#im very liberal with the block button lol
distort-opia · 1 year
You're braver than me for mentioning Khoa and Joker parallel in this hellsite that very much hate Joker lol. Im holding myself back from pointing out the same thing everytime i read Khoa story in fear someone gonna attack me. But anyway what do you think are the differences between their relationship (ghostbat & batjokes) since they're quite similar with each other. Cause tbh with you the way many describe ghostbat here feel just like they're describing batjokes instead
Ngl, this is one of the things that both depresses me and pisses me off about the current state of fandom. It sucks to hear you're too afraid of getting attacked over expressing a personal opinion on a literal blogging platform, built for this express purpose... regarding fictional characters and within a fandom, which is supposed to be fun. The block button and the filtering options exist for a reason though; I tag my stuff accurately so that people can blacklist, and I don't mind if people block me (I'm quite liberal with it myself). It's just part of curating your little niche, so I definitely encourage doing the same, Anon. Besides, despite the hellsite having its downsides, I've interacted with very reasonable and fun people as well, who dislike Joker or Batjokes but are fully capable of treating others with maturity and respect.
That being said, I agree that Batjokes and Ghostbat share a lot of similarities. I guess that for some it affords the fascinations of this type of dynamic for Bruce without the baggage Joker's character would unavoidably bring (both within Universe, and within fandom). However, there's definitely some essential differences between Ghostbat and Batjokes. Perhaps the most important consequence of them is that unlike Batjokes, Ghostbat has significantly higher chances of not ending in tragedy.
The thing about Joker is that, despite how seemingly desperate for attention and in love with Batman he canonically is, he also... hates Bruce's guts. And I'm making the distinction between 'Batman' and 'Bruce' because Joker himself makes it. Joker needs Batman on a fundamental level. He perceives his own current identity as having been shaped and defined by Batman, and he sees Bruce, the person underneath the mask, as the source of potential weakness and a threat to the Bat's existence. That's because Joker thinks of his own humanity as useless and weak, having decided to discard it and stomp it out. He then proceeds to try and do the same with Bruce's. This has literally been their main conflict since Death of the Family onwards.
Khoa also takes issue with Bruce being driven by emotion. He also considers it a weakness-- Bruce's need to save people, his vigilantism having revenge at its roots instead of a desire to perfect an art. However, Ghostmaker wasn't a direct result of Bruce's actions (accidental or not), like Joker is. Khoa's identity is much more stable and independent, not irrevocably intertwined with Bruce's Batman to the pathological degree Joker's is; and as a result, he's less extreme about it. Khoa can allow for disagreement without resorting to destroying Bruce's life, whereas Joker (at least of now) cannot allow any compromises, any pause from conflict-- because he needs it. Khoa, however, is able to stop and make peace. He challenges Bruce and his need for control just enough, right up to the point of fully enabling Bruce's darkness and self-destructiveness. Joker never stops. He keeps escalating the trauma, the horrors; a pit of knives Bruce keeps throwing himself into.
In a way, shipping Ghostbat is indulging in a dynamic similar to Batjokes, but one that can have a happier ending. Bruce can be a person with Khoa, whereas Joker would tear vulnerability to shreds. The parallels between Joker War and Ghostmaker's introduction arc are so interesting to me also because they showcase this from the start. The final confrontation with Joker, in Batman (2016) #100, has Joker stab Bruce in the back and then almost cut his face off, talking about how he'd then have "to start from scratch." Joker is tearing everything down to have Bruce rebuild it-- alone. The final confrontation with Khoa also includes him telling Bruce he's not enough, he's weak, he needs to become stronger; it also includes being stabbed in the back, but while in a fair fight that has rules. And then Bruce wakes up to Khoa sowing up the wounds he himself inflicted.
That's the crucial difference between the ships, I would say. Despite their disagreements, Bruce and Khoa are on the same side, and Bruce can expect to survive showing weakness to Khoa. Joker is, paradoxically, on the side of Batman alone and also against Bruce. That's not to say it couldn't be different, and that a happier ending is impossible to imagine for them too-- but it's a lot more complicated. Personally, I enjoy Batjokes so much because of how difficult a relationship would be. It inevitably has to involve Joker allowing himself to be human (since otherwise he would not allow Batman to be) and that's such a heavy and complex deconstruction of trauma that's fascinating to delve into.
Hope this was interesting to read through! There's a lot more stuff to say about the differences between Khoa and Joker as characters and their brand of psychopathy, and how that impacts the dynamic with Bruce, but I'm waiting for Batman Inc. and their interaction there to see where DC takes it. (Please let it be good.)
