#im still on the fence about a ship name but i think i like
stellamancer · 1 year
done by @//erichankun on twitter
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discobrainrot · 2 years
swap harrykim??? im Interested
Ms. theamazing! Great to have you back. Pull up a chair - can I get you some tea? Coffee? Perhaps some terrible headcanons? Because I got those in SPADES.
Also, I do realize that these are more like... general headcanons instead of specifically shipping ones, but uhhhhhhhhhhh... idk, I hope they're still fun?
1. Kim didn't chase off his own coworkers. He chased off Harry's.
This one takes a lot of inspiration from stuff @concord-and-cliches has done for the Swap AU! I love their stuff 10/10 would recommend checking them out!
Kim isn't an unrepentant spoilsport. He's a fucking bastard. The 57th sent him because he'll stop a Cop Off before it starts. You do not fuck with Kim Kitsuragi and live to tell the tale.
(It's only gotten worse since Eyes died. No one at the 57th says his name. No one has cleaned out his desk. Nobody dares touch it.)
The 41st sent McLaine and Torson on Saturday. They were back at the station in three hours. Jean, Judit, and Trant came in on Sunday. There was the hope that having an external consultant would help ease the tensions, but... No such luck.
When Kim sees them, he laughs. They sent A Satellite Officer, a Patrol Officer, and some idiot who isn't even a cop? Oh, Kim knew that the 41st was understaffed, but this? This is gold! He stoops low. Real low. Jean gives as good as he gets, but Judit and Trant decide it's time to depart. This won't end well.
And it doesn't. Kim celebrates sending them off.
(Eyes didn't celebrate like this. Kim doesn't think about him.)
He plays music too loud and doesn't sing along. He drinks the fucking Whirling dry. Throws bottles at the staff. Tears shit off the walls. Breaks a window in his room. Wrecks the tape player.
He stumbles across the water lock and parties with Idiot Doom Spiral and the boys. He calls himself The Last Dance. He staggers to the church and falls to his knees, haloed by a 2mm hole in the universe.
(He weeps. He screams his throat raw. And no one hears. And no one hears. And no one hearsandnoonehearsandnoonehearsandnoone--)
And he gets in the Kineema. Fuck it. Let's have a joyride. Only it doesn't work out like that. He crashes. Through the fence by the Whirling. Into the tree with the hanging body. He skids. It rolls. It takes the fucking gardening shed out. The residents of Martinaise watch in horror. They watch in awe.
Kim staggers back into the Whirling. Sylvie won't come near him. He needs help. She knows he needs help, but more than that, she knows he'll hurt her. So she watches as he stumbles to his room.
And on Monday, Kim is woken up in a room he doesn't remember by a knock at the door.
2. Harry isn't that kind of animal.
But he got close to it. When he first joined the RCM he pushed himself to be the best he could be. For himself. For Dora. He wanted to give them a better life.
Some things stay the same. His skills still chatter. Dora still leaves. He was the Can-Opener. Was.
But something changed. Jean knows about it, I think. He was beside him during the worst of it. Harry carries the shame of his actions like an albatross around his neck. But he's better than he was. He takes it a day at a time.
He's only a lieutenant - not a yefreitor, and certainly not a double yefreitor. He doesn't clear two cases a week. He doesn't drink, even though he wants to. He doesn't think about his sexuality, even though it plagues him. He has so many questions, but he stops himself from asking. He's trying.
The 41st sends him on Monday because he's their last option. He's unsure of himself these days. Unsteady. Second-guessing every choice he makes. Going into his own world. It worries the rest of C-Wing, but they don't have the time or energy to spare.
Harry goes to Martinaise and waits downstairs for the detective from the 57th to show up. And he waits. And he waits. And he waits. But it's 09:45, and his temporary partner isn't downstairs. No one in the Whirling wants to talk to Harry, especially not about the damages.
He goes upstairs and knocks on the door. And he sees Kim. Bloody. Exhausted. Confused. He doesn't understand where he is. Doesn't remember the RCM. Doesn't know his own name. Harry's skills are going haywire - there's something wrong with this guy.
But the blood in the bathroom is Kim's. And so is the MC in the yard. And the people here recognize him and-- oh god, he's telling the truth. He needs a guide to the world. Someone needs Harry.
So, Harry helps, and he feels his lungs wither in shame. He loves feeling needed. Loves feeling wanted. He loves feeling seen. Old addictive tendencies are surfacing, but he's not reaching for a bottle. He's reaching for an amnesiac's hand.
3. Kim takes a bullet for Harry. 
The second Kim sees Harry, he knows that this motherfucker would die for him. He can't figure out why. At first, he doesn't really care, either.
But the thing about Harry is that even if he can put on a performance of being passably stable, he's still a lot to experience. He still has a big laugh and a lopsided smile. He's still wildly creative and wants to explore everything he can. He looks longingly at the Man from Hjelmdall shirt, but he doesn't buy it.
So Kim buys it for him and tells him to wear it. He gets Harry a shoutout on SadFM and watches as his partner's eyes well up with tears. They dance in the church together. Sing karaoke. They talk and talk and talk.
Kim asks Harry how he's so nice to people. Harry looks ashamed when he says, "I'm... not nice." There's an echo of a long-held sadness in his voice. It tugs on something in Kim's lungs. They're mirrors of each other, but he doesn't know how to say it. He doesn't know how to prove they're worth each other's time.
Kim remembers that moment as they stand between the mercenaries and the Hardie Boys. His vision is terrible, but Harry is distracted - trying to talk people down. He doesn't see the shot coming.
But he hears it. The bang. The creation of the universe. The end of time.
He feels Kim shove him out of the way, pressing his gun into his hands. He sees the square awash with red. He tries to stop Kim from bleeding - applying pressure with big, shaking hands. He's crying. He shouldn't be crying. Kim needs him.
He listens when Kim tells him to look out. He shoots when he's told to. He watches Kim pass out and rushes him upstairs. Harry's big, clumsy hands wash Kim's wounds. He makes a shitty field medic. He sobs while Kim sleeps and shakes at the side of his bed.
No one from the 57th comes.
No one from the 41st comes.
But against all odds, they survive. The sun has been up for hours, but it only rises when Kim opens his eyes. He sees Harry crying again and wipes away a tear. Dizzily, Kim thinks, "so, this is love." 
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hellfirenacht · 11 months
me when i jump over your fence to indulge you. HIHI rachel im here to!!! make you ramble!! affectionately!!(you dont have to ramble if you dont wanna). youre in a fandom that i thankfully know stuff about AND SO I WAS CURIOUS if we could get insight into your relationship with eddie?? im most curious on how yall met, the dynamic(s) yall share, if yall have been in a relationship before the season started...just general relationship tidbits!!!
This has been sitting in my ask box for over a month because I'm so used to writing x reader that I often forgo my own self ship with him even though he's basically been all I've been thinking about for a few months lmfao.
Anyway this one is for me, sorry everyone else.
-I honestly keep thinking about with this specifically, being Isekai'd into Stranger Things Vol 4, (Isekai Chronicles is loosely based on this concept, though of course my own story has some bits that would be exclusive to me instead of a Reader)
-Meeting Eddie was a lot of pussy-footing around and almost approaching him but chickening out. Less in a shy way and more in an anxiety way. I ended up Forcing My Own Meet Cute by buying weed off of him because that's the most sane and logical way to meet your crush, right?
-We become friends after that, and it's very much a slow-burn one sided crush. He liked my hair and my tattoos and how I was a freak too. Did you know that tattooing was illegal in Indiana in the 80s?
-It's so hard for me to judge Eddie by 80's standards. As accepted and popular as he'd be today, yeah, he WOULD have been an outcast in the 80s. We both would have, but there's a lot of comfort in having each other around.
-A lot of our relationship involved teasing and play fighting and some real fighting, but never anything hurtful or too far. Eddie is stubborn, and I'm not afraid to call him out like a lot of Hellfire Club is.
-We become a safe space for each other, and because I'm me I'll always bend over backwards for the people I love. I'd do anything to save him and keep him alive
-The details get muddy when season 4 starts. I can never decide if I save Chrissy, therefor saving Eddie. Or if I take Chrissy's place as Cursed, or a secret third thing. (I get blamed for Chrissy's death? Actually that's something worth exploring, I'll put a pin in that)
-Something something, Upside Down, something something, Vecna, uhhhh
-I confess to Eddie before the final battle because I'm terrified that I haven't done enough and it doesn't... go super great. It's bad timing, Eddie has no idea how to feel. We kiss. Even less makes sense.
-I pull off Distraction 2 Electric Boogaloo and manage to save Eddie.
-His name is cleared, but the town still never trusts him again. Eddie runs away and everything goes from Upside Down to Inside Out.
-Basically all of my self ship with Eddie gets broken up into pieces and distributed to different fics I write.
-There's an eventual happy ending when all is said and done.
Sorry this is all over the place, it's so hard to write him for myself sometimes!
