me.” He squeezes your hand, and you hold onto it, hoping that he won’t pull away despite you trying to push him. “I don’t want you near Alchemax. I want you to stay far away from it. I need you to understand that. I can’t- I wish I could tell you about it, but I can’t.”
“My work is important to me,” you say in a whisper.
“I know.” He takes in a deep breath, and you watch people walk past the car. You follow a stranger in the rearview mirror, and you look back at Jonathan once the stranger has turned a corner.
“Are you going to go have dinner with Dr. Owens?”
Shifting in his seat, he runs a finger along the edge of the pocket of his blazer. “They aren’t my type.”
You wet your lips. “Am- Am I your type?”
Nodding, he holds your hand tighter. “Unfortunately, yes.” You don’t attempt to hide the grin that brightens your face. He smiles in return, and inches closer to you in his seat. “Is it safe to assume that I’m your type?”
“Sadly, you are,” you whisper out.
“I respect your work-” he pulls your hand closer to him, and you lean yourself closer to him- “aren’t I enough?”
"That isn't a fair question."
"None of this fair."
"None of it?"
He shakes his head. "No. I should have met you before I became a scientist. Or maybe you shouldn't have been such a persistent reporter.” Turning away, he looks out at the street, yellow and white illuminating him.
“I think you'd have made a great postman,” you smile. “I think you’d look good in blue.” He smiles sadly. “I’ll give it some thought, okay?” You rub at the tip of your nose. “You know what’s going on then, right? Like what’s being on?”
His hand slips out of yours. Your fingers stretch out,and curl into a fist, settling over the middle console of the car. “Something that you don’t have to worry about. Please,” he says in a distressed tone. “Just let someone else take the article. Anyone but you. I’ll tell you about other projects that we have planned, anything,” he emphasizes with a plea, turning back to you with sad eyes, “but the one that you’re researching on.”
The seatbelt unclicks, and you see his chest swell, and stay still as he holds his breath. When you reach over with your arm wrapping around him, do you feel him slake in your hold. His arms wrap around you, and you hide yourself in the small of his neck, his hair tickling at your nose. His hands fist over the cloth on your back, and you can feel him shift, bringing you closer to him. 
When you pull away, you stay only a few inches away from his face, with your hands still clinging to him. Under the spotty lighting of the speeding cars and the streetlamps that barely illuminate where the two of you sit, you start to count at his freckles. Your hand lifts, your thumb arching over his cheek. His beard pricks under your print, and he leans into your touch.
“You have a lot of spots,” you mumble, “Johnny.”
“Please,” he murmurs, eyes glancing down momentarily before lifting back to meet yours, “anyone else.”
You swallow. “Can I think about it?” His lips pull into a thin line. “I wanna end our date on a good note.” His shoulders fall. “Wanna walk me to the door?”
“Okay.” You pull away, and you can still feel the coarse hair and the soft skin. The car dings as he opens the door, and the lights still shine on the dashboard. You watch as he walks around, and opens your door. The car sings with a rhythmic note as it’s left on. He holds his hand in front of you, and you take it, finding comfort in the way that his hand wraps around yours.
Hand in hand, you walk a few feet to the front door. You stand there, with his car still on and your hands still holding onto each other. “Next time you’ll get me dessert?” You ask in a small voice, not ready to go inside yet.
“I’ll get you whatever you want next time.” he stills, and with a shaky breath exhaled, he leans down. A hand cups over the side of your face, and you're tilted up, and his lips press against the corner of your mouth. You look at him, and he smiles. “Next time.”
You nod. “Next time.”
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
Chapter 198
I've wanted a Christmas filler chapter for a while, just because I think it would have some great phantomfam interactions + some snide comments from Sebastian about how useless God is or whatever he likes to brag about... but I know we may never get that, so I am over the moon with this image here. this is all I need😫 Ciel's scarf bow is our Christmas present.
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and Ciel gets a muff too FINALLY☺️. it seems that once again yana really doesn't care about the fact that she's giving him predominantly female gendered clothing for the time era(as far as I know), but when has she ever cared. let's just congratulate Sebastian on his good parenting and feminism. or rather in this case, traditional values?.... mhm
it's just adorable.
we also got weird interactions like this:
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yea Theo knows. and he angry. the real question is if in the end, he'll help the others escape their fledging day(most likely O!ciel's aptitude) or simply work to save himself(most likely R!ciel's aptitude).
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finny is the best possible boy though, and who knows maybe this will all be solved by the power of friendship and Theo will ultimately put his trust in team O!ciel. that would be great!
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this truly makes me so upset, it's not fair for Mabel to feel anything other than bittersweetness that her friend is leaving, rather than agony. same goes for everyone else.
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these 2 kids are strong and it's is pretty odd, but I guess when compared to other characters like Jane, it's not too surprising...
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maybe Doll gave them circus training, who knows. Mabel most likely, since Doll spends most time with her group, at least I'm assuming from the clothes.
also, I'm not a knife expert but those look like something they probably just plucked from the kitchen. if doll is with them, she isn't giving them special weapons like Layla owned. that's probably just a kitchen knife the "collie class" have access to.
honestly, I've tried so far to be very suspicious and hostile towards these kids in the hope that they'll get to walk away into the sunset like the possible side antagonists they are. but really, I'm just very much hoping that they don't end up going through any pain. I don't want any more serious moments where children cry, please...
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so the ambush, why did this happen: I'm guessing that these kids don't just guarding the hallway regularly, and they just so happened to run into Finny today. my guess is that they knew/found out that Finny would sneak around(probably with Doll's insight? cause this is his first night!) and quickly prepared for him. but most importantly, they must know one way or another that the orphanage staff(or Doll?) is prepared to kill Finny soon.
what's most surprising to me is that these kids want Finny alive. idk about the other kids, but I think plenty of us assumed that Theo would rather have Finny(and snake) disposed of. so either I was wrong, or what's going on here is a manipulation scheme where Theo makes Finny think that he's in danger, simply so that he can use him. this makes more sense to me because if both Finny and Snake were in immediate danger, they would probably wake up Snake, too. after all, Theo is a pomeranian, he could think of such a thing. in this case the kids may be working for Doll.
if however this isn't a scheme and instead a genuine attempt to help finny and Snake, then they probably aren't working with Doll, since she probably wouldn't want to sneak them into the inner working of the facility.
ah idk, well find out next chapter. or, the whole next chapter will be spent walking to the meet up room. maybe finny will start flashbacks right there right now. who knows.
where should I place my bets, that these kids are gonna take Finny back to some secret hide out room(possible blood drawing), or are they gonna take him back to where Doll is cause they're working with her...
also, it's really interesting how these two stay in "character" right here, both in the typical pose of the person/role they're mocking.
actually you know what, Theo probably figured that Finny was worth being recruited after this right here:
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sorry, long post today, lots to worry about, and if you read all this then you mean the world to me! have a great day!
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lesbianyosano · 9 months
legitimately what the fuck was that
#ig im dissapointed lmao#sorry most of it i just kind of expected (bram regaining his body and stopping the vampires. fyodor dying bc there isnt really anything els#you can do with him. dazai and chuuya both alive)#mostly i wish aya awakened an ability give her oneee also i want to see how they manifest#idk we'll see soon where this goes ig but 1. i really wish fukuzawa had just died alongside fukuchi and 2. that there would be some calmer#chapters more focused on political repercussions rather than more fighting but the 2 hours later thing isnt really pointing to that huh#ill have to reread this arc at some point bc fukuchis and fyodors plan got so convoluted i was barely following it#and also 1. what abt sigma do they just. leave her there#i mean surely not bc she has info on fyodor but dazai really just did not care#and 2. yeah i wish fukuzawa died but now that he didnt. does he???? just keep the one order#and wheres that fucking page#and whats exactly on it#bc i dont think they can just rewrite anything 1. they dont know how much space is on it and theyll need a lot to fix this mess#2. god knows if they even can do anything or if theres some condition written in already thatd stop them#also asagiri for the love of god get into anticapitalism bc you cant just go into criticing states and military without talking about it#and i still need the hunting dogs dead even if i know its likely not going to happen#but how are you going to go all “absolute power corrupts” and “omg fukuci dont create a military state” and then just leave the super cops#running around and getting redeemed bc “they mean well” yeah they do but it doesnt matter#they are complicit in the state violence THEY ARE state violence#asagiri pls i can show you theory you havent even dreamed of#txt.
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choccy-milky · 10 days
Soooooo rereading the fic and I’m back to chapter 33, and it totally popped into my head that they are IN THE VICTORIAN ERA and do ya know what was super popular after the engagement ring that Queen Victoria was given by Prince Albert? A SNAKE RING
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Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫣😂
LMFAOO YESS TRUST ME, IVE SEEN THIS AFTER DOING MY OWN RESEARCH ABOUT VICTORIAN RINGS, ITS SO PERFECT!! AND THE FACT THAT ITS GREEN TOO LMAO, prince albert was a possessive slytherin confirmed!!🤪 but yea ill DEFS be incorporating a snake into the final design of cloras ring HAHA. i basically HAVE to...yknow, for period accuracy 🥰
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WOO YAY im glad i could inspire you to start writing!!!🙏and i get it, writing fanfic is defs self indulgent and for ourselves first and foremost, but obvs nobody wants to release their work into the void😩 as for how my own fic got popular, one of the main things is defs timing. i published the first chap basically within the first week of the game being out (it came out on the 10th and my chap was on the 18th) so it was there right at the peak/start of the fandom. but i also dont wanna attribute it all to timing BAHHA cuz i think im a pretty good writer and that helps....my fic also didnt get popular right away, but i was consistently posting every single week + eventually started adding art every single week, and was just really dedicated to not only writing but also drawing art for it (which is also obvs another huge factor/probs the biggest factor). ive had so many ppl tell me they started reading my fic bc they saw my art on pinterest or something LOL, and some ppl have even read it fandom-blind bc they were into the seb/clora dynamic??? which is another point actually. i always joke about how i love my cliches and good girl+bad boy dynamics, and that im unashamed about loving them LOL, but also...they're cliches for a reason!!! lots of us eat that shit up!!!😤so i think thats defs another factor, vs if my fic was a bit more niche and avant garde LOL the fandom is also (understandably) a lot slower than it was at the beginning of the year so itll be harder in general, but maybe you could commission art to go with your fanfic? ive seen a lot of other HL fanfic writers do it, and i think it defs helps to draw attention! GOOD LUCK and i hope you keep writing!!!🫡💖💖💖🙌
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huh??? go with the tide pods instead, THAT shit looks bussin😩😩
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AWW TYY😭😭I LOVE THAT HAHAH AND IM GLAD U THINK SO💖💖 my friend also asked me this question after seeing my recent ask, and i STILL have no idea what i would have named it instead LMAOO, thats how bad i am at naming things. even a year later im like bruh idk!!! clora and sebs bizarre adventures??? i guess id probs make it something light/dark themed in retrospect, or something more specific to the ancient magic, but i still have no idea what LOL
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sixosix · 2 days
a little love letter to my readers
to start off, i know that the series is based off the entire reputation album, but i like to think that this whole series was written around call it what you want.
how it started LMFAOOO
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This was previously titled ‘melt’ before i was like ‘nah ill make it, like, thaw” and earthtooz went, “Thawed?” little did earth know,, that name would literally take over my docs,,, my tags,,, my ENTIRE account
A message to my readers: From the bottomest bottom of my heart, if you have reached this series until the very end, thank you so, so much for reading. Read that sentence again. And again, until you realize how grateful I truly am as a writer. Thawed is such a big project that I still can’t believe I was able to even start. I genuinely never thought it would garner this much attention, and in all honestly, I was intimidated by it, because I had no idea what I was doing, and I was afraid I would disappoint.
This entire project was intimidating, and I considered so many times to just drop it and end it on chapter five. I struggled so badly to write after I introduced the characters, and I thought: “well, that’s it. I guess it was fun.” I even told my friends that I would do that; and yet 14 chapters later, look at where we are now 😭
Writing it was so exhausting. Working on a series while studying as a student really makes it difficult to remember details about my own story T__T I had to reread Thawed so many times to the point where I don’t even like it anymore.
But I know the reason why I decided to continue it! It sounds so horribly cliche, but it’s true. It’s thanks to all your overwhelming support :( Each ask, comment, reblog—they all fueled me more than you think. All those replies of even incoherent gibberish made me realize that, ‘hey, someone read it and liked it enough to send an ask about it. Maybe I am doing something right!!!!’
some thawed extras for readers who are interested
If you haven’t noticed, the chapter titles aren’t actually accurately about the chapter. Those titles were taken from the songs in the Reputation album, in order. And the chapters are loosely based around them!
reputation is, like, widely known as the edgy album from taylor, but in reality its such a big love letter and i know that other people noticed that, too! i think it’s very fitting to the story of thawed: it’s dark and messy, but at the end of the day, it’s a love story. do you get what i mean hehe. i hope that’s how the series came across…
im sorry if aether doesnt appear in the last chapter :( in my head, mc is coming home. and by then i dont think aether would be in fontaine at all! but rest assured they definitely have met up twice or thrice while in the other regions heehee. Also aether will ofc be there for their weeding. 🙏
i have nothing much else to say aside from thank you for reading! i hope u enjoyed thawed as much as i did
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mae-i-scribble · 4 months
I'm doing a very slow reread of orv with some friends, but since I can't talk about my spoilerous rambles with them too much I have decided to make a post here to get my thoughts out. Up to chapter 25, I've been surprised by the amount of little hints we're already getting for larger plot points and the things that are recontextualized now that I'm looking with hindsight rather than experiencing it for the first time, which really speaks to how phenomenally written orv is on a fundamental level. By the time we get to the 3rd scenario, we've had Dokja mention his mother once, when he briefly worries over her safety. Then we get this line:
"I looked around at the people. The first scenario was original sin. Thus, none of the people here were innocent. That made it more disgusting. Those who trampled on someone else to survive, who couldn’t even bear responsibility for their own life."
Of course it's firstly talking about the lack of morality in this world, when faced with the truth that between the major and minor groups of Gumho station, one fact makes them equal: they are all murderers. The use of the phrase "the original sin" caught my eye because when looking at Dokja's life, murder is his original sin- the murder of his father. That is what sparks the events leading up to this point. It is the true original sin of this world. However, that being followed by "That made it more disgusting...who couldn't even bear responsibility for their own life," is rather hypocritical in that regard. We have no way of knowing exactly how much of that night Dokja remembers at this point of the story, so there are 2 ways to interpret this in regards to his father's murder. 1) Dokja does not remember that he murdered his father, but remembers that his mother had taken responsibility for her crime and served her sentence. In regards to here the people of the minor are far inferior because they cannot adapt the way Sookyung did to their crime. 2) Dokja does remember that he murdered his father, and this disgust is equally leveled at himself, because he knows his mother is innocent but that she took responsibility from Dokja. Thus Dokja of back then is just like these people, unable to take responsibility for his crime.
Then, later on, we see the text, and Dokja specifically, focus on this particular pairing in the minor group.
"The people started to move. All in all, they were people who had already killed. “M-Mother!” “Dayoung, come here! Do this! Just like what you did on the subway with Mother!” Children and mothers."
Then in Chapter 25 we have:
"I honestly admired that the mother and child survived the bloody fight. If she had that much strength, they might be able to survive without going with us."
The English translation doesn't exactly lend itself to identifying the gender of the child, and I am miserably monolingual so I'm not sure if the original text specifies Dayoung's gender, but for thematic reasons I'm choosing to imagine them as a mother/son paring. In that regard, Dokja choosing to notice them out of everyone else, when he's an extremely apathetic person in these early chapters who doesn't care much for those not directly related to him or the story/his survival is very notable. I can't help but think he sees himself in that, as both the son of a murderer and a murderer himself. It's also notable that when complimenting the pair, he only focuses on the mother's strength. Which like. The subconscious projection is so real. To Dokja the child didn't do anything it seems, it's only because of the mother's strength that they will be able to live on. I'm sure I will be back to add more info on this as I trudge through the novel because Dokja and Sookyung's relationship makes me mentally ill all the time but for now I shall simply lay down and ponder(tm)
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Having read and reread the Lackadaisy comic more then once and looking through the Wiki on the different events. Mostly on Rocky and the familial tensions surrounding the McMurray household and why Rocky got the boot?
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So the year 1921 was a big event of change. In which Rocky was kicked out at 16-years-old and within that same year Freckle dad died. It leaves me to wonder was this one of the " Family Tragedies " that Rocky mentioned in the chapter ' Breakdown ' I know that he was mostly delirious talking about his mom Sophie who was severely sick at the time and how his father was "working on the railroad~" most of the time which explains why Rocky spent a good half of his childhood at the McMurray house and was raised along side Freckle. But reading the lines and seeing some of the interactions between Rocky & Freckle, there's obvious some underlying issues and unresolved problems between the two cousins. Whatever happened between the two that Rocky took the blame for.
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Closely looking through the many letters Rocky sent Freckle during his time on his own and going through different jobs after another, one of them that stands out specifically. Is Rocky asking for the whereabouts of his father, bits of it mentioning his dad haven't written back to him in awhile. ( Seriously need to know more about Rocky Pop's Ransom) In the present timeline of the comic it apparent that his mom passed away. But what about dear Ol Dad, is he also dead? Or did the man just took off after the death of his wife and left his son behind in the progress because he didn't want to deal with Rocky eccentricities. I know the series is still on hatius, but so far Rocky dad sounds like a major dick.
