#im smart im learning how tumblr works so fast
untisun · 1 month
I changed my username cause it was a mouthfull!! "Untotitled"? Really? - I was too lazy to come up with anything, but I finally got something. I went outside (unusual) and the first thing I saw: the sun! So now I'm an untitled sun! Or in short, Untisun. Wow, still not titled.
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🖤🌸holy shit it had been a long time- I TOOK A BREAK FROM TUMBLR BUT IM BACK NOW WITH MORE BRAINROT. I wanted to ask u. What do you think of Gin being a lightweight? And Shunsui and Jushiro drinking with him, shocked ? 😂
Hello my friend! I’m glad you’re back!
As always you bring such fun topics to talk about 🖤
So I absolutely believe Gin cannot handle his alcohol, for a few reasons!
The first being, he never got the typical childhood. He went to the academy as a young boy, and excelled through it quickly. He never had any of those teenage parties where they experimented with alcohol and their limits. He didn’t go through school with peers his own age, therefore didn’t have any “friends” his age to go through those experiences with when he reached that age. He never grew a tolerance for it, and never learned his limits.
The people he spent the most time with while transitioning to a child to an adult would’ve been Aizen and Tousen. Both of which aren’t big drinkers themselves. Aizen would maybe indulge in an expensive glass of wine with dinner every so often, but that is all. Tousen I can’t see Finding any enjoyment in drinking, and chooses to abstain.
I would also like to factor in Gin’s physique. He’s so skinny, I’m convinced he hasn’t seen a good hot meal for quite some time. And we all Know the downfall of drinking on an empty stomach 🙃
The biggest and most important factor, is Gin had chosen from an early age that he would be the one to bring Aizen down, working as a secret double agent to ensure Aizen fails in his quest to ascend the heavens. Gin is smart and calculated, he knows full well that “loose lips sinks ships” and would take precautions to ensure Aizen never finds out about his plan to take him down.
He can’t afford to have his inhibitions lowered, must always keep up the facade to ensure he reaches his goals.
He was woefully unprepared for how persistent Kyoraku is 😂
We all know just how desperate that man is to have a drinking buddy who can keep up with him. Sure, he has Jushiro who will happily keep him company as he slowly drinks himself to the edge of sanity.. but it can get tiring being the only one drinking while your friend smiles on patiently. Not to mention the times Jushiro is too unwell or simply to busy to join him.
I think he has had a good few drinking partners over the years… Yourichi, Shinji, Isshin. Unfortunately they’ve all left him to drink alone once more. Kenpachi is good in a pinch, the man can hold his liquor ! but trying to get any decent conversation out of him… you’d have better luck trying to get water not to be wet. 😂
I believe Kyoraku would corner Gin one day, and before he knew what was happening he was sat opposite the two older captains wondering how the hell this happened. Without thinking of any believable reason why he had to go, Gin would try and wait Kyoraku out. The man had a reputation. Surly he’d be slumped over falling asleep soon, where he could easily leave him to the practiced hands of Jushiro, who had more patience than any one man should.
He failed to recognise two things. The first being, Kyoraku can drink an obscure amount of alcohol before he got into that state. The second being Gins near non existent tolerance would be no match for the high percentage alcohol Kyoraku favoured.
The first drink went down fine, a little fuzzy around the edges, but manageable. He could still walk home perfectly capable of hiding his true intentions. He could engage in conversation while keeping all of his secrets deeply guarded.
The second was a little more worrisome. His real laugh came out unexpectedly at one of Kyorakus filthy jokes. Muscles relaxed and the room suddenly feeling a little bit warm. But he was fine, right? A little tipsy, but still in somewhat control of his actions. The room tilted if he moved to fast and he couldn’t quite get the smile off his face
It’s the third that tips him over. His normally pale complexion is flushed red, one eye is tightly closed while the other tries to focus hard enough to stop the world from spinning around him. His words are slurred and heavy, sounding fine to his own ears yet almost indistinguishable to everyone else. When the hiccups start, so did the giggling.
Kyoraku and Ukitake would share a disbelieving look at the absolute state this man had gotten in after only three drinks… even Ukitake could handle more than that..
Kyoraku would pout at the disappointing loss of yet another drinking buddy prospect. Though he did quite enjoy watching Gin sway and stumble his way into nearly every wall, tree and person they passed on the way to his home as Ukitake frantically tried to steer him in the right way.
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lexifer-666 · 4 months
musings abt my personal life and also comparing it to my special interest because why not im getting philosophical. under the cut
I always related to him, especially the first time I watched the show in 2019. I was, like Quentin, a depressed super-nerd who couldn't run away from life fast enough. Someone who wanted more in life than what I'd been given. I was freshly in college, in a whole new environment than where I grew up. I was finally among people who cared more about farming and hunting and jesus, I was in **my** brakebills. But.... It still wasn't enough? Something was still wrong. For me, the beast was that... Feeling inside of me that I wasn't good enough. That my existence was a burden. There's a lot of trauma reasons for this, stuff i won't really get into in this post.
so like.... I indulge in escapism. a little too much. I get attached to fictional characters that i relate to, or see myself in, and my favorite show ever is The Magicians. As much as I would love to sit here and be like "I'm so much like Eliott! Gender!"
By god I am a fucking Quentin instead.
Like quentin... I'm not particularly *good* at anything. I'm decent at art, I'm decently smart, I can write like a motherfucker and I can talk my way out of things if I really need to. But... These are all pretty average skills compared to the people around me. When I compared myself to him in the past, I always focused on the negative traits he had that I related to.
One thing I noticed in the show, and why Quentin was the main character and not someone super-talented like Julia, Alice or Penny... Was that he was one resilient son of a bitch. He kept going no matter how many times he got knocked down, even if he didn't feel like he was still going. He would motivate everyone else to keep going too, instead of just giving up. Even though he was constantly running, running from himself and his own life... Eventually he stopped running, turned around and went "Fuck it, either I fix this or no one else will." And... Stopped running. Started living.
That's.... What I've been doing the past 24 years. Running, avoiding... Running from myself, my past, running even from the things and people that make me happy. I don't know why, it's like I'm afraid to let anything get too close to me... To get too real. But that's the thing, isn't it? Everything is real. Running from it isn't going to change that.
That's not something I really picked up on the first few times I watched the show. Because I was still running, myself. But... I don't know. I saw a post on here earlier that was along the lines of "I've learned I can't avoid my way into a life I enjoy."
I think... It's probably about the time I do what Quentin did. Just... Stop running. Start fighting. Finally make the life I've always wanted.
I want my dad to know I'm his son, not his daughter. I want... The man I'm in love with to know I'm in love with him. I want my childhood best friend to know that even if he struggles with social isolation, that I'll always be there for him even if he has a hard time messaging me back. For one of my best friends in the world to know that them choosing me, staying my friend despite everything we went through together means so much more to me than I can ever express in words or actions. I want to dedicate myself fully to the things I enjoy: History, Archive work, writing, art. I want to stop avoiding making art or writing my stories because I'm too scared I'll make something terrible. I want to stop avoiding my studies because I'm afraid I'll fail. I want to stop being a coward and not telling those around me the things I want to tell them because I'm too scared to let my walls down and let them see me.
I don't know if that's gonna happen... Anytime soon. It's not like writing a sappy, philosophical tumblr post at 8pm on a friday night is gonna magically give me the courage I need to be... Vulnerable? Stop being so reserved? But... It also can't hurt. There's also the chance that at least, most of the people I mentioned in this post might read it, and that means at least indirectly I got to tell them how I feel. (R... S... hello!)
I've never really known who I was. I wasn't ever really allowed to *be* a person. But.... Idk. I think I'm figuring it out, finally. Even if it's just because I'm obsessed with a certain fictional character. (If you're reading this, and haven't watched The Magicians... Highly recommend.)
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neqeyam · 3 years
Kaeya Head Canons!
hey besties, me again! Kaeya brainrot hit hard today LOL, anyways some of these may be ooc bc I don’t main Kaeya anymore so i’ve forgotten a lot about his character plus I don’t read the lore (where tf do yall find it even). 
Also if some of my head canons for any charcter seem personal or have nothing to do with their character it’s me projecting LOL! 
anyways, onto the hcs!
(ps, thank you so much for the love on my last hc post! i really didn’t expect anyone to see it LOL)
He’s a menace. but everyone loves him
Kaeya skips, when he isn’t in a professional setting my guy is skipping. It’s so much faster than walking and more fun than walking. 
This^ is especially true when he’s out with his s/o. holding your hand, he’ll skip and force you to either jog or skip along with him to keep up. 
Again I say; he’s dating Albedo. Kaeya saw Albedo from across the bar and without missing a beat he got up, waltzed over and started flirting with him. Albedo had no idea what was happening, he then asked sucrose to accompany him the next time he went and it was sucrose who broke the news to Albedo that he was being flirted with. Kaeya laughed for 5 minutes and refuses to let Albedo forget it. 
(oh my god tell me why as soon as I go to write these they all leave my mf brain im sorry if these are terrible) 
Kaeya taught bennett how to sword fight, and still does on the rare occasion he has a free hour. 
