#im very normal about this :)
cel-estria · 6 months
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filthy-fi · 1 year
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thund3randrain · 6 months
I love the idea of Evan and Pandora having a younger brother, who's the sweetest angel whenever he's around Pandora, but the moment he's left with just Evan he becomes an feral eldritch horror child that can not be tamed, then the moment Evan starts dating Barty he treats Barty like he treats Pandora and it drives Evan nuts
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fishy-lava · 1 year
can we please talk about how adorable sleepy morning wylan is hes so fucking cute i dont know what to do with it like !! the way he rubbed his eyes and the way he was looking at jesper!! 
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cure-typhoon · 11 months
Do you ever think about how both the beta and alpha kids made it alive into Earth C while only 3 out of the Beta Trolls team was able too
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stargazingbitch · 24 days
I've been thinking about Niko and Jenny's relationship and journey and how beautiful it is.
When we first met them they are just living in the same building, I'm guessing they barely talk to each other. Niko says multiple times how she dropped school and she is in this really lonely place, she isolates herself because of grief and the fear of caring about new people. And while Jenny is not experiencing grief ( that we know of) she's also alone, she afraid of opening up to people and that isolates her too. This is until Crystal (and the boys) show up.
That's when their dynamic changes, Niko starts to make friends again and she finally decides to answer her mother's letters. She changes completely into someone more confident and courageous who wants to help people and make them feel better too. And she and Crystal take Jenny out of her conform zone together. This culminates in episode 5 when Niko convinces her of having a date and opening up even more, but that ends badly. So once again they are ignoring each other, they are turning back to the begining not trusting people once again.
But what I really love about this show is that at the end, even if they opened up and they got hurt again, they still changed.
Jenny goes and helps Crystal with her abusive ex (something that she wouldn't have done in the beginning) and Niko goes and faces a witch by HERSELF TO SAVE HER FRIENDS.
So what the show says to me is u shouldn't isolate yourself out of fear of getting hurt by caring about people, that's what life is about, you're gonna get hurt but you're also gonna grow as a person and that's worth it.
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sevikasenby · 7 days
telling sevika “i was just made to take you huh?”
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1134soup · 7 months
Re-Animator the Musical (2011) information masterdoc !!!
In 2011, there was a Re-Animator musical adaptation and after hearing Jeffrey Combs and Bruce Abbott talk about it in the Bride of Reanimator commentary track, I realized that need to know as much about it as I can and so now you will too !! There’s no full recording of the show or any type of soundtrack recording so obviously I am going to find as much information on it as I can (:
If you have any extra information not mentioned PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME !! and also if i get any information wrong correct me!!! I need to know !!!! so uhh check out the masterdoc hooray
( also if i get any theatre lingo wrong tell me and i'll correct that too )
I'll edit it as i find more information
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bestplace · 2 months
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mondverde · 2 months
yea im burning alive right here
cr. wwsocute717 on twitter
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Why cant we have more DnDads like rn, i miss them:(
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captainshorter · 3 days
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bokvshou · 1 year
sometimes I think how in scorch trials thomas felt insecure and hesitated, how he thought he was not a good leader, and he felt completely lost, but then newt came to sit next to him, listened to his concerns, and helped him soothe his soul simply with his company as he offered words wrapped in a hope that thomas had inadvertently delivered to newt before.
because newt felt lost too, and every day on the glade was hell until thomas, curious and stupid thomas, came to turn his life upside down. and newt knew it wasn't that easy, he knew it was too much pressure and it wasn't fair, but he still tried, and he figured it didn't matter if thomas wanted to give up, newt was going to be there to stop that depressive train of thought.
newt was going to be there to hold him. they were each other's anchor.
then i think about how everything went down as soon as newt died. the very moment newt stopped breathing, thomas felt that there was nothing worth fighting for anymore, and went to give himself up to WICKED.
and he still wanted to torture himself a little more, asking Ava if it was true that his blood was the solution, the damn cure. and we see him break because it is. that second where his heart broke to pieces and dropped the gun, exhausted and hopeless, because he realized that the same hand that killed newt, his hand, was the one that could save him.
it was a cruel joke. "you can't give up, i won't let you", but newt was no longer there with him, so he did. he had lost his anchor, it no longer mattered.
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vielle-art · 1 year
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‘we are perfection made flesh’.
mtg au? idk im just feeling very incredibly normal about the praetors & phyrexia.
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what-a-fella · 1 year
you have been warned
ok, I have to talk about Generation Loss episode 2 for a second. because godDAMN, that was insane. the main thing that got me was the lack of reactions from Ranboo and Sneeg. I know it's been said, but the start with the carousel was extremely disconcerting. watching the trapped folks go from terrified for their lives to game show contestant was so unnerving. like, clearly somethings wrong but I don't think it really hits until Sneeg tries to escape and gets super mind controlled. From then on just watching Sneeg and Ranboo have what were essentially NPC reactions to full on gruesome deaths was brutal. but Austin's reaction to Ethan's death puts such a different perspective on it. Austin is understandably freaking the fuck out and the other two r just standing there and godddddd. holy shit that whole ep was so fucked when u think too hard about it. the fact that no one made it out, ranboo being mind controlled for most of it with very little glitches, Sneeg not even thinking about trying to go through the wall, the END. it's just alabjsozzbsbs
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soggywert · 6 months
Just went through the 5 stages of grief watching that finale
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