#im working on the references and some comics to explain how are they
hoshinasblade · 3 months
For real, the animator had ri have been a Hoshina loyalists. Cause no way he looks that bad. For a Narumi prompt it could be funny that he gets with someone that doesn't know him. Someone who doesn't believe he is the 1st division captain because they only see him as the "wet cat" version of himself. And we have Narumi losing his mind over the fact you don't believe him
(not sure where tumblr took my post again because i cant find it lol) the budget went to hoshina and his tight shirt and there was nothing left to animate narumi properly. anyway, this is such a cute and interesting prompt because because yes, he is losing his mind over you not believing he is the cool first division captain 😆
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pairing: gen narumi x f!reader trigger warnings: narumi gen is a trigger warning himself, just super short because im not used to writing anything narumi-related yet. hopefully you don't get mad at me anon for not going exactly per the ask lol my brain is a mush right now, i'll try harder on my next fics
the rich man is here, shouted the kids from the hallway. you can hear their hurrying footsteps - excited little taps that in turn triggered your heartbeat to race as well. you shut your eyes, calming yourself down.
narumi gen is not exactly a rich man; the children in the orphanage just calls him that fondly. apparently he has been dropping by for years, way back when you weren't working as a teacher yet. the older orphans refer to him as nii-san.
narumi would bring toys snd snacks for the kids, and would spend time with them until the early evening before he has to say goodbye. last time, he played video games with everyone; he brought crayons and sketch boobs for his visit today, and within an hour, it was eerily quiet - the little girls and boys holding their pencils, drawing all sorts of things.
the youngest in your herd, a six-year old boy with a missing front tooth ran to you when he saw you by the door, showing you his drawing - a stick-man figure with a knife in its hand, and an animal beside it which you were not sure whether it's an oversized dog or a giraffe.
"it's a kaiju, and narumi nii-san is fighting it", the boy explained, and you patted him in the head. "he's a captain of his team, i'm gonna be like him when i grow up!"
you looked at narumi who is sitting on the floor, but he was already looking at you. you shifted your gaze. "this is so pretty, we should display it in the art wall", you suggested to the boy who grinned at you, clapping.
"you know that it's not a good thing to do, lying to kids, right?" the children had bid narumi goodbye just past 7pm, and although some of them cried, narumi was quick to promise he would be back next weekend. you were surprised, he used to only be here once a month.
"huh?" he responded to you with confusion. you walked him out the orphanage to the parking lot outside. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"look, i know you are trying to be nice. and i thank you for that. what you've done for these kids is more than anyone else have done for them. but telling them you're some guy who kills kaiju is wrong. and telling them they can be like you?" you scoffed.
narumi's mouth was wide open before he realized you have finished your speech. "but i am a guy who kills kaiju", he replied, his hand on his chest as if he is swearing on his life. "really, i'm not lying. i'm the captain of my team -"
"right, and you fight kaiju on the daily," you finished his sentence for him.
"yes, i am a real badass, i promise!" he exclaimed when he sensed you do not believe him in the slightest. it looks comical how he looks close to panicking over the fact that you are not buying whatever he's selling. he frowned at you, and you stared at him, the eye contact lasting for a few seconds.
maybe this guy is a con-artist and he makes his living manipulating people, you said to yourself. this would make a lot of sense considering you think he has the good looks to lure people in. narumi had flirted at you once or twice before - or you wish he was flirting and you were not just reading too much on his actions.
"you know if you meet my friends, they would tell you the truth," he suggested, his voice cheerful.
"why would i meet your friends?" you asked, equally confused.
"so they can tell you that i am the coolest captain of the anti-kaiju defense force. they would also tell you i am a good man and a dependable friend," narumi said, reciting maybe the contents of his curriculum vitae to you. is he in a job interview? you wanted to ask but didn't.
you sighed in defeat. "are your friends as exasperating as you are?" you asked in jest.
"come on, let me impress you", he told you with sincerity that is almost startling. you were not expecting him to sound so genuine, so adamant at proving himself to you.
the kids will have their dinner in a few minutes and you will be needed to help out. you gave narumi one last glance before strolling back to the orphanage. "i'm off on fridays", you said.
narumi's smile could have lighted the entire street.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
hiya! friendly grammar anon here to shwo my appreciation for the new comic the only way i know how, by doing my best to help with it :]
on the third page, where Leo says "Well, then you better be planning some time travel machine" its technically correct, but its much more clear if you change it to "some sort of time travel machine" or if you want a shorter more direct version where leos suggestion feels less like a joke, "planning to build a time travel machine" would also work.
also on the third page, where Donnie says "Only if you don't mind taking apart Raph for some parts" its also technically correct, its just that the way you worded it more implies raph is a thing not a person? like, youd take apart your tv, but you'd take your friend out for lunch. "if you don't mind taking Raph apart for some parts" fits better in this case, unless you did intend for Donnie to refer to Raph in that specific way for ~Plot Reasons~ yknow.
last thing, kind of a nitpick, and im not sure exactly what grammar rule makes it look funny, but the last sentence in the latest update ("This will give you access to a spare battery of your arm") isnt quite right. my best guess is it has something to do with the words "a" and "of". id reccomend "a spare battery in your arm" (if theres more than one) or "the spare battery in your arm", since "of" kinda implies the battery is a part of his arm rather than being a piece inside it? its hard to explain properly, but it just reads better if you tweak it slightly.
overall, fantastic work!! for such a dialogue-heavy installment i only have a few small things to note :] ive been following the series since the robo-raph episode, and i can genuinely say ive seen a lot of improvement in your comics and writing, even though in my opinion they started out pretty fantastic in the first place. thank you for reading through this rambly, tangent-ridden ask, and for sharing such an awesome story with this silly little hellsite.
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THIS amount of explanation OH WOW
Thank you so much:3
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hinamie · 2 months
do u have any tips for uhh idk art term....highlight and contour but for art? specifically w digital art? w pencil and paper it feels super intuitive but then when i switch to digital it looks all flat.............
