#im getting through there no guides no flash. fuck it we ball.
justmeinadaze · 1 year
Im in Control Part 11 ( Steddie X You)
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A/N: Do you remember the beginning of Lilo and Stitch where she gets into that fight with the little girl and the teacher tries to like reprimand her and she's like "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" That's how I feel posting this lol
Warnings: Feelings! All the feelings! With the smut of course. Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie. The boys get the reader a gift to have some fun with her. They do fuck up (I feel like) and there is some major angst with the boy going into more about their damage when it comes to their past. The reader mentions some trauma but it's not as in depth as theirs.
Rough sex (I mean...it could be rougher but still ) Its more the reader towards them. Slapping, hitting, etc. Um...am I forgetting something? Maybe.
Word Count: 5152 ( I let the angst flow through me *sinister laugh*)
“I hate weddings.”, TJ grimaces as he takes a drink from the flask in his pocket. 
“Oh, that’s nice. Give me my invitation back then.” As Randy reaches for the envelope, your boss pulls it back. 
“I said I hated weddings. I didn’t say I hated you. I will be there.”
You giggle from your place on your desk as Steve looks at the over stylized piece of paper in his hands. 
“TJ doesn’t hate weddings. He hates marriage. Thankfully, Randy, you aren’t looking into a mirror of the future.” You raise your hand to block the stress ball TJ throws in your direction and Eddie catches it from his place in front of you as it bounces off your palm. 
“And of course, you’re all welcome to bring a plus one.” Randy turns to look at you. “Except you.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you are kind, funny, beautiful, and more importantly not jaded and bitter like these assholes. I want you to meet my friend who’s actually my best man. I think you two will really hit it off.”
“Jesus H Christ, why is everyone so obsessed with my romantic life? Randy, I appreciate the offer but I’m okay.”
“Oh, so are you bringing anyone?”
“I was going to go with these two.”, you gesture towards Eddie and Steve.
“Okay, well there we go. I’ll tell him you’re just bringing friends. Talk to him, Y/N. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”
When you glanced at the boys, their eyes were still on the invitations but everything about their demeanor had totally changed. Steve’s chest rose and fell heavily while the hand that Eddie didn’t have holding the paper was balled into a fist on his knee.
“Hmm… I’m sure I will.”
“We have a present for you.” Steve grins as his hungry eyes scan your body. 
They had driven to your house to pick you up for the wedding but instead of meeting them outside like you normally do, he had come up to knock on your door. 
“What is it?”
“Hm, I can’t tell you. Here, go put it on before we’re late.” The man hands you the box before playfully slapping your ass, pushing you towards your room. 
After you open it, you stare at the contents completely confused. Inside was some admittedly cute lingerie but you didn’t understand why they would want you to wear it now and not later when the three of were playing. Nevertheless, you did as he asked, sliding the black lace panties under your green silk dress. 
“Yeah, baby?”
You smiled to yourself as he replied to you. You liked when pet names like that freely flowed from his lips without prompting or hesitation. 
“This bra is beautiful but it wouldn’t go with the dress. My straps are too thin and the cut is too low. Is it ok if I leave it here? I don’t want you guys to think I don’t like it.”
His tall frame suddenly appeared in your doorway. “Aw, look at you, being so sweet. Of course, that’s fine.”
You grin as you lean up on your toes to kiss his lips. “Thank you, Daddy.”
Steve extends his elbow to you which you take as he guides you towards the car. 
“Hey, sweetheart. You look breath taking.” Eddie flashes you a smile and you lean over the seat to kiss his cheek, 
“Thank you and thank you for my present.”
“Oh, yeah? You like it? We thought of you when we saw it.” The metalhead chuckled at Steve as he climbed in and started the car. “Harrington, as beautiful as you are, I don’t think that shade of lipstick suits you.”
He makes a face as he looks in the rearview and removes the imprint you left on his mouth. Steve leans over and lightheartedly punches his friend in the arm. “Don’t be jealous. Tell her more about the panties we bought.”
“Mr. Harrington, they are panties. There’s nothing intercut about them beside the very sexy lacey design along the side. Other than that, they cover all the naughty bits.”
“They better.”
You laugh at his stern tone as Eddie grins over at him before looking back at you. “Princess, these aren’t just any pair of panties. They… well, it’s probably easier if I just show you.”
You watch him as he reaches into his suit pocket, pulling out a tiny black remote. He wiggles it in your direction, showing it off before pressing a button at the top. 
A sudden jolt of vibration shoots through your body straight to your clit. 
“Fucking hell!”
“Oh hey, Steve. It works.” They smile at each other as the car stops at a stop light and Eddie climbs between the seats into the back with you. 
“What did you two do?”
“See, you can do little pushes…” His fingers pressed the button repeatedly and each little shockwave elicited a small moan. “Or you can push this button here…” His thumb pressed another section of the remote, allowing the vibration to be more constant as it messaged your nub. Your head fell against his shoulder as your hips began involuntarily moving, grinding against nothing.
“You can also change the intensity which is really cool.” As Eddie’s thumb slid along the side, the vibration between your legs gradually intensified causing your eyes to roll back. The man beside you licked his lips as he leaned them down to the shell of your ear. 
“Baby, you’re going to have to have a better poker face then that in front of these people.”
“I-I-I can’t…”
“Aw, Stevie. Little girl pretends she’s so tough but can’t hold it together for one night?”
Your face contorted in annoyance as you looked up to meet his gaze. “It…it’s not fair…when…”
While you were talking Eddie increased the intensity again making you reach out abruptly and cling to his shoulders. 
“Go on. What’s not fair?”
“No, no. Tell me what’s not fair. Then you can cum.”
You felt the car stop as Steve parked, turning around to watch the display behind him. 
“It’s not…fair…when you…have an advantage…fuck! Please, please, please.”
“Go ahead, Sweetheart. Cum for us but keep your eyes on me as you do. Do you understand?”
“Y-y-yes, Sir.”
“What you’re feeling right now. That intense overwhelming pleasure as your cunt tightens and your body trembles. We control that. We are in charge of making you feel as good as you do right now.”
You bite your lip, controlling to urge to scream as you cum. The vibration between your legs abruptly stops as Eddie passes the remote to Steve. His beautiful eyes lock on to yours as he gestures to his friend. 
“Remember what he said when you’re talking to Randy’s best man.”
“I hate you both.”, you spit through gritted teeth as you three take your seat at the reception table. 
“No, you don’t.”, Eddie cackles. 
“We haven’t even done anything yet since the car ride here. Calm down, little miss.”
“Yeah, but the fucking anticipation…I don’t when you guys are going to—”
“Hey Y/N! Hey, boys.” Randy grins as he leans down to hug you. 
“Hey, man. That was a beautiful ceremony.”, Steve returns his grin with his own. 
“Thank you. I’m glad it’s all finally over though. Planning this was a huge pain in the ass and then the whole thing with the engagement party… Anyway,” he looks down at you. “I see you didn’t bring anyone with you.”
“See but I did though. I brought two!” You gesture to the guys but as your hand extends the groom takes it and pulls you out of your chair. “Randy, I don’t—”
“Hi. You must be Y/N. I’m Jason.” The best man offers you a hand which you hesitantly shake. He blinds you with his smile as he chuckles. 
“Jas, these are her clients. This is Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington.”
“Oh yeah. I’ve heard a lot about you.”, he says emphatically as he greets them. 
“Oh yeah? Randy’s never mentioned you. The only Jason we know is from our hometown and he was kind of a dick.”
You narrow your eyes at Eddie as you pout your lips. “Really? I’m sorry for them. They are stubborn as all hell and complete assholes.”
“You’re right, Randy. She’s funny.” His eyes lock with yours. “I like that.”
The abrupt vibration between your legs startles a small yelp out of your lips as you turn to look at them. Both sets of eyes were glowing with amusement, completely ready to do this tango with you. It made your core throb with need as sat back down between them. 
“We have to go back to our table but we’ll talk later?”
Your lips quickly press together as the tremor between your legs escalates. 
“Sweetheart,” Eddie leans closer to you. “The man is asking you a question. It’s impolite to not answer.”
“Yes, I WOULD like that vERy mmmuch.”
Jason softly smiles at you before turning with Randy and heading back to their designated area. 
“Fucking prick.”, the metalhead rolls his eyes.
“You just don’t like him because he wants our girl. Even though, I’m not going to lie, the vibe I’m getting is one pump chump. Then he’s gone. What do you think, honey?”
You hadn’t heard a word they said as your hand gripped Eddie’s thigh. They watched as you swallowed down pants, trying to control any moans from escaping. You suddenly felt Steve’s hand in your hair and the tenderness of his touch was enough to push you over the edge as your head leaned back, squeezing your eyes shut as you came.
“There we go. Atta girl. Such a good girl for us.” His eyes quickly scanned the room before using his fingers to push your hair behind your ear so he could see your face better. “Color, baby?”
“I still hate you but green.”, you smile in his direction. 
Steve’s own grin grows as he passes the remote to Eddie. “You can say it correctly. No one’s looking.”
Your eyes shifted around the room just as his had before finally resting on his juicy lips in front of you. 
“I wish I could kiss you right now, Daddy.”
“Well shit!”, TJ’s voice startled you both. “That was actually a fucking nice little thing they pulled off here.” 
You cleared your throat as you turned to face your boss. “Nice little thing? I’m sure the bride and groom will love that you’re calling it that.”
“Look, angel. I’ve done three of these. I think I’m an expert by now.”
“No one is questioning that.”, you giggle. 
“I’m just saying it’s nice, okay? Leave me alone.” He smiles, chugging back the wine in his glass. 
The reception continued in typical fashion with the bridal party and parents each giving a little speech. There was the typical throwing of the bouquet which Eddie found totally amusing that you didn’t want to take part in.
“Why not? Isn’t it like a whole thing for girls to want to catch the flowers?”
“For some, yes, but not me. I think someone who actually wants to get married sometime soon should grab it.”
“You don’t want to get married?”
You reached under the table and placed your hand in Steves. “Not right now but one day. Do you want to get married? I mean at some point.”
“Eh, I don’t think I’m cut out for marriage.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Have you met me?”, he chuckles.
“Don’t get married, son. Trust me! It’s a trap.” TJ raises his glass towards him as you roll your eyes. 
You notice that Eddie had gone uncharacteristically silent, reaching for his hand with your free one. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen one happy marriage.” He softly smiles as your thumb caresses his skin. “And I think out of all my friends, Harrington’s parents are the only ones that are still together and they definitely aren’t happy.”
“My parents are still together and I’m your friend.”
“Are they happy?”
“Happily married, yes. Happy in general, no.”
The father and bride dance along the dance floor in front of you and after a while more people are to join. You glance at them both but neither man moves. 
“Excuse me.” You look up to see Jason smiling down at you. “Would you like to dance with me?”
“She very much would. Hi. I’m the boss. I’m TJ. This young lady deserves a dance. Hell, she deserves way more than a dance.”, he winks as you cringe. 
“I’m sorry. He’s wasted and an idiot.”
“No. Not a problem. So—”
“Go! Now! I’ll keep the boys company! They’ll survive a few minutes without you.” TJ shoves you into Jason’s chest and gestures you both way from the table. 
You place your hand on his shoulder taking the other to hold in the air as you sway to the music. You try to keep as much distance between you two as possible but it’s hard with his hand on the small of your back. 
“Randy tells me you’re an agent for some popular porn stars. That’s kind of neat. I don’t know a lot about the industry but…”
You couldn’t give a damn about what he is saying. You tuned him out as your eyes stayed on your table, watching as Eddie and Steve became increasingly more angry. They whispered heatedly to each other; well, Eddie did. Steve’s lips remained in firm line as he followed Jason’s movement with his eyes. 
Every time his hand drifted a little further down your waist, his chest would rise and fall as he told himself not to just get up and beat the shit out of this guy. Eddie pulled out the remote and you subtly shook your head. You knew if they teased you, you may grab onto Jason which would just make things worse.
Steve whispered in the metalheads ear making Eddie grin as he pushed one of the buttons forcing the panties to come to life between your legs. They weren’t going to make this easy, choosing to skip the little pushes and allow the vibration to turned on while you danced. 
“FUUUCK me…”, you mumbled.
“Are you ok?”, Jason asked as he looked you over.
“Yeah, yes, yeees. I’m fine.” A sudden increase in intensity pushed you forward into his chest. “Sorry. I, uh, trIIIpped.”
You turned glare at Eddie to find they were both already fuming. Steve reached over for the remote turning the vibration to its highest setting and you couldn’t help but cling to Jason’s shoulder for support as you felt your legs begin to shake. 
When his lips connected to yours, you immediately shoved him away from you. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“You were grabbing on me. I thought you were trying to…I don’t know!”
“We just met!”
“I don’t fucking know how women in this industry behave.”
“Yeah well, obviously, you have no idea how a man behaves either. Fucking prick.”
Your shoes click against the floor as you run out of the reception hall and enter the bathroom. As soon as Jason kissed you the vibration had stopped but you still reached aggressively under your dress, pulling off the underwear and throwing them on the counter. 
A knock on the door made you jump and as soon as you opened it Steve’s hands gripped your face. Eddie followed behind him, locking the door so no one else could come in. 
The man holding you quickly scanned your face as his thumbs wiped the tears from under your eyes. “Are you ok? What happened? Did he hurt you? Why are you crying?”
“No! No. I just got overwhelmed with the underwear, seeing you guys look so hurt, and then him fucking kissing me. I… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Steve pulled you to his chest as you tried to calm down. “Hey. Breathe, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong, baby.”
“We took it too far. We just hated seeing his hands on you.”, Eddie sighed.
“I didn’t want to dance with him! I didn’t want anything to do with him but no one fucking listens to me! I just want to be with you! With both of you! I fucking love you!” 
You immediately closed your mouth trying to stop your words but they had already flowed from your lips. Steve’s hands dropped from you as both men leaned back against the wall. Your breath shook as you exhaled, eyes shifting between them. 
“I love you.”, you repeated with a bit more confidence. 
“This was a mistake. We pushed her too hard.” Steve’s voice was low as he spoke to Eddie. 
“You think? She thinks she’s in love with us.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t talk to each other like I’m not here.”, you scowl.
“Maybe we should give her space.”, Eddie continued as he folded his arms across his chest. 
You march up to the boy and grip his cheeks in your hand like they do with you when you won’t answer a question. “STOP! Talk to me, Eddie.”
Roughly, he pulls face from your hands and pushes you backwards away from them. “You can’t love us.”
“Why? Was that some fucking rule I missed?”
“Munson, it’s ok. Little girl thinks she’s in love. It’s kind of cute.” Steve’s tone is dripping with condescension.
“I…I don’t think. I-I-I…”
“I-I-I… yeah, you sound real sure of yourself.”
“That’s because you’re intimidating me a bit! I just…don’t understand. Why can’t I love you? Why would that be such a bad thing?”
“We aren’t people you fall in love in love with, honey.”
“Oh? So when you told me that you cared about me…where did you expect this to go?! At some point like turns to love, Steve. I’m sorry to disappoint you.”
Steve’s head hangs as he slightly turns to speak in Eddie’s direction. “I told you this was a mistake.”
“No! Don’t turn this around and make me into one of the people who left you guys. You’re the ones pushing me away right now and for a stupid reason!”
“It’s not stupid! We’re protecting you. Trust me. You don’t love us. You don’t WANT to love us.” Eddie glared at you trying to keep his strong composure intact. 
It suddenly all hit you at once. 
“I’ve never seen a happy marriage…Come on, honey. Have you met me?... My dad beat the shit out of me…A smart mouth just like your fucking mother…My dad was barely home. He never cared. Always made me feel like I wasn’t enough… I didn’t do enough to protect you…”
“Eddie. Steve. You… you guys aren’t your parents. You’re not your dads. This thing here that we do…it’s not the same.”
“We should get back out there before people start wondering where you are.” Steve started to move out of the way so he could open the door but you held him still with your palm against his chest. 
“Don’t do that. Don’t ignore me. Don’t ignore my feelings. When we started our relationship, you asked me if I had any boundaries you shouldn’t cross. This right here is a big one. My mom pushed aside my feelings all the time especially if they didn’t align with her beliefs. Please, don’t…don’t do this. Don’t be selfish. I’ve been through some shit to and being open with you guys like this is extremely hard. But I DO love you and if you don’t that’s fine. It is what it fucking is but don’t you DARE preach to me some bullshit about how I can’t because of who you are.”
Eddie looked at Steve as they had a silent conversation between them. The metalhead nodded before shoving his friend to the side and barreling out into the hallway. 
Steve grabbed the door handle, pausing to glance your way. “Our private arrangement is over. If you feel like you can’t be our agent anymore, we’ll understand. We’ll bring your stuff from our house to your office on Monday. You can let us know then.” With that he was gone.
Your entire body felt numb as you stood there staring at the spot they had just been standing. Your body glided out of the bathroom of its own free will as you passed through the reception hall like a ghost. 
“Y/N, have you heard of this—Y/N?”, TJ’s eyes followed you with genuine concern. You couldn’t bear to look towards the other two men at the table. “Y/N? Angel, where are you going?”
He got up to trail after you, gently reaching for your arm. As you looked up at him, it was like being shaken from a trance. “Are you ok? Did something happen?”
I’m not in control.
You suddenly fell into his arms and cried. He guided you to a nearby bench, holding you to him as he gently rocked you back and forth. “I told you weddings are the worst.” A heavy breath left your chest as you laughed and he smiled at the sound. “I’ve known you for 5 years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hurt like this. Now I know I’m your boss but I care about you so I just have one question. Whose ass am I kickin’?”
You didn’t see it but Steve was watching you two out of the corner of his eye. 
“Is she still crying?”, Eddie asked as he looked down into his glass. 
He shook his head. “TJ’s making her smile.”
“Good because we’re fucking assholes.”
“Yeah, well, that’s why we are letting her go.”
“Are we? Or are we throwing more salt in her wound by staying around as her clients?”
“Go ahead, Munson. Go tell her we’ll be leaving as her clients as well which could get her fired in the process.”, Steve chugged back the last of the wine in front of him. 
“She was fucking right you know. We never should have crossed that professional line. We should have just left her alone especially if it was going to end like this. She was right about everything. I mean, where did we think this relationship was going to go, Harrington? I feel like we’re worse than our dads for stringing her along and I hope you enjoyed watching that prick paw on her because we are going to be seeing a lot more of that now.”
“Excuse me.”  They jumped at the sound of your voice. “You two gave me a ride here and TJ is too drunk to take me home. Can you please—”
“Yeah. Not a problem.” Steve quickly fishes for his keys as both boys stand. 
“Thanks, guys. I’d drive her but I don’t have my car and I am way too wasted.” TJ grins as he gives you one final hug. “At least I know she’s safe with you guys.”
The entire car ride to your house is completely silent. As soon as they parked, Eddie began to move so he could get out and open your car door. 
“No. No, no. Mr. Munson. I got it. Thank you for the ride.” You reached for the door, stopping halfway as you addressed them. “I don’t need until Monday. I’ll still be your agent but I have rules of my own.”
You heard them shuffle in their seats to face you and for the first time since the bathroom, you met their eyes. 
I’m in control.
“We don’t talk about anything unless it’s business related. I think that’s best for everyone. You will stay out of my personal business and I will stay out of yours. That’s, um, that’s it actually. That’s all I had.”
They silently nodded and you did the same, reaching for the door again. 
“We’re sorry… for what it’s worth…”
You sarcastically laugh as you lean back in their back seat, casually gesturing towards Eddie. “Letting Daddy speak for you again, I see. You know what, Steve. Nothing. Your sorry is worth NOTHING. I trusted you two and what did that get me? This is the second time in our relationship you both have made me feel stupid. I put a lot on the line for this relationship. My career, my friendships, my personal life. I have told you two things and done things with you that I have never said or done with anyone else! I even left a good man because I put my faith in you. I’m an IDIOT but it’s fine.”
“It’s fine because it’s fucking over. No one, hear me, NO ONE has ever hurt me like you two just did. So, Steven, that sorry apology isn’t worth the pain I’m feeling right now.” You finally exit the car and slam the vehicle door. “Thank you for the ride.”
The tears started to flow as you made your way towards your front door. A strong hand gripped your shoulder, turning you around as Steve’s lips crashed to yours. Eddie promptly opened your front door as Steve guided you inside. You pushed him back against the wood, smacking his face with your palm. 
Glaring up at him, you did it again and he didn’t do anything to stop you. Shakily, you tore at his suit as he roughly pulled at your dress. Your back suddenly hit the wall outside of your bedroom as his lips heatedly kissed your own. As he started fumbling with his belt, you shoved at his chest, trying to push him back. Your hand collided with his cheek again and when his face turned back towards you, his brown eyes were overshadowed with lust. 
“Is that best you can do, little girl? Come on. I know you can do better.” You hit him again, feeling his bare chest heave at the feeling. “Oh, come on, baby! Really let go.” Your tiny hands pushed and punched at his chest as you felt the tears well up in your eyes again. 
“Fuck you, Steve!” Your fell back against the adjacent wall and his body came with you as his head leaned near your ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
He kicked his pants to the side, lifting your legs to wrap around his waist as you clung to his neck. “I don’t want to hurt you either, honey.” Your eyes rolled back as he sheathed himself inside of you, thrusting at a steady pace as he spoke.
“You’re not an idiot and you’re not fucking stupid. You are the best girl we have ever known. We have to do this, baby.”
“You don’t have to, Daddy.” He grunted as you pulled his hair, making him look at you. “You don’t have to. You—mmm—aren’t him. Fuck. Please, please. Harder, Daddy.” Without pulling out, he carries you into your bedroom and falls with you onto the bed, smacking his hips against yours as you moan. 
“You deserve better, Y/N.”
“Please, make me cum. Please, Daddy.”
