#im HOPING i will be able to get to eventually lol so my motivation might go up once/if i get to that point LOL!... 😅😅😅😅
foreverialmorning · 5 months
Kind of random but i appreciate all the follows coming in!! just posting this to say that im not abandoning it already I AM working on it an update will come Eventually
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actualbird · 10 months
I guess I'll call myself 🔥 anon??? Idk lol. I changed my writing style with that first ask, but whatever. This is important, so who cares.
Anyway, I get it. I come from a family of artists and academics and teachers. My childhood dreams were to be a painter, a marine biologist, or someone super smart with a well-paying job. After that, in high school, my dream was just ATAR. Get a good ATAR score. Be good at learning and be told, "Yeah, you could go to university."
It's a year or so after that goal was set. I'm moving down to general classes and doing things I love more. My business cert is no longer there just to say "I have a certificate", it's because the teacher is one of the nicest teachers I've ever met and I like the class. Take IT because it's easy. Do human biology because you think the immune system is fun. I'm younger than you, sure, but one of the best things I've learned is exactly what that old saying says.
"Jack of all trades, master of none
but better than a master of one."
I'm having the time of my life. Will I end up getting higher education? Probably. Because I want to. Is it okay if I drop a course halfway through and never pick it up again? Is it okay if I have to ask teachers to slow it down?
You don't have to be good at school to be good. I'm awful at it, and gifted kid burnout destroyed my life for a while. But I have friends and family who love me, and slowly, I'm learning to love myself, too.
I wish you all the best.
hi again fire!anon i
fully teared up reading this JKHSVJFHDKSDFKJSD
you might be younger but my gosh youre a whole lot wiser than i was when i was at uni age.
youre right and i agree with everything you said. i guess im just still stuck in that weird portion you mentioned of set academic/career goal -> set academic/career goal -> set academic/career goal that now that im in a place where i can start wanting things that are a bit more outside of the usual goals i had before. it's scary as fuck!!! i wish somebody could just tell me what to do instead!!! but i absolutely believe in the essence of doing things because you love them
while im not in class anymore, im a notorious hobby hopper. i learned how to crochet for funsies and i dont anymore but i still loved doing it, i have on and off durations of being obsessed with origami, i keep wanting to learn basic html for website building but keep putting it off because im worried im not smart enough to be able to handle it but honestly, when i have the time and motivation, i should just do it.
im like you in the sense that gifted kid burnout also ruined my life a bit, i think it uh....still is up til now, probably, judging by how badly 90% of my life's decisions are still made on the basis of whether or not i can get A Good Grade At Task HVSLBDFJSDJFK. but eventually, i hope it lessens its hold on me. i think one of the hardest things about going from student to adult was accepting that i cant Get A Good Grade At Life. absolutely mindboggling to me. can someone else please tell me what to do and if im doing good at it? please? i dont think i ever stopped being a student vying for validation. or rather, i havent stopped yet
itd be nice to stop. and just do shit cuz i like it. the idea sounds heavenly to me like a clear day. maybe things will be okay ;-;
i wish you all the best too, fire!anon. thank you <3
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bakery-anon · 7 days
I MISSED YOU TOO BAKERY ANON !! i’ve been okay !! just going to school and work so nothing that exciting, just very busy busy so i’ve only really been online during night BUT it’s helping me decrease my screentime so it’s kind of good!!(but i do miss being chronically online with everyone else<//3
i’m sorry things have been stressful for you, i’m manifesting better days for you right now :(( things might seem hard now but they’re going to get better eventually! it sucks that your chef keeps taking away your class time from you but hopefully you’re able to catch up eventually. take things one day at a time and everything will be okay <3333 something that helps me organize a bit when i’m stressed is to write it down in my memo pad so that i can visually see the things i need to do, and !! crossing things out seem so rewarding so i get a bit more motivated to push myself a bit! (BUT don’t push yourself too hard bug please just prioritize yourself over anything <333) i also hope your english teacher is lenient and understanding of your situation, if it gets too much though i definitely suggest just talking to them just so that they can be a bit more understanding of you being behind in everything
IM GLAD YOURE ABLE TO STAY HOME TOMORROW YIPPPE!!! take all the rest you need and cool down! your week sounds so so stressful right now so it’s definitely good to take time for yourself!! <33333 i hope your day tomorrow is better than today, i wish i could literally fly over to you and take some burden off of your hands </3333 (im NOT a good baker nor am i really a writer but i will try!!) but it sounds like you have a good support system with you so im really glad for that <33333 cheeseburger macaroni actually sounds good and interesting?? i’ve never tried it heard of that before!! but comfort meals are always the best!!
we can cheers our water bottles while we drink! i’ll always read your little rants whenever <333 i had some vietnamese food my mom made earlier as dinner but!! i will get a snack now in honor of you !!(pretzels i’m coming for you) i love you bug!! i hope this message isn’t too long <333 manifesting better days for you!! take care of yourself as always and be nice to yourself, thank you for always being so kind and bringing such a warm environment to the community, so make sure you take care of yourself too <3333 xoxoxo
Omg I completely get how you feel </333 I’ve been so busy and just want to catch up on all the fics I’m behind on (reading and writing). I’m still chronically online but not like how I was over the summer </333 I hope work and school let up a little bit so you can relax and have some free time soon <333
I’m manifesting good days for you too mango anon <3 you deserve only the best in life. I’m hoping I’ll be able to catch up on everything tomorrow 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ after much needed sleep. I literally came home and slept from like 3-9:30 and almost just went back to sleep. Instead I made myself food and now I’m awake lol. My motivation is complaining to my friends about things I need to do and them going “okay so do it.” (In a loving way). I’m gonna try my best not to push myself too hard!!! Yeah, my English teacher is pretty lenient. He doesn’t really take points off for late assignments but I keep forgetting to turn my stuff in bcs you have to email it to him instead of there being like a “submit” button or anything. He’s chill. Slowly but surely I’m catching up to where I need to be in my classes.
My mother giving me Mother Mandated Mental Health Days is my saving grace during the school year. I drag myself upstairs and she goes “mental health day tomorrow?” And I nod my head and go to sleep. I’m gonna sleep so much tomorrow omg- I thought about going to school but I’m just so tired </3 come on over!!! I’ll make you fruit bars and we can have a game night!!! <3333 I usually stress bake but we don’t have anything at home to bake so </3 one day very soon I will stress bake. Cheeseburger macaroni is as it sounds! Macaroni with hamburger in it. We get the Hamburger Helper but I also like doing it with velveeta Mac n Cheese. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yes cheers 🥂 (<- fizzy apple juice) finishing off my water bottle right now and about to get another one. Awww <333 I’ll read your rants or rambles anytime too <333 ooh!!! That sounds so good!!! Pretzels my beloveds <333 I hope you enjoy your snack <3 I LOVE YOU TOO MANGO ANON <33333 also bro, what do you mean message is too long??? Do you see my replies to you??? /lh Yap sessions are never too long (tumblr cuts off DM messages at like 747 words </3) but yap all you want. I will happily respond, yapping is my favorite pastime. Manifesting good days for you too <3 I’m getting better about being nice to myself! You make sure to be kind to yourself too mango anon! We all love you so much!!! <3 Thank you for thinking I’m kind and warm, I’m legit gonna think about that forever now thanks <3
You’re so beach coded omg. Sorry, I really like the beach so you remind me of the beach. It’s a calming place for me like the waves and the sand and stuff. Idk you just remind me of the beach and like hunting for seashells. Thank you for checking in everyone and continuing to be a positive presence in everyone’s askbox. I love you mango anon, please take care of yourself too <333 and you’re welcome anytime in my inbox so feel free to send an ask in whenever! <33
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stayxlix · 1 year
Hiiii! I haven't been on Tumblr since July more or less and I could read the last two chapters of OTDE only recently. I can only say this story just captures me in and I'm devastated whenever I finish to read a chapter lol. Each chapter is better than the other (and longer, but I'm not complaining 😅) and I didn't expect the smut parts at all after you robbed us the first time 😂😂. I really liked the part in which Felix started thinking about the others and how his relationship is unique with each one of them. It felt realistic and I loved it. I'm just a bit sad about Hyunjin because I feel bad for him and at the same time I can't stop seeing all of them as a big family and this bond between them almost feels wrong, even if they're not relatives so it's all good in the end. Now I'm curious, how strong is their bond? How much did they get close? I really felt the stung in my heart when the reader realised they have matching rings lol. I also LOVE Minho so much and if it weren't a Felix x reader I would have shipped her with him 😂. I also have some theories of mine about her mother and I'm so curious about her story.
Can't wait to see how the story will go on, but I promise I'll be here patiently, ready to read another masterpiece of a chapter of yours. Sorry for the long review; when I start writing I never know when to stop 😅😅. Bye bye 👋
hiiiiiii👋 omg thank you so much for taking the time to catch up and share your thoughts.💕 i’m thrilled to hear that each chapter has kept your attention...and that you don't mind the longer ones (hopefully you don’t mind long responses either😂😭).
even though i don’t want you to be devastated (please forgive me lol) i’m really happy to hear that the story has evoked such strong emotions in you, and that you’ve allowed it to reach you in this way.💕omg and im so sorry to randomly come in with the smut like that, hopefully you weren’t too shocked.😂😭 at first i wasn't going to include any because it was a bit out of my comfort zone to write it myself, but im growing more comfortable with writing it and i really like being able to explore those intimate moments between lix/mc..so i think i’m glad i decided to include it eventually (hopefully you agree lol😭).
i’m so glad you enjoyed the exploration of felix’s relationships with the others, this really means a lot because its such an important aspect of the story to me.🥹 as for hyunjin…ah i totally understand your mixed feelings. it was definitely challenging to write the relationship between them and i guess i knew from the start that it was going to be kind of a risk choosing to take that path (i really like exploring the gray areas of emotions/connections so it might have been a bit self indulgent to go this way with their bond lol). i’m sorry if this turned you off in any way, but rest assured i can promise you they are definitely not related (lmao😂😭) and i hope this doesn't prevent you from seeing them all as a big family moving forward. i really love that you're curious to find out more about the dynamic between them and the extent of the past they’ve shared, and i promise more will be revealed in time.🥹 thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this with me, i really do appreciate it.💕
what you said about minho brought such a smile to my face because i have the biggest soft spot for him (and if i’m being totally honest i’d definitely ship mc with him too if the story wasn’t felix x reader😂). i’m also super intrigued about your theories surrounding her mother and i’d honestly love to know what they are/if they end up coming true.🤭
thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your thoughtful feedback and for being such an engaged reader.🥹 you are very kind.😭💕 and i really can’t wait to share more of the story with you as well. your opinion and interest means more to me than words can express, and i’ll always be here if you want to chat more. no need to apologize for the length of your review, it’s what keeps me motivated to write<33 i hope you have a wonderful weekend dear!! much love.🤗💕
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vegetalass · 4 years
If you come back to this, would you consider doing hcs for the rdr2 boys coping with bad breakups? 👀🙈💖👉👈😳
I love your stuff btw! Hope the hiatus is going well and you're having fun being absorbed into new fandom stuff <3
JSKajhdhajfskhjdkajsh AHHHHHHHHHHH YOU ARE TOO SWEET WTF🥺🥺So I just went ahead and wrote this request for you LOOOOOL😎💘😳🤠
even tho I would still say I’m on hiatus.... I was just thinking about Mister Arthur Morgan today and how much i want to sit on his lap and hug him and kiss his cheeks and hold his face against my chest.... So I figure this is as good a time as any to write some stuff for rdr2...
Plus... I really am happy about the fact that people like my work enough to still send me asks!!! I miss the rdr2 fandom a lot tbh because as I’m sure you all have been know... The bnha fandom is a little..... wack tbh..... But regardless, I am having as much fun as i possibly can under the circumstances!!! Theres a lot of good content there... 
and just in case u like bnha... you can actually find me at @ihatebnha if you want to read any of my current BNHA stuff (tho im sorta taking a break there too temporarily). Either way, even if you don’t, i appreciate u all for sticking with me and I MISS U GUYS so i hope this does u all some justice!
anyway... i hope this is what you were looking for because I LOVE UUUUUU!! ENJOY💚🧡❤️
First of all………. If you break up with Arthur I personally will come beat you up
Honestly, he probably just goes completely numb
He doesn’t have the emotional stability or strength to handle unpacking how or why it’s happening
You ask to break up with him and his soul leaves his body and he’s just “Ok.🙂Whatever you think is best, baby.”
And that’s the end of it. Won’t even let you explain.
This means don’t prank him by pretending to break up with him either because you’ll accidentally kill him
Like he genuinely probably thinks that he deserves whatever it is that made you want to break up with him and that there’s really nothing he can do to feel better about it
Even if was just something like, long distance problems or needing a break
This also hurts so badly because I feel like… getting to the point where Arthur even wants to date you takes FOREVER… He really really needs to trust and love the person who he’s with…
And so to see them leave would just break his heart up into pieces and he wouldn’t be able to handle that all over again
He just… becomes a ghost
Anyone from the gang even mentions it or asks how he is and he just tells them he’s fine and doesn’t need to talk about it
Even if he really is aching deep down… He just can’t bring himself to talk about it because it still doesn’t make any sense to him
And honestly, he just doesn’t want things to hurt any more than they already do by acknowledging them or facing them head on
So he just submits to it all being his fault, it was the right thing to do, that you’re happier without him, etc. and permanently shuts himself off
If you left him, that would be the absolute final straw and he would just throw himself into his work and never look back
And honestly wouldn’t even notice if someone else was making moves on you, that’s how out of it he is.
You wouldn’t even notice something was wrong unless you TRULY knew Arthur
He’s a tough cookie
John is the guy who acts like he’s fine if anyone sees him but cries 24/7 when he’s alone
If anyone asks him about it he’s like “I don’t care, it’s fine and I respect their decision… I’m a man, not a baby.”
But the truth is…. Sir… You ARE baby
Honestly…. He’s just saying all that so people don’t really know how much he’s hurting or think he’s weak and try to help
And in a modern setting, Abigail, Arthur, Hosea, anyone really, can’t go to his apartment because he’s lost all motivation to take care of himself
Dishes piled up, laundry everywhere, he’s been wearing the same pajamas for a week, his trash is full of microwave meal packages… It’s just so fucking bad
Single Man Shit
Probably goes through bouts of rage too
Was he not good enough? Did you think you weren’t good enough? Was it the fact that he has Abigail and Jack? Is he too ugly for someone pretty like you?  
