#im rewatching if that wasn’t clear
dazesanddoodles · 2 years
shipping ezekiel jones with cuchlan from that random episode in s1
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cowboyishbabe · 1 year
Ok no. I’m still hung up on this and I’m petty af. I come from a long line of grudge holders.
If a partner cheated on me (w the shared nanny of my best friend) and presumably had sex w me and the other person in the same night…….. if blood were miraculously not spilled and I somehow lost my rabid ass mind and stayed w them. I’d absolutely refuse straight up monogamy again. Baby I’m getting a pass to fuck around for however long the duration of your affair was. Whether i use tht time or not is up to me, but babyyyyy, I absolutely would not just let it go.
I am larry david w tht ten yr anniversary deal!!!
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michwritesstuff · 7 months
It’s Not All In Your Head (Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski)
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this was formerly posted on my blog as “Unexpected” with a 1.5k word count, but I wrote it over two years ago and wanted to rewrite some things and add some more plot. So this really is a different story now, deserving of a new title and song that fits the vibe
pairing: female reader (she/her) x Stiles Stilinski
summary: When you find yourself mixed up in the mysterious supernatural world of Beacon Hills, a town you’ve grown up in your whole life, you find an unlikely ally in the form of Stiles Stilinski. The boy you’ve despised and admired for the last half of your life.
notes/warnings: small mentions of familial death, mention of dead body
word count: 3.3k
Getting out of bed this morning was rough.
Head rushing and pounding with the adrenaline from the night before.
It couldn’t be, right?
Everything you experienced last night wasn’t real, or at least that’s what you tried to tell yourself.
You couldn’t explain how you ended up in the woods in the middle of the night.
Hearing voices in your head, it was almost as if you had been summoned there.
This was the second time in your life that you couldn’t push the voices away.
It had only happened once before this, right before your grandmother passed.
She had been in hospice for the last few months and hadn’t been doing well.
You begged your mom to let you skip school that day to visit her, but she insisted that the last time she had spoken to the nurse, everything was fine.
You got called out of class early that day, your mother rushing you over to the nursing home so that your grandmother would be surrounded by family in her last moments.
Neither of you had brought up how you somehow knew you needed to be there, but the coincidence never left your mind.
Tonight felt like that day from a few months ago.
As you sat at your desk doing homework you could hear distant muffled voices, the words weren’t clear, but they started getting louder.
You huffed, pushing your chair back as you got up.
Walking down the hallway you expected to turn the corner and see your younger brother blasting the tv at the highest volume, but you were met with the deafening silence of the dark and empty living room.
The voices continued as you wandered around the house, growing louder as you followed them outside into the back yard.
You looked back at your house before sneaking out the side gate.
The streets were empty as you walked down the sidewalk, making left and right turns when they felt right.
It wasn’t until you reached the entrance to the Beacon Hills Preserve that you snapped back to reality and truly took in your surroundings.
You barely enjoyed running through here when it was cross country season, you certainly wouldn’t have chosen to come here in the middle of the night.                                                
Walking further into the woods, you reached a small clearing.
A large wood trunk sat in the middle of the clearing, a sizeable figure laying on top of it.
As you got closer you began to make out shapes; an arm, a leg, it was a body.
You stopped a few feet short of the stump, your eyes widening in horror as they focused in on the lifeless eyes of the body before you.
It was a dead body.
You couldn’t do anything but scream at the top of your lungs.
The murmured voices quickly stopped and were soon replaced by a different set of voices.
They grew louder as did the footsteps as they approached.
 “Y/N!” Scott and Lydia exclaimed at the same time.
You turned around quickly, fear painted on your features as you attempted to speak.
“I—I don’t…”
Lydia stepped forward, wrapping her arm around your shoulder as she walked you away from the body.
“Y/L/N?” you heard another voice arise.
 It was the first time you really noticed that he was there.
“Stilinski,” you greeted back.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked.
“You know the usual, finding dead bodies in the woods, you?”
 Hearing his scoff, you smirked to yourself, it was so easy to rile him up.
It didn’t seem like the appropriate time to be making jokes, but with Stiles the sarcasm and witty comebacks were hard to swallow back.
It was almost refreshing to be joking with him in that moment.
Whispering among themselves, you stood quietly looking around, of course your attention still drawn to the body splayed on the trunk a few feet behind them.
Their whispering soon came to an end and Lydia and Stiles stepped forward.
Taking your arm again, Lydia turned you around so that you were now walking in the direction that you came from.
“Y/N, did you walk here?” Lydia asked concernedly.
“Yeah, I—” you were about to explain how you felt drawn here.
“…yeah” you answered quietly.
She turned her head to give Scott and Stiles a worried look.
You know what this might have looked like to your classmates.
Standing over a dead body in the middle of the woods, late at night.
“C’mon, Stiles will take us home. It’s probably not the safest idea to be out now.”
 “What about Scott?” you asked unsurely.
 “Believe me, Scott knows how to handle his own,” Stiles replied while slightly increasing his speed so that he was now walking in front of you and Lydia.
You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that, but you chose not to ask too many questions.
As you crawled into the back of Stiles’s Jeep you didn’t know what to think.
You were terrified about the discovery you made in the woods and the unexplainable feeling that you had that could have possibly led you there.
Terrified at the thought of your classmates, also walking around the woods at the same time and seemingly not as concerned about a body as you were.
The low hum of the radio filled the awkward silence as they drove you home, only speaking up when you had to direct Stiles.
As he pulled up in front of your driveway, you quickly thanked them and got out, trying your best to get to the front door.
Stiles was quick to shut off the car and follow you.
“Y/LN!” he called.
You brushed it off as if you had not heard him, quickening your steps as you got closer.
“Y/N!” he called again.
You rounded on your feet quickly, Stiles stopping abruptly as he almost ran into you.
“What?” you exhaled tiredly, your eyes watering slightly as they met with his.
“What could you possibly say right now?” you asked.
“I just—I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he spoke up.
“No Stiles, I am not okay. None of this is okay.”
He nodded understandingly.
He reached up slightly, so that his hand was barely hovering above your elbow.
You swore you could feel the heat radiating from his body being so close.
As you glanced down, he quickly dropped his hand back down to his side.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he stated matter of factly.
You looked back up to give him a small nod.           
He waited for you to go inside and only turned to leave when he heard the lock click.
You did not see it, but Lydia gave him a pointed look as he walked back to the car.
“Shut up,” he said as he started the jeep.
“I didn’t say anything,” Lydia smiled back.
That night you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.
Every time you closed your eyes you saw the lifeless eyes of the body staring back at you.
Before you knew it, sleep had consumed your whole body and your thoughts and fears of the night slowly melted away.
You quickly awoke to the sound of your alarm clock blaring.
Immediately hitting snooze, you debated skipping school all together.
It’s not like you didn’t like school, it was quite the opposite.
You were doing extremely well in all your classes, involved in every club and team you thought would make your college application stand out, and you had a great group of supportive friends.
Thinking about the possible run in with Scott or Lydia and the inevitable run in with Stiles, since you shared so many classes, was more than your anxiety allowed you to handle.
Grabbing your bag, you headed to the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and your keys from the counter as you said goodbye to your mom.
Walking to the driver’s door you were startled when a car horn honking caught your attention.
Looking up you were shocked to see Stiles and his infamous jeep, windows down as he blocked your driveway.
 “Stilinski, get the hell out of the way. You’re going to make me late for school.”
 “Yup, that’s the plan. Get in Y/L/N,” he replied.
Rolling your eyes, you walked over to his car. He nodded at you to get in.
You stood, looking unamused.
He huffed before getting out the driver’s side and walking around the front of the car.
He brushed past you, opening the passenger door, his eyes silently pleading with you to get in.
“Okay, okay!” you exclaimed, climbing into the passenger seat.
The radio was low, and you quietly hummed along as you passed the houses on your street.
After a few wrong turns you had finally turned to Stiles,
“Where are we going?” you asked.
“I thought you were taking me to school,” you huffed, annoyance clear in your voice.
“I never said that, I said I was going to make you late,” Stiles replied, an attitude in his voice similar to yours.
