#im like shakespeare but with more hair
amanonthecorner · 9 months
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Why are you so far away
Yet so close to my heart
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le-clair-de-lune · 1 month
Just reader admiring her boy
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"Fuck me" you murmured under you breath, your lips parted and your eyes wide as you watched him. The way his muscles flexed, the determination in his eyes, his perfectly messy, he resembled nothing less than a Greek god, truly Apollo reincarnated.
"Think you got a bit of drool there" Lily teased causing Remus to look over at you
"Huh?" you mumbled still entranced at the sight in front of you
Remus scoffed in disbelief "I just don't get how you could be so-"
His words were cut off as you turned his chin watching as James hovered in the air, pulling his shirt of with one hand before running a hand through his hair.
"You were saying?" you taunted breathlessly your eyes still trained on James
"Well I-um I" he gulped
"Yeah" you agreed watching as James raised his arms above his head leaning back slightly whilst he let out a laugh
"Unbelievable" Lily snickered breaking the both of you out of your trance Remus slightly red in the face. "Looks like he's got some more fangirls" she rolled her eyes "Would you like an 'I love James' shirt? Im sure the fan club has extra"
"Oi! I am not a fangirl" Remus replied offended "He's my best mate but you gotta agree Evans, he's good looking"
"Incredibly good looking in fact" you continued "Like he was sculpted out of marble. He's gorgeous" you sighed resting you head on your palm thoughts filled with images of him.
"Maybe not that far" Remus says watching your dazed state
"Maybe not that far he says" you mimic "Have you seen the man?!?! He's ravishing!!" you exclaim "Bewitching, exquisite. He's the most divine bei-"
"Calm down Shakespeare, your boy's coming this way" Lily rolls her eyes
Suddenly you are embraced from behind a head finding it's place on your shoulder as arms wrap around your waist.
"Hello love" his whispers against your neck, placing a soft kiss.
You let out a pleased sigh before turning in his arms draping your arms over his shoulders. "Hi handsome" you smile up at him before placing a soft kiss to his lips.
Before James has a chance to deepen it, you are pulled off of him by a smirking Sirius. "No hello kiss for me??" he pouts batting his eyelashes, laughing as you shove his shoulder.
"In your dreams"
"You know it" he winks
"Hey! find your own girl to dream about" James gasps pulling you closer to him "This one's mine"
Yes you absolutely were.
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terry-perry · 4 months
Okay i had this idea for some time. But i saw your post about wanting to practice writing Alastor. Can you do Alastor when he was alive? It’s the 1930s and he’s a radio host, i had this idea of reader being a female had to face female stereotypes still(i know in 1920s the 19th amendment was passed but women still had to face the aftermath), she wanted a job that only men could have. So what if Reader dresses as a boy, gets her dream job and ends up working alongside Alastor in his radio station. He doesn’t know that reader is a girl. I wanna leave the rest up to you! How does Alastor find out about reader being a girl and eventually probably falling in love? Like i can see Reader and Al being great friends at first. Im sorry this is long! But i want you to be creative!! You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!
Inspired by the writing of Shakespeare, especially Twelfth Night
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You watched Alastor hard at work as always preparing the setlist for the night's show. You loved how he lit up whenever he was doing something relating to his radio show. He was so passionate and full of life. It was contagious and had you wanting a fill of this life as well. Thanks to Alastor, you developed your already-formed love for music into one that could rival his.
Your love for music made you want to try your hand at radio broadcasting. Unfortunately, most, if not all, stations only wanted to hire women as secretaries - to answer calls, fetch coffee, and be at the host's beck and call. There was no way you'd be able to learn the ropes properly like that. This led you to cut your hair shorter than a flapper's bob and purchase some slacks and men's button-ups before going to Alastor's studio in hopes of being his new apprentice.
A part of you was anxious that your disguise would fool no one. Your voice was still rather high-pitched as a young girl no matter how hard you tried to disguise it. You were afraid everything about you resembled that of a woman. You tried your hardest to play it off as though you weren't quite a man yet, but also not a boy anymore. You were in that in-between stage that was neither fully a boy nor fully a man.
Thankfully Alastor bought it. He liked your spark, or rather, "Sebastian's" spunk - the male persona you chose to create for yourself. He loved your taste in music and your willingness to learn the ropes. He hired you on the spot!
Months passed since that fateful day and you'd been able to get by with your ruse with hardly any issues. Alastor had even let you take over broadcasts from time to time!
There was one problem, as of late, however.
You seem to have fallen in love with your boss.
There was an attraction towards him when you first laid your eyes on him. It felt like he cleared all the bad stuff from the air that once trapped you. His spontaneity shined through all his performances. He was always unapologetically himself, which you respected. Then there was the softer side he rarely showed, such as when he interacted with his mother, whom you had the opportunity to meet and have lunch with when you ran into the pair in town. It was endearing to watch them interact, smiling fondly at how he'd comply with her requests.
How could you not love a man who knows how to treat his mother? If a man can only give a little bit of love to his mother, how much more will he be able to love when he falls deeply for a woman who truly captures his heart?
But you weren't a woman to him. You were Sebastian, his apprentice. Whatever bond you formed in the last several months you worked together was purely platonic.
The most you could do was pine for him, gaze longingly from afar, and sigh dreamily as you watched how he prepared for his next show. You've already gotten involved in this situation due to your sense of foolishness and staying because of your love, so you carried on.
The more you got to know him, the more you felt like a deer and your wants have been chasing you like mean, vicious dogs ever since.
Alastor did his best to keep busy with his setlist, distracting himself from the feelings he'd been struggling with for a while now. He couldn't explain them or felt he shouldn't since something like this was equated to catching a plague. Society shouldn't blame him for being weak, however. It's just how people were made. Women love, men love, and he knew if he was a woman, he'd love Sebastian.
He wouldn't deny it. Nothing else could describe what was happening to him as he admired everything about his apprentice. His words, expressions, movements, behavior, and energy drew him in like a moth to a flame.
Also, the intense dream he had the other night that involved Sebastian made his feelings especially clear.
He didn't want to recall too much of it while in the studio, but he couldn't forget about Seb's sweet voice beckoning him: "Al, we need to be careful and hide our love." Alastor had to keep himself from getting flustered as he remembered how he would hold Seb's hand tightly, call him sweet names, kiss him passionately as if he was pulling air out of him, put his leg over his, sigh and kiss him more, and then curse the fate that made them belong in the dark.
He really needed to get a hold of himself!
Especially since the night after that, he heartbreakingly discovered that Sebastian was already involved with someone else. He had followed him back to his apartment after a late night at the studio. Seb told him he needn't bother, but Alastor couldn't let him go alone. His strong desire pushed him to follow his sweet boy. It wasn't just love that made him follow him, but also worry about what could happen to him on the streets alone in the dark. The area could be an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous journey even for those who lived there.
Alastor's love for Sebastian, mixed with fear, made him decide to accompany him in the shadows.
How shocked he was to peer up into the window of the apartment. Seb lived on a semi-high floor, so Alastor didn't get a decent view. And yet, he knew what he saw.
A woman with a boyish haircut undressing and preparing for bed.
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petermorwood · 22 days
More Sword Questions...
These are further questions prompted by a post already long enough that I’m not reblogging the whole thing.  It’s here.
@softness-and-shattering (who posted the original Ask) wrote:
Thank you so much! What Im getting is that there arent any exact rules, different people and places mixed and matched sword features as they liked. Is that more or less correct? The swords that are green, is that oxidization? Theyre very pretty. And if fullers are to reduce sword weight, what are ridges for? Thanks again :)
(1) Yes, it's oxidation. The uncomplimentary word is "tarnish", the complimentary word is "patina". Bronze swords in museums can be various colours ranging from green (verdigris)...
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...through golden...
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...to shades of brown and almost black.
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I don’t know why (archaeological metallurgy is a mystery to me) but at a guess it's related to the acidity of the ground in which they were found, the proportions of copper / tin / other metals in their bronze.
It may also be the point at which conservators decided they'd gone far enough with that particular artefact and further restoration / cleaning would cause damage.
