#im a little pissed but ill get through it. im just glad i can get audio at all now
purbiworl · 8 months
aaaaauuugh. Well, it's fixed but turns out Latitude 5590 headphone jack audio just sounds like garbage by default. If you want to sound like you're listening to music in a drainage pipe, get a 5590.
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lizzieislife94x · 10 months
Woman In Red. (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
I'm reposting every one shot and fixing what mistakes i find along the way haha, i know they're not new but i hope yall enjoy them just as much!! 
I'm to busy looking at my phone rushing through the busy streets of New York running extremely late to my job at the local bank next thing I know I crash into something and drop my phone ''fuck'' I groan as I drop my phone kinda pissed seriously what else can go wrong today I think to myself, I'm pulled out of my thoughts my the sound of a woman's voice I look up to the direction the voice is coming from and instantly feel my face flush red almost as red as her well flitted pant suit "I'm so so so sorry I didn't see you are you ok?'' she stutters trying to study me making sure I'm not hurt ''im yeah I'm fine honestly are you ok?'' I question ''it was completely my fault I should have been looking where I was going not my phone its just I'm running extremely wait for work so I'm truly sorry'' she giggles fuck her laugh is adorable, no y/n stop if you don't hurry you're gonna get fired I curse at myself ''no it was my fault your all Good can I get you a coffee or something as an apology ?'' she questions I give her a saddened smile ''as much as I would love to I can't unfortunately if I don't get to work ill have no job tomorrow" she almost looks disappointed and I apologies as I go leave I get maybe 5 steps away from her as I hear her call ''wait whats your name? Maybe I can get you that coffee after work?'' I smile and blush a little as I step towards her ''y/n l/n whats yours?'' she smiles ''lizzie Olsen its nice to meet you y/n so a coffee later?' Her smiles is so beautiful I reach into my bag and grab a business card with my work an phone number on it and hand it over to her ''yeah absolutely I really have to go but this has my phone number if you want text me a time and place and ill be there'' I gave her one last smile and walk away unable to get the smile off my face.
Ugh today is going so slowly and I can't get the woman in red off my mind she was a breath of fresh air why have I been thinking about her all day I let out a sigh and lean against my office table resting my face on my hands being rudely disturbed by my assistant calling through the speaker ''miss L/N your 1 o'clock is here to get their account set up should I send them in?'' I walk over refilling my coffee cup putting on a fake smile as I hold the buzzer to reply ''yes thank you Ashley'' I say in a not so enthusiastic tone I look down at the paper work in front of me as Ashley leads them into my office ''your one o'clock miss l/n'' I put on a smile and look up instantly frozen its her fuck the woman from this morning lizzie the woman in red fuck act professional y/n I stand up and offer my hand for a hand shake and Ashley leaves the room."its you'' is all I hear and I clear my throat I laugh nervously ''lizzie right? What are the chances what can I do for you'' I smile and offer her a seat as we both sit ''yeah small world'' she giggles and continues ''im actually here to open a new bank account I got divorced last year and its always been joint accounts and I thought it was time to open my own account'' I smile and smirk to myself She's divorced Good to know ''im sorry to hear that lizzie but you came to the right place ill be more than happy to help you get your account set up'' I get to work setting everything up.
Its been 3 hours she's still here we finished all the bank account stuff almost 2 hours ago but we've been sitting chatting and laughing unknowingly getting to know each other slowly, fuck her smile and laugh are perfect everything about her is perfect I shouldn't be thinking like this stop it y/n ''i still can't belive I crashed into you'' she laughs and I laugh with her ''hey it was 50/50 I wasn't looking where I was going'' her laugh calms a little as she looks at me ''honestly tho I'm glad we crashed into each other'' is she blushing holy shit, I play with my fingers nervously ''me too I enjoy chatting with you'' she leans over and gently rubs her thumb over my hand she must sense my nervous energy ''so are you still up for that coffee offer''she looks excited as she asks ''actully if I drink anymore coffee today I don't think ill sleep tonight'' she looks disappointed and I smile wide ''buuuuut we could go get ice cream or milkshakes'' I offer and her smile returns she looks like a child on Christmas morning ''that sounds perfect y/n so what time do you get off work" she questions I grab my phone to check the time ''umm now actually its just past 4pm I only had a half day today'' she nods and leans back in her chair fuck she looks sexy ''great we can leave together and go get some milkshakes'' I agree and gather my things as we leave the building together
"Holy shit this milkshake is amazing wow'' I say a little to loud, she has a smile on her face ''yeah this place is amazing I love coming here to unwind its always so peaceful to me'' I smile and look at her with a mischief smirk ''i think I'm going to have to steal it from you lizzie because these milkshakes are amazing'' I confessed with a smirk ''i dont mind but I'd rather you come back with me ''she looks down playing with her shake ''id love that if your being serious ''she looks up with a huge grin ''im completely serious but I was thinking the next time we hang out if you maybe want to make it a date?..'' she looks at me with hope in her eyes and I blush ''id love to go on a date with you'' we spend the next 2 hours laughing and chatting and gosh  she's fucking perfect and she asked me on a date I still can't believe this beautiful woman asked me on adate, After another hour we leave and part ways sharing numbers before we leave, I head home with the biggest smile on my face people probably think I'm a weirdo but I honestly couldn't care less.
as I get home and settled for the night my phone buzzes grabbing my attention, i take a quick look and bite lip to stop the smile as i see her name on my screen or the name i gave her at least, i chuckle to myself before giving all my attention to the text
 woman in red: Hey just making sure you got home safe, i had such a great day today thank you
 Me:I did indeed get home safe thank you, and no thank you for the great day I'm so glad we met there's something special about you..
 I turn my phone why did i say that I'm so stupid she's gonna think I'm crazy she won't reply fuck, my phone buzzes and I hide my face to scared to look at it fuck just look at it i say to myself mentally
 Woman in red: I felt it too..i couldn't stop thinking about you after this morning and I felt something special I thought it was just me I don't want to freak you out so if you think its to forward please forget I said it haha..
  Fuck, I can't help but smile at my phone like an idiot
Me: I don't think its to forward beautiful but hey ill text you later im so sleepy goodnight ❤❤
  Woman in red: Goodnight beautiful sleep tight 
Its been 6 weeks since I met lizzie we've been out on  9 dates and hungout loads since, she's fucking amazing and the more time I spend with her the more I feel myself falling in love with this amazing woman, I really  want to make our 10th date something she will never forget..
AN:this chapter was just the meeting etc I wil post a part 2 with loads of smut don't worry but if  you read these yall need to comment I need feedback I don't wanna keep writing if you guys find them garbage I don't know if its Good or bad anyway see you in the chapter, word count 1.5k (I'm just gonna keep the original ANs in haha)
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dyketubbo · 1 year
Transfem CWilbur hcs. Now.
why anon i am so glad you would honor me with this request
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i think that cwilbur would probably keep her name because she looked up like name meanings and shit and was like hoooolllyyy shit my name is cool as fuck actually. i do also like the idea of her having a name based off of one of wilburs songs though. i admittedly misremembered vienna as sienna but i think both are cute so either of those also work as names for her
cwilbur to me is very like. obviously she knows about trans people her son is trans (i also like to see cclingy as trans but ctommy would have not transitioned yet and ctubbo just doesnt think to tell anyone if they dont think its necessary) and shes very proud of him! but shes also like. well at least fundy enjoys being a man because i sure dont this is miserable and everyone within a 5 mile radius immediately raises an eyebrow. i think being in pogtopia fucked her up about it because she started seeing people as being Afraid of her and for a reason she couldnt place being a Big Scary Crazy Man hurt in more ways than one but she was spiralling too hard to really analyze those feelings
and then in limbo all she Has is her own thoughts. and she comes back and shes manic and she considers telling everyone but but but but. tommy is looking at her with a shocked expression and tubbo isnt even talking and the new kid is trying to shield tubbo from her and suddenly all the feelings from pogtopia start rushing back and shes like oh. not enough to stop the mania but enough to sting hard enough, like a pin that she puts in the thought itself for another time
i thought the utah reveal was very funny. i also wish wilbur got to talk to more people, and i think that itd be interesting for him to talk to ghostboo whos like god i was SO scared for people to know this "real me", the me that everyone would be scared of, but now that i dont care about any of that anymore im free!! and wilbur would also talk to like. idk various others including more genuine convos with eret and with all of it eventually shes able to get to a calm resolution of. i need to be somewhere else when things are good enough that i can leave
and cdream dies (<-fully talking in terms of my rewrite now) and wilbur makes sure tommy is okay and everything and Then something similar to the utah reveal but like. slightly less mentally ill happens. wilbur is still sorta vague and tommy gets panicked and pissed thinking wilburs about to commit suicide again and wilburs like oh god no i just. i need to be somewhere else to change without everyones eyes on me. i dont like this me i think theres something deep inside me thats broken and im trying to repair it but i cant repair it if im This me. and tommy talks about how its all just One wilbur, just going through changes like everyone else but tommy and the people who matter love wilbur, no matter what kind of wilbur hes being, because hes still himself and thats the person they love, no general or president or ghost from the past, just wilbur. whoever he wants that person to be yada yada
and it sort of Clicks for wilbur in a sense. oh, this is all just one me, and im in charge. and people stick by me because im me no matter how much i change. and i think i know what changes i need to make (around this point is like. i think this would trigger the acceptance of ghostbur in a sense. i have complicated feelings about the ghosts but just know he and wilbur would truly be the same person through and through now). but i still need to go away for a bit. just a little. and tommy trusts her and she leaves for a bit and takes hrt and takes a while just to know that she likes the changes and when she does know she likes the changes she decides ok. this is who i want to be. this is Me. and comes back eventually to heal with everyone else too
misc hcs: i think she would actually prefer relying on hrt and breast forms to full top surgery. also dont think hed care about bottom surgery. she would still like her big coats and sweaters but she'd also wear skirts more often. maybe not dresses though unless its a formal event. also think she would grow out her hair a bit but not that much. in general like.. she doesnt change That much. shes still wilbur soot. but shes happier now and she looks more comfortable, like this is the self that she wants to be. i think she would feel like whatever broke inside her was slowly being patched back together
(and eventually, she realizes there was never anything broken about her in the first place. and she sits on a balcony and she still gets an intrusive thought about jumping but she knows she doesnt want to, not anymore. shes alive, and shes herself, and shes making the most of it.)
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the-hellion-studio · 2 years
Bendy and the Dark Revival thoughts: Luke Rambles
So, I finished the game yesterday ! Pretty neutrally positive thoughts overall !
