#im imagining some kind of future verse
ma1dita · 6 months
Even though Luke doesn’t cheat on Trouble, I listen to Burn from Hamilton and imagine these two post tlt bc yes i like the pain,, no i don’t need therapy, officer 😀
girl the way this is probably canon anyway bc in the trouble!verse luke is a Hamilton Hater ™ and trouble was known to be singing songs from the musical with her ex-bf
im DYINGGGG but damn if you go to therapy hop in we can carpool
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sidenote there's still a lot that can relate in the lyrics and im bored rn so lets feed into the delusion for a bit (guys I'm a fic writer who peaked in the 2010s in the age of bad youtube fan recreations of songs to fit their otps... i know how to work with scraps)
She said, "Be careful with that one, love , "He will do what it takes to survive" // You and your words flooded my senses, Your sentences left me defenseless, You built me palaces out of paragraphs, You built cathedrals // I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me, I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line, For some kind of sign, And when you were mine // The world seemed to burn, Burn
Mr. D warned her from the beginning about Luke, even silently in 'play pretend' because she was becoming more like her old self (reckless and crazy, just like him) when she was falling in love with Luke, and it isn't a bad thing but definitely takes away fro what her and Luke have been working at as THE counselors of CHB. Luke's always been good with words as a son of Hermes to the point that it even fools Trouble to some extent, there comes a point where her as an amazing actress can't tell when he's lying---and he learned that from her...
You published the letters she wrote you, You told the whole world, How you brought this girl into our bed, In clearing your name, You have ruined our lives // Do you know what Angelica said, When she read what you'd done?, She said, "You've married an Icarus, "He has flown too close to the sun" // You and your words obsessed with your legacy, Your sentences border on senseless, And you are paranoid in every paragraph, How they perceive you, You, you, you!
this made me giggle OKAY HEAR ME OUT LMFAOOOO ever since they got together (in the span of a little over a year before his betrayal), they always sleep in the same bed when they can as mentioned in 'now that we're older' because they barely have time to themselves in the day....when 'when the chaos is through' is posted, that's when Luke agrees to side with Kronos in his ultimate belief to protect Trouble from impending war and eventually give her a better life outside of CHB. (imagine kronos dressed as eliza schuyler and we're set because luke essentially brings him to bed with them for half of their relationship and she doesn't know LMFAOOOOO) and well yeah yall know his decline after TLT but he's in too deep to fall back
I'm erasing myself from the narrative, Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted, When you broke her heart, You have torn it all apart // I'm watching it burn, Watching it burn, The world has no right to my heart, The world has no place in our bed, They don't get to know what I said, I'm burning the memories, Burning the letters that might have redeemed you // You forfeit all rights to my heart, You forfeit the place in our bed, You'll sleep in your office instead, With only the memories of when you were mine //I hope that you burn
The beginning part reminds me of the confrontation scene in 'love is a blister' where the counselors put Trouble on trial for loving Luke---the reality of it is they and everyone at camp only know what Luke & Trouble have shown them, but everything between them is private and their own. They didn't expect him to leave her behind. There are a lot of references throughout the series and especially in 'solipsism' where his last time alive as his waning sense of self he goes to visit Trouble who's fresh from visiting Annie in 'love is a blister' and he literally is burning through his old self as kronos overtakes his body. He couldn't imagine not being able to say goodbye before becoming true vessel and well in TLO, teeeechnically what happens and what i plan to write i--[GUNSHOTS]
me saying scraps and then copy pasting almost the whole damn song... ive said too much. this was entertaining, how'd I do?
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whinlatter · 9 months
i MUST hear your thoughts on "im your man" by mitski and how it's the ginny/harry/sirius trio anthem in "beasts"...must hear
what have you done asking me about this...... a great and terrible mistake........ the air is thick with sirens...........
basically i'm your man is an absolutely perfect song about feeling unworthy and undeserving of the love someone gives you, and a feeling of great dread that one day the other person will realise it and leave. it is - for this reason - so eye-wateringly ginny-sirius-harry coded i simply cannot bear it. that whole album (the land is inhospitable and so are we) is heaven and there are so many songs on it that have been absolutely dynamite for getting the juices flowing with this fic (the frost and star are my hinny anthems for chapter 12  👀)
so i am taking a short dissertation writing break to offer an entirely unhinged rant about i'm your man complete with some mild beasts spoilers because apparently i care a lot about this inexplicably. thank you so much for humouring me!
you're an angel, i'm a dog or you're a dog and i'm your man you believe me like a god i'll destroy you like i am
the first verse plays with the idea that there are three tiers of being - dog, man, angel/god - that all exist in relation to each other. the narrator sings the song to put themselves down. you're an angel, i'm a dog - meaning, i'm lowly nothing compared to your pure divine greatness. in the next line, a twist and advance on that idea: you're a dog (faithful, honest, loyal, loving easily and with such trust) and i'm your man (the one who is responsible for you, who you look to protect and sustain you, who is unworthy of that kind of adoration). you believe me like a god - you trust and believe in my power and ability to take care of you and guide you. but then: i'll destroy you like i am - the only real godlike power the narrator identifies with is the capacity for destruction and ruin.
ok partly it's... you know....... the dog thing because i am very on-the-nose. (obviously sirius as padfoot, but also the distinctions in the wizarding world between beings as the moral civilised entities vs the beasts, the wild and lawless and violent magical creatures). but it's also this suggestion of hero worship and adoration from one character to another, and the object of that kind of love struggling to feel worthy of it and fearing the power it has given them over the other person. it's such a huge vibe for how i'm thinking about these characters !! i feel like it works both for harry and sirius' relationship as well as harry and ginny's: the love and reverence harry has for sirius, when sirius is filled with so much self-loathing and guilt and awareness of his own failings as a parent figure, and the way harry comes to love ginny and think of her as this pure singular light and symbol of all his hopes for a bright and good future, which (i think!) would be a lot for ginny to take on and live up to and feel deserving of. there's even shades of it in how i imagine ginny feels about sirius in the flashbacks - little ginny looking up to sirius like he's a god, hanging off his every word, sirius backing away from being responsible for this child's admiration and desire for guidance from him.
i'm sorry i'm the one you love no one will ever love me like you again so when you leave me, i should die i deserve it, don't i
i mean this is a pure sirius verse imo also with such harry shades to it ('i deserve it don't i' pure ootp harry angst). but i see some of ginny in this too ('i'm sorry i'm the one you love' - her wish that she could just be such cool and chill and easy and trying to live up to this idea harry sometimes as of her as so strong and stoic and able to deal with things, and then her feelings when all that comes crumbling down....)
i can feel it getting near like flashlights coming down the way one day you'll figure me out i'll meet judgment by the hounds
the feeling of being hunted! sirius and harry as wanted men! ginny getting found out and caught in her secrets and half-lies! 'i'll meet judgement by the hounds' god. god
people always gave me love others were never to blame after all you believe me like a god i'll betray you like a man
i think of this verse as the sirius and ginny verse. here the narrator locates the source of their unworthiness internally, not in being deprived of love by others, but in something fundamentally broken and tainted inside them. sirius as a character can't blame a total absence of love for what he's become - he was loved, he blames no-one but himself for the loathing he feels for himself. ginny, too, could not have been more loved, both before the TMR ordeal, but also thereafter - she comes from a family that adores her, she is widely liked and admired; but still, there's something missing in her sense of self. i do not wish to spoil future chapters but yeah this is bit is a Big Mood as we come closer to understanding ginny's war and what it asked of her
in chapters 10 and 11 of beasts, i started to play with this idea of the traitor, of a person who has made a great and terrible choice to betray the people close to them and in doing so revealed a true self that was there all along but lay dormant. so far in the fic, i've tried to thread in a lil drip-drip-drip of questions about the self, who a person really ever is, and about the choices characters make because of their sense of who they are, especially moral choices, in a war and under a regime that must, ethically, be resisted.
of sirius, harry, and ginny, so far it's sirius who knows most about what it is to be a traitor: someone who spent the bulk of his life assumed to be a turncoat, who is consumed by his hatred of wormtail and the memory of his treachery, who can't even begin to grasp the layers and dimensions to his own brother's betrayal, and who fundamentally still thinks of himself as a traitor to his best mate, believing himself to having 'as good as' killed lily and james. harry is the one who's full of trust, throughout the war:
'“No,” Harry said out loud, and they all looked at him, surprised. The firewhisky seemed to have amplified his voice. “I mean . . . if somebody made a mistake,” Harry went on, “and let something slip, I know they didn’t mean to do it. It’s not their fault,” he repeated, again a little louder than he would usually have spoken. “We’ve got to trust each other. I trust all of you, I don’t think anyone in this room would ever sell me to Voldemort."'
“No, I think you’re like James,” said Lupin, “who would have regarded it as the height of dishonour to mistrust his friends.” Harry knew what Lupin was getting at: that his father had been betrayed by his friend, Peter Pettigrew. He felt irrationally angry. He wanted to argue, but Lupin had turned away from him...'
ginny, of course, knows what it is to be betrayed - by her first real friend, by her own brother. but i just think these two final lines, the twist on the first verse, are such a huge huge mood for drawing some of these ideas to the surface as the plot inches (v slowly lol) forwards - the idea of a character who has had every faith put in them by someone who loves and believes in them, who fears that they wll buckle under the weight of it and betray that love and trust in terrible ways. to betray you like a man - for the great moral sin to be something inherent to no other creature or being but man - is just such a powerful cool as shit line that is really gettin me going for writing the next bit of this fic.
wow i didn't even know how much i cared about this song but turns out it's a lot???? troubling for me!
