#im toshiaki
sophiie2000 · 3 months
Hi! I loveee your writing! If it's fine with you I'd like to request a crossover of Irresistible Mistake & OISY. It's where Shunichiro and MC are already married but MC is from the Miyoshi Concept of OISY & didn't meet as a fling. So the scenario is like this Shunichiro has been acting strange since morning. Like he looks at the door often which he was actually waiting for his wife as their in a Collab with them. So their surprised when he hugged & call her wife as they didn't know he's married.
Hey! Thank you so much! It means a lot to know that you've enjoyed my writing! ♡
I LOVED the sound of this scenario, and it had me thinking about how I could do your idea justice! 😊
I hope you enjoy this and I've managed to capture the essence of what you were hoping for! And thank you for trusting me with your idea! ☆
Request Crossover
Shunichiro Tachibana (IM) x MC (OISY)
Word Count ~ 1241
A bustle of nervous energy, thick as a fog, filled the halls of Addison & Rhodes offices. A nervousness unlike any the employees had ever experienced before. It wasn’t the typical anxious excitement from the team preparing for a meeting, or the worried jitters of the new hires about to experience their first assignment.
No. This nervousness was different. Why? Well, for starters because the person who seemed bursting with nervousness wasn’t a new hire aiming to please their bosses, nor was it the team leaders excited to begin a new project.
It was Mr Tachibana. Creative director of Addison & Rhodes. The man who had always been known for his brilliance, calm, collectiveness. A man all within the company look to for guidance.
The man who could face any challenge a project threw his way without batting an eye or displaying any sort of weakness, now strode back and forth, between his office and the conference room where a meeting with another company was scheduled to take place in less than 10 minutes.
He had treaded the same path between his office and the conference room so frequently that morning, it was a wonder he had not left a threadbare path in the carpet on the route he had taken.
Toma and Natsume watched as Mr Tachibana strode once more through the thick doors to the conference room which had already been prepared not once, not twice, but three times this morning after Mr Tachibana had deemed it lacking.
Demands had been directed in all directions. The water is too warm, prepare some more. Also bring a few extra bottles in case the three iced jugs already prepared would not be enough. Also make sure there is hot water available should that be preferred.
The coffee had to be remade, as Mr Tachibana had feared it may be too bitter. Then again, as the second batch seemed too weak. The regular mugs used during conferences had been deemed inadequate by Shunichiro this morning, and so the company’s best were fetched out of storage for the meeting.
Neither Toma, nor Natsume, could decipher why their boss had suddenly become so stressed about a regular initial meeting with another company to discuss a collaboration. Neither had been informed of the meeting being a level that required such anxiety. Had they underprepared themselves? Surely, their already anxious leader would have informed them if they were ill prepared.
Five minutes before the meeting, the employees of Addison & Rhodes required for the meeting filed into the conference room.
Toshiaki entered the room, noting his friends tension offered a quiet chuckle as he attempted to take the empty seat to Shunichiro’s right. The seat he occupied every meeting in which both attended. It had become an unspoken rule that when both were present, the chair at the head of the table, and the one to its right were to be occupied by the duo. However, before he could even begin to lower his body into the seat, Shunichiro stopped him, pushing the chair firmly back under the table. Toshiaki glanced at his friend; eyebrow quirked. Shaking his head, he moved further down the table.  
The other employees, having witnessed the exchange, shared cautious glances. Who could they be meeting? So important that they would be taking the seat directly besides the creative director, rather than sitting at the opposite end of the table, like all previous meetings saw.
The five minutes leading up to the meeting seemed to pass by at a snail’s pace. Mr Tachibana, however, seemed to become even more fidgety.
The employees present had watched him rearrange the placement of his pens, at least, seven times. The latest placement returned them to their initial spots.
His eyes had moved between the door, his watch, and the conference room clock, repeatedly. If he wasn’t watching the clock, he was watching the door.
And when he wasn’t watching the door, he was guzzling glass after glass of ice-cold water down, as though his life literally depended on it.
Finally, the conference room door opened, Kunihiro Kasai, the managing director of Miyoshi Concept entered first. Toma and Natsume shared an even more confused look. Miyoshi Concept were a good company. Toma had had the privilege to work with them on previous works, but neither could imagine why this meeting could have caused their boss so much stress.
Following Mr Kasai into the room was the team he had clearly selected for the collaboration. Kuranosuke Kiba, Shu Hasunuma, Ukyo Senkawa, Eiji Takao.
