#im planning a reread soon so hehe
gwyns · 1 year
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I'd sullied my hands with enough blood and magic that if it were true, I was already certain to be damned.
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philosophiums · 3 months
hi sam!! 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 55, 57, 66 (lmhs), 71, 72, 76, 78, 79 😊 i just love picking another writer's brain hehe
KSJDBVJKDFBV MARIAM IM CRYING HELP 😂 *cracks knuckles* okay let's gooooo 💜 (there's gonna be a read more somewhere)
questions from here!
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Truly depends on the length of the wip! For short stuff that I'm confident will be under 10k, I just go in swinging. For longer stuff, I'm daydreaming constantly, even during the writing process. When I had a desk job, I would spend Work Time thinking and then write stuff out in my notes app, but now that I operate a moving vehicle for 7+ hours a day, I just spend the majority of that time Daydreaming, Thinking, and Planning for LMHS.
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
It's about a 60/40 split between original thoughts (as much as anyone can claim to truly have original creative thoughts that are 100% not inspired by anything else) and ideas that are based on or inspired by the premises of other fics or by fanart (sometimes not even from the same fandom).
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
From LMHS, last line of chapter 3: "Sun shining on their backs, sweet snacks in their stomachs, and laughter in the air, the three of them take off together, venturing once again deeper into Changyin’s busy streets."
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Not written out yet so I can't post a snippet, but in LMHS, water is so important to Megumi's character, way beyond just bending.
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Sometimes! I did outline LMHS, though that was mostly an attempt on my part at keeping track of all the thoughts @hinamie and I were throwing at each other. It's not very detailed at all, just a bullet point list of things like "they travel to [location] - remember that [this character] is with them" or stuff like that. It's a guide for the like... movement™ of the fic, but less so the nitty gritty details, which I kind of enjoy discovering as I go (be it while I'm writing or while Hina and I are talking). But the last long fic I wrote (250k) did not have an outline. I just followed my heart and the vision I had of the end of the fic <3 The back half of that fic did have a canon timeline to follow, though, which made it easier.
14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
SJKDBJKSDB I do about 95% of my writing in a big leather wingback armchair in my living room, usually with one leg hooked over an arm of the chair. The other 5% is bleary-eyed, 2am in bed, notes app, half-finished sentences with just the worst spelling you've ever seen.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
It used to be between 1am and 3am, back when I was unemployed/working a job I didn't have to properly sleep for. Now, the only time I seem to be able to write is from about 8:30pm to 11pm. It takes me forever to unwind after coming home, so I can really only get myself to focus way at the end of the day. 100% if I went back to a desk job or stumbled into a pile of money that could let me stop working, I'd be right back to typing away well after midnight.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Sit down > open word doc > reread last paragraph > dissociate > walk away > come back three hours later and write SKJDVBDKJBVJKDFBV
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I don't necessarily enjoy it, mostly because when I'm researching, I tend to get pulled down a rabbit hole of stuff I don't need to know and will never use. However, I do find that I end up doing impromptu "shotgun" research a lot while writing. Literally while writing the first chapter of LMHS, I had to pull up some research on trees just to make absolutely sure I was describing something correctly. It's 100% an inconsequential detail, but at least I know I wasn't pulling it completely out of thin air KSJVDBDKJVB I don't think I could honestly say which fic required the most research. If we include the amount of time I spent on the respective fandom wikis for character/canon details, then Swallow the Stars for sure. But if it's only for Other Stuff™, then I think they're all about equal.
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
I love making OCs in general, but not really for fanfic. I'll make an OC for an inconsequential side character no problem (did this a couple times in Swallow the Stars), but, for the most part, I prefer to stick to canon characters. I've never written a fic from the POV of an OC, and I doubt I ever will. I would much rather explore the dynamics between canon characters than insert a new main character into a story that already has one.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
Depends! I've done all three before SKJDVBDKJVBF Sometimes, a title comes to me right away, and I can sort of circle around it while I'm writing (this is more common for me with short fics). Sometimes, I get a few thousands words in, and have played with the themes long enough to have it just sort of come to me. Other times, I'm fully edited and just staring at the words begging a title to appear so I can post KSJDVBDKJFVBDFV LMHS had a title before I even started writing, because I wanted to have a title when I posted the fic announcement. As far as how I come up with them, I've pulled directly from words in the fic, I've gone on random quote generators and pulled from those, I've sat down and literally just strung words together based on a theme or a single specific word I wanted (LMHS, for instance, came from a desire to use the word "haunt"). It just kinda depends and is different for every fic!
23. Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
The beginning is easiest because it's fun character introductions and scene setting, not a lot of plot yet. The middle is by far the hardest because that's where the plot is beefiest and where a lot of the transition spaces are, and at the same time you're starting to gather up the threads you want to tie off at the end.
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I choose based on whose thoughts I'm imagining most when I'm first thinking of the story! When I'm new to writing for a fandom, I will sometimes have to start a fic 2 or 3 times to find the voice that comes easiest to me, though. I have a tendency to lean towards the quieter characters, but that's not always true! For example, Andrew Minyard's POV is easier for me to write in, but I have more fun writing Neil, so I tend to gravitate towards Neil for AFTG fics.
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
World building my beloved..... I love coming up with Reasons for things that I want to happen, tying things into the setting and the history and making sure it works for the characters as well. The moment when everything connects is so magical.