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zackieboyo · 2 years
any headcanons about paul?I know you ship tord x paul (i think)so im intrigued about him
Paul is a stoic person but is also very awkward, I like to think he has autism and that means he shows his emotions with his face way less if at all, but of course he still feels them. he finds it hard to read anyone he doesn't know but he definitely makes an effort to learn and memorize Tord and Patryck's body language specifically just because he really wants to. it's probably the only time he does anything close to masking because Tord tries to make the army a comfortable place for him as much as he can though Paul specifically has special interests in military, army weaponry and robotics so he really enjoys working at the army. I think Paul is very creative and smart and takes Tord's position as leader when Tord is away or just unavailable. I also like to think he loves Garfield and has a bunch of Garfield merch, he definitely has one of the Garfield telephones and uses it constantly even though the mic quality is absolute ass. he only has two friends, that being Patryck and Tord, but he likes solitude. he doesn't have a sexuality label and is willing to try anything though he's honestly not focused on romance(though when he is dating someone he is very affectionate and loves PDA and pet names). he often buries himself in his work and his routine 90% of the time, sometimes he works all nighters by accident and Tord has to make sure he gets the sleep he needs. he's got impeccable aim with both a gun and a crossbow. he can't fly a plane but somehow got appointed to co pilot next to Patryck because he has a well enough understanding of planes from reading up on them, thankfully he doesn't have to fly a lot but he does end up distracting Patryck while they're flying from time to time. he likes to listen to indie music and probably plays FNAF because he really doesn't get scared easily and loves the lore aspect, probably also a fan of Minecraft and Undertale/Deltarune for the same reason, he's a total lore nut(and of course loves the gameplay too). I'm also on the fence about him having ADHD because I figured it'd be cool and also easier to write than him just having one because I have both ASD and ADHD myself, but wasn't exactly sure yet. he became friends with Tord when they met at a robotics university and continued being Tord's friend after Tord got kicked out, and then of course joined the red army, though he did that before Tord decided to go, partially because he wanted to be able to put his military knowledge to good use but also to force Tord to do it because Tord was scared of leaving things behind(even though he and Paul both knew leading the army would make him happier than staying in London). he loves Tord and that means he'll do anything for him, including sacrificing himself, but it also means he'd absolutely tell Tord how it is, he hates lying or even just not telling people the truth and communication is one of his must-haves in any kind of relationship. he hates snakes because their scales feel weird and he loves birds(especially toucans) and possums
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 2 parts 3&4]
Love the contrast between Talay wanting nothing but to go home and Puen being rather chill about it since he’s finally catching a break
Uggghh and this is where I start not liking the woman with the glasses because she goes way too hard on Puen, like this isn’t even a “omg how dare this fEmALe get between my ship” thing, it’s just uncomfortable
MAYBE TELL HIM ABOUT THE MATCHING SYSTEM EARLIER?? If I were Talay I’d be wondering how many other things they’re not telling me
Damn Puen for getting Talay’s hopes up
And possibly something else up
“Just quit” I feel that, man
Actually I DID “just quit” school in my real life alksdjfkld, finished high school and that’s it
Is that just a thing in Thailand where students can peek into other students’ grades?
What on earth is with this “dramatic Puen reveal jk Talay’s actually fighting bees” fake-out, that’s always confused me
“Eyes on me” Gladly <3
“How about a thank you?” You slept in my bed with your fucking shoes on you should be glad I’m not throwing you over this rail
I don’t think you’re gonna get fat from one sugary drink Talay
But thanks for the plug Puen
So the song bit’s always been out of left field for me too, is this another thing I’m not getting? Is it the rhythm of a song they discussed earlier?
Just stole some random kids’ kites
And nets
And bikes
 Nnn v
That was my aforementioned cat
Nurse just tells them “you fucked up” and hangs up, some help you are
“I still can’t hear you, oh well” Keeps wanting to find out Puen’s name but doesn’t care about Prae’s alksdjflkd
Looooove this park btw, can I go here please
“Sounds like a fantasy” Talay, my man, PLEASE grow some self-awareness
Alkdjfd even though I’ve already seen this episode I somehow thought Talay was about to lean and give Puen a good luck kiss before he left
Okay so I may have been stupid when Tun switched for Puen but I wasn’t fooled by the editing THIS time
Ink and Pa belong together in every universe heheheheh
Talay’s like :o while Puen can’t quite shake off the actor thing and just stands there looking as hot as possible
Damn Puen for getting Talay’s hopes up
And possibly something else up
okay but every time i watch that scene i just want to point at puen and laugh because in a few episodes HE is gonna be the one begging talay to believe they're each other's portkey like YOU JUST PLAYED YOURSELF THERE PUEN YOU DINGUS (and by 'laugh' i mean sob my heart out because the character journey in this show the growth the details!!!!!!! TRULY UNPARALLELED)
also i said this before but it's so jarring how different puen feels in the first few episodes. like.. going back to the beginning after watching the whole show you can really see how much he was hiding himself behind the cool actor facade and how being with talay slowly brings him out of his shell and lets his true personality shine through. IT'S SIMPLY TOO HIGH ROMANCE FOR ME I CAN'T HANDLE IT
“How about a thank you?” You slept in my bed with your fucking shoes on you should be glad I’m not throwing you over this rail <<<<< THE WAY YOU'RE NEVER GONNA LET THE SHOES IN BED DIE IT'S SO FUNNY SFJKSGDKSHDKGSJDG
honestly every time i watch puen and talay immediately accepting they are each other's match and having the time of their lives in that park and then looking absolutely crushed when they're told they actually didn't match only to find each other again in the labyrinth im like HOW DOES IT TAKE YOU TWO 6 MORE EPISODES TO ADMIT YOU LIKE EACH OTHER OUT LOUD I MEAN I LOVE IT BUT ALSO HOW MANY MORE HASHTAG SOULMATISM MOMENTS DO YOU NEED TO HAVE TO GAIN SOME EMOTIONAL INSIGHT
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now i have the urge to rewrite and rethink so many things,, i was always a little on the fence about stone being sylvesters *canon* s/o (its a stupid reason that i cant even explain properly) so im loving the idea of sylvester and butcher being the canon ship instead
and youre so right, not a chance in hell butcher's letting *his* family (rub it in, why dontcha?) live anywhere near the countryside. the month sylvester gets hospitalized after tumbling down the stairs, is the month they move to basically a gated community, and he makes sylvester quit his job so he can focus just on getting better
butcher's not shy with the money he has either, and he was practically waiting for any excuse that will convince sylvester to move in with him. and now that hes in a wheelchair temporarily and his apartment building has no elevator? it was perfect.
i do imagine that maybe they have to pass kali's ranch on the way to dominic's farm, for when they visit (rare butcher W: he has his blood family close too) and maybe some strings can be pulled when they meet stone and kali
bold of stone to assume butcher will even let him near either sylvester or mārīte. laila's the exception. shes a kid. kid's are gonna be kids so he barely bats an eye if she goes off to play with mārīte
butcher your possessiveness is showing. i dont think hes aware at how unnecessary the whole "arm on syl's waist and chin on his shoulder as he glares at stone (but not kali)" situation is. we get it mate! your wedding rings are diamond, couldnt miss it if you tried ffs
I'm naming this AU, the Suburbs AU. It fits methinks.
Anyways, Kali is staring at me all wide-eyed and being like "Now that Sylvester's married in this AU, can I finally be with Stone in AU that also has Sylvester in it? Please?"
Which, I mean, he could try. No idea if Stone will accept his wooing, though.
Since Sylvester and Stone are obviously not going to get together in this AU (it is obvious in this AU, right, Stone? Stop staring at Sylvester all wistfully), Laila is going back to her roots and trying to get her father and her auntie (though she wants him to be papa Ashok so badly) Ashok together. She will see if she can get Mārīte in on this. (What is Mārīte going to do, Laila? Think about this.)
I feel like Stone manages to get a house in the same gated community Butcher and Sylvester live in, because he's convinced that a gated community must be safer for Laila. (Kali is so sad Stone didn't buy the ranch next to him like he does in the ranch AU, but at least Stone and Laila still come over to his ranch.)
So I guess, Butcher's going to be seeing more of Stone. Unfortunately for him.
Now will Stone not be pining over Sylvester here? For Kali's sake, we hope he'll stop. He might not though, he's being cagey when I ask him about it.
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Summary: A couple buoyant armigers notice an ash zombie behaving strangely. Haj-deek reads her mother's diary, and puts on the moon-and-star ring.
TW: referenced death in childbirth
On darkest hour of longest night...
"What are you LOOKING at?"
The first armiger was looking down from his post with a spyglass as the second stepped away from the trapdoor to the ladder that lead below. The lilting sound echoed and he heard it clearly, even through the blighted winds. It was a calming tune, in an odd sort of way.
"Oblivion, for all I know. The ash zombies are acting strangely again."
To hearth and home we turn our sight
The second took the spyglass and looked down over the ground below.
None of them ever saw the source, at least, not when at their posts. Even now there seemed to be nothing of particular note to see as he scanned the ground--until he spotted the ash zombie. It was leaning at an odd, almost unsupported angle, and one gnarled hand was lifted as if resting on something. Yet more amazing still was how calm it seemed. He would think it dead, if not for the occasional movement of its head.
In the flickering fire, worries cease
"Odd," the second put down the spyglass and looked back up at the first. "But it's probably just the siren. If the ash zombies start making trouble, then we can worry."
"The siren?"
"I keep forgetting you're new at the Ghostgate." The second shook his head, "Some of the Temple pilgrims hear her now and then. We've had one of our own actually see her, but she didn't attack."
