#im not trying to be attention grabbing and theres a reason im being vague its just loke
florenceisfalling · 10 months
its ok the situation is long behind me and i have never experienced a bad feeling about it ever 👍 (lying)
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luxexhomines · 6 years
Hello! I was reading through your blog and wanted to ask if you could write for Tsumugi with a female S/O who is the Ultimate Witch? In or out of the V3 universe is fine. Thank you!
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Hullo, anon! Thanks for the request!! Although Tsumugi isn’t my favorite character, I so enjoyed writing this. I put it out of the V3 universe, so there are no spoilers for anyone wondering. Wasn’t sure if you wanted the reader be doing “real magic” or magic tricks, so it’s a little vague, haha.Icon credit to 64pxs! Also wow my third request finished in one day although it’s past 1AM & technically a new day here now!
Guess I’d classify this as fluff, too. It’s not that long, so it’s not under the cut. Here you go!
Tsumugi x Female! Ultimate Witch! S/O
You knocked on her door and grasped the doorknob, fully intending to open it and peek in the gap, but your plans were abruptly foiled by her voice.
“Don’t even try,” she cackled. “The door’s locked and I’ve got a chair keeping it closed, you know?”
When you tried to turn it, it was true. It wouldn’t budge an inch.
“Oh, come on, Tsumugi!” You whine right outside the door, making sure she could hear you loud and clear. “I haven’t seen you leave that room for a third day now! I know that you’ve got snacks and a bathroom connected to your room, but that can’t be healthy,” you beg. “Please come out…”
Either she’s ignoring you, or she’s ignoring you. Two perfectly possible options. You could even hear her plaintively humming a random tune, a tune that seemed reminiscent of a folksong–but what did that matter now, when part of her reasons for doing so was to drown out the sound of you?
“Can I at least come in, Tsumugi?” You knock on the door again, but you’re soundly rejected.
“No! You’re not allowed in here for the rest of the week, even if I do come out of the room,” she says firmly.
She was getting strangely obsessive about hiding the contents of her room from you, and you were extremely worried. The only times she ever pulled stunts like this was when she hadn’t finished preparing a cosplay for a con coming up soon, but the problem was that there were no cons coming up soon. As you understood it, she had taken a leave from work to do whatever it was she was doing in that room, and you had no clue what was so important that she’d take a week off of work to do it. She thrived off of that income to make living wage and make cosplays in addition to all her the money from her sponsors.
You could only sigh at the plain white door and walk back to your own room, resigned to your lonely fate for the rest of the week. It was anyone’s guess what she was doing or why she was hiding it from you, including your own, despite being her girlfriend.
You supposed you’d go practice your magic for the upcoming magic show you were holding while Tsumugi did…whatever it was she was doing. There was no time to waste at her doorway, calling her name to a silent answer or pounding on the door in exasperation. 
You took a deep breath and gathered your focus for the first act, a rather simple attention-getter with birds flying from your sleeves like colorful ribbons spewing from them. Somehow, it was always the easiest magic that was easiest to mess up, so you ended up practicing the act for at least an hour, worried about the possibility of success in a live performance.
Falling back on the bed, you pant slightly in exertion. Who said magic was as easy as waving a wand? That’s only what magicians wanted other people to believe, after all. If the magician was dropping dead from exhaustion, no one would enjoy the show–no, it was much better for them to believe that the magician possessed unlimited amounts of mana and could continue performing magic for an entire day but just ended it at around an hour for the audience’s scheduling convenience.
But even magicians weren’t immortal. You decided to take a break and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a drink of water to hydrate yourself before returning to practice, throwing a bitter, yearning look toward Tsumugi’s closed door.
It was going to be a long week, just you and your magic.
On the day of the magic show, you hoped Tsumugi would emerge from her cave, maybe make an appearance. But it was fifteen minutes before the show, and she still hadn’t come.
You let out a sigh of disappointment and return to your dressing room as you pick at your ratty, ripped seams of what used to be a smart looking, black long-sleeved tailcoat and matching pencil skirt. You’d had it since your very first show, and you liked it very much, but it was ready to retire and had been for a while now.
