#im super fuckin proud of me
birb--birb · 3 months
Finished painting and assembling Astarion this morning (read: stayed up till 6am working on him) and I feel so fulfilled but also OUCH MY NECK
Now that the exciting task has been completed, I can turn back into a semi-functional not at all functional but at least not purely nocturnal human being again
The spicy brain soup of "task gives dopamine, must complete task at the cost of self care" can be a bit of a bastard, especially when I get sucked into a project I'm excited about, I defs fell into the dopamine trap and ignored good self care for the last week......all because i wanted to paint a figure of my blorbo.....what is this chill people speak of and where can I find some 🫠
But!!! I am proud of myself!!! He isn't perfect but goddamn he looks so good!!!! It's gonna be something I can point at like I MAKE DIS!!!!!! Goddamn I made a cool ass thing!!!!!! And even learned some new skills!!!! I'll try and get good photos this weekend but for now, have some vampire pals
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luck-of-the-drawings · 3 months
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OH ARTHUR BENNETT.. such a gorgeous and intriguing character. terribly burdened by a GRUESOME set of crimes, his light suffocated by a HEAVY century of GUILT. so tragic, so dark and broody, and yet PAINFULLY awkward in any social setting ever
#jrwi fanart#cw blood#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#arthur bennett#OUHH THIS ONE WAS SITTING IN MY WIPS FOR SO LOOOONGwhen i took it out there was mould on it :sob:#BUT i think i was able to fix it up okay#i keep seeing SO MANY MISTAKES RRAAAHHH BUT YOU DONT SEE THEM RIGHT?? THATS ONLY ME. RIGHT?? EXACTLY.#THE KEY IS TO SAY. AND REPEAT AFTER ME. 'FUUUCK IT WE BALL#so anyway. arthur bennett huh? grizzly says that arthur is reaal fuckin difficult to play. and i SUPER get that. i mean LOOK AT HIM..#grizz often needs a minute to think abt what hes gonna say in a way that matches w that Stoic Personality. which is FAIR but also that#ends up making way for awkward confrontations like: the lady in the parky lot. he took too long to answer and scared her away.& I LOVE THAT#arthur is tragic and sad and cool and stoic but hes ALSO awkward and silly and kinda dumb and short sighted. HE HAS COMPLEXITIES#I LOVE WHEN TTRPG CHARACTERS HAVE A GOOD SET OF SHORTCOMINGS. ESPECIALLY WHEN U FIND THEM ONLY AS U PLAY THEM.#I COULd go on and on saying the same things w different words abt arthurs intriguing and entertaining character but i shall spare u. for no#ILL ALSO MENTION HOW MUCH I LOVE HIS FLAVOR THO.. I LOVE TALL HOT BOY WHOS ONE W THE DARKNESS.. I REMEMBER WHEN HE FIRST MENTIONED THE#BADLUCK. N I WAS LIKE OOOHH THATS WHY HIS DESIGN IS SO COOL N CHAOTIC N ASYMMETRICAL. HES UNLUCKY!!! i love love love his design so much...#GRaaauruguguraguhhghghgh what else what else is there for me to spew on abt...i think im reachin a limit here..OH MAGNUS. i hope that#we get to know more abt how magnus and arthur met.. like How they became besties... ouuhh... I ALSO WANNA KNOW MORE ABT MARY DAVIS. LIKEHOW#he also apparently spent alotta time in a zone dominated by edward twilight? all he remembers is constant partying? I WANNA KNOW MORE..#i think i got room 4 one more ramble SO. THE ART PIECE.as i said its gone a lil stale BUT. im still very proud o the bits where hes allScar#I WANNA SEE HIM GET SCARYMORE. I like the idea of shadows solidifying to make him strange and eerie.like TEETH n CLAWS n SPINES n YESS#also the SILVER EYES.no1 does silver eyes like the show Claymore. they make em look so striking and eerie...i also like to think that#human arthur had deep beautiful brown eyes.just in my beaitufl heart.i mean look at him..i wanna cook him n eat him.ANYWAY#i think thats all my ramblin for this piece. now i gotta go cancel a single day i had ata hotel bc my work schedule change last minute FUCK#feel free to ramble in my tags aswell tho i read all of them and i chew on thenm and i love them so sos os mcuh
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dynasty-dabbles · 7 days
Helluva fans how we feelin???
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arthur-r · 2 years
im super proud of myself for fixing my brown leather jacket though like i didn’t do a very good job but i literally have a hundred year old leather jacket that isn’t falling apart anymore. or i mean. it’s falling apart slightly. but i sewed seams into LEATHER and i survived and didn’t destroy everything badly and forever. and that’s pretty friggin cool.
