#im never finishing this LOL OTL
strawberrygyuuuu · 5 months
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Genre —> Fluff
—> will txt peel your orange for you? Will they complain? Will they not do it? Will they do it willingly?
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• what the flip guys
• you sometimes don't even have to ask, if he's getting himself fruit to eat he's getting you some too in a cute little bowl so y'all can eat your fruits together
• like...if you ask him to peel you an orange then okay sure no problem baby!!
• bro doesn't even think twice
• if his baby want their orange peeled bc they don't want it to get in their nails then sure!!! He loves you too much tbh
• just wouldn't question it too much so dont worry! You're all in good hands
• def a guy tho to do acts of service a lot for you, even if you ask or not
• baby js cares and wants to make sure you're okay! He def has the urge to take care of you a lot.
• papa bunny does it usually when you're sick, unless you ask ofc
• like, if you're sick he'll get you some fruit he knows you love and give you it without asking for it
• any other time tho you'll have to ask him and tell him because you don't feel like getting your hands messy/sticky (or any other excuse lol)
• "yeah, okay..sure." shows a tiny little dimple smile and does it!!!>0<
• easy, right?
• hes just glad to help you honestly
• "you feelin' better, baby? A little? Ok, get some more rest, sweet girl." With his little 🥺 staring at you and and and😭
• okay but realistically he sometimes just stares at you :D and then shakes his head and says, "ahh, no." Lololol he's joking pls joke back.
• oooo he's a menace
• tease you a little before giving in lol
• "wha? Why?..oh, hmm..no." then he'll get up and push you down if you try and get up to do it yourself 💀
• cutiee, he just likes to mess with you
• but he'll cut you some fruit! Tho he might make a mess so🧍🏻‍♀️
• no matter how it turns out pls eat it n be happy he worked hard😓
• if he's getting himself food or a snack or a drink or wtvr he'll get you one too without saying anything or you asking
• gyuie's just cute like that guys
• "here!!!! I bought you a drink! :)" pls take it and thank him and drink it happily 😭🙏🏻
• nooo cause his love language is def acts of service
• so he def does things for you a lot, me thinks
• you're cold? Cool here's his hoodie
• oh, you're hungry? Don't worry you'll be filled up real soon, he's cooking you something!!>.<
• he will gladly peel you an orange if you want one, an apple, he will peel it if it's peelable guys
• "mhm, okay." 5 mins later, "here, eat up, pretty girl."
• I need him so bad guys😭
• idk he's just really thoughtful and always puts you before himself
• especially when it comes to health and food n stuff
• "here, have the rest of my food I'm full." *You end up feeding him some while you finish it.*
• whenever he eats something I know he gives you a few bites even if you have your own
• def rubs your tummy after you're done eating I'm sobbing
• 🧍🏻‍♀️
• but, anyway, hes just very thoughtful and wants to make sure you're okay
• "babyyyy! Would you like some? I figured we could try it since we've never had it before." You agree and he's so happy and he airplanes you the food IM BITING CEMENT
• this is so offtrack😭
• erm moral of the story he thinks of you a lot so yes, he in fact would peel you an orange and care for you happily!>0<
• at first tho he'll prob give you the most confused face ever bc you've never had a problem before..? But okay!!😊
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ephemeralflower · 4 months
tagged by @bluelokk ! sorry im just now getting to this OTL
⟡ rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
⟡ favourite colour
⟡ last song
There's Fear in Letting Go by I Prevail
⟡ last movie
Twister, which i have still never finished but i have watched the first half twice.
⟡ currently reading
sousou no frieren, kaiju no.8, and rereading d.gray-man. it's been a hot second since i've picked up a book book.
⟡ currently watching
kaiju no.8, windbreaker, dungeon menshi, and the new season of kuroshitsuji :]
⟡ currently craving
a second cup of coffee
⟡ tea or coffee?
coffee. tea always tastes a little too watery for me no matter how long i steep it, but i might just be prepping it wrong lol
⟡ tags
being a lurker means i only have about 2 active mutuals who have probably already done this, so whoever happens to be following me and wants to give it a try, go for it :]
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yiulee999 · 6 years
opm time traveler au (spoilers)
genos goes back in time and tries to disguise himself and befriending sai as a bookworm lol and they become good friends until sai is fooling around and playfully steals genos’ glasses one day and the you know 💘 💘 💘 💘
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what started out as a random doodle turned into a multi-chapter length fic draft out on discord!! *o*
the full convo/story is posted below bUT its heavy angst!! be warned!! sorry about the casual lingo, i was posting in chat format XD 
so time traveler au picks up from when sai was getting picked on back in middle school chapter in the manga
and when genos goes back in time he thinks the only way he can get close to saitama if he was an ‘outcast’ too
so he purposefully nerdifies himself more? lOL how is possible,,,
Originally genos got sent back by dr. Genus as way to figure out the key to sai’s strength
Bc in the ‘future’ genos, they had just met and genos just wanted to know what made sai powerful
And initially when they meet genos is very forward about wanting to know all about saitama who finds it kinda creepy and stalkerish when he finds genos tailing him in the hallways and after school haha
And other classmates notice how the new kid (genos) follows/takes an interest in the class loser (sai) so predictably they start making fun of and bullying genos too
Genos, true to form, doesnt give a fuck xD
But sai has mixed feelings about it bc it was the first time someone took an actual interest in him and even though he’s so forward, genos never overstepped boundaries with him and was an okay guy overallBut alot of the story has to do with sai trying to figure out what its like to have a friend
And what to do because hes never had one
But he does know that he doesnt like seeing genos getting pushed around or made fun of so there are moments where he’ll try to stick up for him by telling them to knock it off or pulling genos aside to a differnt hallway when he sees the bullies coming
At the same time hes so confused on like what to do right, so he’ll also try to push genos away, ‘maybe if he didn’t hang around me so much, he’ll won’t get picked on…’
There was one scene i knew i wanted to do
Where after sai stands up for genos, the bullies treat sai worse
So it was an after school thing, behind one of the school buildings where sai is beat up pretty bad (like barely standing) and the bully has him by the front of his shirt and had his fist pulled back
When genos arrives
Before, sai had managed to ditch genos so he wouldnt see sai when he’s ‘weak’And always made up some excuse when he bruises or other injuries
So genos interrupts the scene by straight up grabbing the bullies wrist
And seething in all toasty righteous fury ‘dont touch him!’
and sai cant see it cus he had two black eyes at this point
but this was some dialogue i had written:
S:’What’s he doing? Why is he helping me?‘ "Hey–“
Bully pulls back fist "Look, kid. You’re new so I’ll give you a free pass this time if you walk away right now. You wouldn’t want us to mess up that pretty face of yours, would you?"
G: "How generous of you. Unfortunately, I won’t be extending the same courtesy to anyone who treats this person disrespectfully. Especially not ugly trash like you. "
Bully: "Why you–!! ”
And when the bully tries to redirect the hit to genos, genos instinctively throws out his palm and says ‘incin—‘ before he realizes he doesnt have his cannons
And genos is about to get b e a t
When sai wrenches himself from the bullies grip and takes the hit for him
They like tumble down and genos is confused to what happened before he sees sai lying motionless beside him, bleeding from his head and unresponsive
And i was gonna end a chapter there with genos screaming saitama’s name…
Next chapter was gonna be sai waking up slowly and in a world of hurt
He realizes he’s in the nurses office
It was night time
And when could finally see, he hallucinates seeing like 8 mini genos (remember the genosbots :3)‘Why…whys there eight of you/??’
So basically genos is worry over him so much whereas sai says its fine but genos is like feeling really bad so sai shakily reaches over and gently taps him on the forehead
And grins weakly, ‘there, now we’re even.’
Genos is crying openly bc he’s remembering when future saitama playfully hit his head after a spar and he thinks that saitama-sensei is strong no matter how old he is
And he’s just…overwhelmed by how kind and strong saitama is, even when he has no strength at all (Cus hes like 14 rn haha)
I think a couple days pass, and genos and saitama are eating lunch on the roof (cue bento box scene lol)
Sai is healing nicely, genos is still feeling bad whenever he looks over an sees the bandage on sais head
Some dialogue:
Eating lunch on the roof. G: How’s your wound? S: Hm? Oh, it’s fine. Don’t worry, my teachers say I have a hard head. G: I’m sorry. S: ? Why are you sorry? Not like you’re the one who punched me. G: I made things worse. If I hadn’t antagonized him, then–!! S: Then he woulda beat me up anyway. Seriously, man, it’s not your fault, okay? So you can stop doing all those things for me. G: Like what? S: You know! Like being nice to me and buying lunch and stuff. You don’t need to feel guilty about it anymore.
Sai is still kinda insecure abt having a genuine friend, so he still thinks genos is being nice to him out of pity or smtg, (and genos had been particularly nice to him after he got injured so he figured it was out of guilt)
And i mean….it was,, genos feels terribly guilty…but i think watching sai, who was powerless, attempt to protect him just made him more intrigued (and unbeknownst to him fall a lot deeper in love XD)
But genos says thats not why he does those things
That saitama reminded him of ‘someone’ he knew whom he admired greatly
At his ‘old’ school
He tells sai about his ‘sensei’ and how amazing this person was and all of his great qualities
And sai was feeling a little more depressed at each praise genos was singing about this person (coughjealouscough)
And i have another piece of dialogue here…
S: if you like him so much, why did you leave?   G: …I wanted to see the kind of person sensei was before he became strong. this is where he grew up. S: …seems like a lot of effort just for one person. G:.that person (sai thoughts: he’s still talking?)…no matter what i did..I couldn’t reach him. I’d do anything to close the distance between us..I thought that if I came here, I would be able to understand him. I thought I could help him. G: touches saitama’s wound But instead, I’m still the one being saved. I never learn.
