#im actually SO in love with how shun turned out
dragonsarecats · 2 years
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are they wearing each other's clothes? is it an elaborate roleswap au where shun gets to lie in the grass and relax for once while alice obliterates vexos ass? does shun look weirdly good in lavender?? the answer will surprise you! (yes)
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Bweehhhh im back. Warning, this post contains people being rude about lesboys existing, don't worry - this blog supports lesboys <3
#school has started for me #i fucking hate it
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✨️ likethesunontheriver Follow
So tired... someone needs to tell my mentor I don't need to wake up at dawn every day
#i am exhausted #someone get me out of this #it is TOO EARLY.
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
I love my friends I love my parents I love my mate I love my littermates and other siblings..
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
#i love you too
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Why is it that when I go to transfem spaces to find cats who relate, I'm told I'm not "trans enough", but when I go to cis she-cat spaces to find cats who relate, I'm shunned because my body is different.
Can some of you learn to be normal about intersex cats please for the love of StarClan?
#intersex issues #chantrelle's intersex posts #actually intersex #intersex transfem
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🌄 sapphic-sandtail Follow
If this post reaches 5,000 notes I'll finally come out to my mate as a trans tom... and I'm terrified she's gonna take it badly... and I really don't wanna. But I guess there's no risk because I never post and only have three mutuals and there's NO WAY you three are gonna get it to 5k.
🐱 berrrrry-o Follow
You may wanna check the note count lol.
🌄 sapphic-sandtail Follow
It's only been two days-
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
Soooo? How'd she take it?
🌄 sapphic-sandtail Follow
Really well. I... I'm so glad I finally told her. She was so supportive. I love her so much.
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Hey OP, why did you tag this post as "lesbian" when you're a straight guy now?
🌄 sapphic-sandtail Follow
Who said I was a straight guy????
🌄 sapphic-sandtail Follow
Okay I have now recieved a flood of asks and messages saying that I have to call myself straight now or change my url or that I'm a piece of shit for "appropriating lesbianism" (???) so to clear things up.
No I will not be doing that. I'm a lesbian! I've always been a lesbian. "But you're a tom now!" I've always been a tom, I just haven't always been very open about it. I'm not changing the words I use for myself just because a bunch of strangers on clanblr say it's the "wrong word" get real.
#lesboy #masc lesbian #male lesbian #transmasc lesbian #i didn't want to turn into a well-known blog over this but here we fucking go I guess
10,301 notes
🔆 the-post-maker
Ping list: @bright-honey @anxietycomments @stitchthelilo
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mysticarts · 13 days
"....She Cares?" A small Gunntech au oc scene
(Note, Gunntech Au belongs to @elmushterri and them only.)
First off, I'm writing this as celebration as one of my idols not only likeing my art style, BUT ALSO THAT SHE ADORES KAILANI, WOOOOOOO
Context: if Kailani is in this show, I imagine there's a long side arc about Isabella finding about Kailani and hunting her down. So when Isabella finally catches Kailani and rants about how evergone abandoned her, she didn't expect Kailani to cry in reply.
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SEASON THREE, EPISODE ??? "Beneath the spikey corals"
"....Why are you crying?" Isabella asked, being a little put off by Kailani's tears.
"...they threw you aside, like you where nothing!" Kailani Exclaimed, her voice being shakey due to the tears flowing down her face. "That...you didn't deserve that! No one should have to go what you have been through!"
Isabella's expression turned into one of suprsie. She never met a girl so emotional or actually caring about her before. How did Gunntech allow such an emotional girl to be a worker? Isabella pushed the thought away, focusing on Kailani.
"Yeah, I'll agree with you on that. But that dosent explain why you're so emotional about this" Isabella commented, with Kailani becoming visibly more upset.
"OF COURSE IM EMOTIONAL!" Kailani shouted with a tone of sadness and anger, her hair visibly starting to look like tentacles the more she got upset.
"If you got turned into the way you are now, and just tossed to the side, who knows how many people have been through that pain? How many people had to suffer disappointment, how many people being shunned from society, all because Gunntech wanted someone perfect?" Kailani rambled, pacing across the underwater cove as Isabella watched her, feeling uncomfortable
"Well, that's just Gunntech. If you're not good, they throw you to the pits." Isabella replied, looking down at Kailani. Isabella wouldn't be lying if she felt the tiniest bit of pity for the girl. Kailani never even knew of Isabella's existence.
Kailani was quiet, so many things zooming through her mind. The place she dedicated almost her entire life too, was destroying innocent people's lives, and she was helping with that. Kailani didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was right in front of her. There was nothing Kailani could do with this new information. If anyone found out Kailani knows about Isabella, most likely she'd suffer a worst fate than death.
Kailani took off her uniform shades as she wiped her tears before looking up at Isabella, showing a kind smile. "....You won't mind if I hang out with you tomorrow?"
This was fun to right, lol-
Yall seem to love Kaliani, and I don't blame yall I love her. I MADE HER ADORABLE RAHHH.
Just wait until I release her digital and colored look oh yall aren't ready when I learn color theory-
Feel free to ask Kailani any questions!
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daisymylove · 1 year
Sword catcher spoilers, speculations and theories about "Ragpicker King" and some ramblings ahead, proceed at your own discretion.
So I'm 90% sure Vienne is alive and we will find it out when lin comes to the palace to treat her
She has an official art and there was a whole snippet about her, I don't see the point of making all that fuss about a character that was going to have three interactions with Kel (speaking of which, I kind of shipped them even tho I know ana will be his end game 👉🏻👈🏻 am I the only one?), kill some random guys and bite the dust. On top of that her arc was about to get so interesting. She is a trained assassin, oath bound to protect this little girl, whom she loves deeply, until she dies, but then her charge was murdered, and her life's mission came crashing down on her. The angst, the potential.Her dying would be a huge waste.
I don't question Jolivet's loyalty, at least not now, but Markus is not a mentally stable person (btw whats up with him? does anyone have a theory?).I think he lied she was dead bc markus may have killed her otherwise and, as dangerous as she is, Vienne may be more useful to them alive than dead with the possibility of a war looming over.I also don't discard the possibility that he may have personal ties to vienne and/or her family. The whole covering her with his cape could have been a show of respect for the black guard if she's really dead, like kel thought, but compounding with the fact that, even tho she charged on conor, jolivet did nothing to either stop or harm her, it struck me as oddly affectionate. Anyone can correct me if im wrong, but I dont remember kel mentioning anything about an accent, which makes me assume she speaks their language on a native level, so there's that
One thing I didn't like was that this trained bad ass assassin was completely unarmed during such an important event.Kel is always armed, even when impersonating conor he had a dagger on his person. Granted, it's easier to conceal weapons on male attire, but it would've been more realistic if she'd had at least one dagger, had been forced to use it and thus was left unarmed. Its not enough to tackle all those guys, as kel himself thought, but she wouldn't have been helpless.
I'm also 90% sure Lin and conor are going to have sex on a beach, I'm willing to bet money on it.I've read way too many books by Cc to not recognize her foreshadowing. Besides, she's fond of writing sex scenes on peculiar locations.
The "yes I'm the goddess come back" may have been scheming on Lin's part (loved that btw) but I'm sure she actually is the goddess come back. She will also be queen, as the prophecy foretells. Charlon saying to luisa "dance for your future court", but Lin ending up being the one to actually dance also reeks of foreshadow.
Now to the ragpicker king, we know almost nothing about andreyen and I have a lot of speculations. First I thought he was the Makabi, what about the ragpicker being a figure that has always existed in Castellane, his symbol being a bird and his having a bowl that allegedly belongs to makabi's lineage. But when he said ragpicker king is a title, which he inherited from another, I put it in the back burner (it hasn't been discarded tho, im not discarding anything for now and he would hardly tell kel "yo I'm this immortal entity and have been forging my death over and over for centuries" if that were the case) in favour of thinking he's the Maharam's exiled son. He's the right age and it makes sense for a boy that has been shunned by everyone and left to fend for himself to turn to crime.
What has been nagging at me, on the other hand, is that he matches Lin's vision of Suleman from her dreams. Pale, tall, handsome, long black hair and when his eyes were going to be described the dream was conveniently interrupted. I'm not saying he is suleman for sure, idk how that would work in practical terms -- is he an immortal and suleman never actually died at the sundering? unlikely, considering Lins dream and how vivid it was. Is he a reincarnation? Under that line of thinking he could be both the exiled boy AND suleman on a single person -- and he could have no relation to him whatsoever, the physical resemblance being just a coincidence (but really?) and I'm just crazy.His interest in the stone and magic in general checks out for both suleman and exiled son, so it isn't really an indicator.
