#i hope you guys still enjoy the story outline! :D
knightyoomyoui · 3 months
The 1% Of Chances | TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader Fanfic : CHAPTER 11
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One chapter left to go and that is the finale of the next update, but before that, some revelations must be unveiled first to further enlighten how these all started. The outline I made for this chapter is probably the shortest of all, but I tried to write it longer since we’re already at the climax of the story and its importance. Expect that the questions raised by most of the parts from the hints I’ve dropped through the previous chapters will be finally answered here. Enjoy reading!
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The person who was sitting on the spare chair beside his hospital bed froze when he rotated his body to face the patient. He dropped the plastic bag on his hands and quickly lunged at his friends, as the latter was still recovering his eyesight. YN can hear gasps and amused reactions coming from someone who couldn’t believe what he’s seeing.
YN! You’re awake! Oh god, just wait here, bro. I’m calling the nurses! ”The person quickly pats him on the arm before he sprints his way out of the room. As he opened the door to disappear, YN’s consciousness regained, as did his senses. Analyzing his current situation, he confirmed that he is indeed still in a hospital gown laid flat on the bed in the center of a boring, white, plain room.
He tried to straighten his posture and prepare to sit up, but YN suddenly felt a throbbing pain on the back of his head, causing him minor discomfort. Just as when he had it, the person returned along with two nurses and a doctor with him. They caught YN shutting his eyes and holding his head irritably, which encouraged them to come in support of the suffering patient.
"Hey, YN, does it hurt again? ”The person asked you as he approaches beside you. The doctor excused him from lending him the way to check up on you, and he did, letting the experts determine what you’re feeling.
 "Mr. LN, don’t force yourself, please. Try to recline your head back on the pillow,” the doctor said as he gripped both of your shoulders to guide you down. As the nurses focused on helping you, the doctor confronted your guardian. “You bought food for him? ”
“I did, doc.”, he nodded. “:Good, he’ll need it. We brought some painkiller medicine in case a scenario like this happens. If he calms down, then it’s good that you must feed him and have him take the-” “W-where am I?” Their conversation got interrupted when your words caught both of their attention, one with curiosity and one with surprise. The two nurses became speechless, as they all knew already what this hint meant for them to discover. They just looked at each other and then into the two other guys with them who were monitoring your clueless expression.
Your eyes swayed back and forth to their presence around you, eyebrows furrowed as confusion strikes you in. “Who are you people? What am I doing here.”
“D-doc, is he-” “You’re in a hospital, Mr. LN. “ The doctor cuts him off and directly answered your curiosities. “You are currently confined here because of the accident you got involved into.” “Accident?” Your brows knitted deeper. “Yes. You don’t remember what happened to you?” “I-I don’t. I don’t even know why am I here.” You shrugged, still confused at what they’re pertaining at. Your friend’s heart felt like it dropped hearing that.
“How about us, especially him. Do you remember him?” The doctor pointed at the guy beside him who is just observing the interrogation. You looked at him and was eagerly waiting for the response he’s hoping to hear, but instead his smile fades away when he heard the opposite.
“I don’t either.” The guy looked back at the doctor, who glanced at him seriously. He shook his head, like it conveyed something. He gestured for him to come closer to him and lead themselves away from you as they discussed privately. You did nothing except just watch him chat while the nurses even had to confirm if you didn’t really know your guardian. “D- doc, what is this? Did that really happen?” The guy had some more thoughts needed to be let out. “Calm down, Mr. Choi.” The doctor advised the guy who is evidently panicking deep inside and worried for his friend. “Yes, what we just saw happened. He really can’t remember what happened to him and even… you.” “Then what is this, does it mean he has amnesia now?” The latter uttered in disbelief. “Could be, maybe its just temporary… or not.” The guardian’s face fell into shambles. “But, we can’t figure it out how long his memory loss will be. But one thing’s for sure, that injury he had in his head probably damaged his brain’s structure of the limbic system. It’s not just a concussion that he took from the accident so that why it’s most likely that his brain will get affected worse by it and unfortunately, it’s the part that controls his emotions and memories.”
“D-doc, there’s still a way to help him regain everything he doesn’t remember, right?” The guardian questioned full of hopefulness.
“Yes, as long as we guide him through it. But first, we have to run some tests for him to help us understood exactly his head injury and what are the effects it brought to him.” “Okay, doc. As long as it will do anything good to him, I’m willing to cooperate for the sake of my friend.” He said with confidence “You’re a real one for that, Mr. Choi.” The doctor agreed. They stopped their conversation to return back to the patient who is still questioning what’s going on right now. “Alright, Mr. LN. We had a brief talk about you and I just want to inform you that due to the condition or behavior you’ve been showing to us… it seems pretty obvious you are currently unwell, right now.”
“Unwell?” “Yes. You don’t remember anything as of the moment. You can’t remember what happened to you, nor this man who is a close individual of yours in your life, and that’s crucial, because that’s not a good sign to suddenly forgot something important like they didn’t… exist.” The doctor explained.
“Wait… so does that mean I-” “You have sustained multiple injuries in your body, but the most critical is your head. Mainly that’s why it brought you to forgot everything because of the impact it received. But don’t worry, Mr. LN. We’re here to guide you through your recovery, so please I recommend you to calm down and participate with us.” You just nodded understandably at what the doctor said. As they excused themselves, the guy sat beside him and looked at him with worry and sadness enveloping his feelings. “Hey, man. Sucks that you have to be like this for god knows how long but, I’ll never leave your side as long as you need me, like through this tough time we’re going at.” You looked attentively at the unfamiliar person in front of you, but you know that everything that’s coming out of his mouth is purely sincere. He really does make it felt like he’s a loved one who takes care of him much.
“I’m ready to guide you recollect all the memories you lose, including everything we’ve been through. Don’t waste it man, we had some fun times together many many times before your accident.”
“Accident?” You asked. “I really didn’t expect that I’ll be like this. All I know is that my head wasn’t doing good but not like this.” “I think it’s because as what the doctors said, man. You have fo-” “No, but I’m sure I haven’t got to any accident. I still know what brings me here.” Your friend became puzzled at what you’re trying to say. “I had a severe headache then suddenly I got placed here but not looking like… this.” You said as you glanced around your body almost made your appearance like half-mummified. “And there’s this… someone who I was talking with, and she… she cries for me…” Your friend’s eyes widened as he immediately recognized who you are referring to. “S-she?”, he had to repeat to clarify if what he heard was actually right.
“Yes. She seemed… very concerned of me. She was too afraid that I’m gonna die but I assured her that I won’t. I slept and then when I woke up, she’s not here with me anymore.” You said while staring straight at the blank wall in front of your distance. “D-did you see or atleast… know her? I don’t know her name… or even her face.” Your friend choked on his breath as he had to witness your tears drop from your eyes. He doesn’t know why, but seeing you emotionally had brought him easily to let loose of his own. You've been his soul brother since you were kids; that’s why everything that you feel is what he also shares with you. 
But what brought him to feel bad for you was that... he knows why you are crying, while at the same time, he feels sorry for you that you still even had to keep her on your mind even in the depths of your despair.
Help me understand everything, please,” you begged for him. He nodded and gripped your hand. “I will, I promise.” “And if I do… can you… atleast introduce me to her, again?” He stared at you and was about to release another tears of pity but he tried his best to remained composed and tightlipped for you. “I’ll try my best.” You smiled timidly, feeling satisfied for his choice. “Sorry if I couldn’t remember your name, but I can tell that we had a lot of history together.” “Oh we are.” He chuckled. “We’ve been through a lot, man. I’ve known every bits of you, because I’m the only person you have to share your stories with. Looks like this time, it’s my turn to re-tell everything you have told me back to you.” “And I’ll listen to everything just like what you did for me.” You returned the appreciation. “You don’t know how happy I am that you are now fine, dude.” He huffed in relief and finally, his voice sounded delightful and vibrant again because of his stable condition. “You’ve been like in a coma for… 2 weeks already.” “What?” “Yeah, I was like fearing that you might never wake up but… my prayers proved it wrong. You did woke up but sadly you couldn’t remember me, but that’s fine. What matters is that I still have my bestfriend around, right?”
You chuckled and agreed to him, entertained at his kind and amusing personality. “Yeah.” “I’m Choi Somin, by the way. Take note of that name always, it might became handy for me to start bringing back everything you’ve lost.” “Will do, Somin.” “Nice!” He smiled. He ducked and grabbed the plastic bag that he dropped on the floor a while ago. “Oh, by the way, I bought you so foods to eat. The doctor said you have to eat since you’ve been unresponsive for 2 weeks so… eat as much as you want then you can take the prescribed medicine after, okay?”
“Thanks, Somin.” Somin takes out all the supplies he bought to satisfy your hunger, and he prepares them himself for you as part of his responsibility as a guardian. You were watching TV as he wanted to ease your boredom at least by entertaining yourself watching those shows being flashed on the screen that you may have seen before, but now you have no idea what they are. Your focus then shifted to Somin, who cooked you some tteokbokki and japchae, in which he assisted in feeding you with a spoon. 
After you munched the spoonful of food in your mouth, you proceeded to ask Somin, who was also eating his plate of food, for his turn. “How did I got into an accident?” Somin paused from eating and viewed you who is staring back at him, wondering with that question. He sighed and placed his plate on his lap and swallowed his food before giving you a reply. “All I’ve heard is that you’ve been involved in some collision of a van and a carrier truck. But then when I watched the news that reported what happened, that’s where I got the entire story based from the witnesses who were there to see how did you became into one of its victims…” Weeks ago, after you had finished your job interview, you were about to leave when Somin called you on the phone, asking about how your interview went and your plans with him for tomorrow morning. He then mentioned on the phone that “2 years have passed since that happened."
Somin was actually referring to your late mother, who passed away due to cancer. You grew up with a single mother, and your dad was nowhere to be found after he abandoned you and your mother. You once tried to search for him, but as you matured, you realized that it was his wrongdoing, and he's not worthy to have you both again.
You stopped looking for your dad and fully accepted that your mom decided to continue being a single parent just to raise you and build a better life for his son, even if he didn’t have an ideal family. You didn’t care at all instead, because your mother is enough to consider your family to be rather strong than perfect. 
However, it all vanished when the unfortunate circumstances had to unfairly happen for a woman like her.
The only woman who fought till the end just to stay by your side... even if it costs her life due to her unselfishness. You both love and hate her so much for that, but even if you argue with her over and over again about that, you know she'll always win. She loves you so much, and that love is your weakness, which was her strength, but... fate went upside down, as it was instead the one who pushed her to the risk of disappearing forever.
Despite having colon cancer, she never stopped assisting you, even if you were already a young adult. Even at those remaining times she has left to live, she used it still to make you feel cherished and be the proudest son ever to her. 
That’s why when she passed away, it was never easy for you every single day when you'd think about it. Every day until the 2nd consecutive time, you have been visiting her grave with flowers and everything as a treat together with the only person you have left who became super close to your mom too, your childhood neighbor turned to be your best friend, Somin. After Somin mentioned the time you and him talked about your mom on the phone, he recalled that you said goodbye to him because you were about to buy flowers to bring to the cemetery.
And that’s the last conversation he had with you before that accident happened. 
At the time you stopped driving to follow the red light as people were granted to cross on the street, you were checking out the latest posts of your favorite K-Pop girl group TWICE for their comeback, which you couldn’t remember anymore.
Based on Somin’s narration to the reports he learned from the news, just as the traffic light turned into green, a truck being driven by a driver who lost its brake had its wheels to roll uncontrollably by itself and led the truck to collide on the back of the van, which then forcefully bumped it to the one lining in front of it.
And the one that’s in front of the van was you riding your motorcycle. 
You flung from your motor due to the heavy impact, causing you to smash your head and face first on the trunk of the car before your body got twisted badly at the motor, which your legs are still tucked in. As you were about to fall off the road, the van caught your arm mid-air and pressed the now-reversed motor through it, sending multiple fractures and injuries mostly through your arm, waist, and legs. 
However, your head took a lot of damage, making it possible that you might lose memories from the external force your head took on the trunk of the car. Somin couldn’t confirm what type of injury it is, but he hopes that it will result in temporary memory loss for you. 
He was about to mention more when both of you heard a knock on the door. “Wait here, okay? ”You just nodded and let Somin attend to this on his own. As you took your time to process the story that Somin has shared to you, especially grieving and saddened about the truth of your loving mother’s death 2 years ago, Somin opened the door and got alerted of the person who is standing in front of him. He immediately closed the door and stepped out to confront the lady who decided to visited the patient. Knowing that the identity of this woman is now unknown to you, Somin better chose to keep this one distant from you to discuss it first about your state. “How is he?” “He just woke up an hour ago.” The woman covered her gasping mouth and got teary eyed. “Oh my… thank God, h-how is he? Can I see him?”
She was about to peek on the door and open it but Somin blocked her way, making her confused. “N-not yet. I don’t think so.” “Why? Is there something wrong?” Somin sighed and looked around him problematically before he faced again the curious individual. “There is.” “What is it?” “H-he… he couldn’t remember anything.”
“What?” She muttered. “He doesn’t know how he got his injuries, me personally, and probably… you.”
“Oh no…” She expressed distress similar to what Somin has been going through. “The accident really a took a toll on him.” Her face then stretched in astonishment as she realized something. “Wait… don’t tell me…”
“He wanted to remember her.” Somin confesses. The latter gazed back and a large frown plastered across her lips. She was on the verge of crying at how the accident horribly affected both of them.
“He said that what he knows instead is that he has her rather guarding him while he’s confined and not me.” Somin couldn’t help but to let a crack on his voice as he looked away from the girl who is already sobbing at how heartbreaking it is for the both of them to learn what a depressing fate their friends had ended up into.
He hooked her around his arm and engulfed her in his embrace to let the poor friend writhe in agony as he rubs her back gently for comfort. Somin then whispered near to her ear. “But… Nayeon, how are we supposed to tell him about her?”
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totaldramafan-lauri · 9 months
The year that kept on giving and giving.
While not everything was great, I can confidently say that this year was overall positive for me, and thank god, since the last few months of 2022 left me so depressed and exhausted that I was legit pessimistic about recovering from it.
And I did.
Despite some lingering feelings, I'm happy to say that I'm mostly over it. I've chosen not to dwell on it anymore, and I accepted that I can't influence the thoughts of other people I have no control over. All I can do is...improve.....and I have. I've improved a lot this year. Which....actually, that WAS my new year's resolution for 2023, wasn't it? Just to get better? In that regard....can I be proud of myself....? I know it isn't much, but...
I have a lot to thank for making this a good year for me. My interests were VERY kind to me, from Eurovision being great this year, Helluva Boss releasing a LOTTA episodes including three that I absolutely adored, getting to fight on Team Shiver in Splatoon 3 and winning, ushering in the Era Of Shiver, and finally.....CRK continuing to not only be my comfort game all year, but then not only topping itself, but BLOWING MY MIND with releasing Golden Cheese and me reacting SO STRONGLY to her that I'm STILL r-reeling from it....o/////o
Not only that, but....I'm still writing. I can be proud of that, too.
I know things will never quite be the same as they were, but....that's fine. I'm still in a pretty good place.
Three characters that made my life better in 2023 (if you're reading this, did you have any?):
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As for 2024....I have two goals for this year, but technically, one isn't all up to me right now, and it's more personal, so I'll save it for (hopefully) later when I'm ready to share.
And the other one is pretty simple, and that's just Finish The Damn Fic.
---You can stop reading here if you don't care about this topic---
Seriously, this thing has been an undertaking, and working on it DAILY since October has been both tiring and fun at the same time. At this point, even if no one reads it, it's gonna feel SO GOOD when it's all done. SOOOOO GOOD! >.< Like I said before: I don't think this'll be my fav fic I've written (Naivete is just so special to me), but it'll be the biggest project I've EVER put my name on. I don't wanna rush any part of it.......I wanna get it as good as I can.
Cuz....H-Her Radiance, she....d-deserves it....
Regarding the fic, for those who care, I have two bits of good news! One is that, according to the outline of the chapters I have yet to write and the number of scenes in each one.....I think- I THINK- I'm near the halfway point of the story. That, or I JUUUUUST reached it. I'm working on the longest chapter. Once I finish chapter 3, I have three more full chapters, and I think 4 and 5 are gonna be shorter chapters than 3, with 6 being definitely the shortest.
Which leads me to the other point: I'm coming up on a good stopping point for chapter 3. It isn't the ending I WANTED, but the chapter is just so big that I'm gonna have to stuff all my leftover ideas into chapter 4.
This means that, yes....in the next few days, you guys are getting the next chapters.
P-part of me is nervous about this, since....again, it isn't the ending I wanted....b-but I don't wanna wait to post until I finish the WHOLE NEW CHAPTER 4 I didn't plan for. I dunno how long that's gonna take, and....
Well, something I'm looking forward to is coming in a couple weeks, and I wanna enjoy that thing and give it my attention without stressing about the fic too much. I wanna post on AO3 sometime in January, then release the rest of the chapters as I finish them.
It's looking like 2024's gonna be starting out on a good note....I'm nervous, but excited at the same time.....>__<
I really hope that I'm ready for this.....
0 notes
yiulee999 · 6 years
opm time traveler au (spoilers)
genos goes back in time and tries to disguise himself and befriending sai as a bookworm lol and they become good friends until sai is fooling around and playfully steals genos’ glasses one day and the you know 💘 💘 💘 💘
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what started out as a random doodle turned into a multi-chapter length fic draft out on discord!! *o*
the full convo/story is posted below bUT its heavy angst!! be warned!! sorry about the casual lingo, i was posting in chat format XD 
so time traveler au picks up from when sai was getting picked on back in middle school chapter in the manga
and when genos goes back in time he thinks the only way he can get close to saitama if he was an ‘outcast’ too
so he purposefully nerdifies himself more? lOL how is possible,,,
Originally genos got sent back by dr. Genus as way to figure out the key to sai’s strength
Bc in the ‘future’ genos, they had just met and genos just wanted to know what made sai powerful
And initially when they meet genos is very forward about wanting to know all about saitama who finds it kinda creepy and stalkerish when he finds genos tailing him in the hallways and after school haha
And other classmates notice how the new kid (genos) follows/takes an interest in the class loser (sai) so predictably they start making fun of and bullying genos too
Genos, true to form, doesnt give a fuck xD
But sai has mixed feelings about it bc it was the first time someone took an actual interest in him and even though he’s so forward, genos never overstepped boundaries with him and was an okay guy overallBut alot of the story has to do with sai trying to figure out what its like to have a friend
And what to do because hes never had one
But he does know that he doesnt like seeing genos getting pushed around or made fun of so there are moments where he’ll try to stick up for him by telling them to knock it off or pulling genos aside to a differnt hallway when he sees the bullies coming
At the same time hes so confused on like what to do right, so he’ll also try to push genos away, ‘maybe if he didn’t hang around me so much, he’ll won’t get picked on…’
There was one scene i knew i wanted to do
Where after sai stands up for genos, the bullies treat sai worse
So it was an after school thing, behind one of the school buildings where sai is beat up pretty bad (like barely standing) and the bully has him by the front of his shirt and had his fist pulled back
When genos arrives
Before, sai had managed to ditch genos so he wouldnt see sai when he’s ‘weak’And always made up some excuse when he bruises or other injuries
So genos interrupts the scene by straight up grabbing the bullies wrist
And seething in all toasty righteous fury ‘dont touch him!’
and sai cant see it cus he had two black eyes at this point
but this was some dialogue i had written:
S:’What’s he doing? Why is he helping me?‘ "Hey–“
Bully pulls back fist "Look, kid. You’re new so I’ll give you a free pass this time if you walk away right now. You wouldn’t want us to mess up that pretty face of yours, would you?"
