#ill never be considered a hood friend
sugarr-moon · 9 months
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holmsister · 1 month
The only important thing about the Kui interview (link in notes because tumblr) actually:
"KUI: Actually, there's no real-life model or reference for that dress. I just combined the clothes that Marcille's mother liked and also combined that with the hood, which was considered a little bit childish."
You know I spent an inordinate amount of time wondering why the hell the Winged Lion put Marcellina in that outfit. We don't see him do that for any other Dungeon Lord.
The reason HE gives is that it's an outfit that "makes you brave" but like that's clearly bullshit. The people around Marcella make fun of it and Kui later in this interview confirms that its not because it looks bad but because its something *she* would never pick herself. So why?
My best guess was an attempt at isolating her. If her friends see her so physically changed they might assume she is beyond saving.
But, going after what Kui says here, the actual reason is subtler and more insidious.
Its an attempt at undermining her and making her feel insecure.
The earmuff hood is associated with children in elven culture and there is NO WAY the demon does not know this. It's an infantilising decision. The lack of shoes is also something associated with children in general.
Picking a colour and shape that reminds Marcella of her mother is a way to remind her of her trauma. We see her mom wearing a somewhat similar black grieving dress when she gives Marcille the speech about going faster than everyone else, at her father's funeral.
Also, while we see Marcille wear black clothes postcanon, nothing she wears is ever as tight-fitting and revealing as that dress is. It's something out of her usual style.
The Lion wants to make it so that when Marcille glances in the mirror she sees a small child wearing her mother's ill-fitting clothes.
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mortalfaerie · 9 months
𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕒𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕤' 𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 (+ 𝕚𝕟 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕖𝕟𝕒) (pt 1)
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this concept is stuck in my brain so...
your were always in the shadow of your twin, jacaerys. he was born only ten minutes before you, but in doing so had outshined you for a lifetime.
while your grandfather might have bent the law further for you if you had been born first, he wouldn't do so for the rest of the realm - and being a girl, the birth of your immediately younger brother meant you wouldn't inherit driftmark, either.
that's not to say that you didn't love your brothers - they were your closest friends, especially after your mother had moved your family to dragonstone.
you missed your aunt helaena, however. at only two years your elder, she was more like a cousin or a sister to you, and as the only other girl you two had idled away long hours with tedious septas together.
for the first few months you wrote faithfully to eachother, but after the disaster at your aunt laena's funeral, an irrevocable schism has opened between factions of your family.
from that day, two more years would pass before you saw her again.
when helaena was thirteen, she came to dragonstone to claim a dragon. it was a cold and diplomatic trip which the king was too ill to attend and the queen had flatly refused to consider, and so the hand of the king escorted her along with a platoon of guards.
you were eleven years old, clasping hands with your twin on the windy shores of dragonstone as the princess' boat came ashore. all of you, even joffrey were ill at ease during this first meeting of factions in years. but, when the princess pulled back the hood of her cloak and stepped onto the beach, you found your heart hammering for an entirely different reason.
helaena had grown taller and more beautiful since you last saw her, though she seemed completely unaware of it as she anxiously took in her surroundings. she had all the beauty of the targaryen line in her, and the beginnings of what would make her a regal looking woman one day. and yet, she was softer in her features and appearance than the rest of your family in a way that was completely disarming.
though the feel of her visit was detatched and lacked the warmth of a family reunion, you found every excuse to seek her out over the duration of it. at first she was wary of you, no doubt because of your brothers and stepsisters and the role they had played in her brother's injury. after a few days though, she warmed and you slipped into a rapport like that before you had left for the island castle.
when it came time to venture up the dragonmont in search of a dragon, you begged and pleaded your mother to allow you to come with the princess - after all, your egg had never hatched and you lacked a dragon as well - and after exhausting the crown princess she relented.
on the dragonmont with a mixture of red keep guards and those loyal to rhaenyra, you and helaena camped on the mount for days, venturing to a different part of the mountain each day in search of dragons. at night, you shared a tent and kept eachother awake giggling and telling stories.
on the sixth day on the dragonmont, you met with the dragons dreamfyre and silverwing, who had belonged to two queens and sisters before you. after the pair of you successfully mounted the dragons and took to the skies, you returned to the beach of dragonstone with a renewed fire inside of each of you.
the night you returned to dragonstone's castle, a feast was held to jointly celebrate two dragons being claimed. you and helaena danced joyfully as the musicians played, and eventually you fell back to let your twin take your place. it was then you felt the first twist of jealousy in your stomach as jace made her laugh.
you snuck into the chamber helaena was staying in that night to recreate the little would you had when sharing a tent. that night, she had said to you before falling asleep, "you and i shall be bonded forever. dragon-bonded," she had said dreamily, then added, "soul-sworn."
before you could ask what she had meant by that, she was asleep.
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bluetortoist · 6 months
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Time for another Batman OC! Again not too awful original, but this one is my own take on the Brave and the Bold character Scream Queen.
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She was Crane's star student, who became obsessively hopelessly in love with him enough to follow him down his path of a rogue while also both, harboring a complicated romantic relationship together. This one's a little dubious sooo
CW: Stalking, Student/Teacher descriptions down below
Name: Kathleen "Kathy" Holloway
Alias: Scream Queen
Age: 27
Gender: Cis Female
Identifies: Bisexual
Race: Human
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Birth town: Gotham Heights
Current Living: Grand Avenue
Allegiance: True Neutral- Neutral Evil
Cursed hooded dress - Her magically cursed dress hoodie gives her many different abilities, such as below:
Sonic Scream - one of, if not her only, means of attack. It let's out powerful screams enough to blast through concrete and even metal to an extent. Every scream she emits is different sounding than the last; She hypothesized that the different screams it omits are most likely the screams it's collected from all of its past victims.
Life Force Draining - This ability is what helps power her Sonic Scream. It emits a different colored beam that is used to literally take the breath away of any living thing until the victim is drained completely of their life force (their breath per se), leaving them as a completely immobile, breathless husk. This, remarkably, is also collected by the cloak and stored as another victims scream to add to the ever-growing collection. This can and WILL kill the victim if not treated right way.
Medical/ Pharmaceutical Knowledge - Her family background and her Major in college has made her very knowledgable in the ways of treating illnesses, injuries, and even some knowledge in drugs/medicine. Even though she never got licensed, they are skills that absolutely do in a pinch and help with Crane in the lab sometimes.
History: Kathy Holloway was born into a wealthy family who does business selling medical technology. Perhaps not as wealthy and as influential as names like Wayne, but were still known and respected fairly well by those around them since they help contribute to some of the hospitals in Gotham. In her childhood, Kathy was determined by teachers to be intellectually smart for her age. However, she was als considered "the creepy weird girl" that her peers hated to be around or bullied her. It also didn't help that she had little interest in what other people her age liked and would sometimes get into arguments and fights with other kids. She was bothering a lot of her peers to the point that word got around and even her family couldnt help but think she was a problem child. But in response to her high intellect, they made her spend a few years of her childhood studying, then counseling at school and then taking finishing lessons at home as a means of keeping her in line and shaping her to be "normal" enough. It put a lot of pressure and hurtful abuse on her self esteem. She still wouldn't break from her usual self, but she tried her best to play along just so it could stop. When Kathy became 13, it started to feel pointless to her parents, and she was then considered "not to be bothered with anymore" and focuses on furthering her younger brother's growth instead.
Later on in highschool, it was at least a little less restricting than it was at home. Kathy was still ostracized among peers who grew up with her, but still managed to become friends and eventually a relationship with a senior year boy. However, she quickly became infatuated with him to the point of stalking him. She was caught and had a restraining order put on her, she was suspended from school for a time, which isolated her even more. She managed to graduate highschool with relatively no troubles, but as soon as she did, her family kicked her out of home, and cut her off after feeling too much shame from their failed and disturbed child. She hasn't made any attempt to contact any of them since. Luckily, Kathy had some money to her name, enough to find a place to stay, found a job at a nearby metaphysical shop, which was then when she found the cursed hooded dress that she decided to keep. When she discovered its frightening abilities, she quickly begun figuring out how it works and, taking inspiration from her favorite horror movies, uses its powers to commit small, haunted robbery's that left police and detectives baffled at how this is even happening. Gotta pay the rent and food somehow.
After a while, after finally scraping and stealing enough, Kathy uses said money to finally get into Gotham University. It was there she met Proffessor Crane, taking one of his Psycology classes. She didn't think much of him at first, but as soon as he acknowledged her intelligence and in her assignments (considering her one of his star students), how she saw how he revelled in his obsession with fear, and his phobia experiments on other people, she felt a kinship to him and his dark eccentricities and fell instantly in love with him. She would stalk him for a few months after that, trying to get his attention in any way subtle way she could. There was reluctance, but Jonathan gave in and thus begun having a relationship with his star student, albeit brief. She still stalked him, even finding out that he has taken on the Scarecrow persona after hearing how he was fired and kicked out of the school for his horrible experiments.
