#im in love with creative people
sokoal · 9 months
Sitting at a table among 4 tattoo artists. All of them are drawing rn and one of them is mine.
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miwtual · 1 year
im so fucking tired of the disrespect gifmakers get on the gifmaker website
#kai.txt#negativity tw#(sorry these are gonna be a lot of tags. i have a lot of feelings and i dont know where else to put them)#we make gifs and nobody reblogs them#when they do get reblogged all people want to tell you is that your gifs arent good enough to them and rip it to shreds#'you're missing x' 'why didnt you do y' 'if i made this i would have abc' 'hey op ur wrong and this is why' 'i dont like this op'#reposters dont even reblog your fucking gifset but they'll save your gifs to repost later asking for how to do something#that they could have asked you how to do in the fucking first place#we reblog ourselves constantly because nobody else will and maybe to make our work look like it has more notes than it does#to make ourselves feel better about the lack of interaction we're getting#and then when we TALK about this frustration we have. people who are too afraid to say it to our faces#go on anon in our askboxes and tell us how we're somehow selfish for wanting people to interact with the sets#that we spent time on. hours. days. WEEKS in some cases#or we get anons who tell us the reason we dont have notes are because we arent good at gifmaking in the first place#but this is all on anon. because they're too scared to tell it to our faces#they're too scared for us to see that they ARENT a gifmaker and that they dont know how to do it any better either#they dont see us as people doing something we love as a hobby. they see us as content machines that dance like court jesters#im just so fucking tired of the disrespect#and this sentiment goes for more than just gifmakers. graphicmakers. artists. literally any creative hobby shared on this site#we get treated like shit and for what? literally for fucking what.
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stiffyck · 6 months
i need more people to be insane over others very specific aus that are very far from the original. its fun i promise
i need to see more very fanon designs i need to see super specific aus please make the most self indulgent aus and self indulgent designs and please people reblog it i wanna see it i wanna see all of it can we REBLOG MORE ART PLEASE
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
To me the joy and beauty of vocal synthesizers has always been that they don't sound real and exploring that to create artistic expression that can't be achieved by human voices, so seeing them become more and more realistic is disheartening, almost? Especially since a lot of artists make the same voice banks sound so different and have their own personal charm. I'm glad that people will be able to make things that sound realistic, but I'm worried that songs that intentionally play out of sounding as realistic as possible will be sidelined, discouraged, no longer created, impossible to find, or unsupported by fans of vocal synthesizers. I don't want things to just push towards being as realistic as possible. There is beauty in how everyone's usage of the same voice banks sound different. There is beauty in the lack of realistic sounding vocals in vocal synthesizers.
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doodle-with-alizard · 8 months
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My current brain rot now
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ell1th3gh0st · 10 months
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But I love my friends, they make me feel alive again [Laugh / Cry - Bears In Trees]
But I love my friends / They make me feel alive again / Or at least they remind me / That I'm not even dead [Reverberate - Bears In Trees]
inspiration in the tags, thank you bears in trees i love you <3
fun fact: i, like previously, sketched this on my phone very quickly, but this time I actually knew what I was doing!!
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copepods · 1 month
i wish there were more rain world aus that like. worked within the established canon worldbuilding, rather than completely uprooting it... like i Know fandom is a place where you make shit up, but also, i like rain world so much Because of its worldbuilding and seeing like 80% of the fanbase ignore it in favor of off-string aus and stuff kind of sucks sometimes lol
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peachcitt · 8 months
we're sitting under the stars on my best friend's balcony,
and everyone but us have gone in for the night. I've just told you, hazy and drunk, that my astrology app feeds me bullshit every day, and sometimes I'm weak enough to believe it. But most of the time it's bullshit.
I don't know why I told you - to you, the stars are lifeblood, or at least a personality gauge based on spinning planets and hair size. "Leos are known for their big hair," you'd said, maybe only a few hours prior. I can't remember why I chose that bone to pick - I think I've reached a barrel-scraping desperation where I feel the need to assert, over and over again, that 'I defy you, stars!' even though it would be much easier to say that mercury in retrograde may be causing my acute depression.
You pull up your astrology app. We're friends on there, and I think I remember checking our compatibility and feeling drawn to the sex & love section, but that would be ridiculous. There's something in the bullshit my astrology app fed to me that I read out loud in drunken amusement that resonated with who I am in your eyes, sitting in front of you under the stars. Your app tells you that you might experience a big change when the sun comes up, that you'll have to reach for it with both hands, and I see your eyes flick over to me.
There's a defense mechanism that locks in, underneath my skin, that acts as a human deterrent. I look at my best friend and there is something primal and soft that begs to lean my body against her and touch her with a casual intimate care. But when she laced her fingers with mine, pushing up against my stiff palm like digging through stone, I had to look away. She knelt down by her puppy and took my hand in hers, pressing my knuckles to her forehead to show her puppy that I am safe, that I can be trusted, but the little creature watched me like a sentinel behind my best friend's back, wary and right.
I think I told you it might be bullshit; I can only remember myself contrary in the string lights. You insisted that it could be true. "What if everything changes," you said, "what if it's right and today" - we were far past midnight - "and today the-"
"The world ends?" I finished for you.
I don't think that's what you wanted to hear, the careless laughing way I said it. I stared at the back of my best friend's house today, hours after you left, and I thought about fate. I bent over backwards and stared up at the stars, framed by the staircase up to the porch we sat. The world didn't end, nor did it change substantially, and I'll admit I didn't want either. I want to stay the same forever, but the goddamn stars keep moving.