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slutsofren · 1 year
oooh i’m not sure if this has been asked yet but directors cut on why you chose hebrew as the language for the book? and how will that tie in to the story, did the humans in reader’s world once come in contact with ancient fae of some sort?
AH THIS IS SUCH A GREAT QUESTION and one that has a very intricate answer so please just stick with me on this, just-
hold on let me get my whiteboard out!!
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okay SO-
when i initially read acotar i read amren and her WHOLE VIBE as being an angel. like full stop, "be not afraid" biblically accurate angel. beautiful and terrifying and to be revered. i am what i jokingly refer to as a "recovering catholic" and went to catholic school. i was aggressively indoctrinated to our catholic church so when i read amren speaking of twin cities that burned i single-mindedly only read it as Sodom and Gomorrah* which further solidified my theory. is it true? idk. is it how sjm wanted her to be read? idk. it's just how i personally read her character.
* = as for Sodom and Gomorrah, for those who are unfamiliar with it- a very very very simple way to understand the verse was that they were twin cities that were punished by god for their sins and god destroyed them from existence for their apparent wickedness against his plans for humanity and nature. there's a lot of external context im leaving out but intrinsically that is the gist.
now i haven't read crescent city and i read throne of glass YEARS ago once so my memories of the series is fuzzy but i've heard that CC does go a bit deeper into abrahamic religious imagery throughout the two books. [spoilers for CC] with that being said i know of the crossing over sjm is aiming for with the tie-ins at the end of CC2 and i did read that snippet so after that came out it really did kind of help push this specific idea that i had of world jumping souls and whatnot.
so with me reading amren as an angel who was trapped into a fae body i felt that the book of breathings had to be hebrew. it felt right for my interpretation of amren and for her and reader to have that thread of connection of being from the same world, only thousands of years apart. i felt that if reader was at least culturally knowledgeable enough to recognize the stylized lettering of hebrew and recognize it enough to know it was a Semitic language, amren would 100% throw her entire being into readers corner. she trusts reader enough to know she is telling the truth but i see amren as being just that much self-serving that she was never going to justify doing whatever reader asked of her without question, but seeing the book, seeing reader recognize the language that (from amren's perspective) only amren knew, she saw you the reader for the first time and finally thought- this is it, this is where i am going to get answers.
as for the bigger picture, reader was not the first world-jumper ever. in fact reader is only a number of a multitude and suriel has alluded to knowing about the situation prior. the only difference is that this is the first time that a world jumper has came with the knowledge and foresight of reading acotar (lol 🤪) and was prepared enough to survive the specific narrative that was before them as feyre. almost like a how-to guide of what not to do right? lol. i have future chapters outlined enough that i know how i want to tell this story and where i want to deviate away from sjms storytelling and insert a narrative that includes world-jumpers who are not inherently good or even morally-grey. that there are world-jumpers who want to see the world bow down to their whims and destroy.
but now im just getting spoilery lmfao
as for humans from OUR world going to prythian, like i mention, reader was not the first to body swap with some one for whatever reason. historically in the high lady of cunning, i would like to imagine that it has been happening for generations and those who have tried to explain their situation have either been silenced one way or another or, more likely, decided to keep silent and try to survive. but even if all of those were potential possibilities, how many of those world-jumpers were fae? or even something stronger, far more ancient like a minor god of this world? along the line i believe a few fae from one court or another gathered together in secret and created the book of breathings as a failsafe, in a language only they could understand and read.
whether or not any of what i mentioned above actually make it into the fic is to be seen because like i said, i have a very solid outline for the future of the high lady. regardless, i hope i answered your question and gave you insight to where my mind is!! i love this funny lil horny fic and i will ALWAYS want to talk about it and behind the scenes stuff so if ya got any more deep dive questions, just shoot 'em in the inbox!!
thank you so so sooo much for your ask!! 🤲🤍🌹
sending you love anon muah!!
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bandtrees · 8 months
hello o//
i heard you had a fursona and i was curious to know about them if you’re willing to share :]
(/nf of course)
oh of course!!! :]] here he is!
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i <3 robot furries so he's a robot dog! i based him most obviously off of transformers (specifically idw tailgate and ironfist) (named kibble both cuz dog and cuz that's the term in transformers fandom for extraneous robot-parts that don't serve much purpose on a 'human' body ie wheels etc) but i also wanted to, in 2024 redesigning him for this ref sheet, make him a bit easier to follow as an anthro dog design and able to be worked into furry stuff, while still being visibly mechanical ^_^
in the ways of lore i really don't have much for him - honestly he's just a standin for myself - but i have the concept that he was made to be a sort of living computer. genius database, future of technology, etc... but his storage capacity's small and his scope of interests even smaller, so he doesn't really have much actually technically helpful knowledge... he does, however, have encyclopedic levels of knowledge about nonsense things like tvtropes and trivia for whatever show he's into now.
(^really this is just a way (FOR ME PERSONALLY i should say as i know 'autistic robot' is a bad stereotype for a reason) to express autism as that's what it feels like for me a lot of the time. having a lot of passion and drive to learn but only in the few things your brain's latched onto - and of course the social hurdles that will come with being a robot in 'human'(furry?) society)
he's very inexpressive - doesn't have pupils, doesn't blink, has no mouth (the robotic muzzle isn't a mask, it's just what his face looks like), and i imagine he speaks mechanically too (i waffle between making him mute, giving him a text-to-speech type thing, or limiting his communication to pulling up webpages haha)
he's also one of those fursonas that has a few different designs and such depending on the 'verse, i've drawn him in the context of transformers designs for selfshipping a few times (specifically w/ mtmte first aid, and moreso idw/es tarantulas) and i should do that again :] depending on the situation his design falls in many different places along the furry-mech scale lolol
to get real: i've been a furry and had fursonas since. like. im gonna say as far as 2008, since i was very small :]c but kibble's the first one in a long time i feel actually suits me in both a "feels like me" sense and a "fun character to draw with some degree of fun fantasy" - cuz for a long stretch of time, when i stopped being into sparklecats and the like as a teenager, i fell hard into the "truesona" type of furry designs...
...which, nothing wrong with those, but as someone with crummy self esteem, just kind of led to me hyperfocusing on myself as a kind of "boring slob" type of character. not interesting enough to be anything but a plainly colored realistic animal, and too self-conscious about my appearance to feel too comfortable straying from "fat, depressed, tired and messy slob", as to portray myself as anything but that felt dishonest.
until one day, and this was at the height of my transformers hyperfixation so i'd grown attached to very inhuman robot-y designs, i just kind of realized, "hey, if i wanted, i could make my sona anything i want, right? i like robots and my friends compare me to dogs, i could make a robot dog! i could have fun designing a mech anthro dog!" and. i did lol. and it's the happiest i've been with a fursona, both from a design standpoint and a 'me' standpoint :]]
thank you for the ask! sorry for suddenly getting so real, i don't think you expected me to, kibble as an oc just means a lot to me :'D
(i also have other, non-sona, furry ocs if you ever wanna hear about furry boy band drama lol. i only recently reopened asks again so i'm trying to get more comfortable with em despite my constant Inbox Paranoia. ty again!!)
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
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I’m glad I could be any help 🤗🤗🤗 I won’t hesitate to alert you of more potential ataraxia deep dives and world building ideas once they come my way…
With that in mind, whos the rarest monsters? Cause I feel like the interactions between
member-monster -> you -> others of their kind
is very different, and the way they would have you interact with their world is very much dependent on their species’ rarity.
Cause for woo, if he’s the only being left, I can understand his party attitude acting as a tiny bandaid to the large wound of being the last of his kind—but if he isn’t!!! That’s the big problem cause I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate someone of matching or stronger magics to interfere with what he grows with you. Idk if he would feel secure in a future with you if he knew that he wasn’t the only one there with his being that could potentially tamper with your fate the way he could. I also think he would go absolutely ballistic of another of his kind threatened his livelihood on a scale where only he can defend it.
Hellhounds for me seem like solitary creatures despite being dogs, or it could be the hard topic of discussion for you and yuyu. Cause if he was part of pack, idk how he could handle another his kind finding humor or other unsavory thoughts in concerns of your relationship with yuyu.
We already got a glimpse of Hwa so the siren folk seem so beautiful and open minded (from what we witnessed so far) but at the same time, I feel like joong is holding out on some thoughts because of his former humanity.
Mingi, sang, Jongho give me similar territorial vibes but in their own ways. Dragons give me solitary vibes but at the same time, very much “would ally with an enemy dragon against dragon hunters/dragon enemies without a second thought”.
Fae and incu-sucu-buses I feel like are very protective and competitive beings and the mere thought of others of their kind coming to steal their treasures for themselves sets them off in their worst ways.
