#im just. auuughh
puppetlooselystrung · 2 months
bro having a depression spike on april fools is not cool. ots like god saying april fools! youre the fool
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segasys · 7 months
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playing around with some nightcat/inv designs, partially inspired by @faelingdraws and @dieselpvnk's designs
also i really like plural nightcat/inv by faeling, so im adopting that for them if you dont mind, but if thats not ok please tell me!!
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rockintapper · 8 months
guh,,,,m,m,,,, rhythmtober day um 5. different outfit
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EHEHEHEEEE i love this remix so much. The rotten
\/ funni reference picture \/
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technicalknockout · 9 months
In a steven universe community im a part of suf is still recieved as "TERRIBLE TERRIBLE WORST PART OF THE SHOW WHY DOES IT EXIST" and im just standing in the corner like. None of you understand
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rc-colaa · 11 months
back on tumblr despite how confusing it is
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tvslashers · 1 year
Sorry to sound edgy or something but it really is lonely being insane like my brain just does not work normally. I started freaking out last night over a painting of a chandelier someone did because it was so beautiful that someone made that chandelier and that’s art and a human did that and then another human liked the way it lit up so much that they painted it. Do you fucking understand. I cannot hold conversations normally because if i think too much about the objects in my room i get overwhelmed. I use a tower fan every day and a human designed it. It’s made of plastic. What kind? Who decided? When did this type of plastic in use for household appliances come into style? i cannot stop the rabbit holes in my brain.
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bloodcoveredgf · 1 year
bad day today i think.. nothing that can be helped... i will sit here and listen to simon and garfunkel like did i even try to be happy today? no! and thats just fine
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asteraws · 1 year
arugh i wanna draw my ocs more... and not be scared to post them... and make charms of them so bad 😭😭 maybe ill make that my goal for this year
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troutpopulation · 1 year
god i fucking LOVE my new job this is so awesome tbh
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ventcode · 1 year
urge to block u but my forced feeling of guilt is lingering
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chairmenboss · 1 year
ohhhh . i wish you to feel afraid as i do... perhaps you will somehow, in some way, have to live as i do now, and i wish for you to know how excruciating it is.
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splitster · 6 months
answering asks? more likely than you think
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i have a feeling it wouldn't go too well... although, to an outsider, a mamuta smacking pom because she's a threat to the flowers would look the exact same as a mamuta smacking pom because its trying to bury her so she can grow, so i don't think any of the other officers would see anything suspect about the interaction
↓ more under the cut!! ↓
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HELL YEAHHHHH absolutely I will always draw more Pingo! if you ever have pingo suggestions/requests/questions, my inbox is always open💖
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! WAHHH i do my best when it comes to characterizations... I try to make them all unique and interesting lol
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heh... the Dingo enjoyer pipeline... heh....
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THIS is a really good question. at the beginning, she doesn't necessarily resent who she is -- she just subconsciously wants for a place to belong, and for people to fit in amongst. she absolutely recognizes she's different but she doesn't fault herself for that, she just focuses on trying to fit in
now, as time passes and she comes to understand people more, her stance might change -- especially if she manages to spend time with people she cares about and makes friends, but ends up getting ousted or otherwise ostracized. at that point, she might idly wish she was someone else.
for the most part though being a wraith is something she doesn't dwell on, it's just a part of her that she accepts without thinking.
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this is wonderful news. spread the Dick "Dingo" Ringo truth.
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AHH THANK YOU!!! i am continuously floored by the support i receive for both the pom wraith AU and for pingo... i'm very touched that so many people have enjoyed my silly AU, and i'm happy that people like the silly pairing that ended up spawning from it 💖
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AUUUGHH this is the pain of answering asks super late... anon if you see this i hope you enjoyed the pom x collin x dingo pics i posted a while back. i will most likely make more in the future too because i think they're cute
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collin is the only normal rescue corps officer. he's SOOO normal in comparison so unfortunately it falls to him to be the voice of reason more times than not
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YOURE SO RIGHT. it's hard when your coworker is an alien species you know literally nothing about... pom will be fine, she can heal pretty big cracks in her core as long as she stays fed and rests💖
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AHHH THANK YOU!! (im assuming you mean collin) i think hes very neat. im picking him up and squeezing him like a stress toy
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THANK YALL FOR ALL THE ASKS!!! i try to read each and every one (even if i can't respond to all of them), and i really appreciate all the support and the interesting questions and prompts!! it means the world to me that so many people wanna engage with the stuff i make💖💖
i will continue getting through asks... slowly...
