#im extremely overstimulated
nexkaya · 3 months
If one more light flashes at my eye I will fucking kill myself
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Yellowjackets S2 E9
Holly shit the song is different.
The procession gave me goosebumps
The recap kind of implied that Misty's going down for murder which I'm not exactly happy with but would prison be any worse than whatever everybody else is headed for?
I can't believe Shauna is the one going along with this
Ok, nevermind. She's just bullshitting.
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They gotta leg it. Please tell me Van is not gonna go along with Lottie's thing.
"we all moved on" even you didn't believe that Taissa
Lottie is doing remotely better.
"we're gonna eat Javi, but it's cool, we didn't kill him" 🤣 Misty, never change.
Misty's got several points. Lottie did start it. Or at least she let it go on and maybe relished in it a little. I'm guessing now she realises how heavy the crown is she'll want it gone. And there's hints of Nat wanting it. It's ceremonial though cause Van and Misty hold the real power. The crown may lead but they're the ones that choose to follow.
You don't need to bump into Shauna, Travis, it's not like she wants to do this
The way they have to dust their equipment because it's been so long since they had something to eat.
Everybody sort of awkwardly hanging around. Van moving Javi's head so Shauna doesn't have to look him in the face. Then cutting blind? Oof.
Poor little Javi. We barely saw him but he was just a little guy from what we did see.
Misty sneaking around on her own. These guys would have made the perfect dungeons and dragons party. They could have had an awesome podcast/YouTube channel.
Oh crap, tell me Van's not buying into Lottie's thing. It's sweet that she wants to help Lottie but I think she's beyond helping, and she has been for a long time. The problem is that Van and Lottie are looking for some sort of purpose and they're looking to the old ways for fulfilment because they just can't cope with everything having been for nothing, whereas Tai has tried to make her own meaning by ignoring the past and it's all just jumbled and nobody is 100% right but hunting one another is definitely wrong.
That's twice we've seen Nat with a Queen card in as many episodes so the symbols are definitely symbolising something here.
Where the fuck are Callie and Jeff going? Are they gonna pick Shauna up?
Callie is so impressed by her mom 🤣
Jeff left the gun in the car, didn't he?
Nat trying to save this girl feels like Shauna trying to save Javi or Javi trying to save Nat and I'm positive one if then is dying tonight.
Well I guess that's another piece of the puzzle squared into place. Nat and Travis's self loathing and guilt stem from Javi's death.
Van could sell ice to an Eskimo. You'd be a fool to think her financial troubles ever stemmed from lack of sales skills. Jeff could learn a lesson or ten from her.
Honestly though I'm proud of her for not feeling shame. That's literally life or death, you can't afford to add self loathing onto that. And Nat is the perfect example of that. She spent the rest of her life letting the guilt eat away at her. They all did in some way but Nat gave her ghosts so much power they choked the life out of her.
Anyway this Walter guy always seemed like he's too good a match for Misty and that's why I don't trust him. It almost seems like he's imitating her and he feels very performative and not at all genuine. He comes across as someone who steals personalities and seems maybe a bit psychopathic on his own. He's giving Hannibal, just a tad...or some trained assassin. Either way it spells trouble and I think he's using Misty.
He really wants to be the Watson to Kevin's Sherlock.
If they're gonna warn Shauna and actually be helpful maybe I'm a little glad Callie and Jeff are here. But knowing them, they'll probably screw things up worse.
Oh he poisoned Kevyn.
What the fuck does this guy want is the question then. Cause on the one hand he's obsessed with Misty and on the other he keeps making shit worse for her. Is he into her or trying to capture her? Either way he's shady af.
Props to Jeff for trying to save Shauna though. Like he may be terrible and terrible with her, but he really does fucking love her.
It'd be funny if Jeff was short for Jefferson and not Jeffrey.
Ben went from doing literally nothing to thinking he could start a fire on his own.
I started watching this episode some days ago and for a moment I forgot whose body they're chopping up.
They're just raw-dogging that shit? 👁️👄👁️
Nevermind, he started cooking it.
