#im about to take a nap so i might make another post later but for now i just wanted to post my quick thought
pip-n-chips · 1 year
So Bailey has the whole "must not fuck the orphans" sort of thing going on with them, yeah?
I wonder if Harper has a "must not fuck the patients" thing going on with them, too.
Like, they're obviously still a creep to all the other patients, but since they have a fixation on PC I wonder if you're the first patient Harper has genuinely wanted to fuck in a while.
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wipethetape · 1 year
Ava finding out that you were this game streamer she secretly likes but won't tell pt. 2
Ava Coleman x Reader
A/N: much longer. basically oneshot disguised as headcanon because im bad bad (literally bad at writing)
1 - 2 (you're here!) - 3
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When you get home, you start to regret what you just did. 
You're about to stream for less than 30 minutes because you posted that you would be finally back after being gone for a week because… Abbott being the public school that they are. 
You tried sucking everything up, gathered yourself, and grabbed some food before going live. 
While the live is ongoing, your comments are the usual questions of when are you doing a reveal, or when would be your next schedule because they always miss you. 
Remembering the interaction earlier at the break room, and also checking your calendar to see that there would be a game convention in less than two days, you responded spontaneously. 
"If I get two 150,000 star balloons then I might reconsider that." You giggled before focusing back on the game. 
Someone sent the gifts while you were trying to clutch win the game, so you didn't notice how the comments were raving about your reveal. 
After winning, you checked the comments to see that someone really sent what you said. 
You internally panicked, but since you did this to yourself, you guess you don't have any choice. You tried sounding as cheery as possible when you announced that you'll be live at the upcoming game convention so you hope everyone else will be there too before ending the stream. 
When you arrive at Abbott tomorrow morning, you see Jacob talking to Melissa about the game convention, but the poor guy is getting ignored because Melissa doesn't have her coffee yet. 
You didn't go to the break room during lunch because you were too scared to see Ava. Things were starting to hit. What if your fans get disappointed? How will you face everyone at work? How will you face Ava?
So you decided to just take a nap in your classroom.
When you woke up minutes later to get your kids after recess, everyone seems to be gathering together in front of Janine's classroom, with Ava approaching them. 
She announces that she got everyone tickets to the convention, and that made everyone cheer. 
She throws a wink at you, which didn't go unnoticed by your two mentors. You roll your eyes at her. 
She goes on your side, teasing on how your favorite gamer is about to reveal her identity, implying it was your doing so she got you a ticket as well. 
"Why you lookin' like that?" "Yeah, I look like Grinch who's about to ruin Christmas."
"Don't make fun of yourself. It makes it less fun for me when you do it. And who told you that? You look damn good under me in my bed." "And yeah like you will." 
Ava falters. "Right because my bed's too precious for some gagootz like you." 
You look at her like she grew another head, then gave a quick questioning glance to Mel and Barb who were looking aghast in your direction and heard Ava as well.
Few more bickering and the happenings became all blurry. You just know you retorted with some shit you don't remember
And now you find yourself in trouble on a deal of having a chance to date dinner with Ava.
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hwabyul4wheesun · 7 days
How you met Jeongyeon
Single mom!Jeongyeon x teacher!fem!reader
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Synopsis: Y/n was just a simple preschool teacher who just so happened to fall in love with two of her students' mother. Jeongyeon was just a single mother to a pair of twins who fell for her children's teacher.
Type of post: Headcanon
Tags: fluffy, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are twins, reader is for once not a flustered mess, brief interaction with Lee Minho and mentions of and also brief interaction with Im Nayeon, tons of fanfic cliches
A/n: I'll add the pictures later, cuz I don't want this getting lost in my drafts again :P Also pacing might be confusing sorry XP
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You finished fixing your classroom for the new year, making sure all the chairs were tucked in their desks, each desk had a stack of blank paper, colour pencils and craft sciccors, and that each of your students had a little cubby of their own.
Counting the seats and cubbys one last time while checking your rolecall sheet to make sure you had enough of everything for each student, you took a break sitting by your desk, pulling up your introduction activity for the first day, making sure to memorise the work to explain to your students.
With how you were acting, it's no wonder you were so nervous, it's your first official day as a teacher and your first day meeting all your students for the first time, so nervous was an understatement.
After going over your activity for what seemed to be the fifth time, you heard a knock on the classroom door, getting up you walk over to the door taking deep breathes before opening to meet your first student and their parent.
Smiling you welcome the both of them in, showing the little boy where his desk will be and which cubby is his, you tell him he can go play in the corner quietly while you chat to his mother. Once his mother left, you go and talk to the little boy to get to know him better and get an idea of how he might behave during the year.
While you were chatting with the young boy another knock sounded off the door, excusing yourself from the conversion you got up to open the door and welcome the next student and parent. This went on for some time until the last student and parent you met were a pair of twins and their mother.
Stunned you stared wide eyed at the beautiful woman for what felt like hours until you shook your head and stretched out your hand, "Good morning, I'm miss Han" you smile at the woman and her twins, "Good morning, I'm Yoo Jeongyeon and these are my twins, Yoo Chaeyoung and Yoo Tzuyu" Jeongyeon introduced herself and her girls, pointing to each one as she introduced them.
"Good morning girls" Y/n smiled, "are you excited for your first day?" she asked crouching down to their height, "I promise it's not that bad, we have play time, reading time, nap time, and of course learning time" she explained looking at the girls.
Chaeyoung hid more behind her sister, while Tzuyu stood still observing the classroom and her new teacher, "they're a bit shy, but they should be warming up to you soon, just give them some time please" Jeongyeon stated while, petting Chaeyoung's head.
"Why don't you girls go explore the class? Over there in the corner we have a reading nook if you wanna have some quiet reading time, we have blank paper and colour pencils on the desks for art and crafts and over there closer to my desk I have a movie queued for when we're done with our first activity" Y/n smiled at the girls giving them options on what they wanna do and pointing out where they could put their stuff and where they can play.
Looking around the classroom, Tzuyu took her sister's hand and pulled her over to the cubbys, claiming two that were right next to each other and put her bag and Chaeyoung's bag in the cubby before dragging her over to the reading corner.
"Sorry about her, she always been over protective of Chae" Jeongyeon commented scratching the back of her neck shyly, "oh it's not a problem at all, I mean they're twins aren't they" Y/n giggles, "y-yes" Jeongyeon blushes. The two chat for a bit more before Jeongyeon has to leave for work and Y/n needs to start class, they bid goodbye and go their separate ways.
Jeongyeon did not expect her daughters' teacher to be so cute, as soon as she left and was in the safety of her car, she held the steering wheel tightly while silenting screaming at how cute the young teacher was.
Once her screaming fit was done, Jeongyeon took a deep breathe and started her car and left the school 'I definetly need to find a way to see her again' she thought while driving.
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Days has passed since the two woman have seen each other, the twins would be dropped off at the enterance of the school with Jeongyeon watching them, so there is no need for her to walk them in, and they are often running out the building with the rest of their classmates at the end of the day, so again there's no need for Jeongyeon to go inside the building to get them. There was one day however that the twins weren't collected immediately.
Seeing that the twins were still outside waiting for their mother, Y/n called them back inside, telling them to stay in her classroom, while she went to the office to call their mother. The girls listened to Y/n, and waited in her class, Chaeyoung immediately ran over to her to continue her art project from earlier while Tzuyu went to the reading corner to continue her book from break.
In the office, Y/n was looking through her students files trying to find the Yoo twins' file to call their mother. Pulling out the very last file labeled Yoo, Y/n took it to the phone and dialed Mrs. Yoo's number, waiting for the familiar sound and when all of a sudden she heard a the voicemail response.
Forrowing her brows, she looked at the phone to double check the number, and attempted redialing again, thankfully she got an answer this time, "Yoo Jeongyeon's phone, how may I help you?" the voice on the other side spoke, "oh- good afternoon, this is Miss Han, calling from Hongneung Elementary School, I was just calling to find out when the twins will be picked up as it is getting quite late" Y/n spoke.
"Oh! Give me just one moment" came the response before some shuffling was heard, "hello?" spoke a voice sounding like Mrs. Yoo, "good afternoon Mrs. Yoo, I don't mean to disturb, but school has been out for quite some time now and the girls are still here, when will you be by to pick them up or I could even drop them off for you?" Y/n inquired.
"I'm so so sorry Miss Han, I'll be by to get them in the next 10 maybe 15 minutes, again I'm so sorry" Jeongyeon spoke, "it's no problem at all Mrs. Yoo, just make sure it doesn't happen again" Y/n said with a smile on her face, after saying goodbye, Y/n dropped the phone and put the file back before heading to her classroom.
When she got back to her classroom, Y/n found the girls quietly occupling themselves, "girls please get your stuff together, your mother should be here within 15 minutes" she said walking over to her desk, and started packing away her stuff. Once the girls got their bags back on their backs, Y/n turned off her classroom lights and locked the door, walking with the girls to the front of the school to wait with them.
When they got outside, there was a car waiting for the girls, getting out the car was a well built man, with an apologetic smile on his face, "DADDY!" the twins yelled running over to the man, smiling Y/n walked over, "good afternoon, I'm guessing you're Mr Yoo?", "Mr Yoo? No? I'm Lee Minho, the twins' father" Mr Lee smiled introducing himself with an outstretched hand, taking his hand in shock Y/n introduced herself, "oh- I'm so sorry, I'm Han Y/n their teacher" she gave an apologetic smile, "I thought their mother was coming to pick them up?", "unfortunately Jeong was busy and could not make it, so she called me, but the girls are anyways with me this weekend, so it's okay" smiled Mr Lee.
Stunned by Mr Lee's last statement, Y/n gave yet another apologetic smile, "I see- well I hope you three have an enjoyable weekend" she said, waving at the girls before waving bye at their father and walking to her own car. 'What did he mean by it's his weekend with the girls? Could it be that their not together anymore?' Y/n couldn't shake the thoughts from her head.
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Weeks had passed since , the twins got home late, Y/n still couldn't figure out what their father meant and it had been driving her crazy, not wanting to seem insensitive and nosey, she couldn't ask the twins, until she overheard them talking about sleepovers.
"I don't know if we'll be able to sleepover" Chaeyoung pouted, "why not?" asked Dahyun, "because we're sleeping over at our dad's house this weekend and won't be close to you" Tzuyu said, "but why? Don't your mommy and daddy live together?" Dahyun continued asking, "no they don't, mommy and daddy haven't lived together since we were 4 years old" Tzuyu answered, "mommy said that they didn't get along anymore and would be living seperately" Chaeyoung added.
'So they havent been together for years?' Y/n thought, a small smile creeping on her face before she stopped and continued on with her work, checking the clock every now and then to know when break ends.
At the end of the day, you walked out with your class to their parents, after what happened last time, you chose to wait with your students rather than let them wait alone.
Watching as each of your students run off to their parents brings a smile to your face, smiling you look around seeing the twins still there, you hope it’s not another situation with the girls having to wait for their father or mother again.
Just then you heard a voice call out for the twins, turning you saw a woman that was not their mother, “Chaeyoung! Tzuyu! Cmon girls”, “good afternoon, who might you be?” You tried asking politely to the strange woman, “hmm? Oh! Are you Miss Han?” The woman turned around with a raised eyebrow, “yes I am, who might you be?” Now it was your turn to raise your eyebrow.
“Interesting” the woman mumbled with a smirk, “I’m Im Nayeon, a friend of Jeongyeon, she asked me to get the girls so that they could go to their father” ‘Nayeon’ said reaching her hand out for a handshake with a smile, “oh- I’m so sorry Miss Im, it’s just that their mother didn’t say anything about someone coming to pick them up” you said shaking Nayeon’s hand.
"Nah it's cool, Jeong always forgets to notify people" Nayeon said nonchalantly, "anyways I gotta get these girls to their dad, but here take this" Nayeon started bending to get in the car, handing you a piece of paper before waving goodbye, waving after the car, you walk back to your post to wait with the rest of your students.
Once all your students have left, you walk back to your classroom to lock up for the weekend. Arriving in the classroom, you look at the note in your hand, deciding to put it in your pocket for later, you walk over to your desk and start packing up.
Getting out your car, you walk over to the door walking into your house, taking off your shoes, you start walking through your house, stopping off at the kitchen, you make your way over to the fridge to grab a drink, before digging into your pocket to pull out the strange note Nayeon gave you, unfolding the note, you read it out loud,
'I know Jeongyeon would never approach you on her own, so here's her number, be sure to contact her soon
Feeling your face get warm, you stare at the number before gaining courage and reaching for your phone, typing the number in as fast as you could, double checking for any errors, you hit the call button before you could even think.
Seconds pass, 'drrr' 'drrr' 'drrr' is all you hear until "hello?" Jeongyeon answers sounding groggily, "hello? Who is this?" You hold your breath, "hello? If you don't answer me soon, I'll be hanging up" you hear her sigh, "WAIT-" you blurt out not meaning to shout, softly you say, "please don't hang up" silence, you don't hear anything for what feels like hours, you check your phone to see if she hung up only to see that the call is still going, "Miss Han" you hear a whisper, "yes? Well I'm not teaching right now, so it's actually Y/n" you whisper back, a flush blooming on your face. Silence again, "Miss Yoo? Are you still there?" You had forgone the the missus long ago after meeting the twins' father, and figuring that Jeongyeon was indeed single.
Waking up to her phone vibrating, Jeongyeon answers it not even looking at the caller ID, "hello?" she answers, still feeling groggy from her nap. "Hello? Who is this?" forrowing her brows, she looks at the caller ID to see it's an unsaved number, still getting no response and starting to get frustrated at being awoken from her nap to a prank call, Jeongyeon says with a little hostily in her voice, "hello? If you don't answer me soon, I'll be hanging up" sighing Jeongyeon removes her phone from laying on her ear when "WAIT-" is what she hears being yelled, followed by a soft "please don't hand up".
Wide-eyed Jeongyeon stares at the caller ID again for what feels like a while but was actually five long seconds, whispering a low "Miss Han?", "yes? Well I'm not teaching right now, so it's actually Y/n" she hears a hesitant whisper back, silence, at a loss for words, Jeongyeon doesn't know what to say, her mouth agap like a fish out of water, "Miss Yoo? Are you still there?" she hears a soft voice call, 'Y/n... Y/n... what a pretty name' she thinks, "hehe thank you Miss Yoo" comes a giggle from the other side of the line, her widening once again, Jeongyeon scrambles to sit up properly, "I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I said that out loud" she rushes out, her face now beating so red she could hear the blood pounding in her ears.
"It's quite alright Miss Yoo" she hears Y/n giggle again, feeling so flustered but can't help the butterflies in her stomach from hearing the young teacher's giggles, smiling Jeongyeon finally straightens her posture, before asking why Y/n decided to call her, "oh! I got your number from your friend Nayeon and she said to contact you soon, so I decided why not call now" Y/n said with an embarrassed chuckle, "wha? Nayeon gave you my number?" Jeongyeon asked, making a mental note to scold Nayeon in the morning, "yeah, she gave it to me when she came to pick up the girls earlier" Y/n said, 'that explains how the girls got to Minho without him picking them up' she thought.
"I'm so sorry about her, I hope she didn't do anything to embarrass me" Jeongyeon half-joked, "oh don't worry she didn't" Y/n replied, "I was actually wondering if you were free tomorrow" she quickly asked, shocked Jeongyeon once again had her mouth agap like a fish, stummering over her words and stuttering before taking a deep breath, "yeah I am, why?" She smiled, feeling like a teenage girl being asked out by her highschool crush, "would you like to go out on a date with? We could go to a cafe or walk around a park, I dunno" Y/n asked sounding shy but confident.
Kicking her feet on her bed, trying to compose herself before answering, "s-sure, I'd love to go on a date with you Y/n" she finally answered still feeling flushed and slightly out of breath from the nerves, "perfect, I'll forward you the details once I decide what we'll do later" Y/n replied excitedly, "I look forward to it" Jeongyeon responds just as excited, they kept talking for a while until Jeongyeon heard a soft growl from the other side of the phone, chuckling she asked if Y/n had eaten yet and if not to go and eat and that they will chat again once she's done, smiling at nothing she says bye before hanging up.
