#im feeling emotional....sorry for the length XD
totaldramafan-lauri · 2 years
Charging to a new era
The year was 2016. The first Splatoon was nearing the end of its life, with its sequel announced for that summer. And for the longest time, I wasn’t interested. I mean, why would I be? Not only was it a new series, so I had no attachment to the world or any characters, but it was also a shooter, a genre of game that I’d never played. I liked how colorful it was, but other than that, I just brushed it off as a thing that existed. When Chuggaaconroy, a Let’s Player I’d been following for years, started an LP of it, I was quite obviously disinterested....but that had happened before. Even when playing a game I was indifferent to (like Phantom Hourglass), I’d still watch his videos for his commentary. I’d watched every LP of his all the way through at least once cuz of that. And so, I decided to watch his Splatoon videos, even if they confused me.
After the first few videos, I was pretty impressed! I loved the detailed bios on every weapon, giving me a good idea of how they’d play, and his matches were exciting. I loved seeing all the different playstyles, and was getting immersed in the game a bit more with every video. However, it started out as yet another game that I was happy watching alone and not playing. I had zero confidence in myself to play an online shooter, but watching Chugga play was fun! I still imagined what it would be like if I played - I immediately picked out the charger as my favorite, due to its bio making it look so ridiculously satisfying to play.....YES, I’m serious! I’m one of those rare people who was immediately drawn to one of the hardest weapons in the game that even Chugga himself didn’t like using - right down to the kit I would main. What can I say? I’d always liked keep-away playstyles, which in a shooter setting, is called being a sniper. XD But I treated it as more of a “what if” for a while....like....”What if I was actually brave enough to play this? Would I be good? Would I suck?” I even thought up an Inkling OC....but imagining myself playing wasn’t the same as wanting to actually play.
About a month later....I was REALLY hooked on the LP at this point, but I was still apprehensive about getting the game (part of which being that this was the same time Pokemon Sun and Moon came out, which I was playing and loving at the time). I had started to lurk around the Splatoon fandom (Cafe Cardamari Tales mainly, after Chugga promoted it). Seeing fans happily talk about the game, combined with Chugga’s LP going on short hiatuses now and then due to how long the videos took to edit, made me start craving more content.
While rewatching some videos, there was this series that would constantly be recommended to me, called “Why Splatoon has no voice chat”. This was a series of compilation videos, one for each Splatfest, made by a guy called WhiteHawke, an E-liter main. This series can still be found, but before anyone looks it up, I will warn you that it’s not gonna be everyone’s thing. Even tho he’s just acting, in the first few videos, he makes a lot of comments that could be considered rude or “cringy”, cuz the series was first started as a parody of what the game would be like with voice chat. But after the first few, it evolves from that into just a highlight compilation of each fest. B-but the thing is....even though the jokes were hit and miss (like his weapon, pffff)....I got HOOKED on this series cuz of his gameplay. The clips of him sniping were SOOOOO cool to me, and made chargers look so FUN to play! They already looked fun in Chugga’s LP, but Hawke, someone who LIKED sniping, being so awesome, absolutely SOLD me on it. Even though he’s only a casual player and not top-level or anything, he’s still pretty dang good, and I had no point of comparison at the time, so he was just so awesome to me...I binged through all his videos.....It was at the point where I was watching him sniping people jumping off Moray Towers in midair while laughing maniacally and happily singing a parody of “My Favorite Things” that I finally.....gave in. I ran to Tumblr, and made these posts.
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It was December. Luckily only a couple weeks away from my birthday in early January. I was fortunate - it was the PERFECT time to want a new game.
LOOK at how hooked I’d become, after weeks of watching! I was going crazy!
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Lo and behold, on my birthday, I got the game. VERY late to the bandwagon, I know, but....with the sequel on the way, having some time with the first game beforehand was a good place to start, right? Especially since I didn’t have a Switch at the time....For all I knew, I could’ve ended up not liking it, which would’ve saved me from buying a whole new console for it, pffff....Thankfully, that didn’t happen....
The game was super fun (once I got used to the controls)! I unlocked the charger as soon as I could, and.....Hoo boy....I still remember my very first game ever using a charger.....It was at Ancho-V Games....I got five splats. On other low-leveled players, mind you, but with my inexperience? I felt useful...I felt POWERFUL.
And I never looked back.
I was in love with this game, and this weapon.
I had seven months with the first game, and I got ALL the enjoyment out of it that I could. I played it for hours at a time daily (as long as I had Wii U access), documenting my experiences though Miiverse. I tried multiple weapons (which is how I got on the Carbon Roller and Sploosh-O-Matic - my fondness for those two have been a thing since the first game too), but I realized very quickly that you couldn’t keep me away from a charger for long. As soon as I unlocked the Bento Splatterscope, nothing topped that (for those unaware, the Bento kit is basically the Firefin of the first game, having Splash Walls)
I knew that I would like sniping, but I was NOT aware of just how much....But once I started, it was like I discovered a part of myself that’s always been there....Like, the feeling of “man, this is something I should’ve tried AGES ago”, y’know? I gelled with it so well, that it really did feel like that....That incredible feeling of realizing that....holy crap, this is something I can DO. This is something I wanna KEEP doing. It’s not easy, but it’s SO FUN that I just wanna keep improving! A-and when I felt myself getting better, it was SO satisfying!! Learning to work with motion controls to play something THIS precise? Being able to scare and pressure people just by existing nearby? Picking people off from a bird’s eye view? It was an addiction-
(This, however, led to me getting super attached to Moray Towers (sorry Chugga) as a result, but eh, I’m fair from the only one! It was popular enough to be in 2 at launch AND Smash! L-leave me alone! >.>;)
(As a sidenote, I also got addicted to doodling on Miiverse, doing that daily as well, which is why the Switch’s lack of a stylus hurt so much...You can see my best doodles from those in my “i arted” tag)
So....yeah! I adored the game to death! I even made it a goal of mine to reach the level cap of 50 before the sequel came out. But...I-I wasn’t aware then of just how much longer it took to level up the higher your level got, so I never got there.....I was level 46 when I stopped playing, which....for seven months, showed just how in love with the game I was.
That summer, I got a Switch just to play the sequel by the time it came out, and by then, Splatoon as a franchise had my undying loyalty.
ALL of this.....stemming from my love of chargers. If chargers weren’t in the game, I probably wouldn’t have gotten it. Not only are they fun to play, but they mean a lot to me cuz of that fact, too.
I don’t need to go into detail about my experience with said sequel. I’ve said enough. My entire Spla2n journey, from launch all the way to the final Splatfest in early 2021, is well documented on this blog (under my “lauri plays splatoon 2″ tag). I’ve seen this game grow every step of the way. It repeatedly topped itself with how varied and awesome it’s content is, adding so many new weapons, soooo many fests, sooooo many QOL improvements, and one of the most addictive side-modes in gaming history (even if it involves flying missile demon fish). It’s SO much better than the first game that I already loved. I’ve created so many memories with it, whether alone or with friends. Splatoon 2 is a game that pretty much owned my life, and even when my interests led me away from it during its last year, I never stopped loving it. (Ending with, fittingly enough, Chugga’s LP)
When Splatoon 3 was announced, I was at first nervous. I mean, how can you improve on near perfection? I worried that maybe the only way they could go was.....sideways, changing things maybe too drastically? Or maybe I just worried that it would be an....irrelevant sequel, on the same console and everything? But I shouldn’t have worried. I know now what Splatoon 3 is - it’s a game that adds things I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW I NEEDED. Spla2n was not perfect after all, cuz it didn’t have THIS and THAT. Things to DO while waiting in a lobby and Salmon Run being available 24/7 being the biggest things. But also, Splatfests are a lot more interesting now, we have customizable title cards, AND they topped themselves by giving us flipping Shiver (my favorite character design in the series outside of player characters)? Yeah, the Splatfest demo SOOOOLD me.
Hmmmm....I wonder what else this potentially-even-better threequel has in store?  How good will the story mode be? What’s been buffed or nerfed? What will future updates bring? Will Moray Towers return? M-maybe....? *trying to be hopeful*
We’ll see.....
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Time for another fresh start. Yeah, I’m not leaving any time soon....I’m ready to explore all new places, learn new things, and scout for the best perches along the way.
Chugga, Hawke, you’ve created a monster~
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Five times kissed
send me the words for the thing
she tells herself she’s humoring him — rising to the challenge. it’s just a kiss, a show of gratitude, nothing more. a one time thing. she’s throwing him a bone. but the moment before she pulls him into her she feels like a nervous school girl with her first crush. the weight of what’s about to happen bears down on her because she feels the necessity of it all.
when their lips connect she’s overcome by the passion in it - stronger, rawer passion than she could have expected. there’s a need that’s been burning within her and the way his hand finds its way into her hair simultaneously relieves it and fans the flames. she can feel herself gasping for air, taking it from him. she can feel him pulling her closer at the same rate as she does to him, as though nothing will ever be close enough.
when she forces herself to pull away - the kiss too long, the feelings too real, the blood flushing to her cheeks too obvious - her body is shaking and she can’t make it stop. she wants to kiss him again and again and again. but they’re here for henry.
when she tells him it was a one time thing, she thinks her voice almost conveys sincerity —— she’s almost believable. but her chest is heaving because she can’t catch her breath — she’ll never be able to catch her breath — and when he responds with  “As you wish” in a voice that still holds onto all the passion they’ve just shared, she knows she’s been lying to herself.
emma swan is lost again, not without a family, not as an orphan. she’s lost herself in killian jones, and as she walks away with lips still swollen and tingling and the taste of rum on her tongue she wonders why that doesn’t bother her more.
he’s leaving. she’d made her choice and it had been too late because he’s  LEAVING. patience, my ass, she thinks bitterly to herself —— until she finds out neal had asked him to back off, finds out that hook had seen her hugging him in the diner, finds out that from the outside looking in — she’d chosen neal.
she finds him on his ship and when he sees her, he smiles in a sad way that breaks her heart ever so slightly. he had been willing to let her go, to let her be happy, even if it had been with someone else. emma feels as if she’s more impressed with him each day, and there’s a wave of regret that washes over her in the realization that he’d almost LEFT and she would have never seen him again.
he starts rambling on about how he’ll be gone by dawn and she needn’t worry about him, and to just be happy with her family now that she’s made her choice. all the while she’s walking up the gangplank stopping in front of him as he paces and goes about his work preparing the jolly roger.