Also, did you already give a hint for what San is cause I’m drawing a massive blank trying to comprehend what he was 🤔🤔🤔
i think im gonna just put you and gaia down as my ATX verse cowriters bc honestly I wouldn't have made it to this without yall picking my brain and making that hamster on that wheel start running huehue
as far as rarety goes, Woo would be at the top here. He's not the ONLY eldrich being in existence (might fuck around and add nods to my rp verses in here and throw in eldrich Lee Minho and eldrich Yeonjun for giggles who knows depends on how Im feeling that day-) so yes def a big uh oh potential there. He's not the only one, but he's one of the most active. The Elder Gods usually lay dormant and observe in a hibernative state but Woo has like....cosmic adhd man he cant still if you paid him so it started with him walking amongst the stars and observing and ended up with him amongst the people of our humble little space rock because author fie said so *wheeze*
after him would be Mingi, since dragons don't just make babies left and right and they also have a very intricate incubation period once their eggs are laid. and even then, its like rolling a gatcha to see if the egg will even hatch or if it's a dud with nobody home. (Dragon eggs are really expensive though so you can imagine Mingi is a bit...fucking batshit feral around his eggs and when it comes to protecting them)
everyone else is on the more common side. Seaborns are..well, born, or transformed, fae are born rather frequently, same with Incubi/Succubi, and after them the more uncommon would be Manticores (San) and Hellhounds (Yunho). Not super extremely rare, but the manticores are endangered and most of the Hellhounds are...still in Hell. or they prefer to hang around cemeteries scaring the shit out of teenagers idk.
Hellhounds are usually more solitary in this verse but Yuyu still retains his Golden Retriever status so he tends to hang around his besties. Plus I have some lore for how he met some of the others and became intertwined in this 8 way band of idiots from very very different walks of life. So he's an anomaly in his own right behaviour-wise.
Hongjoong is def jaded from trauma, and usually keeps to himself guiding and leading their Oceanic village until he has to come above for Business Time(tm), but he does very much enjoy all of his non equatic boyos (folks say you don't pick favorites, Hongjoong will laugh at you and say the 9 foot tall dog and the 10 foot tall winged lizard are his favorites anyway)
San is probably one of the more solitary out of them because of the endangerment status of manticores. He's more social around them all and Wooyoung and him get on thick as thieves (because of course they do, you expect me to not glue WooSan to the hip? cmon now-) but he's a bit more distrusting of the world around him compared to the others (*cough* Yeosang, Yunho *cough*) Mingi has his own den as well but since the boys became besties, there are enchantments he can put on them (thanks, Woo, thanks Yeo-) that protect his area when he's away to help out with anything the others need.
Jongho would be competitive but he uh. Has a bit of a dilemma. He's an incubi whos never had a "proper" meal. So he kind of just. feeds off of the folks around him when he can be around that but he's a bit of a struggle bus at the moment until I decide who he's getting matched with. Also, he still is the youngest of all of them so he's full of untapped potential. Please save him.
and yes I said it a few times here but for clarity, San is a Manticore. Big heckin kitty
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tomato-fendo-writes · 2 months
Hi there, I think my previous ask got eaten or something. First of all, I love your fic, Kazuya is gradually warming up, but he still has a long way to go. Last chapter made me squee, though it's kinda sad how long it took him to recognise affection.
I was thinking about how in the future, he might actually keep the pictures Jun sent him preciously. They are one of the only traces of her and the childhood he missed. Might be a source of regrets too, because what if he had decided to stay ? Especially if he manages to repair and build a relationship with Jin in the future.
Also, imagine him becoming a grandpa and not knowing what to do because he wasn't initially there for his son but it's also kind of like a second chance.
(The brainrot is real with your AU, it can go in so many directions)
thank you so much!!! really gonna try to get back on it, gonna get the next chapter final beta’d soon even if i’m stuck as hell on the chapter i’m currently writing lol. i can’t comment TOO much on what you’ve posited here, but as ive said before, i rarely bring up seemingly important things in my work without it playing a part somewhere down the line ;) not if it can help it lol, i know i have a real habit of over-adding, but my sister-beta grabs me by the scruff for that p often
the idea of grandpa kaz in this verse is 😭 can’t spoil how he ends up of course, but now you’ve got me emotional thinking abt the concept dammit dhskdbjs
one final thing, i will say that i dont intend to go TOO far off the canon rails in terms of many things, but there will be an obvious deviation point way down the line where its clear things aren’t gonna be how they are canonically at all lol, just because of how we get there. i have since thought of a myriad of really interesting paths to take for this verse, but dangit the whole thing is plotted and i need to stick to the spirit of what im doing dhsjdj. maybe once its clear where things are going to be going overall, i can discuss some of those other ideas :’)
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survivial-a · 5 years
‘ i’m not scared of the monsters hidden underneath my bed ’
poetry starters ( not accepting ) @thuskindlyiscatter.
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          ha!  raven’s cold demeanor cracks into a genuine smile.  “ well, well.  oh, don’t tell me, you’re going to say that you slay those monsters now, right? ”  raven closes her eyes and puts a hand on her hip, chuckling softly to herself.  “ those monsters underneath your bed are nothing compared to what you and your little ragtag group are up against. ”  spring shakes her head in disapproval, and her lids close briefly as she paces across the wooden step extended from beneath her tent ( the boards creak beneath her heels, beneath the weight of the secrets she holds so heavily in her isolation ).  “ you can tear down all the grimm and figurative monsters you like.  but you know, ruby, if you feel like you have to prove to me that you’re not a child, you probably still are one. ”
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Im sorry but ive gotta talk about Coming Up - im sure a million other people have pointed this out, but I havent seen a post on it yet so ill make one :)
So im gonna start with the second verse, and its parallels to Johns life, legacy and lyrics.
You want some peace and understanding
“All were saying is give peace a chance...”
So everybody can be free
“Say the word and you’ll be free...”
These are pretty blatant references to Johns quest for peace and liberty and all that jazz.
(I understand that he wasn’t the one dimensional “peace and luv man” figure that he is so often portrayed as, but it has to be said, he loved a bit of peace, didnt he)
You want a better kind of future
One that everyone can share
"Sharing all the world"
“And the world will live as one...”
These lines seem to be referencing the lyrics of Imagine, and Johns message of freedom from the confines of wealth, status, privilege and politics.
I know that we can get together
We can make it, stick with me
"You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one"
So if we've established from the second and third verses that the song is seemingly about John, this begs the question - what did Paul mean by the first verse
You want a love to last forever One that will never fade away I want to help you with your problem Stick around, I say Coming up
Well, we know John was prone to pushing people he dearly loved away, and that presumably he was never capable of maintaining a belief that someone could love him.
So here, Paul is asserting that he is never going to abandon him ( a big issue for John) and is prepared to love him forever.
All John has to do is stick with him.
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twink-frank · 3 years
hi i’ve noticed the pencey prep gay conversation going on over on @awsugar and i have spent lots of time dissecting pencey prep lyrics and subjecting nathan @faggot-frank to my deranged ramblings so Here is my pencey prep super ultra mega gay lyrical analysis masterpost. it’s very long so its all under the cut but i will include a TL;DR for those who dont wanna read paragraphs of my deranged ramblings: Pencey prep uses lots of themes of: heartbreak, forbidden love, keeping love a secret, and toxic relationships. which none of that is gay on its own but combined with them almost never using gender indicators in their songs and the “nail in the coffin song” of 8th grade it ends up being a very Fruity Album.
I will be going through heart break in stereo in order and pointing out which lyrics and elements of certain songs jump out to me as Super Mega Gay and then summarizing my conclusions at the end <3
1 ) PS Don't Write
PS don't write is about leaving a toxic relationship, it has notes of moving on and leaving someone behind. "packed up all my shit / stole back all my tapes / left your spare key under the mat / this is not a joke / you'd better learn to take a hint / 'cause i'm not coming back / maybe you'll understand / when you're waking up alone / in a cold and empty bed." it has no gender indicators or pronouns which is the case in a lot of pencey prep songs, and something i'll bring up quite a bit. it also has general "coming of age" themes, something common in lots of pencey prep songs. which Yeah apply to straight people to but read in this context combined with future evidence can be pretty Fuckin Gay. "somewhere along the line / i found a hidden strength / i didn't know i had / standing on my own / cutting all the strings / that you used to control / surprise surprise / i am long gone / if you thought you could hold me down / by holding me up / you were wrong / you don't call the shots anymore." not to say only gay people can find inner strength and the room to love themselves but combined with other context it is a really poignant message about accepting yourself for who you are.
2) Yesterday
Yesterday is very repetitive and has a lot less to analyze, but the constant themes of wanting to "run away" strike me as very Fruity. once again, not saying gay people are the only people who can want to run away or escape from something But Combined With Other Context. and once again a song with no gender indicators, doesnt specify who the speaker is running away with or what they are running away from. just that they want to Leave. "i wanna run with you / i don't care what we do / gotta get out of this place / because it feels like yesterday." also saying "it feels like yesterday" could mean that the town feels backwards or old timey in its beliefs, implying homophobia. how the speaker wants to run away from an old fashioned town.
3) Don Quixote
i'm going to bring up the cultural significance of this title and literary reference first. Don Quixote is a classical novel by Cervantes which is about a crazy dude who thinks he's a knight, and goes on weird adventures with his best friend. It's typically used as a symbol of following your dreams and breaking free from what people expect of you. In the context of the song its used as a symbol of following your dreams with Someone. once again this someone is given no gender indicators. "you say it's not worth it / been burned too many times / if your spine's receding / you can borrow some of mine / don't go and quit right now / cause i'd follow you through hell." "you say so many things / and not a word of it was true / if you're still in that state of mind / i'd still vacation inside of you / cause i think you're worth every minute / and every dime that i spend / i'd spend all my time fighting dragons / just to keep you alive and talking." it's about wanting to spend time with someone, wanting to be with them no matter what. and its also about how this person feels unreachable, like being with them would be a fairytail but the speaker Still Reaches for it. "your imaginations running wild / round your deceptive heart / this is my crusade / and you're the unreachable star / but i'm reaching." talking about this person being unreachable and unattainble. which isnt gay By Itself  but again combined with the other context. FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
4) 10 Rings
another breakup song once again with no gender indicators, are you guys sensing a theme here? anyways this song is about someone cutting you off and then coming back suddenly wanting to talk again after breaking your heart. it has a sense of forbidden love, like this person Told the speaker they cant be together for Whatever Reason ;] and is now trying to come back and repair their mistake when the speaker is already hurt and reeling. "learn to live with decisions you make / i learned things from the break i can't forget / catch you doing drive-bys at 1 AM / it must kill you to know we can't be friends." "end of the summer you cut me off / i cut you out all the pictures i have." which this Isnt Gay By Itself. but bringing that phrase back with other context this is such a uniquely gay experience. being in love with someone and they cut you off Because theyre weirded out by that and then they try to come back, convince you it meant nothing.