I didn't get in excpecting anything, BatDR became more of a running joke in my mind more than anything, so I really struggled to get hyped for the VERY SUDDEN release date announcement. I was pleasantly surprised of the game's weight, I was expecting something akin to the monstruous 80gb of security breach to be welcomed by a dainty 15gb which might be stupid but I like my games on the lighter side. The trailer didnt rock my nuts too much but it turned me mildly optimistic despite the absolute LACK OF SUBTITLES that I find absolutely unexcusable as it is the most basic accessibility feature you can implement both for hard of hearing folks, people with audio processing disorders, and non native english speakers that struggle with spoken english.
But besides that, maybe this game can be good, I thought.
Ill organise my own personal opinions below ill try to put all the negative after everything but im a little hater it will seep through the cracks sorry
Now as a Morrowind fan I'm not too much of a graphics whore, I'll settle for anything as long as it plays nice but um. The shits bussin. They really took BATIM and faceapp filter yassified it. I guess they upgraded from a mouse to a graphic tablet. Genuinely it looks awesome. The ink is inking, the sepias are soft and really enjoyable to look at, the light effects are quite nice- although I would have enjoyed a little less flickering lights (head hurty, wouldve been nice to have a toggle so photosensitive folks can also enjoy the game but oh well) but overall it looks GOOD.
Music and sound ruled !!!! I wish I could have enjoyed it fully in both ears (suffering from minor to worrying ear troubles for the time being) but I know I will whenever I can. NOT AS ICONIC as BATIM's OST but !!! Really atmospheric and fitting, excellent work once again. Voice acting was really good!!!!! LOVED the Ink Demon's voice a lot because I had a bendy ask blog in 2017 they were catering to me, the monsterfucker, specifically. Good. All the monster's voices were SOOOOOO yummy as well.
Yeah! Really a step up from BATIM, but without comparing the two games constantly I do think it was really enjoyable and refreshing, new abilities fitting in smoothly despite some being quite useless or rather not used to their potential, LOVED the sneak mechanic I just wish it was smoother and sneak on press rather than a toggle but ! Whatever. It was a really nice experience overall, the puzzles were fun and kept me busy !
I love Audrey. She's really fun and I really enjoyed sharing her adventure with her shes a really nice character if anyone dares to shit on her I will mail them a large hammer on a spring inside a shoebox. Allison!!! Alice!!! Honestly big win for the cool women whose name beings with an A fandom. Betty was quite alright too. I'm genuinely glad there's more women in the game. It was nice to see previous characters as little cameos, not too fond of the new characters introduced but thatll come in the hater section.
Eh???? It was a little confused but it was fine I guess. Didn't pay too much attention to it to be frank.
Cracks knuckles. Its gonna bleed.
First of all what soured up my mood instantly was the subtitle option being absolutely incomplete. If you offer a subtitle option you should have EVERY SPOKEN WORD subtitled. No excuses for this one it pissed me off so bad. The tapes made me so upset. BATIM got it right, you had the transcript show up on the side as the tape rolled on and while you CAN access the transcripts in the inventory and play them along it breaks the flow so bad for no reason and its just a shame. No subtitles for the lost ones talking, none for the studio tour speakers either. Why is there a subtitle option at all if you're gonna half ass it like that. Accessibility matters and as I said before its THE most basic thing you can do. Do better. Also regarding accessibility/comfort but not as important but still is to me I wish remapping the controls could have been an option.
The constant fucking jumpscares really cheapened my experience as well. They leave me unphased (my brain works so slow I simply dont process anything sudden. Ennemy pops up I hit it. Theres no EUHGHHH THAT WASNT THERE BEFORE!1!!11!! Reaction) ended up jokingly predicting them before they happened, and the little ghost cunt (she did made me jump a few times) couldve been easily scrapped from the game like WHATS THE POINT. If you need to put shitty jumpscares regularly to make your horror game scary well. Maybe dont make a horror game. Not to go on a tangent but horror is SO interesting BATIM as a setting has so much to offer for the genre from uncanny designs to mind breaking non euclidian environments to ambience claustrophobia opression the ink demon tracking you down like game theres SO MUCH. Why settle for jumpscares. Begging on my hands and knees for the devs to play the two first silent hill games with a notebook on the side. But also bendy does NOT have to be a horror game!!! But whatever. Im normal now. I lied.
The whole game, while being quite good and enjoyable, felt really FULL but SHALLOW at the same time. So many new characters that get a single half listened to tape I can't give less of a crap about, notes scattered all across the levels, but none of them really stuck. I had forgotten Porter even existed half into chapter 4 which is a SHAME. One one hand it made the world feel more populated but at the same time everything felt brushed over. I wish Bendy would have been more of an actual threat more than a random little AUGHH you gotta hide!!! Every ten minutes. Dont warn me let me hear his heartbeat and let my vision go black as i walk around and realise I need to RUN for the closest miracle station. I really wish all the super cool new mechanics were used more in depth... Also they didn't make Henry fat and it makes me so enraged for no valid reason but still I will bark about it.
Dont care for the story much again it was a little blegh but I still really liked playing. Will replay it, even. I want Wilson to step on me.
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sagespirit-wc · 4 months
since i (finally) finished reading wind i thought id give some of my thoughts on it. might be whiny <3
spoilers probably beneath the thing - beware
overall i think it’s ok! (for warriors). it’s definitely getting more interesting from a plot perspective but im personally less invested than i was the first few books and i think it mostly has to do with nightheart and sunbeam. i like them okay and i do think they’re cute together - and it’s really nice to see a healthy romance front and center in warriors (looking at you bramblestar).
one of my biggest things - which isn’t necessarily a criticism of the books but more a personal thing - is that nightheart has become a bit boring since his character arc. i think it was relatively well done and i liked seeing him grow up a bit and grow closer with his clan and family, but he’s just so … meh now. i really liked what a spunky little shit he was at first, it was very fun to read. i wish we got more protags that aren’t viewed by the authors as perfect golden boys that can do no wrong - but now he might as well be one.
they’re getting better at handling squirrelstar - i remember being pretty pissed about how they just completed changed her character at first after she became leader (which happens too much imo) but i think we’re starting to see a little bit of her old self shine through. i especially loved her whole thing with sunbeam when she wanted to see her family. i didn’t want to see bland perfect thunderclan leader #4 i wanted to see squirrelflight as a leader. so hopefully they’re sticking with that.
on that note - this is old news i think but im glad they picked ivypool as deputy. i’m definitely biased (i adore her) but i think she’s a really interesting character and id love to see her get more spotlight again. (it also fuels my delusions that if we get ivystar we’ll maybe get twigbranch as deputy - ill never forgive the authors for abandoning her and violetshine). anyway i think there’s also a lot of interesting stuff that can be done with ivypool as deputy/ leader especially with dovewing in shadowclan. i know they won’t make her deputy too but imagine ?!!!??
it’s been said many many times but holy shit there’s too many damn cats now - especially in thunderclan. like jesus christ i can’t keep track of them all - i miss when there were like 10ish background characters with their own personalities and dialogue instead of the occasional one liner from whoever the fuck this guy is and nothing from cats that used to be protags/plot relevant (looking at you twigbranch. alderheart.)
i still adore frostpaw and i love how confident in herself she’s become. honestly i want more of her. the nightheart and sunbeam (especially) chapters dragged a bit for me. she probably had the same amount of screen time (page time?) as she did in previous books but it felt like less this time to me.
there’s just. not a lot going on. which is saying something for me cause i could read an encyclopedia’s worth of just fun character dialogue and no action - but we’re not getting much of either. it just feels a lot less charming than earlier books/series. it might just be me growing up but i just read avos for the first time this year and i ate that shit up. it feels a lot of the time like they’re just padding this shit out to meet the page count. like if you only need four books to tell this arc’s story you know you can do that right ???
like fr what happened in this book actually plot wise - splashtail is leader now. frostpaw is in shadowclan. berryheart and fam are rogues and hurt and sunbeam is worried about them. frostpaw is slowly convincing people she’s not a liar. she and puddleshine see splashtail being shady. frostpaw saves windclan(???) and then they spy on river clan some more and watch him kill harelight. maybe i’m being silly but it just - that’s not like. a story. but at least something happened i guess, like it’s moving along. i miss the park.
some little things that they would never do that would make things a little better (to me):
- frostpaw and whistlepaw. enough said. would fix all my qualms forever.
- give splashtail a personality?? he just seems like a very generic villain too similar to the others we’ve gotten. just a tigerstar/hawkfrost rehash. give him something new !! at least make him more charming and manipulative, dont just lead with the whole fear/intimidation thing again. he just comes off as brash and a bit stupid which is fine but not that exciting
- more mothwing??? like they’re hinting that mothwing is connecting the dots between this situation and hawkfrost but i want more !! give her the chance to right things this time! i wanna see her beat that little shit up!!! a lot of people think she’s going to be riverclan’s new leader and i wouldn’t be mad about that - i do love her - but i also think icewing would be a fun fresh choice
- shadowsight and frostpaw friendship. i mean come on!!!!
anyway i’m sure i could go on forever but that’ll do. sorry im sure that was extremely negative and ranty but no one’s gonna read this anyway!!!
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ess-presso · 2 years
ess! <3
last night i went stargazing to see that comet that hasnt been visible since 50,000 years ago and it was pretty cool. the moon was out & i saw sirius too so i took a pic of them together #wolfstar5EVERRR
ur so right james would absolutely use duolingo to learn french for reg. that man is WHIPPED hed do anything for him.
tay time! you belong with me, style, & london boy <3
chat chat!
timmy and flo my absolutely beloveds. i think id probably watch anything theyre in (except maybe dont worry darling, even if it feels like a "movie". idk maybe its hilarious.)
tourists piss me off SO much sometimes. especially when theyre taking pictures of random shit like. clouds or trees. girl you dont have clouds or trees where you live???
i think a lot of cats are predisposed to be heinous bitches tbh. i can always count on my cats to be blunt when i need them to be <3
and wait blaise/luna.... i kinda love this too. adding those fics to my tbr, ty <3 i have another fic rec, lessen my load by moonymoment (wolfstar muggle au, remus finds sirius having a breakdown in a laundromat cause he put a red glove in his white wash)
if u do end up trying out the incest chronicles, giving u a fair warning that the first books are like so cringey. they were written in 2007-onwards and u can definitely tell. theyre def not for everybody but the prequel/sequel series are SO good. but godspeed anyways.
ben barnes in podg is SO sirius idk what it is abt him hes great. when people use his scenes in edits with sirius i eat it up every damn time.
handing in ur paper 8 mins before its due? u know what, u deserve a drink for that. drunk procrastinators never miss fr.