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Of the many letters that Rocky has to sent Freckle before he ended up back in St. Louis again has a few words within it that is missing. One of them seems to mention a "Birthday" perhaps wishing Freckle a happy birthday but also one of the words from the letter that stands out to me is the " Your Fault " line the most. I got a feeling this could be connected to whatsoever went down between Freckle and Rocky that lead to Rocky getting kicked out in the first place. From the bits of missing words in the letter it sounds like Rocky is either telling Freckle that " it isn't all your fault anyway " or he's telling him that its " All your fault anyway ". It's hard to tell what Rocky might have actual meant in his 1923 letter, but from what I gather at it is that maybe he was wishing Freckle a good birthday and went a bit on some sort of one-off small tangent about whose really at fault for what take place at the McMurray house and what lead up to Aunt Nina finally having enough of Rocky and kicking him out of her home and her likely thinking he's a bad influence on her sweet boy and not wanting him around Freckle any longer especially when it came to his schooling.
I swear the more you look more in-depth when it comes to Rocky and aspects of his past, including him basically having been on his own since he was sixteen and been hopping from one odd job to the next as well as going from one place to another until he ends up back in St. Louis again later on is pretty real sad when you think about it. I feel like its very much deeply explains why Rocky tries so freaking hard at the Lackadaisy speakeasy when it comes to him taking on the bootlegging side of things of the business and wanting to prove himself useful to Mitzi and all. After everything he's been through thus far it makes sense.
Also the still up in the air question mark of whatever mess that happened in 1921 besides Freckle loss of his father, or when it comes to his mom illness that Rocky blames himself for and took the fall for something that happened in place of Freckle.
Whatever might happens in the next future chapters of Lackadaisy especially on the familial tensions that still lingers with Rocky and his relationship between both his cousin and his Auntie, which leaves me to wonders is how long will it take for Aunt Nina to eventually sense and finds out what her son and her 0ff-beat goofball of a nephew is truly doing for a " Job ."
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How long before things between these rum-running cousin danger duo goes south? Especially when it come to Rocky on his part because I feel things for him might slowly take a turn for the worse again unfortunately.
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harriertail · 4 days
Omen of the Stars reread + a lot of thoughts
The Fourth Apprentice
The cover is actually the best cover in the series are you kidding me? Its so pretty. The yellow blue and dark green r so nice
Why does the TC/ShC stream drying up affect the lake water level and not the RiverClan... river? Does the Moonpool stream still run???
Every mention of Squirrel and Leaf sitting together "so close they were like kits just out the nursery" is an actual STAB in the chest. They go thru so much :((((
A flash flood seems to take out the beaver den (or its just poorly worded?) so what was the point of the journey...
Dovewings personality is snappier than i think pple give her credit for, I kinda enjoy her
Tigerheart literally does not interact with her on the mission lmao what is he on about 'I'm gonna miss you'
Jayfeather missing Lionblaze is act so painful :(
Fading Echoes
So much of the opening of these books is just recounting previous events and character arcs omg this goes for all WC books.
Hollyleaf :(
Blossompaw's siblings joke that she moons over Toadstep. Idk why fucking Thornclaw becomes her mate later on then :/
What is Tigerheart doing on the border ? he doesnt explain it? I actually thought that he was already meeting Dovepaw secretly but then hes not like what is he doing...?
Dovepaw being worried for the other Clans + her thoughts about having this power should put her above the Clan rules could be so interesting. the series back-and-forths over Lionblaze (we must protect ThunderClan) and Dovepaw (we must protect all the Clans) even though Lionblaze gets annoyed at Dovepaw for using her powers to look after ThunderClan???
The whole "being obsessed with Prophecy and what it means" is probs a part of Jay's character (as he baso became a med cat to fulfil his destiny) but it also feels like a gross misunderstanding of what a Prophecy is. All the "the dark forest is rising. This might be what the Three is meant for" is like putting the horse before the cart- a prophecy is meant to describe a situation and hint at the character/means to solve it; but PO3/OoTS has the characters/means to solve, but no conflict :/ its a bit backwards.
I like the mentions of Firestar + Sandstorm going on night hunts etc.
Blossompaw/fall's a cunt lol. Shes kinda fun but shes not nice at all especially to Ivypool.
I love Littlecloud. I love when the med cats share ideas and discuss things 10/10 makes my day everytime
The pacing is actually... not good. Ive defo always been on thr camp of "too many povs and too few chapters ruins the book" but wow FE really shows it.
So much of Doves characterisation so far is about agency and not wanting to be special and have Firestar/Lion/Jay talk to her. I wish this was not forgotten about in later Super Editions.... kittypetdovewing2k24
this battle is crazy tho. I wish more of the DF plot was about stirring up trouble between the Clans and specific troublemakers in each Clan rather than the later nebelous 'dark warriors invade the forest' battle. Ill get to that one day
Night Whispers
Picking right back up in the battle...
and again just recounting the last books events. hollyleaf death/disappearance explanation count: 3
Kinda love how many times shes mentioned. From Lionblaze avoiding the tunnel she ran into to Jayfeather finding the fur that Leafpool hid.... cute
Okay i actuallt love ShadowClan discussing the battle + tactics + training and then the chapter immediately after the TC camp doesnt mention it at all and Ivypaw is like "why arent we discussing the battle? Just because we won doesn't mean we will again!!" interesting character moments + a nice look at differences between the Clans
Ivypaw and dovepaw fighting over tigerheart????? they fight so much but then always wanna be together like jfc.
Dove n tiger have negative chemistry like it just jumps right into "no boundaries can keep us apart". I get shes using him as an escape from TC/prophecy bullshit but like.... rlly? I wish it was just like expanded on. Tbh i wish every chapter had like just two extra pages to actually delve into things a bit better.
Lmaoo lionblaze cinderheart leafpool dovepaw patrol this is so fucking funny brambleclaw u get one point for this
Tigerheart break up scene count: 1
Flametail POV. Interesting but... why? Bad things r coming we know... what was his point narratively? It was cool tho. I liked seeing ShadowClan.
Every single book Dovepaw has a character die/get really hurt and is haunted by their screams. Rippletail, Longtail/Briarpaw, and later on its Antpelt... jesus christ girlie has it SO rough
The ivypaw "nernernenerner im better than you im being trained by tigerstar" to "oh fuck hes actually a bad guy i cant believe the terroristic maniac lied to me" is so rapid shes so funny/stupid
The imagery in this book is kinda crazy. Fire and ice cats and drowning in darkness visions. Very fun.
Sign of the Moon
So the med cats are divided and split up and StarClan does not trust any other Clan cat- but when in StarClan, Barkface and Flametail are hanging out? Crookedstar offers to share prey with Yellowfang? But StarClan is super fractured rn each Clan must stand alone. Okay
Antpelt nooooooooooooooo
Idk what the mountain prophecy actually means like. Firestar was always going to lead ThunderClan into battle.... what is he gonna do that's different...
Rock: i was the first Stoneteller Five chapters later Half Moon becomes the first Stoneteller. This is egregious
Swoop death. that's the fourth death Dovewing is going to be haunted by
The Forgotten Warrior
all the hints to Hollyleaf still... its a nice throughline... the yarrow and tansy and Molepaw/Cherrypaw scenes... shes my fave. sometimes the foreshadowing feels like it could be just Jayfeather coping that she's 'defo still out there' but TFW ties it up well. especially when you get surprised by Sol coming back and its like 'oh they were convinced she was defo still out there :(' and then she's actually back!!!
also the title??? is banger. the Forgotten Warrior, with Leafpool on the OG cover??? wow. espec as its constantly brought up that Leafpool was the medicine cat but no one sees her as a warrior really.... TBH all these titles are just as good as the TPB titles in terms of meaning/how good they are.
Another fox? okay.
SOL.... okay
tunnel adventures part 3.
All this like.. Bumeblstripeing is just kinda naff. Dovewing is clearly tryna force herself into liking him. But then she's also going on about how Tigerheart used her??? NGL i do really wanna see like.. why she changes her mind in AVOS
Brambleclaw lying to protect Hollyleaf is actually like. GOD that hurts. especially when you consider Bramblestar's Storm and how much he misses her. thats his favourite
the cinderheart shit is so stupid my jaw is actually on the floor. what you do mean you've been in love with a cat you shouldn't have. is cinderheart having cinderpelt's feelings for fucking firestar and that's why she doesn't want to be with lionblaze. also they have negative chemistry they literally are CONSTANTLY having issues.
oh my god i swear the 'Sol is secretly working with WindClan' was brought up chapters ago and we are only now dealing with it okay. anyway hollyleaf moment.
its kinda weird we dont get any like. scenes of the siblings just being siblings... they only discuss prophecy/plot shit and dont get to be siblings again - which i guess fits with the whole 'everything has changed' but god it'd be so god to just have them doing like. normal cat stuff - especially when so much of this series has had Jayfeather missing her and Lionblaze
i love Dustpelt and Brackenfur building shit... its so good
Dawnpelt murder accusations. okay.... i can't wait for Flametail to suddenly be argumentative again next book
the battle we've been building to all book is one chapter. cool. Sol runs off again and it's the end of the book. cool.
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law-d-water-trafalgar · 7 months
🌠Fall From Heaven🌠
🍡Katakuri X F!Reader🍡
After this female fic i will ONLY be doing when i have time. Gn! Reader and M/M Reader X Character fics.
I reread this like over 10 times so forgive any mistakes please comment about plot errors and ill see about fixing them.
Summary: God of Skypeia, fallen to earth impacted a crator, fallen from heaven. You awaken in Big Mom's Territories only for.....
Comment or dm what direction the story should go? Is this fic any good?
Multi chapter -> Yes
Read time: Slow Reader -> 1 Hour/Fast Reader -> About 30 - 40 minutes
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You were flying down from Skypeia desperate to get to land to activate your waypoint, when you fell asleep. Been working yourself to the bone non stop havent slept in a week, now you had to find a husband. Giving the Skypeia people what they want. Causing you to fall like a meteor out of the sky landing into grass impacting like a crater close to a big building.
~Three Days Later~
Fluttering your eyes open you hear a womans voice yell
"Master Katakuri! Shes awake!" Sitting up you realize youve been changed from your short sleeve white and silver tasseled short dress robes from Skypeia into blood red silk pajamas. Looking around you see your in a fancy mansions bedroom room but everything is ginormous meaning the walls, furniture and ceiling.
'Does a gaint live here?' you think as you hear a knock on the door sliding out of the enormous bed.
"Yes?" You answer. The door opens as your pick up your headphones putting them on. Turning around you see a very very tall man probably around fourteen or fifteen feet tall wearing all black vest with it unbuttoned showing off his chest and abs, black leather pants, black boots with cowboy spurs, his mouth covered in a black and white fur scarf, also he has pink tattoos.
"Your finally awake (N) The Electric God. I have to take you to see Mama. Get ready"
"Wait whats your name?" You ask.
"Charlotte Katakuri" He turns and leaves closing the enormous door. Changing into your Skypiea robes clipping your golden crown to your handphones putting them on. You head out the door and a servant leads you to Katakuri in the living room. All the furniture was enormous. You transform your size to ten foot tall, since you were made out of electricity you could grow or shrink sizes but your biggest was a ten foot tall limit. You accommodate yourself to the size of the furniture and sit on a chair across from him. Him seemingly not phased by your size change.
"How long was I-" He cuts you off.
"Three days" He says staring at you.
"Ahh You have future sight th-"
"Yes" He responds.
"You could at least let me finish my sentences." you say crossing your arms pouting.
"Allright any more questions?" he asks as you respond.
"Im assuming your the one who saved me?" You ask as he nods his head yes, somehow his scarf still covering his mouth.
"Awe well thank you You could have just killed me in my venerable state." you smile at him as he tenses up.
"Why so tense Katakuri? I am not an enemy even if I am a Yonko" stating you stand as well as him.
"Im fine. Mama said to keep you safe. Lets go" he says walking out of the room as you follow him. Following Katakuri to the throne room you look out windows in ah at the kingdom. He slows down for you to cetch up as you assume his silblings walk past. You had researched Big Moms territory before heading out but had exhausted yourself before you fell out of the sky. Once to the throne room you assume Big Mom had allready been briefed on your awakening. Katakuri, Perospero and Oven were standing listening to the conversation.
'They must have the big bounties around me to make sure I dont declare war or let me escape or something.' you think as Big Mom speaks.
"What brings you here Electric God Yonko, Queen of Skypiea?" Mama asks as you respond.
"Ah so youve done your research Linlin good to know. Makes things easier for me to talk about. I am here for marriage on behalf of my people. They wish to see me married. Though I have my reservations and conditions." Stating she says
"Linking to all of Skypiea would open up a lot of possibilities for the Big Mom pirates along with your technology. How old are you if I may ask?" She asks.
"Ahh, I must admit having another Yonko and Logia type spouse would benefit the Big Mom pirates as well." She states as you nod in agreement.
"So what are your conditions?" She asks you.
"Courtship of at least three months. Staying here and in Skypiea an equal amount of time. What I say goes regarding while in Skypiea. I may have the freedom to come and go as I please while in any part of your territory." She looks upset.
"Thats too much!" she sqeals
"Well those are my conditions since, I now have a waypoint of yours I can just teleport back to Skypiea if you dont agree with my terms." You stand firm smiling liking this banter as the others watch you, tensed when you say youd escape.
"Soul or death?" Linlin asks as you scof
"Dont waste my time Linlin" You state crossing your arms. After a minute of nothing happening she seems to think as the others in the room seemed shocked and tense that your not afraid of their mother.
"Im not budging on my conditions" you say uncrossing your arms. She deep sighs and says
"Very well Ill accept your terms. Allow me to draw up a candidate for you Yonko of the sky. Meanwhile you must stay put at Katakuri's home. Itll take one week" She admits defeat. With everyones mouths dropped open except Katakuri's at your successful bartering you nod and say
"Thank you Big Mom. Glad to know your so..... flexible."
"Katakuri you will watch her for the week make sure she doesnt escape. Take her away now." Big Mom grumbled.
"Yes Mama" he says then leading you out of the throne room as you look through the windows again on the way back.
"Your not very talkative are you?" Asking Katakuri.
"No" he responds as he opens the door of his mansion for you.
"Thanks" saying as you walk into his mansion.
"Make her some food" Katakuri says to the kitchen staff as your stomach grumbles. Giggling
"Its gonna take a little bit to get used to you" saying to Katakuri as he heads off with you following into his office. You sit in a chair as he sits at his desk writing on paperwork you assume. You start floating because of your electricity as you relax while singing Bring Me The Horizon - nihilist blues (Lyric Video) ft. Grimes
He seems to relax as well eventually as its now noon. You stop floating when you hear the staff. The kitchen staff comes inside the room setting up gaint food but small relative to your gaint body now, onto the table in front of you. Everything from desert to breakfast was placed on the table. Smiling you chirp
"Thank you" to the staff as they dont say a word and leave making you worry you have done something wrong. About to ask him if you did anything wrong he says
"You didnt do anything wrong. They are told not to speak." you hear from him as you start with the fruit.
"Everything tastes soo sweet here haha but I unfortunately cant eat all of this. Dont you want some too Katakuri?" you giggle as you eat some handmade deserts then a chocolate doughnut. He freezes at your voice saying
"Im not hungry" then continues writing on his paperwork.
'Man this is gonna be boring' you rest your palm to your face elbow on the chair as you go into a food coma. Suddenly waking up after hours of sleep you realize your in bed again but still in your robes under the blankets.
'He must have carried me to bed the staff are too small to carry my big self' a blush rises to your cheeks.
~A Whole Week Later~
You and Katakuri didnt talk much, as he was to just keep you from escaping with his future sight haki. He would always dissapear around mid day though for what you couldnt possibly know since he was supposed to be watching you.
Back in Big Moms throne room. Katakuri standing next to you and Perospero further behind you.
"Katakuri step forward" Confused you see him step forward then tense up, while you wait for Mamas response.
"You will be (N's) candidate for courtship, Perospero will draw up the papers" Mama says as you blush hoping noone could see you.
"Are you sure Mama?" he asks like it was a mistake.
"There is no mistake Katakuri. (N) do you accept this proposition?" She asks as you respond
"Yes thats fine with me it has been an intresting week so far anyways hehe" you giggle as she smiles
"Gather what you need Katakuri you will both start courting immediately starting in Skypiea first thing tomorrow. Perospero take on Katakuri's job, while their away on Skypiea. Is that fine with you (N)?" She asks as you cross your arms then shrug.
"Yes Mama" Perospero says from behind you.
"Its not like I have a choice anymore. I used up my bargaining chips allready you know that better than anyone Linlin" You say as she laughs.
"Sharp as ever (N). Wait in the hallway while I talk to my son." She asks as you nod then head out to the hallway not really caring what they talk about as your easy going. Looking out a floor to ceiling length window at the kingdom your patiently waiting for what seems like awhile as you lean on the wall your ten foot tall self relaxed. Suddenly the door opens revealing Katakuri as he walks up to you.
"Lets go" was the only thing he said as you obey walking behind him. Following him back to his house. Your both in the living room when you get a call on your snail phone. Answering it cheerfully
"Hello this (N)"
"Ahh hi Kai whatsup?"
"I allready told you this is not a vacation" You huff
"Send the troops to take care of it. Yes ive found a suitor. Ive been just fine they've taken care of me yes. Well be headed there tomorrow morning."
"Its really cool here. Theres all kinds of people here."
"Dont embarrass me when we get there okay."
