#im shaking him by the shoulders
ardentpoop · 5 months
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ghostlycleric · 1 month
This one really obvious lip glance Mike does at the roller rink WASNT RANDOM.
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When Will admits that El’s been lying to him, Mike calls bs, and then Will NUDGES HIM. He does it when he says “no listen to me” but his hand is offscreen. It’s very subtle but I swear u can literally see Mike shake like Will grabbed his arm and shook it a bit to get his attention.
That’s what that look was, it wasnt a completely random lip glance from Mike, it was cause Will shook him. Mike was defensive at first, calling bs, but then Will touches him and suddenly the defense is down and he believes him. His tone of voice completely changes and everything.
Something something Will has a tendency to nudge Mike like that during all their arguments where they aren’t seeing eye to eye and Mike is getting defensive. Something something Mike has picked up on that and now takes that as a sign that Will is being serious and he needs to slow down and listen to him. Something something theyre such a good team even when theyre arguing.
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shivroy · 6 months
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disco dudes
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sorrelpaws · 9 months
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ofthecaravel · 3 months
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I forgive it all as it comes back to me ✨☀️
Bonus with no text:
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opikiquu · 8 months
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whatever you do, don't think about how lana saw herself in edgeworth, ok? don't think about how she wanted to distance herself from him the moment they met because he could possibly see through the sl-9 plan and ruin everything, but she couldn't because he was kind, if not a little awkward, to her terrified sister in a case where everyone else's only concern was securing a conviction. don't think about how she brought ema to the prosecutor's office (because she damn well wasn't going to let her sister face this alone) with her hackles raised and her defences bolstered because she'd heard about the "demon prosecutor" and his ways just to realise he's nothing but a young man, trying his best to survive under the weight of his mentor's shadow and ensure justice is served by whatever means he can. don't think about how she felt later, when she was under gant's thumb and knew for a fact that all those rumours surrounding von karma's perfect record were, in fact, true and that he was using edgeworth's faith in him to fulfill his own goals. don't think about how she felt when she had to begin doing the same. or what must have gone through her head when she entered her office one morning to find a case approval form waiting for her on her desk: the state v. miles edgeworth. don't think about how she knew, once she saw the name of the prosecutor assigned to his case, that she was signing his death warrant. don't imagine what she rehearsed saying to his sister or her realisation, after his miraculous survival, why he had been so understanding of her own. don't wonder, as she did, ineffectually, if it was his competence or her fondness for him that led to his car and knife being chosen to cover goodman's murder — a second attempt at his permanent removal — and whether it was affection or guilt that made her stand by the corpse, waiting readily to be caught in his stead. don't think about how she finds out, eventually, that he is gone, in a jail cell so far from remorse, gratitude and closure that she can only sit and turn in her head distorted thoughts about luck and fortuitous third chances. don't.
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martyrbat · 2 months
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alexa play gary come home :((
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alienssstufff · 8 months
I need to talk about Slime’s proposal to Foolish.  Yes, it can be seen as a bit of a revenge for Mariana flirting with Foolish in the past, and trying to make Mariana jealous, sure. But more than that, Slime just wants to be happy. And he sees Foolish as having that. Whereas Slime is the have-not. The beggar desperate for a crumb of happiness to be spared to him. Thinking that if only he could’ve gotten a more ‘fortunate’ pairing like Foolish and Vegetta, then maybe he wouldn’t have had to go through so much heartbreak and anguish.  But the reality is, he doesn’t love Foolish in a genuinely romantic way. He doesn’t connect with him on a deeper level, as the disparity between their fortune and misfortune creates distance between them. Like how Foolish often offers Slime support, but it’s through a lens of pity / looking down on him.
The misfortune and flawedness of Mariana is EXACTLY what makes Slime so madly in love with him. Because Slime relates to that, he understands that, he connects with that in a way that he CAN’T with others. They both constantly feels like outsiders around happy, well-adjusted people. It’s their fucked up flaws, their painful experiences, their misfortune that bonds them together. It’s also why Quackity was always his closest friend, frequently bonding over how poor and tragic they both were.
yessss thats the same for him flirting and gatecrashing q!Cellbit's wedding. He doesn't love him, he barely even knows him - but he knows for sure Cellbit is leagues happier than he is... And that's not fair. A lot of the outrageous things Slime does is because it's not fair, and no one is going to do anything about that unless he makes a scene and destroys himself in the process.
The desc between what slimeriana are now is a complicated one - does he truly love her? does he truly not? Yet it's the misfortune that they are defined as that keeps pushing them together. As much as he denies his bond to q!Mariana, the world will forever dub them The Missclickers because they are simply "Made for eachother" and because no one else is deranged enough to stoop to their level.
