#im gonna miss having her as my dr when i move next year
bromantically · 7 months
i went to the rheumatologist today and got prescribed PT and Stay On Otezla and i told my dr abt the kind clinic, where i get my trans care, and i told her about all the really awesome stuff they do and how affordable they are and she got so excited about that kind of resource that she started tearing up and wrote it down to share with her other trans patients
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sttoru · 11 months
so i like i a girl (i think)
well i used to have a big crush on her about a year ago but i think my fear of rejection and commitment is the only thing that’s stopping me from asking her out.
okay so about a year or two ago, i had a big crush on this girl in my college. we have so much in common and we talked all the time. and then during the end of my first year, i asked her out (not like a romantic/date kinda of thing, just as friends going out ykiwm?). so we went to the cinema and then we walked about until we both went our separate ways to go home and then i immediately lost feelings for her. not as in i hated her or anything, i could never she’s always been so sweet to me but i just didn’t feel that romantic interest in her anymore. that’s until i spoke to her recently.
time skip to the present (so two years later from the event above) she’s working full time and i’ve moved to a different college to prep for uni next year. for some reason i had missed her so much and i have no idea why. these feelings came back outta nowhere and then i ended up inviting her to see the fnaf movie with me and omg it was so good to see her again it’s literally been MONTHS since we’ve talked or seen each other face to face. um anyways, i like her again.
btw (if it wasn’t obvious) i haven’t confessed to her at all (bc i’m a coward). i was so close to saying something at the cinema but i didn’t (again, bc i’m a coward). but i feel bad. i feel like i’m leading her on or toying with her feelings. i don’t want to see mom like i’m wasting her time, i just wasn’t ready at first. dgmw i could wait and see what the future holds but i doubt i’m gonna find another person like her. (i’m so sorry this got so long 💀)
i got a big fat crush on this girl and i am fighting back demons to not confess my feelings to her because i lost interest in her a few years ago but those feelings came back recently when i met up with her after so long and i don’t want to seem like a piece of shit
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UHM okay first of all EEEEK ik . . . love is hard & (romantic) feelings are hard to fully understand too. it’s much more complicated / complex than ppl think — like it’s described in ur msg to a certain degree. but tbh.,,,
theres this saying that goes ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ which is actually perfect for your situation LOL i think the fact that you have realised your feelings for that girl after you spent a long time apart & met up again, says a lot. u speak very highly about her so there definitely must be some kind of feelings involved too
i would say: take time and figure it out before anything else. keep contact with her if yu can, don’t hint or do anything that you’re unsure of or could possibly lead her on when you aren’t sure about your own feelings abt her yet. bcs what if your feelings go from romantic to platonic again? yk it happens LOL figuring out what you precisely see someone as is stressful but yea it has to be done to prevent unnecessary painful consequences
thoooo if you ARE 100% sureeee of your big crush for her, then i will also advice you to take your time & dont rush into anything. i dont think you’ll lose contact any time soon (since you had a 2 year break before) so dont worry abt that. confess if you feel like the time is right / whenever you feel comfortable doing it — no forcing urself to!!!!!!!
u wont seem like a piece of shit if you figure your own feelings out first . keep it at friends until you do! then its all goooood . GL BBY U CAN DO THIS >_< tis nerve wracking but if u take enough time to reflect, im sure everything will work out smoooothly
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weirdcultstuff · 3 years
I’ve felt numb for weeks now. It’s getting better but it’s not gone. Moving cross-country and finding a new apartment and a new job from scratch, starting over in a new place and moving in with my girlfriend hit all my old fears around lack of stability, and change.
It cost a lot to move, more than I expected. We went without a car for a few weeks longer than I’d planned. It was easy to worry if we’d find work, and an apartment, and a routine fast enough before the money ran out. We did! We did fine. We have monthly expenses and incomes now and we’re fine. But I worried. I had backup plans, backup plans for the backup plans, a savings account, friends, and I still worried. What if I get sick? Really sick. What if there’s an accident? What if….?
The new job is one I love, but was a difficult adjustment and the management is a far cry from the extremely lovely and supportive bosses I had previously. It took a couple months to get my schedule worked out. I still get a little anxious going to work, and I never did at my last job. But they’re paying for training, and I get overtime pay which I’ve never had before. I’m getting certifications that I can use in the next job, whenever it comes. It’s a good job. It turned out okay.
Living with someone I love is wonderful, but it brought up this weird thing of how I first found/created my identity by doing my own thing, making my own decisions based on what only I wanted. I’m so afraid to be codependent again. I’m not sure how to share decorating styles, grocery shopping, a bed. I worried I’d lose myself in a relationship, the way my mom kinda did. I worried I wouldn’t be enough, yknow? All I know about being a partner comes from what I was taught about how to be a wife when I was growing up and I don’t do half those things now, I don’t cook more than a few times a week, I leave my laundry on the floor a lot, I don’t defer all my opinions to theirs. But we’re okay. We’re good. I’m home with her, and it’s really nice. I was just worried, but it turned out kind of unbelievably good in the end.
I still felt numb. Ungrounded. I don’t know where to grocery shop. I don’t know where to go to the dr. I don’t know where Taco Bell is. I don’t know where to get my oil changed. I don’t know why I can’t text my friends back. I don’t know how I feel about my family now that I’m suddenly far away and missing them again. I don’t know what tomorrow will be like, I don’t know if I’m working too many hours or not enough. This might be the first year in eight years that I don’t work on Christmas Day and I don’t know how to do that, I’m scared it will be too much if I’m not at work.
But I have a water bottle now, and Im leaving for work in half an hour and I have my scrubs and I know where to stop to get a raspberry pomegranate Red Bull in a cup with a straw and where to stop to pick up my coworker who needs a ride. I know I’m going to be okay, and my worries are just worries.
I get up and I try again.
And I’ve always gotten up and tried again.
And it’s a good feeling to be reminded that I’ve got this. I can depend on myself to get up and try again, to make it better, to make it work, to make it okay. It’s gonna be okay. The fog will lift. I’ll make art. I’ll laugh. I made bread last night. I have stickers for my water bottle.
It’s raining and I’m getting up and I’m trying again and it’s gonna be okay. I’m not lost, it’s just fog. It will lift. I got this.
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neeswords · 4 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested?: yes
Word count: 2794
Authors notes: I hope you enjoy it. If you would like a personalised one please do ask! have fun reading! I have also a promt list :)
Trigger warning(s): mention of death, swearing, violence 
Summary: jay seems to always take Hailey's side one everything. Hailey always seems to come first. A trauma takes place and jay realises the reality.
Prompt: request.
Since Hailey had received a job offer from the FBI Jay had become really close with her, so close then he was pushing away his own actual girlfriend. It wasn't just y/n who noticed this though Atwater asked y/n one evening at molly's if her and Jay had broken up. 
Y/n loved Hailey and she thought she was so good to Jay. Maybe too good to him. When Jay got shot one time y/n was sat in the waiting room and Hailey and Vanessa were there and she heard a convocation she wish she could unhear. 
'you love him' Vanessa said to Hailey.
'Of course I love him he's my partner' was the response. 
This broke Y/n heart a little as she knew at that point that if she wasn't in the equation Jay would be in absolute awe of Hailey. Who was y/n anyways? Everyone would prefer a beautiful blonde greek badass cop. 
Y/n worked with a law firm, in fact that's how she met Jay. She was a criminal defence attorney she met Jay in an interrogation room whilst defending her client. Jay later asked for her number and one thing led to another. 
At some points she wishes she never picked up that phone call.
'Y/n if your gonna start then leave, Hailey would be so fine wi-' Jay yet again started comparing y/n to Hailey. Y/n was pissed off that Jay kept staying out late with Hailey. 
Thats all it took. Y/n lost it. "GET THE FUCK OUT AND GO BE WITH HER THEN" Y/n was fuming she was so tired of being compared to Hailey. Her own boyfriend who was meant to love her and only her was clearly in love with another woman.
"y/n come on what's going on with you? Since I've been shot you've been so different around me. Talk to me baby" Jay was so soothing. He gently approached y/n and gently placed some hair behind her ear. 
Y/n refused to even look at him. I guess you could say that she reached her breaking point. She had given up on him. Jay went to kiss her as a way of saying 'I love you' but she turned her head before he had the chance. As much as it hurt her, y/n had to leave. She made her way to the bedroom completely avoiding all eye contact with Jay. She grabbed a duffle and started showing clothes into it. Jay just stood there entirely confused on what to say or do. 
"I'll come get the rest when you're out" a few tears were brimming in her eyes but she sure as hell wasn't going to let them fall. 
Jay went to grab her hand y/n ignored him and walked out the door. 
"Derek what do you want" y/n was at her firm and her associate, Derek was wanting her. 
"you need to go to the 21st district, Mr Maxwell got caught up again" y/n rolled her eyes. Mr Maxwell was a frequent flyer he was homeless, y/n always felt bad for him so she took his case pro-bono. However, Rossi Maxwell always seemed to find trouble. 
"Tell him i'll be there in twenty" and with that y/n left to go to the district. 
"Hey Trudy, looking as beautiful as ever" y/n cheekily said with a smirk. 
Trudy rolled her eyes and responded with a blunt "upstairs" 
Going up these stairs was a familiar feeling for y/n whether she was going to support a client or going to see her boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend. Y/n hadn't seen Jay in a week she still hasn't been by the house to collect her stuff. She loved Jay but just couldn't face him. 
Ruzek greeted y/n with a hug as soon as he saw her "girl I thought you were dead where have you been?" 
y/n just laughed and said "Maxwell? what's he been up to this time?"
Ruzek chuckled slightly 'what hasn't that man done? He got caught with some dope but if I tell you anymore I'm pretty sure you'll get him released and we will lose our best shot of catching our guy."
Y/n raised her brows at him. "Ruzek, you do realise i'm his lawyer and that's my job right?" 
Ruzek clicked his finger and led her to the interrogation room. 
"Adam who's in there with him?" y/n asked nervously. 
"Jay and Hailey" Ruzek said barely above a whisper. It was clear that everyone seemed to know about this love triangle between y/n, jay and Hailey. 
Y/n being the badass she is walked in with her head held up. "Rossi what have you gotten yourself into this time?" 
Rossi gave her his compelling cheeky smirk "oh nothing new, I just wanted to see your pretty face" 
Y/n smiled at him then looked towards Hailey who was sat next to jay directly in-front of Mr Maxwell. "My client has nothing further to say to you, we are leaving." 
Mr Maxwell stood up. "no he's not, he's being charged with the handling of a class a drug as well as distribution, hell I could hold him as an accessory to murder" Hailey stated with a stern voice. 
"accessory. Hailey come on he's a harmless old man who can hardly look after himself how the hell would he be able to help with murder?" y/n stated somewhat pissed off. 
"y/n he's staying. End of." Hailey said slightly raising her tone. Jay sat there silently not knowing where to look. He saw that Hailey was getting annoyed and placed his hand on her lower back. Y/n saw this and it made her blood boil. How could he have moved on in a week? They had been together for 3 years and he goes to his partner in a week! It was really clear how much he cared for y/n. 
"My client has rights and IM NOT SEEING ANY PROOF OF THIS ACCESSORY TO MURDER. MY client denies all charged and without any admissible evidence we will be walking out of here now." y/n leaned over the table to she was in Hailey's face "end of" she whispered to her. Y/n was true to her word she told Mr Maxwell to leave the interrogation room and to go outside, where Derek, the associate, was waiting. Y/n wanted to speak to Voight about how the whole situation was handled. 
"y/n can we-" jay began.  
"no" y/n simply stated and carried on walking. However, she was stopped when Jay grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her into him. 
"baby please. I love you" y/n could have sworn she saw tears threatening to spill form his eyes. This made her soften but she was still mad. 
"I won't be second place" she stated and with that she walked off to Voight's office.
"you need to get your detectives in place before this unit has a pending court trial" y/n said entering Voight's office. 
"y/n I know she was out of place bu-" Voight began. 
"no Voight I'm tired of making excuses for this unit sort it out" as y/n was leaving she saw Hailey comforting Jay. Y/n chucked and murmured a "point proven, case closed" and made her way back outside to meet with her client and Derek. 
Normally, Derek would be waiting outside the car but this time he wasn't. Y/n just predicted that he was in the car; the windows were tinted so she couldn't see. Y/n got in and saw Derek in the back seat, he was coated in blood. "oh my - DEREK WAKE UP" she started to shake him. Maxwell was sat next to Derek looking at his hand with a sore excuse of a smirk. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" she screamed at him. This got his attention, he looked up at her and reached for a knife. Y/n knew what was about to come so she reached for the door handle of the car. Maxwell grabbed some rope and put it around y/n neck. She found it strange with how he didn't say a word, this wasn't him. She didn't know this person, she knew a sweet old man who just got caught up in the wrong crowd. Y/n fought hard trying not to be choked to death, tears were falling and fear was taking over her, she could barely breathe. "Rossi please" y/n said softly as she was somewhat loosing conciseness due to the lack of oxygen. This made him stop. He got out the car and left. y/n couldn't move, when she finally pulled herself together she went to check on Derek. "hey, hey" she said tears falling rapidly. She couldn't find a pulse and knew she needed help. She could barely catch her breathe so she had to leave the car. She got out and looked around, Maxwell was no where to be seen. 
She started speed walking back towards the district. She was stopped by a sharp pain in her upper ribs. She turned around, it was Maxwell. She had been stabbed. He continued plunging the knife into her, she didn't have any energy to fight him off. "Rossi please stop" y/n managed to get out. She wasn't sure if he heard so she said it again with everything she had "Rossi stop p-please." This time he looked at her. He froze and dropped the knife. y/n kicked it out the way. Yn fell to her knees she was blacking out. Maxwell snapped out of his trance and saw her in front of him covered in blood. 
"Y/L/N! HELPPPP" Maxwell picked her up and ran into the district with her in his arms. 
Trudy saw them and instantly shouted "HELP CITIZEN DOWN" she froze, that's when she recognised her. "AVERY GET YOUR ASS UP TO INTELLIGENCE AND TELL THEM Y/N Y/L/N IS DOWN HERE AND IS IN BAD SHAPE" Trudy put pressure on her wounds "come on y/n stay with me". 
One of the officers came running up the stairs, something had to be wrong. 
"sergeant platt said you need to come down stairs she said something about a 'y/n y/l/n' she's in real bad shape" he started rambling. My heart dropped. There was no way it was her. How could it be her. 