"Tell the chefs to get prepared in the morning to start practicing recipes that ill have them cook or bake for my suitor in the morning"
"Okay bye now see you soon."
*Click* Putting the small snail phone into your pocket your startled by Katakuri's voice.
"Whose Kai?" he asks
"Ah finally intrested in my life now I see haha. Kai is my childhood best friend and part of my personal knights squadron at my palace" You giggle as you put both hands behind your head yawning.
"Hey have you been putting me in my room this whole week when I fell asleep somewhere?" You raise an eyebrow as he responds
"Awe how sweet of you" Giggling you place your hands back into your lap.
"Oh before I forget have your chefs write down any recipes and give them to me, for what food you like to eat and drink." he nods then pulls out a snail phone
"I need you to write down the recipes, and bring it to my mansion before tomorrow morning."
*click* he puts the snail phone away as you notice him shift his weight in his chair.
"Is there anything else I should know about you Katakuri? I know your mouth is a sensitive topic but just know I fully respect you and your decisions." He seems to tense up at your words but says
"Thank you and I just need my paperwork" he says the tips of his ear turning red.
'Hes so cute when hes shy! I didnt think this billion berry man to have a sweet side ... though he is a Sweets Commander after all' You think as he stands and walks to his office as you follow. Looking out the window shows day turning to night time. After some time...
"Allright im headed to bed goodnight Katakuri. Have the deliverer leave the papers on my bed"
"Goonight (n)" Giggling you ran to your room and once you threw the silk pjs on the bed hopping on it you shrank in size back to your normal size. Having holding your bigger size takes some of your power but only very little since you are a Yonko after all. Changing into the clothes you soon pass out. Night becoming morning as the suns rays poke through the window waking you. With groggy eyes you stir sitting up seeing a stack of papers on your bed at the foot. Getting dressed in your special silver robes putting on your headphones, white boots and golden crown you go to the papers there your small size so you read through them.
'Ahh so he loves doughnuts and tea how cute' you think as a knock comes from your room door.
"Yes?" you say as the door opens to reveal your suitor he says
"We better get going" he states as he approaches your bed. Sliding to the edge of the ginormous bed that would most likely fit him, you expand in size to your ten foot self to accommodate him. You hear
"How did you sleep?" emanate from him. Turning to give him a smile you beam at him
"I slept like a rock. Also Katakuri I wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. Even though it was your job." He just nods in affirmation then says
"Your welcome. Are you ready?" him holding a duffle bag slung over a shoulder. Standing you gather the papers from the bed as you nod opening your pocket dimension made of electricity (like Doctor Stranges portals but it leads into a private bedroom dimension) you set the papers down on the desk then emerge out of your pocket dimension as it closes. He seems shocked for once.
"I can create a pocket dimension with my electricity though, it only has my private bedroom in it" Your answer seems to sedate his appetite as he nods.
"Allright lets go!" squealing you grab his hand and point upwards with the other hand. Transforming into electricity you teleport the both of you to the steps of your palace. Turning back into regular form of your ten foot self letting go of his hand you open the doors yelling
"Im back!" Suddenly the staff and two of your personal knights Dido and Kai with devil fruit powers come to greet you.
"Your back my queen! The queens back everyone!" Kai yells. Smiling at your trusted servants, their used to you changing sizes. Gesturing to Katakuri you introduce him to everyone at once.
"This is Charlotte Katakuri from the Big Mom pirates he saved me when I first got to the land of Totto. He will be my suitor treat him well or your fired. Always knock on his door no matter what he likes his privacy." All your staff and knights nod as you go to the kitchen while Katakuri is led to his room to unpack, across from yours, Knights gaurding the doors. Opening your portal grabbing the recipe papers you hand them to the chefs
"I expect perfection by midday." As you turn around Katakuri is staring at you. Taken aback a little as you didnt hear him.
"Haha silent and deadly I see" You giggle as your personal knight Kai frowns but remains quiet probably gauging Katakuri like he gauges anyone who come to the palace. Headed to your bigger office you sit in the huge chair as Katakuri sits also, meanwhile Kai stands at attention in half mail suit of armor. Dido patrolling the halls.
"Oh before I forget you may roam the islands if you want Katakuri but id like to show you around myself tomorrow. To tour all the islands would take about a week"
"Allright I will wait for you." he says as you feel Kai look shocked that Katakuri spoke. Kai being of normal size. You have Observation Haki as well just yours is feeling others and where and who they are though, while your relaxed though you could get spooked. Starting on paperwork you size up your reading glasses put them on and begin paperwork as youve been lacking for a soild week. Katakuri finishes his paperwork that he brought. At mid day Katakuri dissapears as you stand entering the kitchen.
"So hows everything going? You all better have prepared everything." Kiki your head chef nods saying
"Everything is prepared your highness." She says.
"Allright Dido said he was roaming around outside go take it to him continue this schedule while he is here. Actually ill take it out to him Kiki" You grab the enormous basket and head out of the palace with Kai following you. Once you see his Mochi house it clicks in your mind
'He must be extremely sensitive about his face' you think as his voice emanates from the mochi house.
"Leave it there" you hear as you set the basket of huge ass doughnuts and tea pot with cup down.
"I like your lil house. Anyways my chefs tried their best to mimic your regular doughnuts and tea. Let me know if anything is wrong Katakuri"
"Thank you (N)" he says as you and Kai leave back into the palace to your office while your chefs bring your regular tea and tuna sushi and cake. After eating you put on your reading glasses again and continue working. after awhile
"(N) Why would you invite someone like him here?" Kai asks as you feel Katakuris gaze on you both through a cracked door.
"Kai your on thin ice this is your only warning. He isnt bad if I hear one more negative comment your fired. Besides I actually like him even if he is quiet." Kai frowns as you finish your sentence then shrink down to his size putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him everything was fine.
"(N) I must confess to you I love you. I have ever since we were children. Please break the courtship and be mine? What can that monster offer you anyways?!" he leans in to kiss you almost landing it when you pull back slapping him in the face it echoing off the walls.
"Thats it youve tested my patience Kai! Your fired! Pack your things and leave the Palace at once. I wont stand for such talk about my suitor. You disgust me judging him when you dont even know him. This is why I wont be yours you judge others without knowing who they really are. I wont cheat on him with anyone! I may not know him that well yet but I do know he is so sweet and kind in his own ways. Unlike you. Now leave before I hurt you" you say somewhat yelling as you size up to ten feet again pointing out of the opposite door that Katakuri was behind. Throwing your hands to your face rubbing your face. After five minutes of Kai leaving Katakuri knocks on the door. Looking up you see him enter the room closing the door then sit on the sofa.
"How much did you see Katakuri?" You stare at him.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. Shocked you reply
"It pains me to throw him out but I cannot have a knight whose in love with me. This is the first I've heard of it" You admit as he says
"Im not experienced with romantic feelings..So I cannot comment..." he trails off the tips of his ears turning red.
'Awee hes so shy its so cute!' You think as he asks
"Did you really mean everything you said?"
"I meant every word Katakuri. Lieing isnt my strong suit." He stares at you seemingly looking for insincerity but finds none. Unable to help the tears bursting from your innards, silent sobs came from your frame as you placed your face in your hands. After a minute, you feel yourself be picked up and placed on a bigger lap. Knowing its Katakuri, you bury your face on his scarf muffling your cries your hands resting in balls on his chest. Him unmoving. You feel him tense slightly as he turns his head to the cracked door suddenly wrapping his arms around your back. He turns his head back to you as your cries slowed then halted.
"How do you feel now?" you hear as you pull away to meet his face. (C) eyes meet magenta eyes as you realize your position making heat rise to your cheeks. "I feel embarrassed honestly. I had told him to not embarrass me..."
"Do you have many ... loyal... subjects?" he pauses at loyal which makes your face contort into a frown.
"Im so sorry about him Katakuri. I promise there will not be anymore surprises. Your not a monster either im so sorry you had to endure that. Also no hes the only one I believe." Saying he unwraps his arms from you, seeing beforehand that you were going to get up off him. Looking at his magenta eyes saying
"Thank you very much for comforting me Katakuri. It means a lot." Him just nodding as you sit at your desk again. After awhile you hear your kitchen staff knock on the door unmoving you could tell it was just Kiki with your afternoon tea.
"Come in" you coo not looking back as she opens the door revealing a gaint teapot and gaint tea cups. Kiki had a devil fruit that exclusively lets her change size whenever she wants allowing her to go up to nine feet tall. So she can use the big side of the kitchen. She places the teapot and cups on the glass table in front of Katakuri which was some feet away from you.
"Thank you Kiki"
"Of course (N)-Sama. I shall take my leave now." She says as she walks out closing the door with a click. After a couple minutes
"Did you not enjoy the tea in your mochi house? How were the doughnuts also?" Questioning him he replies
"They were delicious not quite the same as Totto lands but still good. The tea complemented them."
"You may drink if your thirsty. I wont look, im too busy with paperwork." Saying you feel him tense up at your words.
"I promise Katakuri" Enforcing your words you could hear him pull down his scarf and sip the tea." Keeping your word you keep your eyes on your papers as you feel his gaze on you the entire time.
'I wonder what he really looks like. Dammit im so curious!' You think but keep your word.
"Im done." You hear him say as you finish writing your sentence then turn to the table pouring yourself a cup of tea sighing then sitting back in your chair setting your teacup on your desk.
"Whats wrong?" you hear emanate from him.
"Should I implement the Eye For An Eye law or not?" You feel him stand and walk over to you as he asks
"May I?" pointing to the paper to which you nod. He picks up the paper reading it then says
"Usually Mamas children are in charge of punishing others. Though in your case, I would inact it to prevent travelers from harming your citizens. What if travelers come to wreak havoc? Without this law it would leave your citizens vulnerable." He states as you nod then sigh
"Your right Katakuri. Id hate for something to happen to my citizens." You sign off on the document stand holding the paper, then call for your other personal knight Dido. Katakuri goes back to sitting in his chair.
Knocking on the closed door you say
"Come in." Revealing Dido
"Milady you called. Where is Kai? Milady you must not be unsupervised"
"Yes rush over to the law building to have this inacted right away. Kai? I had to fire him he crossed the line between professionalism and personal affairs. Dont worry Dido I have Katakuri here to protect me. Hurry along and turn that law in then come back." You say shrinking the document for Dido. He salutes then closes the door with a click. Katakuri raises an eyebrow which you notice but dont look at him.
"Is it often that your subordinates talk back to you?" Katakuri asks with concern in his voice and maybe distain.
"My subordinates are my family and yes they have the rights to ask questions and talk back. I dont want to be a dictator like your mother." He tchs at your sentence before you say it crossing his arms staying silent.
'That must have struck a nerve. I better apologize.' thinking as you say.
"Im sorry to call out your mother but its not like its not true is it? Shes know far and wide for her wrath and dictatorship." He just nods staying silent as you sigh. You head to the kitchen smelling a wonderful aroma with him tailing you.
"I assume youll want to eat in your room tonight?" You ask him as he nods silently. Opening the kitchen door you announce your presence to your staff.
"Hello everyone whats cookin?" Kiki turns to you saying
"A full three course meal and his chosen desert for your suitor along with one of your favorite deserts (n)- Sama" She says as she continues cooking with the rest of the staff.
"Allright good work everyone. Katakuri will dine in his room tonight remember to knock first."
"Okay (N)-Sama!" They all cheerfully say as you go back to your study. Soon its dinner time. Katakuri retires to his room as you stay in your study/office leaving the door cracked as always you hear a knock then Kiki enters the room with a cart of food. She places the dishes on the glass table as you stand thanking her as she exits the room closing the door. Salad, sushi and chocolate cake for desert. Once finished eventually Kiki comes back to collect the dishes.
"Tell the staff to retire early tonight and wake earlier tomorrow to practice making doughnuts for Katakuri any left overs they may eat as usual."
"Yes milady" She says taking out the cart closing the door. Working late into the night you feel disheartened that youve barely made a dint in the paperwork. Eventually you pass out head hitting the desk pen in hand.
~The Next Morning~
Flickering your groggy eyes open.
"Ahh back in bed Katakuri must have put me back in bed again." Getting up you shower, brush your teeth, use the bathroom, then put on a different set of robes with silver tassels. You put on your headphones with crown. Headed to your office you open the door revealing Katakuri sitting reading a book. You noticing it's one of your romance novels. Blushing you ask
"Do you like romance novels?" You ask him as he looks up to you
"Im indifferent on them, I thought I would do research." he says with one leg over the other flipping down the corner of the page he was reading. As you go to your desk looking it over.
Deciding you need a break you turn to him
"Wanna see the islands today?"
"Thats what you said yesterday." He replies.
"Okay DIDO COME HERE!" You yell as Dido enters through the open doors.
"Yes milady?"
"Accompany us to see the islands today." He nods as you walk out of your study with both of them in tow. Outside the palace you grab both their hands and teleport to the first island.
"Welcome to Fluff Island the main tourist destination Island" Dido says mainly to Katakuri. You all were teleported to the top of the stairs of where the air ship would have landed.
"This way!" You excitedly chirp walking down the stairs. Suddenly you felt your foot slip about to fall but feel an arm around your waist steading you.
"Watch yourself" Blushing, you hear Katakuri say as he releases his grip on you.
"Thanks I think am too excited. I havent had to give a tour in many years, mainly due to how hard it is to get here from the sea." Laughing you are more careful down the stairs.
"Allright Welcome to Fluff Island the biggest island of my nation" Intrigued he asks
"Whats the population?"
"Around one million people live here." You explain as one of the citizens comes up to you.
"Im impressed. Thats a lot of people." He says.
"(N)-Sama there are pirates attacking the capital!" A lady yells up to you as you hold onto Didos and Katakuri's hands you teleport to the capital building with the bank right across from it. You all see havoc as the Beast pirates were attacking the bank and capital building. Immediately going into action you create a lightning bolt grab and throw it as it splits into multiple bolts frying the pirates bodies into ash as you target and attack mercilessly.
"Whose your captain?!" you yell enraged as the citizens try to fight back.
"That would be me!" You turn to see King of the Beast pirates.
"Kaido sends his regards!" King yells down to you as he looks to see Katakuri.
"What are you doing here Katakuri of Big Moms pirates?" King asks him.
"I am (N)'s suitor. The Big Moms pirates and Skypiea are about to become one. You sure you want to continue?" you hear Katakuri say as you split to attack the smaller pirates who were pillaging your precious capital.
"I will alert Kaido of the situation but I must complete my mission here." After most of the pirates are ashes you look to King and Katakuri who have been locked in battle.
"King you can tell Kaido to shove it up his ass! I dont want a war!" You say throwing a bolt of lightning which he dodges.
"(N) lets take this to the sky" King says as you flap out electric wings. An unhappy Katakuri as he cant fly watches you.
"Katakuri help protect my citizens please." You say to him as you take off higher in the sky. Turning into your god form with wisps of clouds around your nape you encapsulate you and King within an electric cage to prevent him from escaping feeling Katakuris eyes on you. (Like Doflamingo's bird cage your cage but a sphere and it also shrinks faster though) After some clashes of sword to electric sword King says
"Kaidos going to hear about your union with the Big Mom pirates. You were supposed to have union with the Beast pirates"
"Fine by me! And im never going to side with you animals!" You yell as you teleport behind him frying off his mask revealing his face. He seems agitated as he lashes behind him but you teleport again. Slowly chipping away at his ego you slash at him with an opening wounding him easily. Teleporting behind him again you grab his left wing and slash at his joint where the wing meets his back ripping off his wing making him fall to the clouded ground blood everywhere. Dropping to the ground floating slightly above the ground you stab King in his liver as hes down making him yell out in pain. Slicing your sword out of his body you feel Katakuris eyes on you.
"Tell Kaido to never come back!" Picking up King off the floor as hes bleeding out as you teleport to the edge of Skypeia and throw King off the edge. Teleporting back you turn back into your normal gaint self and scan the damage. Katakuri has finished off the rest of the Beast pirates.
"Citizens gather round!" you yell as they crowd calms down in the plaza listening to their ruler.
"King of the Beast pirates was the one to attack us. For now clean up the wreckage and rebuild. I have dealt with the problem for now. If there are any more problems call the emergency line to the palace and I will come. I will have a commander, supplies and knights come to gaurd the capital."
"Dido stay here for today and answer any questions that the citizens may have. Help them rebuild also.You can take it from here. Call up a squadron of knights to help out and call builders to help rebuild."
"Yes milady" Dido says as he pulls out a snail phone calling. Turning to Katakuri you speak
"Its around mid day lets go back to the palace to eat then ill continue the tour which will probably take a week to complete." He nods and grabs your hand gently as you teleport inside the palace to your office. Letting go of his big hand you head to the kitchen opening the double swing doors.
"Is everything ready?" Kiki turns to you with a big basket of doughnuts saying
"These should be better than the first batch (N)-Sama." You take the basket and tea pot but Katakuri takes the basket off your hand so you just take the teapot and tea cup.
"Thank you everyone!" As you walk out side he follows you. Him making his mochi house setting the basket inside as he takes the tea pot and cup he says
"Thank you for accommodating me (N)" His sentence makes you beam at him smiling making his ears turn red.
"Of course silly I want you to feel as comfortable as possible. And I should be thanking you for helping me during the fight."
"Anyways I hope you enjoy your quiet time. Ill be in my office eating." He nods stepping into his mochi hut closing the door. Teleporting to your office you start on paperwork while Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in"
Kiki enters and places your sushi down with some tea.