and yes im very excited to read that whenever u get around to writing it! no pressure ofc take your time <3
and damn ROYAL butter? okay i understand now. 4 tubs is very fair. and TOBLERONE on god is one of my fav chocolates. second maybe to terrys chocolate oranges imo.
dancing in the kitchen to jazz does sound super peaceful. sometimes moments like that feel like theyre straight out of a cute little movie and it makes life feel a little happier <3
please try poutine. its so good. and ur right jello salad is a crime. feels like a hate crime tbh.
colourful cars will always have my heart fr. leaving a tip after being driven around is a good idea maybe i should start doing that.
ill let u know when ive started the apprentice, im excited to see the hyde guy now. and kim kardashian lady too.
platonic soulmates>>> i think we lucked out with our best friends. lu walking through the rain for ur turnover? i love that sm. ur right L names do have some spice in them.
and yay geoguessr! i was shit at first too. but i got sucked in and like studied license plates and fucking road lines and signs so id be good. it aint much but its honest work. (i graciously thank u for the apple turnover. ur too kind)
i hope i dont have a gay realisation superpower. thats like having anti rizz. everyone whos liked me turning out to be gay? like yes im glad i could help but. as long as my soulmate likes me ig.
i love ur james fc sm. i love that theres so many different james fcs too like hes just everywhere <3 andrew & ben will always be remus & sirius but at the same time, they still dont look quite like how i imagine them to be. i think likeafunerall's art is as close as anything has ever gotten to them so ig theyre just too pretty in my mind for a real human to look even close to them. good for them.
and HUGH! hugh and lil timmy tim are like the only PERFECT fcs in my mind. everyone else has some wiggle room but not evan and reg. theyre just perfect.
ur so lucky to be a gryffindor. how does it feel to live my dream??
orpheus & eurydice </3 "if u must die, let love be the reason why" ARE U TRYING TO KILL ME?????? ill never get over them ever.
tbh i think soldiers are cool af. i saw a tiktok that said sirius would be the soldier (remus = poet, james = king) so thats also cool .
and no way u were listening to work song . i listened to that like 10 mins ago. hozier my beloved <3
athena kids are cool as hell. like go off smartypants! but yes raising the dead sounds cool too. idk what id use that power for cause i definitely dont need an undead army to fight for me so. maybe i can use it to talk to like. julius caesar or something.
and yes bowie for LIFE. also knee socks>>>> love that song sm. AM changed my life too. HS1 def altered my brain chemicals too (i got to see him in concert. it changed my life fr)
erudite !!!! <3
and yes its barbaric as fuck. if ive learned anything from studying ancient history its that humans have always been fucked up. so thats always nice.
silver jewellry is so cool . goes so well with my black leather jacket & docs cause im nothing if not channelling sirius black energy into my appearance at all times <3 u loving gold cause its expensive is so real. like yes its bougie as hell. and? also v gryffindor of u. cause its gold. u just need to wear red and ur set.
ur right tay does have that range. still love lana but she just has an overall darker tone which isnt always the vibe. miss taylor never misses.
LISTEN IM SORRY!!!! I LOVE CRUEL SUMMER SM. theyre both completely tied for me but i was just in a dont blame me kinda mood ig.
and yes the great war is very much a cr song. theres a chapter named the great war so its just a lot. so heartbreaking but SO beautiful. but my tears ricochet <3 like u know what taylor, ur right. i DIDNT have it in myself to go with grace.
lilac candles <3 theyre so nice. and yes. it did smell like piss. not sure what i expected tbh. but yeah
slow walkers are the worst and i agree people blocking hallways????? so annoying. especially when they walk slowly in these big groups that span the width of the hall and theyre too busy talking to notice EVERYONE trying to get by. UGHHH
having 2 middle names is so cool i wish i had 2 tbh.
on GOD that hc kills me. every time i watch poa i think of it and i get so sad.
i love winter sm too. personally im an autumn girly but winter is a close second. i love the festiveness sm <3
i loved chemistry too. yes i did drop it for bio cause im shit at math and bio has less numbers but idc it was still fun. and we do NOT talk about physics i hate that subject with my whole heart.
id pick hogwarts too honestly. i just wanna be magic u know.
and a coin collector thats so cool. i love unique coins sm. we had some here in canada a while ago that had the northern lights on them and GLOWED IN THE DARK (pic here)!! they were so cool i think i still have a few.
cardigan has my heart. but i think if i had to pick id choose mirrorball BUT only because i personally relate to it more. cardigan will forever be more heartbreaking and ofc, i cant listen to it without thinking abt wolfstar so.
a fellow erudite! we're superior for sure i just know it.
unicorn is such a good choice. theyre so cool and being able to grant wishes would be so fun. i think id choose a phoenix cause theyre fiery and cant die. also cause i change my appearance all the time so in a way its like a phoenix rising from the ashes all funky and brand new.
the vibes in the 50s was so cool i agree (minus the racism sexism and homophobia fuck that shit!!!!) . all i want in life is to go to a cute little 50s diner and drink milkshakes and listen to 50s music. i would love to go to ancient rome or greece but purely for the vibes and aesthetic tbh. id hate to go there cause im a woman and women werent generally considered people in the greek world </3 especially ancient athens, women were discouraged from leaving the house & if they did they had to cover their entire body head to toe. (to preserve their dignity and whatnot). i personally like a little more freedom than that so, no thanks <3
ur ideal first date>>>> literally perfect ideas. ESPECIALLY the bookstore i just love the idea of a cute lil bookstore date. & of course just walking and talking i feel like is so necessary to get to know someone yk?
being rejected from netball and taking it as a personal attack i feel u so hard. id be pissed if that happened to me.
and game night! monopoly game night sounds so fun. i actually cant play monopoly anymore cause i get so competitive and it makes me mad and it pisses everyone off LOL so ive been banned. i do love me some chess though.
art <3 omg have fun on saturday that sounds awesome. the closest art gallery to me is pretty lame most of the time which sucks cause i only get to see cool art when i travel which isnt a whole lot lmfao. cafe terrace at night is such a gorgeous work of art. i love van gogh sm. my mom is actually a painter and van gogh is her fav artist so she paints van gogh recreations its pretty cool.
answering qs!~
ideal first date: either art gallery or museum. there is nothing in this world i love more than art and history and humanity so being able to see it with someone i like & being able to infodump random fun facts about history would be the dream. ofc we have to stop at a bookstore (ideally we pick out books for each other cause i love that idea its so cute) and stargazing. i love the stories behind the constellations so its always fun to talk abt them.
rep vs lover: i think lover. its just so good and the vibes are astronomical. dont get me wrong i adore rep too but i think rep is better for when im feeling vengeful <3
hozier vs am: god this is so hard but i think im gonna have to say hozier. hes just such an incredible songwriter and his music i swear i can feel it in my BONES its so visceral. his lyrics rip me apart too theyre just so good.
i dont play sports. in general i hate sports and physical activity (except i do on occasion fuck up a game of badminton) i used to be a dancer and gymnast but that was a long time ago. i did a bit of volleyball when i was like. 11? 12? but i hated it.
fav board game: prob settlers of catan! idk what it is about it but i love that game. i love chess too but i get too competitive sometimes so.
take me to church vs work song: work song. "no grave can hold my body down, ill crawl home to her" ARE U KIDDING???? such a perfect song. i love tmtc so very much too. "i was born sick" hits different when ur a closeted little kid whos figuring life out
fav season: autumn forever. i just love the vibes and the temperature is usually perfect, not too hot not too cold. cozying up with a sweater and tea and a book is all i need. ofc winter is a close second cause christmastime.
fav food: probably pasta. my dad is from italy so i eat a lot of pasta. bolognese, chicken cacciatore, & penne alla vodka are personal favourites & my comfort foods.
fav marauder hc: i have a few random ones i love, like that james sings really loudly in the shower, that sirius was left handed (bc im left handed and i say so), also that regulus would be a black cat if he was an animagus. hes just got sm little black cat energy i love him. also lily being a night owl & james being an early bird, lily getting annoyed cause james is TOO happy in the early morning and shes just done w him.
one ship i hate: i HATED dorcas/peter in atyd. i know it was written way before dorlene got really popular but it was still such a jumpscare to read. also i know a lot of people seem to like them but regulus/remus?? personally no thanks. i can see why theyd be cute but sirius is the ONLY one for remus imo. i much prefer regulus and remus to be besties and talk shit ab sirius together cause they love him <3
patronus: ive done the test a few times and ive gotten rattlesnake, grey owl, & raven. personally i wouldve loved a cat but sadly no
favourite piece of art: ive got a few actually ( i love art sm.) loch lomond by gustave dore, wheat field with cypresses by van gogh, and hygieia by gustav klimt❤️
ginny or luna: luna. i love ginny SM but luna was my fav character as a kid so she has my heart. i also have her wand so its only fair i pick her <3
favourite restaurant: probably this one thats out in the city, theyve got the BEST gyoza ive ever had in my life. and they make good martinis so. but you cant go wrong with mcdonalds late at night when u need something greasy. also dairy queen (do u have those in the uk? i feel like theyre just in north america) has some good ass ice cream sundaes.
fav beverage: i love coffee, iced coffee to be specific. root beer and cream soda too. red sangrias and espresso martinis are top tier too.
qs for u!
whats one song ur convinced was written abt u?
if u could only listen to 1 song for the rest of ur life, which song would u pick?
if u could have a superpower, which one would u want?
messy or organized?
favourite candy/chocolate/sweet?
if u could meet one dead historical figure, who would u choose?
take me to church vs work song.
whats your go-to hype songs when ur getting ready/going out?
fav type of weather?
fav thing youve ever dressed up as for halloween?
thats all for now! till next time <3
bee hi ! I thought you'd abandoned me , and I'm so glad you're back , I missed you !!!
OH MY GOD ??? you were star/comet gazing ??? that's so cool and so sirius of u !!! (also yes , take the photo , even the universe ships them, wolfstar 5ever.)
YES !!!! get u a man who learns French like James Potter would for regulus black !!! he is amazing , stellar , the one , the only , there is no one like him.
tay tay time !!! -
you belong with me - JEGULUS - I can see it as wolf star too , but I'll give it to regulus. like an au where reg and sirius and James were all best friends , and reg had a little crush on mr James the jock , but him having a gf , and regulus being all 'you belong with me' THEM
style- JILY- this could go for literally so many ships. like wolfstar , jily, anything. I chose jily , simply because i feel that just like the hook , james and lily never go out of style. and also lily would ask him about reg , and he would tell her the whole truth & nothing but the truth. in a muggle au i totally see them as on and off and on and off until they’re finally on again and this time it sticks forever.
london boy - WOLFSTAR - listen , I know remus is welsh (or half , at least) so I think of him meeting sirius in an au in some au , and being all 'DIMPLE' 'ACCENT' 'GOD I LOVE THE ENGLISH' (au/oneshot idea??) 'in the pub watching rugby with his school friends ??? yes yes yes , them them them !!! so them , I could cry !!!
chatting time <333
I too would watch anything and everything. save dwd , its reviews are terrible and I cba to check for myself.
