#im at peace with the fact that im not gonna see game that i care about
miyku · 1 year
my expectations are super low for the game awards
im not honk honking this year 
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picturing jean in a pair of raybans is good for my mental health
“Missed a couple spots. Need a hand?”
jeremy u flirt
do the trojans ever realise that jean is NOT IN FACT deaf and standing right in front of them when they are talking about him?
oh ok so chapter 11 is in fact worse than chapter 10
if anyone reading this has ever believed that they deserved the abuse, trauma/suffering they’ve experienced, i’m here to tell u right now that nobody deserves that and it is not ever ur fault, no matter what others might say or try to convince u. whatever happened to u is unequivocally not ok. please seek help from a professional if u are worried about urself or others in ur life.
if u have ever felt uncomfortable or violated in certain situations just know that no matter how ‘big’ or ‘small’ the situation may seem (i use these terms loosely because i do not believing in ranking peoples traumas), ur feelings are 100% valid and u always always deserve to be respected and heard.
i hope u know that u are not alone and never will be.
sending lots of love to all of u
wtff jenkins is a girl?? did we all know this or have i just read too many fanfics always thought jenkins was a guy?
It was sacrilegious even in the privacy of his head, and Jean hunched his shoulders against a blow that never came.
fuck that’s a good line. traumatic as fuck and makes me wanna cry for all these boys have gone through but god as an ex-catholic raised queer person i can tell u this line struck hard even though i cant relate to the specifics of the scene
Jean didn’t mind cooking, but he didn’t say that. This was the first time his room truly felt safe and right, and he was content to hold onto it for as long as he could. He closed his eyes again, but now his thoughts were snagged on Jeremy. At length he broke the silence to say, “Two beds would fit in here.”
jean moreau u are so loved
“You are not them,” Jean said. “Kevin would not have sent me here if you were.”
Just because he had to meet with this man didn’t mean he had to speak to him.
jean, u diss aaron earlier in the books but really ur just the same as him
betsy dobson to the mother fuckibg rescue someone get this bitch a ‘worlds best therapist’ mug
and jean, dude do u know how fucking similar u and neil are, seriously like u guys should be besties like-
“It was not my choice,” he sent back in warning. “I do not need counseling.” He didn’t trust her at all, but there was no point spelling it out.
dude wtf is it with me and napping while tryna finish this book, literally just accidentally fell asleep for 2.5 hrs when i could’ve been reading
“Imagine getting changed so we can practice,” Jean said.
king is fed uppp
“It’s not about size, anyway.” ​“Defensive,” Jean said, tugging his glove straps with his teeth. ​Jeremy straightened in indignation. “I don’t have anything to be defensive about.” Jean lost his grip and bit his lip, and Jeremy hurried on before either of them could think too much about that double entendre.
“That’s not—I do care. I want you to play with us, and I want you to have fun again. I want to see what you can do on the court and what you bring to our defense line. I want us to finally win this year after coming so close and failing too many times. But it’s just a game, Jean. Your safety and happiness will always be more important than our season.”
“Every time you say that you take a year off my life. I’d really like to live to ninety, so please knock it off.”
now the trojans understand how the foxes feel when neil whips out his ‘im fine’ line,, also i’m never gonna stop saying that neil and jean should be besties it’s literally just a fact
“I do not believe you when you are drinking such filth,” Jean said, with a disapproving look toward her drink. Laila stared him down as she sucked a long gulp through the straw,
this book is so devastatingly depressing and explores some of the most horrible traumatic things that could happen to a person but it’s interspersed with some of the funniest scenes that it gives me whiplash
“Pat and Ananya have wanted to fuck Cody’s brains out for almost a year now. I really thought Cody moving in with them this summer was going to finally get that ball moving, but apparently not. It’s getting kind of pitiful.” ​“Pat and Ananya have been engaged almost as long as Cody has known them,” Laila pointed out as she fit herself against Cat’s side. “You can’t blame Cody for being scared of where they might belong in something like that.”
jeremy is so hopelessly crushing on jean and that’s real of him
meanwhile jean:
Threat assessment, he told himself, and it was almost the truth.
sureee buddy
They’d arrived holding hands and dressed in matching cream-and-teal outfits. Even their gold-rimmed sunglasses and teal sneakers were identical.
well that is definitely an outfit!
“Speaking of happy endings, has Laila bought you a sex toy yet?”
this whole scene was so fucking random but jean deserves great friendships
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‘i’m sure the ravens wouldn’t have taken neil in if they’d known he was the son of a mob boss!!’
i don’t know how to tell u this buddy
dude i just cannot stop think about the whole new world of fanfics we’re gonna get now that tsc has come out like the aftg universe is expanding and becoming more detailed it’s gonna be crazy
chapter 14!!!
Jean eyed him. “For what purpose?” ​Jeremy looked to the ceiling for patience. “For fun.” ​Jean sighed as if Jeremy was the one being unreasonable.
oh jean we’ll get there eventually
Jean was a starving dog on a short chain who’d learned years ago not to bite back.
“You are Jean Moreau. Your place is here with me, with us. I’m your captain. You’re my partner. We’re supposed to be doing this together, aren’t we? Stop leaving me behind. Look at me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that he hurt you, I’m sorry that you’re still afraid to talk about it, and I’m sorry that you think I’ll never understand. I’m sorry that he tricked you into thinking you deserved it. But I’m not sorry he’s gone. I can’t be.”
“Neither am I.”
everytime one of the trojans says ‘we’re here to listen whenever your ready to talk and open up to us’ and then they go and demand he tell them every secret he’s ever kept
kevin and jeans relationship in this book is so fucking well written, it’s tearing me apart and giving me so much life
they have so much shared trauma and the relationship is so complex but they understand eachother so deeply
He is not used to having a voice, and he has never had power. I cannot promise he will ever talk to you.” ​“I will wait as long as it takes,”
“Be careful with it,” Kevin said. “Be careful with him.”
“Night practices with Andrew and Neil,” Kevin said. ​“Obsessed,” Jeremy
exy fiend kevin day representation
“No, Jean is fine. As fine as he can be, anyway. Yes, I know.” (kevin when talking to someone ‘offscreen’) i just know he was talking to neil
She crossed the room and leaned over, catching Jean’s head in her hands so she could plant a kiss to the top of his head.
this is the love jean deserves
chapter 15:
“Your fourth line has a smart mouth, Coach,” Jean said. “I was hoping he would bite his tongue off in the fall and save us both some grief in the long run.”
jean i love u
Jean wished he had the common sense to shut up,
he’s so me
“And keep Kevin’s name out of your ignorant mouth,”
i keep forgetting that jean only learnt english after he moved into evermore and that kevin probably taught him but i love the subtle little reminders every now and then when he has to clarify a word, like when he has to ask what a ‘floozy’ is and:
due to egregious injuries.” ​Jean didn’t recognize that word, but since Lucas was already running his mouth, he didn’t get a chance to ask.
it’s such a good detail that just adds so much more depth to his character
“Permission to break his face, Coach?” Jean asked. ​“Denied,” White said.
catalina alvarez u wonderful human i love u
jean realising how big the world is and the fact that he’s explored more of california than any other place he’s been before is making me tear up he never should’ve been kept trapped inside he deserves to see the world
So long as she existed as fractured memories, she was safe and small and sheltered.
oh god don’t do this to me
Jean gazed out at the endless horizon, feeling small and infinite from one moment to the next.
beautiful, just beautiful, absolutely immaculate
A cool evening breeze. Rainbows. Open roads.
“He is not going to hit you. Okay? We don’t do that here. You said you’d try to do better and that’s enough for us.”
starting off strong
You’re one of my kids now.
don’t mind me i’m just sobbing
no no no no no no no no no
holy shit no what the fucking fuck
don’t do this to jean rn oh my fucking god i’m sick to my stomach on the verge of fully crying right now
actually dreading reading on right now
um ok yeah so i read it and to anyone who hasn’t finished the book yet beware there is a graphic violent scene followed by an intense panic attack in chapter 16 that’s is very difficult to read
i did cry and all i can say is thank fuck for lisinski’s timing
Jeremy’s response was low but unhesitating: “I will not look away.” ​“I do not want you to look.” ​It frightened him how much it sounded like a lie,
only redeeming part of this chapter is that neil’s back but i’m still in so much shock over what’s just happened that i cant properly appreciate him
chapter 17 the finale:
feeling incredibly somber as i reach the end of the book
please god destroy anyone who has ever hurt jean moreau
nora’s really filling in all the plot holes left from aftg - why did nobody question why neil’s hair was dyed after evermore ????? why did nobody question neil being at evernote in the first place???
i’m laughing at neil’s map print-outs he’s so uncool, also i keep forgetting this is still meant to be 2007
jean-yves moreau oh my fucking god
“says who?” Stuart asked. “The dead kid?
stuart hatford u are so funny, is this where neil inherited is sarcasm from?
stuart hatford says fuck riko and so do i
Neil shrugged. “Do you have anyone who can take on local work?”
Neil offered her a disarming smile that would never sit quite right on his face.
devouring these scraps about my boy
Neil filled in the finer details with an ease that would have been impressive to listen to any other day
- yes neil is incredibly smart, thank u jean for confirming to us
The only thing left to ask for was something he barely understood: “I want to go home.”
oh the complicated nature of home and one’s sense of belonging that persists throughout these books will never fail to make me feel absolutely everything. nora knows exactly what i want in a book
“I can see the kitchen. There should be a door out to where the dumpsters are. We can make it back to the garage from there.”
to be loved by neil josten is to be offered a way to evade the fbi together
“Tedious,” Neil said. “I’m trying to eat.”
my hero
Neil waited until he was done before deciding he wanted to finish his drink. Neither agent was impressed with their absolute lack of urgency,
i love u neil josten pls give me ur autograph
Neil, being the person he was, pointed at the fire hydrant adjacent to its front bumper and said, “That’s illegal, just so you know.” ​“Shut up and get in the car.”
i wish neil josten was real
He couldn’t fear a government who was so easily infiltrated and manipulated
Neil flipped his takeout box open and started eating. “I’m allowed to visit people.”
he’s everything to me 🥰
“You’re one to accuse others of intolerable attitudes,” Browning said, and Neil only shrugged indifference.
and—for once—without any of your usual bullshit.”