^most people of Mondstadt think bennett went to Kaeya for help but that’s not true. Someone sent in a letter to AGM Jean (the hand writing looked suspiciously like Diluc’s but he refuses to admit it was him) saying that bennett was looking into learning the art of the sword. The next day Kaeya dispatched himself to look for bennett and for the next two months (technically it’s been like two years but bennett is a fast learner) Kaeya was a dad. 
Kaeya absolutely despises working out but he does it anyways because he wants to be able to pick up kids. 
Kaeya is AMAZING with kids, he makes jokes about hating them but when he sees one he melts. He has to work with them a lot because he is often dispatched for travel mishaps (hilichurls attacking carriages, that sort of thing) and often times the parents are injured so he has to comfort any kids that may be on scene. 
Kaeya is buff, absolutely jacked. you can’t see it because he dresses modestly (sorta) to down play his physical strength but my guy can deadlift like 350 LBS (idk if that’s a lot tbh I don’t workout anymore LMAO)
Kaeya is as smart as he is muscular. He’s among the smartest knights, probably top three (it goes kaeya, jean, lisa). HOWEVER, he ranks first in battle intelligence. my guy can analyse four opponents at the same time, find all their weak spots and exploit them in matter of seconds. 
Kaeya is also a master of manipulation. i can see it in his eyes, this man knows the mind of all his enemies, old and new. 
(wait now i’m imagining Kaeya riding a horse that’s full sprint HELP. I’m turning myself into a Kaeya simp....)  
Kaeya’s horse is all black except for a white patch that looks suspiciously like the star from Khaenri’ah (it’s on its lower neck). his horse is also by far the fastest in the entire company and was once part of a herd of horses that roamed Mondstadt’s country side. (Diluc helped him tame it but shhh nobody is supposed to know)
^Kaeya was extremely pissed of when Varka took his cavalry, still is in fact. I mean, he’s the cavalry captain damn it, find your own horses. Especially because there were enough horses so Kaeya’s could stay behind in case he needed it for something, but NOOOO Varka refused anything but teh best- which happened to be Kaeya’s horse.
Kayea’s named his horse Außenseiter, and that is absolutely a reflection of his feelings. 
Kaeya is fucking fantastic at masking what he’s feeling, you’ll never know what he’s actually feeling. If a situation starts to go downhill, you won’t know it until it’s practically too late because Kaeya is just. that. good. 
he’s also fucking fantastic at playing the long game. nobody knows but he’s the knights of favoniouses official interrogator and he is a menace. he always gets what he wants out of people, whether it takes two hours and two months, he gets it, and reports directly to AGM Jean his findings. 
Kaeya and Eula share ‘war stories’ (how they go their visions mostly, but other things like the way people treat Eula, and how they chalk Kaeya up to being ‘just a flirt’) 
he has a fan club. they aren’t as loud as the Diluc fan club but he knows they’re there. sometimes he’ll pop in on meetings and everyone just. fucking freezes bc their lord and savior- THE Kaeya is standing in their presence. he loves them. 
He openly talks about liking anyone he wants to so that the youth of mondstadt can talk about as well. and the LGBTQ+ of mondstadt know that if they’re having a problem with someone they have his permission of threaten said person with his name. 
^and archons hope he isn’t in the vicinity when it reaches that point. all rational goes out the window and then he’s all threats and no jokes. with a threatening smile that screams “test me, see what happens” 
^then he treats whoever was being disrespected to a meal, on him.
and that’s all for now! thanks again for the love on my first head canon post! i really need to learn how to use tumblr so i can make a masterlist of these LOL. there will definitely be more coming soon!
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marvelouslyalwaysme · 4 years
Alright so I just finished utopia falls on Hulu and I just really quick wanted to rant and ramble about all the characters and my overall opinion of the show before I see what Tumblr has to say about it, so this this is going to be messy and long (buckle in) you've been warned (MAJOR SPOILERS BTW, DUH)
just real quick, Sage and Brooklyn were very cute and I'm so happy they worked things out in the end, they had me nervous for a bit there. Aliyahs and bohdis realationship I actually liked more than I thought I was going to and yes I did cry about them at one point
MAGS: I got to say I think he is my favorite character in the whole show don't get me wrong everyone's good but mags gots something special his personality, the way he dances and dresses and just reacts to things is just the absolute best, he is funny and just so kind I loved him through out the entire season, from the very first sec they introduced him I knew he was going to be my favorite character immediately. I was very miserable those few episodes he was locked up and when he got hurt in the riot I balled my eyes out (I'm literally crying right now writing about it) he is just the sweetest who deserves to be protected at all cost
APOLLO: probably my second favorite, I wasn't sure about him in like the first episode but that changed real fast, he was so good and when he discovered his people's music styling and culture it was perfect. When he lost his hearing, first off the acting impeccable when he woke up and figured out he could hear tempo😭😭, second off I had to pause and take a while break because I couldn't handle it, music was the one thing he truly loved when aliyah asked him if he had ever been in love he said "only with music" and that was taken from him never to experience it in the same way ever again, but I'm super glad he quickly adjusted and found a new way to enjoy and play music, I'm kinda sad he didn't make it out with mags and bohdi but I'm glad he has the grans to look after him, also another note I really liked that he wasn't mad at anybody when he lost his hearing cause I kinda thought he might've been, he actually wasn't mad at all about losing his hearing and I really liked that, frustrated a bit for sure but he never seemed angry about it
TEMPO: look I did not fuck with tempo for a very long time, there were times where I would come around to him but then he'd do some stupid shit. I didn't like him til I think episode 9. oh and I totally called that his mama was phydra
I really enjoy that thrown in twist
Aliyah: she was fine for me, I really enjoyed her character and I just really like how she didn't take anybody's shit and was doing what she knew was right, when she pulled down her sleeve to reveal the black band at the end of her performance, bruh I gasped loud
Bohdi: he was good, I really liked his friendship with mags, cutest thing I done ever seen and when he called out Moore times in front of everybody my heart was a racing
SAGE: really liked her, after the riot they showed that the experience really traumatised her making her interested in learning that martial art dance style because she felt like she needed to be able to protect herself just in case something happened again, I was very proud. when she took down those two guards in the last episode, I can only say one word HOT
BROOKLYN: loved her she was funny and confident we love to see it, when she found out she was dissonant it was sad but she dealt with it decided to embrace it and share it with the city and I can only imagine what that did for others who are dissonant to see a Exemplar contestant speak on it openly and unapologetically because it is seen as this taboo looked down on thing and she just said no I'm not gonna hide it and I'm not gonna let this make me believe like my life is over
HONORABLY MENTION CHARACTERS: sage's whole family: need I go on
Authority taggart: loved him he was very nice and was totally hinting that he was gay when he was talking to brooklyn, oh and I also liked when he got to sage after she hit her head in the riot, very sweet
Regget: he was very sweet and dumb, dont get me wrong he had his smart moments I mean he took over moore times entire business when he went away
OVERALL OPINION: 10 out of mf 10, this show had no right to be this good from the acting, to the overall plot, to the characters storylines everything was perfection, there were a lot of situations and subjects that they explored that I did not expect them to touch but they did, one last thing is that the show is listed as a kid show which was one thing that made me put off watching this for so long because I didn't expect it to have so much depth and feeling I thought it was going to be too childish for me to care about and enjoy, i thought it was going to be a surface level plot with surface level situations and surface level characters, boy was I wrong. this show made me cry, it made me think, and it made me laugh and I just really did not expect it to give me this many strong feelings
So if you made this far thanks! And I hoped you enjoyed my crazy rambling that I'm writing at 5:44am cause I could not sleep without getting these feelings out
P.s. If I do not get a season 2 im gonna riot like my peeps in reform sector
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i am SO delighted to hear that the "detective and five people trapped on an elevator and one of them is the devil" movie is real and you saw it. also while trying to send this i accidentally clicked the Unfollow button (and then promptly refollowed), sorry about that
lmao i maybe wouldn’t’ve noticed, love Tumblr Notifications and how like, they display different on desktop vs mobile and the way it Condenses them is only so helpful cuz sometimes some of them only display for 0.2 seconds while i’m on mobile and it hasn’t Refreshed in a way that reshuffles everything and i can’t view that particular [Like from a certain person or smthing] ever again lmao like i hate this, it’s bad, just like that movie about people trapped on an elevator and a detective has to get them out and has to act fast b/c one of them is the devil
it is so stupid first of all like. it’s just overall not a great movie from Any of the angles it’s playing like. first of all the Detective is only around b/c he’s solving a nearby murder / death and making like. corny dumb “oh this is a Smart guy” observations about the Scene and someone is like “oh hey @ cops you’re already on the premises, come solve the mystery of Elevator Broke” like i don’t think that’s how it works and also i can’t even remember the reason they find this issue That pressing pre-realizing And One Of Them Is The Devil. maybe someone dies right off, idk. there is conflict on the elevator so naturally that’s a whole other thing like, we’re all trapped in this elevator together and maybe one of us is untrustworthy and liable to be dangerous to the rest of us like, i don’t know the Contrivance that makes these people think anything has to be done but just Stand Around for a while but it’s you know. that whole Thing where there’s a premise of “some shit is happening to Incite Conflict amongst strangers who are trapped in a bad situation together and they’re all apparently raring to judge each other’s moral fiber to decide who deserves Suspicion vs Protection.” but also, one of them is the devil
