#im right and none of yall can tell me im wrong
im-ovulating · 5 months
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Were you silent or SILENCED? (We have this argument every 2 months istg)
(I also want a big ol' hunting knife on his hip just in case he needs to engage in close-quarter combat)
Ignore the misuses of "They're, their, there" and "You're, your" I was passionate and not checking that my grammar was proper lmao
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dream-sans-mogai · 20 days
Anyway, because I'm considered a bigger creator within the mogai community and I have a responsibility to address things given my bigger audience-
Please remember that Tumblr, especially LGBT Tumblr concerning discourse and intracommunity issues, is a hyper niche, reactive, violent, sensitive community with next to zero basis in reality at large and you should not take any of its opinions as absolute fact. Especially the mogai community's opinions.
A lot of people on mogai Tumblr talk big game with very clearly fake the-whole-bus-clapped stories about the real world concerning acceptance towards mspec monos, Neopronouns and Xenogenders and it's my job as an adult and guiding voice to remind people these experiences may happen but rarely do and you absolutely should not just tell random people you use purr/purrs pronouns or your a bi gaybian or you identify as Chronosian or other things like that because it's really fucking dangerous even in hyper progressive places like new york, cali and Detroit. It can be deadly in many many small towns, including ones in progressive states. Especially dangerous in non accepting states.
I don't say this to burst your bubble or ruin your hopeful world view but many stories of acceptance are fake, even if some are true, most of the community is underage and just cause your teacher may approve of your Soniccharic identity, doesn't mean they won't tell your transphobic parents. It's scary and dangerous out here for trans and gay people rn and I won't be one of the idiots who tell you to run and frolic with your Xenogender pins Infront of increasingly hostile transphobes. I want the younger gen z trans people to survive and I won't lie to you about the reality of the battle we all are staring down concerning project 2025.
Most of the people telling these stories live in progressive states and do not tell you about the failed times or exaggerate the acceptance they supposedly received. I'm telling you from the mouth of someone who grew up in a tiny town in South Ohio with less than 1,000 people, it's still just as dangerous as it was 10 years ago. I still get followed in my home town. I still get stares in my home town. My actual home town, a place I grew up in where people knew me as the gnc dyke for a good while in my last 2 years of school. Do not spread this shit around to everyone. Nex didn't think they would become a victim, Brianna didn't think she would be one of the unlucky ones, plenty of those we've lost did not think they would die in hate crimes. I almost died in two of the hate crimes I've experienced.
You need to be really fucking careful and although I love than Neopronouns and Xenogenders are becoming more accepted by the larger LGBT community, you need to be very very VERY careful about what you do, what you wear and who you tell what because word spreads fast in suburbia and hate spreads faster. You do not want to be wearing a pin the day some white cishet magat decides he's tired of the "pedophiles" and chooses you as the first victim because you were the first he saw. Don't hide who you are but Be. Fucking. Careful.
#clover speaks#im not being a doomist and i wont stand those allegations but some of yall telling these kids and teens the world is totes cool#with no-c paras and therians and bi lesbians have lost the plot and are gonna get these kids killed#especially considering i grew up very rural and none of the advice about presenting trans could possibly apply to me#thats why i say urban and even semi urban lgbt people should not be giving advice to rural lgbt people#nothing you say can apply to us because it is that dangerous#i still get followed as a fucking 23 yr old adult around my town#the one time an lgbt club tried to get established at my highschool the posters were ripped to shreds and there were both#bomb and shooting threats#people talking about setting the school on fire so they could quote pop the faggots one by one as they came running out#im so happy you live in a privileged Massachusetts school district with loving teachers who accept your system identity#please dont encourage the children in alabama and ohio to follow suit because you will get their naive asses killed#urban queer advice dosent apply to rural lgbt people#thats another thing ive seen be said by urban lgbt people that queer is no longer a slur used that way and has been totally reclaimed#great guess half my family and all my achool bullies were really just showing solidarity and i took it the wrong way#say youve never truely felt mortal danger in your small Christian home town cause your ex told pple your trans without saying it#like really#the privilege just jumps right out#that was the stupidest so and so is terf rhetoric to date and yall tme people just scarfed that shit down#ill never drop that veiw because i and many others can attest to it#surprise queer can be a slur an identity and a community all at the same time shocking ik#and if your offended because people are calling your identity a slur i ask whats dyke and faggor now#cause thoss were reclaimed waaaayyyyy before queer was and you still acknowledge their status as slurs#infact i remember seeing maps of slur usage on twitter from 2020 when that discourse was popular and queer#was the bigots favorite slur for us not dyke or faggot#i cant believe the brain rot on this site sometimes#itd be so funny as entertainment if yall werent using it to question and harass lgbt people with ptsd over it for litteral years#ik because i was one of the people harassed :)#i dont forget this shit so easily#sorry for the rant lol
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snekdood · 2 years
if you’re so convinced you know what happened, then kill me.
#im not gonna be the one to do it.i might self harm but yall aregonna hafta kill me bc unfortunately i cant kill myself over a lie.#nor can i kill myself to appease assholes who are short sighted and are only out for bloodl#and will only ever actually question if they were wrong when im dead.#like go fuck yourselves.#since you're so intuitive and just *know*. how aboutyou kill me with that confidence#if you just know so well#i mean you would just know so well random personwho literally wasnt in the room when it happened#oh but you can just *tell* based on my vibes huh?? right? is that your metric?#yall are horrible people. please try to see your behavior from the point of view as you being a nazi doing this to trans ppl#how in tf is your behavior literally any different when you treat ppl like this in your own fucking community.#none of yall can coalition build for shit.#have fun with your hyper left friend group of 5 who agree on everything and god forbid one guy doesnt#gotta kill him or whatever yall wanna do to people#gulags the wall etc etc#freaks#im gonna continue to hate everyone i think because im still being given 0 reasons to trust and like humans#dont worry abt me 'leaving the left' im leaving humanity#fuck yall imma go swing from trees.#infact i can feel the politics leaving my body as we speak#i think ill listen to some kid cudi and smoke weed and not think about anything for 5 hours#just do nothing at all not even speak my truth or spread awareness of things#nah its cool#whatever dawg.#nothing matters after all.#oh the worlds gonna end? sorry iwas too busy becoming dependant on marijuana and watching dumb shit on tv to notice#oh well who cares#itd be cool to do something about it. but well. you see.#not much i can do to helpanyone or the world when the worlds letting me sink in mud#idk so uhm... bye.#fuck yall.
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amesemii · 1 month
A/N; hey yall im sorry this took so long but i’ve been so busy with life. i have this and so much more to give you guys. MY REQUESTS ARE OPENNNN BTW GOSH. and imma make a part 2 to this i just didn’t wanna let it get toooo long and also i wanna force myself to write more…writers block kicking my ASS and i have literally NOOOO ideas💔 but here yall go.<3
synopsis;you go on your little date with constance, he gets you everything you like just for you to say your scared to trust him. that’s okay, he knows just the way to get you more confident with him.
W/C; 2.1k
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Your back aches as you sit up from the bed, stretching out your aching muscles. you definitely slept wrong. you look at your phone and see that it’s 8:34 and you groan.
you hated waking up early, even if it was 8. so you get up (unfortunately) and go to your bathroom to start getting ready. You brush your teeth and fix your hair in a way so you can wash your face
You quickly finish your morning routine and go to your walk in closet and find something cute to wear, putting on your favorite smell.
your phone lights up with a text from connie and you’re quick to go grab it to talk a lil shit. i mean he was trying to take you out today right? might aswell give him a taste of the attitude he’s gonna have to deal with!
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you decide to try and get a little information out of him about whatever he’s gonna try and have you doing.
you truly feel like he flaked on the shopping thing, you knew you were spoiled and were just fine with that. but you were shocked with his answer!
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a little part inside of you tingles as you read that text imagining him saying it in his voice and you have to snap yourself out of your daze to reply to his text.
you tell him how he’ll just have to keep reminding you and he hearts the text. you go downstairs to see your caterer setting your plate and you thank her.
you scroll on your phone as you eat the breakfast prepared for you and your fathers comes out of his room all suited up ready to go.
“hi my little flower.” he says as he comes and kisses your forehead “hey da how did you sleep?” “not much sleep i had work to finish up on, where are you going today?”
you blush thinking about having to tell your father you’re going on a date with a man you only met last night. “i’m goin on a date da” “hm. with who?”
your father goes on to ask many questions about the person you’re going on a date with while you get an incoming call from none other than connie himself.
“hold on daddy” you mumble as you quickly get up giving him a kiss on his cheek as you walk into the livingroom to take your call.
“hi constance, what’s up”
“damn ma. you don’t listen to me at all, but what’s ya address so i can come pick you up?”
“oh i live at {address} “
“mmm you live in a fancy neighborhood? spoiled princess aren’t you.”
“mhmmm that’s why i said you wouldn’t be able to handle taking me out.”
“we’ll see mama. come outside im here.”
he hangs up and you go up to your dad telling him how you’re about to leave and your date is outside, he gets up mumbling abt wanting to meet the young man taking his baby out.
you open the door to see connie standing there with a money bouquet, a regular bouquet and a gift bag. your jaw drops a little and he just smiles.
“is this all for me?” you look at him and he smirks “nah it’s all for yer dad.” he says words dripping with sarcasm and your father laughs. “oh i like him already, listen just treat my little girl right. she’s all i’ve got.” your father says reaching out a hand.
connie hands over your gifts and shakes your father hand and they both smile. “cmon pretty.” he grabs your hand and opens up the trunk for you to put the gifts in. he opens your door and waits for you to be fully in before he closes the door, waving at your father.
he gets in and his phone automatically connects to the car and frank ocean is playing lowly as you feel the beat slightly, he smiles at you and before he can say anything you’re interrupting “thank you so much for the gifts” you say smiling.
he pulls off and looks at you “there’s more of that today, you’re welcome tho mama” he drives with one hand after turning the music up so you decide to pull out your phone and scroll.
you feel his hand grip your thigh as he drives and you get butterflies but try not to let him see it effects you, ur supposed to be hard to get.
it’s easy to ignore him until his thumb start stroking your inner thigh and you damn near lose your mind. “con.” you try to say sternly while looking at him “oh so now im con?” he grumbles looking over at you. he thinks you’re just so cute trying to be all mad at him. he sees right through that facade you’re trying to hard to put up.
he pulls into the parking lot of the mall and you get excited deciding to mess with him “you sure you can handle this? i won’t get mad if you back out now” you say smirking at him.
he grabs your neck pulling you close to him over the center console and whispers in your ear “i’m sure. are you sure you can handle this though?” and you have to sit silently as your heart races you can’t decide what you want to say to him “hmm mama? no answer, that’s what i thought.”
he gets out and comes to open your door and opens it, giving a hand for you to grab and you do. nobodies ever really silenced you like that and he only truly got lucky you couldn’t find a comeback.
you hold hands as he walks you into the mall and he looks at you, “where to first?” “i think ill go to coach and look to see what their new collection is looking like” he shrugs and mumbles lead the way.
you hate walking in heels, you know that once u start being in them for a long time that it hurts so you don’t know why on earth you wore these damn heels. tryna be cute gon have ya legs fucked up and you know it.
you find some cute bags and ask him if this is okay and he just gestures towards the cash register, the woman looks at you and him and is quick to pop out with a quick remark “quite the expensive bags you’ve got here, do you want to put one or two back?” you look at the 2 big purses, 3 mini purses, and 4 wallets and you look up at connie to whisper something to him “actually i really want that purse and wallet set over there, do i have to put something back?” he looks over and walks away to grab it and you smile like a kid in the candy store when he says “this too” and the lady is extremely surprised.