Steve pushes up on to his arms, pumping into you as hard as he can, watching as your body bounces below him. Your nails scale down his chest as you cum, clenching around him making mewl as he moves faster against you. He falls onto you, his hips faltering as he cums inside of you.
As he rolls to the side, you sit up on your elbows to meet Eddie’s blown out eyes. He had already removed his suit and was slowly stroking his cock as he watched you both. 
You expected Eddie to immediately take what he wanted but when he placed himself in front of you, his arms abruptly pulled you into a hug. 
“He’s right, Princess. You deserve better.”
“Then why did you even bother, huh? You should have just kept fucking me the way you were or better yet…just left me alone.”
He leaned back to look at your face as ran his fingers through your hair. “I don’t know. You’re right. We should have kept things the way they were.”
You bottom lip trembled as you tried holding yourself together. Balling up your fist, you punched his chest, knocking him back slightly. 
“That…does NOTHING for me, Eddie! Just like his fucking apology. Or I’m sorry, both your apologies. Did Stevie tell you this was for the best and you just went along with it?”
He looked down, trying to control his temper. Eddie knew he deserved this after hurting you. 
You hit his chest again but this time he turns into it. “Just no…Sir? That’s all I fucking get? No!”
As your fist flies, he reaches out to grip your wrist and pulls you closer to his face.
“No because I don’t need him to remind me where I come from! I’m a Munson, sweetheart. We’re all destined to be fuck ups. I am meant to destroy you, Y/N. Is that what you want?! Because that’s what you claim to love.”
He pushes your chest, making you fall backwards as he quickly grabs your legs pulling you to the edge of the bed. Eddie runs the tip of his cock between your folds a few times before breaching your entrance. Hugging your legs against his chest, he thrusts into you with purpose.
The sound of your strained voice draws his attention as he looks down at your sweaty face. “I…I don’t—mmm—I don’t understand why—FUCK!”
“Why what, baby. Tell him.” Your eyes meet Steves as he gently pets your head, caressing your forehead with his thumb. Eddie slows his pace allowing you gather your thoughts.
“I don’t understand why you…see yourselves so…negatively.” A tear escapes your eye and Steve tenderly wipes it away. “I trusted you.”
Eddie opens your legs, wrapping them around him as he leans down to capture your lips. He holds you to his mouth, feeling your pussy tighten around him as you cum again. Leaning up on his knees, he chases his own high, furrowing his eyebrows together as he cums a few moments after you.
Steve wasted no time getting a wash rag from your bathroom and taking care of you. You sat on the edge of the bed allowing them to do their thing, staring off into the void as they did. Eddie threw a shirt over your head and for the first time since you had started your relationship, he put one of your own on you. 
The dam broke as you cried again. Steve wrapped his arms around you, shifting your body so your head was on your pillows. When he moved to leave, you didn’t let him go. Not until you felt him crawl under the covers with you as Eddie did the same. His arm encircled around your waist behind you as Steve watched your face till your eyes slowly began to close. 
“Steve? Eddie?”
“Yeah, honey?”
“Please, don’t be here when I wake up.”
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@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @big-ope-vibes
@eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719 @hugdealer
@mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch @miarosso
@imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @arianafreckles
@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @justsheerfilth1
@wroteclassicaly @micheledawn1975 @gracieluvthemoon
@erinsingalong @ imogen-m-h @playfuloutcast
@spookedbydawn @cinnamapup @bimbobaggins69
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @skyesthebomb
@sherrylyn628 @eli-flower @aejae-ssi @atomiclilac
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lovely-jily · 3 years
almost caught
something for @jilytoberfest! prompt: "if we get caught-" "i'll make it worth your while, i promise."
i wrote this quickly and didn't revise it a ton, but im just excited to contribute for jilytober!!! hope you lovely's like:)
"Okay, James. I'm going to be completely frank here- and I wholeheartedly mean every word when I say this- this is perhaps the stupidest idea you've ever had- and you've had loads of stupid idea's."
"Oh, come on. Try to have some faith in me," James whispered back, opening one of the drawers of the desk. They were in the Ravenclaw Prefect's office. James had suspected that the Prefects were somehow involved with their Quidditch team cheating by using weighted and magic-infused balls. The only evidence he had to back his theory up was a "gut feeling" and the fact that the bludgers seemed to target the other team more often, which Lily chalked up to confirmation bias. While she disagreed with cheating, she figured a better idea was to talk to their Prefects, not snoop through their office.
"Famous last words," Lily rolled her eyes, "I can't believe that I let you drag me into this. If we get caught-"
"I'll make it worth your while, I promise," The boy reassured her as he looked up at Lily, messy dark curls hanging in front of his eyes. He had finished looking in the first drawer and moved to the one below it, quickly searching. Lily wasn't sure what he meant by that, "Besides, we won't get caught. Now, are you going to start searching, or are you going to make me do all the work like usual?"
"Like usual? Excuse me?" Lily said. She was standing in front of him, hands firmly planted on her hips disapprovingly before turning to the cabinets. Besides breaking his collarbone last night in a quidditch game (Which Madam Pomfrey fixed just fine, and if he followed her instructions, he'd be totally healed in days), the year was going swimmingly for James and Lily. She enjoyed working with him as Heads and was seeing real change in him. He was no longer a bully, and in fact, he always shut that sort of thing down.
"I don't even know what I'm looking for."
James just chuckled as he closed the second drawer, kneeling to search the third drawer, "Probably anything quidditch related."
"You've got the wrong person for this," Lily sighed. That was probably true. She knew nothing of sports- both muggle and wizard alike. She turned to the cabinets on the far wall, which was full of books, mostly student records, and smelled musty.
"You know, this would be so much easier if you just agreed to use the cloak with me," James commented as he stood up and brushed off his pants. Lily had grown to like him over the past few months and didn't mind working with him as co-Heads. He was kind, responsible, and enthusiastic enough that almost everyone adored him- even Lily. She was even starting to get butterflies around him, something she never thought could happen.
"I'm never going under that damn cloak with you," Lily said as she took out a book of student records. She dusted it off and then put it back where she found it.
"Never is a strong word," James said as he walked over to the wardrobe. He opened it up and stepped inside, pressing against the back of it to see if any secret openings were on the back wall.
"I know," Lily said, following him and standing behind him, "That's why I said it."
That's when they heard the door handle jiggle, indicating that someone was trying to come in.
Lily, panicking, looked up at James. He quickly grabbed her by her waist and lifted her into the broom closet, quietly slamming the door. One hand was on her waist, the other over her mouth to try and keep her quiet. He gently took it off and put it behind her head. One hand was still on her waist as he tangled his other in her hair.
Fucking hell, he was hot.
Lily's hands were holding tightly at the bottom hem of her skirt. She knew that if she didn't plant them there, they'd undoubtedly find themselves tangled in James's dark locks.
"Maybe you were right about that cloak," Lily whispered as they were both breathing heavily and pressed up against each other. She wondered if he could feel how hard her heart was beating. She wasn't sure if that was from fear of getting caught or being so close to James.
James just brought his finger back to her lips and shushed her softly. His breath was softly blowing on her bangs, which caused them to tickle her forehead. All Lily could do was look up at him, remembering what was going on outside the cabinet, hearing the door open. He then anxiously looked out through the crack of the wooden doors, trying to watch whoever she heard come in. Lily tried to ignore the way he was clenching his jaw. She noticed that was a sort of nervous tick of his, something that he did when anxious. One hand was still on her waist, the other resting on her hair on the nape of her neck.
Why was she caring more about James's hands on her than she did at the idea of getting caught?
"Weird, I swore I heard voices," Sabrina Wood, the sixth year Prefect, said.
"So did I," Robert Thomas responded.
James, seeming to spot something above Lily's head, quickly reached his hand up. However, he never got to inspect what he wanted to. Lily heard the sound of his collarbone crack, implying that it was rebroken. While Madam Pomfrey had patched him up just fine, she said he needed to refrain from sudden movements of reaching above his head. Lily now realized this was why.
James leaned forward and grimaced in pain. Still on Lily's neck, his hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled at it slightly.
"Fuck," He groaned quietly in Lily's ear, and she felt his hot breath against her ear and neck. Her eyes widened at how attractive that word was coming from his lips, silently cursing herself at the sinful thoughts that flashed in her mind.
The sound of footsteps walking around the office brought Lily back to the current reality. She looked above her see his arm clenched in a fist. He was in a lot of pain.
Wordlessly, she pulled out her wand and pointed it at his broken collarbone. She had practised nonverbal spells a number of times, although never this one. She wasn't sure if she'd ever done this one on a human before.
The footsteps were walking towards the wardrobe and she looked at James. He had relaxed his grip on Lily's hair (much to her disappointment) and moved it to her waist. He nodded slightly, giving her permission to try.
She wordlessly performed the healing charm. James gripped at her shirt in response to the painful snap of bone back in place, just as they heard Robert say something about how they needed to get back to their rounds. They heard the two leave and the door close, listening to the charm the Prefects performed to lock the door. Once they determined they were alone, James let out another groan as he brought his hand down from above Lily's head.
"Good girl," He exhaled as he melted into her, and Lily's eyes widened again. That should not make her feel the way it did, but regardless her toes crinkled and she tightened her grip on her wand.
"You alright?" She asked sheepishly, trying to relax. She was feeling bashful and disappointed that they now had to exit the wardrobe.
James, slightly sweaty from the pain, nodded and raised his other arm to what he wanted to look at earlier. He pressed against the wall, and a hidden drawer slightly popped out. He reached his hand in and pulled out a piece of parchment from inside it.
"Lumos," he said, still breathing heavily. The room lit up, and Lily looked at James, light reflecting on his glasses. He was looking so damn good, skin sticky and lips soft. She fought against the image of something else that could make James groan, sweat, and breathe heavily.
They both looked at the parchment, and written in neat handwriting was "For those who forget, use wingardium leviosa to control replaced quaffles."
James looked up at Lily, a victorious smirk on his face, which Lily couldn't help but smile at.
"God damn it," Lily said, annoyed that he was but also influenced by his contagious smile, "You actually were right."
"We did it, Evans," James said excitedly, putting his hands on her face and shaking it with enthusiasm.
Lily laughed, blushing at his hand placement, "For Ravenclaws, they really are thick. That was way too easy to find."
James shrugged and dropped his hands, "I don't really care too much. We'll take this right to McGonagall. She'll sort this whole thing out."
Lily nodded as he opened the wardrobe door, feeling the cooler air hit their skin. She blinked at the sudden brightness as he helped her out.
"I can't believe you could do that spell so well, and wordlessly too! You never fail to astonish me with your brilliance," James ruffled her hair with his empty hand and pocketed the parchment with his other.
Lily, blushing harder, smiled at him, "Says the idiot who rebroke his collarbone."
"True," James just laughed, putting his hand on Lily's back to push her forward. He then put both hands on her shoulder and shook them back and forth as he guided her out of the door of the office and down the corridor, "What would I do without you, Evans? My saviour."
Lily just laughed as she shrugged off his hands, playfully pushing him. She looked up at him, his hands clasped behind his back and glasses peering down at her.
"Probably walk around with a broken collarbone."
"Of course," He looked forward, "I've got a question for you, Miss Evans."
Lily's stomach lurched at that statement, and she bit her lip in anticipation, "Yes?"
He stepped in front of her, stopping her. His hands were still behind his back, and he looked down at her. They were nearly as close as they were in the wardrobe.
"Did you think about kissing me in that wardrobe?"
Shit. Fuck. How did he know??
Her stomach dropped, and while she was taken back from the question, but decided she wasn't too mad about it. So they were doing this now?
Lily, full of panic and anxiety, was determined to remain as calm and collected on the outside as she could. She smirked and tilted her head flirtatiously.
"Maybe. What's it to you?"
James smirked back and stepped back to Lily's side as they started to walk again, "Why didn't you?"
"For starters," Lily said, deciding to remain confident, started to lie, "You had a broken bone and seemed to be in a decent amount of pain."
James scoffed sarcastically, "I don't know what you're talking about. Didn't hurt at all."
"Ah, of course, it didn't," Lily looked at her feet as they walked as she remembered the way that he grabbed at her hair and his tone when he whispered "Fuck" in her ear. She got chills again.
They were heading to McGonagall's office. She wasn't sure how James would explain how he obtained the evidence to McGonagall, but she wasn't thinking about that too much at that point. They were talking about kissing, something much more compelling and appealing to Lily.
"Regardless, and back to the more important thing at hand," He smirked at her as he leaned to whisper in her ear, sending chills up Lily's spine, "Perhaps we can get stuck in another wardrobe soon- and don't hold back next time. I still have to make it up to you for nearly getting caught."
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writingxfootballl · 3 years
know that it’s you (g.w.)
(ginny weasley x reader)
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it only took seven years for you to get your happy ending. 
warnings: mentions of death, light cursing, men, sarcasm, and no capitalization
word count: ~2.5k
a/n: first hp fic! hope i did okay- i tried my best to capture ginny’s character but it’s not perfect <3
format inspired by @ravenclawwriting ‘s masterpiece- “turning time”
title- hold on, flor
first year 
the aura of confidence she gives off smacks you straight in the face when she passes by you on the platform. 
not that you needed any help noticing her. 
her flowing red hair caught your eye almost immediately. 
oh how you wished to be her friend. 
you let out a sigh of relief. 
slowly you pick yourself up and walk to the table, where the pretty red headed girl is sitting. 
she looks up and smiles at you, gesturing for you to take a seat next to her.
when you do, she sticks out her hand and introduces herself. 
“ginny weasley.”
taking her hand, you do the same. 
“y/n y/ln.”
when ginny goes missing later that year, you blame yourself. 
you should’ve noticed that she was getting quieter and quieter.
you should’ve noticed that she would be gone for hours. 
you should’ve noticed. 
when she disappears for a few days, she takes your heart with her.
so when harry fucking potter swoops in and saves her, you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, and it feels like your heart can finally beat normally again. 
second year
now that you got her back, you were inseparable. 
screw fred and george, you were the new duo at hogwarts.
just kidding, no one could beat the iconic mischief seeking twins, but you sure gave professors a run for their money. 
the red headed girl always seemed to have something up her sleeve, and no matter good or bad, you followed her. 
that summer, you’re invited to the burrow for the first time. 
the two of you share a room, and what started out as separate beds and shy company slowly turned into fleeting glances and lingering touches.
hand holding, cheek kisses and cuddling, all the “platonic” displays of affection. 
and then, ginny invites you to the quidditch world cup. 
you’ve never been a quidditch fan, but you’d go a thousand times over if she asked you. 
really, you’d do a lot of things if she asked you. 
third year
you can see her concern for harry when he gets drawn for the triwizard tournament.
it makes you want to rip his head off. 
and then, slowly, you begin to notice it all. 
how when you were constantly staring at ginny, her eyes followed a certain boy’s every move. 
how she’s a flushed, nervous, bumbling wreck around him, so different from the confident and assured girl you knew.
it makes you want to rip his head off even more.
but you don’t know why. 
harry’s always been a nice guy. 
arrogant, sure, but a nice guy, certainly someone you shouldn’t hate.
so you ask hermione. 
the golden girl just laughs when you tell her. 
“oh, my dear y/n, you’re just jealous.”
now you’re even more confused. 
“jealous? why would i be jealous?”
hermione chuckles a little bit and looks up from her book. 
“you fancy her y/n.”
you scoff a little at that. 
“me? fancying ginny? no way!”
hermione rolls her eyes and motions for you to leave her to her studying, before mumbling quietly:
“no wonder you were sorted into gryffindor and not ravenclaw.”
you’re determined to somehow prove hermione wrong.
so when seamus asks you to the ball, you consider accepting. 
but then you think about ginny.
your sweet, beautiful ginny.
you tell him you’ll get back to him, before running across the school to the courtyard, where you know she’s at. 
your question somehow makes it through the panted breaths and heaves. 
“would you like to go to the yule ball with me?”
ginny’s face splits into a grin. 
“i would love to.”
when you see ginny at the ball, you have to remember how to breathe. 
“you look stunning.”
ginny blushes a little at your compliment. 
“so do you.”
your heart races in your chest at her words. 
you clear your throat at the silence that follows and- 
“so, shall we dance?”
you smile and nod graciously, taking her hand and following.
with one of her hands on your waist and the other tightly clasped in yours, hermione’s words flash in your mind.
“you fancy her y/n.”
your eyes meet and you can’t believe you’ve never taken the time to admire how much of a golden honey color they are. 
but then. 
of course. 
“hey um- could i speak to you ginny?”
dean fucking thomas.
ginny lets go of you almost immediately. 
she glances at you apologetically, and despite the nagging ache in your chest, you nod and let her go.
after she leaves with him, the rest of the ball passes in a blur, where you can’t focus on anything else except the tenuous strain of your heart. 
maybe hermione was right after all.
fourth year
turns out hermione was right. 
so very very right. 
ginny had you wrapped around her finger. 
and for the most part, this year wasn’t bad. 
with the exception of dean of course. 
when he comes into the picture, it shatters you. 
but she couldn’t know that. 
so you listened to her talk about him, biting back the i could treat you better from the tip of your tongue. 
despite the fact that ginny has a boyfriend, the two of you grow closer. 
you’re both members of the DA, helping each other with spells and practicing in your free time.
“ugh gin it’s not working-“
ginny rolls her eyes at you. 
“it’s not that hard y/nn, do you want to watch me do it again?”
you nod enthusiastically and ginny giggles a little. 
“alright move aside then.”
you move and watch from the side, somehow ending up eyeing along her side profile rather than watching her hex. 
eyebrows furrowed, lip bitten in concentration-
dear godric she’s so pretty-
“y/n are you even watching?!”
you shake your head and blush before stuttering out: 
“u-uh, s-sorry could you d-do it again?”
ginny watches you with an amused smirk and takes a step in, closer to you. 
“you’re kind of cute you know that?” 
her finger tracing your jaw, she emphasizes the end of her sentence with a pop and a nose tap.
your mouth drops open, and all the blood in your body rushes to your cheeks.
ginny steps away and seeing that you were still frozen there, turns back and teases: 
“aw come on y/n, the bat bogey hex isn’t going to learn itself now is it?”
merlin, this girl was going to be the death of you. 
when ginny tells you she broke up with dean, you want to go out and scream in happiness.
but instead, you stay put and say, “aw gin im so sorry, i’ll be here if you need me.”
you’re woken up later that night when ginny crawls into bed with you. 
with her face buried in your neck and her hands wrapped loosely around your waist, you can’t help the smile teasing the corners of your lips.
it’s everything you’ve ever asked for.
fifth year
then, fifth year happens.
you could see harry and ginny growing closer and closer, and it felt like she was leaving you behind. 
your weekly hogsmeade trips slowly became less and less intimate, as the golden trio began joining the two of you.
a butterbeer was poked at mindlessly with a straw by you at the three broomsticks, all while listening to ginny chat with harry, and ron chat with hermione. 
it doesn’t surprise you when ginny and harry disappear together after a little while. 
it doesn’t surprise you when ginny starts spending less time in your room, and more time in his. 
it doesn’t surprise you when you spot ginny with her head on his shoulder one day.
it doesn’t surprise you, but it still stings. 
it stings a lot.
sixth year
the golden trio is gone for almost the entirety of this year. 
before they leave, harry breaks up with ginny, and she doesn’t react really. 
she accepts it. 
but you’re there for her even if she says she’s fine and she doesn’t need it. 
then one day, she needs it. 
you walk into your room to see her sitting on her bed. 
it takes you a second to realize she’s crying. 
you’re by her side immediately.
“oh gin- what’s wrong?”
she doesn’t say anything, just turning to you and without a word, you wrap your arms around her. 
and you stay like that for a while. 
when she goes quiet, you whisper out:
and then you realize she’s fallen asleep. 
you try to bite back your poorly contained smile, gently guiding the girl off your shoulder and onto your lap. 
you softly tuck a loose, fiery red strand behind her ear, a blush lightly tinting your cheeks when she exhales softly in her sleep.
merlin, i love you.
your cheeks flush even more when she grasps the front of your robes, pulling herself even closer to you. 
with your heart hammering in your chest, it’s a wonder ginny hasn’t woken up yet.
you pull out your transfiguration textbook quietly, and try your best to focus on the page, rather than the girl laying there on your lap. 
it doesn’t work. 
but for once, all is well. 
eventually, you get absorbed into your studies, distracted enough to miss the girl on your lap beginning to stir.
your brows are furrowed as you scribble down the last words of your essay, and you bring your quill up to your lips before ginny’s hand gently pushes them away, startling you. 
“don’t do that, you’ll stain your teeth.”
you blush sheepishly and drop your hand.
“you’re awake.”
ginny smiles. 
“well i’m talking to you aren’t i?”
you grin softly.
“i suppose you are.”
ginny rolls her eyes and sighs, her brown eyes locking with yours immediately after.
her hand comes up to tuck a loosed strand of hair behind your ear and suddenly, the air seems to thicken. 
for a moment, neither of you move, too caught up in each other’s eyes. 
when ginny’s eyes drop down to your lips you can hear your breath catch in your throat. 
you feel yourself being pulled in by some invisible force, your eyes dropping down- 
then neville knocks on the door, and just like that, the spell is broken. 
“y/n- oh hey ginny.”
ginny sits up and darts away from you so quickly you would’ve missed it if you blinked.
“what’s up nev?”
neville shuffles nervously. 
“sorry for catching you at a bad time- um it’s just that professor mcgonagall wanted to see-.”
“all right i’ll be there in a minute.”
neville nods and then, it’s back to the two of you. 
it’s quiet for a moment before you both speak. 
“you should-“
“i really-“
both of you stop and flush a little before you continue. 
“i really should go see what that was about.”
ginny nods and gestures for you to leave. 
and you do, not before taking her hand and pulling her up into a tight hug.
“i’ll see you later?” 
ginny nods. 