I ran downstairs in less than a second and I saw her. She looked completely lifeless. 
"baby, come on oh my god, baby wake up" I cried. I couldn't hold myself together. I grabbed her hand whilst Trudy was doing CPR. 
Jay was frantically pacing around the hospital waiting room. How could he have let this happen? Who the hell would do this to her?
Dr Halstead entered the room. 
"Will, tell me she's fine. Will please" Will placed a hand on his brothers shoulder and took a deep breath. 
"Jay she lost a lot of blood. She's in the ICU at the moment its a hit and miss she's just gotta make it though the night" Jay fell to the floor sobbing loudly. Will comforted him. They were like this for a while until Jay finally spoke. 
"Can I see her?" Will responded with a nod, not knowing what else to say. 
Will walked Jay to y/n's room. Jay walked in and Will left them alone. 
She looked ghost-like, yet perfect. Why didn't I go after her? why didn't I try to get her to stay? This is my fault. 
I went and sat next to her. I grabbed her hand and placed a light kiss on it. 
"Hey honey, its me." I was hoping she would wake up and answer me, she didn't. 
I didn't know what to do. what could I do? 
Y/n made it though the night but she still had no woken up. Two weeks had passed and nothing seemed to be improving. 
"Jay go home, take a shower and get some sleep I will call you if anything changes I promise." Will told Jay sternly. 
"promise" Jay said mid-yawn. 
"yes let me drive you" and with that both the Halstead brothers drove back to Jay's apartment, previously his and y/n's. 
Jay went straight to the bathroom when he remembered what was in the cabinet. He smiled at the thought of what he could have had. He never understood why y/n was always so mad at him he really never noticed how close he was getting with Hailey. He was furious at himself. 
"Jay you good?" Will interrupted his thoughts. Jay opened the bathroom door and showed Will what was making him smile. "do you think this was her style?"
Will laughed. "brother, she's a lawyer. Believe me they make it clear what they want. That is perfect" Jay also laughed. It was a noise Will missed hearing. 
Jay had a nap whilst Will went back to the ER. 
Jay didn't hear. 
He finally heard. Jay answered the phone as quick as he possibly could. 
"what's happened?" jay asked frantically 
"get here now" was all Will had to say. 
Jay rushed out the door and sped to the ER with sirens on. He ran up to y/n's room. He went to the door and he rushed over to her. 
"you're awake, Will had me thinking you were dead" Jay chucked 
Y/n didn't say anything she still was somewhat mad at Jay. 
"Y/n I didn't realise what I did when you left, I really confused me. I love you and I thought you loved me too. I have never missed someone so much, you make me the happiest man. These past 3 years have been the best. You put up with me through my sleepless nights, through the hospital visits and all the times I tried arguing with you in the interrogation rooms. y/n/n you are my everything. You are the reason why I smile in the morning and the reason why I can peacefully and happily close my eyes at night. Atwater made me realise about Hailey, I've only been with her so much lately because she's leaving y/n. She accepting the FBI offer and I wanted to give a good goodbye, spent time with her you know. She's one hell of a cop. She wanted me to go with her. I said no because everything I could ever want is right her. My life is perfect. Well, it was until you left and got yourself stabbed" Jay lightly chuckled. Y/n was tearing up and smiled. Until realisation hit her about being stabbed. 
"Is in a mental asylum. He has a 2 personality disorder, he will get better he just needs some support" Jay said softly going to kiss her forehead. 
"Derek?" y/n asked not really wanting to know the answer. 
Jay shook his head "i'm sorry" 
Y/n moved over in the uncomfortable hospital bed. "whoa what are you doing, you'll hurt yourself?" jay said sternly. 
"shut up and come cuddle me" y/n said back to him sternly. Jay did as he was told being careful not to hurt her. 
"i'm an idiot" she said. 
Jay laughed "my idiot" 
Will came in and ruined the moment "hey lovers not naughty business in the room thank youuu" They all laughed as Jay smacked his brother lightly on the head. Will placed something in Jay's hands making sure y/n wouldn't see he winked at him then left.  
"What was that" y/n asked as Jay got comfy next to her. 
"Look at me" Jay said. She did as she was told. "I love you. I don't want to lose you or wake up without you for another day. You are the one I want and I've been planning this for a while"
Jay got down from the bed and got on one knee. 
"y/n will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
y/n didn't know what to say so she just nodded and let the tears flow from her eyes. Jay placed the ring on her finger. 
"I love you Jay Halstead however I'm not letting that my idiot comment slide. I think your forgetting i'm the one with the law degree" y/n smirked. 
Jay laughed. 
"I love you too" and that's when Will came in. 
The three of them laughed as Jay kissed y/n
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hercleverboy · 4 years
the right moment
spencer reid x reader 
summary ↠ for months, spencer has waited for the right time to propose to the reader. before he gets the chance, he gets in trouble in mexico.
category ↠ angst/fluff
warnings/includes ↠ prison reid arc,
word count ↠ 2.4k
“but if I sit in the rain, maybe I can drown in something other than my thoughts.” — j.w
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For 8 months now, Spencer had been carrying the little velvet red box in his pocket. It was near enough always with him, almost weighing him down. For 8 months he had waited for the so called ‘right’ moment to propose to his long term girlfriend. Y/N was none the wiser, not even realising her boyfriend was even considering proposing, let alone had carried the ring around in every pair of bottoms he wore. 
Before meeting and falling in love with Y/N, Spencer thought all this talk about there being a ‘right’ moment to propose was silly. Wasn’t it just as easy as getting down on one knee and asking? 
Spencer liked to remind himself he once thought that way. How wrong he was. He couldn’t have guessed just how damn nervous he would get. Palms sweaty and breaths heavy, he was just so fucking nervous and he couldn’t figure out why. A big genius brain and he couldn’t  pull it together long enough to ask the woman he loved to marry him. The ‘right’ moment never seemed to come. Sometimes he looked at her, looking so beautiful in whatever dress she’d worn to date night and he thought, “Okay, this is it, I’m gonna do it” but his nerves got in the way and when he could finally breathe normally, the moment was gone.
As if he didn’t feel like enough of a coward, the relentless teasing from the team didn’t help. 
He’d walk in to the bullpen in the morning and be immediatley bombarded with questions. 
Garcia would be first, nearly choking on her morning coffee in excitment as he walked in. “Dr Reid!” She exclaimed, making Spencer wince and prepare himself. “As you know, I got lunch the other day with your gorgeous girlfriend, and couldn’t help but notice there’s still no ring on her finger.” She questioned. 
Spencer had simply chuckled, shaking his head. “Im working on it, Garcia.  I promise.” He hoped that his response had satisfied the team enough to leave him alone, but no. Derek emerged from the meeting room, a shit-eating grin on is face. 
“Hey there, pretty boy. You made that stunning lady your fiancee yet?” 
Spencer just shook his head and huffed. 
“You do plan on proposing sometime this decade, right Reid?” He teased, as JJ came up behind him. 
“You’ve still not done it? Come on, Spence!” JJ laughed. “Y/N will say yes, I’ve told you a hundred times!” She was the one Spencer had asked to go with him to chose the ring all those months ago. “That ring is too beautiful to sit in a box forever, so get on with it!” 
Whilst he pretty much always carried the ring with him, the only exception was in the field. It was much too precious to lose while chasing an unsub. Although as soon as they were on the jet on the way home, he would fumble with the box in his hands as he stared out the window. The team would share a look. As much as they teased him, they were really just trying to persuade him to do it. Though, they could clearly see how nervous the young doctor really was. It was sweet, as much as it was silly. Spencer feared rejection, but the team all knew Y/N well enough to know that she wouldn’t waste a second saying yes when he asked. 
He planned to make it a big moment, a fancy dinner, ending with them back at their apartment, with rose petals scattering the bed, the room lit with candles. But if it wasn’t his stupid nerves getting in the way, it was his work. 
First it was him nearly dying at the hands of Cat Adams. That night, he just felt lucky to be able to go home to Y/N, who was waiting with her arms open for him to crash into. Then it was Morgan leaving the team to be there for his son, which Spencer wholeheartedly understood. He knew that if him and Y/N had a baby, he’d definitley consider making the same decision. But again, after effectively losing his best friend, Reid figured it wasn’t the time for a proposal. 
Finally, the time came where he finally thought he’s was going to do it. He set a date, making preparations a week in advance. He ordered a dozen red roses and vanilla scented candles for the occassion, he planned their entire evening to a T. It would be perfect. Nothing could go wrong. 
but then everything did.
His mother was only getting worse, and he decided to make one last trip to Mexico before he proposed. Y/N knew where he was going, and whilst she understood it was for his mother, she couldn’t help but worry. He’d soothed her worries with a kiss to the forehead, promising he’d be back in a few days. 
Next thing he knew, he was being held in Mexico on murder and drug charges. Emily was there and he could see how hard she was trying to help, the rest of the team were aswell, but Spencer was clueless as to how he got there, missing periods of time from his memory. He was appreciative of the teams attempts to help but he knew how these things went. 
As he stared at the greying walls of the holding cell, he couldn’t help but regret not proposing when he had the chance. Now he might never get one. 
She was there to meet him when Emily managed to bring him back to Quantico, tears rolling down her cheeks as she hugged him tightly. He hated how the cuffs over his hands prevented him from holding her. He tried to soothe her, and Emily promised that everything would be okay. All he could think about was the little red box sat in his bedside table drawer at home.
He didn’t get to see her again until they were at the courthouse and he was denied bail. He watched how her face fell and the tears spilled as he was dragged away. He called out to her. “I love you so much.” and then he was gone.
He let her visit him in prison. At first he thought it might be selfish, he didn’t really want the men in there looking at her. But he needed to see her, she was the only thing holding him together, keeping him from completely giving up and falling apart. 
His eyes connected to hers through the glass that separated them as she took a seat, offering a smile that she hoped would reassure him she was okay.
“Hey, baby.” He murmured, and his arms ached to hold her in any way, to even just graze his thumb over her fingers.
“I miss you.” She whimpered, and he could see how strong she was trying to be for him. He thought she was so incredibly strong. He knew he’d break down if the shoe was on the other foot.
“I miss you too sweetheart.” He said it as a promise. A promise he would get out. When he sat in his cell at night, he promised to himself every night for three months, that should he ever make it out he would waste no time getting down on one knee.
When he was finally free, she waited anxiously outside the prison, Garcia holding her hand comfortingly. He walked through the gates and it was mere seconds before she was running to him, throwing her arms around him. He’d held her so tightly, the light of his life, the first light he’d seen or felt in 3 months.  When they pulled apart he’d kissed her lips, just a peck that was over just as it started, but it was enough for the moment. 
“I love you,” He whispered, again and again like a mantra for only her to hear.
He wished they had more time, more time to be together and love one another, but right now they had bigger problems. Later he would kiss her for hours and hold her to his hearts content, but his mind was plagued with worry for his mother, his only focus was making sure she was safe. Spencer didn’t stop touching Y/N the whole ride to the BAU building, always touching her in some way. He’d been so starved of touch in that prison and being able to hold her was something he would never take for granted again. His arm was around her shoulders and he held her hand as they rode in the back of the SUV. She tried desperately to calm him, as she could see how panicky he was getting at the thought of losing his mother. She just kissed his hand reassuringly, and he was thankful for the gesture, kissing her forehead in return.
After they saved Diana and won Cat Adams little game, Spencer finally felt at home when he stepped through the front door of their home, Y/N by his side. It was late, but he didn’t want to sleep. He wanted to just be with her. He insisted they lay together in bed, and she told him everything he missed in prison that she couldn’t talk about during her visits. He just wanted to listen to her talk, to engrain the sound of her voice into his brain and hope he never had to go without it ever again. They laid there, her head on his shoulder and his arms around her as she rambled about nothing in particular. He didn’t pay much attention, instead watching her face. He reacquainted himself with the features he’d missed, the blush of her cheeks and the curve of her Cupid’s bow, her beautiful eyes and perfect smile. Spencer was convinced he’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life and before he could even think about it-
“Marry me.” 
 Y/N had stopped rambling mid-sentence, shock covering her face. Her mouth dropped open, her eyes wide.
“W-what?” She asked, her voice a tiny whisper. 
He smiled, moving himself from underneath her. He turned to the side, and began rummaging around his bedside drawer.
She sat up, hands coming up to cover her mouth when she saw him. Spencer was on the floor beside the bed on one knee, red velvet box open in hand, showcasing the most beautiful diamond ring Y/N had ever seen. 
“Y/N. I love you. I’ve loved you for a long time now. I’ve been sure I wanted to marry you for a long time as well, ask the team, they’ll tell you I’ve carried this ring with me every day for nearly a year, waiting for the right moment.” He chuckled to himself. How stupid of him was that? “If prison taught me anything, it’s that time is so precious. In that cell I replayed every moment with you, every time I wish I’d got down on one knee and asked you then instead of waiting.  I was so scared I would never get the chance. Which is why now that I have it, I’m taking it.” He finished, and tears were beginning to well in his own eyes. 
“So, Y/N Y/L/N, Will you marry me?”
 “Yes.” She whispered, nodding frantically, and only once he’d slipped the ring on her finger did he realise he’d been holding his breath. He stood up as she moved to the edge of the bed to hug him. Her arms went around his neck and he held her securely at her waist. He lifted her from the bed, spinning her as they laughed. He noted that this was the most happiness he’d felt in months now. They pulled back as he set her down and she had tears running down her cheeks but he knew they were happy because of the smile on her face. She looked up at him, and he slowly leaned down, capturing her lips with his.
He realised that it was the first proper kiss they’d had in months, and in response his hands gripped tighter on her waist as the kiss got more passionate, her hands coming to trail down his chest. She could tell that he wanted to go further and so she pulled away. 
He pouted, and she smiled at him but he could see the concern on her face. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked quietly.
 “As happy as I am right now, Spence..” She trailed off, trying to figure out how to phrase what she wanted to say. “You just got out of prison. I know how difficult it was for you in there, and we’re going to have to talk about it sometime. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you right now, it’s all still so fresh.”
He nodded his head. “I know we have to talk about it, just not tonight please.” His voice was tired and pleading. “But you’re not taking advantage of me, I promise. I missed you so much in there. Let me show you how much.” He murmured as he began to place kisses down her neck. 
“Are you sure you feel up to doing.. this?” She asked one more time, she had to be absoloutley sure. She’d missed him too, of course. Though the last three months of his life had been downright horrific and she needed him to be certain. 