     ’don’t go,   ’she whispers, once he’s finally stopped talking and they stand mere feet apart. and she can’t meet his eyes when he asks why because she’s afraid she’ll lose her nerve.  ‘   you’re right, i did make my choice, but you’re wrong about what that was.  ‘    his brow furrows as the words begin to register, and she can read the expression like a book —but i saw you embracing him — smiling.    ’   it was a goodbye. he’s going back to new york, we worked out the details with henry —it was just a goodbye.   ’ the words have barely left her mouth before he’s gathering her into his arms, pulling her into him like a lifeline and she’s murmuring don’t go and i chose you against his neck while they’re wrapped up together like that.
when they pull apart he stares at her as though he’s trying to find any hint of something there that might counter the words, but all that greets him is a smile unlike any emma thinks she’s ever worn, and when he kisses her — this time it’s relief and something not unlike JOY that she tastes from his lips.
another curse puts everything on hold, and emma lives a whole other life in new york until she’s pulled out of it by one dashing pirate.
the next in a long line of crises has been averted ( thanks to him ) and he’s calling HER a hero. emma shakes her head and rolls her eyes. he’s the one who’d risked everything to outrun a damn curse, found her in new york and pulled her out of her false memories all to ensure she’d be able to play the role of savior and break this latest magical fiasco that had plagued her friends and family.
HE’S the hero, and she tells him so. it would have been so easy for him to just keep going — leave storybrooke and all the people in it, all the misplaced people from the enchanted forest behind and get on with his life.
of course there’s that voice reminding her that he probably did it for HER, but emma swan can’t imagine anyone risking so much for so little gain, and she ignores that voice, focusing on him.
there’s a question in her eyes and on her lips that she’s been wanting to ask him since the moment her memories had come back to her in a rush on a street in the middle of the city. how had he FOUND her — how had he gotten to her across realms and against all odds? there’s a strange look on his face when he tells her that he’d traded his SHIP, and emma gapes at him for a moment — utterly shocked. she can’t think of a thing in the entire universe — across all the realms — that he cares about as much as his ship; a priceless piece of his history that’s been with him for longer than she could ever imagine.
you, says the look in his eye without the words being necessary. 
something in her snaps, then, the certainty of it all becoming so clear — something she should have recognized so long before this day. there had been all of these shared moments, and then she’d been taken from her life and deposited into a different one. for him, this had been the only reality in the interim and now the way he looks at her tells emma that he’s just been waiting for her to come to the same conclusion.
she’s leaning into him almost involuntarily — her body steering her course before she kisses him without hesitation. it’s a new kind of kiss — the start of a new chapter — softer than the ones that had preceded it, but holding the promise of many more to come.
    ‘   of course i trust you.   ’
there’s clear surprise in her eyes that he could even consider otherwise after everything they’ve been through. he’s seen her at her most vulnerable, and he’s done nothing more than try to help since the moment they’d returned. he’s proven himself trustworthy time and time again — and while emma isn’t the most trusting person ( given her history ), she’s not blind to the things that exist right before her eyes.
      '   everyone i’ve ever been with is dead !  ’
the words are blurted out and she’s not at all surprised by the wave of emotion they expell with them. doesn’t he REALIZE how much he means to her? after everything? how it would break her if she lost him? how she CAN’T — not now, not ever — lose him?
he reassures her both in words and in eyes that are so earnest with their intentions that she’s momentarily taken aback by the feeling of comfort it leaves within her. with the life she’s led, it’s difficult for her to trust anyone, but she’s given him all of her trust and all she’d wanted in return is to keep him safe. but she can’t deny the fact that he’s survived a hell of a long time already, and when he steps closer, she doesn’t resist the pull that he seem to have on her these days, nor does she care even a little bit that they’re standing in the middle of the road pouring all of the unsaid things through a kiss.
if someone had asked her a few years ago, even after henry had found her, even after she had broken the curse, found out she was the savior, and found her family --- she would have said a happy ending wasn’t in the cards for emma swan. 
just because you learn that you come from true love, doesn’t mean you believe that you’ll ever find it.
true love? emma swan? those two things didn’t go hand in hand --- she hadn’t been meant for that kind of life and any time she had ever started to believe it was possible, something terrible happened. 
but killian had seen the very worst of her, had been to hell and back with her --- pretty much literally, and hadn’t lost faith in her. he’d been by her side through more monsters, magic, and mayhem than any person should ever be asked to deal with --- and he’d done it all by her side, and remained there.  he’d told her once he intended to win her heart and he’d done so ------ deserving it wholeheartedly.
countless kisses had come before this one, but the first kiss to signify their new life --- their new beginning as husband and wife somehow feels different in the best of ways. and yet --- it feels like home.
she’s desperate to have him back again --- after too much time apart, after another curse, but she wouldn’t have put him in danger like that, not until fate had all-but forced her hand. and she has to believe that whatever threat looms ahead; they’ll be stronger against it if they’re together. still ---she doesn’t expect him to agree to that trust she so desperately needs in order for this to work, and a part of her worries that it won’t. 
once again, she’s nervous as though it’s the first time all over again --- but this time there’s way more at stake than the time in neverland, and she tries to push that from her mind when she presses her lips to his, because she cannot lose him.
emma holds her breath, terrified, until her name is a whisper of on his lips that holds all of the love and longing she’s been missing all this time. and there’s that smile ------the one that seems to have been created just for her, and her heart swells with emotion and relief. 
she knows that no matter what they face, as long as he’s by her side, they’ll be okay.
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feyda-forever · 2 years
heya!! may i request a creepypasta matchup pls? <33
i'm female and i use she/they pronouns and i'm demisexual + panromantic. i'm 5'6 and my style is a baggy grunge style. i have a black to red ombre, shoulder-length wolf cut. my mbti is ENTP-T and my zodiac sign is virgo.
likes; mythology, psychology, hiking/adventuring, horror.
dislikes; insects, cotton candy.
hobbies; drawing, gaming, listening to music, reading, writing, sports.
traits; curious, hyper, adventurous, witty, impatient, careless, sarcastic, overdramatic (in a silly way).
info; i'm generally someone who's more on the upbeat side. i get hurt often from pulling stupid stunts and my friends find it hard to stop me from pulling the stunts. the overdramatic part kicks in when one of my friends say something long the lines of 'you can get annoying sometime you know?' (normally when im teasing them for something) and i sarcastically drop to the floor and act hurt by what they said. i love t learn new things and i'm always ready for a new challenge.
(AAA sorry if it's a bit long! take ur time answering it, and have an amazing day/night! keep up the good work <33)
Hay there :))
Thank you so much for your patience, and have an fantastic day/night as well <3
Hope you enjoy~~~
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I match you with....
✨Dramatic couple✨ mood on/off
you guys are almost the same, i mean your similarities are more than your differences.
One of of the few thing that he adores about you is your passion, he just loves seeing you getting excited over something new you've learned.
He might be a little more patient than you are but he still has his childish personality.
In my AU kagekou is a dark empath. he feels others emotions, and by dark i mean he can and will use this against his victims tho, he's not afraid to use this fact against you as well.
He can manipulate you very easily, and it's not your fault to say 'you're to easy for him to manipulate' no it's really not. it's just that he's too damn well at making others do what he wants. kinda selfish, isn't it?
He shows affection by words, tho you're unable of understanding most of them, unless you know how to speak Japanese. But that what he does, he sometimes leaves a small note whenever he goes out for work maybe the only time he show affection in english XD
If you guys are watching a horror movie and you flinch-......well i hope you're prepared to get teased by him for the rest of the night.
You thought you were sarcastic?i mean, Have you met him? He talks impulsively and he's super blunt, so yeah he sometimes might say something that leaves deep scars into others heart including you, but if he enough for you he might buy steal something extremely expensive for you as an apology.
But after all no matter how hursh can be, he loves more than he could ever imagine.
- My boyfriend and i agreed to never go to bed angry at each other.
- We've been awake since Friday.
- I was attracted to you first.
- Well i hugged you first.
- I said i love you first.
- Kagekou getting down on one knee: i proposed first!!!
- Well i- wait!?!- WHAT!?!?!?!!
Alright i hope you enjoyed it :D and thanks for all the likes <3
[Please send me feedback if you don't mind]
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minxyone93 · 3 years
💙Hello💚 to all my readers of "How Long?"!
I just wanted to let you know that I have NOT abandoned the fic. I had a rough mental health period for a stretch of several days and had no mental energy to write. I turned to more arbitrary little bits of fandom to clear my head. I'm feeling much better now and have resumed work on the final chapter. Sorry for the inconsistency on posting. 
IT'S GONNA BE A LONG CHAPTER. Mostly because I'm having trouble saying goodbye (which is funny because as I've told you guys, I have more timestamps/ficlets I want to attach in series so it's not even really goodbye). But I'm an emotional, sappy type apparently. It isn't something I like to admit but it's true.
I really am struggling with the ending. I will say that if Chuck ever got anything right, it's that ENDINGS ARE HARD. I don't know, I'm not good at them in my business writings either, and all my academic writing ends with a quote, my go-to cop-out! Yikes, this is tough. I hope that when I finally finish, you all are satisfied. I'm working really hard to overcome my ending-anxiety and my propensity for just panicking and saying "there ya have it, quote something the end". I know we all deserve better, especially after getting such a GARBAGE ending. I probise it will be lighthearted and I'm doing my best to make it satisfying and sweet.
I want to say that even though this fic has been.... not even really a fic - there's no particular plot, the only "story" is their journey to being a solid couple I guess, you guys have been such supportive, lovely, encouraging people. I am in the infancy stages of working on a proper fic with a story - like a real plot that has substance and plan and a genuine story arc, rather than just being the drawn-out headcanon I have been spewing out since November that you all have been kind enough to gobble up. 
I hope you'll be interested in reading something a little heavier and more... technically correct in the sense of writing style and story arc after "How Long?", my insane headcanon babbling the length of an actual novel. While I've had a lot of fun stretching my creative writing muscles, I am aware that however enjoyable y'all find it, "How Long?" is kind of off the rails as far as writing goes and follows basically no pattern, story arc, and not only does it not follow writing "rules" it actively breaks them. I'm just grateful that you all have been in apparently the same headspace as me and you can forgive me for that. I enjoy vibing on happy domestic fluff vibes with you, apparently to the tune of over 150,000 words! I didn't foresee that, I'll tell you what! XD
This post is also becoming an insane babbling. But I wanted to let you know that:
1) I promise that I will get that ending chapter up ASAP - probably not this weekend because I will be doing the GISH mini hunt, but soon.