Rolling your eyes, you turned in your seat, resuming the activity of watching the world outside the car window quickly pass.
After about another 10 minutes you had pulled into a driveway of a cute looking house.
“Is this your house?” you asked confused.
“Yeah, now c’mon,” he answered, quickly turning off the car and getting out.
You followed him into the house and to his room.
Your eyes scanned his room, blue walls littered with posters and clothes thrown on the floor with little regard.
Typical, you thought to yourself.
If you looked under the bed you were sure you would probably find playboy magazines covered in some sort of body fluid.
You shivered at the thought.
What was strange was the wall by his desk.
Red yarn creating a maze as it led from one photo to another. Confusing words and maps printed alongside.
You watched as Stiles threw his backpack onto the chair.
“Don’t worry my dad isn’t home, so no one will interrupt us.”
You gave him a surprised and teasing look, insinuating that his words were some sort of innuendo, before he quickly spoke again.
 “Jesus Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that.”
 You chuckled softly, before letting your eyes roam around some more.
“I just meant, there’s some things I need to ask you about, you know, about last night?” he continued.
Stiles noticed you visibly harden at the mention of last night.
He knew why Scott and them were there.
But you?
That was a question still left unanswered.
 Taking a seat on his bed, you sighed.
“What were you doing in the woods Y/N?” he asked more directly.
“I honestly don’t know,” you said unconvincingly.
 “I mean, I could be asking you the same thing. Your dad’s the Sheriff, right? I wonder what he would have to say about you and your friends hanging around dead bodies in the woods.”
This caught Stiles’s attention.
“Ok, let’s not get crazy. And don’t forget, we found you over the dead body,” he reminded you.
“And what exactly were the three of you doing out there? Taking a late-night stroll in the moonlight,” you remarked accusingly.
 “Listen Y/N. This is serious, there’s a lot going on in Beacon Hills. A lot that I can’t really explain right now. So please, let’s try and be honest with one another.”
“I don’t know how to be honest without sounding absolutely crazy,” you confessed.
“I promise you, nothing that you say to me right now will sound crazy. Just try me,” he smiled reassuringly.
He kneeled in front of you, now at eye level as you slowly nodded.
“Well, like you said, there’s a lot that can’t be explained, and I can’t really explain what happened. I was at home all night when I started hearing these voices—I.”
Stiles grabbed your hand as you stuttered, a silent comfort urging you to continue.
“It was like they were calling me. I mean I’ve heard voices before, they’re always different. Most of the time I can convince myself that I’m just imagining things, but this time was different. This time they wouldn’t stop. So, I just walked and walked, and next thing I knew I was in the woods and the voices had stopped. And that’s when I ran into you guys,” you said, finishing your account of events.
Stiles seemed less surprised and confused than you had thought he would.
“Y/N, do you know what this means!” he said, realization settling in his eyes as he started piecing things together.
You got up quickly, dropping his hand as you began pacing his room, the fear and confusion of the night before flooding back.
“No, Stiles, not really. I have no idea what any of this means,” you exclaimed, the fear evident in your voice.
His eyes softened as he took in your state.
“Okay, hey! It’s ok. We’re going to figure this out. I’m going to help you figure this out.”
“Figure out what? Stiles, this really isn’t making sense,” you exclaimed as you stopped pacing to face him.
“You said you’ve heard these voices before, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, once…”
“What?” you looked at him confusedly.
“When did you hear these voices?” he pressed.
“Right before my grandmother passed,” you confessed smally.
“This is going to sound insane,” Stiles started.
“More insane than a girl who hears voices?” you interrupted.
“I think I know what’s going on.”
He got up from the bed, motioning for you to follow him to the desk, rifling through papers and a big leather-bound book, before stopping on a page.
Across the top you read Banshee.
You had read about Banshees before when you took a dual enrollment literature and folklore class.
You looked at Stiles with an angry and pointed look.
“Stilinski what the fuck is this?”
He was taken aback by your shift in demeanor.
“Is this funny to you?”
“What? No, Y/N, just list—"
“No, this is just too much. I thought you really cared about how I was feeling and if this is just you and your friend’s idea of a twisted joke, I don’t want any part of this.”
“Y/N I CAN EXPLAIN!” he continued.
You grabbed your stuff and ran out of the room, letting your long strides carry you further and further away from Stiles’s house.
As you walked through the school parking lot, you turned to find that stupid blue jeep following behind you.
Pulling up next to you, Stiles rolled his window down.
You stopped abruptly, causing him to slam on the brakes.
“Stiles, leave me alone.”
“Please Y/N, if you won’t talk to me just, please talk to Lydia or Scott. They’ll explain everything.”
You shook your head at him before walking away.
You had gone almost the rest of the day, successfully avoiding Stiles and his friends.
There was a close call at lunch when you saw Scott and Stiles standing on opposite sides of you a few feet away. Your friend was a saving grace as she appeared next to you, demanding to know why you were so late as she yanked you away to a table across the cafeteria.
However, as you sat in AP Government, your luck was wearing thin when Stiles chose to sit right next to you.
You glanced over to him, an annoyed look covering your face. To which he gave a cocky smirk and wave.
You angled yourself slightly so that you were facing away from him while still being able to sit forward in your desk.
As your teacher began the lesson you did your best to ignore Stiles’ constant attempts to get your attention.
From excessively tapping his foot and pencil, nudging the edge of your desk with his shoe, and leaning over the aisle so that he was now in your personal space.
“Y/N, c’mon,” he pleaded quietly.
“I’m trying to learn about our constitutional right to contraceptives, shut up,” you angrily whispered back.
“Y/N—” he continued.
“STILES SHUT UP!” you exclaimed.
Your teacher fell silent as she looked up to see you and Stiles sheepishly sinking into your seats.
“Ms. Y/L/N and Mr. Stilinski, am I interrupting your social time?”
“No, Mrs. Thomson,” you answered embarrassedly.
“Right, well if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to teaching. The two of you can catch up in detention.”
You groaned, turning to look at Stiles who had a satisfying grin on his lips.
After a grueling 40 more minutes, class ended, and you were reminded of your unfair punishment as you watched your classmates pack up around you.
Mrs. Thomson wrote an assignment on the board, before packing her bag to leave.
As she walked out of the class, she gave the both of you a pointed look, a silent threat that you would be in more trouble if you did not actually stay to finish the assignment.
You were surprised to find that Stiles remained silent for the first couple minutes of detention.
He seemed preoccupied with whoever he was texting.
Unfortunately, the silence was short-lived when Lydia, quickly followed by Scott and Kira, walked in.
This wasn’t just any detention; this was an ambush.
“This cannot be happening right now,” you sighed, your hands rubbing your face as Stiles chuckled.
“Brought reinforcements this time,” he joked.
Your eyes quickly darted to his, shutting him up instantly.
“Y/N—” Lydia started.
“Look, I’m not sure how you got involved with these two idiots,” you motioned to Scott and Stiles before continuing.
“But I’m not sure what else to say about last night.”
“We understand that this is confusing,” Kira spoke up.
“I really don’t know what you guys keep referring to.”
“Y/N YOU’RE A BANSHEE,” Lydia spoke next.
Your eyes widened at her statement.
“ARE YOU ALL ON DRUGS?” you exclaimed.
“Like me…you’re a banshee like me,” she finished quietly.
They must be on drugs.
“The supernatural, it exists, we exist…” Scott spoke up, looking around the group as he finished.
“We?” you questioned; confusion clearly etched on your face.
“Banshee” Lydia raised her hand, answering with a sense of confidence as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You turned to Kira, her eyes turning a fiery orange as she answered, “Kitsune, it’s from Ja—”
“Japanese culture, I know,” you quickly finished for her. Your eyes softened as you shifted your focus to Scott.
“Werewolf,” Scott answered, his eyes glowing a bright red as he looked at you.
“Okay…so, what are you, a life-sucking vampire?” you asked, turning to Stiles with a mocking grin.
“I’m—I’m nothing,” Stiles replied.
“So, the body in the woods? They were killed by something supernatural?” you questioned.
They all nodded their heads.
“And I was called to it because, I’m a Banshee?” you tried clarifying.
“Pretty much,” Stiles replied smartly.
