#but i promise to do my absolute best so it’s an enjoyable read!
gothsuguru · 5 months
black is the color of my true love’s hair will never be topped. EVER. when i finished it i was disappointed it ended. i wish i could read it for the first time again. in fact im gonna reread it RN.
I’M CRYIDNFNDNDNDDNNDDN PLEASEEEEEEEE I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I GENUINELY FUCKING LOVE YOUUUUU 😭🩷 you’re all truly so kind AHHHHH hearing people say that they liked that fic… i kid you not the serotonin boost i get from it is ASTRONOMICAL it really does warm my heart that you enjoyed the story that much :’) i truly did try to show my ideal version of suguru & reader’s relationship dynamic in that fic (silly down bad devoted!reader x bad bitch morosexual nerd devoted!suguru… elite dynamic… two dorks in love…)
BUT don’t worry bestie :3 i have more suguru & reader in store… I’M WRITING THE PREQUEL RN! <333 (and i have lil drabbles planned that are adjacent to the story too hehe… toji meet & greet, sugusukusatoreader road trip, nsfw drabble of suguru sitting on reader’s face iykyk 👀, AND… maybe possibly… a sequel where suguru drops The Question…) CAN YOU TELL I ADORE THESE LIL CHARACTERS SO MUCH THEY’RE MY BELOVEDS!!!!!
AND DJDJDJDJDJ listen you and me both buddy i’m rereading it too to remember what the hell i wrote 😭 (for callback purposes ofc) i’m ngl though… i MAY rewrite the ending better a bit later i will say the one thing i disliked about the fic was the rushed ending and the ending lines… i was racing against the clock i was like 2 minutes away from valentine’s day being over so i was like girl… finish this RIGHT NOW!!!!! (so i may spruce it up later + make toji a real actor & not just an anime character hehe)
BUT AHHHHH please feel free to reread as many times as you like & if you ever want me to do lil drabbles about these dorks feel free to send something in! :D i promise i will give you new content of these Losers in Love soon enough (please pray that i get out of my writing rut omg… i HOPE i can get this fic out within this month!) BUT ANYWAYS DJDJDJJD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! thank you for being SO sweet & for showing my lil story some love it means the absolute WORLD to me :’) ILYSM!
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^ as a treat… a hint for the prequel <3 truly The Dynamic between sugu & reader and sugu & sukie
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hiiii, omg i would absolutely adore more of vampire rhysand fics, especially from that universe you created with them all vampires, will there be more? maybe when reader is turned, she can finally take both azriel and rhysand👀👀👀 or maybe to explore rhysand's relationship with her maybe nesta or someone from her family sneak in to the ball to steal reader back but rhysand is like nu uh tf
those are just some of the ideas that popped into my head, i love your writing and your smut💖
You must be psychic because I had literally just opened up a Word Document to try and write another Vamp!Rhys fic but couldn't figure out where to start!
I've got some ideas, and was thinking about doing some Monster Themed Fics for Spooky Season (More Vamp!Rhys + Bat Boys, maybe a Werewolf or Demon AU) if I can get my thoughts in order enough. Until then, pls enjoy a possessive!vamp!Rhys ;)
Content Warnings: Slight SMUT, Possessive!Rhys, Blood and Gore
“I’m bored,” Rhysand says by way of greeting, as he throws his lythe body onto the chase across from where you sit, curled up in a reading chair in the library.
 The sun sets behind you, the golden rays peeking in through the blackout curtains that usually remain closed during the day. Most of the horde sleeps through the day, meaning, if you let your body’s natural rhythm guide you, you have the entire manor to yourself. And of course, you use most of that time to peruse the thousand year old vampire’s massive collection of books. There’s so many organized on the floor to ceiling shelves you’re not even sure you’re promised immortality will give you enough time to read all of them--that doesn’t stop you from trying, however.
The vampire lord remains in the shadows of the library, the crack of sunlight just far enough away to not burn his otherwise unbreakable skin. Sometimes you think it’s a shame he can only go out at night, while it’s true he looks his best under moonlight, the golden hue of the fading sun makes his bronze skin glow like a god. You’re tempted to set down the book in your hands and climb into his lap, unbutton the already half open shirt and run your tongue over every golden inch of him. Time has not dulled the need you feel for him, even after all these months, he’s still as tempting as he was the first time you laid eyes on him. 
“There are a number of things you can do in this manor,” you say, ignoring your instincts and going back to the fantasy romance you’ve been devouring for the last hour. In truth, the smut on the page before you might also play into why your mouth is practically watering at the sight of him. You’re right at the good part, and your mind is torn between finishing the chapter and indulging your own fantasies with the very real, and very eager, vampire before you.
“Not entertaining enough,” he whines. 
Your eyes still on the page as you try and think of something to offer him. He hasn’t been able to throw another ball in nearly a month, not after a group of vampire hunters had come rolling into town. Their presence had been tiresome and even Azriel, for all his talents had not been able to figure out who’d tipped them off and brought them around. Rhys had initiated an indoor ban on the whole horde just to keep everybody safe. That meant for the most part, everyone had been living off of sheep’s blood and well, you. Mostly the sheep’s blood though. Rhys had threatened to keep you locked in his room, for only his enjoyment if Azriel didn’t stop leaving so many bite marks in your thighs--his favorite place to feed from you apparently. There were more than enough bite marks across your throat to give the others pause before they tried to drink from you these days. And it hadn’t helped that Cass had snuck out and nearly been caught, drinking from a barmaid in an alley three nights ago. Everyone was on edge. 
You glance up at him over the top of the worn pages in your hands. He keeps an arm thrown over his eyes, as if, even the little bit of sunlight filtering passed is enough to hurt him. Aside from that, he lays with one long leg tossed over the back of the couch, his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, the swirl of ink across his chest on full display. His dark hair is tousled, falling messily over his forehead. He had to have come directly here from his bedroom.
You look back down at the paragraph you were reading, the spicy scene practically leaping off the page at you, then back up to him as you bite your lower lip in thought. It’s usually him that initiates your interactions, him that dictates how and where  you take him. You don’t mind. Truth be told, you love being able to let go of everything and let him dominate you in whatever way he sees fit. It is the height of your pleasure, knowing he could so easily break you, and yet he doesn’t. You think meeting him might actually have put some pieces of your soul back together, rather than shatter them further and you love him all the more for it. And now, in that freedom, you can’t help but wonder if there are still other things to explore?
“We could play a game?” You suggest, voice softer than you mean it to be. Neither of you have ever talked about switching things up. Why mess with a good thing, right? But he’s here, asking, and the idea is literally in your hands as you speak, like fate prompting you to try something new and exciting. It can’t hurt to ask, right? He’s never denied you anything before.
Rhys spreads two fingers over his face, so you catch a glimpse of one, gleaming, violet eye. A grin spreads across his handsome features, fangs glinting in the scarce few rays of sunlight left. There will be nothing but starlight here soon, the plain of existence made solely for him. The others may live in the dark, but it is Rhys who thrives in it. “I’m listening.”
You draw a shaky breath. It’s just a question. No harm can come from a question. But how exactly do you suggest… this? You glance down at the pages again, trying to see if they even gave it a name for you to offer him, but there’s nothing but the promise of pleasure blurring across the pages.
Gathering your courage, you unfurl your legs from beneath you and cross the distance so you can climb onto his lap. Those thighs might have been made just for you, muscle shifting to let you get comfortable as his hands settle on your hips. He sighs contentedly, like this is something he’s been missing as you settle your weight against him.
“I was reading this book and these characters are…” you scrunch your face, trying to explain without sounding crass and failing. A blush works its way up your cheeks as you shove the open book into his hands. “Maybe you should just read it.”
He takes his time, tongue slipping out to wet his full lips as he reads. You count every breath he takes in the silence, watching his face with rapt attention to try and gauge what he’s thinking about it. He’s a master of schooled expressions, always collected and together, but after all these months, you like to think you know his tells. Yet, as he reads, there is no gleam in his eye, no obvious indication of arousal from where you sit over his hips. There is nothing but careful calculation as he reads--and maybe rereads, judging by the time it takes him--the pages.
Finally he closes the book and sets it down on the floor. “You’re suggesting we do that?” 
It’s hard to identify if that is amusement or irritation in his voice and you find your heartbeat quickening regardless of which it is. “I-if you want.”
“That’s not what I asked, Little One,” he tuts, hands resuming their rightful place on your hips. His thumbs stroke gentle circles into your skin, a move that can turn either teasing or cruel at a moment's notice. 
“I don’t know, you said you were bored. I thought maybe, you know, since we haven’t had a ball in awhile you might want to…” the word sticks in your throat and you swallow as the intensity of his gaze pins you in place. “You know… hunt.”
His eyes light up at the word. “And you want me to hunt you?”
Your thighs clench involuntarily at the thought, a move that doesn’t go unnoticed in the slightest. He grins wolfishly, gaze pinned to where your hips rest over his. He could have you right here, like this and he knows it. All it would take is a couple rocking motions of his hips, a slide of his fingertips beneath the thin silk of your top, teasing up bare skin until he can play with your breasts and you’d surrender. He could drink his fill and take you just as you are, right here and now. But there’s no challenge in it, no fun to be had, and he wants you to tell him you want it. Want him like that.
You’d be a liar if you said you’d never thought about what he would feel like if he let loose his control and showed you just how much a monster he was capable of being. You knew that even if he lost his usual composure, he would never hurt you. Even his basest instincts would balk at the thought of causing you pain. If you said you wanted it, he would make sure that you enjoyed every minute of it.
“Yes,” you say softly.
He sits up, swinging his legs onto the floor, moving you with him. His hands slide over your hips to your ass, squeezing playfully as you squeal in surprise over the sudden shift in position. “What are the rules to this game then?”
Your heartbeat quickens in your chest. You’re actually going to do this.
“I want a ten minute head start,” you say slowly, mind spinning. 
He hums as he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Done. What else?”
“No going past the gardens.” There is enough yard between the manor and the perimeter walls that you could still feel like you were outside without risking an encounter with a hunter. 
“Agreed,” he kisses the opposite corner of your mouth.
“If you catch me-”
“When I catch you,” he says, lips pressing to my chin.
“If you catch me before the end of the hour,” that gives him a total of thirty minutes before the clock chimes, “then…” It’s not like you’ve never talked dirty before, but still, your cheeks are a deep set of red as you say, “then I am yours to do with what you wish.”
His eyes gleam, fangs glinting as he leans back and grins like he’s already won. “And if I say I want to be so deep inside you that every sorry hunter for miles will know your mine regardless of where I find you?”
You clench your thighs again, or attempt to, this new position in his lap doesn’t give you a lot of room to do so. “If you can find me.”
He slides you effortlessly off his lap, but you find, given the nature of the way he’s looking at you, that your legs feel weak already. “You should get going. You’ve only got ten minutes, Darling.”
You waste precious time leaning down to capture his lips in a quick kiss, but you don’t care. Every kiss, every touch is worth the lost time. He is a promise of endless time, of boundless freedom and new adventures, time is never wasted with Rhys.
He pulls away with some difficulty. “I’m still counting,” he warns.
You grin as you turn and sprint out the library, leaving the doors wide open as you run. It occurs to you now that you’ve never actually seen him hunt outside a ballroom. There’s a lot of strategy to those hunts, as you’ve observed, but he’s never had to chase anything. He’s like a spider, waiting patiently for his prey to get caught and stuck in his web for him to devour. You don’t actually know how fast or strong he is. He certainly has a heightened sense of smell, but how heightened?
You know you want to make it outside, just to let him feel like he’s getting out of the house, but going straight out the back door would be too easy. You run up the stairs to the second floor instead, then into one of the many empty rooms and unlatch the window. This might waste more of your precious time, but still, you’re curious to know if he’ll save time and run right out the door, or if he can actually follow your scent. 
Carefully, you climb onto the roof and pick your way across the slanting tiles, until you reach the side of the manor where tree branches reach for you. The gardens outside the estate are massive, their own little forest, and with the gates closed, the gardeners haven’t been around to trim the trees. Branches that would normally be clipped to keep the leaves from collecting on the roof have been allowed to blossom and you find a sturdy one and nimbly walk across it like a balance beam. He may be the expert hunter here, but you spent years outside the Spring Estate, back when your parents were still alive, exploring the massive gardens and climbing the trees. Until your Governess had dragged you back by the ear, yelling about your ripped skirts and scraped knees. Hardly the lifestyle of a lady, they’d said. You couldn’t care less now as you climb, hand over hand through the dense leaves, moving from tree to tree. This is familiar yet different, you are far more free here than you had ever been back home.
Anticipation sits hot and heavy in your lower belly as you move. It’s hard to tell how much time you have left and you need to decide if the plan is to just keep moving or to hunker down and hide in wait. 
When the trees start to thin, you finally clamber down onto the damp floor below and take a good look around. There are certainly plenty of bushes to hide under, but that feels… boring. 
You glance over your shoulder, the trees blocking out the moonlight that has now replaced the earlier sun. Shadows cling to the trees providing ample cover, for both you and the predator you know is coming. 
You bite your lip. You want it to be a challenge. So you keep moving, ears straining for any little sound that might indicate your ten minutes is up. Every rustle of leaves makes a shiver run up your spine, heart thundering beneath your ribs. It’s a heady sort of rush that makes you laugh as you break into a full on sprint, wind tearing at your loose hair. 
This is freedom. Unbridled and unrestrained, there are no limits on what you can do or want, and right now, you want exactly what he promised you.
You slow to catch your breath, the trees thinning as you come closer to the hedge maze on the far side of the property. There’s usually a whole slew of string lights bobbing overhead, so partygoers can see past the towering hedges full of roses and attempt to find the bubbling water fountain at the center of the maze. It’s a showstopper when lit, but right now, it is dark and unyielding and you inch your way towards it with more than a little trepidation. It would be a good place to make him walk through to get to you, but some of the hedges are so thick and overgrown it blocks out the light, and you do not have the night vision of vampires, not yet.
A twig snaps behind you and you jump with a hand clamped over your mouth to keep from screaming as you turn to face the noise. There’s enough moonlight to see by out here, but there is no familiar shape stalking towards you. There’s nothing there at all but the trees and the maze at your back.
You give yourself a little shake to calm your nerves as you inch backwards towards the opening of the maze, still anticipating Rhys’s sudden arrival. One step back, then another, until you can almost feel the shadow of the hedges against your back. It’s a degree colder within it than outside of it.
The first bit of darkness covers your entrance.
And it covered the hiding place too, because you hadn’t seen anyone or anything within the maze until a firm hand clamps over your mouth. Surprise makes you scream, the noise muffled beneath the weathered palm as a strong arm wraps around your waist. 
How the hell had he gotten behind you?!
Hot breath fans your ear as he puts his lips to your ear. “Scream, and you’re dead.”
That’s not Rhys’s voice at all!
Panic grips you and you have just enough presence of mind to fight, digging your elbow into the stranger’s soft gut, throwing your head back into his shoulder. You twist and claw and bite down on the hand covering your mouth so hard you taste blood.