2) Your comments and encouragement and willingness to chat with me (on and off of AO3)  are the entire reason I didn't just post chapter 1 in a flurry of emotion and then immediately delete it (which is what I was gonna do before you guys started commenting and giving kudos - I was shocked by your kindness and encouragement). I was so very very very very self-conscious of it and I really regretted posting it immediately - and then y'all were soooo nice. I get so much energy and love from y'all and I just wanna thank you for that because I have gotten so much confidence and joy from you all and from writing in general, especially after the heartbreak that was the finale. It's been really good for me and I hope you feel the same.
3) Endings are hard, but I will get it up there and then we'll have some sweet little ficlets soon
4) (and this is the most important one) THANK YOU ALL, I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU 💙💚💙
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sugakookielix · 4 years
Hello could I have a written ship with bts?
I was born on 9 July 1998, I am 1.66m long, brown eyes, brown hair that i change the color of when im bored xD. Im balkan (eastern European) but was born in a western country The Netherlands. So i have seen and experience both but at home I grew up with traditional eastern European parents that are strict. I have a natural talent in all Music, art & sports. Music, art and dance have been a passion of mine sinds I was born. I'm hypersensitive so i feel and pick up alot in my surroundings. Im a person that believes in the spiritualworld. I have been trough too much traumatic and non traumatic experience in all parts of life. Because of all the negative experience that a 22 year old shouldn't have experience it took me years to even see my life as something that is worth it and to see myself as someone who is strong. I am a person who is there for you and listens and I need this back. I'm afraid to be left alone or to be forgotten (yeezz sounds depressing) I only show my deepest emotions and thoughts to people who I really trust. I try to always be the happy person In the group because I know people need a distraction from their thoughts. Im open, honest and direct.
I'm so sorry that I wrote so much. > . <
Thank you so much.
Take care and be safe!!
OMG I forgot a few things sorry!
I’m a female xd
I dislike people who easily judge. Who do not respect others opinion.
I like people who have a diversity of music taste. I love gaming besides listening and making music, arts and dance.
My style is whatever I want it to wear but mostly alternative styles. Doesn’t matter if its very feminine or more on the tomboyish style.
I have a couple of facial piercings.
Little bit longer than shoulder length wavy hair (trying to grow it out but so difficult xD)
My ult bias is suga.
Don’t have an ideal date. I enjoy just being around someone at home or outside.
Once again thank you!!
Gifs are not mine!
Who I ship you with:
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You want someone you can trust with your deepest emotions and Yoongi is definitely that person. Even if he is unable to understand what exactly you have been through or what is going on in your mind, he does understand. You don’t need to hide your emotions from him because he will never judge you and will always be there to support you, no matter what it is. While he admires the fact that you try to serve as a distraction for people, he doesn’t want you to do that around him. He wants you to be open and honest with him and in turn he will do the same. He is someone who doesn’t open up easily either so trust is a huge factor in your relationship. He trusts that you will be open with him and that you will support him and he wants you to expect the same. He understands your fears of being left alone and will always assure you he will be there. He will keep his phone on so you can call him whenever you need, he will do his best to be there for you. He will never judge you. Unfortunately, since he is so busy a lot of your dates would be last minute visits to his studio where you two could bond over music. Or if you don’t want to talk to him and just do your own thing while he works, that’s fine as well. 
His favorite things about you: Your passion for music, you being there for him, your style choices
First date: He wanted to use your first date as a chance to show you more about him so it was the first time he brought you to his studio. He was a bit nervous the entire time, but you both enjoyed it a lot. 
Mini Scenario:
You had to admit, you were a bit nervous. This wasn’t your first time in the BigHit building, but this was going to be your first time inside of the Genius Lab. The place that Yoongi often locked himself in so he could work in peace, and a place that very few people ever saw. Needless to say, you had been absolutely shocked when he texted you asking if you wanted to come hang out for a bit. A part of you was still unsure of whether or not you were dreaming. 
Before you knew it, you were standing in front of the door debating whether or not you should knock. Perhaps it would just be easier to text Yoongi and let him know you were there? That way you wouldn’t be disturbing his work, right? Apparently you took too long to ponder over it since the door opened and you were met with a tired looking Min Yoongi. 
“Don’t be afraid to knock or ring the bell next time,” he said with a soft chuckle, stepping to the side to let you in, “I was waiting for you anyways.” As it turns out, you weren’t the only one who was nervous. Since this was the first time that Yoongi was letting anyone in that wasn’t one of his group members. 
You cautiously stepped inside and looked around the area a bit, “Wow, this looks nice Yoongi!” He blushed a bit before nodding softly, rubbing at the back of his neck. 
“It’s alright,” he muttered as he sat down at his desk, “you can go ahead and have a seat if you want. I was just finishing up this one track real quick.” He turned back to his computer before pausing for a moment, “If you like, you can listen to it after I am done?”
You froze for a moment before asking, “Are you sure? It’s okay if you don’t want me to hear it.” Yoongi quickly shook his head and turned around so he was facing you again. 
“I don’t mind really,” he said, not making eye contact when he spoke, “I actually invited you here because I wanted your opinion on it since I know how much you like music. Also because I wanted to show you what I do.” You couldn’t help but smile at that, standing up and walking over to him. 
“You’re adorable,” you said as you rested your hand on his shoulder, “if you want me to listen to it then I will gladly do so. Is it okay if I watch you work?”
Yoongi blushed a small but before nodding, “Um...Sure if you want to.” He motioned to the extra chair he had and you quickly pulled it over to his desk before sitting down beside him. The both of you smiling softly as he turned to the computer and clicked on the track.
Hope you like it! Descriptive ship requests are currently CLOSED!
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
So this will be 10 episodes since the one where we lost Molly. Just throwing that out there.
Also it’s apparently my 9 (NEIN) month anniversary for being subbed to G&S which means it’s also my 9 month anniversary for watching CR and also the show has been going for 9 months as of the 11th so. That’s cool.
I like that jacket, Sam.
Broadway advert lol
“Andrew Loyd Website”
“I could have backed up all night” and “I’ve grown accustomed to her encryption” I’m dead
Okay that was hands down Sam’s best ad he’s so goddamn creative
NEW YORK NEW YORK I’m so excited I loved the last live show
I need it
Oh wait it doesn’t actually say sleeves are bullshit
I still love the shirt tho and I want one
And the bumper sticker
“It makes it sound bad when you say it like that” guys it WAS bad xD
Poor Caduceus is having an Experience
Cad: “You keep leaving”
Y: “They keep finding me”
Cad: “I think you might have the right idea”
guys you need to convince Caduceus to sTAY
Oh no don’t get Cad he’s sad and tired right now
I mean y’all almost left him behind which was crummy
Caleb really wanted to yank that axe out
Also how does healing work? Like does the guy have permanent brain damage in the are where the axe wrecked now? If it had hit somewhere vital to like, say, memory, would his memory be gone? Enquiring minds want to know.
When Caleb tries to be intimidating it both makes me laugh but also freaks me out a little
I LOVE when Matt has cool props
So does Travis lol
J: “Have you heard of THE Traveler”
Galen: “….Oh no not another one”
Nott and Jester building up Galen like “no no you’re totally special!!!”
“Missed all the major organs” sAM xD
“The Mist…ake” I’m crying
lol promoting this guy to first mate I’m crying
“We got a new pet!”
“Let’s call him Professor Thadeus the second!”
They forgot they had someone tied to the mast too what nerds
They cut up his nice shirt xD
I adore that Travis has totally got the islands and shit memorized so he can be super in-character
Also Cad is being too quiet it’s making me sad
Caleb The Navigator
Captain Fjord
First Mate Galen
Oh oh oh they should have a guest to come aboard and sail with them
Oh noooo they left the magic invisible cart
YES THANK YOU MATT y’all need to talk to Caduceus thank you Matt for pointing out that poor Taliesin has been silent for 30 minutes
Oh no have they somehow fucked over Cad’s mission?
I’m curious about this. Because obviously Taliesin knew this was exactly how the M9 were, so I can’t believe that he would have made Cad to be wholly incompatible with them.
He’s feeling really low and lost I think it’s time for a group hug
Him almost dying really freaked him out (and I think it really freaked Taliesin out too)
Caduceus is the ship’s cook
Mmm Beau is starting to feel like Caleb is trying too hard to excuse the bad things they do
I think the dock thing was a disaster for sure but I don’t think it was necessarily that they REALLY did anything wrong?
I’m not sure what exactly Beau is feeling bad about? Like freeing the genie wasn’t wrong, the boat thing was a mistake built on bad choice but it wasn’t them being inherently bad, and they didn’t kill Algar, so?
Ah, she’s feeling like she didn’t leave Nicodranus better than she found it
I like this whole “why didn’t we try to talk it out first” thing because it’s nice that two of them are having some moral conflicts. I also like what it says about Fjord and Beau as far as character development.
I mean I don’t think boiling it down to “like we were justified in our actions” really covers what Caleb said. He did say they could have handled things a lot better, but that they did what they had to to survive a situation they could have but didn’t handle better.
“I don’t want to drive you guys away” BEAUUUU my heart
Yasha staring off south “looking for a storm”
Caduceus cooking for the group is literally just my favorite thing. They totally needed a group member who could like make them slow down and eat and just like… take care of themselves, even just for the length of the meal.
Beau went from “I’m sorry for killing these guys” to “fuck those guys they’re dead anyway let’s smear their name”
We should not split up
There’s no way any of this could go wrong
Awwww Caleb showing Nott the stars and planets so sweet
SEE Caleb understands that things went horribly wrong. I honestly think he’s just trying to keep their spirits’ up.
Nott honey you don’t have to be okay with him using suggestion, I understand you both admire and need him but you can be mad at him
“Nott is a one-earther”
Have I mentioned how much I love Caduceus?
Fjord’s just like “please tell me you mean you talk to alive grieving people and not the dead people”
Oh no
They’re coming for them
You should NOT go back
Sam is like “why the fuck are we going back” and I agree so hard
Fjord should not stay on the ship Nott is right
N: “Oh, oh, what other languages do you speak?!”
J: “I speak Infernal”
Everyone cracks up
Oh this is going to be another disaster
Although I guess the guard guys wouldn’t be expecting them to immediately come back?? Maybe??
“I’m gonna bake, fuck it” I LOVE CAD
“I look like Captain Crunch btw” I’m crying can’t breathe omg
Except isn’t the captain dead lol
“Unknown do-gooders” well that wasn’t the reputation I expected
These lies are getting more and more ridiculous
“The little devil girl who drowned a hundred years ago” Taliesin and the idea of a ghost story is just… so perfect.
Beau stop xD
If this ghost story isn’t in campaign 3 someday I’m gonna cry
I’m so glad that Orli is coming along
They hired the tortle! :D
Nott is really being adorable with the “we are a team and you are important” thing. Obvious, but adorable.
