#im so sorry this is late
deathclassic · 1 month
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Week Two: Past / Future August 12th: 70s Punk
Ian and Mickey fight the man! fuck the establishments, fuck the status quo. Bring on the anarchy and freedom of the people!
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zerooup · 2 months
hiii !! I was wondering if I could request general hc for cg shigaraki? I've come back around to fixating on him and I just 💞 aaa I miss him :( also, I hope ur doing well and staying hydrated <3
@drowsysaint (<- tagging my agere acc)
Of course! I think this is my first MHA request honestly! so im super happy to do it for you! though i am NOT caught up on the anime, and i probably wont be taking more MHA reqs because of this! so sorry this took so long ... i posted it in drafts and forgot about it till now im SO sorry.. plus it isnt that long :c
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I feel like he'd be clueless at times, but he's really trying his best!
he'd set his little one in his lap while he played games, or let you do your own thing as he did his! parallel play style!
Cuddles, snuggles and just lounging about seems to be his caretaking style.
100% can be the sweetest cg ever, or the most stern... it really depends.
Usually he's the type to sit his little one on the counter while he made food just so they don't wander off with something or get hurt in his line of vision!
this is THE cg for bedtime, would tuck you in, read you stories and stay cuddled with his baby till they fell asleep
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blackapplesblog · 7 months
Aww.. of course *mwah*
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Happy National Best Friend Day! 🎉 you’re the cutest pink gumball I ever met!
Oh thank you friend!!
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punkrockmads · 4 months
Please write for Steph Gingrich x fem! Reader..literally anything god I need more fics of her LMAOO
Im hoping to write more for Steph soon!!
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neverchecking · 1 year
Okay so this is coming way later than I anticipated, but it's here! For those who don't know, which is probably most of you lmao, I have become very good friends with @jcs-radiostation. And we came up with the idea of Aaliyah and Zey's (I really hope I'm using that preferred pronoun right?) OC meeting up! This, this collab was born. This is a direct continuation to This!
The woman was...strange. That was a word she could use. Unique was another, probably a bit more polite, but strange was the one Aaliyah was going to go with. The way she talked reminded her of the snobby nobles from way back when, when they had stuck up their noses at her and laughed at her uncomfortable draw backs. (She used to be disgustingly shy, she recalls. Eyes on her made her skin itch and the thought of having any attention on her had it straight up crawling.) The way she had quickly and effortlessly disbanded the bokoblin was quite the opposite.
The weapons she had were just as weird (That was another word she could use for the woman.). They were loud and shiny, and smoked after being used. They were efficient enough.
At least their hair was similar. On second thought, a grimace twisted her features, the other's seemed much more maintained then her own.
Aaliyah stayed perched on her branch, watching with a great deal of amusement as the other groveled and whined about her shoes-- after she stuck them in the bokoblin guts. Strange was definitely a word she would use for this entire situation.
No matter. Link was waiting for her back at the stable and she had promised him that she would neutralize whatever threat was scaring the stable-hands before retuning to him. He had injured himself in another brainless stunt involving the Zonai tech and needed whatever reprieve she could offer. Even if she gave him a bit of a frosty shoulder while doing so.
Standing on the branch, Aaliyah watched the other woman's ears twitch as she returned her weapon to it's resting point. "I don't have all day to play games," That twinge was back, echoing about in the forest. Aaliyah felt her curiosity peak, fingers brushing just against the hilt of a spare dagger that she didn't care for much. "But if that's what you truly want, then, I'm all yours, love."
...What a strange offer.
The tip of the dagger poked into the pad of the index finger on her opposite hand as she twirled it before flipping it around for a proper throwing grip on it. With a flick of her wrist, it flew.
It wouldn't have actually hit her, Aaliyah had no interest in pursuing a fight, but where others would have scrambled away, the woman did no such thing. A confident hand swiped the blade from it's path, letting it fall in her palm as she turned to where Aaliyah had hidden herself before holding the knife back out.
With a quick flip, Aaliyah easily landed, standing with a neutral expression as she watched the shock fade away into a, dare she say charming, smirk.
"My, my, aren't you something. I don't suppose this little toy belongs to you, my dear." Crimson eyes scanned her form, up and down, as if searching for a weak point.
Aaliyah hummed, placing a singular hand on her hip. Her own eyes scanned her figure, eyes clinging to every leather enforced curve and lace laden limb. A part of her, one that hadn't been shattered or poisoned or broken beyond any and all repair, reared it's ugly head like a serpent, hissing into her ear about the thoughts she refused to acknowledge half the time.
"...If it is?" She spoke, watching the smirk curve just a tad bit more. The woman dared to step closer, holding the weapon out once more. "Then you should take better care of it, my dear."