For a moment though...
I don't know why eating raw meat freaked me out more than the cannibalism.
Lottie's pity party is lowkey pissing me off.
Nobody gives Misty enough credit.
Like we, collectively owe her so much.
Lottie Nat stans are sleeping on Lottie Misty
Misty helped Lottie piss blood. Can you say the same for Nat?
Didn't think so.
If it wasn't for the captions I would have thought that song claimed that god is a foot.
Taissa nodding on the phone 🤣
But then again someone WAS watching her (Van, like a hawk)
That song is very Lottie btw. It feels very Lottie.
And I guess Van won over. Though there's really no doubt she would, Taissa is still completely whipped by her. Van really is the little instigator setting things aflame.
Did I rewatch this tiny segment like three times because of the way Van is looking up at Taissa? Yes. Her little half smile there 🫠
How are these 40 year old women so baby?
Nat and Misty wearing purple but Van not is so wild. Symbolic, probably too. But funny Van is not wearing it when she's by far sucked in the deepest, while Nat -always sceptical- and Misty -way too much of an opportunist to ever really commit to one thing- were the ones wearing the indoctrination colours there.
I guess it says more about Van hiding her true colours than anything else. She hid her sexuality even in the woods for example, until Taissa was comfortable with coming out. So maybe it's like she doesn't feel confident enough to show that vulnerability by wearing those colours. She HAS been avoiding talking about her illness too. It could be her avoidant personality too. Not just hiding but avoiding it all together.
Oop, there's a knife. And there's emphasis on the knife so somebody is probably gonna get stabbed.
Lottie looks more like an addict than Nat does right now.
But she's been looking more and more unhinged since the gals came.
Callie took the gun?!
I hope somebody shoots this asshole cop tbqh.
Team dad ftw.
Is that the same deck they used back then or just a different tarnished deck that is possibly missing three queens?
Also if nobody gets the queen do they just keep going until somebody gets it or is the hunt called off?
Shauna take the queen out of the deck, I beg you. Please tell me she trained as a wizard at some point and can do card tricks and shit.
Taissa really thought she could delay or stop this. Has she not been paying attention? At all? Van is essentially the big bad right now, not Lottie. I still love her and she's still my daughter but let's be real, she's the one pulling the strings.
Maybe Van wants to die. Like maybe this is her way of claiming back her power. Like she doesn't want a disease to stop her, she wants to be in control of when she dies. Maybe that's why she's so reckless and why she's doing all this. Maybe she wants to get that card. Istfg she better not though.
Her card didn't burn either. The symbolism is symbolic today, fellas.
What DOES happen if you refuse the draw? Do you die or get abandoned like Ben? Or are you the default prey?
Tai looked like her dark self for a moment. Is this a sign she'd merged the two?
Also I didn't miss Van almost passing out with relief when Tai drew a card that was not the queen.
Closer to the fire but her card didn't catch fire either.
Also there's gay sex and then there's Tai and Van's eye contact in this scene and of the two, the latter is more titillating.
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Weird that they didn't show where Misty's card landed.
Why do I have a feeling Nat is gonna get the queen?
Oh, phew, nevermind.
They keep going?
From the looks on their faces, it's not the usual way they do things.
Shauna got the queen
Fuck fuck fuck
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With all the parallels to the first hunt, is someone gonna die in her stead too?
Oh they all did arts and crafts too.
At least Shauna is showing some self awareness.
Oh, Lottie figured it out too, she just didn't care.
At least we know where we stand now. They're all fucked up and they're all self aware and they all should be hospitalised somewhere. Like at first I thought they were just in denial but nah, they know. I guess that's why Taissas's fractured self merged with her again. Because she stopped fighting it.
Great, the cops are coming now.
Thanks a lot, asshole.
I wonder if the guy with the rapey moustache will go along with it. He seems to lack moral fibre enough to be willing but you never know. He might be dumb enough to try something.
Callie really came through?!
One minute they're going along all wild eyed and intimidating and the next they're acting same and I'm just lost at this point.