Kicking her feet again, Jeongyeon squeals into her pillow before calling Nayeon and scolding her but also thanking her for the push and gushing about her date, looking at the notification she just got from Y/n.
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A/n: This is definitely not proofread, at least not the entire post, anyways I do hope you enjoyed this as I had a lot of fun writing it. TMI but I started writing this on March 14th so... yay I finally finished it :D this is also one of my longer headcanons :D
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
Soooo it took a few weeks but here's the D4DJ magic au explanation post! (This post will be pretty long I apologize, and to the people curious about each unit's magic I will make the unit magic posts later, I still dont have an idea on what to do with some of them and those ones need to have drawings to be able to explain and show what the magic looks like properly and im a bit busy atm to do that!)
So! How did I make the magic? It's very simple... I think. I based all of their magic on the kind of person they are, their hobbies, their unit aesthetic, their role in the unit, meaning of their names, the vibes of their songs and then mix them all together! If the magic might not fit the name meaning very well but fit nicely with what kind of person they are, it's okay! As long as the magic is connected to each point in some way then it counts!
Example: If the unit aesthetic are the stars and the character is a very excitable person (someone like Rinku or Rika), I might make them have magic that let them produce stars that can burst into glitter, confetti, or little light particles! Another example is if their name has a connection to water, but their unit performances are very hyped up, maybe I'll try to make their magic help them be able to hype the crowd in some way!
Very important thing to think out of all of this though is their role in the unit, if the character is the vocalist then it has to connect to their voice in some way unless they also dance, if the character is a VJ then it has to involve visuals, etc, etc. That has to be kept in mind while making the magic.
Now, like every power, I need to add side effects to them, so how did I decide those? Simple! (Maybe.) I decided the side effects based on their personality and magic! (It's a very simplified explanation but it's still gets the point across) The side effects are a "defense mechanism" to the magic, the will only take effect once you overexert, overwhelm, or tire yourself out. They last for in between an hour or a whole week.
Example: If your magic is the star bursting one, I might make the side effect make them hungry or very exhausted.
That's a simple one right? But! I need to add a bit more than that! I need to be very specific, some might have the "same" side effect but their reactions might be very different depending on the person! If the person has alright stamina they might just get tired and maybe take a nap and such, if the person has terrible stamina, then they might be winded that they literally sleep or they faint. (I don't like making the extreme reactions the actual side effect unless it makes sense for the character.)
Another way I make side effects is by making it affect something that is very important to magic making.
Example: If the magic has something to do with the arms and legs I might make the side effect the arms and legs aching because they were overwhelmed by the work, If the magic involves doing something with the head, I might make the side effect a headache, etc., etc.
That's all you need to know to understand my Au, nothing else. But I'll add a cut here if you're curious about the full explanation of the side effects, how instruments work in the Au (as of this moment), and the now scrapped performance rules! Will make a Lore post after making the unit posts because that might be boring for you guys haha.
Okay, wow, you really are interested if you clicked keep reading huh? Anyway I'm going to be explaining the side effects properly right now, next one is the instruments, then last is the performance rules.
Okay. So the side effects are like what I said, a defense mechanism against the person's magic. Sounds weird though, right? Why did I word it like that? Because that's literally what it is, a defense mechanism. Some bodies' can't handle their magic while some can, mostly because some side effects aren't extreme like body aches and can just be getting tired easily, but it still stands. Some people need to train up their bodies so the side effects won't be as extreme or make accommodations for them to make it easier.
Example: If the side effect makes them cold, then they might need to place a heater near the backroom just in case or if the side effect is the body having a lot of static current then they need to wear a blanket over them to not electrocute people.
The side effects will only last between an hour and a whole week, it's random. Some people sometimes immediately get the side effect and then it lasts an entire week, or vise versa. Sometimes it's just for two days, or even four. Everyone's side effects will last randomly as well so you can be super lucky or just. Struggle.
Now, onto the instruments! Since Rei and Nagisa have instruments I needed to find a way to include that into their magic and performances. (Also I really want to make a bandori version of this magic au so I'm going to cover my bases for this haha.)
The explanation is super simple. I think. If someone has a bass and the magic is making butterflies it HAS TO have little butterfly designs on the neck if they want to make it make butterflies while playing the bass, if not then they're going to have a normal bass and nothing interesting will happen.
Instruments don't come with the design though, they can either paint it on with a special -- and expensive -- ink or put stickers that are also expensive and need to be custom made near the area the music will be made.
I will now list where you can put the sticker/paint the ink for almost every kind of instrument. (If the instrument is the same type as one instrument listed here then it might act like that.)
For piano: Can just slap a sticker on it and call it a day, or be insane and paint it full of the designs with the special ink.
For stringed instruments: Either paint/slap the design on or near the neck, the strings, close to the strings, or behind the neck.
For percussion instruments: Since some percussions are made up of different stuff some need to either put stickers on every SINGLE part of the kit or paint every SINGLE part.
For brass instruments: Unlike the other instruments, brass guys can only use stickers and they can pretty much slap it on anywhere as long as it doesn't affect the sound.
The reason why there isn't one for turntables is because the DJs don't always have their hands on the turntables so they can easily do their magic with no problems.
And like actual ink and stickers, they fade so you need to buy a lot of ink and stickers. So. Good
Now. Onto the scrapped performance rules! You must be wondering why I call it scrapped, it's because this Au was originally supposed to be a full fantasy Au that had world building and steampunk-themed instruments and such but that was too much work for me ahah.
I'll just. copy and paste what I wrote in my doc for this part because I'm tired and will explain more after. The explanation might be confusing so I apologize in advance.
To start a performance, they need to first “set the stage” by making these discs with these special signs. The signs can be burned into, written on, melted into, etc., etc. They place it on this device (that looks like a Vinyl record player) that makes it go around and makes the sign transfer onto where they are performing, they place this sign down so that their magic won’t go out and hurt anyone or target someone by accident, the larger the sign, the bigger the safety net. (The signs being the unit logos, but with some tweaks, additional details and such.)
The ones who make and place the signs in each unit (except for L.M.O) are Maho, Shinobu (sometimes Kyoko), Saki (it used to be Shano who made the signs and Saki placed them), Haruna, Aoi, Saori, Toka, Lumina, and Neo.
You can tweak signs if you want, but you have to know how to write them properly to make it not sloppy and accidentally hurt someone in the crowd.
For smaller performances like ones on the street, they have to use a device (that looks like a portable CD player) to control their magic, thanks to its size, their magic is smaller. Non-magic users see it as a hindrance, but for magic-users it helps with trying to be creative thanks to the size. (Nagisa is an expert with this, so when she was first trying to get used to the larger signs that Aoi made, she would get a bit carried away.)
The signs while they perform react differently to the magic if it gets too close to the audience, some of them simply make them disappear, some make it turn into confetti, bubbles, little lights, petals, etc., etc. You make them anything, hell even glitter is allowed. (But for places like Yoba and Arisugawa, it’s usually banned, unless you find a way to sneak it in the performance like Kurumi and Miiko.)
Now. So. I'm actually going to keep some stuff I wrote for this, the part I'm keeping will be everything involving the signs, I was so smart for that. So. Yeah.
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shotorozu · 3 years
hi lovely, i hope u doing well (if not i hope things get better for u). if it’s not too much trouble could you do some fluffy domestic hcs w shinsou? have a good day!!
being domestic
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk not mentioned, pro hero au because,, domestic life.
headcanon type : fluff, like.. a lot of it (x reader)
note(s) : idk why i haven’t done this yet even though it’s been requested a bunch of times (it most likely got buried) so sorry for the delay! anyway, i’ll be posting something later, i just wrote this bc i had extra time
also, i had to search up what domestic was 💀 IM SORRY 😭 I DIDNT GROW UP WITH ANY MODEL EXAMPLE
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shinsou hitoshi
since this is like,, a pro hero au
i must say that i headcanon hitoshi to be a night time/underground hero— gotta take advantage of the insomnia, am i right?
he spends most of his day indoors, probably doing extra unfinished paper work, resting, and other miscellaneous stuff.
if he’s graced with luck, you’ll also be staying inside with him— and he’ll be practically leeching onto you (at least until 8pm, when he needs to grind on that pro hero work)
but if you’re out, you’re probably doing your own thing— depending if you’re also a pro hero just maybe not the night shift type of hero or a regular citizen
if you’re a pro hero and if you want— he’ll make you lunch in his apron, that most likely has a cat print embroidered on it and he’ll deliver the lunch at your agency when lunch break hits
if you’re a citizen, he’ll do the same thing as mentioned above— but he’ll probably do it as a surprise if he knew you had absolutely nothing to eat for lunch
so! with that being said, the chances of you seeing hitoshi during the time period of 9:30pm to 4am is kinda rare
even though hitoshi does try to make the most of his time with you
to make up for his absence during the night, he’ll leave his very oversized hoodies around the house for you to wear
or better yet, he’ll just hang his sweater around your shoulders as he kisses you goodbye :,)
and if the streets are calmer, he’ll even drop by your shared apartment/house just to say hello
or just so he could sneak in bed and cuddle with you, he’s touch starved
speaking of hitoshi being an insomniac, when he’s on his off days— he’ll spend the night just,, looking at you. it has always been a habit of his.
even though you beg him not to do that because sleep is very important
like it might sound strange but i promise it’s not. you’ll either be laying on his lap, or resting in his arms as you slept
and he’ll just, trace his hands over your features. it’s calming to him.
but when you’re staying up with him, the situation is definitely different.
sometimes it’ll be another intense cuddle session while you guys watched a mukbang or a tv show you both really like
and sometimes, the both of you guys will be up at like,, 3 am, just browsing cat pictures
and it’ll just be the two of you discussing about what breed you guys want to adopt even if you already have a cat, hitoshi thinks that another one wouldn’t hurt you both
“Y/N, what about this cat? looks cute, right?” “hitoshi, that’s a persian cat. very high maintenance.” “we can handle it.”
cat discussions aside, the times the both of you actually get a good night rest is heavenly.
the first thing you’ll see is hitoshi laying right next to you, his hold tightens when you try to leave the bed for the bathroom/kitchen
and ultimately, your movements cause him to wake up, causing hitoshi to haul you towards him closer than ever.
he’s the one that makes breakfast usualky, so when you’re sitting down after setting up the table
you just,,
his back profile is top tier. and he knows it, why? because he’ll cook breakfast shirtless omg
and the rest of the day will be spent taking impromptu naps, watching documentaries, and making interesting debates
this purple haired boyfriend of yours takes care of the spiders and cockroaches. sometimes he’ll murder kill them whenever they start flying, or if it manages to crawl onto you
most of the times, he’ll just grab a broom and sweep them outside.
whenever you wash the dishes, he’ll sneak up behind you, and cuddle you— holding you by the waist as he takes in your scent
practically does the same whenever you do laundry, and encourages you to do the same whenever he does the laundry/dishes
hops in the shower whenever you’re in the shower— and offers to wash your back when you can’t reach that one pesky spot
or he’ll just sit on the toilet as you do your thing, handing you things like your shampoo, or your body wash whenever you ask
and it never gets uncomfortable, since you can practically tell when he enters the bathroom and you can always kick him out if you didn’t want him there
plus, he has no malice intent. your house is a safe place, and he wants you to feel at peace in your own bathroom— let alone house
so in short? domestic shinsou hitoshi is life <3
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Well, what about the reader starting to date Belphegor after they dated Satan? Like that one you wrote with Lucifer and Satan
Every Moon Sets (Belphegor x GN!Reader ft. Satan)
A/N : Been gone for 2 days because I’m a cry baby bitch who can’t handle my period cramps at all, and I think I’m coming down with something so ugh... anyway, here’s this! Also i posted this from my phone, so the format is janky and im gonna have to fix it when i get back on my computer.... Also, the title is another Brothertiger song... <.<
Word Count : 1.7k
Warnings : angst ; Satan being a genuine asshole ;
“Oh please, do you really think I care what you do? You humans are always saying you’re leaving, but you’re so good at crawling back. Do you want me to leave the door open for you so you won’t have to reach up for the knob while you’re on your knees?” That was the thing… that was the problem right there. He didn’t care, he never cared. Every single thing you did seemed to be a burden to him, even just talking to him seemed like it drove him nuts. That’s why you had told him that you were leaving in the first place, and his reaction only made you that much more sure that you were making the right decision.
“I hate you so much…” You mumbled, turning to walk out the door. You only heard him scoff from behind you. As much as he hated Lucifer, he was so much like him, it would make him sick, but, lo and behold, the only person that he made sick was you. You slammed the door behind you, walking down the stairs to go to the kitchen, spotting Beel rummaging through the fridge and Belphie sitting on the counter as he waited for his twin. You quickly wiped your tears, not wanting them to question what was going on, you knew how close the brothers were, especially Satan and Belphie due to their hatred of Lucifer, and you didn’t want to cause a rift.
The youngest smiled to you as you walked in and you faked a smile back to him, moving quickly to grab a cup from one of the cabinets and fill it with water. You weren’t planning on sticking around long, and you didn’t want to talk, you just wanted to go to your room. “Hey, Y/N. What’s up? You can’t say hi?” Belphie teased as he slid off the counter, walking over to you. “Are you coming to the meeting tonight? I know Satan has one planned, and… you know, I don’t even know why I’m asking. You’re always there.”
“No, I’m not going to be there.” You muttered, quickly filling your cup and gulping all of the water down as Belphie stared at you, waiting for you to explain, but you didn’t really want to. There was nothing to explain. Satan was just a… well.. He was a demon, and that shouldn’t shock any of the brothers, it wouldn’t come as a surprise, so there was no need to elaborate any further. “Have fun though.”
You placed the cup in the sink and turned to walk away, but Belphie quickly moved to stand in front of you, looking over your face to try to figure out as much as he could without you having to explain. “You two broke up, didn’t you?” It was a rhetorical question, and the way you grimaced and tried to turn away only proved that he was right. “What did he do?” He asked softly, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to read your eyes.
You shook your head, taking a deep breath as you tried to move around him. You didn’t want to talk about it, and you really wished that he would understand that. You weren’t even sure when the two of you had gotten so close, maybe it was the fact that you were always at the meetings and he just felt that way. You didn’t mind it, but you didn’t want to come between the brothers. “It’s nothing, just… Have fun at your meeting, alright? I’ll see you later.”
He sighed loudly, stepping to the side to let you move past him, his eyes never leaving your back as you walked away. “Screw the damn meeting…” He mumbled, patting Beel on the back to let him know he was leaving as he made his way up to the attic, grabbing his pillows and his blankets and carrying them back down to your room. He didn’t bother to knock, walking in and dropping all of his things on the floor next to your bed before laying down on them, propping his head up on his hand and looking up at you. “You know, I’m not a total asshole. I can see when you’re upset, and… I’m not going to just let you walk away like that.”
No one had expected the two of you to be together, hell, the two of you didn’t even expect that you’d end up together, but you did. What had started as just a friend comforting you through your breakup had turned into so much more. He had gone from sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor or the both of you sitting on opposite ends of the attic bed to him climbing into your bed with you or laying his head across your lap as you absentmindedly played with his hair.
It started off small, casually flirting with each other or cuddling up to each other as you napped together. Small things, things that you never thought would turn to anything more serious. It had gone on like that for months, and maybe he had let it go so long because he assumed that you’d go back to Satan, or maybe because he assumed that he wasn’t good enough to have you for himself, but he was at least a good enough friend to keep you company while you were hurting.
You didn’t think he’d ever do anything, and you truly didn’t even believe that he had any feelings for you besides being your friend until one morning at breakfast, with all of his brothers sitting around the table waiting for him and you to join them. Satan had mumbled something shitty and snide under his breath, and while you hadn’t even been paying attention enough to even notice, Belphie had caught it. He shot Satan a glare before grabbing your hand and pulling you back towards him, and before you even realized what was going on, his lips were pressed against yours. He didn’t pull back immediately, it was like months of built up emotions were let out in that one kiss, and you grew weak in his arms, letting your body fall against his.