“And what are you guys, some sort of super squad?” you joked.
“We help people who can’t help themselves,” Scott answered earnestly.
A moment of silence passed over the group as they allowed you to process all the new information you had learned.
“Can I drive you home?” Stiles asked.
You looked around before nodding, a small grin on your face before you spoke up.
“I would hope so, you kind of kidnapped me this morning.”
He rolled his eyes before letting out a genuine laugh.
“C’mon loser,” he said, as he started getting out of his seat.
“What about detention? You are the reason we got it in the first place?”
“Me? You were the one screaming in the middle of class!”
“Because you were bothering me!”
Lydia, Kira, and Scott looked to one another, silently agreeing to leave the two of you to figure it out.
There was a lot you didn’t know about the supernatural world in Beacon Hills, but what you did know was that you now had a group of people committed to helping you figure it out.
check out the rest of my stuff here
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raitonsfw · 9 months
There srsly needs to be more bby boy Nagito stuff, idk what's wrong with ppl 😭 I'm requesting Nagito with his s/o that were a couple before the neo world program, and once Monokuma announces the killing game, Nagito's sweet mommy s/o makes it clear that no one's laying a finger on him, getting very overprotective. During Nagito's hope rants, his s/o is just glaring at the classmates like "dammit y'all better listen to what my bf has to say". They/she also praises him a lot during investigations and for leading the class trials. 🤗
𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚏𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗 | 𝚔𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚎𝚍𝚊 𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚝𝚘
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synopsis: The sun and the sea taunted you as the bear played with your downfall, but more detrimentally, your boyfriend who had offered himself up to the entire class with the extent of death knocking at his door. or; a rewritten chapter one of super danganronpa 2, with an insert of overprotective reader and slight baby boy nagito.
warnings: gn!reader and or fem!reader, spoilers for chapter 1 of sdr2, cursing, fits of despair, a crapload of hope references, a kiss with implied smut (nothing nsfw is explicitly written), nagito and reader are a couple, slight praising, affection, petnames (my love, angel, baby boy), reader would do anything for nagito, implied violence (the first victim), mentions of death, mentions of blood, primarily angst?, its not totally on brand with the request im so sorry!🥺
a/n: gave me a beautiful excuse to rewatch the entire first chapter of sdr2 (tysmmmm). i tried my best for the baby boy(ness) of it all, but my brain wasn’t working with me as i wrote so there’s only slight mentions. i didn't write past the second half of the trial because if i actually wrote in the blackened from chapter 1, the reader probably would’ve jumped over the trial stands to attack them for trying to hurt nagito. idk why i struggled so much, ugh but i promise promise promise i can write nagito better than this i swear. wc: 2.9k. m.list
now playing: moving up in the world by dagames
divider credit: @benkeibear & @firefly-graphics
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The sun shone against the beach and you squinted at it in confusion. Another bad dream, you thought but then it all rushed back to you. It was something like a dizzy spell, the classroom you had been seemingly teleported out of felt surreal as you sat on the grains of sand surrounding you. You looked over to your right, your vision blurred and saw someone also laying next to you, unconscious and plastered on their side.
And then the pixelated green came into view as you blinked away the fuzziness, your heart nearly punching up to the base of your throat. You let out a disgruntled noise, crawling over towards him to see if he was breathing, ‘cause if he wasn’t– You couldn’t bear that thought, pushing it back within the crevices of your mind as you ran your palm over his arm.
“Nagito, Nagito!” You called out as you shook him gently from the rasps of the trance, hoping he’d respond. His chest rose and fell to your relief, and you studied the details of his face. His eyes were closed and his mouth slightly agape but no noticeable scars or wounds stuck out to you and your heart fell back to normal with a steady pulse. You shook him again, this time a little more forceful, and he awoke with a start. His eyes shot open and he took in the picture before him, sitting up quickly. Nagito groaned quietly as the sun hit him directly in the eyes and he rubbed them carefully, trying to make sense of what had happened.
You saw his realization dawn on him. “Y/N.” 
Nagito immediately hugged you, much more tightly than he ever had before and you held onto him as he buried his hands into the wisps of your hair. He felt calm, the aura around him filling up the spaces in your confusion as he looked at you for the first time since the classroom. His grayish eyes clued in onto the mayhem they had encountered when the pink rabbit explained their future school trip. But what he couldn’t hide was his truth, the iniquity wedging itself in between his seams, the spiraling circles within his pupils, the hope that he so desperately craved on the tiny island. 
And you were to make sure he had all the hope he needed rushing through his veins, whatever it takes for your partner. 
When you two met each other’s eyes in the midst of the tiny classroom, you were both confused. It seemed as if you had forgotten things about the other, something in between but you couldn’t quite figure out what. All that came to you was the newfound love you had acquired for him, being as you had started dating him a few months before he was accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy. 
You tried to remember the missing piece but as he glanced at you, his mouth opening slightly, the doors slid open again and the last student made his way into the classroom. Your head had become totally muddled and as you moved on closer to Nagito, his mouth had been basically sewn shut with the presence of the new classmate. He was assessing the reality of the issue they were facing and you decided not to bother him, letting his mind wander. 
As the waves crashed against your ears in the background, you were faced with another revelation. That he was safe– here with you, that one instance made the whole weirdness much more easy to handle. 
“I’m sure everything’s okay.” Nagito assured, a kind smile resting against the frivolities of his demeanor.
“It’s just a school trip.” You nodded, agreeing with him. It was going to be okay. 
“A happy school trip full of hope.” 
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“Wh-What just…happened…?” Nagito spoke in between the dead silence, the other students peering at each other with horrified looks. 
No one dared answer him, half of the students looked like they were about to faint. You included. 
The entirety of Jabberwock park had felt like death seeped in and took hold, the pained feeling sinking into the cracks of the sidewalk. Monokuma had just disappeared along with the Monobeasts hovering behind his tail and you felt the anguish of his despairing words weigh you down heavily, your heart threatened to burst as the thought of what the stuffed bear explained. 
You needed to protect him, the thought following closely as you remembered every single syllable of the rules Monokuma mentioned. You didn’t want to be murdered, your brain reeling with all the possibilities of what could happen. But more importantly– most importantly, you didn’t want Nagito to die. You were painfully aware of his self-depreciating tendencies and sometimes he scared you with quiet comments about death. 
“I guess I’ll offer myself up first if this is a killing game. Maybe we can find some hope in my death if we all work together in favor.” You heard Nagito announce with a wavering confidence and you snapped your neck towards him. 
Like that.
A staggered look spread on your face and you felt your cheeks become hot with anger. You couldn’t find your footsteps fast enough, your entire body moving into front of Nagito and you shielded your hands up. Hajime went to protest but you beat him to it, your mouth flying open. 
He was not fucking sacrificing himself in the name of hope. You cut that cord short, on second thought he had all the hope he needed at the moment.
“No one’s laying a finger on anyone, you hear me?!” You burst out, your annoyance through the roof. “Especially not Nagito. We can figure this out another way, we’re not sacrificing our friends. Don’t even think about it.” 
“We’re not going to kill, no one here’s like that.” Hajime interjected, albeit a bit hesitant. “We’re not sacrificing anyone.” 
“The fear that Monokuma instilled in everyone though...Hajime, are you positive someone won’t? At this point, it seems to be fully plausible that someone could potentially kill someone with the notion of that escape motive.” Byakuya spoke up and his words felt like a thousand bricks. 
He was right, that motive was extremely compelling. But it didn’t phase you in the slightest.
Everything you had was behind you, the white haired man leaning into your backside as you defended him. There was nothing for you at home, everyone just about had left you and you promised with a solemn word that you’d give your everything to Nagito. You tried not to be too mad at him, you understood the situation completely. He was just trying to help, even as fucking idiotic as his words seemed to be in that precise moment.
“Babe, it’s okay.” Nagito leaned down towards your ear, murmuring the pet name affectionately and you felt his hands rest against your shoulders. “I don’t mind being a stepping stone for hope.” 
You whipped your head around to face up at him, the insolence draining within your vocals as you spoke to him. “We’ll talk later.” You continued, towards the rest of your classmates. “If you so much as look at him the wrong way, the blackened will certainly be me. And I will get both of us off this island without so much as a hint of regret.” 