And genos gives sai this painfully heartfelt smile and its full of regret, frustration, self-loathing, admiration, and some other unidentified emotion that just floors saitama
Saitama sees genos’ smile and his eyes and is just...stunned by the level of vulnerability he sees (he’s never gotten close enough to anyone before to see it)
So he reaches out, hestitantly at first, before wiping away genos’ tears carefully because if he touches any harder he’s afraid genos would crumble
S: “i dont really get it...but if you feel that strongly, then i’m sure some part of your feelings reached him.”
And they share their first hug then :3
((When i wrote this, genos didnt have glasses haha so i guess that scene where sai realizes how pretty genos is would go before this one))
I guess if the glasses were involved, sai would be torn between wanting genos to take them off (so he can see his eyes which oddly finds that he likes them...alot.) and keep them on so other ppl wont see how pretty he is
Bc sure if they saw, genos would no longer be his friend
He would have so many ppl vying for his attn, he would be surrounded by girls and guys and would be approachableAnd saitama would get left behind
But i think even tho sai wants to be selfish and keep genos to himself, he also realizes that genos wouldnt be bullied if he were more accepted
So he would encourage genos to ditch the glasses and genos would end up getting accepted by everyone but he would still stay with saitama and nothing would change between them other than saitama getting really red at random times and avoiding eye contact more
It would just be one of the many things that strengthen their relationship as friends. And i think i had planned some stuff where they do a bunch of typical friend / kid stuff
Like genos tutoring saitama on math, genos running circles around sai in track/field (‘wtf...huff are...huff you?! huff some...kinda...rOBOT!?). Them going to the arcade, saitama taking genos around to explore his hometown, they go on hiking trips and stuff. 
genos finding out saitama lived alone and that’s why he always buys lunch (or doesnt eat if he got bullied out of it that day) and talking out their issues and genos reaching out and saying yeah, he knew what it felt like to be alone
but that saitama should never feel that way because he wasn’t alone anymore, and saitama joking affectionately ‘yeah i have you to stick annoyingly close.’
and also heavy scenes like when you have to fill out future goals sheets in school where sai shyly admits that he’s always thought it’d be nice to be a hero and was shocked when genos was oVERWHELMINGLY supportive bc he’s never had anyone cheer for him like this, believe in him like genos does. And he calls genos crazy for agreeing with him, but he thinks he must also be crazy because when genos looks at him like that, he feels like he could do it
and its one of the first moments we see sai really open up to genos
bc being a hero was something he truly cared about
but his teachers, his classmates, heck the world, didn’t think he could do, they thought it was a hopeless dream for someone, and he’s so used to facing this kind of rejection that he’s started to believe it really would be impossible for someone like him.... 
but all it took was this one person, this one friend to tell him he could...and it made him feel invincible
and its probably the scene where saitama realizes how important genos is to him.
So of fucking course its when saitama realizes genos is important to him that drama bomb hits Basically, Dr. genus comes and pays genos a surprise visit. And hes like “did you forget the reason I sent you back here? Any updates?”
And genos is like “i have nothing of interest to report”
genus: "This isn’t some children’s game, you know. "
genos: "I must be careful not to expose myself. Saitama-sensei is more observant than I had initially planned--"
genus: "You’re stalling. I have an idea: Fight him. "
genos: !!! dr : "You’ll have a disguise. I will re-install your blasters. Perhaps a stressful situation will trigger a transformatio--. "
((so it was gonna be hinted at that even though genos appeared like a normal human, he was just redesigned by genus and was actually still a cyborg) genos: "I refuse to put Saitama-sensei in danger!!"
dr: "What danger? He is more than capable of--"
genos: "Right now, he is powerless. An attack could kill him--!"
dr: " And doing nothing will kill us!! Your mission is to find out the secret to his strength! Something we both wanted to discover and the entire reason why I chose you as my test subject! I will not sit here idly while you indulge in your childish fantasies that will get us both erased from the timestream. Look. " //he shows genos a pic of the hero registery from their time//
genos: " !!! Sensei’s name is missing!”
dr: " Your name is gone too. I dont know what you did but your actions are interfering with the future. Here. Collect your belongings and leave no evidence behind. We depart in 1 hour. "
genos: " !! Wait! Give me more time!! I understand now..!"
//genos has a bunch of flashbacks of when he does fun stuff with saitama. When sai tries to make him something in cooking class (and fails badly lol). When saitama shares his manga with genos. When they watch anime together.//
Genos: “I understand now..what type of person sensei was...his strength (when sai was protecting him from bullies)...his kindness (sai wiping his tears away)...his warmth (sai hugging him*)...!!”
“I finally understand...!!”
sai holding his hand, sai smiling and eating with him..
“...what its like to feel human again!!!”
He’s suddenly lifted off the ground and pushed roughly against the wall. Dr. Genus has him by the collar.
“Reality check, little shit!! You. Do. Not. Belong. Here! You’ve been playing pretend for far too long! And guess what demon cyborg?”
He tosses genos to the ground
“Time’s run out”
So chapter was gonna end with genos’ hand slowly fading in and out
next chapter would begin with genos being given 2 hours by dr. Genus to basically pack his shit and go. bc they cant leave any trace of the future stuff when they leave So genos ends up back in the classroom Packing his cute stationary and shit xD
(That sai bought him o b v i o u s l y )
And he’s startled by the door sliding open
And saitama walks in
He’s suprised to see genos there (and looking guilty?) “did ya forget smtg?”
And genos just kinda..looks away
And sai sees him packing up and taking everything and hes quiet for a bit ...
“You’re leaving?” He asks softly
“Saitama-kun, I—!”
“Why?” He keeps talking in that soft tone, but it silences genos more effectively than a shout
“I..I can’t...”
S: “...Is it because of that person?”
(Sai remembers the shine in genos eyes when he talks about his ‘sensei’, his special person, and his heart kinda just falls to his feet)
(i never had a chance, did i...)
Genos cant answer because yeah it was because of saitama in the future. So what if genos disappeared? Genos didn’t care. But the world needed saitama. It needed Saitama The Hero. He had to leave now so saitama can exist in the future
But since he cant say anything, for fear or changing the future even more, genos just doesnt say anything
So sai assumes that yeah, it was because of someone else, someone better than him, someone who deserved genos’ admiration and loyalty
He doesnt say anything, just approaches genos slowly, trying not to startle genos who has like deer in head lights ready-to-b o l t
And saitama rests his forehead on genos’ shoulder, barely touching him but close enough that genos cant ignore him, genos can feel his presence and his warmth
And theres a moment where genos is t o r n
Bc this saitama acknowledges him in a way that future sai wouldnt. This saitama looks at him and sees him whereas his sensei’s gaze passes over him to focus on the sale sign
And genos has been in school again, and he realizes he missed it. He missed having his worries be about being late for class, missing a school assignment, whether he could sit next saitama next class, what to pack for his and sai’s lunch tomorrow
And he knew in the back of his mind, that his real self, was in surgery at this time, trading warmth for fire and destruction, shedding his humanity while his future self was regaining it in the past,Thanks to saitama
He inhales sharply, ‘sai—‘ S: “don’t go.”
G: !
(Sai thought genos was going to say he was going to leave and he didn’t think he could hear him say it) S: “I know..he’s precious to you...” He reaches for genos, and after hesitating over touching genos’ hand, he settles for gripping genos’ sleeve of his school uniform tightly S: “but you’re precious to me “
And genos has tears streaming down his face. Because he wanted to stay, he had never wanted anything so much before than to just stay with saitama before he became sensei, to cheer for him when no one else would, to stop him from reaching the point he had trade his emotions for his strength, to stop the emptiness before it could touch him
But he also knew...that in order for his sensei to become strong...saitama needed to have these struggles that pushed him to change
That success without sacrifice was impossible, and he knew, genos KNEW it in his soul that if he stayed...if HE was the factor that caused saitama to limit himself, to fall back on a regular life when genos had seen it with his own eyes that this was a man destined for greater things...he would never be able to forgive himself
Genos throws his arms around saitama and hugs him tightly. He feels like he’s floating with nothing to ground him than the feeling of saitama returning his embrace equally tightly with his still lanky arms
G: “Saitama-kun....Thank you.”
G: “...goodbye.”
So next chapter begins ...With genos ending up back in genus’ lab
G: “Are we back?”
dr: “It appears so. We should—hey!! Where are you going?”
And genos is running off to look for saitama/his SENSEI because he had to exist, he had to still be a hero, right?!
He bumps into a monster
But not just any monster...Its the mosquito girl XD
Genos fights MG because its what he’s supposed to do, but he’s not scared for the fight...he’s scared for what’s to come AFTER...
And saitama shows up and finishes off MG with wan punch!!!
Genos is thankfully, not in disrepair bc he managed to dodge her attacks and was basically stalling for time
Saitama kinda sees him and looks at him blandly but to genos, that garrish, eye-burning yellow hero suit was the best thing he had ever seen
S: “Oh. A civilian? Are you oka—“
And he freezes all of a sudden.
