#im also partially posting this for future reference honestly!
positivelyadhd · 6 months
one of the things I'm so passionate about is schools and accessibility in schools and yesterday I heard a radio segment (it starts at around 1 hour 7 minutes! the interview with students is at 1 hour 38!) about a school in the UK for autistic girls!
they interview some of the students and it's just,, so lovely to hear young people talking about going to a school where they feel understood and like they can be themselves.
it was really lovely to listen to so I thought I'd share for anyone that might be interested!
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
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Courting Eomer Would Include
- with regards to chivalry? Eomer invented it
- he’s treated you like royalty from the moment he first laid eyes on you, regardless of what your status may have been
- he has always treated you as a new blessing upon his life, even after being together for years, and that will never change
- despite acquiring a high status because of your relationship with Eomer, the two of you decided to live in a small cottage, rather than staying in the castle
- you prefer the more homely sense of life, and the separation from political matters that Eomer has to deal with on a daily basis
- cooking together consists of you cooking while Eomer hugs you from behind and watches you while showering you with compliments on your cooking skills
- Eomer is a family man, so obviously he’s going to be curious about whether you want children or not
- he’s very keen to know what your future holds, but because he wants to spend forever with you, he’s in no rush, and he is incredibly patient with all obstacles that the two of you face
- you and Éowyn are very good friends, you spend a lot of time together, and whenever Eomer is unsure of your whereabouts, the most likely place to find you, is wherever Éowyn is
- Eomer is fiercely protective, and has been known to get a little jealous of other men flirting with you, but he is never angry towards you, he only ever shows you love and kindness
- he’s always finding new and wonderful nicknames for you that he will refer to you as, no matter who’s around
“Good evening my starlit angel, how has your day been?”
“Well hello radiant sunflower, what a surprise to see you here!”
“Have any of you seen my ray of moonlight?“
- big fan of PDA, loves swinging an arm around your shoulders and kissing your temple whenever he sees you
- also has a habit of winking at you from across the room, as though he’s trying to woo you even when you’ve been in a relationship for years
- loves giving you piggybacks from one building in Rohan to another, even if they’re only a few paces apart
- when he gives you piggybacks, he makes horse sounds and only responds to being called your “trusty steed”
- honestly who needs to think about kids when your boyfriend acts like one anyway
- when the two of you go on walks around Rohan together, he’ll hold your hand and swing your hands in between you as you walk, smiling proudly at anyone you see because he’s just so proud to be yours
- when you have to leave the room for any reason, you’ll stand on your tiptoes to kiss Eomer’s cheek before you go, and no matter how many times you or anyone else sees it, he will never admit that he blushes
- you often accompany him to the bar in the evenings, to socialise with your friends
- people have often made the mistake of challenging you to their drinking games, and while most men of the time would never even think to let their woman participate in such “manly” activities, Eomer simply laughs at the poor souls that challenge you and watches with pride as you completely destroy them at their drinking games
- he brags about you to his friends 24/7, but he will never tell them that he lets you braid his hair in the evenings
- cuddles while at home are a near constant thing for the two of you, and Eomer will use any excuse he can think of in order to gain affection from you
“Sweetheart, my lips are rather cold, do you think you could warm them with yours?”
“Oh dear lord! I think I just saw a very small and partially invisible orc! The only way to protect you from this very specific orc breed is to have you sat on my lap, Im afraid this is the only solution!”
- Eomer loves you more than he has ever loved anything else in existence, and he will continue to do so for the rest of your forever
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birdiesbuckley · 1 month
tactless its a test ch. 2/3 thoughts!
hey sexy people i hope you enjoyed that chapter. I've literally been writing this since I posted the last one but took a month break bc I randomly decided i hated everything i had written! honestly did not think a canon rewrite would be so difficult but here we are! some things in this chapter i wanted to talk about;
-yes i know samantha is mean to nancy. but listen. coming from a sister, this is appropriate sister behavior. sam realizes that shes kinda bitch to nance but doesn't care bc she hurt steve. yes i know steve and nance hurt each other, but sam is partial to steve obvi. they’ll be better post stancy breakup, and become the badass girlboss duo we want them to be i swear. i am a nancy lover first and foremost. 
- on that note i should mention i hate stancy. they are not good for each other
-yes i snuck rob in there for a sec. sorry not sorry, i had to write about the loml for a few paragraphs or i was gonna get separation anxiety before the st3 chapters. 
-also i wasn't originally planning on revealing sams sexuality until the great coming out scene but i decided to change how i was gonna do it bc i think I'm gonna write st4 now too so I'm plotting. 
-yes samantha’s costume is magenta in rocky horror. i love that musical with my whole heart, so obvi sams go to costume was gonna be my own go to costume. also im not sure if it was ever mentioned but samantha is blonde. 
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-yes i had always planned the samantha scene. did i think about it after i changed sams name from scarlett... no... but honestly canon lesbian experience, and it was a brief enough scene that i decided it didn't matter. also you cant put a girl in a siouxsie sioux costume and not expect me to make her gay.
-dustin has a tiny crush on samantha bc i think its funny. sams style is not super common in hawkins and tiny twelve year old dustin is amazed. 