I rather liked andreyen, merren and Ji an, tho, I really don't want him to be the bad guy, but as previously said I'm not discarding anything.It seems pretty obvious to me that he wants to use lin and her abilities in some way, much like he has a use for kel, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has nefarious goals or anything
I think Anjelica, Aimada, the malgasi princess whose name I don't remember now and the prince with the huge bank account will make appearances, they have been mentioned way too much to not feature at all
and what was that dream kel had with fire and phoenixes? There's something there, I can feel it
anyway, that's what I have so far
as a side note, I'm a bit drunk and haven't proofread this properly (i never do when writing on this blog tho, sorry lol), hope its coherent enough
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lucigoo · 15 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thank you so much Sunny. i put this off until I had fiished editing a certian fic, and then forgot so better late then never right? Im a terribly self indulgent writer. I know what I ike and have no main plans for my fics apart from an ending, so im as suprised as my readers with some of them. But when you have one that hits your heart, it hits your heart, you know?
(With all my fics, please mind the tags, they are all relevent to what your reading) 1) It Was Never What It Seemed - this fic took me over a year to finish and it wouldnt have been possible wthout you @sunnyrosewritesstuff and the Bagginshield book club.
Summary: It has been 8 years since Bilbo has lest stepped foot in Erebor. He needs to talk to his husband, especially as he is now about to marry another. Another who is not Bilbo.
Bilbo left and when he did he left Thorin broken hearted. Now he is to marry a Blacklock Princess, consequences be damned.
Follow along with our favourite dwarf and hobbit as they find their way back to one another, No matter how painful the journey is.
2) Stop me Fading - I have shared the story how my then 11 year old cried about "Bilbo's bf dying" and it got me back into fandom. it took me nearly 2 years to re edit/write it, but this fic is very close to my heart. Summry: It is a few weeks after the battle, Thorin, Fili and Kili are still in danger from their wounds.
Bilbo has been shunned by all, including the Company, as such there is a sad, lonely, hobbit wandering around the camps, trying to help everyone but himself.
3) Changeling Child - This is actually one of the first Bagignshield fics I wrote and I still adore it. Summary: Thanks to his Stone headed nephews, Bilbo now has a new quest. One that needs cleverness and diplomacy. Not the reckless battle tactics of dwarrow.
This is the most important quest Bilbo will ever go on, even more imprtant then facing a dragon. For the most important being in his life.
4) Mahal, Why Have you Forsaken Me? - I often feel Dis is under represented in this fandom and I can't help but ove her. The tragic Dwarrowdam who lost everything and I enjoy writing about here.
Summary: Dis is packing up the things of her children's that she will take to Erebor with her. Things they will never need again. Things that are all she has left of them.
5) I'm coming Petite Étoile - my obligtory Wolfstar fic, I just love how this one turned out tbh.
Summary: Sirius Black has heard his brother is going to get the mark.
Due to The Incident with Snape, he has no one to turn to.
He has been protecting his brother from their family ever since he could remember.
He would do the same today, even if it cost him his life.
Im not sure who else has been tagged so i aplogise if oyu were already. (Non obligotory tags) for @brandileigh2003, @loopyloo2610, @shipper47, @littleoldrachel, @spillthebea
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dearreader · 1 month
i saw another video on the it ends with us drama and i honestly don’t feel comfortable with any of it since i found out that just baldoni hired the same PR firm that represented johnny depp in his trial against amber heard, marilyn manson, danny masterson, and so many other known abusers.
like knowing that + the whole cast doesn’t want to talk to him or do promo feels weird. and the fact that now the dramas turned into bagging on blake lively specifically it just feels wrong. like im not saying how blake handled the movie is right but it definitely feels like there’s a lot more to this than what we’re seeing.
(and the fact the internet loves to dog pile on a woman they hate and be mean isn’t good with which is ANOTHER thing i don’t like about this whole thing. no matter what she did wrong she doesn’t deserve this.)
because if it was just differences in telling the story or movie cuts why is the whole cast shunning justin and not doing promo? especially with colleen hoover wanted him to be the director and play ryle? because why is a guy who’s entire marketing is “i need to tell this story and spread awareness” using a firm who has represented known abusers?
idk it just doesn’t feel right and i actually want to know more of what happened behind the scenes besides what were inferring + how bad blake’s hair care line is. there is more to this than what we’re seeing and i feel like it’ll come out and everyone’s going to do a “we owe blake an apology” when this could’ve all been avoided if we had waited or not turned it into the drama of the week!
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vivid-badsquad · 9 months
if i cant draw them.
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then ill explain them. (GET READY FOR A SEMI-SIZED, NO TYPING QUIRK POST UNDER THE CUT BECAUSE I LOVE THEM. im pullin out the proper grammar n all man.)
Kohane's family go on holiday(/vacation) one year to a seaside town. In the town, a fairly famous painter and his family live, the Shinonomes. There's Akito, who is normally found with another young boy and a young girl (all around Kohane's age) (Touya and An, if you couldn't guess) while the older child of the two found herself mainly by the shore, painting until dusk. Ena.
Kohane, one night, decides to sneak out of the house when she sees the moon shining down upon the sea in such a way that she had to take pictures of it to show her dad when she got back. So, taking her camera and and bundling up (it's cold. of course she's not just gonna go out in her pyjamas like in the movies, she's not gonna go and get a cold just for a few photos!) she left, shutting the door of her parent's holiday home behind her to venture out to a cliff by the building. That was always a good thing about where her parents' had bought the place, it was so close to a cliff side that they didn't have to go far to take breathtaking pictures of the sunrise or sunset.
However, the moon wasn't the only thing that caught her attention. There was a figure laying upon the shore, an odd shape where it's legs' should be flapping in front of it. The silhouette was familiar to Kohane. Long, wavy hair, two buns either side (she could only assume. why would anybody only put one bun up in their hair??) and an easel not too far from it. Was that... No. It couldn't be, right? It couldn't be Ena...
During her time away from her real home, Kohane had gotten to know Akito and his friends', and the four of them had created a small group together. With this, Kohane had also got to know Akito's sister better. The two had a lot in common, and would find themselves drifting towards eachother when Akito wasn't around. They frolicked across the edge of the sea. Or, well... Kohane did. Ena never stepped foot into the water, constantly making excuses about how cold it was or that she needed to finish a sketch so badly that she couldn't just leave it for a few minutes. It all made sense to Kohane now.
She found herslef wandering down the stony path that lead to the actual beach, walking across the sand barefooted, holding her sandals in one hand with her camera secured around her neck, calling out to the brunette. It was almost like magic the way Ena's legs rebuilt themselves so that she was bipedal again, standing up and rushing to Kohane with a look of terror on her face. She warned Kohane of her misfortune, about how if she told anybody in the small town about her, that she would be shunned for life. Kohane stuck to that promise, vowing never to tell a sould about what she saw.
It seemed the two only got closer from that day forward. Kohane started hanging out with Akito much less, now focusing on Ena more than anything. A lot of her cameras storage seemed to be taken up by the brunette, not that she cared. Candids of the girl painting by the shore into the twilight and blurry photos in return of Kohane herself filled the camera. A picture or two of Ena could be found deep in the storage of her in the water, hair splayed around her as if she were an angel.
The day that they first kissed was a surprise to nobody. The sun was going down and the beach was deserted apart from the two girls. They were laying against the sand, Ena picking up a shell once in a while and throwing it across to be swept away by the tide. Kohane rolled onto her side, admiring the older girl. The way her hair formed a dark ring around her head, her chestnut eyes shimmering in the moonlight. Her cheeks flushed with the thought of her lips on Ena's, heart pounding and brain turned to mush. Ena noticed the girl's trouble. Of course she did. She was good at picking up on that kind of stuff.
To the surprise of nobody in the town, Ena had fallen head over heels for the blonde girl, constantly doodling her in her sketchbook, only to be flustered and rub the drawings out.
(ILL FINISH THIS LATER I PROMISE IVE WRITTEN SO MUCH MY BRAIN JUICES. ILL PUT A SUMMARY 4 THE REST OF IT THO. basically they kiss and they are really really gay until Kohane has to go back home boom done i just need to... write all of that. eventually.)