I've played this game before, and I've been the one to lose every time. I'd like to say I'm a good sport, but there's only so many hits you can take before it starts getting personal, and I'm afraid my jagged edges are sharpening in preparation. I can't let you be another meteorite I strain every muscle to push to the top of the hill only to fall back in the same bloody crater. You have to understand; where you see fate in the stars, glinting just for you, all I can see is apocalypse.
(28 August 2023, 3:26 am)
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somethingaboutmint · 2 months
Genuinely about to block the fallout tag and move on with my life cuz the last week has been absolutely insane. I was more so excited for the show due to the idea that it'd bring in new and old fans alike and that the community would finally have new content to have fun with and analyse but all it did is start pointless arguing and "my fallout media is holier than thine" attitudes that has made just existing on tumblr depressing and miserable cuz every third post i get reccomended is one group tearing into the other because of x y or z or all at once. I have never in my life seen people being so agressive and combatitive over a franchise or piece or media they claim to love.
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marcmorrigan · 2 months
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According to the artist, when it was suggested that a smile might benefit the look of the finished portrait, Attaché Nohell reportedly replied, "I thought the purpose of this was to be honest."
Super fun commission of @waterloggedsoliloquy's OC Sicely Nohell (they/them) and their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lusus figure Commanding Officer.
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thirdiife · 1 year
treebark doodle dump cause theyre the only thing i can process
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happyk44 · 1 year
PJO: we need to recognize the value of the minor gods. The Olympians are important, sure, but the minor gods do a lot of work in maintaining and assisting the pantheon, have their own kids and deserve to be seen and valued just as much
HoO: Back at it again with Olympian-only nonsense!
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lunar-wandering · 10 months
I genuinely think so many people have forgotten the fact of "there are no toxic fandoms, only toxic people".
When fandoms get big, of course the amount of people u want nothing to do with is also gonna get bigger.
Youre not meant to combat them. Youre not meant to talk about them and expose others to them.
Youre meant to block them at the first signs and continue to enjoy your experience interacting with other people.
Kill the weeds, don't let the seeds spread, reap your wheat and enjoy your bread.
#this post brought to you by#me yet again seeing a 'x fandom is awful and toxic'#whilst ive experienced nothing but joy + made most of my current friends through said fandom#im part of that fandom. youre part of that fandom. that fandom brought us together.#you would insult something that created something so beautiful?#just because theres some assholes ALSO in it???#i just. i cant STAND it#its such a fucking generalization#im so fucking tired of 'fandoms are bad' mentalities#yes theres some assholes. most of us dont want them here either#yes theres people being 'cringey'. leave them alone theyre just having fub#fun#fandoms are a COMMUNITY#of people brought together via a common love of one thing#we praise fanfic and fanart for being so creative#but those only truly exist because fandom does#u cant love one and then blatantly insult the other#jeez#im just. i get so depressed when i see those takes#its like. sometimes some of these takes really just give 'people cant have fun anymore'#and other times i see a 'fandom bad!!' take and im just like#u do understand fandom is a community that YOU are meant to build right?#its like how people tell people to curate their dashboard. fandom is the same#block the people u dont like. dont engage with drama. dont make callout posts.#(if u must u can PRIVATELY inform your mutuals if theres some asshole in the community)#fandom is meant to be FUN. A discussion of what people love and an exchange of arts#not continuous arguing over what hcs are correct and stuff#just. god. fandoms arent awful. thats like saying all humans are bad.#just block the assholes. let people have fun. and enjoy yourself.#those are the three rules of fandom.
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boyfriendunsolved · 2 months
the new video was greatly needed if watcher had any hopes of staying afloat. unfortunately, this backpedaling does not change the fact that
1) high production "television quality" content is what they want to make
2) this content is evidently not what people want to watch (even post-apology i'm seeing a lot of people saying they liked bfu better than anything watcher has produced)
again, if they have a clear vision of what they want to make, that's great. but unless there's a market for that content, then it's not going to turn a profit, or break even for that matter. yes, artists deserve to be paid for their work, but art is always bought by people who want and have an interest in said art.
im an artist pursuing my dreams too, but i don't expect people to buy my niche paintings just on the principle that i am an artist creating what i want. if i wanted to make money from this and turn it into a business, i would take commissions and specifically create what other people want. that is what having any kind of artistic job is about, unfortunately.
it's great if what you want to create and what people want to see overlap, but that's not always the case. and i really fear this is the case with watcher and they won't pivot enough to fix any of their problems
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ihearnocomplaints · 8 months
me if uhhhh me if you uh if you reblog my art and give me love and attention
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sukibenders · 8 days
It's kind of annoying to see some depict Annabeth as not having/being able to have relationships, especially friendships, outside of Percy or them having a connection to him as well in some way. I'm not saying that she can't be paired with people who are also friends with Percy, I'm mainly talking about it from this perspective---if Percy and Rachel can be friends with one another without connecting back to Annabeth, the she can have the same. Like, sometimes whenever I read fics that mention Annabeth having a relationship with Connor, there always seems to be a mention of Percy in some way (either Connor being dropped for him or being used as a way to make him jealous), but that's long since stopped when it comes to Rachel being added (which is good because my girl was fighting for her life in this fandom). Not even just Connor, but I would like to see more of Annabeth's life highlighted outside of Percy and sometimes even outside of the big hero quest that she goes on. I want to see more of her interactions with Grover, Silena, the Stolls, Clarisse, etc. And this isn't any hate or shade to Percy, because I love him, but he's given more depth at times (when done right because fanon!Percy can be...) than Annabeth, even though they both are complex characters.
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