-on that note, in my mind sams style is very new wave. think a more rocker debbie harry. while new wave may be a basic 80s style, it definitely wasnt as common in buttfuck nowhere indiana. on the same note, her hair is blonde as i mentioned, and she has the debbie harry log bob with messy wispy bangs, minus the dark underside, for sure (see the top and bottom right pics below). she can also have a little metal/rock influence on her style as a treat. here's some style inspo for my girl 
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-however, sams music taste is not new wave at all, she is a rock girl through and through. she def loves led zep. you’ll see her fav song in the st4 chapters teeheehee. but anyways she can dress new wave and listen to rock bc she can do whatever she wants and this is my fic. here's my spotify playlist for sam, tactless
-in the junkyard scene i picture sam in this cute little number, patterned jeans and leather jacket, everyone say thank you madonna. its more late 80s but i do whatever i want. also technically the real outfit is jorts but ignore that in my world its jeans. 
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-sam taught steve how to do his hair. its canon. they both definitely smell faintly of hairspray.
-on that note a little bit of a gay backstory for sam. if you notice, i make several references to 80s queer culture, and that is because i have a huge hyperfixation for it. as a queer person, it is so important to recognize what a queer elders have done for us and part of that is acknowledging queer culture. so yes, sam is kinda my love letter to 80s queer culture. with rocky horror, siouxsie sioux, bronski beat, and anything else i mention. in future chapters i will go back into how sam learned all of this, bc you dont just learn it living in a small town in the 80s. but shes also gonna get to have her queer mentor moment which i love, so get excited for that. 
-sam has adopted max. she loves all the kids, but she is closets to max, will, mike, and eleven, as youll see in future chapters. shes fighting for the elmax friendship train. in this fic, steve is closest with dustin, lucas, and max as well. sam and steve love them all equally, but based on how close their friendship are thats how it it. 
-hopper is a softie agenda. thats my dad for reals. some of my own fav fics have hopper as a father figure to steve, so i just had to add it. hopper has a huge spot in his heart for kids with shitty parents, and he wants to protect them all. and later in the chapter, joyce has her pseudo mom moment. i love fics where steve somehow ends up adopted into the byers-hopper household. 
-the action scenes were definitely the hardest to write, and i rewrote all of them several times. the junkyard scene was similar to my og plan, but the billy fight at tunnels completely changed. originally i had no clue how i was gonna knock sam out, bc there was no way she’d go to the tunnels if steve was passed out. her using a pocketknife is slightly unhinged, but tbh love that for her. unfortunately, the harringtons are destined to receive concussions. 
-originally it was gonna be sam holding onto max in the tunnels, but i didnt wanna take away from steve, so i had a twin moment. you may think it takes away a part of steve and dustins friendship, but i dont think so, i think dustin is already obsessed with steves companionship. 
-say goodbye to saint cecilias bc this is the last time we’ll see it! good riddance i think! 
-also sam was originally gonna help max get ready for the snowball, but i think her having her mom help is important, and el needs girl time so that happened instead. the snowball scene is so special to me, and has been since i first watched the season when it came out. els dress is so cute, and im pretty sure i heard somewhere that it was nancy who helped, which is why i added the shoes bit. 
-also the timeline in this is fucked and i know. you mightve seen my timeline related mental breakdown, but in my defense it is seriously confusing no matter how many times ive seen the show. it starts to get fucked once they go with dustin to the cellar, like i know that technically its night when they go, and then railroad tracks scene and junkyard is the next day but in the show theyre also wearing the same clothes the the next day? making it two separate days made the flow weird so i chose to ignore it, even though i know it would mess up every other storyline going on, esp nance and jons, but whatever. so if its messed up at all in this fic my apologies. i had to study the season two fandom wiki page and make my own timeline.
those are my full thoughts on these chapters, hopefully i get my shit together and keep updating but im about to go to uni so we’ll see! if i havent updated in awhile, feel free to come threaten me on insta/tiktok same user as here! ive written some stuff for the future chapters (rating might be going up) so that should keep me motivated. look forward to multiple s3 chapters, goodbye my lovelys!!! 
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jvwhyte · 3 years
SJM's pinterest board. ACOTAR 6/7.
(No conclusion just suspicious stuff lmao)
Here's a photo i found on SJM's ACOTAR pinterest board:
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THE MOIRAI (Moirae) were the three goddesses of fate who personified the inescapable destiny of man (and women). The role of the Moirai was to ensure that every being, mortal and divine, lived out their destiny as it was assigned to them by the laws of the universe.
In nearly all mythologies the three Fates, rulers of the past, present and future, are represented and many believe they symbolize the Triple Goddess, Virgin, Mother and Crone (Creator, Preserver and Destroyer).
In Greek mythology, the Moirai—often known in English as the Fates—were the white-robed incarnations of destiny.
“There were at least three dozen priestesses who worked and researched and healed here, though it was nearly impossible to count them when they all wore the same pale robes and so many kept the hoods over their faces.”
Clotho (/ˈkloʊθoʊ/, Greek Κλωθώ, [klɔːtʰɔ̌ː], "spinner") spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle.
(Clotho: the mute priestess at the library)
Lachesis (/ˈlækɪsɪs/, Greek Λάχεσις, [lákʰesis], "allotter" or drawer of lots) measured the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rod.
Atropos (/ˈætrəpɒs/, Greek Ἄτροπος, [átropos], "inexorable" or "inevitable", literally "unturning",[13] sometimes called Aisa) was the cutter of the thread of life. She chose the manner of each person's death; and when their time was come, she cut their life-thread with "her abhorred shears". The figure who came to be known as Atropos had her origins in the pre-Greek Mycenaean religion as a daemon or spirit called Aisa. Another important Mycenaean philosophy stressed the subjugation of all events or actions to destiny and the acceptance of the inevitability of the natural order of things; today this is known as fatalism.