He smiled against her neck at her concern, pulling back to look her in the eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. I know you’re worried and I’m so grateful that you’re so concerned but right now, I just want to make love to my fiancée. ” He mumbled, kissing her forehead in a sweet, reassuring gesture. 
She smiled, satisfied with his answer. Detatching herself from him, she sat on the bed again, moving backwards. “Well then, Dr.Reid. Get on with it.” She smirked, laughing a little as she laid on her back. He shook his head with a chuckle, moving to hover over her.
“Anything for you, future Mrs Reid.” He smiled at the name.
 “Oh, ‘Mrs Reid’, I like the sound of that.” She giggled, placing her arms around his neck. 
As Spencer looked down at her, his heart swelled with pride and happiness. He was finally getting his happy ending, and it was a well deserved one. He’d go through all the pain and suffering all over again if it would lead him to that moment. 
“So do I.”
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dawnover-dusk · 4 years
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it’s only like, two years later lol. inspired by my intern boot camp! lemme know if there’s too much medical jargon so i know i can tone it down in the future lol  EM resident wonwoo x IM intern reader, bullet point, not proofread more seventeen medical au here!
- wonwoo is a 2nd year EM resident - but as a fresh-faced baby intern, you mistake him for an attending - it’s not your fault really -- his aura and quiet stoicism despite the packed ED suggested years of experience - so when you are on nights and a patient that you are admitting starts crashing, you don’t even question it when he comes running over and ordering you to get fluids - after the patient’s vitals stabilize, your adrenaline is still pumping as you shakily say “thank you dr. jeon” - he contemplates you over his wire-framed glasses and nods, “oh it’s just wonwoo”
- and as you gush over wonwoo to your (barely awake) senior resident jeonghan, he begins to grin - you know you’ve only been working at the hospital for a month, but it’s long enough to know that jeonghan is scheming - so when jeonghan calls you over the next night to get sign-out for a new admission, you’re a lil sus - but you don’t have time to react when jeonghan runs out of the room cackling and you hear wonwoo’s voice over the speaker say “hey yn” - and you curse at how your heart jumps over his deep voice and you don’t know if you should thank jeonghan or kill him - when you go to see that patient, wonwoo can’t help but look over at you from time to time from where he is seated at his workstation - not that he purposely chose that seat because he could see that patient or anything because he’s definitely not interested ... and not that jeonghan texted him the entire night about you LOL - and he can see your eyes crinkle over your mask as you talk softly to the elderly woman - and how you pat her hand and she grasps yours for reassurance - and how you run over to the supply storage to grab a hot pack for her before you go back upstairs - just like how you were in awe of how calm he was during an emergency, he’s awed by how considerate you are - so he doesn’t even really mind when you walk into the medicine lounge for more keurig coffee and jeonghan ditches him in the most conspicuous way possible - “oh hi wonwoo!” you greet him brightly, setting down the steaming paper cup on the table as you plop down on the couch across from him - and now he is graced with your full smile, the corners of your eyes crinkling as he tentatively smiles back and gives a small wave - “thanks again for helping me out last night! you looked super cool and i hope that i can be like you,” you start, before realizing that that you just blurted that out without thinking - you could feel your face start to flush and if you weren’t avoiding eye contact, you would’ve seen that wonwoo’s hand had reflexively come up to cover his grin - “don’t worry about it, i know med school and the real world are totally different but you’ll get the hang of it. i’ve seen you with patients though and they can’t teach that amount of empathy, so you’re already miles ahead” - your eyes widen and even though you’ve been trying so hard to fake like everything’s been okay - intern year sucks - “thank you, wonwoo,” you whisper, but words cannot convey how much his recognition means to you - throughout the rest of the rotation, you meet up with wonwoo to have bad coffee and over time, you don’t even use jeonghan as an excuse anymore - whenever wonwoo is off, he texts to check in on you - wonwoo knows how scary it is to be alone as an intern on nights, and as much as he loves jeonghan, he knows that he’s less than…hands on - but you always try to change the subject from work because you believe that when you’re off from the hospital, you should be off - so you talk about video games and literature and spoken word poetry - and to his surprise, wonwoo ends up telling you that he sometimes writes lyrics for this music group that he was part of back in med school (he has never told anyone else this!!!!) - so you ask him to go to a show with you the next time you’re free and he’s like “sure” but internally he’s like “IS THIS…A DATE???”
- “wonwoo’s finally going to have a s/o!” jeonghan all but shouts to his co-residents jihoon and joshua in the morning - it’s been a month on nights and you’re back on the day team - you had gone to intern morning report while the rest of your team...gossips? - “it’s too early for this,” jihoon grumbles while joshua slides his chair closer to jeonghan - “i am the best senior that an intern can have and no one can tell me otherwise,” he continued while joshua just chuckled - “last i heard, you let the intern handle septic shock and you didn’t even leave the call room,” jihoon rebutted. - “uhh..hi?” you question as you enter the room and see joshua zoom back over to his desk and jihoon whip around and pretend to finish his email - jeonghan clears his throat to fill the silence but as he is the king of luck, your pager goes off and you exit that room as quickly as you had entered, shouting something about a code in the ED - jihoon: “so…are you gonna help or” - jeonghan: “nah it’s cool” - in the ED, you run over to the crowd that had formed around this patient and you see wonwoo at the head of the bed who nods at you - “yn, this patient came in with nausea and vomiting but her blood pressure has dropped and her mental status has changed. we think she’s having a heart attack” - you grab the EKG and your eyes widen as you tell the nurse to ready a defibrillator - “there’s nothing that we don’t already know on the EKG, we have to get her to cardiology,” wonwoo argues but you point out this one beat that is abnormal - “she’s going to get worse, wonwoo” you reply and before wonwoo can say anything, the patient’s heart rate skyrockets - “ready for defib,” wonwoo says. “charge to 200, and clear!” - the patient’s rhythm returns to normal and after her vitals are stabilized and she’s transported to cardiology, you see wonwoo slip out - “hey,” you call, and you see him stop in a less busy hallway, his eyes trained on the floor and his face pale. “let’s go somewhere else,” you grab the crook of his arm and lead him to the benches in front of the vending machines - you grab a cup of warm tea and sit down next to the silent man, noticing that his hands are shaking as he runs one through black disheveled hair - “…i’m sorry,” he starts as you gently bump your knee against his - “hey, she’s alive, she’s going to be fine,” you say, folding his shaking hands around the cup and wrapping your hands around his - even though this was foreign to wonwoo, it was…comforting. your thumb brushing across his knuckles, your breath falling in sync with his… - you were comforting - “you know what they always tell us in school, that medicine is a team sport? i’ll always have your back,” you laugh, and you see the corners of his mouth start to rise - “are we still on for our date?” he asks, although so lowly that you almost miss what he’s saying before a wide grin breaks out onto your face - “honestly it’s the highlight of my day off,” you reply
- skip forward in time and you’re almost at the end of your intern year - you pretty much live at wonwoo’s now, using the excuse that he lives closer to the hospital despite jeonghan saying you’re in LOVE - and now instead of jeonghan trying to play wingman, he’s complaining about how much wonwoo won’t shut up about you - when your schedules don’t match up, you prep food for him when he’s working and vice versa - on days off you switch off having lazy days in with going to the movies or hanging out with friends - you meet his med school music group and you’re surprised to see jihoon there (he glares at you whenever you try to bring it up during work though) - tells you the CHEESIEST jokes and wordplay and every chuckle he can get out of you is a victory that he rides the entire week - you’re each other’s go-to person for the most random thoughts, from “why does rheumatology take weeks when all they give are steroids” to “what are the ethical obligations for us as physicians to like…zombies tho…” - his affection for you in the hospital is in the form of coffee and trying not to admit complex patients to whatever medicine team you’re on (jeonghan will point out this favoritism CONSTANTLY) - appreciates that you initiate the skinship at home because sometimes he gets too nervous - one day you’re leaning on him as he plays video games, your laptop open on your lap and you should be doing work but you can’t help but absentmindedly stare as he plays - and you take in his furrowed brow and his glasses and the way he adjusts his headset - it hits you -- you love this man - and you’re so zoned out that you don’t notice that he’s paused his game and is looking at you quizzically - all you can do is pull him down and kiss him and only the need for air causes you to pull back - “so…should i play games more often?” he jokes and you sigh, the arm wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him as he giggles - “i love you,” you whisper into his neck as one of his hands smooth over your hair - “i would hope so, it would be awkward since you’ve practically moved in and all” - “wonwoo!” - and all you can see is his nose wrinkling in laughter before he kisses you again
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Teenage Years)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: this is LONG so please dont let this flop
prompt: y/n is 12-16, takes place from Avengers 1 to Avengers 2
The Early Years (1) The Intense Years (3) The Aftermath (4) Continued (5)
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starting out with tony powering stark tower with clean energy:
it was very late, you were supposed to be asleep
“what are you doing up, missy? it’s way past your bedtime”
“it’s my fault, i let her stay up to see her dad’s big achievement” -pepper
just vibing on the couch with absolutely no intention of sleeping anytime soon
you really did take after your dad
“how was the show, sweetheart?”
“uh, cool?”
coulson showing up when he did
you were excited bc you knew he had to be there for superhero stuff
“hi, agent coulson!!”
“hey there, kiddo!
BEGGING to come with your dad
“no. absolutely not. there is absolutely no way im letting you get involved in any of this”
you got involved
but like, not the whole “im a 12 year old superhero” involved
“y/n, sweetie, this is dr. banner, you’re gonna be his assistant in the lab!”
“—what?” *bruce utterly shocked*
talking that man’s ear off oh my GOD
he taught you a few things along the way, though
it ended up being very educational
“yeah i built my own suit! it’s definitely not as cool as my dad’s...and he put a bunch of safety controls on it. obviously, i could bypass them and do whatever i wanted, but it’s best not to break his trust, you know?”
“you are astonishingly wise for a 12 year old”
bruce being kind of scared around you because he thinks he could hurt you
also scared you might hurt yourself on the scepter
CASUALLY talking to the rest of the avengers
“so, you’re stark’s daughter? now i’ve met three generations of starks.” -steve
“oh, wonderful, there’s a smaller one!” -thor
“hey, y/n, it’s good to see you again. still practicing those moves i showed you?” -natasha
listennnn as you got older you started to exert more of your father’s personality traits
you developed his sarcastic and occasionally ill-timed humor...and
“i mean, i’m not saying that i’m better than you but i know you’re thinking it��
when the helicarrier was attacked nobody really knew the correct way to protect you
“dad? dad??”
“right here, y/n, come with me”
tony brought your suit for emergency purposes
“you put this on and you stay here, understand?”
oh, another thing you got from him? NOT LISTENING
helping where you could, the first step to becoming a superhero, right?
being really upset when coulson died
but understanding that it was apart of the job
going back to new york for some alien ass kicking and having the whole team check on you every thirty seconds
“y/n, how’s it going?” “stark junior, are you doing okay?” “need any help out there, kid?”
“you guys don’t have to babysit me” “i’m still kickin’ it, thanks”
tony calling right before he went through the wormhole
“hey sweetheart, just gotta let you know that i love you and i am so proud of everything you’ve done”
the avengers holding you back from him when he fell back to the ground because you were unreasonably worried for obvious reasons
“is he breathing? steve? steve, let me see him! JARVIS, are you there?”
falling on the ground and hugging him (with your clunky-ass armor still on)
“hey! yeah, i missed you too”
*clink clink* pat on the back
schwarma stop
“you’re gonna eat it and you’re gonna like it”
having your own input on the stark tower remodel
taking a slight pause for random stuff
you’ve definitely drawn his mustache/goatee on your face before
“please tell me that’s not permanent marker”
“it’s permanent marker”
you and pepper doing mother/daughter things for bonding (but you and her already had a great relationship)
unreasonable amount of cussing from your father has rubbed off onto you and now he doesn’t notice when you say bad words
natasha taught you how to shoot so that was cool
“if i can shoot a repulsor, i think i can shoot a gun”
“whatever you say, baby stark”
obviously the team is just a bunch of protective uncles and an aunt
“i miss [insert avenger here]”
resume to iron man 3
just tinkering in the shop with pops
“are you sure that’s safe, dad?”
“duh, why wouldn’t it be safe?”
you were right and it was not safe
sometimes you proved your dad wrong and it made him happy?
“well would you look at that, you’re right”
learning how to help your dad with his anxiety and panic attacks
the house in malibu got blown up and your dad disappeared
you were benched by pepper effective immediately
“don’t you think it would be better if i were still out there? someone has to be out there and...i don’t know, protect the people?”
“y/n, please, you’re still a kid. i can excuse fighting aliens but i draw the line at terrorism”
“you can excuse fighting aliens??”
pepper sent you to a different house and hired a...babysitter
zip zip zip its AOU time yall remember the beginning of that at the hydra base
*explosion* “oh, shit! didn’t mean to do that...”
“watch your language, y/n!” -cap
“don’t tell my daughter what to do!”
having an external monologue that everyone just kind of rolls with
“glad i put a heater in this suit” “anyone up for burgers?” *humming Eye of the Tiger*
going back to the lab with tony and bruce and being very uncomfortable with the idea of ultron
“okay dad, you know how im usually right?”
“lighten up, kiddo. remember what i taught you about trial and error? this is a learning experience”
*bruce and you side eying*
“i’ll ground you”
“kidding, im kidding”
a lot of kid jokes from other partygoers
“isnt it past your bedtime”
“very funny”
actually dressing up nice for a change, as opposed to an oil-stained band tee
but then ur outfit was ruined because you had to shoot murder bots :(
“not cool! i designed this room!”
tony still got all the blame for ultron while you and bruce went 😬
tony made a joke about ultron being your brother and you didn’t talk to him for hours
“oh, come on! you have to learn to laugh at your mistakes!”
“poor choice of words, stark” -literally everyone
🎶getting to see your worst feaaar🎶
which was a mixture between tony not surviving the wormhole and being abandoned and vulnerable again
your phone got confiscated “because of ultron”
meeting wanda and pietro on better terms
“you are stark’s daughter?”
“um, yeah, that’s me. i sincerely apologize for anything he’s ever done wrong while i’ve been alive”
actually getting along with them (plus you were in a similar age range)
“uncle rhodey!!!”
“staying out of trouble, i hope?”