(2) Ridges on sword-blades add stiffness, is the remnant of the bar or rod of steel from which the sword was made, and are created as the blade's final form is hammered out on either side, leaving a sort of raised centre-parting.
(If this is over-simplified or just plain wrong and swordsmiths reading it are going "Nooo!", please correct me!) ;->
Here's one example with a very prominent ridge, from the Victoria & Albert Museum in London...
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...and another with a more restrained centre-line from the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
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(3) Sword shapes and features changed depending on functional requirements. If a shape worked and its use didn’t change, it stayed the same. The Roman gladius and Japanese katana are two examples of not much change in shape over several centuries.
Demands of fashion also played a part in what kind of sword was worn when and with what.
While swords (not just Messers or falchions or other "fighting knives") do appear without armour in medieval art...
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...swords only became a regular part of civilian dress in the mid-late 1400s.
In Germany this was called a Reitschwert - "riding sword" - for self-defence when out (riding) in ordinary clothes. In Italy it was a spada da lato - "side-sword" - for what's now called EDC (every-day-carry) not just in war. In Spain it was an espada ropera - "robe sword" - for wear with regular clothes rather than armour.
That last one, worn down, mispronounced or just plain pinched, became "rapier", and because it was worn every day, with stylish garments, it became yet another way in which to show off.
The most common Europe-wide rapier was a "swept hilt", comprising bars and loops, while Spain and Spanish-influenced places like Italy preferred the "cup-hilt", which had a different style of swordplay.
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Cup-hilts are familiar from movies because it's easy to dress up a sport-fencing sword as something much older. Here's a stage-combat modern épée and two real rapiers.
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Cup-hilts could be plain metal bowls like those, or beautiful examples of chiselled, pierced metalwork.
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Swept-hilts could be equally impressive.
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They were proof that their wearers were dedicated followers of fashion, men of wealth and taste - and, of course, always armed and just as always ready to use what they carried at the drop of whatever was just dropped.
Duelling became a craze, laws against it were ignored, any excuse would do, and Shakespeare summed it up nicely:
MERCUTIO:  Nay, and there were two such, we should have none shortly, for one would kill the other. Thou? why, thou wilt quarrel with a man that hath a hair more or a hair less in his beard than thou hast; thou wilt quarrel with a man for cracking nuts, having no other reason but because thou hast hazel eyes. What eye but such an eye would spy out such a quarrel? Thy head is as full of quarrels as an egg is full of meat, and yet thy head hath been beaten as addle as an egg for quarrelling. Thou hast quarrelled with a man for coughing in the street, because he hath wakened thy dog that hath lain asleep in the sun. Didst thou not fall out with a tailor for wearing his new doublet before Easter? With another for tying his new shoes with old riband? And yet thou wilt tutor me from quarrelling?
(That one about the doublet had echoes in 1922, with The Straw Hat Riot in New York, involving assaults on men who hadn't stopped wearing straw hats by the fashion-approved date of mid-September. At least nobody got run through...)
Oddly enough, portraits which include rapiers usually show swept-hilts, even in Spanish portraits where cup-hilts might be expected (I've seen a couple, but not many). Perhaps the artist didn’t have one to hand, or thought the swept-hilt style was more visually interesting.
The smallsword (shorter, lighter, less cumbersome to wear) replaced the rapier, and it too featured a lot in portraits. It was a piece of masculine jewellery, with a stiff narrow blade on an elegant hilt which might be metal...
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...or some more exotic material like mother-of-pearl or porcelain.
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Then fashion changed again, smallswords also went away, and once again the only people wearing swords on a regular basis were uniformed military types, whose swords could be all sorts of shapes and sizes depending on branch of service and function.
Even when that function is just to be part of regalia, and look good on parade.
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You're Not Cute
Pedro Pascal x Reader
Summary: i saw a fucking tiktok of pedro reciting shakespeare and i will never forgive him for not letting me lie on his lap while he strokes my hair and recites said shakespeare to me. i thought you were a feminist pedrito?! i trusted you pepe. fuck you (me).
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, actor/actress!reader, reader has hair im sorry if ur bald T_T and whipped for pedro and reading this, established but not public relationship (shhh it'll make sense), pedro go to jail party, crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: we all know pedro pascal watches his edits, but i wonder if he's ever... read fics of himself 💀💀💀💀 hi papi! if you're reading this first of all why second of all i love you the tiktok in question that has me at gunpoint tumblr. look at this gif. this is your man??? this is OUR man? fuck off. ALSO I HAVENT PROOFREAD THIS COS I GOT CHORES BYE Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz
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My eyes dart from my reflection on the mirror to the grinning man who popped up from behind me. I turn to him just as he begins wiggling his brows. I make a face him as he narrows his eyes and snaps his fingers while trotting over to me, "looking good, mi amor," he rolls his tongue to mimic a purr and gestures like a cat, "RRRRRRRRRRR."
I roll my eyes at him as I chuckle, turning back to my reflection, "hands off Pedro."
He gasps in offence, raising his hands, "I haven't even touched you yet!"
I lean in to more clearly see the dark blue line I was drawing by my eyes, "ok then," I shrug, "sorry for assuming."
Pedro tilts his head and waves his hands, "apology accepted--" he moves forward until he was close enough to snake his arms around me, "--in form of touching you."
I huff at his shenanigans but do not fight him off. In fact, I lean into his back hug and rest my head against him as we both look at our reflections in the mirror. I motion to my face amidst my scrutiny, "is the eyeliner too much?"
"Nope," he kisses my temple then retorts rather seriously, "it's yas slay."
I make a face.
His serious expression only lasts two seconds before he explodes into laughter. I release a huff as I bring my hand to my face while he thoroughly enjoys his own stupidity. I release one airy chuckle before giving myself a final once over, deciding I looked well put together enough. He inhales deeply to catch his breath then sighs against me, "you smell soooo good."
"It's called a shower," I moved to elbow him off, "you should try it sometime."
I grunt as I struggle against him. I hiss when I feel his mouth on me, "PEDRO!"
He pulls back, all after managing to leave a wet bite on my neck.
Pedro recoils and raises his hands in defeat. I punch him on the chest before wiping his mark.
He sighs, "it's kinda hard to shower by yourself, ya know. I need some help. Also!" he points, "you're dirty now, you got a little," he motions to his neck, "dribble on you-"
"PEDRO PLEASE," I pinch my fingers together, "my interview is in like, ten minutes," I point at him and scold, "contain yourself. Stay in your room."
I begin to storm off and he watches, moaning like a baby, "you mean our ro-"
I feel him follow after me. I snap, "STAY IN YOUR ROOM!" halting in my tracks. I push him back as I grab the door knob. He gives me a puppy dog frown. I give him one last point before closing the door behind me on my way out, "stay here."
Alas. I was in the living room, with a laptop set up in front of me as I did my online interview. I was glad that my Pedrito followed my orders and stayed in the bedroom for the entire duration. Not long now before it ends.
I smile to the interviewers as they begin to wrap up our short segment. I, along with he two hosts from a live news channel, laugh at the closing remarks. Suddenly, I find myself looking out to my side when I see an incoming Pedro just about to pass by.
He was stretching as he walked. He looked like he managed a brief power nap.
Oh fucking shit, he's going to the bathroom. And he's going to pass behind me to get there.
"Now, do you want to invite your fans to watch your film?" the male host asks.
"Uhhh," I trial off, as I turn to my side, rather un-inconspicuously. Pedro was soooooooo close now.
I panic as I turn between my camera and my impeding doom, "uhhh."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Aint no way he was about to pass behind me and expose us like this.
If I say his name, they're going to know it's him, but if I don't they're going to ask who I'm talking to anyway, but if I ignore him, he's going to pass and reveal himself. FUCKKKKK-
And in the split second of panic, I burst out the secret fourth option, and quite possibly the worst one, "FUCK!"
Yeah. Everyone stops.
Cue, my string of panicked apologize, "shit, I'm- fuck, SORRY SORRY SORRY!"