It’s in these moments that he starts throwing stuff around and kicking chairs and whatnot
I imagine it’s all pretty nonviolent but he still just wants to make a mess to release all that pent up frustration
But he always just ends up on the floor or in bed crying again because he really doesn’t understand what went wrong since he was trying so hard to be a good partner
He wanted to be good for you :(
At least to make up for what he did to Abigail
Probably a couple months after the breakup he starts feeling better…
Picks his laundry up and does the dishes and starts to open up to the gang again
He’s definitely still sad when he thinks about it all… But he knows he’ll get over it as long as you seem happy from afar
If any of the other boys from camp try to make a move on you, he does his best to ignore it… Knowing it’s not his place to speak for you anymore, even if seeing you with someone else does make him sad
And he probably takes some extra time to spend with Abigail and Jack, too
There’s really no one like your family (even if they’re chosen) to make you feel better in situations like this
(Especially since they went through the same thing as him BY him)
Karma’s a bitch, lol
Charles... My love….. My baby…….
He takes a while to fall apart because honestly, he’s just so confused
He definitely does not recover quickly, but of course, appears to function kind of normally
If anything, he just gets more quiet and distant than before, simply because he needs a lot of time and space to think about everything
And because looking at you hurts so badly
When you mention breaking up, he probably just stands up and walks away
And if you chase after him trying to explain, he’ll tell you that you don’t need to justify yourself, and that he just needs to be alone
However, deep down, he’s gutted and really just needs the space to process what you said and then calm down
He doesn’t want to face the gang, and possibly you, again, crying, hence why he doesn’t come back for a while, but he knows that he can’t just run away from everything
He never thought that you’d be capable of hurting him in the way that you did
And he wonders what the final straw that pushed you over the edge was
He definitely saw you staying together for a long time, and had a lot of ideas for your future, so the breakup was especially surprising and devastating for that reason alone
And he would probably never want to speak to you again
Not really because he hated you, but because it would be too emotional for him to be around you knowing you didn’t feel the same as him
And even though he’s okay with emotions, the gang just isn’t exactly the right space for him to deal with them
Though he probably eventually talks about it with Arthur after a couple months, once he finds another normal, and bonds with him over the shared experience
He would never be able to ask you this, but he wonders if the reason you left him was for the same reasons he’s shunned in society
I think that would hurt him the most… if you didn’t want to be seen with him in public
Even though he knows that it’s unlikely, since he didn’t want to hear your reasons for leaving, it’s something that he thinks about
Even if it would hurt him to see you with someone else, he wouldn’t do anything about it
And as always, he’d just stay quiet, watching
Micah blames you
Everything is your fault. Everything.
Oh, you want to break up with him? When he’s been so nice to you? So good? He’d literally do anything for you, and you’re not happy with that? You’re such an ungrateful bitch! Fuck you! He never even wanted to date you in the first place, so it’s your fault for making him love you. Sorry he tried soooo hard.  
Any semblance of sadness he feels about losing you turns to rage so quickly since he just really cannot fathom why you’d leave him
Genuinely thinks he’s the best boyfriend you’ve ever had and ever will
Despite his anger, he probably is sad deep down… He just doesn’t really recognize it as sadness in the first place
His chest aches when he thinks about you? His eyes sting and burn when he looks at you? His stomach hurts at any and every thought of you?
You’re just an ugly witch who wants him dead.
He has never felt any of these things before, and frankly, he hates feeling like this.
And absolutely refuses to admit to himself that maybe… MAYBE… he just misses you and wants you back…
Honestly though, you will never get word nor wind of this, and before long, he really just does start to hate you.
If you weren’t in the gang, and were ever in a situation where you saw him again, he’d try to make your life a hell.
He’d tease you in front of whoever you were with, talking about how he’s probably the best fuck you’d ever have and that “if you still wanted to fuck him,” he “wouldn’t blame you…” and might even think about it going at it on more time
In a modern setting, he’s definitely a hate fucking type of ex
And if he ever saw you with a new boy, he would probably try to lay some hands on them for even thinking about touching you
AND STILL doesn’t realize that this means he still loves you… But whatever
If you break up with him, guaranteed you’re probably never getting back together
Dutch is a tough one… I feel like it really depends on how long you’ve been together, the reason why you want to breakup, and how much value he has for the you and relationship itself
I think he’d be more upset about a long term relationship ending than anything and he’d definitely try to argue with you about any of the problems you bring up
He definitely hits you with the, “you should’ve known what you were getting into,” which, honestly, is a pretty fair point
He doesn’t actually want you to leave him, though… He just doesn’t really want to change
Which is why the whole thing ends up being so T O X I C
But if he realizes that you are actually serious about breaking up, he isn’t above saying that he’ll put the work into fixing everything
Though that’s kind of a lie, since he’s mostly just saying it to get you to stay
If the argument gets too intense, he’ll let you walk away
But only because he’s going to brainstorm about how to get you back
I’m sure this is a given, but none of the other boys at camp are allowed to even think about getting close to you
It wasn’t so bad when you and Dutch were still together, but if he wants you back, everyone is a threat
Arthur and John are given direct orders to not even comfort you… And Dutch even tries to get Miss Grimshaw to be mean to you
At least so he can swoop in and save you… Thinking that you’ll run right back into his arms if no one except him is nice to you
Because that’s where you belong
If he doesn’t manage to succeed in winning you back, the moment he realizes that everything is over, he will 100% start ignoring you
And don’t put it past him to try show off the fact that he’s found someone new to fuck
Honestly, since he’s the leader, at this point, he’d probably just be looking for a good way to get rid of you
Nothing violent, just find a little brothel he can pop you in when the gang’s about to leave some random town
Seems like a good idea to him… Since if he’s not special, no one is.
Same reason why, if you cheat on him, you will never see the whites of his eyes again
Much less anyone from the gang
To give Kieran some credit... He’s probably the most in touch with his emotions
He doesn’t respond very well to the breakup, just says okay and lets you walk away, but he’s not above accepting the truth and just crying about it for a while
First and foremost, you need to be happy, even if it means without him
Part of him wants to beg for you to stay so badly… Hold onto the bottom of your shirt and cry… But I know that he probably thinks he doesn’t deserve to and would be able to stop himself
Obviously, you know better than him about everything so why would you be wrong about breaking up?
His work definitely lags and he ends up spending more time with the animals than anyone else, but he’s okay at holding himself together
No one would even know he’s still suffering unless they talked to him about it
Which they don’t, really, and honestly he’s sort of glad, because it gives him a lot of time to think about everything
Which is why, even months after the breakup, if he hasn’t found someone new, he still thinks about what it would be like if you stayed
Daydreams about cuddling with you, about dancing with you, about brushing the horses with you, starting a family, everything…
He wishes it were his so badly
And so seeing you with another boy, especially if it were someone else at camp, would absolutely kill him
And yet, he’d still manage to keep it all to himself. Nothing but his greedy eyes left
Self esteem gone forever… He’d take you back in a heartbeat
Doesn’t help that the poor baby definitely gets clowned by Dutch and Micah about not being able to keep “a good fuck” around
It really hurts… But in the end, he knows they’re right  
Javier probably gets over everything the quickest out of all of the boys.
I just see him as having the most romantic experience out of all of them, so he understands how relationships (and breakups) work
His logic is, why would he want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with him?
Which makes getting over you faster than normal
Especially since, regardless of why you wanted to leave, he’s going to respect your wishes
Definitely a little peeved at first though because he thought things were fine between the two of you
He’s just not going to bother trying to get you to stay
Especially since he knows that he can be kind of flirty with people even when he’s with you
That being said, if he sees any of the other boys at camp trying to get with you, he’s going to be BIG MAD
First of all, he was there first, so they should know better than to touch someone else’s things
And second of all, it would just feels like they’re showing off the fact that you left him, rather than the other way around
But honestly, he probably wouldn’t care if you found a stranger to mess with. It’s not like they know your relationship history, and honestly, he knows it wouldn’t be fair if he were ever to find someone else he likes.
So he’s fine watching you run around
It’s only ever late at night, if it’s been a while since you’ve spoken to him, or he’s feeling lonely, that he thinks about what things would be like if you were still with him
He wonders what really made you leave, and if you were honest with him during the relationship
Overall, he’d be okay, but would definitely still be down to fuck if you ever wanted! You may not want to be with each other anymore, but it doesn’t change the fact you guys had some bomb ass sex
Sean is another boy who’s going to be a bit more angry than sad
That being said, he’s no where near as bad as Micah and knows that the anger comes from the sadness
He’s just extremely frustrated that things didn’t work out, and resents the fact that you didn’t even want to try and fix things with him
It’s not like he really blames you for that… But he wishes that he could
Especially since throughout it all, even now, he doesn’t actually hate you, and still wishes that you would come back
He’s knows his personality can be a little overwhelming, but he would’ve been willing to change if it made you happy!
But honestly, since he doesn’t need to anymore, everything about him just gets a bit… Worse
Constantly making a show of showing off for the other girls at camp, always trying to flirt with the girls at the saloon, talking the boys’ heads off about anything and everything…
Just to distract himself and prove that he’s doing fine… That you didn’t hurt him at all, and he doesn’t need you
But even he’s not all that convinced
If any of the other boys at camp start messing around with you, he’ll definitely start a fight with them, feeling like were just doing it to piss him off
He’d lose, though, and would end up just going to bed and crying.
If he saw you flirting with a stranger, he’d be equally as mad, but he probably wouldn’t do anything other than get super drunk in front of you to ruin the mood
Eventually he starts feeling more like himself, and it definitely helps if you don’t treat him weirdly, but he finds that he does still think of you when he sees cute married girls or children, wondering what he would’ve had if things didn’t go wrong.
Especially since he also gets teased by the gang for not being able to hold it down… Despite his constant talk
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brissonistheloml · 3 years
Team Canada Series pt.5
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Here it is, I hope it’s good lol I started it and abandoned it like halfway through because I didn’t have motivation to finish it so yeah but let me know if I should continue this or if it’s time to scrap it
Secretly dating Devon Levi
Going into my bathroom and looking in the mirror, I see a few blue and purple spots. Shit. I’m going to kill Devon. This isn’t the first time that this has happened, but before, they weren’t as noticeable so it was a lot easier to cover them with my makeup. Now they were darker and up higher on my neck so I’m almost 100% sure the guys will be able to see them, even with the makeup trying to cover them, there would still be a little bit poking through. How was I going to walk around the house with these? I can’t just hide my face in my shirt the whole day so my neck won’t show, then the guys will definitely be on to me and I don’t feel like explaining myself to them today. I try to cover them all the best I can and go to my closet to find a shirt that might go over my neck. I get a tight black turtleneck so that it won’t flop around or go over when I bend down or anything. Devon and I have been dating for about 4 months now and we still don’t know how to break it to the guys. What are we gonna say? ‘Oh hey guy’s Devon and I have been dating for four months behind your backs, hope you have a nice day’? I have to figure out a way that won’t completely shock them, I mean, I don’t want to ruin all of our friendships. Devon keeps telling me that if they are our real friends they won't care as long as we’re happy. I guess he’s right for the most part. It’s not the fact that I’m worried about telling them we’re dating, it’s the part where we kept it a secret from them for so long. What’s the worst that could happen right? They’ll eventually get over it, I think. WHen they get back from wherever they went, I’m going to tell Devon that I’m ready to tell them. If it was up to Devon, they would’ve known when we had just admitted we liked each other, but he waited for me because I wanted to take things slow. The guys should be ho- “Y/N WE”RE BAACCCKK” I heard Jakob yell through the house. Next thing I knew, Devon was behind me in my room with his hands around my waist. “Hey beautiful” He whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. I turned around, still wrapped in his touch. I then wrapped my hands around his neck to bring him closer and before I knew it, he had his lips on mine and it was like nothing else mattered. “Hey y/n we brought you back some...Oh my god.” Connor had said, clearly with shock trailing off in his voice. I quickly noticed that the guys had started to form a circle behind him. They all looked at us, as surprised to see Devon and I kissing as we were to have them see us. “..Surprise?..” Devon said to everyone rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “Damn right it’s a surprise” Dylan H said now magically at the front of the group. He looked like he was about to give me the “big brother talk”, they all did. “How long has this been going for?” Bowen brought up the one thing Devon and I had been the most afraid of telling them once they found out. Devon and I looked at each other then back to the guys. “Uhmm.. like 4 months, almost five now..” Devon had spoken up because I was frozen there like a mannequin. I didn’t want to face the fact that I had lied to my best friends for so long and forced my loving boyfriend to go along with it. They just kind of stare at us for a few seconds, then I see smiles appear on their faces. “ I can’t tell if these are good or bad smile because with you guys I never know anymore.” I say looking concerned. “They’re good smiles y/n” Bowen says while chuckling. “Oh thank god! I thought you guys were gonna like kick us out or something!” I say while putting my hand over my chest. “No, why would we do that?” Jakob asks “ I don’t know. I just figured you guys would like hate us for the rest of our lives but eventually take Devon back because he’s ‘one of the boys’ and I just odn’t want to leave you guys because I love you all so much.” I say starting to cry. “Aww babe no. If they kick you out I’m coming with you.” Devon said trying to comfort me in a hug but it didn’t work. “ NO ONE IS BEING KICKED OUT OK” Quinton said stepping in to this whole mess. “Really? You guys aren’t mad?” I asked wiping the remaining tears from my face. “I think I speak for all of us when I say we aren’t made just kinda disappointed you guys didn’t tell us sooner.” Bowen says.  “Ok.. fair enough, I’ll take that.” We all have a big group hug and it feels so good to know that the guys are ok with me and Devon being together. “See babe, I told you they wouldn’t be mad.” Devon says pulling me into yet another hug. “I love you y/n”  “I love you too Devon” I guess happy endings do happen. 