#like. idk if you guys remember my hundred year old leather jacket#that i was still wearing even though the seams of the sleeves were literally gaping open#i took around a year and a half break from wearing it after deciding that actually no it is very noticeable and not in a good way#anyway for the last week of school all my fashion ii class was doing was working on mending and diy#and basically my teacher lent me a leather needle and a good thimble and i did everything else myself#and there’s parts of it that i can’t quite fix but the big super noticeable parts are good now#and im pretty friggin proud of that#anyway i have to get dressed and i feel gross so i want to shower#but i showered last night so that would be pretty dumb and stupid#so idk what im gonna do exactly. cause my sanctity/degradation foundation doesn’t like me right now#i’ve gotten so insufferable since i read that book shdhdfdf it’s just. cool knowing a couple of theoretical psychological roots of stuff#like from an evolutionary standpoint. it’s good to remember that i only feel like a disgusting person because of a warped moral filter that#was only supposed to exist to keep me from literally getting sick and dying by the omnivores dilemma. and like. im fine#not that i shouldn’t be keeping myself clean and such. but the compulsion about it feels like. it’s just so stupid because it’s like im#compelled to do bad behaviors. in response to my feeling of disgust at having done bad behaviors#and it just cycles and cycles and cycles. just because i did bad stuff yesterday doesn’t mean i should hurt myself about it. basically#and if freaking evolutionary psychology is going to be the thing that keeps me safe then so be it#im gonna stay out of the shower im gonna wash my hands a couple more times than necessary and im going to get dressed#actually fun morality fact: you’re less likely to do stuff that goes against your moral foundations if you washed your hands recently#so im gonna wash my fuckin hands and get my care harm foundation up to par and then figure out where im at#also sorry for derailing this post and talking about moral psychology. if you’ve been here any amount of time you know how it is#me. my post. mine.#delete later (probably)
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gaymalware · 7 months
slapping this under a read more because its just me talking abt myself and complaining abt life LMAO. also you can reply to this if you have something to say idgaf. tee hee
yknow for veing aome teenager who has been trying to recover from depression/severe anxiety and cope with multiple mental disablities all by myself i think ive been doing a pretty splendid job but like Man there are so many points to get stuck and like no one tells you this shit. like im trying to reshape what of myself i can and theres this weird balance of "BECOMING THE PERSON I THINK IS MOST OPTIMAL" and "BECOMING THE PERSON THAT MAKES ME MOST HAPPY RIGHT NOW/IS EASIEST" and you never really know which option is the right one for whatever problem youre dealing with or part if yourself you want to grow and the fucked up thing is there is no right answer. because there isnt really a "right" way to be and you just have to guess and try things to see what you can handle and what you cant, what works best for you and what you want to improve and what you want to compromise or settle for. but once its off balance you start feeling like a failure or becoming an asshole or not being able what you need to do in life or start feeling depressed and repressed. Sigh. self improvement is so so so rewarding but god damn.
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issuesntissues · 2 months
when 141 accidentally breaks/ruins something of yours 😬
you'd just finished a drawing you spent hours on, and ran to show price! (he was very proud, gave you one of his rare smiles)
you said you'd go to the restroom for a moment, and left the paper on his desk
as he picked it up to admire it once more, he knocked over his coffee mug, and cursed as the brown liquid spread all over the page
immediately as he grasped it the soggy page tore, and the ink blurred together into a black mess
when you came back he looked downright embarrassed, his face and ear tips red
"spilled my damn coffee all over it...sorry love..."
you tell him its no big deal, but he can see the tears welling in your eyes
his pursed lips and downcast expression made your heart ache, and you gave him a genuine arm pat, pulling yourself together
he promised the next drawing you made would be framed in his office for him to look at everyday 🫶
You’d shown him the brand new sun glasses you ordered, and he definitely approved
you were curious about how they’d look on him so you handed him the pair
he took them, squinting as he turned them around in his hands, then attempted to put them over his mask
with a loud snap! the frames fell apart, pieces clinking on the floor below
“oh, fuck me…sorry darling…” he sounded slightly embarrassed as he handed the broken glasses back to you
you brushed it off as an accident, but you were disappointed you didn’t get to wear them for very long
ghost meanwhile felt horrible, and it nagged in the back of his brain for the whole day
he gives you one of his own pairs later, and you took them happily, promising to take good care of them 🫶
he thinks you look hot asf with them on too
you just finished unwrapping a new favorite mug for your collection, and set it on a table for display
while you went off to do something in another room, soap decides to handle your new item, tracing the intricate engravings in the ceramic
as you returned, he spoke, "aye this is nice...where'd you get—" he didn't get to finish as while he tried swapping the mug to his other hand, he fumbled it, and it went shattering all over the flooring below
your face immediately scrunched up in despair and soap grimaced
"hells fuckin' bells bonnie, im sorry." he cursed, his accent thicker from his embarrassment
he kneeled to start picking up the pieces, and you noticed little shards cutting into his skin but he didn't complain, and so you helped him
afterwards you clean and bandage up his hand, and after more apologies, he promised he'd get you a new mug 🫶
gaz isnt prone to breaking a lot of things; he's very careful & self aware. but alas, he isn't perfect
you'd just finished a puzzle in the break room and you were super excited to show the task force
Gaz was the most impressed and excited, and then—
"hey! have you ever tried picking it up in one piece?" oh no—
as soon as he attempted, the puzzle fell apart immediately, the pieces clattering all over the floor
you bit your lip and attempted not to cry, but your body betrayed you, and the fat tears rolled down your cheeks
after being scolded by the team for a good half an hour, he spent days putting that puzzle back together just for you,,
swore he'd never ever make you cry again
he framed the puzzle afterwards ❤️
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alovesongtheywrote · 7 months
holy fuckin shit girl nighmare academia 🤌🤌🤌
thank god for that person who asked for a pt.2, but I must ask for a pt.3 loll
♥ Summary:  here you go, 1000 words of reid scheming against the reader with the help of some familiar faces! [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: morgan and garcia being morgan and garcia, vague mentions of spencer wanting kids, threats of bodily harm at the very end
♥ A/N: yeah, ik the last one of these came out like. today. but im having a lot of fun, so until that stops. have fun with the enemies to lovers professor au
♥ Word Count: 1200
Series Masterlist
“Alright, my sweet brain boy, I’ve got the dirt on the Doctor- not you, the other Doctor.  You know what I mean.”
