#im very out of practice with using a laptop/tablet to draw
sillaysockz · 10 months
Ok so.....
I have another stupid request similar to the baby Simba one
But it's gonna be Tord in a Mario costume with Edd in a Peach costume with Tord carrying his ass and struggling
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Katalepsis after live-read thoughts collection
So, now that im caught up about in time for book 1 to end, i am just regurgitating half-thoughts ive had along the ride, doing some retrospection and working my way through all the stuff i still want to draw.
I think thats one of the big things i really noticed and appreciated about katalepsis. Theres just drawability to it. I havent decided yet if its Hungrys writing style in general, the genre, or most likely, a characteristic of Heathers that got me to figure out i can use my laptop as a drawing tablet. Heather in her internal monologue just has a real appreciation for spaces.
A space is rarely a backdrop to do a scene in, the places and buildings and dimensions are characters to heather in a way that just makest a lot of sense for someone who grew up seeing the personified spirits of the everyday world as well as the varied wilds of Outside.
When the Stairwell trap is sprung, theres a very real feeling of betrayal, the willow house has forsaken raine and heather, who previously thought it a sanctuary.
We later learn that the space was bound, artificial, forced to act against its inhabitants in a way a house usually would not, which fits some themes that come up waaaaayy later.
I originally thought this would just be a quirk of heathers, some flavor to her thought processes, but it really did get picked up as an actual story beat, not just an aesthetic, with the soul of edward lilburnes house.
The Outside places are a bit more metaphorical about this, but strangely more clearly alive as well. The Library is an extension of the catalogue, wonderland is dominated by the eye. Ooran Juhs Projected space is his own physical gullet. Carcosa is the stage of a living play. The very first outside space we get to properly see is on the back of some giant creature, hairs and all.
Theres just Personality to every place that keeps them all so very, very vivid.
Ive been planning to draw wonderland ever since the mirror incident at the very beginning of the story, and in a very funny way, as ive drawn other stuff along the way ive been training for wonderland and the eye along with the cast. I really want to do it justice.
Staying on said cast for a bit, ive already talked about raine for a good bit, but theyre all amazing. I was always happy to see that an arc or a few chapters would become a cast members designated backstory time, because i really do want to know more about them and how they work as people. After about the middle point of the story though, those moments and how they connected became pretty hard for me to keep track off
For a reader who was along for the ride since the start, having to wait between chapters as they come out, the pacing probably works way better than it did for me.
I found myself really wishing for more time with the spookycule in each stage of development it had. Early katalepsis with just raine evee and heather is probably where it was the closest to ideal for me, in terms of just vibes i enjoy and things to keep track of.
I dont want to be too analytical, im bad at that, but for example we only see the fractal used to banish a sharrowford cult servitor once.
There could have been way more time spent in the twilight of magic, the street level zone, where every accidental slip outside is a moment of grand terror, and heather learns to live with the idea that the spirits are real.
For someone who gets called “Shaman” a lot later on, we only really see her asking a spirit for directions once (the wrecking ball hands gorilla), where i was expecting that to become a very integral bit of her kit as a character. I love the cephalopod changeling we got instead, but i do feel there could have been a heather who learned to work with her non brain pain vomit inducing abilities for practical reasons, at least for a little while.
After that comes the Messenger demon and maisies message. Knowing the rest of the story, i love that the primary motivation set up here has jack and shit to do with Ed or Alex. This isnt a story about killing the bad guy, its in a very serious way a story about love and that is what should motivate the characters.
Ed and Alex really are just invaders to the story, who grasp at threads that should not concern them at all, with their meddling eventually causing the collapse of Alexs portion of the cult under the Eyes gaze.
I dont quite know how much actual space is in between Kimberly and Zheng joining the household, but this is really the part of the story where just a lot happened at once. We get both badger and sarika, the entire abyss transformation and zheng so very close together.
During the time of the dead hands there is actually some breathing room though. Mostly because set dead hands keep us consigned to a breathable atmosphere for a bit.
The other big stretch of story that i wish lasted longer is the post proposal journey with sevens and saldis through carcosa. Given how time works outside, that whole stretch of time could have really stretched for a while without threatening the maisie limit, and i do wish that some of sevens later character development had happened in here, since i didnt quite know what to think of her after they left the palace, whereas right now in the end she is one of my favourites. I still dont know what i think of the king in yellow being in this story at all, but thats a me issue.