- browning u love him just like the rest of us don’t lie rn
ngl i’m never getting over the fact that jean and neil are the same age like this is crazy to me nora whyd u have to do this i cant cope
“The more people I hold onto, the less of a threat I am, because I won’t want to endanger them by acting out.”
oh neil look how far uve come, i’m so proud
“Lock your door tonight if it will help, but Grayson will never bother you again.”
all my favourite bamf! neil fics have him taking out a hit on someone for the benefit of the people he loves and i’m so glad that’s canon
i’m going fucjing crazy i didnt think it was possible to love neil anymore than i already do
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best friends ❤️
jean tearing up and throwing away the notebooks and realising he trusts the trojans and the four of them going to eat one of cats new recipes after they waited up last midnight for him
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
the gang on a road trip :3
i love this request sm!! LETS GO👇
i feel like he’d try to read but when they’re all in the stupid MINI VAN TOGETHER HE CANNOT GET PEACE
also like reading on a drive can kinda make you carsick
and pony seems the type to get carsick i’m sorry😭💀
BUT i myself get carsick so it’s not bullying🫶
anyways he’s probably chill until someone mentions playing some roadtrip game like I Spy or smth LMAO
he seems the type to get actually triggered and annoyed during that game cause people *cough* dally *cough* choose stupid stuff (more on this later🙏)
probably sleep or smth low maintenance
i just feel like johnny doesn’t need constant attention to feel appreciated yk
anyways he’d also just seem the type to carry on a goofy convo throughout the drive
like just RANDOM and it lasts for like hours LMAOO
people probably voluntold him to sit in the middle seat 😔😭
he the type of kid to yell the most random stuff out of context in the back of the bus😭😭😭
so that kinda translates to this
his brain goes like a billion miles per hour so if you aren’t steve or two bit chances are you don’t even know what they’re doing at this point
finds ANY source of entertainment
usually bothers darry with steve LMAOO
darry drives cause no one else is trusted😔
maybe lets steve drive cause who else is gonna take over at night🧐
anyways he drives and definitely gives the annoyed dad
and then everyone’s good til dal loses a game of travel uno and punches his seat out of anger
and everyone goes quiet like 😟
and darry’s tweaking but ITS OK THEY STILL MAKE IT
rides shotgun
just a menace honestly
i feel like he dislikes being cooped up and bc of that he just is even more of a jerk
like pony thought itd be fun to play i spy and dally’s like “what a stupid game 🙄”
and then says “i see something….blue”
and everyone’s like “uhh the sky”
and just guessing EVERYTHING and dals like
eventually he says “it’s the blood in everyone’s veins rn😀because blood is actually blue before it hits the air and oxidizes and then it turns red🤷‍♂️🥰”
and everyone’s like 😐
and he is just like “well last week pony had a bio test and he wouldn’t SHUT UP ABOUT THAT FACT SO”
honestly just doesn’t stop. talking.
which is ok cause my guy is funny ASF
BUT for people on their last thread like darry he’s just like 😤
anyways two is just making fun of EVERYTHING
like isn’t it funny that pony’s seatbelt still has the child lock on it
and that dally is getting found out for actually caring about what people talk about (ie the random fact he remembers pony talking abt)
honestly a blast
he suggests a lot of games and lowk destroys
just goofs off w soda CONSTANTLY
which is really funny
i feel like we underestimate how funny they are together
probably talks abt cars the majority of the way there to no one in particular LMAO
it’s ok cause when the curtis car inevitably breaks down halfway there he goes into
and saves the day🫶🥰💞
TYSM FOR REQUESTING!! my requests are opennn🫶🫶
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alwaysf0rev3r · 2 years
avenger men in bed ;)
pairing: bruce banner x reader, bucky barnes x reader, steve rogers x reader, thor x reader, stephen strange x reader
warnings: smut, oral sex (f & m recieving), somnophilia (consensual), hair pulling, semi-public sex, restraints and tying up, choking
a/n: let me know if i missed any warnings :)
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Bruce Banner
you. you you you you it's all about YOU always.
he literally just wants to eat you out like ma'am coochie plssssss
obvi he likes a good blowjob and fucking you, but god there was absolutely no better feeling for him than you sitting on his face.
you barely did it, but when he did, he prayed he could die right then and there with you just grinding on his face
he literally just shoves his fingers in his mouth after fingerblasting you cause he's so obsessed with your taste
im sorry but this man absolutely loves to stick a finger in your mouth... the way you suck on it and hallow your cheeks slightly, LORDDDDDDD thats it for him truly
he's more cautious than the rest, but god when he gets horny, he gets HORNY he doesnt gaf where you are
like you guys can be out but he will put his hand in your pants under the table as subtle as possible and then suck on his finger in front of everyone, pretending he was just cleaning some food off his finger
like horny bruce is an absolute different person....
he just doesn't even think about cumming he just gets absolute and total pleasure from watching you finish, there are so many nights he forgets and doesnt cum, and he doesnt care
after care is his thing, he doesn't even mean to do it, he just loves you
brings you tea and some midnight snack while you guys play a board game or watch a movie after
but then he wants to fuck like 5 mins later cuz this man is so desperate for ur cookie ong
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Bucky Barnes
he's definitely rougher with you, into more bdsm type stuff and is super experimental
i feel like he's so into mutual masturbation
like nothing would get him off like telling you what to do while you touch yourself, making you cum without even touching you
mild choking would fs be a thing, but i think he would just always tie you up somehow
metal hand metal hand metal hand
if he doesn't have a tie to tie you up with, his metal hand pushing you down does the job
vertical sixty nine. i said it.
he loves watching you cum, like seriously, the sight of you moaning and twitching relentlessly is enough to make him cream his pants like a teenager
he'd be a huge talker
"you're so good for me" "i'm gonna cum if you keep doing that" "i just wanna fuck the brat out of you" shit like that yk
i think he likes to take control to kind of cope with the fact that he never had any, but its all safe and fun, esp for you cuz yum
this is so random but i can just imagine him coming into the kitchen while you prepared a snack and just putting whipped cream or icing or something like that on your and sucking it off. like its so him
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Steve Rogers
i know a sub when i see one.
this man is a knee begger crier all of it like
i can imagine the first time you guys are in the bedroom, making out more heated than normal and all of a sudden this man WHIMPERS
hes such a boob guy
peace and luv but he is so desperate
like you guys will be out eating dinner with the others and you'll just see his pecker staring at you
he wants you everywhere and any time.
i could imagine you at tony's for some cocktail party, and you go to the restroom to take a piss, but you cant cuz your 6 foot something super human boyfriend is already in the stall waiting for you, hand in pants
he just humps you like a dog and whines so loud, hes definitely a moaner j whispering in your ear in public "im so hard right now, please touch me, i'll do anything" "you're so hot, please just jack me off before i cream my pants just looking at you, god"
HANDJOBS god, you just sitting next to him and jacking him off while you whisper simple "good boy" "you like that, baby?" in his ear... he'd just be thrusting into your hand and moaning so loud he can barely hear you
he loves when you use him to get off, like when you ride his thigh or abs
THAT AMAZONIAN POSITION FUCK WHAT IS IT CALLED cuz god ik steve would just absolutely cumbust when you did it
he basically j loves being your bitch and wants you all the time
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i do not fear much, but lord knows i fear being anywhere within a 100-foot radius of a bed with this man.
he will literally fuck you until you're on the brink of unconsciousness
he's in control but in a more aggressive (consensual) way
FREE USE i j know this man loves to just eat you or fuck you when you're cooking or watching tv, using you when he wants
he loves fucking you in your sleep (you agreed and spoke about it before, its 100% consensual)
like he literally naturally wakes up at 8 everyday just to finger fuck you til you wake up
this man comes home and doesn't even say shit, just bends you over and goes to pound town
no bro face fucking???? absolutely his thing
theres nothing hotter for him than grabbing your hair and just thrusting in and out
the slightly watered eyes, the messy spit, god he sometimes comes close to cumming just THINKING about it
he shows no mercy. oh, you came 10 times and cant move? too bad spread your legs
since he's so rough, i feel like he'd get a little guilty and do the absolute MOST to pamper you afterwards
face masks, full body massages, he'd even give you a little nail trim. like you're in a whole mf spa after you fuck
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Stephen Strange
confidence. this man has it. (ok but if i looked like him i would too tbh)
he's so chill it scares u, like what is this man up to???? even when he takes control, he has this smug chill 'i know it all' tone to him
he absolutely makes you call him doctor when he's in control...
he loves blowjobs like fuck there is nothing hotter than watching you so passionate about taking the most of him you can, the sight of it is even hotter than the feeling
"you're so warm, fuck, just a little longer" "you're being so good, i'll give you a reward, darling, don't worry."
