#im so glad that nothing bad happens to either of them ever
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I noticed a trend
(also I am so sorry I did find the art on Pinterest so if anyone knows the original artists please lmk T-T)
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s1utlvr · 8 months
I know places ↟
Clarisse La rue X reader
a/n: I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING?? But I’m yeah here’s this heavily Taylor swift inspired some heated making out but nothing more cliffhanger enjoy or don’t idk man
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Dating Clarisse La rue was a bad idea.
It’s all anyone could tell you the moment you fell for her, even Clarisse herself tried to talk you out dating her.
But there was nothing she could do or say that could make you not want her.
The way her lips felt against yours, the way her hands brushed against your body, the way she made you felt when it was just you and her, no amount of rumors could change the way you felt about her.
“Loose lips sink ships all the damn time, but not this time.”
Tonight was a night like any other, you were at the bonfire grabbing a drink your girlfriends hands on your waistline and like always the vultures that were your fellow campers had some things to say.
They’d never say anything not to your faces atleast everyone was too scared of Clarisse, but the way they stared made it seem like you two were monsters begging to be hunted. You tried not to care but that part just always seemed to infuriate you.
“Wandering eyes?” Your girlfriend whispered into your ear noticing your expression.
You nodded rolling your eyes and then moving your eyes back onto your girlfriend.
“Hey you wanna go somewhere?” You asked sipping at your drink trying to get rid of the feeling that you were prey to your peers.
“Is it that bad?” She asked her hand moving and making its way to cup your cheek.
“No it’s just-gods it pisses me off like it’s been months and this shit is still happening” you said a bit of frustration in your voice. Clarisse hated seeing you like this but she had to admit, you’re hot when you’re angry.
“Where’d you have in mind?”
“I know places”
“After you then” Clarrise smirked chucking your cup into the trash before following closely behind you into the forest.
You had discovered this spot your first day at camp while trying to find your way around for the first time. What you thought was a shortcut turned out to be a path straight to a creek deep into the forest, you were lost for two hours until your protector found you. The creek was calming, secluded, even when your were lost. And since that day had been your spot. Once you and clarisse got together you were more than glad to share it with her. Sure you had plenty of spots but this was your favorite, you knew no one could ever get to you here.
You sat down against a rock by the water clarisse following next to you as you watched the moonlights reflection on the water.
“I thought people would’ve moved on by now” you said as you shifted to look at your girlfriend resting your head on her shoulder.
“I wouldn’t stop talking about you either” She teased.
“You know what I mean” you scoffed. “Why do people have to care so much about who I date?”
“Well it’s hard not to be obsessed with you” Clarisse said pulling you closer so you were on top of her.
“You’re impossible” you chuckled as you rolled your eyes at her, her hands resting comfortably on your waist.
“Ouch?” She said as she dramatically clutched her heart. “You sound just like them”
“Well most of the rumors are true aren’t they?” You laughed as she pulled you in the feeling of your lips pressed together sending electricity through your body before she pulled away, her breath heavy as she spoke.
“Please you know wouldn’t trade this for the world, it’s always gonna be me.”
It was true. You’d hide from the world for the rest of your life if you could feel like this forever.
Her hand moved up to your waist as she pulled you back in continuing to kiss you. You could tell she was desperate, needy, she wanted to shut everyone out just as much as you did.
It was cause of this that it came as a surprise when she pulled away abruptly.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered panically
“Hear what-?”
The sound of leaves crunching filled the forest.
Shit.shit shit shit. was all could think as you tried to get off of her. Was it an animal? Was it a monster? Was it a person? How long had it been there?
The sound of leaves got closer.
“Come on” she whispered looking behind the rock you two were sitting against.
“Where?” You asked frantically.
“Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it.”
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aliregression · 2 months
Little!Chris and little!Nate in the grocery store and they end up wandering off together and getting lost
Lost and Alone
Ship: Little!Chris X Little!Nate X Fem!Reader (platonic or romantic doesn’t matter to me!)
Summary: Chris and Nate got lost at the story and are scared
Warning: Lost and alone! Some tears! Happy ending!
A/N: We are just going to say reader and Nate live in L.A with the triplets!
The house fridge and cabinets where empty with nothing but soda and seasoning. So you decided to go grocery shopping, although your littes are clingy and in headspace, so you decided to bring them along. After all what is the worst that can happen?
You had went to school with the triplets and Nate, which is how you met them and became best friends with them. Soon after you found out about Chris and Nate regression and became their caregivers.
You love your babies! They are so precious to you and without them your live seems so dull. So when the triplets decide to move to L.A you and Nate had to go as well.
Being the only girl in a house full of boys is a lot, and, well, they aren’t the best cooks either. So you cook while the boys do the cleaning. Which leave you to grocery shop as well because the boys never know what to buy.
You were currently looking at the frozen foods, knowing your littles love frozen food. You had the grocey list in one hand and making sure you had everything.
The boys where bored and saw ice cream in the aisle over so they didn’t see the problem with just looking at the ice cream, to try and convince you they need ever flavor their is.
But when they came back to the frozen foods you where no where to be found. Chris and Nate got scared and sat down on the floor and started crying.
“Mama! I want Mama!” cried Chris hoping you appear out of thin air, which you didn’t. Nate being a year (in headspace) older then Chris stood up and whiped his tears. “We have to go find her Chris” Nate said and grabbed Chris hand pulling him up.
Off they went running (which they know is a no but had to find you) around the store. But it felt like walmart was bigger then they thought. They knew you where with the food. You strictly said food only.
After realizing your babies weren’t following you after heading to checkout you speed over to the groceries section looking for them. You went through every aisle of the section not finding them. You knew they left their phones with you because they never use them in headspace.
The boys were having bad luck finding you as well. It felt like you where never going to come get them so they started crying sobbing and calling for you, hoping you appear.
You were in the aisle next to your boys, you heard their sobs and ran to the aisle they where in. You saw them and picked them up, not caring for the looks you where getting. You were just glad they were safe.
“Mama! Mama!” Nate cheered whipping his tears away. “Im so sorry sweethearts I didn’t realize you two where gone and I should have realized sooner.” You said and placed them back on the ground holding their hands.