Yeah, so given that most of the smaller thoughts ive already posted in the liveread chat, i guess ive now covered my two big thoughts. I love how katalepsis treats spaces, and the only thing i had any problems with was the pacing, which tbh might just be because i didnt take my time when reading at all.
Time for even less structured thoughts now, just a rapid fire of things that come to mind after reading:
I hope we eventually get a perspective on the worlds cosmology from a mage fully unconnected to the vaguely interconnected british underworld of mages, im very curious how deeply different interpretations of outside, the abyss, demons and beyonders a person might have if they never interacted with the humunculus wars environment. The abyss beeing wet and aquatic seemed to be a general truth, to edward, zheng and even lozzie, until we met taika for example. I want to see more of that.
I said earlier that sevens has become one of my favourites, which is kinda stupid since most characters are my favourite at something by some measure, but Raine and Evee are still the two that are the most meaningful or connected to me. Ive already gone into maybe too much detail on how Raine just works in a way that ive never seen portrayed in anything for some reason. What i havent really realized until about now is how similar evees struggle is. There is that same need to feel useful. They both define their fundamental self via a skill that is in some way repulsive to them for whatever reason, and must cling to another to point them in a direction where they feel they can use it to do good. Evee has to feel useful, has to justify her presence and her dangerous knowledge to herself to some degree, and helping heather is how she does it for now.
The fundamental difference i think is that Raine chose to define herself that way, as knight errant, as supporter, while evee feels any other option to act on the world was taken from her by her mother. This mostly takes the form of her physical disability often stopping her from acting in time, reaching places, but also stopping her anorgasmia seemingly stopping her from loving in the way she thinks is correct (at that point of the story at least. Both of those are changing of course, mostly thanks to Praem).
It kind of lines up with Kimberly in a funky way, since she essentially decided not to use sorcery to justify her presence, both in the house and the story, but still remained around and appreciated, as a sort of in universe counterpoint to evees negative view of herself.
Thats all i can think of for now, i dont actually now how to end this, this isnt a sotry analysis, i have no conclusion except that im glad i caught up so close to the end, because im excited to see all of us react to whatever crazy shit is going down live!
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tiktaaliker · 2 years
for the weirdly specific artist ask game: 9, 14, and 18
9. What are your file name conventions
its kind of all over the place, but typically it's a variation of the character name + a descriptor. like, i recently drew null in a raptor-like pose so i named the file nulrapt. depending on how often i draw a character ill just use the name or a descriptor. sometimes ill just call it whatever word im thinking of at the time, and sometimes specific characters have their own specific file name conventions (like all of herring's files have "what" in the title, and all of sidequest's art are named s1, s2, s3, so on and so forth)
14. Any favorite motifs
oh man i am a sucker for motifs. practically every character design i do is made with me trying to associate them with other characters + themes via motif. but as for favorites? one is def water. i LOOOOOVE water as a motif. i dont draw it much digitally because its sometimes a pain to get it to look the way i want it to but for my traditional art its practically in everything i make. some other big ones for me that i keep trying to shoehorn into stuff is eyes, teeth, feathers/wings, and the number 3, to the point where 99 percent of my art is going to feature at least ONE of those things lol
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
oh man this is a hard one. tbh i dont think ive actually broken too many things in terms of traditional art, unless you consider completely going through them as breaking it- if you DO, then i am where white colored art supplies go to die. there have been MULTIPLE times where ive had to finish a piece with a stump of white smaller than a quarter (charcoal, oil pastel, AND colored pencil), and im very quickly running out of white oil paint. in terms of digital art, i. uh. ive broken at least two tablets, and ive worn down 1 and 1/2 touchscreen laptops beyond repair
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gncrezan · 2 years
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testing out how different the pen pressure is on the new laptop w/ @asphodelgame <3
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ravenadottir · 3 years
hiii im so happy youre back!! i hope your doing well :D i was wondering how the lis would celebrate mc’s birthday with her?
thank you so much! i won't blab too much here.
bobby. he wants to cook her meals and make sure it's a surprise, enough to beat the buttercream the day before when she's not around. making her favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner are a given but to top it all off, he arranges table for two in the living room, very romantic, very intimate. her present might be something really cool like tickets to see her favorite artist.