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crushedsweets · 9 days
in a far away universe where ninakate is canon in creeped verse how do u think their future together would be like? Like moving in with each other...getting married...adopting pets etc etc
AAGGGGHHH OK OK this is SUPER fantasy-type for me, not really realistic for the lore itself... but au where ninakate is canon is fantasty anyway so i do as i please. this is so fanficy and cheesy and stupid and goofy but i dont even caaareee they make me really happy I MISS MY GF(i saw her today. mb)
so this would happen LONG after kate finally heals from O/S syndrome. she is no longer a proxy, no longer has 'the chaser', has spent years working with toby, nat, jack, and nina to get better. get her GED, heal her overworked body, etc. i think kate would have to get a new identity/SSN from BEN so she can work. . . OR she'd wipe all of her missing person files and he'd get her a copy of her SSN, so everything can still be under her name?! i dunno, something super over-powered LMFAO
they'd move close to the coast. a quiet beach city filled mostly with old retired couples and young families. they rent out a small, quaint little house from an older butch/femme lesbian couple. its a short 30 minute walk from the beach (nothing for kate, good for nina). nina works as a nail tech, kate works at a morgue. lots of night shifts for kate, but nina has a disorganized sleep schedule, so she'll be awake when kate leaves and comes home. . .
nina would want marriage sometime into their 30s. without a doubt. and i dont think kate would mind. 'its a piece of paper' (its a legally binding life long commitment but she dgaf) .... nina would get so emotional talking about it, kate is like 'ok well why wouldnt i do it. make her happy.' nina wants a huge, dramatic, extravagant wedding... but i think they'd have a small, private wedding on the beach with very few people. nina wears a mermaid style dress with a dramatically long veil thats dragging all in the sand and was an obecjtively bad decision but kate said it was pretty so nina HAAAD to wear it. kates in a suit. with a pink little pocket square. cuz nina wanted to have pink in the wedding. they probably organized it all themselves, having them + toby and clocky thrift a ton of rando wooden chairs and toby/kate hand made the arch while clocky/nina put flowers all over it. AUGH. come on.
nina wants a chihuahua sooo badly sooo bad so bad. or a pommie. just some cutesy small dog. kate wants like a huge guard dog. smth smth 'for when im not around' and ninas always like oooooooo u care about meeee . LMFAOOOO. so maybe a pommie and a rottweiler .... crazy cute combo, of course .. .
they'd still have issues to get over. neither of them are very healthy partners for a long time, with nina being so horribly anxiously attached and kate being so distant and avoidant. kate being so bad at communicating would trigger the fuck out of nina. and nina is quick to raise her voice, and kate is selectively mute, so nina would trigger that as well. which frustrates nina, then upsets kate, which is a shitty cycle. nina has horrible self image and self esteem, and kate is NOT equipped to handle that - her appearance has never mattered to her, and nina being so worked up over superficial stuff is bothersome. they have a LOT going on that they NEED to work through. and since this is a fictional fantasy ship, THEY WILL LOL they will. because i want them to. and i think they deserve it.
auuughh i just. . . i like them :(
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clamsjams · 4 months
opla thoughts:
i already heard abt this from someone on tiktok but it was still a little disappointing to me that they changed namis story. like don’t get me wrong it was amazing and i did end up crying at one point but like
the tragedy in the live action of nami sacrificing herself for her village, and the villagers not knowing abt her deal with arlong and hating her for it, thinking she actually joined up with arlong, including her own sister, was good but i prefer the animanga version. because not only is there the tragedy of namis abuse at arlongs hands and being forced to work for her mothers killer, and the villagers hating her, there’s the reveal that they knew all along. it’s like a double whammy of tragedy
nami works to free the village, with this basically impossible deal that arlong had no intention of honoring, while shouldering the villagers hatred, because even if they don’t know what she’s doing, it’s her home and family and she’ll save them no matter what. only the whole time, they knew exactly what she was doing, because genzo got suspicious on his own and made nojiko tell him, and they’ve been trying to make her hate them so she’ll give up on saving them and run away to live her own life. it’s just sooooo good. the tragedy of both sides trying to save each other and accepting that they need to be hated to do that, because they want the best for the other even if that means theyll never see each other again. because the villagers wanted nami to run and live her own life, and if she did then they knew she could never come back again because of arlong obvs. and on the other side i fully believe if namis deal had worked out she would’ve left cocoyasi and never come back bc that’s what she believed the villagers would want
auuughhh it’s just sooooo gooood. both trying to do what they think is best for the other but being too stubborn to try and work out a better way. being in a shitty situation and trying desperately to do what you can even if it hurts you
and also the individual relationships! like i wasn’t a huge fan of the fact that nojiko didn’t know abt the deal and also hated nami. i rlly like how in the manga nami still has one person she can trust and rely on even if nojiko can’t really help out, and she won’t let her try to help. and nojiko watching her sister work herself into the ground and not being able to do anything except have a home for her to come back too. and i believe she also knew about genzo and the villagers plans too, so seeing nami hurt by the villagers hatred and knowing it’s false but not being able to tell her
and genzo too! he was the one who realized that nami working with arlong was suspicious, made nojiko tell him about the deal, and came up with the whole plan. because before arlong came he knew nojiko and nami best he was basically their dad. he was watching over her when she was with arlong and he saw her being hurt but he couldn’t do anything!! auuughh!!! he wore that stupid pinwheel on his hat for her!! bc it made her laugh!!
