#im so fucking cozy you wish you were as cozy as me
bjornkram · 6 months
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You wish you were me
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
hey ash! soft hours idea i just had: you, beomgyu's best friend, takes his guitar and asks him to teach you to play something in a lazy afternoon. he oh so patiently teaches you how to play the beggining of a classic rock song and when you finally get it and play it right he blurts out how hes been in love with you... for like a decade.
(im melting
SAM YOUR MIND>>>>> i'm gonna disintegrate this is so adorable
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god, just imagine: you're laying on beomgyu's bed one lazy afternoon, the weather outside is cool and soft gray clouds paint the sky, the soft pitter patter of rain mixing with the show that he had turned on earlier. the room feels comfortable, warm, cozy; you think that these words can be used to describe beomgyu, too.
speaking of the boy, he's laying right next to you, the warmth of his thigh seeps into your bare skin as the both of you relax against the bed's headboard, his fingers mindlessly playing with your own his screen-strained eyes stare at the television. shooing the butterflies in your stomach away, you tap his palm to grab his attention. his gaze slides over to you in an instant.
"'m bored," you pout. his nose scrunches up before he's asking you what you want to do, then, if he's just so boring to be around. you roll your eyes at his dramatics, but mull over the question for a moment. what do you want to do?
your eyes trail over to the acoustic guitar that is propped up in the corner of the room. "can you teach me how to play something?"
at first, he thinks you mean a video game, a taunt on the tip of his tongue about how you suck at them, until he follows your line of sight to his beloved instrument. his heart softens a little.
"yeah, sure," he responds while he gets up to fetch it. he sits back down with the guitar set in his lap. you shift so your body completely faces him and watch as he fiddles with the tuning pegs, strumming and adjusting the tensions until it sounds about right to his ears. he peers back up at you once he's satisfied. with a dramatic strum, he announces, "i'll teach you something easy 'cause you're a noob."
you slap his knee in retaliation. "i hope you choke."
"you shouldn't be saying that to your one and only guitar teacher," he smirks. "i could just not teach you. in fact, i'll just go back to watching my show-"
"fine, sorry," you concede, even though you know he wouldn't do that to you, not really.
thus, beomgyu's guitar class commences. he places the guitar in your lap. as he helps you with the finger placements for each chord, fingers gently covering yours, he hums under his breath. the first notes you pluck out are clunky and disjointed, and the tempo is wildly off, miles too slow for it to actually sound anything like the original song. the air seems to shift as he continues to guide you through the intro of the song; he's not cracking the usual jokes at your expense, and — while it might just be your imagination running wild, searching for things that are not really there — he seems to be leaning closer than what is normal for friends.
he works with you for over an hour. you push away those absurd thoughts all the while.
"alright," he says once he deems you ready, leaning back on his palms. "now try playing the full thing."
there's this furrow in your brow as you focus on the strings with the utmost concentration, ensuring that you're playing the right chords with the correct picking, until you successfully play the intro to pink floyd's wish you were here. with a final strum, you look up at beomgyu with a wide grin, and you just seem so happy and excited and proud of yourself that beomgyu just can't help himself-
"i love you," he blurts out. you tilt your head, and regret immediately curls around his chest.
"i love you, too? we're best friends," you respond, unsure what else to say. when he deflates, you continue, worried. "where is this coming from?"
"i don't think you understand."
"beomgyu," you sigh. "if you're gonna be vague about it, then i never will."
"fuck, um." beomgyu is nervous. gone is the typically confident boy, now fiddling his fingers and unable to look directly at you. "i love you. i've loved you for years, now, i think."
stunned, you gape at him, and he takes your silence as rejection, laughing humorlessly. "i shouldn't have said anything. i'm sorry."
shaking yourself from your stupor, you carefully place the instrument still in your lap on the comforter before shifting forward. your knees knock against his as you bring a hand up to cup his jaw. "you never let me respond, idiot."
he finally looks at you, and you send him a gentle, close-lipped smile. "if you hadn't jumped to conclusions so quickly, you would already know that i love you, too."
his eyes light up. "wait, for real? how long?"
"a really long time, probably since we were, like, fourteen," you mumble and your hand retracts, slightly embarrassed. "i didn't accept it 'til a few years ago, though."
"ah!" he exclaims, causing you to jump a little at the volume of his voice. he seems to be back to his normal self, which is confirmed when he starts poking you forehead and excitedly exclaiming, "i beat you! i've known since we were eleven. see, no one can ever beat me, i'm just that good at everyth-"
not without a playful roll of your eyes, you lean forward and capture your lips with his, effectively shutting him up. the kiss is brief and his lips are a bit dry, but your heart pounds nonetheless. when you pull away, there's these dopey smiles on both of your faces. he's staring at you in a way that you've seen several instances before, but never knew what it meant — you know now, what that unique glint in his eyes, the quirk of his lips mean.
"i love you, choi beomgyu," you say, pressing another kiss to his cheek. "but you really need some chapstick."
he groans. "you just had to ruin the moment."
"say it back," you argue as you hand him your own chapstick. his expression softens a little when he looks back up at you, his lips curling up in a tiny smile.
"i love you," he breathes. "now c'mere."
hands cup your cheeks, squishing them a bit, before the rest of him is surging forward to kiss you once more. it's all giggly and sweet and neither of you can fight off the grins pulling at your lips. he begrudgingly pulls away after a few minutes, if only to get more air into his lungs, reaching for the guitar and beginning to serenade you. you hum along with him.
this is what finally being home after a long journey feels like, you think.
this is what love feels like.
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imaginesbymonika · 5 months
“Shame” Part 7
A Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader fan fiction
Plot: For the last four years, Y/N and Pedro have been dating in secret. The fear of rejection has turned them into a mystery that could only be encountered in yearning looks on red carpets or hands that are touching one another briefly. However, for the longest time, things have been working out that way just fine. But now Pedro's agency wants him to have a PR relationship with another woman and neither Y/N nor Pedro is sure if their love is going to survive that.
Warnings: swearing, mgg is here to STAY (this is for you kim, love ya)
A/N: you guuuyss!! hello!!! i was gone for such a long time (?) i was just really busy with university and just life, but yeah, im back for now, i guess <3
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"To be honest, I didn't expect you to show up.", the tall man states as his eyes light up at the sight of the young woman. Y/N just chuckles at the sincerity in his voice. She watches how he takes a step to the side, offering her to walk through the door into his home. There is a certain tension, lingering in the chilly evening air. Who would have thought, that they were living in the same city… She mouths a brief 'thank you' before doing so and waits for him to close the door. However, before he does his brown eyes scan the street in front of the building. Curious if any paparazzi have seen her. But once he realizes that no one has noticed his guest his posture visibly softens.
„Well, I didn’t expect you to reach out to me, Gubler.“ At the mention of his last name, he giggles (actually giggles) and wipes the corner of his mouth with his left thumb. His gaze falls on the floor for a second, before he meets Y/N's again. She can clearly see that he wants to say something in return but doesn't. Instead, he makes a hand gesture, telling her to step further into the house.
„Oh my god… This is actually so stunning.“, the y/h/ced woman whispers as she wanders down the corridor into his living area. She can sense Matthew’s eyes on her form but acts like she has no idea. "Thanks.", is all she receives back.
A silence falls upon the two again and when she sits down on his long couch, she feels its softness:" You know, I always wanted a couch like this myself." "Why didn't you buy one?"
"Are you sure this is the one?", Pedro scratched his chin, his finger moved up his face and stayed underneath his nose. He taps his skin a few times and sighs:" Don't you think that leather would be a better choice?" There was something in his look that told Y/N that the decision was already made.
"I don't know." He lets out a soft chuckle:" Well, I tend to spend a lot of time in here. So I figured, that the least I can do is make this space as cozy as humanly possible." Y/N feels how she sinks further into the colorful and fuzzy furniture:" Oh Really? Because whenever I see videos of you meeting fans, you appear to be outside quite a lot!" At that, Matthew laughs out loud:" You've seen videos of me online?"
"I may have looked you up."
The actor crosses his arms in front of his chest, and Y/N watches how his muscles flex. She swallows and her hands stroke the material of the couch. "You looked me up?"
"You're asking me a lot of questions." His chuckle is as soft as honey. Y/N already wants to hear it again." You're right, sorry." "But yeah, I did."
Hot tears were dwelling up in her eyes and she felt how her hands were violently shaking:" God! Everyone thinks that you are so sweet! That you're this perfect nice guy! Hollywood's goddamn fucking sweetheart! I wish people could know the disgusting and ugly and horrendous truth about you and your stupid and mean lies! And- and- and the way you're only acting! You're not like that at all! You have them all fooled!"
Pedro stared at her. Her hand flew up to wipe her eyes:" You're so mean!" "You don't mean that.", Pedro whispered and swallowed thickly. "You're so mean."
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moochalove · 6 months
Last Nights Mistakes and New Beginnings (Part 4-5)(Final)
(yandere!kazuha x pregnant!reader x scaramouche)
Did you know they call me the yappinator? Anyways i’ve been meaning to finish it but i’ve been busy w school but now i have the time so i will be yapping away more (posting a little more)🗣️ Get cozy bcs this is long asf!