“We shwuldn’t hwve rwn away” Chris said feeling smaller now after the scare they had. “We just wanted to see the ice cream Mama- we are sorry” Nate said giving you a pout. “Its okay now sweethearts, just don’t do it again” you said to them and they nodded agreeing
You looked around the aisle your in realizing your in the ice cream aisle, you chuckled to yourself and let your boys each pick out two different types of ice cream they want. After all they deserve it.
You hold their hands and they push the buggy to the check out. They almost ran into someone, and you apologized but let them push the shopping cart anyways. Once yall checked out and got into the car you made a promise to yourself to let Matt or Nick deal with the shopping now.
If this is bad its not proof read im sorry :,)
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saintlevrant · 1 year
For my prize, literally anything Inarizaki related💕
£ hcs of Inarizaki losing their kid(s) in a public or not so public area! enjoy!
tw: language, but sfw! :) children, mentions of kidnapping and abduction, panicking, & fluff! a name wheel decided the gender of the kids! tell me if I looked over something!
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£ Happens at a festival, which has got to be the worst place to lose anything... EVER.
£ The thing is that he let go of his kid's hand to buy her she wanted from the vendor. Then, he turned around to give her the little Hello Kitty plushie she asked for and–
£ She wasn't there?!
£ The worst-case scenario is the first thing that comes to his mind:
£ His kid was just kidnapped! Somebody swooped her up and ran off!! >:0
£ Drops whatever he was doing and immediately starts calling her name.
£ Oh, man. how was he gonna tell you that he lost your kid?
£ Hold on, you were with them when she went missing.
£ Definitely takes him a while to realize you're not there either, but when he realizes, he deadass freaks out.
£ Cause they took you TOO?
£ They fr just abducted his little family???
£ Bro starts wailing and yodeling both of your names, and the bypassers are wondering why there's a grown ass man crying and holding a Hello Kitty plushie.
"Aran, what are you crying for?"
£ His head whips around so fast that he almost gets whiplash, and he runs over to scoop you both up in a big bear hug.
£ You could barely make out what he was saying through his hiccups, but you told him that you had to take your 4 year old to the bathroom because she had to use the bathroom.
£ He ultimately feels silly for crying over nothing and holds his little girl even tighter.
"Aw, dry your tears away, papa!"
£ For some reason, the tears fall even more.
£ Moral of the story: going to the bathroom is a family activity.
K1T4 5H1N5UK3
£ On his farm cause he becomes an extremely cautious parent once he steps off his property with his son.
£ He loses his kid in the most sensible way: playing hide-and-seek.
£ Ngl, he's a protective parent, so if he searches for the kid in 4 places and still can't find him, he starts getting anxious.
£ Once that happens, he calmly asks you to help him find him. He literally:
"Ya wanna help look for 'im, love? We should give 'im a good ticklin' when we find 'im."
£ Now, you think it's a game, but he's secretly on high alert. Heightened senses and all.
£ Saying he's on the prowl sounds crazy, but he's fr on the prowl. 💀💀
£ He's sniffing his son out like a wolf, and he's so close to his son’s hiding place.
£ The anticipation is getting to the 6 year old, and he stays hidden for as long as he can. Well, until his bladder betrays him.
£ The poor boy fr comes out from his hiding spot sloshing in his wellies.
"Um, dad. I... had an accident."
£ If you've played an intense game of hide-and-seek, you know what I mean.
£ Kita feels so BAD cause he hounded the urine out of his son, but at the same time, he's glad the boy wasn’t lost.
£ You both reassure him that it's okay and help him waddle to the house.
£ Big W for Kita.
£ Dude would probably lose his kids in his own house.
£ Very clingy with his kids, so if they leave his sight for a second, he believes he lost them.
£ Just for the record, they're twins; one girl and one boy. Fate chose him.
£ He most likely lost his kids when he turned his back to them to fix them a snack. Then, he turned back around, and they had VANISHED.
£ One word to describe this man: HYSTERICAL.
£ Immediately, bro throws the snacks and frantically searches for them.
£ Cause where could they be?? How far could they go in that short time he'd turned around?
£ Checks nearly the whole house. Their bedrooms, the living room, the bathroom, and the kitchen. He even checks outside.
£ He comes back in after running himself ragged for at least an hour, but to no avail. That must mean...
£ Yes, he's highly superstitious.
£ Ends up making the executive to march upstairs and consult with you.
£ He gets to your shared room and BURSTS through the door; almost slammed the shit off its hinges.
"Hun, they took 'em! Dammit! I warned 'em 'bout evil that dwells in the dark! The haints, sum'n paranormal!"
"Jeez, Atsu, can you quiet down? They just crashed. Tell me what the parnormal took with your inside voice."
£ Automatically notices that your kids are lying down with you, and all of his worries wash away.
£ He brushes the whole ordeal off his shoulder like a grain of salt and tells you nevermind.
£ This situation has occurred more than once.
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© xenclev 2023. likes and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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justallihere · 5 months
i'm going insane bc i was away for the weekend and left my phone alone (god bless) and came back to a whole chapter PLUS love declaration PLUS forehead kiss ?? omg.....
Mira is not letting Xaden rest like ever, I do wonder what Violet told her while Xaden was prepping her bath tho.
“Not if it bothers you, they can’t,” said Xaden. “I’ll make sure they keep it away from you.” 
oh he wants violet to be comfortable so baaaad he's the embodiment of "is the sun bothering you queen" and im so here for it.
i'm totally fine and sane over xaden washing violet's hair im not kicking my feet or anything and im definetely not crying over how soft they are and how much trust must violet have on him bc she's letting him touch her hair after it being threatned to be cut.
forehead touches are my faaaav so u can imagine how well fed i am after this chapter and for that i say thank you alli *dramatically bows*
Xaden not wanting her to feel like she wasnt love so he just declares himself to her had me weak, like it could've been this grand gesture but nothing between them has ever been planned or expected so he just winged it and it was perfectly what she needed. talk about soulmates !!
when u told us the declaration was gonna hurt i didnt have this imagined in my mind but im so glad it happened this way and not the way i thought it was gonna happen. it was so bittersweet !!