“It doesn’t work like that.” Mahiru stated. 
You didn’t care. Everyone looked uneasy, a great tension had begun to hover over you. If you had to be the bad guy in this situation so no one would touch your boy, it was worth it for them to be basically eying you like a mastermind. Hajime glanced at you as you nearly seethed your sentence, backing up into him as a way to protect him. “Do not touch him.” 
Without a second thought, you grabbed Nagito by the collar of his shirt and dragged him back towards the bridge to the cottages, his small frame bending down as you two walked. As you passed through the hotel gate, you let his shirt go with a sigh as you fully realized the scene you made. “I’m sorry, angel. I got too carried away again.” 
“No, it’s okay really! I was out of line.” He apologized with an awkward smile and you were taken aback by his confession. He straightened up, smoothing over his shirt with a quiet hum. “Someone will kill someone though and if it has to be me, I honestly don’t mind.” 
“Promise me you won’t start anything.” You made to say, ushering him inside of your cottage. He immediately beelined for the foot of your bed, sitting against it carefully as you closed the door behind you. You locked it and made to shut the blinds of the windows when you heard him flop onto the bed with a tired exhale. “Nagito?”
“I’m okay, just thinking.” He said with a sigh, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as you made your way to him. You sat next to him, crossing your leg over the other as you leaned one of your palms on his thigh. He glanced down at you, his eyebrows raising slightly as you gently patted it.
“No, seriously. Please don’t start anything.” You quietly said again. “I don’t want to lose you, you’re quite literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Nagito sat up, his shirt rucking down the pit of his tummy and you smiled at him as he leaned closer to you. His hair was a bit messy from the day and you tangled your other hand into it, smoothing it upwards. He hummed happily at the feeling, closing his eyes. “I’m happy that it’s you I’m trapped on an island with.” 
“And a bunch of other people.” You laughed quietly, intertwining his hand with yours against his thigh as you continued brushing his hair out with your fingers. “But yeah I’m glad too, baby boy.” 
You saw his face light up, a blush spreading across his face. You swore you felt his heartbeat quicken, the small pulses against your chest as you leaned into him to kiss him. He returned the gesture with another low hum, with much more oomph than usual. 
“You take such good care of me, Y/N.” He whispered against your lips, smiling into it. “What would I do without you?”
“You’re lucky to be alive, you know.” You wearily reminded him as you pulled away from him and his face dropped with the realization. You don’t know what Nagito had realized, maybe it was the subtle hint of his talent keeping him alive but you were not expecting his next words as they fell from his lips a bit too seriously.
“Promise me something if I do get murdered? Don’t find the culprit.”
You struggled to wrap your head around his words before a bubbly laugh escaped you, trying to lighten the situation. You moved to straddle his hips, trying to desperately shut up the plan that was herding in his mind. You looked down at him as he looked back up, his hands resting against the small of your back and you saw it– the spiraling, the mess of his unwanted trauma, a plot that he conjured up within the walk back towards the cottage. 
The killing game was a bonus. 
“What if the culprit’s me?” You asked, pushing him back onto the pillows and Nagito let out a quiet noise. “Surely, you wouldn’t want me to die?”
“I would gladly die by my lover’s hands.” 
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The pitch black clouded your eyes and you let out a quiet yelp. You didn’t know what was going on, why did the lights go out during the party? A few loud shouts surrounded the room and you closed your eyes, listening to the sounds of everyone panicking. You huddled yourself against the wall, practically tripping over the cord connected against the wall and you felt it lift up slightly as you sat there on the ground.
Where was Nagito? A minute ago he had been next to you and Hajime but when you had fumbled for his hand when the lights went out, it wasn’t there in reach.
The lights came on with a blinding shine to them and you immediately scanned the area for Nagito. He had fallen near the back table and he glanced towards you with a panicked expression. His name fell from your lips quietly as everyone else gasped at Mikan, but you didn’t care to react to whatever had happened in the middle of the room. You rushed over to where Nagito sat, clearly in a daze and you helped him up quickly. “Are you okay? Did you trip?” 
“I did, yeah.” You dusted off the backs of his thighs for him, checking for any scraps and bruises. He hugged his jacket over himself and bit, his cheeks blushing red as you finished up and you planted a small kiss on his face. “T-Thank you, Y/N.”
You had to make sure he was alright, there was no telling what had happened during that blackout. Someone could’ve brought in poison and tainted a weapon with it, though you weren’t quite sure how it would’ve made the pat down as Byakuya had checked everyone thoroughly. But still if there was so much as a scratch on Nagito, the entire world was going to burn with you.
A stench of blood had perforated your sense of smell and you were just about to double check your partner’s clothing again before Hajime flipped up the tablecloth that had laid stagnant against the back table, revealing the first kill of the game that taunted your demise.
The investigation began not long after the screams died down, the remnants of sniffles and sobs overtaking the hallway. You walked around aimlessly with Nagito, trying to get information out of your classmates but there was no luck for the both of you. Ironic huh.
“Hey, Hajime. Can Y/N and I join you for the investigation?” Nagito asked as he spotted Hajime opening the door to the crime scene again, having just finished speaking with Sonia. “I think it would be easier for us to talk in groups rather than one on one.” 
“So smart, my love.” You murmured out loud, which made Nagito immediately take your hand as Hajime muttered out a ‘sure, just don’t get in the way.’ You squeezed his hand as you felt the sweat on his palm, trying to reassure him internally that everything is okay. He was probably just spooked that he had predicted the killing, how could he have known? 
And how could you have known Nagito’s motive? 
As everyone stood around the poisoned circle, you folded your arms across your chest. Stationed next to Mahiru and Hajime, you peered in front of you. Nagito was a ways away from the cursed podiums that had you cornered in truths and interjections, standing in between Ibuki and Mikan with dignified silence.
As the trial went on, he didn’t speak much and he certainly didn’t pass up the chance to eye you up from the distance as you stated your case when you were suspected because of your outburst. As you scrambled for an opening, something to show for accountability, Nagito spoke for you. 
“We’re all friends, aren't we?” He laughed it off, the tone switching and you almost applauded his efforts to help you. “We don’t even have any clues to go off of, not a single one. Let’s just give up, we wouldn’t want to waste Monokuma’s time.”
So you want us to die? You couldn’t exactly argue with him now, his plan revealing itself to you. A thick band of trust snapped against you, he had broken it. But you saw the hope rushing through his veins, the pure bliss you had managed to capture from the corner of your eye, the despair that battled his hope swirling in them– and you made your decision right then and there. If you insist. If it means we die together, Nagito Komaeda.
“No, he’s right! Listen to Nagito here, let’s just give up.” You advocated, the reasonings blurting from your mouth faster than you could speak. As you looked around the room with confidence practically pouring out of you, you caught everyone hurriedly agreeing with Nagito. You shouldn’t be so presumptuous but it was the truth, after all. There wasn’t a fucking thing anyone could say or do, the clues had been wrapped up by the killer, swept underneath the rug that had been laid out in its foyer.
That’s wrong, I think.” Chiaki piped up, downcasted but a willingness snagged in her voice. “There are clues.”
Nagito’s eyebrows furrowed and you shot a look at Chiaki, glaring at her with suspicion. What did she mean by that, huh? “There aren’t any clues. We investigated the entire building, searched every crevice, every single piece of evidence–” You started, nearly spiraling yourself. There was no way there was a clue, because if there was…
“The desk lamp.” 
“Desk lamp? That’s impossible, Hajime. How would that be a clue?” You argued, but he had already proved you wrong. 
“Nagito… It was you, wasn’t it?” 
“M-Me?” Nagito almost stepped off the podium, just barely catching himself as he lunged for the center. It was surely just a coincidence you found him next to the blood splattered table, the lamp cord tangled up against his ankle. A coincidence? No, he didn’t kill anyone. He simply meddled with the killer, sparking interest–perhaps fear into them. You looked over at Nagito, noticing the way his hand trembled against his chest.
Then your boy burst into a fit of laughter. It was going to take a lot to protect him now.
Whatever it takes, my love.