Spencer nodded- then he, in all of his genius, remembered that Penelope could not see him.
“What did you find?” he asked, pulling his legs up on his office chair.  He hadn’t left the university grounds after his fight with you and his call with Garcia.  You had left.  He was sure of it.  His office window gave him a great view of the parking lot, and hence, a great view of you leaving.  Reid, on the other hand, had stayed inside his office waiting for this second call.
“Well, it looks like you may have some competition in the doctorate department.  Doctor (L/N),” she stressed your title, “Also has three PhDs- one in criminology, one in law, and one in- get this- English Literature.  They’ve written a few really good articles, mostly on crime stuff, but also on Pride and Prejudice.  And oh, their takes on Elizabeth and Darcy- it’s enough to make a girl swoon.”
“Okay,” Spencer sighed.  None of this would help him get back at you- most of it was knowledge he could attain with a casual google search, “What else do you have for me?”
“Well, our dear Doctor is active in the community.  They help ex-cons get GEDs in their spare time, they donate to various charities and nonprofits, they support the local arts. They've got a lot of hobbies, they enjoy Halloween a lot- oh, and their mom is super proud of them.”
“What else, Garcia?”
“They have two cats, a couple siblings, a few nieces and nephews- it looks like they’re good with kids.”
“This isn’t relevant,” Spencer groaned, trying to hide his frustration.  He was looking for ways to get under your skin the way you had gotten under his.  He didn’t need to know every nice thing about you.
“Hey, you want kids, don’t you pretty boy?”  A deep voice that was very much not Garcia’s came over the line.
“Morgan is here, by the way,” at the very least, Penelope had the decency to sound a little embarrassed.
“I can hear that.  How long has he been listening?”
“Long enough to hear that you and this Mystery Professor would make a good match.  I mean, where else are you gonna find someone with three PhDs and a face like that?”
Spencer could hear Garcia’s gasp, even though she had pulled away from the phone.  When she spoke again, her voice was playful, “We’re looking for him, not for you.  What would Savannah say?  What should I say?”
“Easy baby girl, I’m just letting our boy know that I approve.”
“Hold on,” Spencer’s voice broke through the bickering of his former co-workers, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding.  I am not interested in (Y/N) (L/N).”
“Oh?  Then whyfore the background check, boy genius?”
“Is something wrong, Reid?”
“No, no, it’s nothing- it’s not like they’re a threat to my safety or anyone’s safety.  They’re just…”
“Just what, kid?”
Spencer drew in a sharp breath, trying to keep his cool.  He had to be calm- collected.  He couldn’t let Derek and Penelope know that you were so deep under his skin, inside the tissue of his brain, that he couldn’t stop thinking about you.  He couldn’t keep his mind from running back to the image of your face, glaring at him as you took the typewriter from his hands.  They would get the wrong idea.  The entire wrong idea.  So, Spencer had to remain cool.
He immediately failed.
“They’re just really fucking annoying, okay!?”
“Damn, kid!  Okay!  What did they do, tell you that Doctor Who was just okay?”
“No, you don’t get it-” Spencer hissed, flopping further into his chair as he proceeded to rant about the entire typewriter thing.  He quoted you word for word, too- of course he did, eidetic memory.  Once he finished, Morgan and Garcia seemed to take on a new understanding of the situation.
“I see!  This wasn’t a love call, but one for information!!  A stockpile of knowledge for devious pranks- that is why you called, right?  You need info for getting back at the lovely Professor?”
“Yes-!  They aren’t lovely, but yes.”
“Kid, anyone who can make you write emails is lovely in Garcia’s book.”
“Listen to your local Morgan, Reid- now, do you have a revenge plot already?”
“Sort of?”  Spencer shared his plans with Garcia, smiling to himself at the sound of her laugh.  His brand of humor didn’t usually get that reaction. 