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
Writing KJDBKJDFBVJKDBFV Words are just.... so hard 😭
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
Detailing! Descriptions! I am constantly fighting with myself over how much detail I actually need to include in my descriptions, because on some level, I want to describe it as much as I possibly can so that it can be envisioned easier, but on the flip side I know for a fact that no matter how much I describe something, no one will ever see it exactly the same way I do. And so then I pull back too far, I think, and keep my descriptions bare minimum, which I think is just as unhelpful. I need to work on finding a balance. Maybe metaphor can be my friend here.....
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I usually go through for edits a minimum of two times and a maximum of 4 times. I always do an initial read-through for details that I missed or clarifications I need to make or continuity problems, stuff like that. Then I'll go through for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. If I end up rewriting a lot during that second edit, I'll go back through yet again just to double-check everything. And, more often than not, I do a last read-through right before I post. Though, inevitably, there's always something that I don't catch until it's already posted KJSBDVKDJBV
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
I'm really quite keen on Like the Moon Haunts the Sun !! It's longer than what I usually go for with titles, but it's sooooo thematically fitting and just really really pretty imo. But, This Is What Hollows holds a special place in my heart because it's a bit different and yet perfectly fitting for that fic. Plus, it was titled loooong before I came up with a way to include it in the actual writing of the fic, and I felt like an absolute genius when I managed to do that organically.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I have a world mostly built for a fantasy setting with dragon gods and stuff that I've planned out all the lore for and yet cannot for the life of me actually think up a plot that would be interesting to write SKJVBDJKVB I have characters, I have setting, I have themes, but a plot? Evading me. And it's been haunting me for like 7 years.
44. What is your favorite genre to write?
Urban fantasy 100%!! I love writing magic systems without having to do historical research SKJBDVKJDVB Also just the idea of magic in a place that we live in is so special to me like... there is magic everywhere in the world, but sometimes that magic really does come from a spell book like Yes Please.
45. What genre/trope do you tend to write the most?
Found family trope my beloved,,,,,,,, don't look too closely at it; it doesn't say anything about me as a person I Promise.
47. Is there a trope that you’ve written before but are now sick of?
Not a trope, but when I was younger and Working Through Some Shit, I included a, I guess, circumstance™ that I will not actually say (bc it's like. triggering) in just about every fic I wrote, but I'm past the point now (thank god) of needing to vent through it, so I truly don't think I'll ever include it in anything ever again.
50. How would you describe your writing style?
HHHHHHH I have no idea. I think I am incapable of looking at my writing objectively enough to describe it.
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Very much so! I love reading prose that is rich in metaphor and simile, but for the life of me I can't write like that. I don't have the gift of constantly being able to turn a phrase so beautifully, but god is it gorgeous to read.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I don't even want to think about the words and phrases I overuse because I'm sure there's plenty JSKDBVKJDFVB I do have a recurring theme of like... healing, though. This deep inner struggle of the characters to get to a better place is just... so important to me. I want them to heal, but more than that I want them to want to heal.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I'm certainly conscious of it, but less so on the first draft. I think foreshadowing has a way of sneaking into my writing naturally (especially because I write chronologically), and then I can really hammer it in during the edit. Symbolism is purely being brought in during the first edit unless it's something so important that it was underlined a lot during the drafting/planning stage.
66. What’s a fun fact about LMHS?
It started as me just randomly thinking about ATLA and sending a question to Hina about what she thought the main trio's bending elements would be, and it just tumbled out of control from there SKJDVBDJKVFB
71. Do you spend more time reading or writing?
Writing, which is... saying something because I really don't spend a lot of time writing on a day-to-day basis. But I haven't read a published book in.... 4 years? And I don't read fanfic very often either, despite my bookmarks tab being overflowing with fics that I would like to read at some point. I just feel like I never have the time or energy to sit down and read.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
I have gotten a similar comment from multiple people that is about my characterization of canon characters within AUs and how it still feels like the canon characters but with realistic changes based on a different setting, and in fic writing I can't think of higher praise. Like... that's exactly what I want. I don't want the characters to be exactly the same as canon because their circumstances have changed, but I still want them to be recognizable. That's always what I'm striving for, and it makes me happy that people notice and think it's executed well enough to comment on.
76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
Poorly KDEJVBKJDEFVBJKDFVBJF Really though, I struggle managing pressure when I'm writing. And it's always internal, because external pressure on fics just makes me petty since it's Free Labor, and people who complain about a slow upload schedule or whatever just make me Mad. But internal pressure is HHHHHHHHHH I am Going Through It with LMHS. I want it to live up to expectations, but I also want to finish it quickly, but I also want it to be lush and complete, and there's always this voice in my head telling me I'm not writing fast enough or good enough. Mostly I work past it by reminding myself that the time will pass anyway and that it's a miracle that I can even write ~1k words a day with how tired my job makes me. And on the days when that doesn't work, I have loud music KSJDVBDKJVBJDKFV
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
Up to the point where I start posting (for my last long fic, I was >100k in before I uploaded the first chapter), the motivation comes from a simple desire to write that particular story. For me, it can't come from anywhere else. If I don't want to write on a fic anymore and I haven't uploaded yet, I'll just stop. However, once I start posting, comments and general interaction with the fic gives me a huge bump in motivation. Engagement and talking about the story and the characters and the plot just makes me so excited to keep going so that I can drop the next plot twist or cliffhanger and read everyone's reactions. This time, for LMHS, I am very very lucky to have my own personal cheer squad of one (Hina) motivating me daily through memes and character discussion and new pieces of art and other various things <3
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
The best actual constructive writing advice that I can give is: Do Not Edit Something Until You're Done. And yes, I mean the entire story - do not go back and reread/rewrite until you're done with it. Nothing will make your forward momentum disappear faster than going back to edit. If you're too hung up on details and perfection right away, you're never going to get done. You have to just write and accept that things will need to be reworked. Make notes for yourself on things to fix later or whatever, just do not scroll back up and start editing before you're done with something. It will only make you disappointed that where you pick up again isn't going to look as nice as what you just edited.