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piduai · 2 years
im glad i dont really go into the gk tag bc from what you're saying...... WHO trash talks sugimoto and asirpa. they are LITERALLY the best characters ever i don't accept criticism like they had a meaningful and coherent and interesting story...... what kind of person can't appreciate them...... also. i love them so much brb crying they're just so!!!!!!!!! anyways. do you want cat pics.
that wasn't about the gk tag tho it was about twitter 😔🔫 i mean the tag here is bad too but 1. gk is just not popular on tumbler dot edu so the amount of stupid garbage is limited and 2. i use the block button liberally and my blacklist is long. but i was bored yesterday and decided to pluck the bird's feathers for a bit and my blood pressure went up in 5 minutes no cap. which is why i'm asking how you people manage because i know that if i had to read that stuff all the time i'd turn SO nasty like i'd become so passive-aggressive and bitter and talk shit all the time. i guess this explains why twitter users are like this tho LMFAO but also it's so sad. because even if you curate your tl like crazy you still have very limited control over what flows into it. hm. anyway trashing sugimoto, asirpa and yuusaku are the biggest gk red flags to me lol like i KNOW this person does not have anything of value to say MOVING ON. it's just that calling sugimoto and asirpa underdeveloped compared to ogata and tsurumi annoyed me SO much because no they're not underdeveloped they're just not edgy and villainous. maybe take a break from your emo phase and appreciate brighter things in life for once. idiot. and yes any day of the week any hour of the day i want cat pics
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wiltedsystem · 1 year
The WiltedSys Collective Infodump
an imaginary FAQ and detailing of my stances on most things are detailed below, in case you care about that sort of thing
"How old are you?"
19 as of writing this!
"What are your pronouns?"
it/its, xe/xem, they/them, and zhe/hyr in that order!
"What is your orientation?"
i consider myself a bi lesbian (homoromantic bisexual) and i instantly block people who try to convince me the label is harmful, especially when they are aggressive about it for no reason :) i'd rather not debate about it! i'm just gonna block you!
"What's your religion?"
im ethnically jewish! but im more of like a pagan/agnostic rn in terms of practice? so... yah.
"What fandoms are you into?"
a buncha shit. primary fixations rn are cookie run, final fantasy xiv, and... diablo??? ig??? other stuff over the years includes the mario rpgs, pokemon, littlebigplanet, kingdom hearts, other mainline final fantasy games (ffiv is my fave aside from xiv!)... man i could go ooooon. i like a lot of things!
"What other interests do you have?"
i have a few different special interests!! one of them is true crime (though i try my best to only watch people who are respectful about it) and by extension psychology. some others are restorations, felting, mmo crafting, uh.... i think ffxiv can fit into this category too considering how robust it is LOL
"Who are your blorbos and babygirls?"
too many to count. however i will say, zenos is a pretty big one rn... along with a bunch of fucking cookie run characters for some reason. idk i turn them all into lesbians bc im a lesbian and it makes me happy. zenos is the only like """""cis""""" man allowed and im not even fully sure if he is. does he know either? probably not
now here comes the more discoursey ones~ .
"What is your political alignment?"
uh, i guess im a fucking leftist/democrat/liberal etc? im open to conversation i guess but if you start insulting me im gonna immediately end the conversation LOL
"What is your stance on BLM/ACAB/etc?"
i agree that black people deserve more rights and i wish that cops were more helpful than they are.
"Stance on abortion?"
i am about as pro-choice as you get, considering the fact that i don't like the idea of children, victims of rape, or people who aren't ready for kids in general being parents. novel concept, i know
"How do you feel about fat people, disabled people etc?"
you look at my fat disabled ass and you ask me this again. that being said, if somebody wants to lose weight they aren't inherently fatphobic, but the way they talk about it can and often abso-fucking-lutely does, unfortunately
"Trans rights?"
im literally trans so this is a hard yes, trans rights!! bitch!!!! if you call trans people groomers as a blanket statement, im going to fucking SLAM DUNK THAT BLOCK BUTTON!!!! :)
"Opinions on MOGAI, mspec lesbians, etc.?"
using cool and funney labels is not harmful unless it is a cishet person doing it strictly for attention or to intentionally deceive somebody, which i highly doubt is actually all that common! idrc if it's silly or whatever it makes my brain feel nice to collect labels while also being vague, so :)
"Do you care about kinnies or people with DAs?"
i think kinning or otherwise is perfectly fine! however, i do not support people who use their kinship or other attachments as a way to harass people, which i have experienced in the past. in addition, the "no doubles" crowd is very uncomfortable to me. i'm fascinated by the processes in which kin canons and alter canons both come out so different and people who are disgusted or otherwise uncomfortable with it are not my vibe.