The Morrígan or Mórrígan, also known as Morrígu, is a figure from Irish mythology. The name is Mór-Ríoghain in Modern Irish, and it has been translated as "great queen" or "phantom queen".
The Morrígan is mainly associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom, death or victory in battle. In this role she often appears as a crow, the badb.[1] She incites warriors to battle and can help bring about victory over their enemies. The Morrígan encourages warriors to do brave deeds, strikes fear into their enemies, and is portrayed washing the bloodstained clothes of those fated to die.[2][3] She is most frequently seen as a goddess of battle and war and has also been seen as a manifestation of the earth- and sovereignty-goddess,[4][5] chiefly representing the goddess's role as guardian of the territory and its people.[6][7]
Mor may derive from an Indo-European root connoting terror, monstrousness cognate with the Old English maere (which survives in the modern English word "nightmare") and the Scandinavian mara and the Old East Slavic "mara" ("nightmare");[14] while rígan translates as "queen".[15][16] This etymological sequence can be reconstructed in the Proto-Celtic language as *Moro-rīganī-s.[17][18] Accordingly, Morrígan is often translated as "Phantom Queen".[16] This is the derivation generally favoured in current scholarship.[19]
The Morrígan is often considered a triple goddess, but this triple nature is ambiguous and inconsistent. The triple appearances are partially due to the Celtic significance of threeness.
(Three is a VERY common number in acotar (might make a whole other post on that))
Could Mor be one of the fates or even something more powerful than them, could she have a bigger part than we thought in the next story with Koschei ?
In the Republic of Plato, the three Moirai sing in unison with the music of the Seirenes. The term "siren song" refers to an appeal that is hard to resist but that, if heeded, will lead to a bad conclusion.
In Greek mythology, the Sirens (Ancient Greek: plural: Seirênes) were dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. It is also said that they can even charm the winds.
i bet your thinking where tf is this looney going with this....well,
i also found this photo:
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Celtic Mythology The GWRAGEDD ANNWN [wives of the underworld]were lake-sirens in Wales. These lovely creatures are known to choose mortal men as their husbands. One legend has it that they live in a sunken city in one of the many lakes in Wales. People claim to have seen towers under water and heard the chiming of bells. In earlier times, there used to be a door in a rock and those who dared enter through it came into a beautiful garden situated on an island in the middle of a lake. In this garden there were luscious fruits, beautiful flowers and the loveliest music, besides many other wonders. Those brave enough to enter were welcomed by the Gwragedd Annwn and were invited to stay as long as they wanted, on the condition that they never took anything back from the garden. One visitor ignored the rule and took a flower home with him. As soon as he left the island, the flower disappeared and he fell unconscious to the ground. From that day on, the door has been firmly closed and none has ever passed through it again.
“My grandmother was a river-nymph who seduced a High Fae male from the Autumn Court.”
Gwyn believes her grandmother to be a river-nymph. Is it possible that she was not but instead a lake siren? We know that Gwyn and Catrin's names are welsh (Lake-Sirens are found in wales) and the spring court has many ties to welsh mythology so is it really that far fetched?
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In Celtic and Norse mythology, selkies (also spelled silkies, sylkies, selchies) or selkie folk (Scots: selkie fowk) meaning "seal folk"[a] are mythological beings capable of therianthropy, changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin. They are found in folktales and mythology originating from the Northern Isles of Scotland.
To further back up this, here is another photo of a Selkie woman on SJM's pinterest.
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In David Thomson's book The People of the Sea, which chronicles the extensive legends surrounding the Grey Seal within the folklore of rural Scottish and Irish communities, it is the children of male selkies and human women that have webbed toes and fingers. When the webbing is cut, a rough and rigid growth takes its place.
Children born between man and seal-folk may have webbed hands, as in the case of the Shetland mermaid whose children had "a sort of web between their fingers",[25] or "Ursilla" rumoured to have children sired by a male selkie, such that the children had to have the webbing between their fingers and toes made of horny material clipped away intermittently.
“My twin had the webbed fingers of the nymphs—I don’t.”
Once again we see that Catrin posses traits of these water-creatures.
Keep in mind SJM has this on her board - The cover of Celtic folktales which has one story in particular of a 'sea-maiden' whom makes a deal with a mortal man.
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I proceeded to continue searching through the board and found this:
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Sathariel (Hebrew סתריאל, Greek: Σαθιήλ) is one of the Qliphoth, corresponding to the Sephirah Binah on the kabbalistic Tree of life. It represents the Concealment of God, which hides the face of Mercy. The form of the demons attached to this Qliphah are of black veiled heads with horns, with hideous eyes seen through the veil, followed by evil centaurs.
'veiled heads with horns'
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The Qliphoth are the shadow of the Sephirot, the chaotic force that exists when the Sephirah is unbalanced. Binah is the Sephirah that gives birth to form, the great mother of the cosmos, the eternal womb. Through her, the spiritual energy of Keter and Chokmah are woven into the matrix that eventually becomes matter.
In Jewish Kabbalistic cosmology of Isaac Luria, the qlippot are metaphorical "shells" surrounding holiness. They are spiritual obstacles receiving their existence from God only in an external, rather than internal manner.
Quiphoth (shadow of sephriot) = Shadowsinger
"shells" surrounding holiness = The shadows protected Azriel
They emerge in the descending seder hishtalshelus (Chain of Being) through Tzimtzum (contraction of the Divine Ohr), as part of the purpose of Creation.
Sathariel had black feathers on his wings and his body was shrouded in darkness.