And genos also freezes bc he doesn’t know what to do Its saitama-sensei...he should know the script, he’s done it all before
But now saitama-sensei was the stranger and he longed for the comfort that came with saitama-kun’s toothy smile
But he too had changed....he was a cyborg now, weaponized arms and black sclera on full display. His core spun dangerously. Would saitama even recognize him? Would he remember that day in the classroom when they parted ways, that was only a few hours ago for genos but more than a decade for saitama?
Genos froze. Would saitama even want to remember? After all the heartbreak genos had caused him?
Lost in his thoughts, genos almost didn’t notice saitama approach until the soft crunch of asphalt right in front of him jarred him to reality
Genos held his breath
Saitama didnt say anything. Only let that sharp gaze pierce genos in ways no monster could.
Genos couldnt read what he was thinking, he never could on his sensei’s bland face but this time, there was something tightly guarded in those brown eyes.
Saitama muttered something so low that genos had to use his advanced hearing to pickup
S: “It cant be...”
Louder and taking an aggressive step forward, saitama clenched his hand into a fist. He narrowed his eyes. “...If you’re some kinda shape-shifting monster...this won’t end well for you.”
G: “It’s genos!! I’m...I’m genos.”
Saitama freezes and his eyes grow wide. Genos almost instinctively lurches foward when saitama falls back on his heels, appearing shaken.
S: ...genos?
Genos nods tentatively.
For a moment, saitama doesnt say anything. But genos finds he doesnt need to. Those brown eyes had opened and genos could see, could feel some far-flung emotions creep back into that achingly familiar face as saitama let his gaze trail from his new eyes down his circuited arms and linger on the glowing blue that peeked through his shirt
After what felt like years, genos saw a corner of saitama’s lips twitch.
S: “It really is you....Heh. You haven’t changed a bit.”
G: “Sai—“
S: "I tried to forget you. I tried to go back to life before you. I finished school .... somehow got a job as a shitty salesman..."
S: "...I really tried."
Genos looked down, ashamed. He had been the one to injure saitama so unforgivably. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like if saitama had done the same to him, if he had turned genos away from being his disciple. Kicked him out. How could you forgive someone who changed your world for the better, only to leave it behind?
More than anything, he needed to beg for forgiveness, not that he deserved it—but saitama did.
G: “Saitama, I—“
Sai shook his head, like he didn’t want to hear it.
Genos thought his core would crack.
S: “I thought...If I were strong, things would get better. If I were stronger than that person..maybe you would have picked me instead.”
S: “Maybe you would have stayed “
S: “I trained and trained until I became strong...but it wasn’t enough. To capture your attention, I had to be the strongest.” Saitama pauses and shoots him a small, cheeky grin that had echoes of the same toothy smile Genos cherished.
S: “I would have to be, to take care of someone as high maintenance as you.”
Then the smile faded. S: “But even after I became strong..what did it matter? You had left and I didn’t know if I would ever see you again. And if for some crazy reason i Did meet you again...I didn’t know if i had it in me to ask you to choose again..”
G: (full on oil tears, the whole shebang)
G: S-Saitama..!!
Saitama grinned helplessly at him.
S: “So hurry up and choose me, genos!”
G: “Sensei!!!” [ because I had already chosen you a long time ago ]
They hug.
THE END!!!!!!!!!!! :’D
There’s a small epilogue where sai’s like..you called me teacher again. Im still not a teacher you know (in reference to this original post: http://yiulee.tumblr.com/post/139194391025/time-travel-au ) .
And genos is like: dont worry sensei, ill explain it to you
And sai is like ah, okay? But first. surprise smooch! S: been waiting 12 years to do that :D 
endless thanks to @konorai​ @batneko​ @egg-in-the-basket​ for bearing with me while i unloaded this beast into the discord chat..yall the real mvps!!! ;3; 
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sixofravens-reads · 2 years
okay, plan of attack for finishing these books:
finish Juniper & Thorn tonight (I've read like 60 pages since work ended, so I don't think that'll be difficult) so when I run errands this weekend I can take it back to the library
finish Seasonal Fears this weekend
potentially read a novella or Just Like Home as a palette cleanser
finish Fortuna hopefully by the end of next week
??? profit
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fuck-goes-on · 3 years
pairing/s: dio morrissey x f! reader
summary: dio was being a brat, dancing with another girl in front of his mommy, so you take it upon yourself to remind him who he belongs to
warning/s: SMUT 18+ (MOMMY KINK, MMlb dynamics, light bondage, cock slapping, hand jobs, edging, orgasm denial, degradation, praise kink, dacryphilia (crying is arousing)), dom&sub aftercare, comfort, mentioned ricky and eddie
note/s: GODDAMNIT im back to my bullshit again huh, this time we fuckn making dio our BITCH!!! hhh ok all i need to do now is write eddie, and mayhaps all three of them together OTL gif is mine lol
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You were not having a good day. You had missed your bus stop after already being an hour late to work, and to top it all off, you were accused of the mistakes in a large business report you and your coworkers wrote. After a long day of trying to fix whatever went wrong in the said report, Dio, your little devil, dragged you out of the comforts of your home to a nearby club and wind down with him.
The club wasn’t somewhere you would go, but it seemed to please Dio and you thought to yourself, why not just enjoy it? You weren’t needed at home, anyways, with Ricky out with his friends and Eddie at the library to study. And of course, Dio was with you the rest of the night.
He took you to the bar and ordered the both of you some drinks, glancing at you with a grin. You sat in front of him on the stool, leaning back against the bar to see that mischievous glint in his eyes. "Now, isn't this fun, mommy?" He said unabashedly, his hands resting on your thighs as he stood in between your legs. He picked up your drink once it arrived, sniffing it once before handing it to you.
"It's alright," You teased, giving him a half-smile. Sipping on your drink, you take your time scoping out the area. There were multiple bodies on the dance floor, all dancing and swaying to the beat of the songs, and there were groups of people sitting at the booths and the bar. You looked back at him, catching the soft expression on his face before it melted back to his confident persona. "I can see why you and your friends like coming 'round here, it's entertaining and the booze ain't bad either."
Dio glowed at your praise, perking up and broadening his shoulders. "Of course! I wouldn't bring my mommy anywhere that's polluted with a bunch of drones." You shook your head, amused by his words. Leaning in, you pressed a kiss on the edge of his lips, feeling him chase you when you pulled back. He pouted for a second before bringing back his cheshire grin, "Do you want to come dance with me, mommy? I promise you'll have a good time."
"Hmm, I don't know, baby," You said regretfully, "I'm feeling too tired to dance. How about you go and have fun, hm? Mommy will keep an eye on you from here."
You laughed as he harrumphed, knowing that he brought you here solely to show you off, and now he wouldn't get the chance to. Your devil was a popular guy amongst the punk grunge community, that much you knew, but you've never been introduced into it.
Watching him slunk into the crowd, you silently observe him as you drink your liquor. He walked through the crowd as if it would part just for him, and it did. His head was held high, a slight swagger to his walk, and-
He approached a girl, slightly shorter than him, definitely a fan of him by the way she reacted, and led her to the dance floor. You glare daggers into the girl across the room, but mostly directed it into the leather-clad shoulders you were oh so familiar with. Your grip around your glass tightened as he turned her around, her back facing you, so he could catch your eyes as they ground against each other. You throw back your drink, finishing it in two gulps before standing up and stomping your way towards them.
Dio's shit-eating grin grew wider as you got closer, and the little devil had the gall to look pleased when you grab him by the arm and pull him away from the girl. Thankfully, she must've noticed your dark look and scrambled off into the crowd. You seethed at him as he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you flush against his body. "What's the matter, mommy? I thought you wanted me to have fun." He whispered in your ear.
You reached your hand up to run your fingers through his black hair, suddenly gripping it tight and tugging his head backwards. He moaned out loud at the action, an open smirk on his lips you desperately wanted to erase. His eyes were dark as his gaze landed on your tense expression, and you knew then that that was the reaction he was looking for.
"I didn't mean that kind of fun, baby. If I'd known you wanted to be a slut tonight, I would've treated you like one," You growled at him, making him bite his lip to suppress his whimper. You let go of his hair, turning around and start walking towards the exit, knowing Dio would follow you out.
The ride home was fast, your hand clutching at the steering wheel tightly while your other hand held Dio’s just as tight. You felt his eyes on you the entire time, but besides your joined hands, you ignored him completely. 
When you arrive back at the empty home, you had slightly calmed down but still intended to punish Dio. He almost bumped into your back in the hallway of your house after you paused in the middle. "Mommy?" He quietly asked, feeling the shift of your energy.
You turned to face him, eyes hardened, your gaze made him cower. "Go to the bedroom and strip. Hands above your head. Don't touch, or it'll be worse for you. Understand?"
Dio nodded, his breath catching in his throat. But you aren't satisfied with that, so you grabbed his jaw, forcing him to open his mouth. "Y-yes, mommy, I understand."
"Good. Now go." You watched carefully as your devil scrambled up the stairs towards your room, his leather coat flying behind him. You took your time, however, before following him up. After bidding your time by checking things around the house, you finally climbed the stairs and entered your room.
Dio was spread out on top of your pristine sheets, as naked as the day he was born, with his hands above his head. You were pleased that he took your orders seriously for once and hummed in appreciation. His eyes were on you, tracking your every movement and waiting for your next order.