“your total is $4,130.56, will you be paying cash or card?” connie looks up from his wallet shocked and u smirk feeling like you were correct and he says “wow, you said it was expensive.” as he hands the woman his card.
she bags all of your stuff and connie grabs the bag and you hand as you guys walk out of the shop. this goes on thru the day as you get stuff that you really want and he doesn’t even hesitate, whether it was with cash or his card.
At this point you’ve been walking for hours and connie has and arm full of bags. your feet are in so much pain and you think you might cry. connie has clearly proved himself today and you feel like you can be a little vulnerable with him.
all it took for him to stop walking was you to lightly tap him and mumble ‘con’ and he’s already looking at you and he can see the pain on your face “princess what’s wrong?” he’s quick to come to your aid as he puts you and the bags on the nearby bench.
his hand cups your face and you look away mumbling. connie grabs your face softly and says “i’m over here mami, speak up please.” “my feet hurt…” you bite your lip out of nervousness and connie grabs your shoes off your feet and puts them in a bag.
“do you wanna be done today or do you wanna keep shopping?” “m’ all done con” he shrugs and puts you over his shoulder, you guys were already near your exit so he just walks you out to his car and sets you inside so he can put the bags in the trunk.
connie gets in and looks over at you as you play with your hands in your lap “i don’t know why you didn’t tell me sooner, we could’ve bought you some shoes so you could switch.” and you can’t help but laugh.
“connie you’re actually so sweet” you say while smiling as you reach over to stroke his face, his lips are such a nice shade of pink, with that little mustache and a lil beard growing in, god he looks so good.
connie’s looking at your glossed lips and thinks about how gorgeous you are, both of you leaning in for a kiss. the kiss was nice at first, small pecks back to back, but then it became a make out.
both of you wanting more leverage over the other so it was very heated, you slide over the console to sit in connie’s lap and you feel him graze you under your skirt and safety shorts.
you whine when he catches you off guard, nibbling on your lip and he lets go “not now mama, not here.” and he’s setting you back over in your seat. you pout because why did he do that to you? give you such a nice kiss to not give you what you want in the end.
“what you wanna eat?” he looks over at you as he starts to drive ‘you’ you think to yourself as you think of something you could possibly be craving, i want (f/f) (it can be a place or just a regular food, whatever yall want)
once you guys get there you opt against going inside cause you’re just ready to be in bed. he tells the person what you want and he orders something simple for himself aswell.
h hands you your bag of food and you thank him, he looks over at you and smiles. “you will always get what you want with me mama” and he rubs your thigh.
you know that it’s only been 2 days and you’re probably moving very fast but he’s just so…charming? it’s just something about him that makes him so trusting but still he is a man.
“thank you, you know um…for today connie. even though i still think that you can’t handle me, it can’t hurt to give you a chance.” and he actually begins to chuckle because what did you just say?
“so you still don’t think i’m doing good enough for you mama?” he says grabbing you face making you look at him as he smiles, why did he have to look so fine rn?
“cmere mama.” connie pulls you close and you comply. you can’t help but stare at his lips and you too gravitate closer as if you were magnets of opposite ends.
you pull eachother close once your lips clash and it’s unholy the way you two are making out. his presence is so dominating and overpowering you can feel the pool in your panties and you begging rubbing on his torso when you start heavy breathing.
before anything can really even happen connie pull away and starts the car back up. “un un mama not here.” and your stomach sinks, did you do something wrong?? was he just playing and didn’t actually wanna take it far?
rejection was one of the many things your spoiled lil self couldn’t take, so since he hurt your feelings, it was only logical to you that you hurt his back, right?
you stare out the window with tears brimming your eyes from sadness and anger, too confused to know how to feel. why would he kiss you like that just to say not here?
while you brew in your emotions connie constantly looks over at you, watching you go through whatever you’re going through. he didn’t mean to upset you but he wanted it to be different. not in his car in a fast food parking lot.
you guys pull to a stop at a fresh yellow light and connie’s the first to speak. “mama i’m so-”
“ion want no apology from you constance. save that shit for somebody else, i knew you was too pussy to handle-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence before connie’s grabbing you but your neck pulling you into a kiss.
his other hand traveling down towards your pussy, his rubs on your thighs before pulling away to look at you “what baby, cat got your tongue? where’s all that sass you just had?”
the light turns green and connie starts driving towards his house and you clearly still have an attitude, that’s fine tho. connie knows how to handle that.
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i’m really hoping yall liked this!! i’m trying really hard to write stuff but idk what i wanna write😭
ALSO {💋} is y’all’s name for inserts<3
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gvnvks · 1 year
Giving your hand to zb1 members w/out saying anythingg
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread
> song recommendation: lemonade by dreamnote
> note: long time no see yall … but im back ig (can u tell I had no idea what to do on matthews part lmao ??)
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김 jiwoong.
if u really want to confuse ur man this is the right way
jiwoong would look up from his phone screen with question marks around his face
“what?” in the most quiet tone the world has ever heard 😭
hes so puppy.
would hold ur hand
he’s getting more and more confused with each passing second
tries not to laugh so hard.
i mean you just stand there like 🧍🏻‍♀️ GIRL WHO WOULDNT LAUGH
when u continue to stay still he just goes “okay” and lets go of you hand
but u still don’t move even an inch
this bitch sighs in the most passive aggressive way ever
shakes his head and goes back to his phone
u give up cause … like girl who wouldnt
u just wanted ur boyfie to kiss ur hand.
장 hao.
oh sorry forgot we talking bout hao
the way this boy is so whipped for u
hes just casually eating his meal when all of a sudden his eyes catch ur figure
he’s excited because of the thought of eatin together, feeding u and allat ykyk
but u just🧍🏻‍♀️with ur hand in the front
“u hungry?” ppLEASE
when u dont respond he sits there with confused but still filled with love for you eyes
hao so awkward 💔
eventually gives up guessing what u want and just places a random kiss on ur hand WE WON
성 hanbin.
“did u get hurt?” “does ur hand hurt?”
when u dont respond he assumes somethings wrong so
he would massage the shit out of your hand 💯
but he’s so aggressive about it for some reason ? 😭
he would quite literally not massage but hit ur hand
like okay ig …
u kinda hiss in pain cause the way he “massages” ur hand just hurts ??
gently blows on ur hand 💔 pls kill me
like who blames him girl u steaming hot !
and all he was supposed to do was just to kiss ur hand
석 matthew.
why do i feel like he would be the one to give u his hand without saying anything
he immediately gets what u want but
he decides to mess with u a little
and just ignores u ?? like straight up 😭
and you’re kinda offended cause like ??
he literally pays zero attention to you
like zero, 0, none
u just sigh and give up
grabs both of ur hands and leaves wet marks on them (ew 💯)
promises not to ignore u ever again
김 taerae.
taerae would be kinda confused but i mean
he would jus take ur hand and stroke it with both of his thumbs
“u want a kiss?” YES
he kisses your hand like it’s some fragile glass
taeraes lips make their way from your hand all the way up to your cheek
whispers little i love yous in between kisses
he’s a cutie
u love him sm 🫶🏻
리키 ricky.
gentleman. thats all.
i mean we talking bout ricky
the ceo of the rizz company himself
he knows u need his kisses the second he sees ur hand and the expression on ur face
he just knows you too well
girl and trust me when i say
he gives your hand kiss in the most gentleman way known to a MAN 😭
im being so fr u think about gentleman u think about rizzky
looks at u with those seductive eyes of his …….
asks u if u need something more ??
but yes. yes i do. pls kiss my forehead.
김 gyuvin.
and i dont mean it in a bad way cause hes like
awkward but in a cute way
he’s so clueless fr 🤓
like homeboy has NO idea what that hand for
just stares at it
does nothing else
just that blank stare 😭
u put ur hand closer to his lips to maybe like
help him guess ?? lmaoo 💔
gyuvin just tries to hold ur hand but like
VERY delicately
after what feels like HOURS he gets an idea ‼️
his lips finally melt on your skin
hi im gonna kms
박 gunwook.
okay now
he’s not AS clueless as gyuvin but still 😭
just as jiwoong, boy got question marks wandering around his lovely eyes
after few seconds he gets what you mean but like
he’s even more aggressive than hanbin about it ?? 😭
nuzzles his whole (literally whole) face in your hand
i have no idea how he does that but he just does.
as his lips finally meet your hand, his soft gaze locks in yours
but then the aggressiveness kicks in again
and he just
violently shakes ur hand ??
so playful, gunwook, so playful baby
u kinda like what the fuck cause
why ur boyfie so aggressive for ?? 🤨
but it just the way he is
cute aggression (gunwook version)
한 yujin.
oh yujin baby
immediately thinks u hurt yourself cause like
why else would u give him ur hand like that.
with kinda (not even kinda) puzzled look painted on his face
he grabs ur hand and starts brushing his fingers through your skin
looking for cuts, bruises, like whatever
but the wtf look on your face kinda knocks him off the track 😭
u start twitching ur hand a little so he gets the idea ??
it doesn’t work btw 💯
yujin officially has joined the confused squad
copies ur movements.
homeboy literally laughs at you
but he’s cute so
btw you’re the one who should’ve been kissing his hand. pls remember that ‼️
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gvnvks © 2023
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That's so fucked up that people are romantizing Franco, because even Red Barrels are showing him as a total creep and disgusting person. In Outlast Tag I have a feeling that some artists are making him completly different character, making him charming/safe/lovely. I even have seen some people who were drawing him with normal face (without big forehead) and you couldn't tell them that it's the right character design! I feel like Franco enjoyers are more agressive than fans of other Outlast character. Even with Coyle/Eddie simps they seem to understand that they are evil and they murder others, but with Franco I feel like they can take it when someone tell them that he's grown up, murder people in very brutal way and his voice lines are just disgusting... it really seems that people are getting agressive only because someone tell some shit about 🎀✨️Franco🎀✨️. I know his fans isn't the only one that have stick in their ass (cause I seen a lot of shit bout Coyle/Big Grunts/Easterman etc.) but yall need to understand that FRANCO IS A GROWN ASS MAN and you would run for your life if you'd meet someone in irl as 1% fucked up as he is. Saying that he's just a Baby and he made nothing wrong is just 🤮 and problem is in yall if you justificate him and things he made.
idk how to tell you this ,,,, but this game is fictional. The characters are fictional. You're free to feel however you want about them, just like I and anyone else is.