"Status on systems? Endogenic vs traumagenic?"
i consider myself a primarily traumagenic system with the ability to just kind of manifest alters in a somewhat endogenic way. the way i manage this is being an extremely fragmented system and i just kinda... take a fragment with the vague personality and make it whoever i want, as the host. i dont think being a system is a bad thing for everyone, but i think it's challenging. either way, since i have experiences from both, regardless of whether you think i'm legitimate about it or not, i do support both wholeheartedly and i think we should focus on destigmatizing being plural as opposed to infighting, as with most marginalized communities :)
"How do you feel about selfshipping?"
i think its harmless as long as no real people are involved! i can't morally support it when real people are involved just bc that really feels like boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, to me. but with fictional characters, i really don't care. i also think dropping a char you selfship with just because you out-age them, is a bit silly. why can't they age with you? (i can't drop fictional crushes i had as a kid so easily, i think i'd spare myself the heartbreak and just have them grow with me... like flowey/asriel in undertale, i can't let that go.) anyway, my characters are also okay to selfship with (or kin or whatever) for the most part, i can't exactly stop you LOL, just don't steal them and we're good! and please ask me first of course if i havent spoken on the character before!
"Are you a proshipper, and/or do you support proshippers?"
i have better things to worry about but if you must know, no, i don't consider myself a proshipper or supporter of proshippers because a lot of them are just as bad as the "antis". however i don't support antis either bc i think fighting people over fictional content is stupid. as a csa survivor, i believe people should focus on real predation and child exploitation, not fictional images, even if it is "gross" (tbh, i'd be concerned if it seemed normal to you? it's not meant to be normalized lmao. also, keep your "dead dove" the fuck away from real kids, thanks)
i am vehemently anti-censorship and pro-traumatic art expression... and i am ALSO against the bigotry most proship spaces perpetuate. hope this helps!*
a longer post of my thoughts on this matter can be seen here
*the only reason this is even here is because everyone thinks i'm proship for minding my own damn business and making my own traumatic art... idfk man
"Anything else?"
i try to be as inclusive as possible, but that inclusiveness does not extend to close-minded people who are unwilling to change. i like to think of it as a curtesy rather than required; if one party doesnt abide by the general common curtesy of Being A Decent Person And Not A Jackass i dont have to hear them out or be nice to them.
that all being said, i am not the most interested in interpersonal relationships on here! i am only putting out this info so that if somebody tries to claim something contrasting it, i have an up to date list of my stances on various things to point to. this basically removes most of my future work for me. these stances are going to piss many people off and i don't really care, i just care about making sure the info is correct LOL... callouts are inevitable! and please keep in mind if i've had genuinely concerning beliefs or actions in the past i have had a very hard life and have been easily influenced by people around me both good and bad. i am not perfect and do not ever expect me to be, i'm still learning and growing as a person, like any human being.
oh, and don't bring me into drama i'm not a part of. i prefer to stay in my own lane and curate my own experience, really. i just block people i'm uncomfortable with and go on my merry way :)
...im forgetting something
minors please do not follow me, i will post fucked up shit here that's not for you! peace
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kayjscage · 6 years
Me when I see anti-shipping bullshit on my dash:
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4vienne · 3 years
bnha fandom stop being ableist challenge
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gh0s1y · 2 years
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hi! hi! hi! hello!!!! hiiiiiiiiiiiii!
i go by jou
any pronouns okay, but they/them is preferred.
cancer sun/libra moon/gemini rising
adult, '98
i refuse to make a caard lol
im a muslim-bengali bangladeshi
i speak bangla, english, hindi, and urdu so any of those languages are fine with me
mostly sfw, but i dont tag nudity
banner @/petticoat
if u need me to tag anything just say the word!!
standard dni, fuck transphobes and terfs in particular, and i use the block button very liberally <3
ask box is closed for now. feel free to dm or @ me if u need to contact me
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
Omg give us ur rant abt hating d*rklina as a ship.. im petty
Okay Anon, so i saw this the other day and I wasn't in the right headspace to answer but i am now!
So to start off, I am firmly in the ship and let ship category. You like a ship, i don't care. That doesn't mean i won't rag on the ship itself but I don't send hate, I don't really engage with shippers from ships I don't like, and I am liberal with the block button and the blacklist feature. Cultivate your tumblr/online experience, y'all. You don't owe anyone on this hellsite (or any other) a damn thing.
However, I REALLY do hate d*rklina as a ship, and I have a big problem with the way the shippers talk about it, so I hope you were being serious about wanting a rant because here it goes.