ALSO she def knows she loves him shes just not ready to admit it bc in no way in hell would she ask him to say after he declared himself if she didnt know she also felt something
also the way they first slept i know xaden neck was complaining
also violet reminded me of a cat who always try to get closer in their sleep. she just wants to cuddle !! and shes so real for that
Rhiannon is truly a bestie!! not her terrorrizing the love interest we love a ride or die bestie, even if sometimes she's unresonable
“You whisked her away before anyone could check on her.” 
bestie there was not one single part of her that wasnt broken what was the man supposed to do *cries* but i do understand her stress
SLOANE MAIRI !!! not her calling the king of tyrrendor her brother i love that for her !! she's a princess so true. also i looove xaden and liam's talk it wasnt too cheesy bc tbh they dont operate like that but it was so genuine !!
can the guards chill !!
Garrick is just like me!! i too love gossip and will put my hands on it as soon as i can. but garrick its been like 12 hours wait a little longer or violet herself will call u out again. but also not garrick begging xaden no rule to country and he's just like "no <3" love that for him his wife just got back running a country is very far from his mind.
“Is that what you told her to do?” Rhiannon raised an eyebrow. “Get over it?” “No, but you’re not her, are you?”
He's so ??!!
the development of violet a few chapters ago being like "he didnt hold me while we slept bc there had been no excuses for it in Aretia" to now being like "im gonna curl into your arms so hard you'll never escape" and honestly good for them !!
anywayyyy i LOVED this chapter
lol a lot happened this weekend, welcome back!!!
Xaden’s literal one and only concern is Violet and her comfort, fuck everything else. I’m totally not fine and sane about the hair washing so I guess we balance each other out 🫶🏻
They are very much soulmates!! Xaden didn’t plan to fall in love with her, of course he didn’t plan some grand declaration of it either, we’re just going with what feels right. Violet is a grumpy little kitten yes you’re right
Rhiannon is stressed as hell, like give her best friend back RIORSON where is she
Garrick needs both gossip and for Xaden to do his job and he’s getting neither of those things! Too bad so sad!
Thank you!!!! 🩷
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newobsessioneveryweek · 3 months
You have an story idea where Travis dies !
Tell me more 👀 (even though it makes me so sad when one of the full siblings die 😭, like Fred and George Weasley. Only reason I liked that the Stolls are background characters is that Rick didn’t thought it was necessary to kill of them, my heart would have been broken)
That's so valid😭😂 Rick, keep them alive so we can give them the spotlight ourselves. No deaths required, stay back Riordan!
Okay okay okay! I'm so glad you asked, Coco!
This idea has gone through several very tragic iterations and all of them are still equally eligible to be written :]
But the one that started it all goes as follows:
Like I said in the previous post where I mentioned the idea, this takes place before and during the TOA series
After the Battle with Gaea, Connor has a nightmare of Travis dying in some huge battle
This happens literally the night before Travis has to leave for college
Connor begs him on his knees to stay but Travis just reassures him that everything is fine and that there's no need to worry about the war anymore
Reluctantly Connor lets him go.
So Travis goes to college (in New Rome because I cannot be arsed to do my research on American universities and because it's convenient for the plot. VERY convenient indeed)
Connor feels infinitely more secure knowing he's brother is safe in a protected area and doesn't have to fight monsters all the time out in the mortal world
He's still sad that he's gone and goes through the mourning period as one does when your person is snatched from you by the cruelties of adulthood
But after that he's less moody and depressed
That is until that nightmare returns after a few weeks and this time it's way more vivid and terrifying
This happens out of nowhere too!
Just, one night, all of a sudden, BAM! Your brother is going to die horribly in battle and you won't even be there to say goodbye
Obvious panic attack ensues
He calls Travis via IM and he answers. This occurs during the witching hour (aka, go-tf-to-sleep o'clock) so Travis wakes up with the full intent to tell his brother to piss off because he's got a huge test at 8AM and needs to sleep
But then he notices the clear distress on his brother's face and changes course
Connor tells him about the dream and Travis does his best to comfort him
Does the whole "the war is over", "no, no monsters have appeared at all", "yes everything is fine and I'm fine and nothing bad is going to happen here ever" spiel and finally Connor calms down and goes back to sleep
But the nightmares keep happening
Connor keeps calling his brother
Travis keeps doing his best to calm him down
But it's getting tiring so after a week of this he decides "fuck it, I'm never sleeping again.”
He stays awake for three whole days, much to the dislike of literally everyone
He barely eats more than what is necessary to keep him alive
At one point Will tries to drug him
At another he has Clovis knock him out
*This idea coincides/collaborates with another fic I've got on the old to-do list btw. That fic begins here. I shan't explain it but basically Connor, Will, and Nico go on a quest :]
When they get back it's to communications being down
When the dream happens again Connor is convinced it's more than a dream and tried to call his brother
It doesn't go through
Connor decides "fuck it" again and breaks into the Big House to use Chiron's phone
This doesn't work either and Chiron catches him in the living room in a state of sheer terror and asks what's going on
Connor tells him everything that happened in his dream/vision and Chiron tries to convince him that it was just a nightmare
Neither of them believe that but Connor lets it go and instead opts to panic in silence because Chiron clearly isn't helping
He tries IMs again in the morning but still nothing
He is now in a perpetual bad mood
Then people start disappearing
Cecil disappears
Everything in life sucks
Then Apollo shows up!
They find Cecil but now he is this 🤏🏻 close to just taking the Grey Sisters' taxi to California to bring Travis back to camp but Chiron reminds him that he has a responsibility to his cabin as their councillor and he stays
After all, he can't have a repeat of what just happened to Cecil
TOA happens. The Tyrant's Tomb takes place
Travis… dies in the battle at New Rome
Apollo mentions in the book that he remembered the faces and names of everyone who died in the battle or something like that
And he notices a familiar face among the casualties
And realises he has a call to make now that communications are up and running
He chickens out and IMs Will instead to deliver the message
The following interaction ensues (basically)
Apollo: Can you pass on a message to Connor--
Will: Oh, Connor? He's right here!