“define ‘trouble’”
okay okay, enough of that. besides a few robots hitting you and you hitting harder...and ultron taking a couple personal jabs at you after accessing some of your social media accounts...it went back to normal(ish)
you made a friend of wanda and visited the avengers compound weekly and helped with training
and nat gave you some spy pointers to help you if you ever found yourself without the suit
when you left the compound after thor that day, you had some nice father/daughter time
“why don’t i give you a driving lesson, yeah?”
“you’re gonna trust me to drive this thing?”
“sure, why not?”
you drove very fast, wonder where you learned that from
he was clasping onto the seats and whispering curse words
“next time, you can drive with happy”
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superspookywombat · 4 years
Falling {j.h} chapter three
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Warnings: poorly written description of drowning?? That’s about it, unless you count Bella and Edward being them awkward selves
Taglist: sleepy-whore geekysimmerthings mauvette268 treestarrrrrrrr kaleigh404 krazykatkay456 meganlikesfandoms darknacademia hi-my-name-is-riley vdtwsupernatural selmeuuh raindancer2004 wondersandtempests royale-trash-slytherin im-hella-bright bootylimpics livfg it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes
Fire spreading through your lungs forced you to snap your eyes open. All you saw was darkness. Coldness numbs your fingertips, a chill vibrating down your spine. You were suspended in a thick liquid, and instincts kicked in telling you to propel yourself to the surface. You stretch your arms out, but as you kick forward a sharp force yanks you back to where you started. Something teathers your right hand to the bottom of wherever you are. Opening your mouth to scream, metallic tasting thickness invades your tastebuds. It shoves itself down your throat, causing a squeezing feeling in your lungs. You know you need to breathe, but you can’t. You try to feel around for something- anything- that might help you escape. All that your fingers and toes feel is smoothness. A sudden wave of lightheadedness hits you, and the urge to breathe comes back stronger. A cough bubbles up from your throat and your mouth opens, you inhale, and you feel yourself suffocating. Your free hand flies to your throat, trying to physically make yourself stop trying to breathe. But eventually your brain realizes it's not going to get any more oxygen, and your body convulses once, twice, then three times. And then you’re gone. 
You jolt upright in an unfamiliar bed. Your hand reaches for your throat, mouth open and gasping for air. Your heartbeat races, seemingly about to jump right out of your chest. Slowly, you release your throat, sure that the threat is gone. Your hands fall to a soft blanket, and you realize your surroundings- Bella’s room. You squint your eyes and make out Bella laying in her bed, covered in a thick blanket. Beads of sweat roll down your neck, but you still shiver. The alarm clock on the nightstand next to Bella claims that it’s 5:43, about an hour before it was set to go off. Today was your first day of school, so you figured that you’d get a headstart and take a shower. 
Steam exposes itself as a thick fog, curling under the crack of the door that sheltered you from the cold world outside in the hallway. As the water drips down the small of your back, you tap your shaving razor against the cool tile to unclog the hair collected between it’s sharp teeth. Your armpits were shaved, so were your legs. You were almost out of things to shave. Almost.
After 45 minutes you figured that you needed to leave some hot water, or else you’d have to face the wrath of your sister, who desperately needed a shower in the morning to wake herself up. Rummaging through your half-unpacked suitcase, you glanced at Bella’s bed to make sure she was still knocked out. She was, as you expected. Grabbing onto a pair of embarrassingly bright pink underwear, some black leggings, and a bra, you walk back into the sweltering bathroom. After dressing- except for a shirt and socks- you walk back into the bedroom just as the alarm goes off. You flinch, glancing at the lump of blankets occupying Bella’s bed. It moves, a pale, feminine arm reaching out to slap the alarm clock. 
“I can wake you up later so you can sleep in a bit more, if you’d like.” You offer, hoping to get on her good side. She sits up, a small yawn escaping her mouth. She runs her hand through her hair, then shakes her head. 
“We’re leaving in ten.” She says. Taken aback by her excitement for school, you sit on your bed for a moment before reaching to grab a wrinkled t-shirt out of your bag. You put on some deodorant before pulling the (f/c) shirt over your still damp head. After slipping on socks and combing your fingers through your hair, you go downstairs. Bella stands by the front door, a granola bar hanging out of the corner of her mouth as she tries to slide on her boots while standing. You smile, then walk to the kitchen to grab some water and take painkillers for the headache invading your senses. Charlie is long gone, his cruiser pulling out of the driveway sometime after you got in the shower. You hear Bella shut the front door, then a sputtering cough of an old engine roars to life. That’s my cue. You exit the house- a safe space- and brace yourself to be exposed to hundreds of strangers in just a few minutes. 
Just as Bella had been, you were the talk of the town. The newest hot gossip in the small community of Forks. It was surprising when one twin returned, but when the second twin came two years after the first? What was the reasoning behind that? People could sense some family drama nonetheless. As Bella pulled into the parking lot, you could see that her whole demeanor changed. As if she was looking forward to something. Bella had always been the brains in your sistership, but she still disliked school as much as you did. After she pulled into a parking spot, she cut the engine quickly. As she reached for the door handle, you placed a hand on the center console. 
“Wait.” You say, causing her to glance over her shoulder at you. She shuts her door, settling back into her seat.
“We’re gonna be late.” She sighs.
“Just a minute, I swear.” You promise. She looks at you expectantly. “I know we’re not on the best terms right now, but I just need to know before going in there if you want to- I don’t know how to phrase this. Are we going to hang out and stuff during lunch.. And stuff?” 
She makes a face. “Sorry, I didn’t phrase that right. I just mean, am I gonna sit by you at lunch? I totally get it if you don’t want to, I know you have Edward and other friends and stuff and- you know what? Forget I said anything." 
“Relax, I’m not gonna throw you to the wolves.” She says, a mischievous glint in her eyes as if you were missing out on an inside joke.
“Oh. Okay. Thanks.” You smile. She hops out of the truck, and you mirror her movements. She blushes as you both walk over to a tall, pale brunette. He smiles at Bella, and she bounds energetically over to him. He engulfs her in a hug and she tips her head up as they meet each other for a kiss. God, get a room. Something like a chuckle from Edward forces them apart, and Bella asks him something that you can’t make out. You walk over to them and raise an eyebrow.
“So you’re Dr. Cullen’s son?” You ask, but it comes out as more of a statement. He glances at Bella, then gives you a half crooked smirk. 
“That would be me.” He answers. His pale skin compliments his eyes, a deep caramel whiskey color. His teeth are a bright white. Everything about this guy- or more likely, Greek God- made you shrink into your own skin, feeling inferior and self conscious. It was as if he was carved from marble, as if someone had spent hours and days and months chipping away at him until he reached perfection. You held out a hand for him to shake, but as he reached out to respond, Bella placed her hand on his. 
“Um, remember about that cold you just got over? You’re probably still contagious.” She says softly, her eyes bearing into his, as if there was some sort of laser beam connecting their gaze. His mouth turns to a thin line for a split second, but then pulls back into a smile, and you'dve probably missed it if you weren’t already studying his face. 
“Thank you for reminding me, how could I forget?” He says, false humor in his voice. A loud bell rings, interrupting the awkward conversation. Thank God. Bella raises her eyebrows and stares at her feet.
“Well, um, can someone point me in the direction of the office?” You ask. Edward walks with you and Bella, them lost in their own conversation as you debated whether or not you really needed to complete high school. 
After receiving your schedule and getting directions to your first period class, you push open a door that says Ms. Garcia. First was English, and that was your best subject, so you were grateful you had it first thing in the morning to start your day right. As you entered the room, your stomach did flip flops. Suddenly your hair that was resting on your shoulders weighed one hundred tons and your feet felt like they were cured in blocks of concrete. Ms. Garcia’s voice stopped as soon as you entered, and it seemed that all eyes were on you.
“Hi, you must be Y/n.” An older woman with dark hair and caramel skin held out a ring-clad hand. You shook it, and the warmth of her skin only made you sweat more. Your heartbeat raced, and you could feel your shirt sticking to your lower back. Her voice sounded a million years away as she told you to take a seat next to a girl with dark hair. As you sat, she resumed teaching and you took the opportunity to scan the classroom. Everyone looked normal, just a bit paler than your peers in Phoenix. One boy stood out in particular, a mop of blond hair and pale, almost translucent, almost reflective skin, catching your eyes. He turned his head in that moment, returning your eye contact. A chill ran through you, the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and your heart sped up. It was almost as if something deep down inside of you clicked, like a hole that you didn’t even know was there was stitched up by a golden thread. An overwhelming sense of tranquility washed over you and your heart slowed, you started breathing again, not that you ever noticed you stopped, and it felt like tiny little electric shocks traveled through your veins from your cheeks to the tips of your toes. Everything felt right. Everything was going to be okay. 
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Through It All
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Part 19
Summary: Now married, Spencer & Y/N navigate the D/s lifestyle. How will their relationship change?
Words: 1,003
Warnings: Special visitors!
Spencer turns over and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his back as sleep begs for you to return for just a little longer. “Don’t forget, Derek and Savannah are coming to visit today,” Spencer mumbles.
“I know,” you reply. As much as you want to go back to sleep, you’re looking forward to seeing them. The last time you saw them was just before Charlotte was born, and between babies and distance the phone was all you had to stay in touch. Spencer’s been looking forward to this for ages. “Wanna go tackle diaper and clothing changes together?”
Like zombies, you both rise from the bed and stumble into Charlotte’s nursery, but the moment you see her sitting up in her crib with an enormous smile on her face, you can’t help but wake up a little bit more. “Hello, my little flower,” Spencer says softly, picking her up and placing her on the changing table. “You sleep okay?”
Neither of you woke up during the night, so the answer must’ve been yes.
While Spencer takes care of her diaper change, you search through her mountain of clothing (She has more than you. How is this possible?) and finally find what you’re looking for - a little mint green sweatsuit with Minnie Mouse on it and Minnie ears on the hoodie. Getting her changed is actually more difficult than when she was a newborn because she has control of her limbs and basically wants them in any other area than where they need to be.
Feeding is fun though. She makes the funniest faces when she hates something and when she loves something, her eyes go wide with awe, like it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted, which is hysterical. While Spencer handles feeding, you make breakfast for you both, eating semi-leisurely before you have to handle the morning chores and get ready before Derek and Savannah arrive. Parent life means you have no idea where the hours go. Before you know it, there’s a knock at the door.
Setting Charlotte in front of a mountain of toys, you both go to greet your guests. With a baby, you cling to adult interactions like a magnet on a refrigerator.  
“Pretty boy!” Derek exclaims. “How ya doing?”
“Tired,” Spencer laughs softly. “But alive. You?”
Savannah walks in with Hank on her hip. “About the same. Expect being tired for the next, oh, 18 years at least. Right, Derek? How are you guys doing?” She asks, giving both of you a hug and kiss hello.
Conversation is easy, flowing as Hank and Charlotte play with each other in the living room. While they occupy each other, the four of you talk about work, and eventually Savannah and yourself stand against the refrigerator watching your boys reminisce about their days at the BAU. “Do you miss it?” Derek asks, peeking over the counter to make sure his little man is behaving himself.
Shaking his head, Spencer tips his second mug of coffee into his mouth. He still hasn’t woken up yet even though you’ve both been awake for hours. “I miss the team and seeing everyone every day, but I’m so glad I’ve made a different life for myself. I still teach and I consult every so often, so I get just enough while still being able to be at home.”
“Me too, man. At first I thought it was gonna drive me crazy, but now Savannah and the little man kick my ass enough.”
“You know it,” Savannah replies, slapping her husband on the shoulder as she throws her head back in laughter. “Plus, it’s just nice to have you home.”
Slipping into Spencer’s lap, you curl against him, all pretenses out the window as you lazily lounge there sans makeup and in the rattiest clothes imaginable. Silence falls when Hank starts talking to Charlotte and she starts babbling back. All four of you get wrapped up in how cute they are. “It’s nice to finally see you happy, kid.” Derek claps Spencer on the back. “You deserve it.”
“Cheers with coffee mugs?”
In unison, your mugs clink together and drink in celebration of your new lives. “Here’s to our families,” Spencer says.
After the four of you play with the babies for a while, with Spencer and Derek getting a little more into racing cars than Charlotte and Hank, you decide to chance going to a restaurant with a toddler and a 9.5 month old. You’re all craving Mexican and there’s a great place down the street that opened after Derek moved back to Chicago, so you decide to take them there. Just as you and Spencer and grabbing jackets out of the closet, Savannah screams out from the kitchen. “Umm, guys? Has Charlotte stood before?”
Like a cartoon, you do a double take at Spencer before the two of you rush out into the living room with your limbs hanging both in and out of your jackets. There’s Charlie, in the kitchen, right next to Savannah, standing next to a chair. “She’s standing!” Spencer smacks his hands to his head, practically ripping his hair out in excitement. Charlotte stares up and smiles. “Holy crap, you’re standing, Charlie!”
With tears in your eyes, you quickly slip your phone out of your pocket and press record, watching as Savannah takes hold of her tiny little hands and walks her toward Spencer, who’s crouching down at her level, bouncing on his heels in excitement.
“How is she so big already?” You ask, turning to Derek, who also has his phone out. “Does it just fly by like this?”
Glancing down to where Hank is still occupied with some matchbox cars, he replies fondly. “It really does. Feels like he started walking yesterday. Right?”
Savannah is too entranced with helping Charlotte over to Spencer to respond.
Derek slips on his coat and walks behind Spencer, clapping both of you on the shoulders. “She’s about to get into everything,” he chuckles. “Get ready.”
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daddychims · 4 years
Offside Pt 8
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Series Masterlist!
Genre: Smut, Soccer AU, College AU
Pairings: Soccer Player! Jungkook X Sports Trainer! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Other BTS members all make a cameo as well because I’m an OT7 Trash!
You work as a sports trainer, providing basic first aid and injury management for the Hanguk University’s soccer team. Going with your mundane life of caring for the dozen of guys hurting themselves in the soccer game takes a turn when one of the guys catches your eyes. It’s not his breathtakingly good looks or his muscular athletic body usually seducing girls at the campus that catches your eyes. But the action plan in your kit, indicating he is diagnosed with Asthma is what draws your eyes time and time again to the Golden Boy of Hanguk University.
Warning: Slow burn, eventual smut, Taehyung being a freaking tease the whole time, Fuckboy!Jungkook, Asthmatic! Jungkook , mentions of episodes of Asthma, Take your Ventolin kids, Take your medications kids!
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Your hands hesitate over the doorbell for a few seconds before finally pushing the button and hearing the melodic sound echoing.
You hear a familiar voice that is different to the person you expect would be behind the wooden door and your suspicion is confirmed when the door opens to reveal the half naked guy standing across you.