As for the ship itself, i feel like the reasons I dislike it are pretty obvious and standard. It's abusive. He is her abuser. He manipulates her. He spends months grooming her and gaslighting her, intentionally trying to get her under his control so that when he literally enslaves her it will go over easier. He never actually loved her, he wanted to use her for her power. It's not complicated, it's not really 'up for debate', that is the way its written, and the author has explained that that was the intended interpretation of her work. I mean he literally sexually assaults her in the second book, and straight up tells her he's going to kill everyone she loves so that she has no choice but to fall to him because she is completely alone in the world. He threatens to skin her alive in the second book when they're on the boat, he has no problem torturing her to get Mal to do what he wants. That's not love. He does not love her. It's pretty black and white, its explicitly written as an abusive relationship. The point was to show how easily powerful men can manipulate and abuse young naive women who don't know any better and try to see the best in people. Alina 'fell' for the version of Darkles Sparkles that he intentionally created to try to control her. Nothing he told her was true, from his backstory, to them both being 'the only one like [each other]' (hello, baghra), to using Genya to convince Alina that Mal had abandoned her, everything he did was manipulation so that he could get her under his control. It is not a romance, it is not 'a ship war', d*rklina is not written as romantic. He is her abuser. Full stop.
There is also the point about him being just a generally horrible person all around. He's not morally grey. He just isn't. He sold an 11 year old into sex slavery, forced her to stay in that situation so he could use her, and then mutilated her when she defied him. He also groomed and abused Zoya, because he saw that she was exceptionally powerful and wanted to use her the way he wanted to use Alina. He enslaved Alina. He blinded and mutilated his own mother. He is a genocidal maniac. He shows no remorse, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and his own power. He is not the type of character that should be romantically shipped with anyone. If you like him, that's absolutely fine! One of my fave characters ever is Kai Parker from TVD. Dude was a straight up psychopath. He tried to kill multiple pairs of toddlers. He brutally murdered his pregnant sister AT HER WEDDING. He is a HORRIBLE person. But I think he's a brilliant character. But do I think he's a good guy, do I want him anywhere near any characters in that show in a romantic way (ehem b*nkai)? Absolutely fucking not. Being a fan of a villain character is fine, but fucking own that shit. Villains can be SUCH good characters, but they're still villains. Erasing the bad they've done so you can justify putting them in situations where they WILL harm the people around them because you can't level with yourself about the bad things they've done doesn't make you 'woke', it just makes you look like you don't understand the media you're consuming.
Which leads me to why I have such a problem with the way D*rklina shippers engage with the ship. They simultaneously wanna say "oh we know it's toxic/bad/abusive/etc., that's why we like it!" and then also they try to claim that it should be endgame, they romanticize scenes where he is abusing her (and by romanticize I mean they literally try to frame his abuse as romantic, not like "oh yeah my ship is interacting!!". those are different things. You can be excited about ship interactions without trying to say that things he is doing to her are actually romantic), they try to argue that he is morally grey/misunderstood/etc., and they straight up try to lie and say he's not her abuser.
If you wanna ship an abusive ship, own it. Be straight up about why you like it. It's okay to be into dark shit, y'all. It does NOT make you a bad person to be into dark shit. But this idea that fiction doesn't impact real life, and that people can't call the ship out for what it is is a problem is a very troubling trend in fandom. Nobody is saying you can't ship it, do what you want. But this idea that these people are 'oppressed' because fans of the show/book continue to point out the facts about the way the story was written and how the relationship is actually presented is fucking insane. Someone saying that D*rklina is abusive is not calling you out, they are stating a fact. It's the story as it was presented. You trying to say it's not makes it look like you have no reading comprehension. And this idea that 'well i'll be on the lookout for evil shadow wizards in real life lol' is such horse shit too. His shadow wizard powers aren't the issue. He is a powerful man who grooms and abuses young women. You're telling me you lived through the Me Too movement and you wanna act like thats not a real threat that young women face every day? You're telling me that you can't see that the actual real life connection you're supposed to be making here? Okay, well you should maybe deal with that and come back to me, because that's an issue.
Fiction is meant to teach us lessons. Darkles is meant to teach us something. He is meant to show us that sometimes, powerful men lie to, manipulate, groom, and abuse young women, and we should be aware of that. The story is about a young woman who is sucked into an abusive situation, and then she breaks free and in the end she is able to defeat her abuser. That is a really powerful story, and one that millions of real life women can relate too. To pretend that that story doesn't have real life connections makes you look insensitive and frankly, kind of cruel.
So basically, in the end, my biggest issue is that D*rklina shippers love to spout this nonsense about 'knowing' it's bad and that he's a villain, and 'that's why they like him', and then turn around and try to say that he's not actually the villain, he's not actually bad, and the things he does to Alina that are abuse are actually romantic and sweet. You wanna ship an abusive ship, you do you, but lets not pretend it's anything other than what it is, but romanticizing and normalizing abuse tactics so you can feel, what? morally superior? Cool? edgy and different? That has real life impacts. You are normalizing abuse. Real people will engage with that rhetoric, and it will make it difficult for them to see abuse when it happens to them or the people around them because they believe its romantic or normal to be treated that way.
You wanna be a villain stan? You wanna ship dark ships? Good on ya, but fucking own your shit, y'all.