5) The Secret Goldfish
my FAVORITE pencey song. this one has a lot. it's another breakup song about heartbreak and loss and im not even gonna dwell on the no gender indicators because yall see the theme now. it has themes of heartbreak and losing someone who is very close to you and having to let go of them and having to accept that this person cant be yours and you cant be with them. "land of the lost / i found myself in nothing / this time, promises broken find me / clutching to you for something / something that you're not / believing in what you say / it makes me lie awake at night / the truth, the truth is not what scares me / it's why you have to lie / all the time." here we see these themes of having to let someone go because they just Aren't The Same as you. "clutching to you for something / something that you're not." maybe like chasing after a straight boy and getting rejected? also the repetition of "heartbreak is forever" when you're young and gay losing that first person you felt some kind of love and attraction to can feel like the end of the world and can be a huge deal because of the lack of representation and guidance young gays get. and the themes of nothing lasting forever, the fact that gay people never get promised eternal love the same way straight people do.
6) 8th Grade
this song is the nail in penceys fucking coffin honestly. the rest of these songs have a lot of plausible deniability, just vague enough to maybe Not Be Gay. but framed in the context of 8th grade they all start to get a lil fruity. Im just gonna go through lyric by lyric for this one. "caught staring again / like a deer in the headlights / when you can't move fast enough / i take a hit for the team / pretty girl is blushing / i can't tell if she's disgusted / laughter starts to swell / someone gets the joke." this kid was staring at some cute boy ass and got caught and everyone is laughing at him for being gay. the "pretty girl" here is what most people think he's staring at but with the rest of the song it's obvious she's not the one he's looking at. "bells ring, i make my escape / helps a little, but doesn't save / beat downs a common thing / with us every day / maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools / so maybe i like the abuse / or maybe i just like you." literally This is the nail in penceys fucking coffin. "maybe i like the abuse or maybe i just like you." this kid purposefully takes beatings from his bully who is Obviously male if you take into context the next verse. because he Likes Him. "maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools" literally willingly taking beatings from his bully bc he has a crush. "another confrontation / you've got something to prove / your girl can't tell how tough you are / when you beat me up in the boys room." this just confirms that the subject of the song is a boy, and a tough macho boy with something to prove. maybe also hiding his own internalized homophobia through bullying? "well i made a big mistake / but i can't help who i like / this may not cost my life / but i am branded forever lame." LITERALLY ITS RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. "can't help who i like" "branded forever lame" do i even need to fucking explain this oh my god. he got outed as gay, he Can't Help Who He Likes and is now branded forever as "the gay kid." the rest of the song is general "im gonna get back at my bully" stuff but literally THIS. THIS is the song that brands all penceys other very vague songs as 100% verified super mega ultra gay.
7) 19
this song has a lot less, and is more about internal struggle than anything. but it is the only song with a "she" pronoun in it. but there is one thing i wanna mention. "I scream out loud / but no one hears a sound / i take my life with lack of sleep / i believe the things i feel / the things i see are fooling only me." this song is about not believing what the world shows you, believing what you think is true in your heart and what You feel. not what anyone else tells you. which is a gay experience. believing in yourself and your heart and your feelings, believing theyre right and theyre true and valid. Also this song has a significance in coming right after 8th grade on the album, going from being 13 to 19, from being unsure in your feelings and angry about the people who dont like you to lost and hopeless but somewhat grounded in yourself.
8) Trying To Escape The Inevitable
this song is about an abusive and toxic relationship, knowing you Need to escape it but being so infatuated with the person you literally cant. “i have this reoccurring dream / you make it hard for me to breathe / i gave you everything i could / i gave up everything i owned / and when you smile it’s not for me / you offer little sympathy / your grasp so far exceeds your reach / i wake up, this is not a dream.” “i have this reoccuring dream / where you admit that you’re not happy / i know that you will never leave / you’re here just to torment me.” which like again this isnt an exclusively gay experience but it is very interesting when framed that way. in that gay people are way more likely to throw themselves into abusive and toxic relationships because they dont feel like they can get anybody else. the repetition of “i know i should run” makes it seem like the speaker Knows he should get out but he just Cant because what if he never finds love again? and the little reprise in the middle “i have a new dream / and everything is perfect / the sky is pink, yellow, green, blue, and orange / and all the past has been forgotten / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and i fell into your trap.” implying that even if he escapes, even in his dreams he still falls for this person because he feels like he cant have anything else.
9) Lloyd Dobbler
another love song about wanting to have someone but not being able to because of Unspecified Forbidden Reasons. “why are you so far away / even when you’re standing next to me? / your eyes give you away / telling secrets your mouht don’t feel like talking.” falling in love with someone, maybe sensing that they like you too. that they Are Like You and that they have a Secret they dont want to vocalize. do i even need to explain it at this point? and in the chorus “That I’ll be your lloyd dobbler / with a boom box out in the street / and i’ll be there if you need someone / even if he isn’t me.” saying you’ll be there for someone even if that person isn’t you, also the use of Pronouns which is big for pencey prep. which yes the use of “even if he isnt me” could imply a straight girl ooorrr....Fruit Behavior. also this line “There’s a norman rockewll painting / of two kids sitting on a bench / it reminds me of all the stupid things / i’d like for us to share, but i dont care.” normal rockwell is a painter that paints traditionally “american” scenes. like the american ideal, that maybe he wants with this person. but he knows he cant have, but its stupid and domestic and he wants it but he Cant Have It because of FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
10) Florida Plates
another of my favorite pencey songs, and this one brings back those tragic “love but we cant have it” themes, except with a more somber tone. instead of being angry or resentful or spiteful in the face of adversity. its an Acceptance, of what they had and how good it was and how it just Cant Last. “kiss a mouth to open eyes / stall one last moment before goodbye / drive in different cars in different directions / never write all the letters full of good words, better intentions / it’s for the best although we don’t know it / paper words will cheapen the moments we shared / it’s better if i say nothing at all.” it’s about knowing you have to leave someone, even if having them in the moment is great they Can’t Stay and you can’t even talk or write about the moments you had. which do i even need to explain it at this point? forbidden love, not being able to have each other, not even being able to Talk about it. its a secret, and painful one but its beautiful while you have it. Conclusion alright!!! thank you so so much if you read all the way through that i Know it was long i Know it was a lot of repetition but i wanted to make my point. pencey prep has very big gay themes in their music. with forbidden love, letting go, heartbreak, keeping secrets, toxic realtionships. which none of it is gay on its own but in the context of: almost none of the songs having clear gender indicators and always speaking really vaguely about the subject and Eight Grade the “nail in the coffin song” you can see my point thank you and goodnight.
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katewaliss · 4 years
! write with me or fight with me!
you either die by my sword or the most painful head canons imaginable! *merida vc* choose yer fate
just kidding!
 hey there gaymers, i am crissy! i am 22, live in pst, go by she/her pronouns and honestly would very much like a distraction from life -- preferably in the form of 1x1 and rp in general. i am currently doing online school plus trying/failing at adulting, being a crazy pink haired college student living on microwave dimsum with my crazy fluffy demon cat, but that still leaves me with a lot of time and what better way to spend that time then crying and dying, am i right, boys? 
so without further ado ( adieu? idk gusundheit ) here are a list of discomboblulated plot things that have been floating around in my head that i might be fun to do ( plot fragments, ideas, ocs, fcs i like, settings, genres etc )! i’d prefer a message if u liked any of these in the inbox or dm form, my tumblr ims are open and my discord user is mr. worldwide#2918 ( pitbull supremacy ) but if ur shy i will message u and be annoying! 
lastly: i prefer hcing in the dms to replies, however i will do replies/ask memes slowly, i don’t really like making blogs and prefer google docs/discord and i ask ( gently and respectfully ) that minors do not interact.
thank u and happy hunger games! xx
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COLLEGE TOTALLY SPIES -- i was really obsessed with this picture right here and i thought that the picture would be a good premise for a little four person group based on totally spies. i was thinking that these three college students/young adults some friends maybe not some enemies or just on completely different ends of the social agenda get bonded together when they accidentally end up roped in a top secret spy organization that is fronted by a record store. the details and flesh of the plot i think would be cute to figure out all together maybe in a google doc or a big discord so we can make the rp to perfect world building specifications. right now i have two spots open! 