Instead, you reached down underneath the bed to grab the box of toys you shared with your three boys and pulled out a soft strand of rope. You moved to straddle Dio around his chest, far away from his leaking cock. Taking his wrists, you pulled them up and tied them to the headboard. You checked the knots to see if they were tight enough to stop him from moving his hands.
After being satisfied with your work, you shuffled down Dio's body, now sitting between his bare thighs and running your hands against his skin. "You know how this goes, right, baby? Tell me your word."
"Drone, mommy," Dio replied, already sounding breathless and all you did was tie him up. He struggled against his restraints, and when that failed, he bucked his hips down to chase your hand. You tutted and slapped his thigh, hard enough it left a pretty pink mark.
"No, Shane, mommy is going to punish you, so behave," You warned him, amused as he moaned loudly for you. You waited for him to settle down before spitting on your hand to wrap around his cock. Watching him jerk and groan, you kept at a slow rhythm, thumbing at the slit on the red cockhead every time your hand rose. "Do you like that, baby? You like mommy touching you right?"
"Yes! Y-yes, mommy, I love it," Dio hissed out, trying his best not to thrust up into your grip. It was fun seeing him unravel under your touch, how you affected and shook his whole being. It gave you a sense of power, of control over him, and nothing gave you more pleasure than that.
You abruptly pulled your hand away, making him cry out in want. You tsked at him, giving his cock a sharp slap in annoyance. Satisfied with the way he whimpered, you brought your hand back on him, this time tugging him faster and tighter. "Tell me, Shane, who owns this cock? Hm?" You asked darkly, observing how close he was to coming.
"It's yours, mommy- ah, th-this cock is yours!" He swore loudly, orgasm building quickly and eyes focusing on your hand. Growling, you pulled your hand away again, relishing in his sweet cries for more. You slapped his cock, once, twice, watching it bob left and right at the impact.
Grabbing his chin in your other hand, you made Dio look at you straight in the eye before resuming your fast and harsh rubbing. He sobbed pathetically, tears slipping from the corner of his eyes, mouth open wide with lewd sounds coming out of him.
"That's right, baby. This is my cock, so tell me- Why did you let that bitch grind on it? Is mommy not good enough for you anymore? Have to go out and whore yourself out to anybody who wants you?" You pushed his thighs wider apart, leaning your still clothed body as close to Dio as you can. He shook his head frantically, trying to speak and explain himself but before he could, you slap his cock once more. "It's okay baby," You cooed, faking sympathy. "Mommy will just have to remind her cock that it belongs to her only, isn't that right?"
Dio wailed as you keep jerking his cock, his orgasms denied multiple times it almost hurt. He pulled at his restraints, wanting to hold his mommy, but to no avail, he was tied down perfectly to your liking. "Ngh, mommy, mommy- please, I'm sorry, I'll be good, please-"
"Aw, baby, I forgive you," You said as you smiled at him, your hand pulling away from his flushed purple cock yet again, denying him of his pleasure. Thick tears start to streak his face, and you wipe them away with both of your hands. Pressing a kiss on his forehead, you felt him tip his head closer to yours, eyes shining with unshed tears. You soften at the sight of him and meld your lips together in a slow kiss. You licked at his bottom lip, nipping at it lightly and pulled at it as you leaned back. "Are you okay, baby? Still with mommy? You did so well for me, Shane, the best. Mommy will reward you now, okay?"
"Y-yes, thank you, mommy," Dio whimpered out, gasping out loud as your hand makes contact with his sensitive cock for the last time. Your movement is slower now, less tight but good enough to easily bring him to a high. You don't let go as he finally came all over your hand and his stomach, crying out loud at the intensity of his orgasm. "F-fuck! Thank you, thank you, thank you-"
"That's my good boy, taking his punishment so well and remembering his manners. You're so good for me," You mumbled against his temple, pressing soothing kisses at the matted hair and skin there. You reached up to release his wrists from the rope and kissed it lightly. You let Dio rest and relax on the bed as you moved around the room to get lotion and wet tissues.
Sitting next to him, you started rubbing the lotion at the irritated surface of his wrists, soothing it the best you can. You then clean up the mess he made on his belly and your hand and wipe away the tear stains on his cheeks, throwing away the used tissues in the garbage can near your dresser.
Thankfully, Dio calmed down as you took care of him, his breaths going back to a normal pace. You took off your clothes before laying down next to him and smile when he immediately curled into your side. You rubbed his back and stroked his hair, humming a random tune to lull him to sleep.
Before he did, he opened his tired eyes once more to stare up at you. You tilted your head in question, wondering what he has to say.
"You did well too, mommy. You feel better now, right? No more tension?" He asked, and you freeze in surprise. It made sense, Dio using his brattiness for you to let off some steam from your bad day. And he did succeed; You felt infinitely more lighter than you did at the start of the day, and it was because of your little boy.
You softly smile at him, eyes tearing up a bit at his thoughtfulness. "Yes, baby, I feel much better. Thank you for this, love you so much, Shane."
"I love you too, mommy. Now let's sleep, you tired me out." You chuckled and cuddled Dio closer to you, the both of you drifting off to a peaceful slumber.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi lei!! what are you up to? :3 its early and no one else is awake i'm thinking about treating myself to a muffin i'm sick of the limits of the human body like what do you mean i get tired, hungry, and headaches OTL i wish i could just evolve to experience none of those and i wouldn't be in the 80 percent of the situations i'm in daily
in genshin i fully finished the event and got the namecard usually events are too hard for me and i get bored and never get the namecard while i didn't love the event it was fun and easy also not to brag but i'm pretty good and didn't have to watch youtube videos to help me ;)/lh my fav events are ones that have a storyline with cutscenes it haunts me daily that i missed out on so many because i wasn't playing at the time i missed the lantern rite, the one with albedo and the other one with mona, fyshl and scaramouche 🧎‍♀️i've watched other people play so i know what happens in all of them but i won't be able to experience them firsthand oh to experience albedo's smug face in his event hes so pretty and seeing him be all disinterested was kinda 😳😳 i can't ever see him acting that way with his lover though he would def hang on to every word they say- 🍰
im eating mcdonald’s rn lol. if ur looking for a sign to convince u to eat a muffin, this is it. go get urself a muffin boo! i get what u mean but at the same, that first glass of ice cold water when ur incredibly dehydrated is *mwah* headaches can go suck my d tho. not having any of of that shit.
i got the namecard too! i only did one game bc for some reason, the people i played w were horrible and i caught them in like a minute. i only missed the scaramona + fischl event but thats the one i wanted to play the most :(( its just vv different when ur playing it yourself as opposed to watching other people do it. that albedo... i dream abt that albedo at night. if for some reason, albedo decided to take someone as a lover, that would mean a lot and he would deffo want to explore every inch of them and what better way to do that than listen?
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Yay!! Im happy to hear that! Hopefully you can rest up well from your semester!
Ahh by that I meant like you know how kpop albums have concept pictures included? Thats how I view what the TTT magazines are just minus a physical disc cx sorry for the confusion!! Honestly this is all so new and interesting, seventeen never really done something like this. Yes we had mixtape songs but not in this way so promotion will be different. I saw wonwoo and mingyu are doing a song but that isn't related to spider so that means its like jun's and minghao's songs. Which makes things a bit confusing lol, not complaining since hey more content for us ^_^ but yeah guess we have yo see when the next solo actually is. Oh and seventeen coming back!! This is the kind of news I needed, I'm shocked they actually have their own usa site to buy stuff (sort of like nct has) because I know bts nor txt don't. Well bts USED to but that was before bighit decided to shut it down in favor for weverse which sadly I don't see the need for (plus call me old and weird but I don't trust buying stuff from apps? Like I feel a bit more comfy on a computer which Ik doesn't mean its not safer but meh, apps make me fishy lol) also Walmart is selling the albums, bless my family uses Walmart alot (like we used it last night xD) so maybe I can squeeze it in next time? Granted I want to wait for the concept photos first because while I do like a surprise, its also just nice knowing what the vibe is. Or be the complete opposite of what the mv will be about lol.