As the door closed behind Eiji, Shunichiro’s eyebrows drew together. Frustration marred with confusion filling his gaze.
“Is this everyone?” The words almost sound like they’re spoken on a low growl. Disappointment laced in his tone. The Addison & Rhodes employees were tense, silent. You could hear a pin drop despite the full conference room. They had never heard the tone the words were spoken come from their boss before.
Luckily, Mr Kasai didn’t seem offended by the tone in which he had been spoken to. He simply chuckles and shakes his head.
“My apologies, Mr Tachibana, I do have one more member of my team to join us, she –”
Before the other man could even finish his sentence, the conference room door was opening once again, all eyes turned towards the sound, and a pretty, brunette entered the room, a smile gracing her cherry lips, her blushed stained cheeks reddening further as she felt all eyes on her.
However, it was the next moment that seemed to really deepen her blush.
Mr Tachibana’s chair screeched, as it scrapped along the ground, almost falling over in his haste to jump up out of his seat. He seemed to rush towards the woman who had just entered the conference room. Panic flared in the eyes of the employees seated at the table. Was he angry she was late? Surely, he would not react so overtly if he was.
 But it was the next moment that shocked everyone more.
They watched as their boss pulled the woman firmly to his chest, caging her in his arms, and nuzzle his nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling her hair.
“Shun…” The soft murmur of his name, fell from her lips, while she sounded shocked, she spoke his name with such love. Returning his embrace.
“I missed you, Mrs Tachibana”.
Audible gasps ricocheted around the room, appearing to echo around the walls.
Taking her hand in his, Shunichiro led her towards the seat directly beside his own. Pulling her chair out, and directing her to take the seat, before Shunichiro gazed out across the table and took in the shocked expressions on his employees faces.
Shunichiro saw Toma and Natsume with their mouths agape, eyes wide. Toshiaki’s subtle smirk and shake of his head at his friend’s caveman like behaviour despite being at an important meeting.
Yet he simply smiled. His nervousness and excitement from waiting for her to arrive finally dissipating, now she sat beside him. Her delicate fingers fiddling with her documents in front of her. The diamond ring he had put on her finger months earlier, glistening under the conference room lights.
Warmth flooded his chest and with every ounce of pride, Shunichiro loudly declared towards the room, with his eyes firmly fixed on the beautiful woman who held his heart sitting beside him,
“Now my wife is here, the meeting can begin”.
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iho6hi2 · 2 months
4,25,28 n 30!!
Pheww had to think for a bit thanks for giving me something to yap about :D
4. Did you prefer Ares or Orion?
- Sooo both of them were kind of like... meh in a sense, but Orion was more entertaining and had way more plot than Ares (tho Ares had more budget and the animation was better imo). In Orion, I disliked how they had like so many characters jammed in together because the writers obviously had no idea what to do with so many people 💀 like its okay not to include the OG cast nobody would've been mad if you excluded them or smth. However, one good thing Orion did was show how severe everything is and how prevalent the antagonists were (THEY ACTUALLY SERVED A ROLE), which Ares lacks.
25. Do you like the adult versions of the OG cast — would you imagine them to be different?
- ONG WHEN I SAW MY GOATS AS ADULTS I HAD TO SHED A TEAR FR. I love them so much I could watch a whole show with just them as adults and speaking of that, the only thing I wish we could've had was seeing them play in their separate leagues. Its been mentioned several times on several occasions that most of the main members from the OG cast played in different leagues and I wish we could have seen them at their prime and have them play against each other in something like an FFI
28. Do you have any OC's? If yes — explain a little about them:
- So my OC slash Devil's Advocate y/n's name is Hideyoshi (last name) Toshiaki (first name), they are 17, born on 1st of January, blasian and they have taken on the role of something like an anti-hero/antagonist even though they are not necessarily evil or whatever, but simply do what they think fits a situation best and try to find entertainment in everything. I imagine them to be around 5'11 (180.34cm) and their voice actresses to be Grey DeLisle and Sawashiro Miyuki :33
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30. Do you have any ina11 opinions that are controversial?