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a/n: wanna get tagged in future writing posts? join my taglist!
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muffinbeliever · 4 months
My Gift to You
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Luna gives Spencer a special bracelet.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x OFC
Word Count: 664
Warnings: none really. mentions of sensory issues but nothing major
A/N: i was rewatching jus in bello and got an idea after dean gave everyone anti-possession necklaces. she's just a wee little drabble but i wrote this in 18 minutes and im not super proud of it but tbh im a little proud bc i havent written in so long don't ask me if they have feelings for each other here bc they definitely do but theyre still newly friends and we all know babygorl spencer isn't the type to rush into relationships especially with a student in a class he TAs for
Ninety-one days, thirteen hours, and twenty-seven minutes after their first meeting, she gave him a bracelet. 
Normally, Spencer didn’t love jewelry— necklaces moved around too much throughout the day, most bracelet materials made him uncomfortable, and rings collect five hundred and four colonies of bacteria on average. He even avoids the feeling of bare wrist against his watch (over two thousand bacterial colonies) by placing the offending item over his long-sleeve whenever he can. But as he stared at the band presented before him with little symbols etched on beads and Luna’s doe eyes, he knew that he would wear this bracelet every day of his life, sensory issues be damned. 
He gently took the accessory from her hands, his eyebrows furrowing as he felt the fabric threading each bead and its soft texture. Upon a closer look, he realized it was braided cotton intricately woven in a tight pattern— nothing like he had ever seen before. 
“I, uh…I figured the cotton would be easier on your skin and wouldn’t bother you as much,” Luna finally said, breaking the thickening silence that was gradually building in his office. “The pattern is supposed to be a ‘spell of protection’…if you believe that kind of stuff…same with the symbols…” she trailed off with uncertainty when he didn’t acknowledge her comment. 
He stared at the complicated pattern, knowing it must’ve taken her hours to braid with such precision. Each knot was exactly the same as the one before it and the one after. There were neither frayed ends nor rough seams. Even the beads were perfectly spaced apart— 1.2 inches, if he were to guess. Each bead had a different symbol that was carefully etched on by hand. One looked vaguely like a pentagram inside of a sun— a symbol that Luna had on one of her necklaces he had seen before— and another pentagram with strange runes in between each point. Another one seemed to have characters similar to those of the ancient Germanic alphabet. He wasn’t sure what these symbols meant and why she was giving this to him, but he was in awe of the time and effort that went into the unique gift.
“Spencer, if you don’t like it, y—” 
“Like it?” He cut in, his voice soft and delicate. “Like it? Luna, I love it.”
He cleared his throat and when he spoke this time, his voice was stronger and more confident as he rattled off the knowledge that he did know.
“Actually, did you know that from 3500 BCE to 3100 BCE, the ancient Egyptians were known for their intricate braids? Upper-class men and women would wear elaborate braided styles bedazzled with beads, jewels, and gold thread. It was already tightly ingrained in their culture even before Cleopatra’s revolutionary braided styles. It was believed that braiding hair would bring good luck and—”
“Ward off evil spirits,” Luna finished for him.
“Yeah.” Spencer smiled softly. “This is incredible. I’ve never gotten a gift like this before. Thank you.”
Infinite starlight could never come close to Luna’s beaming smile, and his heart skipped a beat at her poorly stifled giggles as he attempted to put on the bracelet by himself. One look at his puppy eyes and Luna caved, mirth shining in her eyes as she offered her assistance.
“What do the symbols mean?” His innate curiosity and desire to acquire new knowledge never ceased to arise when the situation presented itself. 
“I’ll tell you some day,” she replied simply. “Promise me you’ll always wear it? It’ll keep away the demons.”
Her tone was light and seemingly airy, but Spencer’s perceptive nature picked up on the worry and desperation that flashed in her eyes. As she finished fastening on the accessory, she fiddled with it as she waited for his response. 
“I’ll never take it off,” he promised, his words laden with truth. She had given him a special piece of her. Who was he to ever deny it?
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
will. i saw a poll asking whether sam winchester was a rapist in french mistake. and i was like no. of course not. sam would never. but then i read the script and rewatched the scene and like. after gen kissed sam, sam took her offered hand and follower her upstairs. and im like. did they do it? did they fuck??? and then i was like (was it hot?). and just like that whole messed-up-ness of that situation. s
anyways. i request a sam winchester/french mistake genievie fic
lol yeah i dont really do rpf, even supernatural’s canon fake rpf, because i have Zero interest in any of those people. BUT. i do have thoughts on this situation. they’re very simple: No. We’re not supposed to look at the comedic scene of Jared-playing-Sam-playing-Jared going off to have sex with his real world wife as Sam being a rapist. It’s a bit ridiculous to think that, you know? Supernatural loves its sexual violence; if it wanted this to be a scene we take seriously, it would be. but this is. the silly second-hand embarrassment rpf episode.
like, on a meta level we can argue how this scene reflects negatively on the writers’ views of consent and how this sort of joke comes up pretty commonly on spn. first other instance i can think of like this is in Andy’s first episode where we see him walk away from a sexy lady’s apartment immediately after we learn how his powers work, implying he used said powers to have sex with her. In the same way that the point of that scene is not to tell you Andy is an evil predator—because again, when the show wants to tell you that, it isn’t subtle. when his brother uses his powers to hurt a woman later, it isn’t framed in a comedic way like the earlier scene is—neither is this scene with sam and french mistake!gen meant to be anything other than a ‘haha wouldn’t it be funny if sam had sex with fake ruby? who is jared’s irl wife?’
there’s just a point at which we have to accept that supernatural was a show with a heavily male-dominated staff with a history of poor writing around consent and jokes about people using deception to get sex. and this wasn’t like. a 5D play by the writers to tell us which characters were secretly evil rapists. this is them being sexist. what’s happening here is misogyny on the writer level, and choosing to instead interpret it only through the lens of fandom-esque character cancelling is a useless endeavor.
tldr; we aren’t meant to be picking up on bad vibes in this scene because the writers literally did not realize there were unintentional bad vibes. because of the sexism.
or: its a joke, and anyone butthurt about it should probably not be watching supernatural. it might be a bit advanced for their level of media analysis lmao.
sorry aksjkfjgks you wanted fic you got slightly bitchy meta instead. not bitchy at you, to be clear, but this idea lol.
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ladysophiebeckett · 11 months
Your posts about ysblf made me watch to rewatch Betty’s revenge part for the millionth time, and there’s something I noticed about Armando’s dry spell era. When he admits to Mario that intimacy with Marcela is basically nonexistent, he then asks him if he had been with anyone else after the last time with Betty to which Armando replies that he has had no time and that he lives for Ecomoda and to please Betty and Marcela. Now, the first times I watched this portion, I kinda got it and what he said made sense somehow because he was indeed under a lot of pressure. However, after rewatching these episodes, I noticed that he had not one (Adriana Arboleda’s event) not two (At El Meson de San Diego after Betty left), but at least three (at Le Noir when he followed Betty and Nicolas) opportunities to be with someone other than Betty (and Marcela), but chose not to, detail that he conveniently hid from Mario.
I think that the first time was during the night of Adriana Arboleda’s event and the only instance that applies when Mario asked him that question. That night he went home alone, even refused the tempting offer to party with the models even after Betty had already ditched him. He wasn’t that indifferent either, because he did go looking for them with the excuse that he wanted them to work for Ecomoda. Now, this might be true, but he is also a man who likes to look at beautiful women. However, after the coast is clear without Betty there and Marcela miles away, he still chose to go back to his apartment early and alone. At this point, he wasn’t as mentally unstable as he is in later episodes since Betty’s revenge was just beginning to take off, so the excuse that his many troubles were dulling his desire for intimacy didn’t apply either at this point. Adding to this, he was more than eager to get to it with Betty before she left. At first, I thought it was annoying that everywhere he went, there would be a former lover that who would openly flirt with him, but looking at it closely, maybe there was another purpose for doing this after all. I feel dense for not noticing it was to show that he had changed and could only be with Betty. Before, I thought it was just to remind us how popular he was and to showcase his internal struggle to admit openly he loved Betty while also being afraid of the backlash. What do you think? Your analysis is honestly some of the best I’ve seen. I’m in awe every time.