G: "How generous of you. Unfortunately, I won’t be extending the same courtesy to anyone who treats this person disrespectfully. Especially not ugly trash like you. "
Bully: "Why you–!! ”
And when the bully tries to redirect the hit to genos, genos instinctively throws out his palm and says ‘incin—‘ before he realizes he doesnt have his cannons
And genos is about to get b e a t
When sai wrenches himself from the bullies grip and takes the hit for him
They like tumble down and genos is confused to what happened before he sees sai lying motionless beside him, bleeding from his head and unresponsive
And i was gonna end a chapter there with genos screaming saitama’s name…
Next chapter was gonna be sai waking up slowly and in a world of hurt
He realizes he’s in the nurses office
It was night time
And when could finally see, he hallucinates seeing like 8 mini genos (remember the genosbots :3)‘Why…whys there eight of you/??’
So basically genos is worry over him so much whereas sai says its fine but genos is like feeling really bad so sai shakily reaches over and gently taps him on the forehead
And grins weakly, ‘there, now we’re even.’
Genos is crying openly bc he’s remembering when future saitama playfully hit his head after a spar and he thinks that saitama-sensei is strong no matter how old he is
And he’s just…overwhelmed by how kind and strong saitama is, even when he has no strength at all (Cus hes like 14 rn haha)
I think a couple days pass, and genos and saitama are eating lunch on the roof (cue bento box scene lol)
Sai is healing nicely, genos is still feeling bad whenever he looks over an sees the bandage on sais head
Some dialogue:
Eating lunch on the roof. G: How’s your wound? S: Hm? Oh, it’s fine. Don’t worry, my teachers say I have a hard head. G: I’m sorry. S: ? Why are you sorry? Not like you’re the one who punched me. G: I made things worse. If I hadn’t antagonized him, then–!! S: Then he woulda beat me up anyway. Seriously, man, it’s not your fault, okay? So you can stop doing all those things for me. G: Like what? S: You know! Like being nice to me and buying lunch and stuff. You don’t need to feel guilty about it anymore.
Sai is still kinda insecure abt having a genuine friend, so he still thinks genos is being nice to him out of pity or smtg, (and genos had been particularly nice to him after he got injured so he figured it was out of guilt)
And i mean….it was,, genos feels terribly guilty…but i think watching sai, who was powerless, attempt to protect him just made him more intrigued (and unbeknownst to him fall a lot deeper in love XD)
But genos says thats not why he does those things
That saitama reminded him of ‘someone’ he knew whom he admired greatly
At his ‘old’ school
He tells sai about his ‘sensei’ and how amazing this person was and all of his great qualities
And sai was feeling a little more depressed at each praise genos was singing about this person (coughjealouscough)
And i have another piece of dialogue here…
S: if you like him so much, why did you leave?   G: …I wanted to see the kind of person sensei was before he became strong. this is where he grew up. S: …seems like a lot of effort just for one person. G:.that person (sai thoughts: he’s still talking?)…no matter what i did..I couldn’t reach him. I’d do anything to close the distance between us..I thought that if I came here, I would be able to understand him. I thought I could help him. G: touches saitama’s wound But instead, I’m still the one being saved. I never learn.
And genos gives sai this painfully heartfelt smile and its full of regret, frustration, self-loathing, admiration, and some other unidentified emotion that just floors saitama
Saitama sees genos’ smile and his eyes and is just...stunned by the level of vulnerability he sees (he’s never gotten close enough to anyone before to see it)
So he reaches out, hestitantly at first, before wiping away genos’ tears carefully because if he touches any harder he’s afraid genos would crumble
S: “i dont really get it...but if you feel that strongly, then i’m sure some part of your feelings reached him.”
And they share their first hug then :3
((When i wrote this, genos didnt have glasses haha so i guess that scene where sai realizes how pretty genos is would go before this one))
I guess if the glasses were involved, sai would be torn between wanting genos to take them off (so he can see his eyes which oddly finds that he likes them...alot.) and keep them on so other ppl wont see how pretty he is
Bc sure if they saw, genos would no longer be his friend
He would have so many ppl vying for his attn, he would be surrounded by girls and guys and would be approachableAnd saitama would get left behind
But i think even tho sai wants to be selfish and keep genos to himself, he also realizes that genos wouldnt be bullied if he were more accepted
So he would encourage genos to ditch the glasses and genos would end up getting accepted by everyone but he would still stay with saitama and nothing would change between them other than saitama getting really red at random times and avoiding eye contact more
It would just be one of the many things that strengthen their relationship as friends. And i think i had planned some stuff where they do a bunch of typical friend / kid stuff
Like genos tutoring saitama on math, genos running circles around sai in track/field (‘wtf...huff are...huff you?! huff some...kinda...rOBOT!?). Them going to the arcade, saitama taking genos around to explore his hometown, they go on hiking trips and stuff. 
genos finding out saitama lived alone and that’s why he always buys lunch (or doesnt eat if he got bullied out of it that day) and talking out their issues and genos reaching out and saying yeah, he knew what it felt like to be alone
but that saitama should never feel that way because he wasn’t alone anymore, and saitama joking affectionately ‘yeah i have you to stick annoyingly close.’
and also heavy scenes like when you have to fill out future goals sheets in school where sai shyly admits that he’s always thought it’d be nice to be a hero and was shocked when genos was oVERWHELMINGLY supportive bc he’s never had anyone cheer for him like this, believe in him like genos does. And he calls genos crazy for agreeing with him, but he thinks he must also be crazy because when genos looks at him like that, he feels like he could do it
and its one of the first moments we see sai really open up to genos
bc being a hero was something he truly cared about
but his teachers, his classmates, heck the world, didn’t think he could do, they thought it was a hopeless dream for someone, and he’s so used to facing this kind of rejection that he’s started to believe it really would be impossible for someone like him.... 
but all it took was this one person, this one friend to tell him he could...and it made him feel invincible
and its probably the scene where saitama realizes how important genos is to him.
So of fucking course its when saitama realizes genos is important to him that drama bomb hits Basically, Dr. genus comes and pays genos a surprise visit. And hes like “did you forget the reason I sent you back here? Any updates?”
And genos is like “i have nothing of interest to report”
genus: "This isn’t some children’s game, you know. "
genos: "I must be careful not to expose myself. Saitama-sensei is more observant than I had initially planned--"
genus: "You’re stalling. I have an idea: Fight him. "
genos: !!! dr : "You’ll have a disguise. I will re-install your blasters. Perhaps a stressful situation will trigger a transformatio--. "
((so it was gonna be hinted at that even though genos appeared like a normal human, he was just redesigned by genus and was actually still a cyborg) genos: "I refuse to put Saitama-sensei in danger!!"
dr: "What danger? He is more than capable of--"
genos: "Right now, he is powerless. An attack could kill him--!"
dr: " And doing nothing will kill us!! Your mission is to find out the secret to his strength! Something we both wanted to discover and the entire reason why I chose you as my test subject! I will not sit here idly while you indulge in your childish fantasies that will get us both erased from the timestream. Look. " //he shows genos a pic of the hero registery from their time//
genos: " !!! Sensei’s name is missing!”
dr: " Your name is gone too. I dont know what you did but your actions are interfering with the future. Here. Collect your belongings and leave no evidence behind. We depart in 1 hour. "
genos: " !! Wait! Give me more time!! I understand now..!"
//genos has a bunch of flashbacks of when he does fun stuff with saitama. When sai tries to make him something in cooking class (and fails badly lol). When saitama shares his manga with genos. When they watch anime together.//
Genos: “I understand now..what type of person sensei was...his strength (when sai was protecting him from bullies)...his kindness (sai wiping his tears away)...his warmth (sai hugging him*)...!!”
“I finally understand...!!”
sai holding his hand, sai smiling and eating with him..
“...what its like to feel human again!!!”
He’s suddenly lifted off the ground and pushed roughly against the wall. Dr. Genus has him by the collar.
“Reality check, little shit!! You. Do. Not. Belong. Here! You’ve been playing pretend for far too long! And guess what demon cyborg?”
He tosses genos to the ground
“Time’s run out”
So chapter was gonna end with genos’ hand slowly fading in and out
next chapter would begin with genos being given 2 hours by dr. Genus to basically pack his shit and go. bc they cant leave any trace of the future stuff when they leave So genos ends up back in the classroom Packing his cute stationary and shit xD
(That sai bought him o b v i o u s l y )
And he’s startled by the door sliding open
And saitama walks in
He’s suprised to see genos there (and looking guilty?) “did ya forget smtg?”
And genos just kinda..looks away
And sai sees him packing up and taking everything and hes quiet for a bit ...
“You’re leaving?” He asks softly
“Saitama-kun, I—!”
“Why?” He keeps talking in that soft tone, but it silences genos more effectively than a shout
“I..I can’t...”
S: “...Is it because of that person?”
(Sai remembers the shine in genos eyes when he talks about his ‘sensei’, his special person, and his heart kinda just falls to his feet)
(i never had a chance, did i...)
Genos cant answer because yeah it was because of saitama in the future. So what if genos disappeared? Genos didn’t care. But the world needed saitama. It needed Saitama The Hero. He had to leave now so saitama can exist in the future
But since he cant say anything, for fear or changing the future even more, genos just doesnt say anything
So sai assumes that yeah, it was because of someone else, someone better than him, someone who deserved genos’ admiration and loyalty
He doesnt say anything, just approaches genos slowly, trying not to startle genos who has like deer in head lights ready-to-b o l t
And saitama rests his forehead on genos’ shoulder, barely touching him but close enough that genos cant ignore him, genos can feel his presence and his warmth
And theres a moment where genos is t o r n
Bc this saitama acknowledges him in a way that future sai wouldnt. This saitama looks at him and sees him whereas his sensei’s gaze passes over him to focus on the sale sign
And genos has been in school again, and he realizes he missed it. He missed having his worries be about being late for class, missing a school assignment, whether he could sit next saitama next class, what to pack for his and sai’s lunch tomorrow
And he knew in the back of his mind, that his real self, was in surgery at this time, trading warmth for fire and destruction, shedding his humanity while his future self was regaining it in the past,Thanks to saitama
He inhales sharply, ‘sai—‘ S: “don’t go.”
G: !
(Sai thought genos was going to say he was going to leave and he didn’t think he could hear him say it) S: “I know..he’s precious to you...” He reaches for genos, and after hesitating over touching genos’ hand, he settles for gripping genos’ sleeve of his school uniform tightly S: “but you’re precious to me “
And genos has tears streaming down his face. Because he wanted to stay, he had never wanted anything so much before than to just stay with saitama before he became sensei, to cheer for him when no one else would, to stop him from reaching the point he had trade his emotions for his strength, to stop the emptiness before it could touch him
But he also knew...that in order for his sensei to become strong...saitama needed to have these struggles that pushed him to change
That success without sacrifice was impossible, and he knew, genos KNEW it in his soul that if he stayed...if HE was the factor that caused saitama to limit himself, to fall back on a regular life when genos had seen it with his own eyes that this was a man destined for greater things...he would never be able to forgive himself
Genos throws his arms around saitama and hugs him tightly. He feels like he’s floating with nothing to ground him than the feeling of saitama returning his embrace equally tightly with his still lanky arms
G: “Saitama-kun....Thank you.”
G: “...goodbye.”
So next chapter begins ...With genos ending up back in genus’ lab
G: “Are we back?”
dr: “It appears so. We should—hey!! Where are you going?”
And genos is running off to look for saitama/his SENSEI because he had to exist, he had to still be a hero, right?!
He bumps into a monster
But not just any monster...Its the mosquito girl XD
Genos fights MG because its what he’s supposed to do, but he’s not scared for the fight...he’s scared for what’s to come AFTER...
And saitama shows up and finishes off MG with wan punch!!!
Genos is thankfully, not in disrepair bc he managed to dodge her attacks and was basically stalling for time
Saitama kinda sees him and looks at him blandly but to genos, that garrish, eye-burning yellow hero suit was the best thing he had ever seen
S: “Oh. A civilian? Are you oka—“
And he freezes all of a sudden.
And genos also freezes bc he doesn’t know what to do Its saitama-sensei...he should know the script, he’s done it all before
But now saitama-sensei was the stranger and he longed for the comfort that came with saitama-kun’s toothy smile
But he too had changed....he was a cyborg now, weaponized arms and black sclera on full display. His core spun dangerously. Would saitama even recognize him? Would he remember that day in the classroom when they parted ways, that was only a few hours ago for genos but more than a decade for saitama?
Genos froze. Would saitama even want to remember? After all the heartbreak genos had caused him?
Lost in his thoughts, genos almost didn’t notice saitama approach until the soft crunch of asphalt right in front of him jarred him to reality
Genos held his breath
Saitama didnt say anything. Only let that sharp gaze pierce genos in ways no monster could.
Genos couldnt read what he was thinking, he never could on his sensei’s bland face but this time, there was something tightly guarded in those brown eyes.
Saitama muttered something so low that genos had to use his advanced hearing to pickup
S: “It cant be...”
Louder and taking an aggressive step forward, saitama clenched his hand into a fist. He narrowed his eyes. “...If you’re some kinda shape-shifting monster...this won’t end well for you.”
G: “It’s genos!! I’m...I’m genos.”
Saitama freezes and his eyes grow wide. Genos almost instinctively lurches foward when saitama falls back on his heels, appearing shaken.
S: ...genos?
Genos nods tentatively.
For a moment, saitama doesnt say anything. But genos finds he doesnt need to. Those brown eyes had opened and genos could see, could feel some far-flung emotions creep back into that achingly familiar face as saitama let his gaze trail from his new eyes down his circuited arms and linger on the glowing blue that peeked through his shirt
After what felt like years, genos saw a corner of saitama’s lips twitch.
S: “It really is you....Heh. You haven’t changed a bit.”
G: “Sai—“
S: "I tried to forget you. I tried to go back to life before you. I finished school .... somehow got a job as a shitty salesman..."
S: "...I really tried."
Genos looked down, ashamed. He had been the one to injure saitama so unforgivably. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like if saitama had done the same to him, if he had turned genos away from being his disciple. Kicked him out. How could you forgive someone who changed your world for the better, only to leave it behind?
More than anything, he needed to beg for forgiveness, not that he deserved it—but saitama did.
G: “Saitama, I—“
Sai shook his head, like he didn’t want to hear it.
Genos thought his core would crack.
S: “I thought...If I were strong, things would get better. If I were stronger than that person..maybe you would have picked me instead.”
S: “Maybe you would have stayed “
S: “I trained and trained until I became strong...but it wasn’t enough. To capture your attention, I had to be the strongest.” Saitama pauses and shoots him a small, cheeky grin that had echoes of the same toothy smile Genos cherished.
S: “I would have to be, to take care of someone as high maintenance as you.”
Then the smile faded. S: “But even after I became strong..what did it matter? You had left and I didn’t know if I would ever see you again. And if for some crazy reason i Did meet you again...I didn’t know if i had it in me to ask you to choose again..”
G: (full on oil tears, the whole shebang)
G: S-Saitama..!!
Saitama grinned helplessly at him.
S: “So hurry up and choose me, genos!”
G: “Sensei!!!” [ because I had already chosen you a long time ago ]
They hug.
THE END!!!!!!!!!!! :’D
There’s a small epilogue where sai’s like..you called me teacher again. Im still not a teacher you know (in reference to this original post: http://yiulee.tumblr.com/post/139194391025/time-travel-au ) .
And genos is like: dont worry sensei, ill explain it to you
And sai is like ah, okay? But first. surprise smooch! S: been waiting 12 years to do that :D 
endless thanks to @konorai​ @batneko​ @egg-in-the-basket​ for bearing with me while i unloaded this beast into the discord chat..yall the real mvps!!! ;3; 
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“I never would’ve thought Agust D would be so soft after sex.”
yoongi x reader (or oc) genre: smut; fluff word count: 3.1K
a/n: ok, so, Kid is ready to give Yoon that good good just after hearing like half the mixtape, our girl hasn’t even seen the damn mv yet guys, like, she’s ready to pounce after just seven songs from her man. And honestly, mood. I hope you lovelies enjoy this, I hope it lives up to your expectations lmao, and thank you for reading :))
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YOU paced back and forth from one end of your kitchen to the other as you waited for Yoongi to answer his damn phone. I mean, seriously, how long does it take to pick up the-
“Hello?” Yoongi’s low voice interrupted your thoughts through the phone’s speaker.
Gasping, you eagerly asked, “Can I start listening?” omitting a proper greeting.
“Oh hey, I’m fine, how are you?” He teased.
You rolled your eyes, fully aware he couldn’t see you. “You’re expecting a lot of self-control from me right now, Min,” you complained.
Yoongi allowed himself to chuckle before responding with a humored, “if you want, you can listen, Kid.”
You squealed in excitement, bouncing around in front of the oven. “You’re sure? I don’t have to wait for you or anything?”
“Nah, I’m almost there anyway,” he told you, and you could tell by the tone of his voice he was grinning. “Just no music video yet,” he said in a whiny tone which you knew must be accompanied with a pout. He enjoyed watching your reaction to his music videos.
“No music video, I promise,” you smiled, absolutely fond of the man. “Oh my god, I’m not ready for this am I?” You yelled out, Yoongi scoffing in response.