Ahh as much i was being hopeful and had her eat, sadly my bunny didn't make it =c she passed away on the weekend. She was a strong bunbun, she tried her best to make it out but alas she didn't win. I'm a bit happy my gut instinct told me to spend time with her because at least I got to be with her for her last hour. It kinda sucks because I feel slightly guilty because I couldn't get her the proper help so I feel like I let her down (especially after I found out from reviews the food I bought for her is actually not good for bunnies and can cause problems so I feel dumb) I shouldn't since I gave my bunny the best love I could give while caring for her so she wasn't in a bad place with me. Still can't shake that off, feels weird not waking up and seeing her around or like when I play games she isn't near me chilling. Healing takes time of course so I'm making myself busy with enjoying content from my favorite artists. I made a lil promise that I would finish a game that I played alot while she joined me (it sounds silly but I viewed it as like "our game" ya know?) For her in memory. Sorry for babbling about this bsksbsjd. Losing a pet isn't fun at all. I am so sorry about your cat *hugs you* im sure that furry buddy was well loved!! If I may ask of course, do you have a favorite memory of your cat? Like any funny moment or cute ones?
ahhh ok i get what you mean! it will definitely be interesting to see how it all plays out since SVT haven't done a project like this before. I'm really curious how spread out all the solos are going to be. esp with a cb coming up it seems unlikely we'll get a TTT solo any time soon? but then again SVT are always surprising us these days. but i wonder if they'll come out just whenever a member happens to prepare it or if it's all scheduled out at semi regular intervals 🤔
but yeah it looks like bittersweet is part of the power of love project as opposed to TTT... it's getting complicated real fast! and yeah SVT is definitely expanding into/focusing more on US promotions now... it will be interesting to see how it all plays out! but i totally get what u mean about preferring to buy things on the computer it's funny how that is sometimes djfkgj i had been thinking about preordering the other day since it seemed like we wouldn't be able to pick the version we want anyway, but now that there are some shops that let you i definitely want to wait and see the teaser photos. every day i keep expecting them to start releasing but we get a different surprise instead OTL
I'm sorry to hear about your bunny :( but it's good that you were able to spend time with her at the end, I'm sure it made her feel safe to have someone who cared for her by her side rather than being alone <3 try not to feel too guilty about it, since what's done is done and there's no way to know for sure if it was the sole reason for her failing health. it's good that you're able to recognize and work through your grief, and i think finishing that game is a great way to do that and to honor her memory :')
and thanks, we lost her a little while ago now so luckily thinking about her is more nostalgic than sad. but as for a funny story Riley was a gremlin. she got up on the counters and kitchen table a lot when we weren't looking. she also liked eating paper and we had to be careful where we left things bc once she ate my sister's homework. which, ok, she didn't eat the entire paper but she did eat a corner of it and sort of ripped and crinkled the rest. i can't remember if my sister turned it in like that or if she had to redo it djgkgj
here's a picture of the frame/shadowbox thing my mom made for her after she died with photos, her collar (which she hated and hardly ever wore dhfk), and her favorite toy ;-;
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also u didn't ask but here's my other cat liberty from a few days ago :P (she's getting older and has arthritis and kidney issues but she's still alive and kicking!)
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fuckyeahexofics · 4 years
Fic Search #219
201004. hi! first of all thank u guys for ur hardwork know that its v much appreciated ♡ theres this fic i've been looking for for ages : a chanbaek royalty au i read on ao3. baek was the prince and i think yeol was his guard. chan & baek start getting it on (nsfw) but baek is kinda possessive so when he learns of yeol's ex outside of the palace, he gets jealous and has him killed, which yeol didn't rlly like if i remember right? thats all i remember i hope one of u knows this but if not, its ok! tank u
201011. i'm trying to find this fic... i cant remeber the pairing otl but im certain it was on ao3... basically its this fic where theyre an established couple but like a doesn't really say ily to b or something, and i remember this one scene [the only thing i remember LOL] where b sits at the edge of the bed and a gives him a blowjob and b wants to return the favor but a says no, and its kind of implied its how he shows he loves him that he's doing it /for him/ not himself?? to be honest im like 95 percent its an exo fic... im trying to wreck my brain trying to find it but i cant and if u cant im assuming it might be another fandoms but alas i can't remeber anything but that one scene ;-;
201011. Hi, I am looking for a Luhan/Sehun fic; Sehun has a girlfriend who he doesn't really care for and plays videos games online all the time. He meets Luhan through a game I believe. It was on AFF but I, for the life of me cannot remember it. I think his girlfriend's name was Nari, if that helps anyway. It used to be on exodic's rec list but she's since dropped of the face of the internet :(
201011. Hii, there was a junmyeon fic i remembered read before but I can’t remember the pairing but i think it’s either suyeol or seho (?) but im not sure sorry! It was a florist!junmyeon got hired to do flower decoration for a banquet in the palace and didnt know the who’s the prince and the prince got smitten with junmyeon and they both talk and date after that and i think the prince got exposed and it become a bit angst after that. Hope someone can help me find this thank you in advance! 🙏🏻
201011. Hi! I'm looking for a kaibaek fanfic, where baekhyun was in love with chanyeol but chanyeol broke his heart so as "revenge" (i think?) he got with kai (a player and his boss in the fic) and then kai and kaek fell in love. I'm not exactly sure where it was but it was slight angst and a few chapters long. Thanks for your help!
201011. Hi! First off thanks so much for this wonderful page it has saved my life a few times 🤣. I was wondering if any of you might know of a fic thats based on American Horror Story, Murder house. Its Baekhyun-centric and is ot12. I can’t find it anywhere and I need to read it again. Thanks!
7. Fingers Laced to Crown by seawitcher
201021. Hello! Hope you're doing well. So, i'm looking for a Kaisoo fic where Kyungsoo and Jongin are both princes i think, and they have an arranged marriage. Kyungsoo's family says that Kyungsoo has gone mad and treat him bad. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are his half brothers and although Kyungsoo is the oldest, Chanyeol is the crown prince. I remember almost the whole plot but not the title. I hope you can help me to find it. Thanks!
201025. hunhan searchhi! you guys are awesome and thank you for all the hard work. so i’m pretty desperate in finding this hunhan fic on aff. they’re childhood friends. one of them (prolly SH) used to chase theother when he was little. but in high school, LH was the one who kept pestering him. when they were in the shower LH tried to put SH’s hand on his nip but SH pulled away. LH told him Kris asked him out then LH went to a noodle shop and finished 5(?) bowls and sehun chased after him. thank you!
9. KEEP ME IN YOUR CORNER by boneshrine
201025. Hello, hello! I just want to say that I love this blog so very much, and we all really appreciate all of the staffs' hard work! I am looking for this one fic, though, and maybe you guys can help? It's a Baeksoo fic in which I think it was Kyungsoo is in an illegal fight club. And Baekhyun was kind of recruited to work for them as a medic, I think? I think Jongdae was the one who ran the club? Or something like that? I'm fairly certain I read it on AFF too. Thanks!
201025. hello i am looking for this baekyeol fic, i remember that chanyeol was famous in it and dating baekhyun but they could never go on dates because no one knew he was gay , so they go on a date but baekhyun dresses up as a girl and i guess people catch them but because no one knows who bbh is they think he's with a girl? if you can help me i'd really appreciate it thank you!!
11. cock envy by horse_exobooks
201028. gunabug: Hello lovelies! I've been trying to read a fic that I read a while back; I'm pretty certain it was Sehun/Kai, and I think Kai found a bunch of baby chicks, and they imprinted on Sehun? It's been driving me crazy all week. Thank you!
12.  pet au by incendir
201028. Hi! im looking for a hurt/comfurt fic with past abuse. I believe it was a either a hybrid!au or a slave!au where one of the members bought an abused hybrid/slave? There was a scene where the hybrid was gifted a collar but he thought it was so that he could punish himself. There was also a scene where the hybrid/slave got buried by his past owner. Sorry for being vague, I dont remember the pairing. I think it was baek/kai but im not sure. i also think it was posted on Tumblr, not AO3, thanks!!
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87devices · 6 years
I finished QOAAD a couple days ago and I’ll say I have some mixed thoughts on it. I am somewhat disappointed tbh but it also DID have its moments.
I have to say I felt this book had too many POVs. I didn’t like that. I didn’t feel like they were all necessary. All the POVs only ended up with me feeling very disconnected from the story as a whole, and the characters, even my faves at times. I think the POVs where one part of the problem, the other I am not sure. Maybe Cassie has too many projects on her plate or idk but something impacted her writing. Not just for QOAAD but I felt it in Ghosts of the Shadow Market stories too. It had a few exceptions but compared to The Shadowhunter Academy short stories overall, they just weren’t as good. :/ As much as it pains me we gotta wait like 4 yrs for TWP maybe its a good thing? The onslaught of books may have passed and TWP will get more focus. Im just gonna tell myself this to get through the waiting time OTL. 
I will start with thoughts on Emma and Julian as they are the main characters. 
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I like both Julian and Emma’s characters, but I think they lost me somewhere at some point in this series as a couple. I can’t say exactly when but reading QOAAD I realized I didn’t care for them as a couple. I’ve seen this is the case for many others too. Was I very intrigued where the parabatai curse would lead? Yes, but that’s it. Now the parabatai curse, I wasn’t too satisfied with how that played out. I kinda was and I kinda wasn’t. I guess I was expecting something bad to happen some consequences but the rune just burned away and that was that. I loved when Julian got his emotions back and went all into head of the institute since I was a child mode. Like I know my shit I know what I’m doing. Then Dru being like “good to have you back, I missed your lunatic schemes” xD I love Julian scheming ok, lol but like with emotions.
I gotta say one of my favorite things about TDA and what I felt like was one of its strong points is that togetherness the Blackthorns had as a family. My favorite thing about Julian was his love for his kids cause they are his kids!! BUT I just didn’t feel it in this book. When looking forward to QOAAD I was looking forward to how they were all going to deal with Livvy’s death. The kids where gonna need Julian so much but he just wasn’t there for them ALL throughout the book which was my BIGGEST disappointment. At first he wasn’t there because he took away his emotions and separated from them, then he got back and because he was emotionless he couldn’t be there for Ty when Ty reached out to him clearly troubled and broken. Now, I don’t blame him. He was emotionless after all, but after he did get them back I feel like he didn’t make the effort to be there for them. It was like he didn’t remember the way Ty reached out to him before and the things he said to him about his plan. After he got his emotions he was all busy with the Horace-Cohort situation and his situation with Emma but what about the KIDS JULES?! ;_;  It was Ty who again sought him but he didn’t really try to pay attention to what was going on with him, during and after their little convo. It felt like 
Jules: oh btw you good? 