"Kim Tae?"
"Heyyyy Sugar," He smirks, immediately reaching across and grabs you by the waist to pull you to his bare chest "Did you miss me so much?"
"What are you doing here?" you push past him inside the house with an annoyed tone
"You don’t need to be so low key about it babe," he smirks as he wraps his huge arm around your neck and pulls you closer again "I'm sure you heard I moved in with Jungkook." he hesitates as he leans closer to your ear "Isnt that why you came here?"
"Where is Jungkook?" you roll your eyes looking around the unnecessarily huge place “Im here to see him.”
"Jeon?" Tae asks furrowing his eyebrows "since when you're interested in Jeon?" he stands against the door with his arms across his chest
"I just have a homework I need to do," You state turning around to face him "Now do you wanna call him for me or should I walk around your house and find him myself?"
"What homework?" He raises an eyebrow "If you're talking about the type of homework at least 5 other girls rock up here every week, his bedroom is down the hallway on the left."
"Your brain is really wired like that huh?" You ask in an unimpressed tone "I just wanna have a conversation with him, I'll just wait in the living room."
"He's at the gym." he replies walking past you
"Which one?" You ask quickly rushing after him and grabbing his arm to get your answer "The one down the road?"
"Upstairs!" he rolls his eyes "The gym is upstairs!"
"You guys have a gym in your house?" You ask in surprise
"Jeon does," He shrugs "Now do you wanna wait in my room sugar? I'll go call Jeon for yo-. "
"No thank you," You immediately object "Where can I find him?"
He points at the stairs with a vicious smirk and you nod and make your way down the hallway, walking past the room with the daunting memories of Jihyo's birthday night.  You remember how you almost turned to one of the girls Jeon boned in his senior year if you didn’t react quickly enough that night.
You shiver from the thought and walk up the stairs. When you stop and look up, your eyes widen at the sight of Jungkook sitting on a Lat Pulldown machine, with a girl straddling his lap.
You can only see the girl's back, specifically her purposely plump bottom spreading over Jungkook's lap.
You immediately look up at the guy who's staring back at the girl sitting across him, beads of sweat dripping down his thick neck, arm muscles flexing as he manipulates the weight up and down.
You gulp at the sight, immediately feeling a shiver running down your spine at the excessively lewd sight of the two.
You immediately regret not waiting downstairs and just letting Taehyung call him, his vicious smile now have a whole new meaning for you.
You're hesitating whether you should make your way down the stairs and pretend you've seen nothing when Jungkook's gaze stumbles on you and you make a momentary eye contact.
The weight snaps up with a  loud thud as he releases his firm grip, immediately standing up and making the girl across his lap fall over.
Your eyes widen as you immediately turn around and make your way down the stairs. You're bearly reaching to the bottom when you hear his voice
You pause and try to think of a way to escape facing Jungkook when you hear another voice
"What happened Sugar?" Taehyung shows up from the end of the hallway and looks at your blushing face "Weren't you looking for Jeon? He's right there." he points up at the top of the stairs with a mischievous smile, knowing exactly what you observed on the second floor.
You return an angry glare to Tae before turning around and watching Jungkook walk down the stairs "Jeon, I was looking for you."
"Yeah I just saw you," he mutters nodding his head in a confused manner "Why did you run away?"
You watch the guy in disbelief, wondering if he is acting dumb or he actually is dumb enough to not know why you avoided the situation. 
"N-Nothing, I just thought you're busy, so didn’t wanna get in the way." you explain with an awkward smile "I can come back."
"No," he quickly objects "I'm not busy, Lets talk."
"Ooh, what is this tension I feel here," Tae smirks watching the two of you "Is something going on between you two?"
Jungkook clears his throat before reaching for your arm and muttering "Lets go."
You walk behind the guy without objection as you hear Tae in the background yelling "THAT’S NOT FAIR, YOU'RE COMING TO MY ROOM NEXT SUGAR ALRIGHT?"
You both ignore the guy's childish remark as you enter his room, Jungkook immediately closing and locking the door behind himself which makes you furrow your eyebrows in suspicion .
When he notices your reaction he immediately explains "There are quite a few people living here, I don’t want them to barge in."
You nod, placing your bag on his bed, setting your phone down on his mattress while you try to look for the item you came all the way here for.
"So why are you here?" He asks walking closer and sitting on the other end of his king sized bed
"I wanted to talk to you," you say while finally finding the green coloured journal and pulling it out of the bag "About this!"
You watch him spare a look at the journal, remembering the conversation you both had with Dr Kim the other day before scoffing and looking away from you "And I thought-" he pauses midway through his sentence before bringing his eyes to you and muttering "I already told Dr Kim that I'm not doing that."
"Jungkook you're being unreasonable," You scold in a stern tone "Its not like you'll lose anything by doing this. If anything this might actually help you perform better in the finale."
"It doesn’t matter," He sighs looking down at his knees "My lungs were fucked as long as I remember. Taking the medications doesn’t change anything."
"Are you really fine with being benched?" you ask softly
"I'm not gonna be benche-" he snaps back “Lets say I’ll be benched. Why does that matter to you anyways!?”
You stare back at him, the sudden question taking you off guard. Why does this matter to you so much. Why do you care if he’ll be benched because he doesn’t take his medication. You’re not even licensed and this is already far out of your scope of practice as a mere sports trainer for his team.
“I-“ You start the sentence before you think it through enough to complete it and immediately regret your decision “never mind,” you sigh stuffing the journal back in your bag "I just wanted to try my best." you say in an annoyed tone.
You quickly take the sachet full of the medications you received from the office reception earlier and place it in front of him on his bed "This is yours," you hesitated before adding "Up to you if you wanna take them or not, but if you changed your mind just let me know. If you decide that you wanna take the medications, I should check on you once a week and record your dosage intakes."
You pause for his response but after a few seconds of silence you sigh and shift on the bed to leave. You're about to climb down his bed when your phone lights up and attracts both you and Jungkook's attention.
"So when am I getting my next dose of neck massage Miss placebo effect?" -Jimin
"Maybe you can massage me somewhere else this time? ;)" -Jimin
You reach to grab you phone when Jungkook immediately reaches before you to read the text carefully.
"Hey, give me the phone back," You reach but the guy quickly hides it behind his back before staring right into your eyes
"I changed my mind." he states in a serious tone
"Lets do this stupid journal or whatever it is," he said firmly "Instead I have a condition."
"Really?" He nods and your eyes immediately light up "What is the condition?"
"Block Park Jimin," he says through gritted teeth "No, I'll block him right now."
"J-Jungkook, What are you talking about?"
"If you block Park Jimin, I'll do the journal with you," He suggests " you can even check on my more than once a week if you want."
"You want me to block him?" you ask in a lost tone "Why?"
"Haven't you heard?" He clears his throat "We don’t let the anyone from Hanguk team hang around the SNU guys specially the girls. The fact that you're friends with Namjoon Hyung is already a massive issue."
"What?" you laugh "Is that a joke? I've never heard of such rule. How come no one ever mentioned that to me?"
"Its an unspoken rule," Jungkook says matter of factly "If anyone is involved with Hanguk team, they aren't allowed to hang around the SNU guys for the duration of seasonal games. Otherwise they might find out about our team tactics and strategies and that messes up our chance in the finals."
"I'm so confused," you blurt out looking at him in disbelief "so you're saying I would act like a whist blower and tell the other team about Hanguk team's training strategies?"
"I did not say that," he says defensively
"You implied it," you respond immediately
"I'm just saying, we all go weak after a good fuck and say things we might regret," he mutters unimpressed looking at you "so lets not risk it yeah?"
"I-I'm not fucking Jimin," you stutter "where did that come from?"
"I didn’t say you are," he says firmly "I'm just saying you might."
"S-So what If I wanna fuck him," you retort angrily "Aren't you all doing it anyways? Why is it only not allowed for me!"
"I simply choose my girls from our campus," he shrugs
"So if I shag anyone from our campus, its all good?!" you say mockingly
"It cant be that hard," he shrugs his shoulder "You have a whole football team to choose from, I'm sure Taehyung is not the one guy you give a boner to when you rub them in your duties."
"Jungkook-" you shudder at his lewd words "just stop talking please."
"Fine," he smirks watching your blushing cheeks, findings the flustered side of you amusing to watch "What do you say? Can I block him now?"
You look at him with suspicion before muttering "I'll check on you three times a week, plus the 2 training days I see you on the field."
"Fine," he sighs defeated "It’s a deal?" he brings the phone in front of him to continue with his task "What's your passcode?"
"W-Wait …" you reach for the phone hesitantly "I need to at least let him know-"
"No need," he rolls his eyes "he's probably texting 10 other girls simultaneously, he wont even notice."
"You must have a lot of experience," You raise an eyebrow as you enter your passcode and hand him the phone back
"Don’t compare me to that punk," he rolls his eyes "I don’t play girls."
"Oh really?" You scoff "I really hate to remind you but I just watched you dry humping someone in your gym, Jeon. What do you call that?"
"Incorrect, she was dry humping me" he replies unaffected "I was just doing my weekly arm workout."
"Wow," you shake your head in disbelief "you're something else."
He finally finishes his task, blocking Jimin from your phone before bringing his eyes to you "Why? Were you jealous?"
"W-What?" you laugh awkwardly thinking he's just messing around, but he just stares at you with his piercing gaze waiting for an answer "W-What do you mean?"
He shifts on the bed, closing the space between the two of you on the bed as he leans over to your face "Did you wanna be in her place?"
You look at him with wild eyes, not knowing why those words pool arousal between your legs. He stares into your eyes before shifting them to your lips and back to your eyes after a few seconds.
"Hmmm? Did you wanna hump my thighs like a dirty little girl?" he murmurs and his eyes darken in lust as he watches your lips quivering nervously against his lips "Is that what you want Y/N?"
You gulp, heart thumping against your chest as you feel another rush of arousal tainting your panties "J-Jeon-"
"You just need to ask nicely," He smirks, his hot breath fanning your lips "and you'll be over my thighs in a few seconds."
You stare back at him for a moment before finally pulling yourself together and muttering "I t-think we had this discussion before," you gulp trying to steady your voice as you quickly grab your bag and shift it over your shoulder "That I don’t wanna hook up with you."
You watch with surprise as his dark lustful eyes turn disappointed, but he quickly hides them by looking away from you and shifting back his body.
"I'll call you for the next weekly check, until then make sure you take the medications as prescribed."
You walk to his door and twist the doorknob but it doesn’t open. Only then you remember that he locked his door when you both entered the room.
You turn around to tell him to unlock the door when a gasp leaves your lips
"Jungkook," you breath out as he presses your body against the door and leans against your face again
"You sure?" he raises an eyebrow, his earlier dark gaze starting to settle back in between his lids again "that you haven't changed your mind since our last discussion?"
"I-oh" you part your lips but a breathy sound leaves your lips when you feel his hardness against your thighs and his smirk grows on the corner of his lips finally receiving the reaction he wants from you.
Hey everyone! Hope you're doing well!
I know its been SOOOO long since I updated this story!
but this self isolation is allowing me to get my life together and get back on some writing as well!
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
I'll be back soon!
Love ya'll! 
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jpegjade · 4 years
Mr. Loverman (Pt. 3)
Alright frens and ferns. we’re gonna go through this shorter chapter. Still like 3 google docs pages but my fics are normally like 4-6 pages. (if you can’t tell, i’m a one-shot writer AND HAVENT WRITTEN A STORY FIC SINCE I WAS LIKE 14. shoutout to the wattpad days.) so this one is shorter bc i need to work but i wanted to put this out. part 4 will be much longer. idk how long im gonna end up making this fic in the end. ((yall gotta keep me encouraged to focus on this thing bc my adhd will in fact leave you all hanging on a cliff hanger and we wont look back lmao)))
i apologize for the shortness. i also apologize for adding the person i hate with a BURNING passion. yall just dont know. anyway, i’m so sorry. and for those who haven’t gotten to 11/12, there are no spoilers. this is like independent of that storyline and kinda after but i’ll explain a little in the next chapter. but i wanted to keep this true to the cm universe. also i didn’t want to create a wholeass character with a tragic backstory to explain why they’re a psychopath when in reality they just suck. that takes too damn long
warnings: none that i can think of. ((i dont even think i swore once. im so fucking proud. oops)) and no, i didnt proof read. so roll with any mistakes.
mr. loverman 1: Bloop
mr. loverman 2: bloop bloop 
“Y/n, have you seen anything or anyone suspicious lately? Anyone you recognized from one place appearing in other spaces?” Prentiss said. 
Everyone was staring at you. You felt the pressure on you to say the right thing but you didn’t know. You didn’t know what to say so you tried honesty. 
“No, not that I’ve noticed. Sorry if that makes things harder.” You sighed. 
You felt like you were letting everyone down because you didn’t notice anyone. Everything in your life was mundane and nothing stood out. You were super aware of your surroundings but you still felt like it wasn’t enough. You spent more time than ever in your apartment, which was hell but necessary with everything going on.
“Here’s the problem.” Emily started. “We have received intel that you’re on a bounty hunter’s hit list. Not only that but they have been watching you for some time now.” 
You were speechless. Who would pay to have you killed? Who did you piss off enough to pay money to have you killed? And what did this bounty hunter look like? This made you incredibly nervous and despite being away for two years, your body just reacted. 
Spencer told himself not to freak out. This didn’t mean anything. You were holding his hand tightly. It was what you used to do every time you got scared. Spencer squeezed your hand a little bit to let you know he was there and then he felt you squeeze back. You didn’t let go of his hand through the rest of the conversation but Spencer was barely paying attention. Garcia eventually ushered the two of you out of the room and back to your temporary bedroom. 
The silence between you and Spencer was incredibly loud. You let go of his hand as soon as you got to the breakroom, apologizing. 
“I shouldn’t have done that.” You said. You figured that he would know what you were talking about. You sat in your corner of the mattress where you previously sat and Spencer sat in the space he occupied before the meeting. 
“No, you were scared. It’s okay.” He said. 
Silence that seemed to last forever happened. You were thinking about him and he was thinking about you. You were both so nervous about what came next but you didn’t know what to say. It took forever to come up with something but Spencer came up with something. 
“I wasn’t lying.” Spencer looked down at his shoes. 
“About?” You said, confused. You leaned your head against the wall. You were getting so tired. 
“Missing you. You have been all that I’ve thought about through these past two years.” He said, finally looking up at you. 