“Jesus, you’re ridiculous,” he groaned.
“Shush, I’m hanging up, I have a long-awaited mixtape to listen to, thank you very much.”
“Ok fine, fine,” he laughed, but before you could hang up, Yoongi added, “Hey, Kid?” You hummed in response. “Love you.”
You’ve heard the words a million times, but it never failed to make your heart pound. However, that didn’t stop you from teasing him a bit. “Yeah, yeah, love you, I gotta go, priorities, baby. I don’t know if you’ve heard but the Agust D just made a comeback.”
He chuckled into the phone once more before giving you a, “See you in a bit,” and then hung up.
Immediately, you were pressing play on the mixtape on Spotify, already having had it pulled up for five minutes.
The first song, ‘Moonlight’, started off soft before scratching records came in, and then your boyfriend’s voice. When he gave his iconic laugh with an “August D” you smiled in pride. That’s my honey boy.
You turned your attention to the meal you were preparing for you and Yoongi, one of his favorites, stirring the contents in a big pot on the stovetop. Bopping along to the music, you listened to the lyrics that talked about his story, starting in Daegu to flying high with his group, how he goes through feelings of confidence in his work to feeling untalented, the struggles of writing this exact mixtape due to the pressure from a larger audience, expectations, and self-doubt. You knew those struggles all too well. You were with him throughout it all.
You’d been given glimpses of the songs throughout the writing process, some tracks in full while others you only saw lyric scribblings on those yellow notepads he leaves around his studio and that littered your apartment. You first saw the chorus to ‘Moonlight’ written on one of those notepads that sat on your bedside table.
“I like this,” you told your boyfriend, holding the notepad in one hand as the other found its way in his dampened hair, his face resting against your bare chest.
“Huh?” He looked up at you, his hand gripping your waist as his eyelids fluttered. The sheets were in disarray around your still nude forms. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, is it for D-2?”
“Maybe,” he told you with a yawn. “Not sure.”
“I think you should use it,” you told him, your finger outlining the shell of his ear as his lips curved into a lazy smile. “It’s beautiful.”
“You really think so?” He asked, uncertain and a bit more awake.
“Yeah, definitely.”
He kissed the center of your chest before nuzzling his face further against your breasts. “You always know best, Kid.”
You felt your eyes prick with tears as you listened to the song, feeling immensely proud of your boyfriend. Of how hard he worked, of overcoming the doubt and fear, and just simply for the talent, passion, and artistry he shared with so many people.
As the mixtape played, you went through phases of dancing around, squealing in excitement, gasping at lyrics and phrasing, and more bouncing and dancing. You tried your best to focus on the lyrics, though you knew it would take a few listens to catch them all as you were too excited to comprehend everything just then.
Completely invested in the music, you didn’t hear your front door open, unaware of your boyfriend’s presence until he appeared in your peripheral, catching you doing a little strut that resembled Yoongi’s swagger walk he did on stage. Your head snapping to him, you were met with his gummy grin, his shoulders shaking in laughter as ‘Burn It’ continued to play throughout the kitchen.
“Are you leaving me for Agust D yet?” He teased, walking toward you.
“Do you realize how sexy you are? Like do you have any idea?” You asked accusatorily. “Like what the fuck, dude?”
“Jesus,” he huffed, a smile still plastered on his face. “You’re actually ridiculous.”
“Yeah, and you’re ridiculously talented, Min. You’re not told that enough,” you told him seriously. Reaching you, he placed his hands on your hips as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, stepping further into his arms.
“I’m told that plenty,” he dismissed with a bashful grin.
“No, you’re not,” you told him as ‘Burn It’ continued to play. Instead of responding to you, he kissed you which you immediately deepened, Yoongi stepping back a bit by the unexpected force behind your actions, though his arms wrapped tighter around your waist so your body was flush with his.
Pulling away, he chased your lips, making you smile. “I don’t even have the words right now to tell you how proud I am of you,” you told him seriously, tears forming in your eyes. You watched as Yoongi took a deep breath, keeping his own emotions under control at your sincere confession. “Just know I’m really proud,” you said as tears threatened to fall.
He quickly nodded just before bringing a hand to your jaw as he caught your lips again, giving you several quick pecks as he composed himself.
Letting out a breath that sounded to be one of relief, Yoongi peered around your frame, inspecting the food cooking on the stove, as well as the food that had spilled outside of the pot, with a grin. “That looks good.”
“Hopefully,” you said with a smile as Yoongi nuzzled his face against your neck, refusing to let you go. With the overwhelming pride and love you felt, mixed with the fact that the man on the mixtape was all yours, and he was standing in your kitchen, in your arms, pressing sweet kisses to your neck, you had a sudden desire for him.
As ‘People’ started playing, you were instantly struck with the memory of coming to his studio as he was working on that very track. It was just the instrumental then, but it was interesting and different from the other stuff he had been working on. Yoongi must have been thinking upon the same memory as he lifted his head, a gummy grin directed to you as his eyes found yours.
“I remember the night you wrote this,” you smiled, biting your lower lip. That night, you had spent about an hour of it sitting on his desk as Yoongi sat in his chair in front of you, his chin resting on your knees as you both discussed your ideas of life, and people, and changes, and what it all meant, if it even meant anything.  
You had already been dating for well over a year, but it was a moment where you and Yoongi felt a closeness between you both that hadn’t really been there before, becoming more mentally and emotionally attune with each other.
The conversation eventually faded out, the intense feeling of understanding between you both leading to you having sex on his studio couch.
“Trust me, I remember it very well,” he chuckled, his mind running through every moment of that night, from the feeling of closeness, to the warmth of your body underneath his as he pressed you against the couch cushions, the way you moaned his name and whispered ‘I love you’s’.
As the chorus of ‘People’ sounded from your laptop, your eyes widened at the sultry soothe of your boyfriend’s vocals.
“Since when do you sing like that, Min?” You teased with a smile, your eyes bouncing around his soft features. As he let out a breathy chuckle, you slid your your hands down his neck to rest overtop his collarbones as you leaned toward him and kissed him deeply.
The action took him by surprise though he easily found his rhythm, his hands slipping underneath your shirt, feeling at the bare skin of your waist.
As you began backing up, he quickly felt around to shut the stove off before following you toward the bedroom, never breaking the kiss. Your hands found his waist as his moved to your face, taking control. You began lifting his shirt up, you both separating just long enough for you to pull it over his head and discard it somewhere in the hallway outside your room.
Eagerly, you unbuttoned his jeans, Yoongi helping you get the clothing off him as he released his hold on you to step out of them. Backing up, your legs hit the edge of the bed and you locked your eyes with your boyfriend’s. Smirking at him, you pulled your own shirt off before unhooking your bra and letting it fall to the floor at your feet.
Yoongi bit his lip, his eyes settling on your chest before slowly dragging them back up to meet your darkened gaze. Tilting his head at you, you quipped, “What are you waiting for?” Yoongi scoffed before approaching you and pushing your body so you fell against the mattress. He reached for the waist of your jeans, taking no time in unzipping them and tugging them down your legs, you lifting your hips to help him. Your panties were removed next, Yoongi dropping them to floor as he allowed his eyes to rake over your body, taking in every inch of you.
You sat up on your elbows, watching the man as he looked over your nude form. “For a man who brags an awful lot about being a king and a boss, you seem a bit timid, baby,” you teased in a sultry tone.
Your boyfriend scoffed again, a smirk forming on his lips. “Be patient,” he scolded, though he stepped toward you, nudging your inner knee with his leg, making you widen the gap between your thighs as he stared down at your center.
“My patience disappeared the moment I clicked play on that mixtape,” you smiled. “I want you.” With that, you sat up, your hands slipping underneath the waistband of his underwear, lowering them until they easily slid down his legs, pooling at his feet. You kept eye contact with him as you left a sweet kiss to his lower abdomen, just above his pelvic area.
He let out a quick breath as he smiled, lowering his body on top of yours, your back meeting the mattress. “If I had known Agust D would get you this worked up I would have released a mixtape two years ago,” he joked, your hands grabbing onto his sides as his lips found yours, kissing you passionately.
One of his arms was being used to prop himself up overtop you as his opposite hand slid down to your core, his fingers feeling between your legs. He groaned into your mouth at feeling how wet you’d become, and you smiled against his lips.
Not wanting to wait any longer, you used your strength to push against his body, rolling him over and straddling his hips. Yoongi’s breath was heavy and shallow as he anticipated being inside you, his large hands gripping your hips, his eyes eagerly taking in the sight of your form on top of him. He always did love you on top.
Placing one of your hands to his chest, your other found his hardened length. You stroked him a few times, Yoongi letting out a soft moan at the feeling, his hand sliding up your abdomen to your breast as he squeezed the supple flesh in his palm. At his touch, you guided him to your entrance, sharply intaking breath at the feeling of him slipping inside, letting the air out in a throaty moan.
“Fuck, Kid,” Yoongi breathed out, pinching your nipple between his fingers as you moved your hand from his dick to his chest, bracing yourself against him as you began slowly grinding atop him. Yoongi’s hand left your breast to your thigh, clutching the muscle as he bit his lip, watching your body move. “You’re so fucking hot.”
You held back a moan as you increased your pace, looking up to the ceiling before squeezing your eyes shut as he hit particularly deep. “Fuck,” you breathed out, lowering your gaze to Yoongi’s face, meeting his hooded eyes as he looked up at you in bliss.
His chest was like velvet underneath your hands and you wanted to feel more of his skin on yours. As if reading your mind, Yoongi moved his hands to your lower back, pulling you toward him so your chest was flush with his. He kissed you messily as he lifted his hips off the bed to move in and out of you as he held you to his body.
“I love you so much,” he confessed shakily against your lips, his breathing erratic due to the pleasure you were giving him.
“Oh my god, Yoongi, I love you,” you moaned, moving your face to his neck where you kissed and nibbled his skin lightly.
Wanting to treat him, you reluctantly pulled yourself away from him, sitting back up as you rocked back and forth on him, arching your back and placing a hand to his thigh to support yourself. Yoongi’s hands grabbed onto the sides of your legs as he watched you, looking more and more fucked out the longer you rode him.
Eyeing his thin but toned body, his smooth skin, and the flex of his abdomen as he took sharp breaths, you groaned. “You look so good,” you told him, admiring the man beneath you. Your man. All yours. “Feel so good,” you moaned.
One of Yoongi’s hands left your leg to find your hand that was pressed against his lower abdomen. He took your hand in his, intertwining his fingers with yours before bringing it to his lips and kissing your knuckles softly as he locked his gaze on yours.
The intimate action had your lower abdomen tightening. Sitting up straight, you brought your hand toward him which he grabbed with his other hand, helping you to support yourself as your motions atop him became hastier, approaching your high.
“Yoon, I’m gonna-”
“I know, baby,” he nodded, squeezing your hands as you neared your climax. “Me too.”
You let out a whimper, lowering your body to Yoongi’s again, your dewy chest meeting his, Yoongi wrapping his arms around your lower back as you both worked each other into your finishes. Yoongi buried his face in your neck as he let out small muffled grunts, you breathing out a moan in his ear. As he came, he hugged your body to his tightly, letting go inside you. The feeling of him releasing had you crashing into your own high, biting your lip as you moaned breathily, Yoongi kissing your neck sweetly as you came down.
You relaxed atop Yoongi, breathing heavy as his fingers toyed with the small of your back, soothing back and forth along the curve of your ass. You had a hand on his neck, slipping your fingers into his damp strands, your other hand on his chest, dragging your fingers along his pectoral.
“The mixtape is really good,” you assured him in a whisper, kissing his jaw. “Well, what I’ve heard so far.”
Yoongi let out a breathy chuckle, flattening a palm on your lower back. “Thank you, Kid.”
“No need to thank me, I’m just being honest.”
“No, thank you for always supporting me. In everything,” he clarified, emotion thick in his voice.
You lifted your head to peer at his face, catching the glassy shine in his eyes. “Always,” you assured him.
He nodded, looking at you with a soft smile. “I know,” he whispered, barely audible, giving away that he didn’t trust his voice, knowing it would break if he spoke louder. “It means- you mean the world.”
You lowered your lips to his face, giving his plush cheek a small kiss. “I never would’ve thought Agust D would be so soft after sex,” you teased with a big smile, Yoongi scoffing, though he couldn’t hold back his gummy grin.
He groaned loudly, stretching his arms over his head. “I’m starving,” he changed the topic, making you giggle.
“Well, lucky for you, your girlfriend made you a delicious nearly cooked meal that is probably very cold at this point,” you smirked.  
“Oh, lucky for me?” He questioned with a small smile.
“Mhmm,” you confirmed with a small chuckle.
Yoongi sucked air between his teeth, ticking his head to the side. “Remind me to wife you up later.”
You scoffed playfully, rolling off his body as you prepared to stand up and find some clothes. “In your dreams, Min.”
Scooping your t-shirt off the floor, you slipped it over your head before grabbing a pair of panties from your dresser drawer, all while Yoongi’s eyes followed your every move. Sending your boyfriend an air kiss from where he sat at the edge of the bed watching you, you walked toward the bedroom door. “Hurry up and get dressed, Gramps, I need your album commentary.”
You exited the room, turning toward the bathroom to clean yourself up. Yoongi shook his head with a chuckle. “Yeah, in my dreams,” he mumbled as he stood up to get dressed. Taking his sweet ass time, you walked back past the bedroom toward the kitchen, noticing him still stumbling around for a shirt.
“Hey, hustle, Min! I still have a music video to watch, my dude!” You called out to him as he looked to you with widened eyes. “Your shirt is out here, by the way.”
“Ah, what did I tell you about patience,” he whined out, a pout on his lips as he walked through the hallway, grabbing his shirt on his way, feeling full of appreciation and adoration for you.  
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I have a real stupid question/challenge for you, if you want. (you can also tell me to shoo, i won't be mad lmao)
I have a friend who insists that I'll fall in love with BTS if I give them a chance, based on the fact that I love montero and lemonade. they don't listen when I tell them that 1) just cuz I appreciate a few beautifully-crafted, pop-flavored hip-hop albums, doesn't mean that I now like pop; and 2) I have a raging hate-on for manufactured boy bands that dates back to the new kids on the block era. I'm not mad about them anymore, just can't find it in my limited attention span to engage with manufactured pop groups, even when they're quite good in every measurable way.
I've listened to the big singles and they didn't hook me. i appreciate what they're doing, but it just doesn't appeal to me. 🤷
so, I guess my question to you is, do you know any good BTS songs that might change my mind? anything bluesy or reminiscent of old-school 80s rap? any super 90s throwback tracks? idk, I'm doing my best to be open minded :|
BTS has a massive discography, and I dislike plenty of individual songs. I guarantee there's at least one song you'll find tolerable, though whether you'll become a BTS fan is another story.
I have little patience for New Kids, though I do like some bouncy dance music. BTS have a pretty high degree of artistic freedom, considering everything. The packaging is slick. The inside is considerably less hollow than usual. If you've been listening to their recent English-language hits... uh... they have their good points, but I really don't think those are representative of BTS overall—except insofar as they represent their intense desire to win a Grammy.
I'm not great at telling what's like what, so IDK which of their songs best fit your criteria necessarily, but I'll pick a few for you to try. As a listener, I'll think some hip hop sounds familiar, but it's only when I see other people's reviews that I understand what era it's reminding me of. (TBH, what I personally did was make a spreadsheet of everything they'd done, including random soundtrack songs and solo work and just try everything in order.)
I might start with the BTS rappers' solo work. Try RM's second mixtape, mono. I like listening to this as soothing background music at night.
Suga goes by Agust D as a solo artist. His song 'Agust D' is one of my favorites. The lyrics to many of their songs are quite clever too, though of course, as a non-Korean speaker, I have to rely on other people's explanation. (The basic content here is "I may be an idol, but I'm still twice the rapper you are".)
J-Hope tends to sound kind of... well... goofy. I like his voice in Baseline.
He did cover Chicken Noodle Soup, which is certainly old, but I don't actually like the original version of that song.
The Cyphers are great: Cypher Pt. 2, Cypher Pt. 3, Cypher Pt. 4.
To get a sense of their wordplay and why it's cool, check out this video where a Korean guy explains Ddaeng.
If you want to know who they think their influences are, they outline a bunch of them in Hip Hop Lover.
Dionysus is one of their big showstoppers that I like a lot better than, say, Permission to Dance.
Louder Than Bombs is a favorite of mine.
I'm not usually super into the vocalists-only songs, but maybe you'd enjoy some of them. Some people find House of Cards bluesy. Not sure how much I agree.
I guess a couple of their older albums are considered particularly oldschool, though maybe that's because of that ultimate scourge of old albums the skit. (Kill it with fire!) Also, I like a lot of the sound, but their fashion at the time, gaaaaah! You can see some images of the full horror on this lyric video to We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2. I like N.O a lot and Satoori Rap. That latter celebrates regional dialects, which is neat.
And one of their better-known songs and one of my personal favorites is Baepsae, an anthem of youthful discontent that makes use of a Korean saying and turns it on its head.
And hey, if you loathe all that, you can go listen to Tiger JK as a palate cleanser. RM features on a couple of his songs like MFBTY's Buckubucku and Timeless off of Drunken Tiger X.
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oneyeartoparty · 4 years
The brothers react to finding an engagement ring you bought for them
Sorry I haven’t posted for a bit, just been very busy and a litte sick. This was something I’ve been working on for a while. Apologies in advance if its not completely spell/grammar checked, I wanted to get it out for you guys ASAP =D I have a request coming up next, but for now, please enjoy this post and have an awesome day!
Lucifer ventures into your room to drop off some packages from Akuzon that were delivered for you. You’d been getting a lot of packages lately, and he was curious about what you were buying but didn’t want to invade your privacy by snooping.
He was planning on asking you when you returned from studying with Satan and Simeon. Lucifer wanted to make sure his love was provided for, and if you needed something, he would get it.
Lucifer had no issue lifting the boxes, but there was enough of them that even with his best stacking skills, they still partially obscured his sight. He managed to make it to your room without knocking something off the wall, but as he entered, he nudged your shelf with the side of one of the boxes causing something to tumble down.
Placing the boxes down, he turned to see a ring box had fallen from somewhere on the shelf and opened on the way down.
Picking it up, he saw an engagement ring with a golden band with a blue sapphire at its centre. Inscribed on the band were the words “To the only demon to have my heart.”
Pride and happiness swelled in his chest in equal measure. To know you loved him enough to plan to propose was a fantastic feeling.