I partially agree with the part about changing his appearance to make him look more "normal" or whatever, but at the same time people are allowed to interpret their favs however they want to. They can draw / write for him however they want to. I don't like "fixing" his face, just because it (personally) feels like saying "he's too ugly", but again, that's just me. As an artist, I know that people are going to have different interpretations of a character I like. It's just part of other people existing in the world. Not everyone thinks like you do, and that's okay.
Do you know how many posts I saw (and STILL see) about Eddie Gluskin, doing essentially the same thing as what you said people do with Franco?? That man would cut you open to "make a baby in you" no hesitation and people still ""romanticize"" him (me fuckin included I LOVE YOU EDDIE). Its just part of liking fucked up characters, some people are going to want to make them more "normal".
Personally, I see the normalization as more like wanting to give him some normalcy in his life, because of his past / lore. I love the idea of letting Franco have a normal life, be a normal person. A life where he never had to deal with the stupid Mafia stuff, had a decent father and never ran into Murkoff, having a normal, happy life. But, I also seriously adore his original, fucked up character.
Honestly, who actually cares if people are "justifying" his actions??? None of them are real. He is not real. I have never understood the sentiment that you have to make sure people know you don't justify a fictional characters actions... they are not real. It's not a real person. None of the things he did happened.
Maybe it's just me, but I would not run from someone like him. That's not some edge lord "im so evil and dark" bs but because of my real life experiences. Been with and around people in my life / family who are quite like him and I didn't run.
I imagine some of us are using it as a sort of coping mechanism, because (at least for me) some of us dealt with people who treated us like he would. Though, that's getting into personal territory, and I won't try and speak for others.
All I can really say is either learn that not everybody's going to have the same ideas as you or block the tag. Sorry if that's too harsh a response, but life is too short to really give that much of a fuck about someone /something other people like.
And I've said this before but this is literally Outlast, all of the characters are this fucked up, it's not just him.
Like does no one remember Outlast 2??? Does no one remember the pile of dead burnt babies, or the hundreds of other fucked up things in that game?? I really feel like Franco does not compare.
So, can we please just be over with this now? I mean, drama is totally fun and I love it, but I can imagine others don't.
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daisymylove · 2 years
I sincerely don't know if Im alone on this one, so I want to know what yall think. Again, I may get some heat for this, but it’s my honest opinion.
Something I noticed in my reread is that I grew a slight dislike for lucie in chot, and as someone who had always previously rooted for her, I’m currently annoyed at myself.The thing is, Lucie IS a very privileged and sheltered girl.She was born into a wealthy, loving family and, because of her apparent “normalcy”, never suffered the brunt of the shadowhunter prejudice like Tessa and James.
None of this is a problem in itself, but my point here is that there were always other people protecting, thinking and worrying for her, so I think not only she never realized how precarious her family’s position actually was, but also has no true understanding of consequences and how the “real world” works.She knew in some level that what she was doing regarding jesse was dangerous, but was never truly afraid of repercussions, bc unconsciously she knows there will be someone to catch her . And while I do like to see a character become aware of its own privileges along the narrative, there’s no growing here.She finished the book without ever realizing it, because everything was just SO easy and convenient, and that bothers me greatly.
In all fairness, how could she? she does whatever she wants with no consequences.
I feel so conflicted bc while I actually cheered when she brought jesse back in choi, and always shipped them, I find the outcome of her actions to be low-key infuriating.Lucie wasn’t willing to give Jesse up, but also never seriously considered giving up her comfortable life to start over with him somewhere.That ludicrous and set to fail jeremy blackthorn plan wasn’t even her idea, it was the people around her finding a way to fix her “mistakes” to save all of their asses from jail.
Lucie could’ve had her marks stripped, her father could’ve lost the institute, it could’ve costed Tessa’s life.Those guys had been waiting 25 years for the slightest opportunity to pounce on her, does anyone seriously believe they wouldn’t all automatically think the warlock mother was involved? How come there was some major necromancy going on under her roof and she had no idea?  we know she didnt, but still   All of this was severely downplayed and there was little to no conflict regarding it, and anyone can correct me if im wrong, but none of that ever dawned on lucie.She never fully thought about how her family would be implicated, and nobody brought that up to her.Zero confict just chill, I guess this is our life now .Dont get me wrong, I dont want that shitstorm to actually happen,I just wanted her to become AWARE of it
 she literally brought home this complete stranger to them all (we know jesse, the characters dont) that was 8 years her senior (it doesnt matter his body was frozen for 7 years, mentally jesse is 24), Tatiana’s son, and had been dead up until last tuesday, but nobody save perhaps jessamine, and god it pains me to agree with jessamine had a problem with that.Instant acceptance, no resistance, no objections at all.All it would take for that lie to crumble would be ONE trial by the sword at any point of their lives and everybody was as chill as chicken joe from surfs up
Her fight with Cordelia pissed me off too. Lucie meddled on something she had no right and no knowledge of,and demanded things of Cordelia without even being willing to hear her out. ”oh the poor thing is suffering so much bc of you, why can’t you just take him back?” GIRL, FOR ALL SHE KNOWS, UNTIL A WEEK AGO, HOME BOY WAS SWEARING UNDYING LOVE AND BURNING DOWN MANORS FOR GRACE BLACKTHORN. 
WE know poor james was ensorcelled and fighting it, but what was cordelia supposed to think of it? How dare she assume that Cordelia “took advantage of James going to Cornwal to run away with matthew”? 
The demon of secrets in edom scene was plain ridiculous.”yo I had a childhood crush on your brother, sorry for never telling you, I was embarrassed” is not a big deal.The fact that they needed demonic intervention for THAT so late in the book baffles me
While I do think most characters were severely nerfed on this book and behaved ooc on several occasions (swear to god I have some mild ptsd from all the times cordelia ran and did unhinged things) , my conclusion about Lucie’s arc is that she took her good life for granted, endangered her entire family, didnt grow from the experience, but still got everything she wanted with no consequences or sacrifices.She lost a cousin along the way, but who cares about that guy? what was his name again? Its my understanding that Lucie never even faced a trial.Thats unrealistic and bad writing, if you ask me.When I think it over, the word that comes to me is...spoiled.
And dont get me started on the fact that she found out Malcom was planning on doing full blown necromancy and didnt do anything about it.How that had no repercussions AT ALL still blows my mind.
 The worst part for me is that I genuinely believe Lucie deserved better you know? 
If lucie and cordelia hadnt been allowed to become parabatai, and jesse had received some other minor yet life changing punishment, and we had seen a trial scene I would’ve been satisfied, because at least it wouldn’t have been nothing.
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vidyagamereference · 3 months
Holy fuck yall i finally finished something
Dating Gepard hc's except theyre not all 100% positive romance tropes [sfw and not sfw]
Anyways back to our regularly scheduled headcanons
He has to learn to ask "do you want solutions or do you want to vent" during your relationship bc he is 100% in "fix the problem" mode 100% of the time
If he gets to a point where he is frustrated and upset he won't cry unless you two intentionally do something to intentionally make him cry.
To achive the above he's open to anything from BDSM to structured arguing to watching pixar. His only requirement is that you be physically with him and hold him when hes ready for it.
I personally headcanon him as being really into BDSM and a switch because he has simultaneously too much control over part of his life and the lives of others and no choice whatsoever because of his name and title and he would love to have just an hour or two where everything goes the way he wants it to wether thats because he needs you to do exactly what he demands or if its because he needs to stop having so many god damn responsibilities and just feel
Hes a good cook but i think he'd prefer to just clean up after you make him something if you cook
Not that hes unwilling to or anything it just feels more special to eat what you make him and he likes to help you out by doing the dishes and cleaning the stove and such
He will cook for you if you ask
Pls ask sometimes it makes him so happy he gets to make you feel as special as him but [leading to my next headcanon]
He sucks at spontaneity and you cannot tell me this man isnt autistic. His ass is Not reading silent/subtle hints so if you wanna be pampered you gotta be blunt and actually ask for it
None of that passive aggressive "if i ask it doesnt count" bullshit you have to be a blunt communicator to date him.
And if you start picking fights he is canonically one of the most stubborn "dig your heels in" "im not compromising" "create a cold war in my own house" kind of people EVER
You ain't winning that standoff
It takes a kind of person who will argue just as stubbornly and come back after and ask to "see where we went wrong" and take accountability for your side of what happened to date him effectively
Frustrating guy
But so so worth it
If he grows flowers successfully even once you can garentee (autocorrect has been no help how fo you spell that?!) A slightly shabby flower or three in a big ribbon and the sweetest smile!
He doesnt take off his shoes OR armor right away when he enters the house because they STINK and he has those disposable baggies that you step in to get to the shower without tracking in all the salt and muddy snow from outside. He needs to get to the soap (for him) and deodorizers (for his shoes and clothes) first
He uses 2 in 1 head n shoulders as facewash, bodywash, shampoo, and conditioner. one stop shopping. And his skin and hair are soft and flawless somehow
His hair is fluffy and cute. Its 100% genetics and 0% effort
I feel it in my bones that he has a slight pooch of belly fat. He has functional muscle not fashion muscle. I know it. Its fact. It would be So Fucking Cute no im not coping with a complete castwide lack of any curves why do you ask?