I catch Pedro, just as he realized what he has just done, or what he was about to do, rather.
"Sorry," I cover my hands on my face, "Sorry I-"
The interviewers laugh at me as I recuperate.
I sigh, turning to my side, "it's- there's a ghost that lives in my house."
"Oh, wow, you live in a haunted house?" the female host chuckles, "how thrilling."
"Yeah," I turn back to my camera, "it's quite stressful."
The interviewers chuckle as I regain composure and wave at my camera, "anyway, the ghost in my house says go watch the film with your loved ones, with family, friends, and your house ghosts too. We all worked very hard on the film, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed working on it."
"Right!" Pedro agrees off camera, making me tense in my seat. He adds rather weakly as we make quick eye contact, "right."
The male host laughs, "wow, your ghost is really excited about this film."
"The ghost is going to get evicted soon. I'm calling an exorcist." I force a smile.
Finally, we say our goodbyes and I immediately shut my computer before any other fiasco happens.
"Sorry!" Pedro says immediately once he drops to his knees next to me, "I had booger brain. I woke up from a nap."
I look down at his messy hair and remorseful face. He grabs onto my legs and continuously apologizes to me.
I roll my eyes at him and tilt his head up at me as I grab him by his dark hair, "apology with tears."
He pouts, "I'm really, really sorry, baby. My booger brain..."
I release my grip on him and he immediately sits down next to me and pulls me into him. He continuously apologizes and I lean into his touch, beginning to feel bad for how genuinely remorseful he was. Just a little. He's kinda cute when he's pathetic like this.
"Pedro it's fine," I say, turning to him, pecking his lips repeatedly, "nothing happened. The hosts played it off too, which was really nice of them."
I crawl onto his lap and embrace him. He sighs and embraces me back. I nuzzle my face into his neck and murmur, "weren't you going to the bathroom?"
"Hmm? No, I was going to make a sandwich."
I snort, "of course you were."
I pull my head back and we look at each other. Pedro rubs my back. An idea springs into mind. I smile deviously, "I have decided that your apology will be in a form of Shakespeare."
When I shift off him to lie on the sofa and prop my head on his thigh, he looks down at me with furrowed brows. He brings his hands to his chest, "is the genuineness of my remorse not sufficient enough for you?"
"No, Don John," I sigh, "hark to me. From the top. Much Ado About Nothing."
Pedro chuckles airily before gathering my hair and pulling it back so that he could comb through it with his fingers. He sighs, and I turn to him as he scrunches his face, "I don't fucking remember."
"Do the, 'I must be sad when I...' like, feel like it, or some shit."
Pedro throws his head back and laughs. He sucks in a sharp breath, "like," he says with his exaggerated LA accent, "I have to be sad when I feel like I need to be sad."
"Exactly! Do that part," I giggle.
He continues, "I also will totally not smile at your lame jokes," he purses his lips and makes a face.
"Wait, that's what that means?"
Pedro nods at me, "yeah that's what that means."
"I thought that meant, like, I'll cry when I want to and smile when I want to."
"Well," he caresses my cheek, "you're not too far off."
I wave my hands, "ok, ok, now do the rest, and do it properly this time."
He playfully growls at me, "well, it's kinda hard to do Shakespeare when this cute lil thing is distracting me."
"Do better then."
"I'd rather do you."
"What? You started it!"
I roll my eyes make a zipper motion to my mouth.
Pedro clears his throat. He mumbles some lines to himself to jog his memory, "... sleep when I am drowsy and tend on no man’s business," he states in an exaggerated manner, "laugh when I am merry and claw no man in his humor."
I hold in a laugh as he raises his hands in dramatics.
"And then," Pedro calls, "Conrad says something but I can't remember what he says."
"Pedro!" I whine.
"What?! I can't recite something I forgot, now can I?" he replies, busying himself with brushing my hair again.
I cross my arms, "boomer."
"Yeah, but I'm your boomer," he says pinches my nose. I wrangle against his actions and sequentially sit up.
Before I could retaliate, a phone rings across the room. It takes a second for me to realize it was I that received a phone call. I go ahead and answer upon seeing it was from my manager.
"What have you done?!"
I pull my head back at her tone, "uh... hello to you too. What do you-"
"Are you aware you have a mirror behind your sofa?" she says.
I make a face. What does that-
I freeze, expression dropping as I turn to Pedro and slowly then to the mirror behind my sofa. There's a mirror behind my sofa. I have a fucking mirror behind my sofa.
My manager hums at my silence, "so, you want to make a statement with the ghost in your house before people catch on, or-"
I sigh as my manager begins to run down the possible things we could do. Pedro looks at me in concern as I wipe my face in frustration.
"Yeah, okay, okay. Let me call back in a minute. Bye."
Once I hang up, Pedro shifts on his spot and raises his brows at me.
I purse my lips, "they could see you in the mirror, Pedro."
He knits his brows, "see me in the mirror?"
I raise my brows at him.
He tries to piece it together, "see me in the... OH."
"Yeah, oh. My manager already spoke to yours, and they want to know what we want to do before people start making memes about your ugly face in my fucking mirror."
Pedro gives a guilty look. He throws his arm on the backrest and drops his head on his shoulder, "I... could change my name on Instagram to 'Ghost'."
I roll my eyes, "not fucking helping, Pedro."
"NO! But I'm serious, I-"
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mirmoria · 3 months
Good morning night noon afternoon or evening chat. Let's talk The Heart Killers.
or more precisely, the outfits.
Now....NOT TO BE A BULLY but.
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Assassin. apparently. I'm sorry but this is NOT giving scary sexy rebel assasin with a desire for love and freedom. This is giving the rowdy kids who play outside my house every afternoon. Bro looks like hes gonna use a fake gun to shoot pebbles at stray animals for a little giggle.
What are those pants,,, why do they fit him that way,,,, love the hair tho. Khao could go bald and I'd still go to war for him.
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Ok hot. this man looks like he'd tilt your chin up to make you look at him while flirting with you with something from Shakespeare. You can tell he comes from money. Didnt think I was gonna miss these pants sm. Also I LOVE his floral tattoos here.
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Bro looks like hes waiting for you to fall at his feet after saying "are you copper and tellurim? Cus ur Cu-Te baby"
What are those socks. What are those shorts. Why does he look like he's wearing something out of a 7 year olds closet. Why is his hair fraying up top.
I wouldve been sm happier had the pants been full length :( but oh well.
K I'm done ☀️☀️☀️☀️😽😽💥💥💥 pushing all this aside IM GENUINELY EXCITED FOR THE SHOW I dont love the styling (esp for kantbison) but wtv I'll eat up this romcom.
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curious-camellia · 9 months
If only we were two different people.
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Larissa Weems x Reader
You were on a two week trip to Vermont to pay your respects to your mother, who is unwell. While in Vermont, you meet a fascinating woman by the name of Larissa Weems. Who knew she’d be the cause of your heartbreak and complete unraveling.
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST. Hurt/no comfort. Reader being completely obsessed with Larissa upon first meeting her.
You remember the exact day you first met her. The silver haired goddess that intrigued you in a way no person had before. An enchantress. Sapphire eyes that could make the skies seem gray on the sunniest day. Elegance only comparable to royalty itself, and ultimately, the cause for your undoing. Larissa Weems, the woman that you are…or were.
Visiting your mother was never a pleasure, but she was unwell, and you had to pay your respects to the woman that raised you, even if barely. The plan was simple. Stay in Vermont for two weeks, pay your respects, and then come back home. She wasn’t part of the plan. Getting attached to a complete stranger was most certainly not part of the plan. Becoming anything more than strangers wasn’t on the list either. Becoming strangers again…well…
Hot chocolate. Your drink of choice on a chilly morning, oh, how different things would’ve gone if you had just chosen another drink. If only.
“Hot chocolate?” the all too chirpy barista at the Weathervane called out. Your head perked up at the sound, wanting to collect your drink and leave. As you went to grab the hot chocolate, another pair of hands came in contact with your own. You look up only to see a goddess amongst mortals. The most breathtaking woman you had ever seen in your life.