'girl you don't have clouds or trees where you live ?' HOWLING THIS IS SO FUNNY. and true , honestly. what's so English and special about our clouds and trees?? if u show someone back home will they go 'ahh yess , this is an English cloud , native to the England !'
cats just tell it like it is. it's just the truth. cats for the win , I love cats u love cats we all do. we are humans and they're gods.
ik ik blaise/luna is a funny little side pairing and I love them they're actually so cute!!! (the fics are dhr and drarry so do take care of that !! but they're there. I love the little hints.)
LESSON MY LOAD OH MY GOD !!!! ON MY LIST , DOWNLOADED. (I love the sound of it. very interesting. I would also cry because of a red sock. I WOULD SUE. SUE.)
cringey series. hmm. I think I'll take a crack. I've braved through wattpad , I can brave through this too. I am a soldier after all.
drunk procrastinators forever !! (me because I have an exam in 45 minutes and I'm writing this rn instead of doing last minute revision ! but at least Lu's coming to pick me up !!!!! drivers r so good for ur health.)
I'm excited to write it. but I must get ahead with my writing of doa and sito. I'M SO EXCITED. it shall hurt ! it is fake/secret dating ! it is the bet trope !
IT'S ROYAL BUTTER INDEED. I have no idea why I felt the need to do that. but we shall march on and ignore the royal butter in the fridge.terry's chocolate oranges stay winning though >>> (did u see that video of the American/australian BITING into one ?? I almost cried like what the fuck u bitch u should be banned from Europe for this crime) TOBLERONE. MY DRUNK ARSE WANTED TOBLERONE. so does my sober arse though. so fair. fair. I see u drunk me. I see u.
it's so peaceful. straight out of the movie . (especially because it was raining too) and he was laughing whenever I stepped on him , and it was so sweet and ahhhhh !! try it , 'tis a remedy for all the types of pain ever !!! get u a best friend (liz would do it maybe ?) and dance. just dance , quite literally !!!!
jello salad is a hate crime. war crime. whoever created it should go to hell. with the salad. (I WILL BE TRYING POUTINE. IT SOUNDS SO GOOD OMG.)
colourful cars >>>> (remember to only do one cent. after all , they should be happy to have you in their car. really , you're doing them the favour.)
yes!!! lmk !!! I must know your opinions on them !!!
I keep getting like 3.2 km away from the actual answer and it's so annoying. like I'm sorry I guessed Ithaca and not buttfuck , usa.
WE DID LUCK OUT WE DID. they're actually the best people ever. no one will ever be better than them.(though , they lucked out too.) L NAMES 5EVER. LU AND LIZ 5EVER ACTUALLY !!!!!
LMFAO NOT THE ANTI-RIZZ.ur soulmate will like u !! I know they will !! and u have liz for now !! let's vibe and be drunk with our L best friends !! romantic love will come in its own time :))))) (also for me when I liked Victoria , it was me being like 'is she gay/queer/likes women ??? and then it was like - she did. but I found that out because she had a girlfriend. and she's kind of a bitch now that I don't like her. I hope she fails her exams , damn.)
omg likeafuneralls art is fucking magical !! I worship the art so much. I was actually thinking of printing them out and sticking them up on my wall !!!! and yes , so many James fcs !!! (my James is my personal favourite , but I'm biased) I adore all of them !!! (and omg I so get not having an fc too !! they're just ethereal .... no human will ever be good enough for them.)
HUGH AND TIMMY TIM TIM >>>>>>>>>> (I love them sm sm they r my heart. did u see the Apple TV ad where Timmy sees Gary Oldman ?? look it up you'll get what I mean.)
DUDE ME NEITHER. WE CAN BE SAD OVER THEM TOGETHER !!!!!! ( I was secretly trying to kill you, u figured out my plan !!!)
DID YOU SEE LIKEAFUNERALL’S ART OF THIS EXACT SITUATION?????? IT’S SO GOOD (she has soldier sirius , poet remus & king james)
WORK SONG MAKES ME CRY A LOT. "no grave can hold my body down , I'll crawl home to her" has been engraved into my brain. ENGRAVED I TELL U.
if u talk to caesar ask him how he felt before he died. was it like a Jesus style betrayal??? like did he at least get a little kiss before ??
tay I love tay tay changed my LIFE.
BOWIE BOWIE (STARMAN STARTS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND) knee sock was so funny because when it started playing yesterday , I was wearing my knee socks under my t-shirt dress , and lu was wearing his sky blue Lacoste ??? like Alex turner was watching us fr fr.
here's my concert story - my best friend went to the 1975 concert. and he went , and he came back , and he said 'Matty had a special guest on tonight' and I was like 'who' and then he whipped out a tissue and gave it to me and was like 'Taylor' I SOBBED. SOBBED. (also will harry ever stop touring??? is he not tired??? and also I'm pretty mad at him for the 'never leave America' thing. bitch forgot where he came from.)
at least we're a different kind of fucked up now though ! that's good !
u r so very sirius. I dress in red and gold a lot , actually?? but I have a lot of colours. rn I'm in white and green !!! I love gold jewellery with all my heart it just hits different for me <33333
u better love cruel summer. but I SO GET BEING IN A dbm mood , because that's so real. poison ivyyyyy now I'm your daisyyyyyy.
bro now I'm scared. now my timbers have been shivered. (I'm on chapter two still for reference.) I LOVE LOVE LOVE . (and I heard them stolen lullabies all right)
gonna go buy one from the big Tesco 2nite , now you've convinced me. (Rome , the great city. of piss. and gladiators. but mostly piss.)
HALL BLOCKERS WILL GO TO HELL knock them bitches over like do u even know how many times I've been late because of them ??? little bastards.
two middle names is kinda fun actually. I can go by them if I won't (I don't want) and I just have more names in my name , yk?? ( one middle name is ALSO cool btw. )
it makes me cry a lil. (professor lupin???? no , uncle moony !!!!)
winter for me , because in England , even when it's summer , it's winter !!! (also thank u for calling it autumn , not fall.) BUT I LOVE AUTUMN TOO , PUMPKIN LATTES ARE STELLAR !!!
I have my chemistry exam tomorrow !! and I do bio too unfortunately. (I have the bio exam today. I feel queasy. ) BUT YEAH FUCK PHYSICS FUCK NEWTON FUCK ELECTRICITY !!!!!
I so get u bee , I too just wanna be magic.
eruditessssss!!! erudite erudite erudite !!!!
I love coins omg. I want them all. I'm on the lookout for the paddington one , and I feel it in the air. I think I'm very close to it. (also glow in the dark ??? that's so cool???)
nah , I get relating to a song so hard. I too relate to songs. ( u relating to mirrorball is so fucking real of u. so real.)
I know , if not for the racism and other shit , I'd so visit the '50s. honestly , the old-times vibes and the dinners and just- ahhhhh. (damn misogyny is everywhere.that fucking sucks I hate that sm)
I KNOW I KNOW. the bookstore thing is so so so cool for me. (closest I've ever come is the grocery store at night with lu , but also we were drunk and also we bought so so so many things) and yes!! just chatting and laughing and having fun and - being , yk???
I did take it hard. I took it so hard. (I scored , but I still didn't get in?? well bitch damn I hope u lose every single game !!)
getting competitive with monopoly is something different (I've stolen some money before , and now I'm not allowed to be the banker !! so that sucks.) I'm going to learn chess one day. I will. I want to play. I shall learn it.
OMG SISGDLIWQHVDJLWQVCBX your mom sounds so cool???? Van Gogh recreations ??? I salute her she sounds fucking amazing (cafe terrace at night is just it for me. I love it. I even have a notebook with it on the front !!!)
---- I'm taking a break from answering because I have to go do a fuckin exam now give me a second ----
back now lmfao totally fucking flunked fuck biology & fuck life , but at least my arse is being warmed and i’m listening to taylor. (i think i’m being driven to the bakery. i think. he won’t say anything. but we’re not going home for sure.)
YOUR MOM JUST GETS IT FR FR. van gogh is my favourite artist too , so she understands. he a tortured soul me a tortured soul. done & dusted.
reviewing your q’s
OMG THAT’S SO CUTE ????? I’M IN TEARS ????? that’s so romantic omg i hope u get that one day i really really do.(feel free to info dump on me anytime.) AND YESSSS ART AND HISTORY AND HUMANITY STAY WINNING ALWAYS (my favourite art museum is tate and fave history one is the natural history museum in central london i love it so so much.) AHHH OMG PICKING OUT BOOKS FOR EACH OTHER ??? (and annotating them and talking about them and showing each other and oh my god romance romance 💘) I LOVE CONSTELLATIONS TOO. as an ex-astronomy student , i understand the stories and fucking love info-dumping about them. (lu has been the unfortunate victim of most of this dumping.)
rep for when you are in ur rep era is so real. I need that album for killing and revenge and shit. lover is the vibe i want my life to feel like , so i’d pick lover too.
i hate physical activity too , mate. . I LIKE BADMINTON TOO SOMETIMES THAT SHUTTLECOCK IS FUN TO BAT AROUND. (only sometimes.) all i shall do is watch lu do his sports. i shall do nothing else. (hating sports is so valid of us !!!)
take me to church hits different but work song >>> no grave can hold my body down FUVKING CHANGED MY LIFE. i will rise from the dead for my other half when i die.
u described it so right , autumn is like that. just right. very remus of you , methinks. BUT CHRISTMAS FOR THE WIN , I’M SORRY !!!
ooh , an italian *does the hands* (sorry but you know i had to) you said a lot of pasta i will have to now eat. i will eat all of them. me , personally , my dad is portuguese a so i got a fucking range of food when i was a kid . like francesinha , bacalhau , caldo verde >>>> (sandwich , fish , soup in that order. all vv spicy.)