I think he sleeps like a rotisserie chicken but he needs to hug something to sleep, so he has an Emotional Support Pillow that he brings with him, on duty, at homw, he has His Pillow(tm)
He is the little spoon
He will randomly kiss you when youre alone bc he suddenly remembered "hey i can kiss my partner!!!! :D" and got excited about being your boyfriend/partner
A few rapid fire not sfw headcanons
Hes average size (6.5in) and it curves nicely upwards. The head gets cutely pink when hes hard and it has a beauty mark on the right ridge
Literally loves body worship, would be on either side happily. It gives him a nice feeling of power exchange and fluffy emotional validation feelings all at once
Also loves the pet name "good boy" for the same reason
He *is* good thank you for noticing! And he is a boy who is *also* yours! Correct twice in a row he might just swoon
Cuddle monster. 100% cuddles after are a must
Sometimes cries after. Often actually. And he would feel the need to defend it like he wasnt the worlds no.1 "most unable to express emotions" autistic person getting overwhelmed by All This Intimacy
He's got a thing about smelling his partner. Idk how i just know it. I feel it in my bones. He likes the way they smell and he wants your shirts (for jackoff material) not your nudes (tho pls send those too)
He likes public in theory but would actually die of shame if he ever tried anything where anyone could hear you ot potentially catch you. Its fully Anxiety so bad he couldnt even preform type of shit
If hes domming tonight he wants to tie you up and use you like a toy
If (or how many times) you get off is up to him not you
If hes subbing tonight he wants you to degrade him and make him cry. Then let him pleasure you with "your favorite toy" (his dick) pls he would love it
Petplay. I beleive he would make a great puppyboy and that is the Only justification i have for this
I think he likes asses. Ass man 100%
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crazystargirl · 1 year
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jealous? i don't get jealous! ♥
pt. 4 || pt.5 || nothing lmao
pairing ♥: spider soccoro x reader, spider soccoro x human!reader, jealous!spider soccoro x reader
word count ♥: 0.7k!
author's note ♥: at the end this time lmao
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you and lo'ak walk back to the camp in silence, you can tell he's nervous or thinking. whatever but basically he had something on his mind
you stop and lo'ak stops and looks at you, confused why you stopped randomly
"Lo'ak you've been acting so weird this whole trip and don't use the excuse that you're thinking."
lo'ak moves closer to you and sighs, taking in your annoyed expression 
"ive been thinking but i think im ready to tell you…y/n/n i really like you like not as a friend but y'know"
you're taken aback, no ones ever confessed to you before but if you're being really honest you've never seen lo'ak as anything more than a brother
"y/n?" Lo'ak says, moving closer to you to cup your cheek
on instinct you move away, flinching. the only person you've ever let do that to you was spider.
"Lo'ak im sorry but i dont see you the same way" you say
he looks dejected and hurt. you feel bad but honestly you've always seen the sully kids as siblings
"its fine" he says bluntly, turning around and walking off
you follow him until you guys get to the camp, seeing the rest of the group already there
spider goes over to you giving you a hug, after seeing your face
"hey y/n/n what's wrong" spider says rubbing your back as you hug him back
"can we go talk in private please?" you say looking up at spider
he nods and takes your hand and pulling you into a secluded area 
meanwhile kiri and neteyam notice lo'aks face of disgust and sadness?
"hey lil bro whats wring?" neteyam says, putting his arm around lo'ak 
"yeah you look like spider just squished your favorite toy" kiri says laughing, but then pauses "oh shit! did you confess to y/n??"
lo'ak nods and neteyam and kiri look at each other
"well clearly that didn't go well" kiri says snorting, she had made it clear when she had first heard lo'ak talking about y/n that she would like to never ever see them two in a relationship
"hey lo'ak its ok, y'know maybe you guys wouldn't have been good together" neteyam says, patting lo'aks back
little did they know that lo'ak was seething because he knew that it was obvious that y/n had rejected him and spider was probably going to confess to her
"spider and y/n are most likely gonna become a thing and well…damn thats gonna be awkward"
the three of them sit there thinking about what lo'ak had said until tuk pops out of nowhere
"Lo'ak it's ok if they like each other! mom says we have to be happy for each other even if it makes you sad" tuk says giving lo'ak a hug
the older sully kids look at her in shock, they've never heard tuk say something that wise
lo'ak nods, "thanks tuk, I'll keep that mind" 
well lo'ak was right about what spider had in mind when you two went to talk private
when you two got to the secluded area, spider sat you down and cupped your cheeks
"hey baby what's wrong?" 
"well lo'ak confessed to me and well…"
spider freezes, suddenly feeling jealous. did lo'ak confess and you accepted? (a/n ♥︎ - so sorry i have no idea what to call it)
"i rejected him but i feel like things are going to be awkward between me and him now" you finish, looking down
while you were looking away, spider was practically grinning because now he knew he didn't have competition anymore
he took your face in his hands and looked at you
"y/n i know this might be a bad time honestly I've been wanting to do this for a while so…will you go out with me?"
you start smiling like crazy and blushing, you've had a crush on spider for a while and you loved it whenever he was affection with you or called you baby or love even though yall weren't dating
"so i take that as a yes?" Spider says, grinning at your expression
"yes yes yes!! spider i would love that" you say
"well i would kiss you now now but y'know the exopacks" spider says hugging you tightly
you giggle at his response
"maybe we can kiss when we get back?" you say
"that we can do" spider said, stroking your hair, "i love you y/n/n" 
"i love you too spider"
from a distance the sully family watched yall embracing. they were all happy for yall and wondered if this would change things but honestly who cared, at least you two were happy
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a/n ♥︎ - AND THATS A WRAP BITCHES (i love saying that lmao), but i finally finished this series! tysm to everyone who waited around for each part and even more thanks to the ppl on the series taglist for giving me the motivation to write more parts. special ty to my bby cass for being so damn supportive of me, ilysmmmm. sorry if this is a bit rushed, i wanted to finish the last part so i could get started on the smau but ty again to everyone who's been here since may :)) 
series taglist ♥: @ok-boke, @spiderscrrowife, @myh3artttt, @multi-simp-page, @universal-s1ut
regular taglist ♥: @xyzstar, @ourloveisgod23, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @bhk1234uwu, @nonniesworld, @lanaslittletwinkie
©crazystargirl 2023 || do NOT copy or repost my work without my permission
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dishushu · 1 year
i remember it, all too well.
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42!miles g morales x reader
summary: you've been dating someone for a year and slowly you realize they've become distant. barely texting you, not showing any admiration, always out clubbing. until you went to their place and see something unspeakably wrong, you snap and they try to come back to you. months later, still broken. you met miles and you two become very close. one day you see them again and you can remember the memories all too well.
warnings: super angst (fluff in the end of COURSE) cursing, bad spanish (i’m so sorry y’all😭) creepy ex bro, cheating.
a/n: WHOOP i started listening to atwtmv for like a 100 times and it gave me the idea to write this (all hail taylor swift!!) this is gonna be so angsty i swear like im so sorry yall 😭 but lemme tell y’all i swear 42 miles has rizz i’m not lying
words: 2.2k
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
your life was pretty fine the past few months since you’ve met your partner.
they were, everything you wanted. they loved you to the moon and back and you said the same thing too.
but a year passed and things started to change, drastically.
they stopped paying attention to you, stopped hanging out with you, was always on their phone and most of all, always went clubbing.
you’d be at your place and it was around 12:45 in the morning, he was supposed to come by.
the first thing that came up to your mind was text him, they were probably busy anyway?
12:46 am
y/n: babe, wru? you were supposed to come to my place an hour ago.
seen 12:48 am.
y/n : hello?
seen 12:50 am.
you sighed, tossing your phone to the side of the bed as u curled up in ball, thinking why they left you on seen.
you decided to go check up on them yourself, so you put your shoes on and walked over to his apartment.
you knocked on their door, seemingly waiting for an answer, there was none.
so you opened the door which was seemingly unlocked, and scanned around the room, calling out their name.
when you heard loud music from his room.
you knocked but there was no answer as you thought the music was drowning your knock so you opened it.
and oh boy were you in for a surprise.
you dropped your purse on the floor as you stood there as if you saw a ghost, but instead you saw them making out with someone else.
“so that’s how shits going huh.” you said bluntly with tears in your eyes as your words jolted both of them up and your partner turned to look at you.
“it’s not what it seems like bab-“ they were protesting, pushing the other person away and walking to you but you cut them off and pushed them away.
“there’s nothing to fucking explain!” you screamed. “its all right infront of me, dont even bother.” you said as the tears flowed out of your eyes, looking away.
“please love im sorry i- just- give me another chance” they tried to grab your hands and you pulled away quickly.
“so you just can call me up again just to break me like a fucking promise huh? i expected better from you.” my voice cracked at every word as i walked away and slammed the door shut.
i was home, on the floor. in a ball of sadness. tears, snot, everything flowing out. while they kept texting me.
unknown number.
1:15 am
un: babe please
un: please im sorry
un: i won’t do it again
un: forgive me
seen 1:20 am.
you knew damn well he was lying so you blocked the number, shutting off your phone and sliding it across the room.
that day, your whole heart broke, you never felt anything anymore, love was completely just a game to you
but do you think everything will change soon?
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it was your usual day. wake up, get ready for work, walk, get to work and actually work.
you worked at the cashier in some convenience store.
you’d felt numb and dull the past few weeks and didn’t really have the motivation to do anything, but you had to so you did. but you just remember everything all too well.
you were doing your job as normal and nothing around changed honestly, it was just your average normal day until someone came in that caught your eye.
it was a boy about your age, he was wearing sweatpants and a sweater, the way his jawline stands out and his braids touching his shoulders.
you thought he was cute but you shook off your feelings and went on with your day.
you noticed he was catching a few glances from you, you thought of it as nothing when he paid normally and went out the store.
but he kept coming back to the store every single day for the whole week and you two start to talk a bit more, but not your actual huge conversations.
but this one time. he was in the store picking up a few stuff and bringing it to the counter.
you scanned the items as you put it in a paper bag,
“15.44.” you told him the price.
“keep the change.” he said giving you a 20 and his spanish accent had you rolling on the floor (metaphorically).
you mumbled a thank you as he walked out, you were going to put the 20 in the cash box but suddenly, you saw a note attached to it.
* xxx-xxx-xxxx, my number. text me soon hermosa. - miles:) *
you were shocked to the brim as u held the paper in hand profusely blushing as you started to smile a bit.
did a guy just really give his number out to you?
you kept the note in your pocket, still blushing and went on with your day. until you came back home
you held the note in your hand again, still contemplating if you should put the number in your phone.
you did it anyway.
as you shakily typed the number in your phone, you added his name in the contact number and pressed the message button.
10:05 pm.
y/n: hello?
*minutes pass by and you were doubting a message back from him. but your phone dinged.*
miles(?): hey
*you were shaking in your bed as you saw his reply.*
y/n: you’re miles right?, the guy from the store?
miles(?): the one and only. miles(?): and you’re…?
y/n: sorry.. i’m y/n
miles(?): nice name ;)
*at that point you were shocked by the little winky face he put*
y/n: the same goes to you :)) y/n: so.. weird question but why’d you give me your number?
miles(?): just thought you were cute.