Also I think Gen is pit-girl. I rewatched the scene again and it seems more like her than Mari.
Van was their television 🥺 oh this is all clicking together.
She was a really good storyteller too. She should have been a writer. Maybe she would have been one too...
Lottie shut up, I wanna hear Van's story.
Also tell me that dickhead coach isn't gonna do something stupid.
"it chose me" girl there's no 'it', Van chose you. And it was only because she attributed being alive to some unknown force rather than just insanely weird luck.
"I can't hear it anymore" Shauna punched the wilderness out of her. She punched her so hard she lost her sixth sense.
I wonder if for a moment, Misty thought Lottie meant it was her that the wilderness chose, since she was the one that saved Nat and condemned Javi.
Is it possible then that Shauna was chosen as their leader in the future and not their prey?
Shauna's looking around like she still thinks this is stupid but maybe Nat leading them won't be as bad so maybe that's what brings them together; mutual dislike of Lottie's rule.
Yeah I'm not so sure they bought into it, Lot. Van definitely seemed to. Hell, she convinced Tai not to have her committed so she must still believe on some level. The others not so much. Especially not Nat, who's been so desperate to distance herself she turned to drug and alcohol abuse.
Lottie's daughter brought a bigger gun than Shauna's did 👁️👄👁️
"How else do we explain what happened out there?" You guys are just allergic to accountability, huh?
"We tried to kill you and it wouldn't let us"
Bitches will invent deities to avoid giving Misty any credit.
Javi too I suppose but it was really Misty's call in the end there.
Ben is looking a lil homophobic there.
Bro is just pissed he's not invited to the orgy.
Van will either be the first or last to bow down to Nat.
Akilah's cute little bounce. Mari's regal bow. The other blonde (I wanna say Melissa but I don't rightly know for sure) taking her hat off. Where have I seen that before?
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Oh god, my little MistyNat heart is about to explode 🥹 that was the cutest thing I've ever fucking seen! Misty is Nat's little knight in shining armour, I can't deal with this. Somebody MUST have ficced this!
She actually made Nat laugh! In all this...
Van curling up like a cat against her hand.
And Travis was there as well I guess.
Bro just made her sadder though, fuck him.
Shauna acknowledging Nat as her leader too though was what really tipped her over the edge. Like fuck this is for real now. I can't imagine the pressure she must be feeling.
This was honestly pretty sweet.
I couldn't imagine having a moment this bittersweet in the the midst of all this.
She did NOt hesitate with that needle to save Nat!
Nat was not gonna let anybody else die in her place 😮
No no no no no
Tell me that was just a tranquilizer
This is a joke, right?
She may have got her with the needle but she didn't push it in, right?
The fact that in her death dream she's in an airplane?! Alone?! Is torture
Javi was there
And so was Nat! And Lottie providing her support. I guess it really helped her in the end.
Fuck that got to me
They really have brilliant death scenes.
I had to stop for a while because I was in physical pain from the crying
Every thing was a blur. Lottie is getting help though, maybe. Walter might not be complete trash. Shauna really doesn't have a single maternal bone in her body. Like instead of comforting her child she's being comforted by Jeff.
Taissa was walking in front of Van. I sense conflict there. Maybe deep down she blames her for what she's done when she's around her. It was almost like he was walking away from her or trying to put some distance between them. She did say they would visit Lottie and perhaps she meant the group but perhaps she meant the two of them.
I don't expect their relationship to have been fixed. I certainly didn't think they'd magically get over past resentment offscreen but they only have a very limited amount of time and I am terrified of what's going to happen next season between them.
Misty breaking down that she killed her best friend though absolutely destroyed me. I'm just absolutely broken right now. I can't imagine how it could possibly get worse, though I'm afraid it will. There's way too much time left in the episode for shit to not hit the fan at least one more time.
Meanwhile past Shauna is just casually blogging about their most recent murder on her diaries. Well, she's writing about Jackie really. How Jeff read these and didn't realise she was in love with her is beyond me. Or maybe he did and he considered staying with her his repentance for his role in all of this.