“Sounds perfect, Reid- I can help with that, but I’m gonna need a secure connection, Dr. (L/N)’s email address, and everything you know about the benefits of handwritten notes.”
Once the plan was fully fleshed out, Spencer hung up the phone and finally, finally made his way out of his office with a rare spring in his step.  His plan was set.  The trap was in place.  Your beloved technology would be your downfall.  As he stepped onto the Metro, he had to keep from cackling like an overdramatic villain.  He was at a high point, and he really didn’t want to be arrested for causing a disturbance.  
Meanwhile, back at Quantico, Morgan and Garica looked at each other, the now silent phone placed between them.
“So, those two are-”
“They are perfect for each other, yes.”
“We’ve gotta help him.”
“Absolutely.  Hey, once they get together, do you think he’ll introduce me?  I want to talk to Dr. (L/N) about their Pride and Prejudice hot takes.”
“Careful, Garcia.  We’re shopping for him, not for you.”
“Hey, I just appreciate a person who can see the true nuances in one Fitzwilliam Darcy!  And I wanna know which film adaptation is their favourite.”
“Hey, lovebirds,” Rossi’s voice came from the door of Garcia’s office, “The rest of us have been ready to go for fifteen minutes.  What’s the hold up?”
“Nothing, Rossi.”
“We just found a perfect match for one Spencer Reid.”
“Really?  Interesting.  Tell me more later.  Let’s go.”
Two days later, you opened your PowerPoint slides only to find a presentation about the benefits of handwritten notes.  Everything you had in place for that day was gone.  All that was in its place was a genuinely well-crafted presentation about how writing notes by hand was better for attention retention and memorization.  
Honestly, you couldn’t even get that mad.  It was a good presentation.  
Still, you had a reputation to maintain.
You bit your lip and crossed your arms, becoming the picture of barely contained rage.  You took a deep breath, turning to your students and slapping a strained smile across your lips.
“Forgive me, my lovely students, but given this sudden turn of events, I’m just going to cancel class for today.  The correct notes will be on the class website later.”
You made your way to the door, leaving all your belongings behind in your haste, “Enjoy your afternoons, I’m going to go stab Dr. Spencer Reid.  In the throat.  Have a good day!”
A few students gave quiet, confused farewells.  Others leaned over to each other and whispered, “Stabbing is a sex thing, right?”
Technically, they were correct.
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yourbpdgf · 2 years
The pillars reactions to their traine thats super physicaly strong (like raw strength)
Their in a spar match and they just pick them up and bitch slam them on the floor straight on their back 😭
hii, i only write for 4 of the pillars, (mitsuri, obanai, sanemi and muichirou) so if they arent the specific onws you wanted im sorry abt that. here you go though 🤲🏼.
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obanai, mitsuri, muichiro and sanemi with a vv physically strong trainee!
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• uhm excuse me... what the hell???? 🤠
• hes so confused
• if you could body slam the shit out of him why are you trying to train under him???
• like for all that you can rip the demons head off with with your hands! you dont need to learn how to wield a sword from him 😭.
• when oyakata first brought you to obanai to be his trainee he genuinely thought you were weak too ☠️.
• mans was like, "ha look at this dumbass they dont even know how to wield a sword 🥱"
• and you probably heard him bc that body slam seemed so personal-
• hes sorry just dont do that again, hell teach you serpent breath and everything :,).
• omgomg OMGGGG
• shes always wanted a trainee! shes so exciteddd
• she almost forgot she had to spar with you to test your current skill. she just wanted to get straight into teaching you breath of love or helping you make your own breathing technique!
• but obanai reminded her and here we are now.
• shes still excited though! she even emphasized not to go easy on her, so you sadly had to body slam the nicest woman alive.
• but shes not mad, shes actually so impressed.
• shes extremely physically strong too you know! shed probably challenge you to a sparring match without weapons, who knows who will win! probably not you.
• anyway she thinks youre extremely cool and shes excited to see how strong youll be with a sword!
• see he was supposed to start your training like... last week? he doesnt know, he forgot.
• another thing he forgot, like mitsuri, was that he had to spar with you. unlike her though he didnt forget because he was excited he just deadass forgot.
• once yall were starting and he saw you didnt have a sword he immediately got defensive.
• hes forgetful not dumb, oyakata would not make him train you if you werent strong. so that means if you cant use a sword your probably as strong as the fuckin hulk.
• so since hes prepared, you probably wont be able to get to body slam him, but for the sake of this hc lets say you do.
• hes more annoyed than anything ☠️.
• hes like, "wtf that was mad uncalled for. now my back hurts. i cant even watch the clouds now because it hurts for me to lay down bc of you, dickhead."
• i hc sassy muichirou
• hell forgive you eventually probably.
• i love sanemi i promise not more than muichiro 🙄 but he would be the biggest dh ever.
• hed def be like "now why the actual fuck would i train a dumbass that doesnt even know how to use a sword??? you have to be really fucking talentless to-"
• he got bodyslammed before he could finish.
• contrary to probably what everyone would think, he smiles.