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tendermiasma · 2 years
Do you have any lore/ story character moments or anything to say about Ariel you’d be willing to share? Your art and little revealing bits about him and your elden ring journey have me so interested Id love to know more about the sad charming wizard im very chin on hands while i kick my legs 👀 about him. Also thank you for introducing the big brain morgott x tarnished ship to me and a big hell yeah to your gay demon god (mogh) x tarnished art can i get a hell yeah
Not me crouching like a goblin just behind the door waiting for someone to ask about him, I'm so insanely touched that you're that interested in him- he actually has quite a history that he's grown to try to live in spite of. Both of Ariel's parents were Haima Conspectus scholars and his father was killed in combat when Ariel was still a child. He was old enough to know it would be just the two of them from now on, but too young to understand the alchemy that turned his mother's grief to resentment and anger towards him. She tried to mold him in his father's image-- replace him, make him succeed where he failed, the most violent kind of mourning. Although obedient, Ariel was sensitive and quiet and fell apart under her hand instead of hardening into the iron will she wanted; he couldn't understand why this made him feel even more hated, mocked, even more of a bad child. Their house, while never a warm one, was as cold as death. She found Ariel hiding out, feeding dragonflies sugar water from a spoon when she told him he would attend school and enlist or she would no longer be his mother. He was nine years old.
Ariel loved his mother.
Just like the kids back in Sellia, the students at Raya Lucaria could smell blood before they'd even spilled it, only made worse with the advantage of extra years spent sharpening themselves seemingly for this purpose. Ariel was an ungainly sum of contradictions-- a soldier's cut, a clear declaration of the intent to pursue Haima and distinguish oneself on the battlefield, but instead it hung limply about his ears and eyes that refused to meet anyone else's; Quite proficient in spellcraft but would tremble to the point of being disdainfully dismissed during training; A build that would have been formidable but turned awkward by robes that were too small and a habit of hunching in the hopes that maybe could make himself disappear, or at least be left alone. To his dismay, this had the opposite effect.
He spent all the time he could in his room, away from the rest of the students. It was there, from night to morning, that he could study not Haima, but the stars. He was desperately trying to prove that he could become valuable and earn her love doing something else that wasn't killing if he became really, really good at it. Whatever it took would be worth it a thousand times over. He kept chopping his hair, out of habit or obedience, for a while longer. Guilt and dread welled in him when it brushed his jaw, then the tops of his shoulders. Ariel hadn't slept in two days, but this was normal. Sunken eyes blinked unevenly back at him in the mirror. He had to succeed, or die.
And then the sky stopped for him. It was his only salvation, and it was gone. The one thing that justified his existence, gone.
One morning his room would sit empty, articles neatly folded on the bed. Without knowing him, it looked like no one had ever been there. But for Ariel, it was a kind of goodbye. One that didn't take up too much space. One that said, "I'm sorry."
It's hard to say how long he wandered or under what roof he slept, or how many of those nights saw him sleepless and staring at the night sky that shunned him. An unyielding judge. Ariel began to understand his sentence.
When the sorcerer approached Ariel with a proposition he still refused, shaking with fear. Some days later, he would see him at his door, red eyes and a sort of resignation; not peaceful, but accepting. He would aid him in assembling the graven mass, but with the promise that he would leave a space for Ariel.
Constructing a graven mass is a lengthy and harrowing process. The bodies must be living since they're acting as the "core" of the star and are all connected together to share that same force and strengthen the core as a conductor for the primeval current to flow through. They would not be able to survive apart again.
What Ariel had been taught all his life was coalescing before him, that moral sacrifices must be made, and if his body was the only thing of value he could give when the rest of him proved to be worth nothing, then he would give it. So he allowed himself to be given the draught of sedation and slowly fused to the mass of bodies.
He knew the deep twilight the potion brought wouldn't last long. Full consciousness and full power of thought was needed for these stars to receive; he awoke a prisoner in his own body, unable to move or speak, the magic and corporeal material of twelve other sorcerers pulsing through him, and he was no longer himself. Fission was taking place and they writhed wordlessly in the exposure of the Primeval Current. He wanted to scream.
It felt like pain, but in a way pain can't be fully described. It entered his eyes and mouth and ears and expanded into the farthest reaches of the universe inside of him, and then pulled him down into its depths. He felt like he was falling in all directions at once at great velocity, cosmic radiation searing his flesh from his bones, his breath crushed from him in the whorls of a black hole. He saw the birth and death of stars. He was torn apart by the astral macrocosm while his body decayed. The entire mass was decaying and growing unstable. It was uncontained and something was wrong.
The astrologer was instantly consumed in the flare that burst from the star-seed he attempted to create. The others perished along with it. It had failed.
Then Ariel, left alone on the dead core, the material of twelve other lifeless bodies continuing to feed their viscera through him, left to rot in the Current.
The magic of the draught slowly seeped away. Moving inch by inch, night by night, Ariel's fingers at last wrapped themselves weakly around one of the tubes embedded in his neck. It was the very last of himself he had to give. The star went dark.
He found himself waking to the call of Grace. 
He rose and walked along the shore, not seeing, not really feeling. It was a deep, empty despair. He had enabled the suffering of others and that could never be forgiven. This is what it meant for him to exist-- the suffering of others. If he could give one thing back, not for hope of redemption, but doing one small goodness for the world, anonymous and forgotten, he wanted it more than anything. 
For days he sat on the beach, towards the wide sea and the fog, where the ships first bore him to the Lands Between. He sat with the waves making his shoes damp and crusted with salt, carving a small blade, a glintstone in the sand beside him. It was dull and tired-looking, but it would be okay. He was slow. His hands accumulated cuts and the blade was crooked. He didn't know how to do this very well. He'd never tried. Thankfully it didn't need to be beautiful.
When he was finished, he knelt in the sand and pressed the glintstone to his chest, and the knife he pressed into his heart beside. If he could give that one small goodness, his meager soul might serve someone better than he could, lying on the shore where the ships came, across the fog, across the wide and sparkling sea.
The tides had changed when he woke. Gentle ripples of seawater lapped at his cheek and cracked lips as he lay curled in the sand, their work slowly cleaning away the blood from his fingers and the dull little stone that rested in them. Overhead the stars hung like glass in the vast night sky. 
His past is his future as well. Just as souls on earth returned to the Erdtree, all rivers, no matter how long-wandering, return to the sea. Ariel doesn't belong to the earth anymore. He long drifted in the tide of the Current and it will reclaim him, in time. Their bond sealed within him the fate of Lusat, and of Azur. Where we find him today is after he's realized that even if he doesn't believe he's right for this, that truly anyone else would be doing the world a service to take his place, he is what they've got and he is going to try with everything he has for the people he loves-- who he loves far more than himself. That's part of why he is so desperate now to try and right the world, to do everything that he can. He knows he doesn't have forever.
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pen-observing · 1 year
OH YOURE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT WITH EVERYTHING U SAID.. i remember i read somewhere (i think it was nahidas voiceline??) that dottore never felt like he belonged *anywhere*. which includes the fatui too. and on one hand im grieving the found family harbingers trope we could've had on the other.. man. Man. stares into the distance. scara rlly was the only one who he thought he'd get understanding from, but then it turned out scara never felt like a monster, because he was always accepted, and it made dottore jealous and angry, that a non-human is accepted by humans, but they never wanted to accept or understood him!! so he tried to make scara into a monster like himself, he wanted him to see how much alike they are. but they werent. also the word monster is so often used to call dottore. and sometimes hes grieving that hes a monster, sometimes hes relishing in it, other times hes bitter.. its like. they deemed him the outcast, called him a monster, so he said: u want a monster? so be it.
for a person who claims they care only about knowledge, experiments, logic.. hes very emotional. he cant let go, hes bitter, vengeful even.
U MADE ME THINK NOW OF HOW MUCH I WANT X READER FIC WITH DOTT REALIZING HES LOVED FOR HIMSELF.... THAT THERES SOMEONE WHO SEES HIM AND LOVES WHO THEY SEE (even if that makes both of them a little insane). runs around the room while screaming
oh and btw!! hes actually confirmed to be playable hehe hes gonna be claymore but prolly will get a redesign like scara did
also i hope u dont mind me spamming ur ask box like that👉🏻👈🏻
- dottore anon
'sometimes hes grieving that hes a monster, sometimes hes relishing in it, other times hes bitter.. its like. they deemed him the outcast, called him a monster, so he said: u want a monster? so be it.'