- OKAYY SO you might be a little confused and lost since you haven't watched ie (let alone Orion), but I believe it should have been Ichihoshi Mitsuru who lived and not Hikaru... IM SORRY BUTTT theres so much more that could have been done if Mitsuru was the brother who lived instead of Hikaru and I will die on this hill. It might sound crazy, but I genuinely think the idea of Mitsuru having to make up for everything he's done and come to terms with the reality of his situation would have added so much more flavor to Orion
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livingdreams97 · 2 years
Emily Dickinson- "The past comes back" (part 1)
Emily Dickinson x fem! reader/oc
Summary: An old friend of Lavinia's returns to Amherst after years out of town and not seeing each other. But what happens when Lavinia's friend turns out to be not only her friend, but two more girls and one of them turns out not to remember her.
Words: 3.366
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NOTE: If you see any spelling mistake im sorry, english is not my first lenguage and i try to do it the best possible.
Emily's POV
Today was another day, another day less in this cruel and superficial world. Life is something monotonous, without changes, without news and without any inspiration.
I let out a sigh looking out the window of my room, sitting in the chair in front of my desk and with a blank sheet of paper for hours. Although in reality it could have been only a few minutes and that the overwhelming silence of my mind makes me believe that more time has passed than it actually has.
Lavinia: You're not going to believe who's back.- she says completely excited almost knocking down the door of my room to enter.
Emily: Who's back?- i ask setting the paper aside and giving her my full attention.
Lavinia: My best friend is back.- she shouts jumping excitedly in her place.
Emily: Since when do you have more friends than Jane, Abby, Abiah and Toshiaki.- I say laughing at her attitude.
Lavinia: First of all, that has offended me. - she claims me crossing her arms over her chest. -Second, I have more friends apart from those weirdos and third; you are the one who only has one friend: Sue.- She lists looking at me with narrowed eyes.
Emily: Okay now i'm the one that is ofended.- i say loking at her with narrowed eyes.
Lavinia: Whatever, you're not going to spil the emotion of my moment.- she assures me pointing to me.
Emily: Okey. - i say raising my hands in the air with innocence. -Can you tell me who's back already?- i asked, slightly interested.
Lavinia: Y/n Harvard is back.- she shouts full of emotion.
Emily: Harvard like the university of Massachusetts?- i ask slightly confused.
Lavinia: Yes, her great- greatgranfather was the main founder of the university and thats why she moved to Cambridge back 13 years ago.- she answers me and I open my eyes in surprise.
Emily: Wow that's impresive.- i say and she nods her head. –But why they had to move there?- i ask confuse, since I don't see a clear reason to move there and now return to Amherts after thirteen years.
Lavinia: They moved because her grandfather died and her father had to occupy the position of director at the university.- she answers me and I nod without being entirely sure.
Emily: And why she is back now?- i ask still unsure.
Lavinia: From what Maggie has told me, her maid has told her that they have come to fix some things in the house and the family land.- she answers me and I nod in understanding.
Emily: And why aren't you with her now? - Confused question. -If they've come back for things around the house, it means they won't stay long and you should take advantage of it.- I explain and she smiles full of emotion.
Lavinia: That's because mom has talked to Y/n's mother and has invited them to have dinner with us.- She replies, jumping back on the spot. -So I need you to behave, don't do anything strange and don't say any of your poetic reflections.- she orders me pointing her finger at me.
Emily: And what if I just don't go down to dinner? - I ask hopefully.
I'm hoping she'll let me stay in my room, writing and waiting for the dead to show up so I can have an intellectual conversation with him. Because I don't like it very much when there are people at home and less when I don't know those people. Y/n may have been Lavinia's best friend, but I don't remember her and we may not have even exchanged words in the past.
So I hope that for fear of me making a scene or saying something I shouldn't, Lavinia will let me stay in my room in my inspiring solitude so that I can enjoy the tranquility of my loneliness by myself.
Lavinia: Nope, that's not going to happend.- she shake your head. -Sue and Austin will also come to dinner, so you have to go down to the dining room and socialize with our guests.- she tells me seriously.
Emily: But why? - I ask in the form of an exaggerated false cry. -I don't even know who Y/n is or I'm sure we didn't even talk when she lived here.- I complain seeing how she opens her eyes in surprise.
Lavinia: Emily Elizabeth Dickinson have you forgotten about Y/n? - she asks me completely surprised.
Emily: Okey there's no need to use my full name.- i say impressed by her tone of voice and the use of my middle name.
Lavinia: Yes, it is necessary, how could you forget about Y/n? - Question completely surprised. -Sue, Y/n, you and I were like the town quartet, they never saw one of us without the others.- she tells me and I open my eyes surprised by the new information.