She continued her schooling after his attack on the University until she eventually got her masters, but continued keeping tabs on his whereabouts and activities. Even taking on her Scream Queen persona to help him out of a jam or two (much to Scarecrows confusion and uneasiness at first). She was finally caught one night when she got a little too brave sneaking into one of his secret hideouts and they found out both their identities. Scarecrow honestly thought that he would never see her again, let alone all that she has been doing without him noticing OR she was the reason behind a few of his close calls. Nonetheless, he couldnt take that risk no matter how fondly he thinks of her. But in response, Kathy insisted that as a compromise, she stay by his side and work alongside him in whatever he needed; She was more than willing to take this chance to be near him as much as she could. Scarecrow was both reluctant and distrustful at first. She knew his hideout and, apparantly, more so about him than he thought and could use it however she pleased. But on the other hand, she would've done so anytime but didnt and already said she is loyal to him (definitely stroked his ego). He definitely thought her strange abilities could be useful and knew how capable she was already. They, at first, agree to work together in the sense that they could both ruin each other at anytime, but Scarecrow soon starts realizing that they work together a lot better than he thought. Thus begun a complicated, twisted, slow burn romance that he never thought he'd get into with his right hand in fear, "Scream Queen".
Its typical, but she likes horror movies from all range of subgenres, but has a personal love for the ghost/haunting genre; she knows a very good amount of horror trivia; Some of her favorite directors are Dario Argento, James Whale and Wes Craven.
While in school, Kathy minored in Film/Acting because of her love of horror media and the means of producing and acting in them. Taking much inspiration from the actresses and female characters is what made her borrow the term "Scream Queen" as her alias.
While working at the metaphysical shop. She learned a few things like tarot reading from a former friend/employee of hers. She didn't entirely believe it (at least not at first before she found a literal magic hoodie for crying out loud!), but she thinks it's all very interesting to learn about.
She prefers to be called by her shorter name "Kathy" because she doesn't like her full name or when other people use it. Jonathan is one of the handful of people whom she let's call her "Kathleen".
The only family members that Kathy can say she remembers fondly or indifferently towards to was her little brother, and her estranged Aunt on her mother's side. Her Aunt being the one person she felt connected to due her Aunt also being seen as an embarrassment by her family. She unfortunately passed away when Kathy was 11. Kathy and her little brother, sadly didn't spend much time together. Her brother would be constantly away in his own schedule their parents made and was 7 when Kathy was kicked out. He doesn't remember much about her.
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theamityelf · 1 month
For my last ask I think it would be funny if it was all the different soulmate ways so makoto is going through a bunch of stuff and is also maybe trying to hide it and if you include Izuru it could be something he finds interesting about makoto as maybe no else has had so many soulmates
(previous post re:Makoto and his class)
(original Makoto soulmates post)
Oh my gosh, then I definitely think Makoto would be shy about showing skin.
He walks into Hope's Peak discreetly checking the timer on the back of his hand, which is now down to less than three hours until he meets one of his soulmates. On the back of the opposite arm, there's a sentence he's had memorized for years now: "So, we arrived at the same time!" It's hidden by his sleeve. He has the image of a microphone on the back of his neck, hidden by his hood. The image of a Yoshi (or Galaga sprite) on his bicep, hidden by his sleeve. The image of a half-peeled orange right beneath his collarbone– or maybe there used to be a half-peeled orange there, but now it's just an oddly-shaped scar. That change happened within the last year.
He can't see colors (and he's been told his shoes don't match his hoodie?). Last night, he had a dream that he was a girl named Kyoko, meeting her dad for the first time. This morning, he saw through Junko's eyes while she was getting dressed, and he's barely stopped blushing about it.
He's trying to live in the moment and appreciate the amazing place and all the amazing people, but in truth, he's pretty stressed about how he's going to explain his situation to anyone. Based on his timer and the glimpses he's seen of Junko's letter, he's going to meet at least two of his soulmates here. He's never heard of anyone having as many soulmates as he apparently has. When someone turns out to have two or three soulmates, it's considered unusual and potentially problematic, but usually they meet at different points in life. One in youth, one in old age. Something like that. But two at the same school?
"So, we arrived at the same time!"
Makoto turns to see the person who just reached the gymnasium door at the same time as him.
"Nice to see someone else who appreciates the value of punctuality," the tidy young man commends.
Makoto clears his throat. "Uh, yeah. I guess I was just...worried about being late."
And the young man's expression changes to one of astonishment, because as expected, he has Makoto's first words to him on his arm, too. The timer on his other wrist still says a little over two hours, and he can suddenly feel Junko looking through his eyes.
Makoto levels with his new...friend. "Listen, I'm really glad to meet you, and we should definitely have a conversation about this, but maybe not...right now? Can we talk at lunch, maybe?"
The guy remains astonished for a second before he recovers with an affirming, "Of course! School comes first. If we're in the same class, might it be prudent to introduce ourselves?"
And Makoto smiles. "Yeah. I'd like that."
His first in-person soulmate is Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Taka.
As more of their classmates start arriving, Makoto feels more and more of a complicated mix of excitement and anxiety. He introduces himself to a well-dressed, bespectacled guy named Byakuya, and the second they make eye contact, Makoto can suddenly see in color. Byakuya's expression of snobby disinterest drops into one of ill-disguised shock, and Makoto hasn't explained the situation to Taka yet, his timer says he has like an hour and a half until he meets another soulmate, Junko isn't even here yet, and now he has to get used to colors!
And wow, his shoes really don't match his hoodie.
He definitely needs to explain things to Taka and Byakuya before Junko gets here, because despite never having met her in person, he knows that she's a lot. And he'd hate for anyone to learn that he has multiple soulmates from anyone but him.
"Well?" Byakuya says, having returned to snobby disinterest. "Tell me your name already so we can be done with these ridiculous introductions."
Okay, rude. But that's fine. "I'm Makoto Naegi. I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student, and...I hate to tell you this bluntly, but I think I kind of need to hurry, so..." He draws in a breath. "I have multiple soulmates...here. Kind of...a few...here."
Byakuya loses his facade of indifference, looking at Makoto again with narrowed eyes. "Excuse me?"
"I know, we should definitely discuss this, but I need to tell Taka, too, before he finds out in a worse way."
And Makoto runs off and explains the situation to Taka (WHOA! Taka's eye color! He is going to have to get used to eye colors.), who is surprised and maybe (almost definitely) disappointed, but he's very polite about it. Makoto promises that they'll talk again at lunch.
He checks his timer again. An hour and twenty minutes.
He pulls his sleeve down to cover the timer, looking up to see who's addressed him, and Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Kyoko?! From his dreams?!
"Makoto, right?"
"Y-Yeah. Kyoko?"
She doesn't say yes or nod or anything. "How many?"
"How many do you have? I saw the timer on your wrist, and your reaction to Togami. Ishimaru keeps glancing at you. How many do you have?" At least she doesn't seem upset. Though she has completely busted him.
"I don't...know, for sure. I have a few soulmate marks, I just saw color for the first time, I share dreams with you and see through someone else's eyes occasionally, Taka's first words to me are on my arm..."
"Is that your talent? Are you some kind of soulmate anomaly?"
"Oh, no. I'm here as the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"I don't know that I would consider your situation here a lucky one. If breaking things to Togami and Ishimaru has you this nervous–"
He sees a flash of the school from outside and knows that Junko is here.
"I'm sure it'll be fine," he says, with forced optimism. "I mean, once I explain the situation to everyone, I'm sure we can all get past how weird this is. I'm glad to finally meet you, Kyoko."
"Hm. Don't worry; I'm not here to socialize anyway."
She slips away before he can say anything else, and then he hears the door open, and Junko's here!
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executables-sims · 10 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Thank you so much for the tag, @goatskickin! :D I am ill rn, so please excuse the rambling. x) Long post ahead!
What’s your favorite Sims death? Maybe fright? I've only ever had it happen once via ghost, the anim is pretty funny. :)
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Alpha CC or Maxis Match? My Simblr probably says otherwise, but I don’t have a preference! I’ve had nearly every possible CC style under the sun throughout my years of playing, and I constantly think about reviving my 'semi-realism' folder (living vicariously through you, other simmers!). I didn't play with CC until early 2006 though, so MM is a little bit more nostalgic. :)
Do you cheat your sims weight? Hell no! I'm still in awe of Nysha's townie body diversity mod finally letting townies be fat. :D I wish the game had a better way of managing bodyshapes so I could add more variety that way.
Do you move objects? Of course!
Favorite Mod? Of all time? Impossible! My continued interest in gameplay is always because of new mods. :)
I did gain a new outlook thanks to a mod recently, though! My wild romance sim Blaze Biermann ended up 'mood swinging' to fortune before he went to uni, and instead of reverting, it got stuck.
He had a few flings still (pleasure secondary), but after he returned home and met his daughter (for the first time since her birth), he started cringing whenever I directed him to romance his dates. It felt like he had grown as a person, and I loved it!
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TL;DR: Randomly change your sims' original aspiration/s to give them interesting character arcs! First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I mean, not my decision, but our first TS1 EP was Hot Date. I'm pretty sure I got TS2 EPs/SPs in order of release (miss those days of unwrapping a new one every birthday/christmas!).