Winter's winds outside, and inside lasting peace
"What's she do, then? Anything I need to worry about?"
"Nothing to worry about unless you feel like jumping off the tower to join her or some nonsense like that," the second said, "The one that saw her said she locked eyes with him and said she was sorry. Wasn't until the next day we realized he had corprus, so we shipped him off to Tel Fyr. Currently, we're guessing that she can detect corprus in some way...some assume she must have lost her husband to it, or something of that sort."
The blight winds died down a little. When they looked back, the ash zombie was stumbling, and then scrambling back to its feet. Nearby they saw an ascended sleeper meandering forward.
"This is going to be a long day," the first armiger muttered, "One of those tentacle-faced monsters this close to the fence is never a good sign..."
So my mother was the Nerevarine? Maybe that was why she died...falling in battle, attempting to bring down some enemy or the other. She thought, Maybe even Dagoth Ur himself?
The song proved that to be wrong right off the bat.
His hair hangs in ink rivers, his eyes as red as flame
To Morrowind the Sharmat, A monster inhumane
From Red Mountain to Vivec, Azura spreads my shame
All for the love I bear him, this man once Voryn named
"How could anyone love a demon?" she asked, looking up at Im-Kilaya, "Everyone says he's a terrible monster..."
"No one is ever wholly evil, save perhaps for certain daedric princes," An-Deesei added from her place in the corner of the room. "Perhaps he did not show your mother that evil face, and so she did not see it, despite hearing of it everywhere else. She was the reincarnation of his long-dead friend, and carried his memories. If you had a friend who came back to life--would you not be different with them, than with everyone else, even if you were the most miserable soul in Vvardenfell? There is more to it than that, that the journal explains, so we will let you continue reading."
She paused, and looked back to the pages. The cliffracer in her lap stayed quiet with continual petting, and she welcomed the opportunity to have something to do with one hand to burn off the nervous energy that seemed to have come from nowhere.
Azura's words echo to remind me of my duty, my destiny. Strike down Dagoth Ur and release the land from his grasp. Yet the memories of Indoril Nerevar say he was once my truest friend.
It made sense, Haj-deek thought. If she had not seen a friend in a long time, she would certainly want to speak to them, even if they had turned to darkness.
Something still remains of Voryn. I have heard the echoes of his laughter and there is no sweeter sound.
A cold feeling stole over her, though she hardly knew why as she turned the page. Her mother wrote of how Dagoth Ur seemed to be a prisoner in a dead body, longing for release, and then wrote of the understand he seemed to have over many things.
Perhaps just gathering information? But as she read further, it became clear that that was not the case. Her mother wrote of wanting to talk Dagoth Ur down from the horrible things he was doing, hoping perhaps that she would not need to kill her old friend. Despite Azura's objections...
No one can defy a daedric prince without suffering, she thought.
She had learned that from the Imperials and Nords in Ebonheart. Some told her the daedric princes were all evil, some said that they could be useful but were difficult masters to serve--but they all were unified in saying that no one crossed a daedric prince without being dealt retribution for it.
Maybe Azura had done something? But if that were the case--there was too much more to read, for it to have happened so quickly.
The cold feeling stayed, and a slight fear crept in along with it, as she read the next page. Her mother, standing in the Heart Chamber (briefly, an image flashed before her eyes, and in that moment a strange mechanical pulse, too), drinking with the very enemy Azura and all of Morrowind wanted her to destroy?
And then to do not only that, but to KISS HIM too? From what it sounded like, he was technically dead--he is dead, but dreams he lives--or undead, like some strange kind of vampire.
A slurred mess of apologies followed, but were quickly silenced when he kissed me himself.
She turned the page and immediately noticed the ripped sections of paper.
"Why are there pages gone?" she asked.
"Because what was written on them is not fit for young eyes," Im-Kilaya said, "If anything of particular importance was on them, we would have told you. We would not leave out anything that would let you know your mother better, otherwise. Your mother...wrote far too much on certain...activities."
The pit in her stomach soured further, and she was beginning to suspect...but no, surely they would have told her before now, if it was true? Or maybe there would have been some sign? No, it couldn't be true...
She tried to focus on the next pages.
I once prayed to Mara for a heroic knight to love...and she sent me a god. (If only he would listen to me.)
It was a sting in her heart. She'd read many a novel that ran like this--the heroine, in love with a man from whom she could never expect a return...yet always in the books there was a happy ending.
But this was not another romantic novel, this was real life.
Her mother wrote of leaving Dagoth Ur, whom she had called Voryn up to this point. That there was no changing his mind...but that she loved him too much to ever kill him. She wanted to make her own path, one that did not ask her to choose between love and duty. She wanted to escape destiny, the future Azura had given her.
May the Divine grant me forgiveness, for surely Azura will not
Mortals are only sport, the thought came to mind, only sport to the Daedra Lords. They wanted only obedience...but when it came to one such as Dagoth Ur, surely it made sense to give that obedience? It was he whose name was on everyone's lip as the source of evil on Vvardenfell. Surely he DESERVED to die?
But hearts are not always wise. That was a line from one of the novels she'd read, regarding some poor woman and the bandit king she loved. And the heart wants what it wants.
Haj-deek kept reading; she found herself able to keep denying what was right in front of her...
...right up until she read of her mother's flight and attempts to stay hidden. It was nearly dinnertime, but the slight hunger in her belly was nothing to the burgeoning curiosity in her heart. She had to know, and she had to know NOW. If that information was even in these pages...
It was nearly dinnertime when she reached the part she sought.
...but it's overshadowed by something else. I am with child...
Had she been holding the journal aloft, Haj-deek would have dropped it. The pit forming in her stomach turned to ice, and her hands started to shake. She started to get up, but then moved right back down again. She looked away, and then straight back.
She felt rooted to the spot, as if something was holding her there despite the growing horror.
Many times she had imagined her father to be someone of grand importance, and various scenarios to go along with it. One of the Telvanni wizards, too busy with his work to keep her mother's love for long. A bandit, who captured her mother's heart and let it go when it was no longer of use to him. She had even once imagined that King Helseth was secretly her father--a passing fancy, influenced no doubt by reading The Mystery Of Princess Talara.
She had thought up so many things, and yet the truth was more fantastical than all her imaginings.
It can't be true, it can't be, she thought. But on thinking, it all came together, it all just sort of clicked.
Why her mother would want to hide her from the Tribunal's followers...if they wanted to kill the Nerevarine, that would be one thing. But how much more would they want to kill someone fathered by Dagoth Ur himself? Everything had been done to erase House Dagoth from history; any remaining members had been killed or absorbed into other houses.
And that, that would have been bad enough...
But then she read on.
The room was silent save for the mewlings of the babe and I saw the mark of her lineage upon her tiny wrist. A glimmering ring, the moon and star, had been slipped onto her delicate skin.
She gulped, involuntarily.
Family...she had always wanted a family. A mother and father, like others had, ancestors to watch over her, like others had. But she didn't even know what family her mother had hailed from, and her mother's ashes were cold and silent, with no presence in them.
An-Deesei, Im-Kilaya, Ukawei, and Onasha had done their best, and she felt terrible for wishing it, but...
"It's not fair," she said suddenly, her voice choked, "It's just not fair!"
"No," came An-Deesei's quiet tone, "It's not."
...because if she WAS the Nerevarine, then that would mean...that would mean, what little family remained, Azura wanted her to destroy. There would be no chance to see them, know them. The only thing she would have from them is the evil reputation of their blood.
It would be like the dirty looks she got for being "half a beast," only worse. She could already hear what the other Dunmer would say.
Bad blood.
Evil blood.
Words and phrases leaped in her mind, like fish from the ocean she watched so often. ...not a real thing at all...pathetic puppet of prophecy...
Have you asked yourself WHY you are doing Azura's bidding?
Where they came from, she didn't know. Only that the more she had read of her mother's journal, the more she felt like something locked inside her was slowly being let out.
She held the cliffracer a little closer; it shifted about, but remained asleep.
Any idea that the ring in the bag would distract her from the sadness threatening to drown her ended the second she actually laid eyes on it. The moon-and-star. The symbol of everything her supposed reincarnation was about. The very ring Nerevar himself had been given, that her mother had carried for a time, that she had worn for a brief period, when she was born.
She slipped it on before the urge to do so could fade. There could only be pain, but...Ukawei had said to her once, if the only way out was through, best to start quickly and get it over with. If there is to be pain, face it head on.
Her vision blurred for a moment, and then a seemingly endless parade of images (memories?) flew past her eyes, so quickly she forgot some almost instantly. But in each one she remembered afterwards, she had what felt like only a few moments to look around before being whisked to the next. The earliest were jumbled; she was not entirely sure how she knew that, only that that was the case
The bloody end of a spear, pushed through her chest. The feeling of utter betrayal as she looked down at-- Ayem, how could you?
Azura, where are you? Please--please, I need help.
A room full of people she didn't know until she was leaving it. Vehk, Seht, Ayem. A long table, raised voices, threats...
Voryn, I have an enormous favor to ask of you.
(That memory was gone more quickly than the others. But she got an impression of a tall mer with long black hair and a sharp jaw. The same jaw she saw every time she looked into a mirror)
Standing before a crowd, raising a sword, hearing them call out in one voice...