“You little bitch!” The stranger snarls, his hand slipping off your mouth.
You don’t have time to spit out the blood as you scream, “RHYS!!!” As loud as you can.
The stranger grabs your hair and spins you, face scraping over a cluster of thorny roses that cuts open your cheek as you fight to keep your footing. You stumble, but before you can hit the ground, another rough set of hands grabs your arm and yanks, pulling you deeper into the darkness of the maze. 
“Get off me!” You shout, your game forgotten. There is nothing but wild panic in your blood as you claw and punch at the hands that pull you deeper and deeper into the maze. 
Rhys can find you in here, right? He knows this isn’t part of the game?
Blood trickles down the wound in your cheek, following a trail down your neck and chest as your head whips around to try and get a good look at your attacker. He’s not much taller than you, but he’s twice as large, his arms made of thick, corded muscle. A spiderweb of scars travels up the bare expanse of his right arm, but he has no other defining features you can see in the darkness.
The second remains in the dark as they drag you through the maze. They must have been here awhile, if they know their way through it. In no time at all, you find yourself at the maze’s heart, the fountain that’s usually so dazzling at parties remains full of stagnant water and dead leaves. Sitting on the lip of it are another two men, one carrying a sword and another wearing a bandolier full of wooden stakes. Hunters.
Your mouth dries, heart skipping a beat. No no no! This can’t be happening! How’d they get past the gate? Rhys had it made by some local witches, it was supposed to be spelled to keep hunters out!
The world narrows in to the sound of that voice, as the body attached rounds the fountain. The sliver of moonlight cuts through the overgrown shrubs, highlighting the swatch of blonde hair, carefully tied back from a face that looks so similar to your own. 
Though you have no fangs of your own, you pull your lips back in a snarl as Tamlin draws nearer. “You did this?” You hiss at your brother.
He looks older, tired. Emerald eyes framed by dark circles. It’s been months since you’ve seen him. Months since he sent someone to tell you not to bother coming home since you’d ruined yourself with Rhys. Based on the stories you’d heard, he’d trashed the manor in a fit of rage when he’d found out he could no longer auction you off like a mare to be wed and bred by some stuffy, old baron or count.
He takes you in, nose crinkling as he spots the hickeys littering your throat. You’re not wearing anything more than a pair of lounge shorts and a silk top, an outfit that had felt appropriate a moment ago but now, based on the judgment and leering of the hunters, feels poorly out of place.
It’s an effort not to try and cover yourself, to stand there, blood still dripping from your cheek and keep your chin up.
“Where is he?” Tamlin demands. 
Shit. Shit. Shit! Of course he’s not here for you, he’d made it clear you were as wanted as a wadded up gum wrapper. He--they--are all here for Rhys. 
“Who?” You play dumb, trying to buy time. Rhys is walking right into a trap and if you don’t think of something quick…
“Don’t play dumb!” Tamlin snarls. “I know you’ve been whoring yourself out to that blood sucker!”
He can’t know that Rhys is the town’s vampire, there’s no way. Every person that leaves the manor is compelled to forget everything they saw. The whole horde is meticulous, Az has even followed people home to ensure the protection of the den. 
When you don’t respond, he says, a little gentler this time, “Tell me where he is, Y/N, and I will consider this whole mess a compulsion on his part and not hold it against you. We’ll go home and find somewhere safe for you to live. There’s a temple that will take in ruined women…”
You’re seeing red. “Nobody fucking ruined me! It is my body! What I do with it is none of your business!”
He frowns. “Nesta thought you might have been compelled, I didn’t want to believe that you were so weak minded that it could happen to you, but now that I see you…”
Nesta. Your stomach twists itself into knots. She was supposed to be your best friend, and yet she had gone to Tamlin and he’d called the hunters. She must have seen Rhys drinking from you that first night after all. In her rush, she’d pissed off Cass, who had been so distracted with her leaving he’d distracted Az from following her home. She’d gotten out of the den knowing what they all were and Tamlin had spent all this time summoning these hunters. 
The betrayal stings worse than the cut on your cheek, your eyes burning despite your attempts to keep it all bottled up. You can’t cry here! Not in front of them. The four hunters hover near the exits, blocking your escape, but keeping watch for Rhys all the same. They all have stakes. They’re all clearly fighting men, all capable of taking on an unsuspecting vampire. 
“Don’t do this, Tam,” you whisper. If anything happens to Rhys… If they get their hands on him because you suggested going outside the manor, you’re never going to forgive yourself.
“You forced my hand!” Tamlin snarls, advancing a step towards you. “You went and made a mess of things as always! If mom were still alive she would have keeled over and had a heart attack from the strain of having you for a daughter.”
The words hit like a slap. He’d always been good at that; when he couldn’t use his size and strength, his words were just as sharp as a blade, and he’d used them to keep you in line for years. Even now, the freedom you had so desperately craved feels like it’s slipping through your fingers. You feel your shoulders hunch, chin dipping towards your chest. He’s always been so terribly good at making you feel small and useless and so terribly unwanted. Even now, your own flesh and blood isn’t here to make sure you’re alright, he’s here to prove himself a hero by killing a vampire. Your vampire.
Figures, as soon as you’d found something to love, Tamlin found another way to rip it from you.
Seeing a weakness, Tamlin stalks towards you, his footfalls heavy in the damp earth. He reaches out a hand to grab you, but before he can so much as brush a fingertip over your arm, his body flies backwards like it’s been tossed by an invisible hand. He hits the statue guarding the water fountain so hard the old angel’s head falls from it’s stone shoulders. 
“Don’t fucking touch her!” Rhys snarls so loud the ground shakes. He’d come in silently, stealthy as a cat. The power that radiates off him is nothing like the demure courtier you see in the ballroom, there is nothing subtle or charming about this Rhys. There is only cold, unyielding rage as he moves around you faster than your eyes can track. You don’t even have time to warn him about what the hunters are armed with before he uses his teeth to rip the throat out of the first man. Blood splatters across his face as the hunter falls. Another blink at the second falls, his heart still beating from where Rhys holds it in his fist.
The third hunter has just enough time to slide a stake out of its sheath and lunge, but Rhys is so much faster and stronger, there is no contest. He snags the hunter’s wrist, snapping the bone so hard his wrist twists backwards, the stake now aimed at the hunter’s heart. His own momentum keeps him moving forward, even as he screams in terror, and he impales himself on his own stake. Rhys hurls the body into the thorny hedges, leaving it to bleed out as he turns to face the fourth and final hunter. 
It's the one that had grabbed you initially, his thin lips pulled back in a sneer as he flips two stakes around in his large hands. 
“You think you can waltz into my domain,” Rhys seethes. There’s an eerie calm to his steps now, blood dripping from his fingers, splattering the trampled grass. “And try and take what is mine?”
Rationally, you know you should be terrified of him like this--this is who he really is, not the courtly mask and disarming smiles you know, this is a full-fledged vampire in all his glory--but you’re not. Not even a little bit. If anything, the sight of him makes you feel like you can breathe again. 
“I’ve killed worse things than you,” the hunter spits. “You won’t even be a challenge.”
Rhys cocks his head like he’s thinking, a grin spreading across his face. His fangs are longer than you’ve ever seen them, poking into his lower lip, where the first hunter’s blood still lingers. “Is that so?”
He takes a small step forward, and though the hunter’s fingers twitch around the stakes, he doesn’t move. He doesn’t even blink. He stands still as a statue, his chest barely rising and falling. Almost like he can’t move at all.
Rhys reaches out and plucks the stakes from the hunter’s hands like he’s taking a toy from a belligerent child. The hunter doesn’t move; doesn’t speak in his own defense. 
Rhys lifts the stake to get a better look at it in the moonlight. “These are poorly made,” he tuts, right before he jams it between the hunter’s eyes. The man falls, still completely immobile.
“You’re a fucking monster,” Tamlin hisses from where he’s still struggling to get back to his feet. 
Rhys slides the hand not dripping blood into his pocket, appearing bored as he puts a boot on Tamlin’s shoulder and pushes him back down into the mud. “Humans are so very dull.”
“Yet you keep my sister like a fucking pet!” Tamlin snarls, trying to rise again and losing the battle as Rhys’s heel pushes down against his shoulder until the bone snaps. “You compelled her into being with you and have been keeping her here against her will.”
You stare at the two of them. Rhys is holding back now, toying with Tamlin--the brother that had locked you up, had insisted your Governess cut your meals in half to keep you thin and desirable for a suitor; the brother who had ignored your wishes your whole life and had stolen almost every bit of happiness you had tried to carve out for yourself. Only one of them is the monster here.
“Nobody compelled me into staying,” you hiss. “Nobody compelled me into doing anything! I chose it.”
Tamlin tilts his head to look at you, despite the pain flashing across his face. “He just used his powers to freeze a man in place, you’re too stupid to know if he used them on you.”
Rhys moves his boot from Tamlin’s shoulder to his wrist, heel crushing down until the bone splinters, the resounding crack echoing through the maze. “Try that again,” he dares. 
Tamlin’s howls of pain have somehow not drawn everybody else outside, but you are relieved to see it. As much as you want him out of your life forever, you’re not up for watching them all devour him like a turkey at a Sunday roast. 
You pick your way around the mess of bodies until you can grab Rhys’s hand, the blood now cold and sticky over his palm. You do not balk from it. This is still your Rhys. He is still what you would choose, if you could go back to that first night on the dancefloor. Bargain or no bargain, you would have come back time and time again, to be with him and this family you have made for yourself here. This is the life you want, messy and full of monsters.
Rhys glances down at your joined hands, yours so small and delicate against the mess of his own.
You intertwine your fingers. “Please don’t kill him.”
He reaches out with his free hand to run a thumb over your ruined cheek, checking how deep the cuts are. “Why not?”
“Can he be compelled to forget about all of us? Can you make it so that we never existed?”
“Y/N!” Tamlin screams. “You don’t know what you’re doing!”
“I could,” Rhys admits. “Is that what you want?”
“I want to be with you,” you say confidently. “As a human or a vampire.”
Tamlin tries to move out from under Rhys’s boot but gets nowhere.
“I want him to no longer have control of my life. I want to be free to choose where I go and who comes with me. I am angry at him. I’ve been angry at him my whole life. But… but I don’t want him dead.”
Rhys nods, then brushes a tender kiss over your forehead. “It’ll be done then.”
Azriel appears from the shadows then, as if he’d been hovering somewhere in the maze just in case. That intense hazel gaze sweeps over you, taking stock of your injuries before he hauls Tamlin to his feet. 
Your brother still tries to fight it, but his right arm hangs limp and twisted at his side, and even if he was whole, he’s no match for either of them. 
Rhys takes Tamlin’s chin between his forefinger and thumb, holding him in place with just those two fingers alone. “Any last words, Darling?”
You flash your middle finger at Tamlin, “If you come back through these gates, I’ll hunt you down myself.”
“Vicious,” Azriel praises, tongue running over his lower lip in appreciation to this new side of you. 
Rhys keeps his attention pinned to Tamlin. “You’ll return home. You’ll forget this vampire business. You went out and got drunk and got your ass handed to you by the barmaid.”
Azriel snickers at that. 
You’ve seen that barmaid, she very well could hand Tamlin his ass, the story will be convincing. 
“If anyone asks about your sister, you’ll tell them she ran away to be with the people that love her. There is no need to look for her. She is happy.”
And you are. Your chest warms at the words. You are happy here. You will always be happy here, with this new family you’ve found. 
Tamlin repeats the words in monotone, like they’re being forced out of his head.
“You’ll have to find and compel Nesta too,” you say softly. “She saw us that first night.”
“Leave it to Cass to put us in this mess,” Azriel grumbles. “I should make him compel her for the trouble.”
“He’d just turn her for shits and giggles and then we’d be in bigger trouble,” Rhys responds as he releases his grip on Tamlin. Your brother’s head sags to his chest, unconscious, and Azriel drags him out through the back gate.
“It’s done?” You ask, watching them leave.
“It’s done,” Rhys confirms. 
You turn to face him again and stretch up on your toes to kiss him gently on the lips, despite the blood. “Thank you.”
When you try to pull away, he slides a hand into your hair and pulls you back for another, ravenous kiss. “Are you all right?”
“A little shaken,” you confess, reaching up a hand to brush a tendril of dark hair off his head. “But alright. Are you?”
He slides his arms beneath you and picks you up like you weigh nothing. “Let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll feel better.” 
In no time at all, you’re back safe inside the house, perched on top of the counter in the bathroom attached to his room. Candlelight flickers to give him a better view of the gash across your cheek, now forming a bruise beneath the split skin. 
“It doesn’t hurt too bad,” you assure. “Just stings a little.”
He frowns as he pokes at it, then brings his wrist up to his mouth and sinks his fangs into a vein. “Drink,” he orders, bringing it to your lips. “My blood will heal you.”
You stare at him for a moment. It has become an easy thing to accept that he likes to drink from you. He needs blood to live and you want him to keep on living, it is an easy exchange--and one that always ends pleasurably for you at that--but this is different. It’s not necessity. He’s offering because he wants to. Because he cares about you.
“Please,” he says gently, pushing his wrist a little closer. “Let me take care of you.”
You wrap your hand around his arm as you bring his wrist to your mouth, unsure of how to go about this. He holds you steady, pressing his wrist to your lips, guiding you through it like he has everything this far. His blood is a coppery tang in your mouth as you run your tongue over the two puncture marks in his wrist and swallow it down. 
By the time he pulls away, the stinging in your cheek has subsided. 
“It’ll taste better once you're one of us,” he explains as he grabs a towel and cleans the remaining blood off your skin.
You watch the slow pace in which he moves now, all that rage and strength once again contained within the confines of courtly manners, but there is a stiffness to those usually graceful motions. You can almost taste the unease coming off him as he uses the same towel to clean the blood off his own face and hands.
“You’re not changing your mind about turning me after this mess, are you?” 
He tosses the towel in the hamper near the door and comes to stand between your legs. You have to tilt your head back to look at him as he cups your face in his large hands. “Never.” The finality in his tone leaves no room for doubt. “I never wish to be parted from you again.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. This bargain between you is fun and exciting, and truth be told you are more fond of him than you’d ever dare say out loud, but you had always assumed those budding feelings were one sided. This was a game and a bargain at the end of the day, what was one human in the span of eternity to a thousand year old vampire? Daring to believe that you meant more to him was not a luxury you had let yourself indulge in.
“And I thought…” he shakes his head and kisses you gently at first, grounding himself in the reality that you are safe and in his arms, but it turns rough and desperate as he considers what he’s saying. “I thought I might lose you.”
You run your fingers through the silky strands of his hair, knocking a few loose leaves that had gotten caught when he’d come running after you. 
“If anything were to happen to you, I don’t…” he shutters as he slides his hands beneath you and lifts you off the counter, carrying you towards his large bed with ease despite the shakiness of his breathing.