THIS MAN IS AN ABSURDLY GOOD PUSSY EATER LIKE not like ohhh thats a dude who can eat puss its like WTF THAT MAN CAN EAT PUSS...
like it is the most toe curling hair pulling lip biting eye rolling headboard grabbing head like where did this man learn so much
i feel like he is in control more often, but every now and then he presses your buttons (not washing the dishes, being late to dinner, leaving dirty clothes everywhere, etc) just to get you angry. once you're mad enough he just says "show me how angry you are"
when hes sub, he still has a certain chill to him, but its hot
his eyebrows furrow and he just does as told, wanting you to touch him
"yes, i promise, i'll be good." "yes, yes, that feels good, thank you" like this man breathes so deep and just groans so loud
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sasukeless · 4 months
2 If you’re still doing the controversial ask game
2) was sasuke right?
ahh this billion dollar question isn’t it. i feel like this is the top 1 most discussed thing on this app for years, i have read every side of it.
to give #my opinion, im gonna go with yes. but its far more complicated, like most things are with naruto lol. i believe sasuke is right because he sees there’s a flaw in the existing system around him and to finally do something about it the only way to do that it’s to get ride of the system from the root.
now, as much as i agree with sasuke there i don’t agree with the way he tries to do that revolution. i dont mean this in a “oh violence wont be fixed with more violence” bs. i mean this because where sasuke’s goals are born for and how they affect his plans.
when sasuke finishes listening to the kages and it’s coming up with his thoughts, he immediately is bombarded by memories of itachi (itachi only, not his clan) and itachi’s words to him. when he states he will not let the village be destroyed he does it by adding “itachi’s will”. when sasuke is dying in the war arc his only thoughts again are that he doesn’t want to waste what itachi wanted to die. this shows us very clearly that sasuke’s revolution is very influenced by itachi��� wants. a little different, sure but still the same. which makes sense why his goal at vote2 is destroy the last person he loves and bear the hatred of everyone so the villages can have peace between them as long as they focus all on him. and this is quite what itachi did, just on a bigger scale. naruto = uchiha clan. the villages = konoha. sasuke = itachi.
^this is where many people complain that kishimoto had to turn sasuke ooc to make him evil and i can see what they mean but personally i dont view it as such when i look at what sasuke’s arc has always been. i have seen also that they dislike that post reveal sasuke’s character seems to be focus on itachi more than in his clan like in part 1 which i also disagree. itachi has been sasuke’s main influence in his character since day one. even in part 1, sasuke’s hate towards itachi isn’t just because he killed his clan, kishimoto focuses alot in showing itachi and sasuke having a loving relationship. kishimoto is very specific that sasuke’s biggest grief at the end of the day is not the massacre alone but the fact it was itachi who committed it. this is essentially what sets sasuke aside of other characters that lost their family/clans/parents etc. its not only what he lost but by who’s hands he lost it. so his focus has always been in itachi. so i dont think it was only part 2 that sasuke became more driven by itachi than anything else… anyways going back to the topic because im going off the rails (sorry).
sasuke has always had itachi first imo. and sasuke has always been defined by love too so ofc he’s gonna forgive the person he loves even if he doesn’t deserve it, ofc he’s gonna try to achieve that peace his brother “sacrificed” his life for (even if thru different means that he wanted you to). but while i understand and love sasuke’s character, i still think these are all very personal reasons for his revolution plans and thus why it fails.
his revolution plans are also self destructive but he doesn’t care because he still views it as his ultimate duty (again why he was so distraught when he was about to die without doing anything). he wants to become the bearer of all evil, and pain and hatred and wants to be all alone, even tho that is something that has caused alot of his pain in the past, he even talks about possible immortality and its just, well sad. you can tell hes about to sell his own doom because he thinks thats what he has to do to fix everything. he is ready to become a martyr. and forgive me but i view as that as a very tragic
so while i will always view him as being in the right, because when you put him in comparasion to most characters that doesnt realize whats wrong w the shinobi world, he will always come as one of the few that actually isn’t blind (even if its framed as bad for pointing that the system needs to be destroyed), i still dont think his plans are the right ones
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c0rinarii · 2 months
Gonna recompile some thoughts about the 13SAR characters now that im past midpoint!
Juro: Oh its getting juicy.... unfortunately my boy is still as intresting as a plank of sheet wood but im intrested to see if his character goes anywhere outside of the Kyuta stuff going on. Im also sorry i ever suggested to u to make out with Kyuta.
Iori: SHE'S SO FUNNY.... I aspire to have even an inch of her whimsy and dedication to being so #normal. I too would like to confess to my weird as hell crush disregarding the fact he's a dangerous fugitive. Girl of All Time
Shuu: Frat bot facade is slowly starting to crumble and im here to see it. Uncover the truth, gayboy‼️
Megumi: I FEEL SO SORRY FOR U GIRL.... 😭 May you find peace in the future but its an overall shitty situation to be in. truly have her in my thoughts and prayers
Natsuno: I WAS SO HEARTBROKEN TO SEE HER WHIMSY FADE AWAY ONCE SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF THE KAIJU 😭😭 I love that she managed to maintain her optimism despite the awful situation she's been put in though. Still a joy to see pop up on the screen
Keitaro: HE REALLY IS A GOOD BOY... He's just trying his best and i love him for that. You'll save everyone you care about i promise [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND TAKATOSHI!! I SWEAR]
Takatoshi: Boys be fighting demons and demons is bisexuality. I enjoy him a Regular amount and i appreciate seeing his himboisms so much in the game. I never want to seem him That sad again [IMPERIALISM IS LYING TO U AND KEITARO!! I SWEAR]
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Yuki: MY PRINCE.... MY SHINING STUD‼️‼️ I love her a very normal ammount and seeing her slowly uncover the truth is nice to see. Definetily much smarter than she think she is.
Gouto: The fact that he is ong for real Ryoko's government assigned boyfriend is the funniest thing to come out of the game so far. He's still gated behind a huge completion milestone but so far i feel like he's trying to make sense of the situation the best he can. Unlike Tomi though, he's very scared of the circumstances of if he disobeys orders, i think.
Ryoko: She's been such a mood so far that i now think of her with her hands on her head when i stress about my uni deadlines. Im so sorry for Ida being anywhere near her life. She should get a wife to kiss and heal her. I give her full permission to kill anyone who breaks her heart. My snarky queen
Ei: HE ACTUALLY GREW ON ME I CANT BELIEVE IT. He really reminds me if the cool rivals with a soft spot you'd see in shonen anime and I cant be too mad at that. I enjoy how taciturn he can be too.
Nenji: HE'S ACTUALLY SUCH A SWEETHEART... knowing that he was childhood friends with Miwako really made me like him more (esp with how he treats her!) Loveable idiot.
Tomi: MY MUTUAL... OOMF IN ARMS... #GIRL IN LAW. Literally love how's she's written her personality is so so colorful. She has definitely said some out of pocket shit on twitter before and ill defend her with my life.
Miwako: I WILL WRITE YOU INTO RELEVANCY MYSELF‼️‼️There is so much oppurtunity to write her as one of the 15. LET THEM BE 16‼️‼️ HER "easy to develop crushes" SELF CAN BE MADE INTO SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER TO THE NARRATIVE RAUGHHH
Chihiro: I can see she's really trying her best to save everyone from the kaiju and seems to resort to any means neccesary to do so... i appreciate the effort despite the uh. [gestures] unethical treatment towards minors ig
Ida: EVERYTHING IS LITERALLY UR FAULT. I CANT BELIEVE IT. This would be half the disaster if you learnt how to sod it with ur selfish desires i swear.
Kyuta, Not-Tamao, 426, Izumi: I CLOCKED UR SHIT, SNEAKY BITCH. I dont trust a word you say. """"Means well"""" in the end i think but has way more messed up ways to go around it compared to Morimura
Miyuki: So far looking like the only person willing to help these kids in a way that would not give them severe trauma. Rooting for u girl.
[No thoughts on Tamao since i consider Erika as 426]
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naturallyexcessive · 7 months
kiriko masai for the ask game?
ok i was gonna answer the old ship asks first for the sake of catching up but then i saw masai in this ask and blacked out so we're doing this first lmao
sexuality hcs: fallen real in love with the idea of aromantic masai honestly! probably not romance repulsed, i can imagine her still enjoying romantic things, it's just that romance isn't for her specifically
gender hcs: i imagine she doesn't really think about it much, in a similar way to how amemiya's outlook on her gender is something along the lines of "im probably nonbinary but i have a job (script writing) so idrc about that rn" except she's thought about it way less. like she'll call herself a girl if asked out of the blue but if you give her time to think about it she'll go "huh. maybe not"
ship: im always a masaame truther through and through! think that was pretty obvious haha
brotp: i think she and nana are real neat! they're canonically friends (masai being one of nana's first theater-enjoying friends in fact) and i'd love to explore that more! and by that i mean i'd love to see masai try and figure out just how much nana knows about the underground stage, and perhaps vice versa. they're besties but also engaging in the most passive-aggressive intel war on each other ever. also, i just love their parallels to each other? they're both producer-types who deeply care for unified happiness and the wellbeing of their respective teams over any conflict, which stems from their more gentler natures; nana has her sheer determination to keep the status quo vs masai's tendency to hold back in favor of keeping the peace
notp: naturally the main answer here is probably just shiori, the jhs kids and elle, for obvious reasons!
random hc: i like to imagine that masai knows a lot more about the underground stage and the nature of stage girls than most would think. i think i've talked about this hc in the past before and i swear i'll elaborate on it at some point because my specific thoughts about it are all over the place. but it just. works in my brain? she's quite literally the stage director of their year and it's been established that this is a pretty important role (if the live 4 climax is anything to say about it) and, like mentioned above, she does have nana parallels and that extends to the sense she just has the vibes of someone who Knows Things! hiding secrets behind that smile!
general opinion: i don't talk about her as much as amemiya but i do love her just as much :)
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cosmeticalchaosicle · 3 months
Snack that smile back goldfish!
