#im overthinking this arent i
ajarorworms · 2 years
guys is making an inanimate insanity oc whos an escaped meeple product making them a mary sue i made them a ball of anxiety bc writing angst with them is fun but now im like "oh god i made him best friends with my favourite character, he has a sad backstory, a life altering injury, mental illness, vibrant colours and a name that doesnt match anything in cannon bc he doesnt have an object name" and im just like idk did i make a mary sue? if i post this character will some ii fan see it and be like "lmao ok pick me" or what if i become one if those art lore people and people start making fun of me or make satire ocs mocking me? or am i self centred and it actually wont get that much attention at all and im just overreacting-
oh my god am I a mary sue?
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throne-anguis · 1 year
arn I just had a Thought (TM)
at the start of persona 5 it’s explained that joker’s on probation… and has to live in yongen-jaya instead of their hometown…
at the start of Hikari’s chapter on octo2 hikari’s all but chased out of ku…
point I’m getting at here is hikari shares at least 1 vague plot point with the p5 mc and that’s proof enough they should be the wildcard. in this essay I will
Yes yes that means he was MADE to fit the role im so proud of him
Seriously I may have unconsciously thought of Hikari protagonist because he's on parallel with Joker here and that's perfect (hikari is still protagonist material though) plus he witnesses a crime and is run out of ku falsely even though he was intended to have the throne
A question is if Mugen frames him for murder or not and he's running away from that or he is just run out of his prior living situation because Mugen tells him to get lost lol.
I feel like one of these options adds more tension and I think that's the answer to that question.
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084392 · 2 years
ok ok WHAT are pokemon that you know would scare the ever loving shit out of you if you just stumbled on them in the wild as someone in the pokemon world?(can include legendaries, mythicals, UBs, paradox pokemon, and just rare pokemon in general btw)(or just specific not rare ones too)(also im sorry but do not give me that "none i would hug and love all of them!!" crap istg)(or try and tell me that you wouldnt be scared bc you're "not a pussy" or something -_-)
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part-time-zombie · 3 months
I feel like I kinda wanna talk about what I want to think is a key part regarding logans character: his unicorn onesie.
I know it's a stretch, but hear me out: in a way, the onesie represents his comfort and sense of whimsy. It shows who he is when he isn't just "logic", it shows how he acts when he's happy.
When thomas summons him by surprise, he's taken aback by the unexpected interruption. Look at his face here: he doesn't just look startled, he almost looks scared. He doesn't want to be seen like this, when he's not in his serious, necktie-wearing role.
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"I can explain,"
He immediately tries to convince thomas that it's not what it looks like, acting like a child who's mom caught them doing something they weren't supposed to do.
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Thomas doesn't give him that chance, instead making him change back to his normal clothes. He does so quickly, and almost immediately returns to his more serious self.
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In the end card, however, when he's alone with patton he openly indulges in his appreciation for the onesie. He looks happy and relaxed, a stark opposite from his reaction to thomas seeing him like that just minutes prior.
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But the moment he lets himself get too silly and makes a dad joke, he clams back up. Patton caught him and now all he can do is beg him to not tell anyone, because if word got back to thomas that he's not serious or respectable, he'll never he listened to again.
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We don't see him wear or even mention the onesie at all until ATHD, where he says he stopped wearing it because it's "too childish". In fact, aside from crofters I can't really remember him doing anything fun or silly in many of the later videos, likely his attempt at being more serious to make up for the onesie slip-up.
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However, as the end card rolls, we see him snuggled up in the onesie again. He sneaks quietly onscreen, checking to make sure he's alone, before wrapping himself up in his comforting onesie and practically hugging himself as he apologizes to it.
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He apologizes to the onesie, an inanimate piece of cloth that he knows very well isn't sentient. Unless he's not just talking to the onesie. He may be somewhat consoling himself here too, feeling upset that he has to say his favorite things are too childish for him to openly enjoy anymore.
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He wants to be respected, but he feels like he has to be serious for that, and in doing so he neglects his own wants and interests in the name of fulfilling his expectations.