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babyfairy · 3 years
hi mis bri ! as a fellow lesbian, how do u deal with like, the hatred towards lesbians online ?? 😭 sometimes it feels so overwhelming to go onto tiktok, twitter, etc. and see ppl constantly being lesbophobic and it genuinely stresses me out ! im not sure if this msg makes sense but sometimes the feeling becomes hard to manage lol and id like to know if other ppl in the community relate ! <3
literally block and blacklist people LIBERALLY and i mean very liberally!! i block people for the most minor of annoyances LMAO like if something really pisses me off that much i prefer to just choose to disengage before i get upset because it isn’t worth my energy. i’d rather immerse myself in positivity/community in regards to my own lesbianism and when it comes to lesbophobe a just tell them to fuck off and hit the block button
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sunaluvs · 2 years
in regards to ur last post are you not doing the same? you don’t have personal experience with those parties so who are you to judge people for exposing harmful behaviour? im glad this is in the open. its a huge issue
okay under the cut cos i talked a lot lmaoo
now i know you're not telling me that i don't have personal experience when ive been friends w blair for like 4 months now 😭 we're friends outside of this app and i know exactly the way they act and what they would/wouldn't do
however, im also aware that this is the internet and he could be completely faking everything for all i know, which is why i looked at both sides of the issue before making a judgement (shocking ik!!!)
the evidence that the other side has chosen to provide as well as what blair has personally shown me when i asked (unedited w context lol) helped me form my own conclusions, which is that this could've been easily avoided in a number of ways.
ive already spoken to blair ab what i think of this issue. quite frankly, they're both in the wrong here and the entire thing is a misunderstanding of tone and words, with other stuff piled on that could've been just as easily addressed (n was given the chance to) in private. had they just communicated, like, oh i don't know, adults, they could've avoided this.
everyone is entitled to their own opinions and who they choose to interact with. this is tumblr for fucks sake. YOU need to be the one curating your own experience on the internet. it's nobody's responsibility to coddle you (esp as an adult) when the internet is as big as it is. if someone bothers you or doesn't have good vibes or intimidates you, the block button is a very real option that can be easily accessed and put to use. ive used it, your mutual has used it, that popular blog you see everywhere has used it. there's no reason not to use it.
blairs personality is definitely one that not everyone can handle or will like, and they've said multiple times that they know it. hell, its in their fucking navi, that they're blunt and aggressive and liberally use insults and threats. but we all know nobody reads those, right? well, this is what happens you don't read someone's byf.
im not taking anyone's side in particular on this, and this is the only thing im saying on the issue. mistakes were made on both ends and it could've been resolved easily in dms w some clear communication, or they could've js blocked e/o n been done w it. instead, we've turned the dash into a highschool teen fight, but what's done is done n there's nothing to do ab it.
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spectre1 · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @spotchka thank u plum!!
1. Why did you choose your url? i was trying to save a bunch of sw urls for my main blog lol and spectre1 was surprisingly free and stan kanan jarrus, that’s my bestie!
2. Any side blogs? this is a side blog👀 my main is @favouritecolours where i blog about all my other interests (art, poetry, other movies, more personal posts + updates), i also have an atla side blog @kataruh that i made a couple years ago but don’t really use as often. i also started a resources blog yesterday lol @selectivecolour which is just themes rn bcos i may or may not be thinking about starting a sw animation / rebels source blog
3. How long have you been on tumblr? sigh.. since i was like 13 unfortunately. i think i turned out okay all things considering but it’s just so crazy to think about
4. Do you have a queue tag? yes! it’s just #q and runs like twice while i’m asleep
5. Why did you start your blog? i rewatched the all of the movies and finally finished tcw during christmas break then watched rebels in like. a weekend after lol which kickstarted my star wars brain rot. i saved the url in like end of march/april ish then started posting here to not spam my main blog with too many star wars posts and then i started making gifs n other creations now here i am <3
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? i used to have leia / hera icons and then i changed it to kanan bcos i thought it wld be cute if my icon and url matched. i also think it makes shitposts like this more funny hahaah
7. Why did you choose your header? um 👁👄👁 my header is not visible on this blog anymore but it was a picture of kanan and ezra on lothal picked it bcos i love them and the twin moons and the blue bg matched with my icon colour
8. What post of yours has the most notes? i am a jedi, like my father before me but with kanan and ezra which is one of my favourites that i’ve made and i like looking through the tags on that LMFAOO