(is it shading? idk what im doing tbsh)
(also hope ur doing well i feel like im crawling into ur asks every two days or smth looking for art tips sorry T_T)
(yuuji comic made me cry so hard btw)
hi rin!!!!!!! that wld be shading/rendering yes hgbhgfjs there’s no One specific term tho so ur all good <3 also omg re: the yuuji comic IM SORRY I KEEP MAKING U CRY GHJKGJDSGHKJ its ok i made a lot of people cry if the death wishes/pos in the tags are anything 2 go by so ur in good company :D i teared up also
i would Also like to apologize in advance because fr me this is one of those Art Things that becomes more intuitive the more u do it so i am a bit. lost as 2 how to explain but i will sukuna voice ganbare ganbare !!!!
it’s all about light sources babes so pick a direction where the light is hitting from and use that as your main point of reference. If u need to remind yourself where the light is coming from i was taught to draw a lil arrow or sun somewhere on your canvas 2 keep track . areas closest to the light or planes that are more Elevated will be brighter than areas farther away or Deeper. When u think of a face, the forehead and cheeks rest Higher than fr example, the eye sockets, so those areas will catch more light and appear brighter. it /is/ kind of like makeup in that way. 
also, shadows/highlights can have soft or hard edges depending on how . uh . intense, i guess?? the angle of the light is. like with a box vs a sphere, the former will have a lot more Cut and Defined areas of darkness because the plane where light hits is cut off more directly by the presence of a corner, whereas with a sphere the Slope means that the values follow more of a gradient. 
tbh tho if you’re still starting out, to practice light sources and shading it actually might be good to scribble and shade some 3D shapes and spheres/boxes or maybe even draw from life so u can really take time 2 pay attn to how light catches different surfaces . it’s boring work but the practice is never wasted !! lighting can be tricky so try and take the time 2 form Good habits :'> references r ur friends here now more than ever.
other than that, which i feel more or less covers the basics n fundamentals, my wisdoms 2 u and any1 else who will have it: INVEST TIME IN2 FINDING GOOD BRUSHES omg i feel like a lot of that New Artist Look (tm) comes from using default brushes —which on its own is fine, but the kicker is not taking time to get comfortable with how to make the best use of them. the fun of the render is getting to play with textures and colours so find some brush settings that help add a bit of personality!! also . resist defaulting 2 the airbrush tool to shade it Rarely cooperates and can muddy a piece. uhhhh what else what else try not to shade with black for the same reasons ???? i'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here but i hope something here was of any value :'>>
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gacha-incels · 6 months
after reading that last ask that actually talked about the games' story, i just. asker is okay! it just made me realise that this situation lowkey feels similar to JKR and HP.
im transmasc and autistic, and had pm games as a special interest prior to kjh showing his true colours. so seeing others continue on with playing and willingly give money? its just. yeah.
jkr harming trans people, kjh harming women, people who refuse to put down their works despite seeing how they continue to harm people because "theres nothing they can do about it" at best? idk where i was going with this but just. theres something to be said about separating art from the artist, the misuse of that term, and then how that misuse continues to fuel the artist's actions.
(... on the autistic part, its mainly me jabbing at those who refuse to put the games down. dunno if that made sense or not.)
I do find it ironic that there’s an overlap of people who will be very vocal about JK Rowling and boycotting anything Harry Potter related but still play Limbus Company while knowing everything that’s going on. like as soon as it’s something you actually enjoy being criticized and boycotted, suddenly you don’t give a fuck? suddenly you have all these excuses about playing a game that’s being actively boycotted by the very people its actions have harmed? as I said in the ask that you’re referring to, there are a lot of people that see themselves as “progressive” who simply do not view misogyny as a real issue, let alone one that significantly, violently affects half the world’s population. It’s sad enough to have to compare HP & LC in order to get westerners to care about what’s happening in South Korea.
There’s another sinister aspect of obfuscation westerners engage in when they react to limbus company and the pervasive misogyny in South Korea. People will write shit like “oh I don’t think we can understand what’s going on there, the culture is just way too different,” or “I don’t know much about this but (completely wrong information),” or “both sides are extremists!” It’s seductive language because it lets you off the hook for grappling with the morality of playing these games and it stops you from thinking about reality for women that live there. To many, these things are difficult so they just won’t think about it. It’s easier to “shut off your brain” and play games (a sentiment I saw repeated frequently in the limbus company subreddit and twitter). There are plenty of resources written by Korean women in both English and Korean that explain what’s happening, from journalists writing in a newspaper to someone writing about their experiences on their personal twitter or blog. To view them as some exoticized “other” whose culture you cannot understand is dehumanizing. like you, I find it frustrating to see people still engaging with the game, giddy about new gacha banners, etc. female Korean fans of PM/LC razed entire twitter accounts full of fanart and actively protest misogynist games and companies. monggeu (Leviathan) bravely told her story to the news regarding the working conditions at project moon, and Mimi (Wonderlab) took her entire commissioned comic down from Project Moon’s site. Meanwhile, western players can know all of this yet still play the game because they like to and it’s easy to keep playing. At some point it’s just shameful.
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bredrawz · 1 month
Which oc of yours has the most character lore?
(Also hiii I'm so glad you liked my artfight drawing 😋)
vikki and glume have the most lore out of my ocs (for all my current ocs)
even ocs within their universe arent as fleshed out! all the ocs and some of their spoiler-free info are on my art fight page, but all of my current ocs are linked into one universe so heres a ranking of how much lore each character has:
1 - Vikki
this girl definitely has more lore considering her ghost seeing abilities adding onto her character
1 - Glume
being the main protagonist of the universe she almost ties with vikki with how much lore she has. but since vikki has supernatural powers i think shed be considered to have more but these two are at a. lose equal tbh
3 - rose and edric
will not give any info on their roles in the story but they definitely have their own story i have thought out
4 - nancy and eleanor
youve seen nancy on my art fight but she has a supporting story as she was the previous wife of edric, but she doesn’t have too much lore and is just simply mentioned in the comic (thats as much as ill say regarding her). as for eleanor, you’re all just hearing about her today but to prevent spoiling my own comic before its even published… ill just say she has a backstory lol
5- eli
i hate him but think hes so silly at the same time. hes not spoken too much about in the comic but does have a few appearances, i’ll definitely make minicomics with him but despite not much being said about him in the book he actually has a history with glume and an entire profile on their equivalent to twitter where he posts about being an “alpha male” unironically. no, he cannot name 5 soap brands.