meanwhile on the outside it’s this dumb Cop Mystery Drama where this rando guy apparently sets aside the death he was investigating earlier to solve this elevator situation (i think eventually it’s revealed that that death was tied to the elevator situation all along. i think that the devil killed the guy. or something) and also, maybe there was Coincidentally some kind of heist going on at this place b/c i remember at some point the detective (and some partner there too involved in all this) like, find some tools hidden in a bathroom like “aha this was Used to do [whatever]” and despite having no idea what the details are i Know i remember this b/c of at the time going “oh my god that is so dumb Nobody Would Do This / this makes no sense” lol like. writing not great. and this was maybe Not the devil, but a regular separate scheme to. do something
also there’s some aspect where Main Cop has some tragic backstory and is like, not over it b/c it was so painful. i think maybe someone like hit and run his wife or something like that. you know how it goes. spoilers in that i think the person that the devil is here to kill (more on this devil assassination thing....) was Behind That somehow lmfao so it’s like really??? is that our resolution, that people’s stories are Converging in a very serendipitous way b/c the devil would like to give people emotional catharsis......idek. look, spoilers, this old lady who “dies” in the elevator relatively early on turns out to have been The One Of Them Who Is The Devil, Act Fast. and it was this weird thing where the devil is like “grr whoever i’m even here to Get in the first place is just Such A Bad Person that uhhh i guess i came here in person to take them to hell” like.....what tf kind of Lore......this is definitely going with “aaaah the devil is evil” approach, not any more kind of Neutral figure, but then in the end apparently the evil devil is just really Judgey and Disgusted by someone being A Bad Person like??? you ought to love this shit!!!!! and anyways the detective learns that One Of Them is The Devil b/c when they take him up to the security camera display hq it’s like a) look at this scary Moment where the elevator camera feed gets staticky and a scary face appears for a moment (im not sure if i could see what it was supposed to be lmfao) This Means Something and okay oh my god i reread the plot summary b/c for the life of me i couldnt remember the ending, it is so stupid oh my god
okay so first of all the Dead Person the detective was investigating had left like a suicide note like “i am killing myself b/c um. the devil approacheth” like wow okay right off the bat? amazing foreshadowing. why does this person Know this?? and why should he care b/c the devil is here apparently for a Special Soul Collection like, this has nothing to do with you, random guy?? you don’t even need to worry like. just stay home from work to avoid the fairly minor problems that occur (like MAYBE one guy dies in the course of this story but i think it’s a little ambiguous, meanwhile whoever Really Dies in th elevator was i think due to like, suspicion and infighting lmao. idk maybe the devil killed a few of them. it’s weird) but yeah the highlight is this
everyone please enjoy this scene. security guy ramirez is explaining the Devil Expertise courtesy of Where I Come From where toast falling jelly side down is evidence that the devil is hanging out in the elevator. 
while looking up “devil toast” the result immediately after that one was “the devil takes the toast” which is a devil takes the hindmost ytp which i feel is really fitting
it kind of undercuts the stakes i think when not only is the devil only sorta gently radiating Bad Luck but also is just super Righteous but like. yes it turns out that the devil is here to Claim a guy on the elevator was the same dude who Hit N Run the detective’s family (wife and kid apparently) those years prior......except like, it wasn’t even like oh he assassinated them On Purpose, it’s apparently already a Known Detail that although they ~never knew~ who killed detective joe’s family (idk what his name is idc) there was a Note left on the scene like “sowwy :(” like really? this is the Big Bad that the devil made a special corporeal visit for??????? and then, get this, when the devil is like “i’m not a dead old lady, i’m the devil, and i’m here to Get you b/c you accidentally killed a couple of people and i, the devil, am really disgusted by how sinful you are for that” the guy is like “yes that was me :’( i’m sorry” and then the devil is like “ah fuck you’ve Repented. i can’t take you to hell anymore. bye” like what!!! why did he only have to feel bad about it to get out of this whole situation when obviously he Felt Bad in the first place b/c he up and left a note like “[grimace emoji] aaa my bad” like, did he have to apologize To The Devil?? the lore i s2g. Jelly Toast Rules operating here i guess. 
anyways then the detective who witnessed this i guess is like “wow the guy who killed my family all those years ago but i’m still sad about it.....well i’m gonna arrest him now. but also, I Forgive Him.” oh and also for a while there the detective was so gritty he didn’t believe in The Devil b/c the vehicular manslaughter apparently made him think that human nature was evil enough to not need the extra help. so now he’s made the arc of getting uh, emotional closure on his family’s death by forgiving the dude who i guess super crashed into them on accident, And gets to know that the devil is real actually and he’s on the elevator but now Not b/c he was like “ah jeez thwarted by this guy uh, feeling bad about the accidental deaths even though he felt bad in the first place” and there was no other point to the detective being there b/c he didn’t Really do shit except i guess drive this sideplot where you are led to believe he Might figure out who the Bad Guy on the elevator is. (it is the devil. one guy has a crime record or something but, spoilers, he is trying to turn his life around with some good honest work as a security guard or something. idk)
it was amazing and very stupid and i was continually indignant b/c the writing was dumb and made no sense and just so fucking corny throughout. the entire movie is called “devil” and i remember it was like “tf is ‘devil’” and as soon as it involved an Elevator i was like omg omg is this And He Has To Act Fast Because One Of Them Is The Devil, and it was, so that was exciting. it was a dumb waste of time but also it was not b/c it was *slightly* so bad it’s good. mostly Not Even. but just watch the toast scene there b/c like. i think that’s this movie’s #1 contribution outside that post about the plot summary. 
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I started watching Legend of Korra yesterday!! I’m watching with my family (my husband, B; my 6-year-old, E; and my 4-year-old, C) so I can’t really pause and take notes while I’m watching the episode, but I’ll try to remember and jot down some thoughts. I don’t know if I’ll do every episode, but maybe?
I don’t know much going into the series, but we are fresh off of binging ATLA and we loved it so much! C especially is very excited for Korra, she kept begging to watch it while B was at work but I made her wait. Anyway,
Welcome to Republic City
(Please someone teach me how to put things under a cut on tumblr mobile, I don’t know what I’m doing sorry)
—The opening with four avatars!! Seeing grown up Aang air bending even for one second is so emotional omg
—And “My father, Avatar Aang” IM CRyInG at this monologue
—Baby Korra busting out with her cute belly!!!!
—Katara!! Very unnecessarily I squealed “that’s Katara!!” for my whole family to hear but LOOK AT HeR as amazing as ever
—Naga is the new Appa and she’s beautiful, I want her
—Aang and Katara’s grand babies!!! I realize they are younger than Korra so Aang never got to meet them and I am very sad about that
—As a parent I already relate to Tenzin so hard
—A sky bison that’s not Appa?? But I thought Appa was the last one, how is this possible?
—“My brother and many of my friends are gone” SOkKA NO this is breaking my heart
—Cars??? Technology has advanced. And wowww this city is so different from anything we’ve seen in atla
—C (my 4 year old) really dislikes the Aang statue, she keeps calling it creepy.
—Omg Korra has been here mere minutes and is causing So Much property damage and why didn’t she go straight to Tenzin, he would have fed her
—Wow that cop got winded very fast lol
—“‘Triple Threat’ must mean fire and water and earth benders together!” I think I am smart for figuring this out but my family ignores me, unimpressed.
—Korra. More property damage 🤦‍♀️
—Metal benders!!! Toph Did That.
—This girl is straight up destroying the city!! Tenzin please come retrieve her!!
—We all notice the Toph statue and are delighted
—Tenzin and Lin must’ve like, played together as kids but they are not super friendly now.. I’m looking forward to learning that history.
—“Cover all the damages” Tenzin says. Are you.. are you sure? Have you seen the damages?
—Awww I love the relationship between Korra and Tenzin’s kids, it’s so sweet. And she picked them ALL up plus Tenzin! Girl is strong
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findmethesun · 6 years
i wanna send an ask but im not creative enough to come up with a good question so are there any, like, random facts/headcanons for this verse??
This question reminds me of that post on tumblr where professors add a question at the end of a test that’s like, “Make up your own question based on something you studied that wasn’t on the test and answer it for 3 extra points”! I love it! 
Let’s see, what do I want to tell you guys about? 
I’m gonna talk about the brotherly Logicality in this story because I don’t know if you guys have gotten a really good taste of it yet. 
So Logan and Patton are twins, as you guys know, and they live next door to one another and whatnot, but what you may NOT know is they were basically completely inseparable when they were kids. Though as different as night and day, the pair were super super close, spending all their time together and sharing a room even when they could’ve had their own space (they didn’t want it). 
When Logan decided to go away to college it was because he thought they needed to spend some time apart, because their relationship was too codependent. In reality, he thought he was holding Patton back--Patton was the friendly one, the social one, the one everyone adored, and Logan was the tag-along who only had friends because Patton insisted on him being a part of things. He figured Patton would thrive without him, so he took a scholarship at Penn State University and moved away, separating them for the first time in their lives. 
They were both miserable. 