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breadarcade · 6 months
Ok I had an idea for a Shining glitter request...it then went away...then got an idea for a new one after rereading your other one! This time....nothing but playfulness and love lol!
Reader decides to playfully surprise Shining glitter with cuddles to be playful and show their love! They go home and sneak into their house and try to find her to surprise her...theeeen they ended up getting surprised by Shining glitter via surprise cuddles or surprise tickles lol! And y/n is just giggling/laughing after the initial surprise and is at Shining glitter's playful, loving mercy!
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notes: guys im bored can i have more requests? 
WARNING: it will make you feel lonely
★IT WAS A SIMPLE PLAN, surprise your dearly beloved, Shining Glitter Cookie, and eventually give in to cuddles by the end of the way. Extremely simple, no? Then how in the witches did it possibly go the other way? “Hehe–SHINING GLI–stop!” your voice rang out the room, followed by a series of giggles from none other than your wife which could be heard as both of you played around in the living room. It was surprisingly preppy for both of you as you went on giggling.
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★YOU QUIETLY OPENED THE DOOR to your house with your wife, it was already late, more of in the time of 8:00 in the evening-kind of late. You were quietly giggling to yourself as you tiptoed your way across the living room, not wanting and wishing that your wife would wake up anytime soon. You also knew that Shining Glitter Cookie slept at this time due to her hectic schedule as a pop star, so you found this as the perfect opportunity to do a prank on her! It wasn’t a big prank of course! It’s just a wholesome one that involves a little tickling and some cuddling afterward.
You wandered more across the house until you saw the anticipated door of your and Shining Glitter Cookie’s shared bedroom. Slowly opening it to make the minimum amount of creaking from the door, you were welcomed by the sight of your sweet wife sleeping peacefully, with a blanket covering over her head, making you suppress a sweet laugh as you slowly and carefully tiptoed your way at the side of your bed. A cheeky smile on your lips as you put your hand to her side, slowly shaking her to awake, “Shining—–My love.” you cooed as you slowly shook her, but to no response, so you tried to shake her even more. But to no response to your concern “Shining?” you called her name as you removed the covers over her–it’s head to see a pillow taking her place, leaving you surprised.
“What?” you ask yourself as you look at the pillow that took her place in pure confusion, rubbing your neck for a moment before you hear a familiar giggle from none other than– ”SHINING!” you squeaked as you turned around to see your wife, and right before she gave you no time to react by pouncing on you, pushing you to the bed along with her as he purposely touched your ticklish side, making you make several of laughs and squeaks to her enjoyment. You kicked your legs as you try to get her off you, but to no avail, as she keep poking you to your sides, “You thought you were going to surprise me, hmm? Well, not this time!” she grinned as jumped on you once more, her body pressed against you as she put you under her trap, giving you several of tickling and other stuff such as that.
As she felt you stop resisting, she stopped tickling you as well, a cocky smirk on her face as she is filled with pride, “What, giving up already? And I thought I was the–” you easily cut her off by putting your hands to the side of her face, then kissing her on the lips. Shining Glitter Cookie melted to that touch as she kissed you back, it wasn’t passionate, but loving and tender, especially soft. Just the way both of you like. Both of you kissed for a while but eventually, both of you had to pull away to get some air, both of you warmly stared into each other’s eyes before both of you broke down into laughter, enjoying each other’s company although out. Shining Glitter looked down at you as she pressed her body onto yours, wrapping her arms around you as she felt your comforting warmth to hers “How’s your day, cutie?” she teased, earning a chuckle from you before you replied, “It was okay, but it was better with you now.” you then leaned close to give her a quick kiss on the lips. “How bout you? Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping now?” “What are you, my mom? C’mon, anyways I was waiting for you–I was thinking about doing this with you for a while now.” she giggled, keeping you close and warm as she refused to let you go as we spoke.
“Shining–You know I got to change.” you murmured as she decided not to let you go, a small huff escaping her lips, “So what? So you can go to prank me again? Hmph.” she got all defensive for a second, whipping her head out to another direction before looking back at you with a cheeky smile on her face. “You can do that later, I want to cuddle,” she said, getting all snuggled up with you, her face getting smooshed by your chest, you heard her make a sigh of contentment as she managed to feel comfortable with you under the range of minutes, it was truly amazing in your eyes. You rolled your eyes at how your gorgeous wife was acting, but you were okay with it either way as you stayed still in your comfortable position, “Fine, after 10 minutes, I’ll go to change.” you gave her a stern glare, which turned to a cheeky smile, watching as her face turned to a tiny, small and adorable pout.  “10 minutes? That’s too short! Make it 30 minutes!” she frowned, making you chuckle, “25 minutes, take or leave it.” “Fine, I’ll take it.”