in conclusion i liked the live action but im sad that they took away a lot of the depth of some of the side characters and boiled it down to just “oh yeah they all hate her for real”
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cheecats · 10 months
Just wanted to say your content and posts about river ripple fueled me and my fiancés dive into dawn of the clans. And gave us some good outside vibes and head cannons to project onto them which super helped our enjoyment through that arc in particular. You have such king taste honestly! And we quite enjoyed the one eye arc that just ended! Im so sad to hear about how river ripples book is looking ;; Cause they had everything going for them to make up any story they wanted like talltail. These erins doing them so dirty
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OhhHHH I'm so SO flattered that my content on River Ripple got you guys interested in reading DOTC <:] it's obviously very flawed and there are a lot of issues and choices in the writing that I think harm it, but some of the characters were really fun and interesting to think about (including River Ripple ofc hehe)! Thank you so much for the kind words, I hope you two enjoyed the experience <:D
Auuughh It's okay 😔💔 we're all laughing through the pain and predictability of the writers. I'll always keep my AU for River Ripple open to play around with and for others who enjoy it to talk about too! We're makin' it out of Fourtrees with this one </3
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prisonguards · 1 year
FR!!! Like oh my GOD I didnt even ship smallidarity before likeeeee I was just your average flower husbands fan, and I wanted to stick hard to the whole boundary compliance thing because I was part of dsmp twt for a year and. Well. That should say enough, iykyk. But then Joel just kept obsessing over Jimmy, Jimmy kept simping for Joel, and then the entire thing with the "he's just sooo cuuuute" and "can we just compare the size difference again, its my favorite thing ever" and whatever the fuck fixating on the noise Jimmy made was and it was like. Well. Bro. BRO. THEEEEN the having a CHILD together thing happened and I just fell into shipping them immediately from E2 alone. And now I'm watching E1 and I'm gonna rewatch 100h hardcore because your blog has just made it Worse.
This has been an entire tangent but the tldr is I didn't ship smallidarity until Joel was absolutely unbearable and obvious over just how much the cuteness aggression he gets over Jimmy Gets To Him.
Also I see your tags and I bring you this: in watching E1, am I insane or is the whole "Katherine was his first ally but I am his BEST ally, I will call her a coward and get genuinely angry at her for not going to the lengths I will to protect Jimmy" give off possessiveness. Not possessiveness as in jealousy, ownership, or anything like that but more in the sense that he takes great pride in being the one who takes care of Jimmy best, so to speak and to be the one who protects him when he needs it. This isn't really related at all to what you said but I'm doing my best and it's 6 AM as I write this, I have not slept and I should cut myself off before I spout even more nonsense.
- life series anon
ANON I LUV YOU AUSGEUE. I hope you get some good sleep friend aaueghd
I think that happened to a lot of people :3 smallidarity like was ramping up all season thanks to enemies to lovers being such a popular trope/dynamic but its Exploded in popularity lately and Im so thankful for that!!! whether it be from Joels fawning or their. insanity inducing innuendoes. the more fans the merrier ^—^
IM SO GLAD MY MADNESS HAS GOTTEN U TO WANNA REWATCH 100 HOURS :3c !!! its a comfort series for me for sure. and the episodes with Jimmy in them are. absolutely the best. ep 4 is one of my favorite episodes of anything ever. and if you want more Joel fawning over Jimmys cuteness…
YESSSSSS YES.. I ADORE THEM IN EMP S1!!! their dynamic is so unique there because of how wholly and overwhelmingly soft/positive it is. theyre allies from the start and BEST allies… auuughh.. yesshh Joel gets sooo defensive over Jimmy in s1 its beautiful. how quick he is to go absolutely murder mode for Jimmy. but how quick he is to be soft for him too. SIGGHHHHH. its my dream fr. the possessiveness.. YES.. theyre just SO important to eachother and it drives me crazy. he treats Jimmy so special. the way that he has little rooms for just Jimmy and Lizzie in his palace… the special roles they both hold… his wife and his best friend… there is def such a special connection there. and the possessiveness, Jimmy has so many more allies and close allies than Joel does. Joel just enforcing and affirming his station and specialness to Jimmy every once and a while.. by insulting his other allies augshs.. augh.. I just love them
also, for anyone else mulling over boundaries still; if you want specifics he just said he finds it “a bit weird” and iirc he didnt really say you cant do it. he just doesnt get it cause hes such a wifeguy. if youre concerned you can still tag it properly/keep it out of main tags. but if he was Really upset by it he would Not be encouraging and escalating it, and making the jokes he does, and putting them in his videos, and liking comments people make about them, and the tweets he makes, and and and and… if people are harassing u on behalf of him, they dont really care about what hes comfortable with, they just wanna punch down at someone. I get wanting to be respectful, but Ive also seen it used for such cruelty 💔 so I think the most important thing to keeping everyone, including the creators themselves, happy is to keep things to the right tags and spaces and being kind to yourself and others and blocking what you need and keeping out of peoples business.
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