 “I’ve killed thousands of hunters. I have drained entire covens of witches and packs of werewolves.” He lays you down in the center of the black silk sheets, body propped up against a dozen pillows someone who is undead doesn’t really need, his large frame kneeling over yours as he kisses you again. “I have fought and won hundreds of battles and taken down an army of other vampires. Bloodshed is in my nature. It is woven into the lifeblood of creatures like me. I am used to the killing, but I have never enjoyed it. I avoid it if I can, but tonight, when I saw those hunters around you…”
He steals another kiss, tongue sliding behind your teeth to try and claim your very breath as his weight settles between your legs. “I wanted to take my time. I wanted to make them pay for putting their hands on you. I enjoyed making them suffer. And I’d do it again.”
Perhaps the long lasting effects of being locked up has altered your brain chemistry, because such outright aggression should be a warning sign to run, but it makes heat flare in your chest instead. This is a dangerous amount of possessiveness and yet, you enjoy it. It is nice to be looked after so deeply.
“And I know that I should turn you,” he continues. “You have more than fulfilled your part of the bargain and after seeing those hunters today, I should give you an edge over them, just in case, but…” Another kiss, his hands slipping beneath your top to skim your sides. “But to turn you I have to… You have to die to become a vampire. How am I supposed to do that, knowing that it’ll hurt, even for a moment? Knowing that I will have to be the one to do it?”
Your fingers drift to the buttons of his shirt, slowly popping them open so you can touch him. “It doesn’t have to be today. We never set a time.”
“I saw that scratch on you and almost went out of my mind,” he says as he leans back enough to let you push the shirt off his shoulders, but as soon as the article is off he’s right back on top of you again, kissing you like he won’t ever get enough. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips. “I have never loved a human before. I have never been so conflicted before. I can’t lose you, Y/N. I’m just not ready to turn you yet either.”
Your hands skim up his tattooed torso, tracing every curve of ink up his chest and shoulders until you can cup his cheek. “You’re not going to lose me. Like I said, I choose you. I want to be here with you. Like this or otherwise. I am in no rush.”
He tilts his head and kisses your palm. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“I know,” you assure, using your free hand to grab him behind the neck and pull him down for another kiss. “I trust you. When the time is right to turn me, we’ll know. It’ll feel right.”
His lips pull away from yours just long enough to catch your breath before he starts trailing kisses along your jaw and neck. You let yourself relax beneath his ministrations, eyes drifting shut. It no longer feels strange that this has become the place you feel safest; this is right.  
“I love you,” you say softly.
He all but purrs into your throat, the kiss he was placing there more forceful than the last. “Careful, that’s a dangerous thing to say to an immortal.”
“You said it first,” you counter, hands sliding off him to reach for the hem of your shirt. You want it off, no clothes between your bodies, the warmth of him like this seeping into your skin. There is no telling how different it’ll feel once you’re no longer human, you want to relish every experience you have while you still have it.
He nips teasingly at your throat, fangs just barely scraping your skin. Not enough to feed, but just enough to remind you they’re there. “What power you wield over me, Little Human.”
“I’ll try not to let it go to my head,” you reply.
He laughs at that, the sound rich and deep, and you think you might do just about anything to hear it again and again. “Be careful how you wield it, I would do anything you asked.”
“Anything?” You ask with a grin, a few things coming to mind. 
He nips at your throat hard enough to leave a bruise this time. “No questions asked.”
“So if I have other scenes in my books I want to try out…” 
“What a dirty little mind you have,” he tuts. “And when we didn’t even get to finish the first one.”
“That really is a shame,” you muse. “I was looking forward to it too.”
“Another night then,” he promises, his voice low and dangerous in your ear. “Tonight I want to take my time with you.”
And how can you say no to those kinds of promises?
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florenceafternoon · 2 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
You know when you read a fic and love it so much that you want to find one exactly like it but different. Anyways, more Alternate Universe fics.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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These first few fics are all by elanev91 on ao3 (ao3 account required).
Force of Habit
Lily's been riding the same train back and forth to work for the last two and a half years and lowkey fancies the guy who sits one row up from her usual seat.
TW: parent death discussed
The fic that inspired the intro (I love it so much you don't understand)
Waffle Wars
There's only one waffle maker in the dining hall and it literally always breaks. So, naturally, the only reasonable course of action is to meticulously map out when it's working and, ultimately, do a heist.
every day I like you a little mower
Lily was JUST trying to be a good daughter and help her father with his yard work. Too bad the bloke next door is always outside and also the most annoyingly talkative person on the planet.
we could be gigantic series
Lily and James have been best friends since they were kids. Uni, a band, a trip abroad, a few tours and a couple of albums later, things start to change. Half an email fic, half a regular ol' narrative.
it wasn't a pity invite
Prompt: my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and omg i’m so sorry
The one where they’re both doctors - also Northern Irish Lily.
One Direction on the A4
James and Lily are having quite the morning. James thinks a little nonsense might fix it. Or James is a dork and Lily loves it.
Ye Olde Smut Fic
Student recruitment fairs suck, but never fear -- Professor Evans and Professor Potter have figured out how to make it a little less annoying.
Professor AU, Modern AU, Muggle AU. Smutty ridiculousness. Plot questionable.
The tragedy is that they live in America
The Yeast I Can Do
Dr Lily Evans had an absolute shit day at work. Luckily, there's a bakery nearby that offers a course that she hopes will take her mind off of things.
For my fellow jily & wolfstar enjoyers, go do yourself a favour and check out their other works on ao3.
Teenage Kicks by @arianatwycross
It all starts with Lily being hired to be the bands tour photographer, then she actually meets the band and she quickly becomes absorbed by their fast lifestyle, their pranks and the hot lead singer. But its not exactly simple to be crushing on a famous Rockstar, is it?
Foam Hearts by Sleepinghookah (on ao3)
Coffee shop AU. A story in which James and Lily are blind - both in entirely different ways.
I promise he's not a bad person. You've got to read till the end and it'll make sense
When The Skies Are Gray by @athenasparrow
“Carry me?” Lily scoffed, biting her lip so she wouldn’t laugh in his face. Because he was about to do something nice for her. “I’m not some damsel in distress who can’t walk! I just need a bit of cover to make it to the tube.”
OR: two strangers, one umbrella, and a little bit of fate.
Tranquil Solitude (Until You Came Along) by @thelighthousestale
Prompt: I thought I went skinny dipping alone but oh my god this beautiful human is also here naked and I am a fool
All Lily wanted to do was take a nice, quiet swim on a hot day. And then James Potter showed up. And Lily had already removed her clothes for the private swim.
it would have been sweet by @firefeufuego
‘Lily,’ he says in her ear, voice slurred and barely audible above the pulsing bass of the music, ‘is there a reason I shouldn’t marry her?’
She can taste the truth bittersweet on her tongue: Yes of course there is, you colossal, darling idiot, you’re meant to be mine. But there’s the ring on Charlotte’s finger and there’s the one Lily found in Eddie’s sock drawer, and how can she be this person? The one who steals someone’s fiancé on his stag night? That’s not who she is, that won’t be who she is. ‘Of course not, James. You’ll make each other so happy.’ She nearly chokes on the lie as it leaves her mouth, all the more so because most of it isn’t even a lie at all.
For my second chance romance girls
This Hope is Treacherous by @tinyluminaryzombie
Lily Evans and James Potter: Aquentiences, Academic rivals, and now, Friends.
Except "friends" doesn't exactly feel right but Lily's too scared to do anything about it. But as James and her keep acting like more-than-friends she's unraveling with the uncertainty of it all.
OR: Choosing to fall in love can be just as thrilling and terrifying as love at first sight.
The Viscount's Daughter by @ghostofbambifanfiction
The beautiful, vivacious, and decidedly redheaded daughter of the 16th Viscount of Rowena has stolen the heart of young Prince James. Trouble is, she couldn't be less interested in him.
Thought it was abandoned but the author posted a snippet recently so maybe not?
The Queen of the Quills - Jily Edition by @elliemarchetti 
Lily and Petunia read the Queen of the Quills' latest column on James Potter, while the bachelor announces to his friends that he intends to get married.
Quest for Camelot by the incredible @petalsthefish
After the legendary Excalibur sword is stolen, Lily and James embark on a quest to retrieve the lost weapon. Lily searches for the sword to prove she is capable of being a knight despite being a girl. James searches because his falcon, Marlene, is desperate to find it for her master, Merlin. Along the way, they attempt to outwit the sinister Ruber, navigate through magical obstacles, decode puzzling prophecies, and uncover surprising similarities between themselves.
As their journey progresses, they both cannot deny the feelings growing between them with each passing day. Will they make it out of the quest alive, or will one of them perish in the ever-growing darkness that threatens to swallow the entire realm if Ruber gets his hands on the sword?
Based on the 1998 movie Quest for Camelot, but with more plot and less singing
Fearlessly Red also by @ /petalsthefish
Red. It was such an interesting color to correlate with emotion because it was on both ends of the spectrum. On one end there was happiness, falling in love, passion, all that. On the other end was jealousy, fear and frustration. Maybe that's why James thought the nickname fit Lily so well.
or Bodyguard!James/Celebrity!Lily
Get A Room bt @chierafied
The long-awaited trip to London goes awry when Marlene chooses to spend time with her boyfriend - forcing Lily to share their room with none other than James Potter.
you don't know me (but I know you) by @emeralddoeadeer
Lily has a crush, she knows his face well but can only imagine his name; until they meet that is.
About Time by heartablaze (on ao3)
Before his final year started, James Potter offered to be a resident advisor for a first-year dorm. What he didn’t count on was dealing with a confusing redhead across the hall, hospital visits, hallway parties and writing his thesis the night before it was due. Blimey. (Muggle Uni AU)
Unexpectedly in Love by jamespotters_exgirlfriend (on ao3)
When Lily Evans entered her final year of uni, she certainly didn’t expect to fall in love with James Potter. And well, let’s just say love isn’t the only unexpected thing to come out of their relationship.
Far Post by @eastwindmlk
James Potter and his friends are very serious about their pub football league. So, when the new roster comes out and there is a new team on there, an all women's team, he and Sirius set out to investigate.
You Know How To Ball, I Know Aristotle by @wearingaberetinparis
Now that the global superstar, Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Lily Evans and professional football player James Potter are together, they have to juggle the difficulties of a relationship in the public eye. Fresh off her World Tour, Lily Evans arrives at Wembley Stadium one year after James Potter first attended her show, to perform there for one final weekend before heading to the studio to record her next album. Her boyfriend, in the meantime, is off to Germany to play at the Euros for England. How will they ever make their relationship work when Lily is - so the press loves to imply - the least supportive WAG of the tournament?
sequal to And You Heard About Me (Ooh, We’ve Got Some Big Enemies!)
It's been a long time coming and it did not disappoint
I've recommended Three Swipes, You're Out by @naireides before, but I recently came across it's sequel making spirits bright
Sports star James Potter tries to pick Lily up on tinder. Lily Evans, a dedicated not sports fan is offended by the idea that someone thinks she wouldn't recognize James Potter's face. She laughs about it with her friends at a bar, until James Potter, who also frequents that bar, comes over to clarify that nope, he's on tinder, and he's definitely hitting on her.
She should have expected it to be hard, dating a celebrity, but somehow she and James make it work.
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL Edition
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Richonne = Radiant. Resplendent. Riveting. And truly Revel-worthy.
The Ones Who Live further cemented Rick and Michonne Grimes' love story as one of the all-time best in media. And 2024 has felt like the year of Richonne. 🤩 From all the memorable promo and panels at the start of the year, the incredible TOWL miniseries in spring, the great ongoing reactions and reviews after, the TOWL dvd coming in autumn, and more. This is Richonne’s year. And the celebration of Richonne continues all summer 🥳…
I’m very happy to finally return to doing one of my absolute favorite things — reveling in Richonne and sharing in-depth thoughts on whatever is beautiful about The Ones Who Live. Which basically means analyzing and breaking down every scene in the show, from beginning to end. 😊
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I’m still in awe over the fact that we got blessed with a whole show dedicated to Rick and Michonne's epic love story. 🥰 TOWL is sincerely a dream come true. And the performances Andy & Danai gave were out of this world excellent. 👏🏽🔥 This miniseries really did make it feel like we love a ship that loves us back. So if I used to go all out analyzing Richonne scenes even when they were few and far between in TWD, naturally, it’s only right that I get extra extra when reveling in Richonne: TOWL edition. 
I tried my best to leave no stone unturned with these breakdowns, y’all. These posts are one; for anyone who wants to revel over every TOWL detail with a friend. And two; for anyone who wants to essentially read The Ones Who Live: The Novel. Because that’s how extensive these revelings ended up being lol. (Richonne makes me obsessed like no other, I’ve simply had to embrace this about myself. 😅)
There’s already been so many excellent insights and commentary shared about TOWL within this thoughtful richonne fandom, so I’m just glad to add to it. And these ‘dissertations’ are gonna include recapping all the details, reacting, reflecting, reveling, and cutting up a little too. It’s how it’s always been over here and how it’s gonna stay. 😌
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So starting tomorrow, I’m excited to break it all down daily and dissect everything as promised. 👌🏽😊 Sending thanks to all those who messaged and encouraged me to keep at it when writing these breakdowns. It helped me. 🙏🏽
I hope these TOWL observations and reflections bring an enjoyable daily dose of Richonne and just further affirm that Rick and Michonne’s love story is so very special. 
This should be fun. 😌
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jellys-compendium · 3 months
Welcome Home
A Dad!Vash Father's Day Special
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Rating: T
Summary: Vash's adult children have left the nest, each pursuing their own hopes and dreams in the treacherous landscape of No Man's Land. Being the only one left at the ranch, there are some days where Vash feels lonely--but he finds solace in his children's visits and the memories of you. Wc: 3.3K Cw: angst, mentions of reader's death, depictions of grief and loss, familial hurt/comfort with a bittersweet/happy ending (A/n below the cut cause it's a long one)
Prefer to read on AO3?
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A/n: Sorry this took a little bit longer than expected I had to stop and cry a few times. This oneshot is based on my Trimax series so it will be a little confusing to those who haven't read those fics (or Trimax), but I hope it's still enjoyable as a little standalone piece. There is quite a time jump in this fic with some implications about what happened to Vash and his family after Resurrection. I still hope to write out the third part of the series that covers this period of time, but it may take me a while. I'll do my absolute best to keep going until I feel this series is complete. Thank you so much to the people who've been so kind and sent me words of encouragement. It really helps motivate me to keep going. If anyone has questions about the story you're welcome to ask.
With a twist of his wrist, the hiss of running water fills the once silent bathroom. The groggy ex-legendary gunman groans as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, blinking away the murky fog obscuring his vision. Vash had just woken up moments ago from his dreamless sleep and instead of lounging on the lonely mattress for a while longer, he resolved to stumble his way into the bathroom and start his day instead.
Slowly, Vash’s drowsiness dissipates, freeing his brain to cue him to cup some of the cold, running water in his right hand. The tips of his fingers tingle at the abrupt change of temperature. Once Vash has collected enough, he leans down and with the slightest grimace, splashes the water on his face. His breath stalls at the arctic shock, cool rivers rushing down his cheeks and dripping off his chin as the water washes away with finality the sleep of the night before. 