Aaliyah hummed, reaching slowly to take it back. It was stuffed back into it's holster before the Sheikah was returning to their little stand-off. "Who are you?"
"Myrin Winters." The other woman gave a flourished bow before craning her head up to shoot her a wink. "But you can call me Mae."
Aaliyah hummed once more, one of her ears flickering.
"Most people return the favor."
She hummed for a third time, juggling her options before shaking her head with an airy chuckle. With her own, half-assed, not nearly as perfect bow, she let her eyes sear into the other woman, who had risen to watch her carefully.
"I am the current Sage of Spirits, Aaliyah."
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tubifexx · 11 months
@witchcraftandburialdirt for This
Monster verse caught my eye. I could see Carrion taking residence in the city/nearby woods while in disguise and taking a chance on trying to eat Robin, only to realize real quickly how horrible an idea that is. Robin might also have fun absolutely trolling the hell outta Carrion. Depending on the situation, Carrion would most-likely flee, keep a lower profile then try again(but avoiding them). I'd like to believe that they would maybe have trouble figuring out each other while in their different forms, but the moment they interact/touch it's the fuckin spider-man meme. Despite this, i don't think they'll have complete hostility towards each-other. This could be the first time Carrion would have contact with a fae, and would be confused but also interested about the other. (If only they didn't try to, ya know, snack on them a lil)
All in all tho, I can see Robin having a very.. negative reaction towards Carrion due to them working very similar to Bel and Bel being hostile towards Carrion because 'This is Mine'. However, Carrion cares very little on who they eat. Depending on the verse, I can see them being used in a revenge quest. Carrion isn't magical, as long as you keep them feed and free, they'll see little reason to betray. They can consume all the rot and leave room for something...wonderful to grow. To have a chance.
I can see Carrion having a lot of interest in Robin and Bel, simply because they're not keen on magic. I'm not too sure how well they'll all mash, but the interest is def there.
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askortho · 10 months
To Pre incident Ortho.
what if I told you your brother kinda becomes a couch potato in the future(aka he doesn’t want to do any form of exercise cause he’ll be more of an uhhh an Otaku)
Oh, he's always been like that! Sort of.
We want to escape home, sure, but that's just because we want to see the outside world! Idia's always been skittish and I'm pretty sure he's only so enthusiastic about it because I am. (And the abundance of newer animes to get access too)
The exercise part is a surprise, though! One of our favorite things to do is soft hack the circuits of the chariots and try to race them around. I think that counts as exercise? Though with the right motivation you can make Idia do anything.
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How about Carl Hendricks for your ask game? 🙂
Flynn Moore:
Flynn and Carl's dynamic is so deeply interesting to me. They two have been basically lifelong friends and their eventual budding sex/romantic life is just as complex as the two are individually. Flynn being the first person Carl is open with ('irl' at least) his queerness with (there's an argument for Chase but I'll cover that in another Ask Game Response) and then going further and experimenting with said queerness: is fascinating to me. Carl trusted someone enough to express something that (practically) had no downside expressing with his friend group, and Flynn expressing and returning some semblance of romantic feelings for Carl is both signs of growth and attaining something he desperately wants at the time being. Flynn being the responsible one and taking care of his friends when they need it, and Carl needing ~someone~ there for him, but not overly baby him, lets both of them get what they need out of the dynamic. The two have the most potential to grow and develop and become better people together, as well as the highest chance of succeeding.
Jenna Begay:
Jenna holds contempt for Carl for a multitude of reasons. From his position of wealth, family history, and Carl's outlook on life. Due to Carl's position of privilege over Jenna, she looks down on him harshly for how he chooses to cope with his trauma as well as his general outlook on life. The two are at each other's throats a lot, even before the possessions, and I think is a nice explanation/thematic bridge to why the Echoes of their ancestors tried to manifest through them. We don't see a ton of their interactions (or even hear of them) from before the friend group fractured. Their relationship being almost strictly negative (in face to face) interactions is something this game doesn't do a whole lot within the friend group, so it’s a unique dynamic. In the end, both Carl and Jenna do care for each other when it counts... even if it probably can't go back to amicable. 