The sound of Satan’s fists being slammed against the table and his chair falling back as he pushed himself back with too much force caught both of your attentions, Belphie’s arm staying wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. “Are you kidding me right now?! You’re a traitor. You chose a stupid human over your own brother! I thought we were close!” Satan practically screeched as he leaned across the table, but you could feel Belphie’s chest vibrating with his laughter as he watched Satan’s tantrum.
“We were, until I realized that you’re more like Lucifer than I thought any one of us could ever be. You disgust me.” Anyone would have been able to hear Satan's growl from a mile away, his fingers gripping around his cup and his knuckles turning ghostly pale before he picked it up and launched it across the room, shattering it against the cabinets right above yours and Belphie’s heads.
He shielded you from the shards that ricocheted, bouncing off his back and clattering to the floor as Satan rounded the table. “I’m not one to use worn out phrases, but in regards to an already used up human, I guess it won’t matter much.” He sighed softly, walking over to where you and Belphie stood, slapping his back roughly while letting out a dry chuckle. “Enjoy my seconds. That’s what you’re good at, surely you’d never be anyone’s first choice.” His shoes crushed the glass even further as he walked away, definitely doing it on purpose, maybe it made him feel stronger, or maybe he just enjoyed the thought that someone might miss a shard and step on it.
“I want this cleaned up by the time I come back downstairs from handling Satan. And you, Belphie…” Lucifer groaned, rolling his eyes as he shook his head. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t use me in the form of an insult. At least not when I’m sitting right there.”
Things had gone on like that ever since it happened, but yours and Belphie’s relationship only blossomed. Satan made it his life’s mission to sabotage your relationship, finally giving Lucifer a much needed break from the constant pranks that he and Belphie used to pull on him. It’s not even that Satan wanted you back, he just didn’t want anyone else to have you. There was no satisfaction in not having you crawl back to him like you usually would, and now that Belphie had you wrapped around his finger, he’d surely never have that satisfaction.
“Just give up, Satan. We’ve been together for months… you’re only embarrassing yourself.” He groaned, rolling his eyes as he walked out of his room, his arm slung over your shoulder. Satan had been standing outside the door, clearly planning something else that would only annoy you and Belphie in the end.
Satan let out a loud laugh, purposely going overboard with the volume just to piss you and Belphie off. “I’m embarrassing myself ? Says the one who decided to take what belonged to me. How embarrassing that you can’t find someone for yourself so you have to take what’s rightfully mine.” Belphie growled quietly which only had Satan assume he was getting somewhere. Maybe Belphie would give up, he’d become tired of hearing Satan’s nonsensical ramblings. “Oh, what’s wrong Belph? Is the truth really that hard to handle?” He smirked, reaching out to pat Belphie’s shoulder, but he quickly shrugged Satan’s hand off.
“Leave us alone, Satan. They don’t want you anymore. You never deserved Y/N, and you definitely don’t deserve them now. Face it, you fucked up… deal with it.” Belphie took a deep breath as he pulled you away, leaving Satan alone in the middle of the hallway.
He’d never stop though. Maybe he did want you back, maybe it took losing you to realize that you were the greatest he could’ve ever had. That thought is what would keep him going, and he doesn’t care what Belphie says, does, or thinks. You were his first.
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uglifish · 3 years
How do you write long multi-chapter fics without losing steam or motivation?
Hey guys!
Been a while since I made a post answering all the FAQ’s in my inbox, and this is the one I get the most, so here goes my answer/advice:
▽ structure and continuity 
(and i still struggle with this lmao its an uphill climb)
1) outline or map out your story path. if it drags and you find yourself getting BORED with your writing or where the story is going, its time to stop, step back, and evaluate.
completely write out the storyline in short-hand nonsense as fast as possible, because its for you only, so go back to fill in the details later. if you want to see what MY outlines look like...... -embarassmentttttt-
Here’s a screencap from underwater chrysalis.
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if you’ve read that story, you can probably recognize this scene was an entire chapter, but it was 5 nonsense sentences in my outline.
2) if you can sit down for X hours and write out the outline from start to end (yes, end of the story) then you have a solid skeleton to polish up :D
3) don’t worry about chapter splitting just yet. get it all out first
▽ Marathon time
1) set aside time for yourself to write it out. Find time for it at least once a week or once a day if you can manage that! DON’T leave it sitting for 2+ weeks--unless that’s your creative process--and if it is, and you recognize you get stuck here, leaving the fic alone for more than 2 weeks = abandoning the fic?? then proceed to this step→
go back to it and read it over and over, right up until the point where you stopped, ask yourself questions about where the characters are going (refer to your outline)/ why the characters are doing X scene ...etc (is there tension? is this part boring? why have you stopped writing? tired? take a nap:)
2) know when to ignore (writing) advice. and i wish someone had told me this when i first started marathon fic-writing. advice is great but its not a cure-all and maybe you’re exhausted from trying everyone’s suggestions. literally you do you, but keep an open mind to learn along the way.
3) if you run into a problem, like wanting to change an ENTIRE scene that will  affect the ending of your story, stop writing and go back to your outline. you’re wasting your own time this way. write to get to an ending.
4) know that there are formulas to long, captivating stories. its like a curve that goes up and down. (find a formula that works for you!) for me, it’s: scene start tension scene escalating tension resolve tension but then another conflict + 2 conflict + 1 romance = long 3 chapter scene :D scene resolving 1 conflict, romance + 3 yay! scene adding to conflicts and romance above tension resolution? another tension or romance resolve? which slowly helps taper to an end (which i still struggle with)
5) have fun! you’re exploring this character, this universe, don’t get too stuck up your own ass about stuff and let things go. if you finished a scene and re-read it, hate it, don’t give yourself crap about it. if you’re happy with it one day and unhappy with it another day, figure out why or just let it go. Your goal is to write as much as possible to finish your story to the outline you wrote. if you get hung up on the stuff in the middle, you’ll never reach the finish line.
▽ I’ve finished my multi-chapter my pile of crap. Now what?
1) don’t look at it, don’t even think about it. congratulate yourself and go to the beach :D get yourself a coffee and socially-distance-hang-out with your friends
2) 1 - 3 weeks later, re-read it ALL with fresh eyes. don’t tell your friends about it, don’t link it anywhere for feedback. it’s still ALL YOU right now.
3) re-read it round 1: edit it grammatically and for bulk. if you still hate that random interaction you added in, delete it entirely and set it aside. fix all grammar issues and add to more descriptions if some are lacking.
4) re-read it round 2: a week later with your own fresh eyes, make sure everything flows. did you say character X had a green shirt in ch 3 but in ch 4 they were wearing a blue shirt? fix that :O might be a genuine mistake, either you forgot or got up to leave your fic for 4 days and (forgot)
5) re-read again round 3: a week after that, read it again and find it for more errors, add more flow if some scenes have a choppy transition, and start to split it into chapters. Find natural breaks in your writing (or cliff hangers!) and cut them there. 6) recruit a friend! Ask someone you’re ok with baring your soul to and make them read your slightly less steaming pile of crap, which is now a polished turd. hopefully your friend will tell you it IS a polished turd and is OK for posting, or that you still mentioned green shirt character is wearing a blue shirt (again) in ch 56 and you missed it :P
7) post and run, or save it to re-read again 6 months later
i’ve been doing the post and run thing for a while if im medium-proud of my shiny turd, or if im really insecure about it, i’ll sit on it for even a YEAR before i even breathe about it. its not that i hate it, its that i feel it could be better and if i’m continuously writing during that time, I can go back to look at it with fresh(er) eyes.
▽ things to think about / stuff to ask yourself while writing:
- why am i tired (of this, of it?) know yourself and know your limits. if you’re tired (physically, of writing) learn to differentiate that from being mentally tired.
- who are you writing for? a friend’s bday gift fic? submission into Fanfic Award-Winning Novel Writers Club? A novel manuscript to Random House? Nanowrimo? your fandom rare-pair discord server? ....yourself?? and then figure out your motivations for the tone of your writing :D
- i suck at writing X (a violent action scene, smut, small-talk in elevator scene), so i’ll just skip it... no. if you think your story needs it, make your best attempt at writing it and then go back to edit it. you’ll be happy you pushed yourself to write it.
- i’ve never done X (been to a hotspring in Japan, gone hiking in extreme weather, gone on a blind date) how would i know what it feels like? Try your best to envision it or use the wonders of the internet to learn about it. Research is your best friend to express realism in your writing :D
aaaaaaaaaaaand that’s all i got for now :O
*btw you know what works for you as a creative mind, this is all stuff that works for me and I hope you found it helpful!
thank you for reading this super long post, and feel free to PM me if you need a “get me unstuck” buddy in your writing process :D
xooxxo Ugli
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hufflautia · 4 years
In Sickness and in Health
Requested by @milk-leaves!​  
Warnings: A very brief and non-explicit sexual implication
Summary: Slytherin catches the flu. Luckily, her husband is there to help. However, her stubborn nature and insistent claim that “she can’t be sick because she’s never been sick in her entire life” makes it a little difficult for Hufflepuff to assist her. Marriage isn’t always easy, but with the proper amount of love and patience, everything works out in the end. 
Slytherin grabs the garbage can just in time to vomit into the basket. When she finishes, she wipes her mouth with a grimace and rests her forehead against the bed. 
She looks up and sees Hufflepuff standing by the door, his forehead puckered as he takes in her appearance. Her hair unruly, she’s slumped on the floor of their bedroom, looking tired and pale. 
Usually, Slytherin would be happy to see her husband. However, all she feels is irritation in the wake of his presence, and she leans against the side of the mattress once more. 
“What are you doing here,” she croaks, eyeing him as he approaches her and kneels down. “I thought you had to go to the Ministry today.” 
“It was a minor emergency, so I left early.” He regards her carefully. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” 
Hufflepuff frowns. “But you threw up.” 
“Yeah, I’ve been doing that a lot today,” she murmurs weakly. Noticing his eyes widen, she snorts. “I’m not pregnant if that’s what you’re thinking. I got my period today.”  
He gives her a sympathetic look. “I imagine it’s been a very fun day for you.” 
“The best I’ve ever had, actually.” 
Leaning in ever so slightly, that’s when Hufflepuff sees it—the faint flush on her face, the way she folds her arm around herself, the tinge of hoarseness in her voice.  
He reaches out and touches Slytherin’s forehead. Her skin feels hot and cold at the same time. She bats away his hand in annoyance. “What are you doing,” she snaps, scowling at him. Her anger immediately falters when she notices how his eyebrows rise, a look of surprise mixed with hurt spreading onto his face. 
“You have a fever,” he confirms quietly. 
Slytherin resists a frown. “But I never get sick.” 
“Well, it happens to the best of us.” He gets up. “Wait here, I’ll get some medicine.” 
“I don’t need it,” she calls after him but he’s already in the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets. He returns with a bottle and a small cup. Taking a seat before pouring red liquid into the cup, he ignores her when she says his name in a tone of indignation, insisting that she isn’t sick.
Hufflepuff hands it to her. “Drink,” he says firmly. When she juts her chin out and pouts, he lets out an exasperated sigh. “Honey, I know you don’t want to, but it’ll make you feel better.”
She still doesn’t move. This time, he returns her unyielding stare with one of his own. His tone is hard and demanding as he warns, “I’m not gonna repeat myself.” 
Slytherin grudgingly brings the cup to her lips. If she didn't feel like complete shit right now, she would keep pushing his patience for fun. She’d even be a little turned on by his authoritative voice. Probably both. 
She immediately makes a face as the medicine slides down her throat. “This tastes like ass,” she grumbles, pressing the back of her hand against her mouth and setting the cup down. 
He chuckles. “Medicine tends to taste that way.” He stands and offers his hand. “Come. I’m sure a warm shower sounds perfect right now.”  
A faint smile twitches at the corner of her mouth. “How’d you know,” she asks, taking his hand. A wave of nausea sweeps over her when she gets up, and he quickly plants his hands on either side of her. 
“I’m your husband,” he pulls her closer, “I know these things.” 
Slytherin wraps her arms around him. “Will you carry me to the bathroom,” she mumbles into his sweater. 
He presses a kiss to the top of her head before picking her up bridal-style with care. 
“Do you even have to ask?” 
A couple of hours pass. Feeling drowsy from the medicine, Slytherin took a long nap before waking up to the smell of homemade soup. Hufflepuff cooked something for her while she was sleeping. To her dismay, he also gave her another cup of NyQuil, but she drank it without any resistance. Afterwards, her headache subsided and was diminished to a dull pain, which is nothing compared to before. 
Now, she is laying in bed, feeling comfortable and content as she snuggles with her husband while he reads her favorite book out loud. She’ll probably never openly admit it but she loves when they cuddle. Listening to the smooth drawl of his voice, she catches a few words while dozing in and out of sleep. Her lips curve into a smile. He’s getting to her favorite part where he speaks in a ridiculous voice when reading the dialogue of an ancient wizard. 
Hufflepuff had read the book to her before when they were dating. He used the same wise and raspy voice as he uses now. At that moment, as she attempted to hold in her laughter, she knew he was the one. Funnily enough, he ended up proposing to her a month later. 
Feeling the familiar tug in her heart that can only be classified as complete adoration, Slytherin musters enough strength to pull herself out of the cozy arms of sleep. She shifts around so that she can properly see his face and says his name tenderly. 
“What is it,” he asks, putting the book down. “Is your headache still bothering you?” 
“A little, but...I’m sorry for being mean to you before. I was angry at you for no reason, but it might’ve been because of my period, and you already know how bad my PMS gets sometimes, but I still feel terrible about being so rude because you’re so great and sweet and you were only trying to help but I was being so difficult and I think I’m just not really used to people taking care of me, so I was trying to handle this flu on my own but I still shouldn’t have acted that way—and I literally hit your fucking hand and I hate myself for it because you don’t deserve it at all, you deserve so much more than whatever I have to offer...” Words continue to spill from her mouth as she rambles on and on, not bothering to pause for a breath of air. 
Hufflepuff says her name and she finally stops, staring back at him with a contorted expression as if she were trying to back tears. He cups her cheek, to which she leans into his warm touch. “Please don’t worry about that anymore, honey, it’s okay. Honestly. I’ve been with you long enough to know that there’s no one else I would rather be with but you. Even with your stubbornness, I love you all the same. Maybe even a little more.” He gives her a reassuring smile as she looks back at him with watery eyes. “Just focus on resting for now, okay?”
She nods and tries to smile back, getting a little choked up in the process. His words are laced with so much endearment that she realizes just how lucky she is to have someone like him to spend the rest of her life with. She puts her hand over his. 
“Thank you,” she whispers, “for loving me as you do.”  
His gaze is so unimaginably soft that, for a split second, Slytherin wonders how it’s even possible. He leans in, and she happily closes the distance. 
One might think that as time passes for a married couple, the love begins to stale. This is not true in their case, for the flutter in her stomach intensifies as they kiss. She can only focus on how soft he feels against her lips, how he invades all her senses in the best way possible. Her fingers grip the front of his shirt while his hand rests against the curve of her neck when they finally pull apart. Their noses brush against each other as they lock eyes. 
“I love you,” she breathes. 
“I know,” he murmurs. “And I love you.” 
“Good. Because we’re stuck with each other forever.” 
“I’d be sad if we weren’t,” he replies with a grin, retrieving the book. “Shall I continue reading?” 
She beams at him before laying her cheek against his chest. “Yes please.” 
Hufflepuff flips to the page he left off from. While he reads, he traces patterns around her stomach, as if he's painting a beautiful masterpiece over her skin. 
A couple of chapters in, Slytherin momentarily closes her eyes as his melodious voice washes over her. 
The sound of his steady heartbeat lulls her to sleep. 