He didn’t know where the box had fallen from, so he hid it on the shelf once more and hoped you wouldn’t notice and left the room, awaiting the day you choose to propose and going to prepare a ring of his own for when the time came.
Mammon has a habit of going through your things. It had started as another profit-making venture. Some human items aren’t easy to come by in the Devildom, so he figured trifling through the new human exchange student’s things would be a good way to find something to sell.
But it became a way to learn more about you. Everything you had in your room told your story, and Mammon was intent on learning everything.
It was on a day you were out shopping with Luke that he decided to go through your drawers. You’d been dating a while now, and he wanted to see what you’d picked up on your last shopping trip with Asmo so he could see figure out a gift idea. He wanted to treat you but wasn’t sure exactly what to get so he decided to snoop for ideas.
When he saw the red velvet box, he thought it was for earrings initially, but when he opened it, he saw the two topaz gems sparkle. It was an engagement ring, with an inscription that said, “To my adorable Mammon, who stole my heart the day we met.”
Mammon has stopped working.exe.
He’s flustered, completely red in the face. He so overwhelmed with happiness and love for you at that moment all he can do is stare at the ring.
When he finally regains his composure, he puts back everything as he found it. He doesn’t want to push you to propose until you’re ready, but that doesn’t stop him from being the happiest demon in the Devildom.
Leviathan ventured into your room to set up a new gaming console he’d gotten from Akuzon. He was looking forward to spending the night with you playing games and having fun together.
It was while he was fiddling with the cords that he spied a ring box among some of the consoles neither of you had touched in a while.
Not wanting to accidentally knock it somewhere difficult to reach, he went to move the box. Upon picking it up, he noticed it was already open, and when he saw the contents his mouth dropped open.
The engagement ring inside was a silver band with three small orange sapphires in a triangle. Its inscription read “To remind my true love I’ll always adore them.”
“THEY’RE GOING TO PROPOSE TO ME?” he didn’t mean to shout that; he was just so shocked by his discovery it was automatic. You’re not only dating him, but you like him so much you want to MARRY him?
Tears welled up in his eyes. You genuinely loved him enough to want to propose. It was a scenario he’d only dreamt of, but it was real. For a moment he wondered if he’d isekaied into another world where all his dreams would come true. Still unsure if this was real, Levi sat on your bed and waited for your return.
When you returned to your room, you were immediately smothered in a hug by an equally nervous and ecstatic Leviathan, saying a scattering of “Yes” and “Do you really mean it?”
While Satan would usually head to the House of Lamentations library or search his room for his next book to read, sometimes he would head to your room and pick from your book selection.
He loved keeping up with the latest additions to your book collection and with many of your books coming from the human world, there was almost always something new for him to read there.
It was while you were cooking dinner that he made his way to your room to return some books and borrow more. After placing back the stack he had in his hands, he scanned the shelves until he had chosen a few.
Retrieving the first few was uneventful, but when he pulled out the final book and small box fell with it.
He internally panicked when it happened as he thought it was something breakable, but when he saw it was a small ring box, he grew confused.
Curiosity taking over, he picked up and opened the box. Inside was a stunning engagement ring, made of silver with four emeralds. Its inscription read “For my loving Satan. May we can spend eternity reading together.”
A smile graced his face when he realised when he was holding. To know you truly wanted him and only him made him swell with joy.
He placed the box back in its place, forgetting the books he’d come to collect as he headed back to his room, grin still present and plans to do something for you in turn already forming in his mind.
Asmodeus was out shopping when he found the ring you’d bought for him. He’d skipped school to go shopping and had wanted you to come, but you were roped into doing school council tasks for Lucifer before he could slip you out.
He wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste though, and he’d been checking out all the new outfits and accessories that had been released since his last visit. He was having a great time and made sure to buy anything he thought would suit you best too.
He had finished buying a new pair of earrings when he was stopped by one of the demon clerks. They said your order was ready, and since their courier was sick, asked if he could take it for you.
Agreeing, they handed him the box and he made his way from the store. He couldn’t glean much about its content other than it was small, perhaps a pair of earrings or a necklace. You’d mentioned wanting to update some of your older jewellery pieces after all.
Wondering what you’d had custom made, he pulled the box from its bag and opened it, nearly jumped for joy when he was the engagement ring within.
He loved the design. The gold band fit perfectly with the five argyle diamonds that were grouped to resemble the outline of a star. And the inscription that read “Never forget I love all of you”.
Slipping the box safely into his pocket, Asmodeus rushed home and began to start pulling together wedding ideas for you two to discuss.
The nose of a hungry Beelzebub is the most dangerous thing any piece of food can encounter, as anything that nose picks up will soon be eaten. That was the fate of a pile of snacks you’d stowed away in your room, hoping to keep your food-loving boyfriend from eating them.
He lifted your pillow and spied the food hidden there. His attention consumed by it, he began devouring everything in sight, and soon there was nothing edible left.
He noticed it when he was picking up the wrappers. A box stuck between your bed and bedside table. His thoughts immediately shot to it being the final snack that he’d almost missed, so he reached for it.
The box didn’t resemble any food brand he’d ever seen, but this didn’t deter Beel from opening it to check.
The engagement ring withing had a silver band and featured a large ruby surrounded by five smaller ones. It was custom made, evident by it appearing large enough to fit on Beel’s finger and the inscription that stated, “I look forward to snacking eternally with you”.
A happy smile graced his face and red flushed his cheeks. His heartfelt wish of marrying you was going to come true, and he was happy.
He put the box back where he found it and left your room, taking the wrappers from his snack massacre with him.
While he doesn’t tell you what he found, you do notice him smile at you a lot more, especially when he thought you weren’t looking.
With his favourite pillow in the wash, Belphegor was on the prowl for another pillow to use until his original was returned.
Naturally, with you learning magic with Solomon at Purgatory Hall a pillow from your room was a natural choice. You had an excellent mind when choosing the most comfortable pillows and the ones from your room always reminded you of him when you couldn’t be there to nap with him.
He pulled a pillow from the stack and went to make himself comfortable on your bed. He planned on napping until you returned, so napping in your room was the best place.
However, when Belphegor placed his head on the pillow there was a solid lump that made it impossible to get comfortable.
Zipping open the pillow he retrieved a ring box. Opening it he saw, to his immediate joy, an engagement ring.
The ring had several small purple crystals on a gold band. Inscribed on the band were the words “I look forward to snuggling forever with you”.
He wasn’t sure why you though a pillow was the best hiding place, maybe it was because you had such a huge variety of pillows and his brothers accidentally find it there? Regardless he’s please you loved him enough to want to propose.
Stuffing the box back into the pillow, he puts the pillow back and gets another, returning to your bed to nap with a smile on his face.
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jackoshadows · 3 years
Do you know what the first Jon/Arya theory post was? Is there a link to it? Did not know who else to ask, love your blog!
Sorry to disappoint, but no.
Jon/Arya theory posts have been around since forever on sites like Westeros.org. There's always been resistance to it because a) Incest ship b) Arya is so young c) the tendency to not see Arya as having a romantic arc compared to Sansa d) Arya being reduced to psychopathic, damaged killer who will die and end up in Nymeria blah blah... etc.
But Jon/Arya also gained traction after ADwD considering the important role Arya plays in Jon’s storyline.
For example this was a 2014 Jon x Arya discussion thread before OG outline got leaked...
I was around on Westeros.org, when the OG outline was leaked and I remembered it was a time of great catharsis for especially two groups of readers/theorists - those who predicted Jonrya, and those who maintained that Sansa was secondary to characters like Jon, Dany, Tyrion and Arya.
The OG outline seemed to confirm those two speculations. Even if GRRM has now changed his story, Jonrya fans were not reading it wrong when George wrote book one with Jon x Arya in mind.
And then there was the con at which a Jonrya shipper more or less badgered GRRM about it 😂 and his answers made some shippers despondent. I was in the Jonrya group that the shipper privately messaged later on - she was indeed sad, but also she was going to continue shipping them and be hopeful.
So anyways, here are some metas/theories on Jonrya:
By IceTurtle:
Jon & Arya - hints and overall significance of their relationship: Part I
Jon & Arya - hints and overall significance of their relationship: Part II
Jon & Arya - hints and overall significance of their relationship: Part III
Ashotofjac's meta about Jon and Arya
And even though there is a lot of resistance still to Jonarya on Westeros.org, I will always enjoy the casual readers there thrashing the Jonsa shippers anytime they spout Jonsa nonsense. If you want some entertainment, check out this thread,
where a poster wants to discuss Jon/Arya, there is some debate about Jonrya vs Gendrya and as usual the thread soon gets invaded by tumblr Jonsa shippers like Elegant Woes and Rose of Red lake. Hilariously Rose of the Red Lake pretends to be just a casual reader who thinks that Jonsa maybe possible. Keep in mind that I think it was Rose of Red Lake who made up the entire nauseating Political Jon theory!
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Rose of Red Lake:
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And it goes on and on. I was pretty much Michael Jackson eating popcorn.gif reading that thread lol. Seriously, read the whole thread, especially the Sweetsunray Vs Rose of the Red Lake comments on pages 5,6 and 7.
Rose of Red Lake tries to rewrite Jon Snow's story as revolving around Sansa and gets absolutely thrashed by Sweetsunray
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These Jonsa/Sansa stans pretending to be Jon Snow fans and rewriting his story got shown the door by casual book readers. And that's why they hang around here in their tumblr echo chamber. On tumblr, they can keep manipulating the text and writing total nonsense and get away with it.
Also this was in the TWoW discussion thread...
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Ghost Jon is going to the Vale you guys! Forget the trauma that comes with death and resurrection and him being a possible wight and the North and Winterfell and mutiny at the wall and all that. Jon’s story is in the vale....
Oh and also Shadrich is Howland Reed...
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i-did · 3 years
Ok ok this may be a dumb question but we'll see, what are your thoughts on bdsm + andreil? The vast vast majority of these types of fics have Andrew as the dom (and I get why) BUT theres 1 dom Neil fic and I'm like 99% sure I think I saw u comment on it so I'm assuming ur reading it and enjoying it too. And tbh, I find it much better than pretty much all the dom Andrew stuff, I hadnt realised the potential dom Neil could have until I read it. But anyway, I wanted ur thoughts? 🤲 (this is so badly phrased I apologise)
Lmfaooo being perceived is so weird. I hope I didn't say anything because I remember commenting on that fic and thinking about commenting something about my personal sex life, but I don't remember if I did lmfaooo. Omg okay, all that aside–time to now respond to this seriously.
Okay regarding that specific fic, yeah I read a lot of AFTG fics of all types, I haven't read something NSFW in a while, but when I saw the ‘Dom!Neil’ tag I decided to give it a shot. It’s interesting seeing how other authors go about their ideas and just enjoying their story. It doesn’t align with my personal ideas of everything obviously, but those are my personal HC and that fic is that authors personal HC. I like that they’re exploring something that this fandom doesn’t see explored a lot and is just a fun read, lol. Honestly I give up on most BDSM fandom fics because the depiction of Neil makes me uncomfortable ...almost always. I agree a lot more with this fics concept of how they would explore power vs control in a BDSM sexual sense, than most Dom!Andrew Sub!Neil fics– which I have long ago stopped trying to read.
Okay here are my personal ideas about Andrew and Neil, and how they would explore sex.
Many NSFW HC below the cut:
I personally don’t think canon Andrew and Neil would go into BDSM culture or ascribe to either roll strictly. I feel they wouldn’t like established dynamics like that and would get turned off by that aspect, especially since Andrew both craves control of situations but fears ‘being like them’ and a lot of Dom play is about power dynamics that he wouldn't be comfortable with. Andrew sees power in sex as different as control during sex. He needs a controlled environment, and be in control of the other by having them listen to his boundaries, but he can’t feel he’s overpowering the other person. I don’t think he could do a lot of strictly Sub things either for similar reasons, he would feel like he's giving up control of the situation in a way that could make him very uncomfortable.
Neil on the other hand is also often portrayed as a very textbook sub, but I don't think he is. I see him written as a brat a lot, but personally I don’t see him doing that since a lot of what playing with a brat is, is giving them what they want and denying them what they want and them ‘defying you’ and stuff. It's like a form of playful miscommunication I don't see Andrew or Neil ever actually doing. Obviously all healthy and proper play is outlined and discussed beforehand, but I see Andrew and Neil as needing the actions themselves to be clear and cut and dry.
Neil also gets off on Andrews pleasure, Andrew is the same about Neil, they're almost like a feedback loop of “the other enjoying themselves is inherently hot.” to me, Neil getting off on other people (Andrew) getting off is a very Dom like quality. In turn, Andrew is very turned on by pleasuring Neil, but from the point of his knees, which is almost sub like, he is turned on by sucking someone else off and seeing how into it they are. Either way, I think they both wouldn’t be into hardcore BDSM or BDSM culture but also aren’t vanilla. I don’t see either of them going to leather clubs instead of Edens and going to Folsom Fair and joining BDSM social groups and stuff.
I also don’t think either would ever use titles for the other, I think they don’t call each other by their names often on a day-to-day basis, since usually the people were talking to already know their name, and we don’t need to use it for clarification. I do think–just like in canon with emotionally charged moments–names will be used with more emphasis, especially Abram which is not used frequently.
Side note about my Jewish Neil HC: Judaism rocks because sex isn’t shamed, but rather considered a blessing and a holy act. In fact, it’s a good thing to have sex on Shabbat, G-d is actively like ‘fuck yeah you little humans, enjoy life’s pleasures and each other's company’ sex was designed to feel good and a way to connect. Shabbat is all about human connection with those important to us, and a day of rest away from work, so sex on Shabbat is actually actively a good thing. I don’t think Neil is ever religiously Jewish, but Andrew making a joke about this once would be peak to me. Which also fits Abram, a very Jewish name I HC to be not just Neil’s middle name but his Jewish name, and is used in said holy context of sex.
I think like a lot of healthy adults who are sexually active, they will explore and will be more adventurous to try new and other things, especially when dealing with issues like waning to get off but having touch aversion and issues like that. I have a lot of sex life HC about them actually, ways they navigate erectile dysfunction, mental health, and what they like in a safe environment. They trust each other, and I like imagining different ways aspects of their relationship would change or evolve in my head in all different types of ways, including sexual. I also enjoy giving them kinks and inclinations I specifically don’t have, because it’s like me exploring the concept of why someone else might like something even though I personally don’t. I’m not imagining things that make me uncomfortable necessarily, just things I'm neutral on or don’t see the appeal of, but know why they appeal to others and try to imagine what these characters might think.
I feel canon Andrew and Neil explore sex and dynamics that make them comfortable, I have HC about Andrew possibly exploring pup play and wearing a collar for Neil partially as a “joke” in the beginning, but discovering they really like it. I also HC Neil is really into athletic stuff sexually, he thinks Andrew half dressed with his padding still on and a jock strap is just peak sex appeal. I also think Neil is very sensory, and makes associations with smells and senses easily, so he develops a sweat kink, which leads into his armpit kink. Neil isn't turned on by ‘the bad smell of sweat’ but rather the fact that when Andrew is sweaty he smells like Andrew a lot, rather than after a shower he smells more like soap, and he can’t smell Andrew as much. Andrew on the other hand prefers cleaner sex. He’s not triggered by dirty sex though– he used to suck guys off at an alt dance club and is used to the smell of sweaty balls, it's just not an active turn on. Neil has ‘nothing is hotter than Andrew wearing running shoes and socks, and only running shoes and socks’ energy to me too. I think Andrew feels good about himself in leather, but isn't going to be a leather daddy and wear the leather assless chaps and the cap, he will wear the leather harness that every gay wears to pride, but he wears it just for Neil. Also, Neil loves Andrews pecs, Neil’s kinda a boob guy, but for Andrew’s pecs specifically.
I personally think Andrew and Neil typically don’t have penetrative sex. They do it sometimes–and when Andrew is ready he will bottom more as a way to prove something to himself than anything–but it’s not their preferred way or their ‘go to’. When they finally do, they don’t see it as ‘finally having sex for the first time’, since all the sex they've been having is real sex, even if its oral, hand jobs, etc. I don’t think Neil is naturally inclined to bottoming, and since even the visual of topping can make Andrew uncomfortable, they enjoy sex in any other ways, thigh fucking, docking, Andrew fucking Neil’s ass cheeks, sucking each other off, mutual masturbation, frottage, etc. and it leads to stronger orgasms when they don’t have to hope ever second will be a cliff edge and turn into a panic attack. Safer waters are simply more comfortable for them to swim in, and they deem all sex as equal in ‘value.’ that being said, Andrew likes his ass being ate, as long as its just Neil’s tongue, while Neil is neutral on his ass being ate, but loves doing it to Andrew.
I also think they would explore toys, but not in the way they're often explored in fics, which is very vibrator and dildo centric. I think they would use jacking off toys, the disposable egg kind or some more long term ones, maybe even something they could use at the same time. I don’t see them ever actually using handcuffs or restraints really either. Andrew would see Neil tied up as an equivalent statement of ‘I don't trust you not to touch me’ when he wants to actively progress past that, and shows he trusts Neil by not holding his arms back or letting him touch him. Andrew had to hold down previous partners, but Neil is different, Neil listens. This isn’t my personal opinion about restraint, but it is what I think Andrew would think.
I have no idea if this is what you meant by ‘my thoughts’ but here they are. *puts something in your open palms,* idk what emoji that would be
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dameronology · 4 years
the one that got away {poe x reader}
summary: based on the song the one that got away by katy perry 
this song has been my jam since i was about 11 and i’m now closer to being 20 than i am to being 11 and that’s making me panic! everywhere and not just exclusively at the disco but it made me produce this 
warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of smut 
- jazz
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Poe Dameron had always believed in true love.
He saw it not only within his parents’ relationship but everywhere he looked: in the couple who lived next door to his childhood home, in the bar where he worked during his time at the academy, in couples walking down the street. It was everywhere and nowhere; the kind of thing that you could feel in your soul but never physically grasp - or, at least that had been his initial understanding of it. 
Then Poe met you.
That was how he realised that love was very much something he could physically feel. Not only could he feel it, he could see it and he could hear it and he could finally understand it. You were the answer to every question he’d ever had. 
He could feel it whenever you held his hand and he could hear it whenever you laughed at one of his terrible jokes. Whenever he simply looked at you - whether it was under the blinding morning light or simply the outline of your and against his chest in the dark - it was there. What had started as a stupid fling in the academy had turned into something more. You were his whole world, his everything.