Note : Im sorry I had to make the reference hehe
Summary : Riddle's in a terrible mood once again, and pushed away all his dormates and even his best friend. Until he happened to run into floyd. What did he do to make the tyrant so.. silly?
Warnings & etc:
This fanfic will contain swearing, angst, tickles (Also, As you like Floyd x Riddle. It can be either platonic or romantic to your view)
Now, buckle your seat belts and hang on tight!~☆
‎♡₊˚ 🦩・₊✧
The sky was sunny, rather flaming. It was only spring yet the temperature was heated. And you could say the same about riddle's attitude, he was avoidant of his fellow classmates and making rude remarks when ticked off in the slightest and everyone could portray it as : 'Oh! Just ordinary Riddle' when really.. Something wasnt right with him.
Riddle sat alone in the library, looking for peace. As his mind was drowning in horrid thoughts ; Am I Wrong? What do they think? I wanna be free . I'm sick of the rules. Am I being disobedient for this behavior? Does my sluggishness affect the others? Why do I feel so terrible!? Why can't—
"Hey Goldfishie!~☆"
Oh no , the one face he did not want to see today.. floyd usually doesn't go to the library which is why riddle was even there in the 1st place. Why was he there though? Perhaps to play games, perhaps to do something productive . . . Or was he looking for him
"I was looking for you allll over! Don'tcha know how bored I would be without you?" Floyd skipped over with enthusiasm as riddle's face already began to turn red
"Floyd. I'm NOT in the mood for this.." A deeper tone to riddle's voice came out, floyd didn't care however "Huh? Why not little goldfishie? I wanna play with you :D You've hide away from everyone like a little scared cuttlefish.. Maybe I should switch nicknames ehe!~" floyd teased happily, riddle didn't realize much that floyd payed attention to the fact he was actually hiding from people and not just out of sight. Riddle began to get angrier and angrier "Floyd. Go away. Immediately"
Then. Somehow, this was the last thing that broke riddle
"Oh? Goldfishie. Isn't today when you're supposed to help with the unbirthday?"
. . .
Riddle broke down into tears, his head down on the table. He just couldn't keep these emotions in anymore. Floyd stared confusedly at how Riddle randomly broke down sobbing furiously. He had to ask though.. "Uhm. Goldfishie? Are you okay?"
Riddle gave a harsh outleash back "DO I FUCKING LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY? DO I?! DO I?! I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF THIS CYCLE OF FUCKING BULLSHIT! I'M TIRED OF LIVING LIKE THIS. IM TIRED OF HAVING NO CHOICE BUT TO APPLY IM SO. TIRED OF IT ALL!" Riddle gone quiet. As he broke down even more. . Floyd was aware this could cause blot, he didn't know what much to do than attempt to comfort the teary-eyed housewarden. "Hey uhm.. don't cry. Its gonna be okay." Floyd awkwardly patted the boy. Surprised as riddle pushed his hand away so furiously. Then.. got an idea . Usually, it helped whenever he was upset. So ofcourse he had to try.. but he was partially concerned to. Though he took the chance. And gave a warm smile to riddle. "Come here goldfishie!~ Ive gotcha okay? Don't be sad, and just relax " he pulled in riddle tightly. It wasn't as tight as when he squeezes people but similar, "YOU LITTLE !— PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!" Floyd only giggled with glee as he proposed an idea "Hehe! I will. Just tell me when you want me to stop the fun okay?~" . "Im sorry wh— Ahahah!— LET ME GO !-" Riddle burst out into this soft , raspy laughter at the feeling of Floyd tickling him . Almost, well yeah. Enjoying it. Honestly riddle forgot what it felt like to be like this since his lack of physical attention. And He could only take it, because its not like he can get down from floyd having him scooped up into his arms while Floyd's stupidly long nails fluttered around his stomach . Soonly Floyd had stopped. But didn't put riddle down.. instead just carried riddle back to his dorm mates.. they were sitting in the cafeteria.. Cater decided to snap a picture with everyone just to see floyd carrying a flustered, giggly riddle in his arms.. "Riddle-kun! Are you okay? We haven't seen you all day!". Floyd looked at riddle "See. They aren't mad." Riddle had quickly composed himself as floyd was still poking him in the ribs and found the words to respond, "O-Oh. Don't worry about it. I'm okay now."
They resumed life as normal.. though something was odd. Riddle was walking off balance. And seemingly startled when someone's hands came in contact with him. Ah, hes alright. Because what can he say? He's always right
A/N : Thank you so much for reading!~☆ I haven't written a genuine fic in months , so I hope you liked it
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ayameyumesaki · 1 year
I'm glad I looked forward to Re;ssurection ch. 15 because damn I'm close to tears... Schnee, good boy good boy 😭
[Spoiler ahead, you've been warned!]
This chapter is talking about Schnee and Suzaku, along with Schneizel sending Lancelot and Guren's frame coat thingy. There aren't many differences in Schneizel scene, but hey, we're gonna get Cornelia talking to Zero!Lelouch next chapter.
The thing I want to talk today is the additional Schnee and Suzaku scene which is... pretty heartwarming and needed, especially in Suzaku's side. I'm not going to reveal everything, my main focus is what Schnee said to Suzaku.
In previous chapter, we saw Schnee going somewhere with Kallen which is kinda revealed here but anyway Suzaku was about to talk to Lelouch (yes shut up im totally emo he actually went out to search him in his condition just to say 'im glad you're alive' askdjaljfkahflajd) and Lelouch said he should talk to Schnee first and they did. At first Lelouch wants to leave but Schnee said it has to do with Lelouch too.
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Then, he revealed that he saw the documents Ledo left behind about them so he knew the situation. He also said it was by his own will he came there. He then told Suzaku that he attacked Suzaku after the FLEIJA bombing because he was mad and tried to deny it, he also fled because of that. Since he was aware that it was never by Suzaku's will, he regretted the fact he attacked Suzaku that day.
That's why when Schnee said he found out that Suzaku is still alive, he was happy but also angry, much like how Suzaku thought about Lelouch in prev chapter :) Fun enough, he also questioned the same thing as Suzaku did in previous chapters, but in calmer way.
"Like, why don't you tell me anything about it,"
Fun enough, the way they showed this line was with Suzaku looking extra sad and guilty like how he always did in manga version, and Lelouch... Oh, Lelouch.
Then, comes the scene that makes me, cry. Literally cry, because the way Suzaku responded to it as well...
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Schnee: When I heard your rescue mission is a success from Kallen-san, I was thinking about punching you at least once (hence, in prev chapter, Kallen told Suzaku to be prepared for another punch lol). But, like this... There's no way I can punch you who is hurted like this... Suzaku: Schnee...
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Do you mean I waited two weeks for... Schnee trying to comfort Suzaku 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and he even cared for him.... I mean I just want Schnee to have a talk with Suzaku and this???????? Damn, Lelouch, step up your game before your bf is snatched by someone else.
Anyway, Schnee brought Suzaku his Zero outfit.
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Suzaku: To support my back, huh? Schnee: No, Suzaku-san's and Lelouch-san's. Both of yours. Zero is a hero you two created. That Zero must be able to save Nunnally-sama from this difficult condition.
Please notice about Suzaku's face. He looked kinda... mad or serious. It's certainly the face he showed as Knight of Zero, so I think it's serious. Lelouch also smiled. Zero is the symbol of justice they created together--- Lelouch is the Zero during the war and bring the peace to the world, while Suzaku is the Zero who protects the said peace with everything he has. Schnee told them that he supports both Zero.
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Suzaku: Schnee, I... Schnee: Suzaku-san, even now, you are the existence I admired the most. That's why, the gratitude I wasn't able to convey that day, please let me say it again to you after this problem ends.
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You see, it could be because our Suzaku is always and always been guilty driven boy he is since he was 10, so I think, here, he wants to deny Schnee's words. But Schnee is... Suzaku's subordinate for a reason. He didn't accept a no, much like his benefactor, so he just left without letting Suzaku spoke even a word and Lelouch commented on it.
It's beautiful to see how Schnee's act in Lancelot & Guren ended with him being able to tell Suzaku directly about what he actually felt. Schnee is always been the most honest one between Konoe Knights, and Suzaku was certainly grateful for his existence---and even Ledo's. Though it wasn't mentioned, you can see how much it pains him to meet Schnee, but he probably wanted to apologize anyway, because he always knew Ledo is someone precious to Schnee too, much like how they are to Suzaku. I'm glad Schnee showed to Suzaku how much he actually cares for him... Something that no one in the series showed it directly to him, probably, after Euphy.
Schnee's matter aside, we should remember that in the movie, Suzaku actually told Lelouch to return to be Zero. While Suzaku didn't say it during his conversation with Lelouch in the tower, through this scene, I think Suzaku actually wanted to tell Schnee about him stopping to be Zero. I think there is a scene where he said that his existence as Zero is a mere decoration---I think it was during that scene with Lelouch, I forgot in where though.
But clearly, through the manga, I could feel many reasons for him to think twice about his position as Zero. While Suzaku is ultimately accepted his fate to be hated as shown with the airport incident, with his inability to protect Nunnally and let her to be kidnapped and Lelouch returned, he felt even weaker than he ever was. Unlike during the wartime where he actually had a clear purpose to create a peaceful world and return Japan to freedom, Suzaku didn't have that clear purpose either, except he should live. His mentality was probably on the lowest, and you could see in that scene where he stood in the middle of an empty room, probably thinking, he was more than ready to return things back to how it should be. The manga showed how much pain he actually felt as Zero, which no one could see, through his expressions. And I'm glad this chapter explored it.