*his reply literally had you in shambles and you didn’t know what to reply with but it hit you. it could be your ex’s friend again trying to get on you for breaking up with them.*
y/n: are u sure? because i swear to god if you’re one of my ex’s friends trying to shit on me for breaking up w them i will literally murder you.
miles(?): i swear, i don’t know who your ex is. but are you okay though?
*i sighed in relief, knowing that they stopped doing it.*
y/n: yeah, sorry i’m just paranoid. y/n: i gotta go, talk to you soon?
miles(?): alright, see ya soon hermosa.
you closed your phone and start to smile, but it feels like everything that went down happened was only yesterday, time won’t fly for you. it’s like your paralyzed in your own heartbreak.
you lay down in your bed, thoughts drowning in you as you start to fall asleep.
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days turn to weeks and you and miles start to become closer friends. and you wouldn’t deny to admit that you liked him, ALOT.
but you never told him. you were scared of commitment ever since it happened.
you never told him, you never bothered to say anything because he never asked you and you were fine with it. until one day.
you both were on the rooftop at his place laughing about anything and everything, talking about what happens.
until he asks a question.
“so, that day, the day you first messaged me about your ex’s friends shitting on you for what happened, whyd you think i was one of them?” he looked at the stars slyly, glancing at you at times.
“well.” you sighed, fiddling around with your fingers,
“i didn’t know who his friends were, so they would come around at work, giving me their number and i would text them obviously and they would always tell me i was cute or something but the next second they just shit on me saying mean stuff and i kinda just couldn’t trust anyone after that.”
he looks back down to look at you , with an apologetic look on his face, when he went to scoot a bit closer to you.
“can i ask what happened?” he asked as his hand was slightly touching yours as you looked at the stars.
“we were happy for a year, everything was fine but they grew distant. they stopped talking to me and always went to clubs and came back home drunk. they seemed off for so long and i went to their place and saw them making out with someone else and i just kinda lost it, because they did this twice and i lost my shit at that point, i haven’t felt love ever since. i just kinda lost motivation, i really want my old self but i just can’t seem to find it.” tears filled your eyes to the brim as i told him everything.
as the tears start to flow out, he hugged you tightly and rubbed your back. “lo siento mucho querida.” he whispered.
“you did nothing wrong okay? it was all them.” he hugged you tighter.
as he pulled back from the hug, wiping the tears from your eyes.
it was silent for a moment after he pulled away.
“i could change that.” he spoke up after the brief silence that filled between us.
you locked at him surprised, “what.. do you mean?”
“you said.. you would never feel love again right..?” his words were soft when he spoke.
you nodded slowly as you turn to look at him looking at the stars.
“well, i could change that.” his head lowered down to look at you but you looked away.
“how will i know you end up the same as they did?” you looked down looking at your knees when you felt his hand grab your chin and pull you in closer for a kiss.
you were shocked at first but then you slowly melt in to the kiss, finally realizing he was the one.
as he pulled away, he held your hand tightly. “i promise i won’t break your heart mi amor.” he whispered. "ill give you the world, the stars if possible, anything for you."
you felt this wave of love you’ve never felt before and it made you feel full, you went to hug him tightly as you never wanted to pull back
“i love you, miles.”
“te quiero también, mi amor. más de lo que sabes.”
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after that day, you and miles started dating and it was nothing like you experienced before.
it was always flowers here, flowers there and he was just a straight up gentleman to you.
you just closed up your shop early tonight to go on your first date with miles, and when you both were walking there, you bumped into someone and both crash to the ground.
“oh my god im so sorr-“ you were frantically picking up their stuff to give it back and when you both look at eachother, you stopped talking. it was your ex.
everything, every single memory of you both flowed down your mind and you remembered it all too well.
“amor are you okay?” miles bent down to check on you when he noticed you giving a dirty glance at your ex, and it hit him.
“yeah i’m fine let’s just go.” you tried to stand up but your ex’s hand pulled you back down and restraining you from standing up.
“what the fuck do you want?” you screamed and it grabbed miles attention.
“please, im sorry i didn’t mean it can things just go back the way it was?” he protested and was on their knees begging you to stay
i pulled my hand out of his grip as we both stood up “i already told you, a million fucking times, no.”
“please i’m sorry, i- i was drunk and i wasn’t thinking straight.”
“so you’re telling me, those both times you were drunk and you weren’t thinking straight? those both times you fucking cheated on me and you weren’t thinking straight? you choosing pleasure over our goddamn relationship and you weren’t thinking straight? you could’ve thought for a SINGLE moment, will this affect my relationship? of course it fucking will you asshole. get out of my sight.” you stood back up and walked opposite where your ex was, but they wouldn’t stop and grabbed your hand again.
“just forgive me plea-“ he was about to get on his knees but miles stood infront of you and grabbed their arm tightly so they could release your arm
“back up bro, y/n already told you they don’t want you. don’t make it harder for us. one step closer and you’re gone got it?” miles let go of his hand as a warning and they nodded and ran away and miles turned to you.
“are you okay querida? you aren’t hurt anywhere are you?” he put his arms on your shoulders, scanning your body for any wounds.
“i’m okay, just a bit shaken up." you sighed, fixing your clothes.
miles was genuinely worried about you and you told him everything's fine as long he was with you.
"i'm so sorry amor that they keep doing that to you." he grabbed yout waist and pulled you in a hug.
"you know ill protect you always right?" he pulled away from the hug.
"promise?" you held out your pinky for a pinky promise and smiled softly.
"promise querida." he took his pinky and hooked it with yours and shook it softly and pulled you in another hug.
although you still remember all the heartbreaking memories all too well, you had him and that was enough for you.
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
© hearts4hobie.
do not steal, translate, and rewrite without permission.
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pinkrifle · 1 year
UM HI💞-heard you're taking requests??👀
could i get uhhhh some hcs with cartman being best friends with like,, a very smart but absolutely FOUL reader?? they're kind of a nerd(he prob makes fun of them for it lol) but instead of winning science awards and making the world a better place they just... they love to see the world burn
they're totally into whatever idea eric has and they're happy to make it 1000x more illegal AND help him get away with it cause they're the teachers favourite<3
....sorry for such a long request lol hope you like the idea and have fun writing!!💞
don’t be sorry i love long requests!! reader is so me fr ,,, SORRY TGIS WAS LIKE AN HOUR LATE IM AT FAMILYS HOUSE RN
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cws/tw’s: none :3
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WOWW first meeting!! cartman absolutely rips on you like crazy. always begging you to do his homework even after he says the most diabolical thing ever,,
when everyone starts talking about how ur a menace he’s shocked. “NO WAY that little twerp could out do ME >:(“ yes, oh yes they can, cartman
especially since your Mr/Ms Garisson’s teachers pet, he doesn’t think you could do any wrong. by BOYY is he wrong when one day he catches you taping illegal firecrackers to a makeshift rocket for your science experiment.
“dude, you know those are illegal right.” “so? you do like.. WAYYY worse, man” “touché..” “you think you can make this more illegal? or you wanna help me out, douche”
he grabs random shit from his house that should NOT be there and throws them onto the rocket. you guys finally settle on blasting it infront of the school during recess.
when recess rolls around, your both standing in front of the school, mischievously rubbing your hands together. and that’s when cartman starts saying something to you,
“HHAYY, you kno—” [BOOM] you set off the rocket and accidentally set the front of the school into a mini flame, cartman runs for his life as you follow behind him giggling senseless.
u guys are MATES after that. always up to no good and roasting tf out of people non stop.
he tells you he wants to grave rob a preist’s grave you tell him he should grave rob an entire church gravesite to pawn all the jewelry they might have on.
compliments aren’t constant, but when you guys get sentimental you talk about how good of a friend the opposite is :) when cartman is sad you always do some crazy shit up in his face and he giggles, wipes his disgusting ahh face and thinks of something else illegal y’all can do.
in your guys’ superhero era, he catches your superhero ego setting tissue paper on fire on top of a building and giggles + keeps his mouth shut.
YALL DEFINITELY BEFRIEND CTHULU TOGETHER SND DO CRAZY STUFF 😭 as if what y’all do isn’t crazy enough..
sometimes y’all attempt to vape or smoke etc, and your always standing while cartman is doubled down on the floor sobbing and coughing from one hit.
you back him up in the wendy fight (you and cartman lose ☹️ but it’s fun to accompany ur bestie)
you bring treats for Liane when you go over to cartman’s house and he gets upset cuz he hates his mom, but if it’s food he always stops being a brat and thanks you after (almost never saves his mom a bite 💔)
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heyyy! sorry this was short :( I LOCE THIS REQ THO ITS SO ME 🫶🫶 and ty for requesting! feel free to spam req if you want (and sorry this was an hour late)
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princesssmars · 1 year
love's philosophy
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a catherine the great x reader
during a political trip to russia, you meet the rather peculiar emperor and his no less than extraordinary new bride.
wc: 5.779
contains: fluff bc catherine is a cutie who can do no wrong. me hating on peter. peter cheats (boo). catherine almost cheats (yay). i binged the show months ago so some things might not be accurate im sorry yall.
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the only thing you could see outside of the carriage window were woods. cold, thin, and mostly dead.
what you guess would be the typical landscape for an russian spring.
but, occasionally, youd catch the patches of green of the rising grass, the small buds of blooming tree blossoms, and the rare small animal making its way from its winter slumber.
you hoped these signs of new and returning life were signs of what was to happen on this trip.
you and two of your most entrusted advisors had been sent to negotiate some new trade deals with peter, the emperor of russia. he had taken the throne after his fathers passing a few years ago, and youd heard many things about him through the grapevine.
(granted, none of the things you heard were very pleasant. in your opinion, he sounded like a bit of a man-child, unfit for the throne after his father's passing. but you kept these thoughts to you. this would help your country prosper, and create a hopefully helpful alliance.)
"i just want to remind you, princess, that things work very differently here in russia," your best friend and first advisor, anna, whispers from beside you, her big fur coat and scarf nearly obstructing your view of her face. her worried eyes peeked out from the gaps and you'd had to try not to laugh when you saw it. "its nothing like genovia here. the people are crass, rude, vulgar-"
"sounds like this will be a fun trip then." you jest, cutting off your dear friends ramblings and smiling when she glares at you. she always was a bit of a worrywart. but it was endearing.
"normally id critique our dear annas worrying, but this time she is right." a deep voice pipes up from in front of you both. the person in question is your other friend and advisor, thomas. he was the more critical and pessimistic of the two, but he was a softie at heart. "things work differently here, so we should tread wuth caution. i should give you some warnings before we enter the palace."
"alright, what do i need to know?" you sigh, relaxing into your seat. this could take a while.