6- mark
hes a dead sassy asshole who has a backstory of his life that isnt really explored in the comics besides a small summary since he isnt too important plotwise. but again, along with the other characters with little appearances i might make minicomics oitside the book for him.
7- summer
little is explained about her life besides her occupation and a reference to how she died
8- violet and kevin
more character new to the public but they have a bit of lore and these kids wont be featured in the book but if theres a book two i might add them in. honestly they were made after i finished writing out the full story, i just wanted to expand the universe for funsies yk
9- anne
i feel bad this queen is so low on the list since i love her but i havent thought of a proper backstory for her. all i have is shes glumes sister and is used to kinda bring out glumes character more and is a supporting character. her backstory wouldnt even be relevant in the story as shes a background/sligh side character, but she still deserves one (all the characters that remain vague on lore do)
10- the bathroom ghost
no this is not hanako, in fact, this dude is not even close to being as cool. i cant say much but theyre bland and you only hear about their death. theyre yet another character that is new to the public.
if you actually listened through my ramblings about my ocs congrats, heres a cookie 🍪
if you’re interested in the comic tumblr is the place to be since i’ll probably talk about it most here
for those curious about the current state of Paranormal (my comic), i’ve decided to do all the bases traditionally. i filled two sketchbooks with a rough draft, but now im working on the actual comic itself on a new sketchbook. its fairly small so once i finish it, ill transfer that book to digital, then get new ones of the same size, and work on the comic segment by segment. honestly itll make the process seem smaller than it is so ill get done faster (i think idk). but so far im moving fast and the style changed again. i might post a sneak peak on here.
feel free to ask questions regarding Paranormal, the characters, or even specifically one character youre interested in.
okie bye :p
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bogos-bint3d · 8 months
Considering Yellow just came out, I'm curious how you interpret Justice!
Ok so I don't really know how to start so to get things going I'll begin with some pictures of them
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I have to say, they give me SO many feelings. I originally started work on them long before I even knew what undertale yellow was. My first attempts at drawing them (which you can see in the top left that were used for reference) were done back in June, but I was planning things for them several months before.
I remember them actually being pretty much the very first fallen human who I felt motivated to make something with, because I saw a comic of someone's own interpretation of them. I noticed how in that comic, they went to Mount Ebott intentionally, for the other humans or something, and that was sort of the beginning of my inspiration, but I felt like I could do more with it. So, starting off with that I kinda built on it. I wanted to do something different from what I'd seen before, where they wanted to get justice on the monsters FOR hurting the humans. I remember someone saying something along the lines of them thinking justice was a little bitch, which of course was a valid interpretation, and that's what made me sorta go in a different direction.
For me, I saw justice as someone who would've wanted justice for the MONSTERS, from the very start. They were the kind of person who didn't really believe the legend of humans and monsters, but of course knew Mount Ebott was a very dangerous place. And, yknow, believed monsters were just a legend, they loved to think about the fact that if monsters WERE real, they were probably trapped unfairly. Think about Chara for example. Though they were human themself, they still hated humanity, and felt connected to the monsters. They wanted the monsters to be free and to go against the humans. I imagine justice to have been something like that. Not as much hatred for humans as Chara maybe, but still knowing of all the bad that humans had done, and, being an edgy teen, felt genius for the concept that this ""old """"silly"""" legend"" would probably have been biased in favour of the humans. (which they were actually right about. Good for them 👍🏾)
Am I explaining this correctly? I'm not sure if I am lol
So anyways, yes my justice interpretation very much did not want justice on the monsters once they discovered the legend was true, but rather was very much on the side of monsters getting justice on the humans.
Let's see, what else is there... Ah so as I was explaining before, seeing that comic also sparked the idea for me that they went there looking for someone. They'd usually never even get near to Ebott, however, they end up having to. Ok this part is like it's own separate infodump so like take a breath. So this all ties in to one of my other fallen soul interpretations, integrity. I won't get too into them right now because that is like a WHOLE OTHER CONVERSATION, so for now I am going with the BARE ESSENTIALS. Justice went there specifically to go look for integrity, because in my little interpretation thing, they're siblings. I'll show some quick things about them then straight back to Justice I prommy
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Their name is Leo (I don't have a name for justice yet I'm so sorry Leo is like the only human I've named so far), and ended up on Ebott after a stupid dare by the rest of their ballet class. So anyways after justice finds Leo is like. No where at all. They have to go on over to Leo's dance class cause that's the last place they'd been and ask around the other kids to find out where their 10 year old sibling was because they'd been FUCKING MISSING FOR LIKE SEVERAL HOURS only to find out the other kids left them on MOUNT FUCKING EBOTT, where multiple other children have all DISAPPEARED upon going there. So now justice gotta go to death mountain to find their lost sibling no big deal
I feel much more nervous about talking about my fallen soul interpretations now than I would've, like, four months ago, simply because the presence of uty has had such a grip on the fandom that people have kind of accepted it as canon. I think it's actually a really stupid and petty thing to mad/sad about, because a lot of effort was out into it, and I'm sure it's very very good, but I just, well I guess we all just whish we were the best, right? I'm scared yellow will completely overshadow any other existing interpretations, and people love it so much, they won't care about my own. I REALLY hate myself for this, and I just want to say I think you should all keep loving yellow! It seems really good! This is just my own dumb fear shining through haha
But anyways, enough of that! I'll explain more about the souls another time because if I keep going on right now I might become physically incomprehensible. There is so much more about justice that I'll dump on you all another time, trust me, I just hope you all like what I've got so far ❤️ thanks :)
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foileadeux · 1 year
im obsessed with your art and animatics... do you have any tutorials or process posts about some techniques you use? like how you move characters separate of the backgrounds (is it just some clever tweening in vegas??) ty in advance... ;; v ;;
sure! umm this is gonna be messy sorry if anythings incoherent. ill walk u thru this segment of the pkradi hollow fight bc theres a lotta layers. heres the shot for reference
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aaand heres a breakdown of the layers (called tracks in sony vegas but im just gonna keep calling them layers) from top to bottom