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Additional comment: In this scene, Lelouch praised Suzaku about Schnee, and Suzaku said "it is something they imposed by themselves", then they stood watching the sunset. The author commented "one can feel the distance between the shadows of those two who stood next to each other, but Lelouch still enveloped the black cloth to his body".
Pretty good as a whole package. Can't wait to see Cornelia being mad and pointed her sword to Suzaku and Lelouch next. I want to see how that Cornelia goes about to kill him then say "I'm glad that you're okay". 😭
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freakattack · 5 months
Im not done yet but move it thoughts so far (SPOILERS)
I hate this but i'm getting this out of the way right now because i am NOT pointing out every time this happens, but i cannot believe how much unintentional deviantart type shit is in this?? Obviously it's all goofy cartoon gags so it's innocuous in intent but with so many in quick succession it feels like we're checking off boxes here. Kids, there's nothing more cool than drawing characters you like, but if an anonymous stranger ever randomly approaches you asking you to draw "what if ashley was giant haha", THAT'S NO GOOD
One other thing before i get into the individual stages that i thought was weird even back when they released the trailers for this, and i'm being a little fun police about this, is fhat i dont like the implication that this ancient civilization was colonized and converted into a tourist trap. I don't know how i would have fixed this but seeing it all laid out like that is like oh, this feels sucky.
WARIO: I like the callback to smooves in his stage and also that he gets both in and out of trouble by being a massive dick. The new voice......it's gonnna have to grow on me
MONA: Was a little disappointed that she was looking for mermaids instead of like barnacles or something but it's fine, mermaids can be for everyone. Joe is a fucking maniac but i respect him.
THE CRYGORS: really fucking cute. I love the pose mike does when you win. Also, the retroactive cave drawings of each of them are super funny
OK first of all, i know i said that i wasnt gonna bring this up again but i really really hate the orbulon weight gain thing. Do you know how many of that exact image i have been accosted by before this game was even announced just by googling his name?? TOO MANY. And now all of them are REAL. I feel betrayed.
now that that's out of the way. WHAT!!!!!
I don't know how to feel about the oinker being alive. I'm at a loss. On one hand, it upends everything we know about the oinker. On the other hand, i too have a soul bond with my car
I enjoyed being able to look inside orbulon's brain. I think that is all i ever wanted to do in a wario game.
One thing i think is highly consistent with his old characterization is that he WOULD instantly welcome people worshipping him like a god
THE ORBULON DAD REVEAL. It's like. See I thought we were going to meet him in person and it would be like a big lore thing but this is literally a joke. I'm ok with a joke. I'm ok with a gaff.
I really appreciated all of the slapstick. If orbulon doesn't eat shit on the concrete is it even worth it
This is in a later cutscene but i'm addressing it here, i simultaneously love and hate the fact that orbulon is depicted sleeping on a lounge chair slurping a drink because i literally drew him doing exactly that in the next camping episode. I'm very happy that we are all in agreement that that is a thing he can do. But mark my words i did it first so you gotta act surprised okay
OK one last thing but i really liked rhe chicken rap
ASHLEY: Just your standard garden variety ashley cutscene. Even on vacation red needs a vacation
THE REMIX BUS: this is my favorite cutscene in the game. Super funny, love the chaos as well as seeing each character fooling around and just hanging out, and mike's singing is melodious. This is the peace all true warriors strive for
CRICKET & MANTIS: I think i said "WHAT" out loud like five times during both of these cutscenes. WHAT!!!!!!!!!
KAT & ANA: Similarly, CRACTUS??!!!?! FROM WARIO LAND??!! I enjoy how many random throwbacks this game has. Also, nice to see the return of leo even though i didnt care about him that much. He's alright
JIMMY T: Beautiful as always. 10/10 no notes
Dribblenspitz: I think there is more raw emotion in dribble's "AW, NUTS" than the entire rest of the game. Love their cutscene
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Also love that REPORTER KEN is BACK and i guess he wears contacts now good for him. Love the traditional dribblenspitz sci fi shooter boss
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mrstsung · 5 months
Vent below if you like liu kang this post isn't for you. This is basically an anti liu kang and really angry post.
Giving y'all a warning.
Again DNI if you like liu kang or "stan" him. Or are a fire god liu kang fan. Because this post isn't for you.
Like I'm giving a warning for a reason because im not gonna be nice rn. I choose violence today ok?
Trying to cite warnings and tag this so people don't get up in arms. (Which they may anyways but hey thats on them if they click further)
Cw:vent,angry admin.
Last warning. If you like liu kang. Plz for the love of god dni and keep scrolling. But if you dont like him. And especially hate fire god liu kang. Plz Continue.
Vent below cut
If you like or stan liu kang but more so mk12/mk1 god *redacted titans derogatory* liu kang.
Kick rocks. He's an asshole. Have a nice die liu kang. 💀🗑⚰
Nah. You can miss me with that. Liu kang deserves nothing but death and suffering. In fact everyone BUT shang tsung deserves it.
Nah if yall would have gave shang something actually decent,livable,love and care,maybe a fucking decent friend that wasn't a previous roster member?,etc. None of this would be a problem. But nope. Liu kang had to be a petty whore bitch with bias agenda. Could have made him evil and made him like dark raiden. But nope you had to make him insufferable and unlikable.
Like a guy who hides behind the im nice,till you disagree or reject his ideals and suddenly you're gaslighted and given shit. Omg much like religious indoctrination. How interesting. But they dont wanna talk about that.
People don't wanna talk about how shitty the writing is. But people don't care so as long as the characters are pretty and fuckable enough. But the more things change the more they stay the same i guess.
Everytime i see mk12/mk1 liu kang i wanna spit on him and punch him and set him on fire and just want him dead and gone for good. Because i fucking hate him. I have never hated even kronika this bad,more so i felt she was a waste of potential, and redundant af. Nah He deserves die.
Like go to Super hell liu kang. Piss off with your shitty fanfic Timeline. Loser bitch ass hiding behind a fake ass smile and preaching peace. Peace my ass. Shit happened anyways. Makes fucking shinnok look like a fucking saint sweetheart in comparison.
Like im not even joking. I don't even care about his reasons. I dont even care what canon says. Or these fucking mk1 liu kang fans say anymore. Im tired.
Which we all know it's because he has weird hang ups over kitana when he could have just fucking left,said fuck it and married her anyways. She would have said yes. But he had to be weird about it,roundabout af,and make everyone suffer because he couldn't get edanian pussy.
Or it's because maybe he thinks he can do better than raiden. The arrogant prick. Nah that god dilf raised you and you give him this shit?! After all he went through?! Thi s is the thanks you give him?! Liu kang im not just disappointed in you im disappointed in the fact raiden didn't kill you off when he had the chance when he went dark. Would've Saved us a shitty game and a half.
Like liu kang did all the things and still had bad things if not worse things. Happen. Preaching peace and prosperity my ass. Fake ass ugly ass hoebag bitch. I hope he chokes on his spit in his sleep. I hope sand get in his ass and never comes out. I hope he dies from this bullshit lame tarkat disease and gets ultra mega plague. I just fucking hate it man.
The villains are lame. The story is lame. Liu kangs fanfic is lame. And nrs is lame.
I'd rather deal with the shitty 2021 movie than this shit. I'd rather deal with shitty writing in mk11 than this. Fr. At least it's entertaining shit.
And shang tsung isn't a fucking dumpster fire in the story. Shao kahn while a meathead is still terrifying. Quan chi isn't there but in 10 he was fucking beeeeeast. Shinnok. Poor shinnok. You deserve better. Cetrion was a waste. Kronika too. Geras was actually scary,but now he's a tool.
Legitimately the gameplay is just juggle better,gimmicky kameos bullshit,and same ol crap different wrapper.
Mk12/mk1? More like mk11.5 . Nothing changes thats worth the money.
I can find better shit on emulators.
Graphics aside what does the new game really truly have to offer? Nothing.
Wishful thinking. Like a bag of lays chips but unlike potato chips which is useful. This game sadly. Is not.
(Liu kang is only valid if he's from the 95 movie thats it. Fuck every other version. But even then it's thin ice at this point. Nrs has ruined liu kang for me.)
So yeah kick rocks liu kang. I hate liu kang and anyone who stans his ass rn in the story and the new game can fuck right off.
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lucky-draws · 2 years
my thoughts about ocelot and ghosts ...
OK these are just my own ideas about ocie seeing ghosts and i guess it's basically an alternate universe thing since there's no ummm evidence in canon but like yeah. basically i've written a few fics where he sees ghosts and it's become a part of “my” ocelot's character i guess but i've never sat down and laid out the specifics or the uh rules of his ghostly goings on so im gonna attempt to summarise it all here. warning that none of this really uhhh makes sense exactly but also ghosts aren't real so i feel like i can literally make up anything right. wait who was that floating guy holding up a sign just now
- his ability to see ghosts is of course inherited from his father, but it's not as strong as the sorrow's, and he doesn't have the ability to read minds or sense people's thoughts like i imagine the sorrow can to an extent.
- it's also limited in that he can only see ghosts when it rains. um. now this bit makes me want to ahem and hurriedly go on to the next point because the exact reasoning of Why he only sees ghosts when it rains is not super scientific or clear its just that i like the idea of it. but basically rain = ghosts. and of course the sorrow = rain but like. hm. i could sort of say that like, in this universe, rain in general has uhhh supernatural ummm. properties? it's like a link between the two worlds. when the skies open so does the door to the ghost world i don't fucking know. and so that's whyyy u kno in mgs3 outside the warehouse where there's like a crack of thunder and it starts raining and the boss is like... sorrow? is that you? i think there because of the uhhh rain she can sort of sense his presence more even though she can't actually see him.