“Spence…” You said, yawning. You closed your eyes for a moment. 
“I haven’t connected to anyone else as naturally as I connected with you.” He said. 
“Well, I guess I can’t say anything different since I haven’t been able to move on.” You said, sleepily. It had been a long day and you were beyond exhausted. When you’re that tired, anything you say is bound to be unfiltered. 
“You were the only one who cared for me, all of me, and didn’t mind everything that came with me. No one gets that. No one cares about me like you do, even now. I couldn’t bear to take the ring off because it would mean losing a piece of you. And I couldn’t do that. I may have broken off the relationship but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you. To this day, I…” You barely said before you fell asleep. 
Spencer thought about waking you but you looked so peaceful. He hated when he was left on a cliffhanger, especially like this, but you needed rest. So Spencer gently helped you lay down and covered you with your blanket. He was about to walk outside the door to guard and take a breather but you grabbed his arm and mumbled a very small, “Stay.” 
And that’s what he did. He stayed, holding you while you slept peacefully. He was so comfortable that he eventually nodded off. That was the first time in two years that he didn’t have a nightmare that scared him awake. 
When he woke up, you were nowhere to be found. Frantically searching, he ran all over the floor before noticing it was sunrise. You loved watching the sun rise in the mornings with a cup of coffee and a nice playlist going. 
“Hey, Spence.” You said, looking out the window. You looked rested, not tired like yesterday. 
“Y/n, you scared me. I thought something happened.” He said, looking at you. How did you make a sundress look so pretty? 
“Sorry. I thought about waking you but you were smiling in your sleep, the small, happy smile you do, and I wanted you to sleep. Besides, I had Cat to keep me company.” 
Spencer’s blood ran cold. That wasn’t possible. He was jumping to conclusions and you were sure it was just an intern or someone who…
“Hey Spencie. I’m having a grand time with y/n here. She’s a ball of sunshine.” Cat said, a fake smile fading into a straight face. 
Spencer immediately grabbed for his gun but didn’t find it anywhere on his hip. 
“Looking for this?” Cat took the gun out of her bag and pointed it directly at Spencer. 
Your head could barely comprehend what was happening. You were instructed to put your hands up and walk into the conference room, sitting across from each other. 
“And no touching. That’s no fun.” Cat pointed the gun at Spencer. You noticed that she was fixated on Spencer. You guessed that they somehow knew each other.
You were already in tears. What was happening? Could you make it out of this one alive? 
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I don't date Cops (J. Halstead)
Summary: Will is trying to convince you to go on a date with his brother which you didn't want to do until you spent some time with him without knowing he was Will's brother.
Words: 1160
Requested: yes
Warning or A/N: Anyone want a part 2? Please say yes or no in the comments!
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        You were just about done with a patient's discharge paper when your favorite co-worker walked up to you. "Hey Y/N!"
       You smiled. "Hey Will,"
       "I have a question for you?"
       You finished the discharge paper and handed it to Maggie and walked to the room. "I might have an answer,"
      "So you're still single right?"
      You stopped in front of the door and looked at Will. "Yes, but we're just friends Will,"
       "What? No. Im not asking for me, Im asking for my brother,"
       "The cop?"
       "I don't date cops,"
       You pushed opened the door and smiled at your 8 year old patient and her family. "You guys are free to go,"
       "Thank you so much Dr. Y/L/N!"
       "No thanks needed. If you need anything else when you get home, dont hesitate to call,"
      You smiled at them once more and walked out of their room. "Why not?"
      "Will, I said no. I don't need to give you my reasoning,"
       Will sighed in defeat and walked away. You knew Will wasn't going to give up but at least for now, he'll leave you alone for a second.
      You were walking out of a room when you heard Maggie's pager go off and then alarms going off. 
    "Dr. Choi, Dr. Y/N. GSW coming in. A detective. Go to Baghdad,"
    You quickly grab your gloves and put them on just in time to see the paramedics bring in the detective. "Antonio Dawson. Fourty Nine. GSW lower right quadrant. Stripped his body armor in the ambo,"
      You see a bunch of cops walking into the E.D. "Hang in there, Dawson,"
     The paramedics continued. "BP 110/82, heart rate 104. Sats 100%,"   
      Choi looked at Doris. "Doris, with me," 
       You looked at the X-ray tech. "Yeah. Mike, gonna need an X-ray. KUB and chest. Let's transfer on my count.  Everybody ready? One, two, three,"
    After you got him moved, Choi looked at his gunshot wound. "Single lateral gunshot wound. No exit wound. Likely retained the bullet,"
        You pulled out your stethoscope to hear his breathing. "Bilateral breath sounds. Focused lower right quadrant pain. Let's get that lateral X-ray first,"   
       Everyone backed up. "Clear,"  
        "Retained bullet in the posterior lateral. Definitely transabdominal,"
       You nodded. "That's enough for me. Okay, Detective Dawson, we're gonna take you up for surgery, okay? Okay. All right, Doris. Let them know we're coming up. Lets move,"
       You walked out of the room and throwing your gloves away. You almost bumped into a cop. A very attractice cop. "Hows he doing?"
       "Hes going up for surgery,"
       "I don't know what happen, we cleared every room,"
       "Officer ?"
       "Its Detective and you can call me Jay,"
      "Okay Jay, listen you cant blame yourself for this. He choose this career path just like you did,"
       "But nothing. Like you said you cleared everyone, as far as you knew there was no one else whereever you guys were. It wasn't for fault,"
       You squeezed Jay's shoulder before walking away and you saw Will just walking into the E.D. "That is why I don't date cops," 
      "Y/N, every job has its hazards. Our job definitely has its hazards,"
      "Yeah, but with our job, those hazards rarely affected us,"
      "Just give him a shot. If you don't like him, then I'll stop,"
      "No Will,"
      You were sitting on a bench in the hospital's courtyard. You were finally taking your ten minute break and you were enjoying the sunshine. You heard footsteps coming towards you. "Doctor Y/L/N?"
You head lifted up from the laying position you had it in. You looked behind you and saw that Jay was walking up to you and smiled at you. "Jay. You can call me Y/N,"
He nodded. "May I sit?"
"Go ahead,"
He said his thanks and sat down. "Taking a break?"
"Doctors deserve breaks too,"
"Oh for sure,"
You looked over at Jay and noticed he still was looking down. "Hey, maybe if you tell me what happened, maybe it'll make you feel better?"
Jay looked at me for a second and then away. "We were working on a case that involved a drug deal and we were still looking for a supplier and we got a tip that he has held up at this house and so we go. We busted in the door and shot a few people after they shot at us after we said that we were Chicago P.D including the supplier. I had checked every single room and there was no body in there and the next thing I hear is a gunshot. I run out of the house and see Dawson laying on the ground bleeding from being shot,"
"Was it just you two or did you have backup,"
"We had backup but we just all missed it,"
"Did you get him?"
Jay shakes his head. "Not yet, the rest of my team is looking,"
Jay wouldn't look at you. So you grabbed his face gently and made him look at you.  I stare into his beautiful brown eyes. Outlined by long, full eyelashes, and above are his arched eyebrows. The whole look, gives me the urge to love him but I told Will that I couldn't date a cop but man, this one is gorgeous. "Your team was there with you, you all missed this shooter. He could have been hiding a tree, behind a car or in another house. Like you said you serached the house in question. You couldn't have known that there was another person that was involved. Jay, its not your fault. Is your team beating themselves up over this?"
Jay shrugged. "They just want to find the son of a bitch who did it,"
"Then thats what you should be focusing on too,"
You two just stared at each other in silence. You could feel a connection start to build. Jay's phone going off broke the stare. "Sorry, I got to take this,"
Your pager was just paged and you were needed down in the E.D. "I got to go,"
Jay nodded as you wlaked away he answered his phone. "This is Halstead,"
This makes you stop.
Halstead? You thought to yourself. Is this Will's cop brother?
You wanted to turn around and asked but your pager went back off and said that it was urgent.
After dealing with fifteen patients of a bus crash, you finally let out a breath of exhaustion as you put your things in your locker to go home. You haven't seen Jay since you talked to him on break, you've seen Will but you two both were super busy and you couldn't make time to ask him. You turn around to leave the breakroom but you see Will coming in. "Will!"
"Im not gonna ask you,"
You shook your head. "Is your brother Jay?"
Will looked at you. "Yeah?"
"Set it up or give him my number,"
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Saving Grace - Part 10
Summary: Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
A/N- This was meant to be more of a filler part but then ended up at 2000+ words! 😂😂 im not even sure how i feel about this part but here we go! Enjoy 💕
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The Wednesday before Bucky and I were planning to head to the cabin, he was called in for a mission that required the whole team so it must have been pretty bad. He promised he would do his best to get back in time so we could still go up there, but i knew we'd just have to let things play out and see what happened.
It was now Friday evening and he still wasn't home, i hadn't heard from him since the Wednesday evening and i just wanted to know he was okay.
At around 10pm i decided to head to bed to try and get some sleep, at least then i wouldn't be constantly worrying about Bucky and the team. Grace was fast asleep in her bassinet beside the bed and Harrison was star-fished on Bucky's side of the bed snoring slightly....I couldn't help but smile at the sight. When I heard a noise from downstairs I shot up in the bed suddenly alert.
"Buck?" I called out quietly so i didnt wake the kids, i knew he'd still hear me even with how quiet i was. When i got no response i made my way out to the hallway looking down over the staircase railing. My heart started racing when i saw two dark figures moving around down there. I turned and silently rushed back to the bedroom locking the door behind me. I grabbed my cell phone from the bedside cabinet and called 911 as i rushed to my wardrobe to pull out the lockbox that held our guns.
"911 whats your emergency?" A woman answered my call, i quietly told her what was happening and gave her the address. She advised she would get someone over ASAP. I hung up and dialled the compounds private number hoping someone would answer, maybe they could get here quicker!
"Hello?" A man answered on the third ring, i didn't recognise who it was.
"Hi, this is Y/N Y/L/N...."
"Oh hi Y/N its Roy, the night guard"
"Shit.... Roy is their anyone there you can send to my house now!?? there's men breaking in.... are any of the team or any SHIELD agents around?"
"Oh.... erm I'm not sure. Stay on the line and i will check real quick".
It felt like he was gone forever when it was only a few seconds.
"Steve??! Oh thank god! There's men breaking in!!"
"Two of them that i saw. Ive locked myself in the bedroom with the kids"
"Im on my way sweetheart just stay where you are. You have your gun?"
"Yeah, please hurry!" I said hanging up.
I carried Grace's bassinet into the ensuite bathroom and then went and got Harrison and took him in there too.
"Mama what you doing?" He asked sleepily rubbing at his eyes.
"Shhhh baby, i need you to stay in here with Grace and be very quiet okay?"
"Okay" he nodded and sat on the floor beside Grace's bassinet.
"Remember to stay very quiet, and dont come out until i say so" i closed the door and took the time to check my gun over. Oh god, what i would give to have Bucky home right now, he would have taken them out already without breaking a sweat! It had been years since i had retired from the Avenging life, the day i found out i was pregnant with Harrison was my last day on the job. All i was worried about was my kids getting hurt, what if i was too out of practise to defend myself against these intruders..... my internal panic was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I heard one of the doors open, the guest bedroom probably as that was closest to the stairs..... then the bathroom, Harrison's bedroom and then they stopped outside my room. The door handle jiggled as they tried to open it "over here!" I heard a man say before a loud thump on the door where he was obviously trying to bust the door open.
I stood to the side of the door gun aimed ready to fire when they made it through, because lets face it they would get through eventually!! I clicked off the safety and took some deep breaths trying to calm myself down. Suddenly the door gave way and the first figure stumbled into the dark room looking around, i aimed my gun at his leg and fired.... he yelled and fell to the floor as the bullet hit him in the thigh. The second figure dived at me pushing my arms up so my shot missed him. He knocked the gun from my hands and punched me hard in the face sending me to the floor.
"You okay?" He asked turning to his friend who was  laying on the floor holding his leg.
While he was distracted i turned to try and crawl to the where my gun had landed only for him to grab my ankle and pull me away. He reached down trying to grab me by the hair but i twisted round and kicked him away. He stumbled back crashing into the dresser looking surprised that i was fighting back. I rolled to my feet again as he tried to rush me, i dodged him easily suddenly remembering my days training with Nat and Steve. I got a few good hits in before he got a hold of me and threw me into my vanity table where i crashed into the mirror landing in the broken shards of the mirror. The man walked over looking proud of himself and he looked down at me.
"You put up a good fight i give you that" he laughed wiping blood from his split lip "I'm gonna enjoy this"
"Please stop..... why are you doing this?" I asked, Grace started crying in the bathroom and i could hear Harrison shh'n her.
"Well well well, what do we have here huh?" He grinned and started to walk towards the bathroom.
"No!!!!" I screamed and launched myself off the floor diving onto the man "you leave them alone!!" i tried to fight but i could feel the shards of broken mirror digging in various parts of my body. He tossed me aside again giving me a hard punch to the gut winding me and sending me to my knees.
"Get away from them!!" i yelled as he carried on towards the bathroom.
Another figure suddenly charged into the room crashing into the man and sending him flying into the wall so hard he was out cold on impact! I breathed a sigh of relief realising Steve had arrived.
"Y/N!" He fell to his knee's beside me "are you okay?"
"There's another guy, i shot him in the leg...."
"Looks like he bled out sweetheart"
"Check on the kids" i said pointing at the bathroom hearing Grace screaming "i dont want Harrison seeing me like this...."
"Okay" he nodded and walked over to the bathroom opening the door.
"Hey pal" i heard Steve say to Harrison "you doing okay in here?"
"Where's mama...."
"Im okay baby, just stay in there with your dad for me for a minute okay?"
"Hi sweet girl, your okay.... sshhh" i could hear Steve as he cradled Grace.
"Police department!" I suddenly heard someone yell from downstairs......great timing!!
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"I still think you should have gone to the hospital Y/N or at least to the compound. See Dr Cho" Steve said as he pulled another piece of broken mirror from my back. The police had taken the body of the man i shot and arrested the surviving intruder, i had refused to go to the hospital though.... id had worse than this before.
"Im okay, its not serious. Looks worse than it is" i said holding a towel full of ice to my face.
"Some of these are pretty deep, their gonna need stitches...."
"Then stitch them up!" I snapped at him "god Steve, its not like it would be the first time!"
"Your right it wouldn't, but we were in the field with no option but for me to stitch you up! Now we can get you proper medical care!"
