#im not being abandoned what im going through is like. collateral damage. but like not even.
laikahh · 6 months
i wanna go to sleep so bad but my throat is sore as fuckk and its making me feel like shit
#day summary umm. i felt bad ? also played the sims from morning til like 4 or 5 pm#woke up at 6 btw#dad made dinner. it was good cause of course it was hes a great cook#i wanna be as good as him someday#back to the feeling bad thing. mghh its like#im worried that hes (guy ive pissing and shitting my pants over for the past month or five) like. seeing my posts#cause like. man. ive been saying some really mean stuff about him lately havent i? and like. been making all of this about myself#when like. hes the guy whos moving away. hes the one thats in a super stressful situation rn#with the Everything i am not going to talk about cause he deserves some privacy. i dont have it nearly as bad#i dont have it bad at all !!! what the fuck am i even upset about. some fucking ''abandonment'' i Made Up#im not being abandoned what im going through is like. collateral damage. but like not even.#im just. worried that hes seeing all this. seeing me be like this. and that he doesnt like it#and now he doesnt know how to like. even approach talking to me again. or something like that i dont know !!!#what am i even upset about. he gave me some of the best memories ill ever have and made me feel like im alive#& now its over. oh well. it is what it is. my suffering isnt unique there are thousands of people like me. lets find community in that.#ugh. i only ever feel good nowadays when i imagine it all working out for us#i want to be with him and i want him to want me and i want him near me and i want it all to be easy. love shouldnt be this hard.#wooo yeah okay im done. i love it when the mood swings. the mood loves to swing it is its favourite activity in the world#voidcore.txt
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
hi okay i hate sending asks to people without knowing them but you seem kind so im trying: during the break, i’ve been working my way through VM, and i’m at episode 75. my question, because i’ve read some of your more recent meta, is “what’s Percy’s deal?” i know he’s loved by the fandom, but i can’t find myself relating to him, and i find his assertions that he’s the only one with a plan offputting. is there more context you can give to me about percy’s character that explains his motivations?
aww, thank you!
(and yeah, asks like this are totally fine, i totally get that anxiety, good job on sending this!)
i mean, first off, you don't have to like a character everyone else does? if you don't relate to percy you can just, not relate to percy, that's fine
(and to be fair, as much as i love him as a character, i would not want him as a friend, because he's a very flawed person that has a lot to work on, but in fiction those traits are interesting to watch rather than difficult to deal with)
but, percy's deal! the short answer is people generally like him because taliesin's funny and charismatic and he does morally grey right, which is rare and a fun thing to explore (also in his relationships with other people, the entire vex-vax-percy-keyleth square is full of neat parallels and opposites and interesting things and i have whole essays in my head on all six combos there)
i don’t know which posts you’ve read so i’ll link this one here too, just to cover a couple more of the generally unnoticed aspects of his character, and things i like about percy
he’s also far from perfect, as you’ve noted, he does tend to believe he’s the smartest person in any given room, because he’s young and clever and used to being that, which you’re allowed to find off putting, but i will say i find he does that less than a lot of characters of his general archetype? he listens to pike, he listens to keyleth, he listens to vex, he respects when they have more knowledge than him on a particular subject, he’s not above asking for help. and generally most of the arguments he has with keyleth on that subject aren’t him asserting he knows more than her, but more a matter of principles and values (they’re a really interesting pair that way, they have similar backgrounds, both children of royalty running away from the crown, but they’re such opposites. percy is a natural leader who would rather anyone rule than him, keyleth fumbles her way through all of it but sticks to it because she doesn’t want to let anyone down, percy is a pragmatist, keyleth is an idealist, they both are too focused on the big picture but in two completely different ways, i could write a whole other post on this, but to get to my point, they wouldn’t be such good balances for each other if percy didn’t absolutely respect where keyleth is coming from)
for the long answer, i’m gonna break this down into parts and try to get to the core of percy's character and why he is the way he is
(under the cut bc this gets long)
1 - heavy trauma
like... this is the really really big one. percy, at age 17 or 18, had his entire life up to that point completely destroyed. his family was killed, his friends were killed, people he trusted like family (professor anders, who was a more present figure in percy's life than his actual parents) betrayed him and helped the briarwoods, he was imprisoned in his own castle's dungeons and tortured for information, they threw his siblings' bodies in there with him to make a point, cassandra helped him escape but as far as he knew she died helping him. he has two years of his life after that he straight up doesn't remember, his hair turned white from the stress of it. 