Reader is bi-icon! (+ trauma) If imma be fr, the beginning is a little off bcs i wrote it weeks ago (im lazy and i will not fix it🥶) ANYWAYS ILL STOP YAPPING! TY FOR READING 🤭 (if u do😡)
word count: Pretty fucking long ❤️
proofread: HELL NO! 😋 fill in the gaps/mistakes for me pls🫶
TW: Stockholm syndrome
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Arriving at the mall you think about making a break for it but these heels prevent you from doing so. With enough for the heel would surely snap though… Noted. Reaching for the door handle you’re stopped and pulled into a kiss. It’s a little uncomfortable but you play it off with a smile, “Don’t worry Kazu, I’m not gonna run off~” “I know darling, but this is the start of our new life so allow me to take the lead. Don’t worry your pretty mind about anything.” With that, he places one last peck onto your face. Once again, he is opening the door for you and you guiding you to the some shops. Immediately you notice his firm grip on your waist, and it’s uncomfortable. He said you would be buying clothes but you now realize he meant he was picking clothes FOR you. You’re in the dressing room and he has you trying on all these cute coquette clothing. It feels a little uncomfortable but you try to get used to the feeling of the outfits. Some are loose, and some are tighter. In your mind, you already knew which ones you liked based on the texture, design, etc..
Whenever you came out to show off an outfit you felt like a real couple. Showing off your outfit and making comments, no matter what you wore he seemed to agree it looked good on you, even if you didn’t think so. Something feels wrong about this but you can’t help but smile when he looks at you so adoringly.
You guys go to about three more shops, all of them having a different theme. By the time you were done, it was mid-afternoon. Both of your feet were killing you… not to mention you were hungry… You both agree to stop and get something to eat.
You arrive at a very familiar restaurant… Weren’t you just here? When was that though? If it was important surely you’d remember!
Scaramouche was frantic, to say the least. You weren’t answering his messages… Has something happened? He needs to get to you asap, but how? What if you’ve been removed from your home? If it came to it he could ask his mother to track you down, since she had that kind of power.
Knocking on the door he’s anxious, and hoping he would be met with a bright smile and worried hushing telling him that you were okay. After about a minute he knocks on your room window… No reply. Should he wait around? No, that’ll take too long. After some contemplation, he decides to reach out to his mom.
They have a long talk before she eventually caves. It feels like it’s been forever since she’s seen her child and when he comes back he’s on an adventure trying to get his girlfriend back. She didn’t think situations like that existed but he’s shown her the possibilities are endless. The way he talked about you so dearly gave her the impression you were a thing. Since she’s such a good and caring mother, it’s the least she can do for her future daughter!
Maybe he should’ve emphasized that you were just friends even though he wished for more
From what some super normal and not shady people told him, you were last seen at that restaurant you both had visited yesterday. Why were you there? That didn’t matter right now! Furrowing his eyebrows he sat there and thought long and hard. How was he going to get to you? Kazuha would most likely be glued to your side so directly approaching was out of the question. Could he signal you to him from afar? No, that probably won’t work… Pounding his forehead slightly he couldn’t form a good plan.
“You seem troubled, Doll.” A sly finger guided itself through his short purple locks.
“What do you want, Miko? I’m busy and-“
“You know it’s nice to run away then come running back when you need help. Your mother was on edge for weeks. Spending whatever free time she had looking for her poor child. Always looking for you despite her own needs.”
“Did you come to ask me what’s wrong only to turn around and try to guilt trip me? You don’t change, do you?”
Without saying anything she placed a bag next to him and then made her way to the door. Peeking through the bad he looked back to her fleeting figure before shouting out, “Wait! What is this for? You really expect me to forgive you with this bag full of clothes?! Plus, this has girl stuff in it anyways-“ “Silly Kuni! This is to help you get your girl back!” “Excuse me?!” Miko sighed while shrugging, “And you say your moms are no help! C'mon, you have to think outside the box, silly!” Taking the bag back she pulled out the cutest dress you’ve ever seen along with tights and heels. “It’d be stupid to approach her directly. You have no idea what kind of mental state she’s in, she may not trust any other man or claim she’s fine with her captor.” Digging deeper into the bag she pulled out a long wig that happened to be the same shade as his own hair, “So you have to coax her out as someone willing to understand and help her out of the situation!” Before he knew it he was all dolled up, shifting uncomfortably in the dress and trying to adjust his posture and his footing, constantly brushing his much longer locks back while puckering and rolling his lips that had a gloss applied to them. Would this really work?
“Miko, I don’t think this is gonna work… I don’t make a very convincing girl….” he awkwardly fussed with his bangs before glancing over at her. Miko held her phone up and with a click and a flash the very image of… whatever this was… saved onto her phone and probably being backed up to her cloud. “Oh, you look just like your sister!” Placing her phone back in her bag she shooed him out of the car before, then rolled down the window offering a few words, courtesy of her never-ending-kindness! “Just be kind to her, her heart will surely realize who you are... Or don’t! Maybe she’ll see through all of this!” Scaramouche could only grit his teeth as she motioned her hand at him. “I’ll be waiting here so once she comes to her senses I won’t be far. Plus! Wouldn’t want you to try and be all hero-like only to trip and fall in those cuttteee heels of yours!”
Spoonful after spoonful you swallowed whatever food had been shoved into your face. Were you even hungry? Not that it matters. At this point, you’ve come to treat this as if it were a real date! Yet your heart doesn’t skip a beat when he cups your face. A couple of people do glance over at you both awkwardly but that smile of yours tells them you’re just a young couple in love. It goes on like this for a few more minutes before beautiful swaying locks catch your eye, it’s true you’ve been ignoring the faces of those who’ve been passing by, but this face is stunning. Your heart skips a beat when your eyes meet each other. Now something about all this feels familiar but you can’t quite pin it down just yet. Kazuha notices how your attention is drawn away from him and he immediately pulls your chin towards him, “Is something the matter my love? You seem distracted.” He bluntly states as his eyebrows furrow slightly in frustration. “A-ah, no, I just…” Perhaps you were scared or maybe still stunned by that girls beauty but you can’t seem to form a coherent thought. He shifts around in his seat a little, ever so slightly moving his chair to block your view of the girl. With a short ‘ahem’ you brush it off as just seeing someone you thought you recognized.
If you look past his intense gaze you can still kinda see her fussing with her long hair. A waiter shows her to her table that so happens to be next to yours. You bite your tongue to hide a giggle when you see her awkwardly try to walk in heels, maybe she’s not used to them? Once she sits down it’s obvious she’s not used to wearing such feminine clothes, the way she keeps lifting her feet off the ground and sliding them farther out, or how she pulls the hem of her dress down even though it’s past her knees. The way she covered her mouth and spoke in a quiet meek voice told you maybe she was shy. Kazuha glanced at you both, almost trying to understand the connection you guys had but signed in defeat, “I’m gonna use the restroom then pay for our food. Don’t go anywhere.” And with that, he was gone but surely it wouldn’t take him long to be back.
Scaramouche had to be quick about this. The least he could do is get you outside.
Trying to keep his ladylike demeanor he tried starting the conversation with something normal. Of course, this meant he would have to speak a little louder in order for you to hear in the louder environment. He would be lying to himself if he said he hadn’t “practiced” his female voice.
“Isn’t the food here the best?”
Taken aback by how cute she sounded you cover your mouth slightly. “She even has a cute voice!”, you thought to yourself. Once again stunned you take a moment to respond.
“Y-yeah!” your response is a little fast-paced but she just smiles in response. “Haha, you seem a little nervous, what, too stunned by my looks?” Even though he was supposed to be portraying a meek, innocent girl, he couldn’t help but still be cocky. It’s as if you were on autopilot with the way your response was the same yeah…
Part of you felt like that’s something he would say. Who was he again?
“It’s a little stuffy in here, don’t you agree? How about we get some fresh air?” The girl suggested so innocently that you’d completely “forgotten” what Kazuha told you NOT to do. As if you’d been under a spell you followed a girl you didn’t even know the name of out of the restaurant. Her name! You need her name! This can’t be the last time you see each other you need her contact info! You reach to where you would normally keep your phone only for your attention to be stolen away by her.
She handed you her phone that had a picture of a very certain cat. Your heart fastens as you start to recall some things, you couldn’t submit to someone who only half-loved you. No, you had to get home to your first baby. Tears threaten to spill as everything comes back faster than you can comprehend.
He didn’t love you, no, he never did. If he did he would’ve stayed the first night. He was just looking for something to sedate his own woes. You come to the realization that your delusions you made up to protect yourself were false. You haven’t been in love for years like your mind had told you, you don’t know what he really feels, you just filled in the blanks with lies your mind fed you. In reality, you’ve probably only really known each other for a couple of days, during those 4 months you spent pregnant and alone your brain spun a story as if you were real lovers. Hating yourself could come later but for now, you need to get a grip and get out of here. Suddenly you’re caught up to speed and all it feels like you’re gonna vomit, your clothes feel tighter and you can feel your own skin, every pore feels open and you hate every second of it. What feels like hours is only a matter of seconds.
A hand is gently wipes your tears away,
“It’s time to go, Y/n.”
“I cant.. I’m sacred. I-“
“Don’t be. I'm here now, and I’m not letting you go.” He looked so serious, although a little funny since he was still in his getup.
Reaching for your wrist he gently and slowly led you farther away from the establishment and closer to your getaway car.
Both of your steps got faster and faster. You didn’t want to look back, no, you shouldn’t.
A voice you’ve come to hate shouts out to you. Ears pound loudly and your heart skips several beats when you hear fastened footsteps approaching. A wave of pain crashes onto you when your lower back aches in pain. You stop even though you don’t want to and clutch your stomach in retaliation.
You have to move right now otherwise he’ll catch up. Scaramouche turns back around for you and effortlessly picks you up and carries you to the car. When he turned to place you in the car he’s sure Kazuha has seen his face. Crap… Not like it mattered right now. He rushes to the other side of the car but is pulled back by a hand that is placed on his back, it’s cold and uncomfortable. Almost as if it triggered something in him he shouts and pushes him back into the ground.
Once Scaramouche is in the car Miko doesn’t hesitate to slam on the gas pedal and get you both somewhere safe.
