#im so excited! i dont have my work schedule for that week yet but i hope i have it off
rexscanonwife · 7 months
Good afternoon y'all I am thinking about my husband 🥺🫶💖🫶💖🫶 I miss my rexie!!
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badass-sunshine · 11 months
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loafbud · 1 year
how naive i was to assume not having a job/no college for 7 years after highschool graduation would give me enough freedom to feel inspired, live life and pursue my creative endeavors
it's made me the complete opposite
lazy, uninspired to take action, sleepy, not mentally stimulated...
im here wondering why my life's been so stagnant, why i missed out on having "core experiences" in my early 20s (having irl friends/a job/house/etc, going out to travel, etc), feeling like the world's spinning and its leaving me behind, like its already too late for me to do anything to enjoy life
I have creative projects i just..... sat on, let them live in my head and imagination for years, that I haven't acted on yet because i..... idek the reason, its like this:
i have all the mental energy to get hyped about my projects, freely imagine them in my head, seeing a future for those ideas- but in terms of actually doing it??? im just unable to have the physical drive to pursue those.
so when ppl tell me to "get up and just do it already- dont think, just do or else you'll never make progress"..... it doesn't motivate me, neither does it actually get me excited to do it
if you were to tell me "hey vinyl, u graduated hs now time to go to college!!" in the years immediately after graduation, id fucking cringe and just lock myself in the room.. hs was a hellscape that socially negatively affected my mental health, so my introverted ass going thru another academia experience with social anxiety & being around the same kind of energy was the last thing on my mind
but now that I've wasted my early 20s doing nothing with my life, I finally realize what i need to do to make it out
and after 7 years missing out life, when i think about doing (online) college, i actually get fucking excited??? in a good way?????? i cant wait to fuckin flip thru textbooks and take notes bro, to (for the first time in my life) set myself a schedule and actually take academics seriously, to have fully online asynchronous courses so i could learn at my own pace
to finally give my life that work/play balance. because 7 years of my life's been nothing but 100% play (ex: doing hobbies, gaming, lazing around, sleeping, etc), and i have no one but myself to blame for that
(i know i mentioned me finally choosing to go to a community college weeks ago, i still haven't applied yet but i will before the year ends lmao- i just dont wanna rush into it, i wanna prepare)
....but then idk,, to say 7 years of my life was a complete and utter joke/huge waste isn't entirely true... im constantly learning about myself and those years definitely played a big part in my self-discovery and just see how my beliefs have changed thru time
uhhh yeah
tl;dr- as a 25-year-old artist with 7+ years of a no work/no school life + living w/ my parents my whole life, I've gotten absolutely zero shit done on creative projects and no forward progress in my life in general, so im going into my college/work era
the position I've been in for those years helped me grow as a person internally, but this era i was in has already served its purpose so its time for me to start a new chapter or smthn
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starjxsung · 2 months
HEY STAR!!! so remember how I promised to spill about my injury updates??? umm I finally got some answers, which I'm excited about but everyone else seems nervous about lmao 😭 so basically I've had really bad knee pain for like, half my life and no one knew what it was. i recently had MRIs and I just had my follow up today so yayyy! the doctor was also kinda fine so that's a bonus 🤭 but I went with my dad since I'm back home rn and the doctor told us that he can see a few different issues from my X-rays and MRIs, and on their own, they wouldn't be a big deal. buttt since I have them all, they're causing lots of issues. he literally called me complex 💀 and he walked us through a couple surgeries that he thinks could help the problem. the one he thinks would help the most is kinda a lot 😀 basically he wants to cut through my femur, realign it so it's straight, and hold it in place with a plate and screws.... so yeah. and if I do end up going with that one, he'd do the left first, let it recover, and if it works well and heals nicely, he'd go back in to do my right. tbh I'm not really concerned about the actual surgery cutting into my leg amd sawing through my bone part, but I'm more worried about the recovery time especially because i play softball. but also I'm just glad to finally get answers after so long of doctors just telling me "yeah, there's something wrong, let's do physical therapy and see if it helps" FOR NINE+ YEARS 😭 like yeah atp i dont think its helping very much, is it?
but anyways I bought my ATE album and I'm excited for that. I MISSED YOU STAR BBY IM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY FILL YOU IN! HOW ARE YOU???
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my kitties say hello 💕💕💕
OH MY GOD????((( I mean I’m so glad you finally got some answers and that they were able to find an underlying cause but that sounds so intense ☹️☹️☹️☹️ have you scheduled the surgery yet or are you still deciding whether you want to get it? Also what IS the recovery time??? I’m so sorry bby that sounds really rough ☹️ especially since you play softball!!!! Keep me posted on whether you go through with it aaaaaa I’m rooting for you so hard and I’m sending you all my love and healing vibes ☹️🫶🫶🫶🫶 I will deadass send flowers to your hospital room I LOVE U 💐🌻🌷🪻🌹
ALSO MY ATE ALBUM SHIPPED YURRRRR comeback this week it doesn’t even feel real 😭😭 I’m seeing Ateez tonight and then flying to LA to see them again and then Lolla the week after next and I’m crazy busy at work AAAAA I’m so stressed but also just excited for everything and I wish I could take a month off just to sleep after all my shows 😭 ALSO HELLO TO UR KITTIES WOWOWOWOW THEY’RE SO CUTIE
I love u so much angel baby keep me posted on everything I’m rooting for u so hard !!!!!!!!! LOVE UUUUUU happy skz comeback week take care of yourself for me 👼🫶🫶🫶🫶❤️ here’s momo who’s also cheering for u
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lesbi-nyan · 7 months
Its like 3:47AM and ig im making a life update post since i cant fall back asleep.
Huge news. in just these last 3 days of looking at places with assistance from this local housing program, I have responded to 8 listings and immediately got a reply from 1 that same hour. had a viewing the next day. yesterday I signed my very first rental lease contract and and i've paid the deposit fee. my move in date is march 15th!!! I'll have a proper place w a roommate (stranger).