• he probablys like, "okay maybe i was being a douche, you might have a little potential."
• thats the best your gonna get from him so take it.
• in the end you got some respect from sanemi shinazugawa himself, be proud.
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vivisvalley · 1 month
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im kinda rooting for sapph here but could you have picked anyone else but v please.. poor sage too..
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DREW PLEASE YOURE OUT FOR SOME MUCH BLOOD so sorry lux. you got pretty far this time though!!
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lux the only one who died today...
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I FUCKIN KNEW EDIE WAS ABOUT TO SNAP. GOOD LORD. i was thinking drew was gonna win
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i guess killing so many people would lead to something like this eventually
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i really did want sapph to win.. you made it so far though!! proud of you
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i.. think its just v and edie now.. my worst nightmare.. my beloved wife and my beloved child...
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pay respects to @lowcallyfruity @otomedad @shinysparklesapphires @lilac-multifandom-multishipper and @edith-is-a-cat
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Amazing fight scene✨A nice reminder that Cell’s prob the most skilled fighter in HFIL and could still kick everyone’s a$$
Star characters of the month? GOZ & MEZ! I love them and I have given them my love❤️ 💙 These MCM Counselors needs to be appreciated!
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TFS try not to be sus every episode challenge, I swear I’ve seen the same thing with Super Kami Guru fuckin voring Ginyu in Berserk, that’s next level disturbing, man. And that’s how you traumatise a frog. Thank you for the content TFS, more pls. Also, bye2 Ginyu!Frog rest in RIP in the soul scrubber.
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The Ginyu Force coming to terms for losing their real Captain (and accepting a new one) kinda hits me, fam. Guldo finally snapping and being assertive is gold, yes u go king, accept ur loss and knit back the group like a chad.
OKAY IM SCREAMING, SHAKING, SPINNING, VIBRATING, FOAMING at the mouth rn. DADDY’s HOME, Daddy D1LF Darling is visiting HFIL! He came back to check on his Pretty Pink Princess💖 and the OGRES HATE HIM COZ HE’S IN MANAGMENT LMAO. Yes, Cell is gonna drag Frieza thru the fujkin soil. Devilartemis is voicing King Cold for TFS?? I’m so proud of him🥺
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‘Princess’ being the new ‘Bussy’? I can dig it! I’m just curious if King Cold would still spoil Frieza or he’s the only one who can discipline him?
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A fun chat with @zaphiregz & @lilfriezatyrant resulted in this: We need this to happen next episode coz it is the funni. Discuss
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I swear Cell needs to pull an Okuyasu on Frieza’s dad if he wants to climb the HFIL ranks. Have a JJBA reference to finish this post.
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OH I know who’s gonna be Character of The Month next HFIL art post, King Cold’s gonna flood the next one coz I SIMP. Thank you bye2, till next time.👋
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mariatesstruther · 9 months
a list of some of the videos joel would send to sarah after she goes off to college because he misses having her around, for @clickergossip @bumblepony and @ameerawrites 🫰🏾
- joel and tommy going to the zoo because the tiger sarah has been obsessed with for years has cubs now, and theyre finally letting them out today for the public to see: “wow, would ya lookat that—hold on, can you see em? hold on—here. that’s good, over there, you see em? i remember when you were that little, babygirl. wow.”
- joel in his work shed whittling another “super-sarah” action figure to send off to her as he talks about how work and the sites have been, stopping once in a while to explain what he’s doing to her just like he did when she was little and sitting there to constantly nag him with questions
- him cleaning up her room and changing her bed at least once a week, even though there’s s nobody there to mess things up or dirty the sheets. what he discusses with her during these tidying sessions varies from week to week, but lately he’s been updating her on tommy and his new girlfriend: “so they’ve been goin steady for just about f—can you believe it? just about five months, now. tommy keeps talkin about celebratin their sixth month anniversary, and i keep tryin to tell him that makes no damn sense, logic-wise—but anyway. i guess i’m proud of him. you’d be teasin him to all hell, seein how gone he is for her. so head over heels, his boots might as well be in the sky. i know you said your too busy ti be dating right now, but just for the record: you ever get that over the moon for somebody, i’d better not be meetin em over videochat”
speaking of tommy!
when uncle tommy sends sarah a video one time, it’s him drunk off his ass in joel’s backseat, phone pressed way too close to his face, singing out a slurred but impressive “sarah sarah bo barah banana fanna fo farah, me mi mo marah sarahhhhhhhhhh. good god, bubba, do me and your daddy miss you. he’s over here drivin me nuts—,” “i’m drivin you to your place, you ungrateful little—,” “shut up! anyway, hope you’re havin fun over there in the big apple—my lady’s from the big apple, did ya know? she’s amazin. i hope you’ll get to meet her when you come down for break. just callin because i felt like talkin to ya—you know, your daddy’s a fuckin asshole and never lets me in his fuckin videos, so—,” “tommy!” “what??? im talkin!!! anyway, miss you so fuckin much, buggaboo—,” “tommy!” “what???” “watch your goddamn mou—better yet, just get off the fuckin phone! drunk dialin like youre 19 again, you fuckin idiot—” “asshole! you’re the one cursin!” “at you! doesn’t count! hang up the fuckin phone!” “it’s a video, stupid! and you’re calling me an idio—OW! JOEL! JOEL! GIVE IT BACK—!” “seeya later, babygirl. your uncle’s a  nuisance. i love you.”