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? We're LIVE, baby! 🎥
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't usually get very attached to my first-generation sims, but maybe Evonne Milos, from the gameplay/story hood I accidentally destroyed in four days? Never actually played her, but I had a lot of ideas for a corrupt 'sexpot' politician. x)
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Have you made a simself? Lots! 99% of the fun I had playing TS2 as a kid was me and my best friend making ourselves and our respective crushes of the week, and we'd always live in one of those Veronaville lots that was two houses connected by a balcony. I can't even tell you the amount of times she got me pregnant against my wishes whilst I went to the bathroom, lmao.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? For colour consistency, probably brown? But there are a lot of brunettes in Brunwick (must be the name!), so I enjoy the recessives popping up in gameplay. :)
Favorite EA hair? Does an EA download count? Jeanette is lovely.
Favorite life stage? Ohhh dude, that's so difficult to answer. They all bring different challenges and dynamics to the household! I feel like I've started to appreciate the child lifestage more since Brunwick has grown large enough to have multiple friendship groups. It's fun watching them goof around with each other and be actual kids, instead of sitting indoors skilling. I really need to build a park! :)
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Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
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Are you a CC creator? Yes, I really love how this game has led me to so many creative hobbies! Would like to tackle BHAVs one day. :)
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? Yeah! I consider us all friends over our shared enjoyment of the game really, but as a chronic lurker I'm not the best at cultivating connections. x) Does anyone wanna make a secret club? xD
Do you have any sims merch? No, but I do have a bunch of rad sims memories. 👉😎👉
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope, but I watched plenty of sim music videos back in the day! Found a lot of songs that way. :) Some formative memories here: One / Two
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? I sadly don't have screenshots of my oldest saves thanks to a combo of no external HD and no screenshot program, but here's one example:
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But gameplay-wise, a lot! My early years were probably based around creating stories more than actively playing, but when I did I would just emulate perfect families, attempt legacies, and restart BG hoods over and over. x)
Now I'm all about wants-based gameplay; witnessing and interpreting a story, as opposed to creating one from scratch. But I will add drama if I find my interest waning! x)
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Again, super-duper impossible to answer because everyone's CC makes the game fun, but my most recent CC shopping spree was Honeywell and HugeLunatic! :) 🛒
How long have you had Simblr? Technically 2011, officially 2013, but if we're being pedantic, I finally made a dedicated Simblr (this) in 2016. x)
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How do you edit your pictures? These days, just sharpen and shrink! CC previews aren't too complicated either- a blurred out screenshot for the BG and a shadow.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite? Ooh… maybe Nightlife, by a smidgen? I feel like it gave us a lot of new features and items, and the subhood was nice (as a non-builder at the time!).
Tagging: @daman19942 @aondaneedles @eulaliasims @profesionalpartyguest @tvickiesims @and everyone else, I love reading these! :D
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ferrocyan · 7 months
division - for the single word drabble prompt!
thanks for the prompt! i gotta admit to just, uh, kinda running w this vibe bc it sort of fits my obsession with the edw caster role quest, haha. this is really unpolished but i hope you enjoy!
he hears someone walk near, each of their footsteps carrying a throb of pain in his head.
"how are you, my friend? are you feeling better?" aymeric asks.
his eyes closed, brows knit in concentration, he chants for equilibrium. deep breaths, inhale, exhale.
nothing. there is a hole in his head, though not physical, and its gaping maw tears at the rest of his mind.
"c'astarhte," aymeric calls. tart opens an eye.
"so you know," he huffs.
"yes. i know that you don't want me to notice. but i must say, hiding your face only makes your identity more obvious."
aymeric's smile is irritating. tart buries his head under his pillow, which earns him a sigh.
"for once, please just let me know how you feel," begs the lord speaker.
tart considers. this is not something equilibrium can fix; neither can chirurgeons. the ache howls, echoing the blasphemy that caused it. he props himself up on his elbow. glaring at aymeric, he grits his teeth and lets out the words.
"ishgard has ways of denying certain people's existnce. mean really, completely erase them, unlike the shite that bishop was spewing about himself. my family no longer exists. how dare he accuse me of not understanding how it feels to be rejected? and how dare you take my prey?"
aymeric listens. he makes people understand, even without telling them, that he has heard and understood their words. he excels at his job in this way.
but this isn't work. "even after cutting down bishop vartinoix, for a moment i felt the presence of danger behind me," his jaws set, aymeric purses his lips before continuing, "the presence of another blasphemy. and even now, your aether is unstable, partly burned off. that means that you would have joined your prey had i not intervened. am i wrong?"
tart conceals his surprise with a scowl, but the flapping of his ears gives it away. so the lord commander bites back now. "settle this outside. now," he gets up and off the bed, then walks out of the infirmary.
aymeric follows, uncertain. "have i crossed a line?" he asks. tart ignores him. the two enter the proving grounds, empty for the day.
"have been dealing with this for a while. aetheric instability." tart puts on his coat and hood, then unsheathes his rapier. "practicing red magic helps in finding balance. but need a target dummy, of course, which is you," points at aymeric, who chuckles in return.
tart holds his focus in his right hand, blade in the left. his tail flicks uneasily. "go easy on me, won't you?"
"what? oh my, i never thought i would hear that from the warrior of light!" aymeric laughs as he readies his own sword.
"i'm ill, you blackguard."
"then maybe you should rest properly."
"hasn't helped. this might, so stand still and let me cast magic at you."
aymeric nods. tart kicks off the fight by stepping back and keeping his distance. throws quick spells and darts away.
it's clear he isn't serious either as none of the attacks amount to much to aymeric. he approaches and returns the offense.
tart blocks his sword with his own. the strikes are heavy, and his defensive tendencies fail him. he starts to parry, then evade, stepping aside to chant a spell and strike back. he laughs, pleased with himself.
aymeric picks up his pace. his azure blade flashes as he strikes close to tart, again and again, but none reaches. tart grins wider.
focus attached to the rapier's hilt, its magic flows through the thin sword. tart stops evading and rushes toward aymeric. spells now strengthening his blow, he pushes back against the lord commander. finally, a feint and a low strike manage to disarm him.
aymeric drops his sword obligingly. "well done, my friend! you really are magnificent."
tart rolls his eyes even though he can't stop grinning. "say that when you aren't taking it easy against me."
"please, any such notion was dispelled by your swordmanship. i took our battle seriously, i assure you," aymeric chuckles. the two of them sheathe their swords and exit together.
he really does feel lighter, tart thinks to himself. his head has quieted down. he considers thanking aymeric for his help, but refrains since it would make him happy.
on their return to the temple knights' strategy room, tart glances toward his companion. "not scared i'll turn into a blasphemy too?"
"no. are you?" aymeric asks in return. tart looks away. "i refuse to accept that--if you'll pardon me for saying so." that earns him a bark of laughter.
"right. get out of my sight, then," tart swats at him with his tail. "find me at the forgotten knight if anything comes up."
aymeric nods. "certainly. but please do try to take it easy for the rest of the day."
tart pays him no mind and waves goodbye.
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devine-fem · 5 months
i can never just do bad things to other people without feeling an unnecessary amount of guilt. know if i ever wrong you in any way then i will feel the guilt destroy me from the inside out till i cant take it anymore and… call my friend in the middle of the night or something to apoogize…
the whole reason that i wanted to close my acc was because i sent hate to a couple people and felt extremely bad about it… even if they do deserve it to some extent… i don’t think engaging in hostile behavior of any sort online is healthy because it only traps you in that toxic behavior and makes you consider it just…
you can never truly build an environment off of hate… like people do on twitter. thats why i started this account off with none of my opinions and just sent cute things to attract people outside of that toxicity. i realized if i am contributing to that type of culture then maybe im letting my mental health slip and its showing on my character that im doing bad and i dont realize it
no, i dont want to be hurt but itd be even worse to become the person that hurts others
i think im sweet but i can be very … well, vicious if you cross me, just how im raised, im a black trans woman from the hood, damn everything if i dont know how to defend myself. especially on the internet where there is no repercussions to my actions… and i can be as snide as i please and it feels so easy but no, i dont need to cut ties with this account entirely and no i wont let the guilt get to me. i just need to get my act together and ill be fine
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sokkastyles · 1 year
It never ceases to amaze me when, Azula stans portray Zuko’s anger towards is sister as this irrational thing. Then completely overlook that in the end girly pop was perfectly fine with murdering him and all the abuse she’s made him go through. Like seriously there’s something extremely vile at how they’ll demonize him and bring up stuff like their sibling hood or how their related so he should give her more grace. But, when it comes to her actively trying to murder her brother or even her uncle where was the “they’re family, how could she!!!”
Like where do you think it’s stemming from?
Yeah, those rules about how they're family and she was abused and she's mentally ill and blah blah only apply to Azula. I am still waiting for these people to talk about how maybe AZULA should have treated her brother better, how maybe it wasn't great for Zuko's mental health to be treated like a scapegoat and how maybe AZULA needs to understand that since she always sided with their father against him.