A couple more cool splashes later, Vash exhales a tired sigh and stands at his full height. He turns off the tap with another twist of his wrist before straining for the towel sitting on the self to his left. An inconvenience for him to be sure given his lack of a left arm, but it sits in the spot where you used to put it, and Vash could never muster the courage to change it. 
Once dry, Vash pauses and stares at his reflection in the mirror. It’s still a shock to the system. He’s changed more in the last thirty years than he ever has in the last two hundred. His once black hair is now more salt than it is pepper, his skin once only marred by scars is now decorated with lines and sunspots from the blistering sunlight. His flesh no longer holds that youthful suppleness, now looser and less rosy. The corner of his eyes is now permanently etched, wrinkled from the years of smiles and laughter he shared with you and the children.
Vash had never thought he’d see the day when he’d look into the mirror and see an old man staring back, and yet here he is. 
In his silent appraisal, Vash reaches up and traps a strand of a grey hair between his thumb and forefinger, twirling the dry, straw-like lock between the pads of his fingers. 
 He remembers the first silver hair you had found on his head all those years ago, and how excitedly you’d plucked it from his crown and showed it to him.
“Look honey, we’re finally starting to match!”
The hair on your head had been fully grey by that point, and despite your insistence to the contrary, you’d never been more beautiful in Vash’s eyes. As he helplessly watched you get older, Vash had resolved to treasure every moment he had with you. He insisted, pleaded, that the two of you promise to live life to the fullest each and every day, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before the cruelness of time ran its natural course.
“Oh, Vash. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t want to leave you. I wish I could stay longer. I love you…I love you…”
Vash’s hand drops, his vision clouding with saline tears as the last memory of you resurfaces along with all the pain and longing it carried.
I miss you. I miss you so much…
Vash forces in a trembling breath, fighting against the tightness constricting his lungs, suffocating him. No matter how many years have passed since your death, the agony of that day still lingers.
“We finally match now, mayfly.” Vash’s voice is barely above a whisper. “I wish you could see me now, you probably wouldn’t even recognize me.”
“Silly, I’d never forget that handsome face.”
Vash finishes up his morning bathroom routine, occupying his mind by reviewing his mental checklist of today’s tasks while listening to the morning chuffs and calls of the toma outside. 
The seasoned plant makes his way back into the bedroom, opening the closet door and rummaging a bit, pointedly ignoring your unraveling, dusty clothing that hangs and sways in the back like ghosts. Vash swallows the tight knot in his throat and pulls out his clothing for the day, setting it on the bed so as to free up his single hand to remove his sweatpants. 
As he dresses, Vash’s eyes wander, inevitably falling upon the most treasured item he possesses. A dustless, framed photo he keeps on his nightstand. It’s an old family picture taken graciously by a stranger who no doubt has long since passed. The photo depicts you, Vash, and your four children at the town’s yearly fair. 
To most, it’s just a quaint photo of a happy little family. But to Vash, what is encased in that little wood and glass box is more precious than all the wealth in No Man’s Land and beyond. It’s a happy and precious memory, an echo of a time when all the pieces of his world had been slotted perfectly into place. It’s the last thing he sees when he goes to sleep, and the first thing he looks at when he wakes up.
Vash has memorized every detail of the photo. He knows every color, every shade and line, and how he felt on the day it was taken. He’ll never grow tired of looking at it.
In the picture, you and Vash stand side by side, both of you beaming with one twin resting in each of your arms. Nico is perched high on Vash’s shoulders, his tiny fingers threading through his father’s long, black hair as he musters a shy little smile. Nico’s adorable little face looked so much like yours back then.
Nova on the other hand stands confidently between the two of you, her feet wide apart in a power stance with one hand on her hip while the other is extended forward, her middle finger looped cheekily behind her index finger in a sign Vash had taught her. The huge gap toothed smile stretched between her cheeks is one of pure joy as she’s captured in her essence entirely.
“Love and peace!”
Vash smiles, eyes burning hot as the bittersweetness of that joyful memory swells in his heart. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t miss you terribly, but the thought of never having met you at all, of never taking your hand and seeing what life had in store for the two of you, of never having taken that photo…that thought is an even more painful one to bear.
With his clothes now on, Vash makes his way towards the nightstand and reaches out to the photograph, his longing fingers brush along the fuzzy lines of your face enshrined behind the glass. 
He remembers.
The first time you smiled at him, and the last.
The first time you kissed him, and the last.
The first time you told him you loved him, and the last.
The first time you entwined your fingers with his…and the last.
Vash’s body tenses, his breath stalling at the haunting memory of your hand becoming cold in his. He swallows against the sob clawing at the back of his throat. His chest heaves as he gasps for breath, throat tightening and becoming painfully raw with the memories that tip and pour down from his mind and pool at the bottom of his heart.
I miss you. Oh, mayfly, I miss you…
But as Vash lets go, allowing his tears to fall as his grief resurges and washes over him, his blue eyes refocus on the faces of your children. Nova’s nose, Nico’s eyes, cheeks, chin, and shy little smile…the twins’ ears….
Vash’s fingers brush along the faces of his children. Fifty years have come and gone since you’d passed, but you’re still here, aren’t you? Living on through them and living through him. You’d never really left and as long as he’s here, you never truly will.
Everyday, Vash sees you in the home you’d helped him build, feels your presence in the sunset over the horizon of the land, hears your voice in the gentle zephyr that blows over the sand. And even though he can’t hold you anymore, or kiss your lips, or dance with you, or laugh at your jokes, everything that has ever mattered to him came from the life the two of you had built together.
And Vash will go on, cherishing every single day, every single second of it all, until the time finally comes when he can see you again.
Sniffling and finding solace at that thought, Vash wipes his tears away.
“Mayfly, you’d be so proud of them.”
Breathing out a cathartic sigh, Vash is about to head into the kitchen for breakfast when a distinct knock sounds from the front door. It’s melodic and jovial. It’s a sound that Vash would recognize anywhere.
“Special delivery for Mr. Stampede!”
Vash beams, his heart hammering as not unlike a flower, boundless joy blooms in his chest. It lifts his sorrow and lightens his step as he makes a beeline for the front door.
Vash can hardly wait, can barely respond to that cheerful voice beyond the door as his words topple over one another on his tongue. In a flash Vash makes it to his front door and opens it to reveal a face he hadn’t seen in months. That sweet little face that over the years had paradoxically changed so much and yet so little.
“Good morning papa!” Nova smiles, presenting Vash with a big white box secured expertly with a sparkling red bow. “Happy Father’s Day! I brought you a treat to celebrate.”
Vash’s radiant smile matches his daughter’s as he rushes over and pulls her into a huge, single armed, bear hug.
“Sheesh, almost a century old and you still call me papa?” Vash teases, squeezing her and swaying his now not so little star back and forth until she laughs, tapping out from his exuberant affection with a gentle swat to his back.
Vash releases Nova the moment she gives him the signal, grinning from ear to ear as he plants a big kiss on her head and takes the box of doughnuts from her.
“Welcome home, Nova.”
“Thanks, it feels good to be home.” Nova laughs, adjusting her travel bag across her shoulder. “And I’ll have you know it doesn’t matter how old I get, you’ll always be our papa. Besides, it would break your heart if we started to call you anything else.”
Vash unabashedly hums his agreement, placing his gift upon the porch’s little table before sitting on the patio swing and patting the space beside him so that Nova can take a seat. 
Putting down her travel bag—the very same that Vash used when he wandered No Man’s Land himself—Nova takes a seat beside her father, her sky blue eyes examining him as she makes herself comfortable.
“You’ve gotten smaller. Not by much, but still….”
Despite the tinge of worry in his daughter’s voice, Vash can’t seem to wipe the smile off his face. Not meaning to be dismissive but adamant to avoid his daughter to worry, Vash shrugs and tries to reassure her.
“I’m fine Nova, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m just happy to see you.”
Nova is still and Vash watches as she calmly and perceptively examines him. Vash’s smile widens under her scrutiny and Nova sighs, her hand coming to rest on her father’s knuckles. Vash remembers when it used to fit in the palm of his hand.
“I’m happy to see you too,” Nova says softly. “Have you been eating enough? I’m planning to stay for a few weeks if that’s okay. I can whip us up some belly busters, help fill you out a bit more? I know you’re tough but it can be hard running a ranch all by yourself.”
Vash slips his hand out from under Nova’s and reaches up to ruffle her shoulder length hair. His daughter’s fretting comes full circle as Vash himself starts to feel his chest grow heavy with worry at the sight.
The once radiant, golden crown Nova possessed as a child is now marked with streaks of alarming black. Vash’s keen eye notices a few more obsidian stripes have been added since he’d last seen her. She’s been pushing herself hard, using the insurmountable energy that flows through her veins to achieve a goal many thought impossible.
But Vash knows his daughter—has been witness to the limitless expanse of her determination. If anyone could achieve the dream she had set forth to make a reality, it would be her.
With a little help from Knives too, no doubt.
The recollection of his twin brother’s hand in his daughter’s crusade makes Vash frown, tepid anger bubbling beneath his skin. Nova senses it immediately and plucks her father’s hand from her head before pinning him with a stern look.
“None of that. I know what you’re thinking.”
“So, what have your siblings been up to?” Vash abruptly sidetracks, very unsubtle in his changing of the subject. Nova sighs, mumbling complaints of his stubbornness under her tongue before she replies.
“Last I heard, Nico’s been busy at the New July Medical Center. I think he’s been spearheading some important medical research based on what I’ve read in the Bernardelli Times. As for the twins…well you know them.”
Vash chuckles and shakes his head at the thought of those two running rampant across the wasteland. Truly, humanoid typhoons in their own right.
“I know. You’d have an easier time pinning down the wind than those two.”
Nova laughs.
“How about you?” Vash gestures towards Nova’s travel bag. “How has your work been going?”
Instantly, Nova’s eyes are alight with excitement, her lips hardly able to contain her smile. Without so much as another word she reaches for her bag, ruffles through the contents, and then pulls out her lovingly used journal. She turns through the crinkled, yellow pages, proudly showing her father the work she’d done over the last few months.
“I’ve been busy documenting and cataloging the typography and climate of the planet. Ran a few experiments too. I feel like I’m getting closer to figuring out the key to terraforming No Man’s Land.”
Vash whistles with awe, gently taking the journal from his daughter's hands so he can better study her scribbled notes and schematics.
As Vash thumbs through the pages, the two of them sit in silence for a while. Nova’s dream and the methods by which she is pursuing it is an old point of contention between the two, but Vash has long since learned that in matters such as these, his daughter is not to be swayed. 
Vash is worried to death for her, but he knows that if he’s to be a good father, he’ll need to let her go her own way and support her on her path. He’d promised you that before you left.
Eventually, Nova’s soft sigh breaks the silence. She reaches over and closes the journal in her father’s hand.
“Papa, I know that you and uncle Knives don’t see eye to eye, and that you’re less than thrilled about everything he’s been teaching me, but he’s right that humans and plants can’t keep on going on like this if either of us are to survive.”
Vash’s lips press into a thin line, his gaze hard and unfaltering from Nova’s. Born with her father’s stubbornness and her mother’s perseverance, Nova doesn't falter either. Not an inch.
“The spider eats the butterfly, but what happens when the butterflies are all gone? I’m not choosing sides, I want to try and save them both.”
Vash’s eyes widen, holding his breath as a flash of an ancient memory from his childhood returns to him. The smell of grass, his foolish hope and her naive wisdom…he recognizes it. An echo from long ago. Nova smiles as she rests her warm and reassuring hand on her father’s.
“I think grandma Rem would want that.”
Vash’s bated breath explodes forth from his lungs, his heart pounding and mind swimming as the realization dawns on him that perhaps everything that’s happened has been for a reason. Each little event in his life had been connected by a paradoxical amalgamation of free will and fate—an enigmatic puzzle put together by some unseen force, piece by piece over centuries, perhaps even across a millennia. 
And it was all made possible because of that one little moment in the med bay over two hundred years ago.
"Even if you’re in the dark right now, the blank ticket in your hand is just waiting to be filled in. So…so don’t…don’t throw it all away! Don’t let go! Don’t say you’d rather die!”
Vash’s vision blurs. He feels lightheaded and dizzy as he covers his mouth, choking back tears as memories of Rem, of you and the children, of Wolfwood, Meryl and Milly, of Brad and Luida, of everyone he’d ever loved and cared for emerges like a bright light from the deep, dark recesses of his lonesome despair.
“Let’s see the world together, let’s walk through it together!”
Vash’s sobs are uncontrollable now, snot running down his nose as he doubles over and hides, pressing his forehead to his knees. He’d been lonely, so unbearably lonely, but the truth is that he had never truly been alone. Not now and not ever. He has his children, his friends, and the memories of the people he loves to keep him going.
Vash’s body shakes with each choked gasp, withstanding each surge of the love and loss he’d endured like a rock against the crashing waves. It renders him helpless yet humbled beneath its wondrous might.
“S–sorry, Nova. I’m sorry, I…”
But all the while, Nova sits quietly beside her father, rubbing his back comfortingly as all that grief and love and loss and that damned foolish hope that he'd never been able to extinguish pours out of him in waves. 
Slowly, with time, Vash’s sobs quiet down into soft gasps…then sniffles, and then eventually, silence. The sound of the desert wind is the only thing they can hear whistling through the support beams.
Vash doesn’t know how long they stay like that, but eventually, Nova gently taps his shoulder, the rhythm of her fingers a soothing balm to his soul.
“Papa, look who’s here!”
Vash sits up and follows his daughter’s pointed finger into the horizon. He stops when he sees three figures approach, their silhouettes unmistakable despite the glaring sun.
They’re here!
Elated, Vash immediately stands and descends down the porch’s steps. Two of the figures instantly spot his approach, and before Vash can blink, they burst into a blindly fast sprint towards him, both cheerfully shouting in unison.
The twins show their old father no mercy, both nearly tackling him to the dirt path with their smothering hugs. Nico is quick to join them, wrapping all three of them in his long, lithe arms.
“Careful you two, you’ll kill the old man.”
Vash’s laughter rings across the dunes as he holds his children close, the sound bouncing joyously as it mingles with the warm zephyr that surrounds them. Overjoyed, fresh tears swell in the proud father’s eyes in droves of unwavering happiness. They’re here, and you’re here. Everyone is here together—in his mind, in his soul, and in his heart.
Vash squeezes them all in the tightest hug he can muster, a testament to the depths of unending love a father has for his children.
“Welcome home.” Vash whispers.
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dividers by @/saradika
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gojos-fr-bae · 6 months
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔇𝔬 𝔓𝔱. 1 (ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔡)
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Pairing: CEO!Gojo x Fem!Lawyer!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, drinking, smoking, strippers, giving head, thoughts of su1c1de, mentions of sex, vomiting, shameless flirting
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: Heyyyy, so I finally redid this. It is mostly just part 1 and 2 together but I fixed it up to make it make more sense. I hope this is more like, uk, coherent and enjoyable to read. Hope you enjoyyyyy ❤️
Minors DNI
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A lawsuit.