Taliesin wanted ghost stories and now we’re getting islands people avoid because strange ancient unnatural stuff
Okay quick aside but this conversation with Yasha and Caduceus makes me think — I love how there’s this group of people who seemingly should have nothing in common, but in a lot of ways they have things they can understand about each other. Struggles they can related to. It’s really nice.
Jester and her multiple message spells lol
I’ll miss you Marion!
Oooo a glow in the water?
Awww Matt that’s really pretty!
“Sometimes the things that are the most beautiful are the things that can hurt you the worst” that’s very profound, Jester.
I’m gonna cry I don’t want Jester to be sad don’t be sad (Laura needs to stop looking like she’s gonna cry because it’s gonna make me cry)
And the way she does this little laugh like she’s trying to brush off how sad she is like STOP IT IM EMOTIONAL.
Marion was gonna leave with Jester’s dad but then he didn’t come back and I’m thinking at some point they had better kick the Gentleman’s ass for abandoning her
The way Fjord is so sweet and soft with Jester is so cute I can’t decide if I ship them or if I just want them to be soft and close but not romantic I think I’d be happy either way but my god Fjord’s being so gentle with her is killing me
“There are vegetarian options as well”
Marius: “Thank you, thank you, it’s very good—they’re crazy aren’t they?”
Cad: “Oh yeah, they’re completely crazy.”
I desperately hope they get attacked by a sea monster at some point
“Captain Tusktooth”
Tiny elf-owl Frumpkin omg
He’s loaning her tiny owl Frumpkin for a week I cry
M: “I poke him to see if he bites me”
Tr: “He’s dead”
“I’m gonna probably start talking to fish at some point in the near future” Caduceus Doolittle
When Nott is sincere like when she’s talking to Caduceus right now is so sweet
I take it back it’s too soon to talk about Molly Sam
“Between you and me, Jester’s a really bad cleric, so…” and Laura almost spits out her drink lol
I want to meet the rest of the Clays someday I hope some of them are still alive
“A sign that there could be, for all of us, another chapter” Nott is getting me in my feelings tonight
Matt: “You get the sense that the fish would be happy to”
Cad/Tal: “I’m a lunatic aren’t I?”
M: “Yeah.”
C/T: “I’m sorry.”
M: “Yeah, no, it’s great! :D”
The fish: “sure, sure, suresuresuresure sure”
Oh godddd sky monster?
“Professor Thadeus…?”
Oh. Fuck. Creepy flying humanoid thing.
lol Beau making sure it’s not Yasha
Oh jeez poor Yasha
…Okay Matt that wasn’t cool because it’s past midnight and the windows are open and I’m feeling weirdly paranoid now
Harpies omggggg
Caleb’s really not gonna be able to use fire for this without risking the ship
Oh fuck don’t get the deck hands
Okay the sail isn’t that big a deal Jester can probably mend it, so save the deck hand first
Harpies are not sirens that shouldn’t be allowed to do anything
Oh poor Nott
I love Cad’s beetles
“Snack time” Cad you’re so creepy sometimes xD
15pts of beetle damage hell yeah
Okay I take it back Beau might have done the best thing saving the sail.
Okay this is too easy of a fight tho what’s coming that’s worse
Oh daaaaamn snapped her neck with the sail rope
Caleb Nott this isn’t nice xD
“We saved his life with the power of friendship” I’m crying
F: “How do we prevent further heart episodes?”
Awkward friend hugs are best hugs
Nott please don’t eat harpy meat
Cad’s gonna compost the harpy
Beau is keeping Frumpkin in her pocket of course she is
Oh god the ship is gonna sink
They’re gonna end up stranded on the cursed island just watch
Gonna try and block the hole…. with a mattress
I’m shocked they managed to patch it bless Galen for that Nat20
Caleb being clever to save the ship with his magic bubble
I hope they don’t get Orli killed
They gonna get sunk
Oh wait
Does Caleb have to stay inside the bubble?? I hope it doesn’t start to fill too much
YAAAAAS what a good episode!
Oh please wear pirate outfits I’m begging
I’m so excited for next week
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2AM - part 12 (A Minseok Series)
Genre: Romance
Characters: Minseok X You
A/N: the next chapter will be the final, again XD for real this time.
2AM - [M] part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13 FINAL
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The slamming sound of the door echoed around the room after Jongdae left. Minseok’s back was tense and his hands were balled into tight fists at his hips and you could see the slow rise and fall of his shoulders as he inhaled a deep breath.
“Shit,” you heard a soft curse echo between his face and the closed bedroom door and you fisted the shirt you wore that fell just at your upper thighs. The shirt that belonged to Minseok but no longer smelled anything like him, unless you counted the heady fragrance of the recent love that lingered in the air around his bed.
Your feet wanted to move. The pull to him was strong, to comfort him, to hold him and tell him that this little fight was nothing to worry about. An honest talk with his best friend and maybe a little steam would be let off and this would blow over.                       
You’d made it halfway to where he stood, his feet stuck deep in the flood waters of the dark mood that had come with Hurricane Jongdae, when a soft knock sounded out on the door in front him.
He sprung to life, hand on the knob he quickly turned and pulled the door open.
A swell of hope tugged at your throat. Something similar to you caught a glimpse of in Minseok’s side profile. Perhaps Jongdae had reconsidered. Perhaps he was back to apologize for his rash behavior.
“Uhh…” on the other side of the door, standing in the hallway was a sleepy, shirtless (and very toned, damn these idols) Yixing, rubbing at his eyes and extending a pointed finger down to the floor behind him, where you were certain his bedroom door was located. You moved from your hidden spot near the bed, curiosity getting the best of you despite your very definite lack of pants below this borrowed t-shirt so you could see what Yixing was pointing at.
It was a lump of a man, parked in front of Yixing’s door, where he had only made it a few steps before he had fallen over in a ball, still holding the overnight bag he had packed in a whirlwind of emotion only moments before.
It was Jongdae, and he was crying.
“I think he’s still drunk?” Yixing asked with an upward inflection in his voice, as he turned back to look at the man who he had to step over while exiting his room.
Minseok took a few quick steps out of his room and hunched down on his ankles in front of his friend and you rushed to the door to see if there was possibly anything at all you could do to help. If you had been wearing pants, you would at least get a bottle of water from the kitchen and some aspirin for the headache Jongdae would surely have soon.
“Why are you still so mad at me, Hyung?” Jongdae was sobbing in nearly unintelligible words through the dramatics and his eyes were squeezed shut tightly. No tears fell, despite the sorrow you could hear in his voice. He was clearly aware of Minseok’s presence beside him and was speaking to him now. “All I did was fall in love. I’ve told you again and again how sorry I am. I didn’t intend to love her. I didn’t do this on purpose. When will you forgive me? It’s been a month already, I just want my best fucking friend back.”
“Why do you deny love Minseok? Why are you so against love? Why are you so scared of love?”
“Jongdae, let’s not do this here,” Minseok’s hands were on the man and he gave a futile tug on his forearms. The weeping man on the floor gave a delayed resistant reaction as he dramatically pulled his arms back from where Minseok tugged.
“Why does it always have to be a secret?” Jongdae shouted and your eyes drifted to Yixing who stood, much more awake looking now with his palm running over the back of his neck. The man caught your eyes and turned to quietly bow his head in your direction with a small smile. Your own mouth pulled into a matching grin and you pulled at the shirt you wore, making sure it covered as much of your bare legs as it could.
“Oh, hey, I like your shirt. Minseok has one just like it.” Yixing said as he took in the colorful design that contrasted off the black background of the t-shirt.
“It…uhh…is his shirt,” you said quietly, feeling just a little embarrassed at having to explain such a thing to this man.
The wheels turned in Yixing’s head and his smile fell just enough for his features change as realization hit him when an outburst from the hallway drew his attention back to the commotion between the best friends on the floor.
“I don’t care who knows it! I’m in love!” Jongdae had amazing lungs and his volume had reached new levels now. Loud and slurred. Dramatic and drunk, it was clearer now the more he spoke, just how drunk he still was. You heard a door knob and saw movement further down the hallway. Black hair peeked around the door and you recognized Sehun, the man armed with the marker last night.
“Jongdae,” Minseok pleaded as he tried to pull at the man’s arms harder now.
“I’m in love and Minseok is in love! We are in love!”
You saw another face at the open door way down the hall, a head below where Sehun watched with eyes wide in shock upon hearing Jongdae’s declarations of love, was Junmyeon.
“Wait,” Yixing was speaking now, furrowed brows and confusion in his eyes as he tried to make sense of the words Jongdae spoke. He lifted a hand and pointed his index finger toward the pair of men on the floor, wagging it quickly from one to the other. His mouth fell into an O shape. “So you two are—“
“In love!” Jongdae shouted, droplets of saliva, visible from where you stood at the doorway flew, landing somewhere on Minseok still tried to get Jongdae on his feet.
“Yeah! One love!” Sehun shouted from the other doorway and smiled wide with his fist held into the air at his chest. You covered your mouth to quiet the small laugh that erupted from your chest. At least the youngest of the group was accepting.
“He doesn’t mean it like that,” Minseok mumbled with his fingertips resting against his forehead now. “He means he is in love with someone and I am … also– but with someone else…”
“I am in love with my best friend’s sister.” Jongdae sat up straighter, his hands moving dramatically as he explained to the now, small crowd of onlookers, an unfamiliar face, a girl was peeking out with long black hair and smudged eye makeup, from Yixing’s open doorway, where Jongdae explained what he meant to say. “And my best friend is in love with his sister’s best friend.” He slapped both hands against Minseok’s chest and gave a shove, sending him off the careful balance he held on his feet, Minseok landed with a soft thud on his butt.
The faces of the men who watched the exchange went blank, a few eyebrows furrowing and Yixing in particular took on an expression of extreme confusion as he lifted a hand and ticked off some unknown list inside of his head on his fingertips. Shaking his head once before he attempted the riddle again.
“Wait so are you gay or not gay?” Sehun asked, his face still scrunched up in confusion.
“Not gay,” Minseok said quietly and Jongdae groaned something unintelligent from his spot on the floor, “he is dating my sister.”
“Ugh, boring,” Sehun said and spun to return back to the quiet of his room, leaving a blindsided Junmyeon standing alone at the doorway.
“I don’t get it. Who is the best friend?” Yixing whispered into your ear as if you weren’t directly involved in this huge mess.
“Jongdae and Minseok are the best friends. Jongdae is in love with Minseok’s sister and Minseok is in love with his sister’s best friend who is…” The girl at Yixing’s door, with the long black hair, who you knew from your memory of last night was the owner of the bunny tail you’d seen carelessly dropped amongst the feathers of Yixing’s black angel wings, was explaining in clipped concise words the mystery of the drama unfolding before their eyes. Only her explanation trailed off as she furrowed her brows and came up short with the name of the person who fit the final piece of the puzzle.