Apollo, panicking: Oh, no, actually, it can wait--
Will, calling Connor over: Connor, it's for you!
Connor, leaning into the frame: Oh! Hi, Apollo! Will said you wanted to tell me something? Oh, wait, are you at New Rome? Is Travis around? Can you tell him to call me when he's not busy?
Oh boy
What's the worst mental breakdown you've ever experienced? *Insert here*
There's no happy-go-lucky way to end this but the absolute best thing I can do to soften the heart-wrenching angst of such content is to summon forth the Chthonic aspects of Hermes for my own selfish purposes and let Connor say goodbye to his brother or have Nico deliver the message
It's also a huge deal that they would cremate his body at a Roman camp in the Roman tradition and Connor demands that they bring his body home so they can say goodbye properly because Travis is Greek! He's Greek! He's not supposed to be there and it's so unfair that they get to say goodbye to him. Why do they get to see him off and not him? They're strangers! They're not even his real family-- not even his brother! Why can't Connor say goodbye?
Connor says all this during his breakdown btw because fuck if that's not true
Imagine not even being able to do the proper funeral rites for your own brother
Imagine some randoms from another culture take that away from you
I would be pissed
Also, Will is a very supportive friend in the midst of this
In another iteration Connor never tells Travis about the dream so when it actually comes true he convinces himself that he killed his brother
That he should have warned him about the battle
That if he had told him Travis would have come back or he could have prepared better or the whole thing could have been avoided in some way
In yet another iteration
Apollo doesn't share the news until after he gets his godhood back
In yet another iteration, Apollo doesn't share the news at all! Percy and Annabeth do
They find out what happened when they get to New Rome themselves after their quest
Please let me know what you think☺️ and thank you for taking an interest in my ideas my friend 🫶🏻🩷
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
hiii!!!! im back girliee :) sorry i fell of the face of the earth for a little bit. no pressure to answer this fast its not super important lol
the last few chapters have been so delectable!!! love getting kyle action but also ghoap/gazsoap/ghostgaz was YUM!!!! 🤤🤤 I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get back to the camera/Simon's bond conflicts too tho lol 😅
haven't been able to play much COD recently due to being busy :( (+ I've been playing The Last Of Us and I may be a bit obsessed with Joel Miller.....I really need to stop playing multiple video games at once lol) (also actively playing Genshin Impact)
idk where this idea came from but I have a headcannon that the TV in the rec room is just lowkey the worst. Old, slow, and the base is out in the middle of nowhere so it limits a lot of their TV options.
Don't have streaming because it requires a payment/subscription and something about not being able to hook it up to an account/being on a military base/not safe to have clues to their money or personal lives (I know nothing about the military forgive me). They do have cable but because their base is in the middle of buttfuck nowhere they get only the strangest, most low-production channels out there.
I saw a youtube video a while ago about a British reality TV show where a female contestant is shown a bunch of dicks, nothing else, and she has to decide who she'd want to go out with based on that alone 😂😂 it was completely uncensored, so dicks would just be fully hanging out there. that's the type of shit that they get on the cable in the rec room LMFAO
feel like the only option for personalized TV/movies is the old DVD player hooked up to the TV (that was there when they moved into the place 😭) so the boys constantly have a collection of DVDs they're always rewatching, or they buy new ones/ship them in when there's something new they want to watch
I'm the type of person who will watch bad movies or reality TV shows just so I can giggle at them, so I FULLY believe that the pack would find some shitty knock-off reality TV show and lock in to watch the new episode every week together
if the boys and/or 'mega ever want to watch something popular/that would usually be on streaming they just have to get it off some backstreet website or something like that (they have burner laptops specifically for this purpose)
hope you're having a good day/night/afternoon and that you have a good week as well :) stay safe, slept, and hydrated!!!<3
— 🌘 !
Aww no need to apologize!! Things happen, people get busy. I'll always be here, hanging out (well, not quite as often right now but i'll see stuff eventually!!)
Aww thank you, thank you I'm glad you enjoyed them!!! They have been rather delicious, but don't worry, we will be getting back into the fluff and ANGST very quickly. I've been dragging the plot out more than I wanted to so now I'm rectifying that lmao.
I own The Last Of Us (it came with my PS4 when I bought it four years ago) but I still haven't played it because I suck at playing games lol. I either play all the way through at once or I play for an hour and then turn it off and don't touch it for months lol. Same even with the Sims. I go through cycles of playing for hours everyday and then not touching it for weeks and weeks.
No but like that idea would be so true lmaoo. Just an old fuzzy TV that has no streaming capabilities. They have a very vast collection of DVDs (organized by Simon of course) which is how they keep themselves sane lmao. They get like ten channels and flip between sports and daytime TV and game shows 😂 it's a routine now, sitting and watching some random game show at night.
Hey, they break a lot of laws already, what's the shame in playing pirates? 😉
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
tawny I love this chapter. t4t frazel is just… wow your mind 🤌🏼🤌🏼 also I love how you wrote hazel it feels so like. analogous to canon I guess? idk it slays. im going to pretend that the will thing is just will being silly and nothing bad will ever happen to either of them!!! omg wait. wait. was the excerpt a hint. is it a happy secret. omg. I don’t wanna say it in case im way off base. anyway I just KNOW nico was tearing up reading his chapter fr I love apollo
ahsdghsdf THANK YOU!!! <3 i actually read a fic with t4t frazel in the background (i'm like 99.9% sure it's this one, "you and i were (fireworks)" by demigodbeautiies, totally recommend) and then when writing this chapter, i just couldn't get it out of my head. which is funny bc i read the fic ages ago, but i couldn't let go of the hc- and then i wrote their first meeting, and it all fell into place!!! i just love them so much and i feel like it fits so well <33 (plus, hazel and nico bonding... then frank and darren bonding.... i have to say frank fanboying over darren was my favorite thing ever. he's gonna go crazy when one day in the far far future darren's like his,,, uncle in law? yeah, uncle in lawsdkljf)
and i'm SO glad that the hazel pov was similar to canon!! it's my first time ever writing in her pov so i'm really happy that it turned out well :))
andddd i shall not say ANYTHING about the will thing. but nico was 100% tearing up when reading apollo's memoir <33ksdjf
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pool-floatie · 9 months
Tall Tales: Part 4
Well here we go! I finally got through all the editing so it doesnt clash with the future story, which was a pain cause I changed a plot point but W H A T E V E R. So yea! Enjoy part 4 💖
Jace moved quickly, gathering materials, he really needed to eat, it was getting bad . . He was very glad to hear that those plants just needed to be boiled, that'll be quick and easy. But.. . .