Well, despite all of those petty negotiations both of you ended up sleeping either way in your shared bed, all snuggled together and cuddly to your liking and comfortability. After a long day and a tiring schedule for Shining Glitter, it is nice to have a nice cuddle with your dear partner at the end of the way, couple goals!
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gothsuguru · 5 months
black is the color of my true love’s hair will never be topped. EVER. when i finished it i was disappointed it ended. i wish i could read it for the first time again. in fact im gonna reread it RN.
I’M CRYIDNFNDNDNDDNNDDN PLEASEEEEEEEE I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I GENUINELY FUCKING LOVE YOUUUUU 😭🩷 you’re all truly so kind AHHHHH hearing people say that they liked that fic… i kid you not the serotonin boost i get from it is ASTRONOMICAL it really does warm my heart that you enjoyed the story that much :’) i truly did try to show my ideal version of suguru & reader’s relationship dynamic in that fic (silly down bad devoted!reader x bad bitch morosexual nerd devoted!suguru… elite dynamic… two dorks in love…)
BUT don’t worry bestie :3 i have more suguru & reader in store… I’M WRITING THE PREQUEL RN! <333 (and i have lil drabbles planned that are adjacent to the story too hehe… toji meet & greet, sugusukusatoreader road trip, nsfw drabble of suguru sitting on reader’s face iykyk 👀, AND… maybe possibly… a sequel where suguru drops The Question…) CAN YOU TELL I ADORE THESE LIL CHARACTERS SO MUCH THEY’RE MY BELOVEDS!!!!!
AND DJDJDJDJDJ listen you and me both buddy i’m rereading it too to remember what the hell i wrote 😭 (for callback purposes ofc) i’m ngl though… i MAY rewrite the ending better a bit later i will say the one thing i disliked about the fic was the rushed ending and the ending lines… i was racing against the clock i was like 2 minutes away from valentine’s day being over so i was like girl… finish this RIGHT NOW!!!!! (so i may spruce it up later + make toji a real actor & not just an anime character hehe)
BUT AHHHHH please feel free to reread as many times as you like & if you ever want me to do lil drabbles about these dorks feel free to send something in! :D i promise i will give you new content of these Losers in Love soon enough (please pray that i get out of my writing rut omg… i HOPE i can get this fic out within this month!) BUT ANYWAYS DJDJDJJD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! thank you for being SO sweet & for showing my lil story some love it means the absolute WORLD to me :’) ILYSM!
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^ as a treat… a hint for the prequel <3 truly The Dynamic between sugu & reader and sugu & sukie
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4) i LOVEEE how you (and electron road suspect) are the fandoms main proponents of the best joker out ship, poly!jo. in any capacity, i love the complexity of love between multiple people, but i understand how arduous a task this can be, characterizing dynamics perfectly and the like. you succeed every time, and i love love love it.
9) i look forward to every one of your uploads, BUT honestly, i am soooo excited about the new bojan/jan/martin fic youve started. ive always been such a martin girlie, and i find the relationship he has with bojan to be really special. im simple, and i usually prefer fics that are smutty and explicit, but with them i almost prefer more romantic/fluff content if anything. im really surprised people dont write about them more in that regard, tbh. im really excited to see where you take this one!
12) ngl ive reread all your fics at least three times, there's something to like in all of them and i am an addict. the one ive tended towards revisiting the most though is "the edge of us," more specifically chapter two. WHEN I TELL YOU, some of the hottest shit ive read in this fandom. period. kris's revenge and bojan's desperation, dear lord i am truly a sinner the way i replay their mirror sex in my head during class on particularly boring days. i think smut can be really difficult to write, and im very picky about my preferences and the way a lot of authors choose to portray that. you, however, have definitely got it down and i love you for it.
Ahhh thank you so much this made my day! 🥰🥺
4) The best ship you've written for
I also love @electron-road-suspect work! It's funny because I actually didn't really set out to write poly!jo specifically, it just sort of naturally evolved in Distortion. I'm really enjoying it now and it's become a key part of the story in a bigger way than I anticipated. It's also been lovely to get people's feedback because it's a nuanced and complex thing to navigate and I didn't want it to feel like I just forced it, so I was a bit nervous about it! So thank you!! ❤️
9) A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting
I also think Bomartin is such a gorgeous ship, and I absolutely feel you because I also see them in a softer more romantic way, or even as a deep platonic/brotherly thing (I say as I write them fucking haha) the way they act together with such incredibly casual and affectionate intimacy is just 🥰🥺😍 honestly the Bomartin/Bo(Jan) thing is very very loose in the sense that I just kinda started writing cuz I felt like doing something with it, but it doesn't feel very well planned or cohesive and I don't really know where its going. But I think I might have a second chapter ready soon enough!