trying to go after ripley the first time didn't work, he was captured and left to starve in a prison cell, for the first few months of travelling with vox machina he genuinely believed it wasn't real, because realistically no one was gonna come save him, this was just a hallucination of his dying mind. returning to whitestone he was forced to confront the fact that literally everyone he ever knew growing up (with the sole exception of archibald) was either dead or working with the briarwoods, and even after retaking the city there's a lot that can never be repaired. 
and he's just... never really dealt with any of this? like, he gave vox machina the technical details of what happened to him in the briarwood arc, because they needed to know that information, but the first time he actually started processing his trauma, the first time he admits it out loud to anyone, is the final episode of campaign one. before then it had been occasional snide or handwavey comments, and like, he'll let himself feel the anger over it (in the beginning of the story he encouraged it, because then he didn't have to feel anything else), but he's never processed the grief, never admitted to himself how badly that affected him
which means he's got a lot of pent up emotions in there that he just keeps burying, and sometimes they come out in unhealthy ways. having so much taken from him also makes him really motivated to keep the things he does have - he’s got some deep set abandonment issues and takes any kind of betrayal really badly, don’t know if you’ve got up to the scanlan stuff by the time i post this, but that’s something to keep in mind as to why he acts the way he does there. (and it’s not more explicit because percy was raised nobility, keeping a brave face through anything is part of who he is, he tends to cover emotions he’s insecure about in snark or indifference or, for the intense ones, anger, because those are the things he thinks he’s allowed to show, but the real emotions show up occasionally, when they’re particularly strong, or if you’re reading between the lines. he really does care a lot about vox machina)
2 - legacy and loyalty. 
speaking of nobility, it's hard to do a character study on percy without mentioning whitestone and the house of de rolo. this is the number one thing to percy. he was raised to respect title and name, and most importantly, raised to respect the people he represents - both the townsfolk of whitestone and also percy's ancestors and future de rolo generations. whitestone is more important than any one life, he has a duty to protect and serve it, and that comes before any personal wants he may have. it's also important to him for family reasons - he was a pretty lonely child, but he loved reading about the history of the city, all the weird ghost stories whitestone had even before the briarwoods. it probably made him feel more connected to all of that, this is the place he belongs. and after his family dies, it becomes even more important, because this is his connection to them. the soul of a city lives as long as its people, by protecting what's left, he keeps a little bit of what came before
(and also in just tidbits to understand percy's character, he sees all cities and man-made things the same way - in a world where some races live for centuries or millennia, their history exists mostly by word of mouth, you can physically talk to people who were around 500 years ago and get their take on things - humans don't have that, they get 100 years at most, so the things they build are vital to their heritage. this is how you keep people alive long after they're gone, by honouring what they created. and especially for someone so concerned with legacy and history, percy literally says abandoning westruun would be blasphemy, because the place people grew up is important, yes it's better that they live, but letting the city be abandoned and destroyed would be an irreparable act of violence.) 
this is the number one thing on percy's mind when evaluating anything about himself, where do i come from, and what do i leave behind? which is a question that has a lot of moments to be tested, because of my next point...