Check out my masterlist! | Kind comments and reblogs are most appreciated :) 
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. It took me a while to come up with an idea for this (also, to the person who requested this, I hope you are satisfied :D). My friend had the idea of “a vacation gone horribly wrong”. It was a fantastic idea - I even made a google doc for it and everything, but I did not write out a sufficient amount of general details for it because nothing solid came to mind. Then, when I was trying to go to sleep, I came up with this idea and I am very happy with how it came out!! 
I modeled Hufflepuff after Steve Rogers to some extent. He has that gentle giant type of vibe. He is kind and loving, but he’ll be stern if he needs to. I have to admit, the thought of making a series about slytherpuff married life has crossed my mind while writing this one-shot. I am still contemplating it. If I do create the series, it won’t be restricted to this couple specifically, but I will consider writing more stories about them because I really do adore their dynamic! Anyways, if I were to write that series, it would be different stories with different couples. It might not even be classified as a series but more as a collection of slytherpuff married life stories. Also, there would probably be at least one nsfw story included in that collection, but I will not be writing any smut until after my birthday, which is in April. *HI THIS IS JESSICA FROM THE NEXT DAY, aka the day that i’m gonna post this and im just going over the fic. while i was sleeping, i just thought of ANOTHER marriage fic so i think im going to make a married life collection of storiessss :D :D :D!!! however, im still wondering about whether i should write it, because the story idea is a little eh. if anyone has any other marriage life ideas, please feel free to let me know! before, i was a little hesitant on making a collection because it was hard for me to think of ideas for this fic when the request came in. hopefully, that will change in the future. also why do i keep coming up with good ideas for stories in my sleep lmao* 
Writing this story was fun. I stayed up until 2 am for four straight days while writing. Lmao how odd is it to see those two sentences right next to each other? In all honestly, I didn’t feel like it was 2 am because I was in the zone. I just kept writing until I told myself to go to bed because the future morning me will regret it--and lemme tell you, she really does. Anyways, I used my own experience with medicine for fevers. I absolutely hate the taste of NyQuil; I remember when my mom would make me drink small cups of it whenever I was sick. Also, when I was writing Sly’s rambling bit, I did not put any periods in the paragraph because I wanted to make it seem like she’s going on and on and isn’t stopping. However, I thought it to be weird and so I put the paragraph into the “translate to english” thing so that I could press the audio icon and hear what it sounds like. I’m happy to report that it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard in my entire life because her monotone voice saying all that was very amusing. 
There is no telling what fic I will post next. Last week, I was all over the place and working on several fics, moving from one to another when I got bored of the story. Also, my mental state is not the best at the moment. I’ve been feeling self-conscious about my writing recently, and I’m probably gonna go through another episode of that because this is gonna be the first fic that marks the end of tag lists and so this is probably gonna be an underrated fic because fewer ppl will see it. I came to realize that it’s not me who’s writing bad fics; even though I tag people, there’s a noticeable lack of interaction, so it’s likely that some of my followers just aren’t active anymore. There was a fanfic writer who I really like because their loki fics are amazing. A few weeks ago, I found their other blog that I was not aware of beforehand and they made a post 3 weeks ago saying that they would no longer be writing fics because there were barely any people interacting with them. She seemed really upset, saying stuff like “I guess my fics just aren’t good enough”, “no one can save me anymore” (I know that sounds very ominous but she was insinuating “no nice comments will make me change my mind”), and “I feel like deleting my blog because there’s a sense of failure in just leaving them there”. This made me really sad, and a part of me was afraid that one day, I would adopt a similar mindset. However, I know that there’s a group of people who will always be there to read my stories, so I’m gonna try to hold onto that idea and continue writing to make you happy and myself happy as well. Also I just realized that I always include one part in my author’s note that’s just sad for some reason :’)
ANYWAYS, I remember making a post a longgggg time ago that said “I promise that I will finish the slytherpuff series if it’s the last thing I do”. That has changed; I plan to post all the chapters leading up to their requited love at last (aka the part in which they actually get into a relationship together). After that, there’s still a bunch of chapters but they’re just fluffy bits, i.e. rainy day, they bake together, oop it’s one of their birthdays, etc. In other words, they aren’t essential to the plot. I could turn them into one-shots and stuff, but some of the chapters relate to the characters’ lives. In addition, it’s sweet to see their relationship progress. For those chapters regarding fluffy bits of their relationship, I won’t feel incentive to write them right away because their love is already requited and I also have two big series that I would rather work on. However, I’m not gonna start another series yet because I don’t wanna leave you on a cliffhanger in Chapter 3 and suddenly start writing a whole other series. The plan is to post all the chapters for the slytherpuff series leading up to the moment when they start dating (Chapter 7 or 8 will probably be when they actually get together). That way, there’s no rush to complete it because it’s just easy and sweet since they’re already in a relationship and readers aren’t anxiously waiting to see what happens next. After that, I will probably begin writing the other series, which will be different from the original slytherpuff series. You’ll see why. Once in a while, I will go back to the original series and write for that when I feel like it. 
I’m trying my best to finish writing Chapter 4 :( It is gonna be long - I’ve already written about 7 pages and I am thinking of splitting it into two parts. If I do, I might be posting part 1 soon because it’s kind of already done. Then again, I like the idea of just posting it all at once. We’ll see! I’m gonna try to work on that after this. My desire to write is sporadic, but comments and interactions from readers are very impactful in terms of my motivation to write, so be sure to leave feedback if you can! I’ll see you all again the next time I post a fic. Thanks for reading!
@slytherpuff-shenanigans @axieleration @sunnniiee @just--another--bean @determinedpines @zenobiagrace @asterinflower @cinnamon-roll-unicorn @mossy-axolotl @dumbbitch11 @hitchhiker-of-the-galaxy @notsowiseravenclaw  @arianatorpotterhead @eatacrackerandstop @luciferswife16 @walkinganomaly @asunshinepuff @lewispoolerpayton @adreameratdawn @thewitcheswords @oncergleekpotterhead @princessstoopid @stardustzainy @flvrqnce @multi-fandom-nutjob @eunnieah @iamahufflepuff @1hufflepuff @introvertedrae @princessstoopid @jasminedayz @magnoliamermaid @HOPEFUL-HUFFLEPUFF-PEEVES @peanut-in-the-goal @pufflehuff929 @sophiexteresa @da-fox-rangerrr @dawinehouse @shipping-book-keeper @xxavaloraxx @silverhetdanes @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum @elegantcroissantplaidpony @theoriginaljohnwatsonsblog @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog @vickeyunicorn @arianatorpotterhead @hmilkwhoney @simpering-simpleton @grandcyclecreation @sweetinvisiblewriter @marvelenthusiast10 @mvlpksvthisht @qiaopa @beardedhumanoid @jadefox05 @justanotherperson @inkedintothepaper @minty-malfoy @trippy-morgan @fangirlgeekandfreak @boilyourteeth @absentmindeduniverse @colettedelaurel @halfelven1 @happy-puff @coloring-bud @in-love-with-remus-lupin @autumnpleaves @crakencc @flyme--tothemoon @hedgepuffgirl @littleemotionalpanda @pancakes-and-sugar @korra4321 @aquietkindofthunder @qixnsriess @porksoba @thatfann @hellounicorn @i-have-a-bad-feeling @aasa2102 @zuko-28 @annie-mcl @clementines-x @writtenfoxscreams @randomwriter23 @cryingabtwandavision @coolninjavoid @urfaveslytherin @malfoys-demigod @tumlbr-trasher @violayaxley @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @zainieees-stuff @milk-leaves @priii @capt-sparrow @blueberry-9-pancakes @stressy-depressy   
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limelocked · 4 years
some backstory: basically look at this post then work on the assumption that phil is like Ancient/ages slower than humans/players
phil meets babyblade for the first time (brought to you largely unedited from discord messages)
thinking about phil being a traveller, walking or flying from town to town trying to find the new place to stay for like 100 years as a cryptid, passing thought a town, well developed with electrical streetlights not yet too common for testificates or players. The day pass slowly into night and with an unwillingness to take into an inn he settles to finding a cave or tree to camp in.
Techno is at that point perhaps half Phils height but still built shockingly strong for a child and he knows well not to disturb armed people sleeping in the woods. The dew clings to his hooves and fur as he inspects the man sleeping among the leaves and his wings. Phil is already awake, watching back from under the shade of his hat, seeing this upright, scar covered, piglet inspect him. Phil slowly moves as if he's just woken up and techno scampers away
phil knows about pigmen, hes never seen one of course but he's heard plenty about them. Theres villager texts with myths about them and its generally accepted that they're the cause of ruined structures though different cultures seem to disagree on if they caused the ruin or caused the building now in disrepair. He asks in town about pigmen but they only talk about what a pest the zombie pigmen and piglins that come through the resident portal are, the undertone of hate matching that of those that theorize towards the more... evil side of the pigmen. 
 They have heard nothing about any pigmen in the area, for all the town knows, and for all that most people know. They dont exist and they might never have
So he goes back to the forest and "accidentally" leaves some food and trinkets at the food of the tree, barely getting any sleep as he waits for the little creature to arrive. And he does. And with caution the piglet studies the food and items for a while, freezing with every movment of the wind through phils great folded wings. Techno takes some of the food, not all of it, and none of the items even though a cheap dagger seemed to make him hesitate on that choice
It goes on for a few nights, phil sleeping through most of them but knowing who it was that took the gifts and left the little napkin neatly still covering what he didnt take and who he found one morning returning with a handful of berries as a return gift. Phils back fucking hurt sleeping in the tree but he'd gotten invested now so what're you gonna do yknow?
Its noon after a week and a day and phil is half nocturnal because of this little thing coming to take and give like trade under his tree. He's almost falling asleep when bushes move and he's back on (exhausted) high alert. He doesnt move. Under him theres no napkin or items or food this time, he just needed a nap, but that doesnt bother the pink spot down on the ground from moving closer and inspecting the spot.  He's disappointed but returns shortly after with more berries and a messy leg of lamb. He thinks, as phil will never find out, that he's stolen everything this stranger has in terms of food so he has to give back some that he's gotten himself right? its only polite? 
"did you get the lamb by yourself?" to say that techno jumped out of his skin would be an underestimation. 
He didnt freeze but instead, just as cautiously as he seemed to do everything, hunched down into a fighters stance knowing well that the man with wings above him could easily catch him "dont worry mate" phils tone became softer, testing the bounderies of this child "-im not going to hurt you if that's what youre worried about"
he didnt change positions other than to look up slowly to.... g- glare? was this little pig kid GLARING at him?! what was that gonna do?? who would be intimidated by this adorable little fuck?!?! Phil would admit it every time anything even remotely related came up later that he laughed, i mean who wouldnt? hed liken it to a puppy glaring you down and how could that be taken seriously its just cute if anything 
techno, covered in scars of battles both with people and with nature, looked at this winged man in almost disbelief. phil, the nicknamed angel of death who seemingly could never die himself, was almost falling off the branch he'd been using as a bed for a week clutching his stomach as he laughed.
"what?!" the impatient, small, voice piped up after a few seconds "whats so funny!?" the seriousness both stopped phil in his tracks and Didnt Help At All. the tone was serious and.. desperate. it caught him off guard and finally his balance fails and he falls, unfurling his wings to catch himself and kicking up leaves and dust from the ground before his adorable little thief 
 "you're a piglet, you couldnt beat me up so stop looking like it" this was the closest the two had ever been, still a few meters apart but it was apparent that techno had only just realized just how Tall phil was compared to him, and how imposing his wings were when stretched to their full width
"heehh i could totally kill you" fake it til you make it, a strategy that had won him many battles before and it had only failed him.... a few times....  "oh could you?" while techno sounded cocky and serious phil was playful and in the ears of this kid, taunting  "mm.. ya" but phil didnt fail to notice how easily a child had threatened murder
A month can go quick and a conversation can go slow. A festival had been set up in the time that it took the two to finish their talk under the tree, or so techno would have you believe. There had been three weeks of food being left by both parties and playful banter countered by genuine threats becoming less so by the meeting. Phil had gifted techno, who'd in exchange given his name, the dagger he'd looked at that first night. The exchange was there sure but phil had also had to joke about techno not being able to kill him with bare hoof hand things, he'd need, yknow, a weapon
They sat then, that meeting in the woods a month after their first encounter, sharing food in relative silence. "-and you dont have any parents im guessing or else you'd not be hanging out with this stranger" phil said absentmindedly, a retort to his own lack of family
"fuck off"
stunned. he looked at techno shocked not only at the swear but at the nerve he'd apparently struck, "sorry mate- didnt mean.." he trailed off, studying the pigs reaction but there was none, he'd just kept eating... he watched for a moment more before debating taking another bite of his own food but, no, no he could be stupid "that means you can travel more though right?" a recovery, but only a stepping stone
"mm, guess so yeah" bait effective
"have you been to to the north much?" "... nah.. mostly around here and west" there was a long pause before the eventual "i think" that phil had come to expect at this point, though this time it wasnt accompanied by an equally unsure "im pretty sure"
"well im leaving town, could come with me?"
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Rabbit ii
More of my purely indulgent fic of Draco Malfoy 💚
W! Mean! Draco(kinda) possessiveness
Tags @khemz1312 @squeaky-ducky
Draco pulled himself away from you to fix his robes and roll his shoulders straightening himself out. The stare he gave you made you shake in your knees, what did you do? It was his lackeys not you..
“The next time.. this happens..”
“It was them not me!”
Draco raised a brow at you, at that raised voice. He stepped over grabbing your face with a smile that seemed to go all the way up his face.”who are you yelling at?”
“Im not.. i.. i mean..i didn't mean too..”
“Should i tell Hufflepuff they have a cheater in the house?”
“No!!” You grabbed his robe pleading with him.
Draco let go of your face to rub your cheek with his thumb. “Say your a good badger who would never yell at her superior” he told her with a smirk.
You did not want to cry in front of him, everytime you did he would lick your cheek and tell you how sweet you taste.. instead you hid your face in his chest to hide your tears while you spoke. “Im a good ba-badger who would never yell at her superior”
You could feel Draco stroking your back in slow movements. “Such a well behaved badger, a good rabbit.” Slowly he took his wand out. “But i think.. i should still punish you.”
The same second you looked up at him he waved his wand around at you .
Everything got much.. much bigger around you. Everything seemed closer and your sense of smell was heightened.. and all you could think about was carrots….
Draco kneeled down, tipping his head looking satisfied with himself . “Perfect. Lets hope i can figure out how to change you back. But never mind that, lets go to class” he scooped you up in his hands and held you up by a nearby mirror looking very happy. “Look at you, so fluffy now” . Your long ears shot up and you began to panic. You were a white rabbit.
You were panicking in his grip. No no no. not this. You cant talk, nothing! You had to completely rely on Draco till he changed you back… you looked up at the happy man who was making kiss faces at you telling you how cute you looked like this. He opened his cloak to place you inside a pocket and scratched your head with a finger. “Off we go yeah?” he teased as he started to walk. Draco was so focused on you he did not realize his father had passed him in the hall seeing him talk to a snowy white rabbit. All you could think about was changing back and running away, somewhere safe. Maybe Hagids Hut...but all you could do for right now was wait it out.
The class was spells with Professor Snape. Your ears fell behind you when you heard his voice. He would not help you change back. Draco sat down in the back taking you out of his pocket to place you on his lap and scratch your chin. The look he gave you was demeaning…. So happy with himself, satisfied with his work. Treating you like a legit animal and turning you into one. What if he never figured out how to change you back!? You hopped in a circle on his lap panicking all over again. Snape isint gonna help me, what am i gonna do ?! what if i hop away and find help, but i cant talk!! And Draco would probably turn me into a frog ! what about.. McGonagall, she can turn into a cat maybe she could help me...