The subsidy this program said they would provide me with, is no longer happening because i have too many savings above their cap. The great thing (sarcasm) about this, is i went with this place cause tho it is slightly above budget at $945/m (with utilities), with the rental subsidy that makes it loads more affordable. but now my whole paycheck from my minimum wage job is going to go to paying rent, with barely any left over. I mentioned this to the worker and she said she'd ask her manager if the subsidy would still be appropriate. to be determined.
the lease is only 5.5 months, with potential for longer.
I'm takibg steps to find a better paying job and one that'll make me hopefully less miserable. this program isnt just leaving me cut and try either; our next step is to visit Work BC and figure out HOW i can get a bettrr paying job/ the skills for that. that'll b next week.
as of earlier this week, during yet another work breakdown, my manager asked me how i feel about this job. i've told him i dont feel i fit in here and it sucks cause i was so excited to work for this compaby, and i am looking for new work. but i dont have a timeframe.
he said he won't change my schedule til i ask him to, and said he's sorry to see me leave, as he's seen some great work from me, just that it's really 50/50. somedays i cannot function, and other days i feel amazibg and great. To be clear i hate this job but i have to stick with it a bit longer.
I'm probably gonna keep ebegging, but with this new place i hope i can also start posting more lewd content that'll make you want to tip me 💜. if only if onlyfans finally accepts my damn identity authentication, ive been struggling with it for months and it sucks.
Thank you to everyone who's tipped and donated and been supportive to me these last 4 months of my leaving/ running away from my parents' place, and setting out in my own. it's not been easy, but it is getting better ~nya
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gothmods · 6 months
Mega tmi below the cut (sex stuff again)
I think i can definitely conclude that while i do have a lot of sexuality baggage from yknow christian upbringing cisheteronormative society etc etc and i still think i have a low sex drive and am not very sensitive down there at least to my own touch and still resent the universe for denying me a dick
I can conclude that i am not asexual. The decade long quest for answers reaches some type of end.
I feel good. Yes in that a weight has now been lifted but more that this is one of like, less than a handful of times getting off has felt good, has been something i enjoyed.
All things considered its a mild enjoyment, it was fun but not earth-shatteringly brilliant. But i think it would be more fun with a partner, which like will probably still not be life changing or anything...
And yet that kinda is why its life changing for me. Years of all this anxiety and self harm and its like, its like ive been standing stuck on the doorstep for so long and the doors started to look bigger and heavier but now they are finally open and i can just. Let go? just sit with sex and sexuality as just another part of [my] life.
I liked it, i want to do it again. This is the first time ive been able to feel that way.
Moving on to less emotional notes
- douching, not as much work as you would think. Ive worked out how my body usually is so its a matter of scheduling but the actual prep was straightforward.
- vibrators are a godsend. Still figuring out what feels best but defs beats the hand by a long shot.
- arms and limbs are awkward. Multitasking very hard, suddenly very much understand the appeal of the suction cup dildo. Towel is very good idea also because lube can and does get everywhere.
- have definitely decided i like anal though. Its fun, reminds me a bit of the gentle burn you get from doing muscle based workouts. But without the pain of doing muscle based workouts.
- i like how i feel afterwards too. Front hole stuff has never felt good to me but also would give me abdominal cramping afterwards :/ i dont remember if that was the case pre-t but its never felt good during anyway so
- clean up is a pain. Wish i had my own bathroom. Picture if you will a guy carrying two different glass toys, a wand vibrator, an enema and a bottle of sex toy cleaner through the yard at night and then having to open multiple doors to get to the bathroom all while trying to be quiet enough to not wake his grandmother up (granny flat bathroom is only accessible via the bedroom 😬)
So yeah probably not something i will be doing often unless there comes another time i get the house to myself for a week or something.
Nonetheless excited to keep trying things.
I feel kinda embarrassed writing all this but the thing is i am 24 and having to learn these things for the first time and thats okay. But also i think the past decade and my relationship with sexuality would have been a lot easier to navigate if i had known anyone with similar experiences. I mean i know a lot of people had similar upbringings to me and we all live in a society but its been. Its been very isolating because of how that affected me.
I dont think ive seen much shared at all in terms of experiences with compulsive self harm in a sexual context. If it had just been anxiety and self-loathing i would have been able to deal with it much sooner i think.
But the self harm was a kind of feedback loop of like, you self harm -> you feel shame and disgust and misery -> those feelings become your primary association with sexual thoughts and behaviour -> the only sexual thoughts you get are intrusive and distressing -> self harm becomes a means of feeling in control of the distress -> and on we go again and again and again
But its over. Its actually over and i want to cry. Its been weeks and i havent self harmed and im finding it a little easier to deal with triggers and just. I want to cry so much because i feel so fucking relieved.
The power of anal sex....
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pastramimommy · 13 days
Alrighty you can see how well im doing with my habits since im writing this halfway through the month lmao so here we are in september, balls deep into a doctoral program and I got the VA job but dont start till october. I have been absolutely BLESSED that I have a whole month of doing school without a job because I would be absolutely fucked adjusting to both at the same time. I basically started school already behind, trying to catch up and not really sure the best way to approach my classes. I was studying all day without any other real commitments and it freaked me tf out that I will soon be expected to do this while working 40 hours a week. but alas, I am officially back on top of things and need to find a system that works for me while I am in school.
I spent 2 weeks in LA so that threw me off my habit game a bit, but thats just an excuse bc I've still been doing a shitty job while at home. I will give myself some grace about attending church in person, and be satisfied with watching online since I am not committed to a community here yet. My morning routine I worked so hard to build is looking pretty pitiful right now LOL I am now trying to work myself back up to waking up at 5-5:30am but am struggling and need to get my ass in bed before 10. Meal prepping breakfast helped me get things moving faster, but I need to let myself take a moment for Bible app and set the days intentions before i jump into studying. I have been working out like mf beast and am in the greatest shape of my life, achieving new flexibility/strength goals, but i am getting so stagnant with pole, i need lessons again!!