12) A fic of yours that i've re-read
Omg this is such a compliment that you've reread my stuff so much, wow!! I'm honoured that you have and that it's stuck with you! Haha I put off that scene for so long cuz I wasn't feeling very inspired or enthusiastic about it but I liked writing it in the end, even if I think I rushed it a little. So I'm super glad you like it so much!! And it's always so nice to hear people say my smut is hot hehe 👀
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hannieween · 6 months
hey, i recently re-read the heartbreaker series and i was wondering when part iv will be released!! im so excited for it, the fic is written beautifulllyyyyy!!!
hi babyyy 🩵
thank you so much!! 🥺thank you for rereading and for your lovely comments!! 🩵
idk when will it be released but it's definitely in my plans to update soon! part 4 is currently 1.5k words long haha so it's still in its outline stages! i'm calculating it'll be out by the end of march!
i hope hehe
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
hi cherry berry~
was gonna wait for tonight to send this to u but im feeling rlly soft rn hehe
ur writing.. so fucking good cherry. so so good. you word things perfectly and never have i ever feel the need to reread things while im in the zone because you write that well. not to mention your ideas and how well you execute them into your story is so well thought out and whshwushsjsn fangirling frfr
youre also always so fucking sweet and wholesome :c a day never goes by where i dont at least smile at ur kind words and sweet encouragement. every single time i talk to you is like flowers blossoming in the garden. ik you know how much i adore your friendship w crystal <3 but im gonna say how much i love it again.
i struggle with keeping friends irl, online it seems to be the opposite,, but those who are extremely close to me arent all that great and can sometimes be.. just not there when i need them most. so thank you for taking the time out of ur day to talk to me. it makes me happy
ilysm cherry <3 pls never change okie?
omg moony hiiii 🥹🩷
thank you so much for your kind words, it really reassures me that i’m writing fine and don’t confuse readers and that is so important to me 🥹🩷 i haven’t posted in a while but i plan to very soon as i’m almost done with another fic 🩷🩷 your writing is so pretty, and like i’ve said it has this duality when you switch to nsfw stuff, it becomes so sexy like you really excel at both so much!! 🥺🩷
omg thank you so much like that pulled at my heartstrings ;_; you’re so kind moony <3 i know you’ve mentioned being intimidated a little by crystal hehe i’m a little intimidated by so many writers because i feel so small compared to everyone else and when you followed me back my heart jumped >\\\< i’m really so glad you like my presence here ;3; i really love seeing you on my dash and i hope you’re doing well 🩷🩷 i’ll never forget when you said crystal and i matched with our themes and everything hehe 🤭🩷 you’re such an observant person and i love that about you 🥺
i totally understand 🥹 i struggle to make friends irl, and even online sometimes i find it hard to fit in somewhere… i hope to be there for you as much as possible 🥺🩷 i think the best way to make sure you don’t feel stuck in unbalanced friendships is to focus more on the ones who are indeed here 🩷 you make me happy by being here moony 🥺🩷🩷
i love you so much too moony!! please stay yourself and keep being you too 🥺🩷
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sparksnevadas · 2 years
finished new chapter of gihasm!!! originally wanted to send a separate ask ab just the first part bc it was so nice n sweet n fun to read then i got sucked in LMAOO im honestly pretty tired rn but i am like .im chewing this chapter and i mean this in a good way idk how else to explain my feelings (ALSO hopefully very very soon im planning to reread gihasm + force my friend to read it w me cuz we used to read all my fav fics on call together n im SO hyped for it) this new chapter was very good and just waough........... i just rly love ur characterization n how u write them interacting .ive def said that before but idc i still stand by it reading the moment between scar and mumbo had me almost shaking in a very good way i cannot react normally to anything but it was just soo good i love them
wil! hi!
you read it so quickly wil! :D you should catch up on some sleep and rest, but im really happy about your ask hehe, chew up the chapter as much as you want :) im giving the mumscarian fandom what we need... redscape being idiots together hehe
thank you for saying they have good characteriztion!!! everytime someone says this i always buzz a little on the inside. its what i want the most for my writing: for it to sound fluid and fun and soft. so ty!
but please go get some rest! <3
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hi,hello,hoy !!! You asked me what I thought of your fic so I am here to comment some things about it !!! :D
I love how you have to put pieces together to figure out what's going on with Y/N! Because when your theory gets confirmed you just get this SERATONIN (is that how you type it??) from it
(this one is honestly more of a nit pick just saying:) I feel like you could do a bit of foreshadowing like for example: In chapter 1 you could have described Y/N's backpack in detail so the readers know how it looks like and think "hMMM why are they describing it in such detail ???" and then when you get to chapter 3 you could describe Y/N's backpack as something else (not entirely something else but a small change) without Y/N reffering to it feeling like 'a different bag' maybe get him to say "something feels off..." so when the reader sees this they'll put the pieces together and say "WOOOAH WAIT THATS DIFFERENT FROM THIS THAT WAS SAID IN THIS !!!! :0" !! BUT!! Honestly that's just a little nitpick from me because I tried to write a few stories before (but then I gave up halfway) and I know bits and pieces on how to do cool foreshadowing (from a writer friend) but take this with a grain of salt because I am still ig a newbie at writing!! ><
also when Y/N is talking in his head and a thing thinks instead of him you could have a subtle shift in tone (idk if I am explaining this one well sorry I am a bit sleepy)
unhinged Sun. I just loved when that boy snaps. ( ‾̀◡‾́)
and the last one is.... remember to take breaks!!! Writing can be exhausting especially if the story is getting to your head (trust me ik how it feels when you get too emotionally attached and don't wanna kill your favourite off (╥﹏╥)) so remeber to take as much time off as you need your mental health is WAY more important <3