Poe was your soulmate; your best friend and your partner-in-crime (or as you had affectionally dubbed him, your poetner-in-crime). You were always on the same wavelength, emitting the same chaotic energy and terrible jokes. You had each other’s backs to no end, the kind of bond that spanned the galaxy and back ten times over. The love between was the kind that very few people were lucky enough to experience. 
‘Poe, quick!’ 
You were tearing down the corridor, fingers intertwined. Almost tripping over each other, you skidded around a corner and into a dark classroom, slamming the door behind you. You fell back against the door, Poe’s arms on either side of you as he leant against you, body shaking with laughter.
‘His face!’ The pilot could barely control his laughter. ‘Maker, I’ve never seen the guy so angry.’
‘That’ll teach him to fuck with us again.’ You smiled.
‘Us.’ Poe repeated your words back to you.
‘Yeah?’ You grin grew wider. You pushed a few strewn, dark curls back off his face. ‘Me too.’
‘I love you.’ His hand ghosted your cheekbone, resting on your face for a moment. 
‘I love you too.’ You leant up to kiss him, revelling in the feeling of his lips against yours. It was the feeling of home; warm and soft and welcoming all at once. 
Nothing could come between you - until it did.
The war. 
The beginning of another civil war were in the making. People who had lived through the first one had the same sense of unease they did the first time around; the appearance of more TIE fighters in the sky, more recruits coming to the academy, training increasing tenfold. There was discontent across the galaxy and nobody knew what was coming. 
Poe left first. He was a few years ahead of you in terms of training, having been piloting since he was a kid. That, paired with his admirable recklessness and natural leadership, made him perfect for the Resistance. You were his whole damn world but he had to fight for the galaxy; a galaxy in which you could both have a future. 
‘I guess this is it.’ 
You were stood in front of Poe’s X-Wing, hands shakily intertwined as you tried your hardest not to digest what was happening. If you did, he would probably try to say. Or worse, you would try to go with him before you were ready. 
‘It’s only a few months.’ Poe’s voice was wobbly, and he gripped your hands tighter. ‘A year at most, and then you’ll come out and join me. Right?’
‘Right.’ You nodded, a tear splashing down your cheek. ‘And we’ll talk all the time. Beebs always knows where to find me.’
‘I love you.’ He pressed his forehead to yours, lips momentarily brushing together as he trembled. ‘I love you so much.’
‘I love you too.’ You murmured. ‘If this is it, I’m always going-’
‘- we literally just said.’ Poe almost reeled back. ‘We’re going to see each other again.’
‘But if we don’t-’
‘- say it.’ Poe’s voice was firm, his grip on your hands inhumanly tight. ‘Say that we’ll see each other again. Promise me.’
You sighed, trying to calm yourself for a moment. You wanted to be hopeful, to think of a future where two could find your way back to each other - but you had a feeling that wasn’t going to be the case. The galaxy was getting darker and darker by the day and the light at the end of the tunnel seemed impossibly far away. 
‘I promise.’ The words were barely a whisper.
‘Take this.’ Poe reached up to the chain around his neck, pulling the ring off. 
‘Poe, I can’t ask that of you-’
‘- you’re not asking. I’m telling.’ He shook his head. Taking your hand in his, he slipped his mother’s ring across your middle finger. ‘Forever, right?’
You would both come to learn that forever was a long time - almost as long as the months you spent apart. 
At first, you would talk every day. You would talk to him via the holo-link in your droids, sharing stories about your day and talking about what you were going to do when you saw each other again. It felt like you were hopelessly clinging onto a distant dream, desperately wishing that the promises you were making could ever be fulfilled. You spoke about where you were going to live (Coruscant, probably) and what you were going to name your kids (Leo for a boy, Shara for a girl). 
But then your calls became less and less regular. Poe was being taken all over the galaxy on his missions and you were busy trying to finish your training. What had been a daily thing turned into one of a weekly nature, and before you knew it, it was a two-or-three-times a month affair.
You were tired whenever you spoke, and Poe was grumpy. You’d been worn down with your training and his body had been torn through eleven different timezones in a week. The hope that you’d both once had was almost completely faded, replaced with concern for the war. All your energy was going into fighting - sometimes for the Resistance, sometimes with each other.
Then the calls stopped. 
You couldn’t exactly recall when you realised it was over but some part of you just knew; there was no conversation, no closure. It was over, just like that. You didn’t even have time to think about it or to cry about it. The fact that you’d lost Poe Dameron was just a reality of life - a painful one, but a reality nonetheless. 
You took the ring off, putting it in a safe space to give back to him should you ever cross paths again. You wouldn’t - not for a few years. 
Almost a year to the day that Poe left, Leia Organa recruited you into the Resistance. It was a different base to your former love, systems away in the Outer Rim. Your work was focused mostly on communications and collecting data for building new bases. It felt good to finally be doing your part for the cause but you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. 
(It was Poe. Poe was the thing that was missing). 
Time flew by. You were jumping between planets, having a few near misses and experiencing your first real sense of loss; not only for your flyboy, but for your team-mates who didn’t make it back. You were haunted with thoughts of the same thing happening to Poe, of the idea that he could have already left for his last mission without knowing it.
So, you started wearing the ring again. Even when you met somebody new - Perry, a six-foot-tall blonde gunner with a kind smile and a moderate sense of humour - you kept it on. You wore it when you kissed Perry for the first time and you wore it when he declared his love for you. 
He wasn’t Poe. He didn’t hold your hand the way Poe did or kiss you in the way that Poe did. He didn’t make you laugh like him or smile like him or feel like him. He wasn’t the same. Nobody could ever compare but you weren’t going to find the love of your life twice. It was like you’d won the lottery on your first ticket. Nobody won the jackpot twice. 
‘This is the bar that Leia said most of the other guys went to.’
You and Perry were stood outside a cantina; it was dark on Ajan Kloss, the sky lit in a low navy colour by the yellow of the moon. The signs of the establishment flashed before you, a welcome invitation away from the cold night. The air inside was stuffy in comparison, smelling of stale beer and filled with the sound of other Resistance pilots chortling and chatting. 
You were on a two-day lay over at another base. The whole squad needed a drink, given how rough the mission had been - whilst they sat down, you ditched your jacket and headed to the bar up front. 
Falling against the wooden counter, you let out a small oof! as somebody dropped against the bar next to you, He was too busy talking to someone, but you could have recognised him from anywhere. 
Poe Dameron had a warm presence; there was an aura about him, something welcoming and sweet. He still wore the same after shave and laughed with his whole body - that’s how you knew it was him. 
‘Poe.’ Your words weren’t really there, but he still managed to hear you.
‘Yeah?’ He spun around, doing a double take when he saw you. ‘Oh, shit.’
He looked tired; his hair was still dark and curly, but littered with more greys than it had been five years ago. His warm brown eyes were decorated with dark circles and he had a five-o-clock shadow on his chin. Still, he looked good. 
‘I - wow.’ You couldn’t find the words. ‘Hi.’
‘Hi.’ A small smile fell onto Poe’s lips. ‘Hi.’
A moment later, he had dropped his drink and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest. He hadn’t held you since the day he’d left all those years ago; a day that felt so alien to you both. Your immediate feeling was one of relief - Poe Dameron was alive, drinking in a bar and doing exactly what he said he’d always would (saving the galaxy). 
‘You’re...’ You trailed off, pulling back to stare at him. ‘You’re alive.’
‘Just about.’ Poe smiled at you. ‘And so are you - and you’re a Lieutenant.’
‘You’re a commander.’ Your eyes fell to the markings on his jacket. ‘That’s amazing, Poe.’
You were both thinking the same thing: we should have done it together. 
You should have been there to witness him rising through the ranks and he should have been there to welcome you to the Resistance with open arms. But life could be a bitch and she’d dealt you both the worst cards. The galaxy had done everything within its power to tear you apart.
‘It’s so good to see you.’ Poe bit his lip, brown eyes refusing to move from holding your gaze. ‘I know that we said-’
‘- don’t mention it.’ You shook your head. ‘We were pretty fucking naive, right?’
‘Right.’ He breathily laughed, nodding. ‘I still think about you, though.’
‘Yeah.’ He smiled. ‘I think about the academy, and the day I left and - is that my mum’s ring?’
Poe’s eyes had fallen to your hand, where the metallic band still sat on your middle finger. You’d always promised yourself to give it back if you ever had the chance. After all, it was supposed to be a symbol of commitment, of your love for one another. It was a promise you’d made to each other before either of you knew what shit life was going to throw your way. 
‘Oh, yeah.’ You went to pull it off. 
‘No.’ Poe moved his hand to cover yours. ‘Keep it.’
‘Poe, it’s yours.’ You reminded him.
‘And I gave it to you.’ He replied. ‘I know...I know things didn’t go the way we wanted but I still mean everything I said.’
You smiled, nodding. ‘Thank you. Me too.’
‘Are you around later?’ Poe asked. ‘We should catch up. There’s a lot to talk about, right?’
‘Of course.’ You took a sip of your drink. ‘I’m staying in-’
‘- babe!’ Perry’s voice suddenly cut between the two of you. Your boyfriend appeared beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist. ‘What’s taking so long?’
Oh, yeah. Him. 
Maybe you weren’t around tonight. 
Five minutes with Poe Dameron had been enough to make you forget two years with your current boyfriend. He’d made you feel more in that brief conversation that Perry had in your whole relationship.
You didn’t mean to compare them, truly. It was just that there was no coming back from Poe Dameron; he was your soulmate then and you had a feeling he was your soulmate now. In fact, it wasn’t just a feeling; it was a certainty. 
That was what you told yourself when you snuck out of bed that night to see Poe. 
It was what you told yourself when he kissed you for the first time in five years. 
It was what you told yourself when you made love for the first time in five years. 
But repeating it over and over in your head wasn’t enough to make you stay the next morning. Even when you woke up in his arms, pressed against his bare chest with scratches on your back and bruises on your thighs, finally feeling like you were at home for the first time in five years, you couldn’t convince yourself to stay. You couldn’t fall back to him; you couldn’t let yourself get hurt all over again.
Perry didn’t ask where you went that night - and you never told him. 
You didn’t confess when he found you the next day and he confessed his love for you. You didn’t confess when he asked you to marry him six months later. 
There was now another ring sat next to Poe’s; shiny and expensive and far too big for your hands. It was where his ring should have been; instead, Shara Bey’s ring stayed on your middle finger, a constant reminder of what could have been - of what should have been. 
You were glad for that night with Poe. It felt like a goodbye for you both; like you’d finally got closure. At the same time, you didn’t want your time with Poe to reach a conclusion - you still wanted to hold out hope that the promises you’d made as a twenty-something would come true. You were engaged to marry another man but for some reason, you couldn’t see a future with anyone else.
Then there came a point where you couldn’t see a future at all. 
The First Order was closing in; the war was getting rougher and rougher. There were losses left right and centre. Missions were becoming longer and darker. The bags under your eyes were getting darker and each day, you strayed further and further from the light. It was hard to hold on, hard to see past the dark forces at play. 
That’s when you’d think back to another time; six or seven years prior, when it was just you and Poe against the world. You’d let your mind wander back to the times that you would stay up late, laughing and crying together. You remembered all the pacts and promises you’d made. How did you get here? 
Before you knew it, you were back on Ajon Kloss. Everyone had gathered to begin making preparations for the final battle. Nobody was calling it that - final was too scary of a word, after all - but everybody knew it. You were powering up your jet for what felt like the last time. 
‘Trident Squad, you’ll be behind Dagger. You know your orders.’
You were hardly listening to your commander, hands shaking as you played with the straps of your helmet. You were leaning against your X-Wing, trying to calm your breaths with clammy hands and a pounding chest. 
You looked up, eyes meeting Poe’s. Despite everything, you smiled. ‘Hey.’
‘You got engaged?’ His words were breathless. There was no greeting, no question of how you were. There was just the hurt in his words; the disbelief and the grief. 
‘I got engaged.’
‘Yeah, you’re right.’ You nodded. ‘Fuck.’
Dropping your helmet to the ground, you met Poe half-way across the gap between you. He took you in his arms, lifting you off the ground for a moment as your bodies collided. He held you in his arms, a sad imitation of the last time you’d been stood together in front of an X-Wing. 
‘Do you...’ your words were muffled by his shoulder. ‘Are you sure you don’t want your ring back?’
‘That’s what I was trying to say last time I saw you.’ Poe put you back down; his hands stayed on your waist. ‘My mum told me to give it to whoever I wanted to spend my life with.’
‘- I know.’ He cut you off. ‘You promised to marry Pete-’
‘- Perry-’
‘- whatever.’ You couldn’t help but laugh at his flippancy. ‘Just because I can’t spend my life with you doesn’t mean I can’t want to.’
‘That makes no sense.’
‘None of this makes sense.’ Poe corrected you. ‘Normally I’m more than happy to respect the boundaries of another guys relationship but...but it’s you.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I gotta ask.’ He have your hips a light squeeze. ‘If we make it out alive, there’s no chance at all that you and I can finally be together?’
‘Poe, I-’
‘- Captain!’ The sound of your commander’s voice came from around the corner. ‘We’re heading out now! Power up!’
‘I have to go.’ You took a step backwards, but he still clung onto your hands. 
‘I love you.’ Poe gave you a watery smile.
‘I know.’
tags: @blacksquadron-rougetwo​ @drinksomecoco​ @obi-wankenobae​
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hopeassassin · 3 years
Rally’s Scribbles in the Work
So after that lovely anon blew my mind away with their kind words and wonderful support, and because I keep telling you guys about my writing plans without actually giving you even a teensy little detail, I have decided to stop being coy and actually likely get your hopes up a bit by dilvulging small details and bits of plots of what is currently going on in my G-Drive. 
This will be a brief recount of what I have currently baking in the AoMomo oven, so let’s dive right into it! Please note that the numbers are in no particular order - I just keep revisiting each of these stories and writing a bit more to them whenever I feel like it. So there’s no ranking and no importance, just a number to keep proper count.
1. “Knight of Renown” Dragons and Knighthood AU, based on that one AoMomo pic with Momo ithe Knight and Dragon Aomine that I reblogged a while back and I actually let me imagination go a bit too much in the tags. I ended up actually rather enjoying the premise I set up in the tags so I actually started writing that one out!  Completion rate at about: 5%? I’d say? Less? :D 
2. AoMomo Music AU - a dearly beloved project that I am pouring a lot of love and attentioin to. That’s why it’s coming along super slow. It’s been in the making since November and I chewed it and mulled through it so thoroughly that I’ve grinded to a halt with it. Intending for there to be 2 chapters, and I am at about 25-30% of chapter 1 currently ready currently. At the pace I’m going, it might be another full year before you actually get to see this bad boy up, but when you do, I’m sure you’ll see all the care and effort that went into making it perfect. Honestly, no joke here, I am intending for this to be one of my rare masterpieces in this tag. So I’m not gonna rush it!
3. AoMomo Car Accident AU where Daiki barely manages to save Satsuki from being run over by a hit-and-run and ends up being the one run over instead. This was my first piece of writing after coming back to AoMomo last summer and yet completion rate is a sad thing. I want it to be flawless, a perfectly agonizing, thrilling type of torturous read that gives you a great sense of relief by the end of it. Needless to say, the clusterfuck of negative feelings is a bit difficult to hold onto for a prolonged period of time and the work is coming along slowly. Planned at about 5 chapters, I have 2 complete ones and the 3rd one is at about ... 30%? Hopefully before this year’s whumptober, we’ll have a finished piece!
4. AoMomo bond character study, which went in a direction I did NOT expect nor intend. It was suppsoed to be an idea that you will see also listed below. But I started this one from their early childhood and somehow, instead of focusing on the kids and their bond and their weird interactions with each other and their first moments of realizing they are of opposite genders, it turned into something much too fun to let go of and the ideas for scenes just kept piling. It’s going to be a long one, very explorative and very in-depth character study on the bond between these two and how it changed over the years, and their first encounters with their sexuality inbetween (because that was really the main idea that I started with... xDDD;;;) Currently at 1 chapter complete, chapter 2 somewhere around 50-60% completion, and at least 6-7 chapters to come after that, soooo.... :’DDDD YEAH. THIS ONE AIN’T SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY ANYTIME SOON.
5. AoMomo deciding to practice stuff on each other, because I am a sucker for this trope.THIS will be what the idea under previous number 4 was SUPPOSED to be like, but it instead spun out of control. So this one, under number 5, is going to be the smutty, idiots bumbling through physicality to discover that they actually have serious feelings for each other kind of piece. Chapters are planned at about at least 6-7 or so, but not my usual monstrocities! :D First we start with practice kissing, and we move our way up from there! 
6. “The Evil of Humanity” AU - a dystopian futuristic kinda mecha AU, sort of an amalgamation of some of my favourite anime in the genre - a bit of NGE, a bit of Gurren-Lagann, a lot of Darling in the Franxx rewrite and improvement, in distinctly AoMomo colors. I poured a lot of thought and love into initial outline of main moments for this one, and I really hope to make it an epic, thrilling action/adventure with a big dash of romance kind of read! Chapters currently not even planned properly, because I need to sit down and consider this seriously. It will definitely be more than 10-15 though, and they will be my usual chapter lengths so.... likely no time soon. :D 
7. Aomine Fanclub - I got a plot bunny some time ago and I shared it here and my friends were spurring me on with it, so I started trying it out a little more. I’ve written out like... maybe 30% of this one as well, but need to re-read and reconceptualize to get it back on track. The issue with this one is that I’m not really sure where I want to take it, thus it’s on the back burner at the moment.
8. KagaKuro AoMomo double-date kind of story, where Aomine is asking some curious questions of Taiga about going to America and pondering if any of his immediate friends know what Satsuki wants to do with her life. I’m really invested in this one but haven’t started properly writing it out yet beyond just sketching out the idea so I don’t forget it. (I’d say 1% complete here.) Really looking forward to using the idea of Kagami being super impressed with AoMomo perfect sync when playing as a team in arcade games!
9.Laws of Attraction Chapter 2 - You might be surprised at this, but I’m actually super invested in this one. Likely the reason why I am delaying so much working on it - I feel like all my great scene ideas are just too chaotic and I have a hard time starting the chapter flowing properly. I had like 4-5 false starts already and I’m feeling a bit skittish with picking it up. But I have such AMAZING concepts on where to take it after it revvs up the engine, so... Maybe sometime this year! Completion rate: 0% written, but at least about 30% ideas built up for the installment!