Jaces stomach growled, his senses heightened for a moment, he could smell all the surrounding wildlife, hear the rustling leaves and scurrying mice,,
" ahh, shit.." jace mumbled
Screw it, he needed to eat...
Jace quickly sniffed out a herd of elk, he cornered a few of them and,, well, ill spare you the details.
Now satiated, Jace continued on his journey to the river, oblivious to the humans wherabouts.
Avril darted through the forest, well, darted as fast as someone who is bruised and hasnt eaten in 6 hours can 'dart' .
They didnt care about the direction, didnt care about other predators, just getting as fucking far as fucking possible from their fucking kidnapper.
And, being ever so distracted, they failed to see the-
*Snap! *
Av's leg had been caught, leaving the rest of them dangling 5 feet above the ground
"Shit!" they exclaimed. They began to wiggle their foot and leg, trying to loosen the ropes grasp, but it was tied around their ankle and wouldnt loosen
-well no shit thats what its made for-
They huffed at the stupid sutuation and tried to pull themself up to reach the rope. "gah!" their abs gave out easily, the pain contributing to their failure.
Avril dangled for a moment, cursing at all this bullshit, -who the hell decided this would happen to them!?!? Fuck them !! -
Av let out a primal shout at nothing, continuing to try and wiggle out. They eventually gave up on trying to sit up to untie the damn thing. It was getting darker now, and Av realised they couldnt keep struggling, they were getting lightheaded, hungry, and the blood circulation to their foot was getting cut off. If they didnt get help they would be found by an animal and killed, found dead by whoever set this godforsaken trap, or . . . .
Av sighed and gritted their teeth
" fuck it."
"H E L P ! !"
"H E E E E E E E E L L L L P !"
Jace had been tracking the human since he had come back with water and found it gone, that was about an hour ago.
He sniffed the air again, a faint trail toward the offroad...
Jace knew there was a cabin in that direction, and he should probably just let the human go free, and spare himself getting caught, but....
Just a bit closer couldnt hurt ?
Jace moved through the thinning woods following the scent on the light wind. And then heard something-
Yes yep that was screaming, and it was definitely av, cause who the hell would be screaming that loud this late, unless-
Unless it was in trouble.
Jace could hear the distant cries become clearer as he neared the offroad cabin, he didnt care if he was seen or whatever the hell, he just didnt want the human hurt,, anymore than it already was...
Jace found the source of the shouting, The human had set off a rope trap
"Awwwh~ did you get yourself stuck after running?"
Realising this wasnt a *complete* emergency, He reverted right back to his condecending tone
Av started wiggling again, wincing as their ankle was now red and raw from rope burn
"Gah! Just leave me alone! Ah! Auuggh!" they shouted, they felt tears building behind their eyes, this was so goddamn humiliating!
"Oh are you sure~? I think i saw a puma around here the other day-"
"either of you would kill me! I-I dont even care just do it quickly! Stop fucking t-teasing me!"
Jace paused, it really thought he was going to kill it ?
"Oh, my, darling im not going to- /kill/ you-" jace trailed off
Av didnt care what he had to say, they tried again to reach for the rope, but the violent movement made it push more into their foot.
" aghhh! I - shit!-"
They cried out in anguish, breathing heavily as tears ran up their
Jace took pity on the poor thing and worked silently to try and sever the rope, finding a frayed spot, he gave a tug.
Jace lowered Av into his palm. They scrambled to release their ankle.
Finally free, avril took a moment to try and catch their breath.
They looked around, seeing that they were right back here,
back in the giants palm,
hurt even more than before-
- Avril broke .
their breaths quickened into sobs, they hugged their knees,and wished to fall asleep and wake from this nightmare
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campbyler · 11 months
the perks of being european: u can start ur day with beautiful new 30k chapter 🙏🏻♥️
i admire everyone who read this chapter in less than an hour. u guys r insane. it took me like 2,5 hours to read it but i have to stop to scream into my pillow.
mike and will r so.. idek how to describe them. scared? they r not stupid cause in both povs we see that they realize that their dynamic has shifted.
like will observed in the vending machine scene their kisses became more soft? romantic? u can tell that they r not just attracted to each other physically they really like to spend time together.
the stargazing, the hand holding, the longing stares omg. i get why mike wouldn't go further. even if those feelings aren’t new the circumstances r and it Is scary considering their complicated history. (unrelated but i hope history by 1d is on the master playlist 😭)
we actually got to see that mike feels the same when he got upset that will said the “wither away” thing. that so like their pre isolation cabin selfs - insults each other just to control the urge to start making out 😭 glad that will didn’t control it this time and i can bark cause of kissing shoulder scene.
poor will almost had a stroke cause of mikes edward cullenofication And his best friend only made it worst with her deductive skills. but i think max dropped this conversation too fast. i have a feeling that it will come out after some time. it must be so scary for will to open up like that especially, if i remember correctly, nobody really knows what actually happened between he and mike. also “i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep u”.
i loved el and her dedication to all the good stuff she can eat. i bet she’d murder that one poor little camper who would take the last pancake 💔
and i Really liked that little dad son bonding moment. van camping doesn’t sound that bad for me will!!! at least u don’t have to sleep outside 😭
“twenty stitches in a hospital room” and it actually two band-aids in the middle of the forest. at least we know that poor mike won’t get a gangrene 💔
will feeling better when he’s around mike even if he does such an unpleasant thing as wilderness week. what if i die?