Tags: @three-headed-monster  @vitekvanecek    @2manytabsopen   @carepriceisgoodathockey   @mac-blackwood  @0cean-vib3s  @owenspowerr @prettyboyjackhughes  @luukasreichel​  
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freebooter4ever · 3 years
Ref anon: I hope you can get help for that pain. Maybe a nerve is pinched? I'm really not sure about my future. I have a lot of hobbies but just work a shit customer service job. Getting motivation to do drawing at all is difficult let alone animate. Which is a great mental state to be in when my only plan for my whole life since childhood was animation. 🤷‍♀️
its tendonitis and im pretty sure the only way to get rid of it is to take a break from working which is obviously not possible so just gonna ignore it till i die i guess \o/
so yeah you struck a cord with me, this got long...
i cant help with motivation, i have too much of it. i lived with my grandparents for a year while grandpa was sick, and it was the first time they'd ever really seen me /work/ and even they were shocked. it really is constant - if i have twenty minutes and im not using it to draw its wasted time, you know? my first roommate here in LA was concerned too - she kept trying to get me to stop working and go out and back then my excuse was i didnt have a job and no money for going out, but really im just like that all the time. i try to balance it with seeing friends and social media and everyday shit like eating food, but its hard, my favorite people are the ones who will just sit and work with me lol! (or going out and working in places im not alone and quiet). i guess what im saying is...if its really your passion, is it not there all the time? i only ask because it took me a long time to realize that although i loved to analyze animation and watch it - the way i process art doesnt quite have what it takes to do that. we all love the end product, but just because the animation part is the most front facing part...doesn't mean that's necessarily where your actual passion might lie...if that makes sense? there's SO MUCH to do in the animation industry, its crazy. for me, i finally realized that all my obsessive energy revolved around character and especially faces, and i just started focusing on that. i would much rather be concepting a wide variety of characters than spending a whole year animating about one minute of a two hour movie.
that said there's also the sad reality that some people have had doors open more easily than others. i feel you about being stuck in a retail job you feel wasted in :( im sorry you are in that position. i hope you are able to make a change, but i understand just how fucking /trapped/ that can be. watching life slip by into nothingness while the tiny snatches of meaning only happen during off hours and scraped together seconds of free time. one of the biggest ironies though is that this is how a lot of original animators felt about dsn*y. i mentioned that on my road trip i stayed with the son of an animator who worked on snow wh*te - he wasnt one of the 9 old men but he was their contemporary and friend, and the animator took the job just to make money off his art. animation just wasnt his full passion and he eventually quit, moved up north, and started experimenting with helicopters and boe*ng lol. 
and in reverse of that, as i grew up with a father and a grandfather who worked for boe*ng and the US space program, ALL my open doors were flight and space related - my cousin currently works for N A S A and my other cousin for boe*ng - they took the doors but i didnt want anything to do with it. it took years for my grandpa to finally come to terms with the fact that my passion for art was as strong as his passion for airplanes. he grew up a farm boy daydreaming about flying, and had to take a circuitous route to finally get there - army, college, mechanical engineering, finally rockets. he gave my dad and me all the chances grandpa would have wanted as a kid - my dad took them - i didnt want any of it. i would much rather have had those chances that the animator got.
and then of course there are the institutionalized gates - barriers against entry for women, minorities, LGBQT, people without money...its a LOT to fight against. which is of course why we celebrate the exceptional people who DO break through those barriers and succeed despite it all. but it can be demoralizing to be on the other side of those barriers. demoralizing is too soft a word. i dont think there is a word for how much it can hurt.
some wisdom that might help: randy pa*usch's last lecture - he is a white male who definitely does not understand the race/sex 'walls', but he makes good points, and also he came at the animation industry sideways for very similar reasons - through education and research rather than the traditional job promotion route. and then someone closer to my own age/time: justin scar*ed - i dont mean his road trip videos, i mean the old vlogs from 3-6 years ago when he was 31 divorced and depressed and realizing he had to release himself from his own pressure of his music career. his quest for positivity is an interesting concept, and i sympathized with that feeling of your life taking a direction you didnt chase after but somehow ends up being the thing you were actually looking for the entire time. if you want a success story there’s always my favorite: steve aok*. he went against everything that was set up for him in life and still made it work ^_^ (of course of these three, guess who also grew up the rich kid lol). or norman re*dus who quite literally accidentally became a model and successful actor. im paraphrasing this horribly, but my impression was that as a teenager he was selling shitty cat paintings on the streets of paris - which sounds romantic but miserable at the same time - and then followed a girl to california, got a crappy job in a motorcycle shop, went to a party and yelled at some people from a balcony, landed his first stage role...and eventually created the character of daryl and finally got the chance to have his genius really shine. (sometimes i wonder though, if it was frustrating to end up being famous for acting rather than art which was arguably his true passion?)
i hope any of this helps, i am pretty exhausted lately so apologies if my sentences are incomprehensible in some parts. and you know, my DMs on here are open if you want to talk more specifically off anon <3 
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iacon-stargazer · 3 years
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by: stolen from @oneshallfall like.... months ago. im a slow gremlin hjksd. it's been in my drafts and i finally decided to finish the last few sections while working on clearing them out
tagging: steal it
Tumblr media
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  Well.../ NO / IDK. (i know optimus is but i don’t really... know about orion? i have seen a handful of fanartists who turn him into a very sexualized moe baby but i’m not sure about the fandom at large)
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
are they underrated?  YES / NO. (lmao there’s like no fan content with him unless it’s with megatronus) 
were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. (not yet.... lol)
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
This... this is a trick question in this goddamn mess of a continuity. That said, I try my absolute best to make my portrayal coherent with the TFP show... even if said show contradicts itself at times. I take inspiration from the earlier parts (the thirteen primes section) of the Covenant of Primus for his origin backstory, but ignore the rest of the Covenant since it makes absolutely no sense with his characterization in... literally anything else. I’ve peeked at Exodus and it utterly sucks, but I’ve picked up bits and pieces of concepts that originated there just from spending time in the fandom. Aside from that... I spend a ton of time thinking about how to weave everything together in a way that both makes sense and makes for a character development arc.
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.)
Orion is genuinely kind, thoughtful, and introspective, very loving of the world around him.
He’s also a more complex character than is initially obvious - despite mostly being good sweet pure baby nerd he’s still flawed, with many of those flaws being his strengths put into the wrong situation. His strong morals can lead to dogmatism, and he’s only slightly less likely to deliver lectures than Optimus. His determination to be kind and help everyone can come off as unintentionally patronizing at times; he has a very “well-intentioned semi-privileged middle class” perspective that he’s not always self-aware of. However, he’s also willing to look at himself critically and learn/adapt. 
Essentially, he has many of the same traits as Optimus... just more or less apparent and/or developed. He's less confident than he eventually becomes through his future experience with leadership, wanting to change the world for the better but sometimes struggling to ground his plans in reality—something that continues to apply, but with reduced intensity and frequency over time. Idealistic cinnamon roll will eventually develop some realism, though never really quite enough. His selflessness remains a strength for now, but we know that eventually it will dip into martyristic tendencies.
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
He could be potentially ‘boring’ in some senses. he’s the polite, considerate ‘next door’ type, who has for most of his life has just lived as a very average middle caste nobody. He’s more laid-back than he eventually becomes as optimus, but where others might get into trouble and shenanigans he’s most likely to just express concern. And since I try to keep him at least mostly ic, even with non-serious posts, this can derail ‘fun’ stuff and I fear dissuade some interaction.
While I try my best to give him realistic flaws that work with his character, he could still be seen as a little too good. very kind, understanding, forgiving, patient, considerate... almost endlessly so. A lot of my “he’s so good and pure” interpretation comes from using his having been the thirteenth prime as backstory, where he was pretty much the epitome of that, but some might not like the “he was a literal deity in a past life” idea for its “super special chosen one protagonist” elements.
His responsiveness to his environment can also be a downside. He’s not the type to start things; he just reacts and responds, standing his ground and finding himself when things get crazy around him. without megatronus, he may have eventually attempted political campaigning, but it wouldn’t have gotten very far. He needs to have more intense characters or events around him for major plots to really go places. Without those nothing would ever happen besides slice of life fluff, because he’s content with that kind of life.
Honestly I just wanted to write op/ratch fhsjkdjsdh. But I also wanted to be able to interact with a variety of muses and so I chose Orion over Optimus because he’s not so emotionally closed off, which I figured would give more flexibility beyond the handful of characters op would reasonably have close personal and/or plot-important relationships with. Also, I can relate to him on a thought-process level which lets me get into his head easily, which additionally made him an appealing choice for my first real rp muse.
I just love him so much, especially with the layers of his character I've built up around him. I don't always have inspiration to write or rp, but I think about him a lot. When I do find motivation to write, it's generally out of wanting to continue to work on developing him and just having a chance to express his characterization.
do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  (i should do it more...)
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO.
are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. (at least most days fhsdhfskj)
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. (it waxes and wanes. I know I'm a good writer but I could still be better...)
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
I’ll be honest; I’ve never gotten criticism. I haven’t been here very long in comparison to some and I’ve never been that popular, so I figure I’m pretty easy to just ignore. I guess how I would feel about it would depend on what it was and how it was delivered, though I like to think I would be reasonable regardless
yes? yes absolutely?
I would be curious to hear their reasoning, but I think enough about how everything fits together that chances are I would agree to disagree
Depends on if their disagreement makes sense. Maybe I’ll give back my own reasoning for why I characterize the way I do. Maybe I’ll just agree to disagree, if their view is just totally different from mine. If they have valid points I’ll probably overthink it and spiral into self doubt. In all cases I’ll spill my thoughts to friends on discord.
......Orion in general or? ... fhsjkdhf...... Well if it was mine specifically that might hurt lol. But at the same time.... I doubt i’d agree with their takes either so... fair enough.
Sure. I’m good at grammar so if something glaring is there it’s probably a typo I missed and I’ll be grateful for the chance to edit it out before more people see it lol
Yeah. I’m pretty quiet most of the time because I just don’t have energy to talk to a lot of people, and I never want to get caught in drama. I honestly wouldn’t know what to do in a situation like that. I tend to avoid conflict, I’m quick to apologize, and polite with anyone I don’t know very well.
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venusmages · 4 years
THAT BEING SAID, heres my list of criticisms for CP2077 so far because i’m not just blindly praising it. under a readmore for a few spoilers, one major character spoiler so if you’re playing don’t read this until youre finished with act 1
this isnt bringing into the account of the criticisms console players are talking about bc im on PC, but i completely agree with frustrated console players about launch being a mess.
the fact that they cut you being able to take jackie with you to go meet with meredith is really frustrating. i wonder if they lost time and it broke something because it was in the gameplay demo from a while back.
on the same vein, t-bugs ‘death’ was so sudden and fast that i didn’t even register it as her supposedly dying until v brings it up later in the level. i thought she had just gotten hurt and booted from the program. if she’s actually dead i’m going to be incredibly disappointed and its going to be one of my few genuine sour notes on the game.
the romances are laughably inserted and shouldn’t have even been part of marketing in my opinion. from my understanding it looks like they’re all sidequests and there’s only like four of them total anyways. dont bother if your v isnt into one of the two options they have and just pretend youre kissin whoever you want lol
takemuras introduction was amazing but i feel like i missed a dialog somewhere that explained why he ended up getting chased by arasaka so fast after the events of act 1. i know his motivation but am a little confused about whats going on.
in the same vein, some optional dialog choices don’t actually feel optional if you don’t want to feel like you’re missing context for whats going on. i don’t mean this in a lore way, i mean this in a basic narrative way. 
i like that v clearly has their own personality that you kinda tweak and manipulate through your own actions, like with geralt in the witcher series. however i completely understand if people were lead to believe they’d be getting COMPLETE FREEDOM and are let down by the reality of V being a slightly less mailable character. as someone who likes witcher and the dragon age and mass effect series i’m okay with my oc having a pre-ordained personality but marketing could easily have misled people to believe otherwise and thats a totally valid complaint.
i love jackie to DEATH and hes one of the most likable videogame characters ever. however i do wonder sometimes if he suffers from ‘bilingual people don’t talk like that’ syndrome. it can get kinda muddy given how translators work in this universe.
in the same vein i think some of the calls for the game being transphobic or misogynist are overblown but i feel like part of it is the game might not be properly relaying that the overly sexual, violent, objectifying advertisements in 2077 is actually part of the lore and not CD trying to be cheeky ala Saints Row. Its a crit on consumerism and how desensitized the populace of the future gets to hatred, violence, and sex that it has to be overblown to the point of ludicracy. it might not translate for someone who hasn’t taken the time to look into the lore or familarize themselves with the vibe of the series before picking up the game. YES it is incredibly gritty and dark, but thats the point. However I think that fact needed to be communicated better because it just won’t be palatable for some people. Its stuff like this that makes me think we really need content warnings ALA fanfic for... all media, really. its a good idea. i could see the ‘fuckable piece of meat’ line being genuinely terrifying for some people and it comes out of nowhere. I like dark media and content but i don’t know if the game properly conveys beforehand that this is a BLEAK. world. BLEAK. 
i also think, unfortunately, its clear the team was crunched and ran out of time for a lot of things they wanted to add into the game. i feel like tying gender to v’s voice was the most elegant solution they had considering all of the voicelines in game. not saying it’s the best solution, but i’m glad they did that rather than tie it to body type or genetalia.
that being said i wish you could have a biotic pussy or dick in this game just bc that would be some cool transhumanism. same in general i wish you could replace limbs or eventually get more cyberware options that changed how you look.
I’m glad they’re gonna fix the epilepsy trigger but I’m also surprised and disappointed no one caught that might be a problem earlier on. I wonder what play testing was like.
Also glad the dev team isnt going to be treated like the new vegas team and they’re getting their bonus regardless of the game’s review score. that’s some stupid bullshit but every publisher does that shit unfortunately.
the fact you cant change your makeup, cybernetics, or hair after the start is dumb and i hope they fix that.
the c key being for crouching AND skipping dialogue is inelegant to say the least. you can fix it in settings for skipping dialogue to be ‘hold c’ but it shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place.
ai definitely wasnt finished and it shows. largely in how theres clearly no AI driving and how cops feel half-implimented.
managing stash is CONFUSING. so is the hacking minigame until you get used to it.
it is a LITTLE apparent that you’re going to go into Cutscene Time because characters tell you to sit somewhere specific. However once you’re in those locked scenes the game is still super immersive and beautiful so it’s not too bad.
i don’t understand why youd buy a car when you have one already and a motorcycle but i’ll still probably shop around for funsies
combat definitely feels floaty but ive played bethesda games and nothing can be as bad as those so its fine for me.
i know there’s more but thats what i have so far. I’m having a great time but those are my Thots.