Living at home has been truly interesting lol seeing my sisters as potential roommates has revealed a lot. and the constant proximity is testing maya and I's relationship but for the better, imo. there is a lot of unaddressed issues there so no better time than now to let it all out. I am not having a bad time living at home by any means, its just hard to get into a routine when a lot of my day is dependent on others' schedules. I am very excited for the future house, but i am a lot less excited for the move.
Now for the tea!! Dating is crazy bro. I've had some incredible dates and met some incredible people. Most of the people I would be remotely interested in live at least 30 minutes away so that has been tough. I've made some solid connections with people but I am fr trying to learn from my mistakes with Chris and not go 0 to 100 with anyone. And it's funny I really gotta hold back sometimes. The biggest struggle is still wanting to be out there and meeting new people when someone is set on me. And it really makes me feel like shit because that is the roles were reversed when I was with Chris. But I can confidently tell myself at the end of the day, I am not doing anything wrong because I am being transparent about where I stand. I am proud of myself for my intentionality with going about things ethically. I am here to meet all the people but not break any hearts!! It really freaks me out that I have to try to balance dating and school and work. Like I can't put it off because otherwise I start looking at 30 years old? nah. i crunched the numbers, I need to put in work asap because i won't be able to hang out with anyone frequently enough to start officially dating anyone at a regular pace. so here I will be, bulldozing through this new phase trying to do all the mf things at once. The main goal is being gentle with myself and holding onto my habits, routines and coping mechanisms i worked so hard to build.
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tryhardgwen · 7 months
rs archive 03/12/2024:
I'm interested to know what your writing process is like! I know you have several wips right now (and I'm so excited to get to read them hopefully in the future) so how do you choose what to work on? Do you just write on the wip depending on your mood for the day? or do you stick to one until you finish it and then move on to the next one? Do you also do outlines or just go in with feelings?
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION SINCE I MADE MY RETROSPRING ANON I QUITE LITERALLY LOVE YOU (yes... i am an attention whore and narcissist that likes talking about myself i am so sorry) but . um. sorry i get excited. i just like chatting and discussing things 🥹🥹
so one thing about me is i TRY to choose what to work on and make lists but i ultimately fail. i don't control shit. you will see my tweet about wip lists on twt "i will finish gumakeria aml spinoff for valentines day" no im fucking not. "ok i work on this in march, this during summer..." no i absolutely wont. im not listening to a thing. i just work on whatever im inspired by atm. its all very messy and uncoordinated. i have wips from last year i haven't finished, yet i have a published fic that i thought of and completed in two weeks (??). make it make sense. some of my older wips need to be let out of the dungeon i nEED to work on them. SOME OF THEM DONT EVEN MAKE SENSE TO BE RELEASED ANYMORE BECAUSE ITS LIKE TIME-RELATED AND my own self ruined that. like i have 2023 summer fics in the works. i could've written and released them during worlds?? but no i worked on aml instead. by the time i release those time-relevant fics its going to be so long ago. will anyone care about them? should i even write them at this point? i don't know. :| why am i a mess. my mind is literally a mess. why do i do this to myself.
so yeah, i just choose to work on based on vibes/how i feel which leads to a lot of fics in the dungeon. i will eventually get re-inspired and finish those, but who knows how long that's going to take. i do work on one wip at a time pretty much, but not necessarily until i finish it. oftentimes ill choose an idea and finish it then move onto the next one, but like i said, sometimes i will abandon said wip to go work on and finish another. i have like 10k of a camp half blood au rotting in the dungeon. also 8k of this piltover au gumaoner ive been trying to finish since may of last year. longfics also fuck up my schedule a bit because of how... long they are. i usually work on them consistently for quite a while and work on other smaller fics in the meantime. i think i started the hunger games au in may of 2023? im not even close to done because i kinda jotted down the starting ideas, didn't touch it until november (so, after i finished writing "all my love"), and then like didnt touch it all of worlds bc i was pissed off at it. then i picked it up again in 2024 (rewriting all 50k i had written previously) and that's what im working on in the background rn. "background" as in i will put it aside if i have a shorter fic idea to work on and quickly publish. like i abandoned it for 2 weeks to work on the kindred showmaker&chovy fic. you see what i mean?
all my wips typically start with an idea and one or two lines of dialogue. ("imagine being loved by me" started with the two lines "where do i belong / with me, of course.") or i'll listen to music to get an idea which the lines/scene then spawn from, or i see some picture of some proplayer (keria with "don't blame me") ill jot them on a google doc or a discord server, and then when im inspired ill expand on it, and eventually finish it! a lot of my scene ideas happen in my head before writing. sometimes ill think whole scenes through in my head, including dialogue and actions, before putting it to paper (or, document on the computer i guess). other times it just comes as i write. sometimes i write fics in one sitting ("homemade dynamite") but most of the time its longer than that, whether it be a week or like, months lol.
as for outlines, i do not use outlines. barely, anyway. honestly, outlines would probably help me a lot! i used them twice i think (both recent fics, huh), once with "take a bite" because fluff is so fucking hard to write i needed help, and another time with "the mouth of the wolf, the eyes of the lamb" because i wrote the ending for that fic first and needed help filling it in. but yeah, generally no outlines. oftentimes i have a whole detail of the story in my head to begin with, or i just write and sees what comes out. again, i am not organized in the least. rip me.
i also... don't write chronologically as you might've been able to tell. i like bounce between wips and scenes. the very first scene of aml i wrote was actually the scene of wooje driving the mustang again for the first time in chapter one! typically, like i said, my wip ideas will start with a few scene, and only once i have those down will i write chronologically to link up the other scenes and complete the fic!
