#im sure the boys are fashionably late to everything these days
winchester-reload · 5 months
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My last piece of 2023 quickly turned into my first piece of 2024. I trust you'll all forgive me for celebrating with you a little late.
🎉 Happy New Year, everyone 🎉
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kennahjune · 7 months
I’m joining the s3 steddie train :D
Steve was late. He was so late and so dead. Robin was going to kill him— he’d never make it out of Scoops Ahoy alive.
This was his thought process after dropping Will Lucas and Max off at Mikes. This was also his thought process the entirety of the way to Scoops while he shoved his way through the mall.
The moment he entered the small shop Robins eyes locked on him in a glare. Steve barely gave her a second before he was going to the back room to get ready for his shift.
He heard the back room door open behind him.
“24 minutes late I know,” he said as calmly as he could while trying to relax his breathing.
“Yeah and—“
“And you get an extra 25 minutes for your break, yes Robin I know!”
Steve finally closed his employee cubby and turned to look at Robin. “Look. Im sorry I was so late today but Will, Lucas and Max are assholes when they’re being petty and they needed a ride to Mikes cause all the others were busy! I’ll take closing shift today to if you’re really that mad.”
Robin stared at him angrily from the doorway. “Fine.” She uncrossed her arms. “And yes, you will be taking the closing shift tonight. I have a study date with a friend that I can’t miss.”
“It’s summer vacation?”
“Shut up!”
Steve shrugged when the door closed.
He closed the door to his employee locker with a little more force than necessary. He had a migraine building and the bright, florescent lights of the mall weren’t helping in the slightest.
He walked out and began his shift.
Eddie wanted to enjoy his day off. Preferably by himself. But Gareth and Jeff decided that his personal life was their personal life. So here they were.
He had wanted to spend the day away from the mall, considering that that was where everyone seemed to be nowadays. But the guys were insistent.
So they were walking around. It wasn’t too bad, considering Eddie had gotten himself a new record and tape with his newest paycheck. They were sitting at the fountain when Gareth shouted right in Eddie’s ear:
Eddie just about punched him with how hard he jumped. Jeff spit out his Pepsi all over Eddie.
While Eddie was worrying about getting the sticky drink off of his skin, Gareth continued with; “is that HARRINGTON in Scoops?”
Well. Now he has Eddie’s attention.
Sure enough, just in Eddie’s line of sight, was Steve Harrington in a sailors uniform and a dorky hat.
A dorky hat that was soon snatched up by his current customer, Billy Hargrove.
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder and leaned over him to get a better view. “Is that Hargrove?”
“Yep.” Eddie popped the P.
“It looks like he’s messing with Harrington.”
“Yep.” Another pop on the P.
“And Harrington looks like he’s gonna fucking explode.”
Eddie agreed. Harrington was red in the face and not in the cute blushy-way he usually gets (don’t ask why Eddie knows that). He was talking back to Hargrove, probably something bitchy and sarcastic in typical Harrington-fashion based on the way Hargrove seemed to recoil for a moment before jumping back.
“Should we do something?” Gareth asked skeptically. Jeff shrugged where he was pressed against Eddie’s back.
“I’m going in.” Eddie stood and nearly knocked Jeff down in the process.
“Hang on—“
“Nope! Wish me luck, boys!” Eddie yelled over his shoulder while he dashed over. He heard them both get up and follow him.
Steve wanted to cry.
His head hurt so fucking bad and his back was killing him and he had ran into a shelf earlier and had a killer bruise on his arm and leg from it and everything was too fucking much.
Then, in all his asshole and dick glory, in came Billy Hargrove.
At this point, Steve would rather take another plate to the head then have to deal with his annoyingly aggravating voice. Hargrove came in, probably expecting Robin to be there, but got Steve instead. And honestly Steve would rather deal with him then leave Robin with him.
So he’s been enduring it, giving his own comments and comebacks but overall hating his life and just wanting to curl up and die.
Then his savior showed up. In all his black leather and chains, Eddie fucking Munson.
Hargrove seemed to back down the moment Munson showed up. Which wasn’t too strange considering that Munson supplied over half of Hawkins’ weed supply. Including Steve’s own for a while. He hasn’t bought in a while cause of the brat brigade.
But not the point.
Hargrove nodded to Munson. “Munson.”
Wow. Real cool, Billy. Steve held back a snicker.
“Heeyyy, Hargrove!” Munson cheerily greeted. But there was something about his smile that was off, to Steve. It seemed tighter than usual, his eyes not crinkling with the motion like normal. Don’t ask why Steve knows this.
Munson’s eyes seemed darker, too. Like he was angry. Maybe Hargrove didn’t pay him? Steve couldn’t bother to care with how bad his head started to pound.
He shouldn’t be at work with this migraine. He knows that. His doctor’s told him this multiple times. But he owes it to Robin for being late so much and he needs to prove to his dad that he can take care of himself.
“So what brings you here, Billy?” Munson asks casually, stepping farther into the shop. Steve seems to finally be forgotten about, and he places his head down on the counter. The cooled surface definitely helps with the spinning room.
He hears Hargrove say something back, but he isn’t paying attention anymore. His eyes are stating to go blurry and he really needs to sit down. But then Munson says something that catches his attention:
“Just leave Harrington alone, man. Last I checked he did nothing to you.”
What the hell? Steve wished he could lift his head and see what Munson was doing. What he looked like when he said that. If he looked as mean as he sounded.
Steve only lifts his head a few moments later when he feels a hand on his back. He shoots up quicker than he intends, and nearly falls back down if not for the hands still holding him up.
“Shit,” he grumbles quietly to himself, whining even quieter at the sudden rush of pain and the black dots in his vision.
“Easy there, your highness.” Munson.
Steve blinks slowly, letting Munson set him down in a booth. He doesn’t remember walking over but he’ll take it. He puts his head back down and intertwines his fingers behind his head. He groans quietly again, the pounding slowly receding.
“Hey man, is there something we could do? Do you need anything?” He heard Munson ask.
We? Steve wants to ask, but finds himself not caring. “Water, and my bag from the back please,” he rasps out. Talking makes the pounding worse.
He hears someone rush off to the back and a moment later a hands on his back again and is helping him sit up.
“Here ya go sweetheart.” Munson slides the glass of water and bag over to him.
Steve silently reaches into his bag and pulls out his small “to-go” med-kit. He carries it around mainly for the kids. Mike tends to be clumsier than he comes off as and Max is always trying out some new skateboarding tricks. From inside the kit he pulls out a pill bottle and swallows 2 with the water and goes for another 2 before a hand stops him.
“I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to take more than 2.” This voice is new but familiar. Steve squints past the blurriness and makes out someone he recognizes from school; Gareth Emerson.
“4,” Steve manages past the lump in his throat. Munson, Emerson, and someone else Steve doesn’t quite know look at him. Munson continues to hold Steve’s hand on the table, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. It weirdly intimate but the comfort is very welcome.
“4 what?” The other guy asks.
“4 pills. I usually take 4.”
Munson and Emerson both wince. The third guy looks at him like he’s insane. Steve finally recognizes him as Jeff,… something. He actually never got his last name.
“Dude— are you trying to overdose!?”
Steve winced at the sudden loudness, whining quietly. Munson shushed Jeff and Steve heard him rush out an apology.
The bell over the door dinged at that moment, and Steve found himself face to face with Max, Mike, Will, Lucas, and— for some reason— Jonathan.
“Uh— hi?” Steve attempted for a greeting.
“‘Hi!?’” Mike yelled. “Hi yourself man! We called your walkie at least 4 times!! What the hell?”
“Are you ok? Why didn’t you answer?” Will asked in a much quieter tone.
Lucas and Max wasted no time before slotting themselves in the booth with Steve. Munson remained across from Steve, and Emerson and Jeff now hovered farther away, but Lucas slid right in next to Munson and Max next to Steve.
“What the fuck, Harrington?” Max demanded. But she clung to his shirt tightly.
“Language, Mayfield,” he reprimanded quietly.
Mike paused where he stood. “Why are you talking so quietly? Shit— do you have a migraine?”
Suddenly 4 pairs of little eyes were gazing at him with unmasked concern. Holy shit was this overwhelming.
“Why didn’t you say that, Steve?” Lucas asked.
“Are you ok? How long has it been going on for? Asked Will.
“Why are even here if you’re not able to function properly?” Mike reprimanded in his own caring-ness.
Max clutched to him tighter. “Why aren’t you at home? You could’ve called in sick or something!”
“Shhh!” Mike shushed her.
“Don’t shush me—“
“Shut up!” He whisper shouted. “You have to be quiet and try to control your temperature while resting in a dark, quiet room to try and help with migraines. Pain killers help to but no more than 3.”
Everyone stared at him. He went a little pink under the sudden attention.
“Nancy gets migraines a lot from reading in the dark.”
Jonathan came over right then. Steve was suddenly overwhelmed by all the people surrounding him.
“Hey,” Munson called. Steve forgot about him for a good moment. “This is cute and all, but maybe we should not surround him? Poor boy looks like he’s gonna cry.”
Everyone turned to look at him. Tears had— in fact— sprung to his eyes.
“Sorry!” All the kids rushed out quietly at the same time. Max climbed out of the booth and Munson and Jonathan both assisted with helping Steve to the break room. Jeff and Emerson stayed with the kids, but Mike came with them since he seemed to know what he was doing better than the 3 of them.
On their way back to the room though, Steve’s legs nearly gave out from under him. Shit. It’s one of those days. Munson just barely managed to catch him under the armpits while Jonathan got him by the waist.
“Woah there, sweetheart.” Munson grunted.
“Careful, Steve,” Jonathan said quietly.
“Sorry. Spinning.” Steve exhaled shakily.
Mike came rushing back after realized they weren’t with him. “Damn. Spinning? Are you able to walk? Or are they gonna have to carry you?”
Jonathan looked up at the mention of having to carry Steve. “Yeah— I’m not able to carry him. I am so not strong enough for that.” He had the decency to look apologetic.
Munson chuckled quietly and the sound reverberated through his chest where Steve’s head was. It was soothing.
“Don’t worry Big Byers. I’ve got him no problem.”
Steve was given no warning before he was being picked up in a bridal carry. He winced sharply and laid his head on Munson’s shoulder. Jonathan whistled lowly from somewhere beside them and Steve blindly kicked his leg in his direction, scoring in kicking him in the arm. Jonathan snickered.