“Shh shh… pretty rabbit” he spread his legs slouching in his chair.” Be good and i might change you back.” his tone was condescending and hurtful, he had all the power right now. Your ears fell behind you again and you hopped to his stomach nuzzling his shirt up and over your eyes trying to pretend you were anywhere else. He cooed down at you scratching your rear and tugging your ear lightly. “Arent you cute when you wanna be ey? You didint want to snuggle the other night but look at you now.” you felt his hand scratch at your rear again. Why would i want to snuggle after what you did… “I like having you there Rabbit. Gets you used to my scent and i can feel your little wet nose wiggling against my chest, your cold padded front feet kneading my lap.” shut up.. I hate this, i hate it.. his long fingers stroked along your back, back and forth. “Your so fragile like this, a defenseless little Rabbit, if i change you back will you do this for me when your human?” he asked you, expecting an answer. What? Does he mean cuddle? You shook your head and budged your face into his chest feeling really sad. Why me, he could have picked on anyone else. If he changes me back im going to ask… You stretched a leg out getting sleepy. Why does that feel .. so nice.. Why is he being like this.. “aww, “ he tickled your little foot, smirking big. “Comfy on me? How adorable. Lets hope Snape doesn't call on me for some bloody demonstration” Draco turned his attention to the man, a hand still on your back rubbing ever so slowly, lulling you right to sleep.
Later on you woke up from the sound of students and the smell of food. It was dark and you could only see Draco a little bit . you must be in his pocket again. I slept the whole class? Is it lunchtime? The day is almost over then. Im hungry.. Dracos robe pockets were deep, deep enough for you to sit comfortably in his robe with two front feet sticking out in front of you. It was cozy… you wished it wasn't. All you could smell was him, all you could really hear was him, him him him… You yawned kicking your back feet around alerting Draco that you were awake. He moved his arm a bit so his robe opened making it easy for him to see you. He smiled down at you and held out some of a carrot for you. “Have a nice nap Pet? You slept the whole class” he held his robe open with his free hand .
You sniffed the carrot hearing your tummy growl. Dammit why is he like this… i am hungry..
It was mentally painful for you to do but you held your mouth open and Draco placed the carrot on your bottom teeth chuckling to himself.
“Malfoy? Where'd you get the rabbit?” Crabb asked him, from the opposite side of the table.
“Never took you for an animal lover mate.” Goyle added.
“None of your business, its for class” he snapped at them before feeding you again.
Ugn,,, just give me the whole thing… you kicked your feet and Draco glanced down at you again. “Hungry still? Can you give me the big sad eyes?”
You want me to beg you.. While im a rabbit.. For food!? When is this going to end…
You sighed low, moved your front paws together so they overlapped, lowered your ears till they touched your back and gave Draco the biggest, saddest eyes you could do, you even added in a lip quiver.
“Thaaaats my good Rabbit, my good girl.” he held out the whole carrot and you took it into the pocket nibbling like crazy.
“Hes talking to his rabbit”
“Just.. just dont say anything…”
After lunch Draco decided to just stroll around the castle. He talked about himself mostly or his father. He had you up on his shoulder and was outside the castle just walking around. Everyone he passed either gave him a look or asked about his companion. If they were not Slytherin he did not even look at them. But if they were of his House he would tell them he had a special class assignment and had to drag a rat around all day. Every now and then he would nuzzle his cheek on you while he walked, hands in his pockets, smile on his face, head in the clouds.
“Ya know Rabbit, this is the best day i've had in a long time i think. Its a lot less tiring than making hell for that Gryffindor kid. How bout you Pet? Good day?” he looked at you nuzzling you again.
I cannot…. Begin to explain how awful this is… i'm not your little accessory. Its your lackey's fault i'm stuck like this. I think you are a - wah!
Draco brought you to his chest to hold you as he sat down near a small river with flowers next to it. He had one leg up and placed you between them to scratch your chin. “Want a little treat for being so good?” he leaned over picking a flower, holding it down to you.
Are you kidding me…
“No? Cmon love, cheers”
You thumped a foot opening your mouth for him to place the little dandelion in. “good little Rabbit, tasty?”
You swallowed the flower whole with wide eyes. It is good.. You got out of his lap to hop to the flowers munching another and another making Draco laugh to himself. “Well i guess so Pet.” he watched you munch on a few flowers for awhile, leaning back on his hands. “Rabbit” he said.
What now… You turned to him with your ears back.
“Come to me,” he pat his lap. “Cmon, right here”
Im not a damn dog.. You hopped over between his legs again and he scratched your back in long strokes.Ugn dooonttt.. Il fall asleep again … Your little body slouched over his thigh and you nuzzled your face into his crotch closing your eyes.
“Must be the sweet spot yeah?” he glided his fingers down then up your fuzzy back watching your back legs kick out from under you. You were getting sleepy all over again. Dammit why.. Just stay… aw..aw...awak...e…
“If only you would let me do this when your human.” you heard him say.
Wait what? What did he say just now? Your nose wiggled and you laid your chin on his crotch staring up at him.
“What? I told you i dont know how to change you back” he spat out looking away.
Maybe,, pretend to sleep…
You nuzzled your face back into his crotch closing your eyes and Draco laid his head on his knee watching you.
“Those fucking two trying to touch you, i dont know what came over me. Your mine, Little Rabbit. No one can touch you, no one can have you, no one can take you away from me. Not your stupid House, not the teachers, no one. Youll stay loyal to me wont you? Thats what Hufflepuff is. My loyal little Rabbit.”
What.. what does this mean?does he plan to keep me with him after graduation?! You wiggled around and Draco scooped you up laying down with you on his chest. You looked scared to him. Draco scratched your head and you scooted closer to his face putting a foot on his chin.
“Yes little Rabbit?”
I dont understand you.. Why are you being so soft right now.. All the time your mean and cruel to me but today… i dont understand. Is this all a trick to get me to fall for you? Mess with my head?
Draco pouted his lips at you. “Hmm? Give us a kiss, Pet” he fake whimpered.
I swear when im changed….
You moved your foot getting closer to nuzzle his face. Draco smiled pulling you closer and closing his eyes. “Good little Rabbit.” he dozed off holding you.
I could leave… find help.. Your body felt weird all of a sudden. Whats going on ? im floating?! Draco!! Draco!!! You struggled in the air watching Draco get farther and farther away. You floated back inside the castle and up some stairs to a open door where a man was waving his wand around directing you. He had long blond hair and looked very curious. You knew who he was the instant he put you on his desk.
His hand cupped your chin giving him a good look at you. Your squeezing too tight.. Please.. It hurts..
“Black and yellow eyes,. A Hufflepuff student.” he stroked your back in long hard strokes while he talked. “How did my son come across you? I wonder? I think ill hold onto you, he should realize soon enough..”
Lucious Malfoy… anyone but him… Malfoy was tolerable.. But his father… please come find me Draco…….and soon.
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
Can you do a Harry Styles imagine where Famous Y/N and Harry are known best friends! And Famous Y/N gets caught fighting with her mentally and physically abusive boyfriend and Y/N is standing outside in the cold weather in like her pjs and she calls Harry and he comes and get her. They go back to Harry’s house and they both admit their feelings and maybe share a kiss after they talk about what happened with her ex
Hope this is okay my love. To anyone reading: please do not read if you are triggered by emotional and physical abuse. Always here for anyone who needs to talk.
Warnings: emotional abuse, physical abuse, angst, fluff
You and your boyfriend had been together for a year now, the first 6 months were strangely perfect, he was nice to everyone around him, your fans liked him but had always wanted you and your best friend to be together. Your boyfriend was dismissive about all of the comments telling you that you should be with Harry. The next 6 months were hell though, he treated you horribly and then told you he loved you and that he only treated you that way because he loved you so much and wanted the best for you.
“I just love you too much y/n. I can’t help but get that way sometimes, but you like it, dont you?” he said, making you feel guily, you began to tell him that you did like it, otherwise he would hit you and say that it was your fault and you should treat him better. You were exhausted from it, but put on a brave face, to your fans, friends and family, but most importantly Harry, nothing was going on, no one knew.
You were now at your boyfriends house, in the middle of a heated argument.
“Why would you post that?” he said, shouting at you, you had just posted a picture on Instagram of you and Harry hugging, the caption was about how proud of him you were.
“Fine Line has just come out ybfn, I’m proud of my best friend! And I’m allowed to be” you said raising your voice back at him, as soon as you did, you realised it was a mistake. He charged over to your and threw you on the bed making you wince.
“Your not allowed to do anything without my permission, understand? I bet you’re fucking him! Aren’t you, you little slut” he said, slapping you across the face before punching you, he had never punched your face, usually choosing places you could hide.
“Leave me alone” you mumbled, tears now running down your face, truly scared of what he might do next. It was when he thrusted against you that you finally decided that enough was enough. You kicked inbetween his legs with all of your strength. You ran out of the bedroom door, taking both yours and his keys off the counter, running out of the door and locking it behind you to ensure he couldn’t chase after you.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket running out onto the street, dialing Harry’s number.
“Hi y/n, was wondering when you’d call, I’ve missed you, thanks for posting that picture it was truly sweet” he said upon answering, his usual happy tone would often make you smile but you whimpered.
“You okay?” he said when he heard you sobbing into the phone
“Harry please come pick me up” you begged.
“Of course, I’ll be there in 5″. 5 minutes later he pulled up in his black range rover, getting out of the car and running over to you. He gasped when he saw your face.
“Im going to kill him” he said going to walk upstairs.
“No Harry please don’t leave me” you said, shivering as you only had your pyjamas on. He hugged you tightly against his chest.
“Okay I’m not going anywhere, come on lets get you home” he said, pulling the car door open for you. You didn’t speak at all in the car and avoided lookingat him which was hard because he kept glancing your way, giving you a worried look. You walked into his house with him, changing into a jumper he had given you, you sat down on his couch as he bad you hot chocolate. Shortly after he walked over to you, wrapping a blanket over you and giving you a hot chocolate.
“Oh my love, you’re shivering” he said, hugging you to keep you warm. You sobbed against his chest, truly breaking his heart.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now. I’m never going to let him hurt you again, or anyone else for that matter. Oh y/n why didn’t you say something, you know how much I care for you, I love you with all my heart. I could have done something, helped you” he said, not realising he said I love you until it was too late. You pulled back slightly making him groan as he realised what he said.
“Shit, y/n I’m sorry. Wow Harry, your timing couldn’t have been any worse” he said to himself, gasping when you placed a firm kiss against his lips.
“I love you too” you said, pulling away.
“Y/n we dont have to do this now” he said.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” he said.
“He’s been abusing me for half a year now” you said, too tired to continuing crying.
“Oh my love, you deserve better than that, why didnt you tell me?”
“I was scared H. Scared that no one would believe me, he was so nice to everyone else... but not to me... never to me” you said, hugging Harry tightly.
“Im so sorry” Harry said rubbing your back gently.
“Think he knew that I loved you. I have for a while but when me and ybfn started talking you were with someone else and I was jealous. We started dating and my feelings for you didn’t go away. I think he knew that and used it against me, he started hitting me and I couldn’t leave” you said beginning to sob again.
“It’s okay, shhh, your safe now” he reminded you again, placing a soft kiss to your lips.
“sorry I shouldn’t do that, its not the right time” he said immediately after.
“It’s okay H” you said. You felt guilty, after everything that had happened you felt guilty for kissing the one person who actually truly loved and cared for you.
“Actually no, we shouldn’t feel guilty, Ive just been hurt and I’m the one feeling guilty? I love you Harry” you said, placing another kiss to his lips.
“I love you too. I promise you I will never let anyone hurt you, including me. I care for you so much and I’m so glad I told you how I feel. Im sorry the timing is shit but still” he said.
“It’s okay H. Right now I could use with a cuddle and a nap” you said, making him nod and wrap his arms around you tighter.
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tinybibmpreg · 3 years
finally i start another prompt challenge thing & finally i write a proper mpreg thing again lmao. anyways heres the first one im posting about my two villain ocs, Jack, the King of Spades, and Pastel. prompt 22 - Oh, you’re just grumpy
King of Spades: Just Grumpy
“Oh, you're just grumpy,” Pastel told her lover as he paced back and forth, complaining and grumbling. A few of their henchmen stood by, standing ramrod straight and still as statues. Pastel couldn't blame them for being so nervous. Jack was volatile even when he was in the best moods, and right now he was ranting and raving. “Cheer up, hon! Everythin’s on track today, you're halfway done making that new superweapon of yours, and Doc gave you a clean bill’a health this mornin’.”
Jack shot her an incredulous look. She gave him a big smile, which usually always helped to calm him when he was overstressed.
It didn't help.
Pastel supposed she shouldn't have been surprised. Doc had warned her from the start that as Jack’s pregnancy progressed, and knowing how erratic the man could be, he was bound to have moody episodes. So far the mood swings seemed to only enhance his usual ones during work- more intense anger while being thwarted by heroes, increased frustration at incompetent henchmen and difficultly building weapons, and an elevated sense of pride and elation whenever a plan or new device was successful. Not much of a change, and nothing unpleasant for Pastel. He'd settled a bit the past two months, but now that he was entering his third trimester the mood swings had come back with a vengeance.
It seemed Jack was hitting the next stage of moodiness. She hadn't been there to see what had set him off, but he had been working himself into a fit.
And now her best trick had failed.
Doc had said Jack might become unreasonable. He was pretty stubborn already, so Pastel had hoped she'd still be the one person that could always cheer Jack up no matter how upset he got.
“Just grumpy?!” Jack repeated, voice raised. Pastel laughed nervously. How wrong she'd been! Her laugh didn’t help either. “I’m miserable! This whole fucking freakshow is absolutely awful. I hate being pregnant! Having this stupid little parasite in my guts, making my life horrible-” He gesticulated wildly as he spoke, gesturing to his swollen belly as he referred to the baby as a parasite.
Pastel decided she wouldn't try to protest against him by listing what he himself had said wasn't horrible about being pregnant. He didn't look like he wanted to be reminded of his increased libido or that the baby would be inheriting his special blood type, which would let him use the child in his schemes. Maybe if he ranted for a while more he'd tire himself out and want to nap. Jack always felt better when he was well-rested. She tried to gently encourage him to get out what was really upsetting him beyond vaguely saying that he hated being pregnant. Maybe then she could help. “Oh, Pumpkin-”
She didn't get very far. “Don't ‘Pumpkin’ me! You're the reason I'm like this!”
“Actually that was Intoxic and Cal’s fault.” She wouldn't take responsibility for being pushed into their fellow villain’s weird experimental ooze twice by Jack’s nemesis, the hero Commander Cal. That wasn't her fault and Jack knew it. If anything, it was Jack’s. She’d told him both times it was a bad idea to work with Intoxic. They were brilliant at mass destruction and decommissioning heroes but had little control over what or who they destroyed and affected.
“Fine! Fine, you're right about that.” He waved that off. His anger began to morph into misery. “Sorry.”
“That's alright, hon. You're stressed. Did somethin’ happen while you were workin’ on that new thingy?” She tried to get him back on track.
“Yes. I can’t work.” Pastel glanced over at his work table. The new weapon he was building seemed to be fine, half-built as it was. There was no sign of anything having gone wrong. No burn marks or spillages, nothing smashed or scattered across the floor. His tools weren’t in their usual place, just thrown onto the table like when he got frustrated. It looked like he was screwing and welding something in place with small tools and precise measurements. She wasn’t sure what he was building, some new blaster or scanner of sorts, but it looked like it matched the blueprints Jack had hanging over the table.
Pastel wasn’t an engineer like Jack was, but everything seemed fine.
She rubbed his arms to coax him further, asking, “Why not, hon? Do you feel dizzy or tired?”
“No,” he answered, soundly utterly despondent. Their henchmen wisely all looked away, giving Jack the illusion of privacy. She lifted a hand to his face and he leaned into it. “I can’t use my tools. Everything aches and it’s too hard to walk around with my fucking back and hips, and my ankles and my hands are all swollen-” Glancing down at his hands let Pastel see that they were visibly swollen. The precise tools and tiny pieces he’d been working with would have been very difficult to use. Another glance at a nearby clock had her stifling a wince. Jack had been in his workshop since they’d gotten back from his doctor’s appointment. He’d been on his feet for hours. Jack did all his work standing and hated to take breaks while he was in the middle of a project.