I dropped my face into my hands as i began to cry, i couldn't hold it in any more. The adrenaline was wearing off and now the shock was setting in.
"I just want Bucky" i sobbed, i felt Steve tense up at the mention of Bucky's name before he carefully wrapped his arms around me.
"I know sweetheart, i've tried calling him and the rest of the team. I left a message"
"Where are the kids?"
"In Harrisons room, Grace is sleeping and Harrison was watching cartoons"
"I dont know what i would have done if they had been hurt!.... if you hadnt of showed up when you did Steve...."
"Dont think about that, i did show up and they are fine!" He said with a smile wiping my tears away with his thumbs.
"Thank you Steve, i mean it"
"You dont need to thank me sweetheart"
"Y/N!!!" I heard Bucky's frantic voice yell before his thundering footsteps on the stairs.
"Bucky" i sighed in relief. Within seconds he was in the room and pulling me into his arms, Wanda and Sam appearing seconds behind him.
"Ow Buck careful" i said wincing as his arm pressed into one of the shards still in my back.
"Doll why aren't you at the hospital!?"
"She refused to let me take her, you know how stubborn she can be" Steve rolled his eyes.
"Id be fine if you'd stop bitching and just stitch me up!"
"Okay come on, let me take a look. Wanda, can you check on the kids please?"
"Their fine Buck i made sure...." Steve started to say but she turned and went anyway.
"You wanna fill me in on what happened here?" Sam said to Steve looking pissed.
Once in the bathroom Bucky carefully removed my tank top to get a better look at my wounds.
"Baby some of these are really bad...."
Bucky said as his fingers gently traced over my back.
"Just do it Buck, I'm not going to the hospital! I can take it"
"Okay" he sighed pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder. Bucky spent the next 15 minutes or so pulling shards of mirror from my back and some in my left arm. He stitched one pretty deep wound, the rest he just cleaned and covered with bandages. Once he was done he wrapped me in his arms holding me close.
"I was so scared Buck" i mumbled against his chest "i just wanted you. I knew if you were here we'd be fine"
"I know doll, me too. When i got that message from Steve...." he shook his head "i could have lost you today, you and the kids.... i could have lost my family"
"You didn't though, we're fine"
"Your not fine! look at what that son of a bitch did to you!"
"It could have been a lot worse, i got lucky. I never thought id be so happy to see Steve again..... the guy was going for the kids Bucky and i couldn't stop him.....Steve just came out of nowhere"
"Im sure you did everything you could baby"
"I tried, but the truth is I'm out of practice. I haven't been in a fight or even picked up a gun since i found out i was pregnant with Harrison"
"You did good!" Bucky smiled leaning down and gently kissing me, i hissed slightly feeling the sting of the split lip from the punch id received and he quickly apologised.
"Guess this puts a stop to our weekend at the cabin huh? I cant even kiss you!" I moaned.
"We'll go as soon as you feel better i promise, we've waited this long right?"
"I guess so, i was just really looking forward to it"
"Oh me too! But i can wait".
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Saving Grace tags: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam
@captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest
@ms-betsy-fangirl @damnaged-princess
@farfromtommy @disneylovingal @lbuck121
@billweasleey @rynabarnesrogers
@heathens-takeitsl0w @lacontroller1991
@supervengerslock @barnesandrogersworld
@mariswritingforfun @perpetually-tuned-out
@thummbelina @marvelousstyles @broco8
@ineffableg-irl @ilovesupersoldiers
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Shbsgsgahha Im one idiot sandwich, I asked for a few prompts and I forgot to say that I want them for Ethan x f!MC. So sorry (": if I'm not mistaking they were 42,54,7,48
The Halloween Date (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
42- “No more stupid stunts, please?”
54- “Don’t point your wand at me!”
7- “Calm down, it’s just a chocolate bar!”
48- “I didn’t mean it like that! Stop making everything I say dirty!”
“Mom! Daddy! Hurry up!”
“We’re coming!” 
Ethan shook his head in amusement as his wife put the finishing touches on her makeup. “It never fails to surprise me how much effort you put into Halloween.”
“Halloween is a month long event for me.” She put on her cat ear headband and turned to face her husband. 
“We’re gonna miss all the candy!” Zoey urged from the living room. 
“You better get downstairs before Hermione and Yoda do something drastic.”
“I wouldn’t want that.” Ethan pulled her in for a quick kiss before they made their way downstairs. Their daughter stood in front of a mirror, admiring her Hermione costume. Not far away, Jonah amused himself with his lightsaber. 
“Let’s go.” The twins grabbed Ethan’s hands and led the way outside. This year was Olivia’s turn to hand out candy, so she took a seat on the porch behind the giant plastic cauldron filled with treats. 
Ethan held their hands until they were safely across the street. “Stay close.”
Everything passed smoothly enough for the first few houses. It seemed that after they rounded the first corner, the sibling rivalry induced chaos hit them like a train. 
“Don’t point your wand at me!” Jonah exclaimed, stepping away from his sister as they walked away from a house. “You’re gonna poke me with it.”
“You poked me with your saber!” 
Ethan frowned. “If you two are going to argue, we’ll just turn around and you can sit in the house all evening.”
The threat was effective enough for the next half hour. If it hadn’t been for a heated argument over a godforsaken peanut butter Snickers, Ethan probably wouldn’t have had to resort to confiscating it, along with the wand and lightsaber. 
“Calm down.” He put the chocolate bar in his pocket. “It’s just a chocolate bar. I think that since it’s your mother’s favorite and you decided to have a duel over it, we’ll take it home to Mom.”
To his relief, their buckets were full within an hour. Ethan walked them back to their house, where Olivia passed out candy to trick or treaters. Watching the twins disappear into the living room, Ethan sat next to his wife. 
“Let me guess. They made it five minutes before they got their lightsaber and wand confiscated.” 
“Ten, actually.” 
She snickered. “That’s a record. Traffic has slowed down here. Once Zaid and Ines get here to babysit, our date night is on.”
Ethan grinned. “I’m anticipating that. I think this black cat attire is my favorite costume you’ve worn so far.”
“Oh, is it?” Olivia leaned in and gave him a kiss. “Well, they won’t be here until 8:30, so I guess you have to wait.”
“Hmph. I’m not a patient man when it comes to this matter.” 
“Poor you.” 
By the time trick or treat traffic slowed down, the evening light had faded to night. Ethan and Olivia went inside to find both twins asleep on the couch. An assortment of candy wrappers littered the coffee table.
“I think Zaid and Ines may have an interesting time with them tonight if they wake up from their nap.”
Ethan nodded. “We probably should’ve paid a little more attention to what they were doing in here.”
“Halloween only comes once a year. Every kid deserves the chance to go on a candy binge, have a sugar crash nap, then wake up and terrorize the babysitter.”
“Hmm. I guess that makes enough sense.” Olivia draped a blanket over Zoey and Jonah. “They may not budge until morning.”
At 8:30, a knock on the door indicated that Zaid and Ines had arrived to babysit. (Or rather, Ines who had dragged Zaid along). 
Olivia let them in. “TThank you so much for coming. They fell asleep a few minutes ago. I don’t think they’ll budge before we get back.”
“Aw.” Ines smiled. “They look so cute.”
“Is… is that an inordinate pile of candy wrappers on the table?” Zaid frowned. 
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Don’t worry. They’ll probably be asleep until we get home,” Olivia assured them, ushering Ethan out the door. “We’re a text away if they do anything insane.”
With that, they were gone.
“I didn’t mean it like that! Stop making everything I say dirty!”
A playful smile tugged at Ethan’s lips. “You distinctly said that you had plans for when we get home. Am I not supposed to interpret that as an innuendo?” 
“Yes, but... “ she groaned. “We’re drunk. Good thing we have sitters all night and an Uber.”
Ethan snorted and handed her a pool cue. “You’re breaking.”
“Okay.” Adjusting her cue, she aimed it at the balls in the center of the pool table. “Watch this.” Turning around, she tried to make the shot backwards. Maybe she aimed wrong, or maybe it had something to do with the alcohol, but a moment later she found herself startled by a pool cue to the face.
“What was that supposed to accomplish?” Ethan was at her side in a moment, gently moving her hand away from her nose so he could examine it. “It’s not broken.” He grabbed a handful of napkins and held them to it to stop the bleeding.
“PSA: don’t drink and play pool,” Olivia groaned. “Not my best stunt.”
“Not at all. No more stupid stunts, please?” Ethan moved the napkins away, relieved to see the nosebleed had ceases. “I’d like to get you home in one piece so we can properly end the night.”
“Is that a promise or a threat?”
“Whichever you want it to be.” 
Author’s note: I absolutely plan on writing a follow-up fic showing Zaid and Ines babysitting the Ramsey kids. Chaos will ensue.
Tags: @akacalliope @sanvivrma @kiingevan @buzz-bee-buzz @isabella-choices @perriewinklenerdie @lapisreviewsstuff @polishchoicesfan @msjpuddleduck @silverlitskies @lilyofchoices @paulfwesley @dr-brianna-casey-valentine @timmagicktoad @choicesstanblog @choicesobsessedd @trappedinfandoms @alexis0280 @junehiratas
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Aftermath)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is about 17 or 18; i cried while writing this. sorry this is really long!!! pls forgive me 🥺
prompt: takes place from a3 to smffh
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Intense Years (3) Continued (5)
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let’s start on a happy note! ahahah
so for a while, earth was calm
you, pepper, and tony got to be a family for a while
wedding planning!
of course you got to try the ben&jerry’s ice cream named after your dad: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
“it’s not fair that you got ice cream named after you and i didn’t”
“well, when you grow up to be as awesome as me, maybe you’ll get your own ice cream flavor”
developing nanotech suits together for a Bonding Experience(tm)
speechless after the first test
“dad, this is...”
“the coolest thing to ever exist?”
yall ready for some shit?
the day that ebony maw invaded was pretty—what’s the word? interesting? no. well, yes, but...HORRIBLE.
it all started when you got the call from your dad
“y/n, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“god, i really have to change that. okay, JOSHIE, answer it. hey, dad? what’s up?”
“hey, kid! you know that weird ass building on bleecker street? how fast can you get here?”
“JOSH can you track FRIDAY really quick? lets see how far dad is...uh, okay, be there in five, see ya”
taking your suit for a spin and realizing how GREAT it was to be able to basically fold up your suit and put it in your back pocket
knocking on the door and it opened on its own, it was kinda cool
“is this a museum? cool.”
bruce turning around to see you after about three years and giving you an awkward smile and a wave while you stood frozen around the wizard-guys
“y/n, god, you’ve grown up!”
charging into him for a long overdue hug
“you don’t know how much i missed you. it’s been chaotic without you”
“i can...i can only imagine”
a debriefing on the situation you were about to face, and bonus! having to play the catch-up game with bruce
“just call him, dad. we need as much help as we can. steve will understand”
rushing outside to face off with some ugly-ass aliens
“oh nooo, it’s roger smith from american dad”
bruce: 👀, stephen: 👀, wong: 👀, tony: 👏👏🥰 that’s my girl
simultaneous nanosuit unveiling
“you ready for this one, pops?”
“of course! ive waited years to kick some more alien ass”
montage of you and tony getting your asses beat together (as a family <3)
peter showing up
“give me one good reason why i shouldn’t send you back to that school bus”
“because i’m good company?”
“whatever, just listen to whatever dad has to say, i forfeit my responsibilities over you”
pew pew, repulsors, pew, tiny rockets! fun! action! destroying new york again and again. good times...
until JOSHUA gave you notice that your dad was flying high
“call him. now.”
“hey! how’s it going down there?”
“dad, you know how i feel about you and space”
“i know, i know. i just...i gotta take care of this. keep pepper safe for your old man, okay?”
“i lo—l—ve y—”
“y/n? y/n?! i love you! shit!”
“we lost connection with her, sir”
trying to call peter
“call failed, y/n. should i try again?”
“i’m gonna kill them...”
walking through the rubble to find bruce, the only sensible man you know
taking him to the avengers compound asap to get to rhodey and figure out what comes next
meanwhile, tony was dealing with space and another teenager
and worrying a lot about leaving you on earth
“i mean, mr. stark, y/n’s one of the most capable people i know. she’s probably trying to fix this whole mess as we speak”
“i didn’t get to tell her i love her”
having a lovely meeting with thaddeus ross with rhodey, having a lovely time watching them passive-aggresively argue until your former teammates arrived
having to patiently (and professionally) wait for ross to hang up before running into them for a hug
“holy shit, you guys have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to see you. it sucks not being all together anymore”
“i know, y/n. we’ve all missed you.” -cap
“a lot” -nat added
bruce’s little entrance that was sure to bring some awkwardness
you, secretly freaking out about your dad
sam was the one that found you crying after you “stepped out” for a few minutes too long
“oh, y/n,” he was contemplating grabbing someone else to step in, but decided to sit next to you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, kiddo. i can’t promise you anything, but your dad is a fighter. a big pain in the ass. i think your odds are good”
laughing through your tears
“yeah, you’re right. thanks, sammy”
he gave you a little hug while you calmed down
getting to business, the ass-kicking kind
as the wise natasha romanoff once said to your father, you were being “uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal”
your mind did this funny thing...wandered into places it really should not go
the talk about sacrificing vision led to wakanda, where you had a swell time patrolling
“guys! we’ve got incoming. a lot of incoming”
well-deserved uncle/niece team up. who wouldve thought?
you would have nightmares about these aliens for years to come
“you get to die, and you get to die! everybody gets to die!”
“y/n, what did we talk about?” -rhodey
“using humor as a defense mechanism makes the team uncomfortable...”
covering the girls 😌 because we gotta have those all-girl teamups, uh-huh?
some more blasting
thor made his comeback and you just could not miss it
“hi, thor!”
you landed next to him and your helmet receded
“well, hello, miss y/n! good to see you again! my, you got taller...oh! meet my friends: rabbit and tree”
having a “what the actual fuck” moment upon seeing thanos for the first time
and flying at him from behind with a massive nanotech blade ready to kill this purple bastard
but he grabbed your arm and flung you into the dirt, that was gonna leave a mark
“i just had to make a suit when i was ten...no one stopped me, huh? i couldn’t be elon’s kid, he was a nice guy”
watching thanos snap his fingers and looking around to see dust floating through the air and thanos retreat
“rhodey? uncle rhodey?!”