When Munson chased off Hargrove he didn’t expect for Harrington to all but collapse in on himself and try to fucking overdose on like 5 pain killers. He also hadn’t expected to be bombarded by 4 kids and 1 Jonathan Byers. Least of all did he expect to be carrying Harrington bridal style to the break room of Scoops Ahoy.
Somewhere behind him, Gareth turned the sign on the door to closed. Eddie silently thanked him.
The kid— who he vaguely remembers as Nancy Wheeler’s younger brother— opens the door and startles a half asleep Robin Buckley.
“Hello,” Jonathan throws her way before pulling a chair out for Eddie to sit on.
“Uh— hi? What the hell—“
Eddie takes the seat with Harrington in his lap. Robin looks dumbfounded.
“Migraine,” Jonathan helpfully supplies.
“Really, really bad migraine. Vertigo included. Full package tonight, folks.” Mike adds.
“Ok— um, is he ok? He doesn’t look ok. If it was so bad why didn’t he just call in sick?”
“That’s a good question,” Mike retorts quietly while rooting around in a freezer.
“What are you looking for”, Robin asks.
“Ice pack. The dumbass has everything in that first aid kit of his except a damn ice pack.”
“Language,” Harrington reprimanded quietly from where his cheek was against Eddie’s chest. Eddie chuckled quietly when Mike retorted with a half-assed “sorry”.
Eddie couldn’t help but admire the now sleeping Harrington in his lap. He bent in half like a shrimp, his knees just about to his chest, and his hands gripping tightly onto Eddie’s still-Pepsi-soaked t-shirt. But he looked so at peace while asleep. Like he hadn’t just had the worst migraine Eddie’s ever seen and wasn’t just about to pass out on his feet. Eddie smiled.
Mike comes over silently, managing to sneak up on Eddie and make him jump slightly and causing Harrington to whine. He’d been whining a lot today. And under “different circumstances” Eddie would’ve found it hot as fuck.
“Sorry,” Mike whispered. He seemed to be able mellow out a lot when he actually tried. He seemed like such an asshole out at the booth but now he seems quieter. These kids really cared about Harrington, huh?
“Here.” Jonathan helped him out and gently picked up Harrington’s head. Eddie caught Harrington actually kind of leaning into his touch. A strange but endearing friendship. Mike placed the ice pack— now wrapped in a cloth— on Eddie’s chest where Harrington’s head lays.
Harrington lays back down and is out like a light soon enough.
Eddie zoned out until there’s a very, very soft knock on the door. When he looks up, Jonathan is letting the other 3 kids in while Jeff and Gareth stand in the doorway.
“Is he ok?” Asks Jonathan’s little brother.
Jonathan nods and pats his head. “He’s ok, Will.”
The redhead walks over and takes a silent seat next to Eddie so she’s next to Harrington. She takes Harrington’s hand in hers and proceeds to just sit there and hold it.
“He’s ok, Max. Just a migraine,” the third kid, Lucas he thinks, reassures with a hand on Max’s shoulder.
“That’s what he said before. And then he was in the hospital.”
Woah, what?
“Hm?” Lucas looks at him.
Oh. He said that aloud.
“Wait what?” Robin asked quietly.
Jonathan’s whistled lowly. It seems to be a bit of a tic for him. “Yeah uh— funny story. Hargrove broke a plate over Steve’s head last year and nobody realized how bad it actually was until he passed out after claiming it was only a migraine.”
“He ended up in the hospital for like 2 weeks,” added Lucas.
“He needed several stitches on the side of his head.” Max unhappily supplied. Lucas squeezed her shoulder.
“It was a stage 4 concussion,” muttered Will and Mike put his head on his shoulder.
Eddie caught Gareth and Jeff’s eyes across the break room. Huh.
The Will kid came up to Eddie suddenly. “Thank you. For uh— helping with Steve. It means a lot to us. He means a lot to us.”
Mike, Max, and Lucas all nodded.
“Hang on,” Lucas piped up. “Who are you?”
So uh— set myself up for a part 2 there :’D
Part 2
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visionofvoid · 1 year
Limelight - LS18
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Summary: “you’ll get your flowers my dear.”
Warnings: some shameless flirting, a cocky oc 
Pairings: lance stroll x oc
Word Count: 1311
She recalled the first time she ever encountered the Stroll family. 
It was at a joint gala to raise money for children with terminal illnesses and her parents, who were incredibly notable in the car collection and curating community, wished to donate a 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429 in a cherry red colour. It was one of the most expensive items up for grabs and had all its original interior in pristine condition. It gained quite a number of public attention, for a good reason, and all donations were given to the foundation they were sponsoring. It was that night that a young Piper Broadstone had encountered a young Lance Stroll, the boy in his late teens and too cool to speak to girls. 
It wasn’t until years later that the two families attended yet another high profile event, this time with Piper placing a bet and winning a one-on-one date and drive with Lance Stroll himself. She wasn’t too sure on how she would organise this one-on-one date as she found herself drinking too much champagne and dancing with her mother and friends. She honestly could have approached Lance but instead chose to admire from a distance, sneaking a look whenever she could. 
Piper had honestly forgotten about the auction until she received a message request in her private messages on her Instagram.
lance_ stroll: you know, if you really wanted to come for a cruise or a date you could have just messaged me on this
and its free too
Piper admired his cheeky flirting and it seemed that he was also somewhat eager to see what the date had to offer. Of course it was all up to Lance to provide the date and to showcase his driving skills, all Piper had to do was dress the part and just show up. 
itspiperbroadstone: i did it for the kids, mr stroll, don’t let it get to your head
kind of silly that you had to ask for an auction to get me to go on a date with you. you could have messaged me on this 
lance_stroll: bold of you to assume i want a date with you
itspiperbroadstone: why else would you message me at nine at night out of nowhere? 
lance_stroll: touche 
tomorrow at 11am, casual, braided hair may be best (car purposes only)
do you prefer lunch or dinner for the date?
itspiperbroadstone: we love a dominant king
lets do food after the drive tomorrow, you know, make sure it’s all in one day otherwise you might fall in love with me
lance_stroll: im certain you’ll be falling for me 
our parents will love the combined fortune 
itspiperbroadstone: old money nepo babies 
pick me up in the vantage xoxo
i want flowers too
i paid 50k i should at least get some flowers
lance_stroll: you’ll get your flowers my dear 
Casual to someone like Piper was a lot different to someone that didn’t live in an expensive penthouse in Canada. Of course Piper understood that casual was just a term to dress a lot more relaxed but she still needed to dress to impress. She followed the latest trends and embarrassingly fed into fast fashion so she was dressed all in just a pair of jeans with a baggy graphic shirt to pair. It was a nice sunny day so she neglected to bring a jacket as she walked out of her apartment complex, bidding her doorman a farewell and towards the Aston Martin Vantage she could only guess was Lance’s. 
He was leaning against his car, also in a rather casual outfit in a pair of jeans, brown boots and an all grey shirt. In his hands he held a bouquet of flowers, a mix of daisies, babies breath, camellias and a few other variations. He wore a large smile on his face as Piper approached, embracing the girl in a quick and gentle hug, a kiss to the cheek and then pulled away gracefully. 
“I wasn’t too sure what flowers you liked so I got a bit of everything.” Lance confessed, though he had secretly looked through all of her social media to find some sort of hint. It was in her highlights. 
“Thank you, Lance. They’re beautiful.” Piper hated to admit that she was blushing and instead hid her face in the flowers, disguising the action by sniffing the flowers. They smelled incredibly fresh. There was nothing like the smell of fresh flowers. “So, what have you got planned for us today?” Lance opened her door like a gentleman and held her flowers as she strapped herself in before closing the door when she was settled. He ran to the other side, climbing into the passenger seat and started his car, one of his prized possessions. 
“Well, I have a couple of cars for me to drive you around in at the track and then I’ll see how you go-”
“Driving one? You're letting me drive a Formula One car?” Lance chuckled in response, pulling into the lane and heading towards the Montreal track. 
“No, you can’t operate one of those. I’ve got a couple of other cars, much safer cars to take you in and for you to drive.” Lance’s eyes remained on the road for the most part as they drove through town. His car was enough to get some stairs and rightfully so; it was a beautiful car, anyone could appreciate that, and it was the biggest flex of all. Not many people owned a car such as the vantage, not even Piper of her family, though they did own a few Aston Martins. She looked out at the window, admiring the city she was born and raised in. The two settled into a peaceful silence as they continued to the track. It was not awkward, at least from Piper’s perspective. 
The 'Date’ was great PR for not only Piper and Lance but for their families, for the charity in which the money from the bid was going to and for Formula One itself. There were film crews at the ready, organised photographers to capture the two in and out of the cars, cameras and microphones set up inside the cars to capture the reactions of the two. 
Piper was genuinely enjoying herself, even though her braided hair was becoming a mess and she laughed rather obnoxiously in front of Lance. 
Lance was also having a great time. He never really got to show off his skills in older modelled cars let alone with a pretty girl beside him. He liked to glance over as he drifted around a corner, watching her absolutely lose herself into the atmosphere. It was something he found himself wanting to see more, yearning to see more. So, he hated it when their drive had ended and it was Piper’s turn to drive. 
She got into the first car, the pair strapping themselves in. She quickly posed for a camera pointing towards them and then turned on the ignition. 
“You can drive stick?” Lance questioned, Piper only nodding in response before taking off. She had devised a plan, starting off slow to get Lance to think she was nervous. She took it easy around the corners before she found herself approaching the hairpin after turn nine. She started accelerating, going faster and faster by the second before drifting the car almost expertly around the hairpin and turn ten. She couldn’t wait to see the footage once it was released of Lance's reaction. She finished the circuit, stopping at the pit in front of the cameras and getting out, throwing her hands in the air almost as if she was a racer herself. 
“Where did you learn to drive like that?” Lance questioned once the two of them were finally helmet free. 
“My parents are car collectors and curators, you learn a thing or two.”
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unaesthetic-writer · 28 days
Jegulus microfic - @starmanbutitsregulusblack
James had always longed for another person. There was always this gap inside of him that needed to be filled by someone's presence, even as he had as many friends as the eye could see. He realized what he was missing when he first laid eyes on him. Regulus Black. James' best friend's little brother.