Sorry for the long ask, thank you for reading and good day to you 🫶
ive read this ask like 3x and im like,,,,okay wow mind blown. i would usually comment in order of the ask, but im reeling here so im just gonna have to do this adhd style. im sorry.
At first, I thought it was annoying that everywhere he went, there would be a former lover that who would openly flirt with him, but looking at it closely, maybe there was another purpose for doing this after all.
I'm very with you on this. I was too busy being annoyed at random women coming up to him that I didn't see that it was done with the purpose of seeing Armando rejecting them at every turn. Even at le noir, he doesn't care about the woman greeting him that's asking him to stay. It's not like there weren't other opportunities for him to be with anyone else. Something happens when Betty starts rejecting him. Conversations with Mario make Armando believe it's his ego at the front of it. It is and it isn't.
Let's talk about this:
However, after the coast is clear without Betty there and Marcela miles away, he still chose to go back to his apartment early and alone. At this point, he wasn’t as mentally unstable as he is in later episodes since Betty’s revenge was just beginning to take off, so the excuse that his many troubles were dulling his desire for intimacy didn’t apply either at this point.
Adriana's event is Betty's first rejection of him. All throughout the episode Armando is agitated because he can't find her. As soon as she tells him she's leaving with Nicolas, the agitation he felt all evening turns to anger. He goes so far as saying 'You're staying here, because I'm ordering you to'. It becomes his go to excuse when suddenly the boyfriend card doesn't work anymore.
In fact, he uses work as the excuse for why he gets into a fight with Nicolas at Inesita's. There's comparison's to be made between Adriana's event and the fight at Inesita's (aka Jaundice Day aka the night Catalina catches them). Right down to Betty wearing the same outfit when she says 'Let's see how jealous you get'.
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Obviously Betty sees how maybe...perhaps...she took it too far.
At the first rejection Armando says something like 'you would rather go to a dinner with him instead of a date with me?? bc i would rather be with you' vs at Inestia's when he says 'you would rather leave with him instead of staying with me?'
It doesn't take a lot to make Armando lose it, in fact both times he grabs Betty in some way. The difference is that at Inesita's he forced to admit to himself that it's jealousy. Not his ego.
When he admits to Mario that intimacy with Marcela is basically nonexistent, he then asks him if he had been with anyone else after the last time with Betty to which Armando replies that he has had no time and that he lives for Ecomoda and to please Betty and Marcela.
I always laugh at that line bc he's failing miserably at all those things. His Betty isn't behaving properly, Marcela isn't being easily placated with his lies, the hidden state of Ecomoda is in shambles. But the only thing he thinks about is Betty. He can't focus on anything bc he knows his relationship with her is in trouble.
We all make jokes about Armando's dry spell and him going crazy--iirc and someone correct me if I'm wrong--but I believe that Marcela said at some point that when Armando was stressed sex would calm him down. I think she says something like this during one of his rejections towards her. So during the gaslighting arc he's going through high stress levels but the cause of the stress and the cure of said stress is Betty.
The cycle of sexual rejection going on in the Betty\Armando\Marcela love triangle is insane and tragic. (and only hilarious fm Armando's pov bc its a karmic punishment).
However, after rewatching these episodes, I noticed that he had not one (Adriana Arboleda’s event) not two (At El Meson de San Diego after Betty left), but at least three (at Le Noir when he followed Betty and Nicolas) opportunities to be with someone other than Betty (and Marcela), but chose not to, detail that he conveniently hid from Mario.
See, I didn't notice this. Or pay attention to what he isn't telling Mario. I'm??? And I'm a huge 'Betty's Gaslighting Arc' fan. Truly always something new to look at. Like you, I was just annoyed. I'm like 'i get it Armando, ur very popular with the ladies'--which is probably what Betty's thinking when she's a witness to some of this. Him not telling Mario that there were other opportunities means Armando is more aware of his feelings and the things happening around him than he lets on. He really does mentally push things away bc he doesn't want to see the bigger picture. He knows that if he told Mario he had other opportunities to sleep with someone and didn't, that Mario would know (even tho we know that Mario knows Armando's in love with Betty).
---However, after the coast is clear without Betty there and Marcela miles away, he still chose to go back to his apartment early and alone....Adding to this, he was more than eager to get to it with Betty before she left---
He says to Betty that he had an evening planned for them (and we'll never know what that was, probably a well lit place but nothing too fancy. and obviously a sexy little nightcap at Mario's apartment). Even says that they're only going to stop at Adriana's event for a bit and then leave. It was meant to be quick appearance to say he was there. He basically had his heart set on spending time with Betty (without Marcela or Mario breathing down his neck) and when it doesn't happen he doesn't think of making new plans with anyone.
This is him when he gets to his apartment:
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(Ignore this set up which looks nothing like the apartment they said was his various episodes ago)
This guy is disgustedly looking at Cosmo magazine thinking 'I was supposed to be having sexy times with my gf\assistant and now I'm here....Alone'.
And this is him when Marcela calls him:
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Completely annoyed.
If Betty called his cell phone that night and said 'This dinner with Nicolas just ended, do you still want to do something?' One, he wouldn't be making that face above and two, he'd have thrown that Cosmo magazine in the trash and left immediately.
I feel dense for not noticing it was to show that he had changed and could only be with Betty.
Do not feel dense babe, I didn't make this connection either. It's refreshing to still be able to discover new things in programs we've watched over and over again. That's why discussions like this are fun.
Before, I thought it was just to remind us how popular he was and to showcase his internal struggle to admit openly he loved Betty while also being afraid of the backlash.
That's definitely at the forefront of it all but it can also be a mixture of everything above. It's what makes the character nuanced and dimensional. Sometimes we question how is it that he can be faithful to Betty vs unfaithful to Marcela and it's not (just) bc he had magical sex with Betty. If we look at his subtle rejections of other women in the situations you've mentioned above, then really what we're witnessing is him choosing Betty every time. His confession outside of her house, the way he words it 'I can only be with you'--Armando fears he's losing her and he's won't admit to himself what he really feels, so he can't be at his most vulnerable and say 'I only want to be with you' (not that she would believe him).
That's why, at el Admirante, after confessing to reading her diary he's able to say, 'The life that I know I want to share with you'. Because he's knows now that above all she still loves him (and has always loved him). It's very scorpio of him tbh.
So yeah, I definitely agree with you. You've shown me a new way to look at it. Bc again, I hadn't noticed it. I just get too annoyed with him and all these random women. (come to think of it, a woman greets him when he's drinking with Freddy too and he's still like 'ok whatever' about it).
I love long asks I'm just sorry it takes me forever to answer them. I'm very slow and easily distracted.
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wolvesandvisions · 11 months
resharing my thoughts from twitter but i just watched the two parter lemonhope episodes again after a few years since seeing it and i actually think ppl who say its their least favorite episodes should probably rewatch it again as an adult if they haven’t already
i never personally hated it as a kid because i knew it was saying smth but i didnt get what. but now i know its clearly about what its like being an abused kid who leaves their home and doesnt know what to do with themselves
like when i was like 13-14 it seemed weirdly abrupt that after he saved his people he just left. i thought a lesson wasn’t learned. but i think its cool now. bcs after he finally repaid the debt that was haunting him he still wanted to move on, and its actually really interesting. some of these AT episodes just came out at a weird time
just for fandom related context and what I remember, Steven Universe was airing, Finn is literally at his worse, at this point we’re all teenagers so everyone not only understands theres a plot but expects one now and gets irritated when the story doesnt directly tie back to whats going on, a lot of lack of patience n trust in the story
and i get it i dont think i blame kids n teens at the time for being really frustrated, disappointed and confused with abstract storytelling and really intense plot lines with no clear resolution right away. i think it just makes me more grateful we got more seasons and these stories got told anyways
in my rewatch im getting closer and closer to Breezy which was the episode that made me drop the series as a kid - and I regret it a lot in hindsight. like at least for me i know very soon a looott episodes are about to got into even more painful subject matter and i do remember talking to my sibling who said they felt seen by some of the episodes in this time period but ln a way they literally Could not Process at the time and thats. still important i think
all in all im glad lemonhope as a set of episodes exists at all, and the fact people struggle to empathize with it even now is due to a lot of factors about the lemon characters that cant really be changed and actually make everything all the more interesting
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lydiaas · 1 year
The fact that JJ knew something was wrong when Kiara wasn’t at the tarmac to go to South America because he had promised to tell her something on the plane that they both knew was huge and important for their relationship. She would have made sure she was at that tarmac. He just knows. And my heart breaks thinking about how she was probably thinking about him and what he was going to say as she was being taken away 💔
Yes! He knew she wouldn't just not show up, knew how important it was to her to finally talk to him (“I’m gonna hold you to that” "i'm sure you will" 😭). It all comes back to how JJ and Kie were on this journey together all season. The build up to that moment on the tarmac is in every scene they shared from 3x01 to 3x09. They knew where the other one stood even if they hadn’t had the conversation yet and were so in sync with each other. GOD IM GOING TO BE SICK
When I rewatched that scene recently it hit me how when he tells John B "It'll be like a black ops mission, in and out" he still thought she was just at her parents house. He must have known that there was a chance she wouldn't be able to come but he was going to make them wait an hour because he needed to see her. At the very least he would get to talk to her and say sorry. He couldn't leave with so many things unsaid.