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Honestly idk where tf im going with this 😩😩
I've put in far too much effort to delete it so i apologise if you've gotten all this way to be disappointed but
Mor =/≠ Three fates
Gwyn = Heritage is sus? could be related to some interesting people
Azriel = Sathariel ?
If anyone has ideas to add pleaseeee tell me lol
i'll probably update this when i can be bothered
(FYI i love Gwyn and i'm not saying she's a siren or luring anyone but you've got to admit her grandmother is a sus lmao, especially with half the shit on SJM's pinterest.)
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
hello hello its been a few days but i, the dream nonsie, am back! (also my name actually means "dream" irl 👀) personally, i think a silveny flavored popsicle would be cinnamon-y as u said, but also... sparkly? in a way? not- not like actual glitter, thats disgusting, but.. when u eat it it just *feels* magical. not sure if im making sense lol ^^ aww, glad my crazy dream made you happy! :D ask word limit is getting close so imma continue in another ask if thats okay with you! <3 1/?
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hello!! welcome back--i gotta admit I was not expecting this, but it's so nice of you and I really appreciate it <33. I hope you don't mind me compiling this all into one post, that way it's just a little more organized. you're entirely welcome to send as many asks as you want, so don't worry about continuing in others! I don't mind at all!
1. oo that's a really cool name meaning!! I always think it's interesting to hear what other people's name mean, or they meanings they've chosen to associate with them (as some have more that one). Quil doesn't really have a meaning, so I love hearing others'!! The only thing I miss about my dead name is the meaning, tbh, because it was pretty !!
also, I can totally imagine the cinnamon/sparkly popsicle. when you say that I immediately think of sparkling water for some reason, like it's not a taste it's a feeling. you put it in your mouth and it's an experience. you're wild dream was probably the highlight of my day!! something about it just stood out and I kept coming back to think about it. long silveny popsicles can do that to you, i guess
2. oopsie! my bad! when someone says writing I usually just default to the wings au, because that's the writing most people know me for. but!! i'm glad you like all the analyses I've done! I don't think they'll be stopping anytime soon--it's like everytime I answer an ask I get two more, which means there will be a steady stream of them for the forseable future. I really enjoy doing them, so I love hearing that people enjoy reading them! they're mostly just me rambling until I find a pattern or connection to latch onto, and then I build from there. and depending on the ask I might grab a book from my shelf to reference something if needed
also: thank you! The wings au is a pretty big project I've wanted to take on for a while, so it's absolutely thrilling to see people interact with it and talk about it--even if they haven't read it. There's absolutely no pressure on you to read it, just so you know! Honestly sometimes baffles me that I've gotten fanart and so many asks and comments on it, enough so that people who haven't read it still know what it is. like?? my wings au?? silly little idea I had all because of one stray thought one day?
as for writing it while taking college classes: yes! that's what I've been doing! I think i've had a combined total of like three weeks of break since January (i don't get summer), but aside from that i've had four or five classes while writing the au. Actually was taking an A&P class (which are notoriously difficult, even more so on summer schedule) this summer while working on it, which was wild. But a lot of the excited comments and theories and general interaction helped motivate me to keep going.
3. it's not dissapointing at all! I don't expect for anyone to read it, it's not something you have to do in order to interact with me and the stuff on my blog. it's just something I happen to be doing so if you like it you're welcome to engage with it! I actually don't read fanfic very often either, which may be surprising as I write it. Occasionally I binge a bunch of fics in a certain ship when I'm in the mood, but that's only once every few months. Ships just don't hold huge appeal for me, so I don't find a lot of fic that interests me. Also wow! mine was one of the first you've heard of?? that's a huge accomplishment to me, thank you! Where did you hear about it? I honestly don't know where people find my au, so I'm curious.
speaking of reading fanfic, Nattie's (theunmappedstar) fic is one of the few I've read! I haven't talked to them in a while, but they're very accomplished and it's an honor to be considered alongside them in terms of writing!
as for committing to mine, feel free to take your time! no rush! it's always going to be there! although I will say it does just keep getting longer, so be prepared for that. I update every two weeks on sunday, so you've got time. if you do read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. truly, comments and just hearing what people think are the best motivation. it also enriches the story! I never know what's going to stick out to people or what they'll remember, so hearing from people gives me ideas for scenes in the future! I have a general idea of where this au is heading, but a lot of the details have been impacted by theories and comments. You absolutely don't have to though, just if you'd like I'd love to hear
4. thank you so much <33. I'd love to get back more into traditional art, as i've been focusing on digital recently. I just love how watercolors look! I actually have a few art requests from an embarrasingly long time ago (April) that I'd like to do in a traditional style. I also just haven't posted as much art recently, so I'd love to get back into that. Coloring and lighting were mostly me just winging it, trying to imagine a few colors that would look nice next to each other and then just going for it. Also, i cant even count how many times I would accidentally switch up the light source in in the middle of a piece. I actually took an art class a few semesters ago, so I have leftover supplies from that I could use for some keeper pieces! I've had a few ideas, so hopefully your encouragement can help me get back into that <33
the writer and artist thing: thank you!! both writing and art are interests of mine, so it's so cool to get recognized for both!! I remember when I started posting art I was doing it as a "I'll do this for now until I get to the writing" thing and then i accidentally became fairly well-known as an fanartist and i was just there like wait a minute this wasn't supposed to happen. But I love it!! I love doing fanart and I'd love to do more. But I also love writing! i have some ideas for aus and other one shots I'd like to do when the wings au is done, not that I'm trying to hurry that along. I thoroughly enjoy working on the wings au, and i'm not in any rush to get through it.
and don't worry, you have nothing to apologize for!! i'm glad you feel comfortable talking to me! You don't need to be concise or anything, you're welcome to take up as much space and use as many words as you'd like. I think it'd be a little hypocritical if i didn't believe that, considering how long my responses to the asks i get are (partially why they sometimes take a bit to answer). it was very much so a fun read!! I really appreciate you and wasn't even sure how to respond to everything in a way that conveyed that. I absolutely blown away by how genuine and sweet you are
i really loved this ask, and I've reread it several times because it's just so kind. thank you so much <33
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teenytinyapprentice · 5 years
(same headcanons anon) honestly i'd die for that kind of long post sdhfbsjhgbjfd but how about the main cast? layton, luke, flora, and emmy (and perhaps others you'd consider as part of the main cast), i'd really love to hear your thoughts!