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hyunsvngs · 4 days
Hi hi juno :)
Something happened (its good dw) and i have nobody to talk to about it so im gonna yap for a sec if thats okay
So i have this REALLY hot friend. Like. The hottest person ive ever seen ive had a big fat crush on her for like 6 years now but we rarely get to see each other and. We had our first sleepover in 4 yrs last night. Shes a stoner and brought some goofy gummies, it was my first time getting high and oh my god im not exaggerating when i say thats the best ive ever felt. Like. Holy shit I felt so free and giggly and also a little horny but thats not important. My brain was moving so slow and apparently thats how neurotypical people feel normally??? Idk how true it is but she said that for autistic people getting high is like experiencing being neurotypical for a sec
ANYWAYS so i was super nervous to take it so she decided to wordlessly come up behind me grab my chin, pull my head back, force my mouth open and shove the gummy in. Just fuckin manhandled my face to get me high. I- WHEN I SAY I ALMOST CREAMED MY PANTS ON THE SPOT
And icing on the cake she told me to sit and then called me a good boy when i did😭 we also played a lot of pool and jammed to kpop it was awesome
Nothing happened beyond that but holy fuck man that was insane, like top 10 best nights of my life and now I desperately need to get fucked while im high
Okay sorry yapfest over moral of the story dont get your local autistic tboy high he will start acting like a dog
NAHHH I LOVE GETTING HHIGH WITH PTHER PPL ITS SO SEXY… but i’m also so so proud of u that u had such a fun real experience w weed i am very excited and proud OMFG
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seaquestions · 14 days
i'm totally enamored with your FHL oc's! would you be willing to elaborate on the relationship chart dynamics btw emil and lucas (esp. emil's "totally oblivious to the fact that he contributed to lucas' destroyed self-esteem")? the implications are so devastating
eeheheee can i just say first of all this super made my day thank youuu im so happy u like my FHL ocs its my darling little pet project 💙💙💙 and yes yes im very willing to elaborate. bear in mind though that this isnt entirely concrete yet, i take kind of a vibes-first approach lol. tbh i like having the tension between emil and lucas stay within the realm of Devastating Implications in-canon but. you caught me. i cant resist talking abt my ocs :3
had to put a readmore cut here cos this got kinda long omg. also tw for mention of bullying & ed.
but yeah so emil and lucas… they had been playing hockey together since they were 10 basically. they’re childhood friends, besties by default, bonded over a shared love of hockey & also for being considered ‘weird’ kids yknow. but they’ve also hurt each other a lot in little ways that never went addressed cos emil is too non-confrontational to make a fuss and lucas is too proud to admit when something’s genuinely fucking with him. but for the most part, they were besties. it’s only when they both started taking hockey more seriously as a possible career option that like, the relationship started to turn sour. lucas used to be a forward actually. he was also subject to a lot of pretty awful comments about his body from his peers (and from adults in his life too lbr). and also, homophobic comments, stuff stemming from his closeness to emil. something that hurt was the fact that emil never stood up for him but, well, even then lucas was willing to overlook that cos its not like he ever really fought back himself. just brushed that shit off, laughed it off, yknow, never let them know that what they say actually hurts you. he didnt wanna like. punch anyone over the stuff they said. especially since he started to Really internalise it. mostly the fat-shaming. its not just shitty teenagers right? its everything. it’s hockey. and the homophobic stuff well… i mean did he have a crush on emil? kinda yeah. just part and parcel of the whole codependent besties thing.
and on emil’s end, he was mostly trying his best to be accepted by his peers (aka, masking 24/7 and going along with the awful shit they said to lucas. cos well, that shit’s normal right? lucas said he can take it anyway, he said it doesnt fuckin bother him so) and stand out with his skill in hockey. he was, notably, better than lucas, who at this point was still a forward. lucas didnt particularly. choose to be a goalie. at least not at first, he loves it now dw. but he loves it now in part because it isolated him a little bit. or at least just kept him in sort of, a separate category, in peoples minds. it kept him away from being compared to emil (even though really they shouldnt have. their skill sets and strengths were quite different. but yknow. they had put themselves together like that). and emil liked that too. he liked not having to compete with lucas over this, which is something lucas took more as emil not wanting to share the ice with him anymore. and it was also another example of lucas bending to external pressure with emil saying nothing against it, encouraging it even. it started to feel like emil didnt give a shit about him anymore—so lucas starts lashing out against him a little. calling him annoying and weird and loud and stupid and shit. the stuff that other ppl call emil that lucas never did. emil took That as lucas finally getting with the program. it hurt but. everybody said it. and he’s been saying the stuff everybody’s been saying about lucas too, and lucas said that shit doesnt bother him so it shouldnt bother emil either cos he has to be strong too and. this HAS to be okay. THIS HAS TO BE NORMAL.