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Final Part:
When you wake up you’re in a very comfy bed. Moving your legs a little you wince uncontrollably. Memories come flooding back and your eyes dart to where Scaramouche is sitting. A smile makes itself known on your face and you reach out to him. He melts into your touch but avoids looking at you. You know you messed up big time by not running away from Kazuha like you should have… But you were in a deranged state! Surely he won’t blame you completely. Breaking the silence you ask him what’s wrong.
“I know we kinda just met but I hope you know I love you…” he trailed off, still avoiding eye contact. “I always have… It’s a shame you don’t remember me. If you did then I guess you could technically say we didn't just meet.”
Huh? You two knew each other? Maybe he’s got the wrong person. Innocently you ask, “Have we met somewhere before? I’m sorry but I don’t seem to ever recall-“ “Just take a good look at me and try to recall. We used to be playmates when we were little. Your parents were busy like mine so they would drop us off at that one daycare.” Your eyes squint as you take a good look at him, “And we went to school together for a little while- I tried stealing your pen-“ Eyes widening you can’t help but burst out laughing.
Now you remember him!
“It’s you! I- How could I forget? Oh my gosh, it seems work has made me forget my younger days!” Covering your mouth to hide a smile you can’t help but laugh a little louder. His face seems upset but eventually melts into a smiling one along with you. For a couple of moments you both laugh and exchange playful banter. Everything in the world is right at that moment.
But once again, your mistakes will catch up with you.
After the laughing dies down he squeezes your hand and places a handle on your stomach. This causes you to shift uncomfortably but you try to play it off as a cramp.
“When the Doctor came to relay your status he told me one bit of information that… you probably didn’t want me to know.”
Oh shit. Oh shit- Your heart fastens and you try to muster out a response but it hitches in your throat. “I-I canexplain p-please let me-“You fumble your words and tears pool up in your eyes.
With an affirmative squeeze to your hand he smiles softly, “It’s okay.”
“But it’s not- I messed up and now-“ You covered face with your hand, attempting to hide yourself away from him.
“And now- we can work this out, together. I promise I will do my best to be a good parent. If you’d just give me a chance- A chance to take care of you and your child. I would do anything to be with you once and for all. Please, Y/n, don’t leave me again.” His hand came up to yours pressed against your face, and slowly removed it from you.
A part of you feels raw, and exposed, yet, this time it’s different. Part of your brain tells you to run from his affection but the other part feels so defeated that you just want to cry into his chest and beg him to stay with you. Lucky for you he was willing to stay with you. Even if you were going to have your kidnapper's baby. Leaning into him you cried out all your sorrows that had been bottled up for the past couple of months. All he could do was rub your back and listen to you cry your heart out.
It felt good to finally tell someone how you truly felt. How much has been troubling you? Although you’re sure if you were to tell this to a professional you’d been locked up….
After you’re done crying you wipe your tears and take a deep breath. Your chest and shoulders feel lighter. The whiplash of everything could hit you later, you couldn’t care less right now. All you wanted to do was eat, stretch, and take a nap.
Scaramouche looked at you dead in the eye and you feared the worst. Was he joking? Did he actually hate you and never want to see you again? Did-
“Goddamit- I dropped my wig…”
You stare at each other for a second before you burst out laughing. “That’s a shame! You didn’t look half bad in it~” you joked. “Oh please- You were head over heels for me and you know it!” “Ah, you got me there! Who knew you’d make such a fine girl! If only you could say the same about you know-Ow!” he punched your shoulder gently, but considering your current state it hurt more than he intended. “I’m sorry, Y/n- I-“ He checked the area to see if it was bruised or anything but was immediately met with a flick to the forehead. “Ow-!” “Haha, got you!” “You little-“
Both of your bickering would soon die down as soon as his parents would enter the room. It was obvious how you both turned stiff as boards. Acting as if you weren’t pulling each other’s hair like you once had.
Ei placed some flowers on the bed stand and Miko would sit down on the bed with some sweets in hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Y/n.” Ei bowed politely, “I’m not sure if my son had mentioned us to you. If not it’s alright- But we are his parents.” Miko started feeding some cake with a fork as she nodded along. “I’m very happy to see you make my son happy. It used to worry me that my son would die alone-“she feigned a tear falling from her eye. “MOM.” Blush spread across Scaramouche’s face as he crossed his arms. “Ah, excuse me, that’s beside the point! What I mean to say is that you shouldn’t worry about the wedding founding- Your new moms will buy you everything you will need-“ “THATS NOT ANY BETTER!” He exclaimed even redder. She smiled so innocently all while still looking a little confused. Miko finally chimed in, “What she means to say is that she supports you both no matter what. Even if you don’t think she agrees with you,” she turned her head towards him, “she believes you both will make the right choice. We hope you both can treat this as a new beginning. As I like to say, carpe diem!” “You never say that.” Ei tilted her head with a soft smile. “Well, I do now!”
All four of you burst out laughing. You guys talk a little more before they leave for their business dinner. Once again you and Scara are alone.
“Are you really sure you’re okay with marrying a pregnant woman?” “Of course I’m fine with it, since it being you and all.” Rubbing the back of his head he laid his head down on the bed, “Are YOU sure you wanna get married right away? Just because my mom mistook us for dating already doesn’t mean we should skip that part… Plus, what if you don’t like who I am…” You pet his soft purple hair with a smile, “Well, as long as you promise not to be a complete asshole, then I suppose we’ll be just fine!” “You think I’m an asshole?” “Haha, anyways…. What kind of wedding cake should we have? I was thinking of a [favorite flavor] cake! Ooohh and we can look at the different types of venues! Ah, I guess after that we need to plan a baby shower!”
He’d completely tuned you out and just stared at you, lovingly. Your skin glowed perfectly from the artificial light, and that smile of yours was perfect. You no longer looked tired and stressed; instead, you looked happy and not so tired. He couldn’t blame his ex-friend for falling for you. Although he feels a little jealous that he’s seen parts of you that now belong to his eyes only now.
Fingers tap up and down on the bed as if he’s contemplating something. You take notice and tap his shoulder, you ask if he’s listening. Suddenly he gets up- His soft lips are placed against your slightly chapped ones. It’s warm. Your eyes widen in surprise as you slowly melt into the kiss.
Once he pulls away you’re both gasping for air. Out of embarrassment, he hides his face in your neck. He’s embarrassed- you are too. “A-a little warning would’ve been nice. I was talking yknow?” “Shut up before I kiss you again..” You knew he was too embarrassed to do it again so you teased, “Yeah, I think you’d like that-“ Instead of another passionate kiss he instead peppered kisses all over your face. “I hate you.” “I love you, Scara.”
The wedding went amazing since his parents had done most of the planning (of course you both directed them) And your baby shower went just as well! Initially, you were both worried a certain someone would catch wind of it- and you’re sure he did. Thankfully the place was heavily guarded (, courtesy of Miko) and was also in a secluded area, along with there being a very strict guest list. You both already knew the gender so the part just consisted of fun baby shower games and many gifts from your friends and families.
You had been getting intensive therapy for the rest of your pregnancy. Those couple of months left you with deeper wounds than you had thought. Of course, you still have trouble with going out on your own and you’ve completely dropped going out (since you’re a mother now ofc) When you do have to go out alone you wear your hair differently each time along with a mask and sunglasses. Whenever someone gets a little too close they happen to get stopped by someone. Your bad dreams usually consist of you trying to run away but your legs move slowly or trying to scream but nothing comes out, and other things you’d rather not discuss...
Your delivery went well and luckily you gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Ei and Miko informed you that you had a week to name him. On the fifth day, you and Scara decided on [name], since you both liked the name and agreed on it. When both of the families came to see him you got the chance to meet Scara’s aunt and sister (who both happened to be named Makoto, although Scara called his sister Raiden since she was “scary”) The boy was blessed with your hair color (he has a red streak through it) but had his fathers eyes. At first, it scared you but with some affirming words from both sides of the family and your lover, you’ve grown to love them.
Some of your friends and family didn’t approve that Scara wasn’t the father, some even berating you and calling you names. The name-calling mostly came from Scara’s side of the family. Area
On your son's first birthday, he spoke his first words. “Mama!” You nearly cried tears of joy when he said that. Scaramouche frowned and pinched the boy's cheeks gently with a huff. Much to his surprise the boy spoke again, “Daddy!” Now both of you were crying tears of joy. You swaddled your boy in the softest blankets before you both cuddled him off to sleep. Both not believing you had been blessed with such a joy.
Once your son has gotten a little older he learned how to say the cat’s name, always gesturing his hands and babbling, “Meowmeow!” The now healthier cat would come to the boy and rub its head against your son accompanied by a purr.
Once he turned two years old you noticed how he started taking after his father, often mimicking him by making an angry face and huffing. All you could do was smile and kiss him while his father pouted behind you both. One time you had joked around with your young son by asking him, “What face does daddy make when he’s angry” and your son crossed his arms with a scowl on his face. You burst out laughing while your husband messed with his hair pretending to be upset.
You went back to work while Scara was a stay-at-home husband. On stressful days you would come home, sore and tired, but the moment your eyes laid on Scara’a resting figure along with your sons. Well, your heart simply melted into mush as you took about 30 pictures of them from all angles. You were convinced that all of the time you spent alone and suffering was worth it for this moment.
It felt like that person was a bad dream- but now, you’re wide awake and ready to face the future with your loving husband, and adorable son.
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Gawdamn I don’t stop yapping🙏 If you read all of this ty pookie!! there will be a $10 mil block of gold under your pillow when you wake up 😍😋 I will be writing some hcs (maybe) and a scenario where u encounter kazuha w your kid soon!!! (i promise) Anyways i’m knocking tf out… BAI><!!
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♡ taglist: @swivy123
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m-arkmywords · 1 year
pleas write more stoner mark... im begging on my knees 🙏🙏
Mmm imagine Mark on tour and he calls you late at night, voice all groggy, audibility baked and needy. PART TWO
You and Mark yell out in unison, singing Avril Lavigne through the phone. After a long, cold day at work, this is exactly what you needed.