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heres the foreground! where i wanna place shit that goes in front of the characters and background
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heres where the characters will be placed! sandwiched between the foreground and background, they get more frames (as shown by the smaller segmented images on the timeline) opposed to set pieces which is usually just 1 image, which means we gotta approach tweening w the characters differently since there are a lot more images! ill explain that after this initial breakdown
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and heeeres all the background shenanigans. not much to add here. those sure are background frames
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RIGHT now to the tweening. when tweening 1 image/frame whateva you're gonna wanna use pan/crop (located on the image, that lil box with a crop around it icon), use this for stuff that only really needs 1 image, like a background. because its easier. like you could use track motion for everything i guess but pan/crops nice and easy and doesnt give me a headache she treats me nice and good
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but uh yea so youll start with a little keyframe at the beginning, drag the pan/crop timeline to the end and click the little + sign to create a keyframe! then from there move the pan/crop box (the one with an F on it lmao) around and kablammo. Movement. usually with backgrounds its just a simple panning to the left or right, like how i did it for this shot! but you can do lots more like zoom and angle it etc
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aand when you wanna tween across multiple images in a layer/track you're gonna head on over to your layer/track and hit that funny little track motion button aand youll be greeted with a pan/crop lookin thing except its like. for the whole layer/track instead. so the timeline is waaay bigger since it covers the whole thing. but umm yes same principle as pan/crop basically, except youll now need to insert "hold" keyframes right after your final keyframe, copy and paste a keyframe with all the positions defaulted (im gonna assume youre using 1920 x 1080 since its the standard)
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like so and then right click a grey keyframe and choose "hold". this stops everything from fucking up and flying between each keyframe basically LMAOO the Hold is it waiting for your next keyframe that is Not a hold. if that makes sense. anyways yea only worry about that for track motion JUST because it works with the entire track/layer, with pan/crop you can ignore this
BUT YEAH thats my silly little sony vegas tweening guide i hope that helps!! umm i have another tutorial also so u can check that out too if youd like :D
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ikkosu · 3 months
Hellooo Ikko, how are you ? I've been trying to come up with appropriate questions to get to know your robot husbands for a while now but I feel like an idiot every time I write one down because I can't tell if it's elementary knowledge or not sooo can you give me a very basic primer on how things work around here ? For reference, I don't even know what a valveplug is, have no clue about conjux endurae and I only know Pharma and Prowl (your husband) so I think we have a lot to cover here. Love your new pfp btw!
Glad you love it!! It took me a while to muster up the courage to swap. I still miss the old one though.
Also it's okay if it's complicated at first 😭 trust me, getting into his fandom requires knowledge of the canon and the fanon too lmaoo. And the fanon isn't so little either 😭, it's as complicated as the cabon with the terminologies which is why I always adore reading original fanon works. It's almost always better than the original ones.
and a writer of the mtme comics (an idw tf comics series) used to write transformers fanfiction, can you believe that? If you're curious, it's called Eugenesis and I don't know what to say about it yet since Im only on the first chapter 💀 and it's certainly interesting...
Anyways, things get complicated so I'll only explain some surface level stuff. Me just jotting down stuff from the top of my head dhjsiwks.
So, basically in fanon stuff because in canon there's no way hasbro is giving them actual dicks, cybertronians have an interface panel. their version of a built in panty that just slides open and close for use. It's located around the crotch, the rectangular shaped thing and when it opens it reveals two interface array/ port (genitals) : a valve (vagina) and a spike (dick).
Though, gender isn't really much a thing in their society, female Cybertronians also have a spike and a valve (in fanon, of course). And there's also other ways writers make the bots fuck. Some writers prefer ports over spike/valve, a different method of fucking that involved plugging and wireplay? I guess, I am not that knowledgeable enough to explain ( I will read more I swear)
So if you write anything explicit, nsfw in the fandoms tf writers will use the tag #valveplug to indicate it's nsfw. And maccadam (lorewise, it's an oil house, basically like a bar where Cybertronians go to drink energon and chat etc. I heard it's used because everytime tf pops up it's just Megan fox because of the movie 😭 and people wanted fandom centric things and not that)
Going into Cybertronian culture is not my forte, but I do know a little. it's a given they interact differently when it's comes to love and relationships. They take these things seriously. Amica endurae : best friend, and Conjux is basically your wife/husband and they'll have to undergo a ritual. And it's canon! :D examples of relationships are Chromedome/Rewind, Ratchet/Drift are just a few . There's many more but I forgor
Cybertronians express emotions through emp field since they don't have a heart but a spark. A spark is kind like a soul? So it's like a magnetic field. when they 'feel' things, other mechs can also feel it as well. they can pull it close to them when they're uncomfortable or expand it to assert domination — just some of the things they do.
Relationships in Transformers gets complicated when there's Sparkbonding involved. I do not know much about that djidskfhkwn so dshsjsja
Some terms, Servo : hand, helm : head, pedes : feet, breem : hour, joor : months, klik : seconds.
There's also many robot husbands!!! Optimus, (iconic dad) Soundwave, Megatron, Ultra Magnus and more :DD
Also, you've just given me the signal I need to learn more about Cybertronian culture LMAOAOA
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eraserisms · 1 month
Your portrayal sticks out because it represents the only time I've ever fallen in love with a fandom just because of 1 RPer, never mind that I agreed to RP with you on this account despite my usual apprehensions about interacting with fandoms I don't know. I trusted you & I'm glad I did. You're so patient yet passionate when it comes to summarizing scenes of the show & relationships between characters--but that's over IMs, OOC. (Yes, everyone, the mun is kind & funny, in addition to be being a great RPer.) ANYWAY!
Shota's 1 of my favorite characters to interact with on here. I don't have it in me to go read or watch all of MHA, but I'm always finding myself asking questions about Shota or wondering what he'd do in ___ situation. & you know his voice, so you know the answer. & then there's all the work you put into developing parts of him that aren't canonically talked about. This is what the writing part of fandom is meant for. I don't know if you write fanfics, but they'd be enjoyable as fuck. I love reading your metas & HCs for Shota, no matter how long, because I CRAVE THE INFORMATION!! Also he's my dad (lol).