“I’m sorry, darling. Did you also order a hot chocolate?” The alluring woman asked. Her voice was addictive, velvety and accented. You would have listened to it forever, but you didn't.
“Yeah, thats alright, i’ll take the next one” you said as you gave the woman a small smile, trying not to make an absolute fool of yourself. You took the next hot chocolate that the barista announced. You should’ve left, but you didn't. You foolishly approached the mysterious woman who had potentially taken your drink, and started a conversation with her. She had a magnetic pull, drawing you closer and wanting to know more about the light goddess herself. Twenty-six minutes. Twentysix minutes in which you conversed without having any prior knowledge about each other, without knowing the others name. Until you just had to ask. Foolish decision i’m afraid.
“Larissa” you repeated it, reveling in the way her cheeks rose and her eyes closed slightly as she smiled. The way her ruby red lips curled upwards and never quite stopped. She asked you for your name. And you so foolishly gave it to her. You yearned to hear her say your name, an absolute stranger, someone you had never met before, and had no intention of meeting again. but you needed to hear her say it. And she did. Her velvety voice and heavy accent made your name sound like it was written by Shakespeare himself.
Maybe, if this was the last of your interactions with the woman, everything would’ve turned out okay. Maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have a gaping hole where your heart used to be. You could’ve stayed. Why didn’t you?
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rat-typewriter · 2 years
l,,link with a really clumsy male S/O who can barely walk straight,,,,pls,,,
Note: Good grief i am so sorry this has been chilling in my inbox for a YEAR oops,,, anyway im sorry its late and not the best quality but we tried and ive just done 4 hours straight of biology cramming soooo
Proofread: did shakespeare have time to proofread???? I think not 😌😌
Clumsy - Link x GN!Reader
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You stared at your hands, which gripped the sword tightly - to the point of whitening your knuckles. It was heavier than you had expected; it didn’t help that your palms were drenched in sweat, leaving you readjusting your grip every few seconds.
A few feet away, sitting in the grass, Link watched you carefully as he sharpened his own sword. It had been his idea - after an uncomfortably close call with an angry moblin - that you should learn to defend yourself. It definitely wasn’t a bad idea, but you could practically feel Link’s watchful gaze and his tenseness each time you took a swing at the scarecrow in front of you. 
You lunged forwards, taking a jab at its limp straw body, just as he’d taught you. It was satisfying to watch the dry grass guts spill out of the torn scarecrow; it was even more satisfying to see that you were actually improving.
“That wasn’t so bad!” you grinned, turning to Link - who nodded and gave you a thumbs up and a smile.
A gust of wind ruffled his hair as he turned back to his work. Pausing, you watched him for a moment. Over the last year that you had travelled with Link, you had always been amazed at how calm he seemed - even when faced by a Linel or hoard of Bokoblins; even on the night that he kissed you for the first time. Nothing ever fazed him; that was always something you thought you could be certain of.
At first, his silence had puzzled you. In the quiet moments you found your mind racing, were you bothering him? Was he listening? Would he rather you didn't say anything? The more time you spent together, you had grown to enjoy his company - you learned to read his expressions and pauses and silent laughter and suddenly he seemed to come to life. You found that he wasn’t mysterious or dangerous, but he was, in fact, the biggest dumbass you’d ever met. With everything he did came an air of mischievousness; everything was an adventure. And before you knew it, you were falling for the blonde-haired soldier. 
You smiled to yourself, as he knit his eyebrows together with focus. Another sudden breeze sent his hair into his face and he shook his head - attempting to flick it away. As he did so, he caught your eye. It didn’t even last a second, but it was there.
You quickly turned away, hoping that he hadn't caught you staring. Nearly three months ago you had confessed to Link - on an overcast summer night, as you waded through a river. His face had been unreadable; you stared at him - desperately searching his face for an answer. All the words that you’d held in spilled out like blood pouring from a cut - yet suddenly you had nothing to say at all. His name was on your lips - then, all at once, his lips were as well. It had been three months since that night, but he still made you nervous.
A quiet snicker came from behind you and you looked back over your shoulder at the smug-faced boy.
"What?" You said - your voice several octaves higher than normal - feigning innocence.
He raised his eyebrows and returned to sharpening his sword - still smiling to himself. He barely had to do anything to make your heart skip a beat. And he knew that. 
You huffed in a pointless attempt to mask how flustered you were. Sometimes you wished you could do something to make him as nervous as he made you. 
You turned back to the scarecrow and adjusted your stance, ready to take another swing.
I’ll figure it out one day, You decided. I will make him blush.
Sweeping your sword, you cut away at the shredded scarecrow - watching as tatters of fabric tumbled to the ground. 
You took a step back and - without warning - you lost your balance. Letting out a yelp of surprise you wobbled for a moment before landing in an awkward heap on the ground. As you hit the grass, a dull thump seemed to resonate through your body - leaving you aching slightly as you lay still on the ground. 
Not only had the fall knocked the air out of your lungs, but it had apparently also knocked the coherent thoughts out of your head. 
“Ouch,” you said, stupidly, as you stared up at the clear, blue sky. Before you could heave yourself up, a very-worried Link appeared at your side. His eyes were wide as he crouched beside you, frantically scanning you for any signs of harm.
You watched him, slightly confused - it was hardly a particularly dramatic fall, just the type of thing that seemed to happen to you at least three or four times a day. 
“Hey, I’m fine,” you said softly, moving to sit up. “You don’t need to worry-”
He pushed you back down and reached behind him, grabbing his bag. He rummaged through it, pulling some bandages out.
You giggled, shaking your head, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Link, I’m fine - really!"
He pointed to your hands - which you had scraped slightly. 
You laughed again, swatting him away. "Oh, it's all good - that's nothing."
It was true, it really was nothing. You tripped and knocked yourself all the time; your arms and legs were littered with cuts and bruises.
He sat back on his heels, raising an eyebrow - his expression still laced with concern. 
"Seriously, I'm alright!" 
He tilted his head at you worriedly. No matter how many times you stumbled or slipped - he never failed to panic.
You smiled softly and reached forward, putting your hand on his wrist. "You don't have to worry, I promise."
He glanced at your hand and then back at you. You suddenly saw the pinkness in his cheeks and a pang of excitement in your stomach brought a grin to your face.
"Are you blushing?" You leaned forwards, taking your head - watching as he looked away and scoffed. 
You sat up fully and pushed a strand of hair from his face. "Awe, you do care!" You joked.
He rolled his eyes, but smiled anyway.
"I'll have to fall over more often." You grinned.
He cocked his head as if to say, more often?
"Yeah, yeah, I know I'm clumsy." You giggled. "But you love me anyway."
He rolled his eyes, but was unable to fight off a smile. 
Yeah, you didn't mind being clumsy.
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colorfullpaperbird · 7 months
Taste in books i think each of the sides on Sander Sides would have
Logan: Easiest side to tell since he says his book taste in canon lmao, mistery books guy, agatha christie, sherlock holmes, murders on rue morgue, he just really enjoys a good mistery (he’s just like me fr). He also probably reads books about scientific discoveries and psychological studies on a day to day basis (since he seems to have an answer for everything), either really likes or really hates sci fi depending on the scientifical explanations the books gives
Patton: Ok so, im gonna be honest, i don’t think Patton reads much? In fact hes probably the one who reads the least out of all sides, but he does seem to know his stuff, quoting studies in some episodes ( ‘Can lying be good?’ being the one who comes to mind ), so he probably reads a few articles about Morality and philosophy, also when i imagine Patton reading i imagine children’s books with deep messages like Dr Seuss, so personally i think Patton’s taste in books would be books like “The Tao of Pooh” which explains philosophy in a simple fun way taking inspiration from children’s media.