I feel like people, considering his many powers AND crimes, disregard these finer details... I love stories about humans becoming monsters but out of their own humanity and still somehow clinging to it. My favorite characters besides Dottore in anime ever are: Chrollo from hxh, Lelouche from Code Geass and Johan from Monster. I SO HAVE A TYPE. I need a human who overflows so much they turn into a monster of different calibres aaaa !! Something about it just makes me so insane that,,,,all these virtues we hold get held so strongly they lose meaning in the hands of damaged people; and then those people use their high intellect to make everyone else realize how humanity is SO DEEPLY FLAWED that humanity itself creates these same monsters they shun and shame.
WHAT LEAKS ARE YOU LOOKING AT? I haven't seen any about Dottore playable news. I also do not remember Nahida having a voiceline about Dottore at all ??
I don't mind you spamming my ask box at all!! Feel free to drop by whenever u have dottore thoughts you wanna share cus I am a willing listener
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master-of-fluff · 2 years
Ok iv been needing to make a new pinned post so here it is :D
Hi! I'm Kari but i also go by Fluff.
I'm a minor running a multi fandom blog that posts mostly Ninjago, Tmnt, Batman, AVM and AVA, Transformers, and basically anything about heroes or ninja. Very rarely I'll reblog voltron, rwby and bnha tho I don't really interact with those fandoms cuz they kind of scare me lol.
I also like astronomy, the colors purple and blue, cats, cooking and lots of other cool stuff.
Other blogs that I'll associate with me are my writeblr that i'm trying to revive and also needs a new intro, my witchblr and my crafts blog.
a list of my aus;
-ripples au
Basically what if Lloyd and Kai unlock their elements early and Kai gets kidnapped in the pilots instead of Nya because of it, you can read the unfinished fanfic on my ao3 @/hikari_hikari though im planning a rewrite rn
-hybrid smith siblings au
Au where Ray is a demon and Maya is an angel who fell in love and went to ninjago in disguise to be together after bwing shunned by their society 
this results in their kids gaining demon/angel traits as they grow older with no knowledge of what's going on
-polyninja fam au
The ninja decide they're done with saving the world and run away, they then adopt Lloyd, turn him back into a kid with yesterday's tea  and go live in the light house for a bit, finding echo and also adopting him.
They all eventually start dating while co-parenting Echo and Lloyd
They all get different jobs that they enjoy and Nya, Pixal and Skylar also end up in a relationship and are motorcycle aunts
Brad and Gene also make up with Lloyd and now the poor ninja have 2 extra kids that aren't theirs constantly over and eating all their food XD
Ronin and Dareth are also there as everyones favorite uncles who teach them to fun games and (whenever ronin can get away with it) how to steal.
-poly ninja high school au (with @/lloyd-garma-gun and @/strangermask)
Basically Zane is pastel goth, Jay is a jock, Kai is a nerd, and Cole is grunge and they're all in highschool
I think this all started with the idea of cottage core Morro and goth Echo but I can't remember if they're in this au
Polyponytail are all apart of a chess club 
And Lloyd Genenand Brad are all cheerleaders.
-nindroid jay au
Jay is Dr.Julian's first nindroid prototype who's power source doesn't work so he's sent to the junkyard, ed and edna find the weird looking robot cute and decide to put him by the junkyard entrance instead of scrapping him, one day he gets struck by lightning -which is actually the element of lightning because this is the same day Libber died- and comes to life
Ed and Edna raise him like their own and also since his parents are inventors he adds a bunch of cool stuff to himself like jets/gliders so he can fly and a welding torch and stuff
Paranormal youtuber's au (with @/wojira, tho I think they deactivated or something idk)
Its not really my au i just agreed to write it (though when I'll get to it idk) Here's the au info though
-evil ed and edna
Ed and Edna are assassins/inventors who turn their son Jay into a living weapon (think cyborg) they trained him to follow orders exactly and replaced how limbs with mechanical ones with different functions.
One day that find the skeleton army's weapon maker (dr.julain) ad get the blueprints for a nindroid they could improve and make better then Jay they decide he's no longer needed.
They leave him in a forest to rot telling him that they'll be back (they won't) 
Eventually Nya and Kai find Jay and Nya fixes him up a bit with her then rudimentary but lastly growing knowledge of mechanics.
 Jay then decides to stick around these kids/adopt himself into the smith family lol
Eventual technoshipping
-bnha crossover
Turns out some people in the cloud kingdom fucked up some peoples life's accidentally.
the cloud council or whatever decide to compensate said people by reincarnating them.
So harumi, morro and garmadon all get reincarnated into bnha with all their former memories
Harumi as hatsume mei's quirkless twin sister
Morro as izuku's adopted older brother
And Garmadon as a martial arts instructor
-manipulative morro au (with @thebluelittlewitch2-thesequal)
Lloyd never gets turned older and since morro isn't about to possess a scrawny useless little kid so instead he manipulates lloyd into stealing the realm crystal for him.
- wings au
Once an elemental master gets to a certain stage they grow wings that have the same traits as their elements.
They're also very bird and catlike
- seven deadly sins au
Idk I haven't really developed this one beyond;
Lloyd is envy
Jay is lust
Kai is wrath
Zane is sloth
Cole is gluttony
Nya is pride
And Morro is greed
Evil mer au
Ninjago but mer-people and also the ninja are all evil with abandonment issues and either Wu is also evil and keets them later or Wu and morro are the good guys I haven't decided yet
Overwhelmed au (made with tex @ninjaslegosmains)
What if being an elemental master came with horrible consequences? Well that's the au every basically. element has horrible drawbacks
Gamer kai au
Kai hears that you can make bank as a streamer and even tho he hates newer technology and he sucks at video games he starts streaming so that the ninja can eat.
occasionally the other ninja make appearances but not often because they kick Kai's ass and the people of ninjago take much joy in Kai learning how to play the games they suggest for the first time
S.H.I.E.L.D's babysitter au
Morro is apart of shield and is tasked with training ultimate spiderman and his team and keep them from running off but ofc Morro was also a rebellious teen once so he low-key enables them.
YJL au's;
800 purrs
Crack Au where aquaman and aqualad have an army of cats because they smell like fish, and conner has already named them all things like 'stray' and 'lil kitty' and given them little leather boots so now they have to keep them.
I'd love asks about any of them!!!
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lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
alright im caving and combining my two current obsessions THATS RIGHT its a ronance shadowhunters au
disclaimer cassandra clare is weird as hell i just like her worldbuilding <3
hear me out…. shadowhunter!nancy x warlock!robin… i think it’s real idk….
explanation section for those who haven’t read these books: shadowhunters have angel blood and are sworn to protect humanity from demons. (magical cops) they’re stronger, faster, have more endurance than normal, and can use runes to enhance their capabilities. they look like sick ass tattoos.
downworlders are all other magical beings (other than demons): vampires, werewolves, faeries, and warlocks.
warlocks are the offspring of demons and humans, they can use magic to do a LOT of stuff, they’re immortal (stop aging in their early 20s) and all of them have a sort of demon’s mark.
and since i want this nancy to be half-faerie: faeries are the offspring of demons and angels, they have wild magic and are typically beautiful and mischievous. full-blooded faeries can’t lie. faeries are weak to cold iron. faeries are basically immortal as they hardly age once they reach maturity.
in all cases shadowhunter blood is dominant
imagine: ted wheeler is actually interesting here. on a mission in faerie he gets just a little bit tipsy on faerie drinks (makes u a little crazy) and he ends up sleeping with a faerie😳 and he’s like “damn wild night” and thinks nothing of it until 9 months later BAM there’s a baby on his doorstep and he’s like “oh what the fuck”
i couldnt decide if i wanted this au to be pro karen or anti karen so i decided it’d be a mix of both, with karen at first being appalled at the situation and refusing nancy and slowly learning to love and care for her as she watched her grow. i think karen will always have a level of prejudice against nancy, so nancy has always felt she needs to be perfect to earn her approval and love. (lesbianism allegory mayhaps🤨)
took it upon myself to decide that robin’s father would be the demon, a typical incubus who preyed on her wild and free, unpredictable mother and left her with a kid she had no idea how to deal with. robin’s demon mark is her horns, which resemble massive antlers of either a deer or an elk, but are tiny when she’s little, easy to hide with hats. i think robin’s mother will have the same flaws she does in rebel robin, loving but flighty and weird, being both unconventional and judgmental. she accepts robin for who she is but is always stepping on wires trying to make her feel better.