"Thank you Kiki cutie~" You can tell shes blushing as she always does when you call her pet names.
"Go have a break and eat with the staff."
"Yes (N)-Sama" she chimes happily and rolls the cart out as you eat lunch. Once finished you go back to working as eventually you feel Katakuri enter the palace headed to your office. Knocking you say
"Come in Katakuri" He enters the room closing the door sitting in his chair as Kiki knocks on the door
"Come in" Kiki enters taking the plates and tea set leaving the room and closing the door.
"Katakuri how was your treats and tea this time?" You ask him as hes sitting with a leg crossed over the other in his chair.
"They were better than the last batch. Thank you." You nod stretching then standing.
"Shall we continue the tour?" Asking he responds
"Yes im very intrested."
"Yay! Me too!" you giggle then hold his hand teleporting to Fluff Island on the beach this time. You release his hand and run into the sea of clouds. Floating on the sea clouds Katakuri sits on the beach while some of your citizens come up to the foam of the beach yelling for you.
"(N)-Sama! How are you?!" Noticing them you swim back to the beach getting out. It was a group of children shrinking to your adult small regular size they glomp you making you fall over laughing.
"Hello everyone haha!" you pet their heads and some ask you.
"(N)-Sama whose that?" they point at Katakuri.
"He is my suitor everyone say hi to Katakuri" all the children say
"Hello Katakuri" at the same time. He chuckles seemingly amused at your interaction between the children.
"Hello" he replies to them as they wave.
"Allright allright thats enough children. I have to show him around Skypeia still" They all whine getting off of you while you stand. Allright go back to playing kids" They wave at you as you size up and start walking with Katakuri following beside you. You walk with him through the boardwalk with rides and everything as citizens look at you both occasionally waving, you waving back smiling. Walking to the gaint airship you both sit as you ride the technologically advanced machine ship to the next island.
"Welcome to Pearl Island Katakuri. This is where our science team develops weapons among other devices and technology for our military and citizens. I bet your going to have to report about all this to Big Mom but im not worried." you say with a smile entering the science building that was enormous. Tall enough for Katakuri to stand comfortably. Walking to the high tech room you knock on the soild steel door.
"This is (N) open up" suddenly the gate opens and a scientist greets you.
"(N)-Sama welcome back. And who is this with you?"
"This is Katakuri from the Big Mom pirates he is my suitor. Were touring all the islands." The scientist nods glancing up at Katakuri's face then leading you both to the experiment room.
"We have been developing a teleportation door so citizens can go to other islands quicker than the airships. We have allready finished the door and it works perfectly. We are going to implement it on Sundial Island where the military base is soon as next week. Then we have developed a Particle beam cannon thats portable that shoots an electric beam to harm attackers. We just finished Particle pistols as well. Were in development of suits for the knights and troops that will improve training their haki by fifty percent." You feel Katakuri tense up at the scientists words but choose to ignore it.
"Excellent work tell the rest of the team they can have one week off to spend time with their families. Add creating a solar power generator to make electricity for each city to the list. Once back from vacation make sure everyone goes hard on developing the rest of the list. We will take our leave now to continue the tour." The scientist nods
"As you wish (N)-Sama im sure the team will thank you have fun you two." He waves as you nod and start walking out of the science building. Walking with Katakuri beside you you ask
"So what do you think so far Katakuri?" he looks at you smiling at him hands behind your back.
"I think Mama will be happy about the technology you have here. Implementing them at Wholecake Island and the rest of the territories would greatly improve the civilian and military lives." You giggle at his words.
"Thats not what I asked cutie. I asked what do YOU think of it?" Seeing heat in his ears he answers
"Im very impressed by your technologies and rulership... Your a kind ruler."
"Awee hehe thank you I try" you say back as you both sit in the air ship headed to Floral Island.
"Well be arriving at Floral Island soon."
You say as he nods waiting to land.
"What is this ship powered by?" He asks
"Electricity. Every so often I have to go to the battery coil for the nation and give my electricity to the coil battery. If your good I may show you hehe" You giggle as some citizens glance back at you both murmuring about you both him rasing an eyebrow. Once to Floral Island you stand walking onto the island then say
"This is the romance Island since there are so many flowers. This will be the last island for today." You say as you ask
"Do you have a favorite flower Katakuri?"
"No." He replies as he walks beside you into the enormous glass green house. After awhile Katakuri was dragging behind you.
"(N)." You hear your name turning around you see Katakuri holding a flower out to you his ears red as you blush taking the flower holding it close to your chest.
"Thank you Katakuri its beautiful" You say as you go over and give him a quick hug. You giggle at his red ears him looking to the side.
"Whats so funny?" He asks crossing his arms.
"Nothing your just cute when you blush." He blushes deeper looking at you with slightly wider eyes then returns to normal. Headed to the beach you both sit staring at the sunset as you both see couples holding hands and kissing. You yawning he speaks
"Lets head back" Your stomach rumbles as he stands holding out a hand to you. Taking his hand helping you up you say
"Thank you and allright lets go." He holds out his hand as you take it teleporting to your office. Conveniently Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in" Saying as you release Katakuri's hand, she walks in with your dinner as Katakuri leaves to his room. After eating you work on paperwork till you pass out again.
~Seven Days Later~
During the week Katakuri would put you in your bed every night, because you would over work yourself and pass out at your desk. He finished that romance novel and would read through your other romance novels. Hes become more talkative slowly. Every day youd look at the flower Katakuri gave you but its wilted now and the maid threw it out after a week. Today is the last day touring the Sky Islands.
"Are you ready Katakuri?" You ask as he nods yes.
"Today Ill take you to the military base on Sundial Island." You hold out your hand as he stands walking over grabbing your hand. Teleporting to Sundial Island in front of the base he lets go of your hand, catching some stares you both walk up to the training squad. The squadron salutes you them all saying
"(N)-Sama" at the same time.
"At ease everyone this is a social call. Sky Commander Riko hows everyone doing?"
"They all are passing their marks and enduring gravity training very well. milady" He says in a white and silver uniform. (That looks like a police uniform but white and silver)
"The science devision is on a one week break but once they resume they will be implementing special suits to increase haki use by fifty percent for the military devision."
"Ouu thats exciting milady good to know thank you. Whose this with you?"
"Ah this is Katakuri my suitor from the Big Mom pirates hes the number one Sweets Commander of whole cake Island. Todays the last day touring all the islands. Katakuri this is Riko hes also a logia type." You state smiling.
"Nice to meet a fellow commander sir" Riko says saluting as Katakuri retorts
"Likewise" You wave at Riko and head into the base with Katakuri beside you. Luckily the base is enormous so size so doors arnt a problem. Your immediately greeted by Koko, Kikis twin but who has a different devil fruit used for fighting.
"Hello (N)-Sama nice to see you who is this?"
"Hey Koko. This is Katakuri first Sweets Commander from the Big Mom pirates and my suitor. Were finishing the tour of the islands today. Get me Jozu will you?" She nods and after a short amount of time, Jozu and Koko walks up to you he stands at ten foot tall naturally.
"Im training a squadron right now. I made them take a break. What do you need (N)-Sama?" Gesturing to Katakuri you say
"Jozu this is Katakuri the first Sweets Commander and my suitor from the Big Mom pirates. I just wanted you both to meet. Katakuri this is my First Sky Commander of Skypeia. Hes also a logia type." Jozu holds out his hand to shake Katakuris hand. They shake hands as Katakuri says
"Nice to meet you"
"Likewise if your staying in Skypeia for awhile maybe we can spar eachother or you could spar with Riko or Suna hes the Second Sky Commander and Suna's the Third Sky Commander Haha" Jozu chuckles.
"Perhaps ill take you up on that offer, it depends on what (N) says." Katakuri looks to you.
"That is fine just dont kill eachother and not today though. Just let me know so I can watch. Ill let you get back to training Jozu"
"Of course (N)-Sama. See you both later." Jozu walks off while Koko says
"So is there anything you wish to know Katakuri sir?" She says with a smile.
"What kind of weapons do the normal troops use? How many commanders are there?" He asks quizzically.
"The normal troops carry electric swords that are able to be recharged. The advanced troops use sea prism granades that when explode release shards of sea prism and a electric shock around them. Also they have electric swords and electric guns that shoot electric bullets to paralyze and hit far enemies. All troops in our military use haki and are trained to the advanced haki stages regardless if they have devil fruits or not. There are twenty Sky Commanders but only the top ten train squadrons. The top three Sky Commanders are as follow First is Jozu, Second is Riko, Third is Suna. Today is Suna's day off however. Jozu is a metal logia type. Riko is a gravity logia type. And Suna is a wind logia type." Koko finishes her speech.
"I see thank you Koko" he says then you say
"Yes thank you Koko we will be touring the base so you are free to go now."
"Yes (N)-Sama" She says as she goes back to probably paperwork. Walking around the base you tell Katakuri that the bottom ten Sky Commanders patrol ten different Sky Islands unfortunately their wasnt a commander at the capital but they have hence switched up patrols so that the strongest Sky Commander in the bottom ten is at the capital now. You talk about the advanced technology and how each troop and commander has the white version of electric boots to fly up to hundred feet in the air.
"Your military is so well organized and obedient." he says
"Why thank you Katakuri that means a lot since, I basically built everything from the ground up." Smiling at him he says
"Its time to head back." he says as your stomach growls you giggle.
"I dont know if ill ever get used to your haki but yea lets go eat then continue the tour" He holds out his hand allready used to your touch to teleport as you take hold of his hand you teleport to your office as Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in Kiki" You say as Katakuri heads outside to make his mochi hut.
"Hello (N)-Sama here is lunch" She sets down the tuna sushi, chop sticks and tea. Then she leaves closing the door. Once finished you continue your paperwork. After awhile,
"Dido!" You yell as you hear the door open turning you see Katakuri and Dido.
"Yes milady?"
"Here take these papers and deliver them to the proper places today." You state shrinking the papers handing them to him.
"Yes milady. Oh when are you going to find a replacement knight? You really shouldnt be alone."
"Dont worry Dido im working on it. Katakuri's here also dont forget that. Now hurry and deliver the papers."
"Yes (N)-Sama" He says then heads out of the door closing the door. Putting your reading glasses on your desk you turn to Katakuri asking
"Are you ready to continue? Were almost done." He nods as you both stand then you open the door walking out of the palace with Katakuri following you.
"Where are we going next?" He asks as you reply
"First lets go back to Sundial Island. I want to give you a present." He looks shocked before you finish your sentence heat rose to his ears.
"Allright" He says holding out his hand as you grab his hand teleporting to the front door of the military base. With him following you, you both walk into the military base. Koko spies you both walking up to you as she mainly does paperwork in her glass office by the front door.
"Hello (N)-Sama. What brings you in here again?" She asks
"Could you get me an extra pair of Flight boots in black? Then replace them from the science devision once their back from vacation and say sorry for me"
"Yes (N)-Sama." Koko walks off then comes back after ten minutes holding black winged boots handing the small boots to you.
"Luckily we just got in these brand new from the science devision a couple day ago (N)-Sama."
"Thanks Koko do you have a message for your sister?"
"Oh yes (N)-Sama! Please ask her out to lunch this Wednesday for me?"
"Ill let her know Koko see ya"
"Goodbye (N)-Sama and Katakuri-Sama" She says as you both walk out onto the beach.
"You dont have to take your boots off Katakuri just step into these as I size them up" As you enlarge the boots with your electricity they puff up then shrink around his spurs seemlessly.
"Are these ones different than the white versions?" You hear him ask. As you stand up you look into his eyes.
"Yes these are the upgraded version. These ones dont have a flight limit and can fly as far as you want until the batteries run out. Ill charge them for you when were back at Whole Cake Island if you want to use them."
"Thank you (N)" You beam up at him seeing his ears turn red saying
"You are my suitor. Its no problem at all Katakuri. Besides you cant get to the battery coil without flying. Also I can't teleport to the battery coil because of the type of technology used, id mess it up and it would probably explode." You smile upward at him.
"I see. How do you activate these?" He asks as you reply.
"Theres a seemless button on the inside ankle on both boots. My troops can fly with just one boot but since your so tall youd need both boots." You lean down pressing both buttons activating them.
"Ill just wait until you get the hang of them before we head out." You say as he starts hovering above the ground.
"Have you ever skated before its kinda like that but you skate upwards to fly." You say sitting down silver tassels flowing around you due to your electricity. Katakuri walking around trying to skate.
"Here let me give you a lesson lets first skate forward then backwards then left then right." He copies your movements.
"Now skating upwards." Still obeying you. After about an hour or so your guessing he seems to have gotten the hang of skate flying. As you were sitting he flies up to you.
"Im ready now." He says floating above the cloud ground with his black winged boots with spurs. You float above the ground then start hovering taking a path around the military base to a cloudless sky with a whinding rainbow as a path.
"Dont go off the path or your probably fall out of the sky. This is called Rainbow Road it may look soild but its not" Saying behind you as he speeds up to fly beside you.
"I understand." He says. After about an hour of flying on Rainbow Road you reach the end which turned into actual grass and trees with a whole forest in front of you. Hovering above the ground you continue forward trees towering over the both of you like Red Woods.
"Weve entered Gods Sacred Woods now. No one besides me and the four guardians are allowed to enter butttt ill make an exception. Their all a billion berries eac-"
"(N)-Sama turn back now, your breaking the law" Voices emanate from the forest. Turning into pure electricity you shout
"Lets make an exception Guardians. Thats an order"
"We cannot allow you (N)-Sama to bring outsiders to the battery coil under ANY circumstances" Hovering gently jogging in place, Katakuri seems intrested as you shout
"Fine come at me with your best shot"
Slowly raising your left arm once all four jump to you obviously using haki you *snap* suddenly they all fly into the tree bases knocking them out in a single move.
"I didnt even see you move" you hear Katakuri say shock in his voice behind you as you turn back to human form. Looking at him
"Thats because its impossible for humans to see lightspeed my dear Katakuri" He just looks shocked with wide eyes. Grabbing his hand you say
"Alright they wont stay down forever lets go fast!" flying off deeper into the woods at a faster speed. You both finally come up to a clearing with a metal bridge. Hovering across it you both come up to a gaint twenty foot (Tesla coil that absorbs electricity) metal battery.
"This is Skypiea's Nations battery." he looks up as you turn back into electricity and place your hand on the coil it automatically absorbing your electricity. A led panel shows the coil blinking red before you started. After twenty minutes the battery panel shows half green.
"How long does the battery last once its charged?" You hear Katakuri ask as hes staring into the woods almost like hes gaurding you.
"It honestly depends on how much electricity is used by the nation. Estimating id say about two to three months per charge. Jozu helped create the bridge, coil, and battery along with the science devision." You say turning your attention back to the coil pumping more electricity into the coil.
"Ah I see." He says. After fifteen more minutes the battery panel shows fully charged. Taking your hand off of the coil you hover next to Katakuri.
"Theyyy probably want to kill you, by now they've definitely woken up." Glancing at him he gives you a look as he asks
"So how many billion berry people are there in Skypeia?"
"Total? Hmmmm... there are nine well ten if you include me though im well above one billion, the Guardians and the top five Sky Commanders of the military." You say grabbing his hand again leading him through the forest at a fast pace. You stop suddenly letting go of him, turning into electricity raise your hand and *snap* Sending all four flying into the trees again.
"Haha they fell for it again! Im gonna have to scold them later. Their supposed to attack without mercy. Though I understand attacking your ruler can be hard." You giggle as you fly passed them deeper into the woods with Katakuri following you. Once an hour passes you pass through Rainbow Road and see clouds again as you both come out in front of the military base.
"(N) isnt your bounty four billion eight hundred million even higher than Kaido's?" He asks as you turn around shocked.
"I didnt know you knew or that anyone knew besides the marines. Your not wrong handsome" He blushes at the word handsome as you say it, then grabbing his hand you both teleport to in front of your palace him turning off the boots, you standing on the ground. Opening the doors you yell
"Were back!" As Kiki and Dido come out to greet you both.
"Welcome back (N)-Sama and Katakuri-Sama." They both say as Kiki says
"Dinner will be finished shortly."
"Yay food! Also Kiki your sister Koko asked if you wanted to do lunch on Wednesday? You should give her a call." You state plainly.
"Oh thank you (N)-Sama" She says happily as she heads back into the kitchen. Headed to your office with Dido and Katakuri in tow you both sit in chairs Katakuri to your left by the glass table and you in your desk chair doing more paperwork. Eventually its dinner time and Katakuri resigns to his room as you stay in your office finishing up paperwork when Kiki knocks.
"Come in Kiki" She opens the door with the food cart then places your dinner down, leaves then closes the door. Once done eating you continue your paperwork then eventually pass out.
~Katakuri's POV~
You awoke seeing no light through the windows again due to not being used to staying where you are. Getting dressed you head to (N)'s office her desk lamp still on. You see (N) laying on her desk again.
'Another night of her overworking herself.' Letting out a quiet sigh you go over to her and gently pick her up bridal style as you hear a whisper.
"...Kata-Kun..." Blush creeping to your face.
'I wonder what shes dreaming about? She does look cute sleeping in my arms..' you think. Shaking your head slightly you shake off your blush but then she leans into your chest gripping your black vest her hot breath on you abs making your face turn red again.
'Well I cant release her grip without waking her up.' Thinking you go sit on the big sofa laying her down while she rests on your lap still holding your vest. Picking up a new romance novel you begin reading doing research on love.
"Kata...kuri..." She stirs but doesnt wake.