“Really – now that the beast has been vanquished, what’s the worst that could happen?” the phrase after which nothing never goes wrong 🙏🏻 im not scared at all 🙏🏻
i also have a question about chapter playlist. how do u guys choose song for each chapter? does the person who write this chapter does all by themself? or u brainstorm the best songs from the master playlist altogether? have u ever added the song to the chapter playlist even if it wasn’t in the main one?
thank u for the chapter suni! i hope ur feeling better and im giving u ur favorite soup 🫂
sorry for such messy comment it turned out so long and i feel like i didn’t write the half of the things i thought about 😭
hi alya! sorry it took me one million years to answer this ask but it was so thoughtful and thorough that i wanted to wait until i had the time to do it justice with the response 🫡🫡
first, i am sooooo so glad you liked chapter 7 because it was insanely fun for me to write! really enjoyed writing it and their shifting dynamic and i’m super glad that came through! you’re so right in saying that neither of them is stupid enough to Not notice how things are changing between them, and they both are definitely coming to terms with the realization that they do enjoy each other’s company in a way that is more than just physical. i think for meeee one of the most fun things abt this chapter was writing the different ways they approached that realization, especially from will’s pov. the feelings definitely are not new for either of them, which i think is pretty obvious by this point in the fic, but both of them are used to turbulence and are anticipating that and don’t really know what to do without it! super glad you picked up on mike’s hesitation as well — i think people tend to characterize our mike as “all in” or a lot more open about his feelings than will is, which is true to an extent, but he has his limitations just as much as will does and maybe even more at times.
anyways all that to say that i’m really glad that the chapter came through the way i was intending! the other parts of it were so fun to write as well — the hopper and will moment, el and max, so on and so forth. re max: it definitely is very hard for will to say the things he’s feeling to her, and battling with not wanting to keep such a big secret from his best friend vs not wanting to betray the newfound trust between him and mike is absolutely something he has been struggling with. very excited to see how that plays out hehe ( <- knows exactly how it will play out)
as for your last question, we have a couple initial songs for every chapter that have been in the playlist doc for a while, usually the “main” song for that chapter, but it’s pretty much up to whoever is writing to choose the rest of the songs and move them around/add and remove as desired! we try to keep it about 5-6 songs per chapter to keep the playlist from getting monstrous (bar some very Long and Dense chapters that are getting more) but what we do is we assemble the chapter playlist as we write and then let the others know in case there is a song that someone thinks doesn’t fit or has a better suggestion for. we’ve absolutely added songs that aren’t in the master playlist before, especially ones we stumble across and realize would be perfect for a chapter.
so sorry for taking forever to answer this and then writing an absolute essay in this response 😭 thanks soooo much for the love alya we appreciate you sm 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
hii, im requesting again-maybe billy lenz, brahms heelshire, michael myers (og and rob zombie if possible?) with some headcanons for them getting into an argument with a male reader saying some mean things (or with michael kinda scaring the reader or cornering them), ignoring them for a few days, then the make up? either with direct apologies or coming back to the reader and little actions showing that their sorry? hurt/comfort kinda with some tooth rotting fluff at the end. thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
Of course I can. It's been so long since I've written for Brahms and I'm on a bit of a Michael kick so I'll happily do this for you. I also wrote for the Michaels first because Michael brain rot.
Slashers apologizing after a fight
Includes: (Og and RZ) Michael Myers, Billy Lenz, Brahms Heelshire
Warnings: Slashers being a bit mean, mentions of death, strong language, use of fag in Billy's section
Og Michael Myers
A few days ago you thought it would be a bit funny to try and scare Michael. You bought a mask and waited in the dark for him to get home. When he finally got there you jumped out at him which caused him to swing his knife at you and ended up cutting above your upper lip. Nothing majorly serious but it scared you quite bad. You couldn't tell if Michael felt sorry. He just stood there and tilted his head while you yell that you were just trying to mess around.
You haven't seen him since. You're trying to keep your mind off of it by carving a pumpkin. You sigh and you finish cutting the mouth. You put the last pieces of the discarted pumpkin rind in a bowl along with the guts and you leave your kitchen. You go out to your backyard and throw them in your compost bin. You take a good look at the woods behind your house. All the leaves are yellow and orange and a slight wind is shaking the branches. You think of Michael and how he's probably going to be gone for longer than he has before.
You go back inside and set the bowl down when you notice that your favorite candy bar is sitting halfway in the pumpkins mouth. You walk over and pick it up. You know that it has to be Michael. You walk to your living room and you find him sitting on your couch. He looks over to you and tilts his head again. You know this is as close of an apology as you're going to get from Michael.
"Thank you Michael. I forgive you." You say sitting down next to him. You open the candy bar and turn on the tv, resting your head on his shoulder.
RZ Michael Myers
Michael had gotten pretty badly hurt. A nasty cut on his leg that you had to clean and wrap. The entire time you were scolding him for being so careless about his safety. At one point he harshly grabbed you wrist. He got up and left before he hurt you any further. There's a bruise left behind from where he grabbed you. You know he never meant to hurt you. You're glad he knew when to leave so he didn't hurt you any further.
You're outside hanging up laundry. Michael has been gone for the last three days and you assume he'll be gone for a few more. You finish hanging up the clothes and turn to go back inside when you spot Michael waiting by the back door for you. You walk over and open the door.
"Welcome back Michael," You say plainly. You're not going to try and hold this against Michael because you know he's not going to apologize. The best thing you can do it just try to move on with life and forget it ever happened. You set your basket in the laundry room and come back to Michael in the kitchen. He's got his hand in his pocket. You raise a brow, "What do you have Michael?" You ask. You're pretty sure it can't be something to hurt you, but he's still Michael after all.
He pulls out a necklace and holds it out to you. You stare at it for a moment before you realize he's giving you a gift. You take it. It's a old looking silver, heart shaped locket. You flick it open and only find resedue from an old picture that was glued in it before. You look back up at Michael.
"This is for me?" You ask. He nods, "Thank you Michael. That's very sweet." You know this is his way of saying I'm sorry. Stealing something from a victim and giving it back to you. But in the end it's still something.
Billy Lenz
You made it a rule with Billy to make sure that if someone else was home and he wanted to see you he had to knock on the front door like everyone else. Well one day he must have forgot because you walk into the kitchen to find one of your fraternity brothers talking with Billy. Your mate asked how he got in here so you had to make up an excuse about how you left the back door unlocked for him you were coming down to meet him.