TL;DR - you're my only Shota & I love the effort you put into your portrayal. Thanks for introducing Kylie to his first boyfriend.
In reference to this post
You're so sweet. I am so glad that you gave me and Shota a chance! I have to say though, I feel the same way about the characters that you write. I honestly had forgotten how much I enjoyed X-men and Marvel things and didn't plan on doing too much interaction with those fandoms despite BNHA being a superhero based fandom. Thank you for reminding me, truly.
Also I am always ecstatic to answer any questions that you have about the fandom and storyline-esque things. Your active interest in something that you are unfamiliar with is really flattering within itself. I feel that you've also been so incredibly patient with me as far as explaining things goes because I have forgotten so much about those fandoms. Also the only comics I've ever really read as far as Marvel goes have been The Incredible Hulk, Captain America & Hawkeye. So, you filling me in on stuff I don't know about has been incredibly helpful especially considering that so many other Marvel RPers have reached out to me here.
I haven't written any MHA fanfictions yet but maybe sometime in the future. If I were to do anything like that , it would likely be some sort of one shot because I'm terrible at writing them to be honest. I think that's why I end up writing a lot of long-winded headcanons/metas here instead. & Shota is more than willing to 'dad' you any day of the week, being a dad is one of his many talents.
P.S. - I do a lot of shippy things with the person who introduced me to Shota who also plays All-Might. I actually made this blog with the intention of building familial/platonic & student/teacher relationships with Shota. Also given Shota's asocial nature, I didn't think that I'd be writing too many romantic relationships for him. But, given that we had written with each other in the past I was more open to the idea of shipping with you in general. & I have to say; I am happy to have started shipping Kylie with Shota. I feel that they compliment each other so well.
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lovsome · 10 months
update on my call with my professor about my illustrated book project !!
so yesterday i was spiraling and today as well thinking my professor was gonna tell me i had done a horrendous job because he had replied to my email with “its easier to talk about it on the phone can i call u tomorrow” and my brain just went pitch black and i just went to a very dark place
earlier today i called him and i was terrified.. he sounded just not very cheery so i immediately braced myself for some harsh criticism and he started talking and said “so the definitives u sent me.. are they acrylic?” and i said yes and he said “congratulations. this is a terrific job, u have a very unique and well-established style and peculiar brush strokes and i noticed and told u from the beginning u have very great sense of color. i think u will find someone who will want u and this in no time”.
when i tell u guys i was shocked. absolutely speechless. he went on explaining what i should do to present the project to editors and stuff and at the end of the call i asked him if he had any criticism or any suggestions on things to improve and he said “no. and i rarely ever say no but i just dont” ,, and then he said he doesnt think i will ever have trouble in my career with my ability to do things technically but my only problem will probably be me and the contents of what i make (he was also referring to a comic i made last year about s*icide) and the fact that these contents are autobiographical.. he went on to ask how i was doing after my surgery and then he said “and how are u doing mentally?” which he clearly asked because the project of this illustrated book is, again, autobiographical and touches upon my depression, and i said that im alright, not very good but im working on it and he understood and said that i should take care of myself. and then he just told me to not hesitate to contact him if i need his help and said not to forget about “this old man” as i go on with my career and said he hopes that one day he will get to buy a book illustrated by me 🥺
im still shocked hes so dear to me i think i will cry myself to sleep
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joleneghoul · 1 year
explaining references in my art pieces for fun part 1 (idk if i will do part 2 since this is just for fun.) under cut.
I want to start with a disclaimer that a lot of my art is based on the crazy shit in my own mind but a lot of that is grounded in stuff that has actually happened in canon because i actually do enjoy older canon at times lol. also this is just relation to canon stuff mostly I wont explain my whole flower language shit here.
I have a personal event document for canon events that only really diverges once it gets to Judgement Day etc etc.
Going to start with my piece that I call "Ripley and The 52" in my folder which is I guess the piece where I finally just said fuck it and went crazy.
There are a couple references to general comics but also booster and rip's arc in 52 ofc because that's what this piece is about. No Ted doesn't die, but their arc still happens (but a bit different).
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First I'll address my constant use of nature in these works because the reason I do this (other than my own love for floral and insects) is mentioned within this arc. We have Mr mind who is this bug who is eating the multiverse essentially which is explained like a pest in a garden- only the garden is all of time and space and the flowers are everyone and everything whose ever existed and all their knowledge.
Since Ted is alive for this arc (I have other reasons to explain why Booster is acting the way he is) he plays his own part, this is mostly tech backup for Rip and Booster (as he is RECENTLY retired) and less physical stuff.
Basically threes a lot of Ted vs hating magic stuff as well. Time is a balance of both science and magic, and the magic side pisses him off a lot especially since this is one of his first experiences trying to handle that balance in awhile (especially not when dealing with Waverider). these bits are in reference to Ted. anyways while he's alive I did feel like paying homage to one of my favorite bits of that canon arc. They still use the scarab to fix Skeets and save time as I always loved the explanation that when things go randomly missing without explanation in the DC universe (as the scarab did) it's time travels fault.
I also thought "hey what if this is when we retrofit The Bug to do time travel" bc im silly like that.
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Also since this arc has a lot of Mr mind you know I had to include the menace, this piece probably is what made me fall in love with him as a character. It is so funny to have cosmic beef with a worm.
The falling apart clock is actually a reference to Waveriders (diff Waverider- BUT i think it's funny he dies in issue 27 when that's how old my Waverider was when he BECAME Waverider.) death in 52 which while fucked up I always found so fun that it took place in a clock store. also check out that tiny bite taken out of the decoration of the Time Sphere lol.
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We also have Hyperfly and the trail of planets he is eating that The Bug is flying through. sorry i made Hyperfly cute. There is also skeets in this piece who isn't actually Skeets but Mr Mind inside of Skeets. This is later the creation of Macromia.
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Also What would this arc be without the iconic Booster faking his own public death and making himself pissed off as the Serious Super-Nova. (placed two stars next to them because they're both booster)
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I also just threw in some other references to their adventures and antagonists in this piece with Starro, Waverider (though they have a minor part in this story itself), and in the paisley on the time sphere we have references to Chronos.