3 - pragmatism and terrible thoughts
when it comes down to it, percy is a very ends justify the means kind of person. he finds it very easy to square away any kind of collateral damage as long as it gets him to his end goal. see: trial of the take, where he's fine to catch his friends in the blast radius of a new bomb design because he's so excited that it worked, preparing to fight vorugal and resigning himself to potentially having to kill innocent people to kill the dragon (he wasn’t okay with that, but he would do it), also his conscious decision to let ripley go, knowing she would lead to the deaths of thousands because it was her or the briarwoods and he wanted revenge 
(this is by his own admission his lowest point and worst mistake, because as mentioned, he thinks about the consequences of his actions near constantly, he knew she would reproduce his guns and they would lead to a whole new form of warfare. but in that moment he was just blinded by grief and way too emotionally burnt out and did not have the capacity to care. and he spends the rest of the campaign and honestly probably the rest of his life trying to make up for that one)
he's also, by his own admission, someone who has a lot of bad thoughts he doesn't act on, he's very clever and creative and ideas for ways to use those skills for violence or vengeance come easily to him (like, percy as an actual villain would be ripley but worse, ripley's intelligent but a very direct point a to point b kind of thinker, percy has multiple times criticised her lack of imagination, a percy with her lack of morals would be terrifying)
(honestly this is why i was seeing percy so much in taliesin's narrative telephone, because "sometimes i wake up having dreamed of a terrible thing, and normally i just file that away for things that i would never do, because i wanna maintain friendships, but then LIAM did something to me." and the whole being absolutely fine with throwing the rest of the cast under the bus just to enact revenge on liam was quintessential percy)
but we’ve seen the pragmatic anti hero everywhere, anyone can be a terrible person, and have reasons for it, that alone doesn’t make an interesting character (at least not for me)
what does, is my last point
4 - trying to be good
i still vividly remember when i first watched campaign one, being really surprised at how much percy asked for help? like, i went in expecting the usual full on demon possession storyline, i expected percy to hide how bad it was, i expected him to make poor decisions without realising he was doing it until he was in too deep to back out
and like, he had some of that. but at the first sign of things being out of his control, he asked his friends for help. he let pike greater restoration him. he told vax to kill him if things ever got too out of hand. he was really, genuinely scared about what he got himself into and what he might do because of it. there was never a point where he pretended, even to himself, that making a deal with orthax was okay. the minute he realised there was a demon involved, he was working to stop it. and yeah, by the time he realised it was already a bit too late, there were already some things out of his control (and also taliesin kept having the worst rolls against the whitestone corruption which was really fun on a meta level), which is how things got as bad as they did. but honestly, all things considered, there’s very little to criticise about the way percy handled himself in the briarwood arc. 
and he keeps doing that, trying to get better. he struggles with it, he struggles a lot, against his anger issues, against all the trauma, against the fact that he really doesn’t want to be here and things would be so much easier if he were dead. but he recognises he holds grudges too easily, so he starts actively trying to forgive those who’ve wronged him (this is something he and vex have in common, and something they were working on together before they were together, which probably helped a lot in getting them to that point as well). he recognises he makes poor decisions when he’s angry, so he starts learning to step back in those moments and leave the decisions to someone else. he has never not owned up to his mistakes, he takes responsibility for everything he’s done, and if he notices a problem he can’t solve himself, he asks for help.
and i find that fun to explore. like, percy’s been likened to hamlet in the actual show, and i was the kid who got super obsessed with hamlet when i was like 15 because i was in that same mental space of suicidal self hatred and existential melancholy but also thinking i was the smartest person in any given room and being too young to have gotten over the arrogance that makes you ignore everyone else’s needs for the sake of indulging your own problems. and then i got older and realised there are smarter ways to go about things, like having empathy and appreciating the light in the world and not being a dickhead to people because it makes you feel better, and maybe hamlet can be justified and in the wrong at the same time. and while there’s some stuff i won’t spoil for you, percy after ripley kills him is definitely starting to learn that, which you rarely see in the hamlet archetype, bc everyone’s like “ah yes so Deep so Important who cares what bad things this person did they had Trauma and are Clever”
well, percy cares about the bad things he did, and cares about not doing those anymore. so like, he’s still a disaster of a person bc he’s like 23 and no one has their life together at 23, especially not someone in percy’s situation, and honestly i find that fun to watch as well bc i like watching characters make stupid mistakes and do stuff i’d never approve of in real life, and as i mentioned at the start, taliesin makes captivating and funny characters. but yeah, that’s generally where percy’s at, most of the time
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Sorry isn't enough you say ? ok
Here's what I propose .
Maybe some time apart will give both of us a better perspective .
I have some work I need to do on communication and being a good woman and a HEALTHY AND POSITIVE addition to someones life .
I also have to take control of my life back and my emotions 🙃 . I need to read books and study how to be the best wife I can be for the man I will marry .
Those are the things I will put to action to show how sorry I am .
The time I will take away from this whole situation is so that I don't do anymore damage to myself and most of all you .
Im the type of woman thats either all in or not in at all . So its really difficult for me to hold on loosely . I need to work on quieting my mind as well cause even if you choose not to forgive me or talk to me again any man I do end up loving will not have to go through that either .I can't explain just how small I feel because of my unrelenting fear and anxiety causing so much instability and hurt . I don't expect you to forgive me . I understand if you walk away .
Alot has piled up , I feel abandoned already , like you'll never ACTUALLY come to me after showing me you're alive and well .
Thats not on you thats just me .
So I dig and dig and dig for you to tell me ANYTHING concrete that I can have as collateral almost until you come back .
Something I can count on cause it fucked me up really bad when you fell off the face of the planet last time.
The rage is a defense mechanism its easier to deal with than when I slump down onto my floor crying so hard that I can't breath.