10. AoMomo college rooming together story - sort of an expansion on my fill for one of the prompts way back those years ago in AoMomo week. I really dig the concept and the trope of sharing spaces with someone you consider nothing more than a friend and then gradually learning to appreciate each other for something so much more. I am definitely doing this one some day, but not anytime soon, likely.
11. A random idea bit me the other day (read: a month ago) and I actually wrote out like... maybe 25% of it already as well. A random comment from Wakamatsu miffs Satsuki but then she realizes why he’s asking dumb questions and she comes to realize that something is wrong with the equation: either Dai-chan likes someone really close to them and she hasn’t realized, which is unlikely, or Dai-chan likes HER and is super blase about it in a way that betrays his feelings not at all, which is even more unlikely. Being a curious  individual, she sets out to find which it is! Some hilarity should ensue but mostly just some mess-with-Dai-chan fun!
12. Touou summer training camp at the sea - progress is practically 0, I wanted to write a summery piece and set my mind on this, but nothing beyond has come to me, so I’m not forcing it.
13. AoMomo cultural festival fic in second year of high school (meaning something approx end of Oct -> beginning of Nov.) with Daiki being in a distinctly Haruhu Suzumiya role at that festival (has anyone even seen this anime? I adored that episode to freaking bits, man, it’s engraved upon my soul) and singing Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” and one more song just like Haruhi did. And Satsuki just beholding the phenomenon he becomes in no time flat while he lays bare his passion for life for all the student body to see. Shippiness will happen in private afterwards!
14. You Can Leave Your Hat On Chapter 2 - Probably like 2-3 years ago while I was still in the damn woodwork and wrestling with real life and adulting being crap, I remembered this AU premise and I got super hyped on the idea of Club Owner Dai-chan being a flirt with innocent Satsuki who got dragged to his joined and fell in love at first sight with his shenanigans. I’ve already played around for like 7k words with the second chapter of this but I’m still not where I want to be at, so it will take a while longer to flesh it out.
15. Idol Worship - a story that I promised my mate aricana some 6 years ago the premise for which I am super hyped for but not quite engaging with it yet. The idea was that Momoi finally starts gettiing the dates she has been pesting Kuroko for for years, and Daiki feeling terrible about beholding that, whilst Kise is being pestered by Horikita Mai for a date and instead ditches her with Daiki because he knows his former Teikou classmate is a huge fan of her. Mai-chan isn’t particularly happy but somehow ends up enjoying her time with Daiki and starts considering actually pursuing him instead of Kise when she sees what an interesting soul he is, with the torch that he’s carrying for some girl in his life he doesn’t really talk about but is evident from the little things he drops off as hits. AoMomo shenanigans will start to ensue properly when Satsuki realizes that Daiki is actually having a close female friend who is not her but is Horikita Mai instead, Dai-chan’s perfect woman, practically. She doesn’t take well to the news and has to grapple with why that is! And what to do with these newfound frustrating emotions!
16. Obstruction of Justice Chapter 3 - MAYBE SOME DAY, I WILL GET TO WRITING THIS. Last summer I inteded to do just that but instead, Wild Side of Justice was born. And it became a spin off of sorts on its own. ORZ. I WILL FINISH THIS SOME DAY, I do have some plans for it and I do have the desire to pursue them. I just need to be in the right headspace for it ahsjkfhkjaf
17. A PWP story of Kagami arriving early for a practice match at Touou and somehow walking in on AoMomo getting busy with each other in very unexpected and explicit ways that Kagami did not see headed his way. Because, we need more PWP in this fandom, honestly.
18. And since we DO need more PWP, recently when checking the 30 lemons community on LJ (shut up, I’m not ancient, YOU’RE ANCIENT) I was wondering how exactly a smut plot around the “Taken by the Faceless Stranger” could work for Aomomo and I came up with this Masquerade ball that they end up both attending because of their friends and meeting each other and hitting off fantastically just chatting the night and then banging in a niche in the long castle-like premise of the ball. :’DDDD Cuz it’s me and if I don’t have something like that in the works, you know i’m likely sick.
ALL OF THESE I am planning on eventually finishing one day. ONE DAY!
For now they are in various states of completion and in various stages of being cared for and improved on with more ideas added and fleshed out.
I am not joking when I say I am very invested in this fandom. I just have difficulty getting to writing out these ideas when I spend like 60% of my free time playing my mobile games. :D 
So there you have it. I didn’t want to say anything about these because 1) I don’t want to get your hopes up. You Can Leave Your Hat On 2, for one, has been in the making for 3 years, very on-again-off-again kind of way, and I just... can’t do that to you guys. I have decided against posting any incomplete fics so I don’t torture you guys and my muse doesn’t abandom me forever for them. So when something is complete, it gets posted promptly for your viewing pleasure!
And 2) If I divulge too much of the story, I feel like my hype of it may disappear completely. Ehh, my muse is a willful creature, what can I tell you... 
So let’s hope at least SOME of these get to see the light of day soon!
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chiptrillino · 3 years
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Respectfully, I would love to hear more about these OCs, or any others that you may have.
okay i am really not used in talking about OC so... :')
first things first. not all are drawn. like some are really just original story oc that i may one day will draw but we will see!
This is rather long so in order to not spam your timeline click below!
Starting with the one that technically has a face but refuses to have a face.
moth-man & 0-experience: or is it woman? moth-person? morph??? they are the ones that hire the 0-experience person for the job. and what is the job you ask? well technically everything. simplified i like to call their profession "the collector and curator of stories" you have to imaging 0-experience person, enters this really old book shop that is inside way larger than it is outside, and moth-man just hires them. just like that.
and they both go out, listen to people and what they like to tell them about. and then they go back to the bookstore and start working on creating and binding the other person story. i have a hard time sitting down and drawing this because the moth- person really changes shape for every profession and person they interact with. there is not a fix shape. and ahh... ONE DAY I WILL MANAGE!
the hornist ace in existence: well... let’s say you are a creature of the dark. and in the monastery, this new cutie arrives. and all these old rusty dusty nuns and priest bullies her. but this girl is the sweetest creature that ever was abandoned in this place and has a natural curiosity for science and biology, and you just really crush hart for her so like... why not pass the girl an apple again, shall we?(not gonna lie... its Christian lesbian in love, though one is literally a creature form hell. and there is some nsfw in this story but. God no, demon girl has no interest in vile human needs, but she will gladly talk with you about universe and constellations and how birds fly, also ‘yass girl tear the bible into tiny pieces that is so hot!’) (listen... easter time in church is really boring and if god listens, I hope he enjoys the outline of this story in my head.)
Reaching the ones that have a face my bi disaster man is this guy so...
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say hallo again to Waylin, who end up meeting Camille here, who is well... look at her she is cute! and then he turns around to Camille in guy version which is her twin brother Burscop. and yeah... he shortcrust. and no being Bi, and a disaster is not his only characteristic. he is quite reliable, skilled with weapon, really gentle with the little kids, a great storyteller, handy with the needle and solution oriented. but yeha, he is crushing hard for the twins. and that’s partly because i can't decide who he should end up with at the end ;;;
Camille finds it cute and funny at the same time and makes Waylin’s live living hell on purpose. Burscop on the other hand... doesn’t really care.
he has his, well he is angry at his dad. but before you come at me with "oh he has an abusive dad!!" no! not the case here. a distant dad, yes. but Burscop over here, doesn’t grow up and decides to be a petty 9 years old for the rest of his life. not that their dad isn't as petty as his son. but for other reason. Camille is just tired, she has to visit her mom soonish to vent.
and the award for best father of the year that cut his daughter fingers off goes to!!!! Cavan over here!
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eokay it is not his fault! i just... didn't want to draw all Zorya’s finger one day and was like. "YOU KNOW WHAT?!? fine no fingers" and that’s why she is missing fingers :'D but by now there is actually some kind of story for that. Basically, Cavan was for some time a single dad. and well Zorya is just a wild child. never sitting still and needs to run and jump. complete opposite of her dad that is more of a well... sitting in his laboratory, drawing maps for the queen building, and tinkering on telescope and scientific models etc etc. and well... little children better should not play around with heavy duty tools and so...
hey! Cavan is distraught, he is unable to forgive himself for this okay! he was an overworked single dad, with a whirlwind of a child. Zorya doesn’t even remember the day she lost the finger and fingertips. so now Cavan is the world best and most supportive dad in my world by letting his daughter spend most of the year with her grandfather and uncle in the tundra. and regularly sends er presents and trinkets and yea. winter he is there for her 24/7. and she is a really happy child.
So... this was rather long;;; sorry about that. but hey you asked!!!
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clonewarsarchives · 3 years
Inside 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars'
By: Gerri Miller  (original article link on howstuffworks)
George Lucas interviewed August 4, 2008
Dave Filoni interviewed September 11, 2008
The sci-fi phenomenon that began more than 30 years ago with a movie about a galaxy long ago and far, far away has expanded exponentially ever since with sequels, prequels, books, games and animated spinoffs. Although the animated "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" movie, released this summer, has to date grossed a less than stellar $34 million, it was an offshoot of creator George Lucas' mission to create a TV series, and it served its purpose as a promotional tool for the weekly "Clone Wars" episodes that premiere on Cartoon Network Oct. 3, 2008.
Focused on the conflict briefly referred to in the original "Star Wars," the galactic civil war takes place in the period between "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" and "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith." The Clone Wars pit the Grand Army of the Republic led by the Jedi Knights against the Separatists and their Droid Army, led by Count Dooku, a Jedi turned Sith Lord aligned with the evil Darth Sidious. Many of the characters from the "Star Wars" universe are involved, including Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and young Anakin Skywalker, before he was tempted to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader.
"I was lamenting the fact that in 'Episode II,' I started the Clone Wars, and in 'Episode III,' I ended the Clone Wars, and I never actually got to do anything on the Clone Wars," says Lucas. "It's like skipping over World War II."
To remedy that omission, he tapped Dave Filoni, an animator (Nickelodeon's "Avatar: the Last Airbender" series) and passionate "Star Wars" fan, to bring "The Clone Wars" to TV.
Ensconced at Big Rock Ranch, near Lucas' Skywalker Ranch headquarters in Marin County, Cali., Filoni and his team of artists and computer animators are making 22 episodes in season one and have nearly two more seasons written.
"We're way ahead. We've been doing this ever since I finished 'Revenge of the Sith,'" says Lucas, who hopes to do at least 100 installments.
He and Filoni collaborate on everything from story to design to execution in translating the "Star Wars" universe for television. It's a daunting creative, technical and logistic task, as we'll explain in the following sections.
Building the Universe
How do you scale down an IMAX-size spectacle for television and still have it make an impact, especially on a small screen budget? That's just one of the problems Dave Filoni has to solve.
"'Star Wars' is very famous for the scale of it, and how convincing it looks. So when you're doing a weekly television series, you have to figure out how to do things on that level," he notes. "Sometimes it forces you to be creative and come up with solutions that are better than if you can shoot everything you want," he continues, preferring to consider budgetary constraints a creative incentive rather than a limitation. "The team here is challenged to come up with these giant battles. We haven't shied away from anything."
While he did some of the initial character design, subsequently, Filoni has spent most of his time supervising other artists and animators, who number around 70 in-house and another 80 or so at facilities in Singapore and Taipei.
"Everything is written here, and the story and design and editing are all done here. The animation and lighting are done overseas, and sometimes some modeling as well," he outlines.
­"I meet with George to talk about the episodes and he hands out a lot of the storylines and main ideas for the stories. I'll draw while he's talking and show him the sketch," Filoni continues. "That way we communicate right off the bat about what something might look like."
At any given time, the director notes, episodes are in various stages of completion, "from designing to working on a final cut, or adding sound and color-correction. I have four episodic directors to help me, who each have an episode they're managing."
Rather than use computer animation to duplicate the live-action films' characters or continue in the very stylized vein of the 2004-2005 "Clone Wars" micro-series, "We kind of shot for the middle," says Filoni, who endeavored to blend a 2-D esthetic with 3-D technology.
"The 3-D model makers and riggers who worked on the prequels dealt with the height of realism to create convincing digital characters. I knew that we weren't going to be able to do that for the series. And we wanted it to be different than a live-action feature, to get away from photo-realism. It was a choice to simplify something in the character models, the same way we would do things in a 2-D show."
So how did Filoni stay true to the "Star Wars" legacy in this newest installment? Read on to find out.
Clone Style
Taking some inspiration from the earlier cartoon series, Filoni
approached the characters as a 2-D animator would, "but stylized the face a little more. If you look at Anakin, he has certain edges and lines in his face. I would draw an edge or a line that might be unnaturally straight or curved, and that would play into the lighting of it. I tried to sculpt in 3-D the way I would draw or sculpt an image in 2-D, with shadow and light. I wanted it to look like a painting -- you see a textured, hand-painted style on every character. I have texture artists who literally paint every single character right down to their eyeball, because I wanted that human touch on everything."
Advances in computer animation have allowed Filoni to accomplish much more than he would have been able to in traditional 2-D. "For eight years I worked just with a pencil. I never touched a computer. But working with George, we try to look at computers as an incredibly advanced pencil. The technical side helps the creative, artistic side," he says.
Battles filled with huge numbers of soldiers can be rendered faster than ever before, but they still have to be created, along with every other prop and character in an enormous universe. "'Star Wars' is so complex in that you're building a whole galaxy. We go to many different planets," Filoni reminds. "So every rock, tree, blade of grass, native vehicle -- every asset -- needs design. We had to create a whole bunch of assets for each episode, and the budget goes up for each element you have. Once you build it, you have it, but we can't go to a different planet and have the same chair there," he laughs. "On a schedule where we need those things right away, it's difficult to get it all built."
Since "The Clone Wars" is chronologically sandwiched between "Clone Wars" and "Revenge of the Sith," it has been a mandate for the creators to stay consistent with the mythology. "That's probably one of the trickiest things," admits Filoni. "We always have to keep in mind what the characters are thinking and feeling at the beginning of this and at the end. You have a lot of room to play with when you're in the middle, but you have to remember what people say in the third movie. With characters like Obi-Wan or Anakin or Padme, I have to pay very careful attention that it will hook up. And then there's the expanded universe of "Star Wars" novels and video games. I try to be aware of it all and work it in, because fans really appreciate it."
Filoni hopes to attract existing fans and create new ones, especially among the younger generation, but admits doing the latter may be easier. "One thing we have that's different from any movie that came before is we're an animated series. But there's an instant reaction to the word animation that it's for kids. How you get around that is with the stories you tell. We'll have our snow battles and we'll also have our lighter 'Return of the Jedi' moments. Some episodes lean older, some younger. But in the end it has a broad appeal," he believes.
The recent "Clone Wars" movie (out on DVD Nov. 11 ) served as a stand-alone prequel to introduce the characters at this point in time. In contrast, "The series has its small arcs and shows you the war from across a broad spectrum of episodes. It's not just Anakin Skywalker's story," Filoni underlines. "We can go left or right of that plot and deal with characters we have never seen. There's a lot of material. It's a three-year period in the history of the 'Star Wars' Universe, and there are so many stories to tell. The longer it goes, the more chance we get to tell fascinating stories in that galaxy."
Character Study
"The Clone Wars" shows a different side of some of the film franchise's most iconic characters. "In a series, you can do a whole episode about a character and learn more about what they were like, which makes what happens to them a lot more poignant," explains Filoni. "We know Yoda is powerful, but how does that power develop? How does he use it? We get to go into more detail that you just couldn't do in the live action films, because they're mainly focused on Anakin."
While few of the actors from the live action movies agreed to reprise their roles in voice over for "The Clone Wars," Anthony Daniels, the original C-3PO, is the exception. "One of the special moments for me was hearing Anthony on the telephone, discussing C-3PO with me and his experiences. That really helps us round out the characters," says the director, who enjoyed similar input from Rob Coleman, the animation supervisor who worked on Yoda on the prequels.
Of the new characters not seen in the live action series, there's the alluring but venomous Asajj Ventress, a disciple of Count Dooku. "She is, of course, a villain, and fits into the structure of the Sith," Filoni elaborates. "Darth Sidious -- Senator Palpatine -- is the main bad guy, and his apprentice is Count Dooku. Dooku is training Ventress in the Dark Side. She's getting more powerful. I wanted to make her intelligent, deceptive and also kind of sexual. She's kind of a forbidden fruit -- Jedi are not supposed to get involved with the more lustful aspects of life. She adds another dynamic to the series."
On the other side of the good/evil coin is newcomer Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's teenage pad­awan, or apprentice. "She's Anakin's student and helps us see him as more of a hero," says Filoni. "Once he gets over his initial reaction, he takes pride in her. He's unpredictable and the Jedi know that, but he has compassion and that is used against him and it later brings him to the Dark Side."
Ahsoka was created, says Lucas, "Because I needed to mature Anakin. The best way to get somebody to become responsible and mature is to have them become a parent or a teacher. You have to think about what you're doing and set an example. You look at your behavior and the way you do things much differently. The idea was to use her to make Anakin become more mature. We've made her a more extreme version of what Anakin was- - a little out there, independent, vital and full of life, but even more so. He gets a little dose of his own medicine."
"She's been a really fun character to develop," adds Filoni, who likes Ahsoka but admits that his character tastes tend to run a bit more obscure -- his favorite is Plo Koon, "a bizarre Jedi Master. It's been fun to develop him and show his personality beyond the fact that he's bizarre looking and carries a lightsaber."
Fan Fare
Just three years ago, Filoni dressed up as Plo Koon to see an opening night showing of "Revenge of the Sith," so it's not surprising that the 34-year-old fan is still pinching himself that he has this job. "It's a very creative atmosphere," he says of Big Rock Ranch, where the lakeside setting is "meant to inspire us artistically and definitely does. A lot of the people I work with grew up with 'Star Wars,' so we have a great time. It's hard, intense work, but George is very engaged in what we're doing. What more could you ask for? I have the guy who created the 'Star Wars' universe excited and interested in what we're doing. We couldn't be happier about that."
Asked why he thinks "Star Wars" remains a fan favorite today, three decades later, Lucas says diversification is the key. "We were always able to deal with different aspects of the story in various forms and I think that keeps it alive. It is a lot of fun and it's a universe that has been created to inspire young people to exercise their imagination and inspire them to be creative, and I think that always works."