A beautiful woman with dusky skin, red eyes, and a myriad of blue flowers in her hair.
My faithful champion, my blessed one...
She embraced, but the hold was a tight one that left her struggling for breath.
They sped up, the images and sounds coming faster and faster as they neared (the end?). Her head was aching horribly, but nothing could stop the rapid procession.
A port town, smaller than Ebonheart. Another town, a few caves, fields of ash. Tents and warriors, cities and assassins. Then something she thought must be the Ghostfence--
Mother. Mother, am I seeing through your eyes?
Red winds...were these the blight winds she'd heard about?
...I'm Dagoth Endus, brother of Dagoth Ur...
A bottle and two glasses, raised...just as she was looking at the face with the beard and the flushed but pale skin, she was yanked away again.
An uncle?
A second face, similar to this Endus character, only this one with a slimmer face untouched by the blush of alcohol.
...she knew him, even before he turned. She saw his back, the way he stood, and just knew.
...we have nothing to discuss...
Dagoth Ur. The evil one, the enemy of the Tribunal, of Azura, of all Morrowind.
Her father.
But then he turned, and she felt momentarily weak. The mask--golden, impassive, unyielding. Its eyes focused on her and yet she felt as if it were looking THROUGH her...
The heart--that strange mechanical beating, the wafting air around it. Dagoth Ur, standing beside her, then in front, and beside her again, this time with the mask off.
Still there was no clear look at his face; he was a bit too tall, she guessed.
The memory shifted and she felt his arms around her, along with a general air of safety and contentment. For a split second she felt nothing could go wrong in the world at all. That she was safe at last, and beyond the reach of any who would do her harm.
I feel I was only half-alive...as if you are the other half I was missing before. And now I'm whole.
But as soon as she felt that deep contentment, it was gone.
Can't you see that this is hurting people? There must be a better way to help the Dunmer...
The blighted winds again, the despair...the heaviness in her chest, and then later the fear as enemies seemed to appear around every corner.
How dare you! How dare you defy my will! I give you no more chances. I show you no more mercy. You have earned what you will get, failed incarnate!
Then...then, the Argonian Mission came, and the memories began to slow down again.
The sorrow was still there, but there was a a momentary happiness looking down at the rounded belly.
I have been a tool of prophecy...you...it will be different for you, I promise. We'll go home to Cyrodiil...we'll make our own way.
Then--there was nothing but agony.
She looked up at Im-Kilaya and Ukawei, and then down at the blood beneath her.
It's alright, Sadara. One last push--
Screaming, wailing, and the relief of hearing the baby's cries.
A girl!
Let me hold my baby, the voice seemed to come from within her, Please...please, let me hold her...
She looked down at the face as the baby was handed to her--looked down into her own face, and felt tears falling.
Her free hand came up, and the sudden need to know surged forward. She slipped the ring off, and slid it onto the babe's wrist.
She is cursed. Cursed, as I have been.
A second look at the face, and a sorrow that rose along with weakness. She focused on it as hard as she could, but there was no stopping the gradual dimming of her vision.
She looks like you...
Then, darkness.
She jolted in her seat as a voice rang out in her head. Strong, feminine, insistent, and she was certain she was the only one hearing it.
"My child, you take on now the mantle of the Nerevarine, the mantle of destiny. Many have fallen before you, and yet you remain. You are not yet old enough, but two years hence you must begin your journey, or all I have planned will be lost."
Please. Please, don't make me do this, I don't want to do this. Anyone else. Pick anyone else.
I beseech you to turn not from the path I have set before you. The prophecy is not just a burden, it is your divine duty. The path I have laid ahead of you is set. Defying it as your traitorous mother did will only bring sorrow to those you love.
The voice faded, and Haj-deek was left shaking in her seat.
Her head felt like hers and yet not hers at the same time, full to bursting with memories, fears, concerns, loves, and hates that seemed completely alien.
"Haj-deek?" a male voice asked; in her state she could not summon the will to care whether it was Im-Kilaya or Ukawei.
"Why me?" she asked in a small voice, "Why?"
"Because Lady Azura is cruel, as much as she is wise. She displays that nowhere better than with those she claims to love."
A pair of hands settled on her shoulders.
"I will not say it is fair, but if you wish things to be different, you must forge the path yourself."
She looked back--
--no one was behind her, and Im-Kilaya was across the room.
"I'm not going to claim that eating will make you feel better," he said from the corner, "But you will at least not feel worse for having dinner."
"No," she said quietly, ignoring the rumble in her stomach. She didn't care about eating, all she wanted right now was to be alone, to process everything without several sets of eyes watching her so closely. She stood, with the cliffracer still held close. "I'm going to go to the docks."
Maybe there'd be people who looked at her there, but they wouldn't stare, or give her the pitying looks she was seeing here. They'd look over her unless she was in the way.
"Haj-deek, it is late in the day--"
She was off and running before they could stop her.
There were no ships moving; though one was currently moored nearby its crew was relatively quiet on deck.
She sat on the end of one of the smaller docks, with her toes dangling in the water--and watched as the sun was setting.
This morning she had been ignorant, and now, as the day ended, everything was clear. She almost wished that she could go back, that she could pretend none of it had ever happened. That she was just 'the beast in Dunmer flesh.'
Haj-deek had put on the ring, the memories had come rushing back. Azura's voice had rung out in her head and now it was far too late to walk this back. There was no returning to the innocent ignorance of the morning, and from what Azura had said there would be no ability to just...ignore her.
She'd hurt Im-Kilaya, and An-Deesei, and all the rest. It made sense to obey her, to take down the one threatening all Morrowind with the blight and the corprus. The devil of Dagoth, the demon of Red Mountain...
...scheming, treacherous fiends, the thought stirred in her head, an echo of a memory, followed soon by, Azura's Fool!
The cliffracer in her lap stirred, and moved swiftly from her lap to the water, where it scooped up a dhufish and then seemed to hover close to the water to look for another.
There was so much she still wanted to know, things she wanted to see before she gave further thought to obeying Azura's will. By any standard Dagoth Ur deserved to die. He had shown a glimmer of humanity, maybe--but then, that had been what killed her mother, that hope that had been dashed like a ship against a rocky shore.
And...she wanted to at least know him, before fighting him. She wanted to see the man beneath the demon, before she would even think of putting him down. It might be the only chance she would ever have to know anything more of him than the evil that surrounded him.
Footsteps tapped behind her on the dock.
"I said I didn't want to eat," she called over her shoulder without looking. "Leave me alone!"
"Oh, dear, you aren't having a good day, are you?" the soft male voice was full of concern.
Haj-deek turned to see who had spoken, but she already knew. The sight of the mer before her brought a slight if sad smile to her face.
He was tall, bald, and the right half of his face was covered in burns. Yet she had hardly ever seen him without some element of happiness in his expression. He used to say he had been given a new lease on life, and that he would not waste a second with regrets.
"Khev. It's...no. No, I'm not." She looked back to the water, and gulped slightly. "Im-Kilaya and the others told me who my mother was."
"I see. Is it something you wish to talk about?"
"I do, but...but I'm afraid. There's something else, and...and I don't know what to do."
"Well..." Khev moved down to sit beside her, "...surely you must have some idea. You're a smart child, wiser than you think."
"A daedra talked to me," she said, covering her right hand with the left. "And said if I didn't do what they wanted they'd...they'd hurt the people I loved."
"That is a heavy thing to lay on a child," Khev replied, "But you're too young to do much in the ways of war, surely they can't expect you to do much now?"
The cliffracer came back to the dock with a wriggling fish in its beak, and laid it at her feet. Khev drew a dagger, but Haj-deek put up a hand to stop him.
"It's mine. I think it thinks I'm its mother...I don't know, it sat in my lap for hours."
The dagger was put away, and the smile of Khev's face seemed more amused now.
"You see? You can do more than you think, if you find yourself able to tame such a beast. I never heard of anyone able to do such a thing."
"It was hurt," she said, "And I knew if I didn't help it, no one else would."
The cliffracer nudged the fish, and turned its head to fix Haj-deek with one of its eyes. It called out, and she gave in. She picked up the fish and lit a small fire in her hand to cook it.
"So you saw what you thought was right to do, and you did it. It sounds like you know more than you think you do here," Khev went on, "Maybe it's not WHAT you should do, but HOW you should do it, that you don't know."
"Maybe," she said quietly. "But I don't think this is going to be as easy as when you taught me to spear-fish. It's...it's more than that, a lot more."
"Nothing with rich reward ever comes easily, Haj-deek. But if you want help, I am willing to give it."
Haj-deek took a deep breath. Something played in the back of her mind, whispered that she could trust him, and on that little hunch she decided to act.
She uncovered her right hand and lifted it into view.
"I don't know how much you can help me with this."
Khev looked momentarily stunned, but his placid expression soon returned.
"More than you might think, Haj-deek. More than you might think."
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baratiddyslut · 3 years
Looking back at my history with Sonic... it's so fucking surreal that I got to witness the births of 90% of this fandom's pairings.