In fact, you were surprised Tsumugi hadn’t commented on it–she usually would make note of any clothes you owned that were no longer serving a functional and aesthetic purpose and bring you out to buy new ones. Speaking of Tsumugi, your dressing room just burst open with a long, blue-haired girl in spectacles and carrying what looks like a newly pressed outfit in black.
“Tsumugi! You’re here,” you gasp. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
She rushes over to you, out of breath and frenetic.
“Oh, good, you’re in your dressing room! Take this,” she thrust the plastic protected outfit at you along with a box of what you assumed to be shoes. “Sorry I’m late, it took me so long to finish this. Go change, your show is starting in ten minutes!”
You look at her in confusion, but do as she asks. You’re used to her frantic nature, even if she was rather laidback most of the time. When you finish dressing, she claps her hands together in delight, and swooning.
“Oh, I knew you’d look great in this! I’ve had this idea for forever, I’m so happy I finally get to see you wear it. I can die happy now,” she declares passionately, almost drooling with excitement, her blue eyes glimmering brightly.
You examine the outfit, which includes a pair of white gloves, black heels, a black top hat, and a similar black tailcoat, black dress shirt and pencil skirt, along with a tie of your favorite color wrapped snugly around your neck that curves over your bust gently.
“Tsumugi, you made this for me?”
She nods proudly.
“I think I did a bang-up job of it, too! It’s absolutely perfect for you,” she beams at you, as lovely and warm as the golden sun, and you can only grin like a fool in response.
“You sure did. You sure did,” you repeat, amazed by her accurate, neat needlework and toiling dedication she had offered you in making the outfit.
“Now, go out there and amaze the crowds,” she encourages you, giving you a light push on the back and going out to join the audience below.
The magic show goes splendidly–you don’t know if you’ve ever done a better job, and all kinds of flowers, roses, daffodils, daisies, skyrocket toward your lone figure standing at the center of the black stage, hoping to be caught by you. You wave at the audience happily and skip on and off the stage to the standing ovation before exiting for good.
Luckily for you, Tsumugi is waiting at your dressing room, so there’s no need for you to push through the masses to find her, and you immediately envelop her in a hug, tackling her, and her breath leaves her with the impact you’ve come at her with. She wraps her arms around your back, and you can feel her pride for you simply seeping out like radioactive waves.
You don’t let go of her for a long, long time, and when you finally let go of her, you smile at her in a daze. You can’t believe your girlfriend is this gorgeous, kind, devoted, thoughtful girl standing in front of her.
“I think I’m in love with you, Tsumugi,” you say, staring straight into her eyes, endless pools of blue.
She smiles back, pushing her spectacles up slightly.
“A good thing, too, because I think I’m in love with you, too. That is, if you couldn’t tell after I spent over a week cooped up in my room to make this ensemble for you,” she replies, gesturing at your outfit.
You pat her on the head.
“Yes, yes, I know, good girl. But I was so lonely,” you pout. “Did you have to leave me alone like that for such a long time? I could have died of loneliness!”
She simply laughs full-heartedly.
“I suppose we’d be in trouble if you were a rabbit, huh? But there’ll be no more loneliness on my watch. That sounds rather presumptuous of me to say, but you can trust me on that,” she smiles charmingly as she puts a hand on her hip.
You laugh back at her, sharing in her joy and playfulness.
“You’d better live longer than I do, in that case,” you tease.
Tsumugi bends toward you and places a small kiss on the tip of your nose.
“Your wish is my command, royal magician of the court,” she chuckles.
You smirk and slip a hand around the small of her back, pulling her in closer so that both of your bodies are pressed against each other, and kiss her on the lips deeply. 
“Then, my first command is that thou shalt stay at my side for the rest of our mortal lifespans.”
You can feel the corners of her lips stretch out and upward at this, and you take that to be her response as you draw her in for many more sweet kisses.