soo i hope that sort of like explained/gave you some insight on my very messy writing process (i have a very messy brain.) as a parting gift i will give you a wip list that i will definitely not follow. do not fucking trust me. 1. hunger games au. 2. worlds fakenut. 3. yeah why am i making a list im not going to follow it. BUT I WANT TO FINISH THE HUNGER GAMES AU SO BAD ITS TAKING SO LOOOOONG OH MY GOD. okay, anyway. i love you. thank you so much for asking 🥹🫶🫶!! i hope you have an amazing day <3
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ao3-oner · 6 months
hiiii!! thank u for answering my gumakeria question, i dont know if asking that would be rude or anything since i dont want to put pressure on u so thank u!!! suffice to say i have something to look forward now in the future skdjfhskdjf alsooo, ur new rulhends fic???? im so excited for ittttt!! it seems so promising skjdhfksjd it's been a while since we got a new rulhends fic. so im very exciteddd <33 anwayss can u talk about rulhends?? just about anything HAHAHHA what do u think of them and their dynamics and stuff,, i just love them and the way they interact with each other (also did u see lehends tagging ruler recently on peanut's post??? ruler's reply was so funny dkfjhkjfdg)
Hello there, and great to hear from you again <3
I'm always happy to answer questions about what I have coming up next - it helps me hold myself accountable for finishing my writing and posting it regularly. If I end up needing to shift my schedule around, I can always do that, too - for example, since I'm going to be writing a lot of smut for the M.S.I fic, I honestly think I might post some fluffy GumaKeria in the upcoming week instead of the intended PWP, also because I've been thinking about the 2022 Asian Games roster for Korea because that team was honestly so much fun...
As for RuLehends - I suppose their dynamic in two words would be "tsundere competition," like both of their attitudes are "I'd rather die than admit that I actually care about you, moron," but then they both care so so much. Every ADC-support pairing is founded on a deep trust and mutual understanding, like they fundamentally get each other, but where RuLehends contrasts with a ship like GumaKeria is that they're both more experienced - they aren't each other's "first" anything; they both know how these relationships work, how it'll probably end, and yet they can't resist being drawn in to each other. There's this terrifying vulnerability that comes with falling for the people closest to you, and that's what makes it easier to lash out, or shove it all away. That's my take on the core of their relationship: very bittersweet and pointy and poetic.
I did not see Lehends tagging Ruler on Peanut's post (I don't have a twitter) but I'd love to hear his response!! Last time I saw them interact was last year when Ruler told Lehends "You're ugly, short, and you don't have a girlfriend" lmao XD
Thank you again for commenting and I hope you enjoy my upcoming work! :)
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rjshepherd · 3 years
Hi there. I recently came across your re8 headcannons and such and I kind of wanted to submit something. It's cool if you can't. I wanted to know how you think lady D and Heisenberg would be with an short S/O who enjoys cooking and baking. Hope you're doing well.
Ok so, ordinarily on my fandom blogs, I do allow submissions. But since this is my personal blog that I've accidentally made Karl-centric (lmao) I like to keep submissions off. You're more than welcome to DM me something and I'll reblog it with you as an @ .
But that being said, here's some Headcanons. I don't write for alcina (yet) so im just going to do a few for karl right now
Karl x Short S/O who likes cooking
-Karl is a semi decent cook himself , so you have that in common!
- however given his busy schedule, he rarely has time to cook. he's one of those people who eats a lot of ready meals or just the raw ingredients of stuff. He also has a tendency to replace food and meals with coffee or energy drinks to keep him going.
-Having you around is like angels have descended from on high with fresh pasta. He fucking loves it. No matter how busy he is, he always rushes to you at meal times excited to see what youve come up with this time.
-if you want his attention, bake something. The smell will have him wandering in shortly to see what you're up to. He loves pastries and is always bugging you to make German chocolate cake. you should maybe save it for special occasions thought because he never gets tired of eating it and would be the size of the duke if you made it every time he asked.
-he LOVES it when you make him a little packed lunch for work. not only does it mean he doesn't have to stop working ( which he really appreciates) it shows how much you love him and support him and that just makes him go weak at the knees. He likes to eat his lunch in front of the other lords and gloat about what a fantastic cook you are and how you make a special lunch just for him every day. They are all very jealous and sometimes ask you to make lunches for them too. Karl wont share.
-He really enjoys doing meal prep with you. Every now and then you both just take a day out and make meals for the month to freeze . Not only is it just a great way to spend time together, It means you can eat together even if you dont have time to cook together later in the week.
-Even if you dont have time to eat together, he enjoys sharing a meal with you and knowing that somewhere in the village youre tucking into your dinner and thinking of him too.
-He's one of those people who likes to hover in the kitchen when his s/o is cooking/baking in the hopes of getting to lick a spoon or taste a sample before the dish is finished. He has a habit of poking his hands into the crockpot or stealing nibbles off the cutting board while youre not looking.
- i dont think he has a favorite meal but he loves slow cooked meat dishes. anything hearty or filling like stew or casserole are usually a win with him. He also LOVES when you make extra or there's left overs so he can snack later or the following day.
There you go nonnie! im getting a little hungry myself hahah
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itsdanii · 4 years
Hi!! I love how you did the Asahi and his wife and the pregnancy imagine! Its soooo cutee!!
I was wondering if you could do reader telling Iwaizumi she's pregnant after he and the team win the Olympics? Just fluffy fluffines ahahah
Welcome Home
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Hey, bub. Thank you so much for requesting! Im so glad that you're enjoying my works, its such an honor♥️ As requested, here's a fluffy iwaizumi finding out his wife is pregnant. Enjoy and stay hydrated!
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genre: fluff
warnings: nothing but iwaizumi being super soft with his wife
ft. iwaizumi hajime
coming home has never been better
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You found out you're pregnant a few weeks ago but unlike telling your husband like a normal wife would, you kept it hidden because you wanted to think of doing something special when you finally tell him.
But it seemed as if coming up with something creative wasn't an easy task because here you are now, 3 weeks into your pregnancy yet still have no idea on what to do.
You were slowly growing frustrated. At one point, you even thought of just dropping the bomb on Iwaizumi but when you realized how close the Olympic match was already, you decided to hold yourself back knowing that there's a huge possibility he won't be able to focus.