Roman: Roman’s my favorite side and although i would like to dump my personal taste on him i am aware that he canonically hasn’t read my favorite book and dislikes dark retellings of fairytales, leaving me to tears since those are my favorite kind of story. However i will indulge a bit and say that Roman would love Shakespearean plays ( His favorite would be Hamlet bc it inspired Lion King ) and typical fantasy books. Im also 100% sure that guy has a shelf full of Disney Movie Books like the novelization of Beauty and the beast and the villain’s origin books by Serena Valentino, also has those super pretty Disney Classics books ( lucky mfer ). And obviously he would have the original novels of multiple musicals ( Wicked, Be more chill, Dear Evan Hansen…) and some ballets/non-Disney classics as well (The nutcracker, The wizard of oz, Swan lake… ). Also Harry Potter i guess, since that’s canon 😒
Virgil: We all know what im going to say, Horror fan. Likes Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and classic horror books that inspired movies/series ( Carrie, Ring, the haunting of hill house… ), also reads a concerning amount of True crime about unsolved murder cases, and he has a special edition of the novel of The nightmare before Christmas somewhere trust me. And to self indulge a little, Dark retellings of fairytales, especially the Horror leaning ones.
Janus: I feel like Patton would read simplified philosophy books while Janus would grab shit like The gay science by Friedrich Nietzsche at the local library (never read this book, hilarious title tho), Overall i think Janus’s taste on books would consist of either philosophy and sociology books (especially the ones that annoying people read to keep gloating about how smart they are, except he actually likes them), and influential plays like Shakespeare, The Odyssey, The Iliad, Medea, Phantom of the Opera etc… His taste is the perfect combination of annoying Theater kid with pretentious philosophy kid (He is the guy they strive to be 😭)
Tw: Remus and everything that comes with him
Remus: YES, REMUS READS, YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND ON THIS, The books he reads? Very simple, Dark romance and horror, the books are his inspirations for new creative ways to annoy the shit out of the other sides, he is slowly but surely making a list of new horrid murder and torture methods he learned via horror books, also dark romance for him is just romance since he thinks normal romance books are boring and lack taste, some other side definitely walked in on him reading once ( picture him reading on the sofa twirling his hair and bouncing his legs in a very stereotypical teen girl way ) and asked what he was reading only for him to answer something like “ ‘Taken Hostage by the Hot Mafia Boss’ :D” Also definitely read the Kam4 Sutr4.
Bonus: Remy/Sleep has a book detailing the multiple different ways on how to brew coffee and Picani has every Kids Show Book he could find ( Gravity Falls 3rd Diary, Star vs the Forces of Evil Book of spells etc… )
ALSO WARNING: If you want to buy any of the books i talked about here be aware there is currently a boycott of Disney and any other properties that have ties to the genocide committed by Israel!! And mainly, i would recommend to grab any book i mentioned in the library since they’re one of the only public community spaces that haven’t shut down yet, support your public library to make sure it stays that way!
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tparker48 · 10 months
"So what's a snack like you doing in a place like this? Don't you know its dangeeous to sneak into a predator's house unannounced."
The tiny cowered before the burly giant, the very ground themself shaking with each step they made."Oh how misguided of me, I've stumbled upon an unsuspecting doom. Whatever shall I do?"
A snicker escaped from the predator, hiding it beneath the collar of their. "Come one, Mylin, you gotta make it convincing, I can't get into the role if I you're acting all cute."
"Oh I'm sorry, Fushi, would you like more, 'oh noo please don't eat me' or 'please spare me from that tight belly.'" He draped a hand over the hus forhead. "I can give more spice if you want that."
He giggled a bit, leaning over his small lover "any of that and you'd have the crown awards, shakespear." He kissed at their forehead.
Mylin giggled as the warm lips fiddled at their ears, holding a hand to their cheek. "Well, I'm sure I can tune it up a few." He got up from the end of the couch, crouching to his knees. "**ahem** forgive me for intruding great master, I had no idea I would stumble upon your lair. Please, spare my actions."
That was a bit better, Fushi thought. He scratched at his beard, his tongue glossing across his lips. "Well, it seems you know your status, I shall grant you a task fitting for your cowardice." He grabbed a glass off the table, swirling it between his fingers as he held their chin with a finger. He poured the fluid into their mouth, watching the fluid vanish into their mouth in fee short gulps.
Pouring the rest out from the bottle, he watched as Mylin's size vainshed, lowering to a pile of clothes. And now it was time for the harvest, he lowered down to pick up his his delectable snack, lifting them to his face. "Satisfy my belly, and I shall grant..I shall.." He gazed upon the small tiny between his fingers, a light squee escaping from them. Honey.."
"I know I know but, I can't hold it in." Mylin admitted, wiggling his butt around as if he had a tail. "Its always a trip to visit your belly. Its so warm and squishy, and filled with lots of you. And did mention was squishy?""
He softly rolled his eyes, palming at his face. Why did he have to be so cute, he thought himself. ushering his beard, he smiled lightly. "Fine, we'll get straight to it. But you gotta at least squirm on the way down, you know how I like that part of the role."
He saw the sparkles in his eyes light up, his little head nodding at a quickened speed. Lifting them higher, Fushi opened his mouth, a belch from his throat bathing Mylin in beer scented gas. With another lick along his lips, he dropped him inside, their faint form sliding along his tongue to the back of his throat. In seconds, he felt them spin around, Their little feet dancing about along the backside of his uvula before hands fondled it.
Bringing the back of his tongue to the roof of his mouth, he reach a hand into his pants. He kept his word all right, just like he always does, and each time it always sends a chill down his spine. Leaning into the sofa, he battered its muscle into him before he tilted his head, swallowing him with a swift flex of his flex of his throat. the cute little lump flowing down his body always sent a spark his cock. But nothing felt more estatic than the drop to his stomach. Like dropping a pill inside as it disappeared into his barreled gut.
"Such a delectable snack!" He softly huffed, rubbing through the abdominal hairs before shaking up his own stomach.
A soft object moved across his stomach, wet palms pinballing from meaty fold to another. "Oh no, what a terrible place to be in, im trapped in this giant's hot, sexy belly."
The predator chuckled at the statement. "Aren't you milking a bit hun?"
"What can I say? I like to play the role well."
Always the dramatic one. Fushi took a swig from his beer, feeling the cool liquid flow to the bottom of his stomach where the tiny swam around. Slowly bubbles started to fill it, pushing through his throat like a chimney as he belched it to the air. He shook his around, if only to hear the soft sloshes lingering beyond his muscle It made it worth while as his hubby's moans followed, it's sound nearly comparable to a cows as it vibrated the walls.
Minutes went by, and he was about tuckered out. Scratching at his rear, he felt a bizz in his pocket, pulling out his phone. "Times up hun, let's get you back up before your regrow." He tapped at his stomach.
"Aww, alright." They said.
He moved his legs to the end of the sofa, holding his belly that plonked in weights into the corners of the furniture. With a firm squeeze, fluid expunged at the bottom of his throat, climbing to the top of his mouth as it poured onto his tongue. When he felt him splash on top of it, he swallowed the rest back down, sliding Mylin off his tongue and into the palm of his hand.
He gazed at his drenched form, nuzzling his nose against his back. "Welcome back to outside world, snack." He giggled, watching as pair of soggy hands touch his nose.
"Good to be back" They replied "I really wanted to explore more of your stomach. Could you give me a little more of your serum."
"Hun we've talked about this, I can't use the dosage on a whim, it takes a while before I can conjure a stable batch. It has a time limit you know."
"Yeah, but I wouldn't be in their that long, I'd be out before you even sleep."
"My stomach doesn't just open for anyone, it has to let me decide. Besides, I still gotta prepare the next batch. The second they're done, I promise you'll see my belly again. After all.." He paused, cuddling Mylin into his beard. "You're my favorite belly diver after all."
The little guy pawed at his cheek, his little whimpers turning to giggles " Alright alright, no need to smother me, ya softy."
"But I like smothering you," he set the tiny along the carpet, slowly watching as their size slowly returning as he stood just beneath his chin. "Your just too cute being fun size." He kissed at their forehead, lifting them into his arms.
"Yeah, yeah" Mylin said, against the giant belly. "But I'm not gonna be satisfied til I had some fun. Don't think I didn't hear those fingers fondling at your junk."