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GhKdjsfhds UH sure I’m not even sure how to go about organizing any of my thoughts so how about I just give you a whole bunch of random thoughts about the puzzle family + co  in jot note form (sorta)  and you can take from it what you will … disclaimer: Im sure some of these contradict canon and I’ll forget I even came up with them/said them in this and contradict myself but also I am just having fun here and don’t care sfdhkjfhskjglgf
Hershel has an unusually small appetite and prefers lighter dishes to anything heavy or too rich
Emmy and Desmond are both pretty artistic. Emmy mostly focuses on her photography but also enjoys drawing while Desmond actually enjoys painting (mostly water colour) although he’d loathe to let anyone but Raymond know about his hobby until he’s much older - Hershel on the other hand can’t draw For SHIT.
Desmond hair turns totally grey pretty much overnight when he hits his mid 60s while Hershel’s hair doesn’t turn white (slowly but surely) until he’s almost 80. It’s a sore spot.
Luke has his picture on walls of restaurants pretty much everywhere he goes from winning those “eat this giant meal and get it for free” competitions - he wins them on accident most of the time and has forgotten about a lot of them
The Puzzle family will spend at least one major holiday in Monte d’Or with Randall, Angela and Henry - it’s always a huge event and they all look forward to it
Emmy reunites with Layton and the rest of the puzzle family shortly after the events in Unwound Future having heard about the attack on London and realizing delaying seeing the Professor again might mean she just /never/ sees him again (considering his preoccupation for danger) - she just misses Luke leaving but does get to meet Flora and is a huge influence on her becoming more independent and standing up to the Professor
Desmond reunites with the Puzzle family partially on accident after Diabolical Box. He sort of planned to drop in on Hershel and give his little brother a heart attack but it ends up being less smooth and more awkward and difficult than expected… he drops in on occasion but doesn’t make a habit of sticking around too long until much later (influenced by rebuilding some kind of fragile relationship with Lucille and Roland)
Alfendi grew up in orphanages - he’s aware of his biological mother but has no relationship with her. He meets Layton and Flora as part of an investigation (no I haven’t put much thought into exactly what) - he and Flora strike up a funny friendship and when Layton hesitates to have Flora really join in on the investigation Alfendi and Flora do a mini-investigation of their own. They both end up proving to be formidable investigators, but mostly really befriend one another… which in turn strongly influences Hershel to ask Alfendi’s permission to foster and eventually adopt him
Flora does learn to cook later in life but excels more in baking - Katrielle helped her often in the kitchen growing up which is why she loves sweets so much
Flora has a growing interest in robotics that really kicks off when Gizmo (the robot dog from Curious Village) first breaks down when she’s home alone and she has to repair him - Desmond specifically encourages this and helps teach her, Hershel signs her up for a robotics camp upon her request realizing how much she enjoys it
Hershel thinks it’s HILARIOUS that Lucy calls Alfendi “Prof” and literally never stops giving him a hard time over it 
Flora and Alfendi learn to fence, Flora is the better of the two of them. Luke takes up karate inspired by Emmy’s fighting style (and is a terrible, terrible fencer. Just plain awful). Katrielle tried a variety of sports growing up (acrobatics, track and field teams, soccer, floor hockey, variety of dance classes etc.) but never really stuck to anything
Alfendi used to smoke but quit after Forbodium and was never able to get back into it
Emmy used to sneak Alfendi and Flora into horror movies against Hershel’s wishes before Flora was old enough to sneak Alfendi in herself
Flora hit a major growth spurt bout a year after UF and towers over Hershel (and most of the family) at 6”0 tall. Alfendi is a bastard and stole her thunder by matching her height by the time he was 15
Hershel and Flora are both autistic
Flora still visits St. Mystere on occasion - more so when Bruno passes to keep an eye on the residents of her hometown. Her and Lady Dahlia have a complicated but still loving relationship
Luke writes a LOT of letters when he first moves to America to keep up with his friends in England (and all over) - this dwindles down over time but he sends monthly letters to Hershel, Flora, Arianna and Crow until he eventually moves back
Alfendi used to dye his hair black as a teenager but had terrible upkeep and lots of roots showing so he grew out of it in a year or so
Alfendi suffers from chronic migraines and pain exacerbated by Forbodium, which is why he really hates leaving the house/office unless absolutely necessary (he also just isn’t a people person) 
The amount of people the Layton’s refer to as their aunt/uncle is confusing as hell. Lots of the Professor’s old friends get aunt/uncle status (for example Uncle Randall, Uncle Henry, Aunt Angela, Uncle Desmond, Aunt Emmy, Uncle Wright, Aunt Maya, Uncle Andrew, etc.) - specifically confusing around Luke who’s referred to as both brother and uncle
Raymond and Alfendi are actually very close
Luke moves back to London to officially work as Layton’s assistant after he graduates high school in America but also travels independently more often
Raymond has been Desmond’s primary caretaker since his pre-teens. He’s the closest thing he has to a father-figure but they’d never call it that, but it certainly a strong familial love and loyalty - and Des did end up adopting Raymond’s last name “Sycamore” and keeps it post canon when he officially hangs up his persona Descole for good
Flora works a variety of odd jobs before she follows through on her passion of robotics and electronic design
Hershel and Alfendi both have terrible fashion sense
Hershel eventually does tell all of his children (and Desmond, Emmy, Randall) about Claire. It doesn’t get much easier to talk about, but he’s always relieved when he says it
Hershel still has some kind of relationship with Dimitri and Clive. It’s… complicated. Real complicated. But present.