As you scrolled through the internet, your lips curled up as a certain idea caught your attention. You took your phone to check your calendar and grinned as you saw that you have just enough days to prepare for everything.
Two days later, you've got everything you needed and placed them inside a box, excitement bubbling up inside you as you imagined the look on Iwaizumi's face when he sees your little surprise. You even added a red ribbon to make it more pleasing in the eyes before placing it on the bedside table.
Tomorrow, your husband will be coming home from their victorious match during the olympics.
As if sensing your longing, your phone vibrated at an upcoming call, your face instantly lightening up at seeing the familiar name of your husband flashing through the screen.
"Hello, hubbie," you greeted with a smile.
"Hey, angel. Sorry, were you about to sleep?"
You almost laughed at how fast a frown formed on his face when he said that. It was obvious in his voice that he was exhausted yet throughout the whole duration of his busy schedule, not once did you hear him utter a simple complain.
"Yes, but I miss you so it's alright, Haji."
From there, the two of you started talking about your day with Hajime speaking more than you as he explained detail by detail the things that happened in the court and how the team won.
Noticing the way your eyes were fluttering, your husband paused from talking and waited for a couple of seconds to confirm his suspicions. Upon seeing your eyes completely closing and your hand almost dropping the phone, he smiled softly at your cuteness.
"Why don't you go to sleep already? You know I can see your eyes dropping, right?" Hajime said from the other side.
You instantly opened your eyes at that. "But we want to hear your voice more," you answered sleepily, unaware of the tiny slip up that had managed to escape your lips.
Luckily for you, Iwaizumi took your slip up as an indication of how sleepy you are already.
"Mhm, but you can barely speak without slurring your words. I'll be home tomorrow already and then we can talk as much as you want to. Does that sound good?"
You pouted slightly before nodding, knowing full well that he was right. Plus, staying up too late isn't good for a pregnant woman.
"Goodnight, angel. I love you."
"Night, Haji. Love you too." You smiled at the screen sleepily before finally ending the call.
Just like what Iwaizumi said, you headed straight to sleep with a hand on your lower belly, the idea of soon being in the arms of your husband helping you relax as you let yourself fall asleep.
When morning came, you woke up early, too excited for the arrival of Iwaizumi and how he's going to react with the news.
It was almost 11 in the morning when the front door finally opened, Iwaizumi's exhausted look greeting you as soon as he entered.
He placed his bags down before meeting you halfway in the living room, his arms instantly wrapping around your waist to pull you into him. Iwaizumi then buried his head to the crook of your neck, breathing you in for a few moments before finally kissing your lips.
You pulled away from the passionate kiss breathlessly, half lidded eyes staring up at your husband as you took in his features.
"I'm home," he whispered with his forehead resting against yours and his lips still ghosting over your own.
"Welcome home, Haji." You gave him one last peck before pulling away, giggling as Iwaizumi let out a small whine of complain.
"I bought you a welcome home gift," you said as you signaled him to sit on the couch. "Wait here."
As you went to get the box, Iwaizumi couldn't help but smile. He basically just arrived and here you are, already spoiling him and showering him with your affection.
You settled yourself on his lap, body facing sideways with the box resting on top of your legs. Handing him the gift, you smiled excitedly as he took it from you. "Hope you like it, hubbie."
You watched him slowly unwrap the ribbon, his eyes glancing at you for a brief second before opening the box.
Iwaizumi's eyesbrow shot up as he stared at the small fabric inside. It resembled his former highschool jersey but this one was a onesie version, the bold lettering of his surname present on the back with the same number.
You stared at him as he took the onesie in fascination and you couldn't stop yourself from giggling as you basically watched the wheels spinning inside his head.
"Babe?" Iwaizumi said as he turned his attention on you, a hopeful look present on his face.
You simply hummed at him and titled on your head a little to the side.
"I-" Iwaizumi paused for a moment and looked down at the box once again, finally taking notice of the small card inside. He took the piece of paper and his eyes immediately watered at what was written on it.
Welcome home, daddy.
"Are you...are you pregnant?" he asked expectantly, eyes skimming over your features before it dropped down to your covered belly.
The moment you muttered a simple "Yes," Iwaizumi instantly stood up, his hands holding your legs to keep you from falling.
The action caused you to let out a small squeal before you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Oh, Haji. Don't cry," you cooed as you saw tears streaming down your husband's face. You wiped his tears with your hand before placing a kiss on his lips.
"I'm gonna be a dad," he whispered before placing you down on your feet, one arm settling on the small of your back, refusing to let go.
"Yes, you are," you said with a loving tone before resting your head on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat making you close your eyes as you relish the feeling of finally being in his arms.
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likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♥️
a/n: i want iwaizumi, 27, athletic trainer, to embrace me with his big, strong arms 😌 dont we all?
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ground-riot-jack · 3 years
Number 1 | K. Bakugou |
idk what this is man, an origin story maybe?? idk bakugou is an asshole and reader is a badass
The ratings where in, this is it, the big moment. After years of hard work and dedication, you’re finally about to find out if you made it the number Number 1 Hero Spot. You walk out on the stage with the other Top 5 heroes, one being your long term boyfriend, Bakugou. You’d been dating since highschool and worked at the same agency that he created.
“And for our number 2 Hero, we have...Ground Zero! Number 1... Angel! Thank you heroes for protecting and sacrificing your lives for us!” The announcer practically yelled at the large crowd of people.
You couldn’t believe it. You did it. You were the number 1 hero in all of Japan and your boyfriend was right behind you. The lights of the stage felt like power surging through your body. Your large white wings fluttered in excitement. You took your place at the number one podium and felt warm tears of joy stream down your face, you feel pata on your back and can hear congratulations swirling around but you can barely stand up straight.
Soon someone hands you a microphone, the crowd quieting down.