It has been exactly two months since, your best friend kissed you and left for this tour. Nobody could've prepared you both, for this impulsive act of breaking down the bridge between friendship and love. You both agreed that, time apart would allow you to think about the next step... Except, you both couldn't go a second without talking to one another. You shared selfies and photos throughout the day, and ended nights with a facetime call. Even if it was 2 minutes, just to say good night. Mark made sure to hear your voice before he slept. Tonight was no different.
You had been on the phone for 20 minutes now. Your rooms dimly lit by led lights, both blue because you share a favourite colour. The coziness of your fluffy bedding and Mark's voice had every atom in your body relaxed. "And I met so many new people! It's crazy to see so many people fuck with the music over here" he rambled on about his experiences on tour. He talked about the feeling of being on stage and how comfortable he feels, like he can let go of everything. He describes it feeling as though the whole world disappears and the only thing matters is the stage and audience. Mark was born to do this. "I'm telling you dude, it's has all played out so cosmically. It feels like fate but also so unreal..." You listened intently by adding validating hums in between his sentences. Suddenly, you noticed the volume of his voice slowly fade into a silence, as he looked at you and smiled.
"But... man.. dude, I miss you" he pouted his lips, half smiling and looked away. "I mean.. It's whatever, just wish you were here you know"
"It all means nothing, if I can't share it with you" he said, coyly.
"AWWWWWW someone's obsessed with me" you teased him, making his face flush with a warm, red colour.
"Shut up, you're stupid y/n" he laughed, before clearing his throat.
"Also! Look what I got" he rummaged through his bag to pull out what seemed to be a small glass bottle, with a pipette dropper. "It's straight thc oil babe..It's so strong dude, so good." He went on, as he dropped some under his tongue.
"Yoo that sounds so good, I want to try!" You sat up, grabbing a bottle of water and taking a sip. Maintaining eyes on Mark, you refused to miss every moment of him gradually getting high. He looked so cute.
"Yeah for sure, I'll bring it with me when I come back. You're gonna love it.. It gives you such a body high" He said, now with his voice a bit deeper and eyes, a little lower. He let out a soft giggle. "Like, I feel so sensitive right now dude, this bed feels amazing..." He ran his hands up and down his torso. Eyes zoomed into you, with lips curling into a smirk. "We're gonna take this when I see you next..." "Yeah I'm down 100%" You say in between sips.
"Then I'm gonna touch you." He dead panned, as his eyes fixed on you, making you choke on the water and widen your eyes.
"Uh.." You lose all coherent thoughts as your heart starts beating in your ears and you felt your body slowly get hot. Mark chuckled, watching you get flustered over his comment.
"I'm just being honest.. I think about it a lot.. you know touching you" his voice was lower and raspier. Shifting his bed, he put his phone on his night stand and turned on his side. Propping himself up on his left arm. He ran his right hand through his hair. "All the pretty noises, you'd make." He continued, "Under me, on top of me.. You would be so sensitive to my touch, my fingers... my tongue. I want to kiss you everywhere y/n.. Can I do that? When I see you?" His eyes now sincere and big, yet filled with lust. It made you nervous.
"Urm.. yeah, I'd like that" you whispered, feeling his words go straight to your core. You slowly rubbed your thighs together, for some sort of relief, to your now steadily, growing dampened spot between your legs. You bit onto your lower lip. "Mark..."
"Yeah baby?" He licked his lips, moving closer to the camera.
"I miss you" you whine, almost needy at the use of a pet name.
"And I miss you."
You hummed, smiling at him. Head spinning with desire.
"Wanna make you cum when I see you next." He looked down at his bulge, now growing underneath the covers. "I can't wait to see you.. feel you around me" Mark palmed himself through his pyjamas.
"Can you uh do something for me?" Whisper fell from his mouth, trying to hold himself together.
"Mhmmm" you bit your lip and nodded.
"Can you be a good girl and touch yourself for me?"
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slocumjoe · 1 year
some things I love about the companions 💞
Ada; is best girl. She's a cool ass robot who gives me glue and doesn't judge me. No, this is not my "transformers prime permanently rewired my brain" bias for robots. At risk of sounding like a 12 year old boy, Assaultatrons are just badass designs. And she's blue!
Cait; is a lot funnier than anyone gives her credit for. Also, weirdly educated? For example, she wonders if Raiders like tunnels as a "Freudian" thing. Few people she'd have met would known about Freud, so she'd have to have gone and read about it herself. Also also, is on Danse's level of romantic sweet talk. Girl makes me swoon.
Codsworth; somehow hates the wasteland more than X6. His wording and tone is very optimistic but you can tell that, underneath his chipper facade, Codsworth is so fucking grossed out by everything he sees. Also, the only two companions he doesn't trust to keep you safe, are Piper and MacCready. Make of that what you will.
Curie; X6-88 (like, 10 years old) calls her unqualified and she (200ish) basically tells him to get the fuck back in the play pen
Danse; Sending his eyebrows to space by showing the smallest amount of care and affection. I'm pretty sure this man would die if someone asked if he was okay.
Deacon; talks a big game about being a liar, and being very good about it, but if you don't read that 'recall code' ASAP, he bugs you about it constantly because he hates lying to you. It's not even that you're being naive, he genuinely hates that he's being trusted when you were supposed to question him.
Dogmeat; my favorite thing about Dogmeat is that I'll spend an hour scrapping all dog houses in Sanctuary, make him a little area in my backyard with a house, food bowl, toys, a rug, and classical music, and he thanks me by getting up on my countertops to sleep, using my antique pie collection as bedding.
Gage; Wears a fake eyepatch and throws hissy fits when my army of sexy chads curbstomps his furries, Nepo babies, and Joker stans. This is entirely wishful thinking and I get why this didn't happen, but I would have liked an option to convince him "Hey, I'm coming back with my army to wipe out all these raiders, but I'll give you a chance to join me or leave since you also seem to hate these chuckleheads." I appreciate his shady convict uncle vibes. I would let him teach Shaun how to cheat at cards.
Hancock; takes mentats to feel "intellectual" when he has the second highest INT of all the companions. Also, his puppy dog eyes. "IM FERAL NOW" as he gets his ass kicked by a legendary god roach
MacCready; dork man. he has more cliche stock line jokes than Deacon. I unironically vibe with his taste in trailers, fucking LOVE leopard print (fake bc we don't fuck with wasteful animal hunting like that). He's a very cozy companion to travel with, for lack of a better description. Like if a thermos of soup was a human.
Nick; Nick is what I imagine Mac would be like as he got older—just a laid-back weirdo who wants whats best for you and will insult you so you understand that. I love his tacky ass agency sign. I wish you could put him in other clothes, because I need him in a bathrobe wielding a cane against my enemies. Just really succumb to the grumpy uncle vibes.
Old Longfellow; reminds me strongly of my old neighbor, an elderly southern gentleman who was a sniper in the military, had a chunky rottie named Baby, and once watched me play Fallout and gave his opinions on the design of the weapons in game. That man is now in Thailand with his girlfriend. I've never traveled with Longfellow but I'm pretty sure its a 1 to 1.
Preston; if you don't take Preston to Quincy, I don't blame you, because oh man, does he not have a great time there! Preston sounds five seconds away from snapping his gun over his knee and going for strangulation in Quincy. King shit.
Piper; I was pretty harsh to Piper but I love her gaslight gatekeep girlboss approach to her life. She's like an adult Junie B Jones. Piper has never had her shit together and is self-medicating with sugar harder than Hancock and Cait do with drugs. She's a cringefail woman. If Bethesda was brave they would have gone with her pixie cut concept.
X6-88; a blank canvas for me to go wild on with the fanon. But I love how he's just an asshole 10 year old murderbot that's scared of heights, thinks Power Armor is so cool he privately fangirls over Danse, is scared of children, and gushes over how awesome the Survivor is to his courser buddies. What a babe.
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eggtartz · 2 years
hii can you do fluff movie night date with ran :)) maybe rindou too if you can
a/n : sure can! thankyou for requesting anon and enjoy 🫶🏻
summary : christmas movie nights with haitani's! (ik it's not december yet but im excited ok)
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"ran move your butt faster the movie's starting in a minute"
"okay damn let me just finish the popcorns first" this was the first time you two spent christmas night together, him being here and not away for work. you intended to make the night more memorable so you wanted to watch movies with him. you remembered he had a list of christmas movies but couldn't watch them as he never had the time to. well, guess you two won't be sleeping tonight.
he jumped on the sofa with snacks and water in his hand, your hand grabbing the snacks while your eyes were glued on the projector. the night was cozy, the movie was fun and ran was here. ran is here. nothing mattered if he was here.
sitting down on the warm floor, your eyes were still glued while watching the movie but ran on the top ate the snacks and occasionally some of them would drop on your head. "ran the popcorn is on my head, it's distracting" your eyes were still glued to the movie that apparently had a bad casting. ran said nothing but placed the popcorns next to you instead, his long arms able to reach them and eat them without leaving crumbs. as the movie ended, you went to the bathroom while ran refilled the snacks and drinks.
the next movie was a corny, love story that you think would amuse ran. "what the hell is the title? love at first mistletoe?"
"i don't know ran i thought it would be funny" you two kept chatting as how the casts was so cringy at their acting but was interested with the plot. as the movie came to an ad, you looked back at ran to see him slowly dozing off and his hair all messy and covering his face.
you gave his forehead a kiss and took a blanket from the bedroom, him already in a deep slumber. you didn't wanted to move either, there's just something healing about the warm floor so you switched off the projector and slept on the floor with a blanket too.
you two woke up with a sore back the next morning but you two couldn't care less.