It seems like she's maybe hitting some breakthrough when she notices something's amiss. And there's fire and stuff and I'm guessing Ben put those matches to use on the cabin.
I'm glad I never rooted for his ass.
That's homophobic.
Can't let the lesbian cannibals have anything!
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Misty should have let him jump tbh
I wanna know how the diaries survived. Are you telling me in an emergency, the first thing Shauna grabbed was her diaries? Because that's valid actually. When my house caught fire I just grabbed a pair of socks...
Did that asshole lock them in or is the door hinge/knob melted?
Van really said "move" like she's immune to fire, and just tried to kick the goddamn door down?
At least Tai has some working brain cells right now. Honestly trust Tai to save your life with the closest blunt instrument she can find.
Thank god they saved the piss bucket. I was really worried about that. But fr I appreciate them showing they saved this and this and that.
Van is no longer flirting with death at this point, she's pushed her up against the wall and started tongue-fucking her because what do you mean she was the last out the door, as the house was caving in? She really fucking thinks she's immortal stg.
Who was the one who let their blanket catch fire though? That was kind of funny. Like the whole thing is on fire and you thought it was a good idea to lean up against a post? Like the wooden outside of the house that was on fire couldn't possibly be alight.
Anyway, fuck, the next season is gonna be hard.
They just lost the one shelter they had. In the middle? Of winter? And if the meat shack is attached to it then all their food is also gone as well and they're gonna be hunting sooner rather than later.
Fuck Ben, I hope he's next up on the chopping block.
Anyway I know the other girls are irrelevant but this shit kind of implied that only nine of them made it out alive. I'm sure the rest are just not in the shot, right? A good chunk of them did not just perish, right?
Fuck they look distraught. I mean who can blame them but Van's actress is eating that up.
I had some questions but I forgot them.
The music is fire. Pun not intended.
What a hell of an ending.
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pokeberry5 · 11 days
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revamped my tensa zangetsu redesign and redrew an old piece
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im not autistic but i believe in their beliefs (because i share like 80 % of symptoms typical for autistic women with yall)
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sunnibits · 6 months
update on how I’m doing I had a real roll of bread last night (while extremely exhausted from being awake for like 24+ hours straight) for the first time in half a year and I think I almost cried
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peoplerepellent2000 · 8 months
Oh to be gobbled up so all i can hear is the growling and heartbeat inside the stomach instead of the loud ass vehicles passing by me
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rxttenfish · 2 months
so sad polly will never see a merfolk celebration within the merkingdom itself. truly these are her people.
though, this also presumes they dont party too hard even for her, which is a very real risk with merfolk.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#smth that does trouble me is that i am extremely emotional and i have complained of that for a long time lol#it does make me feel ashamed and frustrated bc#when i was a child i had to suppress all my emotions bc i got punished for literally feeling anything#so i never learned how to process any emotions in a normal healthy way#and idk w most ppl in my life they get an intensely watered down version of me bc i just restrain myself#and dont let myself feel a lot or anything at all bc when i feel it's bad#but sometimes very rarely i like someone so so so much that like ...#if i let my love out that emotional instability will also be shown.... ://///#and idk. since i've never been in a space where i can *fully* with comfortability and security in that i can let it out (bc im scared and#careful and need time lolz) i need more of a learning curve#but i know im capable of such deep profound love and devotion and loyalty and faithfulness and like all of that#tbh 98% i have gotten to a point thanks to my avpd and fear of judgement im able to not let my instable emotions pour out#like actually i dont. no one knows me based on my vent blog lol 🖕 it's only when i get overstimulated (noise emotions impressions etc etc)#or have certain issues of mine triggered. that it pours out#i dont mean that to blame other ppl like i know that *i* have these issues and like they mainly affect and impact me#but yeah idk it's frustrating & idk how to navigate it bc 1st im emotionally locked bc im fearful of everything that includes deep feelings#then im too scared of rejection to even like try to say anything. then when i realize i didnt... realize everything i get too emotional bc#idk how to process emotions and like i just dont know??????