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Which finally brings me to the hints at Rip's connections to Ted which start in this piece where he has a augmented clone of the BB-Gun Ted always uses. This is also shown in the "Jeff/Rip broken time" piece i did where Both the gun AND papers are strewn around labeled KORD industries. Unfortunately the writing on the papers in the final piece are impossible to see. Then the "back to the future" Parody piece with Ted and Rip is a reference to the name of the arc that introduces Rip to bg vol 1 lol.
I also want to note that my Rip wields both this gun and his Sword. I will get more into the sword later probably with future art but the Sword is magic and the gun is science based, another fun reference to the balance of time.
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Anyways the whole point of this piece is that time gets broken and its in part Rip and Jeff's fault because you can't make a time machine without breaking a few timelines. Also a broken clock rip was gifted by his grandfather is a reoccurring visual metaphor in the actual Time Masters 1990 comic.
Also I will point out the clock is broken in this piece and rip has a wound on his head in the same spot the clocks broken. something something hinting at something.
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Speaking of Jeff and Rip there are also a few comic easter eggs in the "Breakfast at the end of time" piece too. Not too many, just a mug that says 86 (when bg vol 1 and teds solo came out), and a tabloid that talks about Superman being missing and Mr Mind.
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In the big Jeff/Rip peice i recently did that shows snapshots of their life together there is a reference to Time-1, which is Rip's Car in Time Masters 1990 as well as them in cowboy gear together because the issue that's Jeff centric in that series is based in the wild west (though that happens a lot different in my shit).
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I also threw in a reference to Rip losing his eye when he's older because why not.
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Finally my most recent piece "Cosmic Gardens" I'll explain the references because its yet another jumble piece lol. First we have all of the main time masters at least the ones that have roles in cosmic gardens (which is what i call the time masters story I'm working on for fun). Jeff, Jack, Tony, and Bonnie (Corky not included sorry Corky). Skeets is also there just because.
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There is also a callback to the 52 piece with the wing of Mr Mind's hyperfly form which calls to the creation of Macromia during that event. 52 takes place in this Rip's future but his fathers pasts.
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It's more difficult to explain this piece without mentioning non-canon stuff since most of these characters (including older Ted and Booster) are post divergence of the canon, even if these events actually take PLACE during that canon (time travel is a bitch).
I'm not sure yet how much I'd like to share regarding Macromia and the time gardens (all knowledge of time and space) or how her, waverider, and beetles are all connected in a way but i guess the easiest way to put it is that they're all essential to the ecosystem of this unthinkable place that exists in between the riverbanks of time.
Ted's part in the Vanishing Point VS Macromia's part in the gardens, Waverider's desires VS Macromia's oath, The existence of Rip as a paradox since birth, etc etc.
And while all these characters would think they're completely different they aren't and where does the next generation fall when all of this is happening and affecting them.
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Circling back to Ted before I end this post I do want to also bring attention to these tiny details across my pieces like how in the "Back to the future" Ted and Rip piece, the stream of time connects to Vanishing Point which relates directly to Ted (and Rip, but Ted has a large part on how the Vanishing Point functions tech wise after Brainiacs help etc etc). You'll also notice the house on there looks a little familiar if you have a keen eye for unimportant details.
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anyways this was fun to do lol!
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faustiandevil · 1 year
#op im fasinated with them tell me more
Don’t say things like that to me, I will never shut up!! (I am very grateful tho, please keep asking me about my dumb OCs.)
Uhhh… tbh I actually have very little worked out, so… uhhh… have some very nonsensical lore flavor text.
Cringe, the long haired vampy boy, is Dracula’s son and as much as he loves his child the name is very descriptive as he is a cringefail dumbass. He means well though and wants nothing more than to make his dad happy. And as a reference to a TV show no one really remembers Dracula calls him Pumpkin lovingly.
Another concept I did fuckall with so far is that the Dracula family is absolutely broke, so Cringe works as a lounge singer at Baron Frankenstein’s place and that’s how he and Yetch meet. Dracula is against them going out, but only because sleeping with the help is beneath them and wants to uphold some of the status that they still have.
Sometimes a joke is too good to pass up so Cringe’s other parent is Count von Count (which explains the purple muppet-like qualities he has). “Wow, can you believe to learn that both my ex and my son are trans and gay.” – Dracula at some point.
As for Yetch he is just the canon character from Mad Monster Party. I do wanna expand on his character a bit and taking a few pages out of Peter Lorre’s life (the Lorre lore if you will), but I have a comic in the works that I don’t know when I will finish, so I will keep that to myself for now.
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sentientgopro · 1 year
A massive difference in Gwenpool's writing that I don't see people point out is her addressing the audience. This simple fact reveals so much about her vastly different characterisation, and can even open up an in- universe explanation for her inconsistent writing.
This was copied from A Reddit post I made on r/gwenpool, thought I'd repost it here. Since Tumblr works differently, I decided to include tags for 196 and reddit refugee, since, well, fuck it, why not, as well as a few comic related tags. Because of that, I've added a short section summarizing her writing inconsistencies. If you know all about this stuff, look for the big text saying "Main point starts here."
I'm not going to explain the inconsistencies in Gwen's writing, you're on this sub, you (Might not) know all that already. I'm going to be using Unbelieveable Gwenpool and Gwenpool strikes back as my two main references here.
Okay, writing inconsistencies, lets make this quick. In her original Solo series, the Unbelieveable Gwenpool, Gwen is characterized as a "silly", "innocent" teenage girl (her exact age being 19, and those words arent the best descriptors, but the best I could think of in short terms.) However, when other writers pick up the character, for example in crossovers and teams, they hear "Gwenpool" and go "Oh so Deadpool with tits", stripping away any and all of her Character and personality. Another important note, later into her solo series, and an idea that would persist through THE REST of her appearances, is that she realises she is not popular enough and is heavily at risk of cancellation (which happened to her solo series) and fading into obscurity, which she actively tries to prevent. Im gonna end this here, if you don't know about Her, and youve got a spare 20 minutes, "The rise and fall of Gwenpool" By comic Drake on yt should catch you up on this. This topic of her inconsistencies has been done to death so, onto the main post.