Emily: Wait what?- i ask completly taken away.
Lavinia: You really don't remember her?- she asks me between impressed, sad and surprised.
Emily: No i don't.- i respond by shaking my head uncertainly.
Lavinia: Could you at least pretend that you remember her when she comes to dinner, please.- I laugh and I nod confused.
Emily: Why do you want me to pretend that I remember her? - I ask interested and confused.
Lavinia: Because she has always held you in esteem, she always said that your mind was incredible and she always asked about you when we wrote to each other.- she explains to me and I open my eyes in surprise.
Emily: Now I feel bad for not remembering her.- I tell her feeling some guilt in my stomach.
Lavinia: You're right to feel bad, you were just as obsessed with her as she was with you.- she tells me and I frown trying to remember her. -You were actually closer to Y/n at that time than you were to Sue.- she explains and I look at her completely impressed.
Emily: Is that serious? - I ask with my mouth slightly open.
Lavinia: Why would i lie?- she asks me confused - Anyway, when you go down to dinner, clean the remains of ink from your hands and make sure that she doesn't realize that you don't remember her, please.- she asks me and I nod with a sigh.
Emily: I'll try not to let her know.- I nod.
Lavinia: Okay, thank you very much.- She thanks me and walks towards the door of my room. -They'll come around five o'clock, so be ready and try to be as normal as possible,- she begs me and walks out the door, closing it behind her.
Once alone again in my room, I try to think and look through my memories in search of Y/n. If what Lavinia has told me is true, I don't understand why I don't remember her and the friendship we had.
I try as hard as I can to remember her, but I only see Sue and my sister, along with Jane, Abby, Abiah, and Toshiaki. Suddenly inspiration strikes me, so I turn back in my chair to the table and start writing on the blank paper from a while ago.
Watching the clouds go by, life went by and you, like a cloud, passed through my boredom. And then your heart and mine were united, as the edges of a wound come together.
The last dreams and the first gray hair all beautiful things sadden with shadow; and today your life and my life are like stars, because they can be seen together, being so far away...
I well know that oblivion, like cursed water, it gives us a thirst deeper than the thirst it takes away, But I'm so sure I can forget...
And I will look at the clouds without thinking that I love you in the deaf habit of an old sailor that he still feels, on solid ground, the undulation of the sea.
(Jose Angel Buesa, it's not Emily's but imagine it is)
Y/n's POV
I'm excited, ecstatic even. Today I had returned to the place where I was born and where I lived my first 10 years of life. The last time I set foot in the house where I was born was 13 years ago and time has had its effect even on it.
Everything was the same, but there was something in the environment that made it strange and gave a feeling of ignorance. I don't know if it's because of the dust, the white sheets covering every piece of furniture in the house or the perspective of where I'm seeing the house now.
When I was ten years old, barely one meter thirty, my vision was different and the things within reach of my hands were reduced. But now that I am 23 years old, I am 1.73 meters tall and I see things from a different angle. The things or places that I could not access before are at the height of my hands.
I go up the stairs caressing the railing of my childhood home, remembering how it felt to slide down it and the good times I spent on these stairs. I remember the times Lavinia, Emily, Sue and I would race up the stairs. Like the time I fell from them with Lavinia, because Emily pushed me laughing and I clung to my best friend ending with a small scar on my eyebrow thanks to the fall.
I stop looking at the corridor on the second floor, where the rooms are and I walk towards the back where mine is. As I walk down the hall in a relaxed manner, I look at the photos hanging on it and stop when I see a family photo.
In the photo you can see my father sitting on a sofa, with my mother sitting to his right and my older sister to his left. Then my brother is on my mother's lap and I am sitting on my father's lap.
I am the youngest of three children, my older sister Amber got married seven years ago and already has two children Adam and Alana. Adam is already five years old and Alana just turned 3 just two weeks ago. And she is four months pregnant with her third child.
Amber is the oldest of the three, then there is Brandon and then there is me. Amber is 6 years older than me, Brandon is two years younger than her and four years older than me. So right now my sister is 29 years old and Brandon is 27 years old.
My brother was harder to settle down, or at least that's what my parents tell everyone. He got married just two years ago and his wife is also pregnant with his first child. The truth is that I don't have a very good relationship with her, because there is something that doesn't convince me about her attitude and I'm not sure that she deserves my brother.
But they're already married and my brother loves her, so there's nothing I can do about it.
