#im use to screaming into the void
shady-kittys · 9 months
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Okay but like the whole blending herself together with the Winter King just makes so much sense, she's only the madness of the crown.
She doesn't feel whole because it's only madness without its maker. The only thing she is missing is the wearer, the supposed to be bearer of the curse.
Like if I were the madness that laid within the crown I would also go to any measure to be reunited with my wearer. If dating and marriage is refused I too would just decide to blend myself with my user. I wouldn't be whole, I'm just the curse without the body I'm meant to be in. Blended we are right, apart we are just wrong.
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lil-vibes · 1 year
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thehecklingmouse · 9 months
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unity is going to challenge god
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px-px-pc · 3 months
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qourmet · 1 year
wwx being compared to his mother via their personalities gives the impression that cssr was the type of woman that teased a lot & lwj's mom canonically finding it very entertaining/pleasant/fun to tease her babyest boy alludes to the idea that cssr & lan furen were similar in personality
but my hcs for lan furen are such that she only teases people that need it to take their mind elsewhere, like her baby & taking his mind away from separation & his relatively clear signs of growing into the type of person that Doesn't socialize with others. meanwhile cssr teases to tease, wei wuxian pulls girls braids cssr will knock the guan off of pompous young masters. both do it for the sake of getting a reaction, lan furen does it on the basis of understanding the other party beforehand
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meowthiroth · 2 months
had the funniest thing happen earlier. I got home from work & turned on my computer, and I guess windows 11 must've added a new lockscreen widget that tells you the local weather. like, ok, my phone also has that, that's pretty cool.
but WHY did it set my location to HORNEYTOWN
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noose-lion · 1 year
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The animators have an agenda
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queenofthedork · 14 days
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As a hopeless romantic, one of my favorite tropes is the reincarnation of a long-lost love <3
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sillystaccato · 7 months
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link-eats-rocks · 9 months
100 Years Later
100 years. 100 years of work.
Of battle.
Of exhaustion.
Of grief.
But Zelda had never faltered. Thoughts of Link replayed on a never-ending loop in her mind.
She thought of that first night they'd spoken when she first heard his soft, boyish voice, telling her there was no need to apologize. Of course, she'd apologized anyway.
Or their second conversation, where she complimented his cooking, watched his eyes light up, drew him out with questions about his recipes, and listened with rapt attention as he showed her a part of himself that seemed as precious and rare as a dragon scale.
After that icebreaker, each conversation got more personal. He dropped his guard with her. He bore his soul to the only person who could understand having the weight of the world on your shoulders.
And the next thing Zelda knew, in the very final days before The Calamity, she had her first taste of happiness.
She'd held Link in her arms. His big eyes had been fixed on her as she stroked his hair and he gradually sunk from her shoulder to her lap. He'd fought sleep, staring up at her as his eyelids slowly fell shut. The feeling of his soft, silky hair between her fingers and his weight against her, the steady rise and fall of deep breaths as he slept. The delicious ache in her chest had been so overwhelming that Zelda could feel it still, throughout her years of fighting.
She had to hold him in her arms again, and not like the last time. She needed him safe and happy. She needed to regain that sense that she was giving him peace. And so the years were long, but her hope was as bright as the light she was embodying.
When Ganon was gone, and she stood in Hyrule Field, those hundred years felt like nothing but a bad dream, already fading from her memory as she returned to the waking world.
She smiled, amused with herself, not quite convinced she was really here, and her Link was standing before her. She'd had 100 years to think of what she'd say to him first. And yet, with his eyes upon her, Zelda was at a loss for words.
Link looked tired. He was ruffled from battle, but he didn't look to be wounded beyond a few shallow cuts, bruises, and scrapes. His eyes were tired, too; she couldn't read them.
"May I ask..." She took a step towards him. "Do you really remember me?"
He closed the distance and clinched and unclinched his fists as he held her gaze. "You're all I remember."
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suckishima · 8 months
the dichotomy of hinata being so inspired by the little giant that he'll jump at any opportunity to be like him, while the little giant is simultaneously the catalyst for tsukki to spiral down a path of negativity that leads him to be completely disenchanted with volleyball
hinata being inspired by short players, while tsukki harbors subconscious resentment toward them
hinata (the sun) and tsukishima (the moon) both orbiting udai (the sky/cosmos) from opposing perspectives
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skyllion-uwu · 6 months
Why am I torturing myself by watching this video on the transphobia of Shitty Adult Show that for Some Ungodly Reason has a Fanbase of Children. I love them and their videos but this is like 3 hours long and making me physically sick. I could be eating lunch instead
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px-px-pc · 1 month
I love feeling smart, especially in math(≧◡≦)
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rubyfa · 4 months
People talk about trans Percy a decent amount on here and there's all these thoughts about how it'd happen and things but I think there's some angst and stuff that's not talked about enough. What if that's why Dionysus hates Percy especially? He's the god of trans folks after all. He hates Percy for not just being a typical demigod but for being so much more than he can't tell her. Cause that's not how it works. She has to figure it out for herself.
And for Percy to realize that? It'd be as easy as finding out trans people exist. Just some kid not on the traditional gender spectrum he protects from bullies tells him all about the lgbtq+. And then it'd click. "What if I'm not a boy? That's not so strange right? Maybe I'm a girl. I mean I'm not even human after all. So what else could I be?" Then he'd tell Sally and she'd just smile and send her straight to Mr. D for that magical HRT. Basically let the kid get a little existential. Freak out about losing their friends while discovering themselves. I dunno. I kinda wanna write a PJOverhaul fic to touch on this stuff but I'm not sure people would respond well to it.
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twyz · 6 months
my first rocky horror shadow cast is today!!! I'm so excited!!!
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snowychicken · 6 months
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