HE SO HAS THAT BLACK CAT ENERGY. regulus black is a black cat 2023 spread the word. as a shower singer , i vv much agree james would do that. oooh sirius is a left-hand. yk what i actually like that one . JILY AGENDA WHERE SHE’S THE SLEEPY ONE AND HE’S THE GET UP AND GO ONE <3333
I too do not much rate the dorcas/peter. it’s surprising now especially because of the dorlene and how i think they’re perfect for each other. so obviously , i don’t want them to get with anyone else . and reg/remus ??? that’s odd. i might be hoodwinked into reading a one-shot here & there but nothing more than that.
rattle snake , grey owl and raven ??? that’s a slytherin if i ever saw one. (also ravenclaw potential tbh.) and what a range of animals ??? fabulous.
u have luna’s wand. i am very jealous rn. (love ginny but i agree with your decision to pick luna. i love her too much to pick anyone else.)
gyoza sounds so good. i could really go for some rn. (late night mcdonalds SMACKS.) and no we don’t have dairy queen in the uk. is that like an ice cream thing ?? sounds like that?? i want to try that now.
iced coffee >>>> AND OH MY GOD THERE’S THIS SODA AT THE CORNER SHOP ‘BARRS CREAM SODA’ I GET IT SO OFTEN IT’S MY FAVOURITE FIZZY DRINK EVER AHHHH. (i need 2 try sangria. i need to. ‘tis on my list.)
my q’s. -
this is me trying . there’s probably more that I can’t think of rn , but this is me trying. I am this is me trying. i used to be the one gifted kid who got rlly high scores without trying and now i have to do twice as much work for a fucking B. which is annoying. but yeah! ( I might tell u more if I remember them next time.)
black swan! i think that’s pretty cool actually !!!!
my tears ricochet. (or cruel summer) but if i had to choose , my tears ricochet. EVERY FUCKING TIME. ‘STOLEN LULLABIES OOOWIWOHOOO’
shapeshifting !! i think i’d love to shapeshift. it’d be so fun , i’m a snake , i’m a lion , i’m an old woman , i’m a muscle man. FUNNNN.
messy as fuck. 90% of the time my socks come back from the wash and at least one is missing at all times. fucking dk where they go man.
YOU HAVE UNLOCKED SOMETHING HERE.okay , terry’s chocolate orange & smarties. I fucking LOVE smarties (& toblerone of course , we mustn’t forget the Toblerone.) AND ALSO JAFFA CAKES. CANNOT CHOOSE ONE.
SHAKESPEARE. need 2 ask about the ‘fair youth’ and also about his wife & about his plays and ahhhh. i love his plays sm and i just really would love to meet him<333
work song. i love take me to church sm , but work song . why??? “NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN , I’LL CRAWL HOME TO HER.”
promiscous , worth it , one look , knee socks , jealous (nj) , & …ready for it ? THESE ARE CLASSICSSSS . HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MIX.
snow. by far. love making snowmen , n dressing them up and snowball fights. love it so so so much.
i did lady macbeth (n lu was macbeth) at a halloween party once!! I loved it vv much the fake blood and the scorpion prop , and the crown i made for lu. very realistic. (second is it and georgie. u know who it was and who georgie was. take a guess .)
q’s for u -
fuck marry kill - lily , pandora , marlene.
fuck marry kill - regulus , barty, evan.
what do you love spending money on ?
tell me one inside joke you have with liz (or just anyone, i only assume you’d have more with liz)
one weird fear you have?
weirdest dare you’ve taken in a game of truth or dare?
worst random impulse buy?
your favourite quote ever ?
your favourite quote from a fic ?
ever met a celeb ? (which one if yes?)
favourite snack ?
do u have a crush on anyone ? (skip this one if you don’t want to answer it & I’m terribly sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable!!!)
Who knows you best ?
lover (the song) vs getaway car?
all time favourite moment in your life ?
what’s your favourite moment with liz ? (curious to cut into that bff dynamic)
r(egg) or r(edge)?
do you speak any other languages (except english)?
bee bee bee <333 until next time , my friend. come back soon , or else i’ll start worrying.
0 notes
anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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parismemes · 3 years
“EY TONY STOP WALKIN ALL OVER MY FEET” “hopefully this person has the gift of prophecy” “at least youre not ALSO part gemini” “apparently a lot of women just go into labor when it floods” “this mf walking into subway like im about to manipulate this unsuspecting employee into making me a sandwich” “im like a proud mother with a gun today” “im coming to your location and im going to knock everything off your shelves” “jsyk if anyone doesnt say happy birthday in here im prepared to show up on the astral plane in your location and haunt you” “im not doing anything except for having an opinion” “you guys have got to stop rectangle squaring things” “dont you know that its emo to have trauma” “hey everyone i just want to say sorry in advance for the way im going to behave tomorrow” “come to the conclusion that i shouldnt be allowed to type things. very sorry” “rotisserie chicken boy.” “i dont agree with my result im gonna find a worse quiz made by a middle schooler” “god im so good at loopholes im so smart” “WAS THIS WHAT FUCKING STARTED MY FUCKING CATBOY AND CATGIRL OBSESSION FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF” “i always feel like a pickle in a jar when ur not here :(” “hey. you know youre not allowed to get good sleep around us.” “either this man is fuck you years old or he just gets around A LOT. or both but unrelated to eachother i guess” “nice going ___ that is just the movie enchanted.” “I COULD NEVER KILL HIM hes my poor little meow meow” “formal apology everyone i was in what we like to call in the business a mood” “what if one day i wake up and i realize i still feel completely empty. what then.” “theres nothing in the ocean i will not eat” “ppl just like to get pretentious about not cracking their cheesecakes” “we're being assassinated for being correct this is political suppression“ “well thats just not true. i can think of at least one occasion youve been wrong before” “EXIT. THE PREMESIS” “___ your bf would eat raw meat. you have no room here” “i was like wait what the fuck other golf terms are birds and then i remembered. birdie” “im glad you enjoy me calling you a shit head” “overstimulated in this cheesecake factory” “we missed you so we are chewing up the couches” “one time i went to a wax museum and i tried to take a selfie with the tswift wax figure but i couldnt even fit us both in frame bc she was so tall” “if you have to resort to gamer slang to win your argument youre automatically wrong” “ill accept it because yellow and purple are basically the same thing” “i dont need to use scientific tools to prove my point i have eyes” “im not having this debate because i want to solve it im having this debate because im right“ “i think the terms of the debate were pretty clear in that it cannot be anything other than green or yellow and since its not yellow its obviously green” “i love you with all my soul but thats the worst and most incorrect thing youve ever said“ “i think everyone is qualified to judge my taste.” “rip king sorry to hear about ur tragic fate“ “this interaction for sure is ending with one or both of them getting alcohol poisoning by the end of the night” “i love watching these minecraft guys go to war. if we did minecraft id absolutely go to war with one of u.” “active decisions can still be dumb” “if that really happens thats more valuable to me than winning any lottery” “i put laundry away when the stars are properly aligned” “i just never stop thinking about it because i dont like the vibe it gives me at all even a little” “hes never done anything wrong, except for the things he did do wrong, which i forgive him for” “i could say the fuck word before too it was just not legal” “ok its definitely not square vs rectangle because then youre saying everyone with a piss kink is a vampire but not all vampires have a piss kink” “thats like saying "oh you like juice? well try this ;)" and then putting it through four water filtration systems and giving them the remains” “how dare you cater to my tastes.” “im going to crawl into a hole in the earth and bury myself” “this is a step backwards. but ill take it as a good omen anyway.“ “i can tell why critics hated it because it has every film element that a critic would not like, but luckily that happens to be exactly everything in a film that i love” “why am i in everyones dreams lately” “i dont believe in colors” “I HATE HIM SO MUCH ITS UNREAL” “(sobbing) i try not to judge appearances but why does your face look like that.” “i actually have no idea how to send things in the mail and im too embarrassed to ask“ “tone wise that feels like a dream i once had about Evil Youtube” “yeah hes hinged but like instead of being a normal door hes a funhouse door that is tilted a little too horizontally and is also randomly placed in the middle of the wall”
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dcbnam-aep · 2 years
Star Trek Picard 206 thoughts
watching agnes be re-assimilated-ish in the episode recap was owch
ohh we gonna get a future-past back in time 2 hours sorta thing??
34 mins lol I was close I guess??
‘I’m 100% sure he doesn’t miss u/
agnes’ little smile i love
shuffling the chair forward pls
‘urgh no sorry not for u’
*opening credits*
Raffi and Seven both look so gorgeous omg 🌈🥰
hot ghost alert
‘new friend’
‘not sharing u are a house guest’ lol
‘wasnt fun at all- not the intercourse but-‘ *shakes head in frustration* *also realise borg queen knows exactly what she’s thinking* *no need to explain anything but rlly went and embarrassed herself anyway* :/ 
Borg Queen agnes bickering/ convos are hella hilarious
agnes’ confused look when the borg queen says she’s in control is worrying
ok is she talking to the borg queen aloud or just in her head tho or things could get weird like obviously it is just in her head but like just saying lol. wait but then theres also the one scene near the start when shes talking to the borg queen but then picard hears through the coms so she turns them off hence later drama etc etc but that means she was talking aloud?!?! idk ill give the writers benefit of the doubt lmao
Raffi calling rios sweetie im here for their bestie vibes
love his big goofy smile but not the dr his heart belongs to agnes 
forehead kiss my loves
not the hallucinations raffi jsjdhfh 
i called the therapist Q thing mwahahaha
id give agnes attention
accidentally referring to herself as we 
‘are u doing alright’ ‘mhmhmmm’ *is not alright* ‘you can lean on me u know’
omg fuck u borg queen leave her alone
‘im not myself tonight’ *runs away* ahh bestie 
rios left looking simultaneously confused and worried and pissed at himself pls-
Picard getting urself targeted by genius dr soong probably wasn’t the best idea
agnes looks like she’s about to cry bestie- she needs a hug. if it was 2024 and i was at that snazzy party thing i would 100% give her a hug. and then probably accidentally get assimilated. but worth it to give agnes the comfort she so desperately needs.
Agnes just wants to do what’s best for the mission
# distractionmodeinitiated
damn bestie can singgg
Rios look what ur missing out on now
‘oh im proud of u agnes’ jsjdjdh 
borg got control btw ^^^
im absolutely terrified but at the same time ready for alison pill to absolutely slay the role of fully assimilated borg queen
therapist picard therapising ancestor picard 
not picard quoting his mum so that his ancestor can eventually pass what he told her down the line so picard knows it and can go back in time and say it to her and repeat repeat repeat (that probably makes no sense but hoping u know what i mean)
being forced to go to rios’ new love interest owch
ok so basically agnes will never be able to have a stable relationship because no one will ever understand her like the borg queen but at the same time her relationship with the borg queen is just manipulation and power struggle grrr
no word from agnes 🥲
oohhh fancy mind meld interesting
prediction: Picard’s gonna think she’s larris again and she’ll just go along with it to save him
agnes/ borg queen just walking around ahhh 
and they can feel/hear (idk how it works) everyone they (well rlly just the borg queen) want to assimilate
question of the ep- how is agnes going to get control back???
bonus question- how is agnes so amazing like literal loml??