"as you most likely already know, the new czar peter has taken over after the death of his father, also named peter. stop smiling, yn. the boy is much different than his father, known for his rather...extravagant ways. just try not to piss him off. he should be a bit more mello after marrying his new bride."
your head perks up. "bride? i didn't hear anything about a bride. why haven't i heard that hes been married? shouldn't you have told me this?"
thomas' eyes widen as he tries to argue against it before realizing that yes, he somehow forgot to tell you. he tries to ignore anna's teasing face.
"my apologies for forgetting, princess. yes, he has recently married a girl from france. her name is catherine. from what i've heard shes a rather timid girl, at least to russian standards. there should be no trouble on the front."
his knowing stare on you makes you pout. so yes, you might have slightly flirted with the wife of the ruler of italy. and you might have ended up in the same bed with her. whoops. but to be fair, she told you how dreadfully boring her husband was and how she was looking for something exciting and new in her life, looking at you with those big, wanting eyes...
"yn! stop daydreaming!" annas elbow nudges you, pulling you from your memory. your face feels hot when both of your friends laugh at you.
"oh please, you both know me. ill be on my best behavior. princess's promise."
so you might have fumbled with the promise. just a little.
after a long...loooong ride, you all had finally arrived at the russian winter palace, the grand estate nearly taking your breath away. or maybe that was the biting cold. your admiration was cut short by a gruff voice welcoming you. it came from a tall and stout man, his white wig contrasting against his flushed face and permanent frown.
"welcome to the palace, your royal highness. my name is velementov, peters war general. i've been tasked with escorting you inside safely. if you'll follow me."
he immediately starts towards the entrance, forgetting to check if you were following. as hes walking he nearly trips over some of the gravel on the ground. thomas whips his head over to you and anna when he hears a muffled giggle.
"sorry, that one was me." anna whispers, trying to compose herself.
you and your party follow the general in to the palace, walking through the grand halls and admiring the art within them. including the massive statue of peter the first.
"oh, this is just a great piece of work," anna awes, craning her neck up to observe the statue in greater detail. "how long did it take to complete?"
"i don't really remember. maybe two years." the general grunts, taking a pause before continuing on his way. the look on thomas' face makes you think hes regretting this decision.
eventually the peculiar general stops at two large doors, leading to what you presume is peters chambers.
"um, shouldn't we do this somewhere more formal? a meeting room or parlor, for example." thomas says, walking a bit faster while speaking to walk directly next to velementov.
"ideally yes, but first i must check if the prince is ready to meet you. he could still be hungover. or fucking. or both."
the three of you are a bit too stunned to react.
when velementov opens the doors, the muffled sounds of grunting, moaning, and a loud thumping on the walls rings through the hallway leading to peters bedroom. velemontov grunts, whispering something to one of the guards before escorting the three of you back into the wider hallways.
"peters busy. until he's ready you may be escorted by a guard around the toyr of the palace. they will lead you to the meeting room when we're ready. goodbye."
velementov briskly (as briskly as a clearly hungover man can go) walks away, not even checking to see if what he said was alright with you. three guards come up to you, their faces and postures remaining stoic.
"ohhhhhkay. alright, this is fine!" anna chirps, clearly trying to hold herself and the two of you together. "we are just. alone in a strangers castle in a strange country. this is ok. i wont freak out."
"good, because there is nothing to freak out about." thomas reassures her, sounding more like hes trying to convince himself. "we expected this, so lets make the most of it, hm? its a beautiful palace, and we can explore it while each looking for some of peters advisors."
"so try to find the people who hopefully have common sense?" you question, eyeing the way the guards eyebrows raise in shock at your not so subtle disrespect.
"exactly." thomas agrees, the three of you agreeing before heading off in seperate directions of the russian castle.
what you see along your short journey is nothing short of shocking yet amusing. multiple couples unsuccessfully hiding in the shadows while having intercourse, drunk soldiers and children running through the halls, with parents and hungover residents looking on in annoyance.
eventually you pass two large open doors which you can see lead to a library. walking in you see its quite expansive, with practically no one inside.
(to be expected, you didn't think most of the people here could read a paragraph let alone complete a book.)
you walk inside and observe, walking through the aisles and touching the spines of the novels. most of it seems to be in russian, of course, but maybe there was an international section...
while thinking, your mind spaces out and is only brought back when the body of another knocks into yours, the books they were carrying falling to the floor.
"oh my gosh, im so sorry. i wasn't looking where i was headed, here let me help you with those," rushes from your mouth, quickly dropping to the floor to help pick up the books for them; A Guide To Russian History and The Insides of Russian Aristocracy.
"no, no, don't apologize. I wasn't looking where i was headed because i was reading this book about...nevermind." the stranger says before joining you on the floor before also trying to pick up their books.
its only after the stranger speaks and you see their pale, slender hand on top of yours that you look up to meet eyes, your e/c meeting piercing blue.
its a woman, and not just any woman but a gorgeous one. she has fair skin, smooth and with nearly no blemishes at all, surprising since most of the other members of the court you've passed at least had a tint to their cheeks whether it be from sickness, alcohol, or both.
she has a striking face, both angular yet soft. it makes her beauty both intimidating yet welcoming. and at this moment you don't know which one you feel.
the both of you still for a moment, observing the other for longer than what was most likely deemed polite. you were speechless until you noticed one of the most striking things about her - her naturally blonde hair. youve seen a few other women here who were blonde but you could tell they were wearing wigs. with no shame of course, it was a regular among members of court life nowadays. but hers had that growth and effortlessness that let you know it was all hers.
"you aren't from here, are you? im guessing western europe, maybe france, germany?" you suddenly ask, finding yourself intrigued with this beautiful stranger you've met in an otherwise empty library. her face lights up at your question, making you glad she didn't find it rude.
"yes, born and raised in germany, how could you tell?" her questions makes you raise your brow, looking from her eyes to her hair. she catches on and laughs, looking down in slight embarrassment. "right, sorry. silly question."
"it wasn't silly, don't worry. i just asked because i was curious why you don't look like the rest of the court members. are you visiting from your home?" you quickly reassure her, not liking the slightly sad look that appeared on her face when she called herself silly. she looked much better with a smile.
her brows slightly scrunch together, looking to the floor before back to you with a sure smile. "yes, im visiting for a while. sent to study the russian culture and all, trying to help with politics."
"another thing we have in common, and thank god for it. i swear i was so nervous about me and my party being the only foreigners here." you exclaim, resting your hands on the mystery woman's shoulders in excitement. "would you mind chatting with me and telling me what you've learned? im sure there's some things i can tell you as well."
her eyes are wide and her face is bright as she stares into your eyes, nodding along to answer your questions. its just when you realize your hands are still on her shoulders and when she reaches hers up to gently grab your elbows, yet again dropping the books in her hands. you both look at the fallen materials for a second before looking back to each other and giggling.
you had spent who knows how many hours talking with the blonde woman, who you'd come to know was named sophie, about subjects ranging from politics to your home countries to even your favorite foods. you found her point of view on things interesting, her positivity coming off a bit naive but refreshing. but beneath it you sense a bit of sadness.
"are you feeling alright?" your questions cuts her off from what she was saying. she was enthusing about how she misses the landscapes form her home, how when she looks out the palace windows she can feel bits of herself start to wither away just like the outside landscape. she says it so calmly that you cant help but ask the question.
in response shes quiet, staring at you like you just asked her is she preferred to eat chicken eggs or duck eggs for breakfast.
"jesus, when's the last time someone asked you that question?" you put a hand on her shoulder, your tone playful in the hope she wouldn't answer. but the look on her face gave you your answer.
"if im being honest...it's been quite a while. if i tell you this, will you promise to keep it secret?" she asks, her voice unsteady with the hesitance of telling a stranger the problems of her current life.
"cross my heart and hope to die." you dramatically cross your hands over your bust, smiling when she manages a laugh at your theatrics.
she sighs, putting her hands in her lap and closing her eyes. "i have a husband, back home. arranged marriage." her eyes peak open to look at you, and you hurry to fix the look on your face from one of disappointment to understanding. "i was so hopeful before the wedding, but then i met and moved in with him and it's nothing how i imagined it would be. he's nothing like i hoped for. and i know i now have a duty to my country and people but i only have one other person to voice my sadness and just...anger to. but it doesn't feel like enough. i feel like i need to do more to fix my life or i'll go insane."
at the end of her rant she lets out a long sigh, relaxing her shoulders and slumping back into the wall behind you. she looks at you for your reaction to see you smiling at her. "what could possibly be amusing right now?"
"nothing, nothing. it's not everyday you meet a beautiful monarch on the edge of killing her husband. well, i take that back." she rolls her eyes and gently smacks your arm at your jest.
"i just poured out feelings i've only told my most trusted servant and you're going to joke around with me?"
"i've found that during the most dire times, nothing makes me feel better than saying 'fuck all' and laughing."
she sits in silence, staring at you as she seems to think over your words. it feels like the two of you are drifting closer together, her blue eyes flicking from your eyes to lower to lower-
"yn! yn are you nearby?" the loud voice of anna from outside the library causes both of you to flinch and look to the doors, waiting with held breaths as the sounds of annas heels pass by. the sound of her crying out your name grows quieter, but you both know you have to depart soon.
"i suppose that means i have to go now," you groan, standing up and smoothing out the fabric of your dress as you look sophie. shes just looking at you with those big blue eyes of hers until she collects herself as well, "its time for me to see the emperor, i suppose. will i see you around the palace any time soon?"
"yes, you'll be seeing me around. at least i hope so." her gentle admission makes you smile, and she clasps her hands together in slight nervousness. "i don't have many friends here. its nice to talk to someone who understands."
you smile at each other for a few seconds more until the sound of anna's voice rings out in the halls again. wanting to stop her before she causes a ruckus, you sidestep sophie and leave the library quickly, heading towards your duties and leaving her behind in the library.
“where have you been? i've been looking for you all over this god-forsaken palace!” annas harsh whisper spits at you, the shorter woman grabbing your arm and yanking you towards her as she continues walking down one of the wide halls of the palace.
"im sure they heard you over in india, my dear friend," you tease, letting out a squeak when she pinches your arm, "i was just in the library and having a very interesting conversation with a young woman when-"
"dont even finish that sentence. i dont want to to know what you get up to in the shadows with young women." anna groans and stops walking when you get to a quaint but grandiose set of doors. she pushes them open to reveal a grand bedroom, fit with a small area to converse with others over tea and snacks, a wide desk near the window with your bags containing your papers and documents set beside it, and the back of the room contains a large bed and intricate designs on the bedframe and sheets.
“nice of him to give us a grand room after his grand absence.” you deadpan, nodding thanks to anna and flopping down on the chaise near the fireplace. you kick your feet up and let out a long groan, closing your eyes and resting your arm over your eyes.