He looked so similar to Sirius, but at the same time so— different. They both had the same black hair and grey eyes, but Regulus held so much poise compared to Sirius. Siri was carefree and wild, and while James loved that about his platonic soulmate, it couldn't hold a candle to Regulus. The air that surround Regulus created a barrier between him and the rest of the world. Every step he took was a sirens call to James, asking for him to fall at his feet.
But as much as James wanted Regulus, Regulus hated James. Regulus was never quiet about his dislike of James Potter. He thought he was arrogant and just a downright posh prick. But deep down, hidden behind his prickly surface, Regulus loved the attention. It started out as just wanting James to pay attention to him, but slowly but surely James had wormed his way into Reg's heart. Now he wanted to see his smile, hear his laugh, smell his cologne. Everything about James Potter now drew Regulus in— but he still continued to act the part of nonchalance.
This cat and mouse game lasted all of two months before James began to lose hope. His self esteem had been hitting the rocks lately; Due to him messing up in quidditch, his test scores dropping, and people were starting to talk about him being too desperate for Regulus. Regulus could see the light dimming in James' eyes, and he felt a pang in his soul every time. The day that Regulus saw James Potter, of all people, about to skip quidditch practice, he knew something needed to be done.
He pulled James into the nearest empty classroom, leaving the curly haired boy stunned.
"Reg?" James questioned tentatively, "What's up?"
Regulus shook his head at James, not speaking, but grabbing James' red tie and pulling him down to kiss him. James made a muffled surprised noise as their lips connected, but he melted in all the same. They had both wanted this for so long, wanted each other— and now they finally had it.
James broke apart from the kiss first, his dark skin still clearly flushed. "I-Im confused Regulus," His eyes still wide in suprise, "I thought you didn't like me?" It was supposed to be a statement, but how James said it, he knew it was a question. Do you actually want this? Me? And the answer was yes. Regulus sighed in his usual fashion before looking up at James with resolute eyes.
"You're right, I did say that," He started and he watched as James deflated, ever so slightly, so he hurried to continue, "But I lied. I do. I've liked you for a while now. I was just keeping up pretenses."
James stared at Regulus in awe, halfway torn between wanting to cry and wanting to kiss him again. But regulus made the choice for him and kissed him once more.
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princess-leaorgana · 10 days
Rolan headcanons
and you are gunna sit there and LIKE IT.
Im having the worst time concentrating on writing and I think of if I blue print this fucker I’ll have less of a worst time.
Adopted when he was about ten by a single mother, Dayryn. Cal was a toddler and Lia was just a baby. Dayryn was a cobbler and Rolan took an interest in fashion as a child because of her.
His biological family died tragically. Except for his human father who left when he was born.
He gets his work ethic from his chosen mother.
He has always been in touch with the weave.
Is not classically trained in magic, just studied in his own time, which explains his spells in game (Rolan’s Magic Missile, Rolan’s Mage Armor, etc)
First kiss was a neighborhood boy. The other boy did it on a dare and Rolan was teased for it and didn’t believe in love until adulthood.
His favorite color is purple.
He's a cat person.
He’s an introvert masked as a showman. He likes his peace and quiet and only likes excitement if it’s about him.
The Decent killed their mother, Cal, Lia and Rolan had been wanting out of Elturel since her death, before the tiefling exile, so Rolan wrote to the only person he had ever heard of, Lorroakan.
He has major oldest sibling syndrome. He feels completely responsible for Cal and Lia and is incredibly happy to be so. Once Cal or Lia might start a family of their own, they are welcome to stay in the tower with their family, still providing everything he can. He’s a true patriarch. The day Cal or Lia move away from him will be incredibly hard on him.
Rolan isn’t proud of being a tiefling. His biological father was a human and left when he was born. He has deep rooted self hatred, so dresses finely, usually hiding his tail under thick robes. He styles his hair to cover his ears. He does eat like a tiefling, but according to Lia ‘drinks like a fish’.
Along with his magical talents, Rolan is also very physically fit for a wizard. When Rolan was teased in his youth, Cal and him would play fight, wrestle, and then spar as they grew older.
He’s a biter. He gets a primal urge to bite his lover while making love, tell him his going to far, of you will have a nasty bite on your shoulder or thigh.
He uses his tail. He loves taking care of his lover, he wants to be the reason you moan and cry and whimper. He has a false ego and will use every tool the gods gave him to get you off.
He wants to look you in the eyes just before cumming. He wants to make sure you are the last thing he sees before climax.
He's possessive, tell him you're his and you'll make quick work of him. Remind him of how much you've submitted to him for a happy Rolan.
Rolan is possessive, but not necessarily dominant. Rolan is a switch. You are more than welcome to be on top, you are more than welcome to be in control, and if you just want to lay there while he folds you in half, he's just happy to have you.
He's shy about suggesting 'new' things in the bedroom. He really doesn't know what he likes. Sex might get stale for you, but the moment you suggest something, he's all for it. He's a sage after all, no harm in trying something once.
Unlike some other smarmy wizards, Rolan really doesn't use magic in the bedroom. Will he? Yes, maybe a mage hand to assist in a hard to reach area, but he really wants to be the only thing making you cry out late at night.
He likes to have sex in his bed, and that's really all. You want to fuck in the bath? He'll make out with you and drag you to the bedroom. You start touching him while he's in his study? He will drag you to the bedroom. He wants you, but he wants the both of you to be comfortable, in private.
If you are unwell and unable to have sex, he won’t want to get off. He feels unmeasurable guilt if he ever gets off and you don’t. He is nothing if not patient with sex, he had gone a long time before meeting you without it. Though, once you are willing, he’s very eager.
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strlstlvr · 1 year
SUMMER TIME HIGH TIME, summer time with txt ♡
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- it’s hot outside and the only thing you want to do is make memories with your favorite boy !
⋆·˚ ༘ * fluff, kinda crack lol
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- activity: cafe hopping and shopping!
- listen there’s nothing this man loves more than fashion and an iced americano on a hot day
- since the heat has just begun this calls for a shopping spree and he wanted to take you with him to spoil you with one as well
- “yeonjun-ah, you don’t need to do this i have my own money” “yeah but you only like to spend it on other people or our merch”
- yeah he got you with that one
- makes sure to pay attention to your body language
- ex. if you start unintentionally sighing, he’ll suggest sitting somewhere for a quick rest but if he notices your attitude completely change he’ll suggest going back home
- buys literally everything you touch with interest, defo buys something matching
- you guys leave the shopping center with so many bags in hand, yeonjun carrying them all of course
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୨⎯ SOOBIN ⎯୧
- activity: ice cream date indoors!
- soobin is an introvert and any chance he gets he’s gonna stay inside, especially on a hot day
- “binnie it’s so nice outside! we should go enjoy the day!”, then he looks at you with puppy eyes “but i already set up the kitchen to look like an ice cream shop and bought a bunch of different flavors!”
- how could you say no to him?
- when you walk into the kitchen, behind the island is kai in the same outfit he wore in the loser lover mv, “hello welcome to kai’s ice cream shop! what could i get for you?”
- it takes everything in you not to laugh, the boy just looks so cute you wanna pinch his cheeks
- soobin leads you forward to look at the choices of ice cream, there are only two flavors, your favorite and his
- you both request your flavors and take your bowls to the table,, “i’m gonna leave now but let me know if you guys need anything else!” hyuka says leaving you two to yourselves
- once he’s out of view you finally let go of the laugh you’ve been holding in, “how did you convince him to do this?” “let’s just say i owe him a new plush”
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- activity: late night drive singing your fave songs!
- hopping into the car with your favorite blanket in hand and beomgyu throwing the bag of snacks into your lap while climbing into the drivers seat, you settle in comfortably
-before putting the car in drive he puts on his playlist dedicated to these kinds of nights with you
- these songs range anywhere from musicals to txt’s own songs, but mainly including songs you love to hear him sing
- rolling down your windows feeling the cool summer’s eve breeze as beomgyu drives to nowhere you breathe in the feeling
- even though beomgyu is chaotic as shit moments like this with him are the ones that take away your worries and stress the most
- depending on the song, you usually don’t sing much, you’d rather listen to his calming and deep voice
- as the night progresses, you both begin to climb your sugar high and those calming moments before become the chaotic ones you’re used to
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- activity: swimming!
- taehyun’s favorite activity is swimming and the moment you decide to come with him he’s even more eager to get in the pool
- wether or not you decide to get in the pool, he still enjoys your company and never pressures you to get in though he will splash you here and there
- “y/n?” “sorry what?” yes, you zoned out checking him out, what else did you expect 🤷🏽‍♀️
- he reminds you of a little kid as he swims around with the biggest smile on his face
- now if you do decide to get in, he’d be so excited ready to show you any cool things he could do under water
- if the members did come along it’d be a chicken fight almost immediately, no doubt
- wether he’s on your shoulders or the other way around you guys stick together as a team to beat the other boys
- eventually the other boys get sick of the water and get out saying something about feeling like a prune
- “hey tyun, wanna play mermaids?” he does a quick sweep of the area making sure no members are near, “i’d love to play mermaids y/n”
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- activity: drive in movie theater!
- kai is so bf!! the car you take is a borrowed suv and kai decorated it so aesthetically pleasing with plushies, blankets and pillows everywhere (100% looked on pinterest for inspo)
- you guys brought your own snacks and drinks and he somehow managed to hide a mini cooler in the seats????
- the movie you guys chose to watch was a horror movie so every jumpscare had kai hiding behind you
- “kai why did you choose a scary movie if you don’t like them?” “it was the only movie that looked interesting! i didn’t think it’d scare me this bad!”
- the suv is so comfortable you both actually end up falling asleep during the movie, only waking up to the sounds of the other cars starting up to leave
- “i can’t believe we slept through the movie” “i know, we should just have a sleep over in the back of the car”, that’s when you both look at eachother
- the next morning, you wake up to the rest of txt’s members knocking on the windows of the car interrogating you both as to why you fell asleep in the suv
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a/n! i’m itching for summer to start where i live it’s still so cold and was literally snowing earlier this week😞😞😞
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wejustvibing · 7 months
Hello again!
Sorry for being in here so much! I wanted to ask your opinion on something about Lewis and his interactions with people he is interviewed by or who he meets for the first time. What i mean is, when Lewis met Takashi Murkami and he described him as a nugget of love or something of those words or when the Mercedes E Sports boys met Lewis and Marcel said meeting Lewis is like an experience you can’t put into words (again im not sure of his exact words) what do you think it is about Lewis that makes people feel that way? Because no offence, i don’t often see anyone else being spoken about in this manner, so I wonder what it is about Lewis that has people feeling this way. And in your opinion, why do you think, despite this, people still want to call his character into question and imply or blatantly say he is the opposite of what so many other people have said he is?