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
So, idk if this is still ok but i saw your post about "if anyone anon or not needs a space to vent they can"
I just need to get a few things off my chest and idk who else to tell so im telling a stranger. Sorry for that bestie.
Trigger Warning: Suicidal thoughts, SH
You don't gotta keep reading if those make you uncomfortable i just gotta let it out bc i feel like I'll explode if i don't
So, idk if you know the whole "intentionally going numb/ turning off emotions" thing but i basically did that a month or so ago. And now i don't wanna go back to feeling bc i know i will just break down bc everything is too much and the fact that i don't have any real problems just makes everything worse. Like i know i don't have the fucking right to want to k word myself bc i don't have it nearly as bad as other people but that doesn't make me suddenly wanna live?
I have great friends, mostly supportive parents (although their parenting is questionable) im white, live in a wealthy country am abled and never faced "hard" discrimination based on my sexual orientation.
However, everything just seems pointless?
I had ⅓ graduation exams today and the next one which is math is tomorrow and i just straight up did not study bc i didn't see the point. My dad bought me an expensive car although i don't have a driver's license yet (i guess as motivation). And idk why anything would matter. Im turning 18 in a few days and the only good thing im seeing is that im gonna be able to buy my own alcohol.
Earlier i came to the conclusion that tomorrow would be a great day to k word myself and usually i just brush that stuff off but rn it genuinely seems like a pretty good solution. I only haven't done it yet bc i think about my friends and how traumatized they'd be but i was such an asshole today. Im pretty sure one of them (ironically my favorite one) hates me by now bc of all the emotional damage ive caused. They didn't even bother adding anything to the bs i said.
Funnily enough another friend told me i was obsessed with them^ bc i had/have a longass unrequited crush and ngl now that she said it i get what she meant. I am obsessed. Im a piece of shit lol. For constantly treating the people around me like toys. "meh they'll still be here when i play with the other one" no they fucking won't dumbass. I try my best to remind them that i care but the last few times it just sounded so wrong. Like i was forcing them to stay my friends. Like they would leave in a heartbeat if i didn't constantly manipulate them. Funfact my brain is like "you're saying bs rn" which is weird considering it usually likes it when i minimize my problems and make it sound like im being an asshole to everyone even though i just have a bad day.
Idk man. I told my therapist i think i might have adhd and he was like "i don't think you do" Granted he probs thinks im a teenager who's overreacting. Like the last one lol. That lady was smth else lmao. Telling me everything i felt was normal. Uh ma'am sorry but i don't think constantly blaming yourself for everything that literally doesn't have anything to do with you and having a voice in your head that tells you to kword yourself 24/7 is not normal but go off karen.
Anyway a friend messaged the gc earlier asking what we wanna do tmrw night and my first thought was "idk bout u but i hope im dead by then"
My mom's not home anyway so she won't "save me".
Just gotta figure out how and where and write a bunch of letters.
Bc the least i can do is give people a last goodbye. Yk bc i think as bad as it is, if im leaving i could at least give them smth to remember me by. A few words saying im grateful and i know they did their best but they couldn't have stopped me.
Maybe adding some hearts so they remember me as that bubbly caring friend i always tried to be.
Sorry for putting this on you stranger. I just didn't want to tell someone else.
If you've read this far thank you.
I'll try my best to stay alive. Maybe things will get better eventually.
Sorry again.
hey there buddy :'] I just wanna say a few things in response too! I hope I don't step over any personal boundaries, but I'm really worried and I can't bear to see this and not say anything. So under the cut, is just a few words I wanted to say :]
You don't have to read at all if you don't want to <3
[tw : mentions of suicide, bad mental state, negativity ]
I'm really glad you came to me and saw that post. I'm so happy you did, and tbfh I'm really proud of you for doing so. I would never have the guts to do it, and I think you're really brave for it.
I see that you're struggling a lot, and although it might sound strange coming out of a stranger, I really do appreciate you here. I know I can't do much rather than just offer presence on a website, but I really believe in you.
It's sad to know that people have to go through alot recently. I'm sorry you were faced with that. It must be very tough, and I really just want to give you a big hug </3
another thing I wanted to add : I am a person of color, and I just want to say that just because the world and alot of pocs are facing serious issues that people deem as "something to actually be depressed about", you should never compare your personal issues to that. Yes, sure, the world is suffering, yes, sure, everyone is facing problems, and yes, of course, some problems may hurt more than others do. That does not mean yours are invalid. I don't believe anyone needs a "reason" to be depressed. It's not a voluntary action, you can't control those feelings. Please, trust me, do not feel bad. Someone, a very close friend of mine, told me this while we were alone together. I'm glad she did, because it made me feel better at that time. And I'm passing on the message because it's true. No matter your sexuality, your race, your financial status, your gender identity; your issues at valid. Your problems are valid. You have every right to be upset, and you shouldn't invalidate yourself like that.
I'm sorry that you have to go through so much to go to be willing to do the k-thing. Al though I can't say much, I would love for you to stay. You would always have a welcoming place in my blog, and you'd always be appreciated here. I'm so sorry for everything happening, and I'm so sorry for not being able to do anything more. I don't know if you want to hear this, but I love you. I love you alot, very much, and it hurts me too, to see you like this.
Please, if you ever want to stay, if you ever want to chat, if you ever need a leaning shoulder or a listening ear, please, reach out to me. My dms are always open, my inbox is always open. If I don't reply, it's because I'm asleep.
Again, I'm glad you were brave enough to share this, and I'm glad that you're still here. I really appreciate you, my inbox and dms are ALWAYS open, please, drop by and say something whenever you feel like it.
Thanks for this message anon, I love you <3
My heart reaches out to you. I'll always be here. I meant what I said.
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 166
Honorable mentions:
I always love seeing a student with John’s old ‘loser’/helmet hair lmao it makes me happy
For the first time ever, when I say ‘Remi, pop off queen’ you know I actually mean it lol
Tldr: the high-tiers (can’t really call them “royals” anymore can we) establish themselves and prove their worths as paragons (perfect examples) of what royals should be and i applaud them for it
The amount of joker masks that the superhero posse brought in has to be representation of their power. Isen, the lowest-ranking of the superhero posse brought 1, Remi brought 3, and Blyke brought 3. You might be thinking ‘hey remi is more powerful than blyke’ but we know that he’s been working hard recently and because he only has one more mask than Remi, i think this idea is plausible. so let me believe that blyke is more powerful than remi please.
Nothing to really say about Isen except that he needs a hug
Going to ignore that remi listed cecile as someone she wanted to recruit help from because i would just get my hopes up
Only occured to me now that i could pull off a John and Rei comparison especially after reflecting over episode 150
Arlo and seraphina give off such close vibes and it’s obviously because they got close (or at least intensely familiar) when they were the king and queen and i just- i absolutely love when plots or characters go full circle and reflect (revisit?) the start of the story even though that sounds anti-development, it’s not im just bad at explanations.
WHAT I WOULD GIVE FOR CECILE TO BACKSTAB JOHN not that i don’t like john because i absolutely aDORE him because of his impact on the story, but i just want to see Cecile backstab someone and john is convient
just me talking for a bit, scroll if you want to skip to the actual content i understand ;( :
Okay: so.
I’ve figured out that instead of putting little talkative comments in the honorable mentions like I’ve been doing lately, I can put them here and not feel like total trash and that I’m downgrading the post so that’s fun.
Anyway, sorry if the massive ton of parentheses(?spelling) i'm using is confusing or hard to read. I mean, I won’t fix it, but I hope it’s not too bad ya know
Again: sorry for talking like im texting someone in 2017 it’s an issue, im aware. No one ever says anything, but yeah?? Im sorry???
Im panic-writing this an hour before the new episode drops so hopefully this is up before then, there’s no real hope though it takes me 10 minutes just to transfer this from my google doc to tumblr because i have to manually re-add all of the bold and italics and bullet points. Still not removing this bit tho even if (lmao “if”) it’s late ;)
Talking too much, but whenever you see (?”spelling/grammar/word choice/etc”), that just means that I messed up in that way, but I’m too distracted to fix it. Figured i should say that eventually seeing as i literally do that every post
Next post will not be written in first person at all because i think it makes these feel way too familiar and makes new readers uncomfortable which is stupid but is how i would feel so we’re experimenting. If you’ve never read one of my posts, i just act very informal with everything i do and i just want to say, i'm not in this tightly knit niche group that reads these and that ive been friends with for years. i just. Talk like this. So don’t feel like you’re eavesdropping by reading one of these. I really hope im not an outlier in feeling this way when reading other peoples post because if nobody actually feels this way, im bout to be real embarrased oops.
Im getting the talking out of my system because no talking next post.
Yeah this post is late. But: i stopped for pizza in the middle and my webtoon isn’t loading so im like sitting around waiting for it to
    Now, in this episode particularly, it has occurred to me that I need to give Remi credit where credit is due. I made a post (AN: multiple posts but we’ll ignore that) over a year ago talking about her abilities as queen and- I did her pretty dirty. Not unfairly, but dirty. I basically dissed her a lot and said that she wasn’t a good queen in any sense. And I’ve done this multiple times (AN: ignore last AN) because I can remember at least 2 other times when I just berated Remi over and over for being shit queen.
    I’m not going to disagree with myself in this post (because I didn’t lie), but I want to give her some credit because I do believe she has changed recently and it has affected how I view her as a position of royalty. And, yes, while it is unclear if she is currently technically still a royal, what with John having somehow destroyed the entire concept of Wellston having royals (?), she has been taking the actions and responsibilities that a royal would. So-
    What made me want to write this out was in this episode, episode 166, I really realized/noticed her attitude and actions dealing with and revolving around this whole joker situation (currently more about the fake jokers) was?? Actually productive?? To explain: In this episode, we see Remi approaching a group of low-tiers who are worriedly talking about the joker situation and 1. Analyzes the conversation in reference to the measures she, Blyke, and Isen are taking to prevent the situation, 2. Reassures the low-tiers that qualified help (her, Blyke, and Isen [aka the superhero posse]) is doing the best they can, and 3. Asks if they have any suggestions or ideas that might help them attain their goal. Like?? Hello?? The Professionalism? And the way she didn’t let her disappointment that her previous efforts up until now affect her is a stark contrast from the Remi of the past. I’ve ripped her apart because of just how often her emotions would completely overwhelm any sense she had. So: that stood out. But, anyway, big picture again: This whole short little scene from her was so impressive?
    Honestly, the fact that Remi is going through all this effort to stop the fake jokers and make sure the low-tiers are safe is very different than what we would’ve seen from her in the past. One of the common reasons that I kept saying Remi was a bad queen was because she didn’t care about her responsibilities and didn’t take her authority seriously. There are even examples of Arlo, or others, telling her this (the example that came to my mind was when Remi was warning students about EMBER and Arlo stepped in [and the reason behind the events of this example helps to support my next point] {ALSO (sorry) afternote: I was reading through everything I’ve ever said about Remi’s leadership and I used this exact example in my post “Remi” from just over a year ago}). Another reason that I was against Remi as queen, which ties nicely with the previous reason (this sounds like repetition of like two seconds ago when I said that my last reason would support this point, but it’s not because words), was that she prioritized personal missions over things her school needed her to do. I remember being very pissed around episodes 110-120 because she ignored the big conflicts happening at Wellston in order to track down this separate crime organization (EMBER) and took Blyke and Isen with her (royals)(who were both against the idea). And I know that her reason for doing this is valid and I do respect her for attempting to avenge her brother, and I would have let this slide if she gave one thought or listened to Isen and Blyke at all about Wellston. I know this still sounds bad on my part, but it was many instances stacked on top of each other of Remi being, not just unconcerned, but unknowing, about Wellston’s current state as a school. At that time, Remi was the queen, she was one of the school’s royals, whose job was to maintain order and peace within the school. I couldn’t see any instances of Remi even attempting to do that. That was in the past though, because obviously, things are different now, like I said. Currently, Remi has gone out of her way to dedicate herself to the wellbeing of Wellston, that is obvious in the way she has been talking with low-tiers and unmasking fake Jokers. I only hope that her new motivation isn’t just a phase brought upon her due to her personal relationship/conflict with Joker, with John. I want to know if John ever happens to be dethroned or Remi somehow gets her technical authority back, will she still be dedicated to the school, or is her motive purely situational? I hope not? Because we’ve seen lots of change from her recently what with learning of the low-tiers mistreatment and all, so let’s cross our fingers.
    Regardless, there has been improvement in Remi. In her leadership and dedication. And that needs to be acknowledged. So I am doing it. Yeah. Here you go. Badge of honor for Remi.
    Obviously, most of what I’ve said also applies to Isen and Blyke, who are honestly going above and beyond (especially Blyke), just this section is a response to my previous statements of how Remi is not a good queen, not only for Wellston, just in general. And, again, while I still agree with my evaluation of Remi as a queen in reference to her past self and past episodes, This is a new development I felt obligated to talk about. :).
Blyke’s idea (?word choice confuses me):
Wowee this is a fun one. So: Blyke broke up a fake joker fight in a hallway this episode, and i just have to acknowledge this like I did for remi: props, but anyway, I was very intrigued by the way he handled the damage control like?? He refuses for the fake joker to be unmasked (?grammar) and gives the reason, “I’m not about to show his face so that you all can just gang up on him later!” And: applause. I think that this has occurred to me before, I just never dwelled on that idea, so I was taken off guard by this from Blyke. He was able to understand this and form a plan with how to deal with it? I don’t know about you, but that screams king behavior. Anyway, what Blyke does is take the fake joker to a separate room and unmasks him privately then talks with him as a way to both protect the fake joker’s safety and discourage him from any future stunts like the one he pulled a sec ago. And?? This is so great because, guys, this is liTERALLY the concept of like anger management and behavior therapy?? 