And then there's me, the youngest and only single of the three Harvard Anderson children. The truth is that I have never been interested in meeting a man and starting a family. To be honest, I don't think I'm ever will be a good mother and I don't even know how to dedicate myself to serving a man other than my father. And it's not that I like too much to serve my father or do any domestic choir.
I am more interested in studies, training as a person and knowing something more than cooking or housework. Thank God, my parents have never pressured me to get married, since I am my father's right eye and he has always pampered me in everything.
In addition to my father being the director of Harvard, he has given me the opportunity to attend some classes on what interested me and has also taught me everything I wanted to know.
I stop dead in front of the door of my childhood room, take a deep breath and open the door taking a step inside it. I see the walls painted a pale pink slightly faded by time, the relief of the furniture under the sheets and I smile longingly.
In quick movements I begin to remove each of the sheets, revealing my single bed with the ballerina quilt, the nightstands, the dark brown closet in which I used to hide when I played hide-and-seek, the chair where my mother put my clothes for the day after and finally the desk in front of one of my windows.
Delicately move my fingers over the surface of the table, feeling the relief of the names carved on it. I smile sadly, remembering my last day in this house and the promise that was made in this very room.
Lavinia: Why do you have to go?- she asks with teary eyes and a pout.
Y/n: Because I have to go with my family.- i answer with teary eyes just like her.
Emily: And if you stay with us?-She asks hopefully and pointing to herself and her little sister.
Y/n: I don't think they'll let me.- I answer with a pout, trying with all my strength to avoid crying.
Emily: But they have to leave you, you can't go and leave us here.- she whimpers letting the first tear fall from her eyes.
Sue : You can do that.- supports her best friend. -I don't want to lose you either.- she sighs with sadness and resisting the desire to cry just like me.
Y/n: I can't do anything.- I whisper and feel how the tears begin to fall from my eyes again.
Lavinia: But you can't go, if you go you'll forget us and I don't want you to forget me.- She starts to cry and throws herself into my arms.
Y/n: I don't want to leave my best friends either.- I whisper, hugging the youngest tightly.
Emily: Don't go.- she begs me starting to cry and joining the hug.
Sue: Please?- She asks with a somewhat broken voice, approaching more calmly and joining the group hug.
Y/n: If it were up to me I would stay here with you forever.- I assure her, crying with them. -But I can't choose.- I whisper very sad to leave my friends behind.
Sue: You have to promise us that you'll come back.- she asks me separating from the hug and with a tear sliding down her cheek.
Lavinia: Yes, you have to promise.- support her sister's best friend.
Emily: And if we make a promise.- she offers and all the same attentive ones. -I took this from father, but I don't really know what he does or what it is used for.- she comments taking a screwdriver from the pocket of her dress.
Sue We could write our names on something with that.- She points to the sharp object in our friend's hand.
Lavinia: Let's write our names on Y/n's desk and promise to be friends forever.- She jumps up from the floor and grabs the pointed object from her sister.
Sue: I think it's a good idea. - she supports her, also getting up from the ground. -But you and Y/n will not write, because you are very small and it can be dangerous.- she says and I pout crossing my arms.
Y/n: You say it as if you were much older than the two of us.- I deny getting up from the ground and helping Emily to do it too.
Sue: I'm older than you by two years and older than Vini by three.- she points at us and we both stick out our tongues at her.
Sue starts carving the names of the four of us into the bottom left corner of my desk, being careful not to hurt herself, and ends up making an infinity over the names.
Lavinia: Now we will be friends forever.- she says excitedly hugging me around my waist and I do the same with her.
Emily: Promise us that you won't forget us.- She asks me looking straight into my eyes and there is something in them that creates curiosity in me.
Y/n: I promise.- i assure with a nod full of strength. -I promise to write every week.- I assure them and the three of them smile at me a little happier.
Emily: And we promise to answer each letter.- she promises me and she throws herself on me to hug me tightly by the neck.
Sue: Friends forever.- she says joining the hug from behind.
Lavinia: Friends forever.- she repeats against my shoulder.
Emily: Friends forever.- She secures against my neck, tickling me and making my heart race unexpectedly.
Y/n: Friends forever.- I say and close my eyes to enjoy my last moments for a while with my friends.
A couple of minutes later my maid, Clement, arrives to let us know that we have to go and that my family is waiting for me by the family carriage. We parted from the embrace and they escorted me to the carriage. Emily was holding one of my hands tightly and Vini was holding my other hand in the same way.