carl. he's not a cook so he's taking her out to her favorite place, because he will burn everything down, including the kitchen. limo, a new dress, flowers. in the restaurant, after the meal, bubbly and dessert, and her gift when she gets home. it's always something extravagant because he loves shiny things. unless that's not mc's style he will give her something diamonds.
elisa. glamour surprise birthday party, every friend invited, black tie, sophisticated food and place but absolutely cool music. she pampers mc with a new dress and shoes and sends a car to mislead her. a room waiting for them at the end of the night where elisa gives mc her present, something gold like a necklace or bracelet engraved with an inside joke.
gary. surprise party with friends, the barbecue type of party, possibly asking chelsea to help out. there's music, presents, the friends playing drinking or card games, but there's one room where they can go to be alone for a second, where the gift comes out. it could be a thousand things but i'm betting on trip for two.
henrik. mini vacation, possibly somewhere warmer and more reserved. if it's winter, somewhere with a fireplace. he will spoil her with food, massages, his gift, which i think it might be a token from somewhere they visited together but couldn't get it at the time.
ibrahim. getting a private plane to a place where they can share dinner and a present. he's done it before, imagine what he would do if he loves the girl! it might be a different country and they might spend the weekend. the present is as ostentacious as the trip there. i don't doubt he would stir into the rich when planning something.
kassam. a really cool concert he might mislead mc saying he couldn't get the tickets to because it has to be a surprise. definitely 4 am food on the way home and her gift waiting to be unwrapped, possibly something practical that she really needs, like a laptop or tablet. he loves giving things he sees people using all the time.
lottie. whole-day-date, starting by shopping and spa, then having mc's favorite food for lunch. a movie later she wants to take her to a hotel for the night. lottie being so imaginitive and planning something for a girl is endearing, because she wants everything to be perfect. her gift might be something mc really wants to splurge but doesn't want to because it's too expensive and she would feel guilty.
lucas. he's moving things on his schedule because it's gonna be big. a whole weekend kind of deal, possibly taking her to the beach, where is warm, no matter where that is. there's new clothes, shoes (that he picked), extravagant meals, everything to spoil her.
marisol. loves planning things, especially for her girlfriend. i reckon a dinner party with their friends, entrees, main course, dessert, drinks, the whole shebang! she struggles to pick a gift so she goes with what she knows mc needs at the moment.
noah. two for dinner in his place all the way. he's cooking everything, he's picking her up from work and drawing her a bath while finishing the meal. they have dinner and he gives her the present he chose. it's always heartfelt, and it could be something from mc's childhood, like a plushie toy she really wanted, or a book that was a big part of her life growing up.
priya. step aside because the fancy birthday dinner will end up in shambles, in a good way. the best way to celebrate a birthday, according to her, is to have fun with your loved ones, so she's taking mc and everyone else to an afterparty in a club. there's music, drinks, all types of shenanigans because bobby and gary will be present. she wants it to be unforgetable.
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carpisuns · 3 years
I love drawing and I always try to improve!! But I''ve been losing motivation lately because I try to draw stuff that might be pretty easy for other artists but I struggle with them A LOT.
I KNOW I shouldn't compare myself to others if it's gonna demotivate me but I just can't help it! I see other VERY talented people draw AMAZINGLY and feels so impossible to do and it makes me feel like I don't know how to draw at ALL
I also tried digital art but I don't get how people do it. Maybe it's because I don't have the best app? Most of the better digital art apps aren't free so I'm only limited to the free ones.
Plus I draw with my finger on my tablet.
And I installed a digital drawing app on my laptop but I suck at it. HOW DO PEOPLE DRAW ON A LAPTOP???
I just, need some motivation? And maybe some art tips?? I struggle THE MOST with fingers/hands and well drawing bodies. When I look at something and try to draw it exactly how it is I can do it! But drawing whatever I like (without it being a picture in front of me) is a HUGE challenge for me...