my friend lexi over at comradc has taken the cool goth asian girl and is using lyrica okano
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i am playing the freckly backwards hat lesbian in the red polo named aj mccallis and i think im using diana silvers ( not sure might switch to tati rodriguez )
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we also have the cute blond girl w the dyed hair who is giving me kind of like sydney sweeney energies, blonde girl maybe like lalisa manoban/jinsoul,
and we have the rad black girl with the bandids who i would only accept black fcs for for such as diamond white, ryan destiny, salem mitchell, 
i’d prefer if this stayed kind of sapphic and female and enby friendly. we can def make make npcs and characters but i’d prefer if the characters looked like they do in the picture ( minus the white girls who can be racebent as long as there are vibes ) mostly bc i want the poc people to stay the correct poc! but yeah! if u like this message me specifically!!!!! seperately and hit me w a role ud like maybe an fc an idea anything < 3 im working on a google doc and discord sever
- i really want to play a himbo skater boy evan mock like its my dream i know nothing abt him other than he probably goes by something like mouth or juice or tris or dex or dante but !!!! he has buzzed hair he buzzes designs into, does stick n pokes, hates cops, will kiss anyone, likes to mosh at house shows, smokes a lot and sounds like crush from finding nemo, probably ur parents worst nightmare if im honest rodrick heffley energy -- adopt him for any plot
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- i also really am obsessed with simay barlas who is my mascot rn -- i want to play her in some sort of dark academia setting with like gossip girl blair waldorf energies lu from elite and have her be really mean and cold and pretentious and play the cello and probably have secrets and be uptight idk the name mallory is resonating hard w me ( we could even do a gossip girl the secret history type group if people liked that ) 
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-ok i also really really want to play streak aka silas montgomery who is like very like sidekick best friend to the golden boy main character, does a kick ass goat impression, class clown, relentlessly hits on like the most difficult person in school, does crazy things for laughs and attention, just wants to make people happy, only wears hawaiian shirts, finger guns, is going nowhere in life, his dad is probably the dean at whatever prestigious school also he is very very depressed and drinks often! love u! a I Feel Like Im The Worst So I Always Act Like Im The Best electra heart baby PINTEREST
also yes his hair is pink reg verse he did it on a dare but hp verse he did a potion wrong and it never came out
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SOMEONE DO A LADY HANNIBAL WILL GRAHAM RP KILLING EVE RP W ME! i made this will graham adjacent gal for a genderbent hannigram rp her name is bisexual disaster enida johnson and sometimes goes by needy or will bc her middle name is willamena! has basically all the will things wears flannels is a mess but has a bunch of cats instead of dogs in her woods log cabin and im using crystal reed bc it fits perfect in my head idk if u like her hmu hit me w a lady hannibal PINTEREST
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other stuff
ok i really want to do a princess and knight plot but with knight zendaya and princess anya taylor joy ???? ALKHALKSHALK LITERALLY HELLO literally modern or like dnd style i do not care but know i love dnd! we could make it like them goin on some skyrim quests like hi
speaking of dnd and skyrim if anyone wants to do like anything based in dnd stuff or skyrim stuff i am DOWN
jennifers body plot!!!! maybe set in college!!!!! sounds spicy i will do a f/f or m/m version leggo leggo 
UNTIL DAWN UNTIL DAWN!!!! i wanted to do a little like 6 person or mumu until dawn thing where everyone either makes new characters or characters based on the existing six! i made a girl adjacent josh character named riley PINTEREST who i love very much ( fc might change im thinking maybe medallion rahimi ) pls hmu if ur down
i looooooove breakfast at tiffanys!!!! like i really love breakfast at tiffanys we love a call girl broody author ship and i want to play a mishti rahman holly golightly type character so so bad 
pygmalion plot!!! basically like an author and the main character of their book comes to life and the book character is probably from a different period of time or realm so doesnt know how to do modern 2020 stuff like microwaves and the tv! and then maybe they get sucked into the characters book world thats written by the author and have to navigate that! enchanted! w the kdrama! energy!
any sort of the secret history murder society until dawn ahs horror type setting i am on a kick rn 
i still really want a deaf sailor and siren plot bc that is so spicy or even like anything involving sirens like maybe one thats like vegetarian and doesnt like to eat humans so it ariel rescues one and keeps it safe!! or like only men are susceptible to the sirens song but aha! i am a woman! Romance!
anything in the realm of percy jackson i love mythology lets go i kind of want a echo narcisuss plot and i want it to hurt me so bad 
i will do harry potter stuff but only if its completely removed from the current canon like years in the future no existing families also maybe beauxbatons salem and drumstrang plots bc thats what matters
iiiiiiiii really like anime so i will do anything kakegurui, soul eater, ohshc
i kind of like grew up on the hunger games so i will gladly take any hunger games plots like young effie and haymitch is spicy or like a career tribute and one of the weaker poorer distracts enemies to lovers leggo
i have a kind of oc that had their parents die in a factory gas leak that was the governments fault and it turned them into a vigilante assasin that is slowly picking off bootlicker government people one by one pretending to be one of them until bam! gets attached to the rich asshole son or daughter of the head hauncho or one of the higher ups ... drama
rich little celebrity fussy wussy being held captive by the mafia and the tired stoic mafia guard but they fall in love 
i kind of like any plot that involves one person that is really loud or angry or dramatic or whiny and the other one is kind of sweet and gentle or does not talk much idk make brain happy 
speaking of!
no nonsense law student studying abroad in a european country and an artist there falls in love w them and is all romantic and gush and is like ur my muse!!! and they are like Go awAy and they explore the city together and themelseves its nice!
i want to be an avan jogia super villain idk why i need to but i do 
not to be a disney adult bc i am not but anastasia princesses dont kiss kitchen boys 
rival cheer captians? best friends brother? pop princess celebrity singer and like antiestablishment really angry rockstar in a publicity relationship? broody detective and sunshiney diner person that works at the diner they eat at everyday?
idk i will think of more hmu these can all be made f/f or m/m if they arent 
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pinkjeanist · 4 years
“little astronaut, big dreams.” || keigo takami
desc.: Some nights, when he was younger, Keigo would dream of a life where he wouldn’t have to become a hero. He was just waiting for your permission to be selfish about what he really wanted to become. 
a/n: im not gonna add this to the masterlist just yet, since if i do end up doing a lofi series, i’ll just make a separate masterlist for it. this is mostly unedited and written around the dialogue, so sorry it sucks. this is also pretty angsty, sorry. im very tired now [navigation] - little astronaut, big dreams. -
w/c: 757
“I missed you today,” You admitted, nudging his wing with your shoulder. “My classes got so boring without you there.”
He hummed, then flinched as he tried to move his ankle. “I wish I could have been there.” 
“Was your training boring, then?” You asked, not looking at his injury. He glared at it, though. 
“I don’t wanna do it anymore,” He said suddenly. “I’m tired of rolling my ankles and spraining my wrists. I’m tired of…” Of being a hero, you wanted to say, but his silence said it loud enough. You gripped your knees and looked up at the sky. It was strangely clear that night; you could almost see the whole of the cosmos.
“So what do you want to do, then?” You inclined, glancing only briefly to him. He shifted uncomfortably. 
Keigo was quiet for a long few moments, seeming almost pained by his thoughts. When he spoke, it was quiet, as if he were afraid someone would hear. “You know, most people can’t even imagine what it’s like to fly,” He said, “and it’s everything it’s chalked out to be. Flying, I mean. I just...sometimes, when I’m up there...I wonder what it would be like to go higher. You know. Clear up.”
He gazed up at the stars before down at his wringing hands. “But wings like mine aren’t meant to get too close to the sun, you know.”
“No, I don’t know.” He looked at you, almost frightened. You gazed softly back. “Tell me what you’re feeling, Keigo. And don’t hide from me like you always do.”
“I mean, like…” The sigh he gave was strained. His legs bounced over the edge of the roof like they always did when he was nervous, or in this case, hiding something. “...it’s so stupid. I shouldn’t tell you. I can’t tell you.” 
Your shoulders fell, and you ran your hands up your thighs as you gazed out over the school grounds. “Look...I’ll just say that, if you don’t want to be here- if you don’t want to be a hero- you don’t have to be.”
“I do, though. It’s not my choice.” His shoulders caved in on themselves, and he refused to look at you as he continued: “You say that like you don’t see it already. Like you don’t know it. My future.”
With a sudden confidence to act on an uncertain idea, you shifted closer to him until your thighs brushed together. His wing was raised behind you as if unsure whether to drape it over your shoulders, and you desperately wished he would. You asked him boldly, “What’s your favorite planet?”
He blinked. “Huh?”
“Your favorite planet.” You nudged him again with your shoulder. “Come on, I know you have one.”
Swallowing, he pointed up towards a star, notably one of the brightest in the sky, that night. “Venus.”
It wasn’t a star, then. “Wait- that’s Venus?”
“Yeah,” He admitted, feathers ruffling behind him. You saw a smile creeping onto his face as he began to ramble rather adorably without you having to urge him: “It’s really cool. It rains sulfuric acid.”
Your eyes widened. “No way?”
“I know! It never touches the ground, though. It just stays up in the atmosphere.”
“Aw. That’s kind of lame. Tell me more about other Venus-related stuff, though,” You pleaded, shifting closer still. He leaned into you as you both kept your eyes on the sky. 
“Venus doesn’t spin like all the other planets. It goes clockwise instead of the other way. Some think it might have gotten turned upside down on its axis…” 
You listened as he started to ramble, piping in every now and again with questions to let him know you cared. He was so well-versed in it all, and you were sure he would make a brilliant astronomer of some sort if the stars had ever allowed it. You tried not to think about how everything would go back to normal the next day: Keigo would act like he wasn’t hurt from over-training in the slightest, he’d mess around in his regular classes, and he’d sneak any moment he could to talk to you before you did it all again the next day. He wouldn’t talk about Venus, or the stars, or flying too close to the sun. For a boy with wings, he had let himself be grounded for far too long.