I also would like to ask, what are a couple of things about Lewis that you appreciate?
Have a good day!
hey you! sorry for getting to this so late. i needed a breather. yes!!! people's reaction to meeting him is my absolute favorite thing. the way murakami has described him is a masterpiece in itself. it's so overwhelmingly priceless. he must be magic, this guy <3
well i've never met him so it wouldn't be right for me to try and guess the feeling or vouch for any of these experiences. at least not without bringing out my inner parasocial crazies. but in my opinion, aside from the obvious personality and aura, he's highly intuitive and excellent at reading energies around him and more often than not he reflects them back, probably drawing people in. he's super respectful and attentive when they're engaging him which must be refreshing. also he never ever does what's expected of him—including expectations based on perceptions, media reports or hearsay that always paint him a certain way. it probably surprises them the most i guess?
i appreciate and love a whole lotta things about him but let me try and stick to the topic and context here. i love that he is compassionate and often tries to show it through actions. he will ask interviewers about their day or lives, in a curious yet respectful way. will try to make them feel comfortable by being calm and soft-spoken. will try to make time for fans and not just through sheer obligation. i like that he's intentional with every single thing he does in public eye. it comes from hard learned lessons i'm sure and must take a whole team of people to make it work so well. but i love it, especially when you know the level of unnecessary scrutiny he faces.
i love the fact that he's not perfect. don't think i'd be a fan if he was. as someone learning to live with maladaptive perfectionism i take solace sometimes knowing it's okay to be less than perfect and it's okay to learn and improve, it's okay to keep striving in ways that might never reach perfection. you're allowed to be wrong and you can always be/do better the next time. i love it when he's spontaneous, lets out normal human emotions and passionate reactions. i love that he's one petty mf if and when he decides to be. love that he's always curious and ready to learn. he's not afraid of expressing himself, being himself (anymore), i really admire that. he could have easily gotten jaded by now with the amount of success as well as negativity but instead he's elevated himself beyond both and has nurtured his heart to be the best version of himself and enjoy the journey he's on.
but, one thing that i love the most about him is how easy he makes everything look. if there's one thing about him it's that he is going to make everything look effortless—hard work, driving, winning, success, fashion, attitude, reaction to criticism & hate, and most of all living (and living rent free in so many heads). it's probably what pisses some people off too. must need heaps of discipline, focus and strength to achieve it. but he does it anyway and you have to appreciate that.
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firstdivisiongirl · 3 months
hi there! so happy that you're back :) i would love to request a perfect match with the op boys!
here are some info about myself!
• pronouns: she/her
• personality: my mbti is intp and i'm a HUGE introvert and prefer not to talk to strangers if possible. however if i were to be put in a group of people that is more introverted than me i don't mind taking the lead in the conversation. i'm also super emotional and very short tempered, i easily cry when i get angry even if i don't want to. when im around my close friends and family i'm more on the talkative side and most of the time unnecessarily overshare things a LOT.
• appearance: 154cm (the last time i checked), more to the slimmer side, i also have a black, chest length hair and dark brown eyes. when i do my makeup i prefer it to be light and heavy on the pink blush (something like igari makeup style!).
• fashion: my fashion sense is all over the place and i don't have a fixed style, but i enjoy wearing dresses and long skirts, and i absolutely adore cute blouses and t-shirt to pair with them.
• likes: i enjoy rnb & city pop genre when it comes to music and i love LOVE reading and listening to supernatural & myth and legends things, it's a topic i never get tired of (even though i get creeped out from them at the end of the day). also super dependent on instant coffee, i never miss a coffee time in the afternoon, i feel like it's just something good that i can look forward to everyday.
i love naps and sleeping, i'm a night owl so i wake up late most of the time but i have no trouble having naps again few hours after. im also not the best at giving physical touches but i LOVE it when people play with my hair (it gives me the tingles and makes me feel really sleepy).
• dislikes: this is a bit odd but i'm super sensitive when it comes to texture and i'm not really a huge fan of smooth textured fabric like silk or anything that's not rough or fluffy textured in general. also not really fond of people who are super negative and constantly complain about things, they drain my energy a lot.
• hobbies: i enjoy baking and cooking, i see it as some sort of stress reliever for me when things get overwhelming. but i also like to explore lots of new things and enjoy activities like drawing, reading books, photography and watching ghibli movies!
thank you so much in advance 🥰
Hi there. I’m really happy to be back writing and doing matchups. I really missed it. So let’s do this!
You Got…
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He’s shockingly pretty levelheaded. So if you get to angry, he’ll be there to calm you down
Would tell you so many stories about his adventures. He would write those down for you to read. Or he’d make up stories for you to read
Would take you anywhere you want, but so you can see everything and take pictures. And be with his love of course. The best dates ever!
Super attentive. He’d make sure the textures around you are perfect, if not, he’ll make them perfect.
Would eat the bake goods you bake. He’s probably not the best baker
I hope you like it.
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the-youngcinephile · 6 months
Hello dear its me again sorry if i take time before come today it was a bad day for some reason.So your cat is dumb too ? My two baby boys are totally dumb themselves but i love them so so much 🥰 yeah i play drum and im sure you can be good at piano or keyboard with some practice dont give up ! You can do everything you want darling 😁 to answer your question some fashion etc... first i really love brian may hair dont ask me why but i love is hair so much for moment and all i dont actually had idea sadly i probably tell you when i find and you ? Did you had fashion moment or something like that you enjoy concerning our dear pld rockstar ?
Had a great day
Your secret santa 🎅🤶
Hi sorry for the late reply! Crazy week 😅
Do you only stream music or do you listen to CDs/vinyl records/cassettes? I have a small CD collection myself.
Here’s some of my favorite random musician photos that I enjoy the looks of.
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wikiwarsaw · 1 year
may 28!! another eventful day
woke up cuddling with my bff ari (she snores very loud so i did not get that much sleep) (its ok tho bc i love her)
im pretty sure that she knocked my nose ring in my sleep bc i also woke up to a bleeding face
we got ready slowly, ate the leftovers from last night and hit the town
got some iced coffeeeess then hit up the local village price discount for ari to help me get a makeover (i dress like a 13 year old boy) (it annoys her very much)
she helped me pick out cute tops and dresses i wish i had some pictures
in the middle of shopping one of my boyfriends sent me the worst message ever: he has chlamydia.
i freak out but only on the lowkey
i saw him two weeks ago so i just rlly rlly hope he got it in that time frame
my bff ari tried to help me find a testing site but everywhere was closed because it was sunday
most places are closed the next day too because of memorial day
totally fine and chill this is not gonna rack my brain while i try to sleep late at night
me and bff ari go back to my parent's house, it is polish mothers day and they are having a family function
we munch on ribs and potatoes while watching my super sweet 16
some moscato in the mix
we throw on a fashion show and i do everything to try and forget about that text message
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0 notes
sourholland · 3 years
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spotify - old
spotify - new
→ requests are [open]
→ ** indicates NSFW
→ thanks for checking out my blog :) please enjoy, all feedback is appreciated greatly <3 do not repost my writing! if someone has and you are aware, please let me know
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→ one shots
★ MY GIRL - dad!harry, You come home from grocery shopping to find Harry lulling your daughter Lucie to sleep with the Temptations.
★ MOTHER’S DAY - dad!harry, When Harry and Lucie wake you up on mother’s day with breakfast in bed and gifts, you share some exciting news.
★ IT’S A... - dad!harry, You and Harry find out the gender of your second baby.
★ CHERRY - After a messy breakup, Harry writes the song Cherry about you and it brings back old memories.
→ blurbs
★ shut up
★ you’re worth everything
★ are you alright?
★ fool’s gold
★ existentialism
★ sunday
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→ one shots
★ DESPERATE - After a friend gets a bit too touchy at Haz’s birthday celebration, Tom gets jealous and drunkenly says some things he doesn’t mean.
★ LAST KISS - After a fling you and Tom had started while filming a movie together, he tells you that you two can’t be together anymore. Once you get home, Tom let’s you know that he made a mistake.
★ IM SURE - Stuck hiding your relationship with Tom from the public, he shows up in secret to one of your fashion shows.
★ DON’T - After doing a movie early on in your career with Tom, you develop feelings for him. Only when he tells you it was all a bit of fun, do you try and move on with a new guy. Years later, you get engaged and Tom tells you not to go through with it.
→ series
★ A ROYAL CONVENIENCE** - (complete!) prince!tom, When an alliance is made between England and France, you are sent away to marry the crown prince and heir to the British throne. Except both you and Prince Thomas despise each other at all odds, subjected to the hand of the monarchy and unable to stand each other.
★ GLAMOROUS** - (ongoing! ON HOLD) prince!tom, In this Princess Diana retelling, you are working in a nursery school as an aid in London, as well as a part time nanny. With slight aristocratic ties, you choose to live a more normal and mundane life. When the Prince of Wales comes to know you and bring you into the spotlight, everything changes. Truths coming too late, lies straining your relationship, and the impending future of the country falling on your shoulders. Is this really the stuff of which fairytales are made?
→ blurbs
★ you’re late
★ swings
★ late night drives
★ blind date
★ livestream
★ needle
★ my love
★ and suddenly i see
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→ one shots
★ CAKE - You go live on Instagram and bake a cake. Timothée comes home halfway through and doesn’t realize you’re live-streaming.
★ WHAT IF? - A doctor finds a lump in your breast. When you come home, Timothée comforts you and let’s you know how incredibly strong you are.
★ BEST FRIEND - Based on Best Friend, Rex Orange County - Timothée is completely in love with you, but you just can’t see it.
★ HEATHER - Based on Heather, Conan Gray - Part Two of Best Friend - Timothée is too late in telling you how he feels. Instead, someone else does it for themself.
★ MON AMOUR - A content morning in Paris spent naked and drawing Timothée while sharing a cigarette.
★ YOU CAN SEE ME - ghost!timothée, When you move to your aunt’s manor in 1902, you can’t help wondering about the mysterious boy who claims to live next door.