He scoffed at the thought that someone would dare try to make an attack at him. He thought that it took a certain level of stupidity to try to attack the CEO of the most powerful tech company in Korea.
For once, someone had managed to leave his army of lawyers speechless.
A person was suing Gojo Industries because their phone had exploded in their hand. This at first didn't phase him. But as he sat there being served a 20,000 dollar fine, he couldn't help but stare at the woman who had caused his amazement as she walked out celebrating her victory with her client and associates.
That was a week ago, a week before he had to sit through the most brutal court hearings he had ever experienced. 
"Did you find her?" Gojo asked his assistant Nanami as he entered his office.
"Yes actually, now get off my back," He said in his monotone voice, slamming the file down on his desk
"Thanks Nanamiiin," He said, giving him his signature toothy grin, opening the file. "And you reached out?"
"Yes, her contract with Hanbada ends in two days and I've already scheduled an interview tomorrow at 11am."
"Alright that's all, you may leave."
"Now that that's settled, what the fuck are you thinking!?" Nanami asked, speaking to Gojo not as his assistant but as his friend.
"What do you meeean, why do I have to have some hidden motive to hire such a brilliant person to my legal team?"
"Well first of all, that's the first time I've heard you use the word brilliant in reference to anyone but yourself EVER, and second of all the last time you did this it was with that lady in marketing and got caught fucking her in the board room,"
"...details, details, wanna go to the club?" he asked, getting and picking his phone and car keys.
"Sure I guess," Nanami replied, sighing and taking off his tie, "But lay off the drugs for once will you, we have a meeting tomorrow morning and I don't need you to show up wrecked like last time."
"We both know I can't promise you that," He said, turning around to face his friend and lighting a cigarette.
"So, you excited for that interview you got comin' up?" your best friend Toji asked, placing your wine on the coffee table while opening his bottle of beer and sitting next to you on the floor.
"Mmm, I don't know, it's for the company I went against in my last case."
"The asshole who kept staring at you in court?"
"The very same."
"Fuckin' shit" He groaned, taking u gulp of his beer "Need me to take you?'
"Nah it's ok, if he does anything weird I'll kick his junk and call you.
"That's my girl" Toji laughed before playing the movie and pulling you into his side. "If that doesn't work pull out your knife and aim for the jugular."
"Yes sir."
"Satoru get your ass up so we can leave this shit hole." Nanami seethed at his so calledbest friend who was currently fucking some random stripper's throat. He was absolutely zooted.
"F-fuck Nanamiin, come on don-mmmhh," Gojo groaned, puffs of shisha escaping his lips.
"Fucking asshole," Nanami whispered under his breath, planning how he would murder his stupid friend. Why on earth did he still put up with his bs.
Everything hurts.
His head hurts, his arms hurt, his legs hurt. But worst of all, is the ache he felt in his heart. It was so unbearable it caused him to shed silent tears, wishing for his torture to end.
Why did he have to wake up? Why did he have to keep breathing, keep living, why couldn't it all just...stop.
"Get up, you need to get to work." Nanami said from across the room, feeling pity for the man laid down before him.
"Am I really that insufferable and unlovable?"
"Satoru, please."
"Why did she leave," his voice croaked, tears spilling from his eyes as he gazed out his bedroom window, laying still in his bed.
"I don't know Gojo, and I wouldn't say you're unlovable, insufferable sure but you know."
Gojo just sighed before falling out of his bed, and sprinting to his bathroom. All Nanami could hear were his friend's sobs while he threw his guts up.
"Sir, Miss L/N is here to see you."
Gojo sighed, running his hands over his face, careful not to rub the concealer and foundation covering his eye bags, contacts, blocking how red his eyes are from the bottle of whiskey and two cigarettes he had for breakfast.
"Send her in," he groaned, plastering his most charismatic smile he could on his face.
"Miss L/N, please, have a seat," he said, motioning to the seat across his desk.
"Thank you sir," you said in a soft tone, bowing slightly before taking the seat he offered.
"So, tell me about yourself"
"Oh, well I studied law at The University of Br-
" uh uh uh, that's not what I meant, I already saw all that on the resume, I want to know more about you" he said in a deep tone licking his lips while looking you up and down. Strike 1.
"Oh.. ok, well um... I'm from (Country name), I'm 22 and I love dogs…."
"(Country name) huh? No wonder you're so beautiful" Strike 2
"Hahaha, yeaaahhh. Anyways I would really appreciate a spot on your legal team. I researched it and noticed a lot of prestigious and highly respected advocates and attorneys and it would be my honour to work beside them," you said trying to shift the conversation back to a more professional tone.
"I'm sure you would do well considering how sexy you look in that suit," Strike fucking 3
"Alright you douche bag I'm not going to sit here and let you sexualize me knowing there's dozens of companies in the country who offered me well paying jobs so I wi-"
"We'll pay you 50,000 dollars per month"
"And where do I sign,"
So, you ignore all his passes on you but hear him out when he talks about work? How...curious.
Gojo stirred from his sleep...again.
He's waking up...again.
Why couldn't he just be at peace for once.
Suddenly he felt so nauseous. And then came the pain. The strong, unbearable, disgusting, white hot pain. 
He ran to  the toilet and gagged so hard, trying so hard to throw up the food he hadn't even eaten. 
When was the last time he ate? 
He couldn't even remember the last time he had a proper meal on a ‘good day’ let alone when he was throwing up so hard his vision was blurring. But then again, maybe those were his tears as sobs racked his body.
Make it stop, make it stop MAKE IT STOOP!
Why wouldn't it all just stop. Maybe it was the two bottles of gin he took before bed...or the five sleeping pills...or the 50mg cocaine. All he knew was that he was sitting on his bathroom floor wishing he took the entire bottle of pills, maybe then they would've been enough to stop his heart.
"Satoru, you're going to be late!" Shouted Nanami, annoyed on the other side of the door.
Gojo slapped his hand over his mouth to muffle his cries.
"Satoru?" Nanami tried again, voice sounding slightly more worried this time.
The lack of a response caused him to open the door, his stoic expression softening ever so slightly as he looked down at his best friend.
Satoru looked up at him before letting his shoulders shake, tears cascading down his face as he nodded his head.
"*sigh* Alright, let's get you cleaned up"
"She's here," Nanami said to Gojo, now in his office.
"Really?" the latter perked up, rising from his seat.
"Yes but if I may ask, why are you so interested in her?"
"You know she shut down my flirting?"
"And this shocked you because?"
"When was the last time you remember me being rejected by someone?"
"You want to go there?" Nanami asked, smirking at Gojo who rolled his eyes.
"Just tell me where she is"
"Staff room, pretty sure she's getting breakfast, you should try it some time,"
"The staff room?"
"Oh you're soo funny"
Satoru groaned before walking out of the office to go find you. 
Who knows, maybe he'll get lucky today.
"Hey~" a deep voice whispered in your ear, making you jump in shock and turn around ready to kill whoever was behind you. Unfortunately, that happened to be your new boss.
"Oh, Mr. Gojo, how may I help you?"
"Not much just um... getting coffee."
"Ah, let me make you some then, how many sugars?"
"FIVE? What the hell, it's like you don't even want teeth."
"I guess not."
You looked at him in confusion before making him the coffee but putting 4 sugars instead of 5.
"So, there's a company dinner tonight for all the new staff, would love to see you there."
"Of course sir, now if you'll excuse me I have to get working."
"Please, go ahead"
"Yes sir," You said before bowing and walking away from him as fast as possible, who knows, maybe you will trip on your heels, twist an ankle and have to miss the dinner.
"Woah, woah, woah, and where are you going dressed like such a slut?" Toji asked, leaning on the frame of the bathroom door, looking you up and down while smirking.
For the dinner you chose to wear a light pink, knee length satin dress with a sweetheart neckline. You even straightened your hair and were finishing up on your makeup.
"Well if you MUST know, I'm going for a company dinner."
"Dresses like that? Might as well just go naked and take birth control. I call dibs on Godfather."
"Yeah yeah, you're just happy ‘cause ur going to be alone tonight."
"Says who? I'm going to be so busy I had to fill up on condoms."
"As if you'll use them." you snorted, walking past him to pick up your bag and leave.
"You look gorgeous by the way" He whispered, making you turn around and smile at him softly.
"Thank you"
"Uh huh, yeah now fuck off the strippers get here in ten, I don't need them seeing your weird ass, might think I'm cheating on them," He snorted, making you role your eyes and walk out of your shared apartment, wondering why you still put up with him.
You walked into the reserved room with a few of your colleagues, making the meeting complete. And you did your best to ignore the fact that your boss saved you the seat right beside him.
"Great! Now that we're all here and situated, I would like to raise a toast to all of you and to all our new employees, welcome you to Gojo industries. I look forward to working with all of you. Cheers"
And while everyone was toasting, you couldn't help but notice how Gojo's hand was shaking. You also looked at his face and noticed his pupils were dilated.
"Uhm, excuse me sir, are you okay?" you whispered once everyone had settled down and were immersed in their own conversations.
"Of course, why would you ask?
"Well, it's just that you're shaking, so I was slightly concerned."
"Ah, I didn't even notice, maybe I just need some fresh air, excuse me."
He rose from his seat and made his way out of the room, but you couldn't help but notice how his breathing had sped up slightly and his shoulders tensed. Kinda weird but then again he seemed like a pretty odd guy so you chose not to question it.
You were walking through the restaurant when you passed the back door and heard some heavy breathing. You slowly walked towards it and cracked the door open and shock cannot even begin to express the emotion you were experiencing at that moment. 
There was your boss, squatting while leaning against the building wall. But what caused your surprise wasn’t just his heavy breathing. He was shaking so violently that even though you technically hated his guts you couldn't help but worry.
"Sir? A-are you ok?"
Instead of a response, his breathing quickened. He was...having a panic attack? What the...huh? 
"Uhm sir, please calm down." you said in the softest tone you could muster, putting your bag down and trying to pat his back.
"Make it stop, please" you hear him croak, his voice sounded so soft, so weak, so...broken. You'd had your fair share of panic attacks but through the more recent half of them, you had Toji to be a shoulder to cry on so you know that being alone while suffering like this was hell. And because of this, you kneeled down and pulled him against you, wrapping your arms tightly around him and placing his head against your neck.
Once you did he began to sob so hard you were pretty sure it was ripping his throat raw. He grabbed your dress so hard he feared he would never be able to let go.
He didn’t want to let go. Not yet.
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BOO! Two in one day?! who am I ?! That pole was absolutely useless wasn't it? also, am I picking up some toji x y/n?!
© gojos-fr-bae
121 notes · View notes
reina-tries-2-write · 15 days
The Space Between Sounds
Chapter 1: Unfamiliar Territory
SYNOPSIS: What will your first day at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech entail?
WC: 3.2K
AUTHOR'S NOTES: The story switches between your POV and Toge's between the asterisk cuts. Any descriptions of sign language will be referencing ASL not JSL since I don’t know it. This is my first serious work so I hope you enjoy!
masterlist - next
You step off the train onto the platform in Tokyo, stomach churning with anxiety. The station is noisy, louder than you expected and the ambient volume is a lot to take in. The buzzing and humming is unlike anything you’ve ever heard before and it feels like electricity is running through you.
Scanning the crowd in the station, your eyes finally land on the person you’re looking for. He’s not hard to spot since he’s easily over six feet tall and wearing a blindfold which only makes him stand out further. You walk over and greet him which he eagerly reciprocates before leading you out of the station.
The two of you don’t talk as you make your way through the massive city that you are spending most of your time gawking at. You lived in a remote village and had never seen a building taller than four stories so the city was quite the shock for you. It was beautiful and a lot more colorful and busy than you expected which was honestly a little overwhelming but enjoyable nonetheless. The towering skyscrapers reflected the mid morning sun in a dazzling display that sparkled in your vision as you took in the colorful lights and people of the city.
Today is your move in day at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech and you are incredibly anxious about it. Sure, anyone would be nervous about moving five hours from home for university but you have an extra reason to be nervous.
Aside from missing the first month of classes, the thing about you is…
You’re deaf.
You can read lips and speak fine, or at least well enough to be understood, but you still battle a communication barrier. It can be quite frustrating at times as well. When people find out you’re deaf but can read lips, they often exaggerate their mouth movements as they speak which only makes it harder for you to understand them.
You find yourself nodding and smiling along with strangers quite often, having absolutely no idea what they are saying to you.
Back home, your friends Mari and Kai were the only ones who weren’t weird about you being deaf and took the time to learn sign language with you. You had a blast teaching them in middle school and the three of you were super close throughout the rest of middle and high school.
The three of you went off to separate colleges but promised to do your best to keep in touch despite being so far apart. You were definitely going to stay in contact with then since they’re your best friends, number one supporters, and honestly, the best people in your life. They’re more like family really.
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts of your friends and back into your anxious reality as the blindfolded man, Gojo, lead you up a dark cobbled path onto campus.
As you walked closer and closer, the buzzing, humming, and crackling in your ears got louder. Despite being deaf, you can hear cursed energy, and is louder the stronger it is. That being said, Gojo is pretty damn loud and so is the campus.
Regardless of the volume, it is really nice, set in the woods just inside the city and has beautiful traditional architecture. There are several different types of housing buildings on the campus along with student housing of course.
There is also a large training area with multiple accompanying buildings, and more official looking buildings where classes and other meetings are probably held, in the middle of campus.
There are some nice secluded corners of the campus too with ponds and shrines and small places to spend time in nature.
Gojo leads you to a dorm building and you take a deep breath of the crisp September air before walking up the three wooden steps. After the front door closes behind you, you sigh lightly in relief at the welcome, slightly quieter atmosphere.
Your room is nothing crazy fancy but it’s still very nice. Your belongings have already been delivered and are neatly sitting on the wooden floor in the middle of the room.
All of the furniture was wood but was in very good condition, clearly new and well taken care of. The bathroom was pretty plain, white tile and vanity, a shower with a small bench inside, and a small cabinet under the sink. You take in the warm wood of the room, breathing in the smell of varnish and a fresh citrus-y cleaner. The only noise in the room was the loud crackling and buzzing of Gojo’s cursed energy blaring in your ears.
After looking around, you turn to him to await further instruction, having no idea what you’ll be doing today.
“Alright! Now I’ll give you a quick tour of campus and then you can meet the other first years.” He tells you.
You nod your head nervously and follow him out of the dorm. Despite the fact you are able to speak, you prefer not to. Mari and Kai had described your voice to you on one occasion and, through no fault of their own, made you extremely self conscious about it. You knew you didn’t sound normal and had what is called a ‘deaf accent’ which only made you even more different. Needless to say, you never speak unless you absolutely have to.
You hated the way people reacted when you did speak— the way their eyebrows would knit together, and their smiles would falter, told you everything you needed to know. It was better not to try. Better to just be silent. Stay in the background.
Gojo takes you around campus and explains some day to day activities, giving you a mini version of the orientation that you obviously missed. Walking by the training arena, you spot four people at work. Well, three people and a panda to your utter surprise.