But you couldn’t tell him that. He wasn’t yours, and it was an honest, unforgiving tragedy that he wasn’t his own person, either.
“When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.” 
     - Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
ALL WORKS TAGLIST: @keigos-dove @heroheads @knifeewifee @wesparklebitch @hanniejji @bvnnyclouds
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critical-hazbin · 4 years
Im kinda on a flip flop with the cherubs. On one hand, they could totally work as just comedic elements of the show and still have there own character devolpment. On the other hand, gaining some lore on heaven's creatures that arent exterminators, through them would be very interesting but would probably take away from future Hazbin Hotel Plotlines. Also seeing that the Cherub commericial is blown up by probably Blitzo in the clip, has made me lowkey howling at the implication that Heaven and Hell casually share eachothers airwaves
The main purpose of Helluva Boss seems to be exploring the character dynamics and exploring the Hazbin/Helluva-verse. So while it’s a shame that the Cherubs episode might spoil elements of Heaven for Hazbin fans, it’s kind of the point of the show. I wish they would keep Heaven a bit more mysterious, but I don’t think that’s the direction we’re heading. And the Cherubs might be fun and compelling in their own right.
That was the best part of the preview storyboard clips for me, finding out that Heaven and Helluva share airwaves and so they can watch each others’ shows and news. It takes away some of the mystery, but it lends itself to lots of great cutaway gags. Imagine the contrast between Hell news and Heaven news. Imagine the people in Hell who wish they could go to Heaven because of the shows they see depicting it. Lots of possibilities there.
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
listening to the london version, 3/4
a scar is born!
“Grinpayne? Grinpayne?!” Dea...when you find him...kill him.
“something is scorching the air ‘round my head” it’s your thots gwyn weren’t you paying attention
“Is this the truth? Is this the truth, now?” first of all Excellent Vibes but also can we get some Gwynplaine Trelaw + If It’s True in the club? Especially the Justin Vernon If It’s True? i yearn
i love osric. so much.
haha funny how he says he thinks Gwyn is “the only son of God” and Gwyn is fact the only son of Lord Trelaw. could go further but im low on braincells u-u
...this whole sequence is so weird.
“Is this the truth? Is this the truth, now?”   please just go lie down sweetheart you are too far gone right now.
“This exquisite boy” awwwww
i’m missing about 90% of what they’re saying actually
*googles lyrics* oh
the tonal dissonance between the way they sing it all cheerful and the fact that This Is Freaking Creepy As Hell with a side of Really Really Sad is just. :O
alright darling let’s see what you’ve got
The Good Stuff Right There
Theremin = Good
interesting he says “something in me is burning” and, at least in the bristol version, Dea makes comments about the Crimson Lethe ‘burning a hole’ in Gwyn’s heart
In the other one he didn’t really comment much about...anything that was going on, really. He’s just kind of there during the scenes where people react to his wound. But here he has a whole verse about it and that’s...different.
“The people say the Grinning Man’s opened their eyes/can they hear the future in my shattered cries” OOF
“Why in hell would I want to feel it again?”
“what if that monster could also change me” 😭😭😭 i am. *snort* vanquished. i cease to be, to live.
are the ‘scorching’ thoughts supposed to be taken literally in this one i mean they keep bringing it up soooo
oh here we go here we go the Dea part let’s go
“and pain, the only comfort I could find” BABY
“Stories are her way of seeing” god i love this part
go off theremin! love you!
“If they find laughter in my face, why should I run from their embrace?” HECK
“The dancing with the monsters in my mind” HECK HECK
“and touch it with a heart that isn’t blind” GWYNLIT FERMAIN TRECHARLIE CLANLAW YOU HUSH NOW
side effects of crimson lethe may include dumbass disease
he flourished the R XD
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i am. exhausted. this one can stay. how’d they fit so much more content in this one
Only a Clown
we’re. going from THAT, to- to th- okay
dambit barkilphedrno
“in truth, I felt like singing, so I did” cartoon villain u-u
this is another deeply unsettling one tbh like just the happy way he’s singing but while setting up the nooses and whatnot it’s just eugh
wait so earlier Gwyn says, “can they hear the future in my shattered cries” and here Barkilphedro says that he can “see a bold new horizon”
“imagine the blade of bilboa in your hand” *Legend of Zelda Link Impersonation* Gwynlit what are you doing
oh sh the “NOOOO” and “FATHER” in this one we actually HEAR the reactions? oh heck heck heck
*adds Tiny, Wretched, and Helpless to the ongoing list of things Gwyn has been called*
OH THIS ONE SLAPS they made a whole bop out of
awww he cryin in the background :((((
damn it bark il phed ro
oh heck this is creepier
is spike still played by dirry-moir’s actor in this one too bc That Is A LOT
one small slice bitch you dragged him on that scythe three freaking times
brand new world of feeling ( reprise )
hello i am grateful to be here. what a fabulous place to find myself. that is, anywhere but the above. 
u-u Gwyn Makes Bad Choices: The Movie
Josiana CALM DOWN jeez you’re gonna scare somebody
oh yeah she definitely said Freak in this version.
“Love?” see now you’re asking the right questions 
no longer grateful to be here
music’s pretty though
wait no where’s the guard when i need them to show up
“Did this brute hurt you” *lizard impersonation* “quite the opposite” i’m going to go climb into my mailbox and die there. Why This. Genuinely Why This.
“The torture chamber, not the nightclub” EXCUSE? PARDON? WHAT?
Josiana i genuinely hate that u can sing like an angel it isn’t fair
the smiling song
what is a smiling song precious we are Not Familiar
ohhhhh nvm this is the “have him hold the giant puppet head and get everybody to surround him so the audience won’t see him putting on a shirt” song
who the hell is this
Call him freak one more time Jojo. Call him freak again.
“I can’t believe that filth-ridden clown soon will be wearing my velvet gown” it’s funny Bark bc Gwynp could actually say the same thing,,,,,
something something “Josiana, what did she see, could I see Dea the way she saw me” W H A T
so is he like. awake. in this version or.
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fcarher · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: slug / ellie     Age: 19       Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Yunaeisha Adynora, other demons from my lore Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Yunaeisha Current Fandom(s): None really  Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Naruto, PKMN, Magi, Gangsta, OPM, MHA, Hazbin Hotel & currently working on an ATLA verse My language(s): german, polish, italian, english   Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: highschool, modern & fantasy/medieval
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting: the best way is just to straight up approach me. most often than not, just liking a post is not enough because it’s too vague ?? like if i post an idea & you like that, i’ll still be hesitant when it comes to roleplaying or approaching you because, while i appreciate such gestures, i’m just too anxious. therefore, plopping into my IMs without a properly fleshed out idea is also fine ! it, at least, gives me the hint that you’re actively seeking interaction. however, just saying “i want to roleplay & plot !” won’t cut it; at least, have something in mind, please !
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  basic ideas & pouring their heart into plotting! i don’t mind waiting, at all, so if you’re busy, don��t worry about keeping me waiting; i completely understand since i’m also often busy with work or university. but !! please don’t only come to me with the statement: “i want to plot!” it’s not gonna cut it & it’s not gonna help with a proper interaction, at all. if i approach someone, most often than not, i have SOME sort of idea in mind. but yeah, being passionate is the most important thing!
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  most often than not, the conversation will die down because i will loose motivation; i don’t like it because i’ll feel like a bother & i shouldn’t feel that way when it comes to a hobby! therefore, one-sided plotting is one of my deal breakers; i usually end the conversation & there will be little to no interaction happening. like i said; i don’t mind waiting, i just hate that feeling of coming on TOO strong when my plotting partner delivers no input. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  often than not, i start off with rather simple question like; are you interested in a certain verse ? do you already have something in mind ? if not, i will go through their about page & ask them things about their character & how that could possibly bring our characters to interact. sometimes, the about pages of a muse cannot give you every single bit of information; muses grow & change with each thread, therefore, it’s often better to just ask the people about their characters ! & from then on, it often just comes naturally. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if the thread is not THAT important or vital for our character’s relationship; i don’t mind & won’t need to know if the thread is dropped. sometimes, if it’s a heavily plotted thread & i’ve anticipated the interaction a lot; i’d appreciate a quick heads-up from my partner that they’re not feeling that certain thread any longer; i don’t mind that !! - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?: they don’t need to tell me; SOMETIMES, it’s just a nice gesture but most of the time, i don’t care, we can always start another thread !!
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  many things can lead to me dropping a thread; just losing motivation, having no muse for a certain genre or simply having the feeling that my partner is not liking it, any longer (ex. extreme lack of trying to match the reply length ). my health & my schedule can also, sadly, affect my motivation, so, more often than not, i tend to drop shorter threads & keep longer ones.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  i get anxious really fast if people stop replying for a very long time, out of the blue. it has happened to me once before with a good friend with whom i have no contact with any longer due to miscommunication & them not trying to communicate the issue with me; therefore, yes, it is very important. i wanna know if something is bothering you; i wanna know if you like something very much; i wanna know what’s up ! we’re humans & we’re adults; we can talk about this.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  yes ! as long as it is constructive criticism & not straight-up bashing my characters or lore; i’m all for it. i don’t mind hearing negative things; in fact, i appreciate the honesty & it gives me room to work on myself & my writing ! - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  building relationships that LAST & exploring my muses through & through; it is amazing how much yuna has grown through interactions with others; how different she has become from the yuna i once started out with; it’s almost been a year now & it’s just amazing. however, i’m not stopping anytime soon; THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO EXPLORE !! the ultimate goal is for me to just look at my blog & be completely proud of what i have accomplished & written; i want fleshed out relationships & threads; deep stuff !!