as they grow they both deal with their own struggles. nancy is an excellent shadowhunter, easily one of the best of her generation, but she’s often shunned for being half-fae and feels the need to prove herself at every turn. she’s a lot more tolerant than most shadowhunters and because of this she’s taken on being an advocate for downworlders in sticky situations, being the head of investigations involving downworlders to make sure no one gets unfairly blamed for things they haven’t done.
im thinking this is where robin and nancy meet, with robin being framed for casting an illegal spell she’d never cast otherwise and nancy working to prove her innocence. at first nancy is wildly annoyed with robin who asks her all sorts of questions about her pointed ears and the shocks of white blonde streaks through her wildly curly brown hair and constantly questions why she’s doing what she’s doing, but she quickly warms up to robin when she realizes how brilliant and genuinely earnest she is, so unafraid to tell the truth and be an advocate, even it it’d bite her in the ass.
robin, despite having an unremarkable demon parent, is actually pretty powerful. she’s a really good ally to have, especially when you’re nancy wheeler and get stabbed a LOT, robin is there to help <3
robin is pretty much enamored with nancy immediately, only set off by the fact that she’s a shadowhunter and tbh fuck shadowhunters they suck so hard so often (here’s where the prissy thing comes in), but nancy is so smart and talented and really good at fighting. she’s reckless, and pretty, and her unnaturally blue eyes hold so much determination and will to survive and to be seen.
tldr they fall in love really hard!! and bc cassandra clare was like “yasss racism allegory” this does not go over well with anyone bc omg a shadowhunter and downworlder… KISSING??? IN LOVE??? taboo and wrong (and they also hate gay people on top of that these guys suck man)
and a lot of shadowhunters take it as a “i knew she was evil!” about nancy but robin helps her realize that shadowhunter approval is actually so dumb and she’s open about it!
lmk if u guys r interested in more! ik it can be kind of hard bc idk what lore i didn’t fill u guys in on so please feel free to ask any questions bc i could talk abt this series for hours
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v 51-65 thoughts! JACK IS HERE FINALLY!!!! also crow. also, prison arc. they sent 14 year olds to actual adult prison! the gang learned about classism, corruption in the system and that you cant Beat Cops with Smiles, but with your Fists :)
-ok. in the back end of the reiji v yuya duel yuya seems surprised to hear yuzu is okay, just taken. and im like. OH IS THAT WHY HES SO UPSET?? HE THOUGHT SHE WAS /DEAD/??? I mean. you know what thats fair. being turned into a piece of paper/cardboard(?) cards. would usually mean death I guess and he did think thats what happened to her. I still think its silly for him to be so pissed at reiji who by all accounts is the nicest ygo rich guy in the entire serieses history imo. but reiji did withhold some info to test yuya a lil bit. but yknow. still.
-…reiji's mom…TOLD the WORLD about the war/invaders AND THEY CANCELED. THE. TOURNAMENT. THEY CANCELED IT AND PRIORITIZED THE WORLDS SAFETY. we ARENT getting a FULL TOURNAMENT ARC??? IN YUGIOH??? i am shocked. no way… (I know I said itd be really funny if a protag didnt win the tournament, but they CANCELED IT which is somehow even funnier to me) I cannot say I expected this at all but im not MAD abt it
-see the next ep when yuya v his mom we learn his mom was a former GIRL GANG BOSS??? WHERE HAS /THAT/ ENERGY BEEN THIS WHOLE SERIES??? instead of being a creep towards kids she couldve been characterized like this! the story abt her and yuyas dad is pretty cute but if /i/ i had a hot mob boss wife i wouldnt be telling her to solve everything with smiles not violence :) i would pick up a fucking bat with her. whatever its FINE
-god the lil montage of yuzu's dad dueling with her in a lil baby pouch on his back and pausing a duel to change her diaper was SO CUTE. TF BEST YGO DAD FOR REAL GOD. hes a duel school teacher!!! why!! cant he come to help!!!! why are they just letting an 18-19 yr old lead the lancers into anOTHER DIMENSION. i dont CARE that hes thee most responsible smartest guy ever or whatever. my god
-shun and serena are remarkably chill abt all of this, hope we see more of them talking and hanging out and stuff. like serena looks just like his sister and yuya looks like his bestie and u KNOW thats SO weird to him?? but also they were on oppisite sides of the war! i want! more interactions! (very funny theyre both kinda trailing reiji. tbh if /i/ was stranded in another dimension he would be the person id be latching onto out of this cast, too. very nice and level headed guy)
-MY GOD. yugo is SO sweet, his calm explanation to yuzu and them just sittin and talking was great. (his reaction to yuzu implying he loves rin was also very very cute. and rins design AUGH I love it SO much. yuzu is still best arc v girl for me but rins design is my fav. GREEN.) JACK!!! MENTIONED!!!
-while they were talking it sorta explained yugo v yuto was a huge misunderstanding bc yuto thought yugo was the Fusion Enemy and yugo thought yuto was yuri. very very understandable and funny. and also im starting to think everyone in this series is colorblind bc they cant tell any of the yuzu/yuya counterparts apart by hair… (also, speaking of yuri, where did he GO. whts HE up to. weve barely gotten any of him and id like More Please)
-it's…been a minute since I watched 5ds. years. and I only watched it once, so I know im probably going to get details wrong, but aside from jack and crow, all other charas so far are arc v originals? like melissa and Guy that Looks Like This :>/ arent in 5ds right… the city kinda looks different to me, but maybe its just the animation looks newer… are we going to get an explanation to where yusei is? bc if jack and crow are in this…like, none of the protags are in arc v. are they busy. is this a universe without them.
-I forgot how dystopian 5ds was! stupid rich ppl calling the cops on yugo and yuzu for LOITERING and acting like the lower class is a Threat is a lil too real…damn. yugo is so nice immediately just pulling her along to help while shes with him ;_; personality wise hes my fav of the yu boys so far… (I feel like such a traitor for this. sorry to yuto bc zexal is my fav series. but we barely got to see him. whenever he comes back im sure we'll get..more... and sorry to yuya bc I Love Clowns….but I love silly lil bikenana boy…willing to bet when we get more yuri he might fight for that spot bc i LOVE a good villain too…we'll see…)
-YUZU'S REACTION TO YUGO DWHEEL DUEL IS SO FUNNY SHES LIKE. SO RATIONAL THO. my GOD she kept saying he should stop to duel on foot and yeah. playing yugioh (or, any card game) on a bike would be insanely hard. like you have to basically have your cards ALL memorized bc you gotta keep ur eyes ahead to drive, right, so ud only be able to glance? everyone in synchro world has insane memorizing skills. (I know to a degree you'd be able to make the d-wheels have a sort of autopilot, but no, we see them steering themselves and accelerating themselves…)
-the animation kept cutting to 3d models while they were dueling on their bikes and it did Not Look Very Good. it was still very fun.
-yuzu Learns About Corrupt Police and Society Today! She once again is the Real Protag to Me. reporter cowgirl ladys design is cute!
-what was the point of the duel if the cops were gonna just set up a blockade anyway tf. the entertainment aspect is SO fucked lmao bored rich ppl. too real. yugo u dont need to rise in society u gotta burn it all down its all fucked. -_-
-LAYRA SAW COPS AND FLIPPED OUT. understandable but also WHO HURT U. SHINGO IMMEDIATELY NOT GIVING A FUCK AND IS READY TO DUEL THE COPS. SERENA TOO. honestly very iconic of everybody great job. except yuya who is just baffled and not 100% ready to throw down. Get with the PROGRAM yuya u cant fight cops with smiles.
-you know I understanding theyre tryin to duel their way out of it but letting ppl from synchro see: fusion, action cards, and pendulum in ONE GO seems DANGEROUS.
-sorry, but shingo being arrested while yuya is like YAY ACTION DUEL LET ME ENTERTAIN U ^_^ IS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER. and everytime he asked layra if theyre okay they look like a goddamn espurr like O__O clearly NOT OK. VERY SCARED WITHOUT REIJI. WHY DID U BRING THIS TRAUMATIZED CHILD!!!