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ragingpancake · 3 years
Lietuenant Colonel Idiot And The Kastat Root Part 2
Part 1
The first thing John is aware of when he starts to come to is the quiet beeping of machines. He knows that that’s never a good sign but he feels floaty and warm so he has a hard time caring about what exactly landed him in the infirmary this time. He opens his eyes slowly, blinking against the overhead light, dim as it was in the moment but he doesn’t realize he’s made a noise until Teyla and Ronon quickly come into his line of vision. “Hi,” he manages, voice hoarse with disuse, and you know, probably from the tube they’d shoved down his throat to anesthetize him when Carson had cut him back open to clean him up a little. “Where’s… what happened?” He has a vague memory of a stomachache and of screaming but the pain meds they have him on makes it hard to think. It also makes it hard to sleep, so when Teyla tells him gently that he should go back to sleep and they’ll fill him in later, he doesn’t argue. He just closes his eyes and lets the darkness return.
-- It happens like that a couple of times before John finally, truly, wakes up. He thinks that it’s probably the pain that does it, that pulls him back to the land of the lucid, as Beckett has started weaning him off of the good stuff. He doesn’t remember much from those quick bursts of consciousness, but he does remember that while he’s seen Teyla and Ronon every time, he hasn’t once seen Rodney. Where’s Rodney? “Aye, Colonel,” Carson greets, leaning over as he adjusts John’s nasal cannula, Teyla and Ronon just visible over his shoulder. “Welcome back t’the land of the livin’, lad. How’re ya feelin’ this morning?” “Where’s Rodney?” He doesn’t miss the way Carson’s face shifts, just for a moment, nor does he miss the look shared by Teyla and Ronon. Something sits painfully in his gut at that and for one brief, horrible moment, he’s afraid that something happened to Rodney, something off-world, because Rodney was always here when he woke up, and-- “Settle down now,” Carson admonishes gently, and John is embarrassed to realize that the beeping on his heart rate monitor has sped up. “Rodney’s down in the labs, that’s all. He’s alright. The only one y’need to be worryin’ about now is yourself.” “How much do you remember?” Ronon asks and John can tell by the look on Teyla’s face that she’s not pleased at the question. It had been a routine mission, right? M3-X982, the Plesians, according to the ancient database. Not so routine if you ended up here, his brain reminds him and okay, fair enough. He takes a second and tries to think through the brain fog he always associates with the good drugs. He remembers the almost meatloaf and the bad jokes told by Plesia’s leader, Korom. He remembers the heat--. No. Not heat. The fever and the stomachache and--. Screaming. Hoarse screams, begging them to stop killing him, for Ronon to let him go, for Teyla to help him. And Rodney… Rodney, holding the dagger looking very much on the edge of a panic attack as he sliced through John’s skin, flaying him open. “Your appendix nearly ruptured,” Carson supplies, voice more gentle now. “Rodney recognized the signs fairly quickly but the doctor in Plesia was ill-equipped to operate.” “Doctor McKay very likely saved your life, John,” Teyla says, a fact she’s tried to get through to Rodney since their return. “Aye,” Carson agrees. “We had t’put ya under again to clean up a bit of infection and to right some suturin’, but he did bloody well considerin’ the circumstances.” “Then why… why isn’t he here?” Because no one has actually told him that much, but John can probably guess why. Guilt is a hell of a thing and John knows in an instant that he would’ve never wanted the roles reversed, would’ve never have wanted to have to--. “I need to talk to him,” and he’s not exactly thrilled with how desperate he sounds but he really doesn’t care right. He needs to talk to Rodney, needs to seehim, to tell him he did good. He starts pulling at all the leads and wires and Ronon is there again, a firm hand on his shoulder, urging him back down. “Let me talk to him first,” he says and even Teyla raises an eyebrow at that. Ronon isn’t exactly known for his uh, gentle nature, but when she meets John’s eyes, she gives him the slightest of nods. “Tell him to get his ass in here, or I’m gonna come find him myself,” John warns, but there’s no heat. The slight exertion has left him very nearly panting through a wave of pain. “I’ll be sure to pass on the message,” he says and without anything further, Ronon is gone. -- Rodney McKay isn’t known for his silence. He knows he’s a loud, obnoxious, abrasiveman even on his best day and yet ever since they’d returned from Plesia, he hadn’t been able to muster up the strength to even so much as raise his voice. It’s unnerving his scientists, he knows, but he doesn’t care. Mostly, he keeps to himself and keeps working, stopping only long enough for the occasional power nap and to replenish his supply of power bars. He’s just finished the aforementioned nap when Ronon finds
him, trudging back down to the laps to continue his work on the ancient device they’d found some time ago. He’s hoping that with enough tweaking, it can be used to send a patient into something sort of a temporary stasis, long enough to get them back through the Stargate where an actual fucking medical team can--. “McKay,” Ronon calls, but Rodney doesn’t stop. “Little busy, Chewie,” he calls over his shoulder but it lacks the usual McKay bite. “Sheppard’s awake.” Rodney does stop for that, but he doesn’t turn, shoulders tensing and he has to take a deep breath because he can feel something like panic trying to surge up again. “Is he--?” “Pissed? Yeah. Pissed that you weren’t there with us when he woke up.” “Well I’m sorry that some of us have actual work to do and can’t spend days--.” “You’re bein’ dumb.” Rodney whirls around at that, and he can feel the vein in his forehead throbbing in anger because he’s not--! He’s just--! “Sheppard probably wouldn’t have made it out of surgery without some major problems if we’d waited until the rain stopped. The Doc said so himself. Because of what you did, he’s got about another week of medicine and he’ll be back on his feet.” “I am not that kind of doctor,” Rodney reminds Ronon and he hates how he sounds in that moment, so, so upset. So weak. The weakest on the team, always. “You were the most qualified in that room to do what had to be done,” Ronon says and while that may actually be true, that won’t help when the nightmares come back. “You held it together better than either me or Teyla would’ve.” Rodney highly doubts that. “Listen,” Ronon says and this may be the most words Rodney’s heard him string together ever. “It sucked but it had to be done. You can’t keep beating yourself up for it.” We’ll see about that, Rodney thinks. “Thanks for the pep talk, Conan,” he says as he starts back for the labs. “You’re goin’ the wrong way. Infirmary’s that way.” Rodney doesn’t respond and he half expects Ronon to come after him, to throw him over his shoulder and haul him off to the infirmary, but a moment later, Rodney hears a quiet sigh and heavy footsteps falling away. He’s just not ready yet. -- Rodney might not be ready yet, but John’s never been the most patient person in the world. Especially not when it comes to Rodney. He’s tired, in pain, and annoyedby the time he makes it down to the labs, a trip that should’ve taken him five minutes on a good day but has taken nearly a half an hour for all the breaks he’s had to take to stop and lean against the wall. Carson’s going to have a field day when he comes back from surgery to find that John’s managed to sneak out, but he’ll just have to deal with that later. For now, the only thing he’s concerned about is Rodney. Atlantis takes pity on him and opens the door to the labs the minute she senses him approaching, allowing him to continue to hold on the wall as he slips inside and the minute he sees the slope of those shoulders in that blue shirt, any annoyance John had been feeling faded away. “Listen Teyla,” Rodney says and he sounds exasperated which leads John to believe that the Athosian has been down here plenty while he’s been holed up in the infirmary. He’s glad for that though. Means his people are taking care of each other. “I appreciate y--,” he turns and the words die in his throat. “Hi Rodney,” John greets, maybe a little dumbly and Rodney stands up so quickly that his stool topples backward. John thinks maybe he’s going to haul off and punch him, so he braces for impact, but when Rodney approaches, he grabs John’s arm and hauls it around his shoulder, giving him something else to lean against. “You’re supposed to be in the infirmary, you absolute idiot,” Rodney hisses and when he gets John seated on a stool, he moves to tap the communicator in his ear. “Rodney, wait!” And he reaches for the other, closing his hand around Rodney’s wrist. “Just… gimme a minute, okay?” Rodney hesitates, which is unusual for him. Rodney is always so sure of himself and quick to make
sure everyone knows it. Was this because of what happened on Plesia? “Listen,” John says and that’s about as far as he gets before Rodney is talking over him. “No! You listen, you, you, you irresponsible, stupid—” There’s a half a second that John wants to be offended and starts to respond in kind, but he stops himself because he realizes that Rodney needs this. That he’s been holding this in since they got back from that stupid planet. “You could have died! And not just from your stupid appendix, but your entire body could have gone into shock and you could have died! Because you were too stupid, too, too, too you to just go to the damn infirmary before we ever left!” “I know, Rodney and I’m –” “No! You don’t know. You have no idea!” He’s pacing now, wringing his hands together and John doesn’t think he’s ever seen him so upset. The thought that he’d been the one to cause that— “What if I’d been wrong, Sheppard? What if that had been for nothing? What if I’d—" “Rodney,” John says and he stands then, ignoring the way that the room spins just a little. “Listen to me, okay? I’m fine. You did everything right, and you probably saved me from a really shitty next few weeks, assuming I hadn’t died. I wouldn’t be sitting here right now if it wasn’t for you.” “But--.” “No buts,” John answers. “I’m sorry you had to do that, that I made you have to make that choice. You’re right, it was stupid to go off world without getting checked out first and I’m sorry, alright?” He reaches up, rubbing uncomfortably at the back of his neck. “I just… wanted to, you know, thank you for saving my ass out there. And to tell you that I’m really glad to know that no matter what, you’ve got my back.” And Rodney sags, all of the fight and the anger and maybe a little of the guilt too having gone out of him. “You’re… really alright?” “I’m really alright,” John promises him and this time, Rodney sags against the table, the tension leaving shoulders. “Thank God,” he breathes, and a breath later, “you owe me for this.” “Ah, there he is,” John says and he feigns annoyance, rolling his eyes. “No, no, you don’t understand. You owe me.” “I know, Rodney.” He doesn’t protest as Rodney comes around again, hauling John’s arm over his shoulder and as they begin to make their way from the science lab, back to John’s own quarters, John lets Rodney’s incessant babble wash over him. It felt good to hear it again, he realizes, even if he knows he’s never going to hear the end of this. And honestly? Well. He wouldn’t change that for anything in the world.