Noticing your intrigue, Gojo explains that they are the other first years and that you’ll get to meet them soon. You watch a guy with platinum blond hair and the panda goofing off which makes the girl cross her arms and shake her head as if to fake disdain for their antics while the other guy laughs along.
They all clearly knew each other pretty well at this point and that only made you feel even more excluded. Not only were you going to have to learn how to read them, get to know them, and be accepted, but you were going to have to figure out how to communicate without talking if possible. You didn’t want them to think any differently of you.
Well, more than they initially would.
Were you going to be able to fit in with them? What were they going to be like? Particularly the panda. Was he able to talk? Would you be able to read him? What if you couldn’t?
After a tour of the buildings, Gojo lead you down the stairs into the arena where the other students were still training. He greets them and instructs them to come over to meet you. The humming-buzzing noise gets louder as they approach and you are able to tell that the taller guy is the loudest which only makes you more nervous. He’s almost as loud as Gojo and you know he’s freaky powerful.
Your only goal today was to try and fit in. Okay just get through introductions without looking like an idiot. If you can do that then maybe, just maybe, this whole new life— your fresh start— wouldn’t be so terrifying. Yeah. You got this. You had to. You couldn’t survive four years alone without anyone who understood you. Back home it was so easy to slip into the background unnoticed. But there were so few of you here you had to fit in. You’d just be a burden to them if you couldn’t. You had to be seen— useful for once.
You get increasingly nervous as they all stand around you and you begin to fiddle with your bracelet, plucking at the beads with shaky fingers as Gojo introduces you to them, simply saying your name and explaining that you’re deaf.
You wished he would have said more and you looked up at him, eyes pleading to give a better explanation. You desperately wanted to fit in. But he didn’t look over at you.
You give everyone a timid wave and notice the guy with platinum blond hair seems to take particular interest in you, his thin brows raised curiously. Unfortunately for you, he’s got a high collared sweater covering his mouth so you won’t be able to read his lips.
Everyone goes around and introduces themselves to you but, as usual, you have no idea what their names are. New words you’ve never seen spoken before, names in particular, were very difficult for you to lip read.
The girl seems a bit standoffish, crossed arms and raised brow, but looks relatively happy to have another woman around nonetheless as she looks you up and down with a bit of approval. You get the feeling she’s pretty intense and despite having the least amount of cursed energy, you’re most definitely intimidated by her presence and sizing you up.
The taller guy seems pretty tired, eye bags and slouched posture, and a bit shy due to his timid wave and smile. But he gives you the impression that he’s pretty easy going and approachable despite the massive amount of buzzing cursed energy he’s struggling to control.
The panda eagerly introduces himself but since you’ve never exactly spoken to a panda before, you have no idea what he says at all. He then gestures to the blond guy and seemingly introduces him since he doesn’t speak to you. Or you don’t think he does anyway. He gives you an eager wave, eyes crinkling with his assumed smile.
You still had no idea who any of them were. Not to mention, you’re particularly anxious about how you’re going to communicate with the guy who covers his mouth. Hopefully that wasn’t a regular thing with him. Could he even speak? The panda did introduce him and for all you knew, he could be deaf too. You highly doubted that though. He would have signed to you if he was, right?
Gojo told us that the final first year would be arriving today and we were all curious as to who they would be. I got genuinely a bit disappointed at having yet another person who wouldn’t understand me but that’s just how things are for me. Always have been, always will be.
We were in the arena for afternoon training when we heard Gojo come in. With him is the new student, another girl to Maki’s clear intrigue. The pair make their way down the stairs and we meet them at the bottom for introductions.
“Hey guys! This is our final first year Y/N! One important note is that she’s deaf but she can read lips so we’ll do introductions now!” Gojo chirps in explanation.
She gives us a shy smile and wave before continuing to fiddle with the bracelet around her left wrist. She looked absolutely terrified of being here, out of her element and around people who she clearly couldn’t understand. She nodded and smiled along with everyone’s introductions but I know she had no idea what we were saying.
I’m very used to getting that look when I speak. The awkward smile and glimmer of confusion in their eyes, stiff and nervous body language, being obviously uncomfortable and suddenly reserved— I know all the tells.
But something about her quietness was different. It was like she was escaping into her world of silence whereas my quiet was just something I was used to. Something that just inherently came with me.
I felt genuinely bad that she wasn’t understanding but of course there wasn’t anything I could say to help the situation. Panda introduced me and I did my best to be welcoming and approachable. I could tell she had extra no idea about Panda and I, probably because she’d never spoken to a panda and it was difficult to read his lips. Well, snout. Whatever.
I’ll have to do a proper introduction with her later when I can type or write something up. I didn’t want her to feel isolated. I know what that’s like too.
After the very unhelpful introductions, Gojo tells them to resume their training and says that you can just watch for the time being as the allotted afternoon training time was almost over. You nodded and sat down on one of the benches as the others continued.
The girl wielded a polearm and was clearly very talented with it, sparring with the Tired Guy who’s weapon of choice was a katana. The Panda and Blond Guy didn’t wield weapons and instead goofed off a bit and worked on their physical fitness, doing a few laps around the track and the like.
Training ended a little bit before dinner time and you walked back to the dorms with the others, behind them on the dirt path. Blond Guy looked back at you a couple times, his expression hard to read and you hoped he wasn’t being judgmental even though he most likely was.
You weren’t very hungry due to the large meal you’d eaten on the train a few hours ago so you simply headed off to your room to unpack. Plus you wanted an escape from the loud buzzing of cursed energy that was going to take some getting used to.
You started with your litany of clothes, filling up your closet before you started on the mess of boxes. You hadn’t exactly organized them very well in your rush to pack and you had to dig through them to find everything you needed as you went.
The room quickly turned into a mess, items scattered all over the place as you looted through boxes and simply dumped a few of them out on your bed to rifle through the contents.
But a couple hours later and your room was complete, reflecting your bedroom back home, your style, and personality as you liked it to. It was an extension of yourself in a way and you felt much more at home now that it was decorated and the like.
Okay. Nice and organized and just like home. Yeah. This is good.
It was now your new sanctuary in this new and honestly overwhelming place. Despite your orientation, you were still pretty clueless as to what was going on around here and you struggled to keep up with the fast pace of the place.
It was well after dinner time when you got hungry and thankfully, one of the few things you understood was that the kitchen was communal and you had free reign to use whatever you’d like unless it was clearly marked with someone’s name.
You made yourself a simple sandwich and as you finished, you heard the buzzing increase like someone was walking toward you. This noise was more of a humming that wasn’t overwhelming and had an almost pleasant pitch. Like a machine quietly whirring as it worked intently on its task.
Cursed energy noises— that was your one and only auditory cue as to your surroundings and since most everyone had some amount of cursed energy, you learned to tell where people were relative to you.
I ran into Y/N later that evening in the kitchen on my way to get something to drink. She had her back turned to me as she prepared something on the counter and as much as I wanted to approach her, I didn’t want to scare her or anything by suddenly appearing or tapping her shoulder.
So I stood there a bit oddly as I contemplated how I wanted to approach but a few seconds later, she turned around. Thankfully she didn’t look surprised or scared about my presence and I chalked it up to her having felt my footsteps as I walked in or something. That or she just wasn’t a jumpy person and was used to others randomly appearing.
She looked really troubled, her brows furrowed at seemingly nothing and her shoulders slouched as she held a blue ceramic plate with a simple sandwich on it.
Looking up at me, she froze, eyes wide for a second.
Did I scare her? Was there something intimidating about me? Was it because it was just the two of us in here? I didn’t want to be threatening.
She blinked a few times before she gave me an awkward smile before her expression fell even further than it was before.
I did my best to ask if she was okay but she didn’t pick up on it immediately. But after a few seconds, she understood and shrugged her shoulders in answer before looking down at the plate in her hand, expression conveying some sadness among other things.
She holds her hand up in an odd goodbye of sorts, almost as if to stop me from asking or saying anything before she scampered off to her room, shutting the door loudly.
What was going on in her head? Was I not as approachable as I thought? Or was something else going on? She probably had a very overwhelming day and another social interaction might be too much for her right now. I wasn’t offended at her awkward departure, I was just worried and confused about what she was thinking. I didn’t want her to feel isolated here.
Turning around, sandwich in hand, you saw Blond Guy in the kitchen behind you. He gave you a smile and wave before his expression changed. His brows furrowed and his head tilted to the side ever so slightly.
Your eyes widened as you froze in place.
How were you gonna communicate with him? The one person around here that you can’t understand at all. Was he gonna think you were weird for smiling and waving and gesturing instead of talking? Would you be able to fit in here with him?
He pointed to you and then gave you a hesitant thumbs up. Your own brows furrowed in confusion before you realized he was asking if you were okay.
Are you okay? No, not really. You were overwhelmed and exhausted and hungry and terrified of what tomorrow was going to be like.
But you give him an awkward smile before shrugging your shoulders and diverting your gaze from his violet eyes to the sandwich on your plate.
You notice what looks like a frown on his face, again you still couldn’t see his mouth, but the rest of his face conveyed it fine.
Oh god, what is he thinking? Does he think you’re weird? Does he not like you? Is he scared to try and communicate with you?
You hold your hand up briefly as a goodbye of sorts before sheepishly heading back to the quiet of your room.
The weight of the day settled onto your shoulders as you shut the door behind you. For a moment, you stood there, leaning your forehead against it, letting the quiet calm you down.
Finally, a space where you didn’t have to try so hard.
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angelismmm · 1 year
Finally another arlan enjoyer! Could I get some hcs of a relationship with best boy?
(^▽^) relationship hcs ft. ARLAN !
☆ pairings. arlan x gn!reader
☆ synopsis. just relationship hcs w arlan, thats it lmao
☆ a/n. i just picked randomly with a wheel for which ask would i do while waiting for oshi no ko requests aksmdkasdm
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⁂ how did it start?
again, like i specified in my other hc fic, or wtv, he meets you through asta! kind of seems like the type to not rly be all that social unless you already know him, or if its for business
kind of shy around you, like lowkey blushing when you both get to talk, but you probably can't really see his blush, the dark skin and stuff yk?! but when you cup his cheeks, they're so round and warm, that's a promise!
asta is such a silly, immediately noticed the crush he had on you, sort of stalked you guys honestly, it was for a good reason! she just listened in on a few conversations.. maybe more than few.. just for good measure, but she's never seen arlan stuttering over his words so much
putting one and one together, she already knew what was going down, and she just needed to get you both together immediately!
asta always has an excuse to leave you both alone after discussing whatever, "oh my, seems like my time is limited once again.. you both can just stay here and just chat for a bit, i'll be back!"
she never came back.
arlan kind of has a hard time trying to start conversations, so you gotta help a bit! be the first the talk, or start asking questions, he's kind of awkward and never really is good at socializing, but if you do the first step, maybe it'll even affect him a bit, and he'll do the first move!
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⁂ what goes down (in the relationship)?
actual relationship hcs now, tbh arlan seems like the very clingy, will make it very not obvious though, on the days he really needs it, he'll ask you straight up, with a flushed expression, kind of looks away whenever he asks for this corny ahh stuff
"i just wanna-- i wanna ask.. i uh.. can we.. cuddle? if you're comfortable with that?"
such a sweetheart, i'm not even gonna lie, you probably caught him once or twice asking asta about stuff, like if you'd like these flowers, or if you like something else as a gift better,
will always be nervous when he asks you out, like a cheesy teen couple, he'll be holding out flowers, lowkey stuttering, and holding your hand at the same time
best bet, guaranteed, he has never been in a relationship before, the only reason he knows sooo much about dates is because of books! loves loves loves reading, would definitely be a fairytale irl w him when on dates, picks the cutest locations ever too, like a new cat cafe that opened up, sure!
super creative with gifts, he goes absolutely crazy with it ngl, but in a good way
kind of has a habit of just squeezing your hand while your fingers are intertwined with each other. just does it when he can't find the words to tell you how much he's missed you while you were gone.
probably would also tighten his grip around your waist when it gets a bit crowded in the streets, doesn't wanna lose you in the sea of people yk?!
likes it when you start to trace shapes on his palms or while you both cuddle, and start to draw little stars with your fingers on his back, really just lulls him to sleep, and feels comforted when you do that type of stuff.
finds it so attractive when you stretch, like it shouldn't be that attractive, but it is, he cannot help it, at all.
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tragedybunny · 6 months
Slow Dancing In a Burning Room - Chapter 2
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In a moment of weakness, Serafina helped Astarion ascend, forever altering him and their relationship. Irrevocably bonded in violence, can she survive life at his side, or will she be broken by the cycle of pain and terror.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav)
༺Warnings༻ Dubcon / Noncon elements , violence, toxic / abusive relationships
༺Word Count༻ 2047
༺A/N༻ The consent is very much dubious here below, to reiterate the warning. It has been a bit of a treat to write Astarion being his worst self. I will have to take fluff breaks, so if you follow my other stuff, don't despair, more fluff will come. Thanks to @themadlu for the beta on this chapter read on AO3
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꧁༺Chapter 2 - First, Thou Shall Obey Me as Thou Lovest Me ༻꧂
༺ In which Serafina learns the first of Astarion's "rules" for her existence.༻
Astarion did not set rules for her the way Cazador and Vellioth had for their Spawn. His rules were implied, unspoken commands that she would learn through trial and error. 
“Sera,” his voice was singsong, playful in a way she knew was dangerous. “Wake up, little love,” he called, from where he lay, on his side, behind her. 
Sleep was starting to release its grip on her when she felt the press of him at her entrance from behind. Then, he was plunging in, her struggling to accommodate him. A sound between a moan and a yelp escaped her as a hand tangled in her hair, yanking until her eyes opened wide. 
“Wake up, Serafina,” he hissed, thrusting his hips, the pain of it lessened by her mercifully growing wetness. 
Arching her spine, she positioned herself to give him the best angle to fill her with, and ease her own discomfort. It was something she had learned very early in her time as Consort to the Vampire Ascendant; Astarion would take his pleasure when he deigned, and she would need to make the best of it. “I am awake, my love.” She let out a breathy gasp as warm heat began to build in her core, her body responding to him as it always did, even when she wished it wouldn’t, even when she hated what he was doing to her.  
Groaning, he dug his fingers into her hip, leaving bruises that would heal fast enough. At the very least, nothing he ever did to her left a lasting mark. “It took far too long,” he snapped, thrusting into her with escalating violence. “Touch yourself,” he ordered. 
Without hesitation, her fingers found her clit, working the bundle of nerves quickly. Though she knew he cared very little for her enjoyment on days like these, it was still somehow an insult to him, if she didn’t reach climax. She offered a prayer to the gods that she could accomplish the task this morning, since something had him in a foul mood. 
Closing her eyes, she drifted far away, to a different time, to a different Astarion. Not the monster she made, but the sweet elf who had wanted something real, the one that was hidden from her so often these days. How he would hold her and touch her gently, and they would reach a bliss born of love together. 
Her breath came in little pants, she was so close. He was with her, whispering softly to her, and she was happy, safe, loved. “Ast-”
With one harsh thrust and another groan, he finished, tearing her from her beautiful dream. He pulled her hips tight to his, making sure to fill her with every drop of his seed. A mark of ownership, as her new life prevented her womb from ever carrying children. That very same dead organ had cost her the favor of her Patron.