Where do I think it's coming from? Frankly, you do not have to look hard to figure that out. Our society is flooded with the same victim blaming garbage. And they know that Azula will never apologize for anything she did so the onus is on Zuko to fix her, and he can't do that if he has his own sense of self-respect and preservation, so they have to do everything to tear that down, too.
Where does it come from? It's DARVOing, plain and simple. That's even more obvious when every time Azula hurts someone, it ALWAYS has to be someone else's fault. It's not even an Azula vs Zuko issue, it's Azula vs Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Ursa, Iroh, the Gaang, the entire Earth Kingdom, that asylum in the comics, etc. etc. At some point, you have to realize what the common denominator is.
Can you imagine getting a gift for a family member and then them responding by destroying your gift and saying they wish you would die? And then can you also imagine them telling you that you must not have actually cared about them because if you really cared you would have gotten them something better? This is what an abuser would do, though.
Can you imagine years of being abused by a parent, having your sister side with your abuser, and then being told by said sister that actually, you need to consider how they feel? Even though she refuses to do the same for you and continues to side with the parent against you?
Can you imagine that you tell your best friend that after struggling to find your own identity, you've finally found your calling in life. Can you then imagine that said best friend decides to make your new job that you love so unbearable that you are forced to leave, so that your life can revolve around her instead? And then she expects you to watch as she murders your other best friend.
Can you imagine that your friend wants to set you up with a boy you like. Great, right? But then said friend also thinks that means they can interfere in your love life however they want, uses you to bring your boyfriend back to his abusive parent and then expects you to also watch him die?
Why are those things okay but Azula facing the consequences of her actions not okay???
I'll tell you why, because they think it's all about Azula. And given how much they talk about how they personally identify with her, that doesn't say anything good about them, either.
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dykeserket · 2 years
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OMG hiiiiiiii @candyvoncaramell
i wrote more than expected so um under the cut ^_^ pls enjoy my 1.4k words of jane rambling LMAOOOO
i have soooo many thoughts on her. im also still on my reread so nothing is like. super solid and everything is more just like little things im picking up that when i reread again ill be able to have more coherent thoughts lol but ill list out some ideas + a little explanations that ill expand on later cause there is a Lot.
-so the first most obvious thing is the character parallels. jade and jane are Very heavy parallels personality-wise. like positive people with anger issues [dealing with repressed frustration for a variety of reasons] who are so deeply lonely because of - while they are close to their friends theres still Limits. [ie jane being left in the dark and jade knowing Too much. its a big weight on her. there is a very visible change in her personality when she Stops fufilling that role]
-and of course with the grimbark / crockertier control - little red riding hood and the big bad wolf yknow
-but Character-wise as in the role she fufils in the Game is parallel to john - which sets her up to Main Character Status <- i will get into this later. but she is john in the way that dirk is her rose - leading her to play the game, quite literally telling her hes pulling the strings while setting her up as the Leader and quoting things rose said. and the first one entered and the one you control as a Player Character.
-i will also! mention aspects at this point. i will get to classes later. but essentially - life is heavily connected with space. because of the creation and growth side of both of them and imo are key aspects as a Universal Whole. because while Time and Space are the cardinals and the most important in Homestuck Narrative. thats just because of the cherubs ie everything revolves around caliborn - homestuck is a time-centered event where every little action and detail bleeds into eachother to create the events. its very very fascinating and in the first couple acts absolutely brilliantly done. but it also brings up the fact that Homestuck Narrative and Sburb Mechanisms should be considered seperate - people put too much weight on a biased session but im getting off track.
-anyway!!!! as i was saying life is very very important [feferi and her role as a witch of life and the creation of the dreambubbles - and meenah who is also Designated Main Character is a life player <- smth smth dancestor session]
-so life is a very important aspect and its very telling that jane Never gets to fufil that role as Maid of Life because. it never comes to be. her session is dead and void. shes restricted in every aspect of her being. her most known identity is being mindcontrolled to serve plot purpose - aradia parallel - so she very much set up to Fail. just like her session
-i really got sidetracked there but i also quickly want to mention - my own personal theory of aspects - the Equality theory [name wip] - which basically states every aspect has its opposite and parallel. Life is parallel to Breath. so another john parallel And goes into how her restricted freedom affects her life being restricted and so on and so forth.
-ANYWAY! the next parallel and arguably the most important relationship to understanding Jane is her relationship with jake. there is a lot going on there and i am still working it out. but i Will say. feferi and eridan parallel. ok moving on.
-another really interesting part of her that no one ever talks about - like ever. i mean come on i dont even see theorists mention her - is Nannaquin. the sprite version of Beta Jane. and i have to say i have so so many thoughts about sprites and their roles and how they are quite literally just Ghosts. but im just gonna get into it and say.
-what we see of nanna is not her. we are Not seeing Nanna Egbert. we are seeing the Nannasprite. she looks a mimics her actions - even has memories and recounts on her past. but she is dead and we cant take any of her words or actions at face value. she is a Ghost. [ironic since shes also the Maid of Life] but she is a ghost who is being controlled by the whims of the Game - with her sprite knowledge, the only one who ever Really explains things, the most Sprite of all sprites, who we only ever Really see in glimpses. i have to wonder, she cant talk about much because shes limited by her game construction - just like jade. did that kill her inside? when all was said and done did she have that visible shift in personality? does she Ever come into her own or is she just left as it is? we never get to know because we never really see her once the betas have left the session.
-what we do know about her is that, she was left alone for most of her life under the condesces Direct parentage. the one time she actually recounts her life its about her missing jake and imagining a life with them together - specifically the idea that he never left and they would get married like they were Supposed to. an idea thats obviously been groomed into her and its just so tragic.
-do you think this idea haunted jane.
-because none of the beta kids get along with their Others. they react in different ways for different reasons - but. we never really see jane...React. yknow. to see herself from such a different and similar position. not even beginning to mention the whole thing with Dad - which as a sidenote. i dont think Nanna had a horrible life to the end. i mean she changed her name, either through marriage or legally [probably legally because we never see hints otherwise, and grandma english did the same] and she had her son. which when she fufilled her duty as a sprite she told john she was going to go look for him and well. yknow. anyway
-the very last and final thing i want to mention. jane's alice in wonderland vs jade's wizard of oz.
-jade's wizard of oz for the most part. is a one man show. she plays a lot of the parts herself - she starts as dorothy and becomes the wizard before dying as the witch. its a theme of loneliness and all the parts she plays to keep it all moving.
-jane's alice in wonderland is more about Isolation in the way of...things sort of happen. shes thrust in this new magically world where nothings as it seems and everyones acting, in her opinion, crazy! she has no idea whats going on but she just has to accept it and move on. [dirk is the queen of hearts, roxy is the cheshire cat, jake is the mad hatter, seb is the white rabbit] its a loss of control when being thrust in unfamiliar situations.
and with that im coming to a close of my Jane Thought Dumping. there is still more - some stuff i didnt mention and some other stuff i probably forgot about but basically this is a major gist of ideas. i think you can take janes story in one of two ways.
it was Bad Writing in the way that she never got closure, by the end hussie just abandoned her in favor for the others that arrived, and a variety of other things.
there was Some Purpose. in the way that she never got to fufill anything because its an inherent part of her world. there was Never going to be a satisfying conclusion - not there.
i think it was a mix of the two, near the end of the comic it was a lot more rushed as hussie attempted to tie up one too many loose ends and people got set aside but i can see glimmers of purpose. [i have purposefully Not mentioned the retcon arc for a variety of reasons. i have Also many thoughts on that specifically as a very big john liker. i think it was a good idea and not a suprising act to pull but at points just executed extremely poorly] however none of that really matter considering how badly homestuck2 fucked it all up. if you think hs2 jane was in character you are wrong and a loser!!!!! BOOO!!! BOO!!!!! anyway yea thats about it hope it makes sense LMAO
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dotster001 · 2 years
Day 24: Vampire au for your otp
Summary: Koga x gn! Reader
Cw: Yandere themes, vampire shit, death, description of a corpse
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Your family had decided to betrothe you to some rich man's kid.  You'd never even met them, and while you knew it was your duty to follow through, that didn't mean you were happy about it.
So you'd gone to the woods to talk to him. Koga had been your "woods buddy" for several years now. You had fled to the woods one day, and you'd met him there. The two of you grew very close very quickly, despite his tough exterior. So you were hoping he could give you some advice. He'd always been extremely wise in the past and you knew you could count on him.
His reaction had you startled.
"Why would you go and do something like that? Are you stupid or somethin'?"
"I didn't do anything, it was my parents!"
He let out a low growl and plopped onto the ground. You sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey Koga, I'm not sure why you're the one who's so upset here. I'm the one who's being forced into a marriage I didn't ask for," you gave a dry laugh.
He sighed. "You're right. It's not your fault. I just know how this'll go. You'll get married and your fiance will want to know where you are at all times, and I'll never see you again."