I remember when Sonails used to be the absolute norm along side Sonally because most people were on the fence about whether Tails was a boy or not so they just defaulted to making him a girl. I still remember reading fanfics that referred to our little yellow menace as "she". This quickly got shut down though when Sega confirmed Tails as a "he". Sonails fell into obscurity because "GAY BAD" and it hasn't quite recovered from it... I dont think the people of today really want it to... but you can't really blame them. Nowadays it's hard to even imagine that Tails could've been mistaken for anything other than a dude. History is so fun lol.
I remember when Sonadow was invented. With the rising popularity in anime (specifically shounen anime), Shounen-Ai was creeping its way up there. Gay relationships were so goddamn taboo compared to nowadays but goddamnit if the taboo didn't capture your heart in some weird demented way- then I guess people got tired of the soft and fluffy "Shounen-Ai" and just wanted the gay porn, the "YAOI" and by god if Sonadow wasn't the most popular yaoi ship in existence... It still very much is but it's toned down in it's depraved raunchiness over the years. I still remember when it used to have like 5 names because people were so into trying to categorize it in the "Seme/Uke" fashion. Shadic/Shadonic/ShaSoni for Seme!Shadow and Uke!Sonic- which was and still very much is the most popular iteration of the ship, then you had SoniSha/Sonadow for the Seme!Sonic and Uke!Shadow version. Somewhere down the line, Westerners got too lazy to categorize and decided that "Sonadow" sounded the best because it rolls off the tongue nice and has a good mouth feel so it shall be the umbrella term for every iteration of Sonic x Shadow x Sonic. Sonadow has literally withstood the test of time for a whole 20 goddamn years and counting, if ANYTHING, yall HAVE to give this ship mad props for that. Not even Sonally can compare to that and Sonamy is a close second. I say Sonamy is a close second because it was never really enjoyed as Sonic and Amy being cute together (yes, like every ship, there are people who actually genuinely enjoyed it but the climate was the complete opposite). Sonamy was "enjoyed" because it was either better than Sonally or because it wasn't "gross gay yaoi shit" like Sonadow and other upcoming ships.
NEXT IS SONKNUX. It's always been an understated ship but it definitely became a little more popular when Sonadow got big because "MORE YAOI". I remember not having very strong feelings for the ship. I didn't hate it but I didn't care for it either, it was more like "yeah ok that makes sense if you're going to make it gay". It was never "OMG SO POPULAR" but it did have a following you had to acknowledge, like even the most delusional people couldn't deny this ship lol. There was also Knuxadow but at the time it was barely even a thing, it was an obscure rarepair but not so much anymore.
Now the go to for Knuckles ships was and still definitely is Knuxouge. God I remember all of the misogynistic flavored fan art and fan fics for this pairing- like, I get it. Rouge got nice curves, big ass, and fat tiddies while Knuckles got that big dick (which I'm going to say he doesn't because there's literally nothing there... there's nothing there except for smooth red fur... nothing-) and hypermasculinity. I get it. I loved this ship tho, there was more porn of it than genuine fan art and fan fics, but I mean yall get the picture. Im pretty sure yall can grasp the climate that surrounded this ship back in the day.
Knuxpio is also a ship but it was super obscure, like only deep divers got into it. I guess that still kinda rings true today because although there are definitely more people to appreciate it, it's still not on the public stage like alot of other ships. Same goes for Knuxighty and most other Knuckles ships.
CRAILS... TAILREAM... TAILS X CREAM. I am almost positive we still don't have a definitive ship name for these two but boy do I remember when these two little demons blew up. I used to like this ship because I thought it was super super adorable- like, here you have Sonic with all of these love interests but what about Tails? Tails should have a little someone of his own. In walks Cream in all of her adorable little bunny glory..... and Charmy too- BUT EVERYTHING WENT SO BAD SO FUCKING FAST. IT WAS NO LONGER CUTE. Welcome to the big popularity boom of shotacon and lolicon outside of Japan.
This post is already miles long so look out for a second one... probably... it's just so fun recalling the fruition of all of these ships and comparing some of them to how they're received today. Much nostalgia very punch to the gut~
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cathartiha · 3 years
hey! saw your thing abt headcanons and thought the idea was so cute (i always want matchups so i can hear hcs like this but then i never submit bc ik i would just get sad if i didn't get the character i wanted lol). i'd love romantic hcs with aragorn if possible.
a lot of my friend describe me as cat-like in that i'm pretty independent and chill/quiet/aloof and a bit anxious, but fun/energetic (a bit dumb of ass) with my friends, and with people im super close to and care about i'm a little clingy and would fight god for them. im a bit of a smart idiot in that im good at the things im good at but can be a little airheaded (justadhdthings lol). appearance wise, basically my profile pic tbh + i'm like 5'5 (so pretty short compared to aragorn lol) and just an overall small person (apparently). i think thats basically it hope that's the kind of info you were looking for. and tysm in advance lol.
ciao! <3 first of all let me just say, you seem very cool and i lowkey wanna be your friend. also that first part - same.
thank you for requesting this (: i'm sorry it took me a while to post, and i hope it's kind of like what you were imagining. again, i'm new to publishing things like this online so please let me know what you think <3
also, if i might add, i absolutely ship this.
warnings: vague mentions of injury & scars. pure fluff otherwise.
to make things easier, i hereby name you member of the fellowship of the ring. congratulations.
while you get along with everyone on the fellowship, you do feel the most at ease around aragorn. like you, he has more of a quiet nature, and never forces a conversation.
he is immediately drawn to you, you seem mysterious to him, friendly to everyone, but not showing much of yourself.
that doesn't mean that you two don't talk. you seem to do so naturally, barely even realizing how quickly time is passing. it makes the quest a lot easier.
at some point you realize that you choose your words more carefully around him. you remember every little detail he tells you and his smile makes you feel warm all over.
he feels the same.
you sort of keep dancing around each other, no one daring to make the first step.
much to the dismay of everyone who has to keep watching you pine all over each other.
he’ll look at you from across the fire, fleetingly brush your hand with his, yearning to be with you.
gimli gives suggestive looks and legolas will absolutely not hold back on sarcastic comments, but they all agree you’re very cute.
and they all hope that you can have a future together once this is all over.
aragorn might talk to legolas about you. in sindarin of course. though even if the others don't understand, they can tell what the conversation is about from the look on aragorn's face.
you would defend each other to the death.
one time you get hurt while fencing off someone who was attacking him.
he blames himself for your injury, despite you telling him not to, but mostly, he’s terrified of losing you. he’s by your side constantly and he might offer to carry you. partly so you don’t have to walk, partly because he thinks it’s cute how much shorter you are than him, partly so he can hold you close.
you insist you’re alright and you’re capable of handling it on your own. even if you’re secretly glad he doesn’t listen and you’re almost flustered by how much he cares about you.
you’re sort of already in a relationship before he formally asks you, but he still wants to do this properly. unfortunately, you don’t get as much time alone as the both of you would like.
one night, he leads you away from the others to a lake nearby. it's calm, the starlight reflects off of the surface of the water. you’re aware that it’s dangerous to stray around in the dark but you feel safe with each other.
when he finally has you to himself, he tells you how he feels.
“i have fallen for you, hopelessly”
you’ve never felt this happy in your life. you might be tearing up when you tell him you feel the same.
he’s very relieved. he can finally hold you close and kiss you. again and again.
he’s touch starved and it shows.
he’ll kiss your battle scars, if you let him. he might know them by heart, too.
you never voluntarily leave his side after that night.
if you get separated in battle, he’ll look for you after, not resting until he has you in his arms again. he couldn’t bear losing you to war.
once it becomes clear to him that he will become king, he gets a bit anxious about what that might mean for your relationship. he wants you to be sure about what you’re getting into.
although the prospect is intimidating, you decide you would rule beside him when the time comes.
you might not officially be a queen yet, but to him you are. <3
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arkhein-steorra · 2 years
//PART II BECAUSE WHILE I AM STILL ON THE FENCE AND WRITING SHIT OUT HELPS ME GET MY THOUGHTS TOGETHER. Fair warning there will be mentions of mental illness and struggles with memory loss/dementia-esque symptoms, I don’t know what the proper tag for this would be so if anyone wants me to tag it feel free to IM me/shoot me an ask on or off anon.
Random side note I just felt like writing before I move on to serious shit but I’m going to add here just to not make twenty posts about this...
Bocasius’ upper two arms are angled in a way that he has limited range of motion with those arms. He can move them, but he can’t completely lower them and usually he intentionally keeps his arms raised because it makes him look powerful and more intimidating to his enemies. He has done it for so long it is just a habit.
Ok now the serious stuff, some notes on his mentality...
Memory Comes And Goes.
His memories comes and goes and with it so does his understanding of just what is going on around him. On his good days he likes to think that it was as if he didn’t lose himself to his karmic debt. On his bad days he can be anywhere from confused to paranoid and weary. On his worst he is angry and terrified of even those that he knows well, sometimes thinking they are embodiments of his karmic debt meant to torture him and other times refusing to believe that he ever escaped the chasm and everything around him was just a hallucination.
New Things Are Terrifying.
After spending so much time trapped and isolated coming to the Liyue of the present day is extremely overwhelming. On his good days he tries to push himself to see just what Liyue has become, with mixed results (mostly bad). 
How he responds to most people can vary from day to day.
Generally he struggles less with remembering the other adepti, but everyone else he genuinely has a hard time remembering. Even when he does recall a person he doesn’t always remember them the same way or he doesn’t necessarily remember how he felt about a person consistently so therefor his reactions to people that aren’t the other adepti (and occasionally the other adepti) is a mixed bag.