“dont talk like that, I heard he has spies inside of the walls,” anna jokes, closing the chamber doors and striding to sit in the armchair next to you. “besides, we’ve been formally invited to dine with the emperor, and his wife tonight, along with some of the other important members of his court. this could be your chance to judge his character, see what he's like to plan how you’ll go about your proposals with him for trading.”
you groan louder, smiling over at anna’s burst of laughter. “i have the feeling he'll be too consumed in drinking himself silly and doing whatever else these russians do."
"well then, lets at least get you dressed to the nines so he'll feel completely embarrassed that he turned down the chance to speak to you earlier." anna gets up and moves to your bags, propping them open and pulling out a gown that's not too gaudy but just lavish enough for a dinner with an emperor.
you smile, already imagining the look on the emperors' face when he realizes what an idiot he was for turning you down.
so, it turns out that peter was a bigger idiot than you thought.
upon entering the dining hall you come to see that the room is still mostly empty, save for a few maids preparing the table for dinner and what looks to be the chef getting into a heated debate with another servant.
walking over, the pair seem to stop speaking instantly when they notice you, bowing over as a sign of respect and not moving until you ask them a question.
“hello, i’m princess y/n. i was told i was to dine with the emperor and company, am i too early?”
“n-no your highness, i believe the emperor is a tad bit busy at the moment. he should be joining you soon.” the servant tells you, stuttering over some of his words as he fixes his position to look at you while speaking.
anna quickly takes her place in front of you, clearly able to tell by the shift in your stance that your mood has quickly soured upon hearing that peter has the gall to do this again. shes right in the middle of explaining when noises from the kitchen cause her and the room to go silent. you're on the verge of asking what it was when it comes about again.
very damn loud moaning.
if you weren't so furious you'd be laughing your ass off, and by the way anna’s posture goes rigid you can tell she's holding herself back from doing the same. the chef and servant look so red you wouldn't be surprised if they were the tomatoes that were on the menu. you got the feeling that the embarrassment was from you having to bear witness, and that they'd likely been through this before.
“i think…we are going to find our seats now.” you let out a long exhale from your nose and smooth off your dress, putting on an amused and polite smile.
you roughly grab anna’s arm and pull her to the end of one of the tables, you sit yourself down in a chair in the middle of one of the side tables and she sits in the one to your left.
“look, your highness, we can walk through the gardens, w-we can go for another roundabout this damn gaudy castle, but can we please not stay here and listen to russian lovemaking session? and you've got that scheming look in your eye that you know i hate-”
“we’re staying here.” you cut her off, your tone letting her know your say is final. she fake pouts and sits correctly in her seat, staring at the wall ahead of her as you both try to ignore the familiar sounds of skin meeting and the rampant onslaught of moaning and groaning.
it feels like the longest few minutes of your life. as the seconds tick by a few more people slowly start to enter, all wearing posh clothing and powdered wigs that make it seem like they'd walked right out of a cheaper version of france. but you remain polite, smile, and do the basic introductions when they come up to you. you notice how they all ignore the unmistakable sounds of ecstasy from the kitchen as well.
you have to press your lips in a thin line when thomas rushes into the room and sits in the other chair next to you, hurriedly giving his greetings to the other court members and turning to you. he raises his brow in confusion at your teasing look, then follows your eyesight to the timid orlo who had entered the room and had sat near the head table. thomas’s face flushes when he turns back to you.
“stop it, nothing happened,” he whispers,” we discussed what's going to be addressed at your meeting with peter.”
your brow twitches.
“i think emperor peter has his hands full with other responsibilities.”
thomas’s mouth opens to ask you to elaborate when an “oh god, yes!” booms from the kitchen. anna snorts as his face shows mass embarrassment.
“he did tell us russians were very different, y/n.” anna jokes, butting her head from your side to look directly at thomas. “they’re crass, rude, and what was it, T? oh yes, vulgar.”
you’re on the brink of closing your eyes and banging your head on the table when the site of a familiar mop of bright blonde hair grabs your attention and nearly makes you sit straight up from your seat. you don't even hear the sound of your friends asking what the matter is, all you can hear is the sound of your heart beating erratically. it’d scare you half to death if you weren't so excited.
she makes eye contact with you and you smile, nodding politely. she nods back, looking on edge as she moves farther into the room.
“that's the woman i was talking to earlier,” you say, turning your head towards anna. she nods and smiles, and you decide not to acknowledge how it's the you've got another crush don't you bitch smile.
“she’s pretty.” anna whispers.
“she’s sophie.” you tell her.
“she’s princess catherine.” thomas butts in.
you don't get the chance to question him when a man burst through the doors of the hall, his clothes in disarray and his hair even more so.
his beady blue eyes connect with yours, the man smiling as he would at an old friend and clapping his hands before raising them above his head.
“ah! your highness! welcome to the palace, i hope you've found your stay comfortable so far.” he greets you too little too late, getting distracted halfway through his sentence as a brunette woman in the same state of dishevelment, the pair smiling at each other as she passes to sit next to another man, his smile strained as she presses a kiss to his cheek.
“it’s certainly been memorable so far, your majesty,” you answer, your eyes following him as he moves next to soph-catherine, whose eyes dart between you and her apparent husband. she sits down, seeming to decide there’s no point in making eye contact as she stares at the china on the table.
“well, i hope during your stay you find many more things to remember. boris! bring us our food!” peter shouts, clapping his hands together as he turns toward the kitchen. it's a struggle to keep a courteous smile on your face.
the dinner is odd, to say the least. throughout most of it, peter is boasting about himself and his accomplishments, which honestly don't sound like anything important to you and more like thing your child brother was worrying about the last time you saw him. but he wasn't completely an idiot. just mostly.
the other half of your amusement comes from your new blonde friend. over the course of the dinner she continues to avoid you like the plague, only joining in conversation with you when prompted by peter. you aren't a fool, you know most diplomatic marriages are purely that, but you can help but notice the way she looks at him when he speaks. it's not just fatigue or distaste, its something more. something sharper.
when you and the other nobles have finished eating peter insists on moving the festivities to a parlor room, giving you some semblance of hope for a normal evening. which was quickly thwarted by the dancers and loud music and even more alcohol. its not all bad though, you get to see anna convince thomas to drink some hard liquor, resulting in him spouting from a chair about the history of the wood it was made from.
while laughing you notice from the corner of your eye catherine whisper something to one of the guards near the door before rushing out. looking around you, you see how no one seems to take much notice to the empress’s quick disappearance, so you simply stand up and walk out the door as well.
you underestimate how quickly the empress can walk, only able to catch glimpses of her skirts as she darts around hallway corners. after a few minutes of trailing her you find yourself in the palace gardens, only getting a few seconds to admire the hedges. catherine starts to slow down to catch a breather and you can faintly hear her muttering something to herself before you come up behind her.
“going for a little late night stroll, your majesty?” you question, keeping a cool smile when she turns around and looks at you like a startled doe.
“y/n, i mean, your highness, i didn't take you for a person who admires gardens.”
“and i didn't take you for someone to lie so easily, but i guess today is the day for surprises.”
you both go silent at your rebuttal, only the sounds of crickets in the garden and the faint noise of the still partying emperor in the distance being heard.
“i apologize, your majesty,” you sigh, remembering that you're here to make peace with the Russian and getting catty with them isn't the best idea. “i didn't mean to be rude. I'm just upset that you lied to me about who you were when i made it very clear who i was.”
catherine sighs as well, wringing her hands together as she steps closer yo you. “im sorry as well. for lying to you and avoiding you. its just that…you’re different than the other people around here.”
“i hadn't noticed. was it my complexion or my soberness?” you joke, laughing along with the empress when she giggles.
“more than that, you listened to me.”
the simple sentence felt like a light punch to the gut. it reminds you of the countless times you would sneak away to the village from your palace, conversing with the people in the market so you could have a normal conversation without someone sucking up to you. how you’d even settle for someone telling you off for bumping into their shoulders was appreciated because it was so real. you had to admit you had even found some joy and amusement in peter’s complete disregard for your visitation.
“i understand. truly, i do.” you mimic her previous actions and step closer, the distance between the two of you only about a few feet at this point. you take the chance to take her in more. they fly away hairs that frame her face, the few freckles that dust across her nose, and the softness of her lips…
she starts speaking again, causing you to compose yourself. slightly.
“thank god. it was just that as soon as you started talking to me like a human being i couldn't get enough of it.” she blurts, her lips pursing at the implications of what she said.
“its alright, i felt the same. i still do. I'm up for another chat as we walk if you are.”
she smiles. “i think i’ll take you up on that offer.”
the two of you talk about everything and nothing as you walk, with you teasing her for her rather foolish husband and her laughing along and agreeing. she tells you how often she’s found herself sick of him these past few weeks and that darkness returns to her eyes.
“i mean I've truly met some incompetent leaders but your husband truly takes the cake,” you chuckle as you slightly kick away a pebble. “im surprised no ones tried to overthrow him at this point.”
you keep walking for a few more steps before you notice catherine has stopped behind you, frozen in place. her face is conflicted, her lips in a pout and creases forming between her brows. you gently call her name and are shocked at the sudden intensity behind her eyes. even more so when her head darts to look around in all directions before she rushes to you and pulls you behind a bush and holds you by your shoulders.
“if i tell you something, something that could change you life, do you promise to keep it between us?”
“yes of course,” you answer, and you'd be slightly embarrassed at the speed of your answer if your brain wasn't preoccupied with her closeness.
“if i told you that someone was planning to revolt against peter, what would you say? honestly?”
“that it seems rather overdue at this point.”
her eyes scan your face, looking for something before she lets out a breath. “im planning a coup. against peter.”
you don't reply. you simply look at her, waiting for the crack of a smile or an eye roll or anything she didn't mean what she just said. but it doesn't come.
“you’re quite serious?” you ask.
“deadly. me, my handmaiden, and one of his advisors have been talking about it. we should have one of the generals on our side shortly and i thought with your support as well-”
“my support? catherine as much as i don't think that man should be on the throne, you do realize if this fails i could be targeted and killed?”
“we won't fail,” she states and says it with such assurance you find yourself fully believing her.
“well, how am i supposed to help from all the way in my country? it doesn't seem like peter is much interested in an alliance so me giving you resources isn't exactly on the table.”
“leave that to me. he’s done some horrible things to me in the last few weeks so if i ask for this as a gift i’m sure he’ll accept.” she tells, her grip on your shoulders steady as she gives you a bright smile.
you grin. “you really are something extraordinary, empress catherine.”