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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pengu-hours · 3 years
I swear to god you don't deserve anything good in life you say to respect first nations people but you don't wanna respect anyone else you are so fucking weird get it together or get lost bitch. We all know you are more than mentally ill. I pray god takes you to the highest level of hell. If you don't wanna respect dead people go die and see if anyone cares, I hope you die in the most painful way.
yeah because this ask makes you so mentally stable. i can only assume you're christian based off of your details about sending me to the depths of hell and mentions of god, to which i say: i don't give a fuck. christians piss me off so much. there's more than just your religion in the world and if nothing was said about religion at all, keep your mouth shut. not everyone has to believe what you believe. i don't even believe in hell. also i never said not to respect the dead. i'm indigenous, respecting the dead and doing rites and things is part of our culture. i said i wasn't gonna just leave it alone because that person is obviously not dead if you look at everything objectively. the person that sent the ask said i should be glad she's not dead, to which i think is also bullshit. i don't wish death on that person by saying this, i just wish they didn't fucking fake it. it's horrible and disgusting to fake suicide for attention, and if you do that, you need serious help. i have nothing but respect for the dead, and i have several friends that are among the dead now, i'm no stranger to it. but i'm also no stranger to lunatics faking their deaths. i'm not gonna grieve for someone i don't know, people die every 11 seconds across the world but you feel no pain every 11 seconds, do you? a child is kidnapped every minute. bad shit happens in this world all the time. do you constantly live in grief because of it? no. i'm not affected heavily if this person is gone. of course i have normal decency and respect for life and it saddens me if they truly are gone, but the whole situation is uncomfortable. it's sketchy as fuck and filled with lies, nobody knows the truth anymore. with nini, we knew she had actually died. she didn't fucking fake it. but nobody fucking knew this girl, she just popped up out of nowhere and while she was here she made me feel weird because she was pushy and sent a bunch of asks acting as if we were friends when i didn't even know her. i hope karma comes back for you, oginalii. also idk what you mean by im not more than mentally ill, because literally that's what's wrong with my brain? my brain doesn't produce chemicals or regulate things properly. i'm not a psychopath or anything like that and i actually do therapy and have for years. i'm one of the kindest people you'll ever meet and i've literally given up my own belongings and money (of which i have very little) to make sure my friends were okay. i brought one of my bullies snacks during snack time in 5th grade because i felt bad that his mom was going through a hard time and had no money to buy him snacks. the other funny thing is that i know many of my friends would care if i died. many MANY people would care if i died. staff from my school that i bonded with, old friends, relatives, current friends. probably even some people i don't know. people in my band at college and in my major. it's what we do when we lose someone. you think you're so high and mighty but your god doesn't even care about you, much less exist. why would he allow anyone to suffer if he knew what would happen to them. you're his plaything. a toy. a pawn. you mean nothing more than that to your god. have a nice life though, and thanks for trying to misconstrue things i said just so you could be a vindictive bitch, it was very entertaining.
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bloodpenned · 3 years
(ill call myself your yanyan anon <3 i’ve been stalking your blog for a while before i got brave enough to finally send a mssg in, im happy you like my lil rambles!! ❤️ you’ve got such a solid grasp on the yandere psyche and im in love wth your writing. HERE’S MORE YANDERE WIVES CONTENT. )
honestly the biggest tragedy of that whole ordeal is kylar is hysterical but very open about their intentions. she loves pc! she wants her to be hers forever, and for pc to mean it. there’s always that part of kylar that has that seed of doubt. that feels like it’s too good to be true. because after all, despite words said, only actions can soothe the worry that pc will slip through her fingers.
i think pc snapping and holding kylar basically hostage would be a great way to soothe that worry! for good or bad, pc has dirtied themselves the way kylar thought she would only go for, and that in itself is such a sweet declaration of love that initially, i think kylar would just settle in and bask in the twisted feeling of being so utterly wanted. kylar has probably never felt so settled or grounded in her life. when she wakes up, she’s marrying pc, ring or no. (but knowing kylar, she bought the ring the day they first kissed).
i think the only source of distress kylar goes through is when she puts aside the deliriously happiness she’s experiencing to really think about pc. she loves pc! she doesn’t want pc in pain. and as much as kylar loves this, pc is clearly in pain, from the way she pretends she’s not crying half the time she’s in the room with kylar. kylar probably wants to smother her lover in kisses and soothing words, because she would never ever leave her.
pc, in this au, is probably flipped in neuroticism. will go to extremes if given the case. and if she dwells enough - or, god forbid - she tells someone and they’re horrified and berate pc til she turns herself into the police … these two silly fools are so gone over each other that they’re prone to go nuclear. or, well, she’d plan to, because the second pc is dragged to the pillory, kylar would break those old dusty tranqs out and collect her little lover, highly hysterical because she was NOT privy to all this development, and she woke up in the hospital telling her the person who did this would be punished accordingly! and how dare they. /how dare they/. kylar’s shaking in anger but they’ve got their hands on pc properly, after all that time. if anyone were awake to see it, what a scene it would make, the loner teacher brought to tears and having to be consoled by the little pariah.
(of course they fuck right there on the pillory. it’s kylar’s own way of staking her victory, to have pc crying out her name over all those disgusting monsters.)
but you thought they were clingy before??? pc isn’t hiding her bad attitude anymore. she openly whines and gets jealous and even snippy if kylar looks at a girl too long. she’s back in school, of course, because pc thinks she’s damn gorgeous in the uniform and she wants to get a job so she can make money and burn the orphanage and the farms down to the ground. … and yes, maybe pc has a change of heart, maybe pc wants kylar to be HER pretty trophy wife, so she can have her curled around her at all times. she’d never take a job without being able to sneak kylar into her office, of course. have her on her lap and snake an arm around her while she works.
kylar the little yandere bean deserves to be loved fully and wholly and just as hard as she does <3
waaa im glad you like my writing so much, yours is great too <3!! yanyan is such a cute nickname... officially, welcome to the blog!! :)
two dumb gay yandere being in love /j so much miscommunication going on here LMAO kylar was just into it the whole time!!! the hospital scene though... god, she'd be so panicked it would be unbearable. the vile doctors had bandaged and hid all of the lovely marks of your love too, and it pisses her off further. she would prefer for it all to scar, rather than heal. kylar knocks out as many people as possible near the pillory and basically throws herself at you, you become the only person in the world to her. i think she might ask you to marry her right then and there, even though she doesn't have a ring with her. you have to know she still wants you! fucking on the pillory... you made kylar feel so good so many times while she was tied up, it's only fair she returns the favour, right? let the whole town know you were made for each other.
when you're in school again, you don't bother your relationship at all anymore. greet her with a kiss on the lips before class, flirt with her during class and kylar lets you read passages out loud whenever she can, just because she likes the sound of your voice so much. being so all over each other shows everyone who you belong to. kylar only likes it when you get a little jealous, she thinks it's cute honestly, and she's ready to do whatever it takes to prove to you again and again that you're her one and only.
the last comment about the job!! kylar quits her job after you ask her to, becoming your cute little housewife. can you imagine working at home specifically so you can always keep her around? having an online meeting with your wife's head in your lap, stroking her hair or even having her eat you out... she's more important than anything else after all, and she'd been nuzzling your thigh in such a cute way for the past couple of minutes- you couldn't help but let her do it. most of the time, you can just have her sit on your lap without issue.
trophy wife kylar though......... she'd be so embarrassed but so happy if you wanted to show her off to everyone <3
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artreider · 3 years
Station 19 returns in a little over 2 weeks so im going to try to finish my rewatch this week.
Im doing todays rewatch while my daughter plays we'll see if i can work this out.
This is one one of my favorite episodes but im liable to cry watching it again.
Ugh dixon why cant we have lost him this season.
I love the family talks between the crew to start the episode and jack with his seemingly random trivia/information that he just feels like educating his team about.
Poor vic you can see how much she is struggling as the news is on and her crew discusses protesting and police brutality.
I love what Montgomery says that things felt different right after george floyd and breonna taylor were killed, like something was going to change. But now a year plus out i cant help but feel like nothing is really changing, like we all forgot what we saw.
I do love their shirts.
Oh maya trying to navigate being there for her team, doing whats right and whats expected of her. I don't envy her. Also its all in vain and she came so far and is the best captain.
Hughes wanting to change the subject and celebrate marina's engagement, i love her but my heart hurts for her. I also love the support for maya from her team.
I know some fans take issue with vic calling it a lesbian wedding but im onebof those who isnt. That comes from a bisexual woman married to a bisexual woman who normally just tells people she is gay or a lesbian because ita simpler. And also because you can sometimes avoid the inevitable question of why did i choose a woman instead of a man.
I love the i could barely agree to get carina to marriage line and i dont know why.
There's hererra eating away lol; either they just had fun messing with fans or really planned the long game pregnancy. Is it possible we'll see glimpses of her pregnancy in flashbacks this season and then she'll have a baby in present day. This could've been their way of getting around having to film a pregnancy over the course of a season and keeping andy in the action. Hmmm
Vic and travis, i love them. Im glad travis trying to get vic to open up. I just want to hug vic so much, i cant imagine what she's going through.
Barrett kills this episode.
Bishop is right, vic cant be objective she needs to foucs on her family and trust her team.
I love watching maya captain.
Asshole kids.
Vic talking about her team is love. In light of the following episode i wish we could've had them all be introduced to her folks on screen. Also i need fics of how the wedding came to be at the restuarant and just marina month apart after becoming engaged.
Ugh between the popo and news its like vultures outside the fire. Also the portrayal of the news pisses me off as a news producer. Thats not to say some news stations may have agendas or some reporters an inability to seperate themselves from the story but in my experience that is few and far between.
"Fire" "whatever your question is the answer is fire and we are working to put it out" ugh i love the bde and quote from maya. And the "buhbye" so much love here.
These officers are out of line, if you cant do your job properly then hand in your badge you pos. Love the female officer here, ill take more of her. Clearly she has no issue with the station or the lawsuit.
Im glad dean listened to maya and didnt question her. I also just realized she said "ill deal with pd", such a good captain putting herself between the pos and her team.
As maya watches vic and her family you can just see her heart going out to them.
Ugh vic you need all the hugs, also mama hughes is so stubborn lol but i love her.
I love them ribbing on andy about eating and her choice of food as well as her loud stomach rumbles.
Too much bad news delivered by emails/texts to the team.
Its not fair the team seems upset with maya about the city's decision.
Perv andy lol also totally pregnant. Also the look she gave sullivan when they were on their way to the fire just screamed i know im pregnant and love my baby daddy.
Theo means well and im glad travis is letting him help.
Sometimes moms say things and mean well but they just dont come across right.
Stupid news reporter.
I love this scene and mama hughes. "Let it burn" so succinct. She is an icon. The recitement of the names never fails to bring tears to my eyes.
That her parents know the names rings differently for vic, its like she feels seen amd that maybe they werent as unaware as they came across.
Jack seems so lost and is just trying to understand the world and himself. I just want him to find his purpose and happiness. I swear it just seems like he'll be the next person killed off after finding his happiness.