→ blurbs
★ pulse
★ tulips
★ milestones
★ no kids
★ record store
★ subway car
★ iris
★ the 1
★ paparazzi
★ lauren
★ traitor
★ marry me
★ maybe
★ strong
★ rooftop
★ the almighty remote battle
★ fries
★ i hate everyone but you
★ social media blurb #1
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→ one shots
→ series
★ STYLE** → (ongoing!) He’s the Quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals, a worldwide heartthrob with an ego the size of Lake Erie—but does he have the heart to match it? You’re the Bengals newest cheerleader, desperate to prove how much you deserve your spot on the team. It doesn’t take much to catch the eye of Joe Burrow, however that isn’t necessarily a good thing when you’re told that any romantic relations between cheerleaders and players is strictly prohibited.
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royalsunshinehotel · 3 years
so I just saw the green knight and ……. 😳🥵 imagine seducing gawain after he’s been traveling for so long & is touch starved and horny…,,, the yearning,,,.. the repeating “I want it” im still sweating give the man some coochie
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What Can I Do? (Gawain x Reader, 18+)
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Gawain was humiliated, and best of all, it was his own fault.
The young knight had typically treated himself in a careful way, especially after his encounter with the green knight. But when one's on a quest, things can slip through the cracks.
It happens, he knew it, but at the same time the pain of a hurt ankle overtook everything else, and he was just so mad about it.
Gringolot was irritated too in the pouring rain.
"Good boy, just a little further," urged Gawain as he tightened his heels on his horse. But the horse stopped dead.
"What is it?" Gawain carefully slid off the horse, and Grin used his head to point to a bright lie, cutting through the dark drizzle that held them both hostage.
"A house! Sharp eyes!" He praised, fully aware that he was talking to his horse. Half of it was the fact he'd been alone for seven days, and the fact that speaking with his closest friend, his horse only felt polite.
The two of them made their way through your murky front yard with relative ease, Gawain, in his typical fashion, walked around the back and put his horse in a vacant and dry-enough, looking barn.
Something shifted as he left Grin in the stall, and made his way around to the front door, groaning as he limped his way up the slipper stone stairs.
Only to have the heavy oak door swing open.
"Who goes there!" You screamed, making Gawain jump a step down on his bad ankle, bringing him to his knees. You were quite a fearsome sight in your nightclothes, wielding a gnarled stick you'd found in the woods that morning.
"Ah- It's just me! You have nothing to fear from me, my lady." You took in the stranger, a sopping mess of a man, slipping down to the base of your stairs. You tapped his shoulder with your stick.
"Do you swear?" You asked in the most grand voice you could muster. He was likely too cold to be a threat, but one could never be too careful.
"I swear!" he yelled, pushing his dark hair out of his face. The candlelight of your home didn't provide much illumination, but from what you saw it was an excellent face.
"Swear on the life of your horse!" You screamed, in spite of the howling winds.
"I love my horse! I swear!" He loves his horse. What a silly thing to say when you're begging for a room.
"Good...are you injured sir?" You took in his hunched position at the base of your stairs, and how the rain seemed to be pounding the man even more flat against he ground.
"What happened?" Maybe this wasn't the best time, but you needed to know if he would tell the truth.
'I was fighting a dragon! But then I tripped on a tree root."
"And the dragon didn't eat you?"
"He was too busy laughing, like the rest of the forest." There was an edge in his voice that you didn't recognize, but it was good enough.
"One night!" and with no ceremony, you stepped down the stone steps and wedged yourself under Gawain's arm and helped him up the stairs.
With little of your grace and well-honed poise, you dragged the man into the room and deposited him on your late father's favorite chair. Pulling back the bedsheets, you picked up how he was looking at you warily.
Why was he nervous? You were the one taking the risk!
"My Lady, where will you sleep?" He didn't want to be occupying your bed, but you laugh lightly. It reminded Gawain of bells.
"I'll be right here, I need to keep you warm, don't I?" He blinked at your words, "...In case of fever."
"Of course!"
"Sir, I'll pull out some clothes for you, and help you into bed. I doubt a bath at this hour would do either of us much good."
And you step away. The stranger nodded as he peeled off his soaking wet cloak, shirt and trousers. You were only still in the room to make sure that such a tall, formidable man didn't fall and injure himself even worse!
Grabbing your father's soft nightshirt, you remained with your eyes averted and hold out a hand to blindly hold the nightshirt.
You felt his eyes on you as he took it from your hand. You weren't sure if you liked the feel of his gaze or not.
When he cleared his throat, you turned back around and gave a wide smile, likely not something he'd want from a stranger, but he got it nonetheless.
"Allow me." You said as you pulled back the sheets, and held his freezing hand to help him balance into bed. His ankle, as you saw, would keep him here for the next few days at least, but nothing about the injury looked serious.
He lingers before letting go of your hand.
You go around the room and blow out one of the few candles you had lit, but he stops you before you reach the final, by his bed.
"Sir?" You asked softly, holding your breath as the stranger took your palm and raised it to his mouth in a chaste kiss.
"Tell me that you need me."
"I need you." He said, holding your hand as if it was something delicate, and not a tool you use for labor.
"Are you cold?" You asked, even though you heard him plain.
"I'm cold." He needed someone, anyone, to crush him with their body weight, to hold him until he was home, or to just fuck him until his brain stopped working.
You, alone in this house, needed the same.
"What can I do?" You asked, tightening your grip on Gawain's hand, he simply leaned up and pressed his lips to yours.
You blink for a moment, before leaning back down to kiss him once more. This was going too fast, it didn't feel real.
Gawain pulled at your wrist, urging you to climb on top of him. You grinded your hips against his.
You gasped as you felt to large, cold hands grip at your ass, and pull you back.
The traveler gave you a dark look, hungry, as he tightened his grip on your hips.
"You want me?" You asked once more.
"I want you." He said as he pulled your hips up to his face. The sheer anticipation of knowing what his sharp nose might feel like on the softest part of you only gave you chills.
"Careful," you whisper as your injured knight placed you over his mouth, glazed expression hitting right to your core.
Who were you kidding, you were soaking for him. Your late mother, the former lady of this house had always taught you to be mannerly.
And you were nothing if not a good host.
Your guest dove into you, desperate and relentless, gripping your hips like they were the only thing keeping him tethered to his bed. His tongue flicked, he gulped and sucked, only getting more enthusiastic the more you wiggled and writhed above him.
You were thankful at that moment you'd put your guest in the bed that had a bedframe, so you could have something to cling on to while you rode his face.
"Can you breathe?" You asked, trying to hang above his mouth for a moment, but he just groaned in response, to substitute for a yes.
He pulled your hips up, and back down, the scratch of his beard earning a yelp of pleasure. You vaguely felt fingers enter your wetness as your guest saw fit to drink you dry.
You writhed, you moaned, you yelped, and he didn't let up. The handsome stranger was having his way with you, and you decided even if he was dangerous, it didn't quite matter.
You unravel into his mouth the same moment a white crack of lightening lit up the room.
He didn't let go of you for a second, he kept going. Just like a knight should.
But you were spent, boneless, and had given him exactly what he needed. It couldn't have been an accident that he'd wound up at your door while looking for the Holy Grail.
Gawain would wait until tomorrow to ask, now he just needed be near you
The traveler slowly lowered you down catching you tight against his chest. His heart was beating quickly, but it couldn't have been a match for yours.
Running a hand over your soft hair, he pulled the covers back, and slowly rolled to his side, holding you in his arms like you'd known each other for years.
"I..." you trailed off as his large, now-warm hands found their place on your stomach.
"I think I've been looking for you," said Gawain into your shoulder blades, "You should come back with me."
"I will." You reply, before letting the fog of sleep overtake you.
You still didn't know his name.
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1rintooru · 3 years
hq!! boys as domestic relationship things
a/n: i miiiight have projected my own experiences here oops😬 im jus a sucker for domesticity currently manifesting a harem of anime boys to be w me this is also kinda rushed so sry sbt that
Daishou – if u hate someone, he will too – no ifs or buts. If someone is or ever was mean to you, he’ll return that tenfold💥
Kageyama – a petty fight started bc u bought an ikea shelf and neither of u are able to put it together and now you don’t even want the shelf anymore rip :/
Tsukishima – he’ll get u things in high places – unbeknownst to u, he’s the one who puts them there in first place so u have to ask him for help
Yamaguchi – buys u plants whenever he walks past a flowershop (is also the one to water them if you forget to which is most of the time)
Daichi – will do the dishes bc he knows how much u hate the food slime that stays at the bottom 🙌
Nishinoya – thinks that burping the alphabet is a going to impress u (continues to do it even if you hate it!!!)
Kuroo – makes sure u take care of urself - like dad mode is activated (encourages a balanced diet, enough sleep and def makes important phone calls for u)
Kenma – will accurately create u in the sims as a family – if you ever get in a fight tho he will drown u in the pool 🏊‍♂️
Matsukawa – if ur feet hurt from ur shoes he will scoop u up bridal style and carry u all the way home if he has to (pretends to accidently drop u just for the lulz)
Iwaizumi – will carry all the groceries bc he refuses to make two trips and has never dropped anything… yet.
Oikawa – uploads couple selfies to social media, but only the ones where he looks best that fake mf has some NERVE
Futakuchi – gossiping abt cringey things couples do even tho u both do the exact same thing????