have a good day!!! :DDD<3 gonna make more fanart in the future when my wrist hurts lessheehehege---
OHHHHHHHH THIS IS SO HELPFUL THANK YOU THANK YOU <33 omg (sorry i really REALLY love reading peoples' thoughts Okay i am going to dissect this NOW [TOTALLY NOT PROCRASTINATING WORK]) ill put it under a cut since its kinda long AHH
ill be honest. Im SO SO GLAD you wrote all these points (especially the nitpicks !!/gen) - im super happy that you guys really love getting theories confirmed in the next chapter and im glad you noticed that the description of the backpack is. not up to par hehe ( AS WELL AS THE THING IN Y/N'S HEAD ) (also dw you explained it really well! )
I am at a constant war of wanting to spill everything and hiding info due to spoilers but !! ive been playing around with the fic being an unreliable narrator so much that i was incredibly concerned that it was. very confusing WAHAHA (it probably still has some things to fix though), so im genuinely really glad you pointed out inconsistencies(?? oddities? i dont know how to say it but basically funky writing) in the places where i wanted there to be :]
HAHA I DONT KNOW IF I MAKE SENSE RIGHT NOW it is like. 2am. but tldr hheehee hoo hoo i am so glad that things are going according To Plan. (dude i am like. saving this post too just so i can reread and make sure things unfold properly too)
LASTLY. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS !! writing analysis and feedback take so much time and Im really really honoured that you guys spoil me with a LOT of them- and for understanding that this fic kinda takes a toll on my health wahaha <33
also guys pls. pls rest your wrists. i am going to spam stretches soon. (ALSO ALSO THANK U ALL FOR THE FANART FOOD please dont overexert yourself though !! health first and genuinely; you guys even reading my fic is the greatest honour ever. take care of yourselves!!! and have a good day too <33
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maoist-mizer · 3 years
your deltoraposting made me start rereading the series 👀
as you SHOULD ahdhdhdhshs
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alas I reread the series at the end of last year, and im planning on rereading the three doors trilogy soon
but I am like craving to just reread DQ again. I just love those books so much. I used to reread them over and over in primary school (my OG hyperfixation, if you will). I used to also be obsessed with the anime, it was always on tv at 8:30pm on Saturdays hehe. ah memories ✨
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mono-moonchilds · 3 years
just a humble gyal hopping on here to tell you that i've read Liaison for a second time and I may or may not have brought up a few conjectures abt what will happen in future chapters, hehe. Absolutely no pressure tho! I'll be waiting patiently! 😇
opening my tumblr to see this message, especially since its about Liaison was such a pleasant surprise. i often think no one is paying that much attention to that story especially since it's been so long since i've updated. so this very much so made my day lol.
but i will hopefully be updating it soon. (sooner than you may think) i have everything planned out so i just need to actually write and stop getting stuck lmao.
ahhh but im so glad you enjoy Liaison!!!! enough to reread the few chapters it has. that story is like my baby and you're a great writer (patiently waiting for you to update roguery rose district as well) so its like double the happiness and compliment.
and if you ever want to send me your predictions feel free lol
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
🤭 Unpopular opinion / 🕐 First impression of the anime/webtoon / 💡Any new ideas that you want to create soon or in the future ?
hi resiot! 
🤭 Unpopular opinion  
karaka is a great villain and character and is really interesting (aside from whatever is underneath all that armor etc... which is usually what people talk about), and i love him v much (also his sense of humor is really funny,,,that tsundere)
🕐 First impression of the anime/webtoon  
first impression of webtoon: i was kinda bored honestly and i was really confused? so i only  read a few chapters and then went back to read all of it and i didnt get sucked in till maybe mid s2 ish i think and then after that i was like ok thats it im in love, best webtoon ive ever read (also...heres a secret: i didnt trust khun at all at first) also the comments motivated me to read it bc everyone was like “this is my 8th time reading” so i was like this must be good and unfortunately i havent finished a second reread yet bc i KEEP TAKING SCREENSHOTS AHHHH and im running out of storage space rip
💡Any new ideas that you want to create soon or in the future ?
ohhh yes that hanahaki one i wrote a little bit about a while ago! where khuns bandanna suddenly appears in bams home and tells bam to go somewhere to meet whom i wonder hehe when khun is supposed to be dead
i have to plan out the plot beforehand otherwise i’ll be all over the place with a buncha plotholes rip haha ive come up with like 7 different ways to go about it 
ALSO i want to make video edits but,,,prob only for winter break and i have to download software and stuff and before that, clear enough space in my comp to download software rip (unless i go mobile but i hate editing on mobile ahaha)
AND GIFSETS yea i have so many gif drafts rn :’) ima make all of the ones i want of the anime hehe + gif memes where i make them say what i want them to say and make the lipsynch match up 
hmm also this other crack hanasnocki fic lmao i gotta work on that too
plus a few poems i started but i have to edit them a lot before posting them...totally havent been in my wip folder for like months :sweats nervously:
thank u for the ask! this was super fun <33  and apologies for taking a while to answer ahaha 
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closetedotaku01 · 4 years
i rlly hope youll keep writing after Kinktober, bc as a writer myself i see so much potential in your writing. it's already great, but it really reminds me of my own writing from a year or two back. i was the one who asked how long you've been writing & i've been writing fanfic for 7 years so its cool to see how good you already are. youre going to improve so much over time & i'm really excited to see it, you do so many things in your stories well & theyre only going to get better! (1/2)
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This.... I—. WARMED MY HEART!! Pick a name or emoji or whatever you want and you are an official anon!! Also this got long so.. READ MORE IF YA WANNA!!