I'm really sorry to bother you... But you seem really nice so I felt like I could ask you that hehe
Have a great day!!
i totally feel you. im in the exact same boat! idk how other people perceive my skill level lol but i struggle A Lot! it takes me a lot of time and effort to get my art to a point that i feel okay about sharing it. even stuff that seems simple probably took me a while haha. and i know that feeling of looking at other really amazing artists and feeling kind of crushed that you can't be like them. it's really hard not to compare and get down on yourself. but since you're gonna be comparing anyway lol try to compare your work with your old work, to appreciate how far you've come! that helps me. i have some EXTREMELY cringey art still on my blog and you really don't have to go that far back in the tag to find it alskdfjaljsfd like stuff that im SUPER embarrassed about now but i can't bring myself to delete them bc it's kinda nice to be able to go back at say, "i was really proud of this drawing when i made it but wow, that is. Terrible. u know what u call that? ✨growth✨"
the truth is, there will always be people who are better than you at art, and that's ok! don't sweat it. art of various styles and skill levels can still be enjoyed. and you will only get better! my advice is to not put too much pressure on yourself. improvement will come naturally as you just keep drawing and try to have fun with it.
it's also helpful to keep in mind that you are not the only one who struggles or feels inadequate. i'd venture to say that most artists feel that way, even popular or highly skilled ones! recently an artist that i really admire and consider the biggest art goals told me that their finished drawings have many layers of sketches and corrections and experimentations underneath. art takes effort for everyone, even your art senpais! ofc, certain things will come easier as you get better, but good artists are always pushing for improvement and expanding their skills so you'll probably always feel a bit out of your comfort zone and it's good to try to develop a healthy mindset about growth/development now
hahaha i used to draw with my finger on my phone too before I got a drawing tablet. i prefer digital art because i totally abuse that undo button lol but it's fine if you prefer traditional art! i know some really amazing artists who do a lot of paper and pencil drawings—@tizzymcwizzy comes to mind!
Lol I also struggle with hands and bodies and I also have a super hard time drawing from my imagination! So I don’t 🤠 I use references for like every single thing I draw, and if you have to do that too, that’s ok! In fact, using refs is a good thing. Hopefully someday I won’t have to rely on them quite so heavily but using refs is always good practice! That’s how you learn what things look like and how to draw them lol.
Well as usual I am simply Rambling lol!! Hope at least something in that was helpful 😂 (can you see why I am not cut out for twitter 🙂 DHJSKS)
Best of luck, u got this! Be patient with yourself, keep drawing, and enjoy creating! You are awesome 😎👉👉
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helena-studyblr · 6 years
a post no one asked for!
hello so i reblogged a questionnaire a lil bit ago and i’m going to answer them now because...why not
1. how old are you?
im 18!
2.  are you in high school or college(university)?
3. what year or grade are you in high school or (university)? 
im a freshman in college
4. what is your school’s grading system look like? do you like it? what problems do you have with it, if any? 
so my university has a standard letter grade system for most classes and pass/fail for some courses that don’t really need a grade. i do like it because it’s what i’m used to, however, a lot of times having a letter grade system can be more stressful because it makes you feel like anything but some kind of A is mediocre and not good enough, when in reality, a 75% or above is better than average.
5. if you are in high school do you plan on going to university or college? if you are in college do you plan on finishing and if you do, do you plan on continuing on to other graduate or professional schools? 
i plan on going to veterinary school after i finish my undergraduate degree! if i end up changing my major to my second choice(music education is my second choice), then of course I won’t be going to vet school.
6. if you are high school what do you plan to study in college, if you plan to go. if not, what do you plan on doing after high school? if you are in college what is your major? do you plan on changing it? 
i am currently studying biochemistry and molecular biology and i have a minor in music! i dont plan on changing it at this point, but if i do, i’d change it to music education.
7. why are you picking or why did you pick what you are currently studying? 
i want to go to vet school, and biochemistry has almost all the requirements for vet school admissions. also, i find it interesting
8. do you go/plan to go to community college, technical college, or a four-year institution? how did you make your decision, or how do you plan to?
i am at a 4 year university, and i went here because it fits what i want to do
9. what factors did you consider when picking a college, or what factors do you plan on considering? 
the college I chose is in my hometown, which is probably one of the deciding factors(i really wanted to be close to home). the campus is very pretty and small as well, and i really wanted to go to a small college. i could have potentially gone to The Ohio State University because i’m about 20 minutes away, but the camous is so big and i know i would have hated it. the school also has a good music program, soi can continue playing even though it isn’t my major
10. what is your favorite pencil?
i love my muji mechanical pencil and also the papermate clearpoint!