“yeah. later.”
when the golden trio returns to hogwarts and all hell breaks loose, the two of you are separated. 
in fact, you haven’t seen most of the weasleys since the war began. 
you’re left alone with neville for the majority of the fight, and you spend most of it worrying about ginny. 
one day when you’re just walking along the edge of the forbidden forest, you catch a glimpse of red hair on the opposite side of the field. 
your breath catches in your throat.
as you get closer, you can tell who it is. 
and then you start running. 
your body almost collides with hers as you wrap your arms around her. 
at first, there’s relief.
“you’re here you’re here you’re-“
ginny shushes you and pulls you in tighter, drawing out the sob you tried to hard to keep down. 
then the relief turns to anger. 
and frustration. 
you pull away from the hug abruptly and ginny sends a confused look your way. 
“ginevra molly weasley! if you ever, ever do that again i’ll-“
“aw, seems like someone missed me.”
you scoff.
“don’t joke! i thought you were killed- gin you have no idea i was so worried- worried about where you were, what you did-“
the rest of your confession is cut off when ginny grabs your tattered tie, pulls you in, and kisses you. 
it’s quick.
lips unmoving, it’s really more of a peck than a kiss. 
but it still hit you the same way. 
ginny pulls back abruptly when you don’t react, but taking the smile that graced your lips as a good sign, leans back in. 
this time, you’re ready for her.
your arms wrap around her neck, her’s falling to your waist, and finally, you’re content. 
it’s soft and sweet and then there’s tongue and lips and teeth and you really can’t believe this is happening-
“hey y/n! quit snogging my sister!”
ron’s exclamation startles you. 
you flush red, and break the kiss, trying to pull away from ginny out of embarrassment, but she keeps an arm firmly attached to your waist. 
hermione grins next to ron.
“about time you two. about time.”
harry defeats he who must not voldemort in probably what is the most anticlimactic final battle ever.
but just like that, 
the war’s over.
seventh year
propped against a tree, ginny runs a hand through your hair, the other tangled with yours in front of your chest. 
ginny smiles softly down at you. 
“hey to you too.”
“i love you.”
the red headed girl smiles and leans down to give you a soft kiss before replying.
“i love you too y/n.”
your smile is almost blinding, and out of pure happiness, you confess:
“i’ve loved you since third year gin, did you know that?”
the red headed girl almost looks surprised.
“i was gross third year.”
you scoff and mutter: 
“you could never be gross.”
ginny just laughs and leans down again. 
“i love you y/n. i really do. i’m sorry it took so long for me to realize.”
you look up at your girlfriend with pure adoration in your eyes.
with her lips on yours and fingers tangled together, it felt like the world was finally at peace again. 
ginevra weasley was your happily ever after. 
cheesy ending, but i loved writing this one.. i hope you guys like it too <3
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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First date
Angel Reyes x reader
Requested by @ifoundmyhappythought // “I- um. Can I hold your hand?” With angel? Maybe they’re on their first date?
You couldn’t believe your luck, after nearly giving up on finding love, along came Angel Reyes, the one your friends told you to avoid. Yet here you were getting ready to go on your first date with him.
Hearing your phone buzz on your dresser, you couldn’t help but smile as you placed your straighteners down before checking your phone.
📱 from A.R😍
- Forgot to say about dress code, nothing fancy Mami, dress warm and comfy 😘 see you soon
Looking at the time, you realised you only had forty minutes until he picked you up and you were only half way through your hair. Turning your music up you carried on straightening your hair.
You were in your own little world when your roommate came into your room as you were lacing up your converse.
“Angel is here” she said “just be careful tonight, I don’t trust him”
“You don’t trust anyone Leigh” you laughed rolling your eyes grabbing your phone and bag “I think this could be the start of something, don’t wait up”
Running down the stairs, you saw Angel stood in the hallway, smiling at you before giving you a quick hug.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yeah let’s go” you smiled.
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“So you are telling me that” you said placing a chunk of cotton candy in your mouth “you have never had any of this”
“Nope never” he laughed shaking his head.
“Boy you are missing out” you laughed tearing a chunk off “open your mouth you need to see what you are missing”
Placing the ball of sugar on his tongue you watched his expression.
“Fuck that’s so sweet” he muttered “how do you eat something so sweet Mami?”
“I dunno guess I have a sweet tooth” you shrugged “I’ve always got some chocolate or something in my bag”
“Note to self, always have chocolate or sweets to hand” he winked.
The smile couldn’t be wiped off your face as you walked around the fair, Angel had his arm draped over your shoulder, you were really talking but enjoying each other’s company.
Angel suddenly moved his arm from your shoulder, coming to a stop, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I- um. Can I hold your hand?” He stuttered looking nervous making you smile.
“I’d like that” you giggled as he linked his hand with yours, you couldn’t get over the size difference yet your hands fit perfectly together.
“So what do you want to do next?” He asked as you started walking again.
“I really want that doggy” you pouted “it looks like my dog we had growing up but i suck at shooting”
“I got you mama” he smirked, guiding you over to the game.
Once he paid the man he loaded the gun, flashing you a smirk before pulling the trigger, not even looking at the target, you jaw dropped when he hit all the metal targets, knocking them all down.
“Alright mr show off” you giggled playfully punching his arm.
“What prize are we claiming folks” the older man asked.
“We will take the dog” Angel smiled as the guy pulled the stuffed toy down passing it to you.
“You know what I might just name him Angel” you winked as you tucked the toy under your arm linking hands with Angel again.
The rest of the night was spent, laughing, eating and having a good time, you had not felt like this in a long time, but somehow Angel was managing to break your walls down and it was only your first date.
But all good things must come to an end, it was getting late and a lot of the stall holders were starting to pack up.
As you were heading back to Angel’s bike he pulled you to a stop in front of the Ferris wheel, his smile shining bright and the lights of the fair reflecting in his eyes.
“I really hope there's a date number two” he whispered tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Well I would be rude to say no after I’ve had such a good time” you giggled as he took a step closer to you, his eyes flicking from yours to your lips.
Everything happened so fast, his lips connected with yours, his hand resting on your cheek as yours went around his neck. It was a short kiss but it left your whole body tingling.
“Definitely gonna be a second date” you giggled.
Just as you were about to head to his bike an old lady tapped you on your shoulder.
“I don’t mean to intrude but you two are just too cute and i couldn’t help but take a photo of you kissing, and I’d like to send it to you” she smiled.
You quickly gave her your number to text it you, and thanked her.
“I just love to see young love blossom” she smiled before disappearing.
“You better send me that photo Mami” Angel smirked, linking his hand in yours.
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@chibsytelford @starrynite7114 @minnicelli @woahitslucyylu @talicat713 @trulysuccubus @everyhowlmarksthedead @ifoundmyhappythought @abbiesthings @gemini0410 @angelreyesgirl @destynelseclipsa @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @jadesamhart @hermankopusortizorsumshite @lady-pswrld @ly--canthrope @hennessyauntie @trhett21 @i-love-scott-mccall @corebore123 @mystic-shadows42 @sugary-x-sweet @blessedboo @noz4a2 @skyofficialxx @terminallygenius @sadeyesgf @thewarriorprincessxo @lauraashley93 @leaalfred @angelreyesgirl89 @sheeshgivemeabreak @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @adaydreamaway08 @marquelapage @that-chick212 @penny4yourthot @justahopelessssromantic @mayans-sauce @ilikechocolatemilkh @ben-c-group-therapy @sesamepancakes @-im-fantastic- @witching-hour @bigcreatorwombatdreamer
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The Massage Parlor
Fandom: Pokémon
Themes: pokephilia, male Pokémon x human female, blowjob, sex in general
Maris sat behind the counter of her cozy little shop in Pallet Town, thumbing her way slowly through her copy of Gym Leaders of Tomorrow. She wore a tight, low cut top that showed off her ample cleavage, as well as a loose skirt that wasn’t slutty but still allowed the imagination to run wild. Her reading was suddenly interrupted when the door to her shop opened and a guest walked in.
He was older with a white mustache to match his hair, a suit that screamed money, and an air of “I get what I want but I’m not a dick about it”. Maris set her magazine down, leaned forward slightly so that her cleavage was exposed and clearly visible, and gave the most innocent smile she could muster. ‘Might as well tease the old man a little,’ she thought to herself.
“Welcome to Maris’ Massage House. What can I help you with sir?”
“I was wondering if you had any time to give my pokemon a massage. He’s been awfully stiff as of late and it’s been affecting his performance in battle.”
“I’ve got time. If you could just release him from his pokeball and come back in, let’s says, two hours. I’ll have him in fighting shape by then.”
The gentleman thanked her and pulled out the red and while ball, pressing the center button to release his pokemon. Machamp materialized in a flash of red light, muscles bulging as it stretched out each of its four arms. Maris realized she was staring at the rather large and noticeable shape pressing out against the pokemon’s spandex and quickly looked back at the old trainer, her face red and heart beating excitedly in her chest.
‘What the hell?’ She thought, unable to get the image of what might be beneath the spandex out of her head. ‘Why the fuck am I getting turned on by a pokemon?’
“Ma'am are you okay?”
“Huh? Oh, yes. Sorry. I’ll go ahead and take him in the rear…in the back room I mean. By the time you get back he’ll be all rubbed out…I mean his stiffness will be rubbed out…I mean…” Maris flushed an even darker shade of red before grabbing Machamp’s hand and pulling him towards the massage room. “Come back in two hours please.”
She closed the door behind her and Machamp before leading him over to the table.
“Okay big boy, where’s all of the stiffness?” 'Besides in your pants,’ she added in her head.
The burly pokemon pointed to its chest, abs, and thighs. Maris nodded her understanding and ordered him to lay on his back on the table. Moments later she had massage oil on her hands and began running them over the muscles, feeling for the stiffness and working it out once found. She had managed to work out all of the issues in Machamp’s chest and abs and was working on his thighs when her thoughts once more returned to what was underneath his spandex.
'If I had to guess he’s probably a good 9 inches long and 3 inches wide, and probably cums bucket-loads…dammit! Stop thinking about a pokemon’s cock. It’s fucked up. It’s not even human.’
She finished the first thigh and started on his left before realizing how wet she had become between her legs.
'Am I just that fucked up?!’ She noticed a twitch beneath the spandex and risked a glance. A gasp escaped her lips as she watched the bulge underneath grow and stiffen, tenting the spandex. She licked her lips uncontrollably and bit her lip. 'Yes, yes I am that fucked up.’
“It seems as if you have one more stiff muscle that needs my attention,” she teased Machamp, sliding a finger up along the hard shaft until the very tip. Her finger hooked the edge of the fabric and pulled down, exposing the massive girth that was underneath. Machamp’s cock was more magnificent than she had imagined. Precum dripped from its thick tip and veins ran the length of the shaft.
Maris gripped the monster, licking the tip clean of precum before thanking as much in her mouth as she could. He tasted amazing and his scent was intoxicating, driving her even madder with lust. Two of Machamp’s hands wrapped around her, picking her up and placing her on his chest so that her legs straddled his face.
'Thank god I didn’t wear any panties,’ she thought as she slurped along his cock, stroking the shaft as she swallowed the head. A warm, wet object lapped at her drenched cunt before pressing inside of her and tasting flowing juices.
“Oh fuck, just like that. Eat my pussy you beast.” She rocked her hips against his face, moaning loudly. Her body shook and her mind went blank as she came, her liquids gushing all over Machamp’s lips. “Fucking fuck…oh god, yes!”
Her body still twitching, Maris turned around to kiss the pokemon, tasting her cum on his while she guided his cock to her hungry entrance. She slowly sunk down on the tip, moaning louder with each inch. She didn’t think she could fit all of it inside of her, but Machamp gripped her by the waist and shoved her down until his balls slapped against her ass.
“FUCK YES!” She cried out, gripping her tits as Machamp bounced her up and down on his shaft. “SO BIG! PLEASE DONT STOP. USE MY CUNT AS YOUR PERSONAL COCKSLEAVE. DRAIN YOU BALLS INSIDE OF ME! IM YOUR PERSONAL CUMDUMP!”
Machamp grunted and his cock spasmed, flooding her pussy with hot, thick cum until it was spilling out of her. She didn’t even notice as another orgasm ravaged her body once more. Her head rolled back and her body twitched as if electricity ran through it; her eyes rolled back into her head from the pleasure before she blacked out.
When she came to she was laying on the massage table, covered in cum and convulsing from an orgasm. She heard a door open but was too weak to even look around or move.
“Machamp, you ruined another poor woman. Though she seems to have enjoyed herself much more than the last.”
Maris managed to look up to find the old gentleman looking her over with pleasure. He pulled out several large bills and set them on the table next to her, patting them gently.
“For your services ma'am. I think I’ll bring the rest of my pokemon with me the next time we return. Machamp here isn’t the only one who needs attention, and compared to the others he is very timid. The others are…well, I’ll let you find out when we return tomorrow.”
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jeyusos-girl · 4 years
Let Me Help You
Prologue to ‘Expecting’
Summary: Erik and his girl out on a date and Erik’s being his usual freaky self. *Inspired by this picture*
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Warnings: cursing, some touchy feeling freaky shit😙
Word count: 2329
A/N: this is my first ever imagine, feel free to leave comments, things I should maybe work on, I appreciate it😙😙 also i used myself as inspiration for eriks girls so that’s where most of her appearance details came from 😭 Just another note, i edited this and replaced ‘Y/N’ with my name bc i want this to be apart of a series thingy im putting together.
“Come on girl, damn!” Erik shouted for the umpteenth time. 
“I’m coming, shit! This room is a damn mess, I can’t find my jacket. Jesus!” Samantha yelled from their bedroom.
“Don’t give me attitude, little girl, that’s all your shit in there. I told you to stop buying shit you don't need.” he chided.
“Whatever! Big ass head,” she replied.
“I heard that!” he laughed, shaking his head.
Erik and his girl, Samantha, have been together for a little over 3 years. They met at a local nightclub in downtown Oakland. It was a Friday night, Samantha was out celebrating a friend's birthday while Erik and his boys were celebrating the end of a busy ass week. Erik scanned the bar while sipping on his drink of choice, Hennessy, when his gaze fell upon Samantha. She caught his eye, to say the least, mostly because of her tight, bright red mid-length dress that accentuated every dip and curve her shapely body had to offer. The slit of the dress just high enough to have Erik salivating at the sight of her soft, pillowy thighs.  Her dark, curly shoulder-length hair was fluffed to perfection and bounced with every step she made. 
 He was mesmerized, not wanting to look away. The more he stared the more he noticed about her, the snake eyes piercing that poked out whenever she licked her full lips, the butterfly tattoo on her left foot, her ass jiggling in that tight ass dress. ‘She definitely got no panties on’ he thought, biting his lip. His eyes scanned her body once more, making their way from her legs to her face just in time for them to lock eyes. She looked him up and down and shot him a smirk in which he reciprocated, flashing the golds in his mouth. She shook her head with a slight smile and continued her path to the bar. At that moment he knew, she was gonna be his even if he had to get on his knees and beg. Boy did she make him work for it.
Erik still thinks about it sometimes, how Samantha made him prove he really wanted to be with her and not just fuck her life up. 
“I just wanna know if you're actually for real like you’re not gonna hit it and quit it. I don’t wanna have to go through that again.” Samantha confessed. She and Erik were sitting in his car, parked in the empty parking lot of Samantha’s favorite fast food joint.
“If I wasn't for real I wouldn't be here right now. I told you I'll do whatever to prove it to you. I just want to show you how a real man can take care of you. Don’t let past relationships block your blessings. Let me bless you, girl.” he finished, pinching her cheek. She smiled sweetly and leaned in for a kiss. Their lips crashed, moving in sync against each other. They pulled away, both sporting the cheesiest smiles. “Big ass head.” Erik laughed pushing Samantha’s head away.
“Hey! Rude.” Samantha scolded playfully.
Erik was scrolling through twitter laughing occasionally at some dumb tweets he saw when he heard footsteps descending from the staircase. He snapped his head towards the sound and saw his girl in all her glory. He looked her up and down and groaned internally. She wore black biker shorts that stopped in the middle of her thick thighs, a black spaghetti strap crop top, a jean jacket and a pair of red Jordan 1s. He gave her one more look before speaking, “You’re lucky you look so damn good or else I’d be telling you off ‘bout how long you took getting ready.” His eyes never left her as she walked up to him and put her hands on his chest. He couldn't resist the urge to reach around and grab a handful of her ass, groaning as he did so. “Damn, baby,” he shook his head and started placing sloppy kisses on her neck, “so soft.” He bit her neck, causing a fit of giggles to erupt from his girl. 
“Okay stop, you be doing too much,” she moaned as he continued kissing and sucking on her neck, “we’ll never make it out the house at the rate you're going.” Samantha exclaimed.
“Aight aight, I’ll chill for now. But when we get back home your ass is gonna get it.” he finished giving her ass a hard smack. 
“Ow! Babe!” Samantha yelped rubbing her butt to stop the stinging. 
A comfortable silence fell over the car as they listened to whatever song was on the radio. The pair were on their way to a new arcade that opened up in their area a few weeks ago. They had everything from pool tables, air hockey, old school arcade games, pinball machines, even TVs with a few different consoles, you name it. Samantha was the one who suggested it, she loved arcades. Erik took her to Dave and Buster’s for their first date, needless to say, that was one of the best dates Samantha’s ever had. 
Samantha looked to the driver’s side admiring the man next to her. She was too lost in thought to notice the glance he threw her way. “What?” he questioned, smiling as Samantha snapped back to reality.
“Hm?” she hummed.
“What you looking at, girl?” he asked, looking at her once more.
“Oh, nothing.”  she grinned.
“Mmhm,” he replied playfully. She giggled and looked out her window.
The last 15 minutes of the car ride went by fast. They pulled up to the place, hearing the music already. Erik hopped out of the car and jogged to Samantha’s side to open her door. She got out and immediately grabbed Erik’s hand before walking the short distance to the arcade entrance. Grabbing the door handle, Erik guided Samantha into the arcade but not before giving her ass a tap. Samantha looked back flashing a sexy smile and a wink, Erik biting his lip in response. 
The pair looked around the establishment in amazement, taking in all the different games scattered throughout the place. The arcade was lit by many bright and colorful neon signs on the wall. “Babe, this is so cool!” Samantha exclaimed as they walked up to the front desk. Erik smiled at her childlike demeanor. Erik’s eyes found the pool tables immediately, he was a pro at pool. Samantha, on the other hand, was not, and Erik couldn’t wait to whoop her ass in a couple of games. “Ooh girl, you ready to get your ass beat in pool?” he asked grabbing the back of Samantha’s neck. She rolled her eyes and muttered a ‘whatever’ as she removed his hand. “What’s up, guys! How are you tonight?” the employee at the front desk asked enthusiastically.
“Good” they both said in unison.
“Alright, guys its gonna be $8.50 per person per hour, and just letting you know we close in about two and a half hours,” she said.
“That’s fine,” Erik started, reaching into his pocket for his wallet, “we’ll pay for the two hours.” he finished handing the employee his card. 
“Alright, you’re all set, have fun guys!” 
“Thank you!” Samantha shouted over the loud music before running off further into the arcade. Erik laughed trying to keep up with his girl. He looked around trying to find games they can play while they wait for an open pool table. “Baby lets play this one,” Erik said pointing in the direction of a two-player shooting game, typical Erik. 
“Its on baby boy.” Samantha smirked giving him a smack on his backside.
“Damn, why are you so good at every game? That’s not fair.” Samantha pouted looking up at Erik’s smiling face.
“I’m not good at every game, you just suck,” he whispered in her ear. 
“Stop being mean, E.” she whined pushing him away.
“Okay okay I’m sorry, let’s go play a few rounds of pool while we still can.” 
“You know I don’t know how to play pool.” Samantha groaned throwing her head back.
“I’ll teach you, baby girl, don’t worry.” Erik started setting up the game, placing the balls in the triangle. Samantha was busy picking a pool stick when Erik came up behind her and gripped her ass. “Boy back up,” she uttered trying not to let his wandering hands get to her. 
“Oh I’m sorry I was trying to grab a pool stick,” he lied reaching around her and grabbing a stick, “all this ass was in my way, my bad.” 
“Yeah okay, lying ass. Let’s hurry up and get this game over with, you know how you get when we play pool. You don’t ever shut up about how good you are, annoying as hell.” she grimaced in annoyance at Erik’s cocky smirk.
“I can’t help it ma. I’m just too good,” Erik circled around the table, “I’ll break.” He leaned over the edge of the table, pulled the pool stick back and hit the cue ball causing the colored balls to scatter around the table. He already got 2 balls in, “Alright I’ll play stripes, you play solids,” he said before moving to the other side of the table “go ahead ma.”  Samantha moved closer to the table and leaned over, holding the stick in her right hand. She got into position, angling her body so hopefully, she’ll get a ball in. She pulled the pool stick back but when she went to hit the cue ball, she missed. She groaned getting into position again, but she couldn’t get it right. “Ugh, I can’t hit it,” she exclaimed looking up at her man to find him smirking at her failed attempts.
“Let me help you.” he offered walking up to her right side. He showed her the correct way to hold the stick and hit the cue ball. “Alright, you got it?” he asked moving to her opposite side. 
“Yeah, I think so,” Samantha hesitated, “alright let’s see.” she finished getting ready to hit the cue ball. Just as she was about to go for it, she felt a large hand roaming around her backside. She stopped her movements, looking back at the hand then looked up at the culprits face. They locked eyes and she raised a brow, his hands still roaming and gripping her soft flesh. “Wassup?” he questioned as if he was doing nothing wrong.
“Uhmm, do you mind?” she snorted.
“Nah, go ahead ma,” he answered, hands still wandering. She scoffed, shaking her head trying to ignore the man next to her. She aimed the stick once more, took a deep breath, and hit the cue ball. To her surprise, she actually got one of the solid balls in. Samantha’s jaw dropped in surprise and she did a little happy dance. Erik smiled and shook his head, “Look at you, see all you needed was a little motivation.” he said. 