“Thank you all so much, I will work hard every single day until my body gives up to make sure this great nation is protected. I’ve worked very hard to get here so thank you all for recognizing my hard work and determination. I wanna thank Ground Zero, for being the best partner and for helping me get where I am. It won’t be easy but I will take this number 1 spot and wear it with pride. Thank you, i love you all” You spill out happily, you turn and grab onto Katsuki, hugging him and congratulating him on Number 2. You’d both climbed so high and so quickly since you’re UA days, it’s made you happy that you’ve come so far with the person you love most.
Bakugou however, didn’t look happy. It was extremely rare to see a smile on his face, but at the very least you’d expected his bored face. But now, he looked angry. He looked like he was ready to level the city withy he scowl pressed on his face.
“babe, what’s wrong? you good?” You grab his large bicep, getting him to look at you. His bright red eyes snap to yours and you feel locked in with how much animosity they hold.
“I’m ready to go home” He spits out before turning and walking back to the car you’d both arrived in.
You took a few more pictures with fans before following your grumpy boyfriend. As soon as you sat in the car, you could feel the tension thick in the air.
“Ok seriously babe, what the hell is wrong? We got the top spots, that’s amazing!” You turn towards him as the driver head back to your place.
“It’s nothing” He managed to say through his teeth with his are locked together with how tight he’s clenching his jaw.
“It’s something, you’re getting ready to blow this car up”
“I said it’s nothing, Angel” He speaks, the name oozing in malice and anger. Suddenly it clicked.
“You’re jealous that I got the number one spot while you got number two. jesus christ katsuki, could you be any more pessimistic. Why can’t you just be happy for me that i’ve reached a goal i’ve been trying to get my whole life? Number two is in no way shape or form bad.” You huff and fall back against the seat, you watch Bakugou clench and unclench his fists while staring out the window.
“I have to be number one and be better than All Might” He growls quietly, you knew it was a somewhat sensitive subject, but you couldn’t believe your ears.
“All might? Katsuki, you’re 23 years old, you can’t truly expect to be better than All Might right now? All might wasn’t even this good at this age yet, you’re way ahead of schedule. You can’t be happy for me because you wanna be better at 22 years old than All Might was in his prime? You’re delusional katsuki.”
“so you think I don’t deserve this katsuki? You think what? I haven’t worked hard enough? I’m nor strong enough? I’m not good enough? WHAT IS IT KATSUKI? Why don’t I deserve to be number one? Why do you think your were unfairly judged?”
You both stared at each other in silence for a while, anger boiling into the atmosphere. You understood the only thing that drove bakugou in highschool was his need to be number one. You were both adults now, and you were in love with each other. You’d hoped that you’d made a big enough impact on bakugou that your life and love together would be enough of a motivator to be great, the way it was with you.
You felt that car pull into your large home, and immediately jumped out, racing up to your shared bedroom. You got out of your hero costume and into leggings and a tank top. You took off all your makeup and picked the confetti out of your wings. You looked up as Bakugou walked in the room.
“Im not sorry that I’m not settling for number two, I never will and you know it, but i am sorry for yelling at you and the way I acted.” Katsuki grumbled while looking at the floor. Usually, his awkward and hesitant apologies warmed your heart and made you gush at how cute your angry boyfriend was, but now you find yourself staying angry.
“That’s not an apology katsuki. You refuse to be happy for me, even though you promised you would be. You refuse to even acknowledge how much work I put into this to be number one. I am THE youngest Hero to hit number one and you can’t even say good job babe. Instead you get angry and jealous and mean because it wasn’t you. Never mind the fact that you jumped from 10 to 2 which is THE biggest jump anyone’s seen in years bakugou. You won’t even let yourself be happy at what you’ve done, because you’re too busy being jealous” You poke his chest, finally standing in front of him.
“It’s not a bad thing to want to be the best” He crosses his arms, getting defensive.
“Of course not babe, I want you to be the best too. So why don’t you want me to be the best?”
“It’s not that, it’s-“
“It’s what Katsuki?”
“I made a promise to myself-”
“YOU MADE A PROMISE TO ME KATSUKI. You gave me this fucking promise ring and told me that you you’re gonna support me no matter what. That we were gonna work hard to get to where we need to go and we were gonna do it together. You promised me you’d be by my side. That’s the difference between us babe. You need to be number one for yourself, I need to be number one for us. You’ve forgotten that” You wipe your tears and move around the tall man in your way. It hurt that Katsuki couldn’t see this was bigger than his highschool days. This was your life together. You hadn’t spoken to All Might or even Midoriya in years, so why was it so hard for him to accept you as a permanent part of his life.
“Baby, i’m sorry I just. I get one track minded and I was so hopeful that this was finally the day. I needed so bad to be number one-“
“THIS IS NO LONGER ABOUT BEING NUMBER ONE KATSUKI, THIS IS ABOUT HOW YOU CANT SEE THAT YOURE TREATING ME LIKE A SIDE CHARACTER. I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND!! For fucks sake katsuki, we live, work, sleep, eat do and do everything together, so the fact that I’m not even one of the reasons you go out and do what you do hurts because this” You pause and gestured to everything around you. “This is the reason I wake up every morning, you are the reason I fight crime and your reason is, a childhood rivalry. You’re am adult now, you’re supposed to be friends with midoriya and all might and you’re supposed to be over this whole thing. This isn’t supposed to be the thing that drives you. I’m not saying I have to be too of the list but it would be nice to be on the list” You sigh and look at your boyfriend. You knew this wasn’t healthy to yell at each other like this, but you needed him to understand where you’re coming from.
“Baby, Of course you’re my reason for waking up and being a hero, I would do anything to protect you, it’s just I always pictured me at Number 1 with my agency and you and a family. I have a need, a primal urge to be number one and that’s never going to change. Doesn’t mean i don’t love your dumbass”
“Well I’m number one Katsuki, and I earned the hell out of it. I worked my ass off day and night for weeks and months and years so that I could have this. And to see you pout and complain and look me in my face and tell me you don’t think I deserve this spot hurts more than some cute little apology where you call me dumbass lovingly. So i’ll ask you again, why don’t you think I deserve this spot? What makes you better?” You squinted your eyes at the tall man and clench your jaw.