"What can I say? You make horny." Fushi said, carrying him up the stairs to the bedroom off to leftside of the hall. "It's your fault for doing all that rubbing afterall."
"Pfft, you're the one who said you wanted me to squirm. Quite the insitigator I'd say."
"Not just any instigator.." Fushi paused, setting him down along the bed. He nudged his gut into him, sending him to his back as he pinned between his arms. "THE instigator."
Mylin became flustered, a warm cylinder object slithering at his left leg. "Hehe, needy bastard. Someone should teach you a thing or two."
"Think you can take me on?" He rubbed at his thighs, circling around the smooth bulge outlining his crotch. "Well then, hun, teach me a lesson."
A grin plastered along his face, his own palm wrapping around Fushi's. "You're on."
The moon had left the window since the two went to bed. Fushi laido sprawled upon the middle of the mattress, his snores filling the air as he slumbered. However, Mylin wasn't as tired as he was, slouched against soft flesh as pubic hairs fiddled at his cheek, the thick appendage attached to it acting as a pillow. It was midnight, even after their fun, he still felt restless as he stared into the stains of the underwear beneath his boyfriends balls.
If Fushi wasn't sleep, he'd ask him to give him some time in his stomach, at least until the moon left the sky. But deep inside he knew he wouldn't. 'The serum was not yet ready' or so he says. Kinda think of it, he never really seen the process up close, Fushi usually tucked it somewhere until he claimed it was ready. But what defined that?
He pushed over the lumbered arm laying ontop of him, slinking out from the waistband. He glided over his stomach, its low gurgles singing into his ear. Soon, he whispered to himself, rubbing over its tender surface before slinking off the bed.
"Let's see, if I were one of Fushi's viles, where would I be?" He scaled the furniture in the room, taking to the shelves along the door. Nothing but few newpapers, some clothes, and a used dildo. The foul smell lingered off it like old trash, he'll have to remind the big guy to clean it once he wakes up.
He moved toward the drawers, searching the panels from top to bottom for a lead, but even there it proved to be an empty chase. Where could he have hidden it? In a glass jar? A safe maybe? He looked in the cabinets for any more sources, a glare shining in his eyes as he turned toward Fushi. their tanktop slowly raised with every snore that escaped, peeling the fabric away to reveal the round belly beneath. Along his belly button, a glass bottle stuck out, rising and sinking upon the bellied flesh as if it were water.
" bingo.." Mylin said.
He crept to his boyfriend's side, watching the tuft of his beard drag along his chest. He reached for the bottle, plucking its diamond tip from the flappy belly button. He nearly broke a sweat as light giggles escaped from him, cautiously eying their face for one of his eyes to open. When the lumbering lover finally settled, he sighed before hovering the vile in front of him. It was darker than the fluid he had had earlier.
"Hmph, It doesn't look unprepared at at all. Sneaky buzzard must've just said that cause he tired out." He twisted the cap off, smelling at the opening of the bottle. It was sour to say the least, stronger than the usual one. Sucking up breath, Mylin tilted the glass to the air. "Down the hatch."
He poured its substance into his mouth, his taste buds buzzing with its soir taste as it flowed down his throat. As it started to seep into his stomachs, he climbed over Fushi's body. Quickly the effects took place, by the time he reached his knees, he was began to shrink. Reaching his belly, he was but the size of doll, and when he reached his next, as was no smaller than his beard. He used the hairy strands to climb up to the predators lips, their snores booming below as he edged closer.
Looming over the edge, a breath brushed into him as he fanned at the air. "Note to self, remind hubby to not drink too much beer." he said. He grabbed the puffy lips, easing his legs between them before sliding along his tongue. The space was compact, the uvula spiraling over the back of the tongue like a snack as wind blew from beyond the fleshy walls. He always was a heavy sleeper, which meant sneaking in shouldn't be a hassle.
He pried open the meaty layer as snores flowed through the gap, encouraging a yawn as the muscle around widened. Searching through the crumple space, he Managed to find a hold along his tonsils, hoisting them apart to allow passage to the rest of the throat. he rubbed his palms before jumping inside, the muscle cushioning against him like an inflatable as he was carried down to his awaiting friend In a split moment, the valve separating the tube opened, pouring Mylin into a sea of beer that created tides below.
"Homee sweet home" He happily said, splashing around the contents as if it were a pool. He dipped and dived beneath the waves to the folds cuddling together. In a spoon full, he clutched the meaty walls into a hug, its surface rumbling as its gurgles shook his body to its core. "I missed you too."
He splashed around, moving through the waves like a fish as he basked in his hubby's tender stomach. After minutes of swimming around, he resurfaced onto a crease the stomach's wall, wiping away the juices that soaked his hair. He checked his watch, the digital number flipping to 6:00 AM. "Alright, I've had my fill, I'd better head out before Honey wakes up."
He splashed to the surface of the valve, fondling his hands into the soggy crevices to pull them apart. They wouldn't budge for the life of them, his fingers slipping from its surface. "He wasn't kidding about it not opening up for anyone, but maybe with a little coaxing he could-" The walls rotated sluggishly, sending the tiny spiraling as beer juice swirled to the ceiling. It crashed to the bottom of the stomach, the tiny resurfacing as he took a breath. "he just had to turn over.." He muttered, paddling at the substance.
A pulse run through his body, an inch of his size returning. "Its starting already? It hought i had another hour." Another pulse rung through him, a portion of his size reduced as he became lost within the contents of the stomach. He struggles to swim back up, before another pulse brought him back up. " I think I know why he said they weren't ready? I better get out of here before.." He patted the cieling, doughy flesh cushioning his palms. They were smooth, too smooth for his fingers to even pinch. "Where the valve?!"
His size pulsed again, his feet poking into the stomach's wall. He patted around the chamber, pinching at every corner he could find. His size grew and shrunk on its own accord, the once light pulse now radiating through his very being. He skyrocketed to the ceiling, crouching as the fleshy wall pressed into his head.
"Where is the damn thing?.." He strated to grit, fumbling his finger into the beer below. His finger touched with something soft, a fold nipping at his fingertips. There it is! He held his breath, reaching further down to interact with the folds. The space was dark and yellow, but his palm was able to guide him to the winking valve.
But even at his success of finding it, it still proved too slik and too tight to move apart. With another boom of growth, his body curled into a ball, the layer of the abdominal walls curling at his back as he faced his toes. With one final pulse, his body filled the stomach like a balloon, halting himself at only half his size.
"Ah crap.."
Fushi's belly swished around as he slumbered throught the night. Mylin was too big to squeeze through the valve, now stuck inside his boyfriends sromach as the moon left the window. The sun soon poured into the widow sill, blinding Fushi's eyes with its glow. He groaned as he shielded himself, drawing the covers over to block it out.
"Uh, dear..could you get the curtain?.." He mumbelwd, slumping hi arm to the side of him. His palm was able to feel covers, but there was no Mylin. He groggily opeoened his eyes to an empty bedside, his body sprawled as his feet dangled off the edge of the mattress. "Honey?..where'd you go?" He called into the air, looking to the bathroom in the in bedroom to the hallway. With a heavy sigh, he slumped tonside of his bed. Scratching at his belly softly.
"If this is a wake up exercise Mylin, I would appreciate if it wasn't at the crack of the dawn." He belched for. Molent, feeling the air rush out from inside him. But a stiff object caught his attention, his stomach bubbling and lurching in place. Odd, his stomach's acting funny, as if it were bloated. Was it something he ate? Or drank?
He shook around his gut to get a better feel, feeling the walls subdue the lingering feeling. Whatever it was in there, it seemed to be no match for his stomach. Perhaps he'll let Mylin have a look when he finds him.
"If you're playing the quiet game downstairs, you better be making breakfast too." He wobbled down the stairs, fondling at the side as moved through the hallway. Still groggy, he walking over the vile along the floor, their substance non existent with only a drop that remained.