Emmy doesn’t have a relationship with Bronev after the events of AL - she does try but ends up needing to cut it off for her own sake
Luke writes stories inspired by his and the Professor’s adventures - but he tries to keep it a secret while he’s writing, too self-conscious to think of letting anyone let alone Layton read them just quite yet
Desmond actually really likes working with children, finds their presence refreshingly honest (even when they’re little shits) - and really only remembers this when he’s surrounded by Layton’s children in the future
Flora calls Hershel “Dad” or “Professor”, Luke alternates between “Professor” “Hershel” (occasionally “Dad”), Alfendi calls him “Father” or “Hershel” (occasionally “Dad” as well) while Katrielle almost exclusively calls him “Papa” 
Hershel actually once genuinely almost forgot his name was Hershel because of how many people in his day to day just call him “Professor” or “Layton” and its a little jarring hearing his first name sometimes 
Flora was homeschooled while Alfendi and Katrielle attended classes at public school - Alfendi and Katrielle were both notorious trouble makers but for very different reasons
All of the Puzzle kids (Luke, Flora, Alfendi and Katrielle) are trans and are like the perfect sliding scale of The Type of Name You Choose For Yourself When You’re Trans from exceedingly normal to obscure
Luke’s full name is Lucas but literally no one calls him that 
Alfendi’s two personalities go by “Al” and “Fendi” (the latter being the post-Forbodium personality) respectively, but will respond to “Alfendi” regardless of who’s fronting 
Hershel, Emmy and Katrielle have lovely singing voices. Alfendi cannot sing at all.
Luke and Flora both learn to drive while Alfendi and Katrielle never do - Luke learns to ride motorcycles but will still scream the whole time if Emmy takes the wheel of ANY vehicle
Luke in all sincerity owns hiking heels and its the worst thing he owns probably
AND OK. thats all I feel like writing right now but sure take that hopefully some of these are at least a bit funny or interesting to read fhdskjghsd
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emsartwork · 6 years
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Some asks!
1. Thank you! honestly a lot of the reason why ive produced so much for this show is because everybody is really involved and supportive. I’d love to develop my own show but also ayyyyyy ignio strafi my main man hmu whenever you wanna reboot the sparkly babes. @iamanemotionaltimebomb 2. Thank you!!! i love giving characters defining traits, and even though i understand it makes animation harder/more time consuming i think it really adds to the show. 3. i didn’t do anything to them?? i think tumblr was like.... glitching out with some of my posts tho cus i would look for stuff i had saved on my personal blog and not be able to find things i knew should be there so it might be that. I’ll go back in my archive and make sure its tagged appropriately tho  4. personally i think the fairy forms top off power wise at enchatix, and then its just changing uniforms for different jobs. like you wouldn’t wear a lab coat to fight a fire and you wouldn’t wear a fire suit to mix chemicals 5. So if the island is big or has actual seasons(ex. Britain, Japan, fuckin Australia/New Zealand technically) they would just be either Silva or Mare Lynpheans. but i could see small tropical islands having their own subset yeah, @just-kairi
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6. Not a bother at all! I’m planning on doing a full villains set as the next thing, im glad people are looking forward to it ^-^ 7. I’m gonna be doing the pixies for sure! I haven’t watched pop pixie at all, but for a while there I thought pixies were all female and elves were a separate all male species lol, i might just do that since the pixies are supposed to reproduce asexually(i heard??). @weirdghostly (i can’t tag u???) 8. yes! when i did believix redesigns i didn’t really think about it but I’m planning on revisiting them and adding sophix/lovix and the alternate wings.  9.  I don’t actually.... I’m already running one webcomic and i’m not much of a writer lol so i haven’t really mushed everything together for my winx ideas. I’ll probably do more short comics for it in the future tho!  10. omfg yes i love those designs when i was gathering references for sirenix it was sooooo hard to to use those because theyre so beautiful. Yeah it would prob have to be a commission just cus i’m swamped with other things rn :/ @hug-all-platelets 11. i mean ya ur right they just never should have killed nabu(is he officially dead or pulling a sleeping beauty on all of us?). As much as I would have loooooooved aisha to remain single because how awesome would that be, it would be a little weird to have her be the one winx member to not be involved romantically, because i mean. there is that stereotype/meme of “strong independent black woman who don’t need no man”(closely related to the “sassy black woman” stereotype) which is Problematic with a capital P, but regardless, nex and roy showed up. i honestly think the love triangle was resolved pretty quickly considering how long rainbow likes to drag relationship drama on? but yeah poly aisha/nex/roy would have also been cool. I think the reason she chose nex is because he “proved” himself, he ultimately had more perseverance and passion than roy, which is something i think aisha would specifically look for. shes strong physically and personality wise, she would want to be with people who can keep up.  12. Both! Riven is the tallest specialist, and musa is the shortest winx. i am....... very partial to height difference....... For their relationship, i think they wouldn’t even start dating until like season 3 era at the earliest.(this is partially why season 4 is so rough for them, its a new relationship) a lot of their issues would stem from their attachment issues and how they respond to insecurity. Riven’s mom left him, just fucking dropped out of his life while he was a young kid, leaving him with (in my universe) an emotionally distant and dismissive father he could never please. So Riven responds by pushing people away before they can reject him, becoming controlling, or dismissing them in anger and pretending not to care about their opinion. Musa’s mother was taken away from her by illness.  I think it happened in musa’s early teens, since it’s clearly still a tender subject in the first season. A parents death is painful no matter the circumstance, but a sickness that slowly steals the person you love away from you must be incredibly painful. As a result, Musa experience a lot of anxiety about the people she loves leaving her(whether by their choice or not), and becomes clingy, emotionally demanding, and sensitive. When Riven pushes her away Musa tries to push her way back to him, when Musa wants Riven to act certain way or do something (even if its irrational and she is at fault) Riven dismisses her needs because it means he can keep himself safe from failure. They have similar problems but the way they respond to it ends up escalating every issue. They do eventually grow and become vulnerable with each other. I think that riven still left at the end of season 6, but they didn’t exactly break up, they both recognized that Riven needed some time away from the specialists to work on his own shit and gain confidence in his own skills, so it turned into a low key long distance thing. (if he hadn’t come back in season 8  they would just decide to break it off but lol he’s back) anyways..... enjoy this essay lol
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So you want to know if I'm out or not...