~(N)'s POV~
You feel something warm on your upper half of your body cuddling up to it as you keep your eyes closed. It moves slightly. Confused you stir awake flickering your groggy eyes open to see abs in your face with pink stripes down the abs, and a black vest your holding onto part of the vest as you breath on abs close to you. Looking up you blushing meet magenta eyes with your (C) eyes.
"Goodmorning." You hear Katakuri say as you let go of his vest and say
"Goodmorning Katakuri. Did you um... get any sleep?" You ask as you sit up slide your feet off of the sofa then see hes reading one of your romance novels.
"Its hard for me to sleep in new places. I woke up early." He says as you lean on his shoulder.
"Im sorry Katakuri. Hopefully youll get more used to things as the days pass. Do you dislike me for being your suitor?"
"Hopefully. I dont dislike you at all it was bound to happen eventually if not with you then itd be someone else why bring it up?" He says
Looking up at him as he meets your eyes you say
"Well I just showed up then Big Mom said you were to be my suitor... Usually there are reservations on the other parties end...I mean thisll most likely become an arranged marriage... And its hard to tell what your thinking most times..." You say quietly as he seems to think before speaking.
"You allready sealed are fates when you asked for a suitor. Theres nothing to have any reservations about anymore. She will want us to be married as an arranged marriage now regardless of your three month courtship rule. I dont dislike you for it though. I think your a good person. Ill try to speak more and accommodate for you (N) when were in the territories." He replies as you just nod listening to him.
"Well if theres anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable let me know" You say to him.
"You have been really accommodating thank you. ....Im just.... shy.... with being..... romantic...Ive never had to deal with it before.." He pauses a lot but gets his words out. You sit up and press your lips to his temple making him flinch regardless of his future sight. Giggling you pull back saying
"Whats wrong? Its only a kiss"
"... Noone has ever kissed me before...Im too intimidating....." he whispers seemingly unsure of what to do. Giggling you whisper in his ear
"Well im not other people. I find you attractive, sweet, and intelligent. I mean since our fates are sealed allready." Your breath tickles him as he shivers.
"I find you to be beautiful, sweet and intelligent as well." He says as he looks into your (C) eyes making you blush deep red.
"Now look whose blushing." He says poking fun at your face. Putting your hands up to your face covering yourself you poke an eye through your fingers. Seeing him lean forward and kiss your forehead through his scarf making you blush even harder.
"Whered you learn that?" You ask as he replies
"I learned it from your romance novels."
"Ahh sorry their the only things around here" your blush fading as you take your hands down then lean on his arm again. He picks up his arm so your now leaning on his chest, as he wraps his musclely arm around your waist pulling you closer to him.
"You can sleep more if you want. Its early. Sorry I woke you." you blushing again he holds the book in his free hand continuing to read as you take his advice and gently fall asleep again.
~A Total Of A Month And A Half Later~
Waking up on the sofa with Katakuri under you has become a routine every day since it happened the first time. Eventually he spared with your commanders, ending up in a tie and with against you , you won against him obviously but not without extra effort due to the fact that hes made of mochi. Today you both go back to Big Moms territories. You both have grown closer, enough to cuddle on your sofa. Fluttering your eyes open you wake seeing him reading again with his warm arm resting on your waist.
"Kata-Kun.." You whisper looking up at him from his lap. He glances down at you folding the corner of the page setting the book down.
"Yes (N)?"
"Today we have to go back to Whole Cake Island dont we?" You ask in a whisper.
"Yes we do. Are you scared?" He asks resting his arm back on your waist.
"Well.... maybe a little nervous. Im unsure if your mother will keep her word that I may come and go as I please. Because I wasnt allowed outside during the week that you were watching me so everything will be new to me." You admit as he responds
"Dont worry ill show you around once we get back."
"Oh right you must be happy to be going back to your home." You whisper as he pulls you closer.
"I got used to being here. But I wont deny im looking forward to going back." He says as you sit up him pulling you onto his lap making you blush as he hugs you. Hugging him back you feel his warmth as you feel his eyes on you.
"Ill have to introduce you to my siblings too once were back." He whispers loud enough for you to hear. You just nod into his chest as he starts to rub your back. Giving him a kiss on his chest makes him shiver slightly. You giggling he says
"Ill never get used to that."
"Noone said you had too handsome." You reply as he lets go of you, you sit up getting off the sofa standing and stretch yawning. Headed to your room you do the necessities then put on a clean robe and start packing your suitcase. Headed back to your office you pick up your huge stack of paperwork and glasses then head back to your room putting them in the suitcase with the rest of your things. Opening your portal you set your suitcase in your pocket dimension then close it and walk back to your office where Katakuri was. "Are you read-" You cut yourself off as you see his dufflebag next to him on the sofa.
"Ah good your ready, its up to you when we'll leave today." You state as you look around.
"Unfortunately the earlier the better when it comes to Mama." He says making you frown.
"When can I have cuddles?" He chuckles at your question.
"Whenever we get back home from reporting to Mama and touring."
"Yay! Well first let me say goodbye to my staff." You say to Kata as you walk out to the hall calling for Dido then headed to the kitchen as Dido follows behind you. As you open the kitchen door you see them cooking breakfast for themselves.
"Allright me and Katakuri are headed to Whole Cake Island in Big Moms territories. Make sure to feed everyone. Goodbye everyone ill periodically come to Skypeia to see how things are going. I probably wont be able to leave the territories for a month and a half though. Call me if you need me or there are emergencies." They all say
"Yes (N)-Sama"
"Okay back to your posts." You say as you walk back to your office seeing Katakuri reading. He flips the top corner of the page to bookmark his place then puts the book in his duffle bag. Standing he picks up his duffle bag holding out his hand to you. Taking his hand you point downwards then turning into electricity you long teleport to in front of his mansion. Letting go of his hand you follow him into his mansion as he opens the door for you, you enter saying
"Thank you Kata-Kun." He nods then a servent leads you to your room. Unpacking and putting away everything, holding your huge stack of paperwork and walk to his office. Seeing Katakuri sitting at his desk you set your papers on the glass table.
"Are you ready now (N)?" You just nod as he stands. Following him to Mamas throne room you both enter hearing.
"Ahh Katakuri and (N). Your finally back. How was everything?" She asks.
"Everything was okay except Kaido sent King, his subordinates to attack Skypiea on like the second day we were there. Other than that I showed Katakuri around all of Skypeia." You state as she says
"Kaido?! Why is he meddling with our affairs?!" She yells angrily.
"King said that I was supposed to marry within Kaidos territory but I hadnt even said anything to Kaido about marriage. So im assuming he has spies in my kingdom. Ill have to rut them out when I head back." You state.
"Hmm Interesting. Ill have to talk to Kaido about you and talk to him of our union. Would you wait outside while I talk to Katakuri." She says as you nod then head out the door into the hall looking out of the window.
~Katakuri's POV~
"So tell me Katakuri what did you learn about while in Skypeia?" Mama asks you and you describe all the technologies that Skypiea has and are implementing in their nation. How (N) has been treating you, the science devision and military devision among other things. After about an hour of giving your report she seems pleased saying
"Weve stuck gold with (N) and Skypiea. You may leave now Katakuri and give her a tour of all the territories." Mama says as you walk out of the throne room opening the hall door to see (N) staring out of a window.
~(N)'s POV~
You were staring out of a window at the tiny specks of people who looked like ants when you heard the hallway door to the throne room open then close. Looking over you saw Katakuri walking to you then say
"Lets go back home (N)." He says as you were about to ask about the tour he cuts you off saying
"Ill start giving you the tour tomorrow." As he walks off in the direction of his mansion you running to cetch up.
'Is he upset?' You think as you follow him all the way back to the mansion him opening the door for you again walking in following him to his office. He sits at his desk as you sit in the chair by the glass table starting on your paperwork. After it becomes mid day you hear Katakuri stand and leave the room as you continue with your paperwork as the staff enters the office with food for you placing the dishes beside your paperwork on the glass table.
"Thank you" You say as you continue working then taking a break eating some waffles with syrup and drinking tea. Eventually you sense Katakuri come back him opening the office door to you finishing your waffles.
"This is the first time Ive ever seen you eat something sweet." He says raising an eyebrow.
"Well thats because you always hide your self away during food times silly." You giggle finishing the waffles. His ears just turn red as he goes to sit back at his desk. You stand and go up to him slightly nervous. Turning to you he asks
"What are you thinking (N)?" he asks quizzically as youve been standing there for a minute as your about to ask but then he pulls you onto his lap you blushing cherry red. Looking up to him you smile then hug around his waist snuggling his chest as he continues to do paperwork. Soon the kitchen staff knock then come in colleting the plates and leave as you sit on Katakuri leaning into his chest. After some time you start snoozing in his lap.
"(N)~....(N)~...." You wake from your deep slumber to hear Katakuri cooing you awake.
"Kata-Kun?" Opening your eyes to look up and meet magenta eyes.
"Its dinner time." He says
"Oh sorry."
"No need to be sorry, I let you sleep." He says sweetly to you as he chuckles from you yawning. Sliding off of him you go sit on the chair by the table as he retired to his room. You stay in the office working on paperwork when the staff knock and enter with dinner for you. Eating you eventually retire to your room sliding in bed falling asleep.
~The Next Morning~
You flutter your eyes open the morning rays poking through the window. Getting up you get ready and switch into a clean robe and panties putting on your white boots headphones and crown. Heading out of your room into Kata's office you see him writing on his paperwork going up to him.
"Goodmorning (N) How did you sleep?" He asks looking at you.
"I had a bad dream honestly." You say as he asks
"What was it about?"
"I was asleep then captured by some other pirates and they kept me prisoner in a faraway land then I woke up." Rasing an eyebrow he says
"Well its a good thing your protected here. Ill kill anyone who messes with you. Besides they must have a death wish capturing a Yonko."
"Awee thats the sweetest thing anyones ever said to me." You coo to him making his ears turn red.
"Awee is someone blushing?" You poke fun at him hugging his arm nuzzleing his scarfed neck. He pets your head then pulls you onto his lap kissing the top of your head through his scarf making you blush.
"Kata-Kun..." Giggling you look up at him face flushed.
"Hmm?" He hums
"You make me blush everytime you do that." You say as he pets your head
"Your very cute."
"Are you ready for the tour?" He asks as you nod
"Will you hold my hand through it?" You blush asking as the tip of his ears turn red.
"... Sure (N)." He pauses but then agrees.
"Yay! Thank you Kata-Kun!" You chirp then hug him giving his chest a peck. You feel his arms wrap around you holding you closer.
"Allright we should get going." He whispers as he slides you off of him. Whining you shrug.
"You can have cuddles later. Lets go" He says as he stands and opens his office door as you follow him out of the mansion. Slipping his hand into yours he holds your hand leading you along as you both blush. Walking down a road with him he leads you to town as people stare at you.
"Why is everyone staring at me Kata-Kun?" Looking up at him he replies
"No one has ever seen me with a woman especially holding their hand. You have to also remember that I am the First Sweets commander as well." You blushing walk with Katakuri to a fancy looking cafe. He lets go of your hand turning to you.
"I need you to shrink down and go inside, ask for Pudding to come out." He says as you obey shrinking down you head into the cafe. There were a lot of people in the cafe but you went up to the the counter and saw a pretty brunette haired woman with bangs and twin tail hair.
"Hello how may I help you?" She cheerfully asks.
"Um.. Katakuri asked for Pudding to come outside." Her eyes widen.
"Big brother is back finally?! Lets go" She yells then pulls you out of the cafe. Once out of the cafe you size up clearly shocking her as she says
"Big brother how are you? Where were you all these days? Who is she?" He chuckles and says
"Im doing good. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting, now we will be courting for a month and a half here. Pudding this is (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. Im her suitor. (N) this is Charlotte Pudding one of my little sisters."
"Listen here (N)! You better treat my big brother good or ill have all of us kill you!" She threatens as he chuckles
"Dont worry she has treated me good Pudding. I like her a lot" he says as you put your free hand up to your cheek
"Awe Kata-Kun I like you a lot too." Pudding smiles up at you both
"Ah looks like you two are in love~ Im so happy for you big brother! So you were finally chosen for an arranged marriage. Oh let me go get your regular order!" She chimes running back into the cafe.
"This is Pudding's Cafe shes very proud of it." Kata explains.
"I would be too its soo cute inside and out!" you chime as you suddenly see Pudding come out with a gaint basket of huge doughnuts you take them letting go of Katakuri's hand opening your portal setting them onto your desk then closing the portal with her looking shocked.
"If big brother likes you then so do I, feel free to come to my room anytime during the day to talk or hang out. Well I would love to stay and chat more but im the clock. I have customer's to attend too. Take care of my big brother (N)!"
"I will dont worry Pudding." you wave as she heads back inside and Katakuri holds your hand again.
"Sooo you like me a lot now do you?" He turns his head to you with red ears he repsonds
"Yes I do.. why?"
"Nothing I think its super cute your crushing on me." Your comment makes his ears turn even more red as you could tell hes trying to calm down. You squeeze his hand gently.
"Theres nothing wrong with that Kata-Kun." You giggle as he leads you out of the main town to the residential area. He stops in front of a cake house leans down and knocks on the door. The door opens revealing a pink hair woman in her mid twenties with pink hair in twin tails.
"Big brother what brings you here? And whose this pretty lady your holding hands with?"
"I wanted you to meet (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. Im her suitor. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting now we will court here for a month and a half. (N) this is Charlotte Chiffon another one of my little sisters." He explains as you shrink down letting go of his hand to shake Chiffons hand.
"Its so nice to meet another one of his siblings!" You says cheerfully
"Its nice to meet you too (N)! Who have you met so far?" she chimes.
"Just Pudding and you so far" You reply as she nods.
"Pudding tends to have a split personality so watch out for that but shes normally sweet. Its so nice to see you again big brother and nice to meet you (N) but I something cooking right now I have to go. If you ever want to come over we could hang out (N) sometime. Heres my number." Shes goes then writes down a number and hands it to you as you open your portal setting it on your desk with the doughnuts.
"Do you happen to have Puddings number too?" you ask as she nods then writes it down handing it too you as you place it along with Chiffon's number on your desk then close the portal.
"Okay we'll let you get back to cooking thanks Chiffon!" You chime as she says
"Nice to meet you have a good day you two bye!" she says as she closes the door and Katakuri drags you off showing you the rest of the town.
~Around Mid Day~
"Kata-Kun we should go back to the mansion its lunch time." He nods as you teleport to in front of his mansion. You both split up him going to his garden you headed to his office to do paperwork. Soon the staff knocks then comes into his office setting down some doughnuts, vegetable and meat soup and fruit. The staff exits as you eat the fruit and eat the soup while doing paperwork. Eventually Katakuri walks in as your eating differen flavored doughnuts. You look up at him looking at you.
"So you like doughnuts too?" He asks as you chime
"Yea there one of my favorite deserts!" The tips of his ears turn red as he asks
"What are your five favorite deserts then?" You pause then think hard as he sits in his chair.
"No ones ever asked me that before. I suppose Mochi is my number one then chocolate chiffon cake, then doughnuts, then chcolate pudding, then chocolate gelato!" You say making him blush.
"Im made of Mochi you know... are you trying to say that im your favorite?" He asks chuckling as you giggle taking a bite of doughnut chewing then swallowing.
"I suppose thats one way to think of it." Blushing you say as he takes a glob of mochi from himself making something then tossing it to you. You open your hands revealing a tiny model of his usual mochi house that he makes for lunch.
"Awee its so cute!" You coo poking the mochi as it bounces back.
"Try it." He says as you look up at him shocked.
"Dont worry it wont hurt me. Im not a logia type." He responds to your shocked expression. Blushing hard you put it up to your mouth and take a bite.
"Ahh best mochi ive ever had! Hehe you taste so sweet and good Kata-Kun~" Cooing making him sink into his scarf blushing. Finishing the mochi house you say
"So yummy!" As you stand and walk over to Katakuri you wrap your arms around his scarf and kiss his forehead nuzzling his head.
"Someones cuddly come here then." He wraps a strong arm around your waist dragging you onto his lap with you giving a yelp of surprise then smiling up to him. He wraps his big arms around you as you place your hands flat against his abs, head resting on his chest smiling. Inhaling in his mochi scent you smile against his chest as he rubs your back. After ten minutes of staying like that he says
"We should get back to the tour." Looking up magenta eyes meet (c) eyes as you just nod, him releasing his grip on you as you slide off of him.
"Where to now cutie?" You ask as he stands walking out of the office with you following.
"I want to introduce you to Brulee my closest little sister to me." He states as you see him pull out a small snail phone calling someone.
"Brulee are you busy?"
"Yes come to my mansion theres someone I want you to meet."
"Okay see you soon"
Turning to you he grabs your hand leading you to a floor to ceiling length mirror in the hallway and waits. Confused about to ask whats up with the mirror he says before you can speak
"Brulee has the Mirror-Mirror Fruit shes also an officer."
"Ohh makes more sense now haha" You laugh and flinch as a woman slightly taller than you woman comes out of the mirror.
"Hello big brother! Your back finally!" Your assuming she was Brulee.
"Hello Brulee nice to see you again and yes im back. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting. Were here now courting for another month and a half. Meet (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. (N) meet Charlotte Brulee my younger sister."
"Your courting now?! Wow I cant believe Mama picked you for an arranged marriage. How are things going between you both? I see your allready at holding hands."