Patton wanted to support Logan in anything he wanted to do, but he missed his brother horribly. And Logan was actually feeling even worse, because as it turned out, Patton WAS the reason Logan had a social life--not because Logan COULDN’T make friends, but because without Patton around, he didn’t even bother to try. He spent his time alone and ended up loading himself down with 21-25 hours of classes a semester after his freshman year (for reference, a ‘full load’ is generally 12-15) and working himself to the bone to try to finish his bachelor’s as fast as possible. 
Meanwhile, Patton stayed home in Colorado and was attending the University of Denver, where he’d gone with high hopes of becoming a doctor (he wanted to be a pediatrician and help kids). However, after his first year, he changed majors to English. He didn’t tell Logan, fearing he would disappoint his super smart brother. 
Logan does eventually find out, however, and when he learns that Patton dropped his pre-med track because he thought he ‘wasn’t smart enough’ to keep up and had been struggling in the classes, he is livid. Not at Patton, never at Patton, but at the professors who took someone so incredibly talented and intelligent like his brother and let him think he couldn’t hack it. He knows how smart Patton is. They’ve been in each other’s pockets all their lives! He knows that Patton has always been somewhat insecure about his intelligence because he’s always comparing himself to Logan, but Logan knows that there are many, many different kinds of intelligence, and he hates that his own brand of it is just about the only one that most people will recognize and praise. 
He isn’t able to convince Patton to go back to pre-med, though he does try (Patton is the most stubborn of the entire family). But as a direct result of what Logan sees as the university’s failure regarding his brother, he changes his own career track. Instead of going into research and chemical development, which was his original plan, he goes into secondary education, and becomes a high school teacher, because he’ll be damned if he sits around staring at beakers all day when there are other kids out there like Patton, smart kids, kids with so much potential, that are slipping through the cracks just because some asshole administration thinks that the ability to do math in your head or recite historical dates is the only thing that makes you smart. 
So there you have it, anon: a little bit of backstory on our Sanders Twins, and how they ended up doing what they do! 
(And of course, as it turned out, in the end Patton DID end up making huge differences in the lives of children; his children’s books have won awards and tackle topics from sexuality and gender identity to physical disabilities, autism, and how to treat service animals.)
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crapitskizaru · 6 years
Modern AU!X Drake trash part II cuz I want dinosaurs to inhabit our planet
Warning: some sad :( stuff and a sprinkle of ns- FILTH. Yes, I scrolled all the way down to one of my first posts to change this, so that my blog won’t get deleted “by accident” or, better, on purpose ((((((((: Cheers.
So here we are again
Cuz why not
Let’s talk about his interests for a good start
He’d like to own a lizard and he already knows everything about how to take care of it and stuff
But the caaats
And also the money
I can totally picture him getting a car and going on a road trip by himself
He loves sightseeing, all the historical facts make him go *-*
He’s that guy who always pays attention to what the tour guide says
Idk oda said that he’d be Turkish but I picture him more of a British/Scottish person
Also, are u ready for my Ultimate Headcannon
like The One headcannon that i know foR SURE is true
its truer than than my whole life
check this out
his Scottish accent
fuck yes thank u okay lets go back
He probably couldn’t wait until he turns 18 and/or finishes high school to get away from his abusive family
Also, him being a single child sucked in this situation
But even when he was of age, he didn’t have the money to move
So he stayed until he got accepted for college far, far away from home
Got himself a college job also, so he won’t have to depend on his parents
Was probably super anxious to show up for work, cuz, people
But he learned to hide his anxiety and basically just fuck it
He doesn’t swear but I do and I didn’t know how else to put it xD
The fuck it all mentality
He switched to it halfway during college and everything was a bit easier for him suddenly
I can’t picture him asking questions during lectures, he probably just sat in the middle and scribbled notes
Doodled/read the textbook ahead when the lecture was boring
He had a lot of crushes and would totally send them anonymous letters like
“you are literally sparkling today. well, basically every day”
Or “ay you’re so smart I love you”
“I love your hair, i apologize but they really are magical”
Yeah so basically it got a little bit creepy but he just wanted to see the expressions on their faces when they read the notes
I picture him as bi? Yeah, I guess
And also demisexual
He’d be attracted to many people but would wanna settle only with those who he knew well and for a long time
But well, hadn’t met the right person yet
Since he’s not the partieehhh type
Sometimes he wishes he was more outgoing
But he knows he can’t change his nature
More often he just wants to be himself and wants someone to love him unconditionally
He craves physical contact so badly
Even if it’s stranger’s accidental touch in the cafeteria
Or just mere closeness of someone
Yeah he definitely has the days when he has no motivation to get up
But he somehow always does and God bless him for it
Talking about God
I can imagine Drake praying sometimes
When things get real rough and he wants to talk to someone besides his cats
But he doesn’t go to any religious places
His sarcasm is on the max level, u literally cannot get any more sarcastic than this man
But he’d only use it with someone who he knows for some time
Or to impress a cute potential partner c:
His height is a bit of a nuisance in everyday life
Like it was super hard for him to fit his legs under the desk in college
And he always was covering all of the view from someone sitting behind him
It got awkward but in a cute way
Talking about height
His freaking sex drive would be pretty damn high
But as I stated before, he doesn’t really have anyone to take it all on so he jerks off regularly
And also he does it to ease his nerves and everyday anxiety
He’d only watch soft porn, where it’s all lovely dovey <3
Gets turned on real fast by gentle, sensual sex and cheesy words
That’s how he’d be in bed too
No party/stranger sex cuz it’s just not his style
Either has no piercings at all or an ear piercing
Holy shit itd be so hot
Only few people remember about his birthday
No Facebook bday reminder cuz he deactivated his account long time ago
If his family ever sent him any wishes he’d either ignore it or coldly say thank you and just hung up
He likes treating himself to some bowling
Yeah he likes bowling
And I like u so much, ure apeeling af thank u for reading this mwah <3
Drakey would totally have Tumblr xD
Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, few games like Jurassic World: The Game or AbyssRium
Also, pinterest for memes or outfit ideas
And interior design ideas
Hooooly shit he is hooked
Like freaking crazy about those movies
He prefers the old ones
But fangirled (fanboyed?idk) so hard about Jeff Goldblum when he appeared in the latest movies
Like screeching-quietly-in-the-cinema type of fangirling
aight this is getting too much for one post already
he always holds the door for people 
okay im ending this
he always puts the thing he’s using back to the place from where he picked it up
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seungmin-jpeg · 6 years
Stray Kids On Tumblr / Felix
Chan // Woojin // Minho // Changbin // Hyunjin // Jisung // Felix // Seungmin // Jeongin
I have waited a long time to write this one 
Half the reason i started this series was to write for him tbh
Started his blog long before he became a trainee 
But A LOT of effort into it
Spent hours looking for the perfect desktop theme
Then spent a day working on it to make it have is own little ‘felix flare’ 
And then spent hoooooours working on his mobile header
Naturally very proud of his blog
Works really hard to make good posts
Majority is just memes 
Or recreations of memes
Reblogs a lot of old vines
He’s the type of blog to get all those weird random asks from people
And he always has witty comebacks
So sometimes his posts will blow up
He just has that typical tumblr humor 
And it really made his blog blow up
Ends up having one famous post with like 100k reblogs and is still growing and he still thinks its the dumbest posts he’s made his whole life
But thats tumblr for you
Sometimes he’d be working on a big post 
And then tumblr would do that dumb thing 
Where it freezes on you and you cant post things
The amounts of times his family heard him yelling from up in his room as tumblr crashed on him yet again
Honestly wasn’t super aware of kpop 
But like 
Of course he knew about it
And then he made it through the audition 
And he was like oh hey
I kinda gotta figure out whats going on here
So he 
Like the smart person he is
Searches through the tumblr tag
And oh yikes
The majority of the tag was bts and got7
And he was like 
And then staff at the company told him watching kdramas will always help him learn korean
Because of this extreme change in his life 
And the need to learn the language as fast as possible
He searches for some good kdramas to watch
So again he turns to tumblr
And he finds some good recommendations 
But he cant reblog it to his main blog 
Because ??? he cant expose himself like this to all he’s meme followers
So he real quick makes a side blog for all his kpop/kdrama needs
And reblogs a few kdrama recommendations 
And a few kpop song recommendations as well
But he’s only find rec’s for all those old classic kdramas 
Like playful kiss and boys over flowers 
Not really his speed yah know
So thats when he stumbles across your blog 
He had just found one of your posts about kdramas 
And he real quick messages you on anon and was like hey have any recs
And you were like YES!!!1!!1!
So you gave him a good list
Grouping them by themes and such 
And then highlighted some of your favorites 
He ended up being drawn to one title 
“Uncontrollably fond” 
And you had mentioned that it was really sad
So he googled it to try and see what it was about
And when you google it one of the first things it says about the drama is 
“A man and woman meet again after they broke up in the past.”
So he was like alright that one it is
Catch him later trying to find out who wrote that description because there was so much more to that drama
He literally could not put it down
Lowkey forgot half way through he was supposed to be trying to learn korean
Watched an episode every night before bed
Because yah know he was packing and stuff
Part of it helped with the stress of leaving his home and such
The other part was just because it was super addicting to watch
Of course he had to take a small break of watching it just because life got to hectic with packing and everything
But he had an overlay on the way to korea
So he watched the drama at the airport
Catch this teenage boy trying not to cry in the airport omg
As he sat in the airport he was like
I gotta talk to someone about this
So he searched up your blog again and left an ask
And because you’re always on tumblr you got it right away. 