“Im physically stronger-“ You interrupt your boyfriend by grabbing his arm and kicking his legs out from under him, using your wings to flip him over in his back, pinning him down.
“You’re so close minded katsuki, that you don’t even know what i’ve. been doing for the past 8 months. I an the number one hero you think i didn’t train to be stronger than everyone around me?” You ask, hurt laced in your voice.
“Fine, you deserve this spot. You’re the best.”
“You dont meant that, I’m gonna make you fucking mean it Katsuki. One day you’re gonna see me and i’m gonna be the best and you’re gonna be in awe of my power and then you’ll finally see that i deserve this.” You push off of him and stand up your wings tucking close to your body.
“Just-give me a week babe. I promise I’ll make it up to you and I’ll show you I am happy for you, it’s just difficult being let down like this. I’m a sore loser and you know it.” Bakugou grabs your shoulder and pulls you close to his chest.
“You haven’t even said you’re proud of me yet. or that you love me. or even good job katsuki. You don’t believe i’m your heart that i deserve this do you?” You look at him, heart in your throat.
“I believe I should be number one. Every time.” Katsuki mutters in your hair like it was a compliment. You push him back, rage filling your body.
“You’re fucked up katsuki. I’m fucking leaving” You spit, throwing on a jacket and shoes, heading towards your front door.
“Where the hell are you going?!” Bakugou snarls as you move past him.
“Katsuki, I love you with every fiber of my soul, but right now looking at your face makes me wanna throw you across town and beat the shit out of you. I’ll be back tomorrow maybe” You mumble the last part, not really sure how long you wanna be away from your hot headed boyfriend.
“you can’t just fucking leave y/n, how do you expect to be number one of you can’t even stay and win a fight against your boyfriend.” Katsuki let’s out a dry laugh, causing you to turn away from your front door.
You lunge at Katsuki, ready to punch him until he understands you’re the number one hero. You two roll around fighting and spewing things typically reserved for villains. Bakugou pins you down on the floor, his knee on your chest and his hands holding both your wrists beside your head. You close your eyes and focus all your energy into your chest, a faint ball of white light glows from your heart. Ktsuki looks at it with realization before the energy is expelled from you and your boyfriend is sent flying across the living room.
“You did not just use Power Surge on me.” He growls. wiping the sweat from his brow.
“I did, and i’m fucking leaving and your not gonna say shit or so help me god katsuki, i will shoot a beam of light so bright and hot that you wake up blind, burnt and fucking single.” You use your wings to send you flying straight to your front door, you look back at your confused boyfriend once more before taking to the sky.
Bakugou began the cleaning process, shocked and confused. Why didn’t you understand he wants to be happy for you, he truly does, but his pride won’t let him get away with not winning. He decided to let you fly off to calm down for the night, opting to call and talk to Kirishima. The two friends ended up talking for a bit longer than expected, bakugou trying to get kiri on his side, not his girlfriends. It didn’t work however, Kirishima understood that bakugou would let his emotions cloud his mind, even when it came to you. By the end of the conversation, bakugou was almost has heated as he was while fighting you. He concluded the best option was to head to his agency and train for the night.
He arrived and decided to do some things around the office before heading to the training and workout wing of his large building. While going thru last minute files, there’s a knock on his door.
“Ground Zero, i wasn’t expecting you to be here so late.” A stranger smiles in Bakugou face as he opens his office door, his secretary smiling sheepishly.
“Who the hell are you?” He cocks his head and tries to figure it out before he’s told, one of those weird habits he’s picked up being a hero.
“My apologies. I’m Niko Takeyama, I work for the Hero Commission. How would you like to be the number one hero by this time next month.”
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sparksnevadas · 2 years
Hey! Sorry to bother you but I was wondering how well the next chapter of Gihasm is coming along? (Perhaps we can know when you have an estimate of when it’ll be posted? Srry if it sounds like I’m rushing””) I’m really excited to see how Grian deals with all of these feelings and thoughts he’s having. You wrote him rlly well! Also that hint you dropped in the comments on a03 of Grian having something to say to Etho? Oooo ~ Sounds like Apollo/Grian is about to snap. Good. He deserves to be upset. He needs to process everything that just happened. I mean. A lot of things happened all at once!
Not only had the friend he had been breaking the rules for just to find him happen to be one of his captors… but none of this would have ever happened if Mumbo didn’t just leave Grian. But then there’s the fact he wouldn’t have been breaking the rules had the Hero Association helped him try and look for his friend! Those are just an example of what thoughts will be duking it out in Grian’s head as he recovers from the trauma of the battle from the meeting. I mean. His poor hands/arms! Yet, he did the heroic thing. He’s a hero at heart. He pushed aside his feelings, his own wounds, and his thoughts (as best he could) to save someone.
Hi anon! i guess i dont really have a set schedule for this fic. For a bit i was trying to post on saturdays, but now im back in school and working on a few things irl so its really a toss up. Currently i have a bit written... but, uh, that's not a guarantee for progress because sometimes i delete huge chunks of it to rewrite it to something i like better. and a lot of it is genuinely out of order (e.g. i have a whole short interlude prewritten thats probably going to be three or four chapters away)
so honestly... no idea. sorry. maybe next saturday or the weekend after that? idk. Then the chapter after that will either be one or two weeks too. Grian does have a few things to think about, and some emotions to feel. thanks for reading through my comments to other people! I tend to ramble a lot in those so i appreciate it. The only thing ill say for now (since I haven't 100% committed to whats happening next), is that grian isn't the type to yell at people who are recovering from injuries. so if he's going to get angry at scar and mumbo, theyll probably need to chug a few health potions first :)
etho on the other hand, did not get injured.