I want to have an amazing love . I want one that is real and raw and passionate with adventures and ro.ance and cute little things , that said I am aware that the man that gets involved with me needs to be the type of strong that can calmly make me aware of what I'm doing wrong and help .e to learn a healthy skill in place of it .
Cause when push co.es to shove I feel like I'm a barbaric animal when it comes to civility and human interaction . And it doesn't feel good .
I wont say I'm sorry or I love you. Only because my actions have not even almost backed either of those up .
Ill simply say . I hope I see you again one day .
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes: 18
Book 18
Narrated by Aximili
Again I really wish something had come of the andalite traitors thing
Ax’s audience is other andalites
Leera’s like the only planet besides Earth to get an actual name in this joint
Andalites don’t use money
Ax is tryin g to work to get money to buy food
Ax needs to stop dicking around in human morph b;c he’s gonna getsomeone in trouble, possibly killed
This manager is actually a nice person
So Marco caught Ax
They are retelling the event at Cassie’s barn]
They are waiting for news from Erek
So was Ax? Alone at the damn mall? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again there are rocks smarter than these kids
Erik has hidden chee with him
Of course Tobias fucking spots them all, its not like the chee could make themselves invisible
Hewlett Aldershot the Third, that’s a serious name
Yeerks wanna infest im for reasons and had Iness hit him with a car
Is this the same yeerk infested hospital from an earlier book? I guess boiling a bunch of folks alive and a minor wildlife rampage didn’t do shit.
Marco’s snippy when bored
So, either Visser 3 knows how to morph regular clothes or isn’t hamped by them at all and no one feels the need to mention them ripping through some while morphiong
Yeerks can’t do anything with a comatose host. 
Either the head of the secret service is a lady or the president is
That’s not really how wings work forget it
People have to be seeing this 6 winged bird thing chasing a seagull
Also apparently the kafit is some kinda bird of prey
Ax’s seagull morph has talons apparently
Visser 3 is scared of getting into a tail fight
Visser 3 thinks a teenager can beat him.
They’re right b/c they are shit at fighting
Stand face to face for even more opportunity to injure yerself and give yer opponent a better shot at yer head
Visser 3 nopes out of the fight, breaking a leg in the fall, but morphing human fast
Too much protein keeps Aximili awake
Dinnier at Cassie’s ment a lot for Ax
Ax races around as he wrestles with his thoughts and goes to Tobias to talk about feeliongs
Yeerks infultrating the andalite homeworld was an interesting idea and the writers are cowards
Shut up Cassie
Cassie you liar
If they could aquire from say blood alone, then why don’t they just try acquiring from parts of animals like ever?
Rachel is concerned about blood borne diseases and doesn’t know how most of those are contracted
Ax that sounds like bullshit. 
Ax you just hang with little squeemish bitches
Andalites have weak slow baby hands
How exactly do they plan to acquire blood that they ate as a mosquito? If they eat it it starts to break down from digestion and would be decently degraded by the time they vomit it back up and try to acquire from it.
A random sick kid has seen Ax and now knows his name
More humans have seen Ax
And like what reason with the yeerks have to let witnesses go like? Good job at getting more folks enslaved Ax
Ax thinks about collateral damage for once
...that’s a false surrender. Good job Ax! Not no one on yer side can ever actually surrender! Also a war crime.
Ax jumps out a window and morphs mosquito
That’s still not how compound eyes work
And now in the imaginary place
Huh, Ax and the animorphs get to see themselves in a 4 dimensional? view
Like tesseracts made of meat
Why, exactly would Tobias., who is in morph in ya know the shape of a bird not appear as a human jigsaw as well in this place?
They got dragged into Z space by a passing ship
And resqued by an andalite crew
The animorphs and Ax made a scientific breakthrough
.7 Andalite years stuck on Earth
I havent gotten to thhat book on my re read but everything you just said was wrong Ax
So there are multiple pool ships and such
Aximili doesnt actually have to stay with you all
He can fight yeerks where ever he pleases and really kinda needs to see others of his own kind every now and then
That grass probably tastes good as fuck tho after almost a year in Earth grass
Andalites being speciest
“May your great god Cha-Ma-Mib smile on you this day.” religious space frogs
“The continent loomed larger and larger. Most of it was lush and green, primarily jungle. Green like Earth's forests and jungles, but with wide swaths of some brilliant yellow vegetation, too. The northern end of the continent was less fertile, more barren, probably colder.”