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last year, he wanted to watch horror movies with festive themes but he told you to pick the movie. you had picked the most gruesome, disgusting movie ever where the actor kidnapped people and butchered them alive for christmas. rindou never let you pick another movie again.
so this year, he picked a series of reruns of his favorite and watched it with you. "but rin haven't we seen this?"
"have we? let's watch it again then" although he was focused on the series, his focus also averted to you who obviously grew bored. rindou sighed.
"if we watch one more season, you can pick the next movie. you wanna do that?" your eyes sparkled and you hugged his arm. now your eyes are glued to the series and nearing 2am, the series ended. you took the remote tv with cautious eyes, silently asking rindou if he's really sure because you already have one movie in mind. one.
rindou nodded. he would wish he haven't.
"no what the fuck the man just got slaughtered how are you unfazed?"
"huh? he didn't got slaughtered, just stuffed. not the same thing rinnie"
"don't rinnie me woman are you secretly a sociopath?!" rindou yelled and you howled a laugh. the movie wasn't that gruesome just a bit.. graphic. okay might be too gruesome as the next death scene literally made rindou stop munching on his chips. "i really wanna know where you find these kind of movies babe i really do but im concerned of my safety too" you smacked his shoulder.
"you're a deliquent shouldn't you be used to this huh?"
"i mean .."
"don't go 'i mean' at me!"
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londonfoginacup · 7 months
Hello! Based on your fics I consider you to be someone well-versed in the arts of coziness and comfort and as it is now the cold and dark part of the year where I live I wanted to ask you, do you have any recommendations?? Favorite brand of leggings? Slippers? Best candle? Best fairy lights? Coziest foods and drinks? Wishing you much warmth and light! X
ohhhhh my god OH MY GOD what a SWEET ASK! And also you are sending this very sincere ask to someone whose main mode of being cozy is burrowing under her roommates for warmth and then yelling at said roommates for turning the temperature up, so i dunno if i'm deserved but here's my best cozy shot--
first of all -- hot chocolate with lucky charms. I'm usually a strictly white chocolate hot chocolate person, but the JOY at being able to eat the melty delicious lucky charms out of it cannot be comprehended. 10/10 warm and cozy and sweet.
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Second-- get rid of the heated blanket. Heated blankets are not it. Get yourself heated mattress pad!!!! This bitch makes you toasty like you would not BELIEVE, PLUS if you're someone who tends to kick off blankets in the night, at least half your body is still toasty warm! 1000/10 cozy plus cats will love to snuggle u also dont use this at the same time as a heated blanket bc u will die i think
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Now in terms of candles, I think that scents are very personal! I'm a slut for bath and bodyworks because I can be a bit basic, BUT there's something more important than what kind of candle you get -- and that's to have a CANDLE WARMER LAMP! You see, unless you're getting a very expensive candle, most candles, especially ones from the drug store or target, have mOST OF THEIR SCENT in the top like half an inch! SO they smell really good when you buy them but you barely smell them after you light them! But if you get a CANDLE WARMER LAMP, then you can stick your good good smelling candle in there and it will heat it FROM THE TOP and you will get some LONG LASTING GOOD GOOD COZY SMELL
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holy shit wait hold up scratch that, I DO have candle recommendations. Cantrip Candles makes candles for like, D&D games to set the mood. But I don't play D&D and just burn the candles instead. The Library candle and the Bakery candle are my FAVORITE, but you can get a sampler pack and try them yourself to see which scents you like. 10/10 cozy bakery scent fuck yes
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I don't really have cozy clothes because I wear business casual 24/7 i am DRESSED TO FUCKING IMPRESS (no im not, im just lazy and only own 5 pairs of the same pants), and tbh if I want to be cozy I just throw on a hoodie. I own five and they are ALL Louis Tomlinson.
And for blankets -- the coziest blanket is the one you can steal from someone else. The old crochet blanket that your mom had since before you were born? Snatch it. The blankets your roommates left when they moved out and got married? They're yours now. The blanket someone loaned you at a fireworks show and you accidentally went home with? Coziness factor goes up 1000%. BARRING STOLEN GOODS THOUGH, every blanket I've ever bought is from ikea. I'm not joking. I have one in my car and one in my office and two on my bed and two in my living room.
Okay FINALLY. The SECRET to my uber cozy lifestyle.
It's having a lot of roommates, and forcing them all to cuddle with me.
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but if you dont have homemade roommates, storebought are fine
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eisukevint · 8 months
My You
Yosuke Sagara | Kings of Paradise
a/n: HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY @hellocupie its yosuke’s wife’s day fr i love you so fucking omg thank you for being my favourite proof reader, listening to my rants 24/7, keeping up with my shit show i love you <3 this was done last minute im sorry its not the best but this was the least i could do for everything youve done for me! have the best time of ur life!!!
Impulse shopping is a sport and if buying the first thing that reminds Yosuke of his wife whenever he sets his eyes on something impulse shopping, then Yosuke is a champion. There was no other way to justify the 300 squishmallows and plushies he bought simply because he thought that they looked like his adorable wife.
Yosuke, with the worker’s from the shop he practically emptied, could barely see what’s in front of them due to the gigantic pile of plushies in their arms as they manoeuvred through the mall to the parking lot. This was all part of Yosuke’s grand scheme for his wife’s perfect birthday.
He quickly rushed back into the mall after putting the other stuff in his car, to the jewellery store that had caught his eye when he was leaving. He was surfing through the various chains and bracelets but nothing appealed to him. He was just about to leave the store when his eyes landed on a pair of bracelets. It was a couple’s set and Yosuke was more or less convinced that this was meant for him and (Y/N). He quickly got it packed in their nicest packaging, exited the mall and sped away to complete the last of his preparations.
It was 10:00 am by the time Yosuke had gotten out of bed and proceeded to wake (Y/N) up too. He kissed her on the lips wishing her a happy birthday and to say he was overflowing with joy when he saw her smile would be an understatement. But this was just the beginning of his plans so he urged (Y/N) out of the bed and into the bathroom.
The minute she got out of the bath, Yosuke put a blindfold on (Y/N)’s eyes and led to her to the unused guest room in their home. When he undid the blindfold from her eyes and she took a good look at the room, (Y/N) started at at the humongous amount of plushies strewn all across the room. They were all of different sizes and colours, each dissimilar from the other. She turned her head towards Yosuke, jaw slack and eyes widened. This was a dream come true.
“Oh i’m not done yet.” Yosuke smirked and whisked her away out to the entrance.
They eventually set off in his car. (Y/N) kept asking him where they were going but Yosuke kept shushing her. Their playful banter kept the atmosphere lively and the two hours passed by quickly. They eventually reached the outskirts of the city to a cottage with a stream in view. The place looked warm and cozy, a serene place away from the prying eyes of the world.
Yosuke led (Y/N) in and she gaped at the skillfully assembled party decorations. The venue looked like it was for a massive party but it really was just the two of them and they wouldn’t have preferred it any other way.
“This is amazing, Yosuke. Thank you so much!’” (Y/N) turned towards Yosuke as he grabbed her hand and led her inside.
“You haven’t seen the best part yet.” He flashed a smile, settled her on the sofa and made his way to the kitchen. The sounds of kitchen utensils being put to work made it clear that he was cooking for them and (Y/N)’s heart overflowed with love for the man and the efforts he put into making her day better.
Fifteen minutes later, he emerged from the kitchen and once again, grabbed her hand and led her to the dining table.
The aroma of the assortment of side dishes and the steak enticed a grumble from their stomachs and (Y/N) had to ask him if he did all of this himself, to which he nodded. Her eyes visibly brightened when she tasted Yosuke’s cooking again and he melted at the sight. They relished in the pleasant atmosphere and appetising food and before long, the sky had turned orange.
“So, how would you rate my cooking this time?” Yosuke asked with bated breath, (Y/N) in his arms as they got comfortable on the couch.
“An 87/100?” (Y/N) grinned at Yosuke as he feigned mock offense.
“87?! But I put in so much love!” He huffed and buried his face in her hair causing (Y/N) to laugh heartily.
“You got a 70 last time! Fine, i’ll give you five extra points for that.” (Y/N) exclaimed and Yosuke instantly perked up, hugging her a little tighter.
“Did you practice?” (Y/N) asked and Yosuke hummed in response.
“I’ve been practicing to get the steak perfect for over two weeks now.” He replied. He was about to give her a quick kiss and remembered the gift he had gotten her so he quickly detangled their legs and rushed to the kitchen a second time leaving a confused (Y/N) behind.
Yosuke, with a party hat on his head and a cake in his hand, came out of the kitchen singing the birthday song. (Y/N) was beaming and Yosuke could not restrain himself from grabbing her face and kissing her adorable face right there. The cake was pink and had little red hearts on it. It was lovely, just like his wife.
(Y/N) cut the cake while they blew the candles out together. She could not ask for a more perfect day when Yosuke took the gift bag off his wrist and handed it to (Y/N), urging her to open it.
(Y/N) opened the velvet box and gazed at a pair of bracelets in absolute awe. They were platinum bracelets, with a star on one piece and a moon on the other. Yosuke took the star bracelet out of its box and put it on (Y/N)’s wrist. The star glimmered under the dim light of the living room. She was snapped out of her trance when Yosuke spoke up.
“They say the moon feels lonely without its stars.” He grabbed the moon bracelet and put it on his own wrist.
“A night sky is complete when the moon is surrounded by the stars.” He clasped her hands into his own ans gazed in her eyes. (Y/N) could see an emotion in Yosuke’s she couldn’t put a word on. This seriousness seemed out of character for Yosuke and she couldn’t help but tear up.
“You’re the radiant star that makes my starry sky complete, (Y/N). When you’re not around me, I feel lonely. The sense of wholeness when we’re together, when we’re one, is so overwhelmingly euphoric I fell in love with you all over again. Thank you for staying with me against all odds. Thank you for being born. Thank you, for brightening up my days and nights.” Tears were flowing down (Y/N)’s face at this point and Yosuke reached up to wipe them off.