“sophie. you can call me sophie.”
her words are no more than a whisper, and its silent yet again. your eyes quickly look from her eyes to her lips to back, and you catch her doing the same. her head starts to lean in, and you slowly start to do the same until her lips graze yours-
“your majesty? catherine where are you?”
its almost violent the way you pull apart from each other, your respective hands quickly smoothing out your clothes to make sure you look presentable. when you finish your eyes look at each other, and she still has that dark look in hers with an added dash of a hunger you know all too well.
“catherine? are you over here-there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you.” orlo comes from around the corner, looking exasperated as he rests his hands on his hips. when he notices you however he resumes an appropriate posture. “your highness, im terribly sorry that i didn't see you. catherine, i will talk to you later-”
“its alright, orlo. i told her and she’s agreed to join us.”
“you what?”
the emperor's discussion room is wide and bright, the sun shining in the windows and creating a warm feeling. it could be because your friends are on both sides of you, or because catherine is sitting beside peter with a barely concealed look of excitement on her face.
“princess y/n! i apologize for yesterday. i was very busy, as you could see.” peter clasps his hands together and smiles at you like you understand his excuses.
“all is well, your majesty. i know that certain pleasures can distract us from our responsibilities. i don't mind. is there a reason you called me here?”
his eyes squint. “why yes. there is. i would like to officially form an alliance with genovia immediately. my wife here was telling me about your encounters yesterday and how you seem like a more than perfect ally.”
you and catherine share a look.
“where do i sign?”
its a rather quick process to sign a piece of paper that changes history, and when its over things feel different. permanent. peter gives you a handshake before departing, just leaving catherine. she warily opens her arms for a hug, and you envelop her in your arms.
“welcome to the winning side of history,” she whispers in your ear, and you can help the excitement that rushes through you.
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snekplush · 10 months
yall is there an aromantic term for “I like the idea of being in a romantic relationship in theory but irl I would rather crumble into a dried raisin” bcs these google searches aint helpin. Aegoromantic seemed right at first, but then I found that its more disconnected from the aro person themself and focused on them enjoying the idea of romantic relationships being depicted using others in stuff like fanfic. (unless I got the definition wrong) Lithoromantic doesnt seem right either because its feeling romantic attraction to someone, and then it ends once its reciprocated. It feels different from cupioromantic because they want a relationship, but feel none of the attraction. I like the idea of it, like daydreaming famtasies abt just snoozing with a romantic partner, but once I tap back into reality I go: hell naw.
Can someone tell me if I got the definitions wrong or if what Im feeling is different. Because I like reading x reader fanfics, in fact its like a good 3/4 of what I read. I like the idea of being in a relationship with someone who I genuinely love and doing all the marriage lovey dovey stuff IN THEORY. But once I get out of my head and the fanfics and think abt if I would actually do it? Actually kiss, cuddle, date, and settle down with someone that way? Nah Im good.
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
THE ACCIDENTAL POLAROID- 20::: Love, Y/N ( written::: 0.47K )
( warnings::: none )
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This was a bad idea. This was the worst out of the bad ideas you've ever had but there you were again finding your way to Heeseung's locker, an envelope clutched in your hand.
You didn't know what putting "things right" meant but all you wanted was to apologize to him and after what he had said, talking to him face-to-face might just make matters worse (also sending letters was romantic and you were a coward). Needless to say, you had cursed yourself a countless times for your actions that day.
When you reached the locker, you quickly looked around your surroundings to check for any signs of him before slipping it past the slot and, quite literally, sprinting away in the opposite direction to hide behind a pillar.
After a while of waiting, you saw Heeseung approach from the distance. Your stomach did a sudden flip at his sight.
Now, the said boy was living in much the same dilemma, of how to walk up to you and kiss you talk to you. At least his friends had been successful on putting some sense into him.
Heeseung opened the locker only to find a big creme coloured envelope inside. He furrowed his eyebrows before opening it.
Inside it was a polaroid, tucked safely along with a letter. He took in a sharp breath. The polaroid of yours he took months ago. Your face bent down, a small pretty smile grazing your face.
Dear Heeseung or should i say 'mr.H'?,
So i kinda figured out you'll be the only who sent me this polaroid, im not wrong right? Cuz you have terrible photography skills! Im kinda sad that it's already fading :( i cant believe that it was one damned polaroid that lead me to you. But i wouldn't have it any other way
Moving on, lemme get straight to the point. Im sorry for what i did and im also sorry for being a coward and not being able to tell you this personally (also i figured you wouldn't wanna talk to me). Nothing can compare to what i did that day... and s*ngh**n told me that b4 i kissed him, i said that i missed you. Yes, you, Lee Heeseung. And ik our relation wont prolly get back to normal but i hope you accept my apology... its okay if you don't forgive me, now or ever.
But in the end, i like you heeseung. A lot. And i wish we could take more polaroids like this one, i wish we could document our lives in polaroids and when we get old we'll see those fading pieces of paper and laugh at ourselves.
- Love, Y/N.
From your crouched position behind the pillar you saw as Heeseung folded the paper and stalked the other way. It meant nothing, he was just walking away but why did you then feel your heart sink?
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SUMMARY- Lee Heeseung doesn't believe in love at first sight but what happens when he accidentally clicks a polaroid of a girl at the local diner? A girl he can't seem to get out of his mind.
Will he be able to return you the polaroid or will love follow him along the way?
GENRE- smau with written parts, college!au, strangers to lovers, fluff, crack, angst (veryyy slight), slight love triangle
TAGLIST- open! send an ask or comment to be added- @yenqa @xuimhao @ddazed-lhs @astrae4 @ghostiiess @seungminstaehyun @haechansbbg @chaechae-23 @ak-aaa-li @whippedforbeomgyu @ahnneyong @ineedaherosavemeenow @jhopesucker @j-wyoung @tnyhees @liliansun @rikizm @jadeluvsenha
( bold = cannot tag )
AN- enjoy the cliffhanger my loves 😘... also if yall want pls vote whether yall will prefer love theory ( summary ) to be a smau here! 🙏🏼
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ill speak my fucking truth, the TUA s4 ending was BULLSHIT.
alright alright, i get yall's issues ab five and lila, but i also understand it to some extent.
but one thing we can all agree on is how full of plot holes, unanswered questions, and how shitty of an ending we've got. also, it was so fucking rushed! hell.
to address the ending; why the fuck? why? why would our comfort characters cease to fucking exist? in all timelines, they've fought so hard to build good lives. it was bound to be ruined, but them to fucking cease to exist? thats wild!
and alright what about the other kids with marigold? (?) there were about what, 40+(?) born, right? where are they? this cant be real.
to address some other plot holes..
ray: what do you MEAN he just.. walked out on allison? they loved each other dearly, we sidnt get a fucking explanation?
sissy, SLOANE??: what, did these characters just disappear into thin air? if ray is alive, why couldn't sissy be, too? mostly after the big part harlan played in the third season. also, where the fuck did sloane go? so ben survived, but sloane just, what? disintegrated??? turned into pure marigold? hell.
ben?: why is no one talking about him? his love story was rushed, his motives were a bit stupid (not entirely, so i could excuse this), also he just fucking died and nobody seemed to actually care? klaus had little to no reaction and he was the closest to ben? what the hell is going on?
viktor: we ve gotten none of his backstory. we see a supposedly ex gf of his at the start, and they say he s getting every girl in town. what is he, afraid of commitment? a player? not able to sort his priorities? also, how come he didn't suffer any consequence after literally sucking those particles out of ben!? i mean, his body's got a fuck ton of marigold, and in theory when coming into contact with that bs particle; he should've what, exploded!?
reggie: how and why is reggie for once, supposedly nice? until now he played a role snd at the evnd revealed a facade and it being some evil plan. this time over though, what we see is what we get. he trusted viktor, he followed up on his word, gave him time, gave him chances, called so many times, and in the end, told his wife that he wishes to save it and couldnt believe it was her behind it. so why is he no longer evil? what's up with that?
jennifer: soo why was she inside a squid? what happened to her parents? how did she get that power? why is she destined to meet ben? erremmm.. so many plot holes w her.
commision: (i might be very wrong here and not remember the past seasons, feel free correct me if im wrong.) but ure telling me, that in NO timeline the commision still exists? lila and five have managed to travel through hundreds of them over the span of 6.5 years. and all of this, none of those timelines were helpful? or.. anything at all? i wish their arc wasnt so rushed, maybe more ppl would see through it. it didnt feel like 7 years. it felt like 2 months.
diego: throughout the season we see him getting clowned on for being a "failure" and being "fat" only for him to look the same, fucking ripped too, and be normal, react like a normal person would. he was a good, hard working father and good husband with pure intentions. what was all that for?
claire: i need to see more of her. we know klaus' been sober for 3 yrs, but its been 6. which menas that claure has seen that "bad, sick" side of klaus. we see her know how to recognise that he was relapsing. i wish we saw more of her childhood, her with allison and how she got so closs to klaus.
it all was so rushed. idk ill add more if i remember more chat.
if any of you want to see me address lila and five, i've made other posts. i think their arc was important, not necessarily asked for, but justified, too. i'll folloe up with more posts and answer questions. no hate here.. js opinions:).
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aroacesigma · 7 months
quick rant about fandom shit and the way aroaces and aspecs get treated because im starting to get a tad annoyed sometimes . none of this probably makes much sense but anyway
as an oriented aroace person (for the moots who dont know, fully aromantic and asexual person who experiences a tertiary form of attraction, im bi-alterous personally) , i get the fun experience of watching people weaponise my identity against my own representation . nothing more painful than watching someone treat queerplatonic relationships as an easy way of pretending aromanticism doesnt exist and using it as a gotcha when really its just romance lite and an easy excuse to them.
this probably doesnt make a lot of sense, but i see a lot of people ignoring the aroace part of oriented aroaces or my grey/demi siblings . they dont see the aroace part, they see the bi or the gay or the lesbian part and they ignore the aroace bit . almost as if they expect us, and therefore the fictional characters they use our identities as an excuse for, to prioritise the other part of our orientation over the aroace bit, when many of us … dont. personally, the aroace bit is way more important than the bi bit to me . way more . being bi in that capacity is completely affected by me being aroace when its not the other way round, and im sure many people feel the same .
its invalidating as fuck watching people say 'oh, but aroace people still want relationships !!! i can do this im not doing anything wrong !!!' and cite oriented aroace people as some evidence or whatever . because its so blatantly obvious that they dont see us as really aroace . because thats not what they need, if they saw us as really aroace theyd be repulsed as hell, right ! fandoms hate aspecs !
anyway yeah so if yall couldnt tell this has been prompted by uh . hazbin hotel , though a lot of my feelings are left over from my brief venture into the owl house fandom on twitter . not vague posting anyone on here i just keep getting annoying youtube recommendations and instagram posts .
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