- and like you can imagine the sorrow as being able to control the weather and cause it to rain or not rain and i think that is fine and real but i just want to make it clear that when ocie sees ghosts it's not because of the sorrow like Making him see ghosts it's something that sort of just happens to ocie regardless. like from birth he saw ghosts.
- i know these are like joke missions almost but i always think about the fact that in peace walker you get several missions featuring ghosts. (and of course the top 10 video game lines of all time spoken by kazuhira miller i.e. so..do ghosts have legs or what?) because it cements to me the idea that ghosts are a sort of normal part of the metal gear universe. so they're there and some people can see them some can't it's just like one of those things you know no big deal. so ocie isn't exactly a unique special boy for seeing ghosts there are other people who can although it's a minority but yeah.
ok so. Ocie's Ghostly Quirks
- he can see ghosts; they appear in varying forms. sometimes just hands or even just voices. sometimes full figures like the sorrow. people that he knew well/cared about/is related to appear very vividly, like the sorrow, but he can talk to all ghosts, and they to him.
- cliched perhaps but the rain/ghosts being there makes him feel cold like in a woooOoOooo ghostly coldness way. no matter the real temperature he will feel so so freezing until the rain stops. he’ll be shivering + his skin will feel physically cold. > i don’t think this is The reason he wears gloves but wearing them is helpful in disguising his ghostly coldness bc ofc if someone touched his bare hands they’d be like wtf why are u weirdly cold etc but the gloves at least disguise that a little although the gloves would probably still feel chilly. when it rains he’s a soggy shivering freezing shaking little beast essentially.
- ....in one fic i wrote that he could also uhhh make this ghost rain happen. like rain but its not real and it's spooky and sparkly. and he and john had a real yaoi moment and john saw the ghost rain too and it even turned into ghostly white flower petals and it was really sad and squee. to be honest i am a little embarrassed about that little scenario now because it seems a little too soft and squee idk BUT. i think the general idea of ocie having weird little secret supernatural powers of varying descriptions still stands, although like i said before his Powers aren't as strong as his father's.
Ocie's Ghostly Karma/The Phantom Pains
- fact: ocie has killed a lot of people. fact: this is not without consequence. sometimes he feels these uhhh ghostly pains (phantom pains.) that are caused by his ghostly victims and their anger and sorrow and vengefulness at being killed. for example if he shot someone in the stomach and they died and they became a ghost, when it rains he might all of a sudden feel a pain in his own stomach like a gunshot impact for a second. so whatever the manner of death he inflicted, he will feel it himself. it does him no actual physical harm, and is usually only momentary, but you can imagine if he ever killed someone via physical harm in the process of torture then he'd certainly be getting a ghostly taste of his own nasty medicine.
And this could either be a Thing that just Happens; a law of the ghost universe, a thing that happens to everyone who can see ghosts. OR it could be unique to ocie - in that it's a Thing inflicted on him by the Sorrow. This is ocie's version of the river john walks through, except it happens throughout his whole life. maybe the Sorrow sees his nasty streak in mgs3 when he's just killing people and teeheeing about it and decides to go WHOOSH and just like that ocie is cursed with the phantom pains. (So that he will always know the sorrow of those whose lives he has ended.)
but either way, whether it was inflicted by the sorrow or just a (super) natural thing that occurs to those who have the ghost quirks, it's an idea that i like because it adds another layer to the pain he is willing to go through for the sake of big boss.
like the more people he kills in order to help big boss, the more (ghostly) pain he will feel. and yet he carries on anyway. nasty silly boy. > sidenote: - the quastion of where he grew up i.e. was it in russia or the states is of course debatable but if he grew up in the us.................he might have seen cowboy ghosts. like real proper old timey cowboys maybe. and that was partly what started his cowboys obsession. i mean he probably wasn’t living anywhere near texas or wherever cowboys were. but maybe ghosts don’t always stay where they died. idk. it was just a little thought. moving on. the joy and the sorrow - i think the sorrow appears to ocelot frequently throughout his life but i’m not really decided on whether the boss is a) a ghost at all and b) is ever seen by ocie. it’s my own universe but i literally don’t really know what the logistics of ghosts are like does everyone become one or are some people at peace and don’t become ghosts. but that begs the question why isn’t the sorrow at peace... which is a whole other quastion for another time really........and is the boss really at peace or would she be a restless spirit.................etc................too many quastions. but it’s interesting to think about. -- well anyway. this has been a very long ramble about ocie’s ghostly goings on. oh btw he can see animal ghosts too. ghosts horsies and ghost cats exist and he’s seen them. he told me so himself. bye bye
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i-love-u-loser · 8 months
A Homestuck Fan Re-Reads Homestuck (Notes and gaffs)
Page 1-105
Homestuck Thoughts and notes:
'> John: Squawk like an imbicile and shit on your desk.' is just whoever imputting these commands acting like a deranged twitch chat. Doc Scratch if thats you, your better than this.
John almost shits on his desk tho for real for real.
John has the STACK Sylladex system which only lets him use the most recently used item put in. Unless combining them like some video game system.
Bunny in the Box Count: 3
John's birthed Day is 4/13… if you even care.
John is bad at programming as we see by the two …. cake?? Programs on his comuter and an… 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH~ATH' program? Wonder what any of those bitches do. Program cake, his dad bakes so hes participating via.. computer???? Look at my bad virtual cake dad- except his dad would be confused but proud. Dad Egbert is something we all derserve in our life.
Dave and John are talking about a movie I have never seen, I guess in it someone pees in a bottle and claims its apple juice. Howie Mandel is coming for your sealed apple juice dave.
TG: did you get the beta yet EB: no. EB: did you? TG: man i got two copies already TG: but i dont care im not going to play it or anything the game sounds boring TG: did you see how it got slammed in game bro???? EB: game bro is a joke and we both know it. TG: yeah TG: why dont you go check your mail maybe its there now EB: alright.
Dave is malliable like clay but also would probably play this game just to play with his friend for real for real.
John gets beat to the mail by his Dad, but also does not go down immideately anyway. Probably thinks he'll get pranked.
Okay not pranked, but the parent thing of being stuck down there with them. John, baby you have THE most normal parent of all the kids. I love you so much pls just talk to ur dad.
He is angry at the command text that he wants to make space for book, pick up arms, become RANCOUROUS. Angry John.
Dave also plays real hard into the cool angle at first.
Dave has the Hash Map Sylladex, he mocks John for having the Stack. Dave tells John also he can have a strife specibus (fighting object) because he is so used to having one. John has never needed to physically fight.
Looking at the Kind Abstrata list I would like to mention a few readable honorable mentions: Canekind, curlironkind, plankkind, rockkind, and fireexitkind.
John, literally not knowing better, goes 'yeah sure its not gonna be that relevant hammer is fine.'
Sburb is just a boring house game. Yes. That's it! Thats all! 1 1/2 hats :)
John, already wearing glasses, puts on fake glasses and a pointy hat. How can you see right now.
A;so clown paintings, hollowed tombs. John hates clowns.
Command text: Admire Harlequins John: eW GROSS. I hate these. I hope someone steals these. Dad is a corn ball.
Love your Dad, John. Or I will.
"As domestic myth of unaccountable origin holds, a home borrows the spirit of the flame for as long as it makes a guest of it, much as the moon takes liberty with the sun's rays. " Homestuck, Page 50
Im sorry the fucking Command for the next page '>John: Topple urn.'
Also would like to mention there is a burning peice of game bro on their floor. House fire starter anyone?
John's dad is the BEST DAD. Even though I know the gift is a LARGE HARLEQUIN, and his son hates those his notes are very cute.
John is in fact, a silly little guy.
He is 13 btw, if you even care.
John has made peace with the harlequin by putting cake glued arms to it. Also there was a cake in his room and now on the couch with like a random array of candles.
'Land sakes alive, we are cooking with petrol now!' We sure are Mr. Sassacre.
I want to read THE SERIOUS JESTER.
John is severely allergic to peanuts.
Does John's dad smoke tabbaco? Is that what's in the pipes?
John is very good at piano.
"The peanut gallery over there sure is getting a kick out of it. You are allergic to their scorn." A statuette of the Joker and a boy in a limp Jester's hat laugh at John because he can't play 52 pick up.
"You have a feeling it's going to be a long day." Oh boy.
'> John: Leave a surprise for the mailman.' Twitch chat command text is back and really wants John to go.
Remember the green box.
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Dad loves to bake, leave him be.
John does briefly consider breaking into his OWN kitchen.
He returns after failing to get mail, finds one of the Harlequin's arms have fallen off.
Homestuck music slaps btw.
DAD was not dumb enough to fall for the disguise, catches this stupid little guy lacking.
John gets BOZOD with a Pie. However he equips the pie tin and thusly,, there go his smoke pellets.
Smoke pellets do…. nothing? John tries to take the cake and THE FAT ASS BOOK FROM BEFORE IS EVICTED.
SASSACRE YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARD!!! You set off the pellets!!
Dad is now busy trying to calm the smoke alarm, and now John may take his packages and also….
His Dad's PDA?
(Also you cant merge things if they are not next to each other without Risk.) Stack Sylladex, worst sylladex.
Clown Bathroom RUG love that John does not go into the Adult Male Bathroom.
John obtains a towel so he can contain this icky cake mess.
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choccyshrooms · 10 months
Might as well do an introduction post
Hello! Im Buttons, and if it isn’t already obvious I’m very hyperfixated on the Arcana! And thats naturally what most of this blog will consist of. Although I do also love Good Omens, DnD, Big Top Burger, and anything and everything about dogs!
You’re gonna see a lot of my MCs on here, primarily Tempest and Griffith, but I have a Nadia MC names Hollis that will show up occasionally! Here’s the info on them for context in any comics or animations I may do
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Being one of Vesuvia’s newest residents, this reclusive mage has little known about them, and they aren’t too keen on changing that fact.
