#im tired im so tired
ganem-ouchie · 2 months
And remember, kids. If you're a podcast protagonist, it is absolutely crucial that you never ever feel like you've won. You cannot have something without a crashing loss; you cannot have something and have it feel fulfilling; you cannot win and have it feel like a win. If it lifts steel off your back then be ready for the osmium.
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rapidhighway · 5 months
When they make a 20-something yo into a father figure. When th- when they also make a teenager into a father figure
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devnmon · 24 days
pet fucking peeve: when you ask someone if they want to do something, so they say yeah, and then you wait all day to do the thing with a friend, and instead of letting me know that they arent available, i just don’t get a response.
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cherry-ari · 1 year
I know it's a joke, and not that deep. But god it drives me up the wall when people call Kazuki the mother. Why is he the mother huh. Because he cooks? Because he cleans? Because that's the moms job right. To cook and clean. Kazuki's the feminine one because he cooks and cleans. Obviously. Yeah. Okay.
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sc0rfanos · 1 year
im not gonna pretend i know everything about rina and their partners. if this is true theyre a piece of shit but im not gonna just let a statement like this go unchecked because im just not that kinda guy. 
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“when we realized what marl had been up to we couldn’t get away fast enough”
eevee that is bullshit and you know it. we’ll start with this infamous post from 2014. 2014. this was brought up then and what happened? nothing. you both stuck with marl and when this same person brought it up a year later glip went on to drag the kid. that kid was dragged for years, even when the logs proving marl’s predatory nature was leaked which further proved the post from 2014s validity.
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but you know that. there’s no way you dont. these screenshots are tired and have been posted time and time again but you continue to act like you and glip both were immediate when leaving marl. you both were still with marl after this. let’s say you genuinely thought it was lies tho. i can play devil’s advocate here. let’s say you genuinely didnt know marl was this horrible predator at this time so that’s why he was kept around. 
only you did.
or at least glip did. 
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so they left him immediately right. since now they know what he was up to.
this was early in theirs and marl’s relationship. they knew what he was doing at this point. they’d even caught him in the act multiple times aside from this point. 
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another one
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reminder that marl had manipulated glip into bestiality at least prior to 2014 
but apparently he also tried it here too
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they knew what he had been “up to” and definitely didnt try to get away at either of these points, instead doubling down on anyone else that dared call out this behavior and slandering them as “liars”. 
neither of you left until after the bigfluff logs dropped and even then you lived with him and his parents for a while before leaving and letting him go. that was well into 2018. 
anyway check out stopscammingartists post for a full timeline of events if you really want all the dirty details about how much of a fucking liar you are. if youre gonna act all holier than thou about how you supposedly handle pieces of shit in your inner circle at least get your facts straight before opening your mouth.
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 10 months
Ranty post ahead
Idk if ive posted this yet but am i crazy for not liking the term “slutty waist” regarding characters or even real life people. Like. Come on use your noggin where does the term stem from where might it possibly stem from. Its kinda misogynistic . Its kinda fatphobic. Its not slutty its thin. And yes i know the term is mostly used for men, its silly because its not a masculine term (like babygirl etc.) but . Please. Idk is there something im missing here ???
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im tired of places saying they’re covid conscious and require masks at all times and then never enforcing distancing or the mask policy. just once please actually stick to what you tell me you are
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sillyguy-supreme · 29 days
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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pigswithwings · 3 months
above all else a trans woman is a person. above all else a trans women is a woman who goes to the same grocery store as you and buys fruits in the same grocery cart as you and goes home and eats her dinner the same as you. above all else a trans woman is a woman who dresses like you do and talks the same way you do. above all else a trans woman is a woman who wants to be cared about the same way you want to be cared about and a trans woman is a woman who makes friends the same way you make friends. above all else you should care about trans women because they are people. treat her as such.
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yesokayiknow · 11 months
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'why are actors striking aren't they all millionaires' here's a paywall free link to an article that mentions how most of the cast of one of netflix's biggest shows had day jobs bc they couldn't afford rent
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stil-lindigo · 2 months
i really can't overstate how fucking furious i am that corrupt egyptian officials have become millionaires from charging palestinian refugees thousands upon thousands of dollars to escape genocide and not only that, that it comes down to the generosity of normal people like you and me to fund these people, to feel guilty over not being wealthy enough to do more, to feel the pressure of choosing which fund to donate to, to have to shoulder the emotional burden of deciding which lives to save, when politicians will get absurdly rich off of insider trading and taking bribes from companies as they help engineer a worse world for all of us to endure.
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cheruib · 8 months
just a girl’s night routine
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gikairan · 4 months
This weeks mood really is getting increasingly tired of seeing platforms become openly hostile to the kinds of people who make the platform successful -n-
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callisteios · 10 months
Hi, feel free to take my new uquiz to discover what kind of vampire you are!
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stuckinapril · 28 days
The most dystopian thing you could do 7 months into a genocide is complain that a genocide is still happening—and it’s even more disgusting when it’s specifically targeted at wanting people to tag Palestinian gofundmes so you can filter them out of your dash. You’re being extremely distasteful when you demand something like that. People are dying.
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lavender-eyed-lies · 5 months
I'm officially old
I'm officially the oldest in the group responsible for everything going relatively smoothly and for getting everyone's drunk ass (myself included) home in one piece and I don't like it.
God I hope I can get a job soon so I can go back to getting high on the weekends instead
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