It breaks my heart when Kie screams “I’ve got somewhere to be” when she’s being taken. Parallel that with JJ’s “I kinda got a date” (might as well drop this now) and it's clear they both knew that the plane was going to be THE moment for them when everything was going to change. All the hope she had when she left the chateau is crushed in a moment. She had no reason to think that JJ would be able to figure out where she was even if he did come looking*
*which I have not talked about enough. JJ being the resourceful little scamp he is knows exactly the right person to call to find out where they might have taken her. Did he and kie talk more about it in 308 and maybe she had mentioned all the pamphlets her parent's were showing her earlier that day? The way when he's at KH he says “she's here right?”, still unsure that he has the right place and just desperate to know he's on the right track...it does something to me...i've lost the plot...i can't keep living like this
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neyxmessi · 2 years
Favorite recent neymessi moment or interview in the last couple of years (excluding copa America )
I thought Leo and Ney’s reunion after Leo came back from vacationing from his WC win was such a good moment. Of course for the obvious reasons that they hadn’t interacted for a solid month or so, but I feel like I noticed a shift in the relationship when Leo came back.
Of course, pre-WC Leo and Neymar were extremely close (that’s evidenced by their extremely affectionate celebrations on the pitch every game since PSG was literally undefeated before the WC).
But once Leo came back…. idk. I feel like there was such a STRONG shift in their energy.
Initially when Leo joined PSG, it was clear that he and Neymar were close because of their Barca days, and Neymar was one of his only friends in the club (Lea and Angel too but Leo practically came for Neymar). But as the months went along, Leo got comfortable with more people, developed a strong friendship with Verratti, and Neymar was still super close to Kylian and Marquinhos.
Ofc they had their neymessi moments, but they had other friendships apart from each other that outwardly appeared to be just as strong.
But after the World Cup, Neymar was so sad (and understandably so). Ofc he wasn’t a sad sap in every training or on the field, but his attitude didn’t have the same cheerfulness as it did before.
But when Leo came back? It was interesting… I’m huge on body language, and just seeing their interaction for the first time post-WC was again interesting. Of course there was the look of “I missed you! Welcome back!” But it was SO much more that just that — on both ends too!
We all saw how Leo greeted everyone when he came back, but his greeting of Neymar was soooo different from everyone else’s. It was like the feeling of relief washed over both of them when they saw each other again. Neymar smiling the biggest he had in weeks, Leo hugging him and taking him in as he closed his eyes, their hug lingering a couple milliseconds longer than usual. AND IT’S THOSE MINUTE DETAILS THAT ARE SOOOO HUGE. You’d have to rewatch the clip to see what I’m talking about. But once you do, you can just see that feeling of relief wash over Leo. Maybe he was nervous to see Neymar again? But once he did see him, he just seemed to revert back into a really relaxed state.
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And of course the photos came out afterwards, and just how they were looking at each other… I don’t know. Again, it’s all about the eyes, and you could just see it between the two of them. The feeling of being “at home” with someone.
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^^ im actually obsessed with this photo (the eyes)
Of course Leo quite literally felt “at home” with Argentina and winning the World Cup, but returning to Neymar seemed to bring him a sense of calmness that juxtaposed from the high-intensity celebrations post-winning. And I’m not sure about Neymar… but I think that Leo’s presence calmed him and his mind from the agony over his World Cup loss.
I feel like that whole moment when they saw each other again was encompassed by serenity. And ever since? They’ve practically been INSEPARABLE. It’s honestly insane. It’s like a month apart did a number on those two.
Before the WC, they weren’t always training partners all the time. But after their reunion, they were constantly next to each other in practice or during pre-match warmups.
I literally don’t know why their dynamic seemed to have shifted once Leo came back, but it did. Maybe it was like a nostalgicly bad remembrance of them being apart for so long after Ney left Barca?
Again, I’m not sure. But literally everyone has been saying over the past month or two that Neymar is kinda clinging onto Leo, but I also see it conversely as well. Leo is always much more subtle than Neymar, but you can catch him in trainings kind of idly staring at Neymar just to see where he is in proximity to him. Again, very subtle, but the subtleties with Leo are actually what make them the opposite. You just have to look closely.
So as a whole, that moment is definitely my favorite, because I feel like the distance and maybe somberness on Neymar’s end made them even more close than before. And it’s honestly a shame given all the transfer rumors and things that are going around right now and the fact that PSG is in a major slump.
I’m sorry that this was superrrrr long, but it’s been on my mind for a while. If any of you read this whole thing, I really appreciate it! ❤️
As for interviews, boyyyyy are there a lot. I have some clips in my camera roll, so I’ll be sure to post those soon!
This was very therapeutic for me anon, so much thanks for asking this question 🫶🏼
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
(Different anon) Wasn’t part of that episode like “they want to try to get her to the states because she’s less likely to be mutilated or outright killed than if she stays in Korea?”
Did the writers actually show their work on that one?
I'd have to rewatch to be sure on that one, I feel like that's right? I remember they wanted to try sending her to the States after they went over it with Korean officials and found out what she would be facing if they gave her to a Korean orphanage
ill be honest I have no idea how much the writers showed their work, im not super familiar with Korean politics/views concerning mixed race children from the 50s- specifically the time of the Korean War 1950 - 1953- so I have no idea how accurately the show captured it. I know MASH very accurately captured what an actual MASH unit was like, but I cant speak for how it captured Korean culture. if someone's more versed in that, please feel free to hop onto this post!
that said, I do think this episode was one of the rarer ones from later on that was more self-aware in that it acknowledged that the presence of the US army in Korea was making things worse and creating all new problems. the later seasons tend to lose that awareness, or they almost seem to lean into it before pulling back (see Dreams as an example of that one), but Yessir, That's Our Baby really doesnt pull its punches and makes it very very clear that the problems here are a direct result of America's presence in Korea and American imperialism, and because of that this baby wouldn't be any safer in an American orphanage than she would be in a Korean one
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junebudinfodumps · 2 years
this shit is straight from the notes app but with more cohesion (also this is from august) 
thoughts about the ending:
i knew that rewatching lalaland was a bad idea and i knew that i would probably cry but i thought that maybe this time would be different!! it wasn’t. i’m now crying in my bathroom while trying to paint my nails but i’m also thinking about the devastating ending of that movie and how mia looks back at seb for one last time. and she does with it so much love and admiration in her eyes and seb looks back at mia with that same love and admiration and they’re both so proud of themselves and each other and how far they’ve come but the devastating part is the realization that they wouldn’t be where they are now if they had stayed together. it would’ve been one or the other and they would’ve been unhappy. the epilogue is just an idealization!!! mia became an actress but seb never got his club!!!!!!! so while they were happy with each other when they were together, it wouldn’t have sustainable and it would’ve ended even worse. it’s just so heartbreaking and i hate it. i hate it so much. but yet i come back to this devastating movie time and time again.