Kiyoko – skincare routines!!!! at-home spa days including face masks, champagne and sliced fruit + carefully curated pinterest boards for the other person💖
Semi – personally made spotify playlists – will send u songs of artists u have never heard of + casually makes songs abt u and acts like its no big deal
Suga/kita – ur parents LOVE him and they will gossip abt u when ur not in the room or on the phone👀 (parents are already talking abt future grandchildren)
Bokuto – is clueless when u send him to buy hygiene products, so instead of calling u or asking a sales assistant – he’ll buy everything he thinks u need instead (my guy bought half the aisle I can’t-)
Atsumu – DOES. NOT. KNOW. WHAT. AN. INDOOR. VOICE. IS. u walk into a store and now everyone else knows ur conversation – it’s always the most embarrassing shit too 😩
Osamu – u develop boyfriend chub bc of him. he’ll cook anything and everything for u and has made u his personal taste tester, regardless if it’s good or not
Lev – showing off outfits u bought online and late night fashion shows in the living room, lets u do his makeup💅
Tendou – suddenly shows up next to you when ur both shopping and just says “we need to leave. now.” u don’t understand what he means until a second later u smell the absolute nuke he dropped😡 (might also casually suggest starting a blood pact together)
Terushima – fuckboi in the streets but the biggest softie in the sheets??? literally follows u around like a shadow – it doesn’t matter if ur doing ur makeup, peeing or taking a bath, he just wants to be near u and watch u do stuff
Aran – makes the bed and fluffs ur pillows just to ur liking, but it doesn’t make up for the fact that he always steals the covers and talks in his sleep 😩
Akaashi – eats the tomatoes on ur burger and picks out the raisins in ur trail mix… also gets in trouble for constantly sending u snaps during work
Suna – the most bizarre food concoctions when the munchies hit at 3 am, also conversations are just constant shower thoughts with a handful of memes thrown in
Tanaka – tries to be romantic by lighting candles – almost burns ur house down instead🔥
Ushijima – opens tough-to-open jars for u and will hold ur purse whenever ur shopping. If u ever ask him if an outfit looks good on u, he’ll always say yes – mostly bc tendou told him that if he doesn’t his partner will get v v offended
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fairyaali · 3 years
hi bestie.. 😃
so um , i saw this prompt somewhere and i wanted to send it to my favorite blog ! ( you ) so here it is!!
adrien with a s/o who’s from america ( new york specifically ) and she has a very veronica lodge type past. meaning she’s very proper and rich and silvertounged but very kindhearted and sweet and extremely loyal.
but she has a past where she used to be a bully in new york and bullied people if they didn’t fit in , and was practically the it girl from a movie? does that make sense?
however shes changed , yet one day during a akuma attack , her whole past gets revealed and videos of her being a complete BITCH and it being played off as hot by her classmates gets shown to the entire of paris?
what’s adrien doing? is she going to comfort her or leave her?
 I had so much fun writing this, but fair warning that it’s kind of angsty oops! thank u for the request nonetheless <333
Ship: Adrien Agreste X reader
Warnings: Swearing.
Tags: Angst oops
What should you do when your father is out on a business trip?
Throw a party.
And that’s exactly what you did. At least that’s what you used to do back in New York.   It’s something you were known for. Now since you’ve got the chance to start fresh with a new life in Paris you decided to bring an old tradition back with you and invite some friends over from the school you’re attending, and your boyfriend of course.
Adrien Agreste. You had no idea what you did to get such an angel in your life. You’ve been dating him for a few moths now and you could already see yourself becoming a better person around him. You came to Paris with the intention of leaving your past behind, starting new and fresh without the bullshit from your past. This was it. Nothing could fuck this up.
“Hey,let me help you.” You hear your Adrien say while you try to adjust the lights near the DJ stand.
“I got it.” You say and get on your tip toes to hang the last light. “There.” You say, a successful smile on your face.
“You really out did yourself huh?” You feel his arms wrapping around you from the back and you hum.
“Oh please Agreste, this is nothing compared to what I used to do in New York.” You say and turn around, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I hope everyone likes it.” You say, more to yourself than to him.
“Of course they will, Ma belle.” He says and kisses your forehead.
You loved it when he called you nicknames, they just made butterflies burst around your stomach.
His soft hand reaches up to touch your cheek and he caresses it gently. You look into his green eyes which were soft and welcoming. He is so gorgeous.
Your noses touch and you sigh, touching his hand and smiling softly. “I hate to ruin the moment, my love but I have to go make a few minor changes before your friends come.”
He pouts at you. “But everything’s already perfect, can’t we spend some alone time together before everyone comes?”
You shake your head. “I promise you’ll have me all to yourself tonight , Agreste.” You smirk and watch as his cheeks glow red. You quickly kiss his cheek and giggle, walking away to the kitchen to make sure that everything is in place.
It didn’t take long before people started arriving.
“Claudia, start offering the drinks around to people.” You whisper to your maid before going to greet everyone.
A familiar bluenette appears, with an amazed look on her face while she looks around. You grin and walk towards her.  
“Marinette! You look stunning!” You say and give each other a friendly kiss on the cheek. She really did look stunning. You’ve never seen her hair like this before, let down and slightly curled.  She’s wearing a dress which perfectly hugged her body and the colour was gorgeous on her - A deep vermilion shade which complemented her fair skin. 
“Likewise.” She grins and looks at your dress. “Oh my god who are you wearing? This dress is gorgeous.” She gasps, eyes wide while she moved around to see the dress from the back and front.  You knew that she would comment on it, she had an eye for fashion after all.
“My father got this for me as a gift from South Korea. The designer is a family friend of ours.” You smile proudly. You didn’t want to brag about it but in all honesty you loved this dress too much not to show it off. 
You look to her side and see a blue haired boy standing kind of awkwardly next to her. “And you must be…?” You trail off, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Luka, Marinette’s date.” He says nonchalantly and Marinette stops looking at your dress, straightening up with her face glowing red.
“Ah, I see. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Im-“
“I already know who you are.” He states and you furrow your eyebrows. You’re more than sure you’ve never met this guy before.
Marinette nudges him and you see him stiffen up.
“I mean, it was kind of a big deal when you came to Paris and everyone was talking about you so-“
Marinette sighs and grabs Lukas arm. “We’re going to get a drink, It was nice seeing you! Au revoir !” She says and walks away with Luka. You could hear her cussing at him from where you were standing.
Ah, of course. You knew that everyone was talking about you. The new rich bitch from New York who’s mother is in jail. That’s what everyone saw at first. Maybe they do still see it now. But maybe that’s why you fell for Adrien, because he never judged you in the first place despite all those rumors.
You turn around and see him, talking to Nino. He’s wearing the outfit you picked out for him.  Black shirt slightly unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up, tan pants with a black belt around them and black converse.  His hair was messy but it looked so good on him and his cheeks were tinted a little pink, probably because of the few drinks that he’s had already.  Your eyes meet and he smiles at you. Right as he was about to come next to you, you feel someone tap your shoulder.
“Hi, Nadja Chamack. Did you move to paris because your mother is imprisoned for drug trafficking? Was your father denied bail?” The woman rushes to say while shoving a microphone to your face. You stare at her wide eyed. You didn’t know what to say.
“Hey, leave now before I call security, you shouldn’t be up here.” You hear Adrien say sternly while putting a hand on your shoulder.
“But was that the reason you came to Paris or was it because of the video that was spread of you-“
“Security!” Adrien shouts and two body guards grab Nadja and her camera man.
You stand there, dumbfounded as the body guards drag them away, the two cussing and struggling to get out of their grasp.
“Mon ange, are you okay?” Adrien asks, cupping your face with his hands, snapping you out of your thoughts.
 You look at him and clear your throat.
 “I’m fine, I need a drink.” You say and remove his hands from your face and start walking away.
He grabs your hand and looks at you, concern filling your eyes.
“No you’re not okay.” He says, kissing your hand and holding it gently. “What did they mean by video?” He asks.
Your body goes into full fight or flight mode.
“God Adrien! It’s nothing.” You snap at him. “just let it go, I don’t want to deal with this right now.” You remove yourself from his grasp and quickly walk away to the open bar.
You didn’t mean to snap at him but that conversation needed to wait until you two got more serious. You weren’t ready for it.
You grab a glass of champagne and down it, your face contorting because of the after taste.
You were about to get another one until you hear a scream.
“We want to know all your secrets! Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news!” A distorted voice says and you drop your glass on the floor when you see a dark purple monstrous figure coming your way.
“Shit.” You cuss and run away from the bar.
Everyone was screaming and trying to rush to the exit but everywhere was closed off with a purple like shield around.
You frantically look around to find a place to hide until you see a familiar blond with cat ears motioning to you.
Chat Noir. Thank god.
You were about to run to him until you started floating in the air, a purple bubble surrounding you.
You screamed and frantically hit it to try to escape but it was no use. 
“I got you now!” You hear the distorted voice say and let out an evil laugh.
You watch your phone float out of your hand and out of the bubble.
Fuck, fuck fuck fuck.
You were fucked.
The bubble that surrounded you explodes and you fell from it, right into the arms of Chat Noir.
“Hey I got you it’s okay” He says smiling at you and for some reason you were slightly comforted by him.
 Your eyes fill with tears and your throat begins to feel like it’s closing.
“She has my phone.” You croak out and your body starts shaking.
You see Ladybug swinging from the roof, throwing her Yo-Yo to try and grasp the villain but it was too late.
A screen appeared out of thin air and a video started playing -  you were in it, in your classroom in your school in New York. You knew exactly what this video was.
Your jaw clenched when it started playing.
“Awh look she’s crying guys.” You say in a condescending tone in the video. The girl, Sarah, was balling her eyes out in front of you while you smirk and stand in front of her, your arms crossed.
“H-How could you!” She sobs out.
“How could I what? Your boyfriend was the one with his hands all over me, I just gave him what he really wanted.” You say and chuckle.
“That’s not true he would never-“
“Cheat?” You cut her off, lean closer to her and put your hands on the desk in front of her. “hate to break it to you honey but he did.” You tell her and she sobs even harder.
“Maybe this will help you put you back in your place.” You say, grabbing her face, making her look at you. “You’re a nobody, a loser and you had the audacity to talk shit behind my back?”
Her lips quiver in fear and she was visibly shaking in the video.
“You think you could ever stand a chance against me? Think again bitch.” You say and let her face go, turning around and arranging your skirt.
“By the way, he’s a really good kisser. Such a shame.” And with that you walk away from her while people wolf whistle at you and mumble things under their breath.
You were still in Chat’s arms, he was looking at the screen, eyes wide and lips parted. It was like he was frozen. Tears were streaming down your face, you couldn’t move.
Everyone around you was mumbling and whispering things.
“She’s such a bitch.”
“I knew the rumors about her were true! She’s horrible!”
“This wasn’t the video I wanted! Where’s the proof where’s the-“ The villain gets cut off by Ladybug grabbing her microphone with the akuma in it and slamming against her knee. A purple butterfly emerges from it and she grabs it with her yoyo, turning it white.
    “Miraculous ladybug!” She chants and the place starts magically getting back to normal.
Chat clears his throat. “I need to go.” He mumbles and removes his hands from you. You nod and stare down at your shoes.
“Thank you for saving me.” You say, forcing yourself to smile.
He didn’t even look at you, he didn’t even say anything as he left.
Did he think you were horrible too?
Oh my god.
 After the villains were taken away everyone left without even saying goodbye to you.