#im just ashamed of it and i feel bad abt emotional outbursts but im also able to love so deeply and fully#and bc of my childish emotions and how fkn worthless i am i dream of a dad bf who is patient#and understanding and compassionate and takes me as i am and sees that im trying and am in pain#ppl judge that and me but thats just how i feel and what i want and need and im not hurting anyone else#i mean... except the one person who has never made me feel ashamed or bad for this and since i feel too much#he's the only one i've had emotional outbursts to and then i was too scared to show love to balance it out#(and this sounds bad but it's hard to explain and tbh i realize that it doesnt really concern anyone lol)#and yeah i regret it and yeah a lot of things i say is applicable on me as well and im self aware abt it and yeah idk :p
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tamagotchikgs · 3 months
i am still so out of it from the days of not being able to takw my meds i have never felt this way in my life everything feels so wrong i feel so distant i just want 2 cry but i cant
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apologeticaugur · 4 months
feel like im abt to have some sorta melt down
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arabaka · 5 months
the only good thing about this work retreat is for the first time ever, i spoke about being queer and autistic (well to my work people) and i was welcomed by the group i worked with. they asked thoughtful questions, were really engaged with what i had to say, and told me they were so happy i shared that info with them.
other than that shit's sucked
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pepprs · 1 year
discovered miah_pie on t*ktok (<- i don’t have one btw i just stumbled upon her bc someone i follow on ig talked abt her) and her videos make me want to cry so bad. 24 year old dependent moment
#purrs#i went to a clothing store today to try to get new work shoes and pants bc the one pair i have of each literally have holes in them and are#falling the fuck apart on my body and it was a HORRIBLE experience largely bc i think everybody in town was out shopping for back to school#so it was super crowded and there were lots of screaming kids and it was extremely stressful + my dad got into a mini car accident while i w#was in the store (he was / is completely fine thankfully but the car is not which is so awesome 😍😍😍😍😍) and i was just so stressed and#overstimulated but also like… nothing fits me bc im so short lol. but anyway it was so horrible i was on the verge of starting to cry in the#store and then i came home empty handed and my mom got super pissed at me for… needing to go to the store / being the reason we were out lol#and then finding miah pie and her videos are all about making trips to the store SO much fun and buying little treats and saying yessir and#OHHHHHH MYYYYY and just finding the joy in smth that can be so stressful and unpleasant… it makes me want to cry happy and sad tears at the#same time like i want that soooo bad and i can’t do it fully yet but i want it. need it. fuck my stupid baka life#anyways im gonna start saying the stuff she says just to make myself feel better even when im not at a store. yessir! OHHHHHH MYYYYYY.#acquired. don’t mind if i diddly dooooo!#also btw i am not a dependent except for the ways i am a dependent. hope that helps 🫶🏻#the problem is really that i don’t have a car or a license and also that my mom throws a fit every time i need / want to get driving#practice bc it’s never a good time so. lol 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 me doing drivers ed this summer was a fucking joke i forget literally everything i#learned and have only been behind the wheel 3 times and none of them have actually counted bc im just developing basic motor skills#(literally). fmlllll im never getting out of here who am i kidding 🤪#delete later
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autisticlee · 10 months
there's seems to be nothing that makes me want to commit unspeakable violence quite like the sound of someone vaping..... 🙃
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4bs0lut3-s0lv3r · 6 months
hi, tis i, tumblr, and ive decided ur drafts and asks are going to be my dinnar
shoo- /j
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avasefullofnations · 8 months
Sitting here over stimulated & thinking about how grateful I am that I have a word to describe this feeling because for so long I didn't know why I'd end up feeling this way & when I'd talk to professionals about this feeling they'd never tell me what it was or why I could possibly be feeling so wound up. Do I know a solution that's not just sleeping? No. But at least I have a word for it
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belfrygargoyles · 9 months
like MAN i can pinpoint the EXACT last time i found interest in and got into something on my own completely unmitigated and EXACTLY when that died.
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