-there was a scene when yuya was like 'look at these beautiful ladies!" n his hippo girl monsters danced for an uncomfortably long time and the cops face kept being zoomed in on and he was like O__O this ep…i cant tell if its TRYING to make me laugh but it is, my god yuya u are making ME smile if no one else. for absolutely the Wrong Reason. the CHEERFUL TONE he takes on in this situation is SO NOT APPROPRIATE FOR THE GRAVITY OF BEING. ARRESTED. this cop hes dueling is also the most tirest man ive ever seen which makes it so much better
-crows entrance was absolutely INCREDIBLE. WITH THE MOODY THUNDER AND ALL!! HOLY SHIT. just the sound of revving in the distance building up to it CROWWWWW I LOVE U. still probably most excited for jack but STILL.
-ohh, yugo know doesnt what his parents look like huh…and yuzu doesnt know what her mom looked like? her dad, the most cheerful dude in the world never talked abt her? weird.. theres still the mystery of yuzu having her bracelet…id say maybe all the yuya/yuzu counterparts might be the same but no, yuya has both parents so…cannot rly do anything with this info rn…
-ok just a small thought, but in the op and the eps so far, the guy whos always looking over security (idk his name yet but he looks like this :>/) is implied to be the villain, and ig reijis dad might be one of the final villains, but we havent had any Very Present Active villains aside from GROUPS of invaders that are p much faceless…I want more like. Present Villains. does that make sense. dennis doesnt count btw hes just some guy whos hangin out.
-shingo just introduced yuya as his APPRENTICE. PLEASE. i love him so much hes the funniest guy ever. crow also immediately being like 'idk abt all this dimension stuff! but u guys can hang out here for however long u need to :)' LOVE U CROW
-my god DENNIS can juggle and do silly little magic stuff. ok. ive been very lukewarm to him but thats very cute. also 'gon-chan' PLS.
-also one of the bills he got as a tip had that little clown guy from 5ds on it. was he a …person who was important enough to be on money? i dont remember him very much except he had like. a clown wife. cannot recall his place in the plot or anything else LMAO
-yugo and yuzu just trying to convince randos on the street the WAR IS COMING AND THEY CAN TRAVEL DIMENSIONS. AND GETTING LAUGHED AT. HELP THEM.
-im running into traffic to defend gons honor. hes so mad dennis made him the villain in their silly little roleplay HAHA. dennis is like a campy little guy, even when hes outed as a traitor later I seriously seriously doubt itll stick or he'll be a real threat. hes a silly guy..also I just like his monsters designs a lot. (also, he outed xyz to synchro dimension too LMAO DUDE. now they have all the summoning methods u guys can use…)
-gallager is just. he introduces himself as a promoter but him and nico smiley are both like. pimps for duelists right. KAHSDKJ. love his outfit so much tho
-so…where the HELL did reiji land….mildly concerned about now, its been a few…eps and he hasnt been shown…where did he go……..is he ok…….is he with jack….
-ILLEGAL DUEL BETTING. GON IS SOOO OFFENDED TOO. AND THEN IT CUTS TO SHUN IMMEDIATELY IN IT. epic illegal bird moment. poor gon is having to play peacekeeper and is the only reasonable person of this trio
-crow explaining the tops STOLE riding duels and make commoners do it for fun..my god they gentrified riding duels
-very grateful yuya is the one kinda looking after layra in reijis absence. makes perfect sense since he kinda is a big bro figure to the kids at the duel school too! it adds a real softness to yuya that I like (ok lets be real hes already been pretty soft. gooey and warm center, like a cookie) for a second it panned to serena and i was thinking pls dont let the only girl in the group be the mother hen but no. she completely ignores layra and decided to go out on her own (shingo following her lol) bc shes sick of sitting around waiting and her main goal, in her Words is to Find Yuzu too. would it be weird to ship them since they..look the same supposedly….JSDKFJK its tht question of what ud do if u met a clone of urself/alt version of urself. would u kiss or kill them. serena is a Kiss the Clone kinda girl and I respect that
-'friendship cup' is the funniest name ever for a tournament. YOU HAVE TO ENTER. TO DUEL JACK. JACK IS THE PRIZE. TROPHY WIFE JACK. shun and dennis both want to fight jack sooo bad its so funny. me too (affectionate) the fact dennis and shun both took to riding bikes and dueling at the same time SO fast is. incredible. and their lil outfits….
-oh wait. this means the earlier tournament being canceled is just gonna lead into this one isnt it HAHAH i knew it couldnt be ygo without a full tournament arc….its fine. I actually dont DISLIKE these type of arcs even if they arent my favorite
-not sure if ive said it but I Must mention it: yuyas magicians have nonbinary swag
-who the hell is shinji. youre not yusei. bootleg yusei….where did they PUT YUSEI!!! are all the protags busy like DAMN!! WHERE ARE THEY!!! I understand on a meta level u wouldnt want them all in the series to take away protagswag from yuya but this series literally lends itself to a bbt style crossover! the whole series is a crossover! they shouldve had a lil movie or smth. I want. another bbt movie. but w the newer protags too. lke all 8-9(??) ygo protags...itd be FUN
-crow being such a DAD to a ton of kids is cute. and probably the best person layra couldve come to stay with tbh, hes obv concerned abt them ;_; babies. also him and yuya dueling bc crow thinks feeding kids is more important than making them smile…and yuya thinks making them smile is more important…no yuya i gotta side with crow here LMAO crow called yuya privileged too JDSFHKJ
-NINJA GUY!!! I FORGOT HE WAS WITH THE LANCERS?? i mean ive been seein him in the op but STILL. good he got layra outta there. the cops were going to arrest a CHILD. i mean ik yuya is a child too but layra is a CHILD child not a teen yk. omg jail arc???
-speaking of arcs. is this series called arc v. because. arc 5. as in fifth arc of the yugioh series. I was speculating to why it was called that last time and had the realization thats prob why JKSHDFK
-god we actually are getting a…prison arc…this is INCREDIBLE. why werent they given the prison uniforms everyone else has. btw yuya now would be the PERFECT time to bring ur inner demon out to break out
-the bosses absurdly large brick stack of cards is insane. ive never seen so many so neatly stcked in one place…bro what if someone knocked them over that would be a nightmare…
-the lil story with the boss was fun (and felt appropriate given hes dueling yuya, who is all abt Smiles and Entertaining and hed lost that…like gettin his spark back) …so the moral here is u can make friends with fellow inmates n have solidarity but the cops are always enemies. understandable and real
-so yuya should become the new prison boss. right. he beat the old boss. but whatever I guess they didnt want yuya to be a crimeboss...cowards
-so whenever someone tries breaking out, their friends/the ppl left behind get punished and taken somewhere they 'never return from'…thats…terrifying and would be pretty efficient to anyone with any kind of morals, but idk, i feel like anyone would get really desperate and try it anyway at a certain point if conditions are bad enough, their fellow inmates be damned..
-sorry but it has to be said though. this mans hair is a lizard straight up. with the little hands and everything. is anyone fucking talking about this.
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-my god yugo cannot whistle at all. everytime i see him and yuzu im like. they are so funny i love them both so much SJADFHKJ we go a few eps w/out them and im so sad… btw..yuya is in jail, i kinda expected this friendship cup thing to involve them more heavily, but the :>/ guy said yugo and yuzu would be arrested when they showed up for it too and im like. is it even gonna be an Event or Not. i mean I LOVE prison arc but. Wondering
-yuya constantly looking like either the happiest dude ever (when its horribly inappropriate most of the time) or the saddest little kicked puppy alive makes me lose it. (and the third option of Murderously Possessed, but its been like 20 eps since weve seen that so..maybe the demon and yuto both peaced out. maybe they eloped. good for them)
-ok im going to need a gif of this PRONTO. shun how did you get there. HE SHOULDER DROPPED THIS MAN. XYZ BITCHES ARE BUILT DIFFERENT. XYZ REPRESENT!!!! he bodied like 15 more guards after this with his FISTS not even using his cards CMON LETS GOOO the prison break scene was AMAZING. also shingo grabbing some rare cards on the way out. best boy alert. why do his eyes glow in the dark.