and what's worse is that even though they aren’t together anymore (and couldn’t be), they will always love each other and that shit hurts. that’s unconditional love and it hurts my feelings and i don’t like it. 
thoughts about the start a fire scene:
the concert scene where seb is playing and the piano and is making eye contact with mia the whole time?? that scene is so important to me. the crowd rushed in to get closer to seb and mia is pushed away from him. mia is so confused in this scene as well because she knows it’s not jazz and she knows it’s not what seb wants to play. the crowd pushes her away from seb and it shows the distance that’s slowly growing between them because of how busy they both are getting with their own projects. it’s devastating. and then things get tight and things snap at the surprise dinner and that’s where everything starts to fall apart and start to end. they never really thought about their futures and how their career paths would fit in with their relationship. they obviously didn’t communicate with each other about how they thought things would go which makes me very sad. i know they wouldn't have been able to stay together no matter the amount of communication but maybe things would've ended a little softer and a little kinder. 
my overall feelings and connection with this movie:
now it’s time to get personal. i was 12 when i first saw lalaland, and im now 18. ive been obsessed with this fucking movie FOR SIX YEARS. SIX!!!! so its clear that i really love this movie. i got my first taste when seb playing mia and sebastian's theme was reenacted on some award show. i was immediately hooked and listened to the soundtrack for weeks until i saw the movie with my best friend at the time. i went into that movie with every word of every song memorized. the guy sitting next to me got so annoyed at me whispering the songs that he left. anyways. i left that movie shell shocked. i know saying this movie changed me is cringe but i really do mean it. there was a hole in my heart craving something and this movie filled it perfectly. 
over the next six years (six!?!?!?), i would rewatch this movie anytime that i could and every time i was left distraught with so many thoughts spilling out of my brain. my mom has heard a lot of these thoughts. she has also cried with me over this movie. i remember the one time where i watched this movie at boarding school. for some reason it fucked me over so badly this time and i cried over it harder than i’ve ever cried about it before. like sobbing. so hard. (and this was when i was an edge lord and wore so much eyeliner and mascara. i cried a lot of it off)  it was sort of cathartic really, highly recommend it. 
anyways, i think lalaland’s ending is what makes it truly memorable. and if you hate the ending of this movie you are wrong and stupid. you hate it because its realistic and it hurt and the movie gave you a false hope and grabbed that hope and crushed it like a can in front of you. this movie was like no other and thats what made it truly amazing. it didn't follow the path of hollywood magic and love prevails. it took the road less taken and decided to be mean. not everything can be like the honeymoon period of the movie, it had to end and it ended realistically and thats just part of the charm baby. 
i will maybe go more into specific aspects of the movie but i have to rewatch it again before i can do that so stay tuned 
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Oh my god, you're so right!!! There is no climax to Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship arc!!! They break uo for real, and then Crowley thinks he lost Aziraphale and is grieving him, but then he comes down basically as a ghost and is like, "We gotta go to the main plot" and then they do and that settles it. Which is fine if they're just friends, because their arc looks like "we finally get to don't have to worry about keeping up appearances or stop apocalypses and just hang out." All it had to be was a clear moment of "we're best friends, sorry we didn't say it sooner" would've made me love it as queer subtext a lot more. They could've had it be one of them admitting it to the angels or demons or Satan during Plot. Or during their dinner together in the end scene. Just a moment that clearly represents "I love you". But it just wasn't there.
phew ok thank god. full disclosure i remember so little about good omens i was like “i remember thinking this years ago but was i actually right?? or am i forgetting a scene??” and like with ofmd if i thought i was forgetting something i would go check but i don’t have easy access to gomens so i was typing up that whole thing like “boy i sure hope im not just talking out of my ass rn”
but yeah ok so i wasn’t misremembering. there rlly should’ve been a climactic scene with them and there wasn’t.
man i should rewatch this show tho
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jettorii · 1 year
Ep. 11: “Raise the Great Devourer!” “Why?” “You gotta.”
Ep. 13: The mailman is so underrated.
MAN this season was cute. There was some…concerning subtext with the serpentine (a “Take Back Ninjago” rally? Really??), and the animation was pretty outdated, and the writing wasn’t always the most solid, and my GOD there was a lot of product placement — but the sheer amount of HEART that went into this whole thing ABSOLUTELY makes up for it. I love Lloyd, if it wasn’t clear already, and I hope he gets more moments where he’s just a little bastard. Garmadon is hysterical: I never knew how much I wanted an Evil Overlord Who Genuinely Loves His Son until now because that is absolutely hysterical and I hope it becomes a running gag that whenever this bratty kid is in trouble the Big Evil Man just. Shows up. Feel like that could get a lot of mileage, especially if other villains start recognizing the pattern and panicking when they realize they just captured the Son of the Dark Lord Who Eats E V I L M U D For Breakfast. Episode four was my favorite so far, simply because of how adorable bratty Lloyd was. …GOD I hope he gets the opportunity to be a little shit again. 10/10. (Hope these reviews have been fun lol) (…I can continue them if you want —)
IM SO GLAD YOU HAD FUN WATCHING IT!!! ngl i lowkey forgot how the mailman looks like mb for my memory LFMAO
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lloyd and garmadons relationship is so mmm i love their silly little father son bond so much as well as his little shit era
your reviews have been so fun to read through!!! read through them during my school break and was super happy to hear your thoughts :]]
AND OFCCC FEEL FREE TO TALK MORE ABOUT IT BUT just a heads up im slowly rewatching the series rn so please no spoilers or discussion of s3 MYAH
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quodekash · 2 years
my final thoughts after binging star in my mind: 
theyre so happy and fluffy and sweet and cute and good vibes and ghfghgfbhf i love them
i cant wait to binge fah and prince’s show soon
conclusion: that was a good show and i would probably rewatch it if i needed a short one to take up my time on a boring day, but it wasn’t quite as good as bbs or msp (but honestly what is?)
i did like it tho and im excited to consume fan content over the next couple of days
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pensbridgertons · 4 years
i think one of the most frustrating things i’ve realized during my rewatch is that i could have liked c*ptainsw*n. i could have liked hooks character. but one of the reasons i don’t is that hook is literally the most boring and basic love interest they could have given to emma. he’s the easiest one they could have gone with. and then not to mention in order to get him together w emma, they rushed along his development/redemption and in the process made his character so much weaker. like how could they expect me to be invested in emmas relationship w hook when they keep introducing such better and more interesting love interests and relationship dynamics??? i mean neal??? regina??? LILY??? like each one of those would have been so much more interesting to watch than a rushed redemption arc for the sake of putting the bad boy with the hero.
#teresa talks#in which teresa once again complains abt the waisted potential of emmas romantic interests#like i’ve had this ideal in my head since i was first invested in the show (circa s2/3 mostly)#that c$ is some supremely toxic awful ship#and one thing my rewatch has made clear is that’s not as true as i remember it being#if i was going into this show blind for the first time i might have even liked them#i still can’t bring myself to enjoy their relationship n i still am Not Enjoying watching it#and while a lot of that is bc of my experiences w the c$ fandom back then (bc so many of the loud shippers were awful to anyone who#didn’t ship it)#im now realizing that it’s just boring#like im on s4b rn and regina and emmas relationship is just so Good this season n it’s making me sad abt what it could have been lol#and then all the stuff w like fate regarding lily could have also been such an interesting route to take#w like how their lives are intertwined bc lily has emmas darkness???#and ofc we all know my thoughts abt emma n neal n the potential they had#it’s just upsetting that the route they went w was just the easy one and the one w the loudest fans#bc you Cannot convince me that fanservice didn’t play a role in that decision#also hook could have been such a good character if they weren’t so focused on making it clear ‘oh he’s a hero now n actually the bad stuff#he’s done in the past wasn’t like as malicious as we made you believe before’#like they still could have redeemed him#bc redemption and forgiveness and moving on from the past are fundamental elements to the show#but the way they did it and the motivation behind it just made no sense n weakened him as a character#he’s just not as compelling#idk this is just another pointless o//uat wasted potential rand pls feel free to ignore#censoring c$ to keep it out of the tag im not trying to offend anyone here just screaming into the void of my blog lol#once thoughts
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