but. yknow. it’s fine. theyre still best friends by default.
their friendship starts to really deteriorate when lucas starts forming unhealthy eating habits. or unhealthy lack of eating habits. frm my experience as a fat guy whos struggled w disordered eating ppl dont tend to notice it unless they see you actively suffer. in fact they might see it as a good thing esp if youre visibly losing weight. i imagine lucas woulda have it worse than i did bcos he also has the pressure of wanting to be a professional athlete and also way shitter peers than me. emil is already not the most perceptive guy and lucas is incredibly reticent so. yeah. kind of a wonder theyre still friends honestly but, yknow, theyve known each other this long. theyve loved each other this long. why wouldnt they still be friends, even after every little thing. this is the one that breaks it. this is the one time where emil not having his back Really fucks with lucas.
lucas’ new goalie coach is the one who lays it all out to him. he’s realising that oh, fuck, fucking fuck, he’s been such a shitty friend and so has emil. thats when he starts his recovery and part of that is also figuring out how to deal with his and emil’s failing friendship. lucas cant bring himself to blame emil at all. like its HIS lack of communication that led to this. he knows emil’s an oblivious guy, he’s always known that about him. so… fix it, right? just, communicate this time and things will be better. but lucas also just doesnt want to see him anymore. like. he just wants his life to change. he’s going to college, in a different city, he’s playing on a college hockey team while emil’s off in major junior league and like, he’s far enough away that he can just ignore emil’s calls most of the time and say he’s busy and get away with it and just let emil think the friendship is fading away organically and not bcos lucas straight up never wants to see him again because it would remind him of a time in his life he never wants to revisit. and meanwhile emil… emil just misses him. emil just misses lucas with all his heart and wonders why why why lucas doesn’t seem to like him as much anymore. i guess that’s just distance but like, EMIL doesn’t feel any less so??? is lucas making friends in college who are cooler, less annoying, better at hockey, better than emil? whatever man… by the time they get drafted by opposing teams, the bff-ship is pretty much dead but. well. emil will still text lucas congrats and happy birthday and sorry ur being sent down and hell yeah ur being sent up and. and lucas just says thanks. so yeah. that’s lucas and emil, at least at the start of the FHL storyline.
and yes….. they ARE using blake and conor respectively to replace their bestie…. :3 but its good for them actually. maybe by learning to be a good friend to this other guy they can eventually learn to be better friends with each other. emil in particular is out here walking on eggshells with conor who freaks out over every little thing and is like. umm. hey did lucas ever feel like how conor is feeling at the shit im saying to him cos. um.
anyway. who’s to say if the reconcile. certainly not me nuh-uh im just the vessel thru which these idiots speak their truth.
ANYWAY THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!! fun mini project to chip into every time i can catch a little break at work 👍👍👍
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chiroptaro · 11 months
Hey! Who are your top 3 action webtoon characters (doesn't have to include main character) and why?
gives u a big hug when i saw this ask i yelled out loud ty SM for asking . i had to think long and hard about this one bc honestly there are SO many amazing characters to choose from augh!!! okok im gonna put it under a read more bc i went a little overboard my bad 🤧
slight spoilers(?) for viral hit, teenage mercenary
3. kayden from eleceed!!!! okay first of all shoutout to casein nitrate for being the funniest fuckin concept ive ever read in a webtoon oh my GOD. when he was in human form for the first time in front of the gang and ilhyuk and was like "why arent they giving me treats.." I WAS ROLLING OH MY GODDD. THE WAY HE INTERACTS W PEOPLE IN HIS CAT FORM IS HYSTERICAL. anyways as a character i rlly rlly like him because of how much he. cares about jiwoo like that's LITERALLY his son that's his little boy the found families in eleceed have me sobbing all day theyre so important to me. i also like him because of HOW STRONG HE IS?? LIKE HE'S SO YOUNG BUT HE'S RESPECTED BY EVERY AWAKENED BC OF HIS STRENGTH LIKE OMG. also he is so so gender im so jealous of him and kartein UGH. speaking of kartein him and kartein's relationship is great to me bc they bring out dif sides of each other that r super cool to see !! also theyre hilarious together . kayden's funny and he looks cool AND he kicks ass AND HE'S A GRUMPY DAD FIGURE like it does not get any better than this.