11. what are your top three favorite pens?
pilot juice, muji gel pens, and sharpie pens
12. do you prefer wide-ruled paper, college-ruled, dot-grid, or graph paper? 
college ruled is my favorite for class notes, graph paper for revised/nice notes/math work, and blank for planning generally
13. do you use different types of paper for different courses or classes?
i use college ruled for almost everything except math homework(i use graph)
14. do you use a backpack/bag for school or college and what kind is it? why did you choose it? price, quality, function, design? 
i use a backpack, i have no idea what brand it is, but its the perfect size for everything i need to take to classes and its also really pretty(it has a black background with flowers on it)
15. what is your favorite outfit to go to class in and why? 
i generally wear leggings and a sweatshirt/sweater just because they’re comfy and also look cute! if its warm enough, i wear flip flops but if not, i wear my vans or converse.
16. what is something you always have to have in your backpack or bag?
usually my laptop and pencil case
17. what is your least favorite subject and why? 
math!!!!!!! will always hate. guarunteed. 
18. have you ever gone to tutoring, if so, how has it helped your academic endeavors? 
i have not
19. have you ever seeked academic counseling, if so has it helped you?
i haven’t
20. has your mental health ever suffered during high school or college, and what did you do to cope? 
holy shit yes. i suffer from depression and anxiety(depression for almost a year and anxiety for 4 years). i could make a whole post about this but in general, i make sure i give myself time to relax. it can be so so hard to take care of yourself when you suffer with things like this, so even if you can barely get out of bed, try to make time to do things that make you happy. for me, it’s drawing, netflix, and video games.
21. do you like to listen to music when studying? if so, what genre, if you have a playlist share it! 
i do listen to music! i just listen to music i like, which is rock/pop punk/alt rock/etc. (here’s one of my playlists!: https://open.spotify.com/user/helenakitten14/playlist/4R6ZGIlz8K5UDEk80cVfV5?si=cXK0z3HTRUKCQSKx9F8tNA )
22. do you prefer to study at a library or at home at your desk?
depends what i’m working on and how much i have to do. if i feel like i have to be totally focused, i go to the library, but if i have some time to take breaks and get distracted, i just stay in my room. I also hate going to the library on my own, so sometimes i stay in my room anyway if no one can come with.
23. what are your top three items you keep on your desk?
my lamp, my laptop, and whatever drink i’m drinking while working( i always have a drink so i avoid snacking lol)
24. do you feel as if you are more productive during the day or in the evenings? 
evenings for sure
25. if you exercise, do you feel as if it affects your productivity and if so how? 
i do marching band which is usually my exercise, but i don’t work out. working out just exhausts me and i don’t have energy to begin with(ye ye depression)
26. do you participate in any extracurriculars and if so how do you manage your time?
marching band and wind ensemble! i’m also joing KKPsi, which is an honorary fraternity for music service! i am not great at time management, however, i plan out everything to hold myself accountable
27. do you use a bullet journal, a planner, or to-do lists? do you use a combination of all three? 
i use a combo of all three! i’ve been bullet journalling a lot recently, but i also use a planner during busy weeks when i dont have time to make a spread and i make to do lists for weekends
28. do you have a note-taking style?
nothing specific
29. do you have a color-coding system?
i like to make every different topic/spread a different color. also, when i make notes, i like to highlight vocab words.
30. what do you believe is one of the most overrated studyblr trends? 
100 days of productivity. its impossible to be completely productive for 100 days straight. shit happens, and i understand the purpose of the 100 days challenge, but i think it also takes a toll on you mentally.
31. what are your career goals, how do you plan to reach them? 
i want to be a veterinarian or someone that works with animals somehow. i hope to go to vet school and then have my own practice or join another practice.
32. do you use a laptop? if so which model? how does it perform, would you reccomend it? if not, what model would you like?
i use a macbook air! it is nice because it is easy to transport, but occasionally the functionality can be questionable(storage space is always my issue). i do reccommend it, though. if i could get a new laptop, i’d probably get a macbook pro. 
33. do you use a tablet? if so which model? how does it perform, would you reccomend it? if not, what model are you interested in?
i don’t, but i think having an iPad would be nice!
34. if you post pictures to tumblr, do you use a camera or your phone, if so, what is the model? 
i use my iPhone 6s
35. 0.5, 0.7, or 0.9 pencil lead? 
usually .5 or .7
36. 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, or 1.0 pens? 
37. how many hours a day do you spend studying? are your hours consistent daily or do they differ depending on assignments and exams? 
i tend to study for a majority of the day most days, but it always differs. i have no set timetable
38. how many courses do you take? what are they?
so i am in 8 courses right now. Biology, Gen Chem, Bio Lab, Gen Chem Lab, Calculus I, The History of rock n roll, Wind Ensemble, and Marching band.