You laughed, this time with more mirth. It explained why he was so upset. You didn't get the impression he had a lot of friends, considering he never made appearances in the town.  You'd never let him be lonely though.
"I promise that won't happen," you ruffled his hair, and he growled at you again, more playfully now. "If my fiance tries to keep me from visiting you, I'll eat their shoes or something so they can't possibly stop me." He snorted, but he seemed to relax.
"Got any advice for me?" You whispered.
"I mean, I've never been married. So no. I can ask some friends of mine though, see what they have to say."
You nodded, then rested your head on his shoulder. The two of you stayed that way until the sun began to set, and you both made your way home.
Your fiance was dead the next morning. You'd been forced to go to the funeral, and you'd never seen a dead person look so…well….dead. They looked like a shriveled version of a human, chalky skin, blue lips, and an aura of terror hanging off of them.
Had it just been them, one would have thought it was a complete freak illness. But the next night, it was your neighbor. The night after was some boy down the street. Then it was your parents.
A priest had been brought in to examine the bodies, and his response set the town straight into chaos.
The town bell had been rung. Everyone gathered to hear what the announcement was, only to see four cloaked figures standing by the bell.
Three of the figures had their hoods obscuring their face, and a man with dark hair and red eyes had his hood down. You felt like one of the figures was definitely watching you, but with the hoods, you couldn't see their face.
"Citizens!" The dark haired man began. "Thank you all for gathering so promptly. In case you haven't figured it out, we are the ones who have been feeding off your town."
"Hellish bastard!" A man in the crowd drew his sword and ran at the man, only for him to snap his fingers, and render the attacker into ash.
The crowd panicked. Screams, pleas, and prayers all over lapping one another as one of the figures rang the bell again for silence.
"Please, we are not uncivilized," the black haired man spoke again. "We are willing to leave you all forever, if you give us the thing we want."
"And what's that?" Someone cried.
"We'll give you anything!" Someone else screamed.
His gloves hand pointed at you.
"Them." He said with a calm smile.
Before you could even react, the people on either side of you had restrained you and pushed you in the direction of the vampires. You cried and fought but you were no match for an entire town. You ended up in the arms of the black haired vampire, who held you in an iron grip.
"Pleasure doing business with you," he said, and the world around you faded.
You quickly were in a new building. It looked, from the room you could see, like a lavish mansion. But you didn't have time to think about it, as the dark haired man shoved you in the direction of one of the cloaked figures.
"Here's your treat! Good boy!" He said affectionately as he and the other two figures left you alone.
You quickly tried to wrestle out of his arms, until he pulled down his hood, revealing it was…
"Koga?" You choked out.
"Calm down, it's just me." He said, wrestling you into a position where it felt more like he was holding you, than grabbing you.
"I'm sorry it had to be like this, but I can't lose ya. This is gonna hurt, but just trust me, okay?" He shifted a hand to your forehead, pushed your head to the side, then sunk his fangs into your exposed neck.
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Top-Secret Folders: The Repressed Divity
Faustina Tepes:
•She is given the name of "Faustina" by her sire, Sika Madu. However, her true name had always been Krul Tepes. In addition, she was given the nickname "Lilium" by her older brother, Azrael, as well as "Trinity" by the nuns. She is 4'7 was 14 years old when experimented on.
•She is not a vampire, none of them were. They were all angel experiments of some sorts. Her hair was tied with white lilies in beautiful round loops. She kept her blue eyes. Her wings are white, although it can be mistaken for light pink sometimes.
•Among the other children, she was the least keen on the idea of following God(she's an atheist being forced to become religious.) Sika Madu picked up on that very early, as she made her dislike for religious belief very obvious, therefore she has a different task than the other children on Sundays, which was going to catechism. (Faustina underwent religious trauma, because not only did she disobey to follow God, but was also a closeted bisexual. "It's considered a sin.")
*When Sika Madu leaves with her brother, she vows never to forgive him. But her way of showing her anger was very....controversial. She becomes a nun(under false belief to God) for 20 years, hoping that her "faith" is strong enough to reach her brother and bring him back.
•She was a very frail and vulnerable child, but cheerful and friendly nonetheless. It is unknown when it occurred exactly, but Faustina developed an eating disorder. She'd never be in the mood to eat even when she needed to. She'd have panic attacks on the dinner table and burst into tears when she couldn't finish her food like the others(it makes her feel horrible that she's wasting food). She'd always feel bad giving Azrael her leftovers.
•She was brought to Sika Madu by Zephon(real name Urd) Geales. Her and Faustina were running away from angry villagers, after having just witnessed their mother being murdered. He appeared to them hooded and on a horse, coming to save them from the burning village. Faustina will never forget that Zephon saved her and her brother, and holds the utmost respect for him, even if they dont talk often.
•Her first friend was Nautilus(nicknamed Noya), he matched her energy exactly so it was easy to get along with him. She noticed throughout the years that the boy is deeply interested in her brother. He'd always blush when being complimented by him, and would always go with him when Sika Madu asked for volunteers to go to the marketplace.
•Lazarus(nicknamed Lest) was like a younger brother to her. She felt bad that he couldn't really do many chores around the house because of his illness. There was no known cure for the disease but a doctor from the village would frequently visit the household to give him medicine. When she first met him, he didn't know how to read, that's until Zephon offered to read him books from the library every night. (That's what started Lest's crush on the other, not knowing that Remiel was also interested in Zephon.)
*After Sika Madu abandoned them and took Nautilus and Azrael with him, Lest and Krul's friendship became complicated. They were assigned different parts of the world to rule over thus they'd not see each other as much as they used to. Whenever they would, they'd be arguing during the progenitor councils. They'd seldom write each other letters. Lest gradually gets better from his illness after he becomes King of Germany. The boy seems to ignore to acknowledge everything Faustina and her brother have done for him while he was still ill.
•She was quite surprised to discover that Remiel had disappeared to her own country. She discovers that he created something called "The Hyakuya Sect". But because they are old acquaintances, he promises that his organization will not harm her. He is the creator of the First Vampire, upon an accidental experimentation of his.
•Faustina's opinions on the Seventh progenitor are very mixed. She knows for sure that she can't trust him and continues not to do so. When speaking with Rigr, she learns that the man is trans-male. He was born as the Bathory's princess(no one knows what his deadname was -- and its rude to ask, really.) before being found by Rigr and being made to participate in his experiments(The Michaela experiment). But because he was the wrong gender, Ferid underwent surgery to be changed{he was thankful for the surgery because now he feels less dysphoric but it was still painful as hell.) Afterwards, Rigr gave him a new name: "Michaela". When Ferid turned out to be a failure, he ditched Rigr and changed names again, this time going as Ferid Bathory.
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s3when · 1 year
favorite mbav character and episode
love ur enthusiasm but you sent me 14 asks in a row so im replying it all here - also 5 of them were drawing suggestions, which im not taking rn but if i dont know what to draw, ill turn to it so dont worry (specially evil benny never posted that)
a) fav character is benny and my favorite episode is s1 ep5 (double negative)
b) thank you for the kind words to my blog, tho i wouldnt consider myself a benny stan he is indeed my fav char of all time, im glad u like what i post and reblog
c) season 2 is my favorite, i watched s1 a WHOOOLE lot since it aired infinitely when i was little, so im more fond of s2
d) i cant pick a favorite benny line- most that comes out of his mouth is hilarious to me but currently obsessed with when ethan said "im just worried (sarah)'ll laugh in my face" and benny replied "she probably will"
e) favorite benny moment is his interaction with ross in the double negative episode - in the movie is when he walks stupidly to sarah and erica's table to embarass himself and his friends
f) favorite benny outfit is from s2 ep1 (welcome back dusker) when he has flannel and a hooded jacket
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g) favorite thing about benny, maybe how funny he is, specifically how he cant take situations very seriously and cant help but make a joke to lighten to mood, hes just like me fr
h) fav quote: "good thing ur bad at magic" by rory in response to benny trying to sound cool
fav villains: serena cuz i love mermaids and sirens to death
fav pairings: ig ill go with ethan and sarah cuz i used to ship them, nowadays i dont rll care about that
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squishy-rogues · 1 year
🥞🐁 Illith
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure Aidoni into a trap?
Aidoni has many soft spots, as much as she tries to hide them or run from them. The biggest would be her family and friends. She has a large, close extended family, and she would rush headlong into danger for any one of them. Put Ophelia or Ellory in danger and you are getting triple-teamed by Aidoni's glaive, a floating spiritual glaive, and a ghostly tall muscular woman reluctantly using a glaive. Aidoni might be at the point where she feels pretty invincible, especially with her adventuring companions at her back. So it might not even be that hard to lure her into a trap, though it would take something pretty powerful to actually hold her.
🌳 Would Aidoni survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Survive? Most likely. She's a high enough level cleric to have access to Create Food and Water and some other nifty utility spells. Be happy? Certainly not. Aidoni HATES sleeping away from a comfy bed and a bath. She might be more likely to survive on her own than with someone, because her complaining might drive a companion to consider murder.