Ty: yeah sure 
Jules: ok im here btw 
Ty: K
Jules: K 
And that was it. He never found out about the necromancy or biting and just *sigh*. At least the biting is something he should’ve and would’ve noticed as Dru pointed out. Everyone was on their own basically and then in the end he and Emma are going on a travel vacay. Like what?! There was Helen but Helen is not Julian. She is trying to get to know them but Julian is the one who is basically their parent. There are 2 things I loved about Julian best, one was his willingness to do what needed to be done, and second was his care for his family and like I said, I did not feel it here. :[  I’ll say I do love Julian’s character, and more than Emma’s actually. Emma is just fine, but there is a lot more going on with Julian. Though neither are my faves in this series. But I love Julian xD 
THULE: ok so I was sobbing during this part. I couldn’t control my tears. All this broke my heart when we found out about how everyone’s fates turned out. I felt so sad for Livvy all alone there. Everything was just so tragic ;_;. I do found myself wanting for the POV to switch to see their friends and family freaking out about what happened to Emma and Julian. I’ll say it didn’t make sense to me how Ash went into Thule only like 5 minutes before Jemma and he aged up yrs yet Jules and Emma where there for a pretty long time too and nothing?? It was another reason I wanted the POVs to switch I was wondering if yrs where passing by in their world or what. I’ll say I did enjoy the pain and hurt Thule gave me lol. It was one of those moments where like I didn’t felt disconnected with the characters at all. I was very much feeling all the feels but it also felt like I left QOAAD and was thrust back into CoHF. It felt too much like TMI it was kind of a whiplash, like from TDA i went back to TMI then TDA again. 0.0  
Now to my faves
Ash!: He was one of my favorite things of this book! His character was so interesting. I have high hopes for his character. He is probably not all good or all bad but what I’ve seen of him from boy to teen he is more good and human than meets the eye. Cassie Cassie Cassie! Do we really need a 3rd evil Morgenstern? No, No Nope! He deserves the chance Sebastian never had! </3. ;_;
The way he shook when he was holding that sword with the Unseelie King when he was trying to make him kill Kieran. He clearly didn’t want to and not only that, he questioned WHY, like he thought you can’t just kill someone just because. Then in Thule we had Thule Dru talk about how she noticed he didn’t want to be there for Thule Sebastian’s executions, among the rest of things that happened there.
Now Ash and Dru, omg PLS I ship already! I cant wait for them!  
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Ty and Kit!: My other faves, my babies. I am the most invested in them! I just knew they were going to be separated at the end of this. I had a feeling. Then they made that “To never being parted” declaration in the campfire and I knew for sure oh no, they are gonna part. ;_; Their fight in Lake Lyn broke my heart a little bit, tears were shed. It particular broke my heart how while they were both physically fighting, they were crying about it and the whole situation. Though I’ll say I also did like that Kit went to live with Jem and Tessa <3. I feel like he is in the process of finding himself as a shadowhunter and just as a person too. I love that Jessa will be like his family. I cant wait for Jessa being parents! Also the arc of them separating only to meet again yrs later with so much unsaid ugh I cant wait for them either OTL. I could drown myself in feels thinking about all the different scenarios in which they might meet again. ;_; Oh! When they were in the campsite and Kit was wondering why Ty didn’t went inside the tent with him right away was everything. His mind was just reeling with TY scenarios it was the cutest. 
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I have to say I hope TY, KIT, and DRU, as they are our main characters are given priority in TWP no 10+ POVs PLS. (Ash gotta be in the POVs though ofc.) We only have 3 books with them. They deserve the focus so we can connect with them the most. Heck if there is no more than 4/5 POVs even better. We can get to know other and new characters without being in their heads as we got to love Ty without his POV in TDA. 
Mark, Kieran, Christina: Other characters I love too. What can I say? I love that this threesome happened. I think the initial delivery coulda been better, but I loved their ending. When I say their initial delivery I mean their coming together as 3. I LOVED that spark they had in LOS when we first could see that there could be something between the 3 of them like ‘OMG what?!’. But in QOAAD I feel like I didn’t get like a full understanding of how and why Kristina and Kieran came to love each other. We could all see the love, feelings, and intense connection between Mark and Kieran since LOS. Also the connection between Mark and Christina, but with Kieran and Christina I feel like it needed more development. They were suddenly very into each other when they hadn’t spent much time together after LOS events and Kieran left with Diego. I’ll say what did help that a bit was that it was actually pointed out by Christina herself, saying how what they might have (Kier+Tina) is probably not close to the connection Mark and Kieran do. Despite this I love how it eventually concluded with the three of them. It was bittersweet, like Kieran my boy <3 ;__; but I liked it very much. Have I said how much I specifically love Kieran and Mark because I do!!
Lastly, woah I did not see that coming with the clave leaving Idris. I’m shocked  they even agreed to that considering how prideful they are of their home. It is also like a safety cocoon for them. Im still processing, this is a huge change. It will be so interesting where the shadowhunter world goes from here. 
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GHJK this was. oddly difficult i didnt realize how little wips i have that i plan on. actually finishin
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this ones from a few months ago tht uh. crashed and i just never started workin on it again, its canon boyo with his pokemon  lol (m..minus houndoom it crashed before i saved that sketch)
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sketch from a pony pmv map that uh. nvr got finished,, we all just forgot about it lol i. should finish it at some point :shrug:
stageplay gets Mad (tm)
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AAAAND  a reaaallly rough animation wip of my hot chocolate meme im,, wooorkin on,,, its gonna b box but i havent drawn the features yet OTL
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ooo 4 the dipping chart im usually lawful evil, lawful good, true neutral, or neutral evil lol... and for the ask ill just start with 3 (omg I love these things too much lol) - ink, time-lapse, and playlist (& critic can be a bonus one if you want :) -ATC
all the evils, ur Power is unmatched
Ink: What do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
I have Tumblr open in another window constantly when I write, as well as my fic folder in Google Drive (which is named, quite aptly if I do say so myself, “shiznak”) The former is so I can keep an even level of stimulation so I don’t get distracted if I’m not in a hyperfocus, and the latter is to keep track of how many suggestions I still have in my editing (Left as in Gone is currently at 678, btw. I had a mini party in my deskchair when I got it under 1000 I’m ngl)
I have a couple of spots where I typically do my writing, basically just strategically angling my computer screen away from people so I don’t have to worry about onlookers. At times like now (usually after my meds have worn off) I usually have my bangs back in a hairband/kerchief so it doesn’t distract me
Time-lapse: How long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)?
I think my first attempt at writing was when I was about 18? I didn’t finish anything and never thought of posting it. The first work I actually finished and uploaded to AO3 was in September of 2016. Before that I’d written exclusively headcanons, but that was like my first successful attempt at writing a completed thing. I’ve never written anything outside of fanfiction, although when I was a young teen I’d always fantasised about publishing my own novel (bitch never came up with a cogent plot tho so like 14 year old me can take a fucken SEAT)
Playlist: What kind of music/songs help you write? Do you have a writing playlist?
Because of the ADHD I can’t listen to music while I’m writing or editing (which I’m pretty sure I’ve said a billion times but for posterity’s sake ull hear it from me again OTL)
One song that does help me focus if there’s a lot of background noise is called Eclipse by Marketa Irglova, which if I’m correct hasn’t been uploaded anywhere on the internet (got it off my mum’s CD copy #ballers). It’s basically a piano/violin track in some minor key, though if u asked me to identify which one I’d activate a smoke bomb and get the fuck outta dodge. I only listen to it if I’m in a noisy place and can’t focus otherwise and the mofo’s on repeat
Although I will say something quite awful about me is that every time I’ve written smut in recent times, the song Pony by Ginuwine plays on nonstop loop in my head. It’s the horniest song I know, and while it does little to set the mood it happens nonetheless.
So yeah keep that in mind whenever ur reading my fanfics: if u pass by a smut scene, make sure to crank Pony to get urself in the headspace I wrote it in
Critic (bonus extra writing advice bc I inhale that shit)
It’s not advice I’ve received, per se, but it’s advice I like to give: please vary your sentence structure. If I have to read five sentences in a row starting with the POV character’s third person pronoun, or if all your sentences have the same clausal structure, I might very well turn my eyeballs off for good. Repetition is good when it’s used as a literary device. Repetition is not good when it results from you not knowing how to construct your sentences in any other way.
I’m not gonna say your writing has to be perfectly grammatical (in fact, I love it a lot more when the narration leans closer to the pattern of the spoken word rather than academic writing) but learning syntax and using it to your advantage is a fairly easy way of really elevating your writing
writer asks 📃
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dadmilkman · 6 years
tagged by @coleil !!!!
holy shit i am embarrassed... this sat in my drafts for like  a fucking year lol
Rules: Write ten facts about yourself, then tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better. 
1) when i was about 11 or 12 maybe? i wanted to invent a machine that turns black and white/sepia photos back into color, and i was upset when i found out someone had invented it already
2) i love to draw! i try to draw a lot. ive been drawing since i was about 18 but i gave up from around age 19 to 21 because of really bad mental health so ive only picked it up again in the past year but its one of my favorite hobbies.