As soon as the carriage moved on and left Amherts farther and farther behind, a bigger and bigger hole opened up in my heart.
End of Flashback
That was the last time I saw my best friends, I haven't seen them again in 13 years and thanks to my return that will change today. Though I'm not so sure Sue and Emily share my excitement about the reunion.
I kept my part of the promise and wrote to them every week. It didn't matter if I didn't have anything interesting to tell, I just wrote and told them how much I missed them. I remember that I wrote three letters, one for each one and to prevent one from feeling less than the others.
For the first five months the three of them answered my letters, telling me what they did in their day to day and the adventures they had.
But one day Emily stopped responding to my letters, I never understood if I had written something that had offended or annoyed her and that's why she stopped writing to me. But Vini assured me that that was impossible and that Emily was just in a rebellious phase too busy to anything else.
Then Sue stopped writing to me three months after Emily did. This time Vini explained Sue's family situation to me and I understood her reasons for her to stop writing to me. After all, death at an early age is hard, especially when she is someone close and part of the family.
The only person with whom I have continued to correspond my letters during these thirteen years has been Lavinia. The only change was that instead of weekly, we wrote to each other every month and recounted everything that had happened to us.
Thanks to those letters, i received information about how both Sue and Emily were. It was the only source of information I had about them and to this day I thank Vini for continuing to keep in touch with me.
Thanks to her I knew that Emily had begun to be interested in poetry, that Sue and Austin; her older brother, they had started a relationship and had been married not long ago.
But I don't hold a grudge against either of them. Each one has a life of her own and a promise from when we were children is not something that you have to take into account when you get older.
You have to mature, grow as a individual and look forward without letting negative memories and feelings decide what you will do. That is why, as much pain and sadness that the lack of response caused me by my friends, I do not hold a grudge against them and I am excited to be able to see them again and speak personally to catch up.
Do you guys think that the parts are too long? Or they have a good lenght?
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kamyru · 2 years
i really love love your OCs random headcanons! you should open up a multiverse canons between your IM, HLITF, and OISY! Voltage has done it with Shunichiro multiple times recently.
Hi! I like this idea so much. Actually, in my minds it's just like this. At first, I had 8 OCs, 4 for IM and 4 for OISY. And Shirayuki's best-friend was another former figure skater that gave up on skating due to some personal reasons and she was Toshiaki Kijima's wife.
I have no idea if I ever post my IM OCs, but I have one for HLITF, that one from my "On stand by" platonic scenario. I think about giving her a love interest, but I am still not sure whom.
And I love that Voltage Inc create characters from the same universe, making them meet each other and things. I have a soft spot for this. Actually, I was thinking that if I ever start writing for real (I already have the idea), I'll make characters from different books interact between them.
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voltage-vixen · 3 years
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You don’t ever have to hold back, Toshiaki. 
Carnal Switch VIP Event
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lemmelynn · 3 years
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He’s just perfect, isn’t he?
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toshiakikijima · 3 years
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(Simply, I’m very interested on who is Kasai’s wife.”)
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Sexy Reading (IM smut- Toshi)
Fandom: Irresistible Mistake Category: Smut Character: Toshiaki Kijima Notes: About bloody time right?
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Lying on the carpet with a book in hands while overlapping each other’s legs, no interruption at all except the regular sound of wood hitting wood from the fireplace, this is your favorite way to chill on Saturday night- lazy and sweet, kick back and relax under the touch of your man.
Work has been hectic, though working along side with your man is kind of a blessing. Overrun client meetings, demanding schedules and constant change of plans have seriously exhausted the both of you.  Flipping paged after pages, you kick unnecessary and negative thoughts away for a bit, simply enjoy the moment because, truthfully, these are the moments you live for.
Toshiaki lays his head on his elbows and watches you with his eyes casting over the television every now and then.
“Hi,” you smile as your eyes meet his and his face lit up, making you forget for a short while about the project that’s due next Monday or meeting his parents for the first time in less than two weeks.
He leans in and crashes his lips onto yours, feeling his tongue tangle with yours. You press your body against his and Toshiaki grinds against you, his semi harden member rubbing slightly against your thigh through his shorts. He pulls away fairly quickly but you don’t have the chance to complain as his mouth begins gliding down your body slowly. Tracing random patterns on your skin, everything seems to have stopped and faded as you’re melt into his passionate kisses.