🎨 Does Aia have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
Aia is a painter. A reasonably good one, too. It was expected she would join the Artists' Guild when she came of age and make a nice respectable living out of it until she took over the family business when her parents retire. Aia doesn't really like working with organizations, though, and is headstrongly insisting on making her way as a painter by herself rather than as part of the Guild. She hasn't had a lot of public success, but she has some clandestine arrangements helping her fund her solo endeavors.
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can Aia cook?
Aia has probably never cooked a meal for herself and would have no idea where to even start. She recently picked up some skill in alchemical crafting, so she could probably translate that into not setting things on fire, but the food probably wouldn't taste very good.
🥞 Does Illith take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
Illith CAN take care of himself, but often... doesn't. He has all the skills to be self-sufficient, but mental illness is a bitch, man. He has definitely spent days on end being basically nocturnal, hating it, and consuming nothing but tea and the occasional shortbread cookie. It's almost easier for him to take care of himself on the road because his rations are pre-prepared and he has shit to do in the morning, so he has to sleep on time, plus he's tuckered out from the aforementioned shit he has to do.
🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does Illith have?
I'm not entirely sure what this one means, so we're going to take two approaches to it. One could say Illith is edgelord-shaped. He wears dark colors and a cloak, and always keeps the hood pulled over his face unless he's around someone he's very comfortable with, which pretty much means just his parents, Elyssia, or Wren. If we're just describing his appearance, Illith is a tiefling with pale (though still flesh-colored) skin, ram-like horns curling down over his cheeks, silver pupil-less eyes, shaggy white hair, and a long tail with a spade tip. He's pretty slim, but he's got a little more strength than you might expect on first glance.
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bythecampfire · 2 years
havel: o hey havel: youre a diaper harm: im a panty............................ havel: cool harm: too influenced by ddlg shi havel: i rly need to pee hold on havel: yea u r havel: brb harm: nou harm: tyt havel: back havel: i got pizza havel: n put some in the oven modernize: wb havel: thanks hi havel: hello o_o Guest_duckydanky: yo havel: yo Guest_duckydanky: whats good modernize: hi havel: nm might watch mob psycho 100 havel: wbu Guest_duckydanky: i just got home nd saw harm was in here havel: u know her ? Guest_duckydanky: ye harm: watch mitey ducks havel: mitey ducks ? havel: .. the movie ? harm: yh Guest_duckydanky: yes havel: ok Guest_duckydanky: wassup harm harm: laying harm: music harm: mite play gam e Guest_duckydanky: dbd? harm: man harm: i met some1 RELY cool frm dbd server harm: n we got on p well convo wise h added me Guest_duckydanky: did u inv em in server harm: but then i sed bf n he stopped tlkin 2 me harm: no harm: i knew tht shit wud happen Guest_duckydanky: lmaooo harm: so im traumatized frm game harm: atm harm: gna play bunnypark Guest_duckydanky: he wanted the pssy Guest_duckydanky: z harm: he wuz so cool Guest_duckydanky: but as soon as u said bf he dipped harm: if i were som1 id wait 4 me to not have a bf havel: lmao what Guest_duckydanky: i mean his reaction makes sense Guest_duckydanky: still kinda cringe harm: yea i get it Guest_duckydanky: im also annoyed when i speak to a hot girl nd they mention having a bf but like if they r cool ill still talk to them harm: jus sucks bc i dont have any close friends since john left harm: lik i have party friends harm: i tlk to occasionally harm: sum jackbox skribblio shit havel: john? harm: but i dont have substance friends Guest_duckydanky: john was cool harm: my bff for like 6 years harm: well ex now we aint friends havel: id hope that any1 thats crushing on u isnt just ur friend n waiting for u to be single havel: that would be weird like harm: if i were a person havel: praying every night bad shit happens to ur relationship harm: n i rely liked them havel: praying on its downfall harm: idk in this day i eel shit dont last harm: feel* harm: esp w all the emotionless egirls harm: brekin guys hrt so easily Guest_duckydanky: yeah i can vouch Guest_duckydanky: z harm: so id keep talkin to the person harm: just inc ase harm: but still build up a friendship harm: n care bc they cool havel: brb rq harm: friendship is a good base regardless Guest_duckydanky: i mean if u consider dating someone u met like 2 days ago is cringe anyway Guest_duckydanky: they literally a stranger harm: it aint ab tem considering dating harm: its jus harm: initial chemistry from first convo harm: sometimes harm: continuous convo tht can go for hrs harm: tht how it wuz w us havel: flirting online is so weird havel: like irl dating isnt jumping into a relationship havel: but its considered jumping into one online Guest_duckydanky: i flirt w every girl i speak to Guest_duckydanky: z harm: ive never felt tht Guest_duckydanky: except harm havel: oh for sure except harm harm: w all my online rships they were natural harm: friendship ten date harm: then* Guest_duckydanky: harm is my truest online friend harm: its the only way i go ab them too Guest_duckydanky: realest homie in da hood harm: i like bn tht close to someone first harm: before i consider harm: i ned tht trust n comfort n inside jokery etc harm: rly knowing someone n them knowing me b4 u commit to sumn srs harm: n i think bc of tht i dont regret any of my exes harm: they wuz all gud Guest_duckydanky: without john i doubt i would have got a pc Guest_duckydanky: so i salute him harm: yeah ur a dick 4 tht btw havel: damn wtf Guest_duckydanky: z harm: i told u so long harm: u get  1 dude u dont evn know modernize: purr harm: n he convinces u havel: guys this is my mute havel: they dont talk Guest_duckydanky: yeah ur right Guest_duckydanky: it wasnt cool for u modernize: who’s ur mute havel: u Guest_duckydanky: but the outcome in the end is the same modernize: im not mute Guest_duckydanky: i have a pc so it allows me to play with games w u Guest_duckydanky: sometimes havel: ok mute modernize: Im just gay Guest_duckydanky: when i want to which is rare Guest_duckydanky: but still harm: think ab how i met ur mother modernize: hazel harm: they dated each other n wet thru sm sit thruout the years harm: thts y i say keep the person u still like arnd harm: anyth can happen when u get older Guest_duckydanky: not when they block u havel: ^ harm: nott dumb ewhores obviously Guest_duckydanky: true harm: im talking b ppl actully worth it . Guest_duckydanky: especially not dumb e-whores modernize: hi harm: ppl lik me harm: hi modernize: im at work modernize: teehee harm: ok havel: i had a dumb ewhore block me yday harm: it hapens Guest_duckydanky: it happened to me like uhh modernize: that’s why u should be gay Guest_duckydanky: a few weeks harm: im used tto tht shit now it aint evn faze me anymore havel: i called out the annoying shit she did n stopped talking to her havel: n she threw a fit havel: i dodged a bullet Guest_duckydanky: honestly same Guest_duckydanky: kinda Guest_duckydanky: well thats p much what happened w me too harm: its worse when they pretty they think they privileged n ull let em do w/e havel: mhm Guest_duckydanky: right my issue is random hoes calling me daddy when i met em like 2 days ago Guest_duckydanky: z Guest_duckydanky: right now* Guest_duckydanky: so annoyin harm: ew wtf Guest_duckydanky: yeah i just ignore them harm: idm daddy but not wen it comes 2 u havel: duckydanky the daddy harm: ur too autistic to b called dat Guest_duckydanky: fr harm: lik i jus cant c it havel: daddydicky Guest_duckydanky: when someone says daddy i imagine a fat hairy guy w beer belly harm: wen it comes to hazel i cud c it Guest_duckydanky: im none of that harm: but u havel: oh true havel: beer belly harm: plus the femboyism harm: which ik shudnt influence havel: lmao harm: but i cant get over it wen ive known so long Guest_duckydanky: im too feminine to b a daddy harm: exactly Guest_duckydanky: im twink harm: xaclty harm: u need a hefty dom woman havel: yikes harm: w gud music taste Guest_AriesFire25: Hi havel: ppl dont rly have good music taste . . havel: hello Guest_duckydanky: tbh Guest_duckydanky: id rather educate someone clueless and then they progressively get gud taste havel: theyre just into w.e shit they relate to like Guest_AriesFire25: How is everyone doing? Guest_duckydanky: than someone on par with me Guest_duckydanky: music taste wise havel: music taste is more ab someones identity Guest_duckydanky: ye Guest_duckydanky: if u have good music taste to me ur like more attractive Guest_duckydanky: i dont mean necessarily ur looks but jst like Guest_duckydanky: who u are is more appealing 2 me harm: Guest_duckydanky: id rather educate someone clueless and then they progressively get gud taste harm: mebe u do have daddy trait havel: if they would even care harm: 10% Guest_duckydanky: yeah Guest_duckydanky: if they close minded then they suck Guest_duckydanky: but obvs id try showing the same interest in whatever thing theyre passionate about harm: havel: ppl dont rly have good music taste . . harm: disagree Guest_duckydanky: but tbh i havent met many passionate people harm: thrs 'objectivey' gud artists havel: i have a fucking huge music library Guest_duckydanky: what do you define has objectively good harm harm: then u more likely to have good taste harm: also Guest_duckydanky: do u mean someone succesfull harm: ppl who