39. how long until you graduate? in credit hours, semesters, or years?
i still have 3.5 years left of college, which is 7 semesters
40. how did you find the studyblr community?
honestly i dont remember, it was so long ago
41. how did the studyblr community impact you? 
i was in a big funk my sophomore year of high school. i had no motivation, i hated learning, i hated everything tbh. but them i found this community and it inspired me and showed me that studying can be fun and pretty while also being a learning experience!
42. do you go to school in the day or night?
43. what is something you are too afraid to be involved in at school or college and why? 
 in high school, i was very afraid to get involved with a lot of things, such as theatre and some other clubs just because of anxiety.
44. do you type or write your notes? 
i write them mostly, but my biology professor talks really fast so i usually type notes for his class
45. what do you do on your breaks from studying? 
netflix, eat, play video games, probably other stuff i’m forgetting
46. how do you study for math exams?
honestly i just look through lecture notes and hope for the best. occasionally i do practice problems but not often
47. do you rewrite your notes at home after class, or do you just use the ones you have already? why? 
i rewrite them because it helps me memorize things
48. what are your least favorite courses and why?
math of any kind! i also hate biology right now just because my professor sucks
49. are you in a relationship while in school? if so, why? if not, why? 
i recently got out of a relationship, but im open to being in a relationship with someone
50. if you are in a relationship, how do you manage that along with your studies? 
it was very hard to manage it honestly, but i did what i could to make time, even if it was only just having a meal together. 
51. if you aren’t in a relationship, do you plan on entering one while still in school? explain. 
if i find the right person, yea! being in relationsips is great, especially because you have a companion to help you when you’re struggling
52. do you worry about GPA, if so why, if not why?
oh my god yes i do. i have to have a certain GPA to keep my scholarship money and to stay in the honors program, plus i just want to do well.
53. did you or do you plan to take the SAT or ACT, how did you feel about the exams? did you study for them? have you taken it more than once?
i did take both the SAT and ACT. i did well on each, but the SAT was a lot harder for me. I got a 1220(i think) on the SAT and a 31 on the ACT. i took the ACT twice
54. did you or do you plan to take the GRE, LSAT, PCAT, MCAT, DAT (or any other grad exam)? how did it go? how are you or how did you study for it? have you taken it more than once? 
i’m going to take the MCAT
55. do you or did you take AP classes is high school? how do you feel about how they prepared you for college? did your school require you to take the exam?
yes i did take AP classes! i took 9 total, and they overall did help me learn how to manage time better as well as how to study. we weren’t required to take the exams, but i always did
56. do you or did you do the IB program in high school? can you explain it more for those who are unfamiliar with it? 
i did not, however the IB program is basically an intensive high school honors program that is very writing intensive. its like AP on steroids
57. do your or did you take dual-enrollment classes? how did you feel about how they prepared you for college? 
i didnt but i wish i did!
58. how many colleges or universities did you apply to or not? and why?
i applied to 5 colleges. i already knew where i wanted to go, but i wanted to be safe just in case i didnt get in, so i applied to the 5 i was most interested in. I also wanted to see if any other schools would give me a lot more financial aid.
59. how did you make friends in college or high school?
through band! in both situations
60. has your friend group stayed the same throughout your time in school?
yes actually! i’m still very close to all my high school friends and a few of them go to my college as well. of course i’ve met new people but i. also still have the same friends
61. how does your friend group influence your goals?
we all have our own goals, we just encourage each other and act as an outlet for stress
62. what is your favorite thing to learn about in your free time?
music and current events
63. what is your favorite study snack?
i like to eat carrots/pretzels with hummus or oreos
64. what is one thing that can completely make you stop studying? 
being depressed or tired
65. are there days during the week that you keep completely free from studying? 
yes. wednesdays are my hell days class-wise, so i refrain from doing work on those days after my classes are over
66. what do you do when you have to hustle? where do you go? 
i dont know what this means
67. are your parents or family supportive of your goals? if so how does this affect you? 
they’re very supportive!