“You call that motivation, you perv?” Samantha asked raising her brows. 
“You know you liked that shit.” Erik pulled Samantha closer to him and assaulted her neck with sloppy wet kisses. 
“Erikkk, ewww my necks all wet,” she whined trying to push his head away.
“Chill girl,” he said in between kisses, “lemme mark my territory.” he started sucking extra hard on her neck.
“Boy, I am not your territory, back up before I put hands on you.” Samantha threatened playfully. Erik looked at her with a fake hurt expression and she smirked. 
“You cold, ma,” he responded, wiping the imaginary tears in his eyes.
Samantha giggled before speaking, “Okay babe cmon, let’s finish before they close. I’m feeling real confident that imma beat you for once.” she smirked moving to the side as Erik got into position. 
“Yeah okay, keep dreaming lil’ one,” he muttered, going his turn. 
“Oh em gee, I can’t believe I actually beat you for the first time,” Samantha babbled while Erik followed behind her, both of them walking through the parking lot headed towards Erik’s car. Erik rolled his eyes in annoyance, “You only won because I got the potted the 8 ball, if it wasn’t for that you’d be crying like you always do. You got lucky.” he spoke rolling his eyes.
“Lucky? Nah I didn’t get lucky,” she got on her tippy toes and leaned in close to his ear, “you just suck.” she gave him a quick peck on his cheek and continued her path to the car. She smiled and shook her head as she heard Erik behind her mocking her words. 
“You’re such a baby, E. you can dish it but you can’t take it, shaking my damn head.” they stopped in front of the car and Samantha turned around to face Erik. He had a scowl on his face, his full bottom lip poking out. 
“Aww my baby, come here pooh,” Erik walked into her open arms and she grabbed the sides of his face, “you know I love you, daddy.” 
“You not acting like it.” 
“I’ll make it up to you,” she said kissing on his jaw, her hands making their way down his body. 
“How?” he asked, a slight smirk on his lips,
“Take me home and I’ll show you, baby.” she flashed an innocent smile, batting her eyelashes while rubbing on his dick.
“Get your ass in the car before I take you right here,” Erik warned looking at her with flared nostrils.
“Okay daddy,” she winked walking to the passenger side of the car, swaying her thick hips a little bit just to tease him. She got in, pulling the door closed behind her, Erik threw his head back, “What am I gonna do with this girl?’ he asked himself before smiling and getting in the car.
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howardpotts · 4 years
hi! may you please write a Bucky Barnes one with prompt 93? take your time :)
So… This almost took me a literal year. But here it is! Haha! Get ready for some cute clumsy Bucky! But I made it pretty long, so enjoy!
(OHMYGOD AFTER I WAS DONE, I REALISED I DID THE WRONG PROMPT!!!!! IM SO SORRY!!!!! but this prompt is too long to ditch and idk there’s a little teasing in it so i guess its a bit like???? the??? prompt????)
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93. “It was so worth the injury, though!”
It was a lazy sunday for the both of you. After an intense week of training and excersizing, this sunday was well-deserved. Your muscles were a bit sore and stretchy, so a day of rest felt like heaven. 
“What d’ya wanna watch?”, Bucky asks. You’re both laying on the couch; you’re on the left side while he is on the right. Your feet are in his lap and he’s softly massaging; both feet getting equal attention from him.
“Dunno, maybe a romantic comedy?”, you ask as you watch his reaction. 
“Ugh, no. I’m really not in the mood for that. What about an older movie?”, he suggests. You sigh and shake your head, not feeling that kind of genre at all.
“We could also get to Disney+ and watch-” 
“You and your disney addiction. Rather watch one of those romantic ones”, he smirks, unconsiously pulling your feet a little bit closer to him to get a better grip. 
“Okay, so a romcom it is”, you state as you start scrolling through the feed towards the right section.
“Hey, that’s not what I said! I want to watch something exciting - like a thriller or a horror”, he responds as he gives your left foot a little swat. 
“Yeah? Why don’t you try stop me?”, you challenge with a little smirk on your face. 
“Oh darling, you know you shouldn’t push these buttons”, he warns as he gets a smile on his face as well; throwing your feet off his lap on the ground. Within a split second his body is on yours, his head on the same height as your breasts. His hand reaching for the remote in your free hand.
You’re quicker, though. Your arm goes up, out of his reach. Even though you could predict his next move, you still didn’t move your arm, not sure what other option you have of keeping the remote to yourself. Meanwhile you’ve found the right section and are about to start some random movie that’s first in row. 
“Oh, hell no, baby”, Bucky grins and he pokes in your armpit, making you retract your arm, just before you start the movie. He gets the remote from you and removes himself from you. 
“Babe, are you kidding me?”, you sigh as he gets comfortable again in his spot. He starts zapping through the sections, so now you get into action. You, however, know you’re not going to win it by strength. You need to use your brains.
How do you outsmart a guy like Bucky? Simple. You get him to not think with his brain anymore, but with his dick. 
“James”, you say with a sultry voice. For a second he stops and looks at you before focussing on the screen again with a big smirk on his face.
“You’re going to use your body for this?”, he asks playfully. You know he doesn’t mean it in any way insulting, so you just bite your lip and nod, knowing he’s still watching you from the corner of his eye. 
“Oh baby”, you say as you crawl to him like a tiger. “Oh, James.”
You press your chest to his arm, your hand going through his rough beard. Fingers slowly pushing his head to your direction. His eyes don’t leave the screen, though. 
“Baby, you’re so sexy”, you breath as you start giving him quick kisses on his lips. 
“I know”, he says to your annoyance. You desperately want to roll your eyes, but keep yourself from doing it. Your kisses start going from his lips to his neck, your hand wandering from his chest to his lower parts. 
“Hm, what do you think about The Conjuring?”, he asks, knowingly stretching time to keep this little game going. 
“I’d rather see you fuck my brains out right now”, you respond. He loves direct dirty talk and you know it; so you use it as an advantage. 
“It isn’t working, darling”, he says with a cute little smile on his face. You pout a little, but refuse to give up. Your hand strokes a little over his clothed member as your teeth sink into his neck. 
You can feel the impact your having, as his cock is slowly growing erect right under your hand. You can’t help but smirk at that. 
“Insideous sounds good”, he keeps going. You don’t even respond to that, but you proceed to unbutton and unzip his jeans. 
You sink through your knees in front of him, looking at him. He can’t resist to look at you. He loves looking at you when you’re on your knees in front of him. It makes you vulnerable and submissive. 
You get his cock out, which is still half soft. It still needs a bit of work before you can get the real action going. And so, you get rid of your shirt and throw it to the other side of the sofa. Your hand strokes his cock a no more than two times before it’s hard. 
“Isn’t Slenderman a game too?”, he then says, still searching for a god damn horrormovie. Now, you openly roll your eyes but focus on his cock after that. You pump it a few times more before you spit on it, gaining his attention immediately. 
You lick it from it’s shaft up to his tip and do it two more times. Not just to get it wet, but you know he enjoys those licks too. The foreplay to the foreplay, as he calls it. Two more kittylicks on his tip before you take his cock into your mouth. Slowly you start sucking and bobbing up and down with your head. You look up at him, as seductive as possible.
A sigh leaves his mouth, his eyes flutter shut for a brief second and then watch you. You start to really get into it, and you’re moving faster and faster. Your left hand is now also masssaging his balls, your right hand digging into his leg. A few little moans to strengthen your enthusiasm. 
You see how he closes his eyes again and how he lays his head against the back of the sofa. Your eyes go to the hand where the remote is at and you see it relax a bit. 
Fuck yes. 
Your right hand lets go of his leg and steals the remote in a flash, he didn’t even notice what was going on until you were already owner of the remote again. 
“Didn’t even use my full body”, you say as you get back on the sofa, leaving him hungry for more but irritated to the bone. 
“Oh, but I’m about to use it.” He moves to you - mind you, with his dick still sticking out - and kisses you harshly.
Even though you had fun with this little game, you knew it was over. The remote falls out of your hand, but you don’t even mind for the slightest since his hair is way more fun anyway. You tug is lightly as he greedily squeezes your breast.
Shit, you love hungry Bucky. 
Things went quickly from there on and in no time, neither of you had any clothes on and you were moaning from the magic his finger were providing on your clit. 
“James”, you sigh, now obviously more turned on than the first time. He takes it as a sign to start pumping his fingers in you. Two fingers are getting in and out of you in a fast pace, while you keep on moaning and sighing; the edge is not far from sight anymore. 
“What do you want, baby?”, he sighs. The two fingers stop pumping, but he keeps them in and they start going in circled. God, how you love it when he does that. 
“I want”, you sigh, not able to finish the sentence. “I want your cock.”
A little smirk gets on his face as he removes his fingers and gets himself in position to fuck you. 
A little satisifying hiss leaves his teeth when he gets in you and slowly starts pumping. God, it feels good to have him in you.
He starts pounding harder and harder, both of your breaths are getting heavier. Your moans are getting more obscene, but you don’t really give a shit. He’s is hitting you good and hard, you’re on your way to your orga-
“OH FUCK”, Bucky yells as he slides out of you and back onto the couch. “Cramps. In my leg.”
“Oh, babe, are you okay?”, you ask worriedly.
He nods, but smirks at the same time. “Wanna ride me, baby?”
“A-are you sure?”, you ask a little dumbfounded. Isn’t he in pain? Instead, he nods and grabs your waist to pull you over his lap. 
You let him guide you and get a leg on each side of his hip. He positions his cock for you to sink down on, which you eagerly do. If he says he’s not in so much pain, then you’re willing to go back to having a very good time.
Within seconds you’re back to where you were; very fucking turned on and an inch away from cumming. His hands help you get to a fast but steady rythm, his hips now jerking up to meet yours. 
He squeezes his eyes shut. “Fuck, I’m about to cum. Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck.”
Your own orgams floods over you at that moment. Legs going limp, pace not steady anymore. His hips keep pushing up, hitting you just right. You loudly exclaim his name as you let yourself fall on him, chest to chest. In your mind, you’re taking a note to steal the remote more often if it gets you this kind of pleasure. 
When you get off him, he immediately stretches his leg. 
“Babe, are you okay?”, you ask worriedly. He just smirks and nods.
You’re in the compound, waiting for your boyfriend to be done with the workouts with Steve. You planned to go out for diner, so you’re tugging at your dress a bit impatiently. 
Steve comes out of the gym alone, though. A little grin is on his face. 
“I think you’ll be late to the restaurant”, he announces. 
“Oh, god. What did he do this time?”, you ask with a sigh.
“Check out yourself”, Steve chuckles as he gestures to the door he just walked out of. 
As you go through the door, you find Bucky sitting on a bench. Sam was looking at his leg; the same leg he had cramps in yesterday.
“...it was definitely worth the injury though”, he grinned. 
“James. Buchanan. Barnes.” You put your hands on your hips. Both men stiffen at the hearing of your voice. Oh how fun it is to have two super soldiers grow silent when you enter a room. You’re definitely going to take advantage of this.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Pull Over
Fandom: Marvel (Cop AU - SACS Universe)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky decide to try out a little roleplay...
Warning: smut, semi-public
A/N: tagging my chubby!bucky lover counter part, @cametobuyplums
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You were driving down a rocky road. It was abandoned and the sun was setting. You usually don’t go this route, but you were desperate to get home to be in the arms of your love. 
Your foot added more pressure onto the gas. Your speed increasing with every second, eventually surpassing the advised speed limit of the road. Your body was buzzing from excitement of seeing your love soon as well as from the couple of beers you had at the bar with your friends. So into getting home, you weren’t aware of the cop car that was hiding behind a tree and soon enough you saw those red, white, and blue lights flashing behind you.
You cursed to yourself as you pulled over to the side, coming to halt and putting your car in break. You kept your hands on the wheels and waited for the officer to approach you. Your heart was pounding in your ears. When the crunch of the rocky pavement became louder and louder and to a sudden stop, that was when you rolled down your window and looked up at the officer.
You innocently smiled at him, “How may I help you today, officer?”
He cleared his throat, leaning down to become eye level with you, “Ma’am, do you know how fast you were speeding?”
You shrugged, “Can’t say I do, officer-”
“Barnes. Well, Sergeant Barnes, I’m sorry to say that I don’t know how fast I was going. My brain was just on autopilot. Lots of things on my mind, you see.”
“Like what, ma’am?”
You shrugged again, “List of things to do. Dishes to wash, bills to pay, boyfriend to fuck.”
“To fuck, eh?”
You nodded, “My boyfriend is quite the sex fiend. Looks like he’s quite the gentle, softy, and he can be, but really he’s such a beast in bed.”
Sergeant Barnes licked his lips, “I see. Well, that boyfriend of yours must be lucky to have a gal like you. You must tire ‘im out.”
You shook your head, “Not at all, sarge. He’s quite energetic and enthusiastic when it comes to our bedroom activities.” you lean in, face mere centimeters away from Sergeant Barnes’, “You see, officer, my boyfriend is a bit older than me. He says he’s an old man and all that, but he’s just as spritely as us young folk. A lot better than guys my age too.”
“You like older men, huh?”
“Very much and, if I may say...you’re very handsome, Sergeant Barnes.”
Barnes licked his lips again, his head looking left and right to see if any cars were coming his way, “Lemme tell ya something. How’bout we make a deal: you, uh, sample me some of your moves and I won’t give you a ticket.”
You looked at him excitedly, “No ticket, you say?” 
He shook his head, “No ticket. Just a little slap on the wrist and a fair warning, and you’re off your merry way.”
You giggled and it just riled him up even more, “I can’t say no to that, can I?” you opened your car door to allow Barnes to get closer to you, “What would you like to sample, sarge?” you bat your lashes seductively up at him. 
“Well, sweetheart, it seems like you like to talk a lot. Why don’t we use that mouth of yours for something else, hm?” his hands fumble with his belt, the metal clinking as he unbuttons his pants and pushes it down to reveal his hard, leaking cock, “Now, sugar, you’re gonna suck my cock like a good little girl. Got it?”
You nodded, “Yes, sarge,” and you immediately wrapped your fingers around Barnes’ length. You smirked when you heard a sharp inhale come from him and then a groan as you lowered your mouth onto his tip and down his shaft.
“Ah fuck, sugar, your mouth is fucking heaven.” he rests his hands on the top of your car, leaning in as you take as much of him into your mouth as possible. When your nose his the underside of his round stomach and you felt yourself begin to gag, you immediately pulled away. 
Sergeant Barnes was having none of that, “No, no, sweet thing, you gotta take all of me. Come on. I thought you were a good girl.” You nodded and let Barnes guide your head back down onto his cock. A hand wove through your hair and he gripped tight, using his hand to maneuver your head up and down his length. 
“Oh fuck yes, sugar. That’s it.” his eyes shut tight as he relished in the warmth and wetness of your mouth. One hand in your hair and the other in a tight fist on top of your car. Your head and his hips worked together as your mouth moved along his dick.
You looked up at Sergeant Barnes, the way that the golden hour shined upon him. The orange-gold hues making him look so goddamn sexy, highlighting his slightly chubby cheeks that were covered by his graying facial hair. 
You moved your hand to your clothed pussy. Pushing up your cocktail dress that you wore to the bar and moving aside the lace thong you wore with it, to touch your wet and wanting core. Just when your fingers began to rub fast circles along your hardened nub, your hand was snatched away.
“I didn’t say you could do that, sugar. I was going to fuck your pussy after this, but looks like you won’t be getting fucked at all. Couldn’t even bother to ask if you could touch yourself. Use those hands only on my cock, sweetness, nothing else.”
You groaned in disappointment as one hand wrapped along the base of his dick and the other fondled his balls. He continued to fuck your mouth as you did so. His face scrunching up in pleasure.
“Fuck yes! That feels so fucking good. I’m gonna cum down that pretty mouth of yours soon, sugar. Just keep playing with my balls like that, shit, yes. Like that. Oh goddamn!” he slaps a hand against your car startling you, but you continued to let your mouth be used by Sergeant Barnes.
“Shit. Yes, yes! Gonna cum! Agh! FUCK!” he pulls out your mouth, but only slightly. His own hand jerking off his cock. White spurts of his seed landing inside your mouth, onto your tongue, down your throat. He continues to pump his own cock until he’s spent. He lets out a growl as your lips wrap around him one last time, sucking off any remnants of his debauchery. With an evident gulp, you swallow his seed, opening your mouth to show proof. 
Sergeant Barnes bends down and presses a hard and rough kiss to your lips, “Goddamn, sugar,” he grumbles and then pulls away. You giggle as you help pull up his pants, zipping, buttoning, and buckling them back up again. 
“So, Buck, whatcha think?,” you ask cheerfully. 
Bucky wipes the sweat off his head, “Goddamn, sugar, that was probably the hottest thing I’ve ever done. Not to mention risky.”
You nodded towards his cop car, the small blinking light on the dash notifying you that the dash cam was still on and recording, “Think you can swipe this footage so we can rewatch it?”
Bucky chuckled, “I’ll see if I could bribe IT. Might take a lot since Parker likes to ask a lot of ques-”
“Sergeant Barnes, this is Wilson, do you copy?” Bucky’s radio interrupted him.
Bucky sighed, mumbling, “Sorry,” and replying back, “Barnes, here.”
“We got a 10-66 that may need back up.”
Bucky groaned as he replied, “Yeah. I’ll be there, Sam. Gimme ten minutes.” he doesn’t wait for Sam’s reply before lowering the volume on his radio, “Sorry, sugar, looks like duty calls.”
Your shoulders sagged in disappointment, “Damn. I was really hoping to finish this back home.”
He chuckled, “Tell me ‘bout it. But I’ll get going to get this done as quick as possible. I’ll let you know when I’m coming home. I want you ready for me, ‘cause I needa return the favor.” he bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. 
You giggled, “I’ll hold ya too it, sarge.”
“I love you, sugar.”
“Love you too, sarge.” you gave each other a wave before driving away in your respective directions. A sergeant’s job was never done.
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sebbybooks · 5 years
Beautiful Sinners (PT5)
Sebastian Stan x Fanfiction
Warnings: smut, language 
“He’s slowly carving his name 
into my heart and it hurts.”-K.C
Growing up I would hear the saying if life gives you lemons make lemonade. Meaning despite the shitty predicament find a way to turn it into a positive. I was starting to wonder if my lemons came in the form of good looking guys strapped with explosives on standby ready to shake up my life any time they felt like it. After the smoke settles and I can somewhat see clearly somewhere down the line it ends up being my fault, because right now I couldn’t seem to stop falling into the wrong hands. Sebastian’s hands felt like a fiery trap and I was the naive moth aimlessly headed towards him. 
As I guided Sebastian through the apartment lobby I made a beeline for the elevator careful to not draw a scene. I was still getting used to my temporary living situation and I didn’t want to cause trouble for my friends Matt and Greta. Looking at myself from another perspective due my sleep attire and Sebastian’s current state of inebriation we looked like a one night stand gone wrong. I rapidly pushed the arrow going up on the elevator cursing myself for my mother always having to be right. Her words from years ago echoed in my head as I crossed into the threshold entering the elevator with a silent Sebastian trailing behind me. I stared at the numbers as the floors went up  watching as it grew higher and higher all the while hearing my mother’s shrill voice on loop in my ears taking me back to the place I used to hate. To me memories are a blessing and a curse. There are some you pray never fade away and others you spend your entire like hoping like hell to forget.  
 “Do you find enjoyment embarrassing me all the time Ella? Can’t you see that your actions make me look bad! You and your sister are always inviting trouble into your life like it is second nature to you.”
I didn’t realize I was in a trance until I felt a gentle hand press over my shoulder. Startled by his act of kindness my head snapped towards him only to see a pair of warm eyes filled with a genuine look of concern. Even with short tousled hair and a hooded stare he was still as irresistible and very much still unattainable as he was a few hours ago. Nothing within that brief window of time had changed that. My mind was filled with thoughts that darted between lust and heartache that I’d give anything to shut off. I hated that my body and brain refused to work together whenever I got near Sebastian. I took his actions as a platonic and completely friendly gesture, yet such a simple act made my skin grow hot under his touch. I started to feel heat everywhere. The phantom feeling traveled all over my body and suddenly I wasn’t that cold anymore. I was burning up and I needed to get away from him to salvage what decency and self respect I had left.
 It was a cheap thrill that excited me and angered me all at once. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t harbor any feelings for him. Though when I looked at him all I could see was Mary, then I immediately pictured my ex boyfriend Nate having carnal sex with her in our bed.Then the guilt and pain would shortly begin to consume me. I couldn’t seem to stop going through with this cycle of torment. For. Fucks. Sake!  Did that make me a masochist? 
“You must have selective amnesia.” I said to him to fill the silence between us. 
“What makes you say that?” Sebastian shoved his hands in his tailored pockets and I forced myself not to stare at the tight fit.
“Because that shit show of a party ended hours ago. You should be back in your home, but here you are….again.” I smiled at him sarcastically.
 I stared back into his gaze as if his face held all the answers that I needed.
Standing on the other side of the elevator facing me, Sebastian cocked his head to the side as if it wasn’t obvious. He sucked in a ragged breath, before letting out a dry laugh resting the back of his head on the wall. “Maybe I’m just having a hard time pulling myself away.” For a split second our eyes mirrored the same agony. Only his flash of doubt looked as if he had made a grave error by coming back here. 
I forced my eyelids shut and inhaled deeply. What was I to say to that? Thank you? I’m flattered? Do you also tell your fiancée the same? Instead I ended up choosing the latter. Exhaling a pent up sigh I finally told him what I was going to do once we got upstairs. “As soon as we get in there I'm going to call you a cab I just need an address so the driver knows where to take you.”
Sebastian smiled wryly. "1500 S Purgatory Lane the zip code is 666"
“That is not funny." I lied. Living with Mary I wouldn’t picture anything less but the ongoing flames of hell.