“I love you, (Y/N). You complete me.” A dazzling smile erupted on his face as (Y/N) embraced him, whispering sweet words of adoration and affection for the man.
With their hearts content and bodies united, (Y/N) and Yosuke spent the after hours of her birthday tangled up with each other. They basked in each other’s presence, affirming their love once again.
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dollsuguru · 5 months
HI HELLO IM BREAKING INTO UR INBOX W TEARS IN MY EYES…………… 😭😭 i just read all ur tags on my sugu fics and when i tell you i CRIED YOURE SOO??? so so SO sweet and thoughtful????? I HOPE YOUR DINNER WAS THE TASTIEST EVER bc ur tags made my whole weekend <333333 literally every single thing u said made me go YES YOU GET IT like… im just gonna mention a couple things phsjdhs IM REALLY SOSO GRATEFUL <333 
FIRST OFF just . everything u said abt my writing in general??? is soooo unbelievably kind??? T_T like abt the setting and prose and etc!!! i got soooo happy every time u said u felt like u were really There LIKE THAT MEANS SO MUCH…. ”it’s like i’m living inside your words” ARE U TRYING TO KILL ME </3 sob. thank u :’< 
and aaa im so glad u liked all three fics even though theyre a bit different!! 🥺🥺 i just rlly feel like u understood what i was trying to convey w certain characters and lines and stuff and it means soooo much??? SUGU IS A DEVOTED LOVERBOY YESYESYES U GET IT!!!!! U UNDERSTAND!!!! ”devoted” & ”intense” are the PERFECT words for him i cant tell u how much i agree. AND SOO NURTURING YES WE’RE SO LINKED he’s so mother he’s so husbandwife <333 IM JUST NODDING ALONG TO EVERYTHING U SAY like genuinely. food as love was the theme for that particular fic hehe im so glad u noticed!!! 
AAAA AND UR TAGS ON THE CHILDHOOD BESTIES FIC ……. thats probably my fave sugu fic out of the ones ive written ngl i was sooo happy to see that u liked it 😭😭😭 U GET IT U DO… like their love could be platonic or romantic but it doesnt rlly matter bc they just love each other sooo much. HE’S A GHIBLI BOY YES i’m so glad u see the vision <33
IM SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG i just need you to know that i see you and i love you and i appreciate you <3333 tysm for reading my silly lil fics and taking the time to write such thoughtful tags!!! 🥺🥺 im tucking them all away into my heart hehe. wishing u the most wonderful weekend ever !!!! mwah mwah mwah <33
OMG PLEASENDNDNDND your writing is literally SO stunning methinks you have the best rendition of suguru out there… like it’s so TELLING how much you love suguru (and satoru bc TRUST i’m gonna be in the tags of those fics too) and also i just really like how much personality you give to the reader as well! like everyone just is so fleshed out & 3-dimensional like they don’t feel like Just Characters In A Story they feel like real people & honestly magnificent writing to me always makes me feel like i’m watching a movie - and your writing does that! as i’m reading i’m envisioning everything like a movie & that’s the best compliment i can give fr <3 again it’s a testament to your beautiful dialogue, scene setting, storytelling, and YES PROSE!!!!! THAT’S THE WORD I WAS LOOKING FOR THE ENTIRE TIMENFNFNFNF your PROSE is beautiful 😭 it’s very COZY & PRETTY i love it
& OMG I WAS ABLE 2 UNDERSTAND BC YOU CONVEY EVERYTHING SO WELL!!!!! i was never confused i was Always In It <3 AND YES YOU SPOKE #REAL bc sugu is the ULTIMATE devoted loverboy… & i love how his intensity is just innate to him like he can’t help but love fully and with his whole entire mind, heart, body, & soul! and i also like how it isn’t an uncomfortable intensity or overbearing in a bad way - it’s just like a really nice weighted blanket and i LOVE that. & omg i’ve come to love food motifs so much………. whether it be hunger for something, cannibalism to get to the core of someone’s being, peeling clementines as an act of selflessness/love for someone else, or just sweet soft feeding your lover in bed bc you want them to eat well… that’s some delicious fucking food. & YESSSSSS nurturing caretaker sugu my beloved………. i think i read somewhere i forgot if it was just a random post here but someone said that suguru has such natural paternal instincts and that’s so real… like he’s mother he’s father he’s husbandwife he’s Transcended everything… the ultimate DadMom of the group… i just know his tote bag has bandaids, water, & snacks for everyone and he’s just the One you go to talk to about anything (again just like your sugu <3) OH AND ALSO i really like how devoted the reader is too! i Myself am a devoted lovergirl so i Feel seen
THE CHILDHOOD BESTIES FIC WAS SO FUCKING &/@/$/&//@/&:! why’d i get transported to a quaint town w the boy i’ve been in love since childhood and now he grew into a wondrous handsome man… trust that for Me if it involves sugu i’m immediately going romantic mode like i’m sorry i’m so Desperately In Love with him i can’t be normal <3 that fic is so fucking rich and filled w real problems that teens/ppl in their twenties face! the fear of the unknown but it feels like anything is possible and doable with someone like suguru by your side! AND YES HE IS SOOOOO HAKU-CODED TO ME (my first bf since i was a kid… coincidence? methinks not…) and also i reallllllllly love your fic of suguru going to reader’s apartment to declare war but he instead goes & has tea & cookies instead… i think i read that fic ages ago on ao3 and i could never find it again so it’s so Poetic Cinema that i found it here and that it was YOU and that you created so many more amazing fics… like i’m so well fed omfg & i’m super excited for anything you have coming out next!
AND OMG IT’S ABSOLUTELY MY PLEASURE! THANK YOU FOR CREATING SUCH BEAUTIFUL STORIES THAT I WILL KEEP TUCKED IN MY BRAIN & HEART <3 i will never forget you twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat… for as long as i live 🫡☝🏼 BUT FR!!!!! thank you for creating such wonderful premises for stories! i’m ecstatic to read anything you come out with next <3 mwah mwah mwah
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^ me when reading your fics
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
Alright. It’s Thursday let’s see how tonight goes…
Weird opening that’s for sure
That blue suit on mechad is fucking gorgeous
Wtf is happening?!!!!?? Is this gonna be one of those twisty episodes? We’re only halfway through…
YES! SAM! Give her more screen time PLEASE
The like, main thing here would be finding the dancer, yes?
The lawyers have a good point with this recording, but it’s all speculation at this point…
I KNOW I know this defence attorney from somewhere… hold pls while I try to figure it out lol
Goddammit it’s not on imdb yet…
Okay so defence found the witness and honestly that just made everything way more complicated. YES, he killed the guy in (self) defence/trying to help/save the girl, BUT he’s still a racist pos who strangled the guy for three minutes after he stopped breathing. Also what was going on with the vic on the train? Cause he defs seemed out of it…
Ohhkay, an asthma attack, that makes sense. Reaching for the inhaler. Got it
Okay, y’all I’m sold on the new DA guy who came from scandal.
What is it with cop shows having very racist/sexist people/witnesses and choosing to send in their poc/women to figure details out.
OOHHH WE LOVE A GOOD UC STORYLINE! IS THIS GONNA BE A MULTI EP ARC?! A CROSSOVER?! (I know im clowning over a crossover, you don’t need to tell me)
That was a really good ep tbh.
Okay we all know I’m ignoring TO.
If anyone has any good ideas for a relatively affordable vacation over July/august that wouldn’t be too fucking hot, pls lmk.
Svu time!
Woof talk about a dark open
Also… it’s giving little mermaid…. The whole hazy can’t see her but she’s rescuing him and keeping him safe??
…pants around the ankles? Okay wait so something else happened in there?
If they’re gonna be fucking rotating cast members, they should be rotating the ones who aren’t officially part of the squad. Curry was on last week, she should be gone this week.
Oh it was a man in the little mermaid vibes, my bad lol
….at least bruno’s here..
Okay… this girl’s apartment layout is the same as olivia’s (old?) one? (the one where noah was a toddler and up on the counter stealing cookies..) they really all about reusing sets aren’t they? Yet they make olivia’s apt completely different each ep…
Also I lowkey love all the fairy lights and art she’s got up, she’s made this place super cozy and calming and I dig it. Like I legit want that little tree with the fairy lights she has… catch me on amazon later.
Okay but like, if you were beat that bad and fighting for your life, there’s definitely a chance of hallucinating someone..
Bruno can yell at me any day…. Just sayin.
Why cant the girl with agoraphobia just fucking zoom/face time into the trial??? Like, they did that shit for younger witnesses/victims, for people already in prison/stuck in hospitals and that was all BEFORE covid…. I get that this is some kind of progress for her/olivia and more building for liv but it’s stupid…
Shout out to liv for making her office a complete safe space with the blinds drawn and candles and shit. Cute.
Okay that was an okay episode, we’re getting there slowly. I just wish we would go back to court for once. I miss my defence attorneys…
Lowkey hate this flashback, ngl.
 Okay…I NEED to know how old joe stabler is supposed to be. Cause the actor’s age isn’t listed on wiki/imdb, but there’s a couple pages/articles that say he’s super late 40’s, early 50’s but he could pass for late 30’s so im SO confused lol.
Ahh… okay. Glad the drugs are his and not eli’s lol
Ugh I love bell so fucking much
I really hope Bobby’s leave was written in cause the actor had another offer that he wanted to take and not one that screwed him over.
Yaaasss cragen with the distraction save!
“I thought it worked…” bruh it sure did lol
God I miss cragen’s sass and quips. Im super glad he’s open to guest star
Bell being a complete bad ass like always. Yaaas queen
Speaking of bad ass women… nicely done chief…
Oh fuck….
Okay, well that was a decent night of l&o tonight!