lisen 2 diff genre Guest_AriesFire25: Sorry to but in but what kind of music do yall listen to? harm: most of the time do too Guest_duckydanky: i have a copypasta Guest_duckydanky: of like 50 genres harm: i dont lisen 2 music havel: wb Guest_duckydanky: harm Guest_duckydanky: silence is also music havel: lmao ok Guest_duckydanky: we continuously listen to music Guest_duckydanky: and sounds modernize: ty havel: were talking about tracks dude havel: artists havel: theres ambient noise artists and lofi hiphop beats to study to havel: theres even ost background music Guest_duckydanky: i dont mean that havel: but nothing ? harm: ducky is too artistic u will b here all day ab music hazel i widnt start lul Guest_duckydanky: i mean literal silence harm: hes too pretentious Guest_duckydanky: silence doesnt exist havel: nonono this is my topic Guest_duckydanky: as in total silence, 0 sounds at all to be heard harm: okgl havel: music as in shit thats listed on spotify or some other music source Guest_duckydanky: music is more than that havel: smh havel: do u have a last.fm harm: iwillkm Guest_duckydanky: ye harm: s havel: link it Guest_duckydanky: https://www.last.fm/user/DuckyDanky havel: https://www.last.fm/user/horcrux9000 havel: ive been on lastfm for way longer but i mean u do have a lot of artists havel: scrobbled havel: i still got like a grand more Guest_duckydanky: i mean u made ur acc in 2013 Guest_duckydanky: so thats kinda to b expected havel: u do listen to a lot havel: i changed it to the last 180 days n its just 300 less artists havel: ur shits mostly hyperpop.. Guest_duckydanky: right now im on a movie phase so ive been slacking off Guest_duckydanky: my recent stuff is 96% hyperpop yeah Guest_duckydanky: thats my current music phase havel: me in 2020 harm: autism24 Guest_duckydanky: autism is cool though harm: i madeitcool Guest_duckydanky: do u use rateyourmusic havel havel: no but i should :\ Guest_duckydanky: https://rateyourmusic.com/~DuckyDanky Guest_duckydanky: feel free to check otu doe Guest_duckydanky: out* havel: i just listen to a lot of shit n find new music Guest_duckydanky: me 2 harm: im in distress ab this guy havel: youre obsessed w the smiths Guest_duckydanky: i was Guest_duckydanky: yes harm: but wont lisen 2 morrisey Guest_duckydanky: too macho for me Guest_duckydanky: i prefer femboy morrissey harm: mm Guest_duckydanky: ill listn to morrissey whn havel: i love david shawty Guest_duckydanky: i get my jangle pop phase Guest_duckydanky: david shawty so based harm: mebe staying high for a week til im over it is the play but i hate removing days of my life by spending them numb now harm: TREY888734 havel: its not the play Guest_TREY888734: Yoo harm: help me harm: TREY888734 Guest_TREY888734: You cool harm: its the play bc i have no friends to talk to and ion wna start therapy jus for tht bc i been fine otherwise harm: i jus miss my bestfriend Guest_duckydanky: huh harm: n ducky ion evn feel comfortable mentionin this shit arnd u sumtime harm: i fel lik u  cud  go tell john stuff Guest_duckydanky: oh yeah sorry again about that havel: what happened w john Guest_duckydanky: and i dont speak to john harm: ik u dont bc i told him to not talk to u Guest_duckydanky: i mean idm u telling me or not Guest_duckydanky: u do what u want harm: im js it makes me evn more sad bc i have no 1 im close to tht i can trust harm: was the point Guest_duckydanky: i understand why u reluctant to talk about that stuff w me so harm: not jus to diss u bc u betrayed me once harm: yea harm: i jus hope u understand why Guest_duckydanky: ofc Guest_duckydanky: its up to u if u wanna trust me or nah havel: o_O harm: it ainjt rely ab this guy but this guy made me think ab john n how i have no close friends now n how im prolly gna bcome codependent bc of it harm: john long story short harm: bff for 6 years, only familylike thing i eva had harm: stopped bn fren bc i wudnt date him harm: wen he tried to get w me wen i wuz into new bf harm: current bf harm: n now he wont speak to me harm: bc it hurts him too much tht i wudnt give hima nother chance harm: @hazel havel: got it havel: he was crushing harm: we dated years ago but broke up n he wudnt take me bk, been friends ever since, this desperation to b w me wen new bf came harm: wuz random n out character harm: i cud c if thr was any sign harm: thr wasnt harm: its like he bcame crazy n mid life crisesy Guest_duckydanky: ppl get more attracted to people who are harder to reach Guest_duckydanky: thats y people seem to get hit on more when theyre dating someone harm: nah, bc i dated ppl before zak harm: i ju think he always thought Guest_duckydanky: i know dat harm: id break up w em harm: but wen it came to zak he was like different and he prolly thought i cud possibly stay w him for good bc of it harm: n got scared harm: copeland is so good Guest_duckydanky: cop harm: they make me wna kill myself ina happy way bc sumn so beautiful yk harm: u evr feel tht Guest_duckydanky: no havel: yeah tbh havel: early escape the fate havel: when i was like 15 harm: cute Guest_duckydanky: the good thing out of our current friendship harm harm: ? Guest_duckydanky: is how i feel way less dependant to you, as in less clingy and less idk moody and affected by what u say harm: ya u dont like me anymore harm: its jus genuine fren meow havel: bet Guest_duckydanky: yes harm: <3 harm: ik thts wt u needed harm: the break wuz good Guest_duckydanky: yes Guest_duckydanky: tbh yeah Guest_duckydanky: it helped balance things out Guest_duckydanky: and restore order Guest_duckydanky: in my mind Guest_duckydanky: i had come to the conclusion that angels belong in heaven so there would be no purpose in trying to reach one Guest_duckydanky: xd harm: thts kina sad havel: o_o thats the most simp thing ive ever read harm: LOL harm: no its harm: ik me saying this sounds biased or wtvr Guest_duckydanky: its the opposite harm: but i rly am a hq person harm: n i get why havel: hq? harm: high qality person i dont jus mean female havel: o_o harm: like good friend as a base n likeable quality harm: quality* Guest_duckydanky: realistically speaking ur also jst too old for me Guest_duckydanky: xd havel: ur ego is massive harmony harm: this sounds like slutty but ion mean it tht way Guest_duckydanky: i mean Guest_duckydanky: i may be biased or wtvr Guest_duckydanky: but she kinda is Guest_duckydanky: xd Guest_duckydanky: shes like one of the 3 online people ive known for more than a year harm: i rely wish i cud clone myself so i can date all my friends bc ik id b the best for them n ion trust women w them Guest_duckydanky: nd still speak to harm: n ion mean it in a way i like my friends romantically harm: i mean it ina protect / wanting best for them harm: way Guest_duckydanky: see Guest_duckydanky: actual angel Guest_duckydanky: fuck harm: mebe i will go to therapy harm: jus annoying Guest_duckydanky: i wanted to say instead of praying virgin mary imma pray to virgin harm Guest_duckydanky: but it dsnt work anymore Guest_duckydanky: z havel: this is so weird to read havel: u rly have a harem of guys harm harm: ik how it sounds hazel lmao rly but u aint know me thts y harm: i dont harm: ducky is my only close friend harm: well person id consider havel: u got like 11 e-simps huh harm: closest thing to friend harm: 2day harm: closest thing toa  close friend8 harm: * Guest_duckydanky: im not a simp bro havel: ducky do u give this girl money Guest_duckydanky: z havel: ohgod harm: i make my own money harm: i dont need money evr Guest_duckydanky: she bought me nitro once Guest_duckydanky: and wanted to buy me something for my bday but she stopped talking 4 a bit before it Guest_duckydanky: z harm: 2 yrd ago lol Guest_duckydanky: yes Guest_duckydanky: we* havel: stopped talking for a bit before it havel: smh harm: like we fell out harm: completely havel: nice timing harm: ya it wuz guna b so cool too Guest_duckydanky: for real my biggest worry wasnt harm it was not getting any gifts : ( Guest_duckydanky: jk harm: i wuz gna hide thigh highs in japanese candy shit for him harm: bc his rents dint kno ab the femboy shi harm: also ruined surprise now but u aint femboy anymore apparently harm: so ig i wont ever geta chance 2 do it ! Guest_duckydanky: hope isnt lost Guest_duckydanky: its just temporary harm: phase? Guest_duckydanky: yeah Guest_duckydanky: i just dont feel comfortable calling myself a femboy w the way i look rn harm: u 2 swag Guest_duckydanky: and i dont mean it in a bad way like im ugly harm: ur in eboy phase Guest_duckydanky: just femboy label doesnt seem right Guest_duckydanky: yeah harm: ya u jus v masculine rn Guest_duckydanky: yeah i got a virgin beard growing harm: woa Guest_duckydanky: i gave up shaving Guest_duckydanky: and it gives me a cool look so idc Guest_duckydanky: i look 22 Guest_duckydanky: ill shave only if i see i grow a neckbeard harm: brb Guest_duckydanky: but thats unlikely harm: ya u do lok older harm: not ina 40 way Guest_duckydanky: yeah i look old cool Guest_duckydanky: ive never been id'ed harm: opposite 4 me harm: @id harm: happens all the time Guest_duckydanky: tru Guest_duckydanky: when we 1st met i thot u looked my age Guest_duckydanky: so thats valid Guest_duckydanky: i feel less rtarded knowing it happens all the time doe harm: ya harm: beginning of year i went to races n dude thougt i wuz 16 Guest_duckydanky: do u view it as a good thing Guest_duckydanky: that ppl think ur young Guest_duckydanky: i think thts kinda flattering harm: i used 2 feel no way ab it only wen annopying things happen lik went on vacay w fam n got talked to by employee ab bn on casino floor or sumn harm: which happens but i used to have bad anxiety tlkin to ppl irl harm: s i hated it Guest_duckydanky: u like it now? harm: after my x cheated on me w minor i think it