No wonder he was on the verge of tears. It must have been hell on his back and ankles. Pastel sighed. She needed to start setting alarms or something to force him to take breaks. Maybe convince Jack to get a chair, at least until after he gave birth.
Those would be things to try to tackle later, once Jack was feeling better.
She stepped next to him so she could wrap an arm around him and give him a squeeze. It would have been preferable to give him a tight hug, but that was now impossible with his belly in the way and had been for a few months.
“How about we head on home so you can relax, Pumpkin? We’ll get ya off your feet and settled down, and I’ll rub your back and massage your hands. Saw something about that in one of your books.” She hadn’t thought too much about the different massage techniques one of Jack’s prenatal books listed, mostly focusing on what to do for the expected backaches. Pastel was sure it couldn’t be very different from a foot massage, which she thought she was pretty good at.
He glanced back at his work table, not too thrilled about the idea. Pastel stepped back in front of him and grabbed his wrists, lifting his swollen hands up between them. She jiggled them a bit, giving him a pointed look. “Hey…” he protested.
“Come on, hon. You know getting a massage always makes you feel better.” He grumbled and she insisted, “You don’t have to be embarrassed, hon.”
“Fine. We’ll head home.” He pulled away from her and quickly wiped at his eyes before stalking off. As he passed their henchmen, his face reddened and he hissed at them, “Not a fucking word about anything that happened today!”
A chorus of ‘yes, sir’s’ and nods followed them on their way out of the room. Pastel waved goodbye to them as she caught up with Jack, taking his arm. She took his car keys from his pocket and ignored his protest that only he drove his car. Since she was quicker than him now that he had extra weight and a new center of balance, he couldn’t try to get to the driver’s side before she was already settling in behind the wheel. She hit a button so his door slid open for him.
He grunted as he sat down, then hissed and turned away when he saw her grinning at him. “Don’t stare at me!” His ears went pink and Pastel was sure his face was just as hot. Jack was so easily flustered now.
“You’re so cute, Pumpkin.”
“Just drive.”
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e-milieeee · 4 years
Summary: When Gabriel goes a step too far, Plagg has decided he’s had enough. 
Meanwhile, Gabriel Agreste has discovered that his house may or may not be haunted, because a vengeful spirit certainly seems to be after him. 
Notes: basically plagg being a little gremlin and trolling gabriel like he deserves. ft. gabe’s 3 remaining braincells. based on this post by @hamsternamedmarinette and @snail-noir im sorry its so crappy lol 
“Well,” Adrien is saying as he trudges inside the room and kicks the door shut. “There’s that, then.”
Plagg flits out from his shirt. His face is set in an angry mask, tail sticking straight up. “That’s that?” he echoes. “No, that’s absurd! Your father’s absurd! He should come back here and I’ll give him a piece of my mind and—”
Adrien squeezes his eyes shut. “Plagg, it’s fine. Forget it.”
Plagg makes an angry noise in the back of his throat. “So you’re just gonna take that? For weeks? He has no right.”
In his hand is the piece of paper—now crumpled—that his father had shoved into his fingers before he stormed off: the schedule for the fashion show. It runs for a week, but there’s also a terrifying amount of preparations to be done two weeks prior—all of which his father had decided he needed to be present for.
“I can’t risk making father angry,” Adrien settles with.
Plagg folds his arms. “Fine,” his kwami says curtly, in a manner of speaking that Adrien always finds hard to argue with. “Hypothetically speaking, then, if your father found out his plans had been cata—destroyed, would you be allowed to go out?”
“Plagg, I’m not going to break into my father’s study as Chat Noir to cataclysm his work just so I can go out with friends.”
Plagg smiles at him. It’s the smile Adrien had often gotten before he’d discovered the toilet paper in his washroom all scratched up and littering the floor. “Don’t worry,” comes the reply. “You won’t have to.”
Gabriel Agreste’s study is locked, but that doesn’t prove a problem for the small black shape that slips through the doors like they’re made of nothing more than mist. It’s dark, but cats have always seen better at night anyway.
There, on the top of his desk, lies the designs for the first set of clothes that are to be showcased. Meticulous notes. Fabric samples. Timing and schedules. Signatures and contracts.
The small, black cat picks the folder up with two paws. Then it crumbles into dust.
“Nathalie, did you touch the folder on my desk?”
It’s been a long morning—Gabriel had been up at 4 AM in an attempt to see if he could get an edge on Ladybug and Chat Noir. It had been horrendous to find someone to akumatize so early, and by the time he’d pinpointed his victim—forty five minutes later—he had nearly fallen asleep. He’d been pummelled by Ladybug and Chat Noir. Absolutely pummelled. And then, as if the situation couldn't help but get worse, Audrey Bourgeois had called him at six (just when he was about to go back to bed) and told him she couldn’t make it to the fashion show.
That woman had no regard for timezones. And no regard for him, either, because part of the marketing for the fashion week was Audrey’s attendance.
Gabriel was considering akumatizing himself when he realized the manila folder on his desk—that had been there when he left the night prior—was nowhere to be seen.
He searches through all his files. Crawls under his desk. Checks his lair. It's gone.
“Nathalie!” he bellows again, and she comes barrelling through the door to his office.
“What is it, sir?”
Gabriel takes a deep breath. “Have you seen the files for the fashion show? It was in the folder on my desk when I left.”
“Sir, I haven’t been in your office since last night, and I’m certain I saw your files there. Are you sure you haven’t misplaced it?”
Misplaced it, yeah. That’s what it was. Probably.
Now, what he needed was a nap.
The files do not turn up. Gabriel sends Nathalie to print them out again. The most important stuff is stored on his computer, but there are signatures he’d spent weeks getting.
He locks the files in his drawer the next time he gets it.
Tuesday morning finds Gabriel Agreste feeling much more refreshed. He even joins Adrien for three minutes during breakfast.
He walks into his office to find his favourite coffee mug in smithereens on the ground.
The files are still stored safely in his drawer. But there is a big, ugly tear across the dress he’d been working on for the past three months.
Gabriel screams.
Gabriel Agreste isn’t a fan of security cameras in his office. Especially because anyone with some hacking ability could possibly get their hands on the tape, and the last thing he needs is someone seeing him descending into his lair, or opening the safe behind his painting. Really—there’s simply too many sketchy things he’s done in the office for him to trust putting a camera there.
But he installs two of them nonetheless. His coffee mug could be an accident. But that rip on the dress? No, the only explanation is that it was intentional. But how?
Gabriel thinks of possibilities until he gives himself a headache.
“Father seems stressed lately,” Adrien notes to Plagg. There’s not much time for himself between busy schedules, but the moments in between he catches to talk to his kwami. The past week, stuck alone in his room with barely any interaction with his friends, has been draining. He cherishes the precious minutes he gets to spend with Plagg.
“Does he?” Plagg asks in a tone of practiced disinterest. “Well, he does have that really important fashion week thing coming up.”
“He asked me if I’d broken into his study a day ago, but he always locks his study. I think some of his files were missing.”
“Oh?” Plagg replies. “That’s terrible misfortune.”
“Father says he thinks a thief snuck in in the middle of the night and stole them, but we have security cameras all around the house and nothing happened.”
Plagg only shrugs. “Perhaps your house is haunted,” he replies disinterestedly. “Good thing you’re not scared of ghosts, Adrien.”
The house is haunted, and Gabriel cannot sleep.
The most terrifying part of watching the footage is that he sees nothing. There is no movement. No nothing. But then, the next morning, his files inside the locked drawer have disappeared.
Nathalie asks him about the dark rings around his eyes. He drinks two more cups of coffees in response.
Gabriel’s eyes are burning, but he’s determined to stay awake.
He likes to think himself neat and meticulous, but even he has his breaking point—his desk is littered with coffee cups, and he’s resorted to drinking energy drinks to keep himself awake. There’s less than ten days until the fashion show starts. It’s been so heavy on his schedule that he’s barely found time to akumatize three three people the past week.
Ladybug and Chat Noir must be having a field day while he’s sitting miserably in his office, waiting to catch the thief, too exhausted to summon up more akumas.
The clock ticks past midnight. Gabriel nearly faceplants into a coffee mug.
Another cup of redbull.
By the time it’s two in the morning, nothing shocking in particular has happened. Every time the flashing light of a car drives past the front of the house he starts, sits back down, and struggles to keep his eyes open.
It’s 2:04 when a crash sounds outside of his office.
Like a madman, Gabriel scrambles up from his seat. He knocks over a half-finished mug of coffee in the process, but that doesn’t matter. The door of his office slams open. He trips on a rug. But he gets up and runs like he’s never run before.
With all the force he can muster, he slams his palm down on the light, and the once-dark staircase and hall become bathed in golden light. The chandelier flickers twice and he stares down at the hall with half the mind to wonder if he’s going to finally see the ghost.
Gabriel is the only one in the hall.
He checks once more. Then again. Then again. But there is no one there, no source of the crash—
Oh, no.
The painting he’d bid at an auction twelve years ago—one that had cost a fortune—has fallen off the wall and face planted into the floor. The sight of it physically hurts Gabriel, and he’s scrambling towards it in a mixture of fear and anger when another noise sounds in his office.
In the months of being Hawkmoth, Gabriel Agreste has felt a generous range of emotions. But never has he felt such bone-chilling fear.
He heads back up the steps with robotic movements numbly. Down the corridor. Into his office.
There is no one there, and the mess that has been made is moreso his fault than of the invisible thief—or ghost—but then Gabriel sees one of his locked drawers open and the contents inside dumped unceremoniously on the ground.
The next day, when Nathalie finds him out cold on the ground, he attributes it to the exhaustion and the amount of coffee and energy drinks he’d consumed. But deep down, Gabriel knows that it’s the terror that’s finally caught up.
Either way, he faints.
Gabriel is confined to bed by a very concerned Nathalie. She usually heeds to his instructions, but the rare insistence from her and his own fatigue lands him out of commission for the day. It doesn’t stop him, however, from giving her a set of instructions.
“First, my office,” Gabriel croaks. His throat hurts—he must’ve caught a cold as well. “Please clean everything up and reinstall the locks. And then… and then…”
He thinks of the missing files—three times—and grits his teeth. “Cancel the fashion week.”
Nathalie’s jaw drops open. “Sir—”
“I know,” Gabriel mutters. “I just… I’m left with no choice. I’ll reschedule. Make up some excuse.”
She dips her head. “Noted, sir. Is that all?”
Gabriel gives her a miserable nod. She’s halfway out the door when he remembers.
“Nathalie!” he yells. “Get me a shaman, too.”
“The fashion week is cancelled.” Adrien looks up from practicing piano. “Father is sick, I think, which might be why. Nathalie looked super stressed when I saw her before my lessons.”
“Cancelled?” Plagg echoes dispassionately. “Huh. That’s too bad, I guess.”
“No, that’s good! I mean, it’s not good that my father is sick and Nathalie is stressed, but… at least I won’t be hounded about preparations. I even got permission to go out today.”
“Huh,” Plagg replies. He settles himself into his wheel of cheese. “I guess you’re lucky after all, then.”
Notes: yeah idk what i wrote but master fu is the shaman they hire and he finds out gabriel is hawkmoth and arrests him and the end if u wanna know what happens next 
Here’s my fics masterlist! 
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lovebug5151 · 4 years
It happened again
Alrighty! I managed to type this out in record time once i saw This Comic by @grians-of-salt and it inspired me! This is some angst and fluff including Grian and Grumbot and Jrumbot. I might actually write more of this because I love the interaction they had.
Wow 1510 words. Im pretty happy with this, Hope yall are too!
Uhh Spoilers for Grians newest video. This also contains mentions of NPG and RobotGrian.
It was the night after Voting day, and everything was quiet. Everyone had voted, and the next day the Hermits would begin taking down all their Mayoral campaigns. There was one person awake, however. Flying quickly towards the Shopping district, needing to remedy a problem they had caused.
As Grian landed and stared up at the broken Grumbot, he too felt broken. He didn’t know how much Grumbot had heard when he was breaking down, but he hoped he hadn’t heard their laughter. His was shocked, horrified laughter, and he was too caught up in his horror to listen to Mumbos laughter. God he hoped it had been horrified, and not giggly laughter. The only thoughts that had been running through his head were ‘Not again. I did it again. Not again. Not again. No no no no no no no! Not again!’ He had been in shock the rest of the day. He couldn't even remember who he had voted for, though he thought it wasnt Mumbo.
He shook his head and took a deep breath, as he couldn’t stand there forever, he needed to get this done. There was a reason he decided to do this at night after all. Grian went to the back of Grumbot, and opened up the latch to see the inner mechanics. He had the thought that being short actually helped for once, and smiled vaguely. He searched for a moment, before finding it. 
He’d had Mumbo explain everything he was doing to make Grumbots AI, and explain all the parts to creating him entirely. He wanted to learn, to get better. This object was the main part to Grumbot. His Heart, or his Motherboard, whatever you wanted to call it. It contained who he was. It contained how he acted, how he thought, everything to make him a person. Because he was a person. He wasn't just a robot. Grian had made that mistake twice already, and wasn't about to do it again.
Grian moved forward carefully, seeing all the wires and smoking parts, until he reached the Heart. He looked it over, his past of building robots helping him to unplug it safely. Once he had unplugged it he picked it up to carry it outside. It was heavy, but he could handle it. It was too precious to drop. Once he was out in the open, he carefully put it in a shulker. The shulker had things to soften the fall if Grian did drop it. 
Once he did that, and picked the shulker up, he also headed to Jrumbot. He opened the back of the shop, to show a smaller Heart. This one was only to protect the shop, or was supposed to be. Grian carefully picked This one up too, not wanting to break either. 
As he headed back to his base, only one thought was in his head. ‘I can’t let this happen again… I won’t let this happen again.’
Grumbot felt… something, when he was booting up again. He didn’t know what it was, hasn’t been able to live long enough to know what it was. But something  he did know was that his Dad's voice was murmuring to him. 
“There we go. Your booting up. I hope you like this body, uhh, I hope I did good, I’m sure I can fix anything if i did do something wrong…” 
Grumbot opened his eyes to see Grian staring at him. Grian smiled softly, nervously, and said “hi Grumbot, how are you feeling?” 
It took him a moment, but Grumbot accessed the area that let him speak, as he suddenly had one, and didn’t have to communicate through paper.
“I- am alright. What- happened Dad?”
He managed to stammer out brokenly. When he asked what happened, he saw Grian’s eyes flash with sadness. 
“When, when we asked you what to do for the election on voting day, you,” he paused as if searching for a word. “You melted. You were panicking, and overheating, and you broke.” His voice broke and trembled on the last word.
Grumbot froze hearing that. He then remembered, and looked down before he spoke. “You, you were laughing. Both of you were laughing.” He sounded hurt, and it was only the sob from Grian that made his head raise. 
Grian had tears coming out of his eyes, and was shaking. He lunged forward to hug Grumbot as he started trying to talk. 
“I-I’m so (sob) so sorry Gru- (sob) Grumbot! We (sob) we shoulda been able to help! We- we couldn’t and you (sob) you got hurt, and I’m sorry, I shou- (sob) should have protected you, I shouldn’t have laughed I’m sorry, I’m so sorry son, I’m (sob) I’m so sorry”
He was clutching onto Grumbots shoulders, and Grumbot slowly brought his hands up to hug Grian back. 
“I-it’s okay Dad I-“ 
“It’s not okay!” Grian suddenly yelled out, letting go of Grumbot to look at him “I should have stopped Mumbo from laughing! I shouldn’t have laughed! We shouldn’t have pushed all this mayor stuff onto you! We- we shouldn’t have done that to you, you’re,” he paused here, tears were still streaming down his face, and Grumbot knew that Grian didn’t mean to laugh. He was hurt by his own reaction. “You're just a kid.” Grian murmured. “You shouldn’t have had to worry about anything like that.”