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
My dream tonight was fucking insane. I'll just write bullet points.
First off all the baki anime was getting rebooted so this time they'd fucking made Baki a furry. Not as in he was anthro, no, he had to put on a fucking suit (it was a cute big cat :) ) and i was so maaad about this change because the old outfit was iconic enough and this was being made to appeal to a larger audience or something.
Also i think they killed off Jack Hanma or something i was mad about that too
Next thing i remember I was outside, in some hike. I always dream about being outside.
I don't remember shit i did except for the fact when i was tired i decided to lay down in the middle of the fucking field for no reason and i threw a pillow and a blanket and it was a wide thick blanket this magenta color, close to this one,and i laid down i started seeing in the horizon with the clouds all going down one was coming over which very clearly brought rain and i knew rain at night while i sleep on the grassy ground was like a death sentence but i just didn't feel like moving to the house a few blocks by where other people lived because i'd fumbled it pretty hard before.
My death wish wasn't granted however because one woman and some maybe male pal of hers came over. She was blonde and had an eyepatch. I pretended to be fast asleep so she wouldnt try to move me. She didn't, instead, she covered myself with a plastic wrap (head to toe btw i got scared for a second about it but decided to just trust her y'know?)
Lady said i looked cute and retold a story about one time i helped her, something related to her eye prob. I think her name was "one-eyed Jackie" btw. Also, i didnt feel like an adult in this dream, i felt like a kid, put a pin on that.
Now cozy and safe i decided to quote a poem from memory to sleep a poem which does not exist and of which i dont remember enough to write it down but the main theme was about holding on against the unstoppable crushing pressure and this was all illustrated on a comic in a dark pool where the character (fucking PG btw idk how he didnt short circuit also im really normal yes thanks for asking) started floating but then there was no water and he was just gripping the edge to not fall and he never did but the poem ended with the repetition about gripping on. It was a somber one but bc my loving nature i just wanted to save him tm and i kept (no pun intended with that last one) thinking of two people walking across different landscapes like a documentary montage. It was nice.
Unfortunately i was almost ran the fuck over while i was trying to dream in peace.
I jumped to the side and avoided the truck but my devices were there and i told to Jackie "My phone is there :( " and she was like no they retrieved it now stop worrying about that are you ok?!
I think it was then when it fully transformed into a movie, or perhaps the earlier scene with Jackie was, either way, i am now no longer me and im instead L.L.
And for dear life I'd not explain to you what happened in this movie although i think they mentioned Sam Raimi made it? It did have some horror things like uh, a fucking werewolf. Like out of our pals, he was just a werewolf and he'd transform each part whenever he wanted. It was nuts, hilarious too.
There was a big bad and his team too at one point they set our little clown shack (bc it was the size of a letrine yet like 8 people were inside it) on fire.
The ending was nutty too actually papyrus fucking died i just remembered. There was this giant freezing mechanism and he (who btw didnt look like paps he was naked his head was very rectangular and cartoony and bigger than his arms, also he was my height) was like "i'll just wait for them to come back to talk this out! :) and i was like PAPYRUS NO! but then it was too late he was head to toe frozen with a smile still on his face....... tried to whipe the moisture from his face maybe w some heat we'd save him but a girl in my team just was like cmon we need to go so i had to leave him.
And then we faced the big bad who was literally just some guy who kinda looked like uh. Hang on. Well i cant find his name but the guy from bg3 who looks like a fucking clown and people love to hate or something. Except w longer crazier hair. And he did fucking kil my epic werewolf bestie but we managed to get rid of him locking him up Somewhere i guess for him to die.
and then we were all coming back from the intensity of it all and the girl from before is like "you gotta admit, that was the best terrible movie ever" and i didnt dare to say i actually loved it
also i forgot if i mentioned this but this movie had a fandom and fanart and somoene had drawn my wolfy pal (who my brain keeps insisting on calling trevor but im pretty sure that's an unrelated werewolf. Also this guy i remembered his looks, his fur was grey and black but he was pale and blonde w short hair sticking up, like, platinum blonde) like "yeah im a werewolf despite that never being explained ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" which is why when it happened i didnt question it, ironically.
anyway i think i brought up the poem and this is when you take off that pin because now one of my childhood friends from primary school (or a representation of her) started talking about how she wrote a following poem or maybe i was talking about a different one idk but she talked about how it opened doors in her life and she annoyed me so i went to sit somehwere else.
And i remember this scene where someone went to sleep so we were told to be silent and a friend was looking thru my drawings adn they were all things i never drew of characters that dont exist and it had this tangible mischevious energy like we were two kids trying to not laugh annoying each other who might get in trouble.
Then i finally sat down in a corner with a friend, could have been my childhood friend (only one i still talk to who's male) or my platonic partner (eye, if you're reading this, hi! ^_^) and we just started talking about friendship, with him mentioning i'd go talk to the rest in the main table instead of lingering here alone but i conter argued i'd eventually do it, it'd just take me a long time. After all, it did take me quite a bit to get close to him, did it not? this was fine.
I woke up so groggy i wouldnt have been able to tell you my own name if you asked me but that whole thing just felt like, such a peaceful story. So fun ! Sad i couldnt save the wolf but you cant save everyone out there tbh
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kyowuin · 4 months
for the ask game ... them all !! ^_^ tell me ur answers for all of tuem
gonna answer this more like smt general since i couldn't pick one kin for this
cw: i focus on my fictionkins since is a fictionkin ask game LOL
content under cut since this is LOONG.
⏳ - How long have you known about this kin?
my most old kin is mark heatcliff, basically from the beginning of 2022, it's been two years with this kin, wowz
my most recent kin is dave strider ! homestuck swag
❔ - How did you figure out you kinned this character?
smt more general for this one, i normally try to draw myself as the character, call myself the character, triying to interact more on the media if i really id with them, meditate sometimes
and other times is just like, i get a gut feeling about this character, and when i accept im that character, i finally can understand many things
❤️ - What's your favorite memory from this kin?
my fav memorie between all my kins is genuinely this memorie where i'm having a chocolate cup with cesar, talking about school, and having a cozy day on the couch while it was raining out... it makes me so happy
💔 - What's your least favorite memory from this kin?
my lest favourite memorie between all my kins is, well... that scene with sal on wadanohara on watgbs, yeah
🤝 - What's your relationship with this kintype (ie spiritual, psychological, etc)?
MIXED, but, it's in a big part psychological
✔️ - What details about this kin, if any, line up really close with canon?
my most canon close kin if wadanohara! i remember many stuff that happened to her, also happened to me in my kin experience!
✖️ - What details about this kin, if any, are really different from canon?
my most canon divergent kin is stanley from the stanley parable, is mostly a weird combo of getting out of the parable and the time on the parable the narrator had more freedom
✨ - What did you look like?
UHM, hard to answer as a general thing, so i will choose sunny from omori!
i had bangers, short and not cared hair, yellow teeth, i had a mole on my cheek and also eyebags!
👕 - What sort of clothing do you associate with this kin?
another one hard to answer in general
i associate ties and those working pants that any average officer has, i also have a grey pair of jeans for him
🎶 - What music / songs do you associate with your kin?
UHAKDNSMDNSNND. i will do a playlist in the future, but i associate we grew up so well with most of them
🖼️ - What sort of aesthetics do you associate with your kin?
sunny : oddcore
wadanohara : cleancore
stanley : liminality
dave strider : some weird red violent shit
mark heatcliff : comfy aesthetic ( and also weirdcore )
🎂 - Are there any foods / flavors you associate with this kin?
pizza, that's it that's the answer
🫂 - Who were you closest with in your canon?
sunny : kel
mark heatcliff : cesar and sarah
wadanohara : idate and dolphi
dave strider : dirk, john, jake & jade
stanley : the narrator (obvs)
💥 - What skills or abilities did this kin have, if any, that you can't do now but wish you could? (ie superpowers, languages you don't speak, skills you don't currently have, etc)
sunny (me) were really good at baseball and i'm shitty in it actually, dave (me) were SO at handling weapons, and i'm so BAD at it, lil mention of omari!kel kin, were really good at sports, and i'm generally so bad that i ashame myself everytime i play any
🐦 - Is there anything you miss about this kin's body that you don't currently have? (ie basic appearance traits, tails, wings, etc)
i miss the straight hair of sunny, i mostly miss the hairs of everyone LOL, but i also miss the height of mark heatcliff (i was. so tall, like a lot)
🌌 - Do you ever experience astral limb sensations with this kin? (IE feeling your wings, tail, something your kintype has that your current body does not)
i sometimes feel the braces of heatcliff and other times feel the patch of sunnys missing eye
🔮 - Have you ever predicted something about your source material before it happened based on kin feelings? (For example, having a kin memory that lines up with something that happens in your source before you ever knew about it)
sadly not :(
👥 - Do you have any canonmates for this kin, and/or are you interested in finding canonmates?
i wish i had ones... but i'm too awkard to actually make a call somewhere
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Firstly, THE COMMENTS ON THE TEXT CONVIS POST!!! I'M PISSING 😭😭 He's so desparate, I can see him killing another assassin and stealing his phone just to text us to unblock him
About giivng Mandy a sibling, I think Tan would consider it since he'll want her to have someone like he has Lem
Also, Mandy swearing because she accidently heard Tan swear once?