68. do you like to read? and do you ever have any free time to do so?
i really love reading but i never have time
69. do you wear a watch? why or why not? what kind? 
nope, they annoy me
70. do you like to drink coffee or tea when working? decaf? what do you add to it? why do you like to drink coffee or tea? 
coffee with full caffeine! i always add creamer, and i drink it because it wakes me up 
71. how do you organize your notes after your finish writing them? 
i have notebooks for every class and binders as well
72. what do you do with your notes after the year or semester is over?
i either recycle them if they won’t be necessary anymore or i keep them in my closet
73. what are your favorite studyblrs?
studyign, emmestudies, and a lot more that i can’t think of
74. what are your favorite studygrams?
same as above except add on focusign and revisign!
75. what is the biggest impact a teacher or a professor has had on you?
my band director was very impactful on my life just because he was my teacher for 5 years, so we had a good relationship
76. what is the biggest impact that a class has had on you?
my film and lit class had a massive impact on me. it made me think in very different ways
77. who is your inspiration and who do you look up to academic wise and career wise? 
my dad inspires me a lot because he worked so hard to find a career he loved and kept going until he got there. he’s also endlessly supportive of me
thats it! this took me so long hahaha anyway. thanks for reading!
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requiemofkings · 7 years
hello!! i was wondering what brushed you use to paint and render, im still getting the hang of sai myself and wondering if you had any tips! tysm bby ;w;
hi anon! beware but this got really long fast whoops :^)
tips for sai, hmm. PRACTICE!!! PRACTICE!! you should hear that very often from people but it’s true! don’t grip ur tablet pen too hard; i know that seems liek a given, but i subconsciously do it and it’s so badremember to save! the stabilizer is helpful for clean strokes; flip the canvas regularly to catch anything that looks weird; use keyboard shortcuts! my ctrl, z,x,c, and s key are fading quickly bc i use them often for sai LOL
ctrl+alt to quickly change the size of a brush
ctrl+space to zoom in
ctrl+shift and hover over certain parts of ur art to see what layer that part is in (ex is like ‘where is this fucking pixel on- oh it’s on layer 486!’)
alt+space is rotating the canvas (for windows- press the insert key to return it back to right side up)
press ctrl and click on the layer’s thumbnail to select everything in that layer
ctrl+t is the transform button (hold ctrl and drag corners or sides to individually move them- this helps for perspective work)
use large canvases! as large as ur computer/laptop can handle
hold ctrl and that can move ur layer around 
hold the space bar and that can move ur canvas around
go to view and press new, now u have duplicate canvases of the same file- if u work on full screen, go to maximize in the upper right corner to see both canvases at the same time
what u can do is zoom out on one canvas; and work on the other one up close-that way, u can see how it affects the drawing as a whole
press any number on the keyboard to change ur density of the brush that ur currently using (i accidentally press them all the time and is constantly wondering why my brush isnt doing what it’s supposed to be doing)
the very small checkered box tool near the eyedrop tool and ur primary/secondary color acts like an eraser but in the form of the current brush u are using! so the strokes are the same as the brush but it erases (super helpful for textured erasing)
preserve opacity locks everything in that layer so u can color within the strokes u made
helpful for changing black line art to another color
when it comes to painting, it doesn’t matter if ur sketch is clean- ur gonna render it anyway. also make a separate layer, put it at the way bottom or something, and use the bucket tool to make it a grey color/ or whatever to help u catch holes in ur painting!
for large gradients, coloring then blending the entire canvas can make ur sai really slow. what u do: go on a new layer, use the rectangular selection tool and make a small rectangle; place the color(s); blend to make ur gradient; then use the transform tool and resize for large gradient 
take breaks! if u feel pain in ur wrist, stop working!! stretch it regularly and get up and move around!!!! also sometimes, ur hand just doesn’t want to work that day. u can either take a break for the day or do loose sketches/ warm ups to mitigate ur uncooperative hand. try to finish ur pieces, even if they look bad. 
if u’ve been staring at the canvas, working on the art for hours, then it might be time to take a break and check back on the piece later. looking at art with a fresh eye can help u see things that u didn’t catch earlier.
my holy grail brush that i use for sketching and painting/rendering is thisi use other brushes that help so let me know if u want them and the steps i use them in! 
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toptaigaa · 7 years
*About Me*
Hello my nickname is Taigaa, please everyone call me that! This is my main art, doodles, ask and blog tumblr. My style of drawing isn't consistent yet as I’m still experimenting as I'm still learning new techniques everyday I think are better for my different art ideas, but I am doing my best, so thank you very much for liking and following my blog. :)
Current Fandoms:
Vtuber fanart, Arcane, Hades Game, FFXV, P5, MHA, Promare, Demon Slayer, Beastars, MDZS, Dororo, YOI, VLD, Free!/50% Off, Haikyuu, JJBA, Aggretsuko, DBH Game, Avatar/Korra, StarvsEvil, and many more...