3) when i was 15 -16 i made up a secret language (more like a code) and memorized it and wrote all my journals in code so no one could read them (finding them again last year i realized they were too obvious to be very secretive lol)
4) i am super bad about replaying video games and rewatching movies. any movie ive watched ive guaranteed to have watched it at least twice. and my small video game collection - ive played all three dragon ages games at least 4 times. (dai ive played like 8 ... we dont talk abt that). ive played tlou 3 times, ive played hzd twice, ive played dishonored 3 times, dishonored 2 twice, uncharted 4 three times....etc etc.... im a creature of habit.
5) i collect glass bottles! i have been for a few years, but this past year my collecting has slowed down a bit. heres what i have so far tho ! (minus a few not on my main shelves)
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6) last year when i was super into dragon age i used to spend a lot of time on the wikia page translating untranslated or “unknown” pieces of elvish language. i managed to fix/translate a decent amount and even started translating a common song into elvish (that i never finished otl)
7) i LOVE to travel. my best friend lives in austria and i have  another friend in ireland and ive visited them both. ive been very briefly (like less than 2 full days) to paris and munich as well. my dream job would be one that lets me travel/drive a lot
8) my two biggest fears are zombies and boats. since like 14 ive been deathly afraid of zombies, and zombie video games (dead space, tlou, etc) are still hard for me to play. wrt boats i think im afraid of it sinking and id drown. you will not get me on a cruise ship of any type.
9) im in my last semester of school!!!! im finally gonna have an associates in accounting. i kept dropping out bc of mental health/work reasons so its taken me like 5 years lol but im almost finished and cant wait to be done.
10) um i guess ill just list some favorites cuz i ran out of things! - sunflowers are my favorite flower, pistachio green is my favorite color, 27 is my favorite number, fall is my favorite season, dr pepper is my favorite soda!
i tag anyone who wants to do this im too lasy to think of ppl
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franeridart · 7 years
I don't know if you're still into servamp and the c3 ot3 (was that what you called them? lol). And I also don't know if you read fanfiction, but there is like one now on ao3. I just thought I'd let you know about that
Thank you!!!!! For letting me know!!!!!!!!!! Holy heck I’ll be sure to read it asap!!! *O*
Anon said:the other day I was listening to the weather forecast on the radio and they talked ab it very poetically, at some point they said "we might get the appearance of a shy lightning in the afternoon" and I just... Denki.
This is THE CUTEST THING I’ve read all week thank you oh my g o d ............. a shy lightning........................... so cute.........................h e c k I’m smiling so hard r i p
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Anon said:Fran thank you so much for existing! Love your art! And thanks to you I have so much more Kiribaku songs right now. Your posts always brighten my day. Again thank you and love you ❤❤❤
You’re SO SWEET oh my gO D S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I’m happy you enjoy my (not-so) subtle song recs hahaha 
Anon said: I sometimes feel anxious but recently your bnha fusions manages to make me smile and seems to be amazingly therapeutic making me relax and enjoy things again. I've been researching dances, names and experimenting with the ideas of quirks and I was wondering if you would mind if I wrote a little fanfic about it or maybe some hcs? I wouldn't dare to do it if it made you uncomfortable so I guessed it was better to ask first
I don’t mind one bit!!! I’m glad that AU can make you happy, and if you end up posting anything I’d very very much like a link to it, if you don’t mind!!! :D
Anon said: I just wanna tell you that I love you and your art style! I hope you'll have a good day!
Holy smokes, thank you!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a great day too !!
Anon said: ur punk kiri gives me life
T h aNK you omfg though I might argue that Kiri is kinda punk in canon too!!
Anon said: I gotta say until recently I was most involved in the v*ltron fandom but now I'm most active in the bnha fandom and it's like jumping out of a burning building into a pool. I'm loving it.
Ohhhhhhhhh I feel this a lot hahaha the bnha fandom is overall real nice though, right? It has its issues but it’s definitely one of the chillest I’ve been in a long while~
Anon said:I just saw your post abt Ojiro and i'm sc r ea m i n g bc i love him so much and i love seeing him being drawn in your art style??? Heck i love bnha in your art style, i love your art in general, everything you draw is just.... precious and amazing and you're amazing and thnak you so much for everything youve drawn(esp ojiro, love the ojiros)
Ojiro is pure and great and amazing  and I’m SO GLAD you like him this much anon he needs ALL the love!!!!
Anon said:bless ur soul for ur tamaki art and bakushima man, i cry
Thank you for liking them!!!!!!!!!!! I cry a lot too t b h
Anon said:Love all ur art but especially livin for the bokuroo
THANK!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:did you hear that kami has his own appreciation week coming up?
WHEN I didn’t!!! know!!!! When is it happening!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Todoroki and sero? Ooh never considered that one! Do tell 😁
Well, I would tell but all in all it boils down to the fact that I kind of really like Sero with... anyone.......... rip he’s so pretty and Todo is also pretty and their rooms are next to each other and when I saw their “fight” in the anime again I kinda went why not t h o?? I dunno I’m weak to nearly all Sero ships SO!! it’s nealy purely aesthetical lmao
Anon said:fun fact : kiri means penis in iranian
..............what am I gonna do with this information now a n o n
Anon said:i finished writing a wedding fic and posted it, and im still crying over my own words. i made it so sappy and untraditional but thats just how kiribaku goes right?? when do they do things traditionally?
Traditional and krbk definitely don’t go together!!! Being emotional over your own stuff is good though, let those emotions be free anon!!!
Anon said: frrraaaaaaan i'm dyyying from uni but thank god there's your bakukiri art because it keeps me going alive in this dreary and cold period where i am dying but i see life at the end of the tunnel OTL (legit losing it from stress)
BE STRONG ANON!!!! I’M SURE YOU CAN DO IT AND COME OUT OF IT VICTORIOUS!!!! *patd playing in the distance* no but seriously I’m glad I can help you destress a little! Channel the Kirishima in yourself and hang in there!! 💪💪💪💪
Anon said:I love shinsou so much but I can't seem to convince my friend that he isn't creepy ;-;
There’s???? Nothing creepy about Shinsou??? He’s just a stressed and tired cat loving disaster???
....hm. When you say it like that he’s just like Aizawa isn’t he. Anyway! Nothing creepy about the lavander son!!!
Anon said:^^ I love your art, man. Though i dont really understand most of whats happening in the comics anymore considering I never watched/read anything bnha related, i still find your content charming. Thank you for making so much content :'>
Oh my god!!! Thank you for sticking around even though I fell in the bnha pit then orz I’m actually so happy to hear this!! Thank you so much seriously!!! ;u;
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keuriseu · 7 years
are you still as big a kris stan as before? like do u remember all the dates from each event and stuff kdjfhgldkjh
I FORGOT LIKE 99% OF ALL KRIS DATES IM SO ASHAMED ;A; it has also been 3 years since I followed his activities though ;A; I’ve been trying to catch up on his stuff. I literally just finished watching Challengers Union which aired like 2 years ago OTL. I have never stanned anyone for so long lol 
Also the only reason I remembered his dates so well was because I kept tagging them on a daily basis.