You had a long talk with him about being more careful in the house and not being so reckless. Billy got upset at this and started to talk about how he can't help it sometimes and he just has to see you. You two go back and forth for a good ten minutes before Billy says "Billy thinks you're being a stuck up fag right now." After that you told him to leave and for the past two days he's stayed in the attic. You've been crying a lot. His choice of words really cutting deep.
It's a Friday night and the other boys are gone at a football game or out at some parties going on. You're alone in the living room reading a book when the phone rings. You pick it up, "Hello?"
"It's Billy," he says, "Billy's sorry about what he said. Can he come see pretty boy?" He asks. You think for a moment.
"Yes you can come see me Billy. I'm in the living room." You hang up the phone and wait for him to come down the stairs. When you finally see him Billy quickly rushes over to you and basically tackles you into the couch.
"Billy's very sorry pretty boy," He says into your shoulder, "Can pretty boy forgive Billy?"
"Of course I can honey. Just don't talk to me like that again ok?"
"Ok." He replies. You two lay on the couch together for a good half hour while Billy recounts all he did those past two days without you. You know he's not always lucid when he's with you. Hearing him now you know he must have been pretty bad when he called you that. But he's apologized and now you can go back to loving your man.
Brahms Heelshire
A few days ago both you and Brahms were feeling horrible. He was complaining about everything and you've had enough. You loudly told him to just shut up. You expected him to say something rude right back to you and he did. The majority of his little rant was about how ungrateful you are and how you shouldn't talk to him like that. You yelled back at him about how you have to do everything around the house and how he can't do anything on his own. After a bit of this back and forth you began to cry. He told you to be a man and you told him that he's the one who should fucking grow up.
That was the last straw for him. He broke the glass he was holding with the force of his grip and left to go back into the walls. You were left crying and sweeping up glass on the kitchen floor. You're now in the study, looking over something to read. You feel a pair of eyes watching you. You turn around and find Brahms standing in the doorway. You both look at each other for a moment before he speaks.
"I'm sorry for yelling Y/n." He says in his "real" voice.
"Thank you Brahms. I hope you've learned your lesson." You turn back around and continue looking over the books. Brahms walks over to you and wraps his arms around you from behind.
"I really am sorry." He says again.
"I know that Brahms. Thank you for apologizing. I shouldn't have yelled either," There's another moment of silence between the two of you, "How about we read something together ok?" He nods.
"I'd very much like that."
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kunikame · 2 years
helloo! i love ur work and was wondering if i could request your last leo work with izumi and natsume? thank u have a wonderful day/evening<3
hellaur hellaur! im so glad you liked it! ofc you can dear, please enjoy!
[ leo ver. ]
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bandaids - s. natsume & s. izumi
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he was reading one of his spell books when you stormed into the house in tears, which was surprising in itself.
naturally, he got up to follow after you and find out what had you at your wits end. hopefully nothing a little magic trick couldn't fix.
when you agreed to tell him he made you both a cup of hot chocolate (or tea, whichever you prefer) and sat you down in the living room, ready to listen to whatever troubles could have possibly dimmed your shine.
you told him about your day and how shitty it was and mans was flabbergasted
what do you mean your boss mistreats you??? he couldn't believe what you were saying. this random dude with a company was being sexist towards his s/o? by what right??
"now now, kitten. if it was so, you should've told me sooner. this is nothing the mighty sakasaki natsume can't possibly fix with a little di-"
"you can't make him disappear, sume."
"what do you mean i can't?"
good job, now he's the one grumbling.
"i still don't like you working there anymore. don't you want to look for a different job? you could manage switch, though i don't trust tsumugi near you either. he's not as bad as your boss of course, but he's... tsumugi. either way, if anything like this happens ever again, please let me know sooner. i want to be able to help you. however, my offer of managing switch still stands. if you ever decide to accept it, we'll welcome you with open arms."
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izumi already knew how bad your work space was from when he visited you one time, he never told you to quit because of how happy you seemed when talking about your coworker and how you were happy your paycheck was big enough to help him with paying the bills so it didn't feel like you were using him for his riches.
which, by the way, nobody thought in the first place. izumi wouldn't mind paying everything himself, he would never use that against you. he had tons of cash he didn't even know what to do with, it would honestly be the least he can do.
anyway, he figured one day you'd also realize you need a better job, and he's prepared for when that day comes. when today you weren't replying to his messages, he thought maybe the day has finally come. oh how right he was. he just wishes it didn't involve you having a mental breakdown.
"it's alright dear. come, let's sit down and talk about it, alright? please don't cry."
with each word that came out of your mouth his anger increased. he knew it was bad, he just didn't think it was to this extent.
"hm. your boss and coworkers need someone to talk some sense into them. what? oh, quit looking at me like that. i won't do it myself of course, i have a reputation to uphold. doesn't mean i don't know people who will do it for me. now you're glaring at me, but if you had listened to me and applied for that other job i told you about, this could've been avoided. ow! i'm just saying!"
if glaring fails, simply elbow him. always works. he may sound condescending or whatever but i promise he means well. he just wants you to be happy.
".. shi .. you 'nt..."
he sighed, "i said i can't offer you a job since we just got a new manager- leo's girlfriend or whatever- but arashi mentioned she needs a manager or something like that. the other agency i told you about have no offers anymore, but since it's arashi i'm sure she'd hire you in a heartbeat. if you want, that is."
he's a little hard around the edges but he loves you more than anyone, and you can bet on that.
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ੈ✩₊˚TAGLIST : @hugs4shizu @mikctp @meiquipo @ibaraluvr @venusflwers @tokusaatsus // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you’re in bold i can’t tag you)
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side B
Pad Thai - Jack Stauber
"Maddening, it's a regular bad thing! Pad Thai, I'm a normal guy! Saddening, nothing's really happening! That's right, take a big bite!"