"The original 'Star Wars' had broad appeal to everybody, and it holds up so well," adds Filoni. "I think there's a timelessness to it, even though Luke looks like a kid from the '70s with that haircut. Luke is a farmer boy and Han is a cowboy. Jedi Knights are like the samurai of Japan or the knights of Europe. Those archetypes work the globe over. It's a world phenomenon that speaks to everyone. There will always be a character you can relate to."
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seekingseven · 3 years
For the fanfic writer ask game: 9, 14, 18, 21!
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Fade!! First of all, my apologies for the criminally late response! Second, thank you so so much for the lovely questions! I hope these answers will be somewhat interesting, haha!
9. Do you visualize scenes in your head before you write them? (Can you picture the setting, character, body language, etc)
Yes! I think I've answered this question before, but in case I haven't, visualization is a big part of the outlining process for me. If I can't see the scene in my head the same way one would a daydream or a movie, it's probably not something I'd be able to write. And it goes beyond just outlining! Usually I sit on scenes or ideas for weeks at a time before sitting down to write them (at least, for multichapter fics), so by the time I sit down to type out a new chapter, I already have a vision for how it'll go.
14. What is something you write in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
I'll answer this in the context of "God Only Knows!" I mentioned this in one ask answer before, but I think I'll elaborate more on it here; the radio show that Bunta listens to is a detail I haven't seen many pick up on but is still very important! It's a parenting advice talk show that Bunta has been listening to since it first started (+20 years ago) and even though he likes to make fun of the advice on it, he personally takes it to heart. Also, Kai Haruda, the talk show host, is often a mouthpiece for one of two things: 1) Bunta's internal monologue and/or 2) me! I'm not sure how gimmicky the radio comes across from a reader's perspective, but it's a detail I've enjoyed incorporating and I hope I can improve on in the future!
18. What's the most obscure thing you've researched for a fic?
There are so, so many weird things I've researched for fics, specifically "God Only Knows!" I think the strangest thing so far has been automotive cooling systems, and not like, just one part. The whole thing. And it wasn't even for any scene in specific, I just wanted to know what I was saying when I had Matsumoto boss around the Project D guys. I hope it came out alright! If there are any car buffs reading the story that have picked up on errors or automotive blather that doesn't make any sense, you're welcome to call me out on it so I can fix it XD
21. Pick any of these questions that you want to answer!
This is such a fun question! Hm...I think I'll have to go with #5 (Do you like one-shots or multichapters?)
I'd say multi-chapter fics for sure! I love reading multi chapters, and I love writing them! Not only does it allow for a lot more depth, plot, and general character exploration, but they're just fun! I've been trying to improve on how I write tension/suspense/etc in my pieces, and longer fics seem to be one of the best ways to practice that. At least, in my experience!
Thank you so much for the ask! It was such a pleasure to answer! I hope you have a lovely day! 💖💖💖💖💖
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The Aftermath - Ch. 25
An Arrival
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Summary: The court makes its way to Lythikos, where the fun is temporary for Hana
Word Count: ~4.3k
Warnings: mention of character death
A/N: the song that Eleanor and Heather play: Yann Tiersen - Comptine d`un autre ete - l`apres-midi. It’s one of my favorite piano songs :))
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s book “The Goldfinch”)*
Catch up here! 
Tags: @captain-kingliamsqueen @gkittylove99 @lovablegranny @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @shanzay44 @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @cinnamonspongecake @kuladekiwi @twinkle-320 @iaminlovewithtrr @charlotteg234 @amandablink @texaskitten30 @tinkie1973 @louiseingram1208 @queencatherynerhys @pens-girl-87 @missevabean @ladyangel70 @sanchita012 @cordonianprincess @liamandneca @cordonia-gothqueen @pink-diamond13​
I’m not sure if the tags are working or not, but I hope I got everyone down! If you would like to be added/removed, please let me know, I wouldn’t want to annoy anyone with notifications :)
- Hana - 
Everyone woke up early to get to Lythikos in time for the festivities. Riley and her children were going with Olivia and Hana, seeing that Liam was unfortunately busy and would be arriving to Lythikos late. 
The children refused to wear warm clothes at first. They tried to convince their mother that if it was warm in the capital, then a five hour drive couldn’t change the temperature. Riley stops trying to convince them, but keeps their coats with her in the car. 
Everyone sat quietly. The adults admired the landscape outside while the children played on their devices and drifted in and out of naps. 
Hana notices Olivia’s cold exterior melt as the air outside became cooler. She understood why Duchess Olivia was tense; everyone in the group had heard the distasteful things that people were saying about Liam, Riley, and the children. Hana was especially shocked with the charming façade that young ladies would put on when they would greet their king; giggling and blushing all the while. Similarly with Gabriel, they would tap his nose or pinch his cheek while commenting on how adorable he was. 
And of course there were the nasty glances those same women threw in Riley’s direction. Hana suspected Riley had seen some of those rude looks, but she seemed oblivious, or at least indifferent. 
After everyone arrives and settles into their rooms, the court heads back outdoors for some ice skating. Eleanor gracefully glides across the frozen lake, while Gabriel does his best to waddle without falling. 
“Hi, Ella!” calls out a girl. Hana turns to see that it’s Prince Leo’s daughter, carefully looking at her skates while she makes her way over to Eleanor, who glides over to her new friend and grabs her hand. 
While the two girls race around the lake, Gabriel and Hunter struggle to stand. Hana goes over to help them, giving them useful instructions on how to keep themselves balanced and how to glide without wobbling. 
She saw Maxwell and Rowan huddled close together as they skated slowly, and on the other side of the lake was Jessica pulling Drake behind her, their gloved hands clasped together. Hana notices the contrast between the two couples, and wonders when Maxwell and Rowan’s relationship even began. 
She glides alongside Lady Penelope, who complains of the cold, until Duchess Olivia finally announces that it was now time to go skiing. 
They all walk over towards the ski lift. Hana calls over Riley, who watches her children get on a lift with Hunter and Heather. After Eleanor waves at her mother, Riley follows Hana and Penelope onto another lift. 
Other nobles have already started skiing down, leaving gusts of snow behind. After the children reach the top of the hill and look at what’s ahead of them, they each take a step back. 
“Mama, I don’t wanna do this,” Eleanor says to Riley. 
“Aw, it’s okay,” her mother tells her. 
Hana glances down at the slope, trying to see it from a child’s point of view. The uneven terrain was randomly littered with trees, and the occasional burst of wind could knock down anyone who wasn’t focused on their balance.
Hana leans towards Riley and comments, “I don’t think it would be safe for you to go either, Riley. Your leg only just healed.” 
“You’re right,” Riley says. “Maybe we should go back inside?” 
“But I wanna have more fun in the snow!” Eleanor whines. 
“Snowball fight?” asks Maxwell, appearing from behind them with Rowan in tow. 
“Snowball fight!” Eleanor and Heather cheer. 
“Perhaps there is some place nearby we can go,” Hana suggests, wanting to be included in whatever fun everyone was planning. 
“Oh, I know! Follow me, blossoms!” Maxwell cries, leading the way safely down the slope and through a well-trodden path. 
Eventually, they all come to a large, empty field completely covered with snow. When Hana turned around, she could still see blurry outlines of nobles going up the ski lift and down the slope. 
The children have already started dividing the group into teams, and Hana is glad to find herself on Riley’s team, with Gabriel and Hunter. 
“We have to make a fort!” the boys cry, getting to work. 
Riley and Hana look towards the other team, whose “fort” was coming along faster than theirs. Hana kneels down into the snow, criticizing the form of the pile. She guides the boys into making a shape that would stay stable even if it were hit, and they finish right as Eleanor calls out that their team is ready.
“Heather can’t really throw,” Hunter tells the group. “So I think if you hit her she won’t be able to defend herself.” 
“Ella can throw but she can’t aim,” Gabriel adds. “You can easily dodge her snowballs.” 
While the boys discuss their battle strategy, Hana leans towards Riley. “I don’t know the rules,” she tells her. 
“That’s fine! Just aim for people on the other team until all of them are knocked out.” 
Hana nods her head. Simple enough. 
“Ready?” Maxwell calls out to their group. 
“What’s taking you guys so long?” Eleanor cries again. 
“Hurry up!” Heather calls. 
“We’re ready, we’re ready, calm down!” Hunter cries back to his sister. 
Everyone huddles behind their forts with lumps of snow in their hands as Maxwell begins the countdown: “Three... two... one... fire!” 
Balls of snow start falling near them, and Hana easily dodges away. She follows Riley into making a snowball, then stands and launches it the first person she saw.
Hana’s snowball makes contact with a tree behind Rowan, who moved out of the way right in time. The impact causes the snow to fall from the tree’s leaves.
“I’m so sorry!” Hana cries out, hoping that Rowan would forgive her. 
Rowan gives a laugh, which is not what Hana expected. “That’s fine. It’s the point of the game.” 
Eleanor uses all her effort to throw a ball at her brother, but she misses. While Heather moves slightly away from the fort to make another snowball, her brother aims and hits her. 
“Haha!” Hunter cries. “You guys are down one!” 
“Oh, yeah?” Maxwell yells. “Well we’re still three members strong!” 
“Yeah!” Eleanor cheers.
Hana hides herself behind their fort again, mindful of the snowballs that were falling near her. She does her best to make the largest snowball she can. Quickly, she runs a small distance away from the fort, takes her aim, and launches her ball with all her strength.
It hits Maxwell square in the face, who falls backwards into the snow. 
Everyone stops to stare. Hana rushes over to Maxwell, apologizing. 
She holds out her hand, expecting Maxwell to take it and get up, but he lies there pretending to be dead. 
“Maxwell?” Rowan asks. “Are you alright?” 
His eyes feign weakness as he looks around. The words barley make it past his lips as he says, “Here lies a fallen soldier, brutally killed before his team could reach glory! Avenge me, children!” 
“Poor soldier,” Eleanor exclaims, falling dramatically backwards. She starts moving her arms and legs, then cries, “Snow angel time!” 
Everyone falls near her, moving their arms and legs in the same motions. Hana goes over to Riley again to ask, “What are they doing?” 
“Making snow angels!” she tells her. Hana raises her eyebrows, still confused. “You know, like a silhouette of an angel in the snow? Here, do it with me, it’s fun.”
Hana had never been taught these activities, and feels awkward as she puts her head onto the ground. She looks up, copying Riley’s motions. As her legs and arms move the snow away from her, she feels the cold brush against her. But the soft and cold earth underneath her is comfortable, and she joins everyone in their giggling.
After they all stand and brush themselves off, Maxwell leads everyone back to Lythikos Keep. 
“Thank you for that,” Hana tells everyone while they walk. She believes that the slight soreness on her face is because of the cold, but the joy in her own voice surprises her. It had been a while since she was this happy. “I’ve never had so much fun in the snow before!” 
The children smile back up at her, while Riley says, “Glad we could give you the quintessential childhood experience. Even if it was a bit delayed.”
Both women link their arms as they follow the rest of the group indoors. 
In the foyer of Olivia’s home, there are servants passing out Lythikos Nog and hot chocolate.
Riley sniffs at the nog, looking at it quizzically. She whispers at Hana, “There’s a small part of me saying that this may be poisoned.”
Maxwell comes up to them, half of his nog already gone. “Considering Olivia, that would be expected, but this is actually really good!” 
“If you say so... but if I die, Rowan, you’re in charge of the kids.” 
“Aye aye, captain,” Rowan says from behind Maxwell. She holds a steaming cup of hot chocolate and sips it slowly. 
Riley takes a small sip of her own drink, then pulls back. “Mhm! This is really good! Rich, sweet, and savory all at the same time!” 
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” Olivia comes up to the group with a cup of her own nog. “I remembered that I never served it to the guests during your first Social Season, so I figured it was about time I gave you the full experience.” 
Everyone takes a few more sips of their drinks. The foyer begins to empty out as guests retreat to spend the rest of their evenings elsewhere. Eventually Drake joins them as well — without Jessica, as she had retired for the rest of the night. 
They all sit together as Olivia tells them of the dance and dinner tomorrow, when the door opens, bringing in gusts of wind and King Liam. 
“Good evening, everyone,” he greets. A servant takes his coat and gloves as someone else brings him a cup of nog. He takes a seat next to Riley. “How did everyone enjoy their day?” 
“It was the same as every year, Liam,” Olivia tells him. “Ice skating, skiing, though it was quite entertaining to see Bradshaw struggle to stand on his skates. But I’m more interested in any news you may have.”
Liam sighs and looks down into his cup. Hana wondered what situation had kept him away from the court for the entire day, but her questions are answered as he speaks up: “Nothing has come up from any of the investigations. The connection to the bombing to the Metropolitan Museum is officially known to the public, but besides that we know nothing else. We are as clueless as America, France, and Austria.”
“There’s no plan or anything?” Maxwell asks. 
“No,” Liam tells them. “But my guard and I have come to a decision that it may be a good idea to search the belongings of everyone in attendance for the Social Season. Respecting everyone’s privacy of course, but it would still be an important task to complete, seeing that we are a large number of people traveling across the country for the next few weeks. We can’t risk not knowing that there may be someone here covering up their tracks.” 
“There are some French and Austrians in attendance,” Olivia mentions. “I’ll tell Jacob to do a background search, and I’ll have someone keep an eye on them.”
“Thank you, Duchess,” Liam says. The rest of the group breaks into conversations, and Liam turns back to Riley. “How are the children?” 
“Fine,” she answers him. “They spent the day with Hunter and Heather. I think they’re all playing in their rooms right now.” 
Liam smiles at her, then turns towards Maxwell, who tells a story to the group. 
Minutes pass, during which guests walk by the foyer to get to their rooms. The sun from outside fades as night creeps in, and servants turn on the lights and some candles. Hana notices how similar Riley’s and Rowan’s postures were: both of them leaned towards the men they were sitting next to, Riley tilting her head towards Liam — though she was listening to Maxwell — and Rowan leaning forward as she focused intently on Maxwell. 
She feels a flash of envy inside of her, but then is upset with herself. These are her friends; she should be happy for them. It wasn’t their fault that Hana couldn’t get what they had, it was her own. 
A few moments later, the door opens again, chilling everyone and the room around them. Servants rush to the door to greet whoever appeared, and Hana stands to greet her husband reluctantly. 
And then she stops in her tracks. Neville isn’t the only thing in the door frame. Another small figure, reaching barely up to Neville’s hip, also comes into view. 
The servants stand, collecting their coats and gloves, closing the door behind the two people. Hana’s heart wants to give up when she realizes that the person next to Neville is a child, with the same dark shade of skin, the same nose, the same eye color, but a lighter shade of hair. 
Hana’s eyes burn as she walks closer to him. She can hear whispers behind her, and knows that more people have collected in the foyer. 
He notices her, then makes a face, looking her up and down. “Pick your jawn off the floor, woman,” her husband says to her sharply. He finishes giving off his gloves to a servant, then ushers the boy forward. Neville looks up, taking a look around the small crowd of people that formed. A disgusting smirk spreads across his face. “Am I mistaken, or is this not the season we present our illegitimate children? Apparently they’re all supposed to make an appearance.”
There’s a laugh behind his every word, and Hana’s chest tightens. 
She wants to punch him, kick him, slap him, anything to make him feel even a fraction of the shame that burned her body. But Hana stood in place, rooted like an old tree, simply watching the child and his father. 
The whispers behind them intensify. Another staff member walks up to Neville to say, “If you wish, sir, I can lead you to your rooms.” 
“Yes, yes, whatever rooms you’ve given the Countess.”
At that Hana’s heart burns even more. He was still making her share a room with him? After all the humiliation he had just caused her in the last few seconds, surely asking for a different room would do comparably less harm. 
She still doesn’t move, doesn’t even turn her head as Neville and his son are ushered up the stairs. Seconds pass, and the small crowd leaves as well. She feels a warm hand on her shoulder. “Hana?” Riley asks in a soft voice. 
She turns to see her friends all huddled near her, shock and horror painted over Rowan’s face, pain over Maxwell’s, and — the ones she was most thankful for — anger and disgust on Drake’s, Olivia’s, and Liam’s faces.
Hana feels her body shake. She can’t bring herself to breath. She looks around the room, looking for something that could help her, could take her away from this pain.
“Hana? Take a deep breath, we’re here,” Riley’s voice says. 
Tears had blurred Hana’s vision, but she feels the same warm hand on her shoulder again, and then another one on her other shoulder. She falls forward, burying her face in Riley’s neck, and forces herself to cry quietly. It’s the most refreshing thing she’s felt in her life, and a few powerful sobs escape her when she realizes that. 
Duchess Olivia was kind enough to give Countess Hana another room. Riley had to hold her hand through the process of going up stairs, due to Hana looking like she would pass out at any given moment. It was difficult for her to fall asleep, as she was doing her best to recall every moment of their relationship when he wasn’t with her. 
Suddenly the month-long trips away on “business deals” and “financial projects” made sense. He had spent the majority of their marriage lying to her. 
The next morning, Riley had to come wake Hana, whose pillow was wet and face was swollen. The look of pity of Riley’s face caused Hana to cry even harder, and Riley held her friend until the tears subsided. 
Neither of them had breakfast, and it was impossible for Riley to get Hana to get some lunch that was being served. She felt numb, and could barely move herself. 
When Riley leaves the room, shame and embarrassment wash over her. Was she truly so terrible that even Riley wanted to leave her be? But then she comes back, a servant trailing behind her with lunch enough for both of them. 
Riley tries to get Hana to eat, but doesn’t pressure her. Hana feels that she can’t keep anything down, and eats the bare minimum. 
She knew it was almost time for dinner when little Eleanor walked into her room, wearing an adorable pink dress, to ask if she could help Auntie Hana and her Mama get ready. 
Hana manages a smile, though she notices the concerned look on the child’s face. Thankfully, neither of them have to leave the room as Rowan walks in, already prepared for the evening, with a dress in each hand for Riley and Hana. 
It takes too long for Hana to get dressed, and it takes even longer for them all to convince to go to the ballroom for dinner. 
But as Riley links her arm through Hana’s she finds enough strength to stand and walk. 
Everyone they pass has their eyes glued on Hana, looking her up and down. 
Neville was at the table Riley was leading Hana to. Riley’s seat was on the table right next to it, where King Liam, Prince Leo and his family, Gabriel, Eleanor, Duchess Olivia, and Duke Bertrand and his family were seated. 
Hana takes a seat, but thankfully Neville sits across the table, and Hana is between Duke Rashad and Lady Penelope. 
Servants lay out food in front of them and guests begin to eat. There’s a variety of seafood on Hana’s plate, but all she can do is push it around with her fork and force tiny pieces into her mouth. 