“Im sitting in the airport on the verge of tears because of uncontrollably fond why’d you recommend this to me” 
You chuckled to yourself as you read his ask
“I told you it’d be sad!” you finally decided to answer
You had totally forgotten about the person who had asked for recs
It was nice to see them again
The two of you talked back and forth for a bit
And then you got a message 
“I got tired of leaving asks so i’m just going to message you now. A lot easier.” 
You asked him when his flight was, and how much of the show you had left
And he was like 
Not enough time 
He was to invested now
You recommended maybe waiting to watch the last few episodes until he was alone and had a box of tissues
Earning a laugh from him
Like the curious person you are
You asked him where he was going 
And he just kinda said korea and then asked about the soundtrack to the drama
So you didn’t push anymore
Because it seemed like something he didn’t really want to talk about 
So inteast you talked about the soundtrack
Found out he really really liked the song “a little braver”
So you listened to the song while you talked with him
While you waited for him to get back to you
You scrolled through his blog
It was kinda sad looking and had the default theme 
And he had a random mix of kpop and kdrama recs
So you asked him if he was new to the whole kpop/kdrama world
And he was like “kinda” 
Cue you saying if he ever wanted any recs on anything to ask you because you got him
And he just chuckled and said he had to catch his flight, but he’d remember that
And that he’d message you as soon as he finished the drama
Later in the week you got a message from some random meme blog
About uncontrollably fond 
And you were like wtf
Why is this popular weird meme blog messaging me about a kdrama
So you were like um who???
And he was like shoot wrong blog!!
Then switched to his kpop blog
You laughed to yourself thinking about how yet another person had been converted to the dark side
Little did you know
He was PART OF the dark side
You followed his main blog too
Because why not
And the two of you talked a lot 
You found out what a big jokester he was
And just how funny he could be
But that he was also super emotional and wore his feelings on his sleeve
The two of you went from talking about kdramas and random kpop things to little parts of your day
He’d complain to you about learning korean and the language barrier issues he’d always run into
And how tired he was at the end of the day
And you’d tell him about school
And the little things about your country you felt like he would like hearing about 
The two of you never even exchanged names
Just referred to each other as your urls 
Months past
He wasn’t on tumblr as much 
Even his main blog started to stop posting 
Which he always at least had queued up stuff
You’d leave him little encouraging messages every now and then
But he’d always take forever to respond
You occupied yourself with the new show jyp was putting out 
Becoming way to invested for your own good 
And getting especially drawn to a certain member named felix
Something felt familiar about him
And you felt really drawn to him
But you just assumed it was because of his personality 
And the fact that he could speak english 
Then the dreaded day came 
Felix was eliminated 
And you felt like the world had swallowed all your joy
You decided to message your kdrama friend 
Just a simple hey
And he actually responded to your disbelief 
He seemed just as down as you 
So you two just ended up being sad together 
And then you were like 
Isn’t it like 3am there?
He was like yah
You were like ??? go to bed ???
He said he couldn’t fall asleep so you suggested watching a movie
So the two of you headed over to rabb.it
Ended up watching Your Name 
Half way through the movie he ended up asking you why you were so upset
So you told him that your favorite person from a survival show had been eliminated 
And you could see he wasn’t typing anything after you had sent the message off
So you asked him why he was upset
You watched him type something 
Then delete it 
Type it up again 
Then delete it again
It went on for a bit before you little ‘pop’ sounded and his message came in
“I got eliminated off a survival show” it read
And you were ??? 
Do you take this seriously or not ???
So you just kinda said “are you okay”
And he was like maybe
So you asked how he was maybe okay
He replied by saying that it was nice to have someone to talk to who wasn’t in the show itself but also wasn’t family
Youre super confused now because this is felix you’ve been talking too???
When you actually sat back and thought about it 
The timeline all made sense
It would make sense if this was actually felix
The movie now long forgotten played on as you asked him if he was really felix 
And he responded with a funny little smilie face
“I am but you really can’t tell anyone” 
“Felix aren’t you supposed to not be doing this? I thought they took away phones and stuff tho??” 
He explained everything and it all made sense but you were still shook to the core because youre talking with the felix lee right now
But you took the chance to tell him everything every fan wanted to tell him at that moment
You told him how proud you and everyone else was of him
And how people were already working on making sure both him and minho ended up back in stray kids
And by the way he talked you could tell he was happier 
Not much later you were excitedly congratulating him on making it back in
And everything was perfect 
Because the weird person asking you about kdramas
Months and months later ended up being the person you loved the most 
Without even knowing it
The two of you had a special secret friendship that no one knew about
And no one would know about for a long long time
And you were honestly okay with that
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icantseenothing · 3 years
today i understand why ppl k1ll themselves or want to die, i was saying i want to die, this blog is about i want to die. but that just my expressions of tiredness, im really not capable of doing it. but today i purely want to just die fast because i really dont know what im good at, i mentioned in post before this that i’m good in literature but actually not so much. besides, what can i do? it’s impossible for me to left out my medical school because im already in a half way, this year i supposed to be graduate. my score is average and enough but no, i genuinely want to get out because everything doesn’t sit right with me. i’m dumb and i don’t want to marry with any boys, my family are not supportive and push their kids to the edge, for good sake their said. if they really care for their child, at least don’t push me to medical field at the first place. i was dumb and naive. i’m not the one who want this. probably people right when they accused me i’m cheating on my university test because how can someone as dumb as me entered medical school. but no, i’m not the one who want this all. i was ready to be rejected actually. u cannot purely accused 18 years old for doing scheming things. they have nothing, do nothing, but their parents have power.
I want to tell my story from the start. actually i was smart enough in junior high school because i’m doing everything right. we have nothing much to do in junior high, so studying was fascinating and eventhough i’m dumb at math but my score was okay, not so bad eventhough i’m admit my weakness in that field. and to enter the best religious school in my town, i did hard work. i’m studying hard for my test, i ate many proteins (5 eggs) until i want to puke but no i have to swallow it so i have enough energy, i even bring my tumblr to the test so i’m hydrated, and i learning in parking area with my bestfriend because so many people in there and i need peace. that was all it takes for me to be able to enter that school. 
and how am i became an idiot when i was there? because in day one, everything was hard for me. they learn in fast pace. my friends are smart. and i thought “wtf im not gonna beat them all” i dont care how my results because i never beat them, they just too smart. and that was the dumbest decision. if i were studying harder i can be an average student, not dumb student. 
in junior high, im good in biology and social science. probably if i took test for social science my life will not this chaotic.
so god, could you please take me with you? i dont want to be homeless. and what i did in the past so you through me in hell like this? really takes me 6 years to found out being involved in medical field is dumbest decision i’ve ever take. 
0 notes
courtneymill · 6 years
kmplayer gif tutorial
hello all! i’m gonna show you how i make my gifs! I use kmplayer and avisynth to make gifs, but I’m going to focus on kmplayer for this one. This tutorial is long and quite in depth so if you’re a beginner, this should be good for you!
also! this is purely just a gif tutorial and not a coloring tutorial lol
what you will need:
photoshop (im using cs5)
any video downloader (I use 4k download or savieo)
Okay first find a video and/or a scene that you want to gif. You’ll want to get the highest quality video possible. Don’t download anything under 720p or else your gif will look grainy. Try to get 1080p as much as possible.
Once you get that downloaded, open your video in kmplayer and go to the scene you want. I like to go a few seconds beforehand to make sure i don’t miss any frames. Now on your keyboard press Ctrl + G to open up the screen cap menu.
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I don’t remember the default settings but here are the settings you’ll want:
Extract to: you’ll want to create a folder to hold your screen caps and then direct that folder here
Format: JPEG and Bitmap are both good options. Bitmap (i believe) is going to be a higher quality image
Numbers to extract: continuously
Size to extract: original size. You want the full size image
Frames to extract: every frame. This ensures that you’re getting every frame and helps your gif look smoother
also the “prefix” is just going to be the first part of the image name, so put whatever you want for this! :)
Once this is done, press Start in the menu and play the video. When the scene is done, press pause on the video. Open the menu again (Ctrl + G) and stop that as well. Now all you want to do is go into the folder with your screen caps and delete the ones you don’t want.
Frame timing and converting to smart objects
Open photoshop: we are now going to start the giffing process! Before you start, make sure you have the animation window and the layers window open. To do this, go to Window > Animation and Layers, if it’s not already showing.
Now, click on File > Scripts > Load multiple DICOM files. Find your screen caps folder and load them in. You’ll see in your animation bar that it only has one image showing. 
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In order to pull your screen caps from this, go to the top right hand corner of the animation bar and click this button. Click “Make frames from layers”.