traumatized me a bit n i feel beneficial frm it in an odd lame way harm: jus shit i gta get over but keep w me ig harm: beneficial frm lokin yunger* harm: not bn cheatd on Guest_duckydanky: what Guest_duckydanky: who cheated on u Guest_duckydanky: i nvr heard abt that harm: wuz named cameron u dont kno him harm: irrelevant rely Guest_duckydanky: oh Guest_duckydanky: nvm Guest_duckydanky: u told me about it harm: ya Guest_duckydanky: u were 22 he ws 27 Guest_duckydanky: right harm: ya harm: wait harm: no 23 harm: /28 harm: she wuz 15 iirc Guest_duckydanky: thats kinda gross Guest_duckydanky: xd harm: xd harm: shit jus made me paranoid  bc i knew him since i wuz 15 n it wuz lik wooooaaa did u only lik me wen we 1st met bc of tht or bc of age acully Guest_duckydanky: so cuz of it i guess u see comfort in looking younger harm: like 20% bc of tht yea but i realize how irrational n lame it is harm: jus nvr got ovr it ig Guest_duckydanky: where did u guys meet Guest_duckydanky: myspace? harm: vu lool Guest_duckydanky: so u were 15 in like 2007 right harm: idk wuz i Guest_duckydanky: i just did quick maths harm: duno Guest_duckydanky: well lets say yes Guest_duckydanky: dam thats a while ago Guest_duckydanky: i was Guest_duckydanky: 3 Guest_duckydanky: z havel: feels kinda nicer in here now harm: ya dis rm beter new rm trash harm: no offenze havel: this rooms old asf harm: ya but it best havel: this rooms probably 5 years old now Guest_duckydanky: looks ghetto Guest_duckydanky: is tht the carnifex logo Guest_duckydanky: z havel: yeah Guest_duckydanky: ded harm: looks eboy but ina acceptable way bc creative Guest_duckydanky: id like to make my own  imvu room Guest_duckydanky: but poor harm: uh hello Guest_duckydanky: oh tru ur my imvu sugar mom havel: harm buy out my wishlist havel: eventho i havent shopped in like a year Guest_duckydanky: dont i need vip to make a room havel: i think so ? harm: 2 much clicking but i will try 2 get a lot til im tried havel: ok =) havel: how many credits do u have anyway harm: did u private wl harm: msgs havel: huh? havel: ... u can do that? havel: what harm: it sed i aint permitted 2 buy prod on like 5 now havel: weird harm: so i figured u took it off harm: nah its bc harm: creator disabled harm: most likely havel: oh theyre from disabled creators yeah harm: or quit vip or sumn havel: yeah havel: banned maybe havel: i need to clean out my wl havel: i havent in idek how long havel: so many years Guest_duckydanky: clean ur room too havel: my rooms fine Guest_duckydanky: no theres trash havel: :0 really? where? Guest_duckydanky: no wonder u got an eviction notice Guest_duckydanky: L Guest_duckydanky: if i was a landlord id b mad too havel: this room used to be called trash pit havel: should make it that again tbh harm: i dont feel good Guest_duckydanky: trash spit havel: nice 1 Guest_duckydanky: vry clever Guest_duckydanky: wassup harm harm: meow harm: Guest_duckydanky: no wonder u got an eviction notice harm: yall know fridgebro harm: story harm: aint as bad as tht havel: fridgebro? harm: https://imgur.com/thZa3VL harm: brb havel: this is autistic Guest_duckydanky: prolly mentally ill Guest_duckydanky: for sur havel: hello AstralMiscreant: Hey all Guest_Dinossaur: https://discord.gg/vmGj7ZXy Guest_Dinossaur: https://discord.gg/vmGj7ZXy harm: hi Guest_duckydanky: yo Guest_duckydanky: i jst ate harm: im bk but guna watch yt ill check chat here n thr harm: me2 harm: n watch ratatouille Guest_duckydanky: imma shower Guest_duckydanky: but i dont wanna Guest_duckydanky: im lazy harm: iwillstay stink havel: i shower everyday havel: but i need to do laundry but im lazy Guest_duckydanky: i shower evry 2 days harm: i dont shwer Guest_duckydanky: when the last time u showered harm: shrug Guest_duckydanky: do u have grime Guest_duckydanky: on ur skin Guest_duckydanky: today i just learned something weird Guest_duckydanky: in da old day japanese women has black teeth Guest_duckydanky: looks so cursed Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: hey havel: ive seen that little floating grim reaper pet a lot Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i've had it for a while, so i wouldn't be surprised Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: how you guys doing? havel: im just kinda bored watching twitch havel: when i should be doing chores n working out havel: todays my day off so im just being lazy Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i can't relate watching twitch, since i do twith xD Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i can relate to the lazy tho havel: youre a streamer?? Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: ye havel: whats your stream Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: a small one, but a streamer non the less xD Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: artsykokoro Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i mostly do art and then stream games when i feel like playing something on a stream day Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: currently on a break, since i have too much going on irl atm Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: have a big comeback planned tho, so i just hope it goes to plan... unlike my last depbut ^^' havel: oh cool youre a vtuber Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: ye havel: nicee Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: fingers crossed that i can start streaming again at the start of november. Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: but all depends how soon the irl stuff calms down. Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i quite like this room havel: thankss Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: and i just realised you're the room owner xD Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: god i'm blind sometimes havel: yeah i made this forever ago Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: noice Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: this room might be my new go-to Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: the last one got deleted Guest_duckydanky: im bck Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: welcome back Guest_duckydanky: whts good Guest_duckydanky: oh u a streamer Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: ye Guest_duckydanky: r u famous Guest_duckydanky: gimme a shoutout Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: and currently nothing's good really ^^' Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i'm not that big. only a little over 300 followers Guest_duckydanky: how many viewers u gget on average Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: depends on what i stream. since i'm a variety streamer, it can be anywhere between 1-3 to 5-10 Guest_duckydanky: u do art? Guest_duckydanky: like wat Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i do digital art. mostly humans, but trying to get better at animals and landscapes. Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: why don't you come sit Guest_duckydanky: no way Guest_duckydanky: u should draw me im like vry handsome nd cool Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i mean that sanrio shirt is cool xD Guest_duckydanky: im hotter irl Guest_duckydanky: i mean Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: hmm... dunno, can't judge. don't know what you look like Guest_duckydanky: literally my pfp Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i haven't looked at your profile yet. hold on Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: sent you a friend request on dc Guest_RainbowCupcake2000: i mean tbh. you are good looking, but i don't draw people for free. you can commission me tho, but my commissions are closed atm.
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liinos · 2 years
Tbh my life if I could Never perceive myself no mirrors no reflections no pictures no nothing >>>>
#girls will feel so cute and then theyll see a pic and be like i walk around like that i need to die right now. im girls#nah like. SO sad that the few pics i saw/got taken from graduation made me feel so bad about myself bc i actually felt really pretty until#i knew what i looked like to other people like i love that dress a lot so i just pretend i never saw the pics where my face ruined it :)#but also :( and like my parents dont understand that i Do not and Can not look at pics of myself#i never liked having pics taken even as a kid bc i NEVER looked good candid not candid whatever i always looked awful 😔#and it frustrates me so much that they dont LISTEN when i ask them not to take pictures like. maybe its for a reason consider that 😐#'your relatives want to see how you look' no they do not <3 also I dont want them to see how i look bc i look BAD leave me alone#and like. esp bc im literally an adult i think its my right to say no to pics???? i dont need to give you a reason???#also sad as fuck that the ONE time (graduation) i asked my dad to take a pic of me he took one from a stupid fucking angle#so you cant even properly see the dress and the pose looks stupid like you had ONE job... why would you not take a straight on pic#i wanted it bc i wanted one with my robes and hood but it was such a bad pic that it made me feel worse 😕😕😕😕#my friends asked to see grad pics today and its Very hard to be like well they looked like shit and i looked like shit so they dont exist#without getting into allll that you know :/#i may just have to have my sister do a photoshoot of me in that dress to make me look good altho with what im working with in the looks#department... only so much can be done#still might do one for fun. like a vanity shoot except i never look at it bc ill think i look bad regardless
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