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-….hey shingo loses SO many duels its kind of funny. reminds me of watching manjoume from gx do the same thing. between them who has more losses. theyre both a certain…flavor of cringedude characters that i always end up liking…
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-'what does a monster with 100 lp have to accomplish' -guy whos never heard of goddamn card effects. damn i thought these dudes were supposed to be the super efficient guards or whatever…anyway shun coming in with the literal xyz rescue was CUTE look at him functioning in a team ;w; good
-oh my god :>/ guy is named jean-michel roget. hes. hes french coded. u know wht i think i like my silly lil emoji name for him better. GOD DAMN they were SO close to escaping. CROW HAS KIDS AT HOME. ARGNH THEYRE TRYING TO SEPARATE SERENA TOO. BULLSHIT.
-REIJI FINALLY FINALLY SHOWING UP. WHERE WERE U. talking to a council I Guess. fucking negotiating. ok king of efficiency. he saved everyones asses with this. everyone say thank u reiji for everything, always.
-oh my god the friendship cup. theyre all being forced to demonstrate their abilities in the tournament . mandatory friendship cup. its a Full Circle. out of jail straight into the REAL tournament arc. i cant believe this.
-yuya vs jack. oh my god its going to happen. <- so excited to see jack i am going to throw UP
-crow called jack a traitor so. so they havent made up yet. I mean I FIGURED and yusei isnt HERE and i am :( I barely remember 5ds but I remember crow and jack bein silly together near the end…be FRIENDS or ELSE I will CRY
-yuzu's lil riding duel outfit is SO cute. pls. also yuzu crying with relief once she sees yuya is ok…baby ;_; theyre so Close to bein reunited….
-the problem with me trying to figure out how and why this series diverges from 5ds is that i remember Nothing Important from 5ds at all. i remember the dumbass details like that jack loved cup ramen JSDHKJ but its clearly an au (with..no yusei for some reason...) and im like. wondering if theyll ever explain WHY its an au from the original. or if im just supposed to Know. bc I Dont Yet
-I thought itd be really funny if jack DID defeat yuya in Three Turns like he said he was going to. and then he DOES. he beats him so hard yuya FLIES OFF HIS BIKE. AND BOUNCES. LMAO glad hes wearing a helmet at least. love u jack. also. i know it was probably framed in the way of jack being an asshole but I? kind of agree with him about this:
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(I actually…said smth along these lines in my first arc v liveblog post:
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almost word for word HAHA me and jack are on the same wavelength and he read yuya in like 10 seconds FLAT I am Amazed)
not that it's a BAD thing. he wants to make people happy, and it makes him happy in turn when theyre cheering for him! thats fine! (an irl example would be like, I enjoy making art for others to make them happy. but I also enjoy getting positive feedback for my own satisfaction!) absolutely nothing wrong with it!
HOWEVER. the impression I've gotten so far is that yuya gets upset when his opponent is the one being cheered for (a good example was the michio duel and that annoying trivia kid duel. he didnt seem real happy when the audience was rooting for them and not him!) as opposed to…I cant believe I'm comparing him to dennis but. the dennis v gon duel was a great example of what I think a more genuine entertainment duel should be…they were playing the roles of hero v villain, and dennis was great at improv there, quickly turning into the villain when Straight Man to his Comedy Guy routine Gon accused him of being the Real Villain in that situation. like he ROLLED with it and was perfectly fine with gon winning bc it suited their lil story and the audience loved it! I think entertainment dueling SHOULD be like that, like improv and acting bc you're entertaining ppl. ur a performer. u need to go w the flow more.
(Okay, this might not have been the best duel to show it off bc 1. hes dueling JACK of all ppl who declared hes gonna WIN and. he Will. 2. this is a situation where hes trying to showcase the strength of the lancers, so it wouldnt do to THROW the duel. but he couldve played into jacks dramatics a bit, made himself out to be more of a dramatic underdog, or a potential upstarter…for wanting to be an ENTERTAINER I want to see yuya channel his dramatics a LOT more than he does. esp w jack of all ppl!) to me it feels like yuya also ties a LOT of his self worth to how other ppl perceive his role in duels too which is Unhealthy (and again. is an extension of the 'smile when u want to cry' stuff imo, also pretty unhealthy) I…dont know if any of this is That Deep or theyre just trying to make jack seem like an asshole. I WANT it to be this deep bc its a REALLY interesting trait for a protag to have!
-kinda love how ppl in the Tops are dressed like old timey victorians. (also a lot of them have very western names) it just creates a very. unique vibe 
-can I also just say i LOVE LOVE LOVE the trope in ygo of 'person does what they think is the final finishing move, then theres smoke and everyone is like :0 and when the smoke clears, the person is still standing in the duel because of some trap/spell/effect' IT HAPPENS SO MUCH IN ARC V AND I EAT IT UP EVERYTIME.
-...jack gave this random child servant a card and told him it suited him and the kids mad jack 'changed' and got mad jack compared him to a 'weak card'...first off its gonna end up being smth like 'even weak cards have potential, none of them are useless, its like u, u feel like ur a low level but u also have potential' (which. very yusei thing btw) but also if my hero gave me a card i would literally be SO happy this kid is dumb asf. jack literally wasnt even being RUDE when he gave it to him and jack is usually SO Rude like CMON. 'wheeh i had NO cards and jack gave me one but its WEAK so i dont want it' this is called being ungrateful. i know hes a kid so I shouldnt be so annoyed but damn its rude. its a REALLY cute card too (not one I recognize and the text is in japanese but its a cute lil cyber girl with pink hair and a tuning fork and bc this is synchro I assume its a tuner monster or smth?)
-...went from jail to bougiest penthouse in the world. lmao and locked in his room....ur a rich persons pet now...'if u lose ur out of the penthouse' willing to bet its the same for jack since at the end of the day hes still. u know. a commons Guy cosplaying a bougie. funnily enough, the tops are saying 'as long as he keeps winning hes not a commons, hes one of us!' and the commons are saying 'hes a traitor who sold out!' then another commons guy being like 'NO jack is still OUR hero he doesnt belong to the tops!' etc. its like he cant fucking win no matter what he does! insane. jack ilu tho.
-...actually, first match is gon v crow. calling it now, gon loses his Stand In One Place shtick isnt gonna work v a motorcycle. i kinda think I want crow to win this tournament actually to duel jack KJHSDKJ i know itll prob be yuya but cmonnnn. its PERSONAL for crow. btw does this mean gon will be homeless for the rest of the friendship cup stuff since if u lose u get kicked outta the penthouse. where will he GO. ...tbh since crow has kids waiting at home for him it might be better if he loses first so he can take the losers of this tournament back home w him so they dont. go to jail again? maybe? we’ll see!!
very very fun stretch of eps, I binged SO many last night and tonight :3
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zenyuumi · 2 years
YES THEY DO!! Im gonna be real w you i barely know stuff abt these characters to i hope it doesnt sound like im pulling ideas out of my ass here but . they both seemed so lonely at first ? On of th reasons Eichi loves idols bc they gave him comfort and entertainment when he was confined to a hospital bed all alone PLUS the fact that hes the son of a rich business family means that ppl want to get close to him but not as an actual friend if that makes sense. After the death of his father Subaru wants to be an idol to spread his fathers reputation but bc his father didnt exactly hav a great reputation after The Incident , Subaru was left alone as well.
Also both were kind of shunned by their peers for trying too hard in their first few years at yumenosaki. I feel like they can relate to each other in that regard
Point no. 2 is that. They both want the best for their friends and the people around them. Eichi starts his revolution and changes the school drastically bc he wants his juniors to not go through the same thing. Look at this text from th wiki
"he wants to create a better future for the generations that succeed him and his peers, so those younger will not have to suffer the way their predecessors have." Even if his plan seemed pretty evil he had good intentions.
Subaru ALSO wants the best for his friends, like Hajime for example. He starts caring abt Trickstar's revolution after seeing how bad Ra*bits first live turned out.
I think its cool how they both had similar motivations in a sense but were against each other in their goals.
I am gonna end it here bc i tired alr 👍 and also i may hav gotten everytging wrong so pleas dont tak this as fact i am only going off the wiki
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applesap-fics · 2 years
❔ Whichever WIP you most want to talk about
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
This fic was such a brainfart when I first started writing it. Super freehand without a plot in mind except for the little ideas that randomly sprang up. I feel like I can't write this fic without first having more of these little scenes in my mind that'll spring forth into plot into a conclusion.
Chapter three is a mix of Bruno having a bit more explicit fun sex with more men, fluffy family moments (yeah I know they call me crazy for that one), and Bruno's exploration of...what it means for him to have all this fun smex with guys that he doesn't actually have a relationship with outside of the bedroom. Also he's turned from a shunned prophet into a poor little meow meow back to the family into the Encanto's most openly gay man. Weird dynamics all of the sudden!