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This is so your gif actually plays all the frames and not just the one showing. Next, change the timing of the gif. Personal preference is a big thing in giffing so you’ll want to play around with what works for you. The average timing used by a lot of people is either 0.04 or 0.05 (for screencaps i should say). I find that 0.04 can be a little fast for my liking, so 0.05 is good. To do this, click the “0 sec” and then “Other...” and type in your timing. Make sure you select all the frames before doing this, unless you want to change each frame individually ^.^
P.S. if you ever want to delete a frame in your gif, you can delete the layer in the layer window but in the animation bar, you’ll have to click on the frame and click the tiny trash can next to the bottom scroll bar.
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The next step is to click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the animation bar. It looks like it has two sliders on it. It will change your animation from frames to timeline. 
Next, right click on a frame in your layers window and select “similar layers”. Then right click again and select “convert to smart object”. This may take a moment btw.
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If you see that your animation timeline shortened into one line instead of multiple lines, you’re on the right track! Next thing to do is to crop the part of the scene you want.
Image size, sharpening and canvas size.
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Image size will change the photo size without cropping anything out. Canvas size will change the size without transforming the image. What I like to do is to change the image size to about 5 or so pixels larger than what I actually want for either the width or height. In this case, I want my gif to be 268 x 150. So my cropped photo is going to make my height much larger than I’m going to want it, if that makes sense.
P.S. For sizing, make sure your width is either 177px for 3 panel gifs, 268px for 2 panels, or 540px for a single panel. If you want a 3 panel gifset, make the middle gifs 178 px (i know, it’s a little dumb but if you don’t, it’ll make the middle gif slightly blurry)
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(This is what I’m going to resize my cropped image to)
You can just make the width or height automatically what you want (268 in the width for my case), but I find that after sharpening, a line can form around your image. I prevent this by making the image slightly larger than what I want and then cutting that part out later.
Now I want to sharpen my gif! Again, this is about personal preference, but I think this is what a lot of people use as well. Right click on your smart object in the layers window and select “New Smart Object via Copy”. I’ve seen people select “Duplicate layer” instead but I honestly don’t know what the difference is lkasndfllanslk.
Set the top layer’s opacity to 50% and leave the bottom layer at 100%. To actually sharpen the gif, go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. 
For the top layer:
1. Smart sharpen: Amount 500%, Radius 0.4
2. Gaussian blur: 0.3 (its also under filter)
For the bottom layer:
1. Smart sharpen: Amount 500%, Radius 0.4, no gaussian blur
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After this, go to canvas size and change it to your actual gif size. For my gif, it will take my 272 x 190 to my desired 268 x 150. Then combine your two smart objects by selecting both of them and clicking “Convert to Smart Object”.
Gif without sharpening vs gif with sharpening
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Now you’ll want to edit it to your liking, just make it sure it’s under 3mb for tumblr’s image limits.
I’m not going to get too much into coloring bc it can be a real pain sometimes but! I will say that selective coloring is your best friend, just don’t saturate/over color or the gif will look more grainy. 
After coloring and such, this is what I get:
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We’re almost there! Save your new gif under “Save for web & devices” and not for “Save as”. When it opens, it’ll look really confusing, but all you need to worry about is that the “Looping options” says forever and not once, or else your gif will stop after it plays the first time. 
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The last step that I didn’t even learn until recently is that you’ll have to open up your gif again in photoshop. When you do this, you’ll find that the timing has changed from 0.05 to 0.07. Idk why it does this, but your gif will look smoother if you change it back. (It might only be for screencap gifs but idk)
Here’s a comparison of the gif as is vs the gif when i changed the timing again:
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And then you go through the process again if you’re making other gifs! I wrote a lot but it really isn’t that hard once you practice a couple times. I’m still learning too! (as you can see since my gifs are still grainy and such) but i hope this was helpful for people who don’t know where to start! Happy giffing!
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
I Am I am a university student. I am a cuddler. I am an okay dancer. I am a huge fan of lists. I am a morning person. I am a perfectionist. I am a republican. I am allergic to something deadly. I am an only child. I am catholic. I am content as of this moment. I am currently in my pajamas. I am currently pregnant.
I am currently single. I am embarrassed to be seen with my mother or father. I am currently suffering from a breaking heart. I am okay at styling other people’s hair. I am left-handed. I am married. I am obsessed with my Tumblr. I am online 24/7, even as an away message. I am procrastinating by filling out this list. I am resentful that I have to grow up. I am very shy around the opposite sex. I am, or was, pigeon-toed. I bite my nails. I can be paranoid at times. I carry a weapon with me everywhere I go. I collect picture frames. I currently have a crush on someone. I consider myself to be a ‘nerd’. I currently regret something that I have done/am doing. I curse frequently. I don’t hate anyone. I enjoy country music. I enjoy jazz music. I enjoy smoothies. I enjoy talking on the phone. I have a car. I have a mobile phone. I have a hard time paying attention at school. I have a hidden talent. I have a hobby. I have a lot to learn. I have a pet. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal. I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” guy. I have all my (real) grandparents, none of them have died. I have at least one brother and/or sister. I have avoided work to play with my Tumblr. I have been in a real relationship. I have been in a threesome. I have been rejected by someone. I have been the “psycho ex” in a past relationship. I have been to another country. I have been to an anime convention. I have been to Europe. I have been to Las Vegas. I have been told that I am very smart. I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor. I have broken a bone. I have caller i.d. on my phone. I have changed a diaper. I have changed a lot over the past year. I have cheated on a significant other. I have counted down the days until the summer. I have dated a best friend’s ex. I have done something illegal. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have gone scuba diving/snorkeling. I have had major/minor surgery. I have had my hair cut within the last week. I have had sex with someone I was not in a relationship with. I have had the cops called on me. I have snogged someone I knew I shouldn’t. I have snogged someone of the same sex. I have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past. I have mood swings. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months. I have rejected someone before. I have seen the lord of the rings trilogy. I have seen the television show the o.c. I have swum in the ocean. I have tried a drug that is illegal. I have tried sushi. I have watched sex and the city. I have watched the television show SpongeBob SquarePants. I know how to shoot a gun. I like being the center of attention. I like eating ramen noodles. I like my handwriting. I like Shakespeare. I like the taste of blood. I like to cook. I like to sing. I like to vacuum. I love learning foreign languages. I love Michael Jackson. I love my friends. I love olives. I love rain. I love sleeping. I love to play computer games. I love to shop. I miss someone right now. I own 100 CDs or more. I own a home. I own and use a library card. I play a musical instrument. I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream. I read books for pleasure. I shave my legs. I sleep a lot during the day. I strongly dislike math. I think Britney Spears is pretty. I think long strings of Html code look cool. I think that pizza hut makes the best pizza. I think the world would be a better place if people just smiled more often. I was born in a country other than the USA. I watch more tv this year than last year. I watch soap operas on a regular basis. I wear contact lenses. I will try anything once. I work at a job that I enjoy. I would classify myself as ghetto. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. I like orange kool-aid. I can name all 7 of the dwarfs from ‘snow white and the seven dwarfs’. I like being at school. I always love wearing sweaters. I love water polo. I am currently wearing socks. I am being nostalgic right now. I hate summer. I am tired. I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt
i have…. been drunk. smoked pot. done ecstasy. done coke. done crack. done heroin. done opium. done pcp. done LSD. done ccc’s. done prescription narcotics for recreational purposes. huffed air-duster. been to a rave. been to a real party. kissed someone. ridden in a taxi. jumped a ramp with a bike. been dumped. been used. shoplifted. ran from the cops. been in a room of your school that you could get suspended for being in been fired. been kicked out of a movie theater. snuck into a movie. been in a fistfight. got hit by a car. fired a real gun. snuck out of your parent’s house. been arrested. gone in a mosh pit. stolen something from your school. celebrated new years in times square. gone on a blind date. lied to a friend. had a crush on a teacher. celebrated mardi-gras in New Orleans. been to Europe. skipped school. thrown up from drinking. played ‘clue’ had a sleepover party. gone ice skating. cheated on a bf/gf. been cheated on. had your tonsils out. been exposed to laughing gas. had a car. driven a car. totaled a car.
do you… feel loved. feel lonely. feel happy. hate yourself. have a dog. have your own room. sing along with your music. dance around the house in your underwear. listen to Hawaiian music. listen to underground hip hop. listen to rap. listen to classic rock. listen to new rock. listen to country. listen to reggae. listen to techno. listen to hardcore punk. listen to pop. listen to r&b. listen to jazz. listen to crooners. listen to bands that can’t be put into a category. have hobbies. skateboard. do aggressive inline. snowboard. ski. surf. skimboard. have more than 1 best friend. get good grades. play an instrument. have slippers wear boxers wear black eyeliner. like the color blue. like the color pink. like the color red like the color green like the color black like the color purple like neon colors like to read. like to write. have long hair. have short hair. have a laptop. have a pager.
are you… bored. happy. bilingual. Hawaiian. blonde a brunette a redhead a darkhead samoan. filipino. Korean. British. white. italian black. inuit mexican. Asian. a christian a muslim a jew a hindu a scientologist an atheist satanist short. tall just right realistic an emo kid sick mad lazy. talking to someone. iming someone. scared to die. buzzed high caffeinated sleepy. annoyed. hungry. thirsty. on the phone. in your room. drinking something. eating something. ticklish. listening to music a virgin.