Of course it was you. But you weren’t about to announce to this entire condo full of kinda sorta strangers that it was you.
It didn’t matter, because you felt the eyes of the sober people in the hallway fall onto you. You, the girl who came out of Minseok’s bedroom dressed in nothing but his shirt. The girl who they had all seen together with him the entire evening, even sharing a passionate kiss with during the punishment round of a party game.
Yixing watched your face curiously. His eyes no longer held that adorable confusion you had seen all morning long, but something else. Something softer perhaps. The girl with the black hair leaned against the doorway and watched you openly. Not a trace of bashfulness in her features and your eyes trailed over the length of her body. She wore a plain white t-shirt and what you were certain were men’s boxers and you pulled your gaze back up into her face only to find a shift in her expression. She smiled and gave you a tiny nod of her head.
There were no secrets here. There was no judgement. There was only sincerity and understanding.
“Come on my hunny-bunny,” Yixing spoke up, his attention back on the woman at the door and her smile transferred easily to the man who moved away from you in the hallway, and began to make his way carefully over the slumped shoulders of a now snoring Jongdae and back into his bedroom. “Didn’t you say your mom wanted to skype later? We shouldn’t miss calls with your mom.”
His hands were on her shoulders as he pushed her back into the room, a strange comfort and familiarity was obvious in his actions and the woman giggled and responded to him softly in Chinese. His response was a giggle as their conversation continued privately in a language you did not understand.
“Wait, are you two–” you couldn’t help yourself. You had been under the impression that the two had merely met the evening before…casual idol hookups and all.
“Dating?” Yixing supplied the word you had chickened out of saying. “Two years now.” He nodded with a grin.
“Two years and two months,” the woman corrected and his smile widened as he squinted his eyes and focused his attention squarely on her face..
“Eyy, come on, you know those first two months don’t count. You rejected me so many times”
“I was just playing hard to get.” Their bickering brought a smile to your face.
Someone else in possibly an even more difficult situation than Minseok, with Yixing’s frequent work in China, with the fame, with the busy schedule; he had made it work.
It wasn’t impossible for them.
Why had it always been so impossible for you and Minseok?
“You should have just confessed–Just confess and make her yours. W-What are you so scared of? You–You just–” Your attention was drawn down to Jongdae who seemed to have reanimated when Minseok and Junmyeon had wrapped strong arms around his waist to haul him up off the floor. “–just fucking do it man, don’t you have any fucking guts?”
“Jongdae,” Junmyeon said softly on one side of the drunk man with the wide smile on his face and eyes closed as he talked.
On the other side of him, Minseok’s face was stoic and his eyes were cast down on the ground.
“Look, he just goes quiet,” Jongdae was laughing now and you could see the tension in Minseok’s jaw as the muscle flexed. “Chicken,” Jongdae threw salt on the wound and you took a step forward with pleading eyes on Junmyeon.
“Do you think maybe you can take care of him from here?” Your own hands were empty, yet you grasped in Minseok’s direction. You longed to shield him from it. You wanted to protect Minseok from those harsh words. Something in Minseok’s face must have startled you. Jongdae’s words had gone too far. Had touched too closely to the truth for you to stomach and seeing the blank, yet troubling expression on Minseok’s face filled you with worry for him. Perhaps a warm shower and a run could help the mood that had clouded his beautiful face. Perhaps after Jongdae had sobered up and they had a good honest talk—
“No, he’s right.” Minseok held the grip around Jongdae’s waist tighter and his voice spoke up loud and bold; uncharacteristic of Minseok to say the very least. “He’s drunk and he’s an asshole, but he’s completely right.”
You dropped your hands, pulling down against the bottom hem of the t-shirt that left your thighs too exposed and your nervous eyes flashed around the hallway.
Someone from the kitchen was watching with wide brown eyes and a cup of coffee paused midway to his lips. Beside him another set of even wider eyes leaned back on a bar stool. Chanyeol. Kyungsoo. Sehun from the doorway of that bedroom that he had disappeared inside earlier, met your eyes as you looked around and from behind Kyungsoo popped up a face briefly. Jongin’s eyes met yours for a split second, then disappeared with a tiny brush of fingertips along the shoulders of both men in the kitchen who, with the gentle reminder quickly averted their eyes. Quickly looked away from the spectacle. The temptation to look had been too much. Even you had to admit that.
The averted eyes had little effect. With the silence that fell in the home you were certain every single one of them was still listening and would be able to pick up even the smallest of whispered words between Minseok and yourself…should he decide to speak again.
One voice. One noisy, loud, booming voice that had been the source of much of the drama in this hallway had gone suspiciously silent.
Jongdae was quiet. His smile gone, his lips closed and his focus to his left where Minseok, his best friend stood motionless, wheels turning furiously in his head and a growing pinkness on his face.
“I’m sorry Jongdae,” Minseok said as he looked squarely into the man’s face, “I’m sorry. I’ve been unfair to you and acting like a hypocrite. You don’t deserve that.” Jongdae stared into his best friend’s face for a long while, silent and deep in thought before he nodded his head twice and gave Minseok a small smile that seemed to start in his eyes.
“And I was actually going to do it.” Minseok spoke up again. A bit quieter than the outburst before and his face lifted, eyelids fluttering and that pink in his cheeks that almost made him look innocent. Those flitting eyes flashed to the man beside him, who stood up straighter on his own. Jongdae remained quiet.
Suspiciously quiet. You felt something strange in the air and you couldn’t quite get the look of confusion off your face and that feeling out of your mind. That feeling that somehow this was no longer real. This felt like a dream.
There was something brewing inside you. A foolish hopeful fantasy that you wanted to reject before it could set in like a poison under your skin.
“Before you came in– I was about to do it,” Minseok whispered to Jongdae beside him. Just loudly enough for you to hear and you shook your own head to clear the dream-like buzzing you heard inside your ears.
Do what? The hope surged up bright within your chest.
“Do it then,” Jongdae said quietly and you heard a distinct lucidity in that voice that prodded at the man with the pink cheeks and fluttering eyes.
Minseok sighed and closed his eyes. The next breath he took was deep and steadying.
“Do you want to date me?” His eyes were closed and he spoke quietly right beside Jongdae and at least five feet away from where you stood, not looking at you at all as he whispered his question to no one in particular, it seemed, based on his secluded and closed off body language.
There was a frustrated groan from Jongdae.
“For the love of God,” he grumbled and shoved roughly at the man standing next to him, sending Minseok stumbling forward three big steps, effectively closing the distance between the two of you.
The closeness brought along his face and those pink cheeks and those eyes that zeroed in on yours and why did he look so nervous? Why was your own heart doing weird somersaults against your rib cage? Why couldn’t you bring yourself to look away from those eyes that were changing and brimming with raw honesty as he looked at your face and you felt the tips of his fingers as he reached, running lightly along the edge of your hand that hung lifeless at your side.
“Do you?” He said and he inhaled a breath again, licking his lips once before dipping his head and closing whatever imaginary distance might have been left between your eyes and his eyes.
“Do you want to try dating me?”
“It’s going to be hard. We can’t do it openly and I will be gone all the time. We will spend more time missing each other than actually together and if anyone were to ever find out about us there would be stalkers and death threats to deal with. And even if things do go smoothly and settle into something nice and something comfortable, let’s not forget that my enlistment time is coming and I’ll have to go to the army and I’ll be gone for even longer then”
Your face frowned on it’s own.
This sounded terrible.
All of it sounded just terrible.
“Way to sell it, Minnie,” you mumbled and he closed his eyes tighter and with a wrinkle of his nose.
“But, I’ll do better–” he said with another step closer to where you stood, your voices now a hush; mere centimeters between your faces where no one else could witness this. “–I’ll do better for you, I’ll be all yours, only yours… like I’ve always been— but, but this time I won’t hide it. I’ll give you the love you deserve, I promise I will.”
You wondered if they still watched. The silence persisted. Of course they would, yet as the silence around you continued, the space between Minseok’s and your noses was loud. Louder than anything you had ever heard, or maybe it just felt that way with that heavy significance in his words.
“Minnie,” you began, a small grain of doubt still on your tongue. Leftover from that bitter taste that had sat there for months. Yet his eyes watched yours with a the quiet intensity of a prayer.
“I just want to be yours,” he leaned again, reaching with both hands through the oxygen that separated your faces until you felt the tickle of his hair fall against your hairline. His forehead leaned against yours and his hands held your face.
“I just want to be yours–”
You could no longer see anything beyond Minseok.
“I want you to call me whenever you want to. I want you to touch me and kiss me and tell me when you miss me and when you want me. I just want to be yours.”
His fingers inched along your jawline, tickling down your neck to trail behind your ear, slipping into your hairline “–and you can be mine, if you want.”
He filled up your vision; too close and too blurry.
The man was already rooted so deeply inside your heart he would never be fully extracted from its deepest chambers. The bits of him that you loved the most were now a part of your own soul. No wonder you couldn’t find a place for any other person in there.
At last, he filled up your mind, making the decision for you.
“Okay,” you said, nodding your head against his. He felt the movement and although you could not see it, you could feel that the small kiss he placed over your cheekbone was toothy before it was soft and damp.
Your mind was a flutter of emotions and his hands pulled at you, making you spin in place as he steered you back into his room. The brief moment when you spun you caught sight of the barren hallway behind you.
By the workings of some gracious individual, not a single soul remained to testify of your answer to his question. Not a single witness remained to eavesdrop on the start of this relationship.
Beyond the doorway was his warmth, his lips, and his skin. His promises filled you just as eagerly as his body did, and when all that was left was the heavy gasping for precious oxygen, and a comfortable hum into your ear, his arms held you closely to his bare chest and he sang a quiet tune into the quiet of his bedroom with not another soul around to disturb the melody.
Until the shower called to him, begging to be clean, always to be clean. It was just Minseok’s way. He pulled you inside the warm water with him and gave you a pair of black athletic pants to wear. You recognized them as his usual fare.
As difficult as the separation was, you pulled yourself away from the man who couldn’t seem to keep his lips away from any bit of exposed skin he could find, and left to your own home to get ready.
You still had dinner at his mom’s tonight and you would be damned if you would show up there wearing a pair of Minseok’s sweats.
You had yet to discuss exactly what would be said about you and him, if the relationship would be mentioned at all. It felt almost unbelievable that it had even happened and as you did your makeup and hair in front of your bathroom mirror, you could hardly keep the smile off your face long enough to apply two coats of mascara.