I ALSO need to introduce a bit of kink/sex exploration, because so far the sex has been 1. kinda glossed over or 2. not good. And I reeeeaaaallly want Bruno to be kind of...I don't know how to describe it. He needs to be a crossdresser more often cos I promised that in the tags, I promised it to myself, and I promised it when I made Felix walk in on him with his telenovela-thinking wig on that one morning after. He will do drag at some point, I promise. I'll make it make sense even if it's the last thing I'll do in my life.
I guess I need to just take it easy with all of that. Chapter 3 can be relationship feelings and chapter 4 can be all about the theater.
AND ALSO!!!!!! The original draft had a big timeskip where he already had a few boyfriends and he started oggling a much less approachable newcomer (Oscar!! who is mute in this au), but it feeling totally different from his hookups because he actually feels romantic for this guy. But the intro doesn't work anymore for that which for some reason makes my brain want to explode. I hate that I have to think about the timeline too much.
Writing feels very up and down for me and the ~vibes~ don't really hit atm. I do love talking about it though and I guess I spewed all of this while listening to Weird Al's crazy ramblings in Alburquerque, so maybe all I need is to not think about the words im putting down AT ALL and just. Freewrite like I did back in april 2022, and burst out 8k over the weekend.
Also. Earring-haver Bruno will happen next chapter.
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talagalaxies · 2 months
rewatching ep8!
HOLD TF UP. so sol can't prove vergence to the jedi when the twins are together. okay gets. BUT when sol will present osha only, the council will send her away (aside from practical jedi reasons), because she's vergence? mae and qimir agreed that osha must not go to the jedi on the bunta tree scene because the jedi will put her in danger. so the jedi will be wary of her because she's...vergence....something the jedi are looking forward to know more...will harm osha because she's vergence.......right...
OR they would shun osha away because she's *dark side* vergence. OR will exploit tf out of her. if what i assume is right, then why is sol hellbent on proving vergence to them, knowing their reaction?
so sol did forge some papers about osha's identity then so that the jedi will allow her to train, one of the reason is because she's too old to train. but qui-gonn didn't do paperworks to convince the council to train ani and he was agreed too? maybe if sol said "osha's the chosen one!" to the council, then no paperworks needed
the rewatch makes me realized how selfish sol is to a deeper degree. he knows how powerful osha is, the potential her conception was, he wants to share his *discovery*. yet he didn't. he gatekeeps osha from the jedi to the point of forging her background info. he jumps thru loopholes and jedi contradiction if it means he'll have her as his apprentice. bitch he thinks killing her mom is justified because it equates to osha's wellbeing. bruh.
ANYWAY! the first 2 mins of the ep mayhaps is my fave. i broke the rewind button because i love the range of emotions flew on qimir's face.
qimir's face when osha said she saw "mae" on her vision screams "holy fuck, my intern i thought suck ass actually does her job? and i threw her away? damn."
so........qimir will take TWO acolytes if mae did her assignment?
I LOVE THEY TURN FULL TIME GOTHIC MODE ON BRENDOK. the rubble, cobwebs, moss, leefless branches, the structure that looks like a mansion.....so committed to the hauntings i love it.
SOL FIGHTS SO DIRTY THIS EP. THE JEDI COOLNESS HE HAS IS NO MORE. this ep is the boiling point of pent-up emotions it killed him
it's so small but you can see qimir's disappointment that mae refused to kill sol. plus his bombastic side-eye when sol said his signature "did the right thing mantra" lmao. he's so #DONE
cake points for lee jung jae's acting here man. his diction, the quiver in his voice, THE DESPERATION TO JUSTIFY HIS CLAIM. it's so fucking heartbreaking.
HE'S ABOUT TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" TO OSHA. FUCK. i didn't catch that on my first watch BUT I CAN HEAR IT HERE WHEW.
also, AMANDLA'S ACTING AS THE TWINS AS WELL. mae's shook and relief on osha's patricide, osha becomes more and more emotionless as she kills sol. chef's kiss
and it's very interesting that the force chock happened before osha raised her hand. it means its subconsciously done.
mae and qimir's reaction to the force chock sends me sm. even they're weirded tf out!
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it's so fast and brief, but before qimir ran off because of vernestra, he goes 🥺 to osha.
i wish the show has moments of osha longing for her sister, not 100% hates her so that their moment under the bunta tree will have more impact. and that scene would be better too if there's more dialogue and TIME.
tbh im so confused on that bunta tree sequence but now it clicks. qimir can't take two of them as students because mae didn't finish the jedi hitlist job, osha does. they must escape because if the jedi found even just one of them, instant interrogation and punishment.
osha then proposed that she'll be his student in exchange of mae alive. because she believed that qimir will kill her for 1.) knowing his face and 2.) a fail-student. highkey sure if mae's life isn't on the line, osha would choose qimir anyway out of curiosity. this girl is into dangerous shit, so why is this dark-side dude an exception?
i know there's narrative and symbolism sense on why mae's memories needs to be wiped. but in my native tongue, "bitin kaayo."
its so romantic coded that mae's memory of osha and qimir must be wiped, as if oshamir will go on their honeymoon and mae musn't follow them lmao.
mae's last memory post mind-wipe was the brendok tragedy when she was 8. i assume her memories with osha when she was 7, 6, and below are too. but why 8 tho? what happened to her when she's in her teens? this suggested to me that her memories when she's 8+ is when qimir comes in. so he met mae when she's a child. trained her, raised her. it'll serve as a parallel to sol - osha.
so that means qimir seduced the sister of his student he raised who has the exact face as her. what in the daddaughter is this
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sakasakiii · 3 years
hiii! i love the twins with silver hair🥰 but hey, i got curious on how you drew erestor...... are those scars on his face? how do you headcanon him? do you think he is a noldo (i saw many people with this headcanon and i personally love it😅)?
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hello hello nonnies!!! first off, major apologies for the delay in this (and the absence!!! currently swamped with work guehshsdh) but thank you all so much!! im so sosos blown away that you guys took interest in that one pic of erestor in this ask waaaghb-- plus, you're all onto something!! heres a guy who gets his own sketch page LMAOO not even 80% of the feanorians have their own sketch pages hoho
so um! to explain... i have a rly big headcanon/fascination with the concept of Himring being some sort of safe haven for the escaped thralls of Angband, given Maedhros' own history with what I would presume to be the stigma of having been in Morgoth's clutches. And so that's where ol' Restor comes into the picture! I hc him as a Noldo/Sinda-- perhaps his father was one of the exiles who settled down with a local Sinda... But that perhaps his village was overrun by orcs around the Dagor Bragollach, so he was captured with his people and taken into servitude in Angband.
After escaping, I'd imagine he wandered around Beleriand with nowhere to return to-- he has no more home or people to return to... Regular settlements turn him and other escaped thralls away... Gondolin, despite the House of the Hammer of Wrath, is a no-go bc where tf even is Gondolin?? But then he remembers old rumours of the Lord of Himring, formerly a thrall himself, who takes in those who went through the same horrors as he with some amount of caution. So Erestor tries his luck, turns up in Himring half-dead, is beyond himself when he is actually welcomed by their stoic lord, and for the first time among other elves who dont shun him for the nightmares, or gawk at him for the scars on his skin.
yadayadayada... so he remains in service to M² up until the War of Wrath, and it's only then when he receives orders from them to take the Peredhel twins and go seek refuge with Gil-galad. Erestor abides, and is allowed to stay to watch over the Peredhel twins under Gilgal's rule. And so he remains, living discreetly and working behind-the-scenes even as Elrond becomes Gilgal's herald. I like to think he fought in the War of the Elves and Sauron, and that he nearly took a boat back to Valinor after the fall of Eregion with Pengolodh and the others.... but ended up staying because of his babysitter/older cousin/uncle-like attachment to young Elrond. And thus from there, it's the usual Imladris stuff :DD
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as is tradition (one i haven't done in a while eh!!!), obligatory 👏 sketch 👏 page 👏
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this turned out a little more rambly than usual (mY APOLOGIES) but coming up with the backstories and relationships of textual ghosts has to be one of my favourite things to do, so thank you for allowing me this opportunity nonnies!!! I hope this answers your questions, and thank you again for such sweet feedback on ol' Restor!!! 💓💓
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