The door to the elevator finally pinged opened and I couldn’t be more ecstatic to be headed back to the apartment. Though my elation only lasted for a millisecond. I could already picture the interrogation from my friends if they were to see us.  My answers would unintentionally come out sounding vague, because truth was I didn’t know why he came back. 
Just as I turned my head to tell Sebastian to not make a sound when we got inside I saw that he was leaning against the tattered tan wall a few paces behind me. I thought about rushing inside and locking the door to pretend that I imagined him. A sexy figment of my imagination I might add. The idea of Sebastian alone clearly not in the best state plagued my conscience and since I wasn’t heartless I realized I couldn’t leave him standing out there alone. Torn, I removed the hair tie from my wrist and pulled my hair up out of my face as I walked over to him.
“You and Greta need to lay off the booze for a while if it hits you this hard.” I inwardly cringed at my terrible attempt to make light of this confusing situation. I coughed out a nervous laugh. 
“I got to see to you again, so it can’t be that bad despite its very questionable taste.” He replied, his voice came out in a deep husky rasp, that sent my hormones into overdrive. We stared at each other for a few short seconds both unsure of what was going to happen next. Our energy was a like seesaw it continuously went up and down. Right now it was way, way up. For the record I’ll admit in that moment I did not want to come down. “Let's get you inside.” My voice cracked.
Sebastian shook his head slowly in agreement before his gaze raked over my body like I was some delicious dessert and he was a man who was dying of hunger. He stepped closer to me causing our chest to come in close contact. We were flush against each other. I could feel the warmth of his body roll off of him and land directly onto me. No thanks to thin silk night top I was wearing that I was pretty sure was not doing a good job hiding the visible outline of my breast.
If the timing was right I would have wanted nothing more than to dissolve into him completely. By now I thought I would be repelled by this feeling, but it only heightened the longer I stayed around Sebastian. It was an exhilarating rush knowing that my figuratively dead heart could beat like this again. I felt an electric pulse sensually flow through me. My tongue went utterly dry, causing the sensation in my throat to feel like I had swallowed a shit ton of cotton balls. I had to lick my lips to coax moisture back into my mouth. “Do you think you can walk on your own from here?” I said as I backed up to put space between us. It was becoming  pure unadulterated agony being this close to Sebastian.
“I’m sure I can manage.”Sebastian said as he cleared his throat. I wasn’t too convinced, but I wasn’t going to check either. 
When I reached the door to the apartment I instantly felt regret that I had left it unlocked. I stopped thinking altogether when I got the text from Sebastian. I wrapped my hand around the doorknob carefully opening it so that it wouldn’t set off any alarms. I shot Sebastian a warning glance as I pushed in the door. “Don’t talk.” The last thing I needed was to wake up a hungover Greta and a pissed off boyfriend to match. 
“What happens if we are caught?” Sebastian’s eyes danced with amusement, evidently ignoring the first rule.
“Nothing would happen, because we have nothing to hide.” I said matter of factly to Sebastian, who obviously by now could smell bullshit from miles away. “Why are you back here Sebastian?” 
“I needed to hear the rest of the turtle story.”
“Im being serious right now Sebastian.” 
“So am I Ella.” Sebastian whispered back as he lowered his chin, titling his head slightly to get a better view of my face. He was challenging me. I knew deep down in my gut if I told Sebastian I was uncomfortable with him being here. There was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to leave. In actuality I felt the opposite, it was strange seeing him again. Right now I was trying to decipher if that feeling was a good one.  We were standing in the middle of the entryway of the apartment and I didn’t know where the hell to go from here.
“Mary is having a baby. Your Baby.” The words burst out of me painstakingly slow before I could stop myself. The air between us finally started to crack. Sebastian stiffened under my statement. It wasn’t that hard to figure out by seeing her again tonight. Despite her treating this place and my friends like we were all beneath her, that was nothing new. Mary didn’t touch any of the alcohol and it was out of character to see her eat so many mini turkey meatballs and pigs in a blanket. Plus she took a thousand and one bathroom breaks and her form fitting assemble didn’t hide her growing baby bump.
"She cheated on me." He enunciated. A shocked expression registered over my face.  Before I could have time to process it all or even have time to blink Sebastian's voice cut through my thoughts. “And I think you and I both know who it was with.” 
“Am I to just believe Mary just confessed all of that to you?” I asked hesitantly. 
“After I left here tonight it wasn’t that hard to wrap my head around why Mary was so surprised that I knew you. Your boyfriend was Nathaniel Cooper am I right?”
“Nate.” I corrected.My heart suddenly clenched up like a tight fist was forming around it squeezing it tightly to remind me that it was still fragile from what he put me through. Nate was an enigma from the start and I was too blind to even see what was right in front of me. He rarely talked about his family or brought me around them. All I knew was his mother remarried a corporate attorney who had more money and power than King Midas ever did. When the question of introducing me to his parents came up his defense was that I hadn’t introduce him to my parents either. I had my reasons and he clearly had his. Nate made our relationship feel so clandestine and  turns out it was it because he was reenacting scenes right out of a V.C Andrews novel with his step sister. 
“What did you ever see in that narcissistic prick anyway?  I know opposites attract but on the rare occasion I’m forced around him Cooper is nothing shy of being a  piece of shit.”
“You said it yourself you barely know him.” I point out feeling defensive towards Nate. I should have felt indifferent towards him. I cried over him till I hated him. I did love Nate and it wasn’t too long ago.Sebastian flinched and rocks backward on his heel moving farther away from me. The apartment was so small I was practically standing in the kitchen and he was already half way into the living room. “You’re defending him now?” 
“No.” I say softly, wishing I could shout it if that made him believe me. Exhaling a deep breath, “But it if I was what gives you the right to judge me?” 
“I’m not judging you Ella. I just don’t get why you would do it in the first place. Do you not remember you were seconds away from leaving behind the life you built here, your job and your friends. All thanks to who?“ 
“What about you huh? You live in this constant state of misery all because you’re getting married? You walk around with this big ass chip on your shoulder and the solution to your problem is so simple. If you don’t want to marry her then don’t! No one is forcing you to do it. It would sure as hell make you stop acting like a hot headed asshole and maybe then you’ll stop thinking it’s ok to show up at my doorstep whenever  it conveniences you.” For a split second I had forgotten that it was almost four in the morning and that I was suppose to be keeping the volume to a bare minimum.  The frustration inside of me that I kept bottled up festered to the point even I couldn’t contain it any longer. I was growing impatient. A few seconds dragged on by before he spoke up.
“My situation is complicated.” Sebastian’s jaw ticks. Four words was all that I got from him. 
“It’s complicated.” I repeated, swallowing my anger and feeling like I was at the end of my rope with this guy. He was a curiosity I was having a hard time figuring out. “Is that all I get?” I shrug my shoulders defeatedly as I stared at the outline of Sebastian’s back as he turned away from me.  He didn’t say anything. I opened my mouth to let out a scream that never came. Our unlikely friendship puzzled my brain because I asked myself how well did I really know him? From the start he didn’t exactly know me either. If anyone was to ask me a personal question especially about my past all I avoided it at all cost.  I was aware that I was giving him a hard time and I wasn’t fully sure if he deserved it or not. 
At the time I couldn’t comprehend the muddled emotions I felt for him. It wasn’t like the fluttering feeling of butterflies you get when you see someone you wanted or wished you could have. With him it was like dangerous  fireworks going off in my chest. First the subtle crackle to warn me, to tell me to run away before it all combust, until it is too late. The sparks are always beautiful at first, until it sizzles out and fades into nothingness. Fireworks were meant to only be a temporary enjoyment and I wasn’t looking for love.  
“Well, now this is just awkward especially with you just standing there like the creepy  Montresor and I’m the unsuspecting Fortunato unable to foresee my fate. Though I highly doubt you took my tantrum to heart and now feel insulted. It’s not like you did anything terrible, your wings are still intact.” My words hung in the air above us like a cumulonimbus cloud threatening to unleash its downpour. 
Sebastian turns back around swiftly. The look he has in his eye sends a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach and I am forcing myself to believe it is the ridiculous amount of sugar I ate that’s affecting me, and not Sebastian. 
Tugging at his hair, he walked back in to the space of the kitchen. God this place really was small. “Just so we are clear my wings got ripped off long before I met you.”  Mine were long gone too, I said only to myself. I should have asked Sebastian what he meant, instead I had to eventually learn it the hard way. 
Clearing my throat I motioned my hands towards the kitchen. “Do you need anything like aspirin, water, the hair of the dog?” My voiced trailed off, tasting the bitter irony settling in. The Porter women in my family were all the same. We’d cut you with glass then tend to your wound afterward. 
“You’re offering to fix me a Bloody Mary? So you do have a sense of humor after all.”Sebastian’s lips slightly curved upward, shocking my heart back to life.
“Something like that.” I say. If this was flirting then yep I was still awful at it. In my defense I had been out of practice. As I was about to head into the kitchen to keep myself occupied and away from unholy thoughts that kept creeping into my head. Just as I turned my body to move away from him, Sebastian caught my wrist in his hand. It didn’t alarm me in the least bit. I stared down in the dark at his fingers carefully wrapped around it holding onto to it like a lifeline. 
Lifting my head to face him. I was surprised I was even able to say a one syllable word. “Yeah?”
“You still haven't done it.”Sebastian lowered his tone and the intensity never leaving his gaze.It only took Sebastian a couple of measly steps to just about close the gap between us. We always happened to find ourselves so close that we were practically about to kiss.I could already taste the moisture from his mouth onto my tongue. It was a mixture of Greta's cheap cherry wine and something entirely different. Something I wanted more of that only Sebastian could supply.
My goddamn voice was starting to not even sound like my own. It sounded guttural and like I was suffering from dehydration. I waited for any indication of her not wanting me standing here. At first Ella doesn’t say a word to me. Her honeyed color eyes slowly moved from my face to where I was holding her. I immediately let go of her wrist terrified that I was making matters worse. I didn’t come here for sex. I just wanted Ella in whatever form she gave me. I wanted her to know that I still had redeeming qualities and that I wasn’t always this fucked up. Showing up to women’s doorstep in the ass crack of dawn usually wasn’t my style. None of it mattered though because there were clearly two people holding us back. Yet they are the very who always get what they want so why can’t that be us?
“What are you talking about?” She blinked. Ella studied my face and I let her. There was so much I wanted to ask her. Things I desperately wanted her know, but how could I tell her that the one thing gnawing at my guts was her own sister. It was a small world and by some fucked up coincidence we were all linked together. Unlike her younger sister Ella didn’t dance with the devil to get what she wanted. On the day I met her Ella she was prepared to go back to a place that plagued her. Whereas the day I happened upon Skylar she was determined not to go back even it if cost me everything. Though I can’t blame the girl she was ballsy. Saying that she had a tenacious way about her was one way of putting it. If I told Ella the whole truth as to why I had to be with a woman I pretended to love for the sake of her father, Ella would surely understand, right? But if I came clean then I would have to stop pretending that there was some chance in hell that I would get the girl.
“What does your tattoo mean?” I asked only to change the subject. An unreadable expression colored her face. Like she was disappointed that I was keeping my need to pin her ass against the door on hold. Despite being called a hot headed asshole, I do consider myself a gentleman on the rare occasion. If she wanted me then by all means she could have me. As long as Ella stayed clear of my shit storm of a situation I was starting to give half a fuck at this point who my decisions affected. 
She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion looking at me with a hopeless wonder. That’s exactly what I was, hopeless. “The arrowheads point in opposite directions, because at the time it was suppose to mean anywhere but here.” Something about the way she says it made it clear that there was story she didn’t want to tell. There was no denying that there was something reticent about her.  Ella was the kind of person who references 19th century fiction and does it so casually. She was beautiful, smart, funny, sexy, pretty, and I realized I was starting to use synonyms but she was everything and above. An I wanted to savor every part of her.
“Sebastian.” She mimicked my tone like I did before. Though this  time it sounded like a restless and tormented need for what’s in front of the other. 
“When I said you haven’t done it, what I meant to ask was why haven’t you kicked me out yet?” I finally ripped the damn bandaid off cause I needed to know. I couldn’t predict what would happen tomorrow, and how soon the truth would bite me in the ass.
“Maybe it’s because I don’t want to.” Ella raised her shoulders in a tiny shrug, “I know that sounds bad and that makes me look awful, but.” She cuts herself short.
“But what?” I wanted her to finish her sentence. To hear if she felt an inkling of what I did.  
Ella falters.” But…” She bites down on her plump bottom lip that I am giving her the curtesy to deliberate for fifteen more seconds, before I bite it myself. 
With seven seconds left on the clock she answered. “I don’t think I care.”
Throwing caution into the wind I bridged the small gap between us in this walk in closet sized kitchen. I carefully swiped the palm of my hand across her cheek, dying at how soft her skin was. Ella’s eyes fluttered close, her long dark eyelashes fanning over where my  hand was. The pad of my thumb traced over the apple of her cheek, to the curve of her jaw, then brushing along the smoothness of her bottom lip. Her rounded upper lip was the same size as the bottom, creating a delicious pout that it was high time I tasted. 
I eased my face forward as Ella angled her body closer to mine. To which I wouldn’t have had it any other way. We were passed the back and forth banter at this point. Whatever was going to happen was going to naturally happen. I glided my hands down to her waist feeling her body under the lightweight fabric. Ella surprises me by threading her fingers through my hair urging me closer. I knew she must’ve felt the damn near painful erection I was sporting. Briefly our eyes locked and without a word our lips finally touched in a featherlight kiss. It was so innocent and  foreign to me that it caused a fiery sensation that was so intoxicatedly palpable from the minute we touched it tore me to fucking pieces. I pulled back to look at her and Ella’s gaze I’m sure matched the hunger in mine. Before I knew it our mouths were crashed back against one another and there was nothing innocent it about it this time.
Sebastian kissed me with roughness and no restraint, yet somehow I craved more of it. It was as if every particle of my body itched to be near him and the feeling was driving me absolutely mad. He thrusted his tongue inside of my mouth in a deep, tormenting stroke. I parted my mouth wider to let him in and I moved my tongue against his in a languid speed. I tried to suppress the moan that escaped me, Sebastian muffled the sound with another ravenous kiss. His lips move at a wild and untamed speed, when I breathed for air he took it away. I rested my hands on his shoulders gripping them tightly as we fucked each other’s mouths. Greta would be so proud of my lewdness. There was simply no better way to put it. My morals were screaming he’s not yours, the reaction my body was creating said maybe he could be just this once. 
Surely we weren’t going to have sex on the counter. I hadn't realized I was being lifted up. Sebastian grabbed ahold of my legs scooping me up with ease as if I was weightless. I settled against him and my legs voluntarily wrapped around his back. Already I was addicted and nothing had even happened. Sebastian pressed his fingers firmly on the apex of my thighs still never tearing his face away from mine. I gasped when I felt the coolness of his hand when it cupped and massaged away at my left tit. The pad of Sebastian’s thumb moved over my pierced nipple at slow and lazy pace, the guy made me wet in less than a minute of dry humping.  My head was racing with the question, was I really going to go through with this? I had a knack for doing things I shouldn’t. I still had a couple of artifacts from my past to prove it and right now Sebastian’s hand was sensually toying with one of them. Could I really sleep with someone’s  fiancé even if his situation really was “complicated”? Unwanted doubt started swirling around in my head making me feel unease, and that was the last thing I wanted to feel while being with him. 
“I think we should-“ I couldn’t even get  the rest of my words out. I swallow a groan because he started nipping and sucking at the base underneath my collar bone. Absolutely leaving no area of skin unmarked. Sebastian was driving away every practical thought from my head. I opened my eyes and watched as he followed a trail of wet kisses up my neck and my eyes only widened when I saw who was watching us from down the hallway. I jerked backward nearly injuring my tailbone trying to get off of the counter. 
“Ella what’s wrong?” Sebastian face was flushed and his chest heaved out a breath, while his gaze held only worry for me.
I froze and stared passed him at the person whose face was  marked with confusion , hurt and disappointment. I visibly wince from knowing what he must’ve thought of me.  “Matt why are you up?” I stepped away from Sebastian, running my hands down my clothes trying to make myself look composed. Sebastian’s attention turned to the figure standing in the end of hall. I could only hope he was not standing there this entire time.
Looking as uncomfortable as I was starting to feel. Like a ghost Matt walked to where Sebastian and I was standing awkwardly like two teenagers that were busted. Matt looked over at Sebastian staring at him with disdain. I glanced up at Sebastian and his hard stare looked the same. The two of them hardly spoke at the party, yet there was some weird animosity brewing between them. 
“Matt!” I called out again breaking him from this alpha pissing contest.
He could barely look at me. “I don’t even want to know what I just walked into, but since you are here also you probably don’t know either.” Matt said coldly. 
“Know what?” Sebastian stood in front of me like a protective shield from Matt. This time Matt bothers to look at me and I just know I wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell me. 
“You guys need to go to the hospital there’s been an accident.” 
To be continued.
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rosenburg-lia · 4 years
What Does One Even Do?
WHAT? —  Lia has Vanessa over to discuss her situation.
WHEN? —   saturday night, april 4th
TRIGGERS? —  pregnancy
FEATURING —  Vanessa Montgomery ( @thevmontgomery ) mentions of Drew Torres and Tori Santamaria
lia: I cant be a mom, I barely even know how to take care of myself. One of the thoughts that swirled through Lias brain over the last hour. Still sat on the side of the bathtub, the pregnancy test laid on the sink. Her elbow resting on her knee as her focused trained on a specific spot on the floor. Her only move since she had seen the test was to grab her phone and text Vanessa. How the fuck does one even begin to take care of a kid? Taking a deep breath as she stood on shaky legs, collecting the test and her phone as she walked out of the bathroom. She couldnt even grab her usual vices to deal with the anxiety raking her body. Her body felt almost empty, her mind filled to the brim, but as she sat on the couch, wrapping herself in a ball, her hands instinctively fell to her stomach.
Vanessa: It was like her mind got a jump start reading Lia's message. Most of her messages went unnoticed, read, but unnoticed. There wasn't any reason she felt the need to see or speak to everyone all things considering, but Vanessa couldn't leave Lia at a time like this. Vanessa remembered going through all this alone. She remembered staring at the test, having no idea who to call and sitting in a dark room for days by herself. Vanessa wasn't going to let Lia go through that. As soon as she reached Luke and Lia's apartment, she moved straight through the house, finding Lia immediately and wrapping her arms around the girl. Was it for her comfort or the other girl's? It didn't matter, they both needed someone right now.
lia: she allowed herself to be engulfed by vanessa. the tears already falling from her eyes as she felt her arms around her. "I fucked up V," She choked out, "I cant be a mom," She spoke, glancing up to meet her gaze. She was grateful she had Vanessa in her life, even in whatever drama she was going through that made her leave town, she was still there when Lia needed her. But it would take some time for Lia, nothing was processing just feeling like facts floating through the air.
Vanessa: "you didn't fuck up, Lia," vanessa replied softly. it was all flushing back to her remembering this moment for herself. distraught on the floor feeling time collapsing. vanessa rubbed her friend's back, trying to provide whatever comfort she could bring. "we're going to get through this okay? together, i'm not going to let you do this alone."
liaa: "yea i did," She mumbled, her mind flashing through the memories of what shed done. Her night with Drew, telling Tori and subsequently losing her for now, and now this. "I cant let you say that without knowing the whole story," She sighed running her fingers through her hair. "The father is Drew," She spoke softly, "And I dont know what the fuck to do.."
Vanessa: it took everything in vanessa to pull herself together. she took a deep breath, "look, drew is an idiot, but he's gone through this before and i promise you he's going to do the right thing when you tell him, but i'm telling you you're going to have to tell him. you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't." she paused, feeling a little choked up about her own situation. vanessa stood up, and grabbing her friend's hand to sit on the tub rail. "we're going to go to the doctor and confirm how far along you are, but listen no impulsive thinking, no drinking, no smoking, no sleeping around, /nothing/."
liaa: her brows scrunched together at vanessas words, "What do you mean hes been through this before?" A sigh as she listened to her words, "I know, I plan on telling him. I will tell him," She paused before mumbling out, "eventually," Her eyes meeting vanessas as she spoke, nodding with her words, "I know, Im really sad too because I picked up a nice eighth," She chuckled, "Kidding...sort of," She sighed, "Im not sleeping around V, I never really have. Im taking this seriously, gonna read all the books and articles. Figure out my choices,"
liaa: "I dont even want to think about how Ill look pregnant, let alone if I have a kid," She spoke, "But I need to know everything, ya know?"