9. How many mutuals do you have? idk besties how do u find out this information
10. How many followers do you have? 222 angel number isms <3
11. How many blogs do you follow? 139 i shld probably follow more fjkfg
12. Have you ever made a shit post? yes and whenever they get more than like. 30 notes im like hit post!!!!!!!!
13. How often do use Tumblr a day? more than i would like to honestly
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? no i do use the block button very liberally tho <3
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog’ posts? uhh i don’t think i’ve ever seen one of those on my dashboard but just reblog want u want i guess?? it’s ur blog lol
16. Do you like tag games? yes i think it is cute to think that my mutuals are thinking of me and want to know more about me heehee i don’t always do them though bcos i am either lazy or don’t think ppl care for what i have to say fhdfjk
17. Do you like ask games? yeah i don’t think i’ve ever done them on this blog but if im ever bored and have time i’ll do them!!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? uhhhh idk how to gauge what tumblr famous is bgkbmgkm but if we are mutuals ily u are famous in my eyes
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? not in any serious way obviously but if we’re mutuals, i’m peeling u an orange and giving you a slice. i am making you a cup of warm tea. i am reblogging posts i think you wld like when i see you online in hopes that you see it
tagging @chellilonaaphra @burnhamandtilly @obiewan @milfventress and if u see this and wanna do it just say i tagged you lol, no pressure to do this tho!!!
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alwaysxyou · 3 years
I’ve done this many times before but I just want to thank you for being endlessly positive and only focusing on the good things. The Grammys were great and Harry winning was incredible and it seems like everyone was on a high for a bit and now all I see are people complaining about one thing or another. Promo and his team and Gucci and how he posts and whatever and I honestly lost track of how many times my eyes rolled back into my head today. I’m over it in a big way lol. But your account is all happiness and loveliness and excitement (as it always is) so thank you. I wish everyone on here was like you. Have an awesome day!!
🥺🥺 youre so sweet wtf thank you so much honey. i feel you tho im constantly over the negativity and just...annoyingness lmao of a lot of people. im very very liberal with the unfollow and block buttons, it’s not what im interested in seeing and im not gonna deal with it!!! ill just be in my lil corner yelling and celebrating and youre always welcome to join!!!!
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non-binharry · 4 years
Oh im the discourse anon! i think my missing message talkd about how we as larries genuinely do not know about their sex life. ike sure, we have no control and innuendos made and the mario cart interview or wat have you, but we don't actually have a window into their sex lives (and nor should we, obviously) so getting into fights and actively blocking people who think that a different person takes it up the arse is just... wrong and invasive. also it enforces the stereotypes that certain
sex positions have characteristics in the first place which is just... wrong lol.
the fact that they use that block button very liberally and literally call anyone who doesn't agree with them a plague is demonstrative of their fragility and their shameful fandom behavior 🤷
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o i wkjnakjakejf went into the tag for muriel to see Content TM and?? lucio stans making a bunch of posts yelling @ people not to send anon hate/blaming it on ��that new group of lucio antis” and im just here like
lol whomst. soz hun but you literally arent important enough to even register on my radar let alone for me Or my friends to be invested enough to send u anon hate kjneafkjanf like. i use the block button Very liberally.
idk its just funny to me to know that l*cio stans are trully lookin for any excuse to be victimised when im. jkjaefnkaf just over here loving my giant boyfriend and asking people not to be racist like i dont discourse people about liking him despite the fact that I hate him kajefnkja
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If someone wanted to start writing Rhack, where would you suggest starting? Or rather, what kind of content would you suggest starting with? Sorry for the odd question, been reading Rhack for years but writing it intimidates tf out of me...
Oh goodness my sweetie i’m so flattered you’re asking me, but truth be told, regardless of what it might look like, i am hardly an authority on it xD
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The way I started writing rhack? Never played any games (i only just started playing bl2 last june… and only recently completed a first playthrough… and i have zero interest in playing tales or much else ahahah) but i read a lot of the fic out there at the time once rhack art starting hitting my dash and got me interested in them. I mean, who doesn’t see shiny new dolls in the toybox and wanna play with ‘em? Right?
So like, reading a variety of fic set me up to kind of understand the setting (based on what other writers included– i still had never played games at this point/seen any playthroughs at all) so you’re already ahead of the game here. But i wasn’t finding fic of the exact topics/genres that I wanted to read, so i just…. wrote what i couldn’t find/what i specifically wanted to read. 
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And that’s how Bad Habits came about, and i’ve picked up speed since that first fic haha :3 i wanted some damn hurt/comfort REAL hard but there wasn’t really anything… Hell, at that time everything was still very rhys/holo!jack… which was kinky fab fun but still not exactly filling what i personally wanted to read. So like corporeal jack/rhys wasn’t really a big thing at the time, soooo i wrote it :3
Basically, write what it is you wanna see :D
Take cues from other writers (without plagiarizing… i have been plagiarized in this fandom it aint cool lol) and just have fun with it. That’s how i literally learned xD
If you’re worried about characterization, go listen to their voiceline compilations on youtube to understand speech patterns of how they talk (also how i learned about the characters aside from reading dialogue from other writers).