2. ijin from teenage mercenary/mercenary enrollment !!!! this one is my fav webtoon of all time 💓💓 i adore ijin because like...even after all he's been through and how grim and immovable his life has made him, he's still so so gentle with his grandfather and little sister. he loves his family so so much and it makes me ILL. speaking of his family i adore just how many families he HAS like he has the numbers, major kang and all them (his relationship w them has me absolutely dead on the floor the amount of rants ive gone on abt them is frankly worrying), dusik cha n his right hand man, and ofc his grandpa and dayeon!! he's so caring that he creates such strong bonds with so many people and they become irreplaceable in his heart and he would do absolutely anything to protect them. he puts the people he sees as family over EVERYTHING in his life and once a person has become part of his fam he becomes super protective of them <3 an example of that is once he knew that jiyeh was engaged to major kang, who was the first person to really help him understand what family means, he immediately added her to the ppl to be protected and went super far to protect her when she got kidnapped because he knows she's special to major kang!! someone in the comments said "his in-law!!" and that had me sobbing on the floor bc he got so excited and felt like he had to be cool in front of her AUGHH. he's such a sweetheart while also being an incredible and badass fighter and that combo is my fav kind of character 🫶🫶
1. MY ABSOLUTELY FAV IS TAEHUN FROM VIRAL HIT/HOW TO FIGHT. me and my buddy literally rant to each other all the time about him every time he shows up we're kicking our feet twirling our hair giggling.... i haven't finished his backstory arc (im paused at the beginning of it i've had to mentally prepare myself) but i like him bc he's really passionate abt taekwondo and was ready to teach it to hobin even tho he said he would beat the crap out of him the next time he saw him ... imo this was the turning point for them and if hobin hadnt gone to him to learn the back kick taehun wouldnt have become such an integral part of the hobin yu company(lol). i also rlly love that he was determined to start a newtube channel even tho he thought it was embarrassing aughh it was so cute!! also he watches hobin's streams and is visibly super proud of how far he's come and i think thats rlly sweet <33 i also love him bc he's incredibly gender like i wish i was him so so bad the mullet and the style and the LIPGLOSS AND MASCARA AND EYELINER and the snark and the asking for 500 won thing he's so frickin cool im obsessed with him AUGH!!! i just think he's super cool. another reason is bc of how obviously fruity that guy is like oh my god he cannot be normal for 3 seconds every time he's trying to intimidate someone he has to get all up in their personal space like,, be fr. when he first confronted yeonu(?) did u see that pose bruh what was that. every time his fangirls show up in v-hit's chat im like theyre LITERALLY me i could not relate to them more honestly. i made him an entire pinterest board . the entire reason i started reading v-hit was for him bc my friend told me abt how cool he was and i just had to get in on that so,, yaya !!! he exceeded my expectations a thousand times and ilhsm
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^ some of my fav taehun scenes altho every single panel he's in has me blushing and giggling 🤭
frankenstein from noblesse!! he's so badass and i love his hair and he's so loyal he just. aughh even tho the gang pisses him off sometimes he still cares for them sm
mr na from get schooled/true education!! he cares so so much abt the kids and helping them and he really wants to defend his fiancee and prove that she was right to say all kids can change <3
gerard from weak hero...he is so special to me i love how old man he is. he sleeps in bushes and enjoys slapstick comedy he's just like me fr!!! i just love him soo much smth about these guys who fight w kicks 💓
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tropicalscream · 1 year
LJG is a fucking treasure and how i realized my feelings were normal and real and I wasn't crazy. Plus She kets me know it's ok if im not super femme or passing bc through her music I feel proud of being me!!
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cosmik-homo · 5 months
Sending u kaladin and Kelsier for blorbo bingo!
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The THING w kaladin stormblessed as a blorbo is. you gotta understand i was reading the just-released-the-day-before premier preorder WOR translation on the bus in seventh grade field trip. kaladin stormblessed has been blorbo so long- hes been part of my LIFE so long i love him fiercely and have blorbo emotions but also we went to high school together im not gonna marvel that hes there and what crushes i had a much less fierce now. that being siad he is theee character ever doylistically absolute king of being a guy in a book. and watsonianly i am so so proud of him and hows he doing now and from both perspectives if he dies in s5 im tracking down brandon sanderson and putting explosive flies in his soup.
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Again im sure these would be different if you caught me at a Cosmere Hyperfixation- stick around lets see what i become during stormlight5- AND theres the added. my emotions r being filtered through depressive episode, but. My lead emotion looking at this- while for kaladin it was affection and pride.admiration- was the memory of going "MOTHERFUCKER" and throwing the book in the end of That Last Fuckin Chapter of Rhythm Of War. running to find my mom (cosmere comrade, usually finishes books a bit before me) and going HES FUCKIN AT IT AGAIN. and he IS this man has been delivering MOTHERFUCKER moments for the past 6+ years and I NEED him to just be normal. youre a 16th century peasant stop trying to split the atom or whatever the fuckk youre up to. i NEED the church of the survivor to stop praying to my awful crime grandpa he is getting too powerful. hes the worst man ever and hes great and i miss him so much and- yeah im losing my mind now the adrenaline rush of accidentally giving myself new ideas about what the ghostbloods are up to has made all the "Hur dur sorry im not super tuned to care on these fandoms rn" a bit redundant. UNSTOPPABLE BITCH. and now oh god i just remembered the live experience that was fortnite night. yea im gonna go wash my face
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