You sat down on the platform near the DJ stand and hugged your knees closer to your chest.
You hear footsteps walk towards you and you look up. His green eyes meet yours but they instantly avert to the side.
“You know, when we first started dating, everyone was telling me about these stupid rumors about you and I never wanted to hear them because I never believed you could be capable of that.” He says, a frown on his lips.  “I never wanted to be so fucking right in my life but I guess I was wrong.”
You were trying so hard not to cry in front of him. You knew that this would happen when he found out, it was like a gut feeling. Adrien Agreste is a good person. He likes to be surrounded by good people and that video just showed that you might not be the good person he really thought you were. Your heart ached.
“I’ve c-changed Adrien.” You stutter in a small voice, scared that you would break down if you spoke too loudly.
“Have you really?” he questions, looking directly at you. He was disappointed in you. “God, why didn’t you tell me this before!” He rubs his face in frustration. You’ve never seen Adrien so worked up like this.
“Because I knew You’d react like this!” You say, louder this time as you get up. “For fucks sake Adrien! I told you my past wasn’t perfect and I know I was a bitch but I was young and stupid and I know it doesn’t excuse my actions but I’ve grown from my mistakes. I came to Paris with the mindset of becoming better, finding out who I really am and starting fresh!”
You watch him part his lips to say something but You cut him off.
“Look me right in the eye and tell me you’ve never done a mistake in your life, Adrien.”
His lips close and he averts his gaze away from you again.
  “I know I should’ve told you sooner but I was too scared of losing you. Y-you made Paris feel like my home, you’re the reason why I make better choices, you helped me find myself.” Tears start falling down your cheeks and you look down. “And if I haven’t changed then I wouldn’t be looking stupid and crying over you and explaining myself to you because im genuinely terrified at the thought of losing the first person in my life who I’ve genuinely fallen in love with.” You sob out.
There was silence, apart from the sniffles and sobs coming from you.
“What did you say?” Adrien asks you and you hear his footsteps come closer.
“What?” You sniffle, looking up at him, furrowing your eyebrows. Your eyes were puffy and red and so was your nose. You haven’t cried like this in ages.
“The last part.”
“I’ve genuinely fallen in love with you? “ You mumble and widen your eyes. Oh shit, you’ve fucked up again.
“I know it’s sudden and I don’t expect you to return it back and I don’t know why I just said that but-“ He cuts you off with his lips smashing against yours.
It was euphoric. Probably the most genuine kiss you’ve ever felt in your life.
He breaks away, your foreheads touching and both of you breathless.
His pretty pink lips curl into a small smile and his face cups yours, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
“I love you too.” He whispers and kisses your forehead. “I’m sorry I overreacted, I just didn’t want to be wrong about you but I believe that you’ve changed, I know you’re heart is pure.”
And that’s when you realized that yes, your heart was pure again. Clean from all the sins you’ve did in the past. You didn’t know if it was his green eyes, soft skin, perfect lips or maybe the way he looked at you that has cleansed you but maybe it took pure love to find a pure heart.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
MC Doing the Peeling Glue Skin Prank on the Bros (Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan)
Hoorayyy my first post! I don’t know if any of you have seen the tiktok where they rub glue to look like their skin is peeling off but it’s both funny and horrifying. Also, this got a lot longer and fluffier/sappier than what I thought, but I’m not complaining. This will be done in headcannon format, and I think I’m going to split it up into 2 parts (Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi in the first part and the rest in the second) and I hope you enjoy! Also slight spoiler for lesson 16 (but it’s a blink and you miss it kind of thing in Mammon’s). Reader is gender neutral.
The Build Up:
Ever since you came back to the Devildom after the exchange program, things have been great! It was obvious that you were missing the demon lords, and even more obvious that they were missing you too. Things weren’t different, not at all. But the one day that you were bored out of your mind and they all had different things to handle, you turned to the one thing that could cure your boredom: the Devildom’s version of TikTok. Oh how the boys will forever regret showing you that app, as it had let to their current downfall... 
So unfortunately this man is ALWAYS busy
It doesn’t matter what time of day or night it is, he’s always filling out paperwork. Whether it’s for Diavolo, credit card bills that Mammon racked up, Asmo’s impromptu fashion trips, Beel’s black hole of a stomach, etc.
And he doesn’t like to be disturbed at all unless it’s an emergency
So when you burst into his office out of nowhere, he was slightly irritated (but not that angry, since it was you and your presence was hardly a nuisance)
But that quickly changed whenever he heard you moaning his name in pain and looked up to see what looked like your flesh flaking off by the second
His eyes widen and he is instantly panicking. He’s trying to keep it on the inside but you start to “panic” which makes him shoot out of his seat
Instantly is by your side, trying to delicately hold you and also trying to figure out what the hell is going on
“MC! Are you in pain? What happened? Did someone put a curse on you?!”
Now, you weren’t putting on a Oscar worthy performance but you think you were selling it pretty good. And everything was working out until he grabbed your arm and inspected it closer that he realized he got played
First, he realized that your flesh wasn’t falling in chunks on the ground. Then, he realized that these flakes were awfully thin, and that parts of your arm felt sticky
He fully realized that he got pranked when he peeled off your “skin” off your neck and you giggled, then covered your mouth to realized that your cover was blown
Needless to say, he was not a happy demon
And you basically just signed your death warrant
Before you could even think about running, he grabbed you again and “asked” that you have a seat
Cue another long Lucifer lecture, with him explaining how this wasn’t a funny prank (even for human standards) and that you need to understand how serious this is
Which is his way of saying that he cares about you and was actually panicked and scared. You knew his pride made it hard for him to openly express himself. And while he is getting better slowly but surely, it’s still hard for him to do so. Which made you feel guilty, so you did genuinely apologized
“You’re right, Lucifer, I’m sorry. This wasn’t my greatest idea, as you can see. I didn’t realize how severely this affected you, and it wasn’t right for me to take advantage of that. I know how hard it is to express how you feel because of your pride, but I know how much you care for me even without saying it. It shows in how hard you work, and how you still manage to be there for everyone despite how stress you are. I shouldn’t be adding on to that stress, and I really am sorry for that. You really are a good person, Lucifer, and even though you can be very strict- wait! Let me finish,- you mean well because you care for us. And you don’t get enough credit for that. So, thank you for all that you do. I love you, truly and deeply.”
Despite being a little skeptical in the beginning (he thought you were trying to get out of a punishment, ha! Good luck with that) and ending with a flustered look that he tried to cover with his hand (which was obviously too late to do, you already saw), he did appreciate and accepted the apology.
“I love you too, MC. Truly and deeply.”
So that was your cue to get your hug (and maybe a little kiss) and he pushed you away! You were offended for a second, but you saw the disgusted look on your face and forgot that you were covered in dried glue. Oh yeahhhh...ew
So while you were back in his good graces, you still got punished. A 15 page essay on why doing horrific pranks like that on your loved ones is harmful and no HellTok for your remaining stay?! You know you deserve some type of consequence but geez, overkill much?!
But, he did hint to you that you could make him feel better by spending the night with him in bed
After you take a much needed shower of course
As much as this tsundere tried to say he was “too busy” for you, we all know that’s a lie
Granted when you went to go bother him, he was busy
Busy with planning out new scams counting out whatever Grimm he had left, what items to sell and for what price: “maybe I could sell Levi’s golden Ruri-Chan vendor ring thing for some Grimm? He’ll flip but if I just “borrow” it for a little bit, he won’t know what hit ‘im!”
Seeing how focused he was, it was your time to shine
“M-Mamooon! Help me! Something’s w-wrong!”
That immediately got his attention
His head shot up and he rushed to you, panic clearing showing on his face and in his movements
“MC! What’s going on?! WHAT IS THIS!”
When you could physically see him shaking, sweating and on the brink of tears, you knew that it was time to stop while you were ahead
“Mammon wait-“
“We need to go to Lucifer NOW.”
And when he went to pick you up gently, and saw with his own two eyes the flakes slowly fall to the ground, was when hell broke loose
You have never heard him scream so loud before, and you were pretty sure everyone both in and out the house heard him
He lifted you up and you were pretty sure he was in his demon form when you both ran and/or flew (you couldn’t tell, that’s how fast you were moving) to Lucifer’s
Sometimes it was so easy to forget that you lived with actual demons, 7 of the strongest to be exact
When you both reached your destination (ie. barged into Lucifer’s room unprovoked) he was not pleased, but Mammon did not care.
You were one of (if not) the most important person in his life and he would be damned if anything happened to you again. He was your first man, your protector! And he was not going to fail. Not again. He would and will protect you with his life. At any costs
When you saw how serious he was , you tried to wiggle out of his arms, but all he did was just tighten up and say, “MC, quit squirmin’! I don’t want you to make this worse.”
“No, Mammon wait-“
“We’re going to fix this. I’m going to fix this and I’m not lettin’ anything happen to you again. Now stop moving! Lucifer, somethin’s wrong with MC! Look at how their skin is-“
It’s just a prank bro
“I’ve been trying to tell you, I’m sorry!”
While you were explaining the whole process (with Lucifer staring on in building irritation), you were still in his arms
You already felt like a terrible being, but the guilt was steady skyrocketing when you were looking at his face
He looked like a kicked puppy left in the rain with a broken paw
You just kept apologizing over and over, until you heard a certain someone clear their throat.
“If you two are done interrupting me, I would like to get back to work. MC, stay behind, it seems like we need to have a little chat about your so called prank.”
Mammon put you down and walked out the room, head hanging and eyes covered.
You knew you screwed up big time. Forget about the incoming lecture, you felt absolutely terrible about pranking Mammon. Especially after hearing the “again” comment.
Once you finally got released (ie. punished), you all had dinner, which Mammon skipped out on
Geez, this was not suppose to happen and you needed to make it up to him ASAP
So here you were, standing outside his door (after you cleaned up) with two Hell Fire noodle cups, knocking timidly
“Hey, Mammon? Is it okay if I come in?”
“You weren’t down for dinner and I know that you’re hungry, so I brought us-you some noodles.”
Again, silence
You sighed, you knew you messed up big time and you were going to fix it, no matter what. 