If you’re worried about antis, just make liberal use of the block button, and you can also lock fics on ao3 to only registered users, which creates accountability. People are less likely to be total dickheads when they’re not anonymous. (Mortgages are scarier than antis, a wise wise writer once said …someone link me the post i know ive reblogged it haha).
Get a beta-reader if you’re not confident in your language abilities (lose vs loose, their/they’re/there, we’re/were, know/now). Lack of paragraph breaks (block text) can be a huge turn-off regardless of content (basically, don’t make any of the mistakes that personally annoy you yourself when you’re reading :D)
On that note, be a little picky about who your beta is. Some people will volunteer for it out of a need to feel important/assert control vs. an actual need to assist. There is a difference, and it can be damaging to your will to write. Get someone you know and trust not to do you dirty (if using a beta. I don’t but… i know things :X).
Play fast and loose with canon all you want. These are digital representations of dolls we’re gonna play house with. They’re not real. None of this shit is. Don’t feel constrained by things. You can switch it up all the fuck you want :)
Write what you know or learn about what you want to write about :3 If you’re not into smut, don’t write it unless you want to. There is an audience for everything. You just need an idea. Also asking on your blog for fic prompts or ideas (and also searching the tags for prompts) can be a great source of inspiration. Whatever you were wishing would happen in a  certain fic, well, go write it yourself!
I mean, this is all pretty generic advice even just about starting to write fic in general, so like starting to write rhack? I mean, just do the thing friend.
Block antis, just delete any hate mail (acknowledgement is what they want because they’re sad pathetic fucks) and just dont engage with them, don’t internalize, just DELETE/BLOCK :) I personally haven’t had a problem with antis and i write some weird shit, and fuck im more worried about my next paycheck than what some purity-culture teen has to say about how i play with the community dolls.
So don’t worry, have fun, and if you ARE concerned about certain folks, just start a sideblog for your fic and try not to associate the two accounts (this seems to be the main problem a lot of folks have when beginning to write… vs. the writing itself hahah remove yourself from that position in the first place and youll be grand. And you can always promote your work on your main blog without being like THIS IS MINE. Thats also how this blog got started AHAHAH now i just dgaf) :)
Just… start writing, anon. Write down a particular moment you have stuck in your head that you’ve really been wanting to read. Just that scene right out of your head, no intro or any shit. Just put the scene onto paper and eventually you’ll flesh it into story. :)
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first-only · 2 years
Do you have any advice for somebody who wants to reveal the fact that they are problematic on their main, but is really scared to do so?
I want to just live my truth and not care anymore, but the thought of losing people who I thought were my friends, and the thought of receiving a lot of harassment, scares me a lot. It's not like I'm completely pure on my main, I mean my AO3 is literally filled with incest, but it is possible that a lot of people who follow me haven't caught on yet. I know I shouldn't care about anti's clout, but this is the only place where I actually get complements on my art (even if they're not that many) and it's hard to have to possibly say goodbye to those praises and interactions.
But I'm just tired. I have so much stuff I want to post, that I'm scared to. There's a big twincest Au I have, that I really want to draw and write for! But I've put it off for so long in fear of what people will think of me.
I know their opinions don't matter, and I do know a couple of my friends who are secretly just as problematic as me and wont leave. I just, I dunno, I'm scared, antis and current fandom scare me a lot
Sorry if this was a bit rambly
I dont really think the people who would harass and call you out are real friends. And honestly, i dont think their compliments really... matter? Like i understand that getting positive feedback on your art feels amazing, and im probably the minority in that, but honestly? I would rather get no response than compliments from people whose opinions dont matter to me, or i actively try to avoid seeing even a glimpse of their takes. How did that saying go.. dont take criticism from people who you wouldnt ask advice from?
As for being scared of negative attention, I just block liberally and either insta delete or troll-answer bait-y asks. I feel like the anti/harassment threat is.. a tiny bit overfeared by some people. Yes, of course some people get a lot of hate and bait but usually you get a few asks, block them, and never hear it again until you have to block someone else a month later and thats the last of it. Yes some people get a /lot/ of attention but they're usually popular or are targeted specifically by someone (often on personal accounts rather than just being internet randos to each other)
If you want to reveal that you dont buy into anti bullshit gently, i'd rec just reblogging a few anti-harassment posts. Then maybe a few of a ship thats on the edge of "problematic." Then maybe a popular think-about-it anti-purity culture post (gaud has one thats very well and gently put). I mean i guess thats the safest route to like.... serving it slowly and letting people jump ship at their level of comfort? I mean, personally i would just post them twins fucking and enjoy the idea of people outraging (with the finger on the block button lol) but if you're not comfortable with that, maybe a soft boil would be easier.
And please remember, anti side is /not/ the default. It's /not/ the majority. I would personally not even call it 'real' fandom, its just the like plato's allegory of the cave of fandom, where the normies (for lack of a better term) saw us having fun and decided to join but then try and trample on our culture.