His Pride Is His Achilles Heel.
Because of his pride he tries to push himself beyond his own limitations, physically, mentally and emotionally. His memories of being remembered as a strong leader and the eldest of the Yaksha push him to try to be things he isn’t ready to be with mostly bad results.
As time goes on when he is lucid enough he tries to learn to become better at recognizing what his limits are and what he can do about it.
Bosacius is a very broken and tired old man. His memories come and go and while he can generally remember those he cares deeply for those are all people he has known a very long time. 
From a writing stand point I am very leery of shipping him because I personally feel that due to his own mental illness and struggles that Bosacius’ ability to consent to anything regarding a romantic relationship is very blurry and due to my own headcanons he isn’t very likely to be open to a romantic relationship anyway.
From a portrayal stand point the version of Bosacius I write is still mourning a lover that is long gone, who’s name he barely remembers half the time, AND knows that mentally he probably is not in a good place to accept some new lover or partner. 
Either way considering all this shipping for him will be highly selective, if not a straight up no. If I do even humor the idea it will only be with a partner I have extensively discussed it with.
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bothcreativitybois · 3 years
The Mayors Sweet Treat Chapter 6
Ao3 link Wordcount: 2428 Ship: Intruality TW: Food, scars, unhealthy family relationships (mentioned), swearing, sexual references   Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 Taglist: @crazydemigod666 @star-crossed-shipper @newtnotfound @idont-freaking-know @someoneiwasnt @crownofrats (love the new name) @the-sympathetic-villain @cute-and-angsty-princess @lonelymuffin @bloodymari-0666 @im-an-anxious-wreck @fantasticallytired @obsessive-fallen-angel 
It was a snug fit in the back seat of Remus' truck, especially since Patton was sitting between Roman and Virgil. All three of them had large containers on their laps holding decadent sweets made for the event they were headed to. “I think this is the best Remus has ever driven.” Janus joked from the front seat, the group laughed. Supplies rattled in the tray of the truck. “Oh please, I’m the best driver here!” Remus defended. Roman rolled their eyes and leant forward. “Do you not remember crashing the paddock basher so bad that the passenger door wouldn’t open and I was stuck?” Roman recalled. Remus looked back for a moment. “We were twelve.” Remus reminded them. They all laughed. Patton wasn’t quite sure what they were talking about but it seemed amusing. “And you had to pull me out with a arm full’a shrapnel.” Roman said as they poked their twin’s shoulder before they turned back to Patton. “All this just fifteen minutes after we got it.” “What’s a paddock basher?” Patton asked dumbly. It sounded like some big important farming tool, not something you’d let kids play in. “A cheap old car that barely works.” Remus explained, catching Patton’s eyes in the rear view mirror. “You can use them to learn how to drive, or to get around the farm or just fuck around in.” Roman smirked. “Emphisis on the fuck for you.” Roman joked as they fell back into their seat. Remus raised a middle finger to Roman as the group laughed again. They pulled off the tarmac and onto a dirt road, Patton had never been on a dirt road. He immediately grabbed Virgil’s arm in shock of the sudden bumps and jolts. “What is that?!” Patton shouted. Remus looked back with concern, the others laughed. “Where’d you find this guy?” Roman asked Remus with a laugh, Virgil gently removed Patton’s hand. Patton looked around and blushed with embarrassment as the others laughed. Remus caught the look and felt bad for him. “Cut him some slack.” Remus said in a stern voice as he looked back at the road, the others stopped laughing. Remus knew Patton wasn’t as tough as them, he didn’t grow up climbing fences to drench sheep and having knife fights in paddocks. Patton was scared by Remus’ tone and it seemed the rest of them were too. Virgil was practically shaking from it. Remus was being soft on him again, but he was so harsh with the others. He remembered what Janus said yesterday at the bakery.
Set up your boundaries or he’ll tear right through you.                   Patton put a hand on Virgil’s arm, this time it was less a desperate grab and more comforting. Virgil quickly looked down at Patton’s hand then at his questioning face. Patton gave a little sweet smile, Virgil was surprised. He smiled back weakly. Remus watched in the rear view mirror. “Sorry Virge.” Remus apologised. Virgil nodded slightly. “S'alright.” Virgil responded weakly as he looked vacantly out the window. “It’s not about you.” He eyed the large house they were pulling up to. Remus pulled up in front of the house and turned to face Virgil. “You can still back out.” Remus assured him. Virgil shook his head. “I’d rather now with y’all here than later.” Virgil admitted. Patton looked out the window. The house was large and looked expensive, the perfectly cut shrubs and lawn were much greener than anything else he’d seen around. Yet something about it seemed to make Virgil nervous. Remus knew what it was. Roman and Janus knew what it was. “Remus!” A lady shouted. “Around the back dear!” The lady had the same black hair and pale skin as Virgil. Their noses had the same pronounced bridge. Patton thought they were related, but the way Virgil looked at her said otherwise. That look was full of… fear, not love. Remus started the car and pulled around the house. The air in the car was tense with worry, everyone concerned for Virgil. Remus and Janus got out, Janus folded down his seat so the others could get out. Roman and Patton climbed out quickly but Virgil hesitated. Remus leaned back in. “Do you want me to drive you home?” He asked Virgil, he responded by shaking his head.
“He can watch the food while we unload.” Roman said, collecting one of the boxes from Patton. Virgil nodded. Roman leaned in and put the boxes next to Virgil with a smile. The men went around the truck and started unloading the tents and tables. Remus and Janus carried them with ease while Patton helped Roman carry some so they weren’t left out. Remus kept a close eye on the car as they unloaded. Virgil had a habit of bottling it all up until it was too late, he has always been too stubborn to admit when he was scared. Remus was first to notice when Virgil stepped out. He gave Virgil a quick smile and closed up the tray. Everyone looked at Patton. “What?” Patton asked. “What do you mean what?” Janus responded. “You’re the boss. What do we do?” Patton suddenly felt anxious. He’d never been in charge, he didn’t know what to do. He frantically looked at Remus for help, surely he’d know what to do. He was a mayor, they know leader stuff. Remus caught the look and clapped his hands. “Janus and Virgil get changed. Roman go sort out your business stuff. Me and Patton will start setting up.” Remus commanded, everyone nodded and started heading out. Patton sighed in relief. The way Remus could take control was impressive to him, a skill he’d always envied in people. He was always too scared he’d blow past commanding leader and straight to bossy and rude. Patton and Remus walked over to the tents they unloaded. “Thanks for the save back there.” Patton smiled at Remus. “S’all good babe.” Remus said with a smirk. Patton poured out the contents of one of the canopy bags. He picked up a set of instructions. “Looks simple enough. The frame is already put together, we just need to put on the awning and unfold it all.” Patton explained. He looked up to see Remus wasn’t paying attention, he was staring across at Virgil with a concerned look. “Remus?” Patton pushed Remus’ shoulder and he snapped back. “Uh yeah got it.” Remus stammered, unaware of whatever Patton just said. Patton reached up and clicked his fingers in front of Remus' face. Remus shook his head. 
"What's wrong?" Patton asked immediately. He looked back at the truck then at Remus. "It's Virgil, isn't it?" 
"Uh I guess." Remus shifted awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "That lady from earlier is Virgil's nan. His family is… not the best for him. Or anyone really." Remus explained keeping the details veuge to respect Virgil's privacy. Patton tensed up. No matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise he kept thinking it was his fault. That he was being a nuisance.  "He can leave, I'm sure we can make do." Patton reasoned but Remus shook his head.  "He won't. He hides it behind schedules but he is just as much a stubborn farm boy as the rest of us." Remus chuckled. Patton looked down at the bags.  "Okay…" Patton agreed half heartedly. Remus and Patton began setting up the tents and placed some fold-out tables beneath them. Janus and Virgil joined them eventually, each wearing a white button-up and jeans with light teal suspenders and a matching bowtie. Patton looked at them proudly. “Howdaya know to tie a bowtie?” Remus teased. Roman joined them and fussed with the outfits. “They don’t.” Roman winked. They plucked the clipboard from Virgil’s hands. “Remus get changed, people will start arriving soon. Janus and Virgil start setting up the food.” Roman talked as they dodged Virgil trying to take back the clipboard. It seemed the leader gene ran through both the twins. Patton looked around as everyone began doing things. “What about me?” Patton asked. Roman dusted the shoulders of his blue check shirt and straightened his white tie. “Be your charming little self.” Roman chirped. They began to walk away but stopped. “Oh and please please keep Remus out of trouble.” Patton nodded, from what he’d learned that would be a task in itself. Patton looked around, Remus was changing shirts at the car. As he got closer he noticed Remus had a lot of marks and scars on his skin. Patton’s eyes lingered on Remus’ shoulder up until the moment he pulled a shirt over them. Remus looked over his shoulder to see Patton staring with pink cheeks, he shot a cocky grin. “Sorry- I wasn’t-” Patton stammered. Remus chuckled. “Want to see the most impressive one?” Remus turned around and pulled back the open shirt slightly. A gathering of large scars ran from his bottom rib to behind his hip. Patton inspected them closer. “I was thirteen and it was my first time breaking in a horse. I was quite a lot scrawnier then. Got bucked off into a broken wire fence and got caught on the way down.” Remus made a ripping noise and scratched above the skin. Patton was enthralled, he traced the scars all the way around Remus’ hip. “Took Roman and Ma ten minutes to untangle me.” Remus blushed as Patton trailed his hands around him. He wasn’t gonna stop him. Eventually Patton realised what he was doing and jolted back. The moment hung between them for a moment. “T-that sounds painful.” Patton stuttered as he hid his face. Remus began buttoning up his shirt. “Oh it was.” Remus joked. He took out the bowtie and began fiddling with it. Patton giggled, it was clear Remus had no clue what he was doing. Remus tried his best but couldn’t figure it out. Patton put his hand on Remus’, signalling to let him take over. Remus allowed him to do so. “What about you?” Remus asked as Patton messed with the tie. “What about me?” Patton laughed back. “Got any scars?” “A few burns on my arms but they’re barely visible. One on my waist.” Patton explained. Remus looked down and caught Patton’s eyes. Usually he’d make some cocky remark about being excited to see them, but with Patton it was different. It felt different to his usual relationships. “What?” Patton looked back down. “Everything about you is just so…” He tried to find the right word, he was never really good at that. Cute? Soft? Buttery? Sweet? It was more than that. It wasn’t just who Patton was, it was how Remus felt about him. He’d never felt this before. The way his heart was skipping and the tingles as Patton’s hands brushed against the skin of his neck. It wasn’t something he had felt, let alone put to words. Remus looked down at Patton’s hands. “You don’t know how to tie a bowtie do you?” Remus teased as he saw Patton’s sloppy work. Patton stepped back and looked down. “No I really don’t.” Patton admitted. “We should go find Roman.” 
