#imaginary problems
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This level of deliberate ignorance is the current state of journalism.
Not only did Chapman, a lesbian - not "queer" - woman, give Combs approval to cover the song, but as the sole writer and composer, she reaps royalties for his recording, not to mention the uptick in the already considerable exposure of her original recording and back catalogue as a whole from the interest.
“I never expected to find myself on the country charts, but I’m honored to be there,” Chapman tells Billboard in an exclusive statement. “I’m happy for Luke and his success and grateful that new fans have found and embraced ‘Fast Car.’” [..] Combs’ version has generated at least $500,000 in global publishing royalties, Billboard estimates, with the bulk going to Chapman who owns both the writers’ and publisher’s share of the song. Additionally, the success of Combs’ version has boosted Chapman’s original, with weekly consumption of Chapman’s version increasing 44% since Combs’ version was released, according to Luminate.
[ Source: Billboard ]
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[ Source: Spotify ]
It couldn't be that Chapman isn't a Country singer, and that an established Country singer is going to do better in the Country charts with a Country cover. No, we have to invent tired identity politics clickbait bullshit involving a racially motivated conspiracy to concoct stories out of thin air.
Consider how much of a shot "I Will Always Love You" had in the R&B charts until Whitney Houston covered Dolly Parton's song. Surely we must conclude that Parton's lack of traction in the R&B genre until Houston's cover came along could only be due to racism against her, right?
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Is this level of disempowering and demoralizing language calculated and deliberate, or inadvertent and incompetent? 🤔
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I walked into a bookstore and found that they sold the prettiest notebooks and sketchbooks.
Me, a hoarder of such paper products which I never use: This is the best and worst discovery ever! 🫠
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punkrockmixtapes · 2 years
Listen/purchase: Imaginary Problems by The Slow Death
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ldorgan · 1 year
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larapaulussen · 4 months
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xxsweetoothxx · 3 months
Workin on Redesigning Jackies Colorful version and Im stuck as hell on clorors to pic for their Hair. Tried a billion different ones but These 5 seemed to work best I think
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Also also Redesigning Isaac as well as his Sister. The old story I had for them was okay but then I got a better idea that makes Isaac the irredeemable shit I wanted him to be originally!
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Also this idea allows me to tie in the whole thing from the cannon creeps comic of everyone seeming to hate LJ. Only in PM I plan on it to be a bit different with Ragz. Mainly that they didn't really do anything but SOMEONE did.
A Hint on why Ragz may be heavily disliked.
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aropride · 1 year
u can literally talk abt ur own experiences with transphobia and people being violent or bigoted or cruel towards you because you're a trans man and people will compare you to deranged conspiracy theorists for daring to say you might experience discrimination. it's fucking crazy like what level of internet brainrot do you have to have to think it's helpful on any level to deny someone's experiences and call them conspiracy theorists because they're a trans man and "men aren't oppressed" or whatever
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trinijanjan · 4 months
Coming in March '24...
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March is packed. Enjoy!
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sillycyan · 4 months
someone please tell tiktok that maladaptive daydreaming isn’t some quirky hashtag fun thing to have and go through..
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stalebagels · 6 months
Y'all look at Jon Stewart's character in the IF movie 🥺
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Like so many areas of social media, the conversation of gender equality has fallen down a rabbit hole of juvenile bickering, pedantry, and cringey catchphrases most appropriate for playground bullies.
The war drum of the self-righteous beats on.
Once a noble movement, steadfast in securing women’s financial freedom, their right to vote and work, their bodily integrity, and other non-negotiable rights, each essential for women to be seen as fully autonomous humans…
The baton has since been passed to an army of terminally-online social-media-nit-wits, narcissists, and overgrown babies, who have lost sight of their own priorities, and turned the baton into a steel bat to hit men with.
For many the battle has changed to:
Women don’t have enough pockets. Siri is misogynistic. Are bearded men more sexist?
I’m not saying such issues should be ignored; but over here, the boys are dying younger in every country, in every age group, are behind at every stage of western education, and the cavalry have still not arrived.
But yes, let’s close the gap on iPhone games. On Wikipedia editors. On pot smokers.
So, whilst many advocate for equal pockets, men are left to die, fighting for the basic right just to live as long as women.
Have we lost sight of our priorities?
Have we ceded the steering wheel of advocacy to a corrupt captain?
And what might it look like, if I were to adopt such a world view?
When the demand for sexism exceeds the supply, and you've run out of real problems, but the grift needs to keep going. They'll often trot out the unfortunate women in places like Iran, Afghanistan and so forth, but never want to talk about the real problem there: Islam. They don't actually care, they just want to hide behind them and pretend they're the same, when they're not.
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Today ain't it
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colorfulplasma · 30 days
okay so maybe I like dungeon meshi.....
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furylad · 9 months
people seriously are reading Izzy's actions like taking blame for the knives in the painting as him trying to ANNOY Stede? Wow you are really willfully misreading media because you refuse to admit you're wrong, even when the cast and crew have outright said that a big part of this season is going to be Izzy trying to be a better person lol.
imagine having spent so much of your online presence spouting nonsense that you can't even consider turning away from it now, no matter how incredibly and blatantly wrong you were. I guess out of pride or something? which is. very sad.
like you really have to be living in your own fantasy world in complete rejection of everything around you if you think those scenes were written with the intent of Izzy being an antagonist again.
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secattention · 4 months
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lildoodlenoodle · 11 months
Something that is so funny to me is my HC of noir Daredevil’s Catholic ass meeting Spider noir, realizing ‘I don’t know what you are exactly but every bone in my body is telling me you are or are possessed by a demon’ and then like a couple months later also being like ‘but you are MY FRIEND 😢 😭’
Obviously dude’s having a lot of mixed and conflicting feelings about working with a demon due to his Catholic guilt complex(confessional must be wild for Father Lantom) Matt thinks this is a very stupid demon. Volunteering to go into churches, walking by people in prayer, using salt, etc. Which Matt always stops him/takes his place. His friend may be a demon but Matt will still ‘protect’ him.
And obviously he’s not the only one who sees the Spider’s spooky ass and goes DEMON. So one day someone tries to exorcise or just throw holy water on him and of course Matt pushes him out of the way or takes the splash of water for him and Peter’s just like ‘??? That was water and not acid??? You should know that???’
Peter, in general, thinks Matt is just a very weird person. He’s not in a position to judge by any means so he keeps his thoughts on Matt’s weird selectively protective behavior to himself. A bullet? ‘you’re on your own bud’. But a splash of water from some dude speaking in Latin? Matt will take that ‘blow’ for him any day of the week. And yeah, sure, it’s nice to avoid the mild inconvenience of being wet for a bit but Pete is really just mildly confused.
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