You said his look can be intimitating, even if it's soft. Imagine we look away or hide in his shoulder, so he softly grabs our face to make us look at him. 🫠🫠
Buying him lolipops to replace a cig for when he can't smoke? And they're cherry flavor? :))
Sorry I'm always asking those things but have you thought about a backstory for us and Tan? I made one but I think it sounds kinda silly so I don't know if I should send it
I know I sound like a broken record since I already said this in like 3 already. I really do enjoy being back and writing to you, I was afraid my love for him was fading away, I didn't like any ideas I wrote in my notes and was overall pretty sad. (He was still on my mind, it's as if this man made himself a cozy room in my brain and is never leaving) I got sick in january so I had to stay at home and thought I might as well rewatch the movie. So many scenes and snarky remarks of him got me thinking "oh yeah that's why I fell in love with him". So now I'm here again. I love reading your response as well as the comments. 💗💗  Sorry for the ramble I wanted to get it off my chest
(Just wanted to ask, the next time your requests will be open, would you be ok with writing a small fic, like 700 words? If no that's completly fine !! I already saved a headcanon and small drabble for next time :)) Planning on sending more text convos this weekend
Also love your atj shirt. Might have to get a custom one for my bday <3 💺 anon
— right??? 😭😭😭 omg yes!! or even having to go out and get another sim card in order to text you. he probs has a stash of miscellaneous blocked ones piled somewhere
— he so would!! he would want her to have a best friend in sibling form. he wants for her to have someone she can talk to when older. and all those sibling bonding things
— she definitely has😭😭 I believe fuck is an easy one to say?? so that might be her first
— super super cute!!! and cherry!! sneaky, I like it
— you know what, I actually haven’t. I prefer civilian readers, so it’s a little difficult bc being assassin would be easier to connect. but I have a concept idea of their relationship, but not how they met. don’t be daft, nothing you’ll send would be silly. you’re more than welcome to send it in if you’re comfortable. there’s no such thing as silly around here
— I really do as well!! it’s actually fun to talk to someone about him like this rather than myself all the time😭 awh!!! im glad you’re back into him now !! (and hope you’re feeling better now) never be sorry, thank you for sharing 💓💓
— they’re still open if you want to send something in, luckily been working through my inbox pretty fast so now I have a decent enough backlog in my drafts. and yes, ofc, that’s absolutely fine angel. looking forward to the text convos!! they were real fun
— AAAAH THANK YOU!! yes yes get one!! and happy birthday in advance if it’s coming up soon, if it is send in an ask so I can wish you a HBD💓
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burthummels · 1 year
ok i changed my mind about drawing all the hair colours bc that's actually a lot of work that i don't have the energy for rn (silly art block and whatnot) and i don't wanna make u wait forever bc i'd forget etc etc i'm so sorry i'm a massive mess rn
ANYWAY i wanna preface this list by saying that i think black is a great colour on all of them! thinking specifically about that time jimin got compared to prince eric <3 and tae's recent pretty black curls (gone but never forgotten) but they all look good with black hair and i will not hear otherwise 😤
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i think joon looks really good with light hair in general but i am particularly weak for grape!joon <3 his spring day/not today soft purple hair is everything to me
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u are so so right about purple jin but may i offer u blond and pink jin as well! i think that almost platinum blond makes him look so ethereal and it very much fits the way his voice sounds to me. and shoutout to the pink for being so pretty on him
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ok tbh i think black is his best colour however!! this ashy brown hair is super pretty
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and shoutout to platinum blond agust d bc this was a Look he is so iconic for doing this
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i second the reddish brown tbh that is the colour i wish my hair was rn but i am realising very quickly that i can't pull it off quite like him ksfjhgkfd </3 anyway i also love whatever is going on with his hair in the spring day mv i think that should be an honourable mention
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jimin is a natural blond to me too tbh. especially when it looks all soft and fluffy i think he looks so cozy and gentle and huggable!! i'm also very weak for the pink tho like spring day jimin is everything to me and i was so happy when the pink made a comeback
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tae looks good in literally every colours it's so unfair to the rest of us </3 out of the really bright colours my faves were red and blue tho! tae in the save me mv really imprinted on me in ways i can't describe dkfgjh and then when he had blue hair and jimin had pink hair 💞💞💞 looking so bright and colourful together i love them sm <33
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but also!! this fluffy curly brown on him!!! when people were saying he looked like a poodle!! so so soft i fucking love it i want to play with his hair
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i think i'm mainly used to seeing black/brown on him bc he had those colours for so long but! cherry kook or even just the red tips that i don't remember but found when i was looking up his red hair <3 idk there's just sth about this look that really hits to me
omg grape!joon how could i ever forget !!!! the sweetest angel anctually !!!! i love light hair on him :( it's just so !!! aah oh wowowow he's so my everything shaped and these pictures just prove it actually like i'd do anything for him
oh yes i am so glad you offered up blonde and pink jinnie !! he is so ethereal and soft and he just looks like he should be a prince somewhere like ,,,, he's so right when he calls himself worldwide handsome like he KNOWS he's so pretty and he's right
ASHY BROWN WITH THE HEADBAND LIKE I THINK IM GONNA SHORT CIRCUIUT !!!!!!! AND THEN PLATINUM AGUST D?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!!! LIKE ARE U TRYING TO MAKE ME EXPLODE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOD no yoongi just ,,,,,,, og i become insane any time i look at him actually like there is something inside of my body that just insantly gives me the feeling of wanting to bite on glass and scream like ,,,,,, GOD min yoongi
my best friend hobi my best friend !!!! the red hair !!!! ooooh that hobi is just has such a special place in my heart like idk i look at him and i am simply filled with joy and happiness and my saddness melts away (that's any hobi but red hair hobi just <333 baby boy) and yes !!!! the spring day hair w the red streaks !!! aaah he looks so cute in it 🥺 and his eyes look so pretty in that photo too and that choker of im 🥺🥺🥺
NATURAL BLONDE JIMIN STANS RISE !!!!!!!! yes when it's soft and fluffy !!!!! oh it's perfect and i jsut wanna give him all the hugs !!! and you're sosososososo correct about pink jimin like that is also just a precious huggable angel sorry and i think i'd love to see a pink!jimin comeback again i think it would bring world peace
the fact that tae just...... looks good in everything... im sick to my stomach.... how is it FAIR !!! OH BLUE AND PINK JIMIN !!!! MY COTTON CANDY TWINS !!!!! THEY JUST !!!! OH THEY JUST LOOK SO PERFECT TOGETHER !!!! (maybe they're more jollyrancher colored but it doesn't have the same ring) but oh tae in the save me mv is imprinted in my mind and i will rewatch it jsut for himsdkfjhlsd but poodle!tae !!! oh what a sweet boy !! that live where jk was just putting forks in his hair sdjkfhaldskfh
OH JUNGKOOK MY SWEET BABY STAR CANDY JUNGKOOK WHO IWOULD LITERALLY DO ANYTHING FOR !!!!! i look at him and i am instintaniously the heart eyes emoji like i can't help it that just who i am and jungkook is my babygirl that's how the world is !!!! but yes the reeeeed cherry !!!! it's so good !!! i love when you can still see his roots but there's color there i think that's the best way to do color for his hair !!!! oh it's just <33333 wow,,,,, im looking at those photos and im simply just here to be a in love w jungkook like i think that's what im put on this planet for (also soobin behind jk in the first photo made me giggle a little sdjhfakld)
!!!! spring day bangtan is just something that can be so personal and so full of love and emotion like.... wow.... !!!
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ok so i dont feel like doing a full on review of the new episode so im just gonna make bullet points of the high lights and things that stuck out to me lmao
((contents spoilers below))
• still love that intro its so fucking awesome
• still loving the upgraded animation its so fluent and beautiful but still maintains that classic ��aqua teen” look
• ok but shake is kinda hot in that outfit ngl
• shake looks like literally every millennial in my town and especially the ones that go to the coffee shops in my area lol
• “its spelled with a g cuz disney owns it” 💀💀
• “hoverboard” and its the fucking roomba 💀
• this is literally clone high istg with the self aware roombas istg /j
• all the robots had little hands that kinda looked like shakes thats so cute
• his whole rant about drinking the cream had me dead
• “its an easy fix tanner” BFNFCFNGFVX bro has beef with tanner lmao
• “master shaken not stirred” ok but that cream work was fucking bad ass
• bro literally had robots write his movie for him thats literally what it felt like when i would be paired with ppl for school projects and i had to do all the work for them but they still take credit for it 😭💀🙄
• DAMN BRO chill out with the coffee
• “script title” thats so shake
• bro literally just called his characters “boy 1” and “boy 2” 😭😭
• “i dont drink coffee its makes me uhh..” IT MAKES YOU WHAT FRYLOCK?!?! • oh hi theres more robots
• “a relationship of a gummy bear and candy cane” 🥺🥺🥺🥺
• “the movie” at carls 🙄🙄🙄
• MEATWAD COVERING HIS EYES CUZ HES NOT ALLOWED TO SEE THAT STUFF 🥺🥺🥺 ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE ME GET EMOTIONAL OVER HIM?!?! /nm ((love the nod/continuity of meatwad not being able to see that type of stuff tho))
• “easy with the hands love” 💀💀💀 I LOVE THAT HE CALLS EVERYONE LOVE CUZ HES BRI’ISH
• “now i can make toast in another city” said no one ever AND BOI WHERE YOU GOING ANYWAY YOURE POOR
• bro literally just killed all the robots 0s and 1s are like robot poison lol
• classic athf to just blow up the house lmao
• “sticks and hicks” lmao
• it looks so peaceful up there kinda reminds me of that one og emma chamberlain video where her and her dad go to her grandparents house in the literal woods lmao
• “read some books, play some board games, make some s’mores” that sounds so cozy and im just picturing them all doing that and its so cute
• “no wifi? im going back to the robots” thats an honest to god mood
ngl the most recent episode wasnt the best out of the 3 so far tbh but it wasnt horrible probably give it like a 6 or 7 out of 10 i also like how they do the credits over the episode it gives them more of the episode to do but also ends in a way thats still very “aqua teen” if that makes sense
also wish they did more with them out in the country and like maybe doing something at a regular cabin instead of the robot in disguise ((which ik was the joke/point of how it ended)) but still that wouldve been really wholesome
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