Titania had been merciful, withholding her wrath until the Netherbrain sank beneath the Chionthar, allowing Sera to wield her warlock magic to help end the threat of the Absolute. Then, on a morning garden walk, protected from the sun as Astarion had promised, Titania appeared. A twisted reflection of their first meeting, gone was the kindly Fey who had called herself Godmother; now she appeared as the wrathful Queen of Summer burning like the sun. 
“You have betrayed our bargain, Serafina,” her golden eyes flashed and a halo of fiery red hair seemed to move with life of its own. 
Her gaze found the intricate stonework of the garden path and studied it. “Please, your Majesty, I can still be of use,” she pleaded, desperate at the thought of losing her power, and no longer being hidden from remembrance. 
“You had one use, girl, raise a house to serve me, as your ancestors served my sister. This creature that you’ve become is incapable of that. Consider yourself lucky that I merely take back what it is mine, and not hold you to the strictest terms we set. Though in a way, this is its own punishment.” 
Sera chanced a glance at the seething Queen, and swore she caught a hint of sadness in her eyes. 
“Serafina,” Astarion’s voice beckoned and she felt herself tense. She hadn’t been in the garden that long, but, in the short time since they’d moved into Cazador’s old manor, he’d become concerned with keeping her close to him as often as possible. 
“I will leave you to your paramour. We will not meet again, child.” Titania was gone in a burst of light, leaving behind the scent of wildflowers and warm forest, the scent Astarion had once said she carried. 
An emptiness crept through her veins, a hollow feeling where once her magic had dwelt. Another part of her that was gone, like her reflection or the breath in her lungs. Her legs wobbled beneath her and threatened to give out. 
“Little love,” he was closer and his tone had grown terse. He worried for her, everything had always been taken from him, and she could be too. 
“I’m here,” she called back, voice cracking. 
Then he was there beside her, as though he hadn’t been far away at all. Although she was sure he’d sounded closer to the manor. Strong arms wrapped around her and she let herself collapse into his chest, choking back her tears. 
“What is it, my darling?” He cooed at her, stroking her hair gently. “What happened?”
“Ti-Titania,” she managed, resisting the urge to sob. “She came, said our pact was over, she took my power.” 
His hands gripped her shoulder, tightening until she gasped. “Oh my sweet, silly, little Serafina. Why ever would you be concerned with losing that blasted pact?” 
“I…” She struggled to think of an answer that would explain it. These flashes of another Astarion hadn’t gone away once they were safe. More and more, he was there, the spawn she loved disappearing into him. 
“See? You can’t think of one good reason.” His lips kissed the top of her head, even as his fingers seemed to dig into her bones. “You don’t need her magic, you have me. I’ll always protect you, and you’ll want for nothing, just like I promised. Isn’t that good enough?” 
“Of course my love. It’s just…”
“Just what?” His tone turned dark. 
“It’s strange for me.” It was a mood she was learning well, one that would tolerate no argument. 
His grip relaxed and he pulled her to him again. “I suppose it is, but you’ll adapt quickly you have a talent for it. Now let’s get inside, we’ve a lot of decorating to see to and I want your opi-” He cut himself off and tilted her chin up to look into his eyes. “I know you, don’t I?”
She tried to shrink away, to find a way to deny it. But with Titania’s pact gone, the magic that had protected her was gone too. Everyone would remember her, even Astarion. “Lady Serafina Glacies. Your mother is quite infamous among the nobility, as I recall. And that night, Cazador announced your betrothal, you were terrified, poor little thing.” He chuckled. The man she loved, laughed at the worst moment of her life. “Looks like you're another thing I took from him, another thing that he was unworthy to have.” 
And here she was now, not the Summer Queen's Warlock, not the Hero of Baldur’s Gate, simply the Consort. 
“Didn't finish, love,” he clicked his tongue at her mockingly. “Poor little thing.” 
“It's fine,” something in his tone felt ominous.
“Nonsense,” his fangs nipped the back of her neck before he moved. Shoving her to her back, he kneeled between her thighs, hooking her knees over his shoulders, leaving her dreadfully exposed to him.
A finger ran along her slit, eliciting a whimper. “You know, things like waking up and finding release wouldn't be so difficult if you'd just drink sentient blood.” He began to trace rough circles around her clit, the pressure walking a line between pain and pleasure.  
“I just don't want to hurt anyone.” He'd been insistent it would solve all her problems, to just drink thinking blood once, and see what she was missing.
A snarl curled his lip upward and he glared down at her. “You know, there was a time when I would have given anything to feed as I wished.” A pale hand lashed out, wrapping around her throat, cutting off air she didn’t need, but blood she very much did. Once her instinct might have been to fight, but she had learned it only made him angrier. Instead, she fought to push down the rising panic and ignore the dizziness she knew would set in if he didn’t let go. 
His fingers continued their violent ministrations, her clit aching under his touch, and no way to escape him. Whimpers died in her closed throat, and yet she felt her body betraying her and climax building. “That was almost your fate too, in case you’ve forgotten. But look at how kind the gods were, delivering you to me instead.” 
He plunged inside her again, even as his hand remained around her throat. “If you would just stop being stubborn and listen to me,” every word was punctuated by the thrust of his hips and the throb of her tortured clit.
With shame, she felt herself clench around him, as she reached bliss in the midst of the madness. 
“Good girl,” he purred, releasing her throat, seemingly finally pleased with something about her this morning. Only for the hand still abusing her sex to suddenly pinch her sharply. “It really shouldn't have taken so much.” 
But a few more thrusts occupied him with finishing while she blinked back tears and felt the blood returning to her brain. He was still, and calm, eyes softening as he looked down at her. “Oh my sweet,” startlingly gentle fingers brushed her hair from her face. “I’m sorry, I got worked up. I only want the best for you.”
She relaxed into the touch, the soft words. This was her Astarion, the one she loved. The other she had to endure at times, but this one was hers. Turning her head, she kissed his palm as it trailed along her cheek. “I know,” she rasped, through vocal cords that would recover soon enough. 
“Shh,” he leaned down to kiss her softly enough that the fear melted away. 
Collapsing beside her, he pulled her onto his chest, where he could pet her and kiss the top of her head over and over. “Really my love, it just vexes me when you won't take care of yourself.”
“I love you,” she whispered, wanting to hold onto this moment of calm.  
“I know you do, my little treasure, my Serafina.” He squeezed her tightly and sighed happily. “I know. I just have to help you through this.”
Her stomach dropped, all the peace she'd found evaporating. “What do you mean?” 
Astarion rolled her off his chest, and sat up with a knowing smile. “You have this hesitation about eating properly. And you need help getting over it, so I'm going to help you.” 
“But Astarion…”
He cut her off with a finger against her lips and tutted. “Now, now, little love, you'll just have to wait and see. And do one little thing for me.” Astarion’s eyes began to glow red and she felt an itching in her mind. “You're not to leave our rooms until I return.” 
There was pain tearing through her heart and fresh tears pooling in her eyes. There was no choice but to listen to his command, the command of a sire to his spawn. He'd compelled her. “You said you'd never.” 
“If you were obedient. Starving yourself is not very obedient. What if you got weak and were killed and left me alone?” He stayed calm but she could hear the anger simmering beneath the surface. 
Rising from the bed, he began to dress for the day, while she lay there, still in disbelief. “When I return, we'll settle this matter.” 
He leaned over and kissed her, ignoring the tears silently falling. And then he was gone, leaving Sera to await what his idea of help would be. 
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gcslingss · 4 months
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hey, everyone!
I hit a 100 followers a few days ago, and I just want to say, I am so grateful, and so thankful to all of you! I'm glad I was able to entertain you with my writing and little rants haha <3
so, as this is a pretty special milestone for me, I'm gonna be writing fics, ficlets and drabbles for all ryan gosling characters based off a few prompt lists that i will link below. THIS IS FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY.
you can give me a combination of prompts from the same list, or from multiple lists, or just one from one list for any goose - its all upto you, and what you're looking for!
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before i get to the prompts lists, I'd just like to thank a few friends on here - so, for my moots!
@bisexualcoltseavers you, shannon, are amazing, so cool (in ken's words), and I am so glad i became friends with you on here. Literally an amazing writer, and you made me such a sucker for colt x ken, no joke. I love hearing your little drabbles everyday and reacting in anguish TO ALL THAT ANGST so much, its such an important part of my day nowadays. thank you for being my friend <3
@hollandstrophyhusband SASCHA. one of the coolest people I've met on here. I think you're a bloody good writer, and all your 'shenanigans' are such a delight to read. you're so careful with character dynamics and make almost EVERYTHING work, and feel super enjoyable. you're also a great person, and I'm glad to be friends with you.
@officer-kd6 my dear val - we ended up becoming friends over a bunch of texts in the god forbidden chats of tumblr, and I'm honestly so glad, because you're so cool, and I love talking to you about anything. I'm so thankful for your interest in my shitty drafts, and I PROMISE that I'll give you the fic you've been asking for soon. ILYSM <3
@cherries-in-wine MY FAVE GIRBLOGGER. you're so pretty, both inside and out, and I really wanna meet you irl one day and rant about whatever we wanna talk about. I absolutely love ur little posts, little vents - your presence on my blog is something I am so thankful for. so thanks for being my friend, aditi <3
and my newer moots that i wanna get closer to (or ur on discord and ill js text u a little letter there): @zsuo @asyrafey @chihuahuamations @flowersomgravee @demon-dai @laff-nelson
thank you to all of you <3
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01. non-verbal angst prompts
02. angry confessions
03. love confessions
04. two-word sentence starters
credits to @poohsources @dumplingsjinson for the prompts :)
please send me all your requests, and I'll try my best to update and post asap - sort of got exams going on, but I will respond and post to your requests for sure! please do send me, I'm so excited to write for y'all <333
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themushroomgoesyeet · 7 months
How to hold your loved one: A lover's guide
co-authored by Merf & Muriel
When holding Muriel:
Muriel's still getting used to positive physical affection, so unless you're close to him no touchie!
hand holding is always enjoyable for casual interactions of any kind, be it long walks or still moments.
(idk how he tolerates holding my hands when they're so sweaty all the time but that's beside the point)
my hands are always dry, so I don't mind
ok (T^T )
hand holding also serves as a good way to send little messages! usually it's just single squeezes for comfort, but my personal favorite is three squeezes for "I love you", and four squeezes back for "I love you too".
that's my favorite too
I - I don't deserve you Muri, you're so sweet! (>////< )
hugs with Muriel are always the best! he's so big it's like getting swallowed by a soft, warm blanket. not to mention they're very healing on a bad day.
you really feel that way about my size?
of course I do! it's one of my favorite things about you, you make me feel safe <3
cuddling is excellent*, and it's always nice to exchange hair scritches. his hair is so nice and soft!
*(please note: cuddling usually turns into naptime)
I'm just a big pillow to you aren't I
Yep! a very smoochable pillow at that ;)
When holding Merf:
why are we doing this again? we're not letting anyone read this....right?
yeah, it's just for us. I thought it would be fun! also the voices told me to
........what do I even write
anything you want! the topic is just kinda how we feel about physical affection
um, ok
sometimes our height difference is challenging; it's usually best if we're both sitting down so Merf can reach better - and so I don't have to bend over so much
trust me, If I could be taller I would be
sometimes I also have to hold Merf's hand to keep her from slipping away in crowds, but I don't mind as long as I'm not alone
I'm sorryyyyyyy, I promise I don't try to wander away on purpose! perhaps you can carry me sometimes?
........only if it's absolutely necessary
never thought I'd like kissing. it's......nice.
is that all you have to say about it?
pft alright
can we be done now?
yes <3
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qballqueue · 2 months
Bloomburrow's story is good
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Having just binged the audio version of the Bloomburrow story, I can say with genuine surprise that I actually enjoyed it a lot??? I'm stunned, legitimately, that it actually delivered.
For context, I'm not an avid reader of the Magic story. It had been so reinforced from community consensus--as well as my own experience--that the story for each set was largely lacklustre, existing mostly so people could see what their favourite blorbos were up to instead of actual entertainment, that I hardly bothered reading them and stuck to story recaps on Youtube. It had always seemed to be a better use of my time.
This was echoed by my reading of the Thunder Junction story. I loved the idea of Magic Cowboys, so I actually dove in to read this one as it was being released, and it was meh at best. It was a story where most of the characters were reappearing ones instead of new, almost none of whom felt they had any reason or motivation for wanting to be there. And the climax largely centred on a cliffhanger, which left a lot of narrative tension feeling unresolved.
(For the record, absolutely no shade thrown towards author of the OTJ story articles, Akemi Dawn Bowman. I found the actually writing to be enjoyable, and I'm 80% sure most of my issues with the narrative were mandated to be there)
I went into Bloomburrow expecting more of the same, honestly. I only really started it because I needed something to listen to, but, like, holy shit. We have a mostly original cast that's simple but fun. We have a plot that's almost entirely self-contained, with no larger narrative implications so it's just allowed to be itself. We actually only have one reappearing character who joins in on the current story instead of taking it over. It's just a short, pleasant ride you can finish in an afternoon.
I do have some issues. For starters, the prophecy that happens at the end felt like a shoe-horned in way to remind people that there's supposed to be an over-arching plot. I do prefer it to the 'something interesting is going to happen soon, we promise' form of storytelling longer narratives often fall prey to, which MtG's story often does, but I would just as soon do without an over-arching story at all if I'm being honest.
The pacing also felt a bit rushed. By the time we get to chapter five, it feels like we're only at the middle of the story, but then the antagonist's introduction, their explanation, a couple climatic battles, and the ending happen all at once. It felt like I had skipped something, but this feels more like an issue with WotC only allowing five chapters per set and one set per plane.
Speaking of which, if the quality of the Bloomburrow story is doing anything, it's highlighting how shitty it is that each plane only gets one set worth of story before we have to leave again. I liked the story, so it's a shame that as soon as the set arrives it'll be gone for a while; WotC almost assuredly has the next year-or-so's worth of sets planned out already, so if there ever is more Bloomburrow story it'll be way in the future, and not because someone decided to put faith in it--it'll be because it proved profitable enough for a revisit.
So, yeah. You know the drill: artistic integrity good, capitalism bad, etc., etc.. But I will say that I think these story articles are worth a look. Kudos to the author, Valerie Valdes, and the entire story team.
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etrevil · 6 months
hey!! I absolutely love the vibes of your blog! I’m getting into bungo stray dogs (or trying to :’) ) and since you seemingly write fics for it, do you have more recs?? I don’t really know what the main pairings are but I like to use fics as a way to see if I’ll like the fandom and pairs!! Thank you!!
you're making me crack my knuckles because DAMN AM I NOW EXCITED :DDD
terms used: bsd (bungou stray dogs), hp (harry potter), mha (my hero academia), soukoku (chuuya/dazai), shin soukoku (atsushi/akutagawa), chuuda (where chuuya tops), fyozai (dazai/fyodor), fyolai (fyodor/nikolai)
First and foremost is the widely beloved I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter, which is just a rollercoaster of emotions that grip you by the throat. Do note that the chapters are hella long, but enjoyable. The relationships are fleshed out beautifully.