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luvchrissturniolo · 8 months
chris sturniolo x fem!reader
you got niggas
i got bitches
you got niggas
but i want you
warnings: smut - ish, mentions of making out and thas basically it i guess.
authors note: this is my first time writing a fan fic so it might not be the best 😭🙏. also i fucking write like shakespeare sooo. but if yall like this one it’s gonna be a series.
purple - nick
orange - chris
pink - y/n
blue - matt
summary: in which you and chris sturniolo are fwb and somehow you both fall in love with each other. no one wants to admit anything so it might be too late to confess.
(y/n pov)
i don’t know how me and chris got into this position but i guess things just happen.
not to long ago me and chris started having sex. we were drunk at a party and he was just there so i went for it. i thought it was a one time thing but obviously chris wanted more. so that’s when we started seeing each other. but we weren’t exclusive. just good friends who fuck each other from time to time.
im close chris, i moan. “not yet baby wait for me”. chris is pounding into me like there’s no tomorrow. he continuously hits my g spot as his hand reaches down to rub my clit. “come on ma give it to me” he groaned. that’s all i needed before i was coming undone on his dick.
his thrusts getting sloppier and now he has painted my walls white. after a long period of silence he finally speaks up. “shit ma are you okay”? i tried to form a response but i couldn’t. he then goes into the bathroom and starts running some bath water.
he picks me up in bridal style and places me in the warm water. he cleans me up and washes me hair. he gives me a clean pair of clothes to wear. he’s treating me like i’m the best girl in the world. but it hurts me that’s it’s only behind closed doors.
“i just feel like he only treats me that way because no one else is around” i explain to nick. i’m over at the triplets house because i needed to talk to nick about the situation. “okay y/n we have been talking abt this for hours, can you go get me something to drink from the refrigerator”. i roll my eyes but go downstairs anyway.
as i’m at the bottom of the steps i hear weird sounds. i turn and look in the living room and my heart drops. i see chris making out with a random girl. we told each other we could see other people but why do i feel so jealous.
chris’s eyes darts to me and he pulls away quickly from the girl. “look y/n i can explain”. he starts talking but i can’t hear him because i ran out the house slamming the door.
author - stopppp i’m so scared this shi is so ass. bro 😒😒🙏.
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blush-and-books · 20 days
what do you think donna’s favorite movie is? im sure it’s some obscure experimental film no one’s ever heard of but i’m gonna say i think it’s carrie 1976
okay so this calls to attention and extremely important question regarding donna's character: is donna a film buff?
i can't respond to asks with any concise or short answer so buckle up!!!!
we know her as a lover of theatre, and while that doesn't mean she isn't into film, it is common that people are into one more than the other. so when we propose that she would like a really lowkey experimental film, that implies that she knows some deep cuts about film that are never really explored in canon; instead, we know her as a shakespeare lover and broadway girlie.
(however, if someone were to show her maya deren's short film meshes of the afternoon, which is like low-hanging experimental film fruit, it would absolutely change her life LMAO)
i am tempted to say that donna would be into the old hollywood classics and/or films that are more day-in-the-life or depicting the everyday, with some stellar acting performances. what comes to mind is Running On Empty (dir. Sidney Lumet, 1988), Ordinary People (dir. Robert Redford, 1980), or Faces (dir. John Cassavetes, 1968). lowkey donna gives me the vibe that she'd LOVE that movie subgenre that's just white heterosexual couples in miserable marriages screaming at each other for almost two hours.
on the other hand, i love to imagine her getting down with fun movies, rom-comy vibes, like Moonstruck (dir. Norman Jewison, 1987), When Harry Met Sally (dir. Rob Reiner, 1989) The Birdcage (dir. Mike Nichols, 1996) or To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar (dir. Beeban Kidron, 1995). I'd say that When Harry Met Sally is probably one of her favorites of all time - it's romantic, it's witty, it's New York, and it's probably everything she wanted.
now this is even more oddly specific but it must be said that donna probably is obsessed with nicole kidman and would be particularly fixated on everything that nicole did when her career was blowing up in the 90s, because nicole had that amazing red hair!!! im talking Moulin Rouge! (dir. Baz Luhrmann, 2001) and Practical Magic (dir. Griffin Dunne, 1998). donna probably went as nicole's characters for Halloween.
i also want to add that i love the idea of her being into older horror films, like Carrie (dir. Brian De Palma, 1976) as you mentioned, and also the original Exorcist (dir. William Friedkin, 1973). donna being a horror lover feels just strange enough to work really well for her character, but i esp like the idea that she takes to classic horror movies!!!
now this is unrelated to everything i just discussed but she would absolutely LOVE Chicago (dir. Rob Marshall, 2002) starting Renée Zellweger and Catherine Zeta Jones.
we see her engage a little with harvey in his movie quoting but we never get to learn much about her own interest in film, so it all comes down to how much knowledge and passion for it that we think she has and if she values any kind of pretentious cinematic taste in the same way she is a longtime fan of live theatre.
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harlowhockeystick · 9 months
!!! hsteacher!reader anon here (maybe one day i’ll be brave enough to not be anon flakdjsj)
im so glad u liked my silly little rambly post oh my lord a nd now i seriously can’t stop (im so sorry)
- teacher!reader and sidney bonding so well and so fiercely over their shared passion in helping kids and young people (of all ages and diversities!!) teacher!reader and sidney working together on new passion projects to connect hockey with more young people.
- he loves hearing about ur students (both the highs and the lows) and following along on their journeys and he gets so happy seeing how exasperated and fond u are about ur yr 9s and how they drive u crazy but u got the most amazing and deep discussions yesterday about shakespeare and their own lives???? and reader loves looooves hearing sidney gush about the little penguins program too and u and him basically doing ur own little cellys in the living room bc one of the littlest penguins got their first goal and they cried bc they were so excited!!
- both sides and reader have this unspoken understanding about authority and expectation and pressure cus like, captaining a team of professional athletes and managing a class of 29 teenagers sometimes feels remarkably the same lmao. the stress!!! u always have to have ur game face on, all the time! Gotta be on the ball, all the time!! and it can be TIRING. but sidney knows this, and he loves how sometimes he can come home and just take the captain hat off and just be. a guy. just a dude. and just let someone else take over, let u take over and he lets himself just be pampered and treated like the little meow meow he is and it’s all okay. He had so much love in his eyes when u wordlessly come over with a hot mug of lemon balm tea and a warm slice of banana bread. he turns his face to hide into ur neck and mumble “love you” when u starts scritching and massaging his scalp bc u know how tense he gets around the jaw and the face from all the frowning and chewing during game time.
And he does the same for reader as well!! when she comes home and sees that look on her face, kicking her shoes off with a grunt and just immediately jumps into the shower so she can crawl into her pj’s and just lay on the couch….. him scooting over giving teacher!reader a shoulder massage and he just goes “kids, eh?” with a little grin when u grunt back a noise that sounds a lot like “fuuuuck ‘emmmm kids”
- sidney, on casual tuesday morning: oh. teacher kink. that’s a thing. *looks over at you gathering your bag and tucking your hair behind your shoulder, heeled boots on, teacher face On*
sidney: oh. o h.
reader: ? 👩‍🏫
sidney: 🧍🍆😳
okay okay okay i have been thinking….put my teacher reader au and your coach sidney together?!?!? madness. insane. i want it…i’ll make it…
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odessa-castle · 6 months
HOW is your writing so good??? Did you make a pact for unspeakable power??? (That joke might be in poor taste). Anyway Im just trying to say I really love Nothing Like The Sun and greatly appreciate you writing and sharing it. Although I cannot wait to read more, please take your time resting/recharging, especially after all this amazing writing!
My questions:
I was wondering how you’d describe Branwyn. Asking cus I love her and want to attempt drawing her. Also just any other facts about her you wish to share!
I’m also wondering if you’re willing to point out another Shakespeare reference in your fic. Im intrigued but not well read enough to spot them lol.
Oh my gosh, thank you for all your kind words! And I'd be over the moon if you decided to draw Branwyn, so let me describe her as best I can!