Thank you so much for saying you see potential. Sometimes I’m really.... unhappy with my work and feel like I can’t improve and this just... MADE ME SO HAPPY!! Like... hearing it from someone who does write💜💜💜💜💜 makes my whole life.
I’m so excited to keep growing and I hope you stay for the journey because this is so sweet. Maybe casually come off anon way down the road (so I can’t guess) just so I can read some of your work too 👉👈. And no worries there will be more after Kinktober. I am really enjoying this and have no plans to stop writing any time soon.
Okay so my favorite published authors are Jandy Nelson (I’ll Give You The Sun is a book I reread constantly. It’s my comfort book. I swear if my soul was anywhere besides my body, there’s a piece of it trapped in that book.), Fredrick Backman (specifically And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer), Brigid Kemmerer (literally all of the books she’s published with Bloomsbury I’ve read and adored), and Neal Schusterman (Specifically the Arc of a Scythe Trilogy). They all write in ways that affect me deeply and they mean a lot to me. I don’t necessarily try to emulate them, but they definitely are the authors I consult (by reading and rereading their works) to get ideas and to learn how to write.
Fanfic authors. I think I’ve made it pretty damn clear on here that I am hopelessly in love with @imaginethathaikyuu (I’m still too scared to tag her I’m sorry) and her writing. She means the whole world to me in every way. Her writing always hits me in a MAGICAL way. Especially her newer pieces. Works of hers that hit hard for me are: (please note this list is not comprehensive. These are just the FIRST ONES that came to mind. All her work is objectively great.) 
-Tsukishima accidentally teases his s/o’s insecurity - this one holds my heart.
-Heated argument with Tsukishima - this is the angst I adore. Honestly, this might be one of my TOP TOP favorites, because it feels so real. 
-Morning sex with Tsukishima -just the line “theyre your tits!” That’s all. Brings me serotonin beyond words. And it feels so genuine and lovely. Again... she makes the world so real. Also in my TOP TOP favs. (Is my Tsukki love showing too much?)
-Helping you when you can’t sleep - This is beyond words beautiful
-Helping you study - PLEASE I NEED THIS NOW
-Tanaka finding out his s/o is pregnant - YES! SHE DOES TANAKA SO WELL
-Tanka asks Kiyoko to dance.... but she says no - SO WELL 
-Riding Headcanons -🙈
-S/O is nervous about him going down on her  -because who ISNT the first time?
-Learning about your self-harm scars -hits close to home and Iwa’s makes me cry every time.
-Akaashi making it up to you after a fight -my favorite color is literally purple 💜
-Bokuto’s s/o has a nightmare - I literally revisit this one whenever I have a nightmare
- Kinktober 2019 - ALL .... but the ones I revisit the most are Tsukishima’s, Oikawa’s, Futakuchi’s, Yaku’s, Iwa’s, Yamaguchi’s, and Matsukawa’s.
-Kinktober 2020 - please GOD read Kuroo’s, Mattsun’s, Iwa’s, Suna’s, and Atsumu’s. They’re all immaculate but those in PARTICULAR were MASTERPIECES.
-Having an angsty fight - particularly Kuroo’s GETS TO ME. Like... damn. Makes me... melt. Idek why. It’s just, again, how real she makes it feel. From the atmosphere and setting to the way the characters behave. A lot of times in “argument angst” (is that a term?) the arguments feel so shallow and stupid. And I’m like “on my moodiest days I wouldn’t react like that” or “Kuroo WOULD NEVER”. But these feel so real. Ughhhh.
-You give Kenma a gift mid-stream 
-Kenma gets turned on during a stream - can you tell I love the way she writes streamer Kenma 😌 also this is my fav nsfw-esque Kenma piece solely because it feels accurate to his character in a beautiful way despite me headcanoning that he’s ace.
-Oikawa’s s/o wakes up without him there
-Iwaizumi getting.... caught.... by Makki and Mattsun... with you  -Give Iwa More Love 2020
-Tendo teasing his s/o by ... taking care of himself - One of the first Em pieces I ever read. I don’t think it was THE first. But it was definitely the first one I read like... RIGHT AFTER she posted it.
-Tendo comforting s/o who’s parents yell - hits very close to home for me, and I just wanted him to come whisk me away the first time I read this
-7MIH with Tendo  -hehe I love this more than anything. Also Ushijima’s ONE line makes me CACKLE. I’m in love with this one
-This two part series with Atsumu (1) (2) -haha I reread these too often
-Kneel to Pray  (Sakusa) -I have not even one criticism or negative thought. Not one. And I’ve read this TOO many times.
-Tough boys are soft for you - two of the best boys
- Countdown to Christmas - Days 6,7,11, and 12 are the ones I reread the most
THIS IS SO BAD!! I WENT STRAIGHT TO THESE AND DIDN’T THINK IT WAS THAT MANY COS I REREAD THESE ONES REGULARLY. (And there’s a lot more theatre good. Please explore her blog! It’s WONDERFUL) Sorry for spending too much time on Em’s blog, but also.... not sorry cos she’s amazing and all of these pieces inspire me.  I’ll try to be fast for the rest of these ahfihfadsfsjfh.