“I’m sorry, Mammon. I’m so sorry. What started out as a joke turned into something serious, and it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have did that. Hurting you was never my intention, I care about you too much to do that. When I heard you say that you weren’t going to let anything happen to me again, I knew that I messed up. I know that you will always protect me, and I don’t have any doubt that you won’t. You’re my first man, remember? I know that you’ll always have my back, and I hope you know that I’ll always have yours too. You’re not just the Avatar of Greed to me Mammon, you’re my first guy that I’ll love forever. I won’t ever mess with you like this again, and if you don’t want to talk now that’s fine too, just know that I’ll always love and care for you, okay?”
Ughh and now you were crying!
You sighed. You understood if he didn’t want to talk to you. I mean, he thought you were dying again. It’s easy to forget the events that happened with Belphie, since everyone is communicating and acting like a real family, but you can see now that it left a deep emotional wound in Mammon. He believed that it was his fault that you weren’t saved, and he still carried the burden all this time.
You put the cup down outside the door and started to head back to your room. You would give him as much time as he needed. You just hate that you made him feel this way, that you rose those feelings out of him. And you hated yourself for it.
You barely stepped a foot away from the door when he saw it swing out and a big blob tackle-hugged you
Here was Mammon, sniffling and tearing up, hugging you
“*sniff* You stupid human.”
When he pulled away, you saw the tears in his eyes, which he tried to rub away before you could notice (sidenote: you already noticed)
“Ya-Ya really love me?”
“Of course, Mammon! How could I not? You stayed by my side through thick and thin, through everything. You protected me, and I will forever be grateful for that. I wouldn’t be here without you. You’re not a selfish scum bag like everyone tries to make you out to be, Mammon, and I won’t let you believe that you are. You are my first man, the man that has constantly looked out for me, that has supported and cared for me, and most of all that has never failed to show how much love you have to give. I love you Mammon, always.”
Cue the blushing and cheeky grin
“Now come on the Great Mammon, our noodles are getting cold.”
It felt great to see that smile back on his face
And it felt even better to hear him say, “I love ya too, MC”
Levi was in his room, nothing new
He told you he had some sort of campaign that he absolutely could not afford to miss. Which he said about the other campaigns too but whatever
So when you knocked into his room, and he didn’t ask for the secret phrase, you knew he was in too deep to even pay attention to his surroundings
And the door was UNLOCKED
So you went in, ready to give him the scare of the decade, and-
He turned around in his gaming chair, raging and in his demon form
“UGH! How was that normie of a demon able to kill me with that move?! He has to be cheating! How is it that I’m one of the best players in the entire Devildom and I’m one of the first dead?! It’s not fair! It’s not fair, it’s not fair IT’S NOT FAI- huh? MC, why are you covered in *squints* dried up glue?”
You were honestly shook
Because 1: the third strongest brother was obviously furious and in his demon form which is not a good combination (your mind flashing back to the TSL quiz and whew was that not the best memory) and 2: how the hell was he able to know that this was glue?!
Okay, you weren’t scared of Levi, not at all! But you, just like everyone else, knew how serious he took his gaming
And you all knew how he could be when he was raging about it too
Not saying that he would ever harm or attack you, oh no. What happened at the beginning was just a...fluke! Yeah, just a little hiccup in your now longstanding relationship
But you were still just a tad bit hesitant to be caught in the crossfire of his rage
Really everyone was (except maybe Beel, but even he had his moments)
“LOL you look like one of the rotten magical zombie students from the anime “OMG I’m Just A Magical Girl in Training and Somehow I Turned the Whole School Into Zombies and Have to Fall in Love with a Demon to Reverse It!””
Okay, this was not the reaction you were looking for
“What the- but how-?
Then you remembered
Levi is a renowned cosplayer, the best in the game. It was obvious he knew what the dried up glue looked like considering how much he’s worked with it
You were of course disappointed, but oh well, you could always scheme to get him another way
And then it happened. Another devious idea popped into your head
“So you said I looked like a rotten zombie student huh?”
“Rotten magical zombie student . LOL don’t tell me that you don’t think you do- W-what are you doing MC?”
“Ughhh I’m a rotten magical school girl, and I’m not just hungry for brains, I’m hungry for love.”
“Gughhh that’s right and only kisses can satiate my hunger. Demon kisses.”
Oh boy 
The way that you turned red so quick was always a surprising sight for you to see
“I want my kisses, Levi!”, you said it in your best zombie/monster voice
Cue his famous “WOOAHHHH”
The campaign was quickly forgotten when you tackled him to the ground, glue and all
Then you remembered how sensitive he was with physical contact, and tried to get up
“Oh Levi, I’m sorry! I forgot you don’t li-”
Something was still holding you against him
Specifically, that something was his tail
His tail was currently wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly against the red-faced otaku
“Levi, you okay?”
“Y-y-yeah, I’m okay.” he said it in the tiniest voice you have ever heard.
“Do you want me to get-”
“NO! I-I mean yes! I mean no! N-no I don’t want you to get up. I’m okay.”
Today was just surprising you left and right huh?
But you weren’t complaining now
“But now we’re covered in nasty, peely glue. And what about your campaign?”
He looked at the screen, and then back at you
“It’s okay. It’s not worth it like I thought it was. It’s just a bunch of normies who either button mash or spam the same attack over and over. And I already got majority of the rewards anyway. Besides, now that another normie has me covered in icky cheap glue, I need to get it off.”
“Sorry about that, Levi. I was just trying to prank you but looks like that failed. I could do your laundry for you since it was my bad. Is that okay?”
“O-or you could m-make it up to me by having by binge watching some anime? If you want, even though I’m a nasty, icky, worthless ot-”
“Levi. Look at me.”
You gently grabbed and held his face in your hands
“You’re not worthless or nasty okay? And I love to spend time with you. We can definitely have an anime marathon. I’ll always be by your side, I wouldn’t be your Henry if I wasn’t.”
“R-really?”, the way his eyes light up every time you praise or show him love will never get old
“Of course. But I do have to say that you are icky.”
“But we both are. I mean I did kinda cover you in the flaky glue, and it’s starting to feel a little gross to be honest.”
“O-oh yeah. I-it’s your fault normie!”
“Yeah, yeah I know.”, you laughed. 
Atleast you somewhat pranked him
“So let’s get cleaned up, and I can bring some more snacks when I’m done. You wanna do the pillow fort like usual?”
“O-of course, normie!”
“Alright. I’ll see you in a few then!”, and you began walking out the room
He watched your trailing form, and honestly he didn’t want you to leave yet. That was apparent when his tail wrapped itself around you. I mean, how embarrassing was that?! But he couldn’t help it.
Levi cares about you immensely. You’re his best friend, his Henry! He didn’t know what you saw in someone like him, I mean damn, he was the Avatar of Envy! What’s attractive about someone being jealous 24/7?
He wasn’t outgoing like Asmo or Mammon, didn’t have the confidence like Lucifer or Satan, and he wasn’t good at building bonds like the twins (or at least like Beel)
What a human like you saw in him was still mind boggling, and he thought you were just tolerating him, just being nice. But, he saw how genuine you were as time went on. He saw you as someone special to him, you were his favorite real living person, his best friend, and honestly he wanted you to become more-
“Oh, Levi, one more thing.”
You quickly ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek
“I finally got my demon kiss, ughhh. My hunger has been satisfied!”
And ran right back out 
He blushed 100x more now, and he realized that maybe he wasn’t ready to take it to the next step just yet, but he was willing to be patient and work towards it
He was willing to make the effort because you’re worth it
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sagessoftwings · 2 years
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns
i have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k-cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion. I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people.
I guess i could say my type is mamas boys lol, there always super sweet and respectful, orr the golden retriever type. The troupe i want in a partner is big titty goth person and the golden retriever. But its hard when your head is always like 😫WOMEN😫 and then also have the 4 types of men you got.
My hobbies include painting, drawing, and a bit of singing (im pretty insecure about it because i have a kinda deep voice). I just love creative stuff, plus it is a good outlit for me and my emotions. I also love sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
this is a power point lmao
YOU SOUND LIKE SUCH A GENUINELY AWESOME PERSON AHHH, much love honey <33 (also If I got your sexual preference wrong PLEASE let me know so I can redo it)
For MHA I ship you with: Mirio Togata!!
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Our golden retriever himself
He genuinely thinks your so neat because how freely you express yourself, like man is dumb founded marry him now pls
This man will raid your closet though and have fashion shows for you and in between you’re like “Wait a fkn sec, are those mine?”
He gets really excited and feels so loved when you ask him to help dye your hair and is obsessed with your curls
Mirio has the wash day routine down and will help him if you’ll let him
Mirio makes sure you know he adores you and loves you no matter your weight, he personally likes you just the way you are
Mans will ask you on the daily if he can lay on your thighs, maybe if he’s sweet in between them??
DO HIS MAKEUP PLS, he will stare at you till you look his direction and would sigh “I would hate if someone did my makeup totally awesome like yours…” and he’d just STARE INTO YOUR SOUL until you offer
He’s pretty moderately protective of you, especially if someone is rude regarding how you dress or anything about you really, mans will pop off
Mirio rlly likes it when you sing, he’ll be laying on top of you and just hum along, he is so in love
Mirio can't draw or paint, like you would be on a cute balcony painting date and he would be covered in paint as he just smears colors on the canvas with his hands and then look up rlly proudly and be like “I call this one, enigmaaaa”
He tries for you though
Mans loves you boobas, like he’d walk up behind you while your cleaning and be like “Those look mighty heavy, mind if I help” but means it really in a loving way because he knows they hurt your back
Mirio has such a sweet singing voice and likes to sing to you when you nap, but when you actually fall asleep he starts singing fucking Megan Thee Stallion
He’d also sing the Encanto songs I JUST KNOW IT mans loves that movie sm( like literally he watched it with you and this mans runs around yelling the lyrics)
(I literally watched the movie 15 times and can’t get it out of my mind)
For haikyuu I ship you with: Hinata Shoyo!!
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He’s obsessed with everything about you
He really likes the fact that you two are the same height because he’s really sensitive about it
Loves to hold onto you, Hinata loves everything about you and never fails to tell you
If you let him he’ll probably sit in your lap too jahsjha
He treats you so well man oh man I’m jealous
Pls give this man fashion advice he has no taste art all
He likes to make poorly colored pictures for you and will go berserk if you put it on your fridge
I can't get the scene of hinata rap battling Aone in the stage play, man can spit some lines though no doubt
Hinata can and will steal your clothes, he thinks their cool but mans will pair them with like gym shorts and get laughed at
Please love on him the needs it
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