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  yuna talking with someone about her struggles; mentally & physically. being open about her abusive father & how it has traumatized her & painted men in the worst picture one could imagine. HOWEVER; a hard thing because i don’t want these things to be pre-est or something; i want a thread where there is struggling, screams, conflict ! it is rather hard to find someone, though, who is willing & fitting to go onto that long journey with me & yuna. also, i’d love to write about darker stuff; i love fluff, though, sometimes i sure want a bit of that, too. 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  the only things i won’t rp or explore are stated in my rules; ex. pedophilia, rape & really descriptive animal abuse. killing, torture, gore as well as cheating, heartbreak or toxic relationships are okay, while i do prefer to have a deeper bond with someone while exploring the latter & be communicating the whole time; i think these are really REAL topics & that’s why i wouldn’t mind exploring them because it does happen, more than one would like them to happen. however, if i see you, the mun, glorifying or romanticizing these; just no. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: i like everything with some sort of substance; i love short ones as much as long ones, nevertheless, you have to give me something to work with. yuna would ignore anyone not of any interest or value to her; therefore, if your muse just asks her random questions, the interaction will go nowhere. if you’re unsure; just ask !!
What type of characters catch your interest the most?: i love characters with uniqueness to them; it can be a certain interest, certain appearance or their species can be totally unique to them; i’ll love it ! i do have a thing for villains, though; always had, even when i was young 8^) so, dark, stubborn & “evil” characters catch my interest far more than a really nice muse who just is all smiles all day. i love a muse that can kick mine & yuna’s ass, basically. someone with strong morals or who is just really set on their beliefs can also offer conflict which i ADORE !! i need it; i live for it !!
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  really kind & unbothered muses who are self-sacrificing, perfect & loved by everyone for no reason ?? idk, i just think it’s bad writing. everyone has flaws; no one is perfect ! 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  i am a very open person who will talk with you about anything & is keen on exploring our character’s relationship at all times & through all means; i often send my rp partners prompts in form of my yuna just being her dumb-self or through memes ! i will constantly think about our characters & will try to have them interact as much as possible. i am, most of the time, very active & respond to the threads fairly quickly ! if i am totally invested; you’ll get everything you want; a moodboard, an edit, a drawing, etc. i literally pour my heart & soul into every bond my muse has; i live for them. oh !! i also love asking people question about their characters; i just love learning new things about them !! 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: i’m very slow out of character; i don’t approach muns a lot because i’m scared to be a bother, working on it ! i often ramble a lot & my writing can become a bit convoluted & hard to understand, i apologize ! i tend to not message people on discord as often as i’d like to; mostly because i’m really socially awkward or just don’t think that what i want to show to them is THAT important. i’m not as straight-forward as i wish myself to be; however, even with all that; i still have a lot of fun & am acknowledging & actively working on my weak aspects ! 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  often, it is because i want to develop the relationship or yuna’s character; she’s a very sexual being who hardly connects to someone emotionally; therefore, writing sex & exploring the vulnerability behind it can be really beautiful ! though, fun is also involved !  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  non-consensual stuff is a no-go ! also, certain kinks that make me uncomfortable are also off the table; ex. anything involving bodily fluids other than spit. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  i love the conflicts the most; clashing ideals or just two stubborn muses arguing for the heck of it is really fun & can develop the relationship beautifully ! yuna is a person who likes someone that can be properly fought with, verbally here. but of course, i also adore the very soft moments!! i love meaningless fluff; it warms my heart.  - What is your smut tag?: SINFUL.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: nothing TOO drastic; a friendship, a rivalry is a-okay ! however, i’m very hesitant when it comes to having pre-est. romantic relationships; though, you can quickly change my mind if you pour your soul into the plotting; then i’m fine with it ! everything that needs time when writing also needs time when plotting; don’t just straight up jump into something if you’re not able to give it your all.
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  i think yuna is a person with whom it is easy to form relationships with; it takes a bit of time but due to her rather drastic ideals & opinions; anything can be founded within seconds. she doesn’t hold back when it comes to her honesty & conflicts will arise. also, for all muses with demonic or deity backgrounds; being a daughter of the literal queen of hell, though, also harboring fragments of a god’s soul makes her unique in the supernatural world which can spark interest with your character or even they can develop an ill-will towards her ? i think it’s really interesting exploring what makes one work & go on & yuna has the philosophical potential to tickle that out of your muse; she question EVERYTHING. now for certain plots; one-sided love or even friendships are always really interesting, especially when she is the one having such feelings. other than that; she has enormous & dangerous powers; so if you’re into character or world-building; can offer that as well !
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:  humans; she doesn’t approach humans who are just kind & have nothing to offer for her, the least she’d do is have sex with them or kill them to harvest their life energy. i’m sorry but she really does hate all of humanity & to change that opinion ? man, you must be the most stubborn person ever.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  characters who are of supernatural or demonic nature; she’ll be very interested & even nosy to a point. also, very attractive characters who are not afraid to speak their mind; she’s really superficial most of the time & will flirt with anything that she deems good-looking. muses who have ideals that contrast hers or that are similar to her but also, generally, people who are open-minded. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  sex, parties, plants & flowers, astronomy, writing, demons & hell, the underground scene, killing, knives & playing the piano - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the questions that bother her the most are; why did her mother had to die ? why would nobody help her while she was being abused by her father ? why was she kept alive by her sisters ? is there love out there for someone like her ? what do these strange visions mean that occur almost every night ? she has a lot of things she wants to experience & wishes to have a normal life once she has killed her other mother, lilith, which is her ultimate goal, at the moment.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  their appearance; the scent of their blood & if it differs from humans; how they react towards her & what they do in front of her.  - What do they value in a person?:    strong opinions, loyalty, good looks, humor, strength (not limited to physical strength) - What themes do they like talking about?:  herself or the world & the state of it; she likes being philosophical with some, can often be somewhat self-centered; THOUGH; it is almost always for her to see how they would react to that. 
- Which themes bore them?:  love & drama; she does not care a lot for gossip or anything relating to it; the topic of love, no matter in which sense, is always brushed off because she just doesn’t find any appeal in it. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Being the reason her own mother committed suicide; Her father & sister abusing her all her life, spouting lies & beating her until she could stand no more while her other sisters would watch & do nothing, even though, they were supposed to support each other; laewa, one of her sisters, fancying the idea of killing yuna for the greater good; two of her best friends turning on her when they find out she’s not human & then being killed right in front of her eyes; her one & only boyfriend protecting her from a demon hunter & being killed in the process - What could possibly trigger them?:  loud sudden noises; making fun of her attachment to her late ex-boyfriend, being awfully nice to her, the sight of any dog or wolf, tender touches (esp. her back being touched), being alone with her thoughts for far too long  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  people who make fun of her & her powers; calling her a monster; not understanding her pain when she opens up; purposefully touching her back or any other scarred skin, being nosy  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  you are a demon hunter that does not show remorse when killing demons with a consciousness, trying to kill her, killing one of her comrades 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Keela Adynora, Myra Adynora (Father, Sister), the other D.O.L.s, EYES’ superiors (the organization she works for), Humans, Lilith - Is there someone /-thing they love?:  Evelin Adynora (Her biological mother)
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?: If you’re not quite human or are a demon, you could literally stand next to her & be silent; she’ll become curious on her own. other than that; be interesting or flirt with her; just do something that does not involve small talk; she hates that.  - Where are they usually to find?:  strip club (her workplace), bars, clubs, clearings within a forest, nice areas that are full of trees & plants; a roof-top
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Yuna is basically pandora’s box personified; she may seem nice & attractive from the outside but within her are sleeping demons that only wait to be awakened. & withal, she is still a cutie who will become your number one supporter & protector if you manage to build a proper relationship with. it’s hard to get through that shell & what awaits is NOT that pretty but with years upon years of abuse, neglect & shit being thrown her way; it’s not easy being a carefree immortal. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar , i srsly love these so much, snow !! thank you for tagging me <3 i had so much fun 8′)  Tagging:  @thevvolf ; @nezumi-vc-103221 ; @empiia ; @dvojakyvlk ; @childrenxfthemoon ; @hensetsu​​ ; @goldempire​​ ; @animatedatrophy​ ; @talonness​ ; @shikkotsunin​ ; @wcrthlessanimal​ & anyone else !! 
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citialiin · 4 years
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list five songs associated with your muse and its meaning to them as a character, or to you as the writer. this can be applied in-character or out-of-character. it can go as deep as looking at the song’s real-world origins or meaning along with the themes it carries to the muses’ story, values, or experiences, or as simple as if your muse would listen to this kind of music, or even if you just listen to these pieces for inspiration.