Vanessa: looked down, knowing she had to tell Lia eventually, after all that was the whole reason she came here. "At the end of Freshman year, I found out I was pregnant. He was there for me like with everything. He drove me to all my doctors appointments, let me stay over his place whenever my father got too much, even went on 2 am runs for me to get chinese and crap. And god, did that boy love my son with all his heart," she paused, her voice growing a little weak, but forcing some strength once she looked back to Lia. "He did right by me and he didn't even have to. With you, he's gonna give you and that baby the world if you let him," Vanessa explained. "We don't have to worry about any of that right now. What we need to worry about is you."
liaa: Her eyes widened, but she stayed silent, her brain did not however. The dots connecting in her head when Drew would disappear at times, realizing it was to go visit vanessa, to support her. A fond smile coming to her face as she thought about the boy, even as a best friend, he had been in dad mode from the jump. A part of her feeling warm knowing he wouldnt shove her away, or at least she hoped. "Im scared. Not worried, or nervous. But scared," She spoke, "Its terrifying to know that this has been growing in me, that someone is in there. Not just my organs anymore. I cant just go buckwild when I want because I want. My whole life is getting twisted V,"
Vanessa: "Come on, Li," Vanessa spoke softly. She wasn't going to let her friend be down on herself. She offered her hand out, "I'm gonna do for you what I wish someone would have done for me." Vanessa walked slowly, leading the girl back towards Lia's room and guiding her towards her bed. "Get in. Right now it's the size of a lima-bean at best. All this worrying is going to hurt you more than worrying will hurt the bean."
liaa: She smiled softly, taking her hand, following her through the apartment to her room. "V, its not my place, but did everyone know about your pregnancy? Or just drew?" She asked, "I dont think I want everybody, even the close ones, knowing," pulling the covers of her bed up, curling into them as she laid in the bed. "Ive grown up on worry, I think I can survive,"
Vanessa: pulled out her phone, her home screen showing a photo of Rocky and Vanessa sitting by a Christmas tree with matching smiles that took up their whole faces. "Drew's the only person who knew he was my son for a really long time, like almost three years now. Everyone else just assumed he was my little brother," she explained. "You only have to tell who you want to. I didn't even tell the father until a few months ago. Everyone isn't entitled to your life," she added. Vanessa laid in bed besides her friend, hoping that she was somehow helping. "You've gotta more than survive now."
liaa: Lia smiled as she saw the photo, "Hes adorable V," Listening as Vanessa spoke, her heart warming at the thought of Drew and Rocky interacting. "Im sure youre a great mom," She spoke softly, "Is Dallas the dad? Or did timelines overlap?" She asked, raising a brow, her tone void of all judgment and just interested in the part of her best friend she didnt know. "Why did it have to be Drew? Why couldnt it be Owen or Luke? Did God just wanna send a big fuck you my way? Want to ruin my relationship with Tori?" She sighed, "Or was it karma for not being honest with T from the gun? About everything.."
Vanessa: 's head dropped. She wasn't going to worry Lia about everything going her tragic motherhood. She wasn't a great mother, but that wasn't something she wanted to get into now. "Overlap," Vanessa said lowly. "Hence, me not telling the father until just a while ago." She knew it was wrong and saying it out loud made it all sound ghetto and fucked up, but that was her life. "Drew is not the worst person to have as your baby's father. Luke and Owen are not promised to step up, Drew will," Vanessa explained. "Have you told Tor he's the father yet?"
liaa: She nodded, "Thats fair, and at least you didnt have to lie to someone and or tell them you were wrong or something," She shrugged, "I didnt say he was, thats the issue. Hes perfect, the type to step up and actually support your decisions," She scoffed lightly, "She didnt even hear me out about sleeping with him, I dont think i can ever tell her im pregnant V," Looking at her friend with sad eyes, "It was like she was looking through me after I said it. I dont ever wanna see that look from her again,"
Vanessa: "I don't really wanna talk about Rocky's father if that's okay with you," Vanessa replied, not going too much into the subject. Her son was a sore spot for Vanessa, but the father situation was a whole different kind of pain. "Lia... You don't have to have this baby, you know that right?" Vanessa replied, her words slow so they could actually sink in. "I'm not on anyone's side! But you did sleep with her ex, you couldn't have expected her to just be calm and take that news like a champ. There's very few exes she cares about and you knew Drew was one of them..."
liaa: "Not a problem," She spoke with a nod. She knew better than to try and push Vanessa to talk about whats going on in her head. Turning towards her, a small smile, "I know. Im planning on looking at all options, even the ones that not everyone agrees with," A small shrug following her words, before she went silent. Listening to V speak, knowing she was more than correct in her words. "Its not that I expected her to be calm, but at least hear me out. She just defensive and harsh, which is fair, but i did expect some conversation about it," A small sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair, "its not like I meant to sleep with him V. I didnt hang out with him that night intending to see what his dick looked like, it just happened," Shaking her head lightly, "And I know its not an excuse, but its the truth. It wasnt planned, it wasnt like we ever intended on doing it. The plan was to be friends. Nothing more, nothing less, and now here we are,
Vanessa: "When have you ever known Tori to be much of a talker?" Vanessa replied playfully, shaking her head. "Okay ew! He's my best friend. I really really don't wanna talk about his dick! Whatever reason you had for hanging out with him is your business, but you've got to know that something was going to come from it. Drew too, but look we're not going to worry about that right now. Right now you need to get some sleep. All this worrying and back and forth isn't going to make this easier on you or really anyone involved."
liaa: "We've always been friends V, chaos comes to both of us, its enjoyable together," She shrugged, "I had never planned on being anything with him /after/ he got with Tori," She spoke, "All I know how to do is worry, especially when everything seems to be falling apart at the seams," It was true, everything she had known, was crumbling around her. Leaving her by herself in the storm, hanging onto Vanessa for dear life. "I just want it to be easier, but it wont be. And I know that,"
Vanessa: "You just gotta give her time, but you've also gotta be okay with the fact that she might never forgive you either," Vanessa explained, as much as she didn't want to think it would happen––Vanessa knew her best friend. "Whatever you decide to do, you know I'm gonna be by your side," Vanessa replied, interlocking her had with Lia's. "I wish I could tell you things are going to be easier, I really wish I could," she added softly. She'd be lying to saying anything about it, Vanessa knew /not/ knowing was always the easiest part. "It won't get better, you'll get better."
liaa: "I know, and I accept that. As much as it hurts, I know that she has that right. I betrayed her trust," She shrugged, "But shes always been there, i hate thinking about her not being here," A smile as she felt Vs hand in hers, "I appreciate you so much. For not judging more, or at least expressing it, and for being here. I know youve gone through something recently, and we dont got to talk about it. But it means something to me that your here right now," She spoke, an honest tone in her voice. "But youd be lying," She nodded, "Ive been told that for a while now. Seems like false hope,"
Vanessa: "Don't beat on yourself too much. We both know our girl can be a little dramatic," Vanessa explained. The last thing she wanted to do was be in the middle of this with all her closest friends involved, but Vanessa knew that everyone would be at each other's throats if she didn't stick her nose in it. "Lia, I got pregnant at 14 and became a teen mom at 15, I'm the last person who is ever going to judge you," Vanessa said softly, brushing a strand of hair out of Lia's face. "You know I'd be here for you baby, *but* if you do this dumb shit with Dallas I will put nair in your shampoo," Vanessa teased, wanting to lighten the situation. "You know I got you, pumpkin," she added, resting besides Lia.
liaa: "We all can be, and thats the real issue," She joked, "we all are dramatic bitches and most of the time it works for us," She knew that calling V automatically put her in the middle. It wasnt her intention, she genuinely just needed the girl. "I hope you know I understand if you decide being a part of all this drama is to much. I wouldnt be mad," She spoke, a small shrug at the end of her words, "Youre a strong person V. I know a lot of people dont tell you that, or praise you on other things. But going through what you did at that age, its tough for me now, i cant imagine three years ago," A small smile at Vanessas touch, "I would never with Dallas, hes like a big brother," She chuckled, "Can I admit something to you?" Her eyes turning to find Vanessa in the small light her side lamp gave off.
Vanessa: "I'm not dramatic! I'm just use to a certain lifestyle and anything outside that will be met with outing and tears," Vanessa joked back. She was going to be involved whether Lia called or not. "If you hadn't had called me, one of them would have." Drew would have called or even Tori. Somehow Vanessa always found out. Her head dropped somewhat, a long breath following before looking back to Lia. She didn't feel all too strong, the compliment falling somewhat on deaf ears. "Yeah, what is it?"
liaa: "Yea, not dramatic at all," She spoke sarcastically shaking her head lightly. "You arent wrong," She shrugged lightly, before her hand came up to play with my necklace. "Remember that guy i was into before tori and drew got together?" She questioned, turning slightly to look at V.
Vanessa: "Luke?" Vanessa asked raising an eyebrow. "Or does this have to do with those nice little Tiffany's necklaces you have for each day of the week?"
liaa: She chuckled lightly, "Ive always been into Luke, but its more of a sexual attraction than romantic i think," A small shrug, "And the necklaces are a whole different story for a different time," She rolled her eyes teasingly, "But seriously, again, youre the first person im admitting this to," She spoke before a deep sigh, "The guy was Drew, I had feelings for Drew. But then he got with Tori, and I distanced myself. Allowing the feelings to leave so they could be happy,"
Vanessa: "Plus Fiona would have your head if you tried anything that resembled a serious relationship," Vanessa teased. Her mouth dropped open wide, shockingly surprised at Lia's confession, though if Vanessa was using all her brain cells she could have known. "Amelia Jane Rosenburg!"
liaa: "Bitch I can take Fiona Coyne, shes not as big and bad as she pretends," She chuckled lightly, but knew that there was truth lingered within her words. No one that ends up with Luke or Fiona will compare to them for each other, and Lia wasnt gonna compete with that. "I know I know! But I did the right thing! I wasnt a bitch about it!"
Vanessa: "She will literally /buy/ you! Shit, I'd let her buy me if it weren't for her brother being the hotter Coyne," Vanessa joked. "Plus you can't fight people like Fiona Coyne, they press charges and then run to their men acting like you beat them or something then Luke's just gonna end up mad at you." She would never understand the girl's desire with the eldest Baker, but then again Vanessa's conquests never made sense either. "Did he know?"
liaa: "Yea yea yea, ive been told," She rolled her eyes, "I want to fight her. Ive wanted to for a while, not even because of whatever the fuck the relationship between me and Luke is. Shes just not a good person to me," She shrugged, "I dont think he did considering he tried to console me when it was brought up one day,"
Vanessa: "You're not fighting anyone," Vanessa replied, rolling her eyes playfully. "Do you want to be with him still? Like forget the bean in your belly and Tori, do you actually want to be with Drew?"
liaa: "I want to fight someone, but i can not right now," She spoke, a small shrug. Her eyes looking at the ceiling a she thought over vanessas question. "Yes," She answered, "Hes amazing V, in every sense. Sure hes made some dumb choices, we all have, but god that kid has a heart of gold," A sense of honesty in her tone as she spoke, "He makes the hard seem easy just by coexisting with me if I need him. Hes always willing to distract me or talk shit out with me. When weve gone out hes fought dudes for me because they cant take no," She chuckled lightly, "I want it V, i really really want it,"
Vanessa: "Then you know what you need to do," Vanessa nodded. She knew this was going to be a ride if they were to actually get together, but if Lia was happy Tori would have to come around at some point right? "My mama use to say everything's going to be okay in the end, if it's not okay.. it's not the end."
liaa: "I need to run to alaska and change my name," She spoke with an affirming head nod. Smiling at her words, "Your mom seems like a smart lady. My mom is a cunt," She shrugged with a small chuckle, "Can we just cuddle and sleep? Im done thinking about this,"
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Back to you: Chapter 20 - Ready for it?
** So I decided to post this a day early because next chapter Aria makes her choice!!!!***
Summary: we pick up where 19 left off, the girls are at the club Olivia is trying to get a look at the ladies Credit cards. A confrontation happens and someone gets hit!! Aria,Liam and Leo share a very intimate moment. Catch up HERE
Rating: Mature, NSF
Chapter/Title inspiration: 
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Tag list: @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @xxrainbowprincessxx @hopefulmoonobject @alicars @katurrade @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08
“How about we play a round of credit card roulette?” Olivia blurts out? “What is that?” Kiara asked. “ well, everyone puts their cards in the middle of the table, who ever’s card is drawn pays for the next round.” Aria filled the ladies in. They all surprisingly agreed as they placed their cards in the center of the table.
“That’s a lovely necklace Lady Aria.” Pennelope admired. “Yes, how quaint.” Madeline sneers. “Thank you Pennelope, it was a gift. From Leo.” Her eyes shifting to Madeline. Aria sipped her drink. Anger flashed across Madelines face momentarily. “You and Leo have become very close. ” Pennelope stated, looking like she had something she wanted to ask. “You could say that.” Aria giggled as she sipped her third cupids kiss, man these things were good.
“I hear Leo has been known to be a bit rough in the bedroom . They dont call him the playboy prince for nothing.” Kiara drunkingly giggled sipping her mixed drink. “I hear he gives a safeword to each partner who agrees to it.” Penelope adds in. Aria gulps her drink down, grabbing the next waiting in front of her. Were they seriously talking about this now? Safeword? He never gave her a safe word. And then it dawned on her, hes been holding back. She knew how intense it was everytime they had sex, her core tingles just thinking about it, how much more it could be.
 “Well since you all seem to want to know so much about Leo in the bedroom, why don’t you just ask lady Aria herself. She spends more then enough time in between his sheets these days.” Madeline sneers as she gulps down the rest of her drink. “Jealous hes not fucking you Maddy?” Olivia narrows her eyes at Madeline. Aria shoots Olivia a thankful look. Hmp. Madeline whined as she walked off. Penelope and Kiara trailing after. “Well, this will be easier then we thought, those idiots left their cards behind.” Olivia chuckled. They sort through the cards settling on the last one, it was a match. “It was Penelope?” Aria gasped. “Poodle loving Penelope?” Olivia scoffed “Wow, I don”t know if I should be insulated or impressed.” Olivia chuckled to herself. “Um Madeline sent me to get our cards. ” Pennelope sadly requested. “Pennelope, sit down we need to talk.” Aria insisted. “I know you paid someone to take those photos of Tariq in my room.” She stated firmly as she eyed pennelope down. poor pennelope was so drunk, she crumbled on the spot. “Oh Aria i’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt you.” She sobbed “Madeline told me you and Tariq were in love, and we should get you together. I didn’t know she was going to set up a photographer I knew I shouldn’t have gave her my credit card information.” 
“Madeline did this? Of course she did aria though. She sighed "Penelope you were used as a pawn in her little game. ” Aria shook her head. “I’m sorry Aria, can you ever forgive me?” Penelope cried. “I can, but Why did you send Olivia and I those letters?” Aria questioned. Confusion spread across Pennelope’s face. “Letters telling us to leave court? I didn’t send any letters.” She shook her head clearly confused. "If you didn’t then who…” Aria trailed off lost in thought, she snapped out of it. “please keep this between us Pennelope.” “Thank you Aria, I won’t say a word.” Pennelope smiled as she took the cards and left. “Well I expected blood.” Olivia disapproved. “There you are.” Ellie rushes up hugging Aria. “Ellie, this is Olivia. Olivia my best friend Ellie.” Olivia and Ellie stare each other up and down. “You the one helping Aria figure out who set her up?” Ellie questioned “yes, is there a problem?” Olivia scowled. “Nope, whats your poison i’m buying. I like this one Ari, she doesn’t seem like she takes any shit.” Ellie chuckled. After a few drinks Aria was feeling pretty good. She caught sight of Madeline at the bar. “I’ll be right back.” Aria gulps down the shot in front of her making her way to Madeline.
“Pretty ballsy of you to send me to get your pathetic wedding rings.” Aria snapped. Madeline whipped her head around facing Aria, her mouth twisted into a sick grin. “And you went crying to Liam, I knew you couldn’t handle the pressure.” Madeline chuckled. “I know you set me up, those pictures with Tariq.” Aria accused. “Careful there Aria, throwing accusation around like that could get you removed from court.” Madeline grinned. “Don’t test me Madeline, I will tell Liam, Ill go to the press.” Aria threatened. Madeline took a step forward closing the distance between the two. “And tell them what exactly? That the queen to be blackmailed you and undermind the king? Think about it Aria. How will that look for Liam, for the country? You’re not going to say a word.” Madeline smiled taking a sip of her drink. Arias fist balled against her hips. “I can get rid of you like I got rid of  Hana.” Arias face twisted in anger, rage boiling in her blood. The next thing Aria knew her fist connected with Madelines Jaw. “I know you’re up to something, and I will find out.” Aria stormed off leaving a stunned Madeline holding her Jaw. 
“Aria are you ok?” A voice behind her asked. She turns to find Liam. “Liam? What.. what are you doing here?” Aria stammered. “I invited him, and Walker.” Leo stood next to her. “Nice right hook Hale.” Drake chuckled. “She had it coming to her.” Aria shook her hand now feeling the pain as the adrenaline wore off. “That was awesome little blossom.” Maxwell jumped around. “Liam invited Beaumont.” Drake chuckled as he rolled his eyes at Maxwell. “We have a booth in the back, come on guys Ellie and Liv are already back there.” Aria motioned to roped off area. “Well well well boys, welcome to the party.” Ellie giggles. “Aria you never told me how fantastic Ellie was.” Olivia grins. “I knew you two would hit it off, your both insane.” Aria laughed. “Here’s some ice for your hand.” Drake handed Aria a plastic bag filled with ice that he got from the bar. “What happened to your hand?” Ellie wondered. Leo chuckles “Rocky here punched Madeline in the face.” “You didn’t?” Ellie gasps. “You couldn’t have done it while we were around?” Olivia scoffed. “Now now ladies, I think we just need to forget about the big bad wolf and have a few s-” “SHOTS!” Ellie hollered cutting Maxwell off. “I love you.” Maxwell clutched his chest holding his hand out to Ellie. Ellie giggled “come on lover boy lets go.” The two wandered off to the bar to grab a round of shots.
“Are you ok my love?” Liam consoled. “You worry to much I am fine.” Aria nudged him playfully. “I am surprised however, Leo you invited Liam and Drake out?” “We worked things out.” Liam chuckled. “Yeah, we came to an understanding.” Leo grinned nudging his brother . Aria eyed the two uncertain of how to take the situation. If they weren’t fighting that was a good sign. “Ok I hope you guys are ready to partayyy, because its go hard or go home tonight yall!” Ellie shimmied around the booth handing out shots. Aria raised her glass in the air “Here’s to, good friends, good times and..” “great sex!” Ellie cut Aria off.  Aria could only shake her head and laugh. “Here here” “cheers ” wooohooo" the group cheered. 
Later on….
“Woooo” Ellie yells as they all slam their shot glasses down on the table. “Oh I don’t think I’ve drank this much, ever.” Liam gags. Leo chuckles “Liam you’re such a light weight, these ladies are putting you to shame. ” “I don’t know how many more fruit flavored shots I can do. I need whi-” whiskey they all said in unison. “Ooh this is my jam, lets go everyone on the dance floor, come on were dancing.” Aria jumped up grabbing Leo and Liams hand. Ellie followed her dancing. Come one walker, lets get out there before Aria comes and bugs us.“ Olivia demanded. Drake nodded and followed Olivia to the dance floor. Ellie and Aria dance together swaying their bodies in sync with the upbeat pop song. They were tearing up the floor. They both loved to dance. Ellie started dancing with Liam Laughing "Liam why are you do stiff? And I don’t mean in the good way.” Liam blushed at her comment. “I told him the same thing, Liam let loose, tonight is about having fun and not giving a fuck about court bullshit. ” Aria giggles as she spins her body around, Leo catches her. They dance close together for the rest of the song. “Im gonna go grab a drink, want anything?”
Yeah, grab me a beer just put it on the table. I’m gonna try to get your brother to loosen up, hurry back.“
Leo chuckles and kisses her cheek, Aria heads over to Liam grabbing his hand. "Dance with me.” Liam smiles. A sultry tune replaces the upbeat one they had been dancing to. Liam pulls her closer, saying his body with the music, still very stiff. She stands on her toes pulling him down whispering in ear. “Just let the music guide you, stop thinking about it. ” she shakes her hips against him. Liam closed his eyes, he stops thinking about everyone watching him, what was expected of him, just letting the music guide his body. His hands find her hips as he rocks them against her. His hands roam her sides his breath hot on her neck, she sees Leo out of the corner of her eye, watching him watching her. She felt a jolt of excitment run through her body. She hooks her hand around liams neck pressing her body closer to his. Liam grabs her hips as she sways her body to the music eye fucking Leo at the same time. She bites her bottom lip as Leo makes his way towards them. Aria turns her back to Liam swaying her hips in sync with his as she pulls Leo close. He can see the hunger in her eyes. He moves his body against her, his hands move against her hips and waist. The three move in sync the two men sandwiching her in the middle. Leos mouth hovers over her neck, his hot breath making her throw her head back as the heat pools in her core. Her lips find Liams as she sloppily open mouth kisses him. Leos mouth settled onto her neck, nipping and kissing her. She turns her head towards Leo, his lips crashing against hers. Both men’s hands traveling her body. She would be lying if she wasn’t completely turned on. The song came to an end. Aria eyed both men. she needed to cool down, a cold shower would help, but right now it was the beer waiting for her. “Well boys, I think I need a drink.” She turns and walks away switching her hips. Both Leo and Liam tilt their head watching her. “That ass.” Leo admired “yup” Liam agreed.
Aria sits back at the booth, by herself. Drake and Olivia were holed up in a corner making out. Ellie was dancing with Maxwell, she took the moment alone to cool off. Still hot and bothered, she forced her self to shake off naughty thoughts. Liam sits down next to her, his face flushed. “I think I may have to call it a night, I had wayyyy to much to drink and i’m feeling horrible. ” Liam laid his head on the table. “Why King Liam are we admitting defeat?” Aria giggled. Liam waved a napkin in the air. She caught Bastien’s eye as she motioned for him to come over. “ hey, its ok go rest. Bastien is gonna take you to the hotel.” She lifts his head up. “Good idea, good night my love. I am sorry.” Liam slurred out as he leaned against Bastien. “Leo.” Bastien nods “Bringing back memories huh Bastien.” Leo claps him on the shoulder. “You know you were always worse.” Bastien snorts a slight smile forming on his face. Leo chuckles walking up to the table sliding in sitting next to Aria. “Have many drunken stupors your highness?” Aria eyes Leo jokingly. “Maybe one or two.” Leo chuckles. You know I heard some juicy gossip tonight. Aria runs her finger around the the rim of her beer bottle. “Oh?” He arches his eye brow. “Mmhmm, it had to do with a certain prince and his rough sexcapades. I believe a safe word was involved.” Aria glances up at him. Leo squirmed in his seat. Fuck, shes pissed, is she pissed? Leo thought to himself. She folds her hands on the table and leans in closer. “You’ve been holding out on me Rhys. I wanna know why?”
Leo looked up shocked shes not pissed because I was a male whore,shes pissed because I have been taking it easy on her? She never ceases to amaze me.