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vikab · 7 years
p5 thoughts
After having drawn so much fanart of p5 (most of it being Yusuke) before the game even came out, even with my hype when I started playing on the release date, I only FINALLY finished persona 5 OTL
Below will be my mini-review and thoughts on the game?? spoilers are gonna here on the entire game
Total playtime - 87 hours 40 minutes
OK this is gonna be disorganized mess but i will try to be .. not messy Story: The story unfortunately was very weak :(  Like the game had an AMAZING start and it was tackling really important issues. I really started to care about Ryuji and Ann and their goals. Then Yusuke joins and I thought the game was just heading in perfect direction. Then I felt off during Kaneshiro’s arc as Makoto did not really feel .. really into the whole PT thing?? sorry Makoto fans i love her but she felt rly overrated... anyway Futaba’s arc no doubt was my favorite but then the game really started falling apart. like lets not talk about the whole series of events that were Morgana leaving the team that was straight up BAD. the pacing picked up a bit for the Casino dungeon and it was really intense then its Shido and thing kinda... fell back into this weird pacing ... Ah yes, let’s just wait 20 days to see if Shido has a change of heart or we die. After that the pacing was still all over the place then the huge plottwist happens. I knew about it but still liked it! The last arc had on point emotions and feels so it felt like a good ending to the game.  SEVERE PACING ISSUES KILL THE GAME FOR ME THOUGH.   I get that they still wanted the calendar system but honestly i dont think it worked any huge favors for the game . .. anyway yeah the game started amazing then dropped close to death then picked up again but not as good as the beginning Characters: I have not managed to finish a lot of confidants so near the end the parts where confidants help out it was .. very lacking lol .. . if that part wasnt so depended on the confidants that you have finished.... But overall the characters were good. Pacing of the story and the story itself did not do any justice to them I think and it feels bad bc everyone had so much potential but having a big cast it was obvious that not everyone was getting the attention they deserved Ryuji - good bro and I loved him but the middle part of the game and the constant “we gotta get the girls!” moments were so . . ugh ...  confidant rank and beginning of game ryuji was absolute best though Ann - same goes for her as with ryuji that the beginning of the game was best characterization moment for her. I liked her a lot and she’s pretty bro for female heroine! but the constant fanservice kills me guys Morgana - boy did i dislike morgana for the most of the game. he really felt like teddie 2.0 at times and i just did not have a lot motivation to like him. Last arc of the game tho?? i love morgana??? i wanna cry tbh those parts near the end really resonated with me so my final verdict is that i like morgana a lot now Yusuke - I LOVE THIS BOY. while i get the beef that people have with his recruitment arc (the whole nude modeling thing) I thought it was ok since my interpretation is that he was just pissed and really needed that inspiration he found in ann but idk. otherwise his arc was good but goddamn fuck you atlus for continuously treating him like a weirdo?? PT is supposed to be a gang of misfits and yet even the teammates keep treating him like a weirdo. . that was just really bad like come on  let me kiss yusuke and feed him. also will never forgive atlus for not letting yusuke move into leblanc. He’s a very good character and very level-headed so i love him sm. he has really great moments Makoto - I liked her a lot! i do think she’s a bit overrated and that she doesn’t fit well with PT but I think that’s just the issue with Atlus pacing of the story, because her issues during her recruitment were really good (as in i did feel like she would fit into PT well) Futaba - I LOVE THIS GIRL!! I played with jpn dub which I think does much better justice to her characterization. Her entire arc was so so good and I felt like she was a really solid character going through growth. her confidant was very very good. She has a lot of funny moments and I love her antics with Yusuke. they are the blessed characters of this game. too good for this game. Haru - love her too!!!! she was so nice and sweet but damn atlus did not do her justice at all. she is the “last” party member to join and it is so sad she does not get a lof interaction with PT. like I wish PT interacted with her somehow throughout the game before she joins, be it like help her out sometimes or something bc they go to same school so when she joins later the team dynamic can easily accept her. Goro - we dont talk about goro jk but honestly he was handled bad. his link was automatic and I get why but his initial personality just makes me hate him a lot. he was cool as a party member but not for long. I expect him to appear in spinoffs bc wtf was that ending for him goddamn atlus. i like a lot his potential as a character but everything else? hate Sae was for me quite funny during the interrogation (when you start the confidant parts) but after her casino her involvement in the story I really ended up liking Sae. she’s good Also gonna mention Sojiro bc i love that coffee dad. His dynamic with Futaba and protagonist was extremely good!!! such a solid family. I loved that he finds out the truth and how he handled it. love u sojiro Speaking of protagonist, I really really really wish atlus would ease up on the “silent protagonist” a bit more. for a game as huge as this, the silence does not do justice to the protagonist. idk i just wish there would have been a bit more voice to him and solid characterization other than some off-hand comments that imply the underlying personality. i get the whole “self-insert” part but it sucks stop putting it in games Overall character summary: pacing sucked so characterization suffered a lot. a lot of characters don’t get their time to shine and while I love them a lot it really sucks to see how they were treated. Pacing ruined a lot of things including team dynamic. Palaces: (in chronological order) Kamoshida/Castle - IT SUCKED I HATE IT. being the first freaking dungeon it sure was extremely hard and damn long. also not knowing about the calling car system really hurt lmao. i just hate this dungeon and i got stuck there a lot too Madarame/Art Museum - THE BEST ONE! Honestly I think it is the only palace that really did feel like a heist! It is a very beautiful palace and im probably also biased bc its Yusuke’s arc but this palace was legit fun to get through. Kaneshiro/Bank - it was ok, good music. i don’t really feel much for it and I was just mostly annoyed how long the vault part was. Futaba/Pyramid - I loved it  a lot too! 10/10 music I had a lot of annoyances with coffin shadows and the puzzles for a bit but overall the music and aesthetics really made the palace work well with the story Okumura/Spaceship - we don’t talk about the “lunch break” parts.... overall it was ok and I liked its aesthetic. also the implications about the workers there was good sad material. Sae/Casino - 10/10 music. overall i disliked it a lot bc some of the parts really dragged and I hated gambling in there to progress. Shido/Ship - 10/10 music. overall i liked it / it was ok. the mouse mechanic was a bit fun, the last part being ... 3 boss fights in a row without saving was sure something. 10/10 creepy outside aesthetic of sunken city. Mementos Depths - not to be confused w/ p3/4 style dungeon we know as mementos (which were pretty much mindless fun to progress thru), the depths was ... so good. mostly for the creepy aesthetic 10/10 would suffer again. the music track Freedom and Security, that plays during goro’s bad end credits, plays as the theme for this dungeon and jeez did it make me feel so emo. the parts where you can talk to locked up people who are apathetic to the world just gave me depression and i loved it.. . i didnt really like the later part of it (when tokyo merges with mementos) To rank the palaces overall its:  Art museum > Mementos Depths > Pyramid >> Ruse Cruise > Spaceship > Casino > Bank >>>>>> Castle Gameplay mechanics were very solid and fun. Movement a bit could be clunky (or that’s what i felt like) and stealth mechanic in dungeons was ok. The gameplay has A LOT of attention to detail and i appreciated it a lot. UI was cluttered but it worked and was quite Aesthetic. I think the game would have benefited if the stats weren’t so important to the social aspect or if the calendar system was revamped. Final boss imo was not as bad as P4 but still ... sucked. P3′s final boss fight is still ultimately my favorite. P5 comes close but once again, pacing issues. Protagonist summoning freaking Satanael was cool af though. Honestly my big issue with P5 was the PACING that made the story and characters suck a lot of times but overall the game was extremely solid and memorable.  Of the persona entries i played i think P5 is special so I can’t really rank it. I am really attached to the game despite its heavy flaws that kill me. P3 and P2 are still quite my favorites but P5 is like really close to them so I guess it’s a fave too i love those phantom thieves
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jungnoir · 6 years
ah thank you!! i hope so too but it's the thought that counts~ okei i just put ur birthday in my calendar, we're even now 🤩 also jungwoo and his crab army is such a funny mental image i cOULD JUST IMAGINE yukhei pranking jungwoo one too many times and he's like "u know what, eat THIS" and well. r.i.p yukhei hfjdhs hmm take some allergy meds :(? have a nice cup of tea/coffee & just chill to get ur mind off it!! - (1/4) layout anon
infinity war spoilers below
oKAY YEAH SO SPOILER TIME, I AGREE!!! i felt like there were wayy to many things happening? it was a little confusing cause i’ve never watched a guardians of the galaxy movie oops.. and no it isnt!! i really like loki too :( i saw this thread thingy about how loki might not be dead and it seems pretty solid to me tbh!! bjdhdh thats what i wanna believe… i really hope thats the case bc all my favs faded into nothing and i was pretty much emotionless at the end of the film o
tbh the part that really frustrated me was when they were about to get the glove off thanos but stAR LORD PUNCHED HIM I WAS ABOUT TO THROW HANDS!!! i also kinda expected him to throw gamora off the cliff but still:( the amount of times this movie made me tear up i omg i feel like spidey’s death was the worse? i told myself i wouldn’t cry but when he started saying stuff like “i’m too young to die”… i died instead 😭😭 i ended up really liking groot at the end and then That happened so:/ (¾)
in short, the movie is a whole mess in my head hfjdh anyway tHATS CUTE!! peter parker will protect u from his lil buds :^) oh is flash any good? my friends talk about it but i hardly have the time or motivation to start a new series ;-; perhaps i may make an exception for a certain show tho 👀 yEs mother i will rest… Maybe… thank you! i really need the luck OTL have a good day today 💛💛 - layout anon (i’m sorry my incredibly long messages are making a comeback,, i couldn’t help it👉👈)(4/4)
heck yeah we are! EXACTLY SDUSHFIJ i had yukhei in my mind to be the one that’s running around the garden from a vicious army of crabs while jungwoo is furiously shouting “APOLOGIZE” from a balcony. I did!! it’s…. still here but it’s manageable LOL i’m just being a baby.
you’re so right! there was a lot happening at once and I kinda knew that it would most likely be like that going into it because it’s so many characters, quite a few who haven’t really interacted with each other yet, and so many pieces needing to be set in place for the next movie. ahhh I could see how confusing it’d be without watching gotg :/  I’m still pissed about gamora, I hope they bring her back! I told my brother “I don’t think Loki is dead” and he was like “when is Loki ever dead” LOL he’s coming back some way some how, trust me. if he doesn’t I will be CROSS @ marvel. lmao i know if i could have punched that zarkon wannabe in the face i would have
FUCKING RIGHT like i know you’re upset dude but why didn’t they explain to him AFTER they got the glove off that she was dead like we all knew he was going to blow a gasket over it!!!! just a few more seconds and it would have been fine!!! and now we’re all DEAD thanks chris pratt adijshh. peter’s was the worst for me :( the minute he fell into tony my heart was ripped out of my chest and now all I can think about is that ned and aunt may and company are at home in queens and no one knows where peter is except ned. just imagine how stressed aunt may must be, how bad ned might feel (like he could have stopped peter from going, told him to leave it to the avengers, reiterate that peter has a whole life ahead of him and he’s only been doing big stuff like this for so long). how they’re all probably watching the world crumble around them and the sheer confusion…… hng
thinking happy groot thoughts,,,, remember how invested he was in his video game,,, and the little condescending “i am groooot”. what a cutie. i love him. please mr. parker or i’m gonna have to punch a tarantula in the face one day and then cry about it because i hurt it. I really love the flash!!! I def recommend it. like most shows I haven’t finished it but I’m on season 2 and it’s really great. you’ll love the characters. also barry is like another peter almost so if u love peter u will love him. asjfhsidfj “mother” YES I AM UR MOM U BETTER HAVE RESTED. ily!!!! im so glad the long messages made a comeback ok fite me
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