The captian is a traitor
Also it is apparently pretty damn easy to take out andalites if you have even the slightest amount of drop on them
Visser 3 and Visser 4 are friends
That tailless dick fortified and used a weapon
The animorphs decided not to stick around in just listening to orders
Gonna blow the kids out an airlock and hope they survive
None of these fucks think to get in a damn fighter craft or emergency escape and attempt to survive
Just, welp folks we’re fucked time for some suicide!
Also the captain wasn’t even a controller, just willingly on the yeerk’s side
On the one hand Ax did abandon them. On the other the animorphs are not entitled to his service
Also this just isn’t the right time to pick on Ax
This is reallt not the right fucking time, Marco and Rachel are either trying to get themselves or someone else killed with their bullshit
Tobias u fucking chose to live in the woods as a wild animal, Aximili didn’t choose to be marroned on an alien world
You feathery asshole
Tobias vanished
The yeerk forces are doing well on ground battle
Ax, the animorphs, the andalites, and the writers have failed ecology
Rachel vanished
The writers just really fucking hate sharks
“The water was perfectly, utterly clear. We were swimming in water that was forty feet deep, and we could see every detail on the ocean floor.
 And what detail! Huge, billowing creatures like white and yellow sails, triangular with biological propellers at each corner. Brilliant, electric-blue worms or snakes, each seventy feet long, swimming in wild schools. A bizarre creature that rose and fell through the water by blowing air into a bladder so thin it was almost transparent. A wonderful sort of fish in the shape of a screw that rotated its way through the water.
 And these creatures weren't scattered here and there, but everywhere. The Leeran ocean was a madhouse of life-forms.
 Spread around across the ocean were bubbling chimneys of rock and soil, encrusted with squirming, writhing creatures, small and less small. My shark senses could feel the electrical discharge from these chimneys, and the intense warmth. As I watched, a massive school of the brilliant blue worms came swirling around one of the chimneys. It swirled and my shark senses could feel the energy flow from the chimney into the worms.”
There would still be fucking predators u nits
“They were mostly yellow. They had skin that was slimy, as if covered with ooze, yet rough in texture, like gravel. They had large, webbed back legs. For arms they had four tentacles arrayed around their plump, barrel-shaped bodies.  The head was quite large, with a bulge at the back. It sat right on the shoulders. There was no neck. The face bulged outward and seemed to have just two features. A huge, wide, almost ridiculous mouth. And big, bulging eyes of a green that seemed almost to be lit from inside.
 There were four Leerans. They were riding on water jets. The water jets were long, narrow tubes, flared in front to make a sort of wing, flared again in back to give extra
maneuverability. Arrayed along the back wing were clusters of very narrow tubes pointed forward.”
The crew free some leerans (granted they were going to kill them) b/c the leerans showed them how to get the yeerks out of them
The team morph leerans and are uncomfortable with knowing eachother’s thoughts
Oh what normal space ships arent good enough for crushing ocean pressures now? Gotta have actual submarines?
A lot of these high ranking andalites are quick to yelling and threats of violence aint they
That is a very iffy plan not the least being the yeerks with their mostly terrestrial shock troops would have likely set up camp there anyway it seems. But if u wanna throw away lives who cares
Marco vanished
Talking to scientists and shit
Actually Jake, if all of you vanish b4 u carry out the mission it will be too late for a back up
A world with no predators my ass
Cassie vanishes
Ah, so yeah bats aint flying with torn to shit wings. They’s ded
Jake vanished
How exactly did the andalites get the shit in there in the first place?
Hah, the hork hosts have rocket boosters
Aximili is saved by vanishing
So why were they snapped back in mosquito morph and not just flund full force back into their real bodies
And why snap them all back to the same moment and not staggared into different moments in time
How the fuck did this man feel a damn mosquito bite? A notible aspect of mosquitoes as that we don’t really feel them biting
Genral yeerk panicking over management
End with scene at mall
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isaacathom · 7 years
also i played fallout 4 yesterday and i hate shaun. i hate him. he’s awful. or, ok, if he was allowed to be his own character without having his actions tied to the institute main quest, he might be interesting. but because he IS tied to the quest, he comes across as /INCREDIBLY/ contradictory.