I especially liked how Blyke took the time to hear the low-tier out(something that the high-tiers are really starting to do [technically because of john because john became joker and caused all of this {and since john wanted to destroy the hierarchy because high-tiers didn’t give a shit about the low-tiers in a way he’s achieved his goal, albeit unknowingly}]). And, like i literally just said, by hearing him out, he’s creating yet another bubble of safety around the low-tier because immediately after (okay maybe not immediately, blyke did scold him a bit), Blyke says that whenever the low-tier is being picked on, he can come to Blyke. And NOT ONLY does this whole thing help with the fake jokers issue, but Blyke, along with Isen and Remi, are creating trust and respect between the low-tiers and high-tiers. This is them doing the hierarchy right! They are establishing themselves as leaders and as people that can be relied upon, which is exactly who the royals are supposed to be.
Just want to say: He also talked about how the guy who got attacked should also reflect on his actions, and yes, this deserves recognition, but this has been a common theme, so I didn’t think it was worth really discussing. Blyke got bonus points for this. Extra credit if you will.
    Remi’s idea:
    Back to Remi, but her idea about recruiting John to help get rid of the Jokers? Excuse me? The innovation, the growth, the potential. And, I know this was shut down pretty quickly by Blyke, but I still have to talk about it??? And this section is starting off horribly because there was absolutely no transition or introduction but hello?? 
    Anyway, obviously the fact that Remi would even suggest getting any help from John (Joker) is astonishing. 1. He literally beat up everyone present in the scene 2. Honestly from what john’s doing for all anyone knows, he likes that low-tiers are faking being joker (remi even points this out lmao) 3. Again, he beat everyone up? Not exactly looking good for any kind of compromise. And yet despite these obvious reasons, Remi still lists him as a possible ally. Why?
    Because when she met up with him before he completely dethroned the Wellston hierarchy, she noticed similarities in their goals and their beliefs. She says, and quotation marks mean quote, “When I spoke with him… I really thought both of us wanted the same thing… Just that our methods of approaching the situation were different.” !!!!!!! Remi knows that they really want the same thing: a safe environment for low-tiers. That was the one thing that John kept repeating over and over when they met up and talked (episode 150) (other than the fact that royals are shit but-): he wanted to create a school environment that was safe for the low-tiers. Whether or not that’s his goal now, or if he’s acting with that goal in mind, Remi obviously remembered this the most from their conversation because it seemed so similar to the way she was thinking. And Remi thinks that it would be possible that John would prioritize this over his dedication to his own personal project of destroying the school :).
    Anyway, this whole idea is scrapped by Isen and Blyke who give valid arguments as to why trying to ally with John is a really bad idea, but oh my god the way my heart stopped.
    This section is basically a summary and very quick, but this scene in the comic was riveting because of this. I just don’t know what else to say.
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Hi, i hope you are feeling good! Im better than yesterday so i can finally answer you. First of all: i am so happy that you shared your fanfiction! i had a great time reading it! Im always open for more recs. Maybe your all time favorites? Or if you know some good h/c these are always welcome :) And YESSS please send me a link to your fanvids. -- yeah 13rw was super cursed. haha i also watched season 1 but thankfully i was able to sto watching becaue i could feel it making me feel bad (1)
I agree the suicide scene was just cringe (but i think i remember reading somewhere that they cut it out? idk) and overall this show just gave me the feeling that there was no hope and things are always getting worse instead of better and i hated that. but enough of that cursed show. can i just say i really admire how open you are about your feelings (like being suicidal and that) i realy, really admire this about you. i have so much respect for you that you can just share your feelings here (2)
I have never heard of ace attorney but that story you described sounds really good. and i get reading sth that isnt good for you and still doing it (because im a dumb bitch too :D) -- okay i might accept that Root will never grow on you (but i thought so too and look at me now :D) but i havent fully given up yet :)-- yes thats the girl. i think it was really sweet when she said that to Shaw. and i think Shaw appreciated it that someone tried to figure her out instead of just writting her off (3)
Shaw is really cool and definately also a badass and in combination with John its just great! but you will have to suffer trough some Shoot.  but maybe, maybe you will end up not hating Root. hope dies last (idk how the saying goes in english, sorry). -- Did you ever ship Caresse (in a romantic way)? cause sometimes i do and sometimes i dont and i get so confused about it :) but i think most of the time i like them more as friends. anyway her death really sucked and you are right with (4)
her death and them losing the library it felt like a different show (i mean i guess it was a different show then). i kinda get your feelings about the destroyed library because i also really loved it (and im really bad with change) but i dont think it affected me as much as you. but yeah i still missed the library very much. and while the subway is a really cool new place its not the same. (also the subway is super dark cause its underground and idk it just makes the whole thing less homey) (5)
Yes he is everything! such a great, interesting character and i wish there were more John-centric episodes! (like ones that explored his character more). that was one of my biggest dislikes of the later seasons that John wasnt featured as much anymore. i think he chuckled a few times in the show but a real laugh? i cant remember one :(  -- He did promise Joss to talk to Tyler so @show were is that talk? -- if seen the vid its awesome! thehiddenmemory has some great poi vids! (6)
yes i think so too. Like Grace would probably be relived and thankful that Harold is still alive and maybe they would even try again but eventually she would figure out that she cant trust him after lying to him for so long or sth like that and Harold would ofc realize that he is in love with someone else now. And then he finds out that John is still alive but stayed away cause he didnt want to get in the way of Harold/Grace. But then Harold comes back. And when they meet again John is like (7)
you came back for the machine? what about Grace. But Harold tells him he came back for John not the machine and then they kiss and have a happy live with Bear (sorry i got a little carried away here :D). -- Yeah Zoe is really hot and she needed more screen time! -- i hope you have a good day and i hope i havent messed up the numbers on the asks! :)
Hi ! I'm finally free from the resits, I hope you're doing okay with your thesis 💛
Sorry for replying late, there was the exam resits, and I read a bunch of fics, then I fell into pokémon and started bingewatching it. (Also I had a breakdown during therapy today so I'm gonna finish writing my answer to distract myself - it's been sitting in my drafts for so long rip)
Thank you !! It was a very personal thing, I'm really happy you liked it !! Your support and your comment made me thrive 💛💛
Tbh I was surprised to see it get kudos given that the only intended audience was my self projecting ass 🤣
So, my fav fics (my fav fic ever is in French, rip to y'all bc it's so good):
I am, I am, I am by RavenWhitecastle
Actually check the entire series this work belongs to: The Sinner and the Saint. I haven't finished it yet but I love it (I just skipped the explicit fics bc I don't like smut or sub!John)
Breaking All The Rules by talkingtothesky
Outsider Perspective by Neery
A Really Private Person by astolat
Hamartia (the hero's fatal flaw) by astolat
If Only for Tonight by spacemutineer
From Here, Where? by AKMars
Stroll by TheaNishimori
and the world was gone by lunarcorvid
a light that never goes out by vindicatedtruth
Limitations. by Michaelssw0rd
Reel you in and spit you out by Michaelssw0rd
All I Want For Christmas Is You by richmahogany
By What Power I Am Made Bold by brinnanza
Aftershocks by darringtons
At Certain Hours It All Breaks Down by nogoaway
construction of a kingdom by the_ragnarok
You Take Me Higher Than I've Gone by talkingtothesky
All Together Now by beadedslipper
I'll Let the Waters Still by brinnanza
Birthday Tradition by talkingtothesky
Things My Father Taught Me by KRyn
Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder by infiniteeight
Better Luck This Time by Lisztful
Motivations by JenNova
What's On the Table by cortue
In Another Life by Della19
I Thought We Already Were by talkingtothesky
Misunderstandings by thisstarvingartist
This is already fucking long omg so for the h/c: my bookmarks filtered with Rinch and h/c
Here's my playlist, it's mostly Rinch, but there are a few not Rinch vids, plus some scenes I like
This is long enough already, so it's time for a read more. Also, warning, we be talking about suicide
The portrayal of suicide is cringe most of the time anyway. If my suicidal ass can find a list of suicide methods and their lethality in 2 mins on Google you'd think writers who are supposed to do some research would be able to find them too but no they're like "ah yes slicing wrists" even though it's literally the shittiest method 🙄 (I just don't understand why slicing wrists seems to be such a popular method in the collective imagination ? It's weird.) At least in 13rw she took aspirin and cut herself vertically instead of horizontally but still, no hesitation wounds, and she dies even though she only got 4 wounds iirc ? I know more about jumping off bridges than slicing wrists, but it kinda sounds like bullshit to me. Also Netflix once suggested "beyond the reasons" to me, it's a sort of discussion with the cast and crew of 13rw and the only thing I remember is a moment of intellectual masturbation abt how they "opened a discussion abt suicide" 😬😬😬
They may have cut it out it's not impossible, idk I didn't hear about it, but it's not like I look for info about this dumpster fire lol. Maybe they faced backlash ? Wouldn't be surprised given how shit the show was. And yeah it has a hopeless vibe, I mean that's how it be when you're suicidal, but I didn't like it either.
You're sweet 💜💜 it's interesting that you find it respectable or admirable, I don't have an external point of view, so I'm just like 🤷 it is what it is. I understand where you're coming from though, I guess it's still quite a taboo subject, and suicidal people don't always feel comfortable talking about it, so me throwing around that I jumped off a bridge must be surprising. I'm detached enough from my suicide attempt that I'm able to talk about it without much of a problem, and I'm not really suicidal anymore.
Dumb bitches unite 👏👏👏 we be out there reading shit we shouldn't read
Yeah I think it's nice how the show didn't portray Shaw as a bad person for not having "normal feelings". Well, hope makes one live as we say in French (idk the English saying either lol) but don't hold much hope about me liking Root lmao
I used to ship careese bc they kissed in the crossing, but then I read some Rinch fics and I just ended up falling into it to the point where I stopped caring about careese. Now I think their relationship works better as a friendship.
Yeah all that change really puts me off... It just gives me "bad spin-off" vibes. Especially since there is less John :( and less Rinch :((((
Lmao yeah I just have a lot of feelings about early poi hgkfglrk. Also :/ I'm sad about the subway being less homey pls I just want happiness ?? I swear this show destroys my heart on top of owning my last braincell (brb changing my blog title to this lmao)
Mood I need all the John-centric eps, give me m o r e characterization and development and backstory and feelings hhhhhhh. I love him so much I just wanna spend more time with him. And that's what fics are for ! Yeah thehiddenmemory is so talented ! Astolat made some good ones too, on top of writing really good fics ! (Our fandom has been blessed with the presence of one of the ao3 founders hell yeah)
Also, remember how we talked abt the poi subreddit ? The other day I left a comment on there, wild I know. It wasn't a discussion about the last seasons though, I'm not crazy, it was about the impact poi had in our lives so I said it literally taught me English. Who knows maybe sometimes I'll comment again lol. I just don't wanna meet one of those people who prefer late poi over early poi.
Allow me to uuuuh write something based on what you said. Don't ask me how John survived with no major injuries, my man got that Thick Plot Armor alright. Hope you appreciate me getting carried away sjdkdksk it's kinda rushed and the first part isn't that good bc idk how to write Grace I'm just here for that sweet sweet Rinch stuff
Harold is eating breakfast with Grace in her kitchen – he can't think of her home as his home – when his phone vibrates. It's a text from the machine. It's a surprise, she barely contacted him since... He blocks the thoughts and the images coming to his mind. The machine sent him a picture. When he opens it, his heart misses a beat. Right here on his screen is a silhouette he thought he would never see again. His phone vibrates again. Another picture, this time it's unmistakably John, wearing his signature suit, Bear next to him. Transfixed, he stares at his phone until he feels Grace gently touching his arm. She goes straight to the point.
"Is it John ?" He looks up in confusion, but before he can say anything, she adds, "I hear you call him in your sleep every night."
"It's him, yes." He doesn't want to explain. He only wants to see John, to touch him, to tell him how much he loves him.
"You should go back to him. I like you, Harold. I am deeply relieved to see you alive. But I've been thinking, and... It's not working. This, us... You aren't really the man I fell in love with, the man I grieved... I can't trust you anymore." She doesn't say 'You lied to me' but Harold hears it all the same.
Harold sits on their bench. The machine indicated John often comes here. Soon enough, his arms are full of Bear, and John is standing in front of him.
"John. How are you ?" he asks when Bear finally calms down.
"Busy. And you ?"
Harold eyes him suspiciously – John once said he was busy when he was bleeding and way too close to death – but he seems to be well.
"I'm fine." He doesn't have time for awkward small talk." I thought you were dead. Why didn't you contact me ?"
"The machine told me you were with Grace. I thought you wanted to come back to your previous life. I didn't want to crash into it and ruin what you had."
Harold wants to be angry at him, but he understands. He did the same with Grace.
"You would never ruin anything. Besides, my relationship with Grace... didn't survive my lies. She's very dear to my heart, but she's a part of my previous life, as you said."
"So you came back for the machine, and the numbers, like the good old times ?"
Harold gets up from the bench.
"I came back for you. You are an important part of my life. The most important part."
John smiles, finally. He takes a step towards Harold, they're so close they could kiss. Harold reaches out, grips his shirt and slowly inches closer. He's still afraid of being rejected but John wraps his arm around him and kisses him. The kiss is over too soon. John's smile is even wider when they part.
"You're the most important part of my life too," he says before kissing Harold again. "You will stay ?"
Damn I live for sappy Rinch stuff.
Bitches decided that Harold saying "always" is peak Rinch. It's me I'm bitches.