"I like her a lot Brulee. Mama will turn us into an arranged marriage after courting yes. Things between us are good right (N)?" He raises an eyebrow seemingly unsure at you. You nod
"I like him a lot as well and yes things are going good between us." You respond as Brulee puts her hands up to her face in awh.
"Im so happy for you big brother! Its so nice to meet you (N). Im so glad to know that he will be marrying such a sweet woman who understands him." She says
"Its so nice to meet another one of his close silblings~" You coo shaking her hand smiling.
*Ring Ring*
"Excuse me I have to take this" You and Katakuri nod.
"This is Brulee."
"Yes Mama im coming"
She turns back to you both saying
"Mama needs me so I have to go now. Im happy for you both though! See you later." She enters through the mirror and dissapears. You put a hand to the mirror feeling it be soild in ah. Turning to Katakuri you say
"Shes so cool Kata-Kun thanks for introducing me to her and the others so far!" Smiling at him he replies
"Im glad you like my siblings since your going to be their sister in law soon."
"Well whats not to like?" You retort as he asks you
"Could you teleport us to in front of the castle please?"
"Sure anything for you Kata-Kun" You reply with the tips of his ears turning red as you teleport to in front of the castle doors gaining stares from some of Mamas other children you assume. He leads you into the castle eventually running into one of his siblings.
"Smoothie can we talk for a minute?" Katakuri asks as she turns to face you both.
"Sure Katakuri. Im assuming she is your suitor for an arranged marriage? More importantly why are you walking around the castle with her? You know suitors and spouses arnt allowed to see everything in the castle." Smoothie says as you stiffen at her coldness which Katakuri already noticed him squeezing your hand gently to reassure you.
"Mama has allowed (N) to be given a tour of all the territories. Smoothie this is (N) The Electric God Queen of Skypeia. (N) This is Charlotte Smoothie my little sister and Second Sweets Commander. Were not engaged yet Smoothie were courting. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half now we are to court for another month and a half here. Be nice Smoothie." He says as you look up at her she says
"Ahh alright then. Its nice to meet you (N). A queen huh? You better treat my big brother good or its your head."
"She treats me very well Smoothie." He defends you then you say
"Its very nice to meet you Smoothie your very pretty. I will continue to treat him well dont worry. Ive already been threatened by other siblings too haha" you giggle as she nods saying
"Well I need to report in to Mama so I better go." She replies as he nods leading you around the castle. Eventually you both toured the entire castle and the sun has set. Teleporting to in front of his mansion he lets go of your hand when opening the door for you.
"Thank you Kata-Kun~ your such a gentleman." You giggle as you both split for the night. You open your portal picking up the basket of huge doughnuts and giving them to the kitchen staff to give to Katakuri for dinner. Your now in his office doing paperwork as the kitchen staff come in with dinner. Tonight it was steak and mashed potatoes with tea, a vegetable plate and chocolate pudding for desert. After eating you work on paperwork for a couple hours then head to bed.
~A Month Later~
Katakuri showed you around all of Big moms territories except for the Seducing Woods. He said that you werent allowed to see it. Which made you confused because he showed you around everywhere else, which made you want even more to go to a place you werent showed. Over the month you hung out with each Brulee the most, then Chiffon, then Pudding, and occasionally Smoothie every once in a while, while Katakuri went back to his usual jobs and was away. You met the majority of his siblings. You and Katakuri have grown closer enough that he calls you his sweet girl or baby girl. You both cuddle in his or your bed still with his scarf on though when theres nothing beckoning both of your attention. Mama has grown fond of your electric skills and teleportation to the throne room. Periodically you would go turn in and get more paperwork from Skypeia. You had given Katakuri part of your vivre card too. Today Katakuri had to go to work at the Ministry of Flour and would be gone for hours. You have decided to go against what he said and go explore the Seducing Woods after all they were just woods right?
"Goodbye Kata-Kun be safe even though I know your strong!" You say hugging him as he pets your head.
"I will be back in a little more than a couple hours my sweet girl." He cups your face in his big hand as you lean into it then kiss his palm. Looking up at him he lets go of your cheek then walks out of the mansion towards his destination. After wasting half an hour working on paperwork you head out of the mansion in the direction of the Seducing Woods eventually you found the begining of it as you explore not realizing that the woods kept changing behind you. After a couple hours of exploring you come to a river cross then continue deeper into the woods taking another couple hours then finally coming to a clearing seeing a gaint biscuit man with many swords?
"Biscuit man with swords thats a new one" you say as he suddenly moves startling you.
"Umm hello biscuit man?" You call out as he yells
"Who are you? Anyone who enters these woods must be asking for a trouble!"
~Katakuri's POV~
After working you made your way home opening the door to your mansion but (N) who usually greeted you at the door was no where to be seen or heard.
"(N)!! Im home!" A servant comes up to you
"Katakuri-Sama your suitor (N) left shortly after you left this morning she hasnt returned yet." Alarmed with a pit in your stomach for what you didnt know why. You just had a bad feeling you nod grabbing your Sky boots froom your room put them on and head out side only to see a bolt of electricity fall from the sky into the Seducing Woods.
'Only one person controls electricity. I told her not to go there! Dammit (N)!' You think to yourself as you activate the Sky boots flying above the tree line towards where the bolt landed.
~(N)'s POV~
"Im Katakuri's suitor im not your enemy!" You yell to the cracker man.
"Ouu ive heard of you. Ive heard your beautiful and they werent wrong. So your Katakuri's suitor well thats just to bad for him think ill have you for myself first then return you." He proceeds forward as you warn him
"Im warning you stay away from me! I just came to explore ill leave quietly!" You send a electric bolt downward landing in front of him as he laughs continuing forward. As you back up but fall backwards on to the ground you see the trees, plants and flowers are alive and evily singing. The trees curl around your ankles and wrists holding you up for the cracker man as you turn into electricity you electrocute the trees. Making you fall from their grasp but too much time was spent getting free as the cracker man grabs your wrists you struggle to get away.
"Dont make me electrocute you cracker man!" You yell as he just chuckles
"Go on try it pretty woman. And the names Charlotte Cracker." he teases. You summon a lightning bolt to you and it lands its mark on him but he just chuckles regenerating his cracker form some of him was toasted though. You had saw part of his face, he had purple hair and pink eyes.
'Dammit I cant teleport either or ill bring him with me. And I cant hurt him or Mama will hear about it. Im not supposed to go into the seducing Woods either. I hope Kata-Kun isnt back yet or ill be punished.' You think as Cracker lets his cracker form fall from him revealing his true form. As he holds your wrists up with one hand now, you off the ground swinging your legs. You summon another lightning bolt attacking him but he regenerates.
"Tsk tsk be a good girl and stay still through this" He says menacingly pinning you to the ground making you cough from the impact. As he slowly starts pulling his pants down you both hear
"Cracker release her at once!" Cracker pulls up his pants then says
"Aw come now Katakuri I was only going to have a little fun with her before returning her, spouses arnt that close here anyways, unless you actually care for this woman" Cracker exclaims chuckling evily
'I cant see him but Id know that voice anywhere its Katakuri! Im in so much trouble too with Cracker and with Kata-Kun' You think as Katakuri punches Cracker backwards a good amount of meters away then helping you up. Cracker laughs creating a cracker armor turning into the previous cracker man you saw eariler.
"(N) teleport home now!" Katakuri yells at you and you obey still holding his hand you teleport in front of his mansion. He turns off the Sky boots landing on the ground letting go of your hand.
"I told you not to go there! You deliberately disobeyed me! Then you almost got raped by Cracker!" he yells clearly upset.
"Im so sorry Katakuri! I just wanted to explore..." You say with tears begging to overflow you looking down.
"You may be a God but your not invincible (N)!" He states and hes right during your and his sparing match in Skypeia your lightning had little effect on him, you had to rely on your combat skills even though you still won it was close since you rely on your electricity heavily and have little muscle mass and dont work out often. Tears started streaming down your face as you kept your head down.
"I said im sorry it wont happen again...." you whisper trying to compose yourself. He brings a couple fingers to under your chin tilting your face up as you pulled away from him, him seeing your tears. As he was about to say something you teleport to your room slamming the doors shut putting a singular golden candle stick holder through the door handles so no one could come in. Then jumping onto the huge bed you let it all out crying for hours before passing out.
~The Next Morning~
Awaking to light spilling into your room you sit up looking at the door.
'The candlestick is still there in the door.
'Good.' You think, undressing into your birthday suit you draw a bath relaxing. Once pruney you get out draining it then drying off changing into clean clothes. Going to the door you undo the candlestick from the door as you hear a knock. Slightly opening the door you see him.
"(N) Im sorry for making you cry yesterday. I was upset at Cracker and took my anger out on you. You didnt deserve that. I know you may be a God but your not invincible. Please forgive me? Did he hurt you?" Katakuri asks
"Im okay. I just have bruises on my wrists....." You say as he gently opens the door entering your room then closes the door. Picking up your hands he examines your wrists.
"I forgive you Kata. But will he tell Mama? Im also sorry Kata-Kun that I disobeyed you."
"No he knows not to mess with me. And I forgive you too (N)." He says
"What about your work arnt you supposed to go in today? Why are you still home?" You ask quizzically
"I called off today. Your feelings are more important to me." You blush as he leads you to the bed taking off his boots your follow taking off yours then slide into bed with him. He holds his arm open for you. You snuggle up to him, head resting on his chest, hand on his abs under the blankets. He wraps his arm around your waist as he pulls you close then tenses up at your question before you can ask.
"So when am I going to be able to see your whole face Kata-Kun?" You ask. He sits up and you do the same.
"You really want to see my face that bad? It is.. only fair to you...." He replies as you shake your head yes.
"Just dont run away promise me?"
"I promise Kata-Kun. Im not a child you know." He nods as you wait patiently he slowly unwraps his scarf from his face to reveal that he has fangs and scars on his face going upwards from his mouth. Him looking at you but you unmoving for a minute.
"Kata-Kun I dont understand why you hide yourself from the world. Your just as handsome as before" You finish saying then up on your knees hug his face boobs to his face. You could tell he was blushing hard. You could feel his heat in your breasts. After a soild minute releasing him, hes still blushing as you ask
"May I kiss you now?"
"My-My fangs though I might hurt you..." He stammers.
"Hehe dont worry so much my silly Kata" You reply
"Allright... just be careful." He crumbles. Sitting somewhat down but eye level to him you lean in and plant a gentle kiss on his lips both of you closing your eyes then depart leaning back opening both of you opening your eyes. (C) eyes meet magenta ones as hes blushing like mad now his whole face is as magenta as his hair. Placing both you hands on his cheeks you say
"Your so cute like this Kata-Kun!"
"Thank you...." He reaches for his scarf about to put it on but you hold his hand with the scarf in it saying.
"Dont hide your face when your with me please Katakuri?" Still blushing he replies
"Im not used to this but alright (N). For you I wont cover my face when with you." He says softly as you caress his cheek with a scar running up his face. Sitting back down you cuddle up to him wraping your arms around him as he wraps his musclely arms around you softly kissing your head. Staying like that for a couple hours eventually he stopped being so tense.
*Ringa Ringa* You both hear a snail phone going off making you jump a little but he saw it coming.
"This is Katakuri"
"Okay we will be there soon Mama"
"Get ready Mama wants you to teleport me to the throne room." He says letting go of you putting his scarf back on then getting his boots on. You sliding out of bed put your boots on then he grabs your hand gently. Teleporting to the throne room you see Oven, Perospero, Smoothie, and Cracker.
'Gathering all of the Sweet Commanders? But for what?' You think as Mama speaks
"Ive gathered you all here to erase Hachiko from the map. They have refused to continue our agreed terms in order to protect their cities. Set sail immediately. (N) Since your not yet part of the family you stay here. Dismissed!" You just nod as you feel a hug. Looking up its Katakuri, wrapping your arms around him he says
"Ill be back sooner than you think (N). Hachiko is nearby at the end of Mamas territories. Itll probably take around four days." You sigh releasing him as he lets go of you.
"Be safe. Ill see you when you get back Kata-Kun" you say as he pets your head.
"Ill see you when I get back." He says as he turns to converse with his siblings. As you teleport to your room in his mansion.
~On The Third Day~
You were in Katas office doing more paperwork for Skypeia when the staff knock on the door.
"Come in" You say melancholy as they open the door setting down dinner for you.
"(N)-Sama you must try and eat something its the third day you havent eaten. Katakuri-Sama will be back in one more day." One servant says as you say
"Thank you for your concern. Ill try. I just miss him so much!" You blurt out causing the staff to look at eachother as you bury your face in your hands. They leave closing the door. As you just move the food around on your plate.
'Just get through today and tomorrow and Kata-Kun will be back soon (N)' You think as you eat a bite of mochi the staff left you. They had been making your favorite dishes in order to coax you into eating but you were to love deprived to eat.
'My mochi man ....Everything reminds me of him. It doesnt help being in his mansion either.' Thinking to yourself as you up and head to bed early slowly falling into a deep slumber.
~Brulee's POV~
You were viewing your mirrors patrolling the castle and various other things when you figured youd go check up on your good friend and your big brothers suitor (N). Headed to her mirror that views her bed you look in at her sleeping in bed. Seeing an unfamiliar figure one even taller than big brother Katakuri with gaint wings one was made of metal the other wing was black and natural. He sticks (N) with a syringe then waiting a minute before picking her up and leaving Katakuri's mansion as your looking through the different mirrors as the gaint figure takes (N) away.
'I need to call big brother immediately! (N) has been kidnapped!' Getting out your snail phone you dial up his number.
*Ringa Ringa* *Clicka*
"This is Brulee. I know its late big brother but its about (N)!"
"Shes been captured by a taller than you man dressed in all black with a gaint black wing and a gaint cyborg metal wing with a black beak! He stuck her with a syringe!"
'He just hung up on me!' You think with a huff.
~Katakuri's POV~
"Shes been captured by a taller than you man dressed in all black with a gaint black wing and a gaint cyborg metal wing with a black beak! He stuck her with a syringe!"
"What? Thats King the Wildfire from Kaidos crew!!" You yell as you click the snail phone ending the call.
*Clicka* After calling up Smoothie, Cracker, Perospero, and Oven everyone was in agreement that they would make Kaidos subordinates pay for invading Mamas territories and especially kidnapping a soon to be spouse of their top Sweets Commander. Though you had told Oven to stay behind and finish up the job on Hachiko which he could do easily. The rest of you set out with your fleets following (N)'s vivre card.
~Four Days Later~
"Katakuri-Sama weve spotted a ship on the horizon!" You take a troops telescope looking through it seeing Kaidos Beast pirates jolly roger.
"Follow that ship!" You yell with authority as everyone adjusted course to follow the ship of the Beast pirates. Eventually your ship and fleet cetches up to the Beast pirates ship and you jump across to their ship attacking the grunts. Easily defeating them a fat wide and tall man about as tall as (N) comes up from under the deck.
"Who are you?!" He asks.
"Where is King The Wildfire?!" You yell calmly holding your lance.
"First who are you!" The fat man yells.
"Charlotte Katakuri from Big Moms pirates and you are? Where is (N)?! What have you done with her?!" You yell back.
"I am Holdem from Kaidos Beast pirates youll have to defeat me if you want that information!" He says as his lion appears and roars. In one quick motion you close the distance between you both and slice through his lions head as he screams falling to the floor.
"Alright alright your much stronger than me! King stopped here but he left not long ago flying carrying a (C) haired sleeping woman in a white and silver robe! He said he had to report to Kaido!" You knock him out with a single hakied punch over the railing into the water then hop over to your ship. "Were headed to Wano!"
~In Wano Before Kaido's Castle~
You, Smoothie, Cracker and Perospero fought your way to in front of Kaido's castle. Then heading into the castle you all fight the grunts making your way up the floors. Finally revealing King and Queen from Kaidos Beast pirates you all proceed with caution as you hear King say
"So you finally made it here Katakuri and youve brought backup. What? Not man enough to fight me on your own?" More like a statement King says as you say
"Where is (N)?" King picks up (N) by her sea prisim chains holding her up while her eyes closed and her head droopy.
"What did you do to her?!" You yell to him as he chuckles then retorts
"I made her go to sleep for a long time but she should be waking up soon as a matter of fact. In perfect timing for her to see me kill you! I wont forgive you both for what you did to me on Skypeia." He yells back. Then drops her to the floor hes standing on, flying to the stages floor where you and your siblings were.
"Queen gaurd my woman!" King yells up to Queen which you grunt at.
"Yea whatever!" Queen responds.
"Seems ive struck a nerve" King says to you as you tch at him. He makes the first move slashing at you with his shitty swordsman skills as you easily dodge then counter with your lance striking him in the back drawing blood. He turns around as you stare intensely watching him with your future sight. Letting him strike first again he swings but misses as you shoot out your mochi from your hand around his legs making him fall as Queen joins the fight but your siblings step in fighting Queen.
"Just focus on your fight big brother!" You hear Smoothie yell to you as King starts hovering instead his feet covered in sticky mochi. You quickly activate your sky boots hovering also.
"So our God gave you the gift of flight interesting" King says as he swings again you dodging striking him behing on knee slashing his muscles drawing more blood. The fight drags on as you glance at Queen whose on the stage floor attacking your siblings. Their working well together however causing lots of damage to Queen as Queen shoots his laser beam at them which they all skillfully avoid.
"Katakuri!!!" You hear looking up to the platform where King and Queen first jumped off of.