Now it seems he can only be himself in private...
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worth-this-and-more · 2 months
is it just me or does anyone else wonder too about how the hell did davis get into the ogof-y-ddraig without the three bloodlines with him??
like for bree & gang to get there, they needed william, fitz and felicity to open it up.
so did davis have like vials of blood just chilling in his office fridge?? which, now that I think about it, is very very morbid and gross. and how did he get the blood anyway, what would he have asked for?? what reason did he give?? or did they just do whatever he asks because duh he's the king (not really but at that time).
even while opening up the gates, to get natasia's blood (I'm assuming because she was the only easily procured source) what would he have asked her?? or she just did it because of duty??
and even william had a vial of sel's blood, what is the purpose of keeping these vials in the first place?? do they just assume that someday they might have to close a gate without a merlin at hand?? or William has the blood for his research and shit and davis just happened to have access to it??
why are they collecting merlin blood samples anyway?? what's the point??
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mariovroom · 6 months
Carlos Sainz had 3.3% chance of winning both Singapore and Melbourne. Here's why:
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I was in a silly goofy mood (as in fuming because I decided to sleep instead of watching the GP, thinking "ah yes Max will just win again", like an idiot) and I've started wondering what are the odds of Max ONLY having issues with the car when Carlos is front row (and ahead of charles in quali). So I've gathered my three braincells together and calculated it - around 3.3%. This is absolutely WILD. Obviously I'm not downplaying Carlos's ability to deliver when the opportunity arises HOWEVER I think it's nice to point out just how unlucky Charles is lol.
As to where the hell I pulled this number from - I've calculated it based on last 11 races (since Singapore 23), in the span of which Carlos outqualified Charles twice (leading to his two wins) and Max also had technical issues twice. (This realization actually prompted me to calculate it, because "what are the odds???", right?) Basically I checked how likely it is for two events of probability 18,(18)% (both Max having issues and Carlos outqualifying Charles - 2/11) to occur simultaneously, which I did by multiplying the numbers and BOOM 3.3%. (For this stat to work, we need to pretend that the rest of the grid doesn't exist and it's just between the ferraris, so just keep that in mind). I'd like to add that I'm absolutely no expert in maths so I COULD BE WRONG - if someone has a better idea how to count this, hit me up.
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Also, data from 11 races is veeeeery scarce, so it's more of a "Look - that's an interesting stat" post, rather than anything else.
And on a different note-
3.3%? -> 33??? Hello??? Max Verstappen are you there???
So yeah, Charles continues to be the unluckiest ever [relatable]. If you flip the number around, he had 96.7% chance of winning at least one of the two races when redbull wasn't as strong as always.
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rewatching good omens because what the hell else am I going to do and this just hit me--
Prophecy 2213.
"Four shall ride, and three shall ride the sky as two, and one shall ride in flames, and there shall be no stopping them. not fish, nor rain, neither devil or angel, and ye shall be there also, Anathema."
obviously the first half details the horsemen, aziraphale-tracy and shadwell, and crowley with the burning bentley, but the Anathema part is intriguing.
anathema's mom is abundantly aware of how her daughter is going to be there at the end of the world. if my memory serves, in the book, anathema's mother had just found the name somewhere and liked it. (maybe in connection to the prophecy, maybe not.). When anathema arrives at the airport in the show, though, she calls it an "old family name."
So either there are several generations of anathema's with the device family just waiting to see which one would be there for the end, or her mom decided, "hey there's this cool name in a prophecy about armageddon, I think it'd be kinda cool of me to name my daughter that so she's the one who has to deal with that"
either way-- why would the devices purposely name their children anathema, knowing they would be involved in the end times?? did they think they could stop it?? because the prophecy clearly states there is no stopping it. but if they never named their kids anathema, could Armageddon have never started in the first place?