Also ofc I had to make a reference to number crunch, who do you think I am
Anyway. I hope you have a good day ! 💛
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fairycosmos · 5 years
And yeah they basically told me to F off. They said I could take some time off and go ‘fix my problem’ and come back next year. And I’m like wtf. And then I had a breakdown in the mental health service lol. Like I honestly just wanna do my assignments and be done but I have zero motivation bc of this f ing depression... do you have any tips to get motivated and just do it? I can’t even focus and I’d really appreciate your support even though I’m sorry for putting this on you and bothering you
hey, so sorry for the late response but damn dude that's honestly so fuckin crazy. especially since they've BEEN aware of your mental health problems the whole time, AND the uni counselor was vouching on your behalf......the fact that they would just dismiss your struggles is fucking unbelievable :( im so sorry you have to deal with it. you literally have every right to be upset, but i hope you're able to work through it in your own way. i don't blame you at all for using the day to just cry, sometimes it's completely necessary. love, you probably need some water and a light distraction, when possible. even just for five minutes. anyway i also really struggle with getting and staying motivated, even for small tasks like washing my face. when you're depressed, everything feels like a massive effort, everything takes so much energy. so try not to fall into the trap of hating yourself for not being able to seamlessly handle everything - it's not your fault. you're trying, and that is more than enough. i havent really found an all encompassing solution for it myself, but here are some small things ive been trying to remember lately to force myself into action:
1. a job half done is better than nothing. washing a few dishes, writing an outline for your assignment, stretching for 5 minutes - they all have their own benefits. breaking tasks down into comfortable chunks is ok. you don't have to go into it with the mindset that you will get a perfect, complete result. you just have to make a start.
2. don't listen to your mind when it's tired. ive been trying to ignore mine when i first wake up because it starts trying to talk me out of doing shit. this might sound stupid but ive been learning that i don't have to be happy to be active. i can be sad while studying, cleaning, practicing, working. i can be down and still get out of bed.
3. count to three and then just begin. sometimes there is literally no other way.
4. recognize that the stress and the anticipation of procrastinating is usually way more exhausting, especially for your mental health, than actually attempting the task at hand.
5. take breaks. make sure you're hydrated, practice deep breathing. yes, it will feel a bit stupid. but yes, it's important. you don't have to work relentlessly, you don't have to overwhelm yourself.
6. don't be afraid to ask your friends for help, with the assignment, and with everything else.
i guess that's all that comes to mind for me right now, but i really hope you start to feel better soon. im glad you're in touch with the uni counselor and maybe if you both keep fighting your case, eventually they will listen to you. until then, i would seriously urge you to just focus on taking it one day at a time. is that's too much, one hour at a time. examine what you need in this moment, and try to put your energy into what you can control as opposed to whats out of your hands. uni is a fucking bitch to deal with and so is mental illness, but you are not facing it alone, and where you're at right now is not where you'll always be. low moods, while strong, are never as permanent as they feel. you definitely have all of my support and i'll be here if you need someone. i can seriously understand where you're coming from n i think a lot of ppl do. anyway please take care, sending a lot of love 💌
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
rEEE writers inbound
hey there! i’m rhys. i am 22, live in the ct, and love ooc chatter! my ooc is pretty lax, but i promise my writing is a helluva lot more formal. i write in third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. im not a rapid-fire writer, and won’t be able to constantly get replies in every day (i can get responses in anywhere between every couple of days to a week or two). however, i will ALWAYS put tlc into all of my posts and characters! i write anywhere between 300-900 words. it’s definitely alright if you don’t feel up to that amount at any given point, but i do appreciate keeping it somewhere in this range. im very wordy, and can spew out a novel if im excited enough lmao
  my limits are pretty general; i will not do beastiality, pedophilia, vore, or scat. i can indulge in a variety of kinks, but if it’s a little much for any average person, i’m less likely to write it out (i.e extreme ddlg or adult babies, furries, extreme pet play, etc.) but i can be persuaded to lightly touch on certain kinks as long as they’re not 10000% filth lmao i cannot, and will not, do seme/uke or top/bottom dynamics. absolutely not. queer relationships shouldn’t be defined by whose taking the D. i dont want to interact with squeamish little femboys, or awful macho men with downright rapey tendencies. versatility is key, and power struggles are what i live for! i will, however, indulge in BDSM dynamics with certain plots— although, domination isn’t always about penetration, you know?
  give me characters with aspirations, hopes and dreams, and crushing past experiences that flesh them out into who they are. no one is perfect, and we all have things that rear their ugly heads in the dark. problematic characters, male or female or anything in between, are everything. i love lgbtq+ characters, as i am part of the community myself, and will almost always be more inclined in writing queer characters. not to say i won’t write for strictly straight pairings, m/f, but usually i am iffy when approached with it if i am just meeting you.
  i write for all genders, ethnicity, and orientations! you can find a few writings examples of mine here. i am pretty welcoming of most things. smut, of course. some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? let's do it, dude. i am super OOC friendly and i am pretty much a garbled mess when i get to know you!  i’m a social person— i feel like a burden if you’re not into chatting with me, so please, if you’re not looking to be both a writing partner as well as a friend, i might not be the gal for you. i am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, dark/morally corrupt characters, unconditional love, etc. my interests fluctuate! i am down, 24/7, guys! i only roleplay over email, but will ooc chat over discord or hangouts! here's a list of fandoms and pairings below that i am looking to write for atm. i do have many more, but these are just the ones off the top of my head!
Handsome Jack/Rhys
Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha
  Life is Strange
Max Caulfield/Chloe Price
Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase
Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham
Rachel Amber/Chloe Price
Frank Bowers/Damon Merrick
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
Dick Grayson/Wally West
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley
  Batman: Telltale Series
Bruce Wayne/John Doe
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle
Stephen Strange/Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Thor/Bruce Banner
Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake
Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn
Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross
Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill
Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore
Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell
Gryff Whitehill/Elaena Glenmore
Gared Tuttle/Finn
Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow
  The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes/Negan
Javier Garcia/David Garcia
Clementine/Gabriel Garcia
Javier Garcia/Paul “Jesus” Rovia
  Far Cry (3-5)
Jason Brody/Vaas Montenegro
Jason Brody/Bambi “Buck” Hughes
Ajay Ghale/Pagan Min
Ajay Ghale/Sabal
Ajay Ghale/Sabal/Amita
Rook/Joseph Seed
Rook/John Seed
Rook/Faith Seed
Frank Castle/David Lieberman
Frank Castle/Billy Russo
  Mass Effect: Andromeda
Scott Ryder/Reyes Vidal
Scott Ryder/Gil Brodie
Scott Ryder/Peebee
Sara Ryder/Peebee
Sara Ryder/Vetra Nyx
  Kill Your Darlings
Lucien Carr/Allen Ginsberg
Onto original plots!
  Office romances/BDSM/Friends with benefits-turned-lovers
okay, so, i had this type of roleplay with someone a while back. maybe more than two or three years back that i fell out of contact with and i could never really get it out of my head because it was probably one of the best character-building stories i’ve ever taken part of. :’) i don’t remember their name, but i do hope they’ll contact me again if they ever see this. while some of this may seem specific, none of it is concrete and i promise i am very easy to get along with and very accomodating! the plot i remember had three different relationships— completely different people, with different lives and different worlds, with only one common thing between them being that they work in the same building. we can do all three, or we can do a few, or even  one! i dont mind.
  **pairing A; M/F preferred (lol i know broke my own rule, but i adore femdoms! extra: please come with an open mind. this is not a 50 shades AU, and i do not want it to be.) this one is between a CEO and an intern in their senior year of college. The CEO is a femdom, and freshly out of divorce, takes a liking to the clumsy intern who’d spilled coffee on her more than once. The intern has never been in a relationship with an older woman, let alone one running a multi-million dollar company, but hey, isn’t that the dream for some broke twenty-something down on his luck? She introduces him to BDSM, and while he’s hesitant, the idea is as exciting as it is frightening. He accepts her offer— while it’s difficult at times, he begins to learn more about her. Her ex-spouse, her young child, and her unwillingness to develop a sincere relationship with him. She’s had subs before, and while she tells him he isn’t disposable, he begins to feel it was the truth. He grows to have feelings for her, and while she isn’t too keen on admitting it, the feeling is mutual. I’d love to explore their dynamic in and out of sex, and the conflict between the intern and her ex-spouse. I love age gaps, and think it would be awesome to see them develop over time to find common ground to establish a personal relationship and trying to even out their power imbalances. I don’t mind playing either the CEO or the intern, but I am leaning more towards the CEO. :V**
  **pairing B; M/M preferred (this one is waaay more gritty and more dub-con than anything so please beware!) this one is between two higher-ups who have been butting heads for years— and occasionally, sexual tension neither have acted on. A is a snarky, openly gay man, and probably what some would consider shallow and noncommittal. B is a brooding, closeted ‘by the book’ type well into his thirties, and refuses to engage in anything sexual with men despite his obvious attraction; B has younger siblings he takes care of as well as his mother, and being the oldest son and only provider, hasn’t done a thing for himself in twenty years. A lives completely alone, complete with a bachelor pad and, the influx of flings that went nowhere past sex, and has risen to the top with his own sheer will. they have conflicting motives, and while both of them have an intense hatred for each other, they’ve never engaged in physical altercations in fear of losing their jobs. one day, A jabs a little below the belt, and finally, B starts swinging. this fight turns into something way more heavy in the company parking lot. what happens between them in the long run is something desperate, needy, and longing for real affection. it began as a mindless need for sex, angry and mean and formal, with B being especially unwilling to ‘give up’ his masculinity and ever be on the receiving end in fear of losing the control he needs to keep this up. i’d love to see them begin to see each other in a different light, and changing each other for the better. i’d also love to see A showing B that sex doesn’t have to be meaningless, and that he doesn’t need to fear letting A be in control. And B showing A that commitment isn’t as terrifying as it may be, with them gradually going from rivals, to friends with benefits, and eventually lovers. i, again, don’t mind writing for either! **
  **pairing C; F/F preferred. (aaa this pairing is way more fluffy and sweet, with hurt/comfort as a stable of their dynamic.) this one is between two small-office employees in the company. A is fairly tame at work in order to support her sibling(s), of which she has adopted from her father’s custody years ago. she is fairly confident with her sexuality, and while not being the type to frequent clubs, is dragged along by a few friends and there, meets B. B is a young woman who just recently got out of a relationship with an abusive ex fiance— B has only ever been with that man, and was never confident in exploring her sexuality due to a religious upbringing and parents who were dead set on traditional values. she’s never strayed from her ex, and while he wasn’t faithful or remotely good to her in return, she was heartbroken with their split. months after, he returns to the city and B’s close friends decide to take her out on a girls’ night to make her feel better— B coincidently sees her ex, and feeling childish and unattractive, heads off to the bar to get a drink. she’s nowhere near a drinker, and just before she does drown her sorrows, is hit on by A. while initially shocked, B is flustered and finds herself immediately attracted to A. they have a one-night stand, and while B believes that A would just leave in the morning, A instead lays with her until she wakes up, and leaves her number. B is too anxious to text her. they bump into each other at the elevator that Monday. they agree to be just friends, until B knows what she wants. A is willing to wait. B might have a crush, and A is intent on building B up to love herself and her body. i would overall prefer to write for A, but if you’re dead set, no prob!**
  Serial killer/1960’s/Small town sheriff
no preferred pairing! would love, love, love to see something between a serial killer and a small town sheriff in the mid-to-late sixties. we could make up a new little town, or find one to our liking! A is the sheriff who had been born and raised in this town with a good home life, loving parents, and a steady moral compass, albeit trapped in a loveless marriage. they know everyone, and every nook and cranny of the place like the back of their hand. this is the type of place where people don’t have to lock their doors at night, or constantly watch their kids when they’re out in the yard playing. that is, until people start going missing and horrifyingly mutilated bodies began to pop up around town. B is a well-liked baker in town; known to be genuinely friendly and kind, B has a very corrupt past. both of their parents were heinously abusive, and as a child, B developed sociopathic tendencies. B was inherently spiteful of the town and the people in it, for leaving them to rot in hell for eighteen years, and for never reaching out. B formed a god complex, his intentions to ‘purify the corrupt’. they keep tabs on almost everyone in town, and the victims they do take are put in the soundproof basement of his home to be ‘baptized’; tortured, beaten, and mutilated beyond recognition. A and B are friendly with each other as A comes to the bakery every morning, with B’s motives completely unbeknownst. one night, A, frustrated and pissed from the dead ends of the case of the decade, decides to head to the bar and relax. B is the one face A didn’t mind seeing that night, and one thing lead to another, with A and B in a dark alley getting each other off— i definitely see this as B grooming A to be a complicit pet, and when A gets closer and closer to figuring out who the killer is, he forms a deep connection with B. B develops a possessiveness over A, along with that sense of ownership he’d established between them. B manipulates A, coerces him into a false sense of security, and eventually— A finds out, and while B initially thinks to kill A, A is corrupted by B and forms some kind of stockholm syndrome for B. it’s up to A on whether or not they turn B in, or cover the killer’s tracks. B, despite his very sick and repulsive nature, develops a true infatuation for A, as close to love as they were ever going to get, and A is desperate enough to please B that they’ll do anything to not disappoint them.
