#im not ready to say goodbye
existential-queeer · 3 months
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stardustjimin · 4 months
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the shot is so beautiful ):
also ryu sunjae! he gave his coat to protect sick im sol, in the middle of snowing. can i cry here 😭
and i wanna hug im sol so bad. girl was so drained for the past 15 years and her body reached its own limit now 😢
on the bright side! we might get sunjae first dating rumor lmao
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pernillecfcw · 4 months
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Their last week in blue ❤️‍🩹
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ghostlyboys · 5 months
Sooooooo how are we feeling about the bad batch ending tonight?
I can tell you I'm not doing well :(
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mousettezz · 1 year
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stage 1: Denial
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sunnysidesunshine · 3 months
So I've got paragraphs of me summarizing entire VODs of QSMP days to my friends on Discord... what if I posted those?
(Events may be inaccurate as I was pretty much reacting live in text form but I eventually refine my word vomit to kinda like a written version of the VOD my friends could read and still know what's going on)
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crybabylulu · 1 year
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I’m so sad this is over like I’m seriously crying I’m not joking this was so much fun and I loved reading it so much I really wish this would continue like Wayne family adventures it isn’t fair 😭 let my black girls shine damn! Can’t have shit! I loved seeing Damian and Duke bonding and beast boy and Raven! Like ugh this was great and deserves more love and praise idc
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percabethandpeggy · 1 month
So lady jane has been canceled... who do I need to kill?
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nozunhinged · 5 months
Do you know this feeling when you don't want to finish a series because then there's no episodes left
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bosverdimmm · 1 year
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Sonunda beraberler. Bitmesine hiç hazır değilim . Bir an gerçekten öldü sandım . 💚💜💙🖤
(Finally they are together..I'm not ready for it to be over.For a moment I really thought she died. )
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So I was busy binge watching Stargate SG-1 and I got all the way up to the last episode without realizing it??? I literally stopped just in time but I don't think I'm mentally prepared for it to be over just yet.😢 Especially when it does not seem very resolved. Oh help.
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elysesium · 2 years
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“Good. Because the title rather suits you, Lady Dream.”
I think others are way better at this but I really wanna put something at the altar of Today, I Bury You In Me. I wanted to put a crown on her but can’t draw crowns 🙃. Hopefully, the stars in her dress are showing. If not, maybe I’ll try scanning.
I LOVE THIS POCKET OF THE SANDMAN FANDOM THAT @the-darklings MADE! It helped me unwind during my clinical days and she feeds us so well and further expands her universe! I’m not really for the finale but I’m so excited for reunions, the feels and the drama! I WISH NETFLIX CAN CONFIRM SEASON 2 JUST SO WE CAN HAVE A SEQUEL!
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shivroygirls · 1 year
a week from now today it will all be over forever
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enigmaticfox · 2 years
The Cleaning Lady: Scenes at home in 2x08
This was supposed to be just a quick text message to @idealisticrealism, but as with everything TCL, it grew a life of its own, kicked my shins, stabbed me in the heart and then took off running. Sigh.
Amidst the bombshells and revelations in 2x08, the show finally deigned to grace us with Arman dropping by the De La Rosa abode not once or twice, but four times. Throughout the ep, it was striking to see Arman in Thony's space and the way they navigated around each other in that space.
So here are some very brief thoughts about the four scenes -- they are not fully formed, so please feel free to disagree or add to them!
(NB. To be fair, 2x08 shows us three different homes: the De La Rosa's, the Morales's, and JD's. There's a meta somewhere in there to be written about the contrasting visual design and interactions in all three spaces. Please, someone [not me], go write it.)
Well, I'm staying here... you shouldn't be alone.
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In the first scene, we know that this is the morning after the harrowing events of 2x07. Arman comes in through the back door. While the conversation takes place in the laundry room, he has also walked in some ways inside to get a sense of the space, checking out Luca's room and clocking the fact that Thony's family has left.
Thony remains standing near the door. As she speaks of her anguish of what Arman was forced to do, and her discomfort of lying to Garrett, he walks to her, closing the distance between them and she accepts his embrace.
Please, come in.
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I love the second scene so much. Thony brings Arman through the front door -- so his motorbike is parked out front too?? -- swinging open the door widely as she walks in. In my favourite recurring detail of the De La Rosa household, Thony slips off her shoes, and Arman -- probably too distracted with being around her in her space -- does not lol. But as she welcomes him to the living room, 'Please, come in', she keeps her jacket on, tying her visually (and emotionally) with Arman.
She sits on the sofa, cross-legged and tucking her feet underneath, while he chooses the smaller couch, perpendicular and closest to her. Despite the stresses of what is ahead of them -- and her hands, as usual, are folded in front of her in a protective gesture -- she is disarmed by his presence, as comfortable as she would ever be in this episode.
Look, Thony- // It's fine.
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So much of the third scene screams caution, an emotional pulling back: it is now dark out; Thony, startled awake, wields a knife before hearing Arman's voice, and peeks through closed blinds before opening the back door to let him in. Like the first scene, they are meeting again in the laundry room, both now standing close to the door. But their stance is markedly less comfortable than earlier that day, though not (yet) as confrontational as in the next scene.
I sighed so loudly when she opens the door -- an unmistakable cue for him to go. She even holds on to the door as he hangs on to the frame, not quite ready to leave yet. As she closes the door behind him, a last glance at him as he goes home to Nadia.
I'm sorry.
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Oh boy. The fourth and final scene is in her backyard -- our boy doesn't even get through the door this time. The visual arrangement of the scene is somewhat confrontational : arms braced on knees, Thony has been waiting for him to arrive, and walks up the path to preempt him halfway; he doesn't get anywhere near the house. And she's even got shoes on lol.
I love that as they walk toward each other, we see the clutter behind Thony -- fairy lights and window decals, mismatched pots and lounge chairs (JD and Fi's 'Sorry about the mess // Don't worry, it makes us feel right at home' comes to mind). It's proof of the home and the family that Thony is adamant about protecting, and with Arman intending to do the same with Nadia as well, they are uncomfortably at odds in that closing shot.
To end, I'm just gonna quote @idealisticrealism here, because she says it in words better than I can:
The way it reflects their relationship over the show so far, too? Growing closer and then being pushed apart again by outside circumstances, having to distance themselves when they don't want to? Help
Yeah, help is right; god help us all. This effing show, I tell you.
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maybehesitate · 1 year
screaming, crying, sobbing
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fandomandmore · 2 years
I am 110% not ready for the current Les Mis casts final shows over this weekend.
If you need me, you'll find me at the Sondheim.
I'll be the sobbing, blubbering mess.
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