Grumbot hugged him, and felt Grian freeze. “I forgive you dad.” He was crying now too. “It’s not your fault!” Grian sobbed again, and hugged him back, and they stayed like that for a couple minutes. 
“Umm,” Grian muttered, pulling out of the hug. “I uhh, I built you a body. As you, can, uh tell.” He chuckled awkwardly. “It’s closer to human size, and uhh, you're welcome to change it however you want cause, it’s your body. Umm, I made you a voice box, and I built you some stuff to help you move, you have extendo arms and legs, that was uhh, that was fun to build.” He laughed, and was about to start rambling again when Grumbot grabbed his arm.
 “Can you help me walk?” Grumbot asked, kinda embarrassed he couldn't do it automatically. Grian laughed quietly and nodded. 
“Sure. Here lemme just-” He grabbed Grumbots arms, and helped him slide off the table he was on. Grumbot stood up tall, and realized he was at least a foot taller than Grian. He giggled quietly and Grian smiled at him. “Yeah, I wanted you to still be tall ya’know?”
Grumbot started taking small steps as Grian stayed nearby. Once Grumbot was able to walk all around the room they were in, and jump and crouch, Grian took a breath.
“Oh, another thing Grumbot.” Grian started talking and Grumbot turned around to look at him. Grian took a deep breath before saying “I also grabbed Jrumbots Heart, though he didn't have as much AI coding, and I wasn't sure where to go with it. I built his body, but didn’t want to mess up more AI’s so I wanted to know if you wanted to help me make him a full AI.”
Grumbot paused for a moment before nodding. “I would like Jrumbot to be able to move and be alive too. This is way better than being stuck in one place!”
Grian laughed softly and nodded. “I know what you mean buddy.”
Once Grumbot got more coordination down, they started working on Jrumbot. He actually wasn't missing as much as Grian had thought, and was able to be brought alive rather quickly.
As Jrumbot booted up, Grumbot looked at the body Grian made for Jrumbot. It was small, probably a head smaller than Grian. He looked more childlike, and cute, than Grumbot did, as he was built after his first look.
Jrumbot beeped as he raised his head, and his eyes clicked and lit up.
“Hi Jrumbot,” Grian murmured smiling, “How do you feel?”
Jrumbot giggled and squirmed, much like a child would, and said “I feel good! Hi dad! Hi Brother!”
Both of them smiled at how Jrumbot had chosen to call them, and Grumbot reached over to pick Jrumbot up. He smiled down at Jrumbot and Grian smiled at both of them.
After making sure all of Jrumbots motor skills were working, and nothing was breaking, they went up into Grian’s mansion. The lowest floor was actually a floor with lots of rooms, instead of it being just a place for farms it was a house. Grian led them into a living room, and they all curled up on the couch, all falling into a nap.
While later would be time for Grian to explain about Mumbo, and why they had to hide for a bit, now was peaceful, calm, and quiet.
Before he fell asleep, Grian made a promise to himself. He would never make the same mistakes he made with NPG and RoboG with these two. He would make sure these two knew they were loved, and that he would never leave them without a fight.
Yeah! Hope yall liked this, I will hopefully post more Dad!Grian to Grumbot and Jrumbot because I really like writing them.
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nekomasmngr · 4 years
Tumblr media
➳ synopsis: You wanted to be warm more than anything. After a rough day at work and the bitter weather that seemed to cloud your mood, you couldn’t wait to get home and shut yourself away from the world. But, as much as you yearned for warmth, that wasn’t the only thing you needed today.
➳ genre: slice of life, comfort to fluff, established relationship between you and Suga!
➳ warning: just in case, there are mentions of being overworked and exhaustion, fidgeting behavior, self-deprecating thoughts, signs of an upcoming breakdown, post timeskip!suga, patient and loving suga <3
➳ word count: 3.861k
➳ a/n: here’s my sfw secret santa gift for @bugmomwrites !! this was a joy to write and i think i have a thing for writing long one shots for suga and i’m really glad you enjoyed reading this! posting this on record cause im quite proud of it hehe (っ◔◡◔)っ
That was all you had in mind. It was all you needed. 
Feet were being dragged as you trudged along the side of the road. Adjusting your form that was bundled up in layers to trap your own body heat. Yet, every step you took, every breath you released; warmth just kept escaping you. 
Your mind felt so muddy. You fidget and flex your fingers to try to keep them from freezing stiff from the brisk blow of the cold air, yet you had your attention recalling the events that occurred earlier in the day: the mistakes, the slip ups, and the lectures you got from your ever so judgemental inner critic. You’ve probably spent most of your energy making sure to get through the day as best as you can even if it meant feeling more overworked and exhausted than usual. 
Today wasn’t kind to you at all. You just wanted to warm yourself up with a nice bath, maybe order in some pizza and pig out on some ice cream, close the blinds on your windows and turn up a good sob story, maybe even cuddle up with your fluffy blankets and pillows—
A sharp buzz from your pocket pulled you out of your thoughts of relaxation, with a text from Sugawara that read: ‘Hey bubba! how was work? I’m almost at your place! can’t wait to see you!’
Oh no. 
It was date night with Suga. 
How could you forget?! 
Suga’s job at the elementary school demanded a lot of his time and attention. You, being the supporting girlfriend, didn’t want to be a distraction or an added burden to his job. So, you both agreed to focus on yourselves for the meantime. But, you both also decided to dedicate a night, once a week to see each other again— hence, date night.
Knowing the holidays were coming up, both of you had been assigned more tasks that usual, as the year comes to an end. Days were long and nights were lonely, weekends would be filled with other demands and unfinished deadlines. The time spent apart couldn’t be more evident that it was now and this night would be the first date you would have in weeks. You wouldn’t deny it— you missed Sugawara desperately. 
You started to think of what you both could do for date night. ‘Would he want to go out for dinner? Maybe see that new movie that was just released last week? Hm, or maybe we could catch up with some of his old friends, it is the holidays after all. Oh no, I have to change my clothes. Maybe put on a nice dress? But, it is colder at night, maybe some dress pants? Ew, that’s like going out with work friends.’ 
Your thoughts were running through every activity you could do and all the other things you needed to do to prepare for the date. An overwhelming burn rose inside of your chest, bubbling up with a mixture of excitement, panic, and nervousness. 
Another gust of wind blew through your face, biting your cheeks and nipping your nose. You were instantly reminded of the earlier weight you just had on your shoulders. The exhaustion you still felt made you think of how much energy you had already lost and how much you would have to use to get through tonight. It would take too much energy to entertain someone today, even if it was your boyfriend. 
You frowned for even thinking of cancelling date night. What kind of girlfriend would you be if you did? He might think you’d rather not spend time with him at all or worse, he might think you believe that both of you started to drift apart. 
You were slowly feeling more irritable at the different thoughts and little noises that just irked you more than they should. If you had to see Suga today, you definitely didn’t want to accidentally snap at him. Your head started to get dizzy as you kept thinking whilst fighting off your fatigue. 
Inside, you knew you missed Koushi so much. Just seeing him would probably make you feel better, with that smile of his that always brightened your day. However, you couldn’t ignore your aching muscles, the crick in your neck and the stress on your back. Your nerves were on fire and all you really wanted was for it to stop.
It seems as though your thoughts held your attention ever so fervently, because next thing you knew, you were standing right outside the door to your apartment. 
With a sigh, you squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath before jamming your key into the door. Stepping inside, you were greeted by a deafening silence. 
You had some coats and jackets strewn across your common area. The weather had been getting chillier lately and you had different articles of clothing available to you if ever you needed the extra warmth. A few knick knacks, memorabilia, and picture frames decorated the walls and shelves. The slight mess was homey to you. It made the place look alive and lived in, but right now it was an unearthly empty apartment. Something didn’t feel right. You didn’t know what it was, but the walls didn’t hold the warmth you yearned for. 
Frustrated at your dissatisfaction, you took a straight path to grab a glass of water that would hopefully clear your head. 
In the middle of your third glass of water, a knock at the door sounded. 
You flinched at the sound. Suga.
You mentally kicked yourself for getting distracted. You were so preoccupied with your own thoughts and feelings, you completely ghosted your own boyfriend. If only you had better focused and weren’t so bothered by every little thing that did bothered you; you would actually be a better employee or a better significant other— just someone better that deserves love. 
Dejectedly, you put down your glass and timidly inched towards the door. Opening it to meet soft doe eyes that looked at you in anticipation. Suga started out with a simple greeting and a bright smile that slightly put your aching heart at ease.
“Hey,” you replied, giving him a small smile in return. 
Entering your apartment, he started to get comfortable as you always allowed him to do so. Taking off his coat and putting down his bags, he turned to you to start the night’s activities. But you cut him off as soon as he opened his mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” your eyes casted down on the ground, both of your hands coming together to fidget with your fingers. 
“Oh, for what?” 
“I didn’t reply. I—,” with hesitation, you bit the inside of your cheek at how ridiculous you must have looked with your weak excuses, “I had a rough day and I’m just really…” Everything suddenly came rushing back to you: your thoughts of self-criticism, your slip ups at work, the cold that prickled your skin, the wasted time you spent on being preoccupied with your own thoughts, your tiredness and headaches—  all the things that seemed to drive you to your limit. 
You sounded silly with your struggle to form words without getting choked up by your exhaustion. You shut your eyes tightly to try to reset your mind and say what you wanted to say straight. 
Suddenly, gentle arms wrapped around you as you were pulled into a warm embrace. 
“Hey, hey. It’s alright.” A familiar hand rested on the back of your head and soon you rested your forehead onto your boyfriend. “It’s okay, there’s no rush, love.” 
Time seemed to stand still as you took in every bit of reassurance that spilled with his every word. Suga immediately saw your inner battle as he was attuned to most of your quirks and habits. He knew you just needed someone to hold you close. 
Unlike the present, most days, you would be filled with so much energy, just bouncing around, talking about the most random things. Bright smiles, heart-filled laughter, and matched chaotic energy exchanged between the two of you. 
You could easily ease up the most stressful days of work, where he’d come home tired from teaching the kids and administrative work for the school. But as soon as he saw you, all his exhaustion seemed to turn into more energy. You’d be so eager to listen to every word he would say about his day and he’d be just as happy to tell you all the cute little things the kids did— any sign of his own exhaustion had disspelled.
But of course, there are the days when you would be just as exhausted as he would be on those days, if not more with all the extra energy you spent trying to keep yourself together. Perhaps, today was one of those days. 
Tender lips pressed on the crown of your head. You felt soft movement against your skin as you heard your boyfriend’s kind words, “Is something wrong?”
You deeply sighed into his chest, your breath expelling heat that warmed the both of you. Shoulders and back muscles instantly relax into his strong arms. Your head slowly motions into a nod, but you don’t quite want to face him just yet. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” 
You bit your lip and buried your face further into Suga’s chest, shaking your head. 
He smiled at how adorable you had become and piped out a suggestion, “Hmm, how bout a nap first?”
You turned your head to look up at him, but your eyes shifted away as you saw his soft gaze. “But, date night…” you trailed off, not knowing how to say that you didn’t want to cancel on him. 
“It’s okay. You need to rest first, okay? We can talk later, but right now, take as much time as you need.”
Keeping an arm around you, he led you to your room and stopped at the side of your bed. Your own arms instinctively wrapped around your form to trap the leftover weight that lingered from the absent arms. 
“Do you need anything else?” Sugawara asked, fluffing up your pillows and opening the bedsheets up for you to slide right in. 
You took his hand and tugged him beside you; a signal for him to take a nap with you. 
As comfortable as you may have looked, with your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around his middle; your body didn’t fully relax just yet. You didn’t usually feel this shy when cuddling with Koushi. In fact, being vulnerable with each other was something you loved most about your relationship. But, there are still days when you would retreat into your own shell, when your mind kept up with your racing thoughts that only ever burned at your tired heart. 
Smooth thumbs ever so gently rubbed on your shoulder, pulling you out of the tension you were holding yourself hostage. Like a silent knock of permission, you were reminded of his overwhelming presence; the absolute love and lack of judgement that you would always be reassured of. No amount of shame, guilt, or sadness that you might feel would ever be hidden from Koushi. Just as he could never hide something from you. 
Trying to steady your beating heart from the rush of emotions that just went by you in such a short time. You slowly focused your mind on what's happening now, at that moment. 
With plush covers enveloping you, head resting on your loyal pillow and your favorite part— warm arms that led to careful hands. Suga dragged his palms slowly from your shoulder to your head. 
You felt gentle fingertips push against the middle of your brows, unaware that you had furrowed them in an attempt to make sense of your thoughts. 
“You can go to sleep, love.” Sugawara whispered, with a voice so soft and deep it was like a lullaby to your heart. With a last hum, you acknowledged his words and focused on the steady beat of Suga’s heart that hushed you to sleep.
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That was what you awoke to. 
Sitting up from your nest of blankets, you pouted at the absence of your boyfriend from your side. Stretching out your limbs from your position, you heard satisfying cracks from aching joints that have been stiffened for what felt like hours. Taking a glance at the clock on your nightstand, it had been a little over an hour since you were sent off to sleep in the sweet arms of home. 
Raising your nose into the air, you gave a whiff of something utterly delectable. Muffled sounds of padding feet and subtle rustling of metal, you suspected someone was in the kitchen area. With the thought of the mystery that was happening outside of your room, your stomach grumbled loudly as to add to the equation. 
As you entered your small common area, you were fixed on a familiar head of fluffy grey hair that seemed to float across the living space. Your boyfriend was carrying a couple of plates and glasses and arranged them on top of the placemats and utensils that rested on the low coffee table. All that was missing was the food.
Wondering if you had just imagined the earlier scent of delight, a couple of paper bags that were placed near the floor of the couch caught your eye. You perked up at the size of the bags and the likelihood of the great amounts of foods and snacks that could be inside. 
As if on cue, Sugawara greeted you with a shining smile that struck a good light into your soul. “Good morning, sleepy Bugs!” He walked towards you and gave you a sweet peck on the cheek. “How was your nap?”
“Um, it was good,” slightly suprised from the amount of affection you had just been given and from the sight before you, you remember feeling rejuvinated after that nap he suggested you take. “It was really good.” 
After having rested, you definitely felt better than you did the whole day. Suga definitely grounded you when you needed it the most and gestures like that never ceased to warm your heart at how he knew you so well. 
Fixiating your gaze on your boyfriend, you observed him unpacking your favorite foods from their packaging, placing them neatly on your dishware. 
“What’s all this?” You gestured to the set-up he had laid out on your coffee table. He gave a little shrug and looked up at you with a small smile, “I figured you would be hungry once you woke up, so I got us dinner.”
He was right once again. Your stomach cried at the sight of your favorite foods spread out infront of you.
“And since, it’s still date night. I thought we could just have a little self-care date just here.” he said as he motions to his little dinner party layout; both of you would be seated on the ground, with backs against the couch facing the television, fresh food on both your plates, a couple of bags of chips and soda on the side. It was comfy and casual, but seemed just perfect for the two of you. 
With a blanket on his lap, Suga looked up at you, head held high in anticipation of praise and a smile that lured you to sit by his side. 
“You sure you don’t want to go out?” you asked just to be sure. Your eyes locking on his, analyzing any hesitation or disappointment he might have over having to have to stay in on date night.
“Any moment spent with you is a date to me already.” He admitted with a grin. Your face scrunched at the sound of his affectionate line. You snorted until you both let out a laugh at how cheesy that sounded. “That was too cheesy, even for you.” You smiled at him. 
He whined at your tease, but quickly pushed your plates to yourselves eager to dig into your meals. 
As you ate, you conversed about what he had planned for the night, thinking of the time he must have spent devising this lovely impromptu evening. 
“We could watch a movie together,” he offered, “maybe do some skin care, what do you think of that?” 
“Skin care? You want to do that?” 
“Yeah! I want the full experience! I wanna get a fluffy headband to pull back my hair.” As if to show proof, he excitedly shook his head, making his fluffy grey hair bounce around. 