“I don’t want to hurt you love. Things can get a bit wild. And I respect you to much.” Leo grabbed her hand. “Don’t feed me that shit Leo. I can handle it.” Aria demanded. “I don’t want you to get hurt love. So no, its not happening. ” Leo insisted. “Now please can we drop it?” Leo pleaded. She eyes him up and down. This wasn’t over she would get what she wanted one way or another.
“Ok, but maybe we can still have a little fun?” She batted her eyes at him while a manicured finger nail trailed the inside of his leg. “What did you have in mind Beautiful?” Leo gulped down the remaining scotch in his glass. Aria grabs him gently by the shirt pulling him in, her lips meeting his. He deepens the kiss, she pulls him closer with one hand grabbing his bulging pants. She pulls back
“Lets go back to your place.” Aria breathes in his ear. Leos turns towards her locking eyes with hers. “No love. I have an even better idea, let’s go back to the hotel. ” A shit eating grin forms on both of their faces. Madeline had it coming to her.
Back at the hotel they enter Leos room as soon as the door closes he pushes her up against the wall. Kissing her hard. She helps him out of his shirt, Leo fidgets with her dresses stuck zipper before he rips it off her body. Aria groans in appreciation of his roughness, he peppers kisses along her neck and chest reaching his hand behind her un hooking her bra and tossing it across the room. He yanks his jeans and his boxers off his hard member springing free from its confinements. Aria grips his dick twisting her hand up and down the shaft. He lets out a deep growl as he kisses and sucks her neck. “I want it rough Leo, don’t hold back.” She breathed out. “No love, I cant.” Leo whispers breathlessly. She grips down on his dick, her eyes full of fire narrow in and lock on his. “Don’t fucking tell me no.” She released his cock from her hand. A mischievous grin spreads across his face. “Kitty wants to play rough? we’ll play rough.” He pulls her into his chest kissing her hard his hands slide down her back as he cups her ass, grabbing hard and giving it a hard slap. He lifts her up, she wraps her legs around his waist. Leo walks her over sitting her on the table.  He rubs his hands across her breast, rolling and her pink nipples with fingers pinching each one, a soft moan escapes her. His hands ghost down her body as he pulls her across the table settling her against him. He continues kissing her, his tongue slips past her lips as they fight for dominance. His hands roam her ass and in between her legs. He presses his length against her wanting center feeling her soaking wet panties against him making his hard length twitch. He grips her undies ripping them in half and tossing them on the floor. He looks her in the eyes.“Are you sure about this?”
“Hell yes.” Aria grins pulling him in for a searing kiss. “If its to much, if you can’t handle something say the safe word, I will not stop unless you say the safe word love. Do you understand?” He places a soft kiss on her lips. “Yes.” she whimpers
“Are you really sure about this?” Leo pleads. “Fuck me hard Leo, dont hold back.” She could see the hunger in his eyes, like she seen many times before, except this time was different, it was almost animalistic. He licks his lips, a devilish grin spreads across his face. “Safe word is Apple.” he whispers into her ear as he he swiftly yanks her off the table and turns her around roughly pushing her front side down against table. His fingers trail down her spine to her round plump ass. He whacks one cheek and the the other, causing Aria to jump and gasp. He pushes himself against her pumping his hips. Teasing her wanting core. He kisses the back of her neck all the way down her back grabbing and smacking her ass with force. He runs two fingers across her slit, while settling on his knees. His tongue drawing tight circles along her sensitive bud, he dips two digits into her wet sex. He pumps them in deep, curling his fingers to reach her sweet spot sending chills through her body. “Oh fuck.mmmm.” she moans.
 He pulls his fingers out slowly. “Your pussy is so wet for me baby.” He groans as he sucks Her juices off his fingers. He grabs a hold of her ass as his tongue plunges into her hot center. He slaps her ass hard again, watching it Jiggle he moans in between her legs, sending tingles throughout her body. He bites and kisses her ass, as he continues his pleasure assault to her dripping wet sex. “Oh fuck Leo, mmm. I’m gonna cum, oh fuck.” She screams. “Not yet kitten.” He orders . He spreads her legs farther apart shoving his tip inside of her warm center. “Leo” his name falls off her lips like a prayer. He shoves his cock into her deep, she squirms back squeezing her walls down on his large intrusion. He pumps his hips fast and hard moving the table beneath her. Her moans fast and loud, “oh, oh fuck, Leo oh oh god.” She clings to the sides of the table. He whacks her ass hard as she screams out. He pulls out of her and turns her around, picking her up and placing her back on the table. He grabs a hold of one leg pulling her onto his thick length. He thrust hard and deep. “Mmm you like that kitten? Your pussy feels so good on my cock, oh fuck yeah baby.” He grunts as he pounds into her powerfully. He rubs circles around her clit. He could feel her walls contracting around his cock. “Cum for me baby.” His thrust never faltering he pushes her through her first climax. He leans in kissing her, scooping her up into his arms he tosses her onto the bed. Laying next to her he pulls her on top of him. She lowers herself down onto him rocking her hips as he thrust into her with force. She screams out as he slaps and pinches her ass. Aria grips the headboard as she slams her ass repetitively against his hips. “Oooh fuck,fuck Leo, fuck yes oh god. I’m gonna cum.” She throws her head back. “That’s right baby, cum on my dick.” She lays her body flat against his digging her teeth into his shoulder, she screams out as he thrust hard into her. She feels the heat explode as she gives into her second orgasm. Leo tosses her onto the bed, kissing her deep. He flips her around pulling her ass up in the air slapping it hard leaving a red mark.
He shoves his rock hard dick into her his fingers grab a fist full of hair while his other hand rests on her hip. She bucks back against him, his long thick cock filling her completely. Her cries mixed with pleasure and pain. Leos loud moans mixing with Arias loud screams could probably be heard many floors up. He pulls her body up by her hair and she leans against his chest. She bounces up and down matching his fast rhythm. “Oh fuck baby, I want you to cum on my cock again.” He grunted out. Aria breaths are fast and erratic, he feels her muscles contract again as she rocks her hips through her third orgasm. He pulls himself out flipping her over he shoves himself into her again. Leo hooks her leg around his neck and and leans over her, his cock position right on her gspot. He thrust into her hard and fast, Kissing her through her moans. She feels the coil tighten again as the heat pools. She screams loud, each stroke sending electricity through her body. His hand slides up her chest and settles on her neck grasping lightly Placing a little pressure against it. He plows into her with delicious speed, stroking her gspot each time. “Oh kitten you feel so good. So. Fucking. Good.” He moans. “This is my pussy! tell me who’s pussy this is?” He demanded. “Y-,yours.” She stutters. “F.f.f fuck Leo.”
“That’s right kitten, scream my name. Let everyone know who’s fucking you.” His name flys off her lips like a chant. The heat pooling like lava dangerously close to spilling over. His strokes send a spark through her body. He kisses and bites the inside of her thigh a loud moan escapes her lips. “Cum with me Ari, squirt on daddy’s dick. ” he continued to ram her with so much force the headboard banged furiously against the wall, the sounds of slapping flesh and pleasure filled screams fill the room.
“Her walls fluttered around his length. Her eyes rolled back into her head, she seen stars as she gave into her forth and most intense orgasm. Her jucies squirt out in a wave against his thick cock dripping down her ass and his legs . "Oh fuck Aria, oh my fucking god.” Leo grunted as he pumped through his own release, coating her throbbing walls with his milky white seed. Leo collapsed along side of Aria. She lie there twitching and withering the after shocks of the most intense sex of her life. Leo pulls her body close, wrapping his arms around her calming her down. “Are you ok love?” He stroked her hair, praying he didn’t go to far. She turned to face him. He took her hands in his kissing them. “I didn’t hurt you did I, please tell me you’re ok?” She leaned in giving him a sweet, soft kiss “im fine.”
“I love you Aria.” He stroked her hair. “Mmmm I love you too. That was amazing. ” She whispered and she nuzzled up against his chest and fell fast asleep.
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soaimagines · 7 years
In My Feelings
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Request: Billy smut based on In My Feelings by Lana Del Rey
Pairing: Billy x Reader
Word Count: 3,227
Warnings: Smut, language, smoking?, choking 
Authors Note: I dunno if this really fits the lyrics for this song but i just got this vibe and idk my mind ran with it. Hope you guys like it, let me know! I also haven't edited this cause I wanted to get it out so Im sorry if there are any mistakes! 💕
Disclaimer: I do not condone Billys behaviour/views on the show and do in no way intend to romanticise his racism & abuse. Listen To: In My Feelings by Lana Del Rey
Tagged For:  @yoinkpeter - @total-fucktrash 
A cloud of smoke followed Billy as he crossed the parking lot. He winked at a group of girls, sending them into a fluster of giggles and blushes. He smirked and continued walking. As he got closer to his car he saw you and he raised an eyebrow. You leant against his car, your back facing him and you closed your eyes as you tilted your head to the sky, embracing the sunlight on your skin. Billy tossed the butt of his cigarette to the ground and let out one last breath of smoke before rounding the car and sidling up next to you. Sensing his presence, probably from the wave of cologne that wafted towards you,  you opened your eyes. “You lookin for me?” You turned to him and lingered your eyes on his lips before glancing up through your lashes. “Mind giving me a ride? My cars in the shop.” Billy smirked and stepped closer. He reached around you, grazing his hand over waist as he went and he pulled open the door. “Hop in.” He grinned. You got in his car and tossed your bag into the backseat as he walked around to his door. Once inside he turned the key in the ignition and glanced over to you. “Where to, princess?” You smiled innocently and told him your address. Billy nodded and pulled out of the car park. Music played lowly and you reached forward and turned the volume up. Talking wasn’t on your itinerary for this trip. ‘Looks That Kill’ by Mötley Crüe filled the Camaro and you leant back against the headrest. You didn’t even need to look at Billy to know he had his signature cocky smirk on his face and you noticed his regular glances in your direction. The sexual tension in the air hung heavily and Billy couldn’t help but wonder what exactly you were playing at by asking for a ride, not that he was complaining. He had been dying to be alone with you ever since he’d arrived in town  but you had always played hard to get. Teasing him, with lingering eyes and licks of your lips. And god how he craved the thought of your lips on his. As if reading his mind you reached across and gently landed your hand on his thigh. Billy glanced at you, only to find a lust filled gaze burning back at him. You ran your nails lightly over the denim of his jeans and traced up his thigh slowly. Billy gripped the wheel tighter as your hand inched further up his thigh, too far up to be an innocent act. He smiled to himself and raised an eyebrow in your direction. You smirked back at him and shifted in your seat. You leant into him, brushing your breasts against his arm and you ran your other hand along the collar of his shirt. Billy’s jaw clenched as he tried to contain his arousal. You leant closer, brushing your lips ever so softly against his neck while you caressed his thigh, inching your hand closer to the growing bulge in his jeans. Softly you kissed his neck, and your hand on his shirt moved to dip beneath the fabric. You ran your tongue from his collarbone to his jaw slowly and began to suck at the soft skin of his neck. You started gently, teasing him with your lips before beginning to suck hard enough to leave marks. Your hand on his thigh inched closer to his ever hardening cock and you smirked against his neck as you heard his breath hitch in his throat. You kissed up his neck and nibbles softly at his earlobe and purposely brushed your hand over his cock. “Don’t stop driving.” You whispered in his ear. Billy cleared his throat. “What are you doing, princess?” You smirked against his neck, ignoring his question and instead moved both your hands to his jeans. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zipper down quickly. “Lift your hips.” You ordered. Billy glanced almost nervously in your direction before obeying. He lifted his hips just enough for you to pull his jeans part way down his thighs. Your attack on his neck continued, and you kissed a trail from his jaw to his chest as your hand stroked him through the fabric of his boxers. Billy gripped the wheel tightly as you pulled his cock free. He was fully hard now and his breath caught in his throat as you wrapped your hand around his throbbing cock. With one last kiss at his neck you pulled away, far enough for him to glance at you. Your eyes met his and you smirked before lowering your head. You ran your tongue along the side of his cock slowly. “Shit.” Billy gasped. You twirled your tongue around the head of his cock and wrapped your lips around him. You moved your lips around him, taking the head of his cock in your mouth and he let out a soft moan as you ran your tongue around him. You started slowly, bobbing your head up and down his cock. Billy gripped the steering wheel tighter, fighting to keep his eyes on the road instead of you. He glanced down and shifted one hand from the steering wheel to the small of your back. The tip of his cock brushed the back of your throat and Billy moaned, his head falling back against the headrest. You moved your lips up and down his cock, each time taking more of him in your mouth and every now and then you’d pull back to twirl your tongue over the head of his cock. His hand on your back shifted to your head and he tangled his hand in your hair. He wasn’t used to not being in control and he began to guide you. You let him, moving your mouth with him and you squeezed your hand around the base of his cock. “Oh fuck, princess.” He moaned. You moaned around him and the vibrations sent a shiver down his spine. Billy fought to keep his attention on the road and he was thankful when he turned into your street. He allowed you to take control and you sucked his cock deeply, his fingers still tangled in your hair. “Mm fuck, good girl.” He moaned as you moved your hand with your lips. He pulled up to your house and as soon as the car stopped moving he leant back to watch the show you were putting on he lifted his hips slightly to meet your movements. He shut off the engine and that was your cue. You pulled your lips back up his cock, releasing him with a ‘pop’ and leant back. He groaned at the feel of you leaving him and he glanced to see you wiping your hand across your lips. Before he knew what was happening you reached into the backseat for your bag. You pulled in into your lap and leant back to him. “I told you not to stop.” You whispered in his ear. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and jumped out of the car, shutting the door behind you. Billy watched breathlessly as you walked into your house without a second glance and he sighed and fell back in his seat.
When you walked into school the next day you weren’t surprised to see Billy leaning against your locker. You fought to keep a smirk off your face and you walked confidently towards him with a face of pure innocence. He watched you as you opened your locker and sorted through the books without even a glance towards him. “Need a ride today?” Billy asked. You smiled sweetly and shook your head. “No thanks.” He frowned. You were oblivious, and you pulled a book out of your locker before closing it. “What are you doing tonight?” He asked hurriedly. You opened your mouth to respond when the ball rang out, signalling the start of the next class. “I’ll pick you up at eight.” He said and pushed off the lockers and walked away.
Eight O’Clock rolled round and Billy pulled up outside your house. He stepped out of his Camaro and adjusted his leather jacket on his shoulders before striding up the front steps. He rapped his knuckles against the door and stood back. After waiting for a few seconds the door opened to reveal what Billy assumed was your father. “Can I help?” The older man asked. Billy flashed him a smile. “Hello sir, my names Billy. I’m here to pick up (Y/N).” Your father eyed him cautiously. “She’s not home.” “Oh.” Billy was taken aback and he frowned slightly, his face full of confusion. “She’s at the movies, should be home in about an hour.” “Okay, thanks.” Your father nodded and closed the door, leaving Billy on the front steps. Billy glanced around and clenched his fists. He strode back to his car and got in, slamming the door behind him. How dare you stand him up.
Three hours and nine cigarettes later Billy saw car headlights in his rear view mirror. He sat up and narrowed his eyes as he watched the your car pull into the driveway. The lights inside had shut off over an hour ago, signalling your parents had gone to bed. Billy hadn’t intended to wait for you to get home but he wanted answers. He got out of his car and strode over to you, a cloud of smoke billowing out behind him as he dragged on his cigarette. As you stepped out of your car jealousy burnt through him seeing your outfit and he clenched his jaw. Black leather jacket and a short denim skirt that cut off at your thigh. “Oh Billy, what are you doing here?” You asked innocently. He looked you up and down and smirked wickedly. He took a long drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke fester in his lungs before blowing it out and stepping closer to you. “This all part of your game, princess?” You tilted your head to the side and looked at him through mascara coated lashes. “I’m not sure what you mean.” Billy chuckled darkly and his tongue darted across his lips. “I thought we had a date.” You frowned and leant against your car. “I never said yes.” Billy lifted his cigarette to his lips and nodded slowly, digesting your words. “So where were you tonight huh? With some other guy?” He stepped closer to you, his body only inches away from yours. You smirked and shook your head. “There’s no need to be jealous, Billy.” “I don’t like sharing.” Billy said and blew out a cloud of smoke and stepped closer to you once more. “And I want you..” He traced his fingers down the front fold of your jacket and left his fingers resting on your hip. “All to myself.” You gulped as he brushed himself against you and heat began to pool within you. He bowed his head in the crook of your neck, the heat of his breath ghosting over your skin as he inhaled the scent of your perfume. “Tell me you don’t want me, and I’ll leave right now.” Your back pressed against your car and you placed your hands on Billy’s chest and pushed him away slightly. He pulled his head back and looked down at you with an intensity in his eyes. His left hand remained on your hip but he lifted his right hand to cup your face and he traced his thumb across your lips. You met his eye and wrapped your lips around his thumb, sucking gently. “That’s what I thought.” He smirked, keeping his eyes locked on yours and he pressed his body against yours. He pulled his thumb away from you and his lips crashed against yours. Your hands clutched at his leather jacket while his roamed to your waist. The taste of his cigarette was on his tongue but you didn’t mind. You massaged his tongue with yours and pulled him to you, deepening the kiss. There was a desperation to his kiss and he didn’t hesitate to lower his hands to your skirt. “You want me princess? Huh?” “Yes Billy.” You murmured against his lips. He smiled into your kiss and ran his hands over the back of your thighs and beneath your skirt, up until he was squeezing your ass. The street was dimly lit, and the idea of being caught only turned you on more. So you didn’t protest when Billy hitched your skirt up. His hands dipped down and cupped your ass and he lifted you up. You moaned into his kiss as he pushed his hardness against your core. You wrapped your legs around him and his lips lefts yours. He kissed along your jaw and down your neck. You turned away, exposing more of your neck for him and he sucked at you harshly. “God you’re such a tease.” He growled against your neck. He pushed his hips against you and dipped his fingers beneath your shirt. You whispered and clutched at him. The friction of his jeans against your pussy was driving you wild and you could already feel how soaked your panties were. “Billy,” You moaned. You ran your fingers down his body and tugged at his jeans. He chuckled. “You want me to fuck you, princess?” “Mmhmm.” You moaned and bucked your hips towards him. He licked his lips and shook his head. “Not so fast.” Hi whispered. His hands moved up beneath your shirt to squeeze your breasts but you pushed him away. You dropped to your feet and turned away from him. Hitching your skirt over your hips you leant across the hood of your car and reached behind you to pull your panties down your thighs. Billy groaned and palmed himself through his jeans. He had every intention of making you wait. Teasing you, like you had been teasing him for weeks. But seeing your perfect ass bent over the car was more than he could handle and he fumbled with his jeans. He stood behind you and squeezed your ass. You bit your lip and moaned, wiggling your ass eagerly. He ran a hand between your legs and you both moaned as his finger dipped between your glistening folds. “So wet for me, babe.” Billy pulled his cock out of his jeans and slapped it against your ass. He ran the tip of his cock from your entrance to your clit, making you squirm in anticipation. His hands massaged your ass and he pushed your legs apart so he could watch his cock enter your aching cunt. He pushed into you slowly and you gasped as your pussy stretched around him. “Fuck you’re so tight.” Billy breathed as he pulled his cock out of you slowly. Both of you moaned in unison as he pushed himself into you once more and you covered your mouth with your hand. He leant over you and nipped at your neck as he began to thrust. “I want you,” He slammed his cock into you. “All to myself.” “I’m all yours.” You moaned. Billy stood straight and placed his hands in your back, holding you in place against the car as he fucked you. His pace was ruthless as he pounded into you and the cold of your bare thighs pressed against your car was barely noticeable with the heat between your legs. You stifled your moans with your hands, not wanting your parents to catch you in such a compromising position. But being fucked in your driveway, and the potential of being caught only added to your arousal and you could feel your juices running down your thighs as he slammed his cock into you. “Fuck, Billy!” You hissed as he slapped your ass and rammed into you over and over you. He leant forward and grabbed hold of your hair, pulling you up gently. He pulled you flush against his body, never slowing his relentless pace. “You like that, baby?” He whispered in your ear. You only moaned in response and Billy smirked. He released his hold on your hair and wrapped his arms around you. One held your hips to is while the other caressed your breasts through your clothes. “Billy!” You whimpered, fighting the urge to yell out his name. He moved his hand up to your neck and wrapped his fingers around your throat, squeezing gently. “You like it when I fuck you hard, princess?” “Mmhmm!” You moaned in response. His hand on your hip moved between your legs and you couldn’t help but let out a moan as his fingers began to rub your clit. “Shh, baby.” He whispered in your ear. You whined and bit your lip as his fingers ran circles over your sensitive nub, and the combined pleasure of his cock slamming into you made your legs begin tremble. “Billy!” You whined. You clasped your hands around his wrist, overcome by the pleasure he was sending through your body. “You like that?” He whispered agains your ear. “Mmm fuck it feels so good, Billy.” He groaned at your response and sucked harshly at your neck. With his fingers on your clit and his cock pounding inside you, your orgasm was coming at you fast and your walls began to clench around him. “You gonna cum for me, princess?” He asked huskily. His thrusts were getting sloppier as he focused on rubbing your clit faster. You bit your lip and threw your head back, leaning into him as you came. “Good girl.” Billy groaned as he released as well, his load filling you. His lips wrapped around your arched neck and he sucked at your skin as his pace slowed and he rode out your highs. Once your legs stopped trembling you steadied yourself on the car and Billy pulled out of you. You shivered, the coldness of the night washing over you and you tugged down your skirt before turning to Billy. His cheeks were flushed but he had a smug smirk spread across his face. He fumbled with his jeans and quickly zipped them up. “Holy shit.” You laughed. He chuckled and offered you a cigarette. You weren’t a big smoker, you’d only had a few in your life, mostly at parties but you accepted. You pressed it between your lips and Billy held up the flame of his lighter. The smoke was strong and you inhaled slowly as you tilted your head back to look at the starry night above. You leant back against your car and Billy wrapped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you to his side. Together you stared up at the night sky and as you neared the end of your cigarette Billy spoke. “So what now?” You shrugged. “Maybe next time you take me out to dinner first.” Billy smirked and pulled you into a smoke filled kiss. “It’s cold out, princess. You should get inside.” You nodded and pulled him towards the door. “What about your parents?” You looked back at him with a mischievous smirk. “We’ll be quiet.” He licked his lips and you couldn’t help but kiss him once more. “Cmon Hargrove, I ain’t done with you yet.”