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
hi 3l rewatcher im back i think my least favourite Scott Moment is the cake thing in ep7. it starts with jimmy finding the cake and yelling for scott. scott then proceeds to ask jimmy to yell quieter because it terrified him SCOTT THEN PROCEEDS TO SPEND LIKE A GOOD MINUTE terrorizing jimmy with the cake. then hes like lol i put it there AND HE says he put it there because he knew jimmy would react like that. i want to put him in a glass jar and shake it aggressively.
The cake..... It's like one of the few cute 3L FH moments I can think of but only without the surrounding context, so unfortunately to me it is still pain, as it is to you lol. Scott 'why are you acting like this' to 'I knew you would act like that' is this a game to you. Is it fun toying with Jimmy's feelings the way you've conditioned them to be. Is it fun exercising his dependance on you. Jimmy in part got 3 people killed because of a TNT trap although you told him to keep distance. You're always right, you know Jimmy thinks this, you knew he'd come to you, and then you feign surprise that he doesn't trust himself to touch a suspicious cake. Though it was mostly Grian's fault, Jimmy blames himself for all of those 3 deaths and you did nothing but reinforce that. Is it fun Scott is it fun toying with that paranoia. God help me
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A recent development
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mojaves · 1 year
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there's still a heart under that ice-cold exterior. i hope.
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jewishgir · 4 months
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purrvaire · 8 months
lads i fear that izzy carving a little wooden shark might have ended my sanity for good
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
ok but fredotto is sweet and all but have you considered the comedic potential. like ottos gonna be nice to her and all but like not only is his luck gonna leave him half dead in a ditch every day, its gonna transfer over to fred. like shes gonna end up broke someday i swear. and then ottos over here getting mysteriously injured (brawled with subaru again), making unhinged rants on the daily (got pissed off over either a minor inconvenience or a Major (in his head) inconvenience), and he keeps trying to spy on roswaal and clind to varying degrees of success while freds poor brother garf is left with the despair that not only is HIS older brother figure insane but also hes now dating garfs sister. fredotto will go out for their first date and itll start raining for no reason and otto will break every bone in his body after tripping over a puddle. fred looks away for one second and ottos starting a fight with clind (also totally not to get revenge for fred). subaru ram petra and garf all tell fred that she can do better than otto. fred meets ottos family and theyre all like “yeah good luck lol”. someone looks at fred funny once bc of her demihuman traits and otto proceeds to get rid of that person behind freds back. she contemplates all her life decisions when she sees otto once again punching the shit out of subaru. garf consolingly pats her on the back. otto returns from a business trip one day and gifts her a stunning bouquet of flowers but he is literally covered in blood bc he got into another accident (or…. “accident”…). unbeknownst to her he is also trying to figure out if cat flirting tactics work on cat demihumans (or if thats actually like super offensive). he is blushing hardcore the moment he sees her fighting for the first time. this is because he wants to get stepped on— *gets shot*
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fooltofancy · 1 month
important to understand that my approach to oc design and characterization depends explicitly on how i'm playing that specific game, like. a thing you should know about ilya is that he is the kind of person who will dive into the middle of a large pull ahead of the tank and pop all of his mitigation while screaming because i get distracted and do that. constantly.
... it's the siren's call of the big aoe damage noises, ok.
#mostly im thinking about these things because they're the easy things to think about#i am. very. very. bad. at like deeplore dives lmao#so bad!!!!!!! i'm here for the emotional complexity do Not ask me where this man lives i don't know#... i do know.#once it starts branching out into history and family lore and godforbid fucking cultural lore i am just#so dumb. i'm so dumb i was not designed for worldbuilding even if it's just the world of one weird little guy#v invested in other people's sandboxes because mine is very small and it's also just full of rocks.#anyway.#my partner: BABY MOOOOOOOOODE#me: it's okay my heal is up it'll be FINE#also increasingly play casters like melee dps so everybody gets to suffer that as well#ilya standing directly under a very large guy in his stupid leylines like MANAWARD'S UP IT'S FINE#.... i dont play blm as much now honestly because to contribute i have to be less stupid. and that's not fun.#i really. REALLY enjoy the big melee dps damage noises#they're across the board better than caster noises. so disappointing because in my heart i am On Fire#sam+pal noises are the best noises in the game#SPINNING#i'm thinking too hard about backstories and it's not going well lmao#grabbing this creature by the shoulders and shaking him violently like WHO ARE YOOOOOOOU#concussed probably his brain is just sloshing around in there#babg mode blogging#this is also why he's canonically A Guy Who Touches Things He Shouldn't#because i'm that guy.#i'm the guy who touches things.#this explains sehren also like she would not be who she is if i didnt play dragona age with wild hubris and abandon#.... it wasnt fun unless i was wildly underleveled in places i didnt belong ok#every if mc ive gotten invested in also
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