Personally, I don't think I owe it to anyone to confirm, deny, or correct assumptions on my sexual orientation.
I'm out to a lot of my college friends, part of my siblings, my mom, a few colleagues, and a few other people.
I've noticed that most people assume I'm dating guys. This partially has to do with the fact that most people I've dated have nicknames that sound like stereotypical guy names. (Think sam for samantha, max for Maxine, jo for jolene)
If someone assumes I'm straight and that she's a guy, I usually just use "we" or "they" or even just their name. This had also helped me get better with pronouns filled nonbinary friends.
Tomorrow I'll post 2 coming out stories. One positive one negative so you guys get the picture. Once again, you do not owe it to anyone to come out to them. Do it for yourself, but never anyone else.
Anyways, today at work, I was talking to a coworker about the upcoming Christmas party. I kinda wanted to know for future reference if me bringing a date would someday be ok since they don't all know. Anyways, I asked if I could bring a friend since us mostly everyone with their partners and she went....
"Go ahead. Hell bring a date. we cant say anything. HR would have our heads. "... laughs.
Other lady pipes up "we won't judge. Someone brought 3 girls a few years ago"
Not sure how I feel about this, but the few younger coworkers who know im gay have been really great and honestly, I don't think anyone would say anything in my office. If I was dating someone, I honestly would probably bring them and introduce them as my date if that person was ok with it.
Anyways, hope you're all doing great! If you ever need to talk about something let me know!
-A Future Engineer
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the-mayor-of-space · 8 years
You want a whole bunch? D O T H E M A L L . . . jkjk 1-37, 45, 56, 89, 99, 103, 104, 108, 122, 125, 135, 147 + 148, 155-169, 171, 176, 195 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), 200
34: State visited:oh boy here we go
its a little weird that the asks are in reverse order in the post huh. i thought so at least.
the first part is all favourites so here we go
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? : see like look at this. question one is about how i answered all the questions i havent answered yet. the answer will be yes though, because otherwise whats the point.
2: Dog breed: i looked up a list of dog breeds because i dont know anything about them really and shelties are my new favourite kind of dog. at least aesthetically. [look at this doggo shes so good]
3: Comedian: dan avidan, gabriel iglesias, louis ck, various internet funnymen, etc.
4: Talk show host: tbh i dont think ive ever w=been a fan if talk shows.
5: Color: p u r p l e
6: Flower: every flower that has a pokemon character named after it.
7: Perfume: anything subtle enough to not send me to asthma-ville
8: Yankee candle scent: man lots of these are just things i dont know really anythign about huh
9: Radio station: mojave music radio ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵃᶰʸᵇᵒᵈʸ ᵉᵛᵉᶰ ᶫᶦˢᵗᵉᶰ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᵃᶫ ʳᵃᵈᶦᵒ ˢᵗᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰˢ ᵃᶰʸᵐᵒʳᵉ﹖ ʰᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵉᶰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᶰᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵗᵃʸ ᵒᵖᵉᶰ﹖
10: Restaurant:  five guys, my dudes. that shits so good.
11: Food: all sorts of generic shit. pizza, pasta, poutine, suchi, you know the drill
12: Thing to cook: mmmm. im not honestly sure. i cook a lot of stuff but im not sure anythign in particular stands out as my favourite. i can tell you for certain it isnt griled fucking cheese. such a pain in the ass to cook and the customers always get upset that it takes so long and its like im fucking sorry that you have 3 goddamn children who all need grilled fucking cheeses instead of a food choice that isnt trash and it takes up the grill so i cant make food for any of our other 30 customers in line right now and we’re always out of fucking vegetables to give you on your plate to go with it jesus fucking christ
a job where i had to deal with customers all day was not well suited to a lowkey misanthrope like me.
13: Concert attended: tbh im not big on concerts. ive been to a few but its not my jam.
14: Beach: cannon beach in oregon is pretty great if i remember, but its been like 10 years since i went. also i didnt dislike beaches back then.