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isaacathom · 7 years
 jesus christ the more i think about them fighting the more difficult the scenario becomes to actually justify
though i can roughly track the idea. after the first failed attempt to ‘rescue’ Seora, which was a small team led primarily by the Captain (on a boner quest), the light kingdom sets up an army to full on storm the castle where she is being kept. the captain bursts down the door. Seora and Esther are waiting together in the main room, and probably with one or two more Warrior Maidens. It’s a last chance to negotiate. somewhat inevitably, it doesnt succeed. he has backup in the form of at least one Ritual Maiden (and someone that Seora knows personally). he also has A Gun. when he draws it, either Seora knocks it out of his hand and sends it flying across the room, OR redirects the bullet he fires and THEN knocks it out. the captains pretty peeved by this. of course he is. he wants to stick his assholish little peepee in this bitch and shes clearly been tainted by ~The Darkness~ so time to sort that out. a minor melee ensues wherein the goal is for one of the two sides to grab Seora and drag her back. Esther rushes in with sword raised and power ready to fuck up the Captain, so the two of them end up in their own tango. the Captains backup attempt to tackle Seora to the ground so she cant interfere (and also to recover her, i guess) while the Warrior Maidens attempt to protect her. She’s also protecting herself. In this complete chaos, the Ritual Maiden who was brought on this mission is left further back and proceeds to deflect Esther’s magic, leaving her to rely on her swordsmanship instead.
it then likely proceeds mostly as a straight up sword fight between the two, surrounded by complete chaos as both sides fight over Seora and Seora tries to get away so she can help Esther. At some point she is likely nabbed with some form of magic cancellation (which earlier on took the form of magic handcuffs that Esther used, but this time probably takes the form of like, a specially crafted gauntlet with the same properties. if shes ‘contained’ by such an item, she cant use magic. this is the advantage that the kingdom has, because all of their troops have stuff that cancels magic. it doesnt /work/ as protections, per se, but it works as PREVENTION. proactive, not reactive. like handcuffs dont stop bullets but they stop a guy from grabbing his gun) which prevents her from really protecting herself because her sole skill is magic. she has no training in self defence, or certainly not enough to be impactful to a great degree. 
at some point, that Ritual Maiden up back works out that Esther is focussing on the swordfight aspect and not the magic, and so starts using her magic to actively hinder her ability to proceed. Blinding light (which also hurts the Captain soooo oops), gusts of wind, making her blade slippery and hard to hold. its not anywhere near as effective as the Maiden might like, because Esther is a fucking professional, but it definitely puts her on the defensive rather than the offensive.
what probably cinches the deal for the Captain is Seora probably gets actually dogpiled as some point. like this guard is clutching her wrist p tight to prevent her magic and then in attempt to get him the Fuck off she backs up but then like tackling ensues??? it doesnt go great. she topples to the floor and its a notably /thud/. mostly because of the knights tripping on her dress but also like, yknow, 3 full people fell on the fucking floor. its a notable ENOUGH thud that Esther gets distracted. and because Seora stands out QUITE a bit in that chaos over yonder, its VERY obvious that she isnt there. as in, not standing up. she’s like 6′3 and pale blue with like plat blonde hair amidst a pile of sweaty knights of various heights but notably wider and all human coloured, and a pile of dark blue maidens with blue-white hair who aren’t anywhere near as tall. she’s the tallest fucker in the room. so her not being upright is immediately noticeable. she wouldnt necessarily be visible on the floor depending on where the guards are relative to her. Esther would lose her cool. even if just for a second, the fact she cant see Seora immediately disconnects her from the swordfight. from there, its a one two and the captain is holding her throat with his off hand and preparing his blade with the other. she lost the advantage.
its at this point that the Ritual Maiden backing up the captain likely loses her cool. Ritual Maidens, unlike their Warrior counterparts, arent military. they have very little connection to the military. her presence here basically came about because the Captain forced her to do it and managed to convince everyone it was necessary. she’s not a fighter, and she’s not comfortable with war. this whole scenario has been pretty upsetting for her. now, seeing the Captain preparing to murder Esther, she’s not taking it well. Neither is Seora, who can see whats happening between peoples feet.