  Post apocalypse/decades later/immunity
no pairing preferred! the plot I had in mind is loosely based off of a video game called "The Last of Us", which i am sure most of you have a general knowledge of! (definitely check it out if you don’t :O it’s a great game!!) the prompt i was shooting for goes something like this; in a post-apocalyptic world where a pandemic has killed off most living species, character A is a lone wolf with little to do with other people that don't benefit him, except for a select few. A is especially rough around the edges, as he's lived through some sick shit and lived to tell the tale. A had once been part of a group dedicated to finding a cure, but things went south, and a lot of people died. A had a close bond with the leader of said group, and coincidentally they were the only survivors. their past together, having been deeply demented and twisted, caused them to fall out. said leader has rebuilt a new group in the ten years since the last time they'd seen A. character B is the only known immune person alive, and has dedicated their life to being a resource to finding a cure. A and his (current) contact/partner in crime have something taken from them, and are determined to get it back. they do some searching, and are confronted with this group-- they have what they need, but are only willing to give it to them for a favor in return. no one can outrun their past forever. so, this plot isn't concrete. things can be changed, we can do whatever we want, and i am happy to comply to any revisions or suggestions! i'd really enjoy taking on A, if that's alright!
treasure hunters!!!! yES!! think Uncharted or Tomb Raider. an architect/treasure hunter is being funded an expedition to find a lost treasure and they are forced to bring along a reporter in order to receive the funds. the reporter and architect certainly dont get along in the beginning— they bicker, and clash on most fronts. the expedition wasnt meant to be dangerous. what was initially thought to be a simple job turned into something treacherous; bandits, a team of hired hitmen and their leader looking to take the treasure for themselves, and some rather supernatural elements that they both couldnt quite put a finger on. the treasure hunter and the reporter have to work together to get out of this alive, and get to the artifact before someone else does. (the “treasure” is definitely up for debate!! we can chose a real life lost treasure, or just make one up!! it can be anywhere around the world, and everything is at our disposal).
character A has an awful time living in the city— alone, and without mom's guidance, completely lost. one day they receive a call about a deceased relative, one they'd never heard of, one that apparently left their estate and everything in it in their will to A. with nothing but the clothes on their back, A took a shot in the dark and drove out to this presumed "estate" come early summer, only to find that it's a mansion in a tiny little town with an eerie vibe and populated by the typical small town churchgoers and farm folk. living in this town was a hell of a challenge; everyone was nice, too nice, and people started to go missing. character B is an exceptionally charismatic, charming person and the only mechanic/handyman in town. A and B become friends, partially, when A needs to fix up the piping in their estate. A stumbles upon the attic one day, and for once, they start to get why this whole town reeked to the roots in weird shit-- their deceased relative was tracking something here in this town, having to do with all of the MIA townsfolk. DR has a board of possible suspects, and at the center? B. A shrugs it off as their relative having been paranoid, but the longer A stays in this town, the more apparent it becomes that DR wasnt crazy. B is, in fact, not the murderer, instead a supernatural being (open for debate! im on the fence with demons, vampires, etc.) on a mission to track down the monster, same as DR. i am so down for internal struggles, sweet gestures, and overall, two people just trying to make it work! i could also see A being hella paranoid that B is the monster, and maybe tries to throw cloves of garlic at them only to realize thats not exactly how this monster hunter business works lmao
  DEPRESSED WRITER/YOUNG MUSE/between 1920’s-1960’s/sex, drugs, & the american dream
m/m preferred! A is a severely depressed middle-aged man believing his life has been wasted. his wife left him with their child at her hip, his career was in a rut, and he had nothing left to live for. opting for suicide, he goes out one evening to purchase a bottle of gin to down with a handful of prescription sleeping pills when he returned to his apartment. instead of going directly home, he’s swept in by the music in an underground club for queers. there he meets B; all encompassing, angel faced, and the only person A didn’t know how to look away from. B is a former US Navy Seal, aspiring musician, and avid indulger of the human body— A stays a little too long, owlish and red, and after the show, B approaches him with a cattish smile. they spark a friendship, and A is thrown down the rabbit hole when B introduces him to his social circle, filled to the brim with drag queens, junkies, queers, and the overall unusual— he integrates into this community, his contemplation of suicide only a distant memory, and begins to find himself extremely attracted to B. he lights a fire in A, something dangerous and unquenchable, and A finds himself drawn in by the unpredictability. A embarks with B on a journey of self exploration, passion, and inevitable love in a world that scorned the oddities of human attraction and anyone who dared to be free.
  thanks for your time! if you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] on email or rhys#3615 on discord and mention kiwi somewhere in your initial message. n_n
  Rhys xoxo
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survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 2 - “I'd like to speak with the manager” - Maxyne
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lol cool so i’m in a majority alliance without having to lift a finger? fuckin love that. the challenge is a shit ton of greek letters and i cant like be literate in english so i volunteered to sit out. i have enough charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent to get through if we lose.
Well, tribal went according to what was said and honestly that was nice. Know i hope we can win immunity because dont want to go to tribal again. Im talking to people but not im not like fitting in with people it seems. I might be an outsider. So hoping i can live long enough to survive and live for a swap time.
Dusty started an alliance chat with myself, Fae, Erick, Cranjes, and Van which I agree with. I really like Van and Fae, but I do not necessarily trust Cranjes and Erick. However, it is good that we have a majority alliance at this stage in the game. I want to be able to protect Maxyne, but I am not sure what the group will decide. For now, I should be content with not imposing my will on votes and being a follower. It will serve me well in the long run. 
After a drunk night, I can say for sure that I am well-established in this tribe. I think Sasha and Frank are in the most danger. Cranjes did not even know Frank existed until tonight, so it seems like they could be the easy vote this time around. I would not be mad at it at all. I want to keep Maxyne safe, after all, since they are someone who I feel I have a deep connection with. The duolingo challenge could prove troublesome, but I am hoping that the tribe pulls through together in order to negate the disadvantages we received.  
Ok so we lost the challenge and we just have to recover and win this one!!! The challenge is duolingo and I-. I hate. The language is Greek. I wish that it was a language that I knew like Arabic or English but rip. Lucking I joined a Greek letter Fraternity so the alphabet is easy for me but everything else... whew child. 
Greek is so fucked, I know how to say xylophone but not hi????
I miss Susan. She was fun... Even if i did help orchestrate a unanimous vote against her :(
Anyway. Moving on!! This challenge is hard and Greek is hard. I underestimated how difficult it would be to learn an entire new alphabet. Odds are in our favor because Plati has a 40% disadvantage (which is HUGE), but I'm still a lil worried. A lot of people on Nera either seem busy or not invested. The running score should not be as close as it is right now, we should be steamrolling!!!
right, okay, god damn I need to get in this. high key. well, I'm trying but in the midst of everything happening irl, I'm a mess lmao. Jay sent out an edgic with no names to the tribe chat and I was like "okay which INV one is me" because that's already obvious. I need to like, actually do stuff so if we lose this challenge I don't be the first boot of my tribe asdfgnjhbcdsge
Once again I am the sole provider of the tribe win challenges because my back is hurting from carrying all these people. Since it is Raffy-proofed meaning that it is averaged, I just have to pray to god that people do as well as me. Like I even helped them in the tribe chat. If that was not enough then I do not know what will help these people. All I know is that I will not be going home since I am strong in challenges and they will need me for later.
Because I know this will come up eventually (and I want the proof here) these are my guesses for who people are: Sasha - Dylan Cranjes - John Fae - Birch Maxyne - Colin? Duncan? Anyways love. I hope we win the challenge xoxo
well shoot. oh well. gotta yeet a hoe.
greek stinks, not even mad about only getting 7😂
when you had the lowest score of everyone in the tribe, excluding the one who was exempted from the challenge : )
They better hide their damn ankles, cause whoever sprain their ankles during the hunt, imma shatter the next one >:(
It sucks that we are going to tribal, but I already know who I want to vote out: Frank. They are not very active and they did the worst in both challenges. So, for me, this is a no brainer vote of getting them out. Cranjes did not even know they existed until yesterday. I feel pretty confident at the moment.
Yay, we won immunity! Finally made an alliance chat with Franco, Michele, and Eliza. We are a fantastic quadrant, and we make a tidy majority, though I’m sure we’re gonna have swap soon. I’m honestly not feeling Gregg anymore. If we had gone to tribal, I would have pushed to get him voted out but like, not pushy like because that’s how the vote gets flipped on you. Lenny might be a weak link too? Who knows. At least worm is excellent. I hope susan gets eliminated from redemption. Honestly... I respect her, but I don’t miss the energy. 
Also, earlier in the day, Maxyne and I had a little chat about working closely together in the game. I really like Maxyne, so this works out for me. I will keep them as a covert operator away from my big majority alliance. Eventually things are going to shake down such that the alliance crumbles, so I need to make sure people will have my back when it does. 
wait I didn’t actually score the Lowest I’m just dummy ckkaskfbak
who the fuck is frank
i have no idea who’s gonna get the yeet. i’m being told it’s either maxyne, sasha or frank. but who is frank.
Sooooo we lost the immunity challenge, which I’m not surprised about because I personally had no motivation to try and learn a whole new language and alphabet...But regardless I did my best and at least not he worst. I’m fine with us losing because it just means losing a less-active player, and gives us a tribal to strengthen the alliance that is myself, Erick, fae, Elle, cranjes, and Van. I really like this group of people. Erik, fae, elle, and I have been working together to try and find a damn idol but so far our hunt has only brought us to the other tribes camp
AHHHH WE WON. IM SO GLAD we don't have to do tribal again. I know I wouldn't be in danger but the less risk the better???
Anyway!! I now have 2 alliances!! Rain has been talking to me about getting an alliance for a while now, but they arent,,, the best at consistent communication and enacting plans. But I can't judge because that's definitely not my strongest suit either. They brought in Michele and Eliza which i think is HILARIOUS since us three already have our own alliance. It just kinda works. Rain doesn't strike me as a super strong player but theyre fun to have around, at the very least it's another number and perspective for Michele, Eliza, and I. It just makes our trio stronger than we already are!!
Hi!!! I don’t have much to say, but here are some predictions on who is who. Van = Zach Erick = John maybe? Not 100% sure on that one. That’s all I have but I Think Maynor might be also be playing, but he is also currently about to win an atomic so maybe not? Zoe and Ellie are probably here too. Maybe Stephen? Is that a stretch? Only time will tell.  
OHMYGOD I FOUND AN IDOL this is what happened oh my god i’m screaming so i told erick i voted for him for the idol bc he started talking about ghost adventures and i love ghost adventures so in turn he shared the clue with me. it said something about tedious tasks, and idk why but i had to look at the top of the waterfall. under all the little stones. and there she was. i’m gonna cry this is so exciting. is anyone gonna find out? no. hell to the motherfuckin no. this is my secret and my secret only.
So my tribe won immunity! That in its self is very exciting just because of how hard I work. We were very lucky though with all disadvantages because our asses would have been handed to us if not. Tribe wise, since we won I can take this chance to create tighter bonds with everyone. Part of me feels as though Jay may decide to add some twists to the game like an early tribe swap. If this does occur I want to be ready so I don't get swap fucked. Overall I think my relationships with everyone are good and can help me get to the merge. The only person that I don't have a decent bond with is Gregg, I don't think anyone does though. He isn't too active in the tribe so unless he is doing a lot of socializing behind the scenes I don't think anyone is too close to him. Now I know I'm safe so I shouldn't need to worrying about targets and who to get out when I have to go to my next tribal council, but I think I just like having a plan even if it doesn't need to come to fruition. So right now this plan is just in a passive state and is only told here.
Also fuck these idols. During my search I've only found a big egg and sand. What kind of tomfoolery is this! I have a feeling an idol has already been found, especially because Franco was given a clue to where it is hidden. But Im gonna keep going cause maybe I might find some more cool shit.
I’m quite concerned about possibly being voted out tonight because I’m not that social and that is concerning. Looking at all my messages though I have responded and the other people left me on read so like that’s why some conversations ended. Right now I get good vibes from Cranjes. Do I think I’m gonna go voted out though...yes, yes I do. Will I stay on redemption for a while...hopefully. But that doesn’t mean I’m giving up for the vote tonight, I’m going to try until the end because that’s what I know best.
Dear diary.... Some of these damn people are gonna make me lose it, also at this point I think I’ve tried to clock my whole tribe + Elle as Raffy, I swear at least one of them is raffy, Franco and Michele I’m looking at you. I will find him. Anywho, I think it’s about time I give my early game analysis of everyone! I’ll even give my analysis of the alliances I’m in for extra fun. 
Let’s start with alliances!
Elfranchele: Includes: Eliza (Ellie), Franco, Michele I honestly think this alliance could go far, my two beautiful meat shields whom I love ever so much! Right now at this pre merge stage I believe that we’re the core that’s going to be controlling the votes until swap/merge, and honestly I’m pretty ok with it. I’d love to go far with these two! Named alliance: Includes: Eliza (Ellie), Franco, Michele, Rain
This alliance formed because rain wanted it to, they didn’t realize that elfranchele exists, and it’s goo that no one knows of it. I like rain and think I could work with them but considering that someone already wants them out, I’ll be working with them for however long it’s going to benefit my game, love then as a person but I don’t want a target on my back. (Y’all like the playing style I’m trying this time??? It’s new for me ain’t it) People!
Franco: Ugh, I’d literally die for Franco, but I can’t attach myself to him, I need to remain a free agent although Franco is definitely my #1 as of now, I mean he gave me half of a super idol for fucks sake. As long as I find the idol before he does it’ll be great, because I already know that both Franco and I are good social players, so having an idol that I don’t have to share with him/that he doesn’t know about? Beautiful! I want to go far with Franco, but I’d prefer to go a tad bit farther than him.
Michele: We love Michele, her humor is great and I love the whole elfranchele alliance, Michele is the same story as Franco basically, minus the fact that she doesn’t know about the super idol. I think Michele and I could definitely work very well together because as of right now I have no reason not to trust her. Franco is still my top person right now but I still love Michele and want to go far with her.
Rain: Rain is fun! We love them, people are already suspicious of them and that does not look very good, hopefully it’s just Lenny overthinking but I’ll be wary of that. I love rain and want to work with them but they’re not someone I absolutely NEED to go far with. This time I’m trying to stick with people only when they benefit me, that’s very new for me because I’m generally a very very strong social player that gets everyone to like them and then I pick a side and stay. But I’m try to branch out more this time!
Tristin and Worm: These two are kinda the same story for me so I’m grouping them together before this gets too long, I love them both and they are generally great people to have conversations with. I could see myself working with them very long term. I told worm about Lenny wanting rain so that I could gain Worm’s trust and it definitely worked so that’s great! I love these two and think that I’ll be able to work with them without anyone suspecting that we’re actually working together.
Gregg and Lenny: They don’t really do anything, I mean Lenny wanted rain out but other than that? These two have made no real impact and haven’t done anything, if we lose again I see one of those two going. Ok that’s it y’all, sorry if this was too long!! Have a great day.
Frank is definitely going to make their way out of the door today. He has not really been fighting for his spot at all, so it should be an easy vote. I felt like I got closer to Cranjes/John earlier in the day, so I feel good that we will be tight if I keep going for it. Finally, it seems someone has already found something in the idol hunt since I searched a spot that used to have something in it. I hope I grow close to whoever it is so that they will not use their item against me. But I feel pretty comfortable with my place in the tribe, however that is when I am the most vunerable.
we’re voting frank. he just done been done too darn quiet until today. he made life a LOT easier by throwing a name out cough sasha who isn’t in the alliance of six (me, erick, van, dusty, fae and elle) and as far as i know it should shake out to be frank going to the redemption island duel. granted it’s survivor so who knows BUT i don’t think i need to play my idol. so that’s where i stand. Van It’s been a pretty chill day ngl. The Big Alliance™️ has pretty much decided who’s going home due to inactivity and just generally not caring about the game. Talk of Sasha has gone around, but everyone is still voting frank as of right now.