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survivingthejungle · 7 years
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Never Fade Away, part v
BEFORE WE BEGIN: some thoughts.
-im really stressing out bc we’re scheduling classes fr next year and i decided to take ap spanish a year earlier than i was planning n now i CANT TAKE ART MY FAVORITE CLASS WITH MY FAVORITE TEACHER AND FAVORITE ENVIRONMENT n i’ve got a feeling i’m going to fail it but its oaky i guess u kno wat ever
-my hair is hella soft and shiny rn its RL noice thx u morrocan argan oil conditioner
-my writing is getting shittier and shittier i apologize u guys deserve better. hOWever if you’ve got something in mind for me to write hit me up bc im on a block rn with this other request i’ve had for a while now and i need to get dat creativity flowin
-a terrible boy who aint worth my time is once again ruining my life, please send help i cant keep forgiving him and being the one who ends up apologizing when ive done nothing wrong ugh fuck me
-enjoy por favor
It turned out that the event that Jerome had been so looking forward to was a charity ball for Gotham’s Children’s Hospital. About three hours before it was scheduled to begin, you were once again handed over to Barbara and Tabitha to be dolled up again. “Make sure she looks perfect,” Jerome instructed, “But not like she stands out or anything. Can’t have those GCPD bozos trying to take her away from me.” The two women voiced their understanding and kicked him out of the room, but not before he winked at you as you sat on the other side. You were sitting in the same spot you had been in the first time the two women had used you as a life-sized barbie doll. Once they got started, the entire event of getting you ready for the gala went by in a flash. Barbara did your makeup again, however this time it was much less natural-looking. Your eyeshadow was a dark pink to light pink fade, and your cheekbones were lightly contoured. Tabitha was doing your hair again as well, instead this time she kept your hair down; from what you could see in the mirror she was going for a wavy style. The dress hanging on the closet door across the room was crushed pink velvet with spaghetti straps, straight, and ball gown length. Once your face and hair was to their liking, they had you put the dress on behind a divider.
“Hang on,” Barbara said, rummaging through a drawer on the other side of the divider. She handed you something over the top; when you took it you saw it was a black choker. “Wear that. I’ll get ginger in here so we can go.”
Seconds later, she reentered the room with Jerome, whose eyes were being covered by Barbara’s hand. You’d already stepped out from the divider. She let her hand fall and his eyes landed immediately on you. “Wow,” he said in a low voice, “You look absolutely stunning, babygirl. Spectacular.“
“Thank you,” you whispered. He walked over to you, taking your hands in his. He was considerably taller than you, even despite the fact that Barbara and Tabitha had given you a pair of strappy, matte, black heels.
“We can have so much fun when we get back.” He shot his signature evil grin at you, before leading you out the door. ‘Absolutely not,’ you thought to yourself. ‘We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.’ The car ride to the event was relatively civil. You didn’t talk, which wasn’t unusual, and as much as you pushed yourself into the car door to keep distance, Jerome still managed to keep a hand on your leg the whole time. You couldn’t let it distract you, however. You were too busy formulating an escape plan in your head. ‘How will I get away from them all? Do I go straight to the police right after, do I lay low for a while instead?’
The events of the night must’ve been entertaining, you were sure, but you were too busy looking around every two seconds in search of an escape route. While Jerome and Barbera were preparing their act backstage, you were kept by Tabitha’s side the whole time. The only thing keeping you from running at every chance was the expertly hidden pocket knife she kept at your side all night. You kept silently praying someone in the crowd would recognize you and say something, but then, what would that’ve meant for the knife at your side? Escaping wasn’t going to be easy, but you would be damned if you knew you had let the opportunity for freedom pass because of a piece of metal with a point. Before the show started, Tabitha had dragged you along with her to a dark corner in an unoccupied hallway. She stood facing you and moved the pocketknife away. “Listen,” she started, “I don’t want to have to keep you locked up after tonight. Theo has something planned tonight, and I want to help you get away when it’s all over.”
Your jaw just about dropped to the floor. You were dumbstruck! “I- I don’t understand…” you stammered.
“Look, just- just hear me out.” You nodded. “If I let you escape, you have to promise you won’t tell the cops about the rest of us. Just tell them that when Jerome had you, he was alone. No accomplices. No roommates. None of us. Just him. The police tells the news what you told them, and you’ll be fine. Theo won’t try to come after you if he thinks you got him off the hook. Got it?”
“Good. You’re a good kid, (y/n). You deserve to move past all this. You didn’t deserve any of it. So can I trust you not to run your mouth?”
“Of course. Thank you, Tabitha.” You meant it. You had no hard feelings towards her, or even Barbara for that matter. They were nice to you the whole time, what’s the difference if they were both a little whack? They weren’t the ones who kidnapped you or held you hostage. Tabitha was literally helping you escape. You would always be grateful for that.
She smiled. “I still have to keep this on you though,” she motioned to the knife. “For the sake of convincing Theo I’m not planning anything.” You could understand that. Once you reached your table. You did your best to hide your face from the rest of the crowd. You didn’t want someone spotting you now and ruining your whole plan, that would just end badly.
The events of the night flew by, up until when Jerome highjacked the magician’s bit and started killing people. Some in the crowd had escaped, but the majority of them, like you, were not as fortunate. Then, of course, there were the bits where GCPD detective, Jim Gordon, tried to intervene (if only for a minute or so), and when Jerome tried to kill Bruce Wayne, but none of that was as shocking as what happened next.
Theo Galavan, his mentor and leader, betrayed his trust and murdered him on the stage. You couldn’t help but react a bit shocked- despite what he had put you through, a stab to the throat seemed to be a very unleasant way to go. As soon as the knife was lodged in his neck and Barbara had escaped, everyone at the gala immediately fled, seemingly afraid that something worse was coming if they stayed there any longer. Tabitha did her best to guide you away from Theo’s view, pushing you into the crowd so you could blend in. You turned around and your sight of her was lost; maybe in order to help you gain some escape time against her brother.
When the cool, refreshing night air hit your face, you cried. You immediately started searching for the police when a strong hand came down on your shoulder. Your head snapped around to find the source, and you found yourself in front of a man wearing a GCPD badge. “Oh my God. (y/n) (y/ln)?” The man asked you.
As much as you had been crying before, you were full out sobbing now. “Yes,” you choked out, nodding your head. You weren’t sure how to respond to the situation at hand. Your captor was dead, you were free, standing next to one of the only people who had any control over the madness of that God-forsaken city, and you were alive. You barely knew what to say next, so you said the first thing you thought of. “I wanna go home,” you cried.
The ride back to the GCPD precinct was quiet, but you didn’t mind. The detective, who actually ended up being the infamous Jim Gordon, had given you a blanket before putting you in the car and calling your family to let them know that you’d been found, and you were alive and unharmed. Before being allowed to go back home, you had to be taken in to give an official statement. When you arrived, you had been given a change of clothes- a t-shirt and some sweatpants- and a big mug of coffee, your blanket still hanging around your shoulders. You were sat down on the other side of Gordon’s desk when the official recording started. “Just say what happened.”
“Um, well Jerome, he- I was walking home from school on the day that I was taken and he kidnapped me then- it was just him, I never saw anyone else. And he kept me locked up-he never did anything to me, just talked, but I think he must’ve had an obsession.”
Gordon interrupted. “Why do you say that?”
“He- he always kept talking about how he thought I was ‘his’ like he- like he owned me, or something… he liked pet names a lot. And then tonight, he brought me to the gala, he said he wanted to ‘show me off’, or something dumb like that. The only reason I didn’t run during was because he said if I tried anything, he’d kill my family, that he had them tied up somewhere. So I stayed where I was until that man killed him. Then I ran.”
He switched off the tape recorder. “Thanks for cooperating. Your family is on their way.” He stood up to go finish his work. “And, (y/n)-” he stopped to face you. “I’m really sorry about what happened to you. You seem like a good kid. You didn’t deserve any of that. I'll have one of the guys escort you and your family home. And-... I'd recommend group therapy... or something like that. To help you cope.”
“Thank you. For everything. And... I'm sure my parents will be on board with that. ”
The reunion with your family was full of tears and hugs. Your parents had bags under their eyes, they looked like that hadn’t slept in weeks. You embraced each other in the steps of the precinct, falling to your knees. You couldn't tell how long you all had been like that, but eventually you were led back to your home by one of the officers. The night was indescribably emotional and full of tears.
Your story was on the news for a week or so, and afterwards, it faded into the background. The only reason it was such a popular story was because of the fact that Jerome was involved. There were hundreds of kidnappings every week in Gotham, and most of them went unnoticed by the media. But they had a field day with you. Apparently during his raid of the GCPD, he mentioned how he was the one who had taken you, and that's why the police were in such a hurry to find you.
Your parents signed you into a hospital 3 weeks later. You had been mostly back to normal since you had been recovered, so they weren't expecting your sudden mental breakdown at all. The full weight of your trauma hadn't hit until then, and then suddenly it came crashing all at once. It started with you having random outbursts or crying here and there, but then your handle over the situation deteriorated. Next, you stopped eating. You couldn't risk it without being sick. Then, you stopped leaving your room. This went on for a few weeks until one day, you passed out on the stairs.
You had never really been a depressed kid before, so this was alarming to your family. Your time spent in theater had molded you into an extroverted, generally happy, and energetic person. When the light disappeared from your eyes and smile and were replaced by hollow, sunken cheeks and dark circles around your eyes, you all knew something was wrong. The doctors diagnosed PTSD and recommended 2 weeks in the hospital for your recovery.
You had lots of visitors, and that made you happy, but you could no longer express that happiness. You were put on mild medication, which helped, and you started feeling better as time went by. Most of your visitors were friends and family, but sometimes other people would come. Most of the time, they were Jerome fanatics. There must've been a cult of them or something, because every time it was a different person or group of people. They idolized him, and, by association, you. They saw Jerome as a messiah and you as his 'chosen one'. They always tried to get you to tell them about him, and at first you did.
"Well, he's... extravagant, for sure," you'd say. "He never hurt me, necessarily, but I mean, he killed people. He was a bad dude. I'm glad he's gone." This, of course, upset them. They were convinced he was just a rebel against authority and believed he could do no wrong, which is why you requested they stop being allowed to visit. This didn't mean the cult stopped keeping tabs on you, however. It just meant they had to keep their distance in order to keep you in their plans to resurrect Jerome and reunite him with you.
-THat was a shit cut off point i know and i'm sorry, im just tired and this took a long time
-j man will be back in the next installment of this series so don't worry ya lil brains
-my art class sketchbook is looking killer im so proud of her she's beautiful and if u want to see any of the works in here let me know i want to share ehr with you all
-my depression has been pretty subsided lately and that makes me super happy!! i mean like i still never do shit anyways but like at least im starting to be less sad about it i guess
129 notes · View notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas ❤
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/163039991272
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allofbeercom · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Yes, We’re Back, You Can All Mellow TF Out Now
Well okay, a girl goes on vacation for one week and gets no internet and suddenly people freak tf out about no recap last week. Not that I blame youIm fucking hilarious. But hello, Im back so could you just like, chill for a sec?
Since service was not on my side last week, Ill be sure to touch up on points from last week in this recap. Because Im like, such a good friend. Also, last weeks episode wasnt even that good *cough, cough, like this whole show, cough* OMG who said that?
Tiffany: OMG Britney! Britney: What? You were thinking it! Tiffany: Yeah but you said it!
Last week Hanna decided shes sick of putting up with the other liars’ baby back bullshit. She knows Noel was the one who tortured her and shes here to fuck shit up. She told Caleb she was off the grid and bounced. This episode is going to be directed by Quentin Tarentino.
She told the Liars shes off to NYC, and they think thats weird. Like why would any leave Rosewood? Its so homey here! Only like 3 people have been murdered in a month! Its really on the come up. But Hannas too busy playing with her DIY murder kit to give a fuck. Did you get those murder ideas off Pinterest?
HANNAS BOARD: Murder Ideas <3
Last week Ezra went off to South America with all the little birdies and the monkeys to try and find Nicole.
Basically, we dont know about this whole engagement thing, especially since Aria lied about that phone call. Aria says Ezra called her when he got to South America and they found hostages, but they arent sure if Nicole is one of them.
Spencer is like wow Ezra must be overwhelmed! And if Hanna was there you can bet this conversation would have happened:
HANNA: I know you can be underwhelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed? SPENCER: I think you can in Europe.
We found out that MD had another kid besides Charlotte and that the kid was adopted and around the same age as the Liars. They all think its Noel Kahn, but thats like, way too easy. They decide that Aria is going to look for record of the adoption while Spencer goes and spies on Noel.
Emily is going to continue to be the useless college dropout and go interview for the swim coach job at Rosewood High. Against Paige, who unfortunately reappeared in our lives last week. Maybe Paige can lend Emily Neds Declassified Interview Survival Guide.
Hanna does a dramatic reading to a videotape about how shes going to do some shit. Why does Hanna think she is competent enough to pull this shit off? Like know yourself, know your worth.
Spencer supposedly has a search engine that looks up people? Where do I get that? Is there a 3 month free trial like Apple Music, which I had to fucking download to get Frank Oceans album? Frank Ocean is the only gay man to continuously fuck me.
The gardener/detective comes by and says that Snaggle fled to France. Huh, I guess hes on vacation too. Then he hits on Spencer. Wow, he got over that unsolved case fast. She tells him its too soon because her and Caleb just broke up and he leaves her his card *cough, cough, DOUCHE, cough*.
The Coffee Girl is eating cake and Emily comes in like oh look at that! A treat. Tell me, do you like your muffin buttered? Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin? The cake order is for Noel Kahn and Emilys like , and Coffee Girl is like ??
Aria and that sexy motherfucker Jason meet up. Last week we learned that they def had a thing before and were like SO fucking jealous.
Jason thinks AD is still in Rosewood and that he set fire to the basement. God, Jason is better than the cops are. Aria tells Jason what they found in the basement: paperwork basically saying Jessica was a piece of shit and proof of MDs other child. Also, MD is still missing. Freeform could only afford her for 6 episodes. Sad, all love.
Jason thinks that his mom was killed for the secrets MD had and Aria convinces him to go to the courthouse with her and help her get more information. Hes hoping he gets a chance to tap that in the waiting room, so hes like, .
Hanna follows Noel to a dumpster where he throws out a trash bag, because like duh, its a fucking dumpster. Hanna decides to dumpster dive afterwards and digs through his shit, finding a phone thats broken AF but with Saras face on it. Sketch.
Emily and Paige are filling out applications in a classroom right next to each other like its a fucking standardized test. Emily is like should I lie about being arrested? and says shes never done one of these things. What? Youve never tried to be a functioning member of society before?
Also, I wouldnt lie about your criminal record. This isnt like saying youre proficient in Excel. They will background check you. Its a fucking school, not a job at Hollister.
Paige is like, dont worry, the teachers know youre a fucking psycho! and Emilys like glad they dont ask me about committing crimes, phew! Yeah, youre #blessed they dont know that shit. Paige tells Emily that shes a great person, blah blah, incessant lesbian chatter, blah.
Aria and Jason are waiting at the courthouse when Aria flashes back to the time that she and Jason slept together. Ugh we hate Aria. Anyways, it seemed like she and Jason were dating. Jason is going to Ethiopia and asks Aria to come with him. Aria is like ugh what am I gonna do in Ethiopia? Help starving people? I mean, come on, Jason. Whats with all these dudes going to third world countries for charity? I knew like, one person who did that and they were Mormon and like, spreading the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Emily finishes her interview, which she wore a flannel to. We get it, youre a lesbian. God forbid you own anything business casual. Never know when youll need to sub in for a random softball game.
Paige says she misses Emily and Emily is like yeah, I have a girlfriend but like, Im gonna dump her, but like, I have a girlfriend. But Paige knew that because she fucking stalks Emily. NBD.
Emily tells Paige that A is back and Paige is like omg tell your girlfriend! Itll make your relationship great! Is this reverse psychology?
Hanna meets her local roofie dealer and gets her drugs. Hes like youre the first girl Ive sold to. Wow, this is actually a fucking disgusting scene.
PLL WRITERS: I got it! Usually we make fun of blind people, but this time lets make light of date rape! FREEFORM: Genius.
Spencer gets Noels address from her moms campaign manager, no questions asked. Spencer and Emily go alone to Noels cabin in the woods, because, fucking duh. They realize that the cabin is in the same place that Hanna was held captive and reminds them of the bunker they were tortured in. But yeah, lets just continue breaking in alone.
There is a security camera and Spencer busts it so they can break in. Theyre snooping around and just cant seem to find the pesky evidence that he murdered and tortured people. This aint his first rodeo. I doubt hes gonna leave a fucking bloody knife in the entry way.
They find a box with a stamp on it and Spencers like You needed a stamp to get into the Kahns parties!! Wtf? Where were his parties? Vegas?
They find a flash drive, plug it into Noels computer and find the videos of him torturing them in the dollhouse. Hes planting blood on Spencer and Spencer starts crying and its a mess. Anyways, they steal the flashdrive and gtfo.
Meanwhile Aria and Jason get their number called right as the news report from South America comes up. Arias like brb, sorry about being kidnapped and all Nicole, but I got shit to do.
The lady at the desk says there is nothing she can do for Jason and Aria tells the woman his whole sob story. Any other court clerk would be like yeah, we dont care. But not this court clerk, shes a cool court clerk.
The woman is like youre lucky to have a fianc that cares so much!! Jason agrees shes special because saying actually she isnt my fianc is too much work. The woman says she will try and find something for them and will fax it by the end of the day. People still own faxes?
Spencer wants to give the tape of the torture to the police and Aria says they cant without Hanna. Spencers like Like Aria, can you pull your head out of Hannas ass for a second?
Emily finds out that Hanna is not in New York and everyone is so shocked. Like, how could she lie to us?! This never happens!
Coffee Girl comes over and Emilys like Coffee Girl says she has a break at work and wants to go to dinner. Wtf how long are your breaks? Where are you going to eat for your 15 minute break? Taco Bell?
Coffee Girl is like and Emilys like Coffee Girl made her cupcakes and is like eat darling.
EMILY: Im on an all-carb diet, Coffee Girl! God youre so stupid!
Everyone is trying to find Hanna before she does something fucking moronic. Fat chance.
Speaking of morons, Hannah blackmails Noel for Saras phone. Why does Saras phone have a selfie of her as the background? Like wtf, you couldnt like, take a picture of a flower or something? God, Sara annoys me even after her death.
Hanna crushes up the drugs like a hardened pro and puts on her totally great disguise: a baseball hat. Yeah, cause no one is going to tilt their head a little bit and figure out who the fuck that is. You have A wearing custom made masks and youre here with a fucking ball cap? What is this? Amateur hour? A center for ants?
Noel shows up to the bar and Hanna buys him a beer and drugs the fuck outta it. Casual. Hanna sits with Noel and is like
Hanna makes up a story about how she is getting questioned for Saras death and is like look I know it was you, so why dont we be each others alibi? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Noels like see the funny thing about my back is that its located on my cock.also I actually fucking hate you.
She offers Noel the beer and hes like He manhandles Hanna to get the phone and tells her to be careful or shell end up like Sara.
NOEL: You fell victim to one of the classic blundersthe most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia”but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha…
Spencer goes home because her moms car alarm is going offduh this shit is about to be a trap. All the lights go off because they are in a storm and shes like ah, what a perfect time to watch the videos of me being tortured.
She decides to call the police, or at least that detective guy. If she cant get a police report at least she can probs get a quickie out of it. Win-win, am I right?
Then a tree branch breaks through a window, the doors swing open, and Spencer sees someone in the doorway. She grabs a knife and the detective is there. She tells him someone is in the house and he goes off searching. She looks, and big shock, the flashdrive is missing. You had one job.
Jason and Aria are having a candlelit discussion and trying to not make it romantic. Jason would be naked like .4 seconds into a conversation, candlelit or not, with me. Just sayin.
Aria tells Jason that shes worried about her future with Ezra and Jason is like you two are meant to be!!! Is this the episode where all the jealous exes lie? Just wondering.
Aria flashbacks to Jason trying to convince her to go to Ethiopia, and shes like well, heres the thing. She took a cushy job at a publishing companyof course the one that published Ezras work. Jason figured that out and calls her on it and shes like _()_/.
Jason tells her basically if Ezra dumps her for the little hostage girl, hell be waiting for her, dick hard and all. What a guy.
Ezra finally texts and says Nicole wasnt one of the hostages and hes coming home to Rosewood. Aria is crying, so happy that there is still a helpless girl trapped by terrorists out there. Jason comes back and says that the adoption file came through except everything is blacked out.
However, they see that the judges name is on there and of course its Noels dad. Aria now thinks that Noels dad adopted MDs baby. Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it works out for them.
Emily calls Paige to talk and tells her about Noel. She invites Paige over, who practically creams her pants and says yes. But like, shes also oddly watching Coffee Girl. Fuck, shes so weird.
Noel comes home and finds Hannas hat on the ground and hes like WOW SHE MUST BE SO EXPOSED NOW WITHOUT THE HAT. He leans down to grab it and Hanna fucking hits him over the head with a bat. Its like a league of their own in this bitch.
Shes like its over bitch and Im like, fuck if I had a nickel for every time I heard that on this show.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/pretty-little-liars-recap-yes-were-back-you-can-all-mellow-tf-out-now/
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