Would he say something?
Would he, perhaps, make an announcement at dinner? A light clink of the silver fork against the side of a wine glass before he stood with his hand over his chest where his heart sang of its love for you.
“Finally.” Minhee would say as she rolled her eyes and smiled behind her napkin.
And his dad, finally home from his latest business trip, would cough, wide eyed and genuinely surprised; he would shoot you a curious smile and a wink before glancing at Mrs. Kim.
Mrs. Kim…
Would she be gracious and accept the news? Would you ever see the kind of sparkle in her eyes that you saw when she spoke of Sohee, the beautiful, well bred, daughter of a famous businessman, directed at you? Sohee who had the impeccable upbringing and style she had always envisioned for her daughter in law? Sohee, the kind of woman who you simply…weren’t.
Would she gasp in horror, her eyes wide and her mouth covered with a trembling hand?
Would she throw water in your face?
Or would she quietly handle the disappointment deep down inside. Would every look she threw in your direction be a stab at the lowly girl who weaseled her way into her family’s lives just to sink her jaws into her precious son, like a parasite whose rows of microscopic teeth were dug in too deep to smoothly extricate; the entire infected tissue would have to be cut out.
Your expensive, designer outfit was assembled, your hair was perfect and it framed the careful and tasteful makeup on your face that looked back at you, seeming just a bit bloodless despite the comfortable temperature in this apartment.
You reached for your blush brush, perhaps just another swipe would help your mood some.
A knock on your door interrupted the redundancy and you forgot the brush as the familiarity of the two soft knocks against the wood jumpstarted your heart beat like a spinning top.
He hadn’t mentioned picking you up for dinner. Although he hadn’t really done much with his lips other than the soft parting kisses as you left him behind in his bedroom and vacated that apartment before anyone else could make eye contact with you during your escape.
Minseok stood at your doorway looking fancy with his eyes down at his hands clasped together in front of his belt. As you pulled the door open his focus rose at a languid pace, beginning somewhere near the ground the sweeping a path up to your face.
His hair was styled. He had shaved the light stubble you had felt against your face after the shared shower and he smelled different. Something new to your nose. Something manly and heady with a familiar crisp cleanliness as a foundation. Gone was the casual sleeveless tee, black sweats, and black cap.
“You dressed up.” Your light tone pulled the smile to his lips and he ticked his head once, rolling it to the side to match the crooked grin that manifested on his face.
“So did you.” He matched your lightness and you tried your best not to get lost in the intensity you saw within his brown irises, or the appreciative way with which those eyes feasted on you.
Your feet lingered at the doorway for a second, the straight posture of his back told you that he was indeed only here to pick you up and you nodded once before turning to grab your bag and your phone, with just a hint of a nervous fluttering deep within your belly.
This wasn’t your first time being inside his car. This wasn’t even the first time he held your hand as he drove that car, but that didn’t stop the rush of excitement when he reached for your hand and linked his fingers in between yours, pulling it up to kiss the back of your hand before settling them, still joined in the space between the seats.
Your lips were tight as you fought against the smile. He bit down lightly on his bottom lip and held it within his closed mouth as his cheekbones rose and bunched slightly.
Your heartbeat was a mess. This man and his little gestures had so much power. Even the adorable expression he held on his face as he tried not to smile, tried not to give in to the elation you could see on that face, was making your thinking fuzzy.
Did he know the profound effect he had on you?
Did you have a similar effect on him too?
Your curiosity burned and you gave in to the urge. When you moved his hand, you felt no resistance. Your lips sank easily against the softness of the back of his hand and you let your lips linger with the kiss, going so far as to close your eyes as you drifted into it. His hand was warm. His skin was smooth and you felt his fingers flex and tighten around your hand as you did it. You loved this man. You longed for his skin against yours and a quick turn of your face to touch his flesh to your cheek matched your temperatures.
There was a change in the rhythm of the car that pulled your attention from his hand.
Minseok’s jaw was tight, a pinkness on his cheeks that made him look young and fresh and he was pulling the car off the busy street he had been driving on into an empty parking lot of a closed store.
What was he doing here? This was only halfway there, he still had another ten minutes of driving time for sure.
“What are you doing?” Your surprise made you drop his hand and the pinkness you saw in his cheeks was quickly covered by both of his hands as he closed out the world.
“Sorry, I–”
He stopped talking, the short mumble you heard below his hands was cut off by a quiet stifled laughter. Held in for too long and pushed down, his shoulders shook with the effort of containing it. When he dropped a single hand from his face, his face was pink. His eyes were screwed shut tightly and the smile on his face was as controlled as he could manage. He looked exactly like an over inflated balloon about to explode.
He undid his seatbelt while simultaneously putting the car in park and he was turning in his seat.
“I just need a moment,” he said with his back to you and you tried to swallow the shallow laugh that burst free from your lips.
The car rocked with his exit and the door closed loudly, leaving you alone in silence as you watched his torso from the driver’s side window.
You caught the spin. Light on his feet, he pivoted on the spot he stood before he dropped and vanished. Crouched down on his heels out of your line of sight. It only lasted for a second before the door was opening and he cleared his throat noisily as he climbed back into the driver’s seat of his car and buckled the safety belt. All the while avoiding your curious yet satisfied eyes.
“You okay?” He huffed out a quiet laugh.
“Yeah,” he said with tight lips, “I was just overwhelmed. I’m okay now. Totally fine. You can do things like that. That’s—“
He inhaled and exhaled through O shaped lips.
“Why did I wait so long for this again?”
“Because you’re an idiot,” you said and you giggled when his brows furrowed and he narrowed his eyes briefly.
“Because I’m an idiot.” He nodded in agreement with a shake of his head and a laugh.
You didn’t even bother fighting your smile. Not after that. Minseok was just as, if not more, affected by you, as you were of him. You’d never been so joyous to witness someone’s brief moment of weakness before.
He drove on in silence and he didn’t reach for your hand again. Your own hands wrung together in your lap as your mind wandered over the many temptations of affecting Kim Minseok.
Maybe you could do it again some time. You decided that this dinner would be pretty fun after all.
Until you recognized the cobblestone pathway he turned down that lead to his home and the excitement in your belly shifted and changed, making way for the nervous tension you had felt while you were getting ready.
The problem with the unknown. You had no idea how his family, namely his mother, might receive the news, and the more your stomach fluttered with nerves the more uneasy the whole situation felt.
You and him hadn’t even been official for very long. Not even a full 24 hours and while yes you both had quite a history together, the fact was that this was all rather new to you. Did you really want to add an audience into the mix on your first day as a couple.
“Umm, about your family—“ you pushed the words out of your lips as he slipped his fancy car into the open garage bay that his mother always made sure to keep clear for his visits, “—about us,” you added lamely, realizing that you weren’t actually using proper sentences that made sense.
He turned to look at you and shifted the car into park, leaving the garage door open as the car idled in its place, he merely watched you with a blank face as you backtracked to find the missing word.
“Knowing a-about us, I mean.” He was watching you too closely and the expression on his blank face wasn’t giving anything away. Why was he so good at putting up a poker face?
“Do you not want me to tell them yet?” He finally said softly with what you were almost positive was a gloomy blue tint to his tone.
Whatever it was, it was well hidden. What you thought you might have seen was gone in a flash with the small shrug of his shoulders and the carefully quick way he averted his eyes from yours. The soft smile you saw in his lips erased any bit of what you may or may not have actually seen take place in his expression and you couldn’t help but smile too.
“We can tell them whenever you are ready.”
He cut off the engine, closed the garage door and exited the car, making some sort of magic happen as he appeared by your side in record time, grabbing ahold of the passenger door from you to pull it open and reach for your hand.
You knew the way through the spacious garage of the home well enough, having been with Minhee in here more times than you could recall, yet with Minseok at your side, with his warm hand holding yours, everything felt brand new.
When you reached for the door that opened up into a hallway near the kitchen, a soft tug pulled you back, seconds before you could turn the knob. You spun with a surprised grunt and saw his face, his smile, and his hands closing in quickly.
Minseok’s lips covered your parted surprised ones and he kissed you deeply and slowly. The kind of kiss that made your spine tingle and your toes curl and you felt the frame of the door that you couldn’t quite make it to in time pressed up against your back.
Over the front of your body was his warmth, firm and tense muscles laid over your softer parts that his hands enjoyed exploring as he kissed you like this. As his mouth took from yours; your tongue, your lips, your oxygen, his hands kneaded and explored until you felt hot fingertips slide around the small of your back, down your ass to the hem of the short skirt you wore.
When his fingers met skin you felt the rumble of the groan from his chest and he broke and kiss with a rough lift of those hands upward, digging hard into your flesh the man was quickly becoming too affected and unlike you, he wasn’t nearly as able to hide such an event.
“Tell me something, did you wear this fucking skirt tonight just to torture me or do you enjoy seeing me like this?” He stumbled back, as if kicked back by some invisible recoil.
“Well I don’t not enjoy it,” you grinned as you answered honestly, if not a bit confusingly, through the labored breaths you took against his face. He honestly smelled incredible. You very much liked this new cologne of his.
His eyebrow ticked upward and the corners of his lips crept up. His eyes, dark enough to cover your head entirely should you choose to let yourself succumb to their depths, watched you closely for what felt like ages to your rattled mind.
His lips, already too pink and puffed from the heated kiss, lured you, calling to you to taste them again, despite the very real danger of doing this in his family’s home and you felt the pull of his eyes.
With him so close to you, so tempting, smelling the way he did and feeling the way he did, with his recent words dancing in your head—
I just want to be yours. His memory pleaded and your hands reached for him, claiming him for yourself. You gripped his shirt, probably wrinkling the fabric with as tightly as you clung to him and he stumbled into you, pulled roughly by your needy hands.
“I love you, Minnie,” you said against his lips moments before pulling him into you again. The kiss was needy. More so than before, you felt shameless in your need for him. If the old you could see this; Unapologetically making out with The Kim Minseok in the garage of his family’s home, where anyone could simply walk in to catch you.
You should not have been surprised to hear the scrape behind the door at your back and the shuffling of slippered feet along the floor. You really should have known it would happen, but that didn’t stop the dramatic gasp you took, and the rough way you shoved him away from you when you heard the door knob click as it was turned.
You pivoted, just in time to block the view of a stumbling Minseok from the opening door. Surely he understood what was happening enough to recover; perhaps wipe his mouth and assume some other position that wasn’t something that might be illustrated under the definition of heavy petting in a middle school sex-ed book.
Your smile was instant and as wide as your eyes must have been and the startled yelp from Mrs. Kim as she stepped backward and clutched at her chest brought a noisy awkward laugh from your lips.