I’m super happy that we won the challenge. I don’t have to worry about sending another player from out tribe to redemption island. However, this round Michele tempted me with the possibility of voting out someone big. She didn’t say who but I told her I was interested. I’m here for chaos gorls. Currently I’m solidifying a F2 with Worm because they’re cool and I like them. We also talked about voting off Gregg which is cool because Gregg is currently our weakest link. Also for the sake of the edgic, I must mention that I SEE lenny but she doesn’t do much which is a negative to me. She’s just barely above Gregg on my totem poll.
So since we are safe my mind is wandering. After playing enough orgs, my gut is telling me that there is already an alliance in place on my tribe. I first suspected in when Franco won the reward with 5 votes. Then after we lost I talked to Michele maybe 5 minutes after it was posted and she said that she already talked to some people and that they all seem to be on board with getting rid of Susan. And then today, Eliza told me that Lenny wanted to get rid of Rain last round and that her and a few others got Lenny to change her mind and go for Susan. This conversation had me concerned cause I haven't had many conversation about strategy other than confirming the Susan vote and few people saying they want to work with me.I digress on that. As I continued to talk to Eliza she then mentioned that Rain doesn't know about Lenny targeting them unless either Michele or Franco told them. So my brain connected some possible dots I kinda came to the conclusion that Eliza, Franco, Lenny, and Michele are working together (or at least Eliza, Franco, and Michele). I don't want to put the cart before the horse but I might need to see if I can solidify an alliance with Tristin and Rain (if they would only communicate with me :'( ). Not gonna reveal any of theses gut feelings yet but I'm gonna keep researching and seeing if my gut feelings are correct. And if the are I need to figure out if I wanna be messy if we go to tribal soon or just ride it until merge. I can go with the flow and just be social and go with the numbers but that might not be whats best for the long term of my game. There is so much mystery in this game that everything feels like a poor decision. I feel like the confused lady meme right now and its only the second round. (Reference: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/464/14608107_1180665285312703_1558693314_n.jpg)
We lost the challenge :(  I had to exempt myself for medical reasons so I can’t help but feel partially responsible. But I feel safe in my alliance, and I feel confident we are voting out Frank.
I’m feeling a bit better about tribal. I said Sasha’s name before and now that’s spreading apparently since now I’ve heard their name from others. For right now I am happy but I am fully aware that anything can happen in the next few hours. I am going to try and maintain the conversations that I’ve had today throughout the game so I can be seen as more social. I just want to do well.
I hope people in the tribe like me. I am not sure if I want to start an alliance with franco and worm or one with michele and eliza or both. I also think Tristan is a good person to have on my side. Very grateful we won this past challenge because I could’ve been in jeopardy with my performance in the duolingo. Why is the greek keyboard so anxiety provoking.
Okie dokie, so long story short we lost challenge and I think the plan is to vote Frank off unless it's a ruse to kill me instead. Tribals are always nerve wracking cause you never know what's gonna happen until it happens, and when it does happen... it's too late. I think i've been making good progress socially. I'm playing up the humor side as I usually do cause every tribe needs a clown. I'd be happy to fill that role it'll take me far. I don't think I'm a social threat as of right now but I would like to say that my tribe likes me. I didn't build the connection as much as I would like to this round since people came to me and I didn't come to them which doesn't always fly well. Hopefully if i survive tribal which is *checks time* a few minutes from now, i'd like to work more on my connections. Right now, it seems like Elle is the top of my personal leaderboard but i wanna expand my options. Also the idol hunt? Trash. I'd like to speak with the manager. I highly doubt that everyone here sucks at the idol hunt. One of these bitches have it. I fuckin know it. Someone has to be lying about it. Still, I wanna do what I can to find it. It's probably not there anymore but I need to satisfy my need to hunt. Anyways, let's go snuff a torch and hope it's not mine.
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cheskalagran · 6 years
BYE 2018
This year has got to be the year jampacked with EVERYTHING. I might have the same motivation to write now but i gotta try for my future self. (bcos yaknow everything that I dont write eventually gets forgotten and i have no way of remembering, it just turns into a blank patch in my mind lyk 2017 lol) whatever happend to 2017??? i was scrolling through this blog and i didnt find any 2017 posts lol what??? was i in a trans or??? idk i have no memory of new year 2017. well i dont want that to happen to 2018 because theres just so much that happened so here it goes.
JANUARY- I started the year in qc.
Jan 2- I saw Mamsh for the first time in uptc. We bought my very first film roll. n Agfa Vista 200 in Satchmi.
Jan 7- i put my first film roll in. took a few shots. oh and im back in marinduque
Jan14 to the end of the month- im just in duque doing normal stuff i guess idk. More MSC days. I was really stressed about being irreg. lol
feb 2 i went to Manila for the opening of Arts Month. IT WAS SO GREAT I NEVER FELT SO ALIVE IT WAS WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED, to live each waking day to be exposed to art. agh fun tyms. i spent 5 days in Bayview and everyday i went to luneta park for workshops and other shennanigans. While this was all happening i was also shooting for our Trends and Network (?) (subject) video. Reg was my partner in this video we were supposed to put a vissual on a poem our prof gave us.
feb 3
first time to eat yellow watermelon.
went to a baybayin writing workshop and learned how to write baybayin yay
saw autotelic, better days, sud and ben and ben that night
FEB 4- still there
feb 5- attended poetry night and saw mike coroza. saw mamsh again today and we went to national museum. It was the last day of arts month.
feb 6- i went home to duque
Feb 7- i edited my footage
~idk what date but hahaha the video i edited got 75 loooool but our prof gave us another chance to edit the shit.
feb 14- mundo- iv of spades was released. idk how this is relevant to me lol but yeah it was released on this day.
feb 17- UP fair that i wasnt able to go to. Finals week is near im so stressedt
feb 20- im editing the video again. we made a storyline instead of just putting vissuals on the poem.
feb 21- the stress was getting to me. i havent been sleeping bcos of finals and editing so i cut my hair short. the shortest it has been, they said i looked like hannah baker
~idk what date but i finally passed the video and we got 85 thank god for that curve lol~
feb 24- Im back in Manila. first time to ever play with the orchestra in a place which is not marinduque. Played in Makati along with Sta Isabel peeps.
feb 26-
Went to bgc--- to the overrated Venice grand canal place to be exact.
Saw Alex Aiono live.
Bought a new Murakami book (Wind Up Bird Chronicle) that i havent still finished until now
feb 27 to march- marinduque ++ more MSC things
March 29
practiced a viola piece for auditions sa ust but hey its 2019 and i didnt end up auditioning
Moriones festival (holy week)
Watched Baconaua a film by Joseph Laban shot in Mdq. the plot was also mdq related!!! and also socially relevant at present. its kinda about drugs--- well it is about drugs.
april 7- went to ust for enrolment
apr 8- went home na ata i dont even know
went to manila for yfc’s 25th anniv!!!!! AAAA ICON 2018~ FULL BLAST
yfc reunion yey
APR 15- DAY 3
MAY 3-
MAY 8- 18TH
MAY 10- SURPRISE BDAY CELEB BY THE BEACH T^T gots a new laptop yey. got another murakami book from fiel. got a cool shirt from dem. got my fav necklace (which means so much to me since it has so much connection to who i am--- its a Sta. Claire/ St. Francis pendant from Rome.) Lola passed down a family heirloom to me--- her watch. <3
MAY 11- woke up after last night’s celeb for Graduatioooon.
May 11 to 19- stayed at home and watched movies and shi
May 20-
watched Musika sa Isla’s concert. first time that i sat out since i was so busy huhu.
Went out with Reg and went kayaking
May 21 and onwards more of doing nothing and watching movies and shii
May 29- went out with sum frends i havent seen for so loooong: isa, franz, angge, ira
Jun 2- went out with the fam and tita pina to the beaaachhh
Jun 15- My first provincial Shout!!! YBB LAGUNA!!!
Jun 18- went to shannon falls!!!! hiked and swam with the fam ++ dream favor fam
Jun 19- end of Prov Shout huhu went to amoingon with the YBB laguna team. swam some more in the beach.cried A LOT. said goodbye to fwends huhu
Jun 20- left duque for good
Jun 22- went to ust to settle thingz, dorm hopping
Jun 23- went to ust again
Jun -Jul scrabble, movies, wine, milktea, mc do and a couple of city thingz. Prepared for YCOM acad. long distance organizing with yasu huhu.
Jul 25- went home to duque for YCOM Acad!!! My first and last event as a the provincial YCOM head. cant believe we actually got to put this together huhu sml
Jul 26-28- finally had face to face organizing with the pcg. practiced songs and hosting.
Jul 29- YCOM ACAD NAAA. a lot of hard work paid off in this event. a lot if crying again. said goodbye to friends again.
Jul 30- left for Manila first thing in the morning
Aug 1- First day dorm life
Aug 2- Start of freshmen week. Freshmen pol sci orientation
Aug 3- ROARientation
Aug 4- got very drunk with batch mates uuuhhh which was wrong cos its just the first day and i probably made out with someone???uhhh
Aug 6- Tomasino na ako event. Saw Ben and ben and fourplay mnl
Aug 10-
went to cinemalaya with reg,kly and paul. was supposed to watch liway but ended up watching school service. bumabagyo rn hahahaha.
first time to ride the lrt loool
Aug 11-13- spent 3 days alone in qc aHAHAHA they were in cebu
~Lol kinda  dated a blockmate or whateva at this time uuhh~
Aug 17- parents visited manila, we went to intramuros
Aug 20- kuyas bday
Aug 21-saw reg and we watched another cinemalaya entry: Madilim Ang Gabi. sobrang slow paceeeedddd but ya it was about ejk. #SupportLocal
Aug 22 and onwards- A LOT OF READINGS
Aug 28- bar hopping with 7wonders
Sep 5- saw Sud again in ust. org week ata??
~kinda stopped dating that blockmate na~ ahahah
Sep 21- saw shelly, aira, and fiel at Happy T. met someone but never talked again after that nyt. slept at fiel’s
Sep 28- YFC GA
ang bandang shirley
lions and acrobats
mellow fellow
rusty machine
oh flamingo
i forgot the others huhu
OCT 4-5- PRELIMS ((no sleeping starts))
Oct 10-pre lims. got rly unexpected close friendships. slept at dean’s.
Oct 20- Island with shelly, ira, dean and sum binilde friends. met sum ppl. slept at mark’s
~kinda started talking to someone i actually like~
OCT 29- went to the beach with reg trisha cavite peeps and kuya francis. saw kent kuya jm and jayson at kuya karl’s
OCT 31- inuman with friends i havent seen for so loooooong, drew, ira, pam, josh, angge
UNDAS- made my term paper about islam huhuhuhuhuhu d y i n g
NOV 3- went to the beach with yfc people huhuhu yasu mat ninyah and others. quest ang gracenote were there at villa aplaya also ahahaha
NOV 4- haaayyy left duque again :<
NOV 14- first meeting of that ~someone~ im talking to. went to rou bourbon. agh i actually like this guy can u believe it
NOV 16- saw ~that guy~ again. went over to his place and met his dog
Nov 23- saw ~ that guy~ again// study date
Nov 29- adventures with dean and mia at 3am. smoked a lot this month brOo i was ded more studying
Dec 2- mom visited me huhu lord tnx
Dec 3- Agape
Dec 8 onwards- FINALS WEEK a lot of smoking//very very very ded at this point
Dec 15- i was high with kuya and claud
Dec 17- drank with kuya and claud
Dec 19- i was high
Dec 20- mom and micha and pau arrived
Dec 21- PASKUHAN with micha <3 ~the guy~ i was talking to ditched me lol. the dating thing was “paused” looooooool things started going downhill again but paskuhan was so fun!!!!! huhhuhuh definitely made me feel things. saaw ransom collective and spongecola <3 mia and chad r now together. micha slept in my dorm
Dec 23 and 24 and 25- christmas shenanigans in ateneo.
Dec 24- cinco ako sa nstp. i died seeing this
Dec 28- BANDERSNATCH!!!!!!!
Dec 29- went to bulacan for Kuya Oyo’s wedding cute couple
Dec 30-31- STAYCATION with the fam
DEC 31- went home and welcomed the new year. smy prof hasnt still replied for the cinco he gave me.
yaaaaalllllll 2018 was rough. a lot has happend. and im difinitely not the same person anymore. whats worse is that im kinda disappointed of what i turned out to be. :/ things are just sad. i havent been able to pick myself up until now. idk if im just in the right place or in the right time or with the right people but all u i know is that things could be in a much better place. i just hope that 2019 would put things in a better place. i cried a ton shit of tears this year. cut a few scars.left a lot of people. so much new things. it was my wildest year so far. Living independently alone, surviving college and the city life--- it was very different from what Im used to. but hey i survived and im proud of myself for that.2018 u were painful---so painful.  U made me try so hard and fail so hard at every aspect. I tried to maintain ties with friends even though it wasnt rly my thing. It was so hard for me to maintain connection agh but at least i still tried. Acads wise, I tried so hard to study for that one major prelim exam and i failed--- for the very first time, i failed a major exam. I tried to love--- yup--- thats totally not me--- i tried to date people. but lol things rly just dont work out sometimes. it be lyk that sometimes. ako pa yung dinitch HAHAHAHAH lol
the first half of the year was so fulfilling a lot of fun times. Never have i ever felt lyk i knew myself so much. everything i did was everything i wanted to do. For the first time i felt lyk i was turning out to be who i wanted to be but surprise everything turned around at the second half of the year.
it  made me feel lost it made me feel alone. its 2019 and that feeling hasnt changed. still a ton shit of anxiety. god Every holiday season i try my best to get in the holiday spirit but hah this year no matter how hard i try i wasnt just feeling it.  everything feels so static i dont wanna be like this anymore. The second half of 2018 made me feel like im the wrong place am i in the wrong place i dont know.
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