Branwyn is a gold dwarf -- I haven't pinned down her exact age, but she's in whatever the dwarven equivalent of early/mid-forties would be. Let me break the rest of this into bullets so it's not a total wall of text (and so I can put all this behind a cut):
Branwyn has tannish-golden skin with warm undertones, dark brown eyes with an epicanthal fold, and a broad, flat chin.
Branwyn has thick brownish-black hair -- her hair would have a bit of a wave to it, but she wears it long enough that the curl pattern's been stretched out quite a lot. She usually wears her hair in a single long braid, reaching about midway down her back. She doesn't have bangs, but shorter strands of her hair do tend to escape her braid and frame her face.
She has high cheekbones, a wideish nose with a relatively flat bridge (although it's been broken more than once), and her lower lip's noticeably fuller than her upper one.
She has plenty of scars. I described a few in chapter 11 (the vicious gnarled scar across her nose and cheek; the shining band of skin around her neck, like a burn that never quite healed right), but those aren't the only ones. She's spent most of her adult life as a mercenary, after all.
Build-wise, Branwyn is about as stocky and muscular as you'd expect a dwarven fighter to be, lol. She's broad rather than curvy. She's usually in her Flaming Fist uniform/armor when she's speaking with Wyll -- when she's out of uniform, she's probably just sticking to a simple shirt and trousers.
idk what the queer scene looks like in Faerun, but Bran is a butch, full-stop. It's very sexy of her.
Some other tidbits about Branwyn:
Bran wears her hair long as a fuck-you to Thay. In Thay, shorter hair generally means higher social status, and the most powerful Red Wizards shave their heads bald so you can see all their tattoos. Slaves, in contrast, are forbidden from cutting their hair. After Ulder helped Bran escape, she decided to keep her hair long, because she didn't want to end up associating short hair with freedom and bring that piece of Thay back with her.
Branwyn has been married twice (and divorced twice). Her most recent marriage took place frankly too soon after she joined the Fist -- she and her wife stayed together a while, though, and probably should have split up sooner than they did. Wyll was in his preteens while this was going down; he worried about her, but he didn't really know what to do, and he felt bad about that (even though, like, he was a kid, of course he doesn't know how to deal with these things).
Bran loves Wyll dearly, but she's also very mindful of the hierarchies at play between them. Ulder has always been Branwyn's commanding officer, and she doesn't think it's her place to openly challenge or confront him about how he treats his son, or to act as a parental figure to Wyll in Ulder's stead. It's part of why she's so insistent about calling Wyll "milord" -- she's trying to remind Wyll that he needs to be mindful of the social expectations at play. Ultimately, I think their relationship can best be described as a lord and retainer type of deal -- a prince and his exasperated but fond knight/bodyguard -- until the end of Part One, when Bran finally says "fuck protocol" and helps Wyll escape from Baldur's Gate.
Bran's got a huge soft spot for kids. She swears like a sailor, though, so she has to check herself around them a lot.
As for your second question, a lot of the Shakespeare references are more structural than direct! Like, you know, a messenger rushing in at the wrong moment to deliver news of an impending catastrophe, and creating a tragedy of timing. One of my personal favorites, though, is the little nod to the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet in the scene where Cazador forces Astarion to expose himself to the sun. What light through yonder window breaks indeed -- although it's anything but soft.
(Yes, I know what “but soft!” means in the context of that line, but let me make dumb jokes.)
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normalsnails · 6 months
I'm also curious about headcanons about Rika you might have 👉👈 (also Yuri tbh 👀)
Oo alright! Thanks for asking!!
He is SUCH a history nerd, like ik i say this about almost every character but i can just see it with rika
He definitely knows how to do hair, i can picture him doing Yuri’s hair whilst they hang out (which is, like, all the time)
Has always struggled with his mental heath, but he keeps it bottled up
He’s the type of person to have a few friends (1-3) or none at all, i’m sure he’s well-liked at school though, but he’s very reserved
Crazy Smart, like im talking straight A*’s on his tests
Very well-read, if you name a book he’s probably read it
^ I can see him being fond of Shakespeare (same rika same 🙏)
Speaks english, not fluent but can understand most things (learnt a bit from his brother, rest in school and in his own time)
I can imagine a scenario where a substitute teacher was teaching one of his classes and they called out “honjo? Is she here?” for registration <\3
Now for yuri! I have a few on her
Popular, has a lot of friends
Has a fluctuating music taste, one day she listens to j-pop, the other day she listens to american music, ect.
Very caught up on pop-culture, knows everything about celebrities and idols
In a theatre club at school
Has cute pins on her bag and tried to persuade Rika into getting matching ones with her (failed)
Has once tried to bake cookies for Rika’s birthday and ended up burning the oven
Thats all i can remember for now but if i have more then i’ll rb :>
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atheliasnotebook · 2 years
Hi, can i request kaeya & prompt no.1 with 🌶
Happy 1 year anniversary <3
mirror, mirror on the wall... who's the cutest of them all?
kaeya x gender neutral (virgin) reader smut
this post contains sexual content. read at your own discretion.
warning/tags: there is a mirror involved, corruption kink, you've never been kissed before (until this man shows up), ONE Shakespeare (Malvolio) quote because I just did Shakespeare, ONE Owl City ("Vanilla Twilight") reference, almost predator and prey kinda dynamic???
author's note: <3 oh god, anon im so sorry its short (I'll get way too carried away)
you never thought it would end up like this... y'know, down in a prone bone position, looking straight into a gold-edged dresser mirror parallel to the bed, watching the captain of the knights sensually as he (painstakingly) slowly bucks in and out of your body—and finally, feeling the way that your body wildly clenches and trembles around the girth of his erect cock.
it all started with a date. "go on a first date!" your friends suggested. "experience life for what it's worth!"
never in your life would you have thought that you would end up fucking on your first date. after all, you were merely just touring the main streets of mondstadt with kaeya in hopes to discover some new treasures imported from faraway lands. with a familiar cocky smile (which failed to be quenched with an "austere regard of control"), he offered his hand. he watched how nervous you are, and how you smiled with a sort of innocence that screamed of how you knew nothing of the world. to him, he bore his eyes into you as though you were a little lamb—unknowing of the dangers of the alleys in the dead of night. unknowing of the intoxication and the poison that love stipulates.
unaware of how much he wanted to teach you. after all, when you smiled, kaeya turned his head away, blushing profusely through his tanned complexion as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
but now, the way that he's intertwined with you is through the squelching and the smacking of your body's against one another.
"have you ever kissed anyone before?" kaeya asked, holding open the door for you as you stepped into the house.
you shook your head from side to side, fiddling with your hands in front of you as you glanced at the floor, then looked up to stare into his prismatic, glacially refracted eyes. kaeya, without skipping a beat, stepped forward, the tips of his boots gently pressed up against the top of your shoes.
"would you like to?" he asked, almost beseeching such a sacred gesture from you.
you nod your head slowly. after all, the scent of coconut luring you in like a trap. you stared at your lips, unsure of what you were supposed to do.
"just follow my lead," he says, chuckling as he burrows his fingers into the soft locks of your hair. wrapping a hand around your waist, led you his bedroom—modestly furnished with a queen-sized bed and gray covers. "are you nervous?"
yes? no? maybe. who knows. but it doesn't matter, since the passing of your thoughts barely touches the confines of your processing before you feel something soft on top of your own lips. it smells so good. can you have more? is that his cologne, or is that simply just the smell of the room? oblivious to the noises you're emitting, warbled moans and squeaky whimpers, kaeya eats them up as he pins you to the plush mattress, lacing his fingers in the spaces between your fingers (where they fit perfectly).
kaeya speeds up his pace, sliding his hand beneath your chin as he jerks it up a couple centimeters, making sure you're looking straight into the mirror.
"mirror mirror on the wall... i wonder—" he mutters and groans in your ear, pulling out almost completely before slamming roughly into your posterior, raising his hand gently smack into the side of your thigh.
"i wonder how you're the cutest of them all."
interested in my 1 year anniversary event? head to the event landing page to learn more and feel free to request! interested in reading another part of this piece? request it!
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