“Oh! Good lord you startled me,” she said and took a moment to recover. When her eyes were closed you glanced behind you and caught the sight of Minseok shoving the sides of his dress shirt back into his slacks and pulling at his pockets and belt buckle in an attempt to conceal the obvious.
“Well look at what the cat dragged in. Why are you in my garage, dear? I expected to find Minseok. He didn’t drag you along with him did he?”
“Of course I brought her, Mom, you were about to issue an APB this morning when she wouldn’t answer her phone.”
He answered for you, his voice steady and his breathing even. More so than yours might have sounded. You thanked the excellent condition of his lungs for that.
Despite your best efforts to keep your expression light, you could feel the heat on your face at the close call and you had to force yourself to bring your breathing under control.
“Well what is taking you so long to come inside? I heard the garage door ages ago. What have you been doing in here?” There wasn’t a bit of accusation in her voice, yet the guilty run when no one pursues and you felt it deep inside your chest. Minseok’s face flinched and his mouth hung open in silence as he stared at his mother’s face.
“He was checking the tire.” Why was your voice so high sounding?
“The tire?”
“The tire?”  Minseok and his mother asked in unison, their expressions remarkably similar before he dropped the upward inflection in the end of his response.
“–was low.” his eyes were wide and he looked behind him at the very obviously perfectly inflated tires on his very new and very shiny car.
You snorted at the grimace you saw on his face and quickly covered it with a cough when Mrs. Kim looked back at you.
“Minseok, you aren’t very good with cars. You should call roadside assistance.” Her voice had a sympathetic and understanding tone and his ears seemed to pinken before your eyes as he straightened out his shoulders and lifted his chin.
“What? I’m great with cars. I drive a car.” You could feel your nose wrinkle as you watched him lie through his teeth at the woman who simply shook her head in response. “I even fixed the tire, look at how great it looks.”
“It wasn’t actually low, Mrs. Kim. There was just a rock stuck in the treads.” You interjected. How in the world was the woman to believe that Minseok somehow re-inflated a flat tire inside this garage without a single tool required to do such a thing. When did he get so bad at this?
Your cover story hit a nerve and with his shoulders still held up too straight, and his chin high in the air he scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
You were pretty sure you saw a genuine glare in your direction and the shrug you gave him did nothing to soften his grumpy expression.
So you stuck your tongue out in his direction playfully, laughing when his eyes widened further. Of course you’d been playful with Minseok before, but honestly it had never been quite so much fun before.
“Oh you two are just like brother and sister,” she said with a wave of her hand as she turned to exit the garage.
You felt a burn somewhere inside your chest and your mouth went dry with the metaphor. Minseok must have had a similar reaction because he was following her steps as she made her way past you to enter the hallway that lead to the kitchen.
“What? No way, we are not, nor have we ever been anything like brother and sister.” His voice was high and his tone incredulous and when he brushed passed you to reach the doorway first, you felt pointed fingertips reach out and poke your ribs, making you jump and squeal in surprise.
You reached for him quickly, instantly needing retribution. Your swift steps behind him caught you up to his side and your fingers dug hard into the space just below his armpit. The space you knew would get him the most.
Shoulder to shoulder in the narrow hallway his fingers frantically tried to grab ahold of your attacking hands and your laughter echoed out, making Mrs. Kim turn briefly to glimpse the commotion.
“You’re exactly like brother and sister. Don’t you remember when you were little? I used to have to break up these fights all the time.” She was far ahead in the kitchen now, checking on something that one of the housemaids was fixing at the stovetop and you’d made it into the opening of the breakfast nook with both hands grasped tightly within his and his arms secured around your shoulders.
It could have been considered an embrace had it not been for the murderous look in your eyes as you tried desperately to get your hands free for one more tickle. It was no use. He had you pinned almost completely and his breathing against your neck preceded the quiet whisper you heard into your ear.
“Just give up, or I’ll tell her you are my girlfriend and definitely not my sister.”
“I don’t remember that at all, Mrs. Kim.” Your fingertips went slack, the muscles in your arms limp and useless as you gave up entirely.
He didn’t let you go. You gave it a good ten seconds before you looked back into his face in question. He had sensed your lack of fighting enough to relax his grip some, but to the casual outside observer, the fight must have been still on. What other reason would he have for this full body embrace in his mother’s kitchen while she fussed with a flower arrangement.
“You two even used to take baths together,” she said into her hydrangea bush and the grip he held around your shoulders changed when his hands roamed lower, sliding around your waist now you felt your hands freed and you futilely tried to smooth out the wrinkles in your top caused by the scuffle.
“We still do,” he said lowly at your back in a clear voice, just loud enough for you to hear over the sounds of the pot being stirred on the stove.
He shouldn’t have said such a thing right after freeing your arms. You quickly jabbed your elbow backward, aiming for his ribs, or his stomach, or anything that would shut him up, but it was too late. Mrs. Kim’s eyes were open and on the pair of you. He jumped backward at the contact of your elbow to his rib cage.
She wasn’t speaking but she watched you. Minseok still laughed playfully from the teasing until he saw her eyes on you where you stood like a deer caught in the headlines under her eyes.
Had she heard him? Were the wheels turning in her head, connecting pieces of the puzzle now?
“Did you hear the doorbell?” She finally spoke up and her gaze which had been on you sharpened and focused very suddenly. She was wiping her hands on the terry cloth that laid on the counter top and grabbing the vase of flowers to take with her toward the entryway.
Your curiosity burned and moved your legs to follow. Gripping the vase with both hands she peered at the screen on the wall of the foyer and her face lit up in excitement and recognition.
“Oh! He’s early. I just love a punctual man, as I am sure you do as well.”
She set the flowers down on the table at the entryway.
“Who?” You weren’t following her logic and while you weren’t involved in the planning of this dinner, there usually weren’t any guests other than yourself invited to these things.
“Your boyfriend,” she said with a light wave of her hand as she reached for the handle of the door.
“My what? I don’t have–”
Minseok lingered behind you near the doorway, leaning against the wall with his hands inside his pockets and a tense look on his face.
“No, Mrs. Kim, you didn’t invite–” a flood of recent images flashed through your mind of him. Close up images of his face. His charming smile. The tall posture he held as he looked down at you with a look of sweet adoration and the feeling of his soft lips pressed up against yours in that quiet bar.
“Kim Kwangseok, It’s so lovely to see you again, darling.” The door was open and she was already grabbing his hand to shake it enthusiastically.
The room was spinning with the images and one particular memory flashed up hot like the splash of hot oil against your skin.
The last time you saw him, in your kitchen with your long lost friend Minseok only recently returned, the jealousy you saw in both men’s faces and the way he leaned in to you, for Minseok to see that slow and deliberate kiss against your cheek.
You remembered now. You had promised to call him.
It was three days ago, yet it felt like it had been years with all that had transpired between you and Minseok. With all that had changed.
You had promised him, and you had definitely broken that promise.
Clutched behind his back you heard the crackle of plastic and kraft paper and he swung his arm around, presenting Mrs. Kim with a bouquet of flowers.
Her face was alight with delight and you felt like the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. Somewhere behind you, amidst the chaos in your mind, Minseok was watching this man enter his home like a shark waiting for the moment to attack. Somewhere behind you, you had left what was left of your sanity, because here, where you stood was nothing but chaos
“Kwangseok,” you said in too soft of a voice. The tremble was unavoidable, you could hardly keep yourself from running out of the room and the effort involved with keeping your feet steady on this marble floor was bound to have some aftershocks.
“There she is,” he said from the doorway and he was coming inside. Moving in closer to where you stood like a hostage held at gunpoint, “Hey, beautiful.”
The hug was one sided. You couldn’t get your arms to work, not with Minseok watching. Not with the love of your life, the man you had promised yourself to, having to be here for this nonsense.
“Oh, hey Minseok, it’s nice to see you again, man.” Kwangseok was casual and the mention of his name made your eyes seek him out instantly.
His face was blank, well rehearsed and well controlled.
You wanted to touch him. You wanted to put the life back into his eyes. You wanted him to smile and to light up the way he had when he was touching you moments earlier and you felt the crushing weight of the reality you had now put yourself in.
The sheer gravity of this situation was pressing down from above.
The truth was so heavy. How in the world had you simply forgotten about Kwangseok? How had you never once considered the fact that your on again off again, kinda sorta something – guy – who sent you flowers often, called you and texted you and invited you out for drinks and dinner and kissed you goodnight with the best of intentions and genuine affinity for your company, that he – HE – would have absolutely no idea about your very sudden, very new, very loved and crafted and cared for relationship with Minseok. He would have no way of knowing that this was the new reality and that unfortunately he would be cast aside.
You hadn’t had a chance to talk to him.
This was all happening too fast, too sudden, too desperate and now Minseok had gone blank, even as Kwangseok stood six inches taller than him, holding a hand out for him to shake you could feel the absence of the real Kim Minseok in the room.
“I’m sorry I forgot something in my car,” Minseok said softly, refusing to look down at the extended hand in front of him, he turned on his heels and was gone.
Kwangseok closed his hand with a small pout on his lips. “I guess I’ll greet him later.” He shrugged with a grin in your direction that you didn’t return.
2AM - [M] part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13 FINAL
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kangdan101 · 7 years
questions tag :)
tagged by @hwangminyeo :’) lmao im sorry my life is so uninteresting but it was fun to answer these still heh
·        drink: water! Recently I’ve been trying to drink more water bc I am extremely dehydrated; i tend to drink like 1 cup a day (lol) stay hydrated kids
·         phone call: this morning!