They hail originally from the Scourgelands, being Count Lucio’s first cousin and being particularly close to him growing up, as well as baring a striking resemblance. However, they don’t initially know what happened to him following the events of killing his father and do not connect the dots that he is The Count until the masquerade arc. They are also fairly unaware of most of the goings on that have happened in Vesuvia the past 5 years, and have just settled down after 20 years of being nomadic.
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Tall, dark, and brooding would best describe Griffith. He’s a stern guard with a fierce loyalty to those he loves and cares for, perhaps to a fault. At the begging of the games events he’s uncharacteristically out for blood, Julians to be exact.
Griffith was originally a scrappy orphan, having close to nothing to his name growing up and having to work hard labor jobs starting in his teen years. When Lucio targeted his town and killed their mayor, Griffith saw an opportunity to swear undying loyalty to Lucio, evidently joining his army and climbing the ranks at impeccable speed. During the same battle that claimed Lucio’s arm, Griffith was stabbed in the gut and nearly bled out. He crawled into some underbrush to die in peace, away from the battle, but was attacked by a lurking vampire who had been feeding off the bloodied corpses left on the battlefield, henceforth being turned into a vampire against his will. After Lucio’s death he swore absolute loyalty to Nadia, becoming one of the royal guards leading captains while struggling to keep his vampiric status a secret. He holds his blood lust at bay with a diet mainly consisting of raw meat, locking himself away in his chambers when in occasional fits of rage. He has a particular hatted for Julian, being under the impression he was the murderer. He’s tasted Julians blood once and is more than keen on doing so again until Lucio inevitably reveals to him the actual circumstances surrounding his death.
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Hollis found his love for cooking at a young age, learning from his father, a renowned chef for the royal family of his home country Venterre. He left home at 20 after years of training in culinary alongside his father, craving to make a name for himself. He worked his way up from a palace servant under Lucio to a Chef under Nadia over 20 years, growing extremely fond of the countess over the years he’s worked for her. He runs a tight ship- or kitchen, rather. Being quite rough around the edges and gruff, occasionally making him unpleasant to work with. He’s your run of the mill workaholic, and borderline alcoholic to deal with the stressful work load. He notably helped smuggle Julian out of the palace dungeons after he was arrested for killing Count Lucio, making him a loyal friend to Portia
I love interacting with and getting to know new people and I absolutely love hearing about other peoples MCs, my DMs are always open! I also do love a good RP now and again(semi-lit but flexible) so don’t be afraid to reach out for that as well!
You read this whole thing? Damn, you’re the bomb. As a bonus here Griffith and Tempest’s voice claims
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liminalnafaza · 1 year
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a blurry portrait of Sol
a friend, flatmate, teacher, favorite yogi, older brother figure, loving companion, and human.
i have so much respect and love for you, and i just want to appreciate the fact that i got to know you in this life. and having you by my side during my worst existential times, crying on your shoulders and hearing your words of wisdom and comfort meant the world to me. i'm feeling blessed to have shared my home with you and to have you in my life. you're an inspiration to me and i have learned a lot from you. mainly, how to overcome fear, respect myself, tune into the flow of life, and tell myself that things are okay and to be compassionate towards myself. to appreciate the fact that i am doing tremendous work.
"you're healing an entire generation"
♥️♥️♥️ i miss you so much. and i miss so many other people dear to me. as i sit in my quiet room, next to my labrador stuffed toy, listening to khruangbin, slightly sick, feeling, being overwhelmed, safe, curious, a bit lost, excited, dreamy, nostalgic, heartbroken, motivated. i'm so taken care of and i wish for myself to always embody this awareness. seeing and feeling into the tense energy within my body makes me so sad. i don't wish for anyone to carry stuck energies within them: i want all of us to feel free, both in our mind and body. i want us to release all that is making us feel behind, sick, paralysed, and keeping us from experiencing this life in its full beauty.
radiohead is playing and i can't believe i'm still a lil emo girl. some things never change, and maybe that's okay. deep within me there's still desires to color my hair blue again, to pierce my entire face, live in a squat, start an alt rock band and create art until i die.
what im doing out here i don't quite know. i feel like my higher self does: and that somehow things make sense. patience is key and i gotta practice being more patient. i want to see myself keep up with yoga and meditation, doing work-- real work--- ART. because art is my life.
now i can do so in peace. from tomorrow on, im part of the working society again, for which im grateful for. it means that i can remain in berlin and support myself. its just another fun game that im gonna play.
oh, god. oh, lord. ohhhh...all of these feelings. theyre breeding inside of my body. creating colonies and communities. there's so many of them. so many lost loves i still grieve for. so many friendships i wonder about. people i cant wait to see again outside of my dreams.
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thecontumacious · 2 years
Luxiem as your boyfriend
a/n: helloo ahhh first post! hope you had a wonderful day and hopefully these headcanons can fulfill your luxiem boyfie dreams~ Translating, editing, reposting without my permission deserves a bonk! :)
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Vox “Daddy” Akuma  👹🌹
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the power he holds over you, lord have mercy…
he’s practically the devil himself with the knowledge of you being down bad for this man
buuttt the feeling is most definitely mutual!
vox is a genuinely appreciative person and does not take anything for granted, so do know he’s going to have his moments thirsting over you too
he’s always there to offer comfort however he can
had a bad day? he’s just about ready to drop everything (even his precious fnaf) and bury you into his chest, whispering sweet nothings and reassurance
nicknames: darling, love, my dear, dear
i feel like he has some natural motherly instincts when it comes to the person he cares about most, so when he knows that you’re skipping a single meal, he’s off to the kitchen to fetch some food and spoon feed you until you are completely stuffed
“Come on, now, eat or i’ll make you.”
i also want to headcanon that his love language is somewhere between acts of service and reassurance in words, since he’s good at both
he wouldn’t mind doing the chores for the day or getting you things at random times, if anything he feels fulfilled that way
it’s good to know he’s taking good care of his s/o, it gives him a peace of mind
as for reassurance of words, it’s very obvious he has a way with them and he knows very well his voice has such effects on a person so vox is mostly definitely going to take advantage
vox is a natural chef, so he cooks all the time for both you and him!
but you know what would rly melt him? you cooking for him 
it doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not, he can’t help but mald at the thought of someone else cooking for him even though they know he can cook himself
it’s a different level of affection right there!
vox is the big spoon most days, but when the days are a bit rough, he wants to feel spoiled and so he asks to be little spoon and demands kisses every minute of the day
please back hug him when he’s cooking in the kitchen omg
i headcanon this man enjoys his hair being brushed away or basically being taken care of in a way
brush his hair when you’re cuddling, braid it when he’s working/gaming, pin it away when he hasn’t while cooking
“thank you, my dear.”
then he presses a kiss to your temples while bringing you close
he’s pretty touchy feely i think, so whenever he can (even in public) he’s holding you. your hand minimally
if you’re smaller than him (most likely lol), he’s back hugging you and putting his head on top of yours
vox is the type to hold your chin to make you look up at him and then kiss you at random times only because he can
“hello there, darling. mind if i leave a kiss here?”
Mysta “Always horny” Rias 🦊🔶
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let me clarify that whenever mysta isn’t being sussy, he’s actually pretty adorable
his laugh is very contagious btw i love him
nicknames he might use: baby, babe, love, bussy saka (bcs he can)
jokes of all themes are going to be very common, it’s the middle of the day and you’re both doing work and then he’ll suddenly crack a joke out of thin air
it doesn’t matter if it’s bad or corny, the fact that he even came up with it at such a sudden time is hilarious enough
if you manage to not laugh though, mysta isn’t going to give up until he sees you hysterical because of his jokes
stopping his work and making his way over to you
“oh come on, that was funny! i thought of it all day! alright fine, how about this.”
if you give him a pity laugh just to spite him, he’s gonna be pouty about it
mysta is a slut for headpats bet
if hes doing something and you pet and praise him, he’s down bad for more
he’ll stop and ask for more
but if you don’t, again, he’s gonna whine and bug you until he gets the headpats he wants
small kisses on his face, yes??????
he doesn’t look it, but a small boop on the nose is enough to make him flustered bcs hes lowkey shy like that 
mysta adores you so he teases you hajshsjs
he makes a joke out of everything you do and tries to make a pick up line in with the context
i think he’s the type to come up with something and will spill everything to you later when you haven’t met again that day
when he’s out, he’s gonna think of you
say like mysta saw some food and will immediately think if you’d like any
or if he saw some pretty (probably poisonous) flowers, he’d think of bringing them to you later or taking pictures to show you
spams u with emojis and purposefully tries to make you guess what he’s saying
you get it most of the time and it frustrates him so much
when you’re having a bad day, unlike vox, i think he’d panic on what to do
he’s so used to having you smile and laugh, and even though most of his jokes work, he’s worried that if cracks one up, he might say something to make it worse
so, what mysta does (after panicking), he might either a) ask the other members what to do or b) get you something that might cheer you up, like bring you a blanket, your favorite snacks anything to make you smile again bcs when you cry, he’ll be crying too!!
no but seriously, he’s so grateful to have you in his life, mysta wants nothing more than to give you the best (albeit knowing sometimes he’s not perfect) so he rly does try his hardest to make you happy all the time
“hey hey, shhh, d-dont cry, it’s alright… i’m here, see? here, let me get you your favorite blanket. want some ice cream? i think we have some left in the freezer! i’ll be a moment, wait here.”
mysta likes hugging you, therefore physical affection might be his love language, that’s why he melts at headpats and kisses.
especially when days are hard and you just go up to him and hug him, kiss his face away and massage his head
mysta becomes a puddle
“thank you so much, babe. you have no idea how much i wanted this…”
all in all, being in a relationship with mysta is a roller coaster. it’s either just rly chaotic with him or super down low and wholesome, there’s no in between
do be careful of him moaning at super random times though 🙂
other boys utc!