Magic and Mystery by Allegory_for_Hatred is also a good start because it's a bsd and hp crossover that's just, amazing. Had me up at 3am until I physically could not read. There's an ongoing sequel too!
wtf, since when are you married? by xxalwayssofia is a short, quick laugh that, for me, had one of the best characterization for soukoku. Sofia's stories in general (check her account!) have got the character's personality traits down with little creative liberties.
Ne Chuuya, won't you marry me? is another one by xxalwayssofia, and I die of laughter because of this on a daily basis.
Now, I may be mean for suggesting this, but this fic is a diamond found within a gold mine that will eventually end you up in jail because some rich dude probably owned it first. In summary, it hurts. Like a gunshot wound (wink wink to the readers). And that is Ruiner by gev_ao3 (rated the E-est of E's)! The long-awaited consequence chapter is already out for this one, so when you binge read it the ending will hopefully be satisfying. Just be aware this is incredibly graphic, psychological, and angst-filled to the brim.
I read If the Far Side Saw You by birbleh a considerable time ago, but it both pinches and caresses my heart all the same. I haven't anything else to say other than give it a chance.
Ice Queen by TheHighQueen is a great ongoing Dazai genderbend fic, that follows canon with interesting diverging road stops.
This Color Ain't It by justcallmedude has Kenji, our lovable super strength-powered farmer, as a main character! Crossover between bsd and mha with a dash of angst thrown here and there.
For a shin soukoku pairing fic, I'd suggest Fair Ankles by spirallings (rated E) and love knows no boundaries by dangodangomilk; fun, interesting stories that aren't that long, the latter's a oneshot and the former's ugh, just around 100k words :>
One of the first bsd fics I've read, which is with a fyozai pairing, is Letters from the Underground by ktaem! The writing style has its own refined edge, with the exploration of a what-if scenario that had me by hook, line, and sinker. This fic is still in my tab group because I always keep rereading it!
Now if we're entering the explicit territory, I will forever recommend my favorite series (pairing is chuuda btw) Ineffable Partners by Ch_ee_rios. The eighth installment is currently updating, and I promise, you will cry- or at least feel a significant gut punch.
Head Full of Lies by AbsoluteNegation, as my friend one said, is where the good shit's at. The premise had me instantly curious and soukoku's dynamic is wonderful, messy, and DAMN I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH.
Mors Vincit Omnia by themadtree, an soukoku and fyolai fic that will have you bending over and dying of laughter and pain. The author's other works (akai!) are also very good.
The series all that is left by alaruya is a personal favorite of mine. The writing style is unique, with choppy sentences and tear-jerker lines. Was the first story that ever had me thinking, "god I need to bookmark this," and I did.
Bottom of The Deep Blue Sea by arkastadt is a filthy, guilty pleasure. (can you tell I'm an avid bottomzai reader?)
And that's it... I think? I'm also willing to suggest Leafing Through The Pages, I Found You by YunaYamiMouto, but letting you know it's an ongoing reaction fic of the bsd cast to Dazai's life (with the author's own creative choices and headcanons), so there will be a lot, and I mean a HECK TON of spoilers. Which, to be fair, the other fics do have in sprinkles, but this tackles novel events that maybe you'd wish to read at your own pace :D
also shameless plug I have my own fic, the heat of your orange, and I know there's only one chapter but I'm trying my best to update soon
Happy reading!
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uwusillygirl · 10 months
first and foremost, i'd love to thank everyone for such a fabulous kinktober. i was tentative about doing something within the community; i was worried no one would participate, or i would be organizing an event "wrong", or that people would feel limited by my prompts and suggestions. you all made sure that absolutely NONE OF THESE FEARS WERE WARRANTED! everyone came with the COOLEST shit.
here is a brief collection of some of my personal favorites; either just stunningly written, fascinatingly done, or personally my cup of tea (and i will not tell you which is which! lmao!)
@aicosu's "KNOCK KNOCK": oxy-addicted, adhd, dopamine hole eddie and fastidious, nerdy, ex-fundamentalist chrissy meet at the glory hole of a seedy sex arcade. visceral, headachey, and so hot.
@staceymcgillicuddy's whole series was awesome, but i LOVED their "humiliation + bladder control" prompt especially. nasty and mean!
@jewelledfoxes' also had banger after banger, but i really loved their bottoming from the top prompt, "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" .
the anonymously posted "if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right": the most charming, sweetest little take on hybristophilia a girl has ever seen! chrissy sees eddie being very evil and bad (read as: harmless graffiti) and is simply swept away by his raw criminality. so cute, soft, silly, fantastic.
@bettercraic went big-brained as all hell with their jonathan/nancy/eddie/chrissy voyuerism installment, "let's make a team". quick and sexy.
@erythromanc3r wrote this mean and insane and nasty one-shot, "kiss me where you bruise me" that is the hottest anything ever. you're never gonna guess what i loved about it (kidding. you will. it's mean.)
FINALLY! i would like to thank those who stuck to THEIR OWN HARD LIMITS, CREATED WHOLE SERIES, OR WANTED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE! we had some people make whole cohesive (@hunter-gatherer-stuff) stories, we had some people come in and write about pimple popping, we had people write shit (@badlydrawnlips) based on my own indulgent little kink dynamics (sorry, couldn't not mention that one... so baller), and best of all, we had people write their own stuff when the prompts were not for them. that made my heart so happy.
if you are working on a kinktober series that's gonna take more time, if you have prompts in process that you suddenly have the urge to finish, if you wake up in a cold sweat on december 3rd and just NEED to write about spit, fucking do it and tag it. i love you so much. every day is kinktober if you are a true pervert. take your time, love your life, remember that fanfiction (like art in general!) should be an enjoyable effort and made under your own rules!
there is still some stuff i have left to read on the tag! and i loved literally everything i read, this is just a rapid-fire word vomit. i PROMISE i will get around to anything unread soon! i am so unbelievably pleased about this month, thank you all again so, so, so much!
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foibles-fables · 1 year
hi foibs, hoping you’re doing well. there’s something i’ve wanted to ask you since burning shores…can you say more about why you weren’t impressed by seyka/seyloy? i’ve valued your hzd opinions for a long time and am curious and interested to learn more about this one. but if you’d rather not answer that’s fine!
Hi nonny!! I told myself I wasn't going to answer any of these, but I really appreciate your kind tone and am happy to address this again for you!
I won't go into a list of specific reasons why here. I do enjoy a good bit of piece-by-piece analysis a LOT but--frankly, picking apart another ship in a public zone like this is not what I want to exemplify on my blog, at all. It's not the kind of environment I'd like to create or discourse I'd like to foster. If those conversations are to be had at all--which, let's face it, they're probably not--they're to be had one on one, with a promise of good faith and open-mindedness between participants.
So to answer your question, I'll give a little more info, but still in generalities.
First and foremost, it's the simple fact that their dynamic, as portrayed in HBS, didn't spark for me! If y'all know me, you know that there is a very specific ship dynamic that I tend to latch onto, and this repeats ad infinitum across fandoms. I just wasn't compelled by the material, which is fine! More power to you if you were, for sure.
That loops into the second reason I'll give: yes, I did find the writing of HBS to be lackluster in many aspects, including the relationship between Aloy and Seyka. The sloppy writing absolutely influenced the way I viewed/reacted to Aloy and Seyka as a ship. To me, it did feel rushed and very much removed from the character and pacing of the series we've known for years. And that was not a boon for connecting with the presented narrative, the same way I began to feel disconnected from HFW. Once again, though, totally subjective and valid if it did hit for you!
I wanted to like Seyka so much more than I did. (This is--as I've shared other posts before--commentary on the writer's room character work, not on Seyka.) I wanted her to oust Alva as my favorite Quen babygirl (A HARD CHALLENGE, I'll admit). I wanted to be compelled by her, and by her dynamic with Aloy. She didn't, and I wasn't. And that's not an attack on Seyka herself, or on folks who enjoyed her. That's my own peeve with the writing and the way she was presented both in the narrative and in the HBS marketing.
If I can also use your ask to be a little vulnerable, nonny? It's been a hard six weeks. I feel like the posts I've put up and the opinions I've offered with regards to this have been nothing less than respectful and pleasant and, in a lot of cases, that grace hasn't been returned. From being blocked/unfollowed/vagued by other Horizon wlw shippers with whom I've built a rapport over the years (which of COURSE it's anyone's right to curate their feeds--still stings on the other side, in this situation especially)--to being directly compared to the Actual Homophobes for supporting the idea of romance options in game three (the same Actual Homophobes sending death and other threats directly to my inboxes)--it's an unfortunate state. I'm doing my best to be positive for the whole fandom, but some days it's harder than others.
In any case--I'll say, contradictorily--there is a Seyloy idea I've been working on, in attempts to connect more with them and sublimate my quibbles with what was presented in canon. So I hope any Seyloy enjoyers who might read it eventually (and this!) will take it in good faith when it's finished, as it's being written in nothing but good faith!
And, FINALLY, because every single time this question comes up, I say "I DON'T DISLIKE SEYKA" out loud in Nadja's voice, and this is the perfect opportunity to finally make the joke in public:
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wwillywonka · 4 months
wwillywonka's Interests
(links are in red)
-here is my super long, super detailed list of the things i blog about. if you read the whole thing, you're amazing and i love you. thanks<33 -a more comprehensive list of my interests can be found here. i update it often. -please for the love of god do yourself a favour and listen to blooms by arthur sharpe
Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
special interest since 2014
read my ongoing willy character study fic here
my willy playlist
beside the original dahl books, the 2005 movie is the best and most superior version. i believe this with my whole body, mind, and soul and cannot be convinced otherwise.
other favorite versions of canon: gareth snook on the recent uk tour, gene wilder (of course). see gareth snook’s take on willy’s character here
i have consumed every single piece of wonka related media/content that is reasonably available to the public including horrible elementary school productions on youtube and random college theses. i consider myself the foremost expert about anything and everything regarding willy and can get defensive if that is challenged. i am also aware that i take this way too seriously considering willy is just a silly little fucked up guy who forever ruined my taste in men in my preteens. but i stand by my opinions.
i’ve also been writing a very self-indulgent willy x oc (ross able) fic for nearing 4 years now and have yet to publish it in any capacity. that being said, i tend to talk about it in tags for my own reference, so if you’re ever curious to know more, feel free to ask<3.
i do not support roald dahl, tim burton, or johnny depp in any way. their existences are entirely separate from my enjoyment of catcf. bigotry and prejudice are not tolerated on this blog.
i think the prequel is fine but unnecessary. it’s so whatever to me that i sometimes forget it exists.
i am literally charlie bucket (so obsessed with willy wonka that my parasocial need to be in a weird friendship with him is all-consuming and the only thing that keeps me going). if you ship any of the literal children ticket winners with willy, get off my blog.
willy is my specialist girl, a genius inventor evil capitalist, the blorbo i spin around in my brain 24/7 and want to put in a microwave, my wife, and also the absolute worst guy to ever do it. she is my everything. they’re just a sad gay twink. he’s even bigger than jesus.
Jesus Christ Superstar
the 1973 movie has been one of my favorites since childhood but i became obsessed after seeing the musical on stage in 2023.
yes i connect everything i liked about jcs back to willy and my other fav characters :)
things i write and blog about that are perfectly captured in jcs:
being mortal and being a god are not so different
the line between godhood and celebrityhood being more blurred the further society progresses. both are corruption
toxic, all-consuming co-dependency
sacrificing everything that makes one human for the sake of the “greater good”; becoming unrecognisable, becoming a monster (metaphorically and/or literally)
faith in something that ultimately betrays
being gay and being supppeerr dramatic about it
Alice in Wonderland
i love all versions but have a soft spot for the 2010 movie
fav character: the mad hatter/tarrant hightopp
the 2009 miniseries is weirdly good
alice in wonderland is a war story. to me.
i feel similarly about alice through the looking glass 2016 as i do about wonka 2023
once again, i’ve been writing a fic based off the 2010 movie for years but have yet to publish any part of it. one day, i promise.
my love for loki started in 2012 when i saw the first avengers movie in theaters but has since grown into a love of norse mythology and its extended history and lore. loki by mevlin burgess is one of my favorite books and is, in my opinion, the best portrayal of the character in recent years. neil gaiman’s norse mythology is also great.
i love tom hiddleston so so so so much<33. he is a phenomenal actor and also a really nice man and deserves so much more recognition than just being “that hot guy who played that villain in marvel.” i recently had the pleasure of sitting in the audience for an interview he did and it was the best day of my entire life. only lovers left alive is one of my favorite movies.
i hate the disney+ show except for the literal last 20 minutes of the last episode which gave me everything i’ve ever wanted out of a loki story.
i used to be really, really, really, extremely into marvel but pretty much stopped caring after endgame (which i feel is the case for a lot of people). that being said, i still love tony stark and spider-man, particularly the toby mcguire movies (cough cough…alfred molina as doc ock <3333).
Star Trek
obsessed with tos and tng, particularly the movies (undiscovered country is my fav!). huge fan of picard. don't really care about the aos movies or a lot of the newer series. i'm also currently watching voyager (janeway is insane i love her).
spent a lot of my nerd life not understanding the appeal until i started watching tng in april 2023 and swiftly became Aware of why it's one of the most famous franchises of all time. also as someone who's super interested in fandom history, particularly queer fandom history, i don't know why i didn't get into trek sooner.
spock is my fav character because he is literally me. i am always crying over him. no one understands spock like i do (<- is exaggerating knowing he is one of the most famous characters in all of pop culture history). we are both mixed race and jewish. we are both autistic and queer. there is literally no other character whose mixed identity is portrayed so well and as such a significant aspect of their story, and i (along with so many others) see so many of the internal conflicts he deals with in myself, particularly when it comes to his relationship with his parents.
sarek's biggest hater. like bestie, YOU married the human.
data is my second fav. mccoy is a close third. picard is a very close fourth. unification pt 1&2 are my fav trek episodes!!!
huge spirk/spones/mcspirk shipper. because duh.
Doctor Who
my favorite show since 2012
fav doctor: capaldi
fav companions/other characters: donna, river, missy/the master. and yes, the tardis
fav episode: heaven sent
murray gold invented music and is everything i aspire to be as a composer
please no moffat discourse i will block you
that being said, chibnall ruined doctor who. jodie whittaker deserved so much better and i do not blame her, an amazing actress, for the horrible writing she had to work with.
currently working my way through classic who and the eu
Other Notable Favorites
Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
The Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding/BritCom
Flowers/Will Sharpe Films
Good Omens
Dan and Phil
Adventure Time
Wes Anderson Films
The Beatles
The Picture of Dorian Gray/Oscar Wilde
The Adventure Zone/The McElroys
Other Things I Blog About
Robots & cyborgs, dolls
Body segmentation/body horror
Fashion/Fiber Arts
thanks if you read this far xoxo
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