Main Point starts here.
To try to get to the point, a massively understated difference in character is that throughout UGP, she does not address the audience. She mentions "someone is reading" while on the roof of the mobile base, worrying that shes bad, but thats it.
Breaking the fourth wall is, let's be honest, a gimmick. The character talks to the audience and thats weird and wacky! And then it got done a few times and got old for most people. 4th wall breaking also can lead to characters feeling insincere, for obvious reasons.
But the original meaning of breaking the fourth wall is talking to the audience. This is what modt people think of when talking about breaking the fourth wall. But, by this definition, and by alot of peoples conceptions of it, UGP Gwen _does not even break the fourth wall._ (Edit: a comment I saw on the Reddit post described it as "Medium Awareness instead of fourth wall breaking, which I quite like.") She begins to do it later on, though, in GSB and onwards, as she becomes more conscious of the audience.
So why? Why does it matter if she talks to the audience or not? Because Gwens interactions with the audience in GSB tend to be the parts fans don't like. Like the "could a comic book character do this" bits.
But what Im trying to say is, when Gwen is not conscious of the audience, shes the fan favourite version of herself. She _is_ herself. When she is conscious of the audience, people don't like her.
What Gwen missed when she first started getting wrapped up in trying to stay popular and relevant was what made her popular in the first place. People like her as a character. They like her being herself as a character in the marvel universe, acting as she would naturally act. By trying too hard to impress the audience and put on a show, Gwen stops being herself, stops being a character, and just turns into a gimmick. Here, I did some crazy things normal characters can't do. Aren't you impressed?
So, in summary, the difference in behaviour of addressing the audience vs not, and how much people like each version of the character at the times she does this, demonstrates that her consciousness of the audience and trying to address them is what causes all her problems.
I really do feel like concept should be taken further and should be used as the true reason for her character inconsistencies, and have Gwen come to the realisation that she should just be herself. Maybe this could happen in, say, I don't know, what movies are expected sometime in the future?
_It Ain't called BEYOND The Spiderverse for nothin', sony. Do it. Make an incredible trilogy perfect._
So, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. ESPECIALLY if youre here from one of the unrelated tags and dont know alot about her.
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ultimatefartwizard · 6 months
Agonies of a Late Homestuck Reader Pt.3
Wiz is here for the hell that is this work, and now we start off with Act 2, we begin with a mysterious vagabond wandering a desert. He like... finds this underground bunker type thing with a lid that has the same symbol as the cruxtruder? Quite interesting!
Jumping back to John, since he seems to now be in like floating purgatory type situation yet alive and well.... as well as a just now 13 year old boy can be after just nearly dying from a meteor hurdling towards him and his father's house.
Am I insane and used RPGmaker XP too much? Or does the wind sound in it sound like one of the wind effects RPGmaker XP use (specifically using it as an example as I've never used other rpgmaker programs)
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I downloaded Ruffle (a in-browser flash player replacement) to circumnavigate the "flash player no longer supported" issue since I wanted a true genuine experience as it was intended, and thankfully it works! For those wanting Ruffle, you can find it -HERE-
I played the segment with John looking around his house, and was amused by this sort of omnipotent narrator type character (soon revealed to be the vagabond, having gone down into the bunker and is using a computer to communicate) that would order commands at him and just call him "BOY."
Various Vagabond antics; makes me think of how Kratos calls his son "boy" continually in Ragnarok.
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As I further mucked about, John's father seems to be missing and some sort of oil substance is everywhere. I originally thought his father got whole ass slaughtered and had him bleed out like a pig, thankfully not... maybe? I haven't read far enough yet.
I immediately thought of John Kramer talking through Billy the puppet when I read this clicking on the cabinet. And considering the species of "Cherub" in Homestuck is based on the puppet, I wouldn't put it past Hussie to make a (slightly butchered) reference.
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John talks to Dave, and.... well I won't show the image of the exact things he says when he starts rapping cuz 1. I can't put a clickable censor on images and 2. not comfortable posting that but OH MY GOD. HUSSIE... HUSSIE! NO STOP HUSSIE DONT WRITE THAT YOU ARE WHITE OH MY GODDD.... DON'T MAKE THAT CHILD SAY SUCH THINGS AND MAKE MORE WEIRD AND BORDERLINE RACIST COMMENTS.... Why are you obsessed. Why are you especially obsessed with black presidents and, in conjunction, Obama??? Do you have some sort of weird crush on this man because you think about him too much. (joking around with myself to save my sanity, im dying here, also note i feel these negative ramblings are important especially when looking at this piece of media in a critical light)
Please I pray the comments like this calm down... though knowing the later stuff ik Hussie doesn't stop being weird or finds new ways to be gross and weird. I also made the mistake of reading the "sweet bro and hella jeff" comic Hussie linked on Dave's segment and my god this explains the later incident with..... a certain Homestuck 2 character. DO NOT READ THAT FOR YOUR SANITY BTW.
Back onto the story itself, watching Dave manage his sylladex and how his captchalogues/uncaptchalogues stuff makes me realize how stupidly complex his is, and it's the most complex thus far. I still don't understand it but that's for another time for rambles. Also rather curious out of the three revealed human children so far he's the only one who's not apprehensive to his family member's collection of themed stuff; in this case, it's his brother's puppet collection. I swear to god there's got to be some sort of underlying reason for these, there's no way that these are all presented to the reader and somehow don't have any strong significance or meaning.
It cuts over to Rose again, who's trying to get out to the generator in the rain so she can boot up her computer to pair up with John again and escape certain doom due to a meteor shower hitting the forest she lives in and is engulfed in flames. She seems to have a lot of contempt for her mother, not sure if it's the same back towards her but they are noted to have some sort of one-uping competitions. Both John and Rose seem to compete with their parents while Dave nods and seeminly respects his brother's stuff, which is interesting and definitely will try to investigate this phenomenon as I read.