·         text message: like one min ago I was just arguing with my friend whether or not our math teachers first name is jose or not (update: I was right, it IS jose xD)
·         song you listened to: ENERGETIC BY WANNA ONE!!11
·         time you cried: maybe like 15 min ago…????? Lmfao I was watching wanna one sing always and I got emotional (i cry about everything)
·         HAVE YOU EVER
·         dated someone twice: it’s hard to date someone twice if you’ve never dated someone at all lol (motae solo like minhyun)
·         kissed someone and regretted it: no
·         been cheated on: no
·         lost someone special: yes :’(
·         been depressed: yes. This last year was really really hard for me. Balancing dance and school and everything made me super stressed and I started to pull myself away from ppl :/ tbh produce kinda got me out of it lol and im 100% ok now
·         gotten drunk and thrown up: nope (lol bc I’ve never drank before hahaha theres so many things I haven���t done)
·         Baby blue
·         Mint green
·         Peach pink ;)
·         made new friends: yes
·         fallen out of love: no 
·         laughed until you cried: literally I laugh way too much for my own good
·         found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so :o
·         met someone who changed you: yes, many of them! (esp kangdan tho)
·         found out who your friends are: yes :)
·         kissed someone on your Facebook list: yikes no
·         how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: mostly all my fb friends go to my school but I don’t actually know some of them? So I’d say like 70%
·         do you have any pets: I’d like to think my little brother Anthony is secretly a dog bc he resembles one and can get hella wild sometimes lmao
·         do you want to change your name: my name is legit the most basic Chinese name ever I know like 3 other people with the exact same first and last name and alskdjgowaei;lskdfj it gets on my nerves sometimes I always liked the name lilia / lily but in 7th grade I met this girl whose name was Philomena and its now my favorite name ever
·         what did you do for your last birthday: lmao I studied bc I had a hUge test the next day and your girl’s serious about her grades man
·         what time did you wake up: LMAO I woke up twice this morning: first time at 4:40 to catch WANNA ONE DEBUT and then went back to sleep @ 6 am; woke up again at 7:30 am for class
·         what were you doing at midnight last night: I was on tumblr watching everyone hype about wanna one it was gr8
·         name something you can’t wait for: finishing junior year + SAT shit :/ lol my junior year hasn’t even started yet but im so nervous I hope I don’t screw up and thinking about it is making my heart beat faster yikes (wish me luck guys hopefully im still alive by june)  
·         when was the last time you saw your mom: a few min ago~
·         what are you listening to right now: my little brother Anthony is singing shape of you and its not pretty lol (he’s eleven)
·         have you ever talked to a person named tom: I don’t really remember
·         something that is getting on your nerves: the SAT omygod I just really want it to be over and im SO NERVOUS also anthony’s singing is starting to bug me (he changed songs and now he’s singing gibberish and it’s very distracting)
·         most visited website: probably youtube/fb/tumblr
·         hair color: blackish-brown. my roots are black but the ends seem to be browning a lil? Probably since it’s summer now and the sun is working its magic 
·         long or short hair: medium length! Like halfway down my back???
·         do you have a crush on someone: nope & haven’t had one for like two years
·         what do you like about yourself: my monolids? But my mom wants me to get surgery lmfao also i like that i have a naturally high foot arch bc its helpful for dance :)))
·         blood type: a… I think?
·         nickname: name: sarah; nicknames: sawa, sala, salad, swisso (I promise this makes sense in context), moon, moonmoon (these make sense in context too lol)
·         relationship status: single mom of my 98 produce children and always have been lollll
·         zodiac: capricorn
·         pronouns: she/her
·         favorite tv show: descendants of the sun, suspicious partner, I hear your voice, once upon a time, produce aka a horrible show that hurts u in all sorts of ways (pls rec me some bc I wanna binge some tv shows before school starts)
·         tattoos: none atm but maybe when I’m older I want a tiny star, or a tiny moon, or maybe my Chinese name?
·         right or left handed: Right
·         surgery: I got eye surgery done when I was rly young bc the gland between my eyes and nose was blocked which basically made me cry ALL THE TIME (like even when I’d be staring at nothing)
·         sport: I dance! And I used to do rhythmic gymnastics but I had to quit bc school was getting too busy I miss rhythmic gymnastics so much u have no idea
·         vacation: I think I’m going to go out touring colleges along the east coast near the end of august!!!
·         pair of shoes: I wear my converse a lot as well as my nike free runs. But other than that my shoe collection is p limited rippp
·         MORE GENERAL
·         eating: just finished dinner
·         drinking: nothing atm xD gdi in the beginning of this tag I wanted to be more hydrated and look where I am now lmao
·         I’m about to: wash the dishes that we used for dinner
·         waiting for: the day I graduate high school so I can go to college and take classes I love and alskdgjaowlfkdsfj (lmao im such a nerd im sorry)
·         want: to eat some ice cream (I love ice cream)
·         get married: that would be a miracle tbh
·         career: high school student / summer school teachers assistant  THE KIDS I TEACH ARE SO LOUD AND WILD theyre legit animals everytime I step into the classroom i can’t believe these 8th graders are capable of such chaos
·         hugs or kisses: I luv hugs and I luv kisses
·         lips or eyes: both???
·         shorter or taller: taller (its not hard to be taller than me lol)
·         older or younger: older
·         nice arms or nice stomach: I think…. Arms 
·         hook up or relationship: relationshiip
·         troublemaker or hesitant: jesus idk I’ve never dated so I really wouldn’t know alskdjgoalkdsfj (but i mean troublemaker is a gr8 song??)
·         kissed a stranger: no that sounds scary :0
·         drank hard liquor: no
·         lost glasses/contact lenses: I LOsT MY GLAssES IN FLORIDA ONCE agldkgjaosdfkj I swear I put it down on the airport seat and when I turned around THEY WERE GONE I spend a good 2 hours looking for them but they legit disappeared :/ to this day I am still wondering where that pair of glasses went
·         turned someone down: yes
·         sex on the first date: no 
·         broken someone’s heart: i sure hope not 
·         had your heart broken: no
·         been arrested: no
·         cried when someone died: so many times
·         fallen for a friend: lowkey yes but they still don’t know about that
·         yourself: I try to
·         miracles: yes or else what will happen to me in the future I need miracles to carry me bc my luck is trASH
·         love at first sight: no
·         santa clause: maybe for the first few years but then I caught my parents
·         kiss on the first date: no
·         angels: idk actually… I guess?
·         eye color: brown; I feel like my eyes have been getting lighter over the years bc the outside of my iris is like brown but near the pupil its more of a hazel
·         favorite movie: I have so many omg I luv spirited away, howls moving castle, the book thief, and I recently watched wonder woman (pls rec some movies too im always in the mood for one :D) 
im tagging anyone who wishes to do this! 
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blossombriar · 7 years
All the wanna be nosy questions if you dont mind. Again you don't have to do them if you don't want to
All right lets do this! I love answering shit its exciting~
0. Height: 5″3
1. Virgin: Yes
2. shoe size: five n a half i got kids feet.
3. do you smoke? nah man i got asthma.
4. do you drink? unfortunately, no. 
5. Do you take drugs? Once again, no jfc i am boring as hell.
6. Age you get mistaken for? 16 or 15 
7. have any tattoos? nope, but i have a couple in mind that i want.
8. want any tattoos? hell yeah.
9. got any piercings? nah dude.
10. want any piercings? yeah dude, just my ears for now tho
11. Best friend? Oh that would be darling shes the best, Charlotte’s number one 10/10!!
12. relationship status? Single as fuck.
13. biggest turn ons: ... that is a good question that i am unsure about xD i guess when people touch my neck, uh when im treated like a human being, and that it i guess sorry bout that.
14. biggest turn offs: Pushy people, demanding people, expecting me to do all the hard work, people who can’t take no for an answer, and ugly things.
15. Favorite movie: The Book of Life is my favorite.
16. I’ll love you if: you play with my hair, accept me being asexual, are a cute girl, give me sweets, listen to me speak and ramble, and just want to be around me.
17. someone you miss: uh one of my bestfriend’s Charlotte. We talk every day but it doesn’t compare to actually being able to see them and hang out face to face.
18. most traumatic experience: being stalked around high school by someone i used to be friends with simply because they were angry with my family. that entire situation actually fucked me up pretty badly tbh.
19. a fact about your personality: I have zero chill when it comes to food i love.
20. what i hate most about myself: being asexual is something i hate but am slowly accepting bout myself.
21. what i love most about myself: how much love i have to share with those i care about.
22. what i want to be when i get older: Owner of a safe space cafe.
23. my relationship with sibling(s): my older brother im on good terms with sometimes theyre problematic but its chill they irritate me sometimes cause they never think before speaking. My oldest brother though. He can fuck off and never come back. hes annoying and spoiled and super fucking dumb needless to say i dont care much bout him.
24. My relationship with my parent(s): my mother i love her and although we fight sometimes shes alright even if her views are a bit old fashioned. plus she has to put up with my father which is difficult to say the least. 
My dad i love him but i never want to date nor marry someone like him. Like my brother he’s spoiled and annoying who sometimes never thinks before speaking. 
25. ideal date: aquarium, museum, or a picnic. just anywhere where there isn’t a lot of people and where i get to spend time with you. 
26. biggest pet peeves: farting, biting on silverware, and mocking me.
27. description of boy/girl i like: sadly i dont like anyone rn if you lived where i did you’d understand. 
28. A description of the person i dislike the most: well last time i saw them they were slightly over weight, tall, greasy medium length hair, not so nice face, and  a presence that immediately pissed me off. 
29. a reason i’ve lied to a friend: because i’d hate to be the thing that sends them over the edge like yikes!
30. what i hate the most about work/school: in community college the thing i hate is working in a group with shitty kids who dont give a flying fuck about the assignment/class. pisses me off.
31.what your last text message says: “ Still friendlier than most men.” in reference to giant squids.
32. what words upset me the most: you’ll _____ when you’re older. hate that shit.
33. what words make me feel the best about myself: you did a good job and i appreciate you. uh any kind of praise really.
34. what i find attractive in women: pretty much everything, from the way they laugh to the way they act around something they love. women are amazing.
35. what i find attractive in men: their voices sometimes, when they can take no for an answer, dress nicely,  and when they show emotions and insecurities. 
36. where i would like to live: somewhere with lots of greenery and actual seasons and colors other than brown. somewhere where it rains and snows, but most important of all i would like to be able to live with the one i love.
37. one of my insecurities: boy howdy... the biggest one is being asexual who has 0 interest in having sex of any kind and not having any real need to either it’s something that bothers me more than it should.
38. my childhood career choice: oh boy, i wanted to be an author, professional singer, or a firefighter. 
39. my favorite ice cream flavor: strawberry cheesecake or anything with chocolate!
40. who i wish i could be: someone more outgoing and likeable, preferably with a healthy functioning brain. 
41. Where i want to be right now: in the future where i’ve gone through my schooling and live with my best friend up in oregon and we save up to open up shop. that’s where i want to be right now.
42. the last thing i ate: a chocolate chip cookie.
43: sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: eh i would’nt describe them as sexy but I think about Amber Liu a lot shes so stunning and amazing.
44. a random fact about anything: you can’t dream and snore at the same time because the sound of your snoring disrupts REM sleep. I’m deathly afraid of Zombies and uh have never been kissed before or dated anyone before either so there are some fun facts!
WOW, this took a hot second to complete. Well there you go anon dear every single nosy question has been answered I hope you enjoy~ feel free to ask any more questions you can come up with or if you just wanna talk ^^ 
anyways have a lovely day anon where ever you are!
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