Once he has pulled away again to catch his breath, you flip over and lay on the carpet. Watching the flame in front while his lips find their way onto your bare back, the heat is intense and your body burn up to his tenderly strokes.
“Hmmmm…..” You’re well aware of how much he loves hearing your moan, “More, baby…” At first he doesn’t tease you at all but then you wiggle your ass in the air as he moves down, his gaze locks with yours once more before pressing his tongue on your clit, slowly begin circling it slowly, letting the pressure build deep inside your belly with every move he makes.
There is no rush as he kept working on you, his fingers stroking the skin of your thighs in a soothing manner, letting you know it wouldn’t be rushed. Closing your eyes, your head rest onto your hands on the floor as you force yourself to relax, letting the pleasure wash over you. The pace of your breathing increase, your skin flush as your body alight with pleasure, nearly burning.
You are close, so close that you could barely focus but the sweet drag of his fingers inside and the way he devours you with his mouth. It never fails to amaze you, the fact this lone wolf who’s feared by many in the office is unbelievably attentive and he knows his way around your body so well that he practically has every sensitive spot of yours memorized. Packing up his pace, Toshi adds another finger and pushes you to a new breaking point.
Release rolls through you in waves, taking your breath away and making your whole body twist. The bliss seems to go on and on, wonderfully overwhelming as you ride out your release. Without a word, he slides his fingers out of you and crawls on top as you slowly turn around, the weight of his body pinning you to the carpet. Your legs wrap around his waist and he aims his member at your entrance, pushing inside slowly with a gentle nudge of his hips.
He stays still for a moment, gaze locking with yours and after a deep kiss, he starts thrusting in and out, steadily rocking his hips. The pace is agonizingly slow but his thrusts are deep, setting your nerve on fire. A smile finds its way onto your face while his hands run down your body to rest on your clit. Fingers resting on it and slowly circling around it, your heart beat faster and faster in with each jolt of electricity coursing through your body. You know that you would get right to the edge in no time if he goes any faster but you want more, closer to him for as long as possible and you wish for this moment to drag on and on.
You watch him from below, his pupils darken and widen with desire, his stare piercing through you as yours do too. You feel so lucky to have found one another, to have pushed through all the differences and face everything together.
“Oh god! I…. I’m coming!”
Another thrust, sharp and precise and you’re over the edge with a long moan, your body arching into Toshiaki , your walls fluttering around his cock. Soon, another wave of bliss hit and your body shake at the inevitable. “Oh fuck! Toshiiii!!” The last word turns into a shriek and your fingers clench onto his shoulders while he reaches his high without warning, he stays still as his cock spurts his thick release deep inside you, pulsing and throbbing.
His breathing is irregular and he collapses on the long-haired carpet in front of the fireplace, your eyes fluttering shut as you come down from your high. The two of you stay wrap up in each other, having no desire to move, simply listening to the sound of wood cracking and sharing endless kisses till the night ends.
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lxvescramble · 3 years
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Toshiaki - S5 - Our irresistible Future
Ownnnnn.... Perfect husband ♥️
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tatiejosie · 3 years
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When you planned some homework & chill sleepover but your baby sister comes up and steals your man. smh
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the-voltage-diaries · 3 years
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cries in dying whale noises @ jun's smile
why must he be so perfect
Irresistible Mistakes 3rd Anniversary: Complete Illustration
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ffflks · 2 years
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sekainoongaku · 4 years
Toshiaki Kijima - Season 5 (Part 1) CGs
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toasprincess · 3 years
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can I get someone to willingly wipe my tears as well tnx
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funkybongos · 4 years
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something very quick,, i think the energy drinks i had are wearing off because i feel exhausted :,]
little doodle based off something @tatiejosie and i talked about. nassor and toshiaki go to a diner, but toshi is unaware that nassor has been watching cheesy romance movies to learn new stuff to impress him with,, instead of ordering two milkshakes, nassor orders one big one with two straws so the two of them can share, and toshi just turns BRIGHT RED.
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bonus flustered toshi sketch because i think it’s CUTE!!
anotha song,, (what an angelic little song)
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sweet-pinkitty · 5 years
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💙Irresistible Mistakes💙
Please check it out:
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Her Love in the Love
Star Crossed Myth
Kings of Paradise
Our Two Bedroom Story
Masquetade Kiss
Era of Samurai: Code of Love 
© Voltage Inc
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