I leave off on page 374, certainly to return later for more reading! -Wiz
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monstrouslyobsessed · 2 years
still working on a thing and ima try and throw up another concept or hc later today tomorrow~now ima answer some asks < 3
tw: n'sfw subjects, kink talks, pregnancy(-related) mentions
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What blogs and writers(ones that do dark romance stuff) do you recommend? —anonymous
i get this question a lot tbh, i should think about adding to faq, but uhhhhh, depends on what you're looking for. original or fandom? most of my mutuals, friends, and writers i liked/found write genshin, jojo, and other popular fandoms.
if original works only, i haven't found many, no, and tumblr ain't great with their rec feed (99% time they're fandom only).
@dear-yandere (she's not active, but i love her works sm) made a post you can look through! linky link
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Favorite kinks to write in your opinion? —anonymous
uhm, i'm sure you can tell with most of my works lol but ig i can explain why i like a certain few. rest tho, i just like them lol
pregnancy / pregnancy sex / oviposition, im actually a touch tokophobic irl, but in writing, its not so much on for children (they're cute though) but because it's the near-total loss of control over one's body, if that makes sense. as its my thing to write the darling losing control to their possessive spouse, pregnancy is one of my go to.
monster dick(s), because we could use some variety in our d's lol human d's is good too though ofc
stomach bulge / cumflation, p similar to pregnancy in some ways, the darling loses the sense of losing their body to the other. (pseudo?) body destruction, really.
size differences, because i want to be picked up and be carried sometimes
yeah, most of the kinks i listed here had to do with the loss of control.
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YES I CAN U BACK DEAR 💕💕💕💕 —anonymous
that was painful;; so glad to be back!! 💕
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Yoo have you seen the movie called the descent? If you have, what do u think of the monsters!! —anonymous
uhmmmm, the name didn't ring a bell...google time!
oh waittttt, i vaguely remembered this one. this was based on dante's inferno, wasnt it? after checking the monsters, yes hi.
i prefer they'd bathe first though lol but i'd be down for them! pretty simplistic in design, reminded me of buffy the vampire slayer's vampires, actually! think buffy was one of the earliest monsters i can remember really liking as a wee lad.
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So, have you read the Neonomicon? I saw it on one of your posts. I actually read the thing online and I immediately fell in love with the Deep One too despite the noncon. Is that weird? —anonymous
are you referring to the one i did where the darling had to watch the world burn in the palm of cthulhu?
thats the only one i can recall of ever doing, but on reading the neonomicon, no! you're talking about the comic series one? i don't generally read american comics because of how weird they organized their issues, but if its not long and good, then i'll be happy to check it out!
and nah, not weird at all imo. humans are drawn to things we simply don't understand, and as long as you are not harming yourself or anyone else, its fine to indulge. we all find appeals in certain things others don't and that's perfectly normal. most of the monsters i liked as a kid were actually violent and murderous so.....yeah. im literally one of the last people who should judge you , dear nonnie.
just know that youre far from being alone though! heck you'll find many n'sfw artworks and other contents of the deep ones and other monsters if you know where to look.
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Dude I've been binging all your pyramid head works and I love them sm!! Would u be writing more for him in the future? —anonymous
mmmaybe? like i do have a couple of ideas, but nothing too concrete. one idea involved the reader being, well, the mother of monsters and the butcher would probably become more monstrous over time because of the silent hill related plot reasons. thing is, the reader wouldn't know there were changes at all, being too addicted to the butcher's to pay attention. I'm being very vague on this one because...idk how to communicate the story yet, if at all.
the other one might involve incest though, because of the monsters the reader birthed cooperating with the butcher, under the god's order. this one is just...a concept more than anything though because tentacles are fun.
otherwise, its just straight pron with the butcher. I'm glad you liked him tho! &lt;3
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now to work on things...inbox is always open tho~!
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jyndor · 2 years
about your andor retcon posts - i feel like a lot of andor viewers don't notice or care about the retcons. of the people who care, most are trying to explain it in universe. there are very few people who are ignoring the retcons, either by just ignoring them or the show entirely depending on how they feel about the rest of the show. i feel your struggle as someone who invested in the rogue one canon only for andor to retcon it. disney keeps doing it and i don't get the point. personally i think what we got isn't better than what we had but i know most people disagree
im fairly certain most people have never picked up the visual dictionary or any of the supplementary media, and if they have it's been years. i'm not saying they're wrong for that, but i do think that actually most people don't even know there are retcons at all lol i mean we are in the very small minority of fans who are still in the rogue one fandom after all this time (prior to andor airing ofc)
let's keep it real - a lot of people didn't care about cassian or rogue one at all, as evidenced by all the "who asked for this show" comments from certain fans lmfao, and i'm really glad that there is renewed interest in this character and rogue one in general because i love them sfm. and of course there are longtime fans who don't care as much and same thing, that's cool for them.
but i really don't need people continuing to try to explain to me why x y and z makes sense because of headcanon lmfao like that's cool but it's just your opinion, you know? not you anon lol universal you. and i'll be honest it's a lot of people who haven't been in the fandom for that long, which im trying not to be like a bitch about lol i don't want them to feel unwelcome or talked down to or insulted or disrespected, but i don't like that so many people feel super comfortable acting like some longtime fans are being inflexible (which i've seen lol the audacity) for not liking the changes, or acting like they aren't changes at all - that we're weird for not seeing how obvious it is that cassian wasn't referring to being in the literal fight since he was six (when... he was in his original backstory sooo)
that said i'm not against retcons altogether lol it depends on the situation. even in andor i'm not mad about all of them and i've really made my peace with them tbh but people keep trying to explain shit to me and im like ???? i do not need it explained im alright making my headcanons work for me because im stubborn as fuck. plus i have literal clinical ocd so this is actually kind of hard for me. so i would like people to stop at this point. the trolling shit is funny as hell to me lol but the people continuing to just speak next to my point? like it feels like people don't understand what im saying or that i'm not being clear (probably true tbh) which is a trigger of mine in my personal life.
i think this is gonna be the last thing i say on this. i've probably said this about a dozen times or more now. i appreciate you anon and yeah im sorry, too. im not sure how lucasfilm can just keep expecting us to invest time in their books and comics and stuff if they're not even gonna be taken seriously by the studio itself.
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