The picnic was in full swing and Remus was questioning why they called it a ‘picnic’. No one was sitting on the ground or on picnic rugs, there were no baskets and no fun. Just rich people sitting at tables and drinking champagne. He walked around with a tray of… something sweet, offering some to everyone he passed. Roman walked around with Patton, showing him off like a prize winning ewe. Middle aged women gracefully walked around in light dresses with champagne flutes hanging from their fingers. Which is why it was striking to Remus when he spotted someone in a dark blue knitted jumper. “Shit!” Remus breathed. He quickly rushed over to Roman, but hesitated when Patton came into view. The two were next to each other, chatting to a group of ladies with modest smiles. He needed to get Roman’s attention without worrying Patton. Thankfully it wasn’t the twins’ first rodeo. “Romy, I need you for a second.” Remus asserted as he joined the group. ‘Romy’ and the counterpart ‘Rems’ were nicknames only used when something was extremely wrong, that way the twins would know immediately that they needed to ditch whatever was happening. Roman politely excused themselves, much to Patton’s dismay, and Remus pulled them a few metres away. “What’s the story?” Roman asked when they were far enough away. Remus pointed into the crowd where Logan was calmly waiting around. “Code moneybags.” Remus whispered. Roman laughed slightly. “I invited them.” Roman clarified as they fussed with their skirt and departed from their brother to greet Logan. What are you planning? Remus thought as he watched Roman walk up and greet Logan warmly. Janus appeared by Remus’ side. They looked at Roman suspiciously then back at each other. “Where’s Virge?” Janus asked. Living in a small town Remus knew all those cliché country sayings, he’d hear them non-stop when talking to the older people in town. One specific saying came to mind right now. When it rains, it pours. “You were meant to watch him!” Remus answered loudly. “Why are you shouting?” Patton asked sweetly. Both the men retracted and Remus plastered on a fake smile. Any good politician knows how to hide the shit spewing from the fan. “We’re just excited because you’re doing so fucking good!” Remus shouted and got a few dirty looks from nearby ladies. Janus quickly moved to block the view of Logan. They had run enough hustles together to know what to do. Patton beamed. “Get your fine looking ass out there and shmooze the shit outta these rich ladies.” Remus turned Patton around and shoved him towards a group of ladies before turning back to Janus. “You swear more when you’re trying to hide something.” Janus stated. Remus stammered for a second from the out of place addition. “Well he doesn’t know that yet!” Remus threatened. Hopefully he’d never know. “Now, you go look for Virgil and I’ll deal with my twin’s unexpected invite.” They both nodded. Janus headed off and Remus looked back at Patton. He was already so nervous for all this, and he was stressed with the entire situation he was in. Usually Remus would throw him towards Logan and just hope Patton ended up on top, but Patton was different to his friends. He wanted to protect him. To keep him happy no matter what.   Don’t stress, Patty Cake. I got your back.
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transhoverfish · 3 years
ok im taking a SLIGHT break bc. i have scoliosis and sitting hunched over while playing a game for 5 hours is very bad for me ow ouch oof
-i used to have a theory that the guy who drops you off was ryley, but i think his name wad cal?? i miss my boy i rlly hope he shows up :(
-im kinda on the fence about robins personality?? i mean i dont dislike her!! but i still rlly miss her more outgoing pre-rewrite version too
-the marg reveal happens WAY sooner than i thought it would oh my god i heard her voice and my sister was instantly like "oh?? OH?? LESBIAN TIME ALREADY??" (unaware to her it was ALWAYS lesbian time from the start)
-my switch has crashed twice and now ive started saving religiously, i always forget bc i get invested SO EASILY and just forget about the fact im playing a game that can and Will crash. TAKE THIS AS A REMINDER TO SAVE. A LOT MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU SHOULD. i had to rebuild my entire base and seatruck :(
-(i love this game and was too excited for it to care about redoing stuff. the entire gameplay is so much dopamine to my adhd brain)
-i saw a cryptosuchus in the distance, starting yelling that it was a leviathan, swam closer and entire room around me calmed as we all realized it was simply a big baby. looked slightly to the left to see a chelicerite spinning in circles. i break out into some more yelling.
-try to find marg's base, follow the signal to find the crashed ship, and then realized that i didnt have a laser cutter and didnt bring my seatruck for oxygen bc it cant go anywhere this early on. decide to go back for it later and go on to find marg's base, swim down about 400 meters before realizing that something was off, end up about 500 meters down and my seaglide dies. lesson learned!
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aroxfan · 3 years
Okay but here me out, I'm a big Johnlock shipper but I need to point this out
Many shippers be like "Johnlock should have been canon in s4" or "they were made to be canon and Moftiss didn't want to gave us Johnlock that's rude" or idk
First thing first, I don't think any directors should write new season or movies based on what fans are asking for because it will be a mess and not automatically quality (!) but nvm because lets talk about how Johnlock is written
Just like most of realitionships in this show, they're rarely precised or we dont have many quotes saying honestly what's going on between people (Adlock the forever mystery). It's all about deductions (coincidence? The universe is rarely so lazy.) And that's what I looove in this show: almost nothing is clearly declared, we have to understand and deduce what's going on between people and how they feel, just like in real life and thats the complete opposite of a commercial show/movie. This show will not only make you think with its cases but its characters, and very few links are clear (that's why Sherlock best man speech or the I am Sherlocked were breathtaking).
So what about Johnlock? We have so many proofs that their friendship (or whatever ship it is) is damn strong but also very difficult. It's first obvious because of everything they went through together- the best examples are the 2 years of John mourning and the after Mary's death, but also just the hell which is living with bored-Sherlock-corpses-in-the-fridge and all the cases and times they risked their lives together and for each other. But Sherlock is also always asking for John presence and John is always coming to help Sherlock wherever he is. Their bond is non-negotiable.
So, to the sentences "they should have kissed on the tarmac" or "He should have told Jawn he loved him before jumping or before the grenade explode in tfp" , I'm gonna react just after taking a big step back
Because I ship them and of course I would have loved this BUT im being objective and here's what I think:
All the realtionships in this show are very precious because of this subtility (the "Sherlock's actually a girl’s name" subtility yes). This thin fence shouldn't be crossed because it would loose all it's magic. The thrill, the questioning, the fact that everyone can understand their link with the same scenes we all watched, that's awesome. Here the best way to show an evidence of love is not to say the words (the fact that the only time Sherlock says it is to Molly and he doesn't mean it) or a kiss or proposal (do I need to mention Jeanine?). No, here love is hugging a consulting criminal in a pool because you're covered of explosives, its shooting a man flicking your mate's face, it's stealing a royal ashtray, it's jumping from a rooftop or simply buying milk. It's everything they do for each other and all their gazes and all their laughs. They don't need to say it, they know. And as I previously said, this show is not gonna force fate by telling you what you need to know. It's life guys, guess by yourself, nobody is holding a big sign with his role in the story. The euphoria seeing them being official wouldn't be as long as the one of watching them for hours having such weird and funny conversations or drinking tea in silence at 221b.
They're perfect like that.
The lost detective without his blogger.
The sociopath who prefers his doctors clean shaven.
The two of them against the rest of the world.
And sincerly I don't need to ask for more than a so deep realtionship which sounds better for me than a common "I love you"
So lets thank Moftiss for having written a so fascinating love story, whatever kind of love it is
but still love
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kennyb0y · 3 years
You know that Michi and Mikey have an angel emoji, right?
I think that one if them dies in the fight between toman and kanto manji and the other one will kill himself.
This whole manga wasn't about TakeHina it was about TakeMikey or whatever their ship is called.