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bunnihearted · 9 months
funny that therapists whose job it is to listen to u are the WORST listeners in society lmaooooooo. they dont hear a single word u say. they genuinely dont care abt what u say at all, they're just gnna take what theyve read in some textbook and apply it on to u. whatever u say you're not a person speaking words, your just a box filled with their judgements and pre constructed notions abt whatever diagnosis theyve assigned to u. therapists and psychiatrists are the most useless and incompetent ppl in society lmao. such a fkn joke it's insane how theyre even allowed to get paid for the shit quality job they perform ._.
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moeblob · 1 year
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Chris works in a different room than Right, Brent, and Karen so he just pops in and is like "Karen why does it feel so tense in here and it's dead silent please help me" and Karen is just done with the two guys so she's just "this is my work environment now thanks for noticing".
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I feel like my tumblr just keeps not sending me notifications for replies/messages/reblogs and I'm just so bummed about it.
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rubber-glovs · 14 days
Vent post!! Sfth related
The fact that I'll see sfth live and actually be able to talk to them and give them gifts and whay not actually TERRIFIES me. Like I've NEVER experienced anything like this before, and in the past couple of weeks, I've tried to boost my confidence, but it is just terrifying to think of. I'm not saying I'm scared or think sfth will hate me, but I don't want to be seen as annoying or anything like that, I want to get Future signed by Tom but I'm worried that it'll be like I'm nagging him or something, I don't want to be rude. I'm not great with social cues or knowing what to do in most or if not all situations, and I just panic and freak out. I've always dreamed and wanted to see sfth live, just like any other fixation I've had, but it's just scary. I'm also going with my aunt and I don't want to nag her either about my interests or anything, I'm good at hiding when I'm excited about something (unless I'm alone) so it already seems like I'm not so interested when I know I will burst out into happy tears the second I see them on that stage. I know that I shouldn't be scared. They're just doing their jobs and having fun to entertain the audience, but when I have hyperfixations as strong as that, I just feel so lost. I don't know what to say, and I thought about winging it, but as time passes, my anxiety creeps up as I realise I'm so nervous and socially anxious and awkward to even talk to cashier. I feel scared and unprepared. It's blocking out all my excitement to enjoy and see the show, and I really hate that do much. I just wish I wasn't so anxious and nervous about everything. Sfth is my second biggest hyperfixation, I think about it all the time and every day, and just like my number one hyperfixation (hermitcraft/life series), everything is a reference towards it. I don't want to leave a bad impression on the people that I think about every second of my life, I'm terrified to be a bad person in front of them. And I'm not particularly a good person, I try to be, but I don't get social cues, I can't understand people easily and constantly need them to rephrase or repeat what they said, I can't express my emotions or feelings to the people I trust most in the world and I bottle stuff up a lot, it makes me do bad stuff that I don't even realise they're bad until someone tells me and I live with the grief and anger at myself for so long, most of the anger I have are from years and years ago when I've already been forgiven, but I'm still thinking about it daily and the guilt is still terribly bad. If I do something bad in front of sfth to make them hate me, I'll end up hating myself for eternity. It won't be something I'll be able to shake off easily. It's going to stick with me till the day that I die, and it scares me. I don't want to do the wrong thing, I don't want to make them uncomfortable, and I don't want to be annoying. I don't know how to act around people I'm not close to. I'm either really awkward or quiet or I don't give 2 flying fucks, and there's no in between. I normally can't control it either. It makes me upset.
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nudibutch · 1 year
okay real talk. for those into any form of pain play and/or impact play? how do you distinguish between like. wanting it because you Want it vs. wanting it because you feel like either 1. you genuinely deserve it (punishment or the best youll get) or 2. its the best you have to offer your partner?