~(N)'s POV~
Waking from a deep slumber you flutter your eyes open immediately hearing fighting. Slowly getting to your feet steadying yourself you shake the sleep away as you notice your handcuffed in sea prisim cuffs. Looking over the edge you see Cracker, Perospero, and Smoothie fighting Queen as you turn your view to King you see hes fighting Katakuri.
"Katakuri!!!" You yell as you see him look up to you. You seeing King fly behind him yell to him
"Behind yo-!!!!" Katakuri sliced with his lance behind him meeting Kings sword cutting clean through his sword. The fighting continues as you see Katakuri get cut by Kings blunt sword. Katakuri uses a frenzy of haki punches with spikes on his fists drawing blood from King.
"You wont take my woman away!" You hear King say as Katakuri yells.
"Shes mine! Shes never been your woman!" King attacks but misses Katakuri as Kata is mochi to stick to one of Kings hands with his broken sword. You watching hear a voice behind you.
"Ill unlock you in exchange, youll take me with you." You turn around to see the pirate X Drake. Before thinking about what Mama may say you figured bringing him along it couldnt hurt.
"Okay I accept your terms just hurry!" He nods then unlocks your handcuffs feeling strength return to you. You grab his hand teleporting to the stage floor flashing to Queen kicking his laser beam away saving Smoothie who was at point blank range of his laser.
"Thanks (N)!" Smoothie yells to you. Point blank shooting a massive electrical shot into Queen paralyzing him. Teleporting to King you create an electric sword cutting his black wing off making him scream out in pain. Shooting him with a enormous bolt of electricity you also paralyzing him as he falls to the ground.
"Come on everyone hold on to me and one another! Lets get out of here before Kaido comes back!" Katakuri and X Drake hold onto each side of your hands as Kata-Kuns siblings link hands with Katakuri. Its a good thing that when Katakuri was giving you the tour of Mamas territories he showed you his ship otherwise you wouldnt know to teleport to it. You teleport to Katakuri's ship.
"Hurry lets go!" You yell as Katakuri gives his troops the command to leave calling the other ships giving the other to set sail as Smoothie asks
"Whyd you bring him with us??!" Her pointing at X Drake.
"He freed me I figured it couldnt hurt to have someone whose on the inside of Kaidos crew. Youll tell Big Mom and me all you know right? Or ill drop kick you into the ocean." he holds his hands up in defense.
"Of course Sky Yonko anything you want!" He says as you shout to Katakuri's troops.
"Someone handcuff him with sea prisim cuffs!" The troops dont listen to you as they await what Katakuri will say.
"Listen to (N)" Katakuri says as his troops go get the cuffs, cuffing X Drake. He goes and sits on the deck as Katakuri grabs you and brings you in for a hug tightly. Hugging him back tightly he places one hand on your back and the other on your head.
"Im so glad your safe" he whispers to you as his siblings give you both your own moment of reunion.
"I didnt even know until I woke up!" You say in his chest as he says
"Still it was terrifying when Brulee called saying King kidnapped you. Not only did he invade Mamas territories but he kidnapped my spouse to be." He kisses your head through his scarf.
"Well you all saved me! So thank you" Saying as he releases you but still holding your hand as if youd dissapear.
"Wait Brulee called you? The last thing I remember is falling asleep in bed. What has happened since then?" You ask him as he sighs the commanders ships and fleets leaving Wano now.
"Well Brulee called saying King had injected you with im assuming a heavy sleeping shot and kidnapped you from my mansion while I was with my siblings doing the job on Hachiko. Then we all except Oven set sail and came across a Beast pirates ship a pirate from Kaidos crew named Holdem said King had landed on the ship but had taken off with you before we arrived at the ship. We sailed to Wano after that, fought our way inside to King and Queen when you woke up." He filled you in on what had happened while you were asleep. Hugging him tight again you bury your face in his chest.
"Ive missed you so much Kata-Kun!" Chuckling he replies
"Ive missed you so much also (N). Would you kindly fly my siblings back to their respective ships?" Looking up at him you nod letting go of him. Going up to Smoothie and Perospero you say
"Ill fly you back to your ship" They both just nod as you follow Smoothies directions then fly back after dropping them off. Going up to Cracker and you say
"Ill fly you to your ship Cracker"
"Oh is that an inventation? Haha you finally come around to me?" Slightly irritated you just hold his hand in his cracker form and fly him to his ship then fly back to Katakuri's ship. Landing on deck your swooped up bridal style and carried to your assuming the Commanders quarters his troops staring. After inside Kata-Kun closes the door and sets you down on his bed. He takes off his boots and scarf as you take off your boots and slide into bed.
"Come cuddle with me" He says in bed as you obey scooting up to him cuddling his side. Leaning up you plant a soft kiss on his lips making him blush.
"Im yours Kata-Kun." Sliding back down putting a hand on his abs, he wraps an arm around your waist as your head rests on his chest.
"Its felt like an eternity since I woke up but im still sleepy." You whisper to him yawning as he chuckles.
"Ahh my baby girl go back to sleep. Ill watch over you." He whispers back.
"What about you? You need sleep too."
"Ill eventually fall asleep dont worry my sweet girl. I just am relieved your safe in my arms again." He whispers in your ear making you slightly shiver. You feel a kiss on the top of your head making you giggle.
"Allright if you promise youll get some sleep eventually?" Chuckling he replies
"Okay I promise (N)" He says as he gently rubs your back lulling you to sleep as you clutch his jacket.
~Once You All Reached Whole Cake Island~
Standing on deck with Katakuri you anxiously wait as the ship stops setting anchor.
"Yay were back!" Exclaiming as you hug Kata's waist him chuckling.
"We all have to report in to Mama." Letting go of him you go to X Drake.
"Okay time to get going" You state as he gets up and starts walking off the ship with Katakuri following you both, keeping his eyes on X Drake the entire time. Once to the throne room you see Oven as the rest of you all file into the room.
"I heard from Brulee what had happened. I see you all were successful in bringing (N) back. Oven has allready filled me in on what happened at Hachiko. Now fill me in at what happened in Wano." Big mom states to you all. You wait patiently till its your turn to speak.
"So (N) you brought X Drake back with you as a prisoner? Im intrested in what he has to say." Big Mom says.
After X Drake spills all of Kaidos secrets that he knows about he asks
"Big Mom will you let me join your crew please?" Big Mom looks at you and asks
"What do you have to say about him (N)?"
Thinking for a minute you respond
"Well he released me from my handcuffs so im biased. Haha" You state as she laughs.
"Well since you betrayed Kaido and helped the soon to be spouse of my son Ill let you join. But if you ever betray us itll be your head X Drake!" She warns.
"How kind of you Big Mom of course I shall serve you for the rest of my life."
"Thats what I love to hear!" She laughs
"Unlock him." Katakuri unlocks X Drakes cuffs handing them to a troop.
"Now your all dismissed. Smoothie show X Drake where he is to stay put."
"Of course Mama." Smoothie replies then shows X Drake out of the throne room. Once you and Katakuri leave the throne room he asks
"Mind teleporting us home?"
"Of course Kata-Kun!" Holding his hand you teleport to his office.
~After The Courting Three Months Are Over~
How should the story go?
If you've made it this far then i must admit this will be my last female x character fic, i will only be doing Gn! Or M/M fics in the future.
Comment or Dm to say how YOU want the story to go.
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bayofwolves · 13 days
Rereading Blood Ties
We're back again with the third book! In these posts, I highlight details that I find interesting enough to comment on and/or that I previously missed as a younger reader. Since I plan to semi-rewrite this series and create a fourth arc, a full reread is in order. So, let's see what adventures these kids get up to next!
This is one of my favourite covers in the entire series. There's really nothing more iconic than the first, like, four covers in my opinion. Also, the way I see Meilin is pretty close to how she appears here.
Rollan's experiences seeing through Essix's eyes for the first time in this book, completely by accident. And that's not the only thing. In a later chapter, he taps in to her sense of taste, too (unfortunately for him).
Xue hesitates when she introduces herself to Meilin, suggesting that this may not be her real name. "My name is... You can call me Xue."
True melanistic tigers such as Zhamin do not exist on Earth, so here we have a fictional tiger colour!
Assuming names from Meilin's part of Zhong follow the same conventions as Chinese ones, Meilin's full name would be written as Teng Meilin (surname first, followed by given name). Of course, it's never explicitly stated that Teng is a surname, but from my basic knowledge of Chinese names, I think it's clear enough. Meilin is probably the only one of the Four to have a surname.
Somehow, the Tergesh never summon spirit animals, which Lishay theorizes is because of their existing relationships with their rhinos. Interesting. So exposure to an animal from a young age can prevent any spirit animal bond from forming? I feel like it should be the other way around -- growing up close with one animal opens up the possibility of a spirit animal bond forming between you when you're old enough -- but that's just me.
Lishay is able to understand Zhosur's thoughts as if there is a telepathic link between them. Same with Tarik and Lumeo. This must be common in spirit animal bonds. Do the humans just have the thought deposited in their minds, or do they hear the "voice" of their spirit animal? I think it would be awesome if, in time, the Four Fallen were able to speak directly into their human partners' minds, using the voices they had as Great Beasts.
Meilin's tattoo of Jhi keeps moving around from the back of her hand to her arm, even in this one book. I go with the hand in my rewrite; it's a more unique location.
It appears Conor has renounced his ties to Trunswick since Hunted. Whereas Abeke proudly tells Jodoboda that she is from Okaihee, Conor says he is "from nowhere in particular". Of course, this could be because his family lived in the fields near but not in Trunswick, but I prefer the idea that he gave up his connections to the town after his abysmal experience there in the last book.
Abeke can tell time from the movement of the stars. She also names one of Erdas's constellations, the Elephant's Trunk. I wonder, was this constellation named in honour of Dinesh? Are there perhaps other constellations likewise corresponding to other Great Beasts? (This is the kind of stuff I want to know about Erdas; what's going on in space? What are their stars like? What if they had more than one moon? Are there other planets nearby?)
When Conor and Abeke ask Briggan and Uraza to help them see better in the swamp, it's almost reminiscent of prayer. They kneel down, close their eyes and utter their request in their minds. Since the Great Beasts are essentially Erdas's gods, I found this bit neat.
So the Sunset Death is spread via insect bite, and seems comparable to malaria. It's named this because the person who falls ill to it will die at sunset. Man, Rollan has been through it.
Conor talks in his sleep.
On the way to the Lake of the Elephant, Meilin rides noticeably silently and later falls off her rhino as if she had been asleep. However, this is very likely a well-disguised instance of her being mind-controlled by Gerathon, which explains how the Conqueror army found them so quickly. I've never realized this before now.
Dinesh has some pretty cool powers. He can turn himself to stone, change his size and heal himself instantly. Despite his obnoxious behaviour during the Grand Council in Tales of the Great Beasts, he might be one of my favourite Great Beasts.
Conor puts two and two together and concludes that the reason Abeke stayed with the Conquerors for so long is because she had feelings for Shane. Seems like everyone knows what's up except for Abeke and Shane themselves. This is an instance of clear romantic implications for these two -- Abeke blushes and is uncharacteristically defensive when Conor questions her about Shane, Conor then figures out that she likes him. Overall, the nature of Shane and Abeke's relationship is left somewhat ambiguous, enough that I used to see many people argue there were no romantic feelings between them at all -- but there are moments like this that say otherwise.
Lishay is the Erdas equivalent of Indian, confirmed in later books but first implied by the fact she uses a talwar, a type of sword from India. So, Zhong isn't just a fantasy version of China -- there are other Asian regions in there, too.
Shane is probably the one responsible for Teng's death, not Gar. Even though Gar was riding Grahv when the crocodile killed Teng, he had no control over him as he wasn't his spirit animal. Which means, unless Grahv was following his natural instincts in that moment (possible), or Gerathon was controlling him like with Iskos (unlikely), Shane was controlling him from afar.
It's still unclear how Meilin was given the Bile. Did Teng replace the Nectar with Bile himself, or did he get someone else to do it? Sheyu might have been involved, if he defected to the Conquerors -- he did let Lenori take Meilin to the Greencloaks, but that's what the Conquerors wanted. I guess we'll never know the truth of it.
A spirit animal may return to the passive state in death. We see this with Zhosur and later Aputin (Dante's spirit animal).
Xue kind of reads as a mystical being to me. Her age, her wisdom, the way she comes and goes... I'm sure she was intended to be a normal human being, but I think it'd be cool if she was actually a spirit who guided Meilin on her quest. Something about their relationship reminds me of those stories about supernatural beings disguising themselves and appearing to humans, helping the good ones but cursing the bad ones. Whoever Xue is, there's certainly an aura of mystery around her. I wish we saw her again in the series.
This book has some really good scenes of the Four bonding and working together as a team. Meilin even lays off Abeke for the entirety of the book! It's too bad she relapses into her mistrust and aggression towards her in the next two.
This reread really made me appreciate how fantastic Blood Ties is. My love for Meilin has been well and truly rekindled by now. What an amazing character. The Reilin developments were wonderful to read about, too; their romance is so good. I really let this one pull me in and could clearly visualize everything that was happening, which is part of what made the experience so enjoyable. And the final battle was the greatest one so far.
Let's hope we don't sacrifice all this character development in the next book! (Spoilers... we do)
This is part of an ongoing series.
Wild Born | Hunted | Blood Ties | Fire and Ice | Against the Tide | Rise and Fall | The Evertree
Immortal Guardians | Broken Ground | The Return | The Burning Tide
Heart of the Land | The Wildcat's Claw | Stormspeaker | The Dragon's Eye
Tales of the Great Beasts | The Book of Shane | Tales of the Fallen Beasts
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amuelia · 2 years
I've been rereading the series since hotd and Roose going "even here, in my happy house of Harrenhal" is goddamned hysterical. Most haunted, cursed castle ever and he's doing a cute little alliteration for it. Addams family vibes.
Nskfjdjs i love his little dialogue quirks...
It’s fun to compare scenes where he talks to people above him/in tense situations/in public (like scenes with king robb), with scenes of him talking in private to people that are beneath him or that he clearly has the upper hand against... He watches his words a lot in the former and comes across polite and cold/serious (in the very high stakes red wedding chapter he barely says anything), but when he talks to the latter (scenes with Jaime, Ramsay, Theon...) he gets somewhat of an attitude since he can afford to be himself more as there are less repercussions if the other person is offended (most clearly you can see it when he talks to Reek).
He definitely has a frequent sense of humor, though often the things he says are only funny to himself, since he usually jokes about serious situations or offensive/insulting things, and sometimes even about things the other person doesn’t know about yet
“Harrion Karstark was captive here when we took the castle, did you know? I gave him all the Karhold men still with me and sent him off with Glover. I do hope nothing ill befell him at Duskendale...” [he sent him out to die] - aSoS
“ ‘Tis scarcely chivalrous to threaten your host over his own cheese and olives,” the Lord of the Dreadfort scolded. “In the north, we hold the laws of hospitality sacred still.” [several chapters later the red wedding happens] - aSoS
"Forty wayns full of foodstuffs. Casks of wine and hippocras, barrels of fresh-caught lampreys, a herd of goats, a hundred pigs, crates of crabs and oysters, a monstrous codfish … Lord Wyman likes to eat. You may have noticed." - aDwD
That prospect did not appear to please Lord Ramsay. "I laid waste to Winterfell, or had you forgotten?"     -     "No, but it appears you have … the ironmen laid waste to Winterfell, and butchered all its people. Theon Turncloak."   - aDwD
"Smitten?" Bolton laughed. "Did he use that word? Why, the boy has a singer's soul …” [about his relation to Ramsay’s mother] - aDwD
"If truth be told, the [Ramsay’s mother] was hardly worth the rope. The fox escaped as well, and on our way back to the Dreadfort my favorite courser came up lame, so all in all it was a dismal day.” - aDwD   
He’s also eloquent and has a very well-chosen way with words, fond of making sentences with words that have a nice rhythm/sound together (like the alliteration you sent); he also likes to impart “wisdoms” on people (statements about “how things are” or “should be done”), and it appears important to him that he comes across as witty and intelligent
"—my lord, when you should have said m'lord. Your tongue betrays your birth with every word you say. If you want to sound a proper peasant, say it as if you had mud in your mouth, or were too stupid to realize it was two words, not just one." - aDwD
“A peaceful land, a quiet people, that has always been my rule." [he actually says this twice in the chapter, so clearly it’s something he thinks is wise] - aDwD
"He should be. Fear is what keeps a man alive in this world of treachery and deceit.” - aDwD
“Boy lords are the bane of any House.” - aDwD
Also fun to see how much he starts dominating conversations when he really gets into it... He’s a very talkative guy especially when he gets to either tell a story from his perspective or impart some hypothesis (like his long explanation to Jaime about what he thinks Vargo Hoat’s motives are)
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ravewing · 3 days
easy books
war and peace was stressing me a little bit because the font they used in the book i bought is like size zero point seven or something ridiculous. and also even though its not as difficult to read as the historical biographies and whatnot that i normally read i was still having to go back and reread entire chapters because i kept getting the characters and events and words all mixed up right
so after i got 60 pages in or something i was saying to myself 'well im like. five percent done with this book now' so i deserved a reward and i was just going to reread JUST ONE wof book for fun (darkstalker legends. also it reminded me of how much i hate darkstalker and how much i absolutely love thoughtful and also indigo ps i also cried. maybe ill yap ab that book later)
but then after i finished that there were still a lot of hours left in the day and really what was i going to do, go back to war and peace after only two hours?? fuck no i needed a vacation you guys come on
so now im rereading arc two over again because its been like three or four years since the last time i did so. currently halfway through winter turning at the moment but you know what i earned this treat ok guys.
i havent sat down and read a silly easy book in so long (lie btw i reread the lost heir a few months ago but that doesnt count). like since last november i have been nonstop reading historical nonfiction grown up complex books so being able to relax and read a little kiddie small words book series like wof again is so oughh im literally cruising rn guys.
maybe ill buy the warrior cats book series because i only read the first arc of that and that was way back when i was in third grade. so like seven years ago jesus christ. easy books they could NEVER make me hate you
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interstyx · 6 months
A Commentary on Kenosis
Like all good ideas, Kenosis came to me in a nightmare. The very night the subtitles for Episode 5 dropped, I went to sleep with the words “let’s reset these memories, one more time” haunting me as I gave spin after spin to the implications. I dreamed up the events of Ch1 a few hours later, a very close match to what ended up written. It was an unforgivingly clear nightmare, yet somehow it was hazy in that way that you can only experience while under a high fever. Must’ve been some real-time hours of swapping between N and V’s perspectives while living through a torturous loop of physical sensations.