If you post your art someone will like it. A lot of people will love it. There are many many of us freaks and fandom olds who would greatly enjoy to see you free of the mainstream idea of fandom and would love to follow you and have fun together. Even if you lose the antis you will gain the essentials and those bonds will be stronger and not hinge on not saying the 'wrong' word ever.
also like if you post that twincest tag me pls i love me some <3
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serpentinemalign · 3 years
fanfic tag game!
tagged by @verybadmau​ - thank you!!! ❤
im pretty bad at tagging ppl so just feel free to do it if you want to and tag me if you do haha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have five under this handle! :) 
probably in total, about 11? the others are strewn across different abandoned handles. i dont like to delete stuff because it feels like it defeats the point of it being an archive? but thats my own preference. 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
18653 words! a whole-ass novella of exclusively mind control erotica. jesus. i have a problem. i swear i write other things sometimes.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Still Life
Option Paralysis
Words Bleeding
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i try to! if i haven’t i’ve probably just forgotten lol. i think it’s polite to do it, i am usually so thrilled to have a new comment, and it hopefully encourages people to leave more comments on fics!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
that’s honestly hard to judge. i would say probably words bleeding because there there is no hope of respite and we also have alice who is completely innocent and still mixed up in the horrible things that are happening
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
hm. well, it’s only happy to me, but i suppose option paralysis. it’s a horrible ending! but i like that it highlights that hugo genuinely cares about his subjects, in a weird and fucked up way. corpse and casket are about complete dehumanisation, but with option paralysis, hugo knows you’re a person and has this weirdly paternal relationship with the reader throughout and still just decides to lock them up forever and use their body for fucked up experiments. bittersweet ❤
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i do! i’m struggling to recall any off the top of my head, though? actually my wildest one wasn’t a crossover so much as it was a ‘write for THIS fandom but in the style of this author’. i wrote a novel-length fight club au for ygo!dm and i was also planning side-stories in the same universe (one which involved mai kicking dartz/DOMA’s asses) but i scrapped it for a multitude of reasons lol. i think ultimately a japanese property - especially one that has already suffered a godawful localisation process - doesnt need to be broken and rebuilt under the style and aesthetics of a specifically western and american critique of capitalism and masculinity. this wasnt my intention, and i did do research to try and figure out how to marry the two together, but it ultimately just felt too iffy to continue.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i have anon off and i am very very liberal with the block/mute button on social media, so if i have received hate it has been filtered out automatically lol
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
so, you know the show totally spies? well, let me tell you, don’t watch that show as a kid! don’t watch it now either, it’s not very good, but ESPECIALLY don’t watch it as a kid! 
i write a lot of smut that ISNT mind control related but it doesnt actually get edited or published... i dont think ive ever written vanilla smut. most of it involves edgeplay (weaponplay and bloodplay mmm!!!!). almost all of it involves power imbalances - we don’t want ethics in this house, only suffering. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that im aware of? 
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but that would be pretty cool! hopefully one day :)
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! i co-wrote smut with my partner before we started dating. it was super self-indulgent and we did fics for our respective fetishes lol
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I CANT TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEYRE FROM AN OBSCURE AND DEAD FANDOM AND I MOVED HANDLES AND IT PAINS ME. i wrote hundreds of thousands of words for those fucking idiots. 
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i have a bunch of gotham wips that i never finished because i left the fandom lol! i had a long-ish hugo/jim wip that i might rework into like a 10k one-shot at some point
15. What are your writing strengths?
i think my style is decently readable. i like to get to the point and i like to make things visceral and nasty. im pretty good at dialogue? maybe?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
i write erotica in name only lol. almost all my works involve copious sex and violence, but it’s very difficult for me to kick back and just write something unapologetically horny. i get caught up in things feeling too silly or improbable!
i also often have to edit for style-over-substance stuff, like i will come up with an image i love but that is COMPLETELY out of place. maintaining extended metaphors and stuff is tough for me!
i dont know how to make introspection interesting so i avoid it at all costs instead of accepting sometimes it is the best way to keep things moving
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i don’t do it personally and i probably wouldn’t unless i was fluent in that language or knew someone who was who could check it for me. i dont think it’s a cardinal sin or anything, it wouldnt make me close the tab unless it was obviously wrong (for which i have almost no barometer because i am monolingual rip) lol
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
hmm i’m honestly not sure. it might have been w.i.t.c.h./neopets accidentally because i wrote a story as a tiny baby that was basically just the cast of witch goes to neopia, but then i just gave the witch girls different names and called it my Original Story. do not steal
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
option paralysis was me pouring my entire fucking heart out into a fic in one of the most horrible periods of my life and i still go back to it to cry happy, horny tears.
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