Thanks for the enthusiasm! hope you're doing well anon. feel free to send me small little questions if you need a boost between chapters. ill try to answer as soon as im able/ have free time
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itsmentalillness · 2 years
yes i am. most days i am very excited for it. i love my roommate. i love my class schedule like literally love it. and so far i love everyone ive met. i have summer orientation in like two weeks and im very excited. i mean im excited now but i will be anxious af the day of. when im not excited im more just stressed about whats its gonna be like being away from home. and not because ill be on my own more like what are my parents gonna expect of me. like im worried if i dont text them every single day or call them alot they will be mad. idk those are the things that worry me most. and i guess yea im a bit worried about classes and if theyll be hard
that sounds like fun! at least you like your roommate and your schedule, everything else will work out when you get there. and i’m sure you’ll have a good time. and do you know what you’re majoring yet or will you figure that out later
i’m currently in the process of applying to college 💃🕺💃🕺
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wonunuu · 3 years
*googles* how to buy y/n a dog that won’t leave her and comfort her when she’s sad???👩🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 no but seriously y/n you need to talk to someone about ur feelings don’t hold it back😭😭 I will also personally kick Jeonghan butt when he shows himself again I wonder tho if we get to meet Jun in the next chapter?? He seems like a nice guy and since he got y/n a job he’s in my good book for now…
On another note can I just say that my fingers and wrists are hurting from knitting this past week… I’m knitting two different scarfs to two of my friends and one needs to be done before December and the other before the 29th of December… and since I’m working as well I’m on a tight schedule and I have to sit and knit during my days off to make sure I meet my own deadlines🥲
Also also! Next weekend I’m flying back to England to finally graduate/have my uni graduation ceremony on the 16th of November!! It was supposed to be this July but got pushed back due to covid and I’m so excited yet a bit nervous to fly back and finally graduate with all my friends😬👩🏻‍🎓💕
omggg hi emmy!!!! 🙈🙈🙈
yn needs a comfort pet 😔😔😔 frr yn, you have friends for a reason!! i genuinely fear for jeonghan’s safety hahshsjs everyone wants to physically hurt him 😭😭 i would give a spoiler but i actually forgot what happens next chapter hahaha so you’ll have to wait 🤣
awee that’s so sweet 😤 your friends are lucky to have you honestly,, but ahh take things easyyy! make sure you squeeze in breaks in your tight schedule. we dont want emmy overworking herself 😖😖 you can do this i believe in you!!
WOW THATS SO EXCITING AHH CONGRATS!!!! you’ve made it!!! don’t be nervous too much!! you can only graduate how many times in your life!! have fun with your friends and enjoy every second of it!!! omg im truly wishing you all the best and best of luck out there!!! i’ll be cheering you from where i am hehe. GO EMMY ✊❤️
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
A Still Day or A Hurricane Feedback/Comments (03)
@ohmydarlin-g asked: I've been so disconnected from tumblr after I got a new job so I had no idea asdoah was coming but I just read the first chapter and OH MY GOD I am so in love already I love MCs independence and down to earth attitude while JK is a free spirit with a heart of gold. I feel like this pairing is gonna be so refreshing and sweet just like a strawberry tart 😋 I can't wait for more! (Also is it possible to be added to the tag list I don't remember if you do that???)
Hiii congrats on the new job! 🎉 I’m glad you’re loving the characters so far. They’re honestly so cute pls and ur right, refreshing. There’s just something about a playful, cheeky JK that’s so alluring. I’m excited for you learn more of how they are! And yes to adding you to the taglist. Thanks so much for reading! 🥰
@jeoncookie-bts asked: Authornim!!!! I love asdoah so much! OC is such an inspiration, a bad bitch (in a very VERY positive way)! She knows what shes doing and shes good at it, can easily be independent on her own. And jungkook being the persistent yet mature guy!!!!!! Give me him!!!!!!! I love love LOOOOVEEE this dynamic between the two of them so much, and im so excited to see progress in their so called friendship lol! Seeing that both of them agreed to this "friendship", i wonder what's actually in store for them 🤩 great work authornim! cant wait for the next chap! 🥰
This JK and this OC are so, so special to me and you’ll see more of their flaws and amazing sides. But yes, this JK is something else and I think you’re gonna like him a lot! We all want him, don’t we? 🥺 Every time I think of that VLive, I get a whiplash. 🥵 Pls think of him while reading haha. Thank you so much for this! ☺️
🍧Anonymous asked: Hi mimi!!! Excited for your new series even tho I'm not in a good mental space these days 😭 i dont usually read fics where the OC is older bc I'm... younger than jk heehhe but still!! I feel like I've made a lot of exceptions for your writings bc you're just that good🤍
Looking forward to see how their relationship progress and how the baby would come to be 🙈🙈🙈 i love how flirty JK is and even tho he said he's okay with friendship now, I kinda wish to see more of them flirty sides 👀 Do you have a schedule for this? Anyhow. Havw a good week!
I totally get you but I’m the opposite! Haha but thank you for giving this a shot, it means a lot. ☺️ The age thing won’t be as pronounced as the story goes on, as their other differences take the front seat. And flirty sides, you ask? There’ll be alotttt. I’ve never written so many flirty scenes but it’s a 130+k fic hehe 😂 so they’ll be popping out a lot. I hope you enjoy the rest of it. You can find the series masterlist here. 😊
AHHHH I AGREE! This JK makes me smile soooo much bc he’s a flirt through and through and we love him for it. Thank you so much for reading! 🥰🥰
@jmnkooks asked: Hi mimi hope you’re doing well 🤍 I just wanted to say that I am already in love with the first chapter and can’t wait to read the rest of your new story!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us 😘 sending love from italy
Oh, thank you so much! I’m fine and I hope you’re doing well, too. ☺️ So many more things happen and I hope you like the rest of it. I appreciate your kind words and sending you love back from the Philippines! 💜💜
Anonymous asked: asdoah is the fic ive been looking for 😩 ive been looking for a single mom oc since i keep seeing dilf member fics hehe im glad u posted asdoah mimi!!! im excited to see where the story goesss 😆
Hiii I agree! That’s why this was pretty exciting to write because there’s so much to explore with a badass, single mom OC and a cheeky JK who just wants her attention. 😉 Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of it! 🥰
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