Jeremy Begay:
Carl's dealer and former bully. The two presumably pushed back the fairly intense bullying of their past and have a symbiotic relationship. We only get so much of the two interacting, but from snippets and short stories, the two have grown closer over the years. Carl seems to be hanging out with Jeremy as much if not more than Flynn even, and definitely interacting more with Jeremy than any of his other friends online. The two being the chubby characters of the game definitely activate the brainworms, but I believe Jeremy is also Carl’s Jasmyn Street mirror (like Micha/Heather are Chase/Jenna). I definitely think Carl’s route would be vastly improved by replacing Raven with Jeremy, but Jeremy is almost completely relegated to Jenna’s route and Route 65. And it’s a shame because he can easily be as integrated as a more central character (just like Micha TBH). Jeremy’s cowardice (albeit EXTREMELY understandable) with Carl during Jenna’s route about being kidnapped by Brian is a mark on his character, but I think there’s enough there to show that he’s apprehensive and doesn’t wish that on Carl at the very least. Jeremy deserves more screen time, and a lot of it can and should be centered around Carl.
Leo Alvarez
    These two do not fucking talk to each other more than like three sentences throughout the entire VN. It is actually insane. They both served as Chase’s best friend/confidant at different times in their lives, both are gym bro-esque, both messed around with Flynn, and both NEED that musky Otter-bod. I believe their lack of interaction is either a major oversight OR manufactured because the two SHOULD talk to each other a lot and that happening would ruin how broken/stuck the two are. Even a few throw away lines about them trying but not being able to would help fix this IMO. Like Leo should be at Carl’s house on that gym equipment like all the time and the two just vibing while working out. Maybe it’s on purpose, and Leo just shut out any semblance or reminder of Chase, or Carl could ~never~ bring himself to ask Leo to hangout, despite being desperate for people (Chase n Flynn) because of the GHOST. I think the two would get along very well, and could be there for each other in a really positive way. Anyways, my copium is that they were both suckn n fuckn hardcore sloppy style and that it would be awkward with Chase coming back, so they just didn’t talk to each other to avoid slipping up/the awkwardness because they both wanted the Chunter.
    This himbo husky is the best boy and a TRUE homie. When he noticed Carl and Chase were flirty with each other, he gave up the bed and curled up on that futon thing (CUTE ON ITS OWN!). Ya it’s kinda weird Raven was just at Carl’s house. Ya it’s weird they just hung out so fast. Yes Raven is a fem/crybaby/little bitch-boi in the Silent Hill-Native American-Explotation hellhouse-cabinboi cabin. But like, he isn’t used to traumatic spooky shit like Chase and Carl. He doens’t have spirit fucking shit up. Yes, Flynn or Jeremy or literally anyone else from the main cast would have made it more interesting/more thematic. But Raven tries. He doesn’t know Carl THAT well. But when shit is going down, he tries to stay positive, he’s there for Jenna at least in comfort, and he gets sent to hell for hanging out with homies so like I cut him SOME slack (interesting parallel with Brian there BTW. Don’t hang out with the country bumpkin mlm’s is the message I’m p-sure). I also think Raven can be ‘fixed’ by adding in one line along the lines of “Ya, me and Carl play on xbox live all the time together, cool guy!” But other than that… Raven’s introduction veers Carl off his growing outward affection towards Chase (the scene where they’re at the mall and Carl has to run and go smoke bc it was getting to gay after Raven asked for a Sloppy-Tornado blowie). Carl was getting more and more comfortable with his queerness (and presumably without James I influence in Payton/whislt high), and Raven’s outward display of sexuality both makes him jealous and spurs him on to kiss Chase (even though he has to get high to do it). It’s one of the few times there’s outward and overt romance between the two before going to Silent-Hillhouse and I think would be a VERY interesting take to delve more into. Someone as bubbly and outgoing as Raven, ‘moving in’ on ‘his man’ he was too slow to get with first (re:Leo and how Carl basically came out to Chase but Chase completely missed it). Classic closested best friend trope that would be fun to explore in a less supernatural timeline/possibly be more integrated into Metaverse Mine.
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nightskyye · 1 year
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back :) Now let the hugging begin! 💜
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cacturnia · 2 months
shout out to the silly creatures from scavengers reign‼️‼️
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inseparableduo · 10 months
“Do you love someone?” (toga to darla!)
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"Do I love someone?" She repeats. The words weigh heavy on her tongue. As much as she hates to admit it, someone does come to mind. Someone that she tries her best not to think much about, otherwise she'd realize just how much she likes them. Which is pretty embarrassing since they work together. Still, her face has the slightest tint of pink to it. "I... I do, but.... we aren't that close, so I'm not sure if it's right to call it love." She said honestly in a small voice. This is her first time admitting such feelings about them to anyone. Not even her closest friends or brother knew about these feelings.
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naitmeir · 3 months
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they mentioned girl Jax in the VA stream so I HAD to draw her chat
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extravapalooza · 14 days
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more bits from 'a world of plenty'. gay cyborg sex forever and ever
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riellegaming · 1 year
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my humble contribution
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kairennart · 2 months
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*bi lights your king*
for @aeonthedimensionalgirl <3<3
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