15: Day of the week: friday. because of course it fucking is. or monday/tuesday was pretty good when i was workign because that was my weekend
16: Book: the book thief was the last thing i read and particularly enjoyed so lets go with that
17: Magazine: i mean like i said with radios, magazines arent really a thing anymore are they? like i get that theyre technically still around but does anyone buy them? ive honestly never seen someone reading a magazine for anythign other than lack of proper reading material onhand.
18: Sport to play: eww gross.
19: Sport to watch: FOOBAW. ᶦ ᵈᵒᶰᵗ ᵏᶰᵒʷ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵃᵐᶰ ᵗʰᶦᶰᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶠᵒᵒᵗᵇᵃᶫᶫ ᶦ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵉᵐᵉ⋅ ᶦ ᵈᵒᶰᵗ ᵗʰᶦᶰᵏ ᶦᵛᵉ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵍᵃᵉ ᵒᶠ ˢᵖᵒʳᵗˢ ᵃᶫᶫ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ⋅
20: Holiday: h a l l o w e e n ,   b a b y. i fuckin love to get s p o o k y
21: Theme park: there was this one waterpark i went to a handful of times as a kid, but i heard it got shut down recently.
22: Animal: i like cats and crows. i swear im not an edgelord, i just dont think about animals that much. ᵖᵒᵏᵉᵐᵒᶰ ᵒᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ʰᵃᶰᵈ⋅⋅⋅
23: Website: i was gonna say tumblr and then i realized i actually fucking hate this website
24: Movie: ive said it before and i’ll say it again. detective heart of america is the best goddamn movie of our modern era and i will fight anyone who disagrees dave
25: TV show: rick and morty yo
26: Grocery store: any of them? i heard the owner of one of the grocery stores in my town died recently so thats something. i also heard he was a dick though so whatever.
27: Clothing store: anywhere where i can buy stuff with space on it immediately becomes one of my favourites.
28: Band: lemon demon / neil cicerega, same guy. also ninja sex party.
29: Singer: ditto, dan avidan and neil cicerega
30: Actress: i kind of dont know any?
31: Actor: same deal. im not a particular of any of the ones i know in specific
32: Athlete: world famous pugilist: tommy ray handly
33: Cellphone provider: i mean im not partial to any of them. i use telus but also their internet isnt great sometimes.
34: State visited: oregon yo. that shits aesthetic af. for reference im canadian so ive only been to a few of the states.
35: President Prime Minister: new trudeau is new so he hasnt really done much yet but boy howdy is he a handsome chappie or what
36: Vehicle: i dont know a thing about cars.
37: Candy: starburst. toffee. caramel.im sure im forgetting lots.
on to the next bit, this part is miscellanious:
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: having my hair played with. i love it so much
56: Favorite web site: hey cool this is the same question as 23.
89: Who makes you laugh the most: probably @brannysweetnuts
well that was short. these next two are “the last time i”
99: Went to a movie theater: when i went to go see rogue one. it was good shit sassmaster robot is my favourite.
103: Hugged someone: like a week and a half ago. i think.
alright up next is “heres what i think about”
104: The future: probably its not gonna be much better than it is right now. i certainly dont have one.
108: Designer Clothes: tbh i kind of dont have any thoughts on them other than that they kind of seem like a waste of money?
122: War: im glad/lucky as fuck i dont have to deal with it. also a lot of them seem kind of pointless.
this part is “this or that”
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate
135: Burried or cremated: i want you guys to take my skeleton and make it into a statue, put some cool sunglasses on me, and stand me up in a lobby/foyer somewhere. and failing that, cremate me and shoot the ashes into space. or better yet: put cool glasses on my skeleton and then shoot that into space.
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn, baby
148: Summer or winter: A U T U M N
these ones are “do you believe in”
155: Magic: nope
156: Orbs: of course i believe in orbs, i main zenyatta
157: War: i believe it exists. i dont believe its that useful most of the time.
158: Gay Marriage: oh come on, we all know the gays dont actually exist
159: Ghosts: no :/ i wish they were real though that would be rad as shit. i love ghosts.
160: Soul mates: i hope
161: Horoscopes: no, but theyre still fun
162: God: nah
163: Hell: nope
164: Heaven: no
165: Aliens: yeah. but theyre probably super lame and single-celled. and even if they arent theyre way far away and itll be unrealistic to ever find them. the universe is a big fucking place my dudes.
166: Yourself: my biggest “ N O ” of all
167: Fate: i like to think the many worlds interpretation is true. but even if it is, we cant travel between timelines, so fate may as well exist.
168: Luck: rng exists, so yeah. thats what luck is.
169: Love at first sight: objectively not. thats physical attraction, thats not love. if you dont know the person at all youre not in love with them, theyre just cute.
ʰᵉʸ ᶦˢᶰᵗ ᶦᵗ ᶜᶫᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵒᶰᵉ ʷᵃˢ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶫᵒᵛᵉ ᵃᶰᵈ ᶦᵗ ʰᵃᵈ "⁶⁹" ᶦᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᶰᵘᵐᵇᵉʳ
this is the final stretch of questions. theyre miscellanious again. because talent.
171: Do you play an instrument? no. sometimes i pretend i can sing, but i cant do that either.
176: Last YouTube video watched: [this]
195: My shoe size is: i cant remember off the top of my head and i dont want to go downstairs to check.
200: My crush’s name is: uhh. this is pretty bad, but im actually not sure how to spell it.
admittedly, norwegian names are tough. we can all agree on this.
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