How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20
"But I believe the world is burning to the ground Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out Let's see how far we've come Let's see how far we've come"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Pad Thai - Jack Stauber
No Written Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Helluva Boss
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun mitsukou
How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20
Aside from two of my favourite ever animatics being to this (Homestuck and Hermitcraft 8) it’s such a fandom song (genuinely up there with soldier poet king in the “oh my god it’s just like my d&d party” vibe). So many stories are about averting an apocalypse or some other looming threat “I’m waking up at the start of the end of the world” and the whole song is about reflecting back on your life and that of the world around you. It’s perfect for a climatic buildup to the end of a campaign or series finale, or a summary of an entire work. “Say your goodbyes if you’ve got someone you can say goodbye to” is perfect for drawing ships or friends or siblings to, with maybe one solitary person at the end. The percussion and guitar also make it very suited to animatics - there’s perfect parts in the music to switch between frames or scenes. It’s been around since 2007 so it’s nostalgic and from the peak of amvs and animatics. Please this song fucks so hard look at all the lyrics listen to it on loop it’s so quintessential to me
the DRAMA. the STORY. the EMOTIONS. this is a song for an animatic that covers character growth and major plot points, and it does it so well! if i am invested in the fandom and watch a how far we've come animatic i already know it will change me as a person
Dude. It makes the heart swell with emotion and pride at wow these characters sure have come far
It's the OG. I don't even know if homestuck started its popularity in the animatic scene but it was huge and it remains huge. From TAZ to (apparently, from a quick youtube search) hermitcraft, this song will tear at people's heartstrings as they think about blorbos the band has can't even imagine.
this song makes me so emotional ok? i know lots of fandoms use it but the ones that stuck with me are warrior cats, hermitcraft and of course homestuck. sorry for the cringe but im glad to be free. anyways this is THE song for anything that has either ended or had a large amount of time pass and also its just a really fucking good song on its own.
Animatics with the song:
The Adventure Zone
Last Life SMP
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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hanabeeri · 7 months
i wish i could shove my physical diary into the hands of my friends. to show them how bad all of this is hurting me, too. this isn't about me. i don't want to make it about me. but it doesn't hurt any less. it feels like im the casualty of war should all this go down. it's all so scary. i wish i could show them my thoughts and feelings and let them understand that none of this as bad as it seems. but there are so many factors, so many different opinions. and somehow im scared. that the one person i love and trust with my entire being will make me turn away from everyone. but not out of selfishness, but because she is hurt, too. and i am loyal and i wouldn't want her to go alone. and i couldn't stay either because it would hurt me even more. pretending like nothing ever happened. like she wasn't there. because she wouldn't be part of their lives anymore, but she will always be part of mine. and i want them to be part of mine, too.
im breaking apart over this 🥹
im just so sad. because i was supposed to be planing fun things with my friends. and i wanted to do some content for my side blog. and i wanted to continue my art project. but i barely have any energy right now. im just glad i have friends who aren't involved with any of this but who still make me laugh about the silliest yaoi or bl's or fanfics or fanart. it's not all so bad.
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guentzel · 4 months
i just need to put this out there and vent a little because im feeling so, so bad
ever since something Happened™️ in february/march ive felt so, so disconnected from the fandom as a whole. i feel like im constantly on the outside looking in, despite being here for three years and writing for it just as long, like im that annoying classmate that you’re glad whenever they’re sick because it means you don’t have to see them anymore. and when it comes to writing, i feel the worst. i feel like i put in all this time and effort and love and there’s just… nothing. and this isn’t directed at the handful of people who do give me love—i love you!—but it never seems like anything i write ever, ever sticks with people. it’s never rec’d. it’s never… it just might as well doesn’t exist. i might as well not exist or contribute or waste my breath anymore and it’s so frustrating and disheartening. at least when i write brpf i know no one’s really gonna read it aside from a handful of people. when i write hrpf it feels soul sucking, like you spent all this time crafting something for a community to enjoy just for them to not really care.
and im not writing this to guilt trip anyone or make them feel like they have to go read my stuff (my ao3 isn’t listed on here for a reason) but its just like. i dont know. it makes it hard for me to engage. it makes it hard for me to feel proud or for me to even want to write something because what does it matter? who cares? im not anybody and my writing isn’t anything either. and its hard to feel accepted in a community or feel like i should still be here when thats the constant, day-to-day feel. im grateful for the few friends ive made and the support ive gotten, but as a whole i just feel. like nothing, really. an inconvenience. everyone’s got their community and their cheering squad and im just. here.
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cnaaawd · 9 months
hey, i uh. don't know if you remember me. maybe not! but we were friends, a while ago. at some point this year, we met in a discord server centered around people who produce dark fiction but aren't proshippers. i don't remember what name i was going by at the time, maybe rose?
either way, i just wanted to formally apologize for what happened. i've had to realize recently that i've viewed everyone in my life as disposable, because i see myself as disposable. they don't care about me, they won't miss me, why should i care about or miss them? that sort of thing. and it's led me to treat so many people in my life like shit. you're one of them.
this isn't me reaching back out to try and be friends again or anything, just formally apologizing for showing up, being buddy-buddy for a few weeks, then going scorched-earth because i had an anxiety attack. i hope you're well, rudy. :)
(also, if you ever did do the jade harley art we talked about, i hope you know i think about that story constantly. i took it off my account because it ended up being a point of friction, but it's still out there in the wild.)
star :) hello!!! I do remember you, I absolutely do, and you still have nothing to apologise for. Shit happens, but you also get over it. I really really liked you and you inspired (and still do inspire) me sososososo much, I am genuinely really fucking grateful to have met you. Im glad you're doing okay :)
I told you then and I'll tell you now, don't worry about what happened. Its just life that you're gonna make mistakes, youre gonna take the bad path, youre gonna think shit things about yourself and others and you're gonna lose people. I've been there you've been there everyone has been there and bought the fridge magnet. I love the fact you've reached out though, because I love to know you're alright, (hopefully) doing better, and (hopefully) can feel better about something!
and, I still have the wip. I kind of slumped when you left the server and dropped out of homestuck again lol. I do want to finish it though, because the piece you wrote for it is so GUTTURAL and so RAW that I cannot let it go unappreciated. You really inspire me to keep writing, and I still have email notifications for your fics turned on. I love your stuff, don't let yourself think youre disposable and won't be missed. It's made my day hearing from you again!!! :) i hope you have a good rest of the year, and onwards :)
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