What is your birthday/gender/race?
July 16 (cancer)
Brown American
Why did you pick that blogname/nickname?
Ah Taigaa or TopTaigaa because I saw the anime Toradora and thought the characters name was cute. For the top part bc I wanna be a top best artist on tumblr even though I’m not. LOL
Do/Did you go to art school?
Yes, but I had to drop out because of financial issues. Maybe I'll return who knows, but then again theres free tutorials everywhere to help me improve my skills.
How long have you been drawing?
Aaahum since a very young age but I didnt really start digital art til 2010 the start of me going to art college. I  didnt have my on plug in wacom tablet or laptop right off the bat to practice more til I think a year or two later. Im very late in the game...thats the poor life for ya.
Do you cosplay/Do you go to cons?
Yes I cosplay but I'm a late newbie started in 2013, but been going to cons since 2009 I think.
Yes! I will post it on IG
Do you take draw/doodle request?
Feel free to ask them and if it catches my interest, I may just draw it.  
Do you do commissions?
I will post about it, its not always open.
Can you give tips on drawing so and so?
I'm really bad at this because I'm still improving my style and techniques, but I can try or recommend other pples stuff that have helped me.
Where do you get inspiration from?
I get it from different artist I admire, cartoons,animes, video games, music, japanese fashion trends, korean styles/kpop fashion trends, and fantasy/ haute couture fashion trends.
What art programs do you use for painting/drawing? 
I goes hard in da paints with Paint Tool Sai to draw/color on Laptop. On Ipad pro 12.9 I also use Clip Studio Paint EX app and Procreate app as well to draw and color when I’m not using my laptop.
What type of drawing tablet and computer do you use?
Apple Ipad Pro 12.9 32gb 1st Gen & Apple Pencil( all used from Ebay)
Dell Inspirion laptop runs windows 10(used passed down)
Wacom Cintiq 22HD Tablet(used from Ebay) w/ an ergo arm attached
(Out of art use)Asus EEE Slate EP121 PC tablet, comes with a pen and mine ran on windows 7 (used from Ebay)
(Out of art use) Wacom Intuos Pen Small(from BestBuys)
(Out of art use) Wacom Bamboo(1st tablet was a gift)
Do I recommend the these machines?
Ipad Pro 12.9 32gb is not the Ipad pro ver I wanted but at the time cud only afford. It is pretty good even though its the1st gen and not the highest storage but with the apple pen and drawing apps like procreate/clip studio it is really nice. It dosent completely replace my cintiq and computer setup at home but just helps me with having a mobile tablet for on the go that isnt thousands of dollars and can stand alone without carrying a heavy annoying laptop and other wacom type plug in tablet screen or no screen around. I will say if you can get the newest Ipad Pro 12.9 and apple pencil get it bc they make an amazing combo.
Dell labtop performance is decent to good but could always have better.
Wacom Cintiq 22HD is great its not the latest big huge screen desktop tablet from Wacom, but still has amazing pen pressure,screen resolution, and pen.
Asus EP121 EEE Slate pc tablet is ok just ok not great but if you can afford a higher cost wacom or wacom cintiq or even the new Ipad Pro, then get it because there amazing!!!, but if your poor like me a pc tablet is a good cheaper alternative to be able to draw directly on screen and you can make pro stuff but as far as my specific pc tablet the screen is a decent size, not as much memory space as laptop and the display makes your colors darker no matter how much you tinker with color settings its just the tablet tech. Moving art over to brighter color computer screen and editing in PS can fix this, everything is way brighter on my laptop by comparisons. Overall im not an expert on computers so I got mine because one of my top fav artist used to use  this pc tablet b4 upgrading an I thought to myself if they make amazing stuff with it then I'll get that one LOL. Overall Asus ep 121 gets the job down with all the annoyances.
Wacom Bamboo and Wacom Intuos Pen Small are really cheap even though none screen types they are good for beginners and has better pen pressure than my old used Asus EP121 EEE Slate pc tablet suprisingly.
Ok well all done, keep supporting me my amazing followers bye bye ☺️
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