I love the boards dedicated to vic, just goes to show sometimes parents care more than they seem and are just not good at showing it. They are so proud of her.
Them both telling just a second made me chuckle so much.
The apology may not bring back michael but its important none the less.
Im glad maya checked on dean. And the solution they came up with. Side note danielle looks so good in this scene, i may have a crush.
Fhe breath she takes when he stops her from leaving, it hurts me. I take it as she is bracing herself for the worst especially when he says he doesnt want to be disrespectful. Its still hard for her to believe she has the teams unwavering support. I love dean telling maya to have a wedding for her station.
The breaking the plates scene i love it. Love the conversations between vic and her mom.
The breaking of the plates, such love.
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dead-inside-cx · 4 years
Cause I really like the idea of Hawks being a big brother to Shoto after Touya dies heres yet another idea that will ofc have dabihawks:
Shoto goes to Hawks for everything, like no matter how big or small the problem he goes straight to Hawks. None of his friends know that Hawks practically adopted him as his brother and will do anything for him.
So like one day Shoto asks Hawks to come round. "I think I have boyfriends?" Hawks jets it over to UA.
Like he was with Dabi and the two were having a moment then Hawks just leaves him. "Ive been abandoned. I am hurt." Dabi says after Hawks leaves, hes being dramatic.
Hawks goes to UA just about flies through some glass but luckily Shoto had this planned. "IM HERE!!!" He says confusing the fuck out of everyone.
"Nice hickey." Shoto says smirking. "Fuck!" Hawks says annoyed cause Dabi gave hhim a hickey and thats a no no.
The two go to Shotos dorm. "Should tell your villain boyfriend to keep it in his pants." Shoto says and Hawks glares. "Ill leave." And Shoto pouts.
Shoto then talks about how close he had been getting with Bakugo and Deku which seems normal but then they start holding his hands, Deku always on his left side and Bakugo on his right. They kiss his cheek and do other sweet romantic thhings.
The class even congratulated him on his relationship with the two. Hawks dies of laughter. Like how can Shoto not realize?? "I thought it was platonic. I dont even remember discussing a romantic relationship." That sets Hawks off even more.
Shoto is confused. Once Hawks calms down he gets Shoto to bring the two in question to his dorm. Hes grinning the two are confused.
"Shoto here didnt realize you were all dating each other." Hawks says before dying of laughter at Bakugo and Dekus reaction.
Hawks dies the whole time as Bakugo and Deku look confused. "I mean Im happy of course. Hawks stop laughing or Im calling your boyfriend." Shoto says and Hawks shuts up instantly.
The three resolve their miscommunication problem and Hawks threatens the two. "Hurt him and no one will find your body." They nod a little scared not that Bakugo would admit it and everything is resolved.
Well until Dabi finds out. "HES NOT ALLOWED TO DATE! HES LIKE 5!!!" He yells and Hawks just wanted cuddles but nope he has to deal with his boyfriend being over protective. "Hes not please come back to bed." Hawks says tiredly.
Dabi does not, goes on a full blown rant and Hawks groans. He wants sleep.
Shoto comes by in the morning. "Im dumping Dabi." Hawks say while drinking straight from the coffee pot. "YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" Dabi yells at him before turning his attention to Shoto.
Goes off on him about dating. Hawks groans. "Your not my brother or my father." Shoto says. Wrong thing. "Thats it you little shit." The two fight and Hawks just leaves.
Goes to UA grabs Bakugo and Deku, drags them back to his apartment where the two are still fighting. "Grab your idiot Ill get mine. Tell anyone you saw Dabi and ill let him kill you." They grab Shoto.
Hawks tackles Dabi and fucking sits on him. Shoto kisses his boyfriends to piss off Dabi. Hes already figured out Dabi is Touya since for one he uses his brain cell for something other than secret love children. So now he plans to annoy his brother.
And he does, poor Hawks, Bakugo and Deku get pulled into it constantly. "I say we dump them and run far away." Hawks says ome day. "Im fucking down." Bakugo was over this shit. "I will sit on you." Dabi threatens.
"Im carrying your child ass." Hawks says and Dabi grins. "Poor Hawks hes stuck with a raisin for a baby daddy." Shoto says and Hawks just groans. Hes glad the two are talking and working on their shit but this just sucks.
"I love him. I do but I cant." Deku says. Bakugo agrees. "Alright we are taking our idiot." The three leave and Hawks and Dabi are left alone and have cuddles and its cute asf and Dabi tells him hes glad he and Shoto are getting along.
In these moments when its just them and Dabi tells him how happy he is with the situation and how much he enjoys spending time with Shoto. Hawks realizes it worth the craziness because his lover is happy and Shoto is happy and thats all that matters.
I wrote this maybe over a week ago now and forgot to post it cause I wasn't sure if it was any good. Hopefully you enjoyed this idea!
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danakin-skywalker · 3 years
ho ho ho health legend!!
i hope that you had a great day and that your feet werent too sore to get out of bed and enjoy this lovely monday, december 13th! bc 33 flights?! im out bestie good for you tho
of course! i had like 7 different pixie hollow accounts because i would forget my login info every time🤦🏼‍♀️ and my nana was the only one with a computer, so until she made designated notebooks for my cousins and i, we just had random mixed up printer papers of passwords😂😂 im ashamed to admit i was never able to figure out club penguin so i couldnt play🧍🏼‍♀️
THE BANANNY WAGNER MEMES GOT ME !!!!!! i cant lie, i sent those to like six people they were so good. also, sweater danny🥺 but all the pics you were so pretty. i saw someone say today that he was sculpted like a greek god and i cant help but agree, sheesh!
im afraid today im back again with some basic questions ive somehow skipped over...
1. what other artists/genres do you listen to?
2. what is you favorite color?
3. how would you describe your personal style?
4. what are your sun, moon, & rising placements?
5. can you play any instruments?
6. do/did you play any sports?
7. what is one hidden talent you have?
remember santa loves u - and that youve brightened my month as well! but soon ill be able to just ask you anything, anytime once my true identity is revealed👀
Good morning Santa!!!!! I did manage to get out of bed yesterday but I’m sure by tomorrow I’ll be bed-ridden again because today I have to go get my Covid booster, which I hear can be tough on the body.
I love the idea of your nana just keeping track of every grandkid’s login information for whatever site they happened to use. I’m also really glad you got as much of a kick out of bananny Wagner as I did bc I thought I was gonna piss myself laughing when I first found it.
So recently, I’ve been listening to a lot of artists suggested/recommended by the boys, and other artists I find from those artists. For example, I’ve been listening to a lot of Hozier, Stephen Stills (more often CSN&Y), and Jim Croce, and a lot of classic rock like Quiet Riot, Van Halen and Styx. I’ve been really having fun delving into music that has been well loved for years that I’m unfamiliar with. With the exception of Hozier and Greta I’m really not listening to a lot of modern music at the moment, which has been really cool since moving to a major city, kind of feels like a juxtaposition to listen to John Denver while staring at the manhattan skyline you know?
My two favorite colors are purple and green, but I really only like the very light shades or very dark shades of both colors. Like the pastels and the jewel tones. I’m not into the generic “this is green” green, do you know what I mean?
My personal style is tricky because I’m not spending a ton of time lately outside of my apartment, so right now my style is just comfortable and cozy loungewear. I suppose I haven’t really developed a personal style yet, I never know what to say for questions like this. I’m really more of a simple dresser, I like staple pieces I can wear a bunch of different ways. But the problem with that is I can never personally justify buying high quality staple pieces that can withstand wear. So long story short, I’m workin on it.
I am the most absolute textbook cancer sign you’ll ever meet. Like the logical part of my brain doesn’t want to believe in astrology, but I’m just such a fucking cancer that it’s hard to really discount it. Both my moon and rising signs are in Aquarius, and I actually have had a lot of Aquarius friends in the past.
Okay, let me walk you through my personal instrument timeline. So when I was really little (like under 10) my mom had my brother and I in piano and violin lessons. But then I’m pretty sure by the time we were 10 those stopped (to be fair, that was around when the recession hit). Then I learned recorder in elementary school like everybody else and when it came time to sign up for band and pick an instrument, I chose clarinet because it was similar to recorder. Then I played clarinet in band for four years, I even played bass clarinet for a year because the school had one and you really play it the same as a normal clarinet it’s just bigger and jankier.
Around this time I also decided I wanted to learn bass guitar. I distinctly remember not wanting to learn guitar because in my head basically everyone knew how to play guitar and I wanted to be ~different~ so I borrowed a bass and a beginners book from the school. My dad was ecstatic, it was then that I learned he used to play bass in college (when was he gonna tell me that if I never independently showed interest? The world may never know). BUT what happened was I came home one weekend from a Girl Scout camping trip and my mom had randomly bought me an acoustic guitar. She said she assumed that was what I really wanted to play but I think she did it because 1) she has a heart condition that gets really bothered by bass notes and 2) full disclosure my dad didn’t have the healthiest relationship in alcohol back in the day and I’m sure she thinks this relates to the kind of world a bass player would be in.
Regardless, I was pressured to switch to guitar. And I hated it. There was something about the strings on the guitar she got me that made them terrible for beginners, even the guy I was getting lessons from told me to get it re-stringed. I had to press down so hard for any noise to come out that it made it really difficult to switch chords. And then I gave up when I found out nearly every song I wanted to learn to play has a barre chord in it. My fingers were just NOT callousing and I didn’t like how everybody in the world it seemed could hear me when I was trying to practice. Sometimes I wonder if I had kept with the bass if I would’ve gotten good at it, I made a lot more progress a lot more quickly than I did with guitar. But alas.
I mentioned skiing before, but the only sport I kept with through high school was Track & Field. I was a thrower, my events were shotput and discus. I wasn’t particularly great at it, but I wasn’t doing it to be the best on the team. The track and field team was like a massive family, it consisted of roughly the same group that jumped together from Cross Country Running to Nordic Skiing to Track, with the same coach running all three. I absolutely hate running, especially the way they do it, so track was really the only one I could stick with. But the vibes were unmatched I miss that squad.
Okay this question stopped me for a second. A hidden talent? I’m just gonna list of random things I’m good at. Like I said, I have camp counselor experience, so if you know what boondoggle is I’m a master at that (including and especially starting them off). I’m also pretty good at joint rolling but only the ~cool people~ get to find that out when they see it in action. I’m not sure if this counts but I’m also really good at memorizing lyrics. Pretty much every song I like I know most of the words to, if not all. Even if I haven’t heard a song in like a decade, if I learned the words once at some point in my life they will come running back to me.
I love you Santa I can’t wait until after Christmas when I’m DMing you excitedly every time I get a new record. I hope your Jacob Thomas Tuesday goes smoothly friend.
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