I have brown hair. I have green eyes. I wear glasses. I used to have braces. I have very few friends, if you could call them that. They might even just be acquaintances. I like cats and dogs equally. Summer is my favorite season. I am Catholic. I’m 5′0″ or shorter. I’m 120 lbs or less. I have a large family. My birthday is in November. I’m a Sagittarius. I live in a house. I am a cis-female. I am pansexual. I lack self-esteem and self-confidence. I went to college after high school. I don’t have a bad temper. I don’t get jealous easily. I have a sarcastic, dark, inappropriate sense of humor. I like watching movies. My native language is English. I don’t get offended or angry easily. I am a teacher. My first name begins with A through E. My parents are still married. I have a younger brother. I have had mononucleosis. I have had chicken pox. I have had Fifth’s Disease. I’ve had bronchitis. I’ve had food poisoning more than once. I’ve had the flu AND the stomach flu. I still have stuffed animals. My favorite animal is a giraffe. I’m afraid of heights, spiders, needles, and people I love dying.
PREP I am a cheerleader I'm popular I say like alot I love the color pink I own/want little dogs I am snobby I go to an girls school I own a Designer bag I'm rich I wear fast fashion Total: 5
JOCK I play 2 or more school sports I wear sweats to school regularly I’m picking my college based on athletics rather than education My hair is always in a ponytail I play a summer sport I have a favorite team for every sport I have been injured while playing a sport I’m the captain of a team I play on I have been in the paper for athletic excellence before The only reason I care about grades is so I can play on the team Total:1
EMO I have dyed black hair I cry all the time Boys kissing boys is hot I have straight hair that I tease at the roots I am popular on the internet, but not really in real life My hair is in my face because I put it there I cut or have cut before I wear tons of eyeliner My MySpace name is 'Christina [Chronic]’ or something like that I am a HUGE music snob Total: .2
GOTHIC I wear all black I worship Satan I listen to metal I do a lot of drugs
I don’t smile I hate sunshine I’m as pale as a ghost I have worn black lipstick before All preps should die Death is all I think and talk about Total: 2
NERD I get/got straight A’s I am/was teacher’s pet I’m not very popular I snort when I laugh I wear thick glasses I’ve never had a boyfriend or girlfriend If I get a B, I’ll just die My life is school, and that’s where it ends My main goal in life is to win an award such as the Nobel Prize I love school and get sad when summer break gets here Total: 2
DRUGGIE Name a drug, and I’ve either done it or want to do it Life is better high I don’t care about my grades Pot doesn’t even affect me anymore Hell yeah, they should legalize pot Drugs make everything funny I get high every day I’m a dealer I have stolen something to get money for drugs I own clothing with a pot leaf on it Total: 0
SLUT I have had more than 5 sexual partners Girl, guy, doesn’t matter, as long as they’re pleasing me I don’t need to have a boyfriend to have sex I have had a one night stand I talk openly about sex I have a favorite position I own sex toys I’ll get naked with anyone who asks I’ve gotten naked on a webcam/sent naked pics to someone before I lost my virginity before I was in high school Total: 7
TEASE I’m a virgin, but people think I’m a slut I wear low cut shirts on purpose I flirt with anyone I kiss boys a lot, then stop when things start to heat up I have worn a thong with a miniskirt I have flashed someone I have made out with a girl, but I’m not a lesbian/bisexual I let people think I’m more experienced than I am I have been called a tease by more than 2 people I’ve lied about sexual experiences Total: 4
GIRLY GIRL I have been in love Makeup is an art Vintage is love Romance movies are the best I’m really emotional I have a soft spot for animals I always smell good I prefer to be called 'pretty’ or 'beautiful’ rather than 'hot’ or 'sexy’ I can’t wait to grow up and start a family Total: 4
ECLECTIC People think I’m weird, just because I’m not boring I have a different sense of style that is honestly completely my own I mix patterns that most people would say didn’t match I wear lots of different jewelry at once I shop at stores most people haven’t heard of, or don’t shop at I own outfits from a thrift store I have worn something of my grandmother’s I hate to look like everyone else No one has heard of the music I listen to It’s hard to copy my style, not that most people would want to Total: 1
TREND FOLLOWER I have worn Uggs sometime in the last 6 months I wear leggings under my skirt/dress I follow the latest trend My taste is whatever is popular I have tried to look like a certain celebrity I will wear what is popular, even if I don’t really like it I had a rubber wristband to match every outfit (such as a yellow LiveStrong band) I owned a poncho when they were popular I had a MySpace just because everyone else had one I am not my own person Total: 2
GANGSTER I only listen to rap I own a gun I call people 'bro’ or 'fam’ I don’t talk proper English I have a shitty car but an amazing stereo I own bling I’m really, really loud I wear oversized clothes I wear South Pole I have been involved in a drive-by Total: .2
You are below 5’2”.
Your best school subject is English.
You play fast-pitch softball.
You have a cat(s).
You’re the youngest of your siblings.
Your parents are separated/divorced.
You have green eyes.
You stress out over everything.
Your best friend is of the opposite gender.
Your favorite season, by far, is summer.
You have an average body type.
You love high school wrestling.
Your favorite music genre is indie.
Spiderman is the best superhero.
You like Facebook more than Tumblr.
You own an iPhone.
Your favorite color is yellow.
If you could travel anywhere, it’d be to Australia.
You have read the “Pretty Little Liars” series.
You used to be obsessed with The Sims.
Your favorite holiday is the Fourth of July.
Your birthday falls between the 1st and the 10th of the month.
You don’t like to paint your nails.
You wear contacts/glasses/both.
You NEVER use “lol” only “haha, lmao, lmfao”.
You can’t wait for school to end.
You’ve lived in the same house for 10+ years.
You have had an expander.
You live in Pennsylvania.
You only wear black socks.
You are brunette.
One of your birthmarks is on your arm.
You worry for no reason.
Haunted houses terrify you.
You trust a lot of people without thinking.
You’re in love.
You love the Pittsburgh Penguins and/or Steelers.
You are a freshman. in college
You stay up past midnight on school nights.
You usually dress like a bum for school.
You don’t like to dance that much.
You are a virgin.
Your name begins with an S.
There are 5 letters or less in your last name.
Your favorite number is between 1 and 25.
You would love Monopoly if it didn’t take so long.
You have lost a friend recently.
You were with a boy last night.
You hate winter.
You have regrets.
You don’t like basketball.
You think sharks are sweet.
There’s nowhere in the world you’d rather be than the beach.
The person you like/love is 3-5 years older than you.
You have been in a relationship for over 6 months.
You don’t like horseback riding.
Something on you is sore.
You wish you could play the piano.
You think Urijah Faber is the most gorgeous man alive.
You can’t cook.
You are broke at the moment.
You like classic rock music.
You play volleyball.
You have managed a high school sports team.
You’re a little insecure about your body.
You hate hypocrites more than anything.
All you want to do is have fun.
You love pop-tarts.
You own a pair of off-brand Uggs.
Your favorite restaurant is TGI Friday’s.
You can speak some Spanish.
You’re not a huge fan of dogs.
You normally fall for athletes.
You want a tattoo.
People make fun of your height on a regular basis.
You like tie-dye.
Your favorite card game is Rummy, Bullshit, or Spit.
You favorite movie is an action movie.
You like to scan the radio.
You don’t mind your first sunburn of the year.
You only like snuggling if you REALLY like/love the person.
You have been inspired by a motivational speaker.
You still like coloring in coloring books.
You think relationships are hard.
You own at least one thing that’s Puma.
You eat when you’re bored.
You take long naps at the worst times.
You love stand up comedy.
You drink energy drinks.
You used to watch The Powerpuff Girls or Lizzie McGuire religiously
You own a pair of nike or adidas slip ons.
You could eat pizza anytime.
You have plans tonight.
The person that you like/love has a first name beginning with M.
It is past 2pm right now.
You like Taylor Swift.
You are wearing something brown right now.
You have been to a drive in movie theater.
You are going on vacation this summer.
You have taken a picture of yourself today.
Your favorite store is PacSun.
Your most recent ex’s name begins with a J.
Your know somebody with the same middle name as you.
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daddy-devitowo · 6 years
I was tagged by @see-a-penny !
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
@just-a-friendly-trash-can @baggysweet @woconutty @writing2earn @im-an-angel-you-ass-butt @pepelepewhtf @pennnwise @festivehanlon @floatinginderryquarry @voorheesrotted @milesupshore
I know this is more than nine but oh well. I wanna get to know all of you better 💚💚💚💚
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. (Tumblr is mean and won’t let me bold them so imma mark them with little green hearts!