She hear’s Neville’s haughty voice speaking to guests around him, though no one matches his tone. She hears other people whisper words like “shameful”, “disrespectful”, “direct attack”, and she remembers what Neville said to her last night. 
Not only had he embarrassed Hana, but King Liam, Lady Riley, and their son, all had been insulted in one sentence. Hana’s heart races again; she had promised herself to help Riley through the rude words of the court, and help the family glide through the season peacefully. But her own husband had ruined her plans. Her own husband had ruined his own reputation and her’s. 
She wonders, while poking at her food, why he decided to do this. Why had he done that to her? Why had he announced that he betrayed her in front of the entire court? 
Hana wants to turn around, to tell Riley to help her back into her room because she was set on never showing her face again. 
But someone’s hand comes into her vision. “Would you like to dance?” Duke Rashad asks. 
She wants to apologize, say that she doesn’t have the energy — but she knows that she’s been trained for this, trained to do things she didn’t want. She takes his hand and manages a smile. 
He leads her to the dance floor, where pairs of people have already started collecting. Out of the corner of her eye she notices Maxwell partnered with Rowan, and King Liam with Duchess Olivia, both who looked towards Countess Hana with deep pity in their eyes. 
The dance starts, and Hana manages to keep up with Rashad. She tries to look at something that may distract her thoughts, but during every spin Neville comes into view, and she wants to throw up. 
Deciding that it may not be so bad if she simply looked at her dance partner, Hana faces Rashad. There’s no look of pity in his eyes. Instead it’s something that Hana is unfamiliar with. Was Rashad happy to be dancing with her?
“Countess, I wanted to say that I was sorry,” he says to her during the dance, while they are still close together. 
“Sorry for what?” She uses everything in her power to stop her voice from cracking. 
“That you must deal with such a despicable man as your husband,” he tells her. “Trust me when I tell you that the entire court is on your side. Even His Majesty spoke down on him this afternoon.”
“Mhm,” she mumbles. She knew that Riley, Liam, and her friends would all support her, but it felt nice to know that the court didn’t put any blame on her. She didn’t like that they pitied her, but truly, she had stopped caring about that a long time ago.
When the dance ends, she wants to rush back to her seat, or better yet, all the way up to her room, but as Rashad walks away from her, Neville pulls her into the next dance. 
Every bone in her body yells at her to pull away from him, but she knows that if she does, she’ll cause a scene and embarrass herself even further.
“I wanted to let you know that I will be hosting a party at the Regatta,” he tells her. “I expect you to be in attendance instead of hiding away.” 
She loses any energy she had, and refuses to match his tempo. But Neville’s hand is on her hip, and he pinches her. Hana bites her tongue to stop herself from crying out, and then forces herself to dance with more emotion. 
After what feels like an eternity, the dance ends. She makes a beeline for the doors, smiling politely at everyone she passed. Hana goes down some odd corridors, until she finally reaches a room with a piano in it, Eleanor and Heather sitting on the stool. 
“Hi!” Eleanor says to her. 
Heather moves away from her friend and moves closer to Hana. “Are... are you okay?” the girl asks. 
Hana hears footsteps behind her and almost makes a run for it, but thankfully only Riley appears. 
She felt guilty that Riley had followed her all the way here. Riley should be spending time with Liam, and Hana was interrupting that. 
But the friendly presence felt like a blessing. Tears fall silently down her face as Riley wraps her arms around Hana. Her shoulders shake, but no sound comes out. Riley guides her to sit down on a little couch. 
After a few minutes of silent crying, Eleanor speaks up, “Do you like piano music?” 
Hana can’t bring herself to speak, but Riley tells her daughter, “She does. Hana loves playing the piano.” 
“Okay!” Eleanor turns back towards the piano, and stares down at the keys. She looks back at her friend and asks, “Do you know the song ‘Comptain Dan At Etty’?”
“Comptine d'Un Autre Été,” her mother corrects her. 
“Yeah, I know it!” Heather says. 
“It was my dad’s favorite,” Eleanor tells her. She looks down at the keys again. “I know the left hand, but I have trouble with the right hand.” 
“I know the whole thing. You can play the left, and I’ll play the right!” the girls plan. 
“Okay!” Eleanor cries. She starts playing slowly, looking at her friend. “Like that, okay? I can’t play too fast.” 
“That’s fine,” Heather says, turning back to the keys and waiting for her friend to start. 
Eleanor begins playing, and a light melody engulfs the room. Heather joins in, adding smoothly to the calming song. Hana watches the little girls play as one person, their wrists gliding across the keys while the music dances around them. For a moment her worries are forgotten as she closes her eyes and lets the sound take her away. She can hear Eleanor begin to hum the tune that her friend was playing, and the sweet sounds make her feel peace.
The song feels like it ends too early. Hana wants to tell them to continue playing, but Riley says, “Come on, Hana, let’s get you to bed.” 
The four of them walk up the stairs and into Hana’s room. As Hana sits down on the edge of her bed, she asks Riley to take a seat as well. She doesn’t want to be alone.
“Of course,” Riley says. “I’ll stay here for as long as you need me.” 
Hana rests her head on Riley’s shoulder, and the girls take a seat on a chair and begin playing a game.
The despair in Hana’s heart isn’t as terrible as she remembered it. Her shoulders didn’t feel as heavy, and she felt angrier rather than upset or sad. Hana laces her fingers through Riley’s hand, and her body feels tranquil as she does so.
Thank you, Riley, she wants to say, but can’t bring herself to. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally. 
But the part of her that used to beg for all the pain to go away isn’t there anymore, instead she is able to tell herself that things will get better, that it won’t be this terrible for much longer. 
She believes herself, and falls into sleep, momentarily forgetting Neville, Lythikos, the Social Season, and the upcoming Regatta. Right now there was just peace, and she wasn’t going to waste a moment of it.
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soapoperabub · 4 years
Warnings: This is just something I wrote when I felt lonely, and I’ve been feeling lonely a lot these days. But something good came out of it I guess?? lol anywayy, this short story talks about anxiety, loneliness and basically just depression because I feel like a lot of people (like myself) can relate to this but sometimes lacks the positivity. So here’s me trying to spread some :D
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                    For the thousandth time, I ran away from home. It’s come to the point that nobody even thinks much of it anymore. “She’ll just come back when she’s hungry.” That’s what my father said this morning. Why do I torture myself like this? Why do I leave when I’m just going to come running back? 
Of course it’s raining. Of course I didn’t think of bringing an umbrella. Sitting on the cold pavement, looking at the rain droplets falling onto the ground seemed more comforting than laying in bed. Again, why do I leave? The urge to just drop everything and everyone behind tempts me, but when it happens, loneliness takes over. It’s like I’m never free. I never will be. 
I’ve never felt human comfort. Tell me, how does it feel? I’ve only imagined what it feels like. Like a big blanket covering you from the toxicity of this world, telling you that you’re never alone. You’ll never be alone. Must feel nice. 
How do you explain your feelings to someone? Will they even listen? I’m alone even when I’m by someone. They don’t know me. Shit, I don’t even know myself.
I stood up and ran to the nearest café as the pavement started to hurt. 
“Hot chocolate, please. Thank you.” Damnit, I said it weird.
The air conditioned room made it even harder for me to feel warm. Looking around, everyone was so happy with their lives. Where did I go wrong? Without even realizing, I shed a tear. 
“Hi, uh can I--”
I looked up and found a man, probably my age. Green eyes, I couldn’t read them. They didn’t look happy like everyone else’s, but they didn’t look sorrowful either. He had a stubble, a somewhat mature kind of look. But if he shaved it, he would’ve looked 5 years younger. 
Wiping my right eye with my sleeve, I replied “You want to sit?” with a forced smile.
“No, it’s okay, you can--”
“No, no, it’s fine. The aircond was just hitting my face.” I needed company. I needed the presence of a human, even if it was silent. 
He smiled and pulled the chair to sit down. At the same time, my hot chocolate arrived. “Enjoy.” she said. “You too.” Shit. Now she thinks I’m stupid. 
I lifted my right hand from beneath the table and bit my nails. It’s a habit now. The guy only silently observed. Once I realized I had compony, I took a sip of my hot chocolate. “Fuck.” It’s hot.
The guy sitting in front of me chuckled. “Are you okay?”
I forced a laugh before replying “Yeah, Sorry.” There was a silent pause before he spoke again. “Are you really?” 
I looked at him, who’s now studying my emotions through my eyes. Breaking eye contact, I replied “Why do you ask?”
“You.. remind me of myself.” I drifted my gaze back at him. He smiled reassuringly. 
“Loneliness can be annoying sometimes, you know?” A smile grew on my face. “It’s okay, you can tell me.” he said, leaning on the table. 
How do I explain my emotions? I can only think of everything I’ve been through. How do I tell him that I’m not okay? How do I tell him I’ve never been understood? How do I tell him that I beat myself up every single time something so minor happens? 
I closed my eyes, hoping the headache would go away but it didn’t. I didn’t see black, I saw the moments I wish I had forgotten. Why is it that the memories you want to forget are always the memories that stay? I opened my eyes just to see a blurry outline of him.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay.” he rose from his seat and dragged his chair beside me.
The embarrassment took over my hands which now covered my face. Soon enough, I felt a pair of arms around me. One on the back of my head, the other on my back. My head was rested on his shoulder.
 “It’s okay.” So this is what it feels like to be comforted. This is how it feels to be understood. Why now? Why with someone I met a few minutes ago? Why didn’t I feel like this with the people I spend everyday with? Why with him? “You’re not alone,” I don’t dare to compare this feeling with a blanket. It’s not the same. I feel safe. “You wont be alone.” I finally feel safe.
                    A/N : I just wanted to remind myself and many other people that it’s okay to feel lonely, everyone feels that way at some point in their life and that you really won’t feel that way forever (even if u feel like it). I have a moderate amount of friends and sometimes I still feel alone. It’s really not about how long you’ve been with someone, you can really feel when someone actually understands you. Also, lmao the irony between this story and my pageee
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dw-writes · 5 years
Dial Tone Devil - Chapter Five
Summary: Lucifer’s reputation of granting favors is the second best thing his known for. So when you ask for one - point blank - and offer him immediate repayment in the form of a coin he thought to be long gone, he immediately agrees. But you come with baggage, and series of suspicious circumstances, and Lucifer finds himself full invested in your story.
All because of a suspiciously familiar coin.
A/N: HI GUYS!! I’m SO sorry that this is late, but it was, honestly, giving me a little bit of trouble there at the beginning! I had to sit down and figure out the chapter, go over my outline, and it finally dawned on me what I wanted. So I hope that its okay! There’s a little more hints to some future chapters and reveals in this, too! I hope that you enjoy this chapter! :D As always, let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for this series, and your thoughts on the chapter in general!
Chapters: Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three || Chapter Four || Chapter Five || Chapter Six || Chapter Seven || Chapter Eight || Chapter Nine || Chapter Ten || Chapter Eleven || Chapter Twelve || Chapter Thirteen || Chapter Fourteen || Chapter Fifteen
More Content: Dial Tone Christmas || The Keys to Lux || Quarantine
To Tag: @revinval @spotgaai2000 @measure-in-pain @kittenlittle24 @broadwayandnetflix @i-am-fandoms-and-satan @scxrletwitches @yourwonderbelle @katelicon
You literally stared at the seconds tick up towards five o’clock. The music had already started to pulse through Lux, and you just wanted to go upstairs, and sleep. Was that actually going to happen? No, and you knew it, but what harm did a little wishful thinking do?
Ten seconds until five, and Lucifer threw open your door.
“Grab your things, the Detective has a case.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have jinxed yourself. You still found yourself standing and grabbing your coat. “I’m not a detective.”
“You can’t say you aren’t excited by a little mystery.” Lucifer shut your office door and trailed after you. He danced around your shoulder and led you expertly around a man in a tan trench coat, whose shoulder clipped yours. You glanced back. His eyes flicked between you, then Lucifer, before he continued towards the bar. “Oh, don’t worry about him, he’s a regular,” Lucifer commented. He tilted his head, and absently said, “Or should I say constant.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he insisted. He took your arm and led you outside. “Do you want to hear what this case is about?” he asked, “Or.” He tapped the doors of the Corvette. “Do you want hear about your class situation?” You arched an eyebrow. “Perhaps I should tell you both, and see which one you like better.” He opened the door, and dramatically gestured to the seat.
You climbed in. “I really don’t want to be out long, Lucifer,” you mumbled.
“Nonsense!” The car roared to life before he touched the ignition. You squinted. You’d never noticed that he could do that before…maybe it was an AutoStart? “It’s a Friday, and the weather is lovely – perfect for staying out all hours.”
“Anyway, let’s start with your professor.” He pulled out into the street. You opened the glove box. “After visiting his house—”
“You found his house?” You snapped it closed when you found nothing of interest.
“Maze is very good at finding humans, it’s thrilling,” he continued, “You should follow her on one of her hunts! I think you’d both learn a lot from each other.” You leveled him with a withering stare, and he smiled. “We got him to confess. Someone had been buying him off to fail you. Maze is looking into the others on your impressive transcript, but one would assume it’s the same for the rest.”
You leaned back in your seat. “Someone wanted me to fail?” you whispered.
“To be fair, you were very well liked amongst your professors,” Lucifer pointed out. He pulled up to a light, revving the engine as a car crept into the lane next to him. “Now, what is the next problem, hm?”
You stared at him beneath the L.A. street lights, watching the way his brown eyes caught the light. They looked red, like iron rich clay. “What, do you have a laundry list of things you wanna solve, and my problems are at the top?” you murmured.
“I told you I would figure out why you were failing your classes, and I did,” he replied. He shrugged as he pulled away from the light, and turned down another road. “Perhaps I just want to solve the rest of your problems!”
“You already have,” you pointed out.
“Why were they going to boot you from your apartment, hm? I have been curious, you don’t seem the type to shirk on your payments.” He turned down another street, and a third, until he was in a residential area of massive homes and manicured, green lawns. The street lamps were bright white, and the stop signs were pristine. You watched the lights of the neighboring houses flick on as you grew closer to the crime scene.
“I didn’t,” you answered. Lucifer opened your door for you. “I never once missed a rent payment.”
“Exactly!” He shut the door harder than necessary. “Is that not strange?”
“I live in a beautiful building with the most impressive apartment I have ever seen? I really don’t care anymore,” you said.
“Well I do!” Lucifer exclaimed. He straightened his coat. “So I’ll look into it!”
You started up the driveway, slowing as someone behind the crime scene tape met your gaze – a short girl, with large glasses, and a bowl cut. She smiled, lifted her hand in a small wave, and then Lucifer stepped between the two of you to gain your attention. “You don’t have to,” you finally commented.
He shrugged as he fell in step with you. “I want to. And I don’t believe you have the power to stop me.” He smiled as he spoke. You rolled your eyes.
An officer, one taller than you, with enough muscle to strain the sleeves of her uniform, stopped you both with a brilliant smile. “Sorry,” she chirped, “But this is a closed crime scene!”
Lucifer tilted his head. “I’m sorry, do I know you? You look awfully familiar…”
She tilted her head, and you watched her silky brunette ponytail swish behind her head. “I’m not sure? I mean, we might’ve spoken in passing—”
“No, it’s not here that we met, I’m sure of it…”
Chloe’s voice cut through his musings, “He brought you again?” She patted the woman’s arm and smiled, asking her to secure another part of the crime scene, before she took her place in front of you.
You shrugged. “I’ve stopped trying to tell him no, it doesn’t really work when he wants to drag me somewhere.” She glanced at her watch, looked at you, then turned her gaze to Lucifer. You nodded. “I’m well aware that I’m off the clock,” you commented.
“Not when the case came in!” Lucifer pointed out. He looped an arm over your shoulder. “Did you know that my lovely assistant has a transcript just riddled with criminal justice classes?” he asked. Your voice mixed with Chloe’s in a litany of confused questions and musings on how it was important. He waved his hand. “I could use another set of eyes, and this is just proof as to why—”
“I can be them?” you cut in. You shook your head. “I’d rather not, thanks.”
Chloe sighed. “It can’t hurt,” she mumbled, “I mean, we already have Lucifer.” The Devil clapped, and slipped between the two of you to head into the house. “You’ll at least wear gloves, right?” she asked you.
You turned to her with wide eyes and a whispered question of, “He doesn’t wear gloves?” She shook her head. A wheeze pushed through your lips and you sighed. A box of purple latex gloves sat in plain view, right next to Lucifer. You made a point of yanking out one pair, and held out another.
“Oh, no thank you, they make my hands sweat,” he commented. You flapped the gloves at him. He turned to you with wide eyes, and mouthed ‘no’.
“Don’t be a prima donna,” you hissed.
He turned sharply, and smiled, sighing between his teeth. “Will you let me look into your land lord if I put the bloody gloves on?” he asked.
“I’m the Devil, I’m always serious.”
“I also never lie,” he added. He held his hands out to you, wiggling his fingers as you tried to slip on the first glove. “I’m a little offended that you would think that of me.” You snapped the edge of the glove against his wrist. “Oh! That hurt!” He leaned in. “Do it again.”
“I will stomp on your Louboutin’s if you continue to be nasty,” you whispered.
He hummed. “I’m impressed! Not everyone can tell they’re Louboutin.” He grasped your shoulders and turned you towards the crime scene. “Precisely why you should be here. Use those sharp human eye balls of yours to find any clues.”
Chloe stared at the both of you. The woman kneeling next to the body looked up with a confused smile. “Uh…”
“Miss Lopez, this is my assistant,” Lucifer said, introducing you with a smile as he led you around the body. You nodded slowly, and sighed, and held out your hand. Lucifer repeated your name as he released you, “This is Ella Lopez, the forensics scientist behind the LAPD.”
Ella jumped up and threw her arms around you. “It’s so nice to meet you!” She released you with a grin. “Finally, I mean, you’ve been the talk of the precinct – Lucifer has an assistant? That’s so wild!” She leaned in to whisper, “Does he do the method acting thing all the time, or is it just around all of us?”
You smiled, slowly, and shrugged. “Hard to say. All the legal paperwork for Lux says Lucifer Morningstar.”
“Enough talking about me,” Lucifer scoffed. He waved to the body between you. “There’s a case to solve, isn’t there? Come now, I can’t be the only one focusing on it.” You rolled your eyes, stepped back, and waited. Maybe if you just didn’t touch anything, it would make you being there alright.
And at least Lucifer had gloves.
That was a plus.
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