in the tumble, whoever had a grip on Seora let go. she’s magically unrestrained, and seeing her friend battered and bruised and at the mercy of a guy she’s always thought was a Cunt, she probably fucking wind explodes. bwoosh. everyone in the crowd flies back. the captain wobbles but does not fall, and retains his grip on Esther throat, blocking Esther’s magic. the Ritual Maiden up back probably falls over and bursts into tears, completely removing any protections she had placed on the Captain (which had likely prevented him falling). Esther’s still on the ground desperately tryna claw his hand off but has probably briefly halted out of sheer ‘oh fuc’ which is reasonable but probably not the best choice she could have made. 
then  uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. yea. im not positive from there. if seora is sufficiently pissed and has time she’d just immediately blast the Captain off and then try to kill him. but she doesnt have time. so how does that occur? he has to stop her from taking direct action against him. for instance, by using Esther as a shield. Drop the blade, take both hands, pick her up and hold her by her neck in front of him, probably then grabbing one of her own daggers to use as the direct threat. you raise a finger, she dies. Seora, who has now gotten up off the floor, can’t directly react. she cant move him, because he’ll react by immediately drawing the blade. she’s short on time, because yknow, Esther is getting choked tf out. at best, she can stall for time by like. putting extra air around esther for her to get while she figures out a plan. that plan likely being to play off of the Captain’s superstition that she’s been tricked or possessed or something of that ilk by Esther. So if she can time a sorta heel-face turn properly, she can lull the Captain into genuinely thinking that her prior behavior was linked directly to Esther, and that Esther is now no longer an issue. its difficult to time, because it basically requires Esther to pass out, which is pretty dangerous. yknow, for obvious reasons. but if Seora can time it (perhaps pretending to partially lapse as Esther starts fading off and then ‘full lapsing’  BEFORE Esther actually passes out), then the Captain will drop Esther. Probably flinging her in the direction of her battered and bruised Warrior comrades (at least some of whom were probably killed in the chaos, as the same on the other side) and accepting Seora back.
The warrior maidens are absolutely furious. a) because they also think that the Captain just killed Esther, which is A HUGE ISSUE and b) that Seora was fucking with them the whole time. which is an issue, because of a lot of Seora’s time in the dark kingdom was spent with her and Esther convincing the other warrior maidens that Seora planned to help them. So Seora pulling a heel-face (or face-heel, in the eyes of the Warriors) is a complete betrayal of trust. a few of them might vaguely suspect its an act, but the whole group are very confused and very angry. for the most part, nursing their injuries (both from the fight AND from being flung willy nilly by Seora) they resolve to simply grab Esther and hang back. the Captain’s men start celebrating. at least one of them goes to comfort the absolutely distraught Ritual Maiden, who likely only got more upset when Esther was flung aside because UHMMM IS THAT AN ACTUAL DEAD BODY???? shes losing her poor mind. poor dear. today was not a good day.
the Captain, being that he is on a Boner Quest™, moves to claim his prize. Seora doesn’t fucking want it, you bet your fucking ass, but this is part of the plan. they kiss. the Captain is probably an awful kisser also, just to make that less fun. the light side cheer. the dark side wail. noones really paying attention as the Captain’s discard sword gently floats directly up into the air and then moves gently into Seora’s open hand. noone notices as she pulls her arm back and orients the blade. noone except the Ritual Maiden, perhaps, who sees it through her tears and attempts to warn someone, anyone. but the guards attending to her assume that she’s referring to past events.