Luca “POGCHAMP” Kaneshiro  🦮🔆
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we all know how this is going to go down
luca is generally the brightest and softest boyfie ever!!
golden retriever vibes, confirmed
nicknames: babe, baby, honey, muffin, honeybun (and basically more food related nicknames) 
luca shares all his cheddar cheese pringles with you and doesn’t mind you snacking on them even without him
he says that he wants to share the happiness that way:((
“hey lucaaa, can i snack on your pringles?”
“sure babe! here, i’ll give you a few cans!”
“no wait luca just a few pieces! i can’t take them all… they’re you’re favorite after all”
“yeah i know, but you said you wanted them sooo here! i can always buy more, you know?”
this baby istg
he is the most enthusiastic about gaming with you
whenever luca finds a game interesting, he’s most likely going to invite you to play it
imagine all the pogging oh my god- 
i also like to think luca is extremely patient with his s/o, for example while in gaming, when you don’t understand the mechanics, he’s more than willing to take his time to teach you slowly
he’s just the most supportive bean ever
especially on bad days, i feel like he can handle it the most out of all the luxiem members (biased)
he doesn’t know it (or more like doesn’t realize it?) but when on bad days for you, just him being so worried and trying to make you smile is more than enough
“ah, baby?? w-why are you crying?? AHHH BABY PLEASE DONT CRY! wait lemme grab augustus, pringles and the xbox!! wait here, babe!”
that line is enough to make you smile
when he’s back, you’re already feeling better and healed by his holy light
i cant stop thinking about luca just rly rly liking nuzzling into you, he’ll randomly give you the biggest bear hug and nuzzle his nose into you
when you’re working, doing nothing, whatever it is, he’ll just hug and nuzzle into you and basically make himself comfy
just like vox, i think luca would like it a lot if you brushed his hair or took care of it in any way
he would rly rly rly like it if you were the one who did his side ponytail
when you first did it, he’s religiously asking you to do it more
“babe, babe, babe, babe, i know you’re like still half asleep but can you do my hair again? pleaseeee? i promise i’ll get you something later!”
you cant rly say no to him sigh
also bcs he’s physically super fit, he’s going to make sure you’re just as fit! 
if he’s going on a run, he’s going to do his damnest that you come on that run with him
“come on, you can do it! once we get to like a km, we can stop! i’ll carry you the rest of the way.”
as a petty revenge, you make him eat his vegetables >:)
he has a rly good sleep schedule too, so he’s going to make sure you’re sleeping enough and your circadian clock is back in order the best he can
when you’re up late doing something, luca is going to get out of bed (no matter how comfy) and will drag you back to bed. with his physical attributes, he’s more than capable to carry you on his shoulder when you’re being stubborn
“come on, up we go! it’s sleepy time!”
luca is gonna make an excuse and say he can’t sleep if it isn’t beside you ;)
he’s going to make you wake up early… but he feels kinda bad so he’ll probably let you sleep in by another hour
the way he’s gonna wake you up has got to be the best way to start the day
“baby, babyyy! hehe, hi there! good morning! come on, let’s start the day together. i made breakfast too!”
btw his love language is most likely quality time:))
honestly, you’ve won at life if you manage to get luca’s hand in marriage
Ike “I want out” Eveland 🖋💙
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he’s so cute lord have mercy on my soul
nicknames: darling, sweetheart, sweetie, babe
i feel like he’d like to have you by his side when he works<3
he doesn’t necessarily need to have you talk, he revels in your presence and it makes him feel safe
you could be sleeping with your head on his shoulder and he’s already pretty content with that ahhhhh
ike is going to hold you close against him and definitely spare you kisses every minute he can
he’ll occasionally slip in an “i love you” or any other compliment he can think of
you’ll blush from the random compliments and he likes seeing you flustered, always laughing at your cute expression
“hehe, blushing are we?” 
goddammit iKEEEEE
okay i didn’t add this (mostly because i don’t want to butcher it), but ike is going to give you swedish pet names and i think that’s a different level of sweet!
he’s more than willing to teach you swedish and japanese too xixixi 
also, since ike is a novelist, he’s also def going to recite his passages and or dialogues to you
he’s going to ask for feedback a lot if you don’t mind it, asking if this sounded weird or unnatural or if the prose was too purple (basically means prose is bad lol if ur not in the writer community!)
ike is also a musician mind you so bless your ears he’s going to hum songs randomly
he’ll also ask for feedback on his pieces too!
to him, your input always matters because as an s/o, you don’t sugarcoat it so he really appreciates your honest feedback
ike doesn’t look like it but i know for a fact that he’s lowkey a tease
he’s going to say some pick up line or rly sussy phrase in japanese on purpose just to see your reaction
“o furo ni suru? gohan ni suru? soretomo… watashi?” 
“hehe, i just wanted to see your reaction! no need to get all pouty! awee, come here, i’m sorry, sweetheart.”
ike adores you so so much so he would sometimes write random poems for you
he doesn’t always show them to you bcs he doesn’t want to bug you but i bet he sometimes would recite them when you’re asleep 🥺
i think his love language is acts of service (he’s on the receiving end)
he absolutely appreciates you doing things for him and he does his best to repay it! but you know he can’t help it
ike is melting when you bring him food while he works, telling him to eat and take a break when he can
he loves loves it when you take care of him, say help do his hair, fix his clothes, wipe his glasses down for him. it’s the little things!
even tho ike does this to you a lot, he doesn’t mind it too when you’re reading something to him, whether a novel you’re reading or something you wrote yourself (ahhhhhhh)
i think ike would be into cheek kisses, they’re rly simple but super super sweet
while cuddling, he’s equal in big and small spoon. he finds comfort in holding you and he feels safe when you hold him<3
on bad days, i figured ike is super quiet and doesn’t vocalize his exhaustion. if anything, it kinda looks and feels rly scary when he’s in a bad mood
but pls do note he’s never going to take it out on you :(( ike would kill himself before doing that 
when this happens, the best thing you can do is be yourself and surround him as much as you can:3 basically be clingy around ike! 
bcs like i’ve mentioned earlier, ike rly likes being around you and savors in your presence, so on a bad day, he rly doesn’t want anything else than to be by your side to wash all the stress away
he doesn’t want to say it out loud bcs hes super scared that hes just bothering you so most days, he keeps quiet:(
in conclusion, ike is just super soft and sometimes a total bully hahshs but do know he loves you so very much and pours his heart out throughout his work~
Shu “Wigglecore” Yamino 🔮✨
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shu is so chill as a boyfriend BET
if ya ain’t looking for anything too soft, hyper or downright ddlg vox
shu is the way to go:)
no but seriously, my heart lowkey just rly wants shu to be my boyfie:(
nicknames: babe, baby, darling (uses this sparingly), cutie
he’s the type of boyfriend to just chill with you on a normal day, literally be in the same room as you and sends you a meme without actually showing it to you
shu likes pinching your cheeks by the way, HE JUST WANTS TO NOM NOM
“babe can i bite you?”
“what the fuck, shu”
“no no actually, can i? you’re just super cute”
idk about this but i rly want this to be canon that shu rly likes playing with your hair, likes to braid it, brush it down, detangle it and such
he especially likes doing this with his sorcery ahhhhhh 
you’re doing work and then you’ll find your hair in a very pretty (sparkly?) braid and shu just grinning from the other side of the room
“yessss, darling?”
you’re not rly mad or anything, you just find it fucking adorable
“ohhhh! this is called a fishtail braid? okay okay got it! i’ll try it on you”
what is with my obsession with shu and hair smh
he just likes touching you that way and hair is sorta like a rly intimate part of the body for someone
shu is lowkey competitive
so when you challenge him to brain games, oh oh it is on
you go head to head with this guy a lot and he makes tons of bets if he won
“if you lose, you’re getting me ramen today.”
“and if you lose?”
“hmmm good question. you decide, babe.”
i think actually beating shu might be a challenge. 
because this man has a very terrible sleep schedule, it’s more than likely he’ll ask for after midnight grocery shopping or runs to mcdonald’s 
after that he’s driving yall to a secluded area and just again, chilling and having rly deep talks about life basically
an actual aesthetic tumblr couple hello??? 
shu is actually melting when you sleep on him.
if you fall asleep on his shoulder or his lap, he’s quick to stop what he’s doing and position you so that you’re more comfortable 
shu will just stare at you and smile, brushing away hairs that may be in your face and kiss you 
“sleep well, baby.”
on bad days, shu is more than willing to be by your side. just like luca, i think he’ll know how to handle things. but unlike luca, he’s very calm and gentle. 
shu will turn off the pc and invite you to the bed for some cuddles. 
he’ll just lay down and pat his lap with a gentle smile.
“come here, babe.”
you collapse and just melt in shu’s arms ❤️‍🩹
he’s brushing your hair back and whispering sweet nothings, his legs wrapped around you
thus i may conclude that shu’s love language is probably physical affection like mysta 
if you’re still crying and haven’t calmed down quite yet, shu will make a little fire show with his sorcery 
and bet it’s gonna be pretty :( 
you’re so distracted by it you just pause and shu loves that sparkle in your eye when you admire something
he might seem the most chill out of all the luxiem members, but he’s very very comfy with you and is not afraid to be himself! he’s willing to try crazy things with you honestly and that’s what makes it so fun to be with you <3
don’t hide what you wanna do, come on, da da da di ba do~
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