“I want to know about those uh, face washers?” he thought for a moment, turning away to take a peak at another paper bag that you didn’t notice before. “Or was it face masks? You know, to bring a little glow to the skin.” Suga said as he brought out some sheets of face masks that he must have bought when you were sleeping.
You almost awed at the sight of how enthusiastic and prepared he was. But, it was nothing unexpected of your boyfriend. Any spontaneous antics you would come up with, he’d support it either way, whether it was a surprise visit at each other’s work areas or a 2am drive to the nearest 24 hour fast food restaurant for a ridiculous craving; it was always something exciting with Koushi.
After a second to think, you answered honestly. “Yeah, we could do that. My skin’s feeling a little dry lately.” 
Immediately thinking of the other products you had that the two of you could use, but curious eyes pulled you from your thoughts as Sugawara studied your face, “Oh yeah, it does.” He leaned back and nodded, “You might need the whole treatment more than me, Bugs.” Taking a bite of food, he put on a classic innocent smile, but that could never fool you. 
How cheeky he had become all of a sudden. You groaned at his little act of mockery and gave him a sharp shove on the shoulder. 
The little joker lurched forward, spilling his food back on his plate, “Oi! I could’ve choked on my food!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, do you need some prune juice to water it down, old man? ” you retorted back at him. 
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The night continued on with your customary jokes and teasing. As Sugawara planned, after your dinner, you were both seated on the couch, swaddled in your comfiest clothes and blankets. Headbands clearing any stray hair away from each other’s line of sight, as fresh face masks adorned your gleeful faces. 
It was refreshing to not have to worry about what happens next and how much energy you had to spend to act as though you were enjoying. It all just came so natural with Suga. You didn’t have to keep up a facade, like a professional one at work, thinking over each task and mistake you inevitably made and repenting for it. 
Tonight was just about the two of you. Addressing each other’s needs and soaking in each other’s genuine presence. It was a slow day, nothing extraordinary, but it satisfied you both to know the security you felt in each other. Feeling as though you were both constant in each other’s lives, especially in this age of uncertainty. 
As the night came to a close, you both retreated to your earlier position. Limbs entangled with one another, the comforting beating of each other’s hearts slowly tuning in sync. You both haven’t quite fallen asleep yet, having felt the air fill up with unsaid thoughts and yet, none were uttered as a blanket of silence covered the entire room. 
You didn’t know how long you both just laid there, but you remembered feeling the dancing fingers that were playing with your hair, halting its movements. Followed by a light poke on your cheek which brought you out of your own trance.
“Hey,” Koushi chimed in, “we forgot to do one last thing.” You hummed as you turned your head expectantly at him. 
“But we don’t have to do it, if you don’t wanna talk about it okay?” You nodded in agreement, paitently waiting for his next words.
“We haven’t talked about your day yet. How was it?”
Ah, you knew this was coming. Sugawara would never let you go to sleep without acknowledging both the good and the bad things of the day. Having spent a good 4 hours on your date night, ignoring the bad and recharging your emotional battery, it seemed like a good time to bring up what bothered you. 
In a way, this was something you were grateful for. Recounting the events of the day felt easier to talk about  now rather than how you would have expressed them earlier that evening. Allowing yourself to understand the bad things in life validated those rush of emotions you felt which didn’t seem as muddy as it was before. Which is why you would always be grateful for Sugawara for being who he was. Knowing that he knows how you work made you feel special, made you feel seen by someone who was a witness to all of the different parts of you. 
As you end your cathartic narrative, you gave your boyfriend the softest of smiles that hopefully showed how thankful you were for being able to have a safe space for your emotions.
He mimicked your look and added, “I know it’s sometimes hard to admit these kinds of things.” His smooth palms took your hand that was on his chest in the softest of grips, bringing them to his lips for a kiss. 
“But, you can always talk to me about them, alright?” 
It was in the way his eyes glowed along with the moonlight that spilled in from the window, hinted at something deeper than just ‘these kinds of things’. Trust seeped out from his gaze and into yours as you understood his real message that Sugawara meant. That he was here for anything; anything you wanted to say, anything you wanted to do, and anything you felt like—
He was here for you. 
Sugawara wrapped both of his arms around your frame for a firm embrace and poured every reassuring emotion into his hug. Making it known to you that you can always count on him to be there for you. 
Basking in each other’s arms, you savored in the overwhelming soothing warmth that you both shared. A knowing inkling chimed at the back of your head bringing to light the earlier encounter with the unknown missing presence after having entered your empty apartment.
Warmth was missing.
More importantly, Suga’s warmth. 
This was all you needed to unwind from the worldly chaos that you go through everyday. It is in his arms where you feel the safest and it’s a place you wouldn’t want to leave anytime soon. 
His actions today showed you how attentive and dedicated he was to you. Pure love and care was all that you felt while being with him today and you believed in him to be there, with just as much love and care (if not more), in the days to come.
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alkhale · 4 years
Crazy (Hausen/Reader) Ko-fi Request
Hi! Im back with a lot of commission for you. I looked at your old post to see the animes that you could know and surprised you have already seen Gangsta. So I would like to know if I can get an Doug x reader or Hausen x reader (or any character of your choice :)).
I love and miss Gangsta so much, hoping for more chapters and episode to eventual come ;-; Here you go!
Fandom: Gangsta
Pairing: Hausen/Reader
His boots hit the floor in an even clack clack clack. The military issued steel resounding his foremost intent with thunderous arrival.
Several of the guild members glanced up, some half roused from an evening snooze, others just filing back in from a scouting mission or watch, all of them congregated in one of the main room areas. A few veterans watched the hard set of Hausen’s jaw, skittering off to stay out of the Twilight’s way. They quickly tugged wooden chairs back, sneaking off behind tables and ducking down to the counters. Others glanced to the rugged, muscled outline of his shoulders and back and glanced to each other, whispering guesses on who’d be on the receiving end of his obvious malintent.
“Someone really messed up today, didn’t they?”
“Aw, who fucked up?”
“‘s not me man! I ain’t even on schedule.”
One man shouldered his partner, motioning roughly with his chin. The others all looked, stopping at the sight of the crumpled, brightly colored object in Hausen’s left hand.
The dirty blonde ignored the chatter, camo jacket tied snug around the set of his waist. Hausen swept icy blue eyes once across the room, squinting as though in search of something before he scowled, continuing onwards.
The guild members winced when he kicked the door clean open, stepping into the hallway. It slammed shut behind him.
“Aw, shit.”
“Everyone stand clear, this one’s gonna get messy.”
A few bills were tossed into the center of the table. Heads turned, glancing over.
“Sir’s gonna beat their asses.”
“Naw, Ginger’s gonna stop ‘em before anythin’ happens.”
“They break up!”
Hausen dragged a hand down his face, lips pulled down into a half-irritated scowl at the words flinging from the door. I can hear you, you dumbasses. He’d have them running laps or cleaning out the temporary Twilight housing facilities later.
Hausen had more important business to see to.
He gripped the object in his hand with renewed vigor, storming his way down the hall with purpose. His military Twilight tags clanked around his neck, clinking together alongside with one that didn’t match his own set. A few rungs of doors were open on the way down to the medical wing, Arthur and Lancelot peeking their heads out from where they’d been fooling around in a slumbering Gawain’s room.
“Hey, Hausen!” Arthur greeted cheerfully. Hausen offered him a quick wave. Lancelot peeked out from right beneath his friend, fixing his goggles. 
“Who’re the flowers for?”
Hausen’s scowl deepened. In his hand was a crumpled bouquet, the pretty pink paper wrapping crinkling under the force of his grip. The stems inside threatened to snap, wheezing at the onslaught while the bright, full sunflowers bobbed unsteadily.
A vein throbbed against the side of Hausen’s head. Arthur pressed a hand down over Lancelot’s head, ponytail bobbing. “Did you hear? (Y/n)’s back—”
Both Arthur and Lancelot stopped, blinking at Hausen’s almost constipated expression.
Gawain snorted from his bunk bed, arms tucked under the soft tufts of his pinkish hair. He kept his eyes closed, legs kicked over the restboard.
“I,” Hausen grunted. “Heard.”
He nodded gruffly to them, marching down the hall, dog tags swaying. Arthur and Lancelot blinked once at his back, blinking again when they looked at each other.
“What’s got him in such a bad move?”
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Gawain yawned. “Go take a nap or something.”
“Gawain, you’re always sleeping.”
Hausen finally drew his boots to a rough halt just before the medical wing’s doors. There was a bit of chatter on the other side, a few of the Twilights on shift working to organize or help out anyone still injured. Hausen waited a minute longer, fingers rolling over the top of the rusted brass knob. The flowers sagged at his side, no longer brimming with the usual energy sunflowers were supposed to.
Hausen rubbed the back of his head, ruffling the short cropped tufts of blonde hair with an aggravated sigh. Did you have to make things so difficult? 
He heard your soft voice, muffled through the door. Hausen heaved a rough sigh, masking it as a grunt as he pushed the door open, hefting the flowers over his shoulder.
The door opened with a little more noise than necessary to announce his arrival. A few of the guild members glanced up, blinking at first in surprise before their expressions dawned in understanding. They became pale, sweat rolling down the sides of their cheeks as they looked first to Hausen’s hulking frame in the door and then quickly to you.
Hausen only had eyes for you.
You were sitting up in the dingy medical bed, another Twilight sitting in the chair beside you with a medical chart. Your hair was pulled back, revealing the scarred, toned column of your neck to Hausen. Patches of open skin between the mottled scars he’d leave trails of kisses and lingering bites when you were a little more willing than usual.
You had a knee propped up onto the bed, the other dangling, wrapped up thickly in a cast. Fractured. He’d already heard the news. Mounds of bandages were wrapped up your arms, a hefty patch of gauze peeking from under the loose white t-shirt you’d shrugged on to hide the brunt of the beating you took from the last mission call. Another set of bandages were patched over your cheek, making you look a little ridiculous.
Dog tags dangled from the thin chain around your neck. Your own Twilight markings coupled with a tag that didn’t match the other one.
Hausen gripped the flowers. The stems snapped inside the paper wrapping.
He waited for you to make the first move, watching in growingly irritated silence as you dully glanced up, expression neutral. You took in his entire appearance, black tank top and camo attire and crumpled flowers, expression never once wavering.
You snorted, looking back down.
Hausen felt a vein pop.
“We’re just gonna,” one guild member started, gesturing vaguely to the door. Hausen stepped aside, nodding. “Go now. Yeah, we’re gonna go now.”
They scrambled out of the room, leaving the two of you to your own privacy.
Hausen flexed his fingers, curling them tightly into a fist before he cocked his head back. He set a hand down on his hip, fixing you with all the you-better-start-talking-right-now he could muster.
You said nothing, browsing through a crumpled magazine in your lap.
“What the hell is your problem?” Hausen exclaimed, throwing his hands and the flowers into the air. You rolled your eyes. “Why are you like this? You’re always like this! Ya like bein’ difficult? You drive me nuts!”
You flipped a page.
“I told you not to take that hire,” Hausen started, pacing around the room as he shook his finger. His heavy steps made the table shake and you kicked your good foot out to stop the empty vase from toppling over. “I told you. But do you listen? No. You never listen. I said don’t do it!”
You said nothing, flipping another page.
“I rank fucking higher than you but you don’t even care!” Hausen snapped. “What’s the point of bein’ your superior if I don’t even get any respect?”
“You,” you said finally. Your hoarse voice was music to his ears, tearing Hausen up over whether he should just take you up in your arms and spend the time doing something else instead of giving you the tongue lashing he’d been rehearsing this whole time. “Told me not to go as Hausen. Not as my superior.”
Hausen went rigid, setting his jaw. You flashed him a defiant look. “‘s that wrong?”
“That’s not the point.”
“‘s totally the point,” you muttered. “Paulkee said it was mine if I wanted it. I wanted it.”
“Then you should’ve asked me to come with you.”
“Ya got other stuff to do,” you said. “And I managed.”
“You look like they threw you through a fucking roof.”
“‘s a balcony, but close enough.”
Hausen growled. You rolled your eyes, turning to face him, expression neutral despite his rippling frustration. You were used to this after all. For all his bravado and cool when it came down to it, Hausen was always the kind of guy to get worked up over the things that needed it less.
Cause he’s a good guy. 
“Going anyway without telling me was one thing,” Hausen said, marching right over to you. The sunflowers bobbed and you shot them a pitiful look. “Ya spit on my boots with that one. But comin’ back and not saying a thing? Ya might as well punch me in the face! What’re you trying to say?”
Hausen stopped, flashing you a dangerous look. He narrowed his eyes, pointing a rigid finger at you. “If this is your own dumbass idea of trying to leave me hanging—”
“Ya sayin’ I can’t break up with ya if I wanted to?”
“You bet your fucking ass I am.”
“Well, I’m not. I’m tired,” you said flatly. “I didn’t want to hear you yell at me like ya are now.”
Hausen made choking motions for your throat. You leaned back, gingerly adjusting your casted foot. “Why do I even put up with you? Sir’s got a better chance of kicking your fucking ass than I do!”
“‘s somethin’ only you can answer,” you said nimbly. Hausen threw his hands back into his hair. You watched him, eyes traveling all over, checking for new wounds, for new scars. When you found none you let your shoulders rest, feeling the fatigue come crawling back.
“Took that stupid mission, never listen to me when I got something to say, dumbass always doing whatever the hell ya want and—”
“I missed ya.”
Hausen stopped. His jaw worked, entire body shifting as he swung his head back to you. Your face was soft, eyes sleepy as you looked up at him. Your taped fingers lightly thumbed your tags, pinching the one that wasn’t yours.
The one that matched with his other missing one, coupled next to your own swinging round his neck.
Hausen narrowed his eyes, watching you suspiciously. His eyes darted once to your fingers, watching you play with the tags.
You could see the moment you’d won him again. The moment he went a little soft, a little proud of his name swinging against the metal next to yours. A shitty, simple little thing that couldn’t compare to what people better off could have for each other—but for you at least, you’d want nothing else.
Hausen really was too good for you. 
“Missed you,” you said again, looking up at him. You opened your arms, the single invitation. Hausen went stiff. “Lots. ‘m sorry.”
A low, tight, aggravated sigh was exhaled through his nose. Hausen rubbed his temples once, shaking his head as though to berate himself before he tossed the poor, crumpled flowers off the side. They smashed into the empty vase, nearly knocking it over as he marched right over to you. 
Your lips already started to turn up into a grin, knowing one of the strongest Twilight’s of the Paulkee Guild was still too good of a man to stay mad when all he wanted was—
Hausen’s body fell over yours in an instant. He gingerly lifted your injured leg, long, calloused fingers moving against your thigh with ease and setting it up behind him onto one of the chairs. He came forward, one arm moving around your waist, holding you there and holding you tight as he surged forward to claim your lips, his other hand coming around and cradling the back of your neck to hold you steady so you wouldn’t try anything funny.
“I don’t even know why I put up with you,” he breathed against your lips, warm and firm and here, here, here right against you. You closed your eyes, fingers dancing over his arms before he grunted and you slid them around his neck. “You drive me nuts.”
“You’re the one who came for me,” you said. Hausen grunted again. Your lips quirked. “You’re too good for me, Hau. You outta run before I ruin you.”
“Yeah,” Hausen said, low, voice thick. He pressed you back into the creaky, cheap medical med, the familiar smells of this place you called home and this man you let hold you, over anyone or anything else in this shitty world. Hausen smoothed his fingers down your cheek, drinking in every last piece of you. “I really should.”
His dog tags clinked against yours, resting over your collarbone as they slid together. 
You simply smiled, shaking your head in pity for the poor Twilight as he slotted his lips over yours, working with all his energy and muscles to snatch your breath away and remind you why you should do nothing else but stay beside him too, remind you why there should be no one else but him for you, the way you were the only one for him.
The way it should be, for as long as you two had in this shitty world.
(Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for your support!)
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