shick. the dark side stop wailing abruptly. there a brief moment of silence as the light side also abruptly stop cheering, with the only noise being the Ritual Maiden’s wails. then Seora kicks the Captain away. he stumbles. before he can fall, she says some slick one line (while probably also spitting because odds are solid her mouth is full of his gross saliva and possibly his blood, nasty) and with windy magic, blasts his backwards through the wall. whoosh. there he. fucking goes. theres still quiet as everyone processes what the fuck just occured. Seora probably tosses the Captain’s bloodied sword to the floor (because what amateur would leave the blade in the wound? this is stylin) and thennn????? im not completely sure how she resolves that. because like, make no mistake, the Captain is dead. the Ritual Maiden is in complete distress and theres no way she can heal him in this state. Seora won’t. the dark side wont. even if he were collected and promptly rushed to the nearest willing AND able maiden, it’d be too late. everyone knows it. Everyone knows thats why she blasted him through the wall. he’s dead. Seora, nominal leader of the Ritual Maidens of the Kingdom of Light, just killed the Captain of Kingdom of Light Military. in their hearts, the light side all knew she was potentially capable of it. she’d attacked him the last time they’d come to get her, though to a far lesser extent. bruised in body and in pride, he’d survived. but they’d all bought into the Captain’s belief, because they had to. they couldnt believe that such a figure could kill without some tainting influence. they had to believe their superstitions, because the reality of the matter - that Seora had chosen her own side and was going to stand for it - was terrifying. it was a sort of moral quandary the kingdom of light hadnt been forced to wrestle with since the civil war.
but there she was. wild.
odds are solid the light side wouldnt retaliate. how could they? how could they attempt to harm the person theyd come to rescue? how could they fight her, when she had just killed their leader and had the power to kill them, too? the upper hand, psychologically, and in timing. she would see them move. she would react. she could preemptively attack.
the light side stood their ground and screamed. someone hesitantly began to move over to the hole in the wall, constantly stopping and looking at a motionless Seora, expecting her to stop them. when she did not, they gestured for someone else to come with and rushed through the hole. how could they not? they had to attend to the captain, no matter what.
its likely then that what brought Seora out of her brief ‘state’, if you will, is an involuntary sob from the dark side. after all, they’re still upset about Esther. and Seora is too. and its that sound, a sob from behind her, that snaps her out of her brief moment of contemplation. probably spits one last time (for now, at least - bet your fucking ass she washes her mouth out once this is all over as many times as necessary to feel like shes cleaned it) and then rushes to Esther’s side. everyones basically gonna stick to their sides for a while as the light rush to the Captain and the dark huddle around Esther and Seora. Esther is fine. she’s injured, but she’s fine. Seora is well equipped to help her recover, at least as a result of her wind magic being able to help Esther breathe. what with the choking and such. 
the first one to probably break the tense quiet is probably one of the Warriors. the defacto leader since Esther’s not really up for that right this second. its basically just something fairly simple - ‘i think perhaps its time for proper negotiation?’. one of the fighters gets up (leaving their weapons down) and approaches with an open hand. the defacto leader gets up and shakes their hand. the deal is set. everyone present in this castle will return to the border of the two kingdoms and negotiations will be had. the dark kingdoms creeping darkness will finally, finally, be dealt with. Esther bursts into absolutely delighted tears. its basically been her life’s work to get the two countries to work together. The Warriors, satisfied that Esther is fine and safe with Seora, come slowly over to the light side to help them tend to their wounds. everyone sorta mingles a little. the fighters who’d attempted to tend to the captain return from the other room and also help. esther and seora embrace a/o kiss. curtains close.
then the negotiations come and a solid chunk of it is arguing what should actually be done with Seora. because the light wanted her back, she WANTS to be with the dark, pluuusss she killed one of the military leaders straight out. noone can (or would) argue that it was some sort of crossfire incident. it was very deliberate. admittedly the only real witness is the traumatised Ritual Maiden who, understandably, really doesnt want to talk about it. so, yknow. it’s a tough negotiation. Seora is only allowed to take part as though she were on trial, basically explaining that the Captain has always been a dick and that yea, she doesnt deny killing him. like at no point does she deny it. she even explains - in detail if pressed - the moment she formulated a plan to attack him with intent to badly harm if not kill, and how she tricked him and used her magic to get his sword. the entire negotiating committee agree yea, she’s guilty, we get it. but what to do with that? Seora is probably willing to go to light kingdom prison provided the darkness cleanse goes ahead. so it’s possible her fate would be left up to the end of the negotiations once the plan of ‘attack’ has been agreed upon. its a big mess. she’s completely up for prison, but Esther is Very Adamant that this not be the course of action. im not actually sure how it could resolve without anger. potentially the dark kingdom offer to put her to work as the darkness cleanser. part of a grand metaphor to ‘absolve herself of sin in the eyes of your patron deity’. which could actually work. the light kingdom love that sorta shit. so if the dark kingdom said ‘hey, ok, an idea - we take her into our custody. we- im not done, hold on - we put her to work primarily in our agreed upon darkness cleaning groups. especially in the city, where the darkness is most concentrated. it’ll be hard work, we’ve established that, mmn? and, and, as she cleans away the darkness, she can clean away this mark upon her soul, dont you think? then hopefully when she is done - when the kingdom is clean - she’ll be capable of being forgiven. how does that sound?’. the only hitch would be ensuring she works. Esther is forbidden from saying a fucking word by the second in command, who is.... a bit more diplomatic on this specific front. Seora will be assigned to a group of assorted Dusk Maidens who will watch her 24/7. she will stay with them. if she doesnt work, punishment will ensue. if she doesnt work for a period of time - a few weeks, maybe - then the dark kingdom agrees to hand over Seora to the light kingdom to face a more.... judicial form of justice.