In the official character book is written that Mikey likes Takemichi, obviously not love because that would be straight up gay and the only character who's allowed to be purely and unofficially officially gay is Hakkai.
Takemichi can't remember his dream, which is something that i associate with someone who's mental absence which was more or less what Atsushi and Makoto thought of Manjirou when he first appeared ("The hell is up with that guy?" "He can't read the atmosphere of this place at all").
Also in the same chapter Mikey made Michi his "bitch".
Their last names are also kind of similar Sano means help, aid and field, wilderness. Hanagaki means flower, blossom and fence. My guess is that Jiro helped Michi and so he could grow like a flower but he's also like a wild animal (his dark impulses) but was always really calm and almost at peace with his love dear friend Takemichi, which was like a fence or more like a cage for his aggressive and 'dark' self.
And looking at Hinata in this aspect, it is really depressing, her first name means sunny place, what Michis life would be like if he choose her, but he didn't, he choose Manjiro, a broken man, who was more willingly to get help when he was about to kill himself rather than when he was a teen or young adult (on the 9th September 2008 Manjiro would be 18 years old).
And then the image colors of all three of them, Manjiro is red, because it resembles blood, the blood of his friends and his family and even of all the people who he killed in ever timeline. Hinata is white because she is pure, a mere civilian, who isn't in any way bad but good, like an angel, which is why the angel emoji is used as death sign, because Hina, the angel, is the original dead one. And the crybaby hero, the saviour of all, who sacrificed everything he had and maybe could have to save the people he loves, is light green. This could be a reference to Hanagaki, Sano and Tachibana, because of the nature aspect in every one of their names (Tachibana means orange, tangerine) or maybe it only has something to do with Pah, because his image color is pea green and his name is only about nature.
Also at the question "Who's the fastest runner?" Michi is the worst of the worst and Jiro is the best of the best, this shows that they are like day and night total opposite of one another but they still run together, kind of like Yin and Yang. Darkness and light, which once again resembles them perfectly.
In the end I just want to say one thing, Takemichi Takemicchi Hanagaki and Manjiro Mikey Sano are soulmates, maybe platonic soulmate and not romantic one, but you cannot tell me that they are not.
And if you think otherwise, I kindly have to call you not so smarty smart because I got that idea when I was swearing glasses꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ (but I would never because I do think you're intelligent and I love you too much to do that
You wanted someone to tell you whatever and this is what you get from me.
BROOOO idek what to say, im speechless. But yes, I do agree that Mitchy and Mikey are soulmates. Takemichi wouldn't do all of that for a bestie lmaoooo.
But i appreciate all of the effort and research put into this. I loved it
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN Vol 8 - Chapter 62-65 First Thoughts
note: some of the content here might be redundant with standalone posts. I sometimes add in thoughts when I get them later.
when geezer's thoughts said "thats not it" it reminded me of his attack in vol 7 where he said "that's not true", and I was honestly expecting for Lucas that it would be "you need to shut up" and im kind of disappointed that it wasn't bc that would have been so emotional jesus christ
also, that his name is blurred out.... I have a hard time believing its just meta, so do you think he's actually forgotten his name or sth? i feel like you could have easily just not have him say his name then like whats the point of putting it there just to blur it aside from trolling your readers i guess
and your anime-onlies who know his name but have agreed not to name-drop so it's just suffering now pff-
it's a hunting ground for nobles, huh? how do you know? Aren't the nobles also in charge of the farms? So they... follow the promise by doing production but then ALSO...... give children to a hunting ground? (but I guess only humans can break the promise so IHDKJKDS OKAY THEN-)
Like there's the two options here:
it's a SECRET hunting ground - the children there are escapees + probably the stolen children Sonju has mentioned he hears about. But demons PROBABLY can't steal from the highest farms right and we've heard that the children in the mass production farms can't even TALK, much less be fun to hunt (now, of course, the validity of Sonju's claims is starkly questioned by geezer-senpai's existence to begin with; so it might just be unreliable exposition).
it's a "secret" hunting ground - escapees are captured and more children are given to the hunting ground by the farms. This could be to appease the demon nobles who "want to hunt humans", so they don't cause problems for the power system the farm nobles have build up. And the "stealing children" is just a cover up for the public (would make sense with the IMMENSE security farms have AND would lign up with what Sonju said not being the entire truth)
IF option 2) is the case, it would imply that not EVERY child shipped out would be gupna'd on the spot (and instead delivered to a hunting ground) - I have accepted it as the procedure but actually, we've only confirmed it with Conny. the only other case we could have - Norman - wasn't seen being gupna'd.
But what doesn't make sense to me is that: the nobles want their highest grade meat, right?
So two options again: 1) there's 2 groups of nobles - ones that just eat them gupna'd and one that wants to hunt them (GP) - OR 2) there is only one group, the latter.
That would be easy to think about but is probably not the case. not every gourmet wants to kill it himself.
And while I think it'd be more reasonable for the farms to be in on it, I think it causes an inconsistency: If escapees get captured by GP, it'd have to be in secret because there's no way the nobles would let up on their meal, right? UNLESS every high quality meat ends up in GP and GP is just what is referred to as the "tifari ceremony" by grandma Sarah. I'm not sure if that is the case though, especially because "the 3 can be shipped out as scheduled" but Emma's birthday hasn't happened yet so she'd not be there normally by now.
IT COULD BE completely off of the farm nobles, but I just have a hard time believing they'd never notice the hunting grounds NOR notice any BIG DEMON, yknow, swooping over the fence and stealing a CHILD. IDK haha- it seems like it'd be a lot smarter to just give them food voluntarily to avoid possible chaos.
But maybe not the highest grade and that's why they're also always on the lookout for escapees - which I STILL THINK aren't common enough to warrant keeping an eye on the ENTIRE territory and which demons are regenerated a lot BUT HEY THAT'S JUST ME. So they are appeased by the government (essentially) but they also keep highest grade escapees on their own terms.
or maybe I'm wrong and escapees really ARE common enough to fill an entire hunting ground. But if that is the case, it DEFINITELY is behind the farm nobles' back (unless they're all part of it).
SO MANY UNLESSES HELP. my brain is melting.
it's sus! It's also quite sus because the promise is to "not hunt each other anymore" BUT humans are the only ones who can break it? It seems so in favor of the demons, but the HUMANS had the UPPER HAND- so what gives? Maybe the promise is something inherently tied to demons, so without them it couldn't exist at all and that's their "upper hand" in the deal?
Tumblr media
these goddamn adults man
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yuzenji-archive · 4 years
Hi there! Could I please get some HCs on how Kuroo, Kenma, and Iwa would act having an s/o who is a celebrity (like a model or an actor or a singer or something)? Thank you, I love your writings!
omg idol au i love it im gonna make this into an idol au and also thank u for loving my writings AGH that means a lot <33
a supportive man <33 but he doesnt like that u have to endure so so much to get to the place that u wanna be in :^(
hes also very patient knowing damn well u have a busy schedule like with promotions, or concerts, or even kcon ya kno
probably attended one of ur group’s fansigns LMAOOOOOO
depending on da company, if ur not allowed to have a boyfriend u gotta talk to him and he’d be super understanding and he will wait for u until the dating ban is lifted
but like if u are allowed,,, he doesnt mind it if u decide to publicize ur relationship (tho theres a reason why some idols dont make their relationships public lmao) and he just wants u to be happy
ur biggest fan omg i know it’s crazy
probably sends videos of him dancing/singing along to ur songs and u show it to ur group members and they giggle at how cute ur bf is!!
long story short, hes incredibly understanding of ur life style and he would not get in the way of u chasing ur dreams bc to him, watching u flourish and shine like the brightest star u are was enough to act as a reason to be strong <333
kenma is the type to not care whether his relationship is private or public but since he himself is basically in the entertainment industry he knows how fuckin brutal it is to be torn apart by ur own fans for falling in love with someone (true facts)
hes still very much the most supportive boyfriend u could ever have and he attends most of ur events!!
hes in japan while ur mostly in south korea so there will be some differences between u and him but ya kno
u trust him and he trusts u, so there arent any problems
what he doesnt like is when he sees tweets about u and another idol being shipped together like he knows ur not that into the other idol but hes scared that ur feelings might be influenced by how people react to u and the other idol together and u leave him for that idol
but he pushes the thoughts aside and thinks positively about it
always watches and streams ur mvs!!! and probably the bg music for his streams and occasionally talks about it but like he asks if anyone likes ur group and if he gets a good amount of response then he talks about the mv
for a long ass time at that
at first he wasnt into the idea that ur gonna be away from him to train as an idol and that means that u wont be able to text (depends on the company btw)
but he gives it some thought and decided that if its really what u want, then go for it <33
he’ll always support u too!!
for comebacks he’ll drop some money to be able to get in the music shows and stuff and like isac he wants to see u play sports in isac
probs won a couple of polaroids even tho he wasnt intending to collect them
he probably collects merch that has ur name and ur face on it idk it just seems like something hajime would do and im actually living for it wtf i just know he does this
im on the fence about him attending fansigns bc he’d get so flustered even tho he been dating u for a long time now i just feel like he’d get shy ya kno
like tetsurō he would also attend ur concerts either in japan or sk, or even other countries but we dont know
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