#i was just really thinking about this last night and....#there are some levels of pain that i really do genuinely enjoy and i know arent associated with what im asking#a good example is scratching or biting#but there are occasionally more intense things i fantasize about like being restrained and hit with an implement and at first im like#yeah thats hot#but then im not really sure if im wanting it in the same This Is Pleasurable way or if im wanting it in the#This Is The Best You Can Really Get or#in my case being stone like#it occurred to me that pain is 1. a cleaner/more distinct signal to me. nervous system wise#cause of dysphoria and whatever fucking else is going on with my body a lot of pleasure just gets lost in translation#but pain is like ok point of contact direct to brain#and also like. i would express more. outwardly. obviously. with pain#and i dont know if me wanting that is my brain trying to say#well if you cant really give your partner an expression of pleasure#your dick is fake you cant feel that very well and otherwise touches are very hard to translate to arousal#then the better you Can give them is. your pain#and idk if im overthinking it or what or if like#my brain is saying oh well if you cant feel it tender even though you want to you Want to feel it tender#guess youll have to feel it rough instead#which im not sure i.... like#anyway. if you made it this far. thanks for reading HAJDKGKH#my inbox is open if u have comments suggestions insight etc.#slug.personal
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bittwitchy · 5 months
cw anti st*ggy and st*cky joke:
its funny how much i hate st*ggy considering i also dont like st*cky romantically
#but funnily enough i AM a steve/sam and b*cky/sam girl#but thats the one poly i wont approve of#for me u do u friends#how many tags do i have to do before it no longer shows up in tags brw#bc the fandoms for both of those ships are vile#esp when u admit to preferring sam w both of them they just get plain r*cist sometimes#i know its 20 to stay out of the tags but#will 20 also stop the flaggings from picking it up bc i dont wanna do that either#i wanna make sure your tag blocks work yknow#wtf even is sam and b/uckys pairing name#like im a b/uckyn/at aka w/interwi/dow girlie as well and they have both#is it like… w/interfa/lcon????#why is b/uckys name first it should be sams#honestly that fandom is wild if you talk abt ships nnur ships arent the popular ones like#i woll dully admit i ship wild stuff too#not rly wild if m*rv*l cared enough to actually build the rels peoperly but like#as a comic reader im a st*ron fan and im forever mad at how they#royally fucked up sh/arons story just bc they wanted to fuck w h/ayley a/twell a known woman hater posing as a f/eminist#i do like st*ny but only when done right bc lbr… they couldnt even do theirn#friendship right enough to make cw actually impactful#and i dont understand why ‘literally was earning almost a billion per movie at the time even before they all were’ m*rv*l#chose to fuck w what cap 3 was to ‘compete w b/atman v s/uperman’ like#they had zero to worry abt ppl wont even pay attention to zacks films and pick apart anything to hate they can#ppl hate subtle storytelling which is how he storytells he hates shoving the plot in your face he wants you to overthink it#and they were launching the universe then like it was NEVER going to be a competition they just freaked tf out for no reason#losers#ima tag them now hopefully i dont end up int he tags if u have those antis blacklisted lmk if it works#anti steggy#anti stucky
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nazurabbit · 1 year
hey guys has anyone ever noticed that in earlier mvs nazuna doesnt wink at all and even seems to have less expressions compared to more recent mvs where he is a lot more free with his movements (rather than sort of robotic, like he was just doing what he was told) and he has more expression in his face which could symbolize how he slowly grew and realized that he was a part of ra*bits and belonged with them rather than just doing movements and being the perfect idol on stage, the one that shu always pushed him into being to the point that being perfect on stage was all he ever knew how to do
or maybe im just delusional
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decembermoonskz · 10 months
update on flirty idiot that I may have a mini crush on bc I can
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allforthepack · 6 months
I was tagged by @voidofteeth ! Thank you :D
Last song I listened to: Detectorists by Johnny Flynn
Last book I read: The Mars House by Natasha Pulley
Last movie I watched: The Barbie Movie
Last TV show I watched: The Detectorists
Last thing I googled: either the bus timetable or tracking a parcel 😅
Last thing I ate: Easter egg chocolate
Amount of sleep: 5 hours ? It was very fractured
Sweet, savoury, or spicy: Sweet! I have a huge sweet tooth
Currently reading: I don't have a Main book rn but I'm reading The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons and Belladonna by Adalyn Grace
Tagging (with no obligation nor expectation): @phantaloon @dirtandleavesandrain @juniperspolyphony @vanillaflowerstuff @katabasiss @madeofmagicc and anyone who sees this and wants to take part just say I tagged you in it!!
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