its uh. good fun. i’ve been here for three hours.
uh, tldr; Seora disarms the Captain, who orders his men to capture Seora. Esther goes to fight the Captain, while the dusk maidens and light army start fighting over a Very Unhappy Seora, who defends herself. Esther and the Captain fight with swords, with a Ritual Maiden backing up the captain and sabotaging Esther. just as Esther starts having to go on the defensive due to the Ritual meddling, Seora gets her magic blocked by a light army soldier who manages to grab her arm to stop her from fighting back or aiding Esther. in attempting to wriggle free, she falls back, followed by that soldier and possibly a few other people. Esther, being distracted by her gfs shenanigans, is quickly disarmed and pinned to the ground by the Captain, who starts choking her (cancelling magic) and prepares to run her through with his blade. Seora, on the ground and free of the soldiers grasp (and they had let go during the fall) basically explodes w/ the Windy Magic, sending the group blasting back. the Captain remains crouched where he is over Esther in part due to the Ritual Maiden, who falls over and starts crying. Before a completely unrestrained and pissed Seora can get up and prepare to fuck with the Captain, he drops his sword, picks up Esther, and positions her between him and Seora, and still choking her. Seora, thinking ~fast~, decides to play to the Captains superstition that she’s being controlled, and pretends that Esther’s control over her has lapsed, just as Esther starts proper passing out from the whole lack of air deal. Captain chucks Esther aside into the waiting arms of an absolutely distraught group of Warrior Maidens, and prepares to “claim his prize”. light kingdom cheers, dark kingdom boos and swears revenge (since they think Seora was pretending to be on their side the whole time) and ritual maiden keeps crying. then seora uses her magic to grab the captains sword (or maybe Esther’s sword, both are good) and uses it to run him the fuck through, before blasting him through at least one wall (holding onto the blade).
everyone freaks, she rushes to Esther’s side and uses magic (and/or cpr what the fuck do you want from me im way too gay for that to NOT possibly happen) to help her recover. eventually the two groups come to an agreement and start tending to their wounded and dead (including the captain who is straight up deceased fuck that guy).
then in the negotiations the big Issue (beyond the whole ‘cleaning the tainted darkness’ thing) is What the Fuck to do abou Seora. who absolutely and undeniably murdered a guy. the end result is more than likely that she is placed into direct Dusk Maiden servitude, ‘forced’ to cleanse the darkness under constant supervision. of course, what the light kingdom dont know or dont really comprehend is that she’s gonna get put into a squad including her basically gf Esther and a bunch of other Warrior Maidens who think she’s the bees knees, AND a bunch of other dusk maidens who have heard alllllll about her and adore her. she’s basically gonna get pampered as fuck. it’s gonna be great. she’s going to have a great time. she basically gets to do exactly what she’s wanted to do since a little after she was first kidnapped, AND gets to hang with a bunch of folk she thinks are pretty cool even if they probably tried to kill her or torture her at some point. she gets it.... to a point. there a few she doesnt hang with. everyones cool about it. 
tl;tl;dr;dr esther gets beat and then seora kills a man but then seora and esther get to be happy and gay so frankly it all works out Pretty Well
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