🥀 APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - 💚I have at least one piercing 💚- I have blonde hair - 💚i have brown eyes💚 - 💚I have short hair 💚- My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
🥀 PERSONALITY - I love meeting new people - 💚people tell me I am funny💚 - 💚Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine 💚- 💚i enjoy physical challenges 💚- 💚enjoy mental challenges💚 - 💚am playfully rude to people I know💚-💚 I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it 💚💚There is something I would change about my personality💚
🥀 ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - 💚I can draw well 💚- I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head - 💚I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute💚 - 💚have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling 💚- 💚can make at least 3 recipes from scratch💚 - 💚know how to throw a proper punch💚
🥀 HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - 💚exercise at least once a week💚 - 💚I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months💚 - 💚have drawn something in the past month💚 - 💚enjoy writing💚 - Fandoms are my #1 priority - 💚I do some form of martial arts💚
🥀 EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss -💚 I have had alcohol 💚- I have scored a winning point in a sport - 💚I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting💚 - 💚have been at an overnight event💚 - I have been in a taxi - 💚I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year 💚- 💚have beaten a video game in one day💚 - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
🥀 MY LIFE -💚 I have one person that I consider to be my best friend 💚- 💚I live close to my school/work💚 - My parents are still together - 💚I have at least one sibling💚 - 💚I live in the United States💚 - There is snow where I live right now - 💚I have hung out with a friend in the past month 💚- 💚I have a smart phone 💚- 💚own at least 15 CDs 💚- I share my room with someone
🥀 RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a Relationship -💚 I have a crush on a celebrity💚 - 💚have a crush on someone I know 💚- I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - 💚have had a crush for over a year💚 - I have been in a relationship for over a year - 💚I have had feelings for a friend💚
🥀 RANDOM - I have break-danced -💚 I know a person named Jamie 💚- 💚have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce💚 - 💚have dyed my hair 💚- I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - 💚know someone who has gone to jail💚 - 💚have broken a bone 💚- I have eaten a waffle today - I speak at least two languages - 💚have made a new friend in the past year💚
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hinoha · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @kvmishiro! Thank you for tagging me aly!!! 😘
1ST RULE: tag 9 😜😝 people you want to get to know better. (huhu there’s so many tumblr people I want to get to know better…)
@manganimae @rainnieday @atsushisnakajima @dekuzs @todorokih @haruuka @k-isecchis @izukus @chizcmes @phantomhivez @v0ngola @kacchan @liusyss (… but u don’t have to do it if u don’t want to~)
2ND RULE: bold the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY - I 😍 meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (omg me with bby and af) - There is something I would change about my personality (im boring lol but hey always room for improvement ammiryt)
ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing math in my head (lol no my fingers v important im in kindergarten)- I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm 🤼 - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper 🥊
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (not anymore lol, it disbanded) - I have learned a new song in the past week (it was bnha ost on piano sorry not sorry) - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of martial arts
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first 😘 - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have 👀 an entire 📺 series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a 🚕 - I have been in the 🏥 or ER in the past year (huhu twice in 2017 for a sprain lol) - I have beaten a 🎮 in one day (does pkmn count?)- I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend ™ - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart 📱 - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year (more like yeaaaars) - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now (its bnha op3 pls forgive me)- I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
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donghun-s · 6 years
the very large sp3arb tag
so @sp3arb has tagged me in a total four tags recently and i’m finally getting around to all of them!! tysm for all the tags, meri (btw i love your name?? i think its super cute!) and i hope you learn a bunch of unnecessary stuff abt me lmao (under the cut bc this is a long ass post)
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
im not tagging anyone bc im bad at things and most ppl i wanna know about, meri has already tagged so
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority  - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie  - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages [i don’t speak two, i speak one and sign in another] - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by Roxanne ( is it ok if I call you Roxy? I like Roxy) Actually @lxx-fxlix  And for some reason it did not give me the notification you did, I was casually stalking your blog when I saw:
A: age? 16 (01 liner)
B: birthplace? North Carolina
C: current time? 7:53 pm
D: drink you had last? Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade)
E: easiest person to talk to? for me, it’s my irl best friend gwen and my best friend on here, krys
F: favorite song? oof i’m super indecisive so i’m just gonna commit to mayday by got7 (it always changes but mayday has stayed on my constantly rotating playlist for nearly six months now; most are on for six weeks, max)
G: grossest memory? uh probably when one of my swim lesson kids tried to eat a bug (they were like four) and i had to make them spit it out into my hands 
H: hogwarts house? proud slytherin!!
I: in love? i love a lot of people, but i’m not IN love
J: jealous of people? not anymore, my self-esteem has gotten so much better in past years
K: killed someone? uhm a couple of times in fics (*cough* jinjin in not like this *cough*)
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? not love but pls walk by again bc i’m probably enjoying your aesthetics
M: middle name? christine
N: number of siblings? one, an older sister
O: one wish? to adopt a kid with no family or an unhealthy one (obvs when  older and financially stable)
P: person you called last? my sister called me yesterday morning, and before that i had called my friend to tell him abt a near death experience when i was driving
R: reasons to smile? something good will happen to you, you’ll meet someone wonderful, and there’s always new experiences to happen
S: song you sang last? poet by bastille (an underrated fave)
T: time you woke up? about 8 am
U: underwear color? light heathered grey
V: vacation destination? i’d love to go to greece someday! santorini would be my first choice, and then my great-grandparents old village near thessaloniki
W: worst habit? probs my dermatillia (picking at acne on my face until it bleeds, then picking at the scabs, leaving a bunch of scars that will never go away)
X: x-rays? i got one on my tailbone one time, two years after i sprained it bc my mom didn’t believe me
Y: your favorite food? uhhh most anything tbh; i quite like the honey butter chicken sandwich from pdq
Z: zodiac sign? libra
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!  
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
orange!! and after that, any kinds of pastel or muted darks
2) Favourite song at the moment:
lotto by exo has been on replay in my head, my car, and my earbuds
3) Last book you read:
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
4) Last TV show you watched:
i tried to watch part-time idol bc hyunbin from jbj was in it, but within the first 15 minutes they set up an unnecessary relationship so i had to nope out of there real hard; i then reverted back to rewatching white collar for the fifth time
5) Last movie you watched:
does john mulaney’s nerflix comedy special comeback kid count?? if not, probably nightmare before christmas way back around christmastime
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
four dogs: pheonix, kino, midge, and bess; three horses: little man, gem, and andy (ironically i’m allergic to dogs and horses, and my dad keeps buying more)
7) If you have siblings how many?:
one, my older sister
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
i love doing my swim lessons and seeing all my kids!! i haven’t been able to lately bc of the weather, 
9) Best tumblr friends:
i only talk to @cheesyramynry on a daily basis, but i have a lot of blogs that i consider friendly acquaintances or casual friends as well!!
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
i value my compassion and empathy above all else; i am very much the mom friend and love to be it
11) Favourite memory:
ah i have so many; i think rn i’m gonna go with this past christmas, bc it was my last one with my grandfather
12) 3 weird habits:
swallowing gum, taking all my pills in descending size order, i tend to mimic how a singer sounds when i sing along to the song (ex: if they have a british accent, i’ll subconsciously sing in a british accent; if they stress certain syllables in certain ways, i’ll do it too)
13) What would you call your style?:
comfortable (stretchy jeans, t-shirts, hoodies) and with a few signature Gay Things (jean jacket, flannels, oversized mens’ button ups, a couple gay/bi pride shirts)
14) Odd talent:
if i have lyrics in front of me to a song i’ve never heard before, i can predict the pattern of the tunes and rhythm and sing along the first time
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
literally all of aroha and all of the sk fandom (y’all are the loveliest fandoms i’ve ever been a part of)
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions!  Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
i saw a thread of information abt the suspected nine members before they were officially announced and was like ‘yes i must stan them and love them with all of my heart.’ so uh,,,,, back in august or september??
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? uhm, i’m gonna expose myself rn and let y’all know that i’ve never actually seen a full episode of the show; as soon as i heard it was gonna be a survival show, i knew that i couldn’t watch it bc my heart was too weak and i was emotionally incapable of becoming too invested while watching it; but from clips, i quite like the episode with the 3:3:3 mission, and also the last episode when all nine were reunited and told they were going to debut together
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
my initial one was chan, and they i got rlly confused, and then slowly came to realize that it was jeongin (anything else after that is a fucking mess)
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
literally kill me all of them bias wreck me so hard bUT hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and chan have been wrecking me so hard in particular lately
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? uHHH not dance line bc swimmers have 0 coordination on land; i quite like singing even tho i’m not good at, so probably that, but i can also hit all of chan’s english rap parts in 3racha songs, and keep up with lafayette’s raps in hamilton, and a lot of the english rappers i like too so uh,,, sign me up for rap line too
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids? hellevator
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? i think it was either hoodie season or runner’s high
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
young wings or school life or yayaya (or grr or 4419 or glow or hellevator)
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
i love their current optimistic and slightly rebellious teenager concept rn bc its an Eternal Mood; but i always love myself a soft boyfriend concept 
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
how proud of them i am, and how proud of themselves they should be; i would tell them about how they’re saying things that resonate deeply for their fans and i love that they’re talking abt real world problems; i would also make sure to tell them (chan and 3racha especially) to make sure to rest more, and eat well, and take care of themselves emotionally as well as physically; and finally i’d like to tell jeongin how wonderful he is and that he’s doing so much at such a young age (lmao he’s actually eight months older than me but that’s no the point) and to never lose his cute little smile
finally done!! meri, if you actually read all of this, uh thank you????? i hope you now know everything you wanted to know abt me, and probably more than you wanted to know
i’m bad at tagging people, so if you also made it this far and haven’t done some of these tags, choose one, or a couple, or all of them and do them yourself!! just say that i tagged you!!
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