“i’m right here, kid, don’t worry”
he grabbed your hand while you were dusting
“tell my dad i love him, promise?”
fading away and leaving rhodey with your last words
he was mad before anything else
all he could think about was a promise your dad made him take years back
“rhodey, you keep my daughter safe no matter what, promise?”
the avengers recooperating at the compound, waiting to figure out whether any of the space-crew survived
they had to let pepper know that you didn’t make it, she was a mess upon hearing that news
tony finally making his way back to earth
and stumbling out of that ship
“where’s y/n? where is she?!”
“tony, tony, calm down”
“dont tell me to calm down! where is my daughter?!”
“she made me promise to tell you thay she loves you”
tony knew the answer by now, he lost his mind over your death
it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, for the past 18 years you’ve been with him
after a long period of recovery, tony and pepper moved on, got married, built a home, had a new daughter...
tony made sure there was a spare room for you
he put all the things you left behind in it
there were so many photos of you in the house
and he’d show your sister, morgan, all of them. he wanted morgan to know her sister
“that’s y/n when she built her first robot. it snuck up on me a few times. it went ‘boo!’”
morgan loved the stories about you, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t see you
“when do i get to meet her?”
“uh...maybe someday, sweetie”
after being unbothered for almost 5 years, the remaining avengers came back with a plan that was so tempting, he just wanted his little girl back
cracking under pressure and telling pepper that he couldn’t ignore this mission because it was his chance to get you back
“get her back, tony”
“you think so?”
“i miss her, too.”
and so it began, he made it his mission to get you back
peeking at the wallet picture of you on his shoulders when you were so little
tony travelling to 2012; loki’s invasion
and there you were, the sassy genius 12 year old that he missed so much
“we’ve got this, tony, we’ll bring her home” -scott
and then things went badly and also 2012 tony went into cardiac arrest and 2012 y/n dove onto the floor to tend to him
“dad? give us some room, would you?!”
2023 tony smiling at how much he missed you worrying about him and how reckless he was
but also...the mission kinda went bad so that sucked
push it a bit farther back and now tony was with grandpa stark! asking how to be a dad and all that!
he could barely stand still waiting for you to come back to him, god he missed you more than he thought
and after a bit of hard work, it was time to snap
just like that, you were back in wakanda, puzzled by the gap in time before one of dr. strange’s portals opened in front of you
and then you were in the ruins of the avengers compound
“JOSHUA, can you locate my dad?”
“i think you’ll be able to see him”
“wow, i cant believe i programmed your cocky artificial ass”
“i think you can”
seeing your dad flying high and patching into the comms
“miss me, old man?”
and then he hit the gas to get to you and when this man hugged you, you almost couldn’t let go
“i’m so sorry, y/n. god, i’m sorry. these last five years...i was so lost without you”
“it’s okay, dad, i’m here now”
getting shot at during your reunion
“son of a bitch...we’re having a family moment here, asshole!”
yes, im gonna say it again. of course i am! and.........father/daugher team-up
the last one
“peter, is that you? you asshole! i cant believe you went to space without me!”
“missed you too!”
rhodey!! cant forget about uncle rhodey!!
“you gave my dad the message, right?”
“it was your dying wish, of course i did!”
“great. don’t forget i love you, too, rhodey!”
“couldn’t let me forget it”
lest we forget that pepper joined the fight?
plot twist: (step)mother/daughter team-up
mother/father/daugher team up!!!! ultimate stark machine!!!!!!!
and then you left him alone for 5 minutes and he’s got the infinity stones and you know it’s the last time you’re going to see him and you cant decide what your next move is and you’re just frozen and you cant catch your breath and he snaps and your heart plummets
you have to rush to his side, the last time you can sit beside his tired body and let him know that its going to be okay
“hey dad, it’s okay, we’re gonna be fine. thank you for everything”
peter grabbing your hand as you both sobbed next to your dad, feeling robbed of your time with him
pepper brought you home where she told you all about the five years you missed
both of you just cried harder than you’ve ever cried before
“so i have a sister?”
morgan was so happy to meet you, she couldn’t contain herself, practically latched onto you
and she didn’t fully understand what happened to tony
you saw your new room for the first time and didn’t leave it for a while, occasionally pepper or morgan would pop in
morgan actually crawled into bed with you a few times
the funeral was one of the worst days of your life
the remnants of your young life pulled back together for one day
then you hid back in your room before you heard a knock
“who is it?”
“it’s happy”
“come in”
“hey, kiddo. me and morgan are gonna get some cheeseburgers, you wanna come?”
she really was a stark
after a long hibernation, you started to get back into the groove of your old life
but the press was brutal and harsh, you were bombarded with questions regarding your dad
it took everything not to explode on camera
you stayed in contact with the rest of the avengers, mourning your dead, keeping the support system, staying a family
it was all you could get...for now
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Little Sh!t
Wacky Drabble #10 That wasnt so hard, was it?
I've had this one in my stash for a while, thought I'd finally finish it up and use it for something.
Drake, Liam, Riley and 5 yr old Nikolas.
1106 Words, just barely over the limit.
Wacky Drabblers: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @burnsoslow @jessiembruno @jovialyouthmusic @dcbbw @brightpinkpeppercorn @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @bobasheebaby @stopforamoment @romanticatheart-posts @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @pedudley @theroyalromancexx @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @emceesynonymroll
Permatags that arent listed above: @eileendannie @janezillow @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject
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Riley crouched down to place a loving kiss on her sons cheek, "I'll be home soon....be a really good boy for Uncle Drake while I'm at this meeting okay?"
A wide grin with two front missing teeth is flashed and he hugs his mother tight, "I will mommy....I love my Uncle Drake".
Drake's big marshmallow heart melted upon that proclamation and he gripped his godson's shoulders, "I love you too kiddo".
Worried, Riley took Drake aside, "I just want to warn you....he spent the weekend with Leo and his boys and returned with some....shall we say.... colorful language and now likes to play tricks on everyone....so be careful Drake."
Drake chuckled, "Have we met Brooks?...I've been known to use some "colorful" language from time to time....I don't think it will be a problem".
Riley grimmaced back at him, "Its different when it comes to a five year old prince though....he actually told Madeleine to fuck herself yesterday.....damn it Leo".
Drake snorted loudly, "he's only saying what the rest of us want to, and besides, its probably the first fuck she's had in years".
Riley shrugged her shoulders in agreement, "I suppose, but after what he's done to Liam, we can't let our guard down".
"What he do to Liam?".
She looked at her son, playing innocently with his toy truck on the floor, shaking her head. "What hasn't he done....he's removed all the L's from his computers..he shaved one of his eyebrows during a nap...oh...oh..and the kicker was the super glue in his underwear yesterday, that was horrific".
Drake snickered, "I thought he looked a little pale yesterday.....Nik is just all boy, I wouldn't worry about it".
"Well, if you need me or Liam, text us".
He grabs both of her arms and gently glides her to the door, "It'll be fine, trust me....Nik and I are amigos".
After she leaves, Drake turns in time to see Nikolas bolt up the stairs and he follows after him curiously, "Hey, where ya going pal?".
He searched Nik's room, the guest rooms, the bathroom, and the hall closets, however, he could not find him anywhere.
Drake finally heard a buzzing sound from Liam and Riley's bedroom, so he opened the door, "Hey pal, you in here?"
A purple flash crosses in front of him and hits him square in the face.
"You're terminated fucker!", Nikolas yells as he jumps around in victory, highly proud of himself.
Drake rubs his sore nose and with a scowl looks down to see what Nik had thrown at him. His eyes widened as he realized what the purple vibrating object was, then noticed the boy had a larger, pink one still in his little hands. He ran his own hand along the back of his neck, "Ugh...buddy...where'd you get those?"
"In mommy's drawer.... they're light sabers dumbass, now prepare to die you scummy bastard!"
Nikolas charged full speed towards Drake with the pink one aimed directly at him. Once he was close enough, Drake grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him upon his shoulder, "Boy....I swear, I'll wear your little ass out...calm down and put those things....".
He wasn't even able to finish his sentance when Nikolas started jabbing it into the back of Drake's head causing him to lose his grip. Nik fell to the floor and immediately took off again, not even phased.
"That little shit", Drake groaned before running out of the room to find him.
Drake walked downstairs and saw him sitting on the couch watching cartoons. He was hesitant to approach him at first, but, Nik seemed to be more relaxed, so Drake sat on the other end of the couch.
The boy sat quietly watching his show, Drake eyeing him the entire time. After several minutes, Nik jumped up suddenly, causing Drake to duck for cover. "Uncle Drake, can you make me some hot chocolate, PLEASE", he asked with pleading eyes.
With that kind of look, Drake couldn't say no to him as he relaxed from his hypervigilent state. They both walked into the kitchen and Drake prepared the ingredients as Nik watched keenly at his side. When it was finished, Drake poured two mugs full and topped them off with marshmallows.
Drake handed a mug to Nikolas, cautioning him to be careful. Nikolas sneered at it, "I WANT SPRINKLES!!! I WANT SPRINKLES!!", he yelled.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!", Drake yelled back at him in frustration as he slammed open cabinet doors looking for sprinkles. "Fuck your damn sprinkles!"
While he was searching, Nikolas pulled a laxative from his pocket, unwrapped it and placed it in Drake's mug.
Drake finally found the sprinkles and went to pour them in Nik's drink, but, the child covered his mug and smiled back, "Nevermind". Taking his drink and sitting at the table.
Drake mumbled several obsenities under his breath and contemplated what the consequences of treason against the crown prince entailed. He was afraid to sit next to Nik so he stood at the counter, sipping his drink, wondering why Nikolas was smiling so brightly at him. I bet that little shit is plotting my murder right now.
Several minutes passed and both had finished off their hot chocolate. Nikolas's blue eyes glistening with uncontainable anticipation that gave Drake an uneasy feeling in his stomach. In fact, the growl and rumbles were becoming more and more unsettling, as he washed both of their mugs and put them away.
Drake clutched his stomach as he felt his face warm and flush. He gulped loudly when his lower intestines started to gurgle wildly, taking off for the nearest bathroom.
He sat down and let go, suddenly realizing everything is not as it seems. He opened his legs and looked between them, there was clear wrap over the toilet. As he tried to get up, he found himself stuck, as well.
Nik innocently opened the bathroom door, cell phone in hand, live streaming to Liam's official facebook page.
He waves at the camera, "Hello everyone, I'm the Prince of Condomonia", he flips the camera around to show Drake sitting on toilet, "...and this is my Uncle, Drake Walker taking a shit", he giggles.
The Royal Council was in the middle of their meeting, when several phones start buzzing one after the other. Each member, including Liam and Riley taking a nonchalant peak, to appear as if they were still interested in Godfrey's ramblings.
The CBC was now broadcasting the live stream coming from the King's Facebook page.
Liam and Riley watched in horror as a shot of Drake sitting on the toilet, wiggling furiously to unloosen himself, cursing words they had never heard of before, was shown. Their young son singing in the background...
"....when you're running from the police and you feel that anal grease...diarrhea...diarrhea!..."
Maxwell sits up excitedly, "Hey, I taught him that, and he's getting all the words right this time".
Liam and Riley dashed from the meeting room and headed for their quarters; Liam running a little slower, due to the burning, raw feeling still in his balls from the super glue incident.
"...when you're sitting on the commode and your butt starts to explode...diarrhea...diarrhea".
Liam snatches up his son's cell phone, live stream still going. He looks in the camera with a stoic face and using his Kingly voice, "Diarrhea is the number one killer of men in Southeast Cordonia....please remember to take your vitamins everyday and eat plenty of fiber. This has been a message from you monarch...good day".
Due to the fierce rage in Drake's eyes and the incessant use of the word fuck, Riley picked up Nikolas, who was now crying, and carried him away to safety.
Liam inched closer to Drake, holding his hands defensively in front of him, "Easy there buddy....Im not gonna hurt you".
Drake was seething and almost appeared manic, "Liam", he whispered with a growl.
Liam decided to take a small step back to give Drake some breathing room and to avoid any sneaky, killer moves Drake could manage with his hands. Speaking softly to him "Drake...my best friend since we were kids....can you use your inside voice to tell me what happened?"
"My inside voice?", Drake grinned back at him. "My.... inside voice?", he said a little louder. "Come a little closer Liam, so you can hear me using my inside voice while I tell you how I'm going to cut your sons nuts off and feed them to the fucking corgi's".
Liam gasped out at hearing his precious son threatened in such a manner. He stood taller and straightened his suit jacket, "I see we have reached an impass....I will have Bastien get you loosened from the toilet once you can assure me you won't hurt Nikolas and call housekeeping to clean this mess up.....and Drake, I'm truly sorry for your unfortunate situation at the hands of my child".
Drake continued to wiggle, getting more and more of himself loosened by the minute.
Liam called Bastien who arrived shortly after, more for security reasons than to help Drake. Bastien helped Drake break free while keeping his tranquilizer gun close by in case he became beligerant....well, more than be already was.
Drake washed up and exited the bathroom, then walked into the living room where Liam, Riley and Nikolas were huddled on the couch. Nik was still crying and Liam was trying to shield him from a sudden, sneak attack.
Riley stood to face him in concer , "Drake, Im so sorry, are you okay".
Drake nodded his head calmly, "I'm fine...just please tell me you are going to beat his ass though".
Liam covered Nikolas' ears, "Drake!! we use positive consequences in this house, we don't believe in corporal punishment...Dr. Spock says..".
"Fuck Dr. Spock.... I believe in an eye for an eye and since my ass hurts right now, I want that little shit's ass blistered".
Riley placed both hands on Drake's chest, easing him back. She turned to Nikolas and tried to pull him away from Liam's protective grip, "He's going to apologize and then we will discuss a proper punishment later".
Liam relunctantly let go as Riley led her son up to Drake, telling him to apologize for his behavior.
Drake didn't want an apology, he wanted death, however, one look at Nikolas and his tears of fear, broke his heart. He leaned down and picked Nik up in his arms, consoling him, "It's okay little pal, its all over".
Nik continued to sniffle, hugging Drake tightly, "I'm so sorry Uncle Drake....I love you".
"I love you too Nikolas"
Riley smiled at them both, " See, that wasn't so hard, was it?".
Drake left the quarters and headed to his room. He was exhausted, sore, and a little worse for wear, but, decided to let it go.
He opened his cabinet and pulled out a whiskey bottle, opting to drink straight from it. He took one sip and spit it out immediately, "What the hell....this tastes like....piss?". He noticed tiny finger prints and smudges on the cabinet glass and it finally struck him what happened, "That little shit!"
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