TAGGED BY: @dansiere​​, who did such a good detailed job they even included an “honorable mentions list” ? i am embarrassed to type mine out now TAGGING: @blossomingbeelzebug​​ @zhrets​​ @dirtyfilthysunshine​​ @prcphesise​​ @hyakiru​ @foxcharmed​
01. kaun komsott - ros sereysothea
this song actually lyrically has absolutely nothing to do with ziggy !!!!  kaun komsott /  កូនកំសត់ actually just means “poor/pitiful child” it’s just a khmer dub of a song from a taiwanese movie lol but i feel like this is the kind of music he would listen to that made him fall in love with, like ... humanity, as dumb as that sounds. it’s time period appropriate (late 60s/early to mid 70s), the song is really good and it’s SO emotional.  i could see him sitting in the apartment of his bandmates after being “found” and they teach him how to use the record player and he sits there going through each and every record they have and listening to this and its like the fucking scene in ratatootie where the goddamn rat can visualize tastes as colors but he would be so enamored with the song he would see it in colors or something i dunno.  something has definitely fucking happened to my brain because ever since nat and alex and i rewatched ratatootie we keep referencing it for our characters. anyways i ended up using an instrumental of kaun komsott in the final film i made as the song that plays during the end.  so this song just also means a lot to me because it’s part of how i made this character and the film/story i animated to go along with him, i am sure you are all absolutely sick of hearing me talk about it <3  
02. who can i be now - daveed booweyywywy now you found me, now can I be real?  can I be real? if it’s all a vast creation / putting on a face that’s new someone has to see / a role for him and me someone might as well be you
one of z’s most obvious character motifs is figuring out self identity through adopting different guises.  he markets himself as being so overly confident and almost arrogantly certain of himself -- rock god space idol whatever -- as his own way of learning who he thinks he might be underneath it all.  i think at first it started off a little innocuous, a ‘ fake it till u make it ’ thing at the least and maybe more obviously a ‘ im not a human so i have to pretend to be someone else ’ deal, but over time it became almost all consuming and just obliterated all his previously held sense of self in favor of some weirdly demented version of who he wanted to be.  683 starts off with the same core personality traits as ziggy: maybe he’s a little vain, a little selfish, but he’s very interested in creativity/self-expression and he wants to be thought of as a unique individual and appreciated for his differences.  but the difference is that 683 isnt an arrogant asshole who has no regard for other people in the slightest.  so yeah ... who can u be now ... is it worth it to adopt a different guise or should he go through the effort of figuring out what parts of his personality were corroded by human influence and what parts are genuinely him?  my big endgame thoughts for his story would be that he eventually just decides to retire from the public eye and fucks off entirely.  this would be over the course of a long long long time -- maybe he has a good 20 yr run in the industry -- but there are some things about him he has to deal with (mental health issues, drug addiction, also the fact that you’re a freaky alien creature who doesnt age like a human so you’re physically like 46 and you still look like you’re 25?) so he inevitably decides he doesnt need the horrible pressure of fame and he ought to just live his life for himself.  i think this would be a nice final song for him to sing/perform -- then he goes into the dressing room and cuts his hair and just vanishes. bye.
03. sunny afternoon - the kinks Help me, help me, help me sail away Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay 'Cause I love to live so pleasantly Live this life of luxury Lazing on a sunny afternoon
1. i think this would sound A LITTLE like the kind of music he would write/play albeit i feel like his would be more exciting and have more samplings of like laser noises or pewpewpew or weird spaceship sounds BUT.  its also pretty time period appropriate.  even in “modern” verses ziggy is inexplicably obsessed with the 1970s, he likes bell bottoms and thinks groovy patterns are neat and he owns too many lava lamps.  anywayz. 2. just the general idea of feeling unfulfilled with luxury -- even if ziggy enjoys his fame and wealth and the absolutely insane amount of pussy/dick he gets at some level he is still cognizantly aware of how weirdly empty he feels.  he ditched atomina and came here because he felt unfulfilled and bored and unwanted.  now he feels wanted (clearly, everyone loves him) and he feels entertained (earth is So Good at fun distractions) but his fulfillment still isnt quite there.  he’s getting there -- but in exchange of being able to live this life of fame, he’s had to kind of change everything about himself and live this almost caricature version of himself, and he knows he cant keep it up forever.  the luxury will run out one day and he’ll be a washup and no one cares about celebrities once they stop being hip.  it is literally only a matter of time before ziggy has to find out who he is because no one can be a “rockstar” forever.
04. i hate jimmy page - mindless self indulgence SUCKAS CAN REACH OUT TOUCH ME EAT ME BITE DA FUTURE & FUCK DA PAST  I'm lower than most animals and fear what might be weird and all those voices in my head have every right to be there i ain't a girl just cause i rock the boat i ain't a boy just cause i rock your world
i mean he does hate jimmy page but that’s beside the point. its just a good song about being a crazy rockstar and has the same Craziness that i feel like accompanies his character ... just go listen to it you will understand. there is nothing to explain here.  even the lyric “ill show u how official midgets jack me off” like just accept it. it’s whatever  but yeah i aint a girl i aint a boy ... i guess his gender (or lack thereof) never really comes up in rp but its still an important part of his character.  if any of u guys ever call him a man in prose again ill kick ur ass.  gender is like an accessory to him and he just takes whatever aspects of masculinity/femininity he prefers and discards everything else.  to him he’s just as much a “man” or a “woman” as he is a “human” which is to say he isnt, at all, and he just pretends to be because he feels obligated to.  also ziggy’s brain kind of sounds like this...just Noises.  his brain sounds like a microwave that’s been going off for 26 years.  i think his brain is a single uncooked pinto bean rolled in glitter that’s been left in a box with a cobweb
05. ghostride - crumb daydreaming I stay in the backseat / the slow beat rocks me back to sleep keeps me on automatic  press my face up close against the glass i see the people when they pass they move so automatic you wake up when I go down / the radio reminds me I'm alive we've been hearing it all night
i care more about 683 on atomina than i do about ziggy on earth sometimes (BUT I CARE THEM BOTH. DO U?) so ... 683 feeling aimless and drifting but trying to find purpose through passion, a person, some sort of concrete meaning -- going through the motions of life makes him feel empty he spends almost every day going through the same toil while feeling guilty or like a burden and also feeling like he’s ultimately nothing more than a replaceable cog in a machine. his species had a near extinction = bottleneck which made them so genetically similar they’re almost clones of each other.  no one ever seems to do anything wrong except him, he finds no joy or fulfillment in anything at all.  all he ever wanted (which isnt a selfish desire at all) was to feel purpose, or feel wanted, or appreciated. inevitably he leaves because of his own imagination -- he yearns for something More, and he doesn’t know What, so he figured he ought to at least Try instead of waste his life away. also atomina is supposed to sound like “automatic.”  do NOT make fun of my bad scifi.  i am trying to mimic the way 1970s scifi is endearingly cheesy.  come here.  i just want to touch you with this knife.  gently tho it wont go inside of you. bro you are bleeding. bro we are bleeding and i keep putting the knife in your soft parts.
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anemcia · 4 years
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                                          // RP WISHLIST //
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//Because I see a lot of the cool kids doing it?? Might as well make a little wishlist of threads I would love in the future.
Cell (or Honeydew) talking/fighting with Frieza
I’m shocked this hasn’t happened since I started this blog?? I’ve seen a few of them on my dash, but they’re either abandoned or have no interest in starting a thread. Plus a number of them may want to get shippy with Cell and ;w; it’s just… Not happening there. I still crave the CONFLICT tho? I just don’t know what I'm doing that's turning every Frieza off, but if you're out there… Hey, we can start something cool? 😅
Cell talking/fighting with Android(s) 16, 17, 18 (This includes Android OC'S as well)
I’ve had this blog for more than a year. Aside from one 16 I’ve briefly rp’d with (SORRY FOR DYING ON THAT THREAD), I have YET to have an ongoing thread with the biggest parts of his arc. Who do I need to sacrifice for this kind of interaction? I want Cell to really fuck around with his 'siblings' or possibly feel threatened by them. I want him to be utterly confused at the sight of more androids beyond 21 or below 16. It makes for good fun. 
Cell talking/fighting (or possibly become allies) with Dr.Gero
HELLO??? Cell generally considers Gero to be a father to him, and while he doesn't seem to care about the old fart (HE SECRETLY HAS DAD ISSUES LMAO). I just want serious tension and awkward familial moments between them 😂
Cyto (Child or Adult) interacting with Dr.Gero
I REALLY WANT BABBY BUG TO TALK OR PLAY WITH HIS GRANDPA??? Bonus points if it's all just another way to use him for eventually killing off SON GOKU™ AND THE Z-FIGHTERS™. Meeting Gero in his adulthood would also make for an incredibly interesting thread, I believe. 
Cyto (Child or adult) talking/fighting (or possibly befriend) with any of the Z-fighters or androids.
He's been heavily conditioned to become stronger than any of the opposition his father has faced so they can kill off everyone together. I imagine that's basis for A LOT of tension between them? So unless things work themselves out with a good chat and sharing some food, there will likely be conflict. 
Honeydew shipped with Cell
COMPLETELY SELF EXPLANATORY. Granted I do the writing myself and that's how it's been, but it would be nice if I had a genuine shipping partner to scream with just as much as they want to? I truly walk the loneliest road, but maybe I'll find that special user that would genuinely care for some slow burn with lots of tears. 😭 
AU'S in general
Be it G.O.D!Cell, FighterZ!Verse, or alternate scenarios (Cell wins his Cell games, Honeydew enlisted in the Red Ribbon Army, T.O.P arc with Cell with the U7 gang, etc.) I would love to share more and discuss threads that have a plot we can follow and end, much like a short story? It's all in good fun.
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//Thats all I’ve got until I can think of anything else! Course if people are interested and actually wanna plot?? HIT ME UP. IM BUZZING WITH IDEAS.
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