 @star-puff (catch a theme of me being scared of talented authors)’s piece La Lune and her Fleur d’Amour event (search #fleur d’amour on her blog) are so creative and beautiful and truly show how talented she is. She’s amazing. EDIT: I’m adding this as soon as I’ve read it because it just made me cry. Omg. Read this. Tsukishima royalty AU it is angst though so 👀 read at your own risk. EDIT: On GOD Meg could murder me and I’d say thanks. Please read this beautiful time stamp shit it makes me HAPPY. 
UPDATE: And Meg is now responsible for the most canon Tsukki piece I’ve ever read. 
There’s a cute SMAU called Sunshine by @pudding-head-kenma and idk how she does it. It’s so good. I could never tell a story this complex, THIS WELL, using only text messages and tweets and such. She also does mini headcanons that are REALLY cute.
Anything and everything by @haik-choo is gold. Literal gold. The way she writes Tsukishima is IMMACULATE. Toxic headcanons, mischaracterizations all of its gold. And she’s a beautiful shitposter. She drops shit that makes me CACKLE at the most random times. All of it is a big yes for me.
UPDATE: this is gold.
Of course I’ve read In Another Life and OF COURSE I sobbed. Took me AN HOUR to read because I kept having to take breaks to just.... sob. VERY MUCH A HEAVY DUTY ANGST. Not for the weak of heart. BokuAka. This is probably the oldest piece I’ve read that still HITS for me. 
There are other pieces but I can’t remember them.... probably will come back and add to this post later.
Thank you for this ask. Thank you for being so kind and inspiring. I was kinda worried about releasing anything I’ve ever written and still get nervous sometimes so this ask makes me feel a hell of a lot better and makes me feel like I’m joining a WONDERFUL community like... Look at all that talent ^^^^.
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fydream · 4 years
i love u!!!! i hope ur also taking care of urself as well!!! 
i dont plan on leaving soon so i’ll be around for a while hopefully hehe
also @prettyjoongs or @babydyuckie (i didnt know which one to tag u on im sowwy </3) but hey mayb we should make ppl suffer together ahaha,, unless,,
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velvetsehun · 4 years
okay after another reread of ch7 i just wanna say its interesting that despite the tension and focus being between jeonghan and sehun— with the latter being “in control” or so we think cos what kept the discussion moving at all was really y/n— be it a word from her or a small action, sehun takes note of them and reacts almost immediately. its fun to see sehun get affected by y/n even if he doesnt know it hehe tbh i wonder how the other boys feel about this “affection” HAHA —🥴👌🏼
first of all, love the emojis you chose - i normally pick or give a nickname based on them but im not sure how to approach this lmao 
second, jeonghan and sehun was funny to write, i didnt think i’d have them in a room together so soon when i started planning for that chapter but i added that in relatively late - it was originally supposed to be someone picking yeol up and the two of them receiving a letter asking for a formal meeting but i opted to have the worlds most awkward road trip ever the the testosterone stand off that was the two of them hehe. Sehun is a perceptive man, and in all due respect despite the past happening in the office, Sehun doesnt wish any harm on her - she’s not the target, but she did do a good job at guiding the conversation between the two of them! Jeonghan melts like butter for her and Sehun does everything with a hint of smugness to him ! 
Have no doubt, that Baekhyun will make a comment - he has to ;) As for the others, i guess we’ll see, I gave you a Yixing part this chapter but all the boys will get spotlighted 👀
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
hello eve!! how’re you today lovey? did you do anything interesting, do tell :)!! today i read the new chapter and i’m crying in the club because it’s gonna end soon :(. anyways, i hope you ate something, drank water, and will go to sleep soon hehe. sending all my loves and kithes your way MAUAH -😼
Part 2: idk if my ask got gobbled up, but hey eve!! i hope you’re doing well today!! did you do anything interesting because if so, please do tell!! i just read the recent chapter and i’m like lowkey crying in the club cause this whole journey is gonna be over and i wasn’t even here from the start. IM DEFINITELY GONNA REREAD THE MANGA ONLY TO GET ATTACHED AND GET MY HEART CRUSHED BECAUSE IT’S OVER AHH! it’s 97 degrees where i live (38 °C) AND IM DYING BUT I GOT BUBBLE TEA!! AHHH I HOPE YOU’RE WELL-😼
Hope you‘re well, 😼 anon!! How much sleep did you get tonight? 👀
Pls do not remind me omg- I’m not ready for this 😭😭 I’m not sure what I will do when the manga ends- probably cry :,) my heart is already crushed, I CAN‘T TAKE MORE OMG-
I think I’m not gonna go on tumblr when it ends, like a few days before it ends just to be safe not to get spoiled omg 😫 making plans already ✊🏻
And I worked today, and had a nice family dinner after that!! My sister bought me a cute pair of socks, it’s kinda like a running gag that she often brings me socks 😂💖
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But other than that it was just normal 💖
BUBBLE TEA- OMG- SO JELLY- the next bubble tea store is like 30km from here- but everytime I’m there I always get one 💖😫 what flavor did you get?
OMG THAT‘S REALLY HOT- please drink enough water and use sunscreen!! Don‘t want you to faint 🥺
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