he fucking sucks... here’s some examples, specifically surrounding the quest Mankind Redefined (and the lead up with the Battle of Bunker Hill, and some of the followup)
so he comes up top after the battle of bunker hill to have a chat with you in the CIT ruins. pretty scenic, i guess. most of the start is him going on about you and him and the relationship the two of you have to the institute and the commonwealth. like he’s saying the commonwealth is tainted and that, and i almost directly quote, “the institute saved us”
he says this, despite the fact that i, his mother, was left to make my own way to the institute THROUGH the commonwealth with no aid from him, and the fact id died multiple times in the lead up. he then even says, directly after, that he had “no expectations [i’d] survive” and that he wondered if the Commonwealth would corrupt me. like, uh....... righttt. so then me being in the railroad shouldnt surprise him at all, then, the idiot. he’s dumb.
then he IMMEDIATELY switches face, goes from vaguely melancholic and reflective to absolutely enraged because, as a Railroad agent, I informed the railroad about bunker hill and i kill the courser that accompanied me. he doesn’t know im railroad, but he’s livid that the mission failed. i explain that we were ambushed (which is ACTUALLY CORRECT because the Brotherhood were there) and he’s still really pissed. which is, fair enough, i suppose. but he seems to blame ME for the brotherhood, despite the fact that i havent spoken to the brotherhood in quite a while after i decided to go railroad. but alright. blame it all on me. of course. because he sees to be blaming me for the intel leaking, but I didnt leak the intel to the BoS, meaning the intel leaked some other way. its unlikely the railroad leaked it (accidentally or otherwise) to the BoS, which means it leaked outside of my control. but alright, whatever.
he says ‘ok we’re going to talk later, come tot he directorate’ alright..... sure. i go to the directorate. its shaun doing his dumb speeches. and when he names me as his successor, he says ‘she has proved herself’ DESPITE THE FACT I JUST FAILED A MISSION IN BUNKER HILL, but ok. whatever you say, shaun.
then its on to that reactor mission, with dr fillmore. but you gotta go to shaun first (and discuss his illness which Surely i, being his mother and having a lot of matching genetic material, should be able to assist with? unless being in the wasteland prevented that, in whcih case, why didnt the fucking institute come GET ME). And he says ‘as you know, power is a commodity’ and its like well.... in theory, yes. in practice, i just looted an abandoned railway station to kill Eddie Winter and the entire thing was still completely lit without any obvious source of power, so whatever you say. thats more a conflict with the ‘inherent’ nature of Bethesda games and their formulas. then when hes saying he wants me to go get the reactor with fillmore, he says, and i again almost completely quote, “im not fond of putting my own mother in harms way” DESPITE HAVING SAID BARELY 15 MINUTES PRIOR THAT HE DIDNT FUCKING THINK I WOULD SURVIVE IN THE WASTELAND AND DIDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT ITI. fucking balloon. its straight up contradictory. he clearly has zero qualms with me being in the line of fire based on his previous actions and what hes said to my face. he basically said that he unfroze me for shits and giggles and thought id die. he’s a fucking liar. he doesn’t care about me. which is actually reasonable considering ive only known him for a few weeks (at BEST) and the fact im younger than him. there is an inherent disconnect in our relationship which, if addressed, would be kinda interesting to explore! but nope! shauns totalllllyyyy devoted to his mum, get fucked. he said the death of Nate was ‘collateral damage’ this fucker doesnt know the meaning of Love. ive crawled my ass through fallout for this prick and he doesnt even careeeee.
but whatever. cool. thats as far as i got before having to do the reactor quest and dying a Lot of times (sentry bots suck) but oh vey.
HOWEVER, there is a vaguely related quest - the one to collect Dr Wallace. int aht quest, the institute are fine. its the minutemen that are bad here. Because i arrive to sort out the situation, and some minuteman tries to ignore my direct command to stand back! me, the general of the minutemen. im in charge! and he has the gall to tell me that my plan is bad and almost dares to do whatever the fuck HE wants. i was fully tempted to threaten the fucker, bt there was a more peaceful persuasion option so i took that. piece of shit. it was so fucking stupid. whats the POINT of making me the leader of the group if the members of my group dont actually fucking obey me???? its bullshit. its straight up narrative disssonance, ludonarrative bullshit. what the game tells me, that Im in charge, is directly contradicted by the general gameplay set up of the minutemen bossing me around. its so fucking stupid. the minutemen are the worst fucking faction. all these factions suck. i only picked railroad because those folk seem to have actually Compassion, even if its somewhat misdirected (mileage ay vary). next playthrough im going brotherhood and blowing the commonwealth to fucking smithereens.
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