Next day (a Sunday), the first thing I do after my morning coffee is hunt for fanart, and I find this piece – one of my absolute favorites (whose source I neglected to save).
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The message couldn’t be any clearer. The world was hammering into my head that I had, needed to write this nightmare. 
Writing it was torturous. I’ve never done gore before, and I discovered right here that I have an ill tendency to get too much into the role while picturing a character’s perspective; for the first time in my life, my writing physically affected me, and after each session of writing V’s surgery I’d end up hurting in a vaguely similar way. The nocebo effect was insane, really. I’d heard plenty of stories about the insane ways authors connect with their stories (a favorite one of mine is hearing the voices of their characters narrating the events to them, forcing them to stop when the narrator would break down crying), but I didn’t really buy them before. I guess this is my Special Cursed Power Technique unique to me or something.
What’s worse, each passing day the idea would spiral further and further and develop into an actual plot I couldn’t help but feel enthusiastic about. SIGKILL and The Waves appeared in my head either the same day or one day and the very next, and one too many sessions of listening to ətˈæk 0N tάɪtn (that’s an actual song title, and the phonetic spelling of Attack on Titan) gave me the finisher that The Waves demanded, though the events that’d become I Mak Siccar were always much more fuzzy in my head (which I think is easy to tell on reread), then later a Tumblr post by multiversal-pudding (who’s awesome) made me realize I couldn’t end it in such a shit note and handed me the right way to do it on a silver platter. If it weren’t for them, this story wouldn’t be half as good as it is.
I wasn’t sure if the concept had any life in it, so I posted Ch1 with the idea of it being a one-shot. Much to my dismay, it was pretty widely enjoyed, much more than any of my previous work anywhere. Another of the many special signs from the universe I got while writing this was that a friend DM’d me Ch1 on Discord saying “I think you’ll enjoy this one” and only realizing who wrote it when the AO3 embed with my nickname popped up. Really, I was just bound to writing the full thing now.
The way I wrote V from SIGKILL on is heavily modeled off my mom. This is intentional — V’s mood swings and impulses largely come from how she’d treat me earlier in life. Partly by planning, partly by discovery, Kenosis was supposed to be closure for my relationship with her, an attempt to work through the ways she felt when I lived with her, and when I moved with my dad. Their ways of talking are quite similar, too, so that saved me a good bit of dialogue torture — I wrote a good chunk of V’s dialogue just picturing what my mom would say and MDifying it a bit.
But sometime during writing The Waves, I had to draft out an abstracted hallucination of the real events in Ch1. I don’t recall where that bit ended up, it’s something about a hole opening up in V’s torso, and things pulling stuff out of the hole then shoving new, weirder stuff in. It clicked then, a quarter of the way through writing the chapter, that I was drawing imagery from a real event I’d repressed. I recall that the moment it clicked, my stomach wrenched.
This isn’t to imply that the actual events in the fanfic are an allegory or metaphor — fuck no. That’d have some abhorrent implications that I absolutely repudiate. It does mean, however, that I ended up connecting to V a lot more than I'd ever done with my characters (more than I wanted). 
Slowly, Kenosis started growing and growing, occupying more and more of my head. There were stretches where I’d procrastinate through days of uni work because I couldn’t put my mind off it until I’d written enough to tire my fingers (not that much, I have little stamina most days). It even started haunting me in the twilight zone between laying in bed and falling asleep, wrenching my gut at times. It was not long before I finished The Waves that it registered that pouring this much of myself into a fanfic series and suffering that much for it was a wonderfully silly predicament to be caught in. The robot goobers really didn’t need to live through my abstracted deliriums of trauma. 
I’m still not happy about it. There were much easier, healthier ways to process this trauma, but hey; what’s done is done. I’ll have to live with “projected deep personal trauma onto fanfiction” in my sin record. A year from now I’ll come back to this and laugh at how self-serious and melodramatic I got about these characters, how desperately I wanted to write V a happy ending, but right now I’m also very proud of how much I managed to achieve here. 
It was tough, it was personal, it took a lot out of me, and I’ll never forget that month or so where I categorically refused to work on this stupid project until I’d gotten back on track with uni, right after I Mak Siccar, with V at her absolute worst and the end still an entire chapter’s worth of suffering away.
In our journey past trauma, we find ourselves back there over and over, and the things we find strength in can sometimes hurt us too. There’s definitely wrong ways to overcome it, and it leaves us pained and hobbling for a long time — but with time and friends on our side, healing is always at hand. God, that’s such a cheesy way to put it, but this whole thing’s cheesy as shit. I think that’s just the way I am.
I’d like to think I made it through just like V, and this is a recounting of my journey rather than a fantasy of victory. I don’t know yet. I might never. I just really, really want to hug her.
At first I meant for Kenosis to be just a quick test before moving on to larger projects where I could express myself better. Now I doubt I ever will. I’ll miss writing this dearly. I adore Uzi, N and V deeply and I hope I can keep this connection I’ve built to them for a long time. 
Enough sulking. Thanks for reading.
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triumphantfury · 3 months
Hi!!! Just dropping by because I was missing your fics so I reread them and now I have to tell you how much I love you. I love you a lot, by the way. Like literally every time I read a chapter of yours I love you more because GAH the writing is so damn good. Ahem anyways thank you so much for the update on Wrapped in Red and I still have to fan myself every time I look at Upside, but I've been thinking the most about "To Suffer a Witch." I don't mean to put any pressure on you or anything but may I inquire on the next chapter's status? Or perhaps just request a snippet? Also when you asked the readers whether or not they'd like an eventual lemon I'd like to vote yes to the lemon. Please. Possibly-Demon Hiccup is hot as hell and I'm greedy. 😅
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful writing with us and I hope you have a wonderful day, week, and at least a virtual cabin in the woods where you can relax, read, and at least think on writing!
Oh boy….
It’s taken me forever to get around to answering this ask, but as the new chapter update is almost complete (after way, WAY too many rewrites), I feel like I can finally post this reply with some measure of confidence. Sorry it’s taken so long. I wish I had a good excuse, but my brain sometimes just shuts me out.
Anyway, after much anticipation, and likely a little cursing, here’s an excerpt from the soon to be posted next chapter of TSaW:
*The next couple days seemed to drag by for Astrid. She felt trapped between a longing to see Hiccup again just to prove she wasn’t mad, and a strong urge to just write it all off as a delusion. Perhaps one brought on by some bad grain or curdled milk. Countless times she’d been sure she heard hoofbeats outside, only to have them grow into a roll of thunder the next second. Or she’d catch a glimpse of a dark shadow approaching on the road, only to have it melt from her sight a moment later as if swept away by the driving rain.
Some small part of her was starting to worry she was actually going mad. Her mood darkening as she channeled her other feelings into straight anger so as to help herself deal with it better. It wasn’t as if she could really speak of it to anyone, anyway. She was still too confused about it herself.
Resigned to bear this burden alone, Astrid had kept to herself as much as possible while trapped inside. Waiting impatiently for a break in the weather when she could distract herself with repairs outside instead. The Lord knows there was always plenty of work to keep her busy. That, and manual labour was better than wasting time dwelling on… Whatever it was that had occurred here the other night.
Fortunately - or maybe unfortunately - she’d soon discovered that the storm hadn’t done anywhere near as much damage as she’d expected given its ferocity. The house, shed, and barn had all weathered fair enough at least. An old tree had toppled near the back of the pasture though. She’d gone out to repair the section of broken fencing yesterday. Her brothers helping her as much as she would allow them to - which mostly meant keeping the opportunistic goats from escaping through the hole while she worked.
It had been while she was winding the last of the rope around the newly set post that Ruffnut had approached her from across the field. Somehow always keyed in to the local to-dos, Tuffnut had heard from one of their other neighbours that some people had started to fall ill in town. The worst of which was little Argh — Mr. and Mrs. Ack’s youngest son, who was not yet a full year into this world.
“Gunnar thinks it’s because of those witches that Trader Johan was talking about the other day,” Ruff stage-whispered over the fence. Her thumb gesturing towards the home on the far side of Mildew’s plot as she glanced around, as if to make sure no one else was within earshot.
“I’d be rather foolish to agree,” Astrid huffed. “It’s likely just been brought on by the rain. We all know that a chill in the air today sets a chill in the bones tomorrow.” Looking away from her gossipy neighbour, she dressed the knot as her father had taught her before pulling it good and tight. Then she stood and gave her work a proud once over. Nodding, as if to show her approval to the craftsman.
“Maybe…” Ruffnut’s hesitant reply trailed off thoughtfully, and she was chewing on her lip when Astrid at last looked her way again. It was almost as if she had something she wanted to say, but wasn’t sure if she should speak it aloud.
“Go on,” Astrid grumbled. “Whatever it is, spit it out.”
“Well, Gunnar told Tuff that Trader Johan said the evil, or what ever it is, would arrive first in the form of a black shadow on horse back…”
“Trader Johan has always enjoyed adding plenty of dramatic nonsense about ghosties, ghoulies, and other such things to his tales,” Astrid felt the need to point out. “He seems to think it makes the stories more exciting.”
“I know,” Ruff agreed. “Thing is, Tuffnut swears he saw a stranger dressed in all black when he was out in the woods yesterday. A stranger riding atop a huge black horse. When he tried to get a better look, man and horse were already gone. Maybe the horse was just really fast, but… Tuff said it gave him the creeps.” Her eyes were shifting all around again as she leaned closer over the fence, and she looked unexpectedly nervous.
“Oh, that was probably just…” Astrid’s words died on the way to her mouth as she thought better of it.
Astrid knew how Tuff felt. The unease of not being sure exactly what you had just born witness too. This did not mean that she should necessarily encourage him to repeat his tale. Especially when she didn’t yet know what to think of the whole thing.
Would it truly be wise to mention it to someone else? The twins had never been known for their discretion, and Astrid’s words would simply confirm Tuff’s suspicions — which he would then feel required to share with every person he came across. At best, it could cause a slight scandal that a young man had spent the night in their home. At worst, the superstitious townsfolk may think the Hofferson clan had entertained something entirely inhuman, instead.
No, it was best to keep what she knew of Hiccup Haddock to herself for now. Surely the others would learn of him soon enough. “Just… because Tuff was busy snacking on unknown mushrooms in the forest again.” Astrid finished awkwardly. Covering her near slip-up with an eye roll, just to be safe, and hoping Ruffnut wouldn’t notice.*
If anyone wants to read it, here’s a link to the rest of the story. Or at least the beginning…lol
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purrincess-chat · 4 months
For the writers truth or dare ask: 🌿❄️🍄
Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
So, this is something I've actually been dealing with a lot over the past year. Some of it is out of my control, but the other side is just a general lack of motivation. Here are a few tips I've found that are helpful for me:
First, identify where your block is coming from. Is it because a scene isn't working and you don't know how to fix it? Is it because you don't know what to do next in the story? Is something else in your life stressing you out? Do you suffer from a mental illness that may be making you feel disconnected? Once you recognize what kind of block you're facing, you can find ways to overcome it.
The way you handle your block is going to depend on what kind of block it is. For me, I've been dealing with a lot of outside stress in my personal life that doesn't usually leave me with much mental energy to devote to writing or even some of my other hobbies. In cases like that, I've found it's best to be patient and kind to yourself. I've been working on managing my stress and taking breaks to fight the burn out. If this is the case for you, I can tell you it's sadly a slow process depending on your circumstances. Be kind to yourself, write when you can, and don't beat yourself up if you are struggling, it will only make it worse. Try to rebuild a habit of writing. Maybe set aside a certain time every day or every other day to write, even if you can only manage a few words. Building a habit will help you get back into the swing of things. If your daily life is too hectic to allow for that, then put the writing down and take care of your business. Sometimes things are just more important than writing, and you shouldn't feel guilty for putting aside a hobby. Life is hard. You'll get there.
If your struggle comes from being stuck on a particular scene, I have a couple of remedies that usually work for me. One way is to skip ahead and bridge the gap later, so for me if a conversation between characters isn't going how I want, or what happens more to me is filling in exposition between conversations, I might skip ahead to the next portion of the scene or chapter that I can clearly picture in my head and work on that for a while. Often times I find when I go back to bridge the two sections later, it's a lot easier seeing where exactly I need to end up, and I can usually fix the problem with a sentence or two that was previously tripping me up. The second option that I also sometimes run into is if I follow a particular thread and find out it's a dead end or just not flowing how I want, I might cut a chunk of the most recent bits I've written. Sometimes I delete it, other times I just cut it and paste it either further down on the same doc or by itself onto a blank doc. That way if I decide I want to keep it or add it back later, it's not totally gone, but sometimes going back and rewriting a particular bit that isn't quite working how I want gives me a fresh start to try something else. Writing sometimes is throwing things at a wall until something sticks. It's okay to delete something you've already written or cut it. In fact, oftentimes it's needed. It can be frustrating when you realize something you've spent a lot of time on just isn't working, and you have to cut it, but in the end, if it will fix the issue, it's unfortunately time to swallow your pride and just cut it.
On the other hand, if your block is coming from just not knowing what to do next in the story, I have a few options to re-spark inspiration. First, I recommend rereading over what you've written. Get a sense for what you already have on the page or in your notes. Next, revisit the source material you're writing from if you're writing fic. Sometimes I find that putting myself back into that world helps me put myself back into the characters heads, and sometimes getting a renewed sense for who the characters are and what drives them can help me figure out how they would react in a given situation or what choices they might make. Third, ask yourself what your end goal is, then work on figuring out what you need to get your characters or plot there. I know a lot of people don't like outlining, but if you find yourself running into this issue a lot, it might be worthwhile to figure out a system that works for you. I utilize a number of different kinds of outlines when I write. I usually start with a bare bones outline and summarize each chapter in a sentence or two. What is the main focus of each chapter? After that I work on a more detailed outline and fill in the blanks, focusing on what I want for each character throughout the story. What challenges will they face, what lessons do they need to learn, what flaws are they going to overcome, and how are they going to grow? Once I know that, I work on putting them in situations that will accomplish that. Sometimes, when you're making things up as you go with no real plan, it can be easy to write yourself into a corner. Planning a little bit ahead of time can help you see where you're going and hopefully avoid pitfalls. If you've already fallen into a pitfall, I'd recommend advice I gave earlier and go back to the point where things went wrong and cut the parts that aren't working and try a new approach. Writing takes patience, and you don't always get it right the first time. That's perfectly fine, just keep trying.
Some other remedies that work for me are taking time to clear my mind and refocus on the story I'm telling. I may go for a walk, or clean my room, or listen to a song that reminds me of the characters/story. I'm not the best example of it, but also sometimes reading other people's work (professional or otherwise) can spark inspiration, or studying the way they tell their story can help you figure out how to tell your story. Also, keep in mind that you're not going to crank out 3k every single day. Sometimes all you can manage is 500 words or even one sentence. That's fine. Every day is different. Just keep going. It's difficult to give a blanket piece of advice because everyone suffers differently. Hopefully any of this advice was helpful 😅
What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Ooo, so it depends. I have a lot of ideas all the time, and I love all of them in different ways for different reasons. I've been dipping my toes into the LoZ fandom lately, particularly the botw/totk side. I've been working on a Zelink fic that picks up right after botw ends and bridges the gap between botw and totk following how they began recovering from the calamity, so right now that is my dream fic, I suppose. I've also been working on my secret project for ML that I'm not quite ready to reveal yet, but it's another Adrinette centric story (surprise, surprise, Cat) where the reveal has happened and they're together, but things aren't as wonderful as they'd hoped. As for who will write them, ehhh me 😅 all of my ideas are things that I would write. But typically if I post about something publicly like in one of my brain dump posts, I don't mind if other people get inspired by the idea and want to write it. 🤷‍♀️
Share a head canon for one of your favorite ships/pairings
I'll give two because my brain lately is oscillating between love square and Zelink.
For the love square, I headcanon that Adrien would be the dad that wants to take his kids to do everything that he couldn't do as a kid, and Marinette has to reel them back in bc I don't care if it's fun for you, you can't take our five year old skydiving. Let's just go to Disneyland 🤦‍♀️
For Zelink, I headcanon that post botw, pre totk when Zelda is a teacher at the school in Hateno, that Link often brings her a picnic lunch, and they sit outside under a tree in the school yard